Episode 2 choices

So I'd like to hear what were your choices in ep 2? Do you regret making any of them or do you feell like they were the right choice?


  • Didn't forge the letter

    Kissed Ludd's ring

    Won the betrothel

    Stood up for the potato fucker

    Killed Damien

  • Forged the letter.

    Kissed the ring.

    Fobbed off Elena.

    Sided with Finn.

    Spared Damien. He'll be a good catch for Sera.

    There are no wrong choices in the game so I don't regret any.

  • Didnt forge the letter

    Didnt kiss Ludd's ring (always)

    Won the betrothel

    Stood up

    Killed Damien (always)

  • Welcome to the forums! Glad to have ya.

    You and 78.4% of players didn't forge Margaery's letter.

    You and 29.3% of players kissed Lord Whitehill's ring.

    You and 45.8% of players won Rodrik's betrothal to Elaena Glenmore.

    You and 96.2% of players stood up for Cotter after he stole Finn's knife.

    You and 7.6% of players didn't kill Mira's attacker.

    And the choices from the TellTale Site:

    You and 30.9% refused milk of the poppy when the Maester offered it.

    You and 15.4% opted to starve the Whitehill garrison.

    You and 80.8% promised to keep Sera's secret.

    You and 72.3% expressed reluctance about Tyrion's favor.

    You and 31.6% told Jon Snow about the North Grove.

    You and 95.4% promised Jon Snow you'd stand with your brothers.

    You and 82.7% told Malcolm you would lead an army for House Forrester.

  • edited February 2015

    Didn't forge the letter

    Didn't kiss the ring

    Lost the betrothal

    Stood up for Cotter

    Killed the attacker

    I don't regret the direct decisions like forging the letter, kissing the ring, standing up for Cotter, or killing the attacker. Those were the right decisions IMO. But I do regret I was unable to win the betrothal :(

  • edited February 2015

    Forged the letter

    Didn't kiss the ring

    Won the betrothal

    Didn't stand up for Cotter

    Killed the attacker

    Drank the milk of the poppy

    Chose to keep whitehill garrison drunk

    Didn't promise to keep sera's secret

    Told tyrion id do whatever he wanted in return

    Didn't tell jon snow about the north grove

    Promised snow i would stand with brothers

    Told malcolm i would lead an army

  • I forged the letter

    Kissed the ring

    Won the betrothal

    Stood up for Cotter (although all I did was try to stop the fight)

    Killed the attacker

    Didn't drink the milk of the poppy

    Kept the garrison drunk

    Promised to keep Sera's secret

    Told Tyrion I'd do whatever it takes

    Didn't tell Jon about the North Grove

    Promised Jon I'd stand with brothers (Words are wind)

    Told Malcolm I'd lead Forrester's army

  • edited February 2015

    Didn't forge the letter.

    Refused to kiss the ring.

    Won the betrothal to Elaena.

    Stood up for Cotter.

    Killed the attacker.

    Drank the milk of the poppy.

    Kept the garrison drunk.

    Promised to keep Sera's secret.

    Showed reluctance to Tyrion's favor.

    Told Jon Snow about the North Grove.

    Promised to stand by my brothers.

    Said I would lead an army for House Forrester.

  • Told Jon Snow about the North Grove.

    oh great now he knows something...good job choircorgis! :P

    choircorgis posted: »

    Didn't forge the letter. Refused to kiss the ring. Won the betrothal to Elaena. Stood up for Cotter. Killed the attacker. Dra

  • The hilarious part is that I didn't even know that that's what I did until I looked back at my choices. I don't even know how that's possible.

    Alt text


    Told Jon Snow about the North Grove. oh great now he knows something...good job choircorgis! :P

  • I picked the sword with black handle for Tuttle's practice.

  • I can't even remember which sword I chose. I just remember trying to choose the one I thought no one else would pick...

    Charlieh65 posted: »

    I picked the sword with black handle for Tuttle's practice.

  • edited February 2015


    choircorgis posted: »

    The hilarious part is that I didn't even know that that's what I did until I looked back at my choices. I don't even know how that's possible. I MADE A PROMISE DANG IT

  • Didn't forge the letter
    Refused to kiss the ring
    Lost betrothel to her
    Stood up for cotter
    Didn't kill miras attacker

  • Didn't forge the letter.

    Didn't kiss the ring.

    Lost the betrothal

    Stood up for Cotter the potato fucker ;)

    Killed the attacker and kept the knife.

    Drank the milk of a poppy.

    Choose the keep the Whitehill soldiers drunk.

    Promised to keep Sera's secret.

    Showed distrust when it came to Lord Tyrion's proposition.

    Didn't tell Snow about the North Grove, and promised to stand with my brothers.

    Told Malcom I could lead an army.

    The only thing I regret is losing the betrothal, every other decision I am 100% happy with.

  • Black sword brothers

    Charlieh65 posted: »

    I picked the sword with black handle for Tuttle's practice.

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