What fate did you choose for the crooked man and why?


What did YOU decide to do with the crooked man and what was your logic behind it? Do you think your decision will factor into a later episode in another season?


  • edited July 2014

    I chose to imprison him because I think it's worse than death for him, so it's a far more severe punishment, ( especially being a crow )

  • I wanted him locked up.

    Only because I want him to suffer for as long as possible.

  • Spoiler

    Idk the witching wells probably worse since they people who die in there remain trapped in there even in death

  • Spoiler

    I tossed him down the well.. Because I wanted him dead and not to have to worry about him coming back after me in any future episodes. Who knows if he would've escaped even with magic. I chose not to rip his head off but only because citizens of fable town were watching. I didnt want them to fear me even more which is what wouldve happened if your ripped off his head. But if I was alone with him I wouldve definitely ripped his head off.

  • Ripped his head off.

    I'm not too proud of that one. I didn't feel like locking him up, and the well seemed ''not enough''. Bigby tossed his body in the well after i killed him anyway, so it was worth it.

  • I didn't want to lock him up. I wanted to rip his head off and even kill him instead of bringing him in alive but I didn't want people to see me as a 'killer,' so I just threw him down the well.

  • Spoiler

    If you lock him up, He is turned into a crow locked up in a cage being carried by auntie Greenleaf, then Bigby walks up to it and says morning crooked man, then we don't know where the cage goes....

  • Well, I was on good terms with Greenleaf since I'd offered her a job, and trusted her. I took her advice.

    I think being stuck as a helpless raven in a little birdcage is harsher punishment than being killed. Fables live abnormally long, after all.
    I bet it stinged the Crooked Man more. It would mean that he truly lost, since he couldn't even get Bigby to kill him, something he seemed to want to happen in the end.
    He even starts a little monologue as though he was going to die "Remember this moment well, Fabletown..."
    And then Bigby is like nope, you ain't dying, and pulls him up. He looks really confused when you pull him up xD

    They even removed his ability to talk. That's harsh yo!

  • I actually killed him instead of bringing him to the trial. I was too afraid he could be seen as "not guilty" by the audiance. So i strangled him. Obviously Snow was mad at me... (always whining, that woman...)

  • The cage is on the back of the truck that flycatcher drives to the farm.

  • I threw him down the well, it seemed like the best option IMO. And if you had Greenleaf turn him into a crow its likely he could make a cameo in a S2

  • edited February 2015

    Oh it is? Interesting then..................... And wow my comment was old.

    juandmonter posted: »

    The cage is on the back of the truck that flycatcher drives to the farm.

  • Exact same reasoning.

    Pride posted: »

    Well, I was on good terms with Greenleaf since I'd offered her a job, and trusted her. I took her advice. I think being stuck as a helple

  • I obeyed Fabletown law and threw the Crooked Man down the Witching Well; his crime was murder and he was found guilty, Bigby's job is to uphold the law...

  • Haste trials result in Witching Well with guilty verdict. Crooked Man was found guilty hence down the Witching Well.

  • edited February 2015

    I threw him down the witching well. I initially chose the imprison him option, but being the Bad Guy, he tried to take Bigby down with him (by strangling Bigby from the back).

    I would have probably just threw him down the witching well from the very beginning, but then with Greenleaf's nagging, I guess it turned out better this way (because if you choose to imprison him first but throw him down the witching well, Greenleaf doesn't say anything, whereas if you just decide to throw him down, Greenleaf will @#$#$ on and on).

  • I know I know people will crucify me if I feel sorry for a villain but I truly believe Crooked Man lost it and is broken about losing life in the Homelands. I felt sorry for him I didn't want anymore killing. I showed mercy and locked him up and I hope he makes a cameo in S2

  • I ripped his head off at the witching well because I felt like it and he deserved it.

  • Spoiler

    I initially chose to throw him down the well, but when he tried to choke me, I went ahead and ripped his head off. Immediately regretted it when it said "Fabletown is afraid of the Big Bad Wolf"

  • Threw his ass down the well because frankly, bitch had it coming.

  • Threw him down the well, it seemed reasonable.

  • Imprisoned him, I still did not believe he ordered their deaths. Plus I felt the trial was too biased and quick. There are reasons why trials don't occur so quickly after capturing the suspect.

  • Spoiler

    I threw him down the well ... he thought he was a man of persuasion ... first I proved him wrong ... then I took my time ... I don't think it's OK that I enjoyed it that much but meh

  • Spoiler

    I ripped the shit out of his head!! Regretted when it said "fable town is afraid of the big bad wolf" took my ass back to the re-start and turned him into a crow by GreenLeaf! Don't play TTG with pent up anger kids cause you'll regret the choices you make

  • I ripped his head off
    Seemed more in character with my bigby and merciful than keeping him in a biedcage forever or the fate worse than death that is the witching well.....

  • I ripped that crooked bitch's head off.

    He murdered others and beheaded people, he should get the same treatment.

  • I think I had him fall down the well on my first playthrough. I definitely remember the other four fates, but I can't tell you if that's from watching videos or if I really just played the game 4 times.

  • I threw him down The Witching Well. That's the law, if I'm not mistaken.

  • Broke his neck and threw him down the hole faster than you throw chewing gum wrapping paper down a trash can

  • edited March 2020

    Fabletown is now afraid of the big bad wolf

    Broke his neck and threw him down the hole faster than you throw chewing gum wrapping paper down a trash can boom

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