Episode 2 Release Date Discussion - Release Dates "Starting March 17th", Official Trailer In Thread



  • Yes, your missing my point. Borderlands series is Borderlands because of the dark humour, its a trademark. Tales is based on story plot (tell-tale) and dark humour (borderlands). It is based on the borderlands series yes but its recognise as such because of its dark humour. As great and tainted as Troy Baker is, him being a voice in this game dose not make it a Borderlands game - lot of other iconic elements dose.

    DeityD posted: »

    Yeah and good vas make everything better. Especially humor in the game. So those things are kinda related.

  • Oh. my. god. People here are really something, and would die argue over a joke or semantics.

    Yes, your missing my point. Borderlands series is Borderlands because of the dark humour, its a trademark. Tales is based on story plot (tel

  • ok yes those characters - all the others are The Joker and Jake Muller.

    DeityD posted: »

    Also, Joel.

  • Ok...........So in your opinion, "Tales from the Borderlands" is all about Troy Baker. Ok sure everyone has their opinions.

    DeityD posted: »

    Oh. my. god. People here are really something, and would die argue over a joke or semantics.

  • edited February 2015

    "Puckish rogues!"
    But srsly, he's good at it so why not... His lines in Saints Row kill me every single time.

    ok yes those characters - all the others are The Joker and Jake Muller.

  • Alt text

    In my opinion people here are kinda odd. Like, seriously. What's there to discuss even, it was a 5-word post and a joke.

    Ok...........So in your opinion, "Tales from the Borderlands" is all about Troy Baker. Ok sure everyone has their opinions.

  • A Wolf Among Us was okay for me. I enjoyed the game but it didn't blow me away like TWDG Season 1 did and leave me emotionally wooo, but it was still good and I do hope there's another season because playing as Bigby was so awesome T.T

    Rewriting doesn't really mean that the game is gonna be ruined. I figure its a matter of opinion but I absolutely loved Wolf Among Us, despite the massive rewrite.

  • so should i buy at full price? cause i heard that there is alot or re-skins weapons and not so good legendaries? :

    Its really good, just not as good as Borderlands 2 IMO

  • edited February 2015

    this is my last telltale pre-order. over 3 months (console/PC/app) already with no episode. so mad. its not like the episodes are open world with so amazing graphics. i dont see why 3 months to release an episode. i used to defend them but this is plain disrespect to people like me who pre-order telltale. or atleast update us. its like no communicating with fans at all! yes there are moderators that take care of the forum but they are not a telltale staff. they CANT update us when there is a major delay. so yeah. i'm mad. already forgot what episode 1 was about and what choices i made. yeah not the obvious ones, but in term of dialogue between all characters. i dont remember which one i was mad at or liked. or if they hate me or love me! ughhhh i wouldn't have post this if there was an update concerning the delay. ut yeah, thats telltale for you.

  • They aren't, I wouldn't recommend buying the game at full price. I waited until it went on sale before I got it.

    Mercyva posted: »

    so should i buy at full price? cause i heard that there is alot or re-skins weapons and not so good legendaries? :

  • I swear there was ony like 1k comments like 2 days ago... Jesus

    Alt text

  • edited February 2015

    I went all the way back to look at the Wolf Among Us Ep2 waiting thread, its 80 something pages. I wonder if we will get there before Ep2 of Tales is finally released :/

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I swear there was ony like 1k comments like 2 days ago... Jesus

  • Considering the fact that we still haven't had any news, I wouldn't be surprised if we reach 90+ pages.

    I went all the way back to look at the Wolf Among Us Ep2 waiting thread, its 80 something pages. I wonder if we will get there before Ep2 of Tales is finally released

  • Replace the problem?

    Is there a problem with the VAs?

    if that was the case a lot of people would be saying this: My reaction would be: the answer to perfection, is to replace the problem and start over again, even through a lot of people think we have done that one time to many. >_>

  • /shrugs

    I think he performs really well in a wide range of character types. Are some of them arrogant? Yes. But not all of them by a long shot.

    It feels like Tory Baker has been type casted. a lot of he's roles are characters that very arrogant. the only role I have seen him in that wasn't a arrogant character was a lazy character in a anima.

  • I've seen the original version of that Jack fanart, and while it's really, really, really freaking well done, it always creeps me the fuck out.

    Clapstock posted: »

    Did I ever tell you what the definition of insanity is? Insanity is visiting the forum... over and over again expecting for the episode release. That. Is. Crazy.

  • Pfft, that's only 18 pages left. We can do it.

    I went all the way back to look at the Wolf Among Us Ep2 waiting thread, its 80 something pages. I wonder if we will get there before Ep2 of Tales is finally released

  • Okay. I've officially lost my sanity.

    Alt text

  • edited February 2015

    Yeah, probably by tomorrow

    Pipas posted: »

    Pfft, that's only 18 pages left. We can do it.

  • edited February 2015

    Alt text

  • I remember when TWD release threads would get at least 100 pages before the episode would release. Kinda a shame the forums aren't as active as they were back then :p

    I went all the way back to look at the Wolf Among Us Ep2 waiting thread, its 80 something pages. I wonder if we will get there before Ep2 of Tales is finally released

  • What does the preorder have to do with anything?

    If you want to play it anyway, a preorder is cheaper than the Season pass, which is already cheaper than all Episodes individually.

    Sure, it sucks that it takes so long, but if you want to play the game preorder is the way to do it.

    Mercyva posted: »

    this is my last telltale pre-order. over 3 months (console/PC/app) already with no episode. so mad. its not like the episodes are open world

  • Alt text

    So beautiful.

    Awkwardly enough, Sasha and Bonnje have the same VA.

    Crips posted: »

    LOL! I just had the best idea Episode 5 Fiona: Come on, Rhys, the map says the Vault is just behind that large frozen lake! Rhys: W

  • Look on the bright side, it isn't as long as GTA online heist wait.

  • not at all. tell-tale games were the first point and click games I have played. since then I have played some point and click games on stream. the voice actors that tell-tale hired are the best voices I have heard in a point and click game.

    I was just being sarcastic the first time they repeated the voices for episode 1. Tory Baker and Lauren Bailey are fantastic, but I still think Sam Witwer would have done a fantastic job too. He really dose deserve more credit that he get for the voices he dose.

    Replace the problem? Is there a problem with the VAs?

  • Eh, I couldn't say for sure. I trust Telltale's judgment on it though.

    not at all. tell-tale games were the first point and click games I have played. since then I have played some point and click games on strea

  • Ok sure

    don't mind me I am just complain because I am a fan of Sam Witwer,

    Eh, I couldn't say for sure. I trust Telltale's judgment on it though.

  • It's fine, no changing it now though.

    Ok sure don't mind me I am just complain because I am a fan of Sam Witwer,

  • Unless tell-tale wants to yeah.

    It's fine, no changing it now though.

  • Loader bot hopes for news this Saturday. Loader bot is love, loader bot is hope!

  • You don't change the VA of a major voice actor.

    Unless tell-tale wants to yeah.

  • Busy Earning

    Music is good for your soul and waiting.

  • Captain Yamato in Naruto isn't arrogant

    It feels like Tory Baker has been type casted. a lot of he's roles are characters that very arrogant. the only role I have seen him in that wasn't a arrogant character was a lazy character in a anima.

  • Fine discuss over then, I was just making a point that a game doesn't come one element. that's all geez everyone is so annoyed 'cause wait that talking to each other about things civilised is not an option.

    DeityD posted: »

    In my opinion people here are kinda odd. Like, seriously. What's there to discuss even, it was a 5-word post and a joke.

  • agreed he isn't...hang on a sec.

    oh he did voice Captain Yamato for awhile at least. didn't know that thanks for pointing that out. If I remember right he also voice one of Pain's bodies too.

    Zoe_Mosaic posted: »

    Captain Yamato in Naruto isn't arrogant

  • My guess is we will get Episode 2 in February 24 or March 3

  • I think that has more to do with the popularity of TWD. If there's a 3+ month wait for a season 3 episode, there will probably be over 200 pages.

    Green613 posted: »

    I remember when TWD release threads would get at least 100 pages before the episode would release. Kinda a shame the forums aren't as active as they were back then

  • I die a little on the inside everytime I check this thread.

  • Your name fits this thread perfectly.

    I die a little on the inside everytime I check this thread.

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