So who is Beskha?

edited February 2015 in Game Of Thrones

So we know she is from Essos and a sell sword. But who is she to Asher? At one point she refers to him as little brother. I know they are not blood related but do we know anything else? And do you think she might end up being trouble for Asher later? I got the impression that as much as she likes Asher she likes the lives they are living now. And will have no interest is going to Ironrath and living a Northern life.

I kinda hope in the end Asher gets a choice to get back together with Gwyn Whitehill or go back to Essos with Beskha.


  • I feel like she'll betray Asher for a lot of money or something like that. I don't know why, but she gives me that impression.

  • edited February 2015

    She's just a comrade from whatever mercenary company they were in, far as I can tell. And based on the little she said in episode 2, I'd guess she's a former Meereenese Pit Fighter, and that's why she was unhappy about the plan to go there.

  • edited February 2015

    There is obviously something going on with her and mereen and to quote Ser Bronn "I'm a sellsword... I sell ma sword" I hope she cares about asher more than gold but lets be real thats the one thing sellswords care about

  • I get they are close, close enough for her to call him brother. And they make a pretty impressive team fighting together so they've obviously been fighting side by side for quite a long time. I definitely got the impression she has no interest in going to Westeros, however I don't think she would betray him. But when she brought up her unfinished business I said "I trust you" and her reaction was like 'yyeeaa you might regret that' (she didn't say that but that's what I got from it) we'll just have to wait and see...

  • Who is Beskha? A very lovely and beautiful lady.

  • I think she is a former slave.

  • Well she says they have been together for four years.

    I get they are close, close enough for her to call him brother. And they make a pretty impressive team fighting together so they've obviousl

  • edited February 2015

    I don't trust her...

    And I believe that between Beskha and Gwen - Asher should pick Gwen. If they could get married then that might end the messy relationship between the Whitehill's and the Forrester's. If they were married then legally the Whitehill's would not be able to shit on House Forrester. But then again, Ramsey would give them the ironwood anyway... Also, Asher should be in Westeros in my opinion - not Essos.

    It would be pretty weird if Beskha and Asher became romantically involved considering that they are supposed to have a brother-sister type relationship (as established when she calls him "brother"). If she wants to be my lover she can tell me why she doesn't want to go to Meereen!

  • I honestly thought maybe that had a thing, but it's kind of hard to tell when we didn't get to play as Asher for that long. They seem like good friends, but in a world full of bandits, thieves, and murderers, I don't know how easy it would be for her to let go of those ways and sacrifice her own well-being for Asher. I don't think she's an enemy, but I think that if it comes down to Asher or her, she's going to choose herself in the end because it seems like she's had to depend on only herself for so long that choosing to trust someone else is foreign to her.

  • It's cool seeing a sassy, female warrior in this game. I wish she's honest and true to Asher through the whole thing but something tells me her 'business' in Meereen may bite them all in the you-know-where.

  • I believe she is telltale's version of Brienne of Tarth but more of a mercenary type. As far as Asher is concerned I think they essentially grew up together when Asher was exiled

  • more like the female version of Bronn.

    Nightmare1 posted: »

    I believe she is telltale's version of Brienne of Tarth but more of a mercenary type. As far as Asher is concerned I think they essentially grew up together when Asher was exiled

  • i don't know, from what we've seen they know each other for 3~ years, i'll be pretty surprised if she betrays him.

  • or that too.

    Choombi posted: »

    more like the female version of Bronn.

  • She might be a former slave. I think she's going to be a red herring as far as betrayer characters go. Like you're going to think she's turning on Asher at some point but eventually she comes back and saves him and proves her loyalty. She seems to really care about him and though she has something questionable going on, she chose to at least tell Asher about the existence of problems and didn't hide it from him. She didn't have to tell him anything. That and their dynamic makes me think that she won't betray Asher.

    However, I don't think there's anything romantic going on. They definitely didn't have any romantic chemistry that I could see. I wonder how they met.

  • I don't see them being in a romance. I see them more as siblings. Beskha even call her little brother. Also they have known each other for four years, which means that she has known Asher even since he got exiled to Essos.

    Rynna posted: »

    She might be a former slave. I think she's going to be a red herring as far as betrayer characters go. Like you're going to think she's turn

  • A Meereenese Pit Fighter! that was the only thing I didn't think of, I can't believe I totally forgot about the fighting pits.

    She's just a comrade from whatever mercenary company they were in, far as I can tell. And based on the little she said in episode 2, I'd guess she's a former Meereenese Pit Fighter, and that's why she was unhappy about the plan to go there.

  • I get the distinct impression that Tell Tale are trying to make us think "hey she's a sell sword, she's going to stab us in the back first chance she gets"! However like @Rynna said I think this is a red herring. I don't doubt that at some point in the story there will be a moment when we'll be wondering if she is going to betray us, however I think it's possible that she won't. I think the real twist will be that we will be given the option to betray her!

    As to this unfinished business in Meereen, it could be any number of things:

    1)She could be an escaped slave.

    2) She could be an ex-pit fighter.

    3) She may actually be the daughter of some noble, maybe they didn't see eye to eye and she decided to leave the city to escape that life, she certainly seems bitter at the idea of other people dictating what you can do and who you can marry etc.

    4) Going with the idea that is the daughter of a noble, maybe she was supposed to marry someone who her parent(s) chose for her, but on the actual wedding day she decided to make a break for it.

    5) She might've been a sell sword in the service of someone else. This individual might have told her to assassinate a particular noble person, she gets caught in the attempt, but manages to flee the city.

    6) She attempts to kill a noble or other important person in Meereen, but instead of killing that individual his/her relative or loved one gets caught in the middle and she ends up accidently killing them. Now the person she was meant to kill wants her dead.

    7) She was a slave, who killed her slave master in her attempt to escape. Or she could've killed him first and then escaped as a consequence (I think it's more likely to be the former though).

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