An image is worse imo!! If I had an image of mine stolen....
"I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you are looking for credit, I can tell you I don't have any to give. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills, skills I have acquired over a very short career. Skills that make me a pain in the ass for people like you. If you give me credit for that image, that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you... and I will hurt you." XD
I had this happen over at my DA site; someone took an image and claimed it as their own. Why I'm always putting PIE and the date on my image… mores now. Anyways, I don't know how any of these sites work. I'd report him, like all the others have said. Forget that jerk. If I read correctly, you borrowed a section of his story but asked permission. Seems like HE did the same but went a bit too far.
Don't let this get to you, though. Ignore this fool and do what you love to do best.
Yeah it was rough but writing is the same, I think. I had an ongoing battle until I proved it was mine and the chick was banned. You wanna USE my whatever for a refference, go for it. Just credit me...
BTW, I just read that bottom in Georgie's voice for some reason. XD XD XD 'I will fookin' look fa' ya', I will find ya'...and I will fookin' hurt ya', ya' bloody fookin' twit.'
An image is worse imo!! If I had an image of mine stolen....
"I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you are looking fo… morer credit, I can tell you I don't have any to give. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills, skills I have acquired over a very short career. Skills that make me a pain in the ass for people like you. If you give me credit for that image, that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you... and I will hurt you." XD
Yeah it was rough but writing is the same, I think. I had an ongoing battle until I proved it was mine and the chick was banned. You wanna U… moreSE my whatever for a refference, go for it. Just credit me...
BTW, I just read that bottom in Georgie's voice for some reason. XD XD XD 'I will fookin' look fa' ya', I will find ya'...and I will fookin' hurt ya', ya' bloody fookin' twit.'
It'd been several months since the encounter with Hope. Charlotte stayed more reclusive than she normally was, using all of her energy to refocus herself, and to get her brain on some sort of schedule, if it were even possible. She banned herself from going to the past, until thinks started getting better.
They only got worse.
She had headaches, all of the time. Even medicine was beginning to wear thin of it's usefulness, as she gathered five pills into her hand and took them. Her parents were concerned, but they didn't know even a fraction of the real pain she was going through. Her body contantly pulsed with memories, almost none of them hers. She was having an information overload, unable to bear a single thought without the dull ache of her brain spreading to the tips of her fingers and toes. She laid in bed whenever she wasn't busy doing other things, and quite frankly, she hadn't had to do much in the first place. Swineheart had attended to her multiple times, unable to search for the reason, although Charlotte knew exactly what the reason was.
And so did her grandmother, Harmony. It was all because of Charlotte's visit to the past. She saw her grandmother every so often, bringing over cookies or stews and sometimes paying a visit to Charlotte's mother, helping to paint the babys's room. (Because Hope hadn't lied when she said it was twins.) They chose a neutral yellow, and picked out some nice cribs from Ikea's children's department, with a matching rocking chair and changing table. The theme was little brown teddy bears.
Charlotte wanted to be more involved, but she was becoming more and more bedridden as the days went by. It wasn't until she had to be physically transported to the hospital that her day had finally come. The day that would change her life forever.
It was snowing. She remembered walking, every step nearly unbearable. Her mind raced so fast that she couldn't process her thoughts correctly, her eyes hurting when they were open. It was 2 AM.
As soon as they stepped through the doors of Fabletown, everything froze. She wasn't in control of it.
She also noticed, directly afterward, the sudden numbness in her body.
It was time.
He was born.
A cry pierced the air, the sound of a baby whipping into the night. Charlotte descended the steps of Fabletown Castle, her feet making foot prints in the snow. She looked back a moment, at her mother's worried face and her father's blank one. He tried so hard to look calm and collected, but after looking at it- really looking at it - she could see that he'd aged some during the months of pain. They truly loved their daughter. Charlotte turned her head back toward the open metal gates. She saw the basket, round with small handles. The baby was still wailing, loud and clear.
She approached it. The blanket that he was wrapped in was blue. His little face was white, his nose red from the cold, his eyes a sea foam blue. He was precious.
She lifted him, almost automatically, into her arms, and his crying ceased. He squirmed in her arms as she rocked him softly, her fingers counting his fingers. She felt an overwhelming love for him that she didn't think was possible; It was as if he was her child, and she'd just given birth to him, and he was hers. Except that wasn't the case at all. She looked for a note, as if there would ever be one, and then turned her head back and forth. It was then, with out her realizing, that time unpaused, and the snowflakes began falling once more from the dark sky. The only light that illuminated the area was the street light. The streets were eerily silent.
"Charlotte?" Her mother's voice came out confused. "How did you get over there so quickly? Are you feeling better all of the sudden?"
Charlotte slowly turned, the boy in her arms, to look at her mother. A series of shocked faces stared back at her, and all Charlotte could think to do was smile softly as the baby fell asleep against her chest.
"Who....?" Jackson started, as he approached his daughter. His hand went out cautiously to touch the baby. "Where?"
"He was....just out here, in the cold. Abandoned," Charlotte whispered softly, so as to not disturb the baby.
"Who would do that?" Her mother was horrified, her face the complete epitome of the word. She was close now, looking at the baby skeptically, and then glancing back and forth, at each end of the street. "Why would he be out here at this time of night?"
"It's a miracle that we found him," Jackson said. "Otherwise, he'd be dead in this cold. What should we do?"
"We keep him," Charlotte spoke up.
"It's not that simple, honey," Her mother said apologetically. "We need to take this to the Deputy-...Aunt Therese can handle it from there."
"No," Charlotte said, sharply. She didn't mean to come of as snappy, but it just happened. She was suddenly more protective of this child than any mother could ever be to her own. "No, we need to keep him."
"Charlotte," Scar said softly. "I know you don't understand."
"No," Charlotte got defensive. "No, you don't understand! I'm in no pain, Mom. It's stopped, like magic or something! I think it must have been the baby!"
"But he's just a baby....he could be mundane for all we know," Jackson kept his cool as he placed his hand on his daughter's shoulder. "We need to figure it out with the help of some officials."
"We need to keep him though..." Charlotte voice was sad. "Please....please let me keep him..."
Her parents were at a loss of words. They could never understand the bond between their daughter and this baby, how they'd been corded together since the boy's conception, in another land, at another time. The fact of the matter, was that she began receiving the full strength of her powers the moment he was thought up by whatever God controlled the universe. It was all unlocked, the moment her counter-part existed. And no one could break the bond they already have.
They named him Tobias. Toby, for short. He had brown hair in little wisps atop his tiny head. It was confirmed that he was of Fable origin, however, even though Therese had Mary investigate deeply, the parents were never found. Through the begging on their daughter, Jackson and Scarlett had finally agreed to take him in as their own, for a time. He slept in, for the moment, what would be Charlotte's new brother's bed. They would have to buy another bed soon.
Hope did visit again, though less glorified. She appeared as a butterfly, it's wings contrasting with the harsh winter of the outdoors. She landed on the baby's exposed tummy, as Charlotte helped out and changed his diaper that afternoon.
"How strange," She whispered, lowered Toby's legs. Her finger slowly reached for the bug, and the butterfly climbed across her thumb, up her arm, and to her ear. It's tiny voice came as a whisper.
"All is in balance now, young Counselor. Guide, and you will be guided. Show him the way, and he will show you the way. Do not let others get in the way of your duty. You are free to do as you please, but don't misuse this gift of God, for if you do, you will be stripped of it in the most unbearable manner."
And it was gone.
The words echoed in Charlotte's mind, as it was no longer burdened with the world's time. She finished putting on a new pair of pajamas on the little baby in front of her, and swaddled him in a warm blanket, and her heart melted when a tiny smile elapsed over his cheeks, the first one she'd seen him do. She held him close as she sat in the rocker, wondering if her mother felt the same way when Charlotte had been born, approximately 17 years ago.
It must be, because she loved him like a son; More than a son, like an eternal partner in crime, helping each other change lives and fix the broken.
I hope this is interesting enough to follow, lol. If you're confused, don't be scared to ask questions. It's meant to be that type of reading, where you're left unsure about some things but relieved that it's all going the way it's supposed to. I'll have more later, when I feel like writing more. It'll probably delve back into the present time, where we're dealing with what happened to Tim's sister and Harmony and such. Also, I'll post the fam later, when I can.
The VERY same thing happened to me when I was writing a Tomb Raider fanfic 2 years ago.. The person had a plot similar to mines, but we ended up working things out.
Ok, I have to get this off my chest: I think I know why my writing has been so slow and 'forced' (in a way)
It was a small event that hap… morepened in November last year. There was an author on (I'm not going to name his account) that reviewed Act 1 of The Devil Among Us. His review was the first proper review that actually pointed things out as opposed to simple 'I love it!' comments. He also gave a tiny review for Act 2 saying how he wanted to see more...
Anyways, he had written a BigbyxSnow love story on the site and I loved it, I commented on it etc. This author also has an account of the same name on WattPad, he wrote the sequel to that story on WattPad. So I start reading it, and in the first chapter he uses a scene that is VERY similar to one from my story...
Then in the third chapter he copies (word for bloody word) a note that Bigby writes to Snow from my story! I messaged him on but he never replied (I was … [view original content]
And thanks, that's awesome! The toothfairy's daughter? I would have never come up with something like that XD I hope she's cool, because she looks cool! I have to go back and read some, lol!
I hope you don't mind. I'll remove, if you wish. I just loved him so. ^.^ I missed drawing those two for that exact reason. AND, after havi… moreng a pregnant fiancee in the home, I felt like Georgie needed to go through it on paper, too. XD She is a new OC; Peter and Ethan's assistant and the daughter to the Toothfairy. Don't worry about it, Ems. Took me awhile to catch up to the others as well.
The VERY same thing happened to me when I was writing a Tomb Raider fanfic 2 years ago.. The person had a plot similar to mines, but we ended up working things out.
Kidding aside, I really like Michelle! She seems like that kind of girl who rambles when she's nervous, who's super nerdy, yet still pretty and professional. Penkle seems like another character to enjoy, quite the opposite to Michelle in attitude, that's for sure!
Ethan begins to walk. "Come, Michelle. Walk with me."
Ethan has a bit of an aura of authority, I see. He seems very calm, probably internally chuckling at Michelle's ramblings, and when she catches him rambling, they're like the same but different. I like it. She seems to adore him, at least to an extent. I can't wait to see what else you have in store for her, and these other characters
As for the second part of this chapter. Thomas's questioning is a little unsettling, but he was also kind of helping to explain it all to Gren in a way that would make him feel a little better, deep down. It's very interesting how things are, between his relationship with Emily compared to the other children's relationships with their aunts and uncles. It's still sad, thinking about how Carla kinda screwed Gren over, lying about the children she had and what-not. Part of me still wishes it didn't go sour, but then we wouldn't have this wonderful set of quads to love I also liked the little 'history lesson' we got on Grendels and how they work. It's cool! Like JJ said, you might as well have invented Grendels yourself In the end though, it seems like Thomas is trying to help. I hope nothing too serious happens because of him, because although he's a little mysterious, he's also kind of alright, you know? I loved this chapter!
"Excuse me! Oops! Sorry! Excuse me, sorry-excuse me! Watch out, Penkle!"
A young woman in a black pencil skirt, white blouse, thick glass… morees and blonde hair pulled back, dodges a yellow Troll, standing near her desk. Penkle looks over, grunts and returns to his eating. The young assistant looks all over the room; the memo said to meet her in the office but the boss was no where to be found. His desk was empty, Mayor Charming was holding a meeting and the Sheriff was heading over to his sister's home to see the progress of the quads.
"Penkle, have you seen Deputy Mayor Ethan Porgie? I...I got his memo and he said HERE but WHERE is HERE, I'm not sure. And I don't want to be late and my legs are tired and my feet-oh Penkle-don't get me started on these shoes..."
Penkle rolled his eyes, chomped down on his sandwich and continued to read the New York Times. Nothing interesting in the mundane world. Typical news. Robbery on 34h street, new … [view original content]
I used to write on for a while, a long time ago. I've never really gotten any questions on any work or reviews (I guess I wasn't that good back then XP) But I know if this ever happened to me, I would be angry as well.
The community here is a lot different than anything like We're more knitted together here, much friendlier and supportive. I just want you to know that I'd never do anything like that to anyone, and I understand completely for your feelings. You post when you feel comfortable, man. It takes a long time, sometimes, to get over stuff like that. Maybe you should try out something new? Start a new story, maybe connect it somehow to The Devil Among Us....whether it be the characters or the world it happens in. Sometimes starting over rejuvenates a person's love for writing Hope my advice is good
Ok, I have to get this off my chest: I think I know why my writing has been so slow and 'forced' (in a way)
It was a small event that hap… morepened in November last year. There was an author on (I'm not going to name his account) that reviewed Act 1 of The Devil Among Us. His review was the first proper review that actually pointed things out as opposed to simple 'I love it!' comments. He also gave a tiny review for Act 2 saying how he wanted to see more...
Anyways, he had written a BigbyxSnow love story on the site and I loved it, I commented on it etc. This author also has an account of the same name on WattPad, he wrote the sequel to that story on WattPad. So I start reading it, and in the first chapter he uses a scene that is VERY similar to one from my story...
Then in the third chapter he copies (word for bloody word) a note that Bigby writes to Snow from my story! I messaged him on but he never replied (I was … [view original content]
An image is worse imo!! If I had an image of mine stolen....
"I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you are looking fo… morer credit, I can tell you I don't have any to give. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills, skills I have acquired over a very short career. Skills that make me a pain in the ass for people like you. If you give me credit for that image, that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you... and I will hurt you." XD
I do too.Without giving too much away, I do have a plan for these two in the future. I pictured Michelle as the typical blonde assistant that rambles on and does not notice HOW much she's talking. I love Penkle, even though he's only appeared once. Ethan has learned a few things from his twin brother about authoritarian.
I'm actually glad things with Carla ended. I've been nothing but pleased with Gren and emily's relationship, although the way it was handled was not cool on her part. Gren has grown on me; I have so much backstory planned for him and the characteristics of his kind. We know so little and I'd love to add my two cents in. JJ and Noir have mentioned they don't trust Thomas but I assure he's not to worry about. Glad you loved it, Ems.
Ethan and Michelle.
I ship it.
Kidding aside, I really like Michelle! She seems like that kind of girl who rambles when she's ne… morervous, who's super nerdy, yet still pretty and professional. Penkle seems like another character to enjoy, quite the opposite to Michelle in attitude, that's for sure!
Ethan begins to walk. "Come, Michelle. Walk with me."
Ethan has a bit of an aura of authority, I see. He seems very calm, probably internally chuckling at Michelle's ramblings, and when she catches him rambling, they're like the same but different. I like it. She seems to adore him, at least to an extent. I can't wait to see what else you have in store for her, and these other characters
As for the second part of this chapter. Thomas's questioning is a little unsettling, but he was also kind of helping to explain it all to Gren in a way that would make him feel a little better, deep down. It's very interesting how things a… [view original content]
Makoto walked over to Luke who was standing at the edge of the roof. Rain hit the roof hard while thunder roared in the background, when Makoto looked over he could see undead chasing after and executing humans on the ground. Some fought back but most embraced their death with open arms, he could hear shouting but couldn't quite make out what they were saying.
"Soon there will be a paradisefor which only Fables exist." Luke said
Makoto crossed his arms. "I don't think so...I won't let you do this."
"I figured you wouldn't want to join me but I figured it was worth a try." Luke said
"Why? Bigby always told me how you were such a kind person. You always helped others no matter what happened to you. Now you're here killing innocent people, when the Fables are fine with what they have in the Mundy world." Makoto asked
"We'll I figured they'd never make a push on the adversary so I thought I would clean up both places so that the adversary can have here...while the Fables get the mundane world." Luke said
"But you never asked what these people or what the mundanes want did you? You never gave them a chance to voice what they want, instead you just thrusted death upon them so you felt justifie!" Makotos voice was raising.
Luke started to get angry. "Don't you raise your voice at me! I may not have raised you but I am still your father! And I am Death incarnate! I will do as I please!"
Makoto grabbed Luke by the collar and threw him across the rooftop. "You may be my father but you must earn that respect back!!! And it doesn't matter WHO you are! You don't have a say on how these people die! You know....I'm a father now too, and I want my little girl to grow up in a good place not some fake paradise that I had sacrifice a whole world for!!!" He followed up with a kick. Luke got up his hair was red as flames and so were his hands. He gut punched Makoto.
"You want your daughter to grow up with a bunch of mundys! They're a pain in the ass! They don't live half as long as us! I constantly have to go around picking up worthless souls and ship them wherever the hell I please!" He shouted punching him in the stomach again causing Makoto to kneel. Makoto looked up, he had blood in his mouth he spit it aside and punched Luke in the face knocking him down, he knelt over his stomach and started punching him.
"So just because you have your work cut out for you, you decided to come up with this place called paradise so you'd have more time off and things wouldn't be such a pain in the ass! Do you think that's how it works!!!" Makoto yelled punching him over and over. He stopped so he could answer but there was silence, Makoto picked Luke up by the collar again and slammed him into the door. "ANSWER ME!!!" He yelled
"You know, I have feelings too. I wanted to stay with you and your mother and raise you with her. But 'I have my work cut out for me' RIGHT! Sure I'm late on the plan but this was it! I did this for you and her! To be with you both!" He yelled back. Makoto punched him in the gut.
"DON'T give me that bull shit! If you wanted out of your job you could've easily given it to someone else!" Makoto said
"I did! I gave it to you! But then you threw it away and died, because you couldn't live with it!!!" Luke yelled
Luke was right. Makoto couldn't handle being death it was an awful thing during those days. He'd hear people's voices shouting at night, asking where they were and where were their families. He never wanted to experience that again. Luke kicked Makoto off of him, as Makoto stumbled he followed up by pulling his fist back and punching him as hard as he could. Sending Makoto almost off the edge of the rooftop, he climbed up and he started getting blury.
"What the voice of the Mundies getting tired? You wanted to play with Death yet you can't handle it!?" Luke said grabbing him and throwing him to the center of the roof. His eyes started getting this where it would end? Makoto thought. Luke slammed his foot on Makoto causing the roof to crack. Makoto screamed out in pain but his voice grew short and he stopped breathing.....
Makoto woke up standing. He had no idea where he was the place was pure white. He turned around to see that there was door with a teenage boys body crucified over it.
"Hey." A voice rang. He saw a teenager standing there he was in a school uniform, his hair was long and covered his right eye and was dark blue like his. He had the same headphones as him as well. The teenager smiled. "So you really are a reincarnation of me. I'm sorry about that. Luckily for you I'm here to help, and you don't have to sacrifice yourself like I did all those years ago." He said holding out a blue orb. "This is the orb of the world. You are it's protector, it's saviour. Just as I was."
Makoto touched the orb and felt a surge of energy within his body. "Wait you said I don't have to give my life. How come?" He asked
"Someone else has done it for you. A vampire who came from the original line. He was destined to get his soul back to rest, but when he heard what was going to happen to you he wouldn't allow it. So he gave me his soul to help me guard away the others."
Dewitt showed up standing next to the teenager. "Hey Makoto." He smiled
"Why would you do this! Why didn't you just let me do this!" Makoto said tearing up.
"Well you see in my life I haven't done much good. I've done more bad than good, so I want to atone for what I've done. You juststarted a family. I couldn't go back saying you had died." Dewitt said
"So what the hell am I supposed to tell Mary!? She'll be equally as mad!" Makoto yelled
"That's the thing...since her family is not directly from my family line, more than likely she will die too." Dewitt said
Makoto dropped to his knees and sobbed "No....please no...that's a goddamn lie! She....she cant...I won't let her!!!"
"I'm afraid that's not how this works kid." He tapped him on the shoulder. "We've kept you here longer than we have to...go make the world a better place" Dewitt smiled.
Makoto blacked out.....
That's it! Any questions or comments or anything else let me know! I will finish this fight tomorrow and then I'll write what went down with Dewitt after that! :P
Huh. I may have a theory but lately, mine are always false, tossed into the burner and start a new one. Char's problems with her powers seem to have ended with Tobias. (LOVE that name!) I wonder if he's Char's son in the FUTURE and she's being exposed to him now, he's the sibling that Scar is expecting; he is some random mundane baby or he's her husband in the future; kind of like what Ash and Franklin are going through at the moment.
"All is in balance now, young Counselor. Guide, and you will be guided. Show him the way, and he will show you the way. Do not let others get in the way of your duty. You are free to do as you please, but don't misuse this gift of God, for if you do, you will be stripped of it in the most unbearable manner."
This really stood out for me; misuse the gift of God could mean anything but I'm looking at Tobias for the moment. All children are gifts and this little boy was left alone. No one knows WHERE or how he got there. char found him; show him and he'll show you. So far, he's been helping char with HER gift. Wonder what she will do for the little boy...hmmm...
Looking forward to the fam picture, too. Thanks agian for allowing me to use Georgie. I just had to! Looking forward to the other chaps, too.
Every story starts with a 'Once Upon a Time'....
This one has a baby.
He's special.
No one knows where he came from.
It'd been s… moreeveral months since the encounter with Hope. Charlotte stayed more reclusive than she normally was, using all of her energy to refocus herself, and to get her brain on some sort of schedule, if it were even possible. She banned herself from going to the past, until thinks started getting better.
They only got worse.
She had headaches, all of the time. Even medicine was beginning to wear thin of it's usefulness, as she gathered five pills into her hand and took them. Her parents were concerned, but they didn't know even a fraction of the real pain she was going through. Her body contantly pulsed with memories, almost none of them hers. She was having an information overload, unable to bear a single thought without the dull ache of her brain spreading to the tips of her fingers and toes. She laid in b… [view original content]
You're on the right track, but not quite there. I intend on Charlotte and Tobias's relationship to be strictly like family, like a mother and her son, almost but not quite. They're tethered to each other, they balance each other out. His parents are still unknown to the world, and it's not something that Charlotte can outright see. It's almost like it's blocked from her view, but maybe one day they will find out, together.
Hope's words are deeper than they seem, and Charlotte has locked them safely away in the back of her mind. It's all very cryptic for the moment, but it will all make sense in due time.
I can't wait to share them. It take a little while to upload them, but when they are, it's just a matter of copy and pasting urls and what not, lol XD I have a little bonus, as well You'll love it.
Huh. I may have a theory but lately, mine are always false, tossed into the burner and start a new one. Char's problems with her powers seem… more to have ended with Tobias. (LOVE that name!) I wonder if he's Char's son in the FUTURE and she's being exposed to him now, he's the sibling that Scar is expecting; he is some random mundane baby or he's her husband in the future; kind of like what Ash and Franklin are going through at the moment.
"All is in balance now, young Counselor. Guide, and you will be guided. Show him the way, and he will show you the way. Do not let others get in the way of your duty. You are free to do as you please, but don't misuse this gift of God, for if you do, you will be stripped of it in the most unbearable manner."
This really stood out for me; misuse the gift of God could mean anything but I'm looking at Tobias for the moment. All children are gifts and this little boy was left alone. No one knows WHERE … [view original content]
More sims! These are some of my OC's, Harmony and her first litter of cubs ^-^ I also included a bonus Sim, who you'll see toward the end
(He's the only one I didn't zoom completely out to see his entire body, head to toe >.< My bad, lol)
Harmony :
Ashlyn Mary (A personal favorite!):
Robert Darien:
Elora Rose:
Noah Charming:
Scarlett Snow :
AND last but not least, my original baby, Mary's son, Carter:
That's all I have for now, I will do more at a later date! I'll probably also do some in-game photos, so you can see them interacting and such I love what I've done, for the most part My favorite (as stated above) is Ash, and probably also Harmony. I wish I could put blue streaks in their hair, but sadly EA has limited me in that regard. Goodnight, it's my bedtime XD
I used to write on for a while, a long time ago. I've never really gotten any questions on any work or reviews (I guess I wa… moresn't that good back then XP) But I know if this ever happened to me, I would be angry as well.
The community here is a lot different than anything like We're more knitted together here, much friendlier and supportive. I just want you to know that I'd never do anything like that to anyone, and I understand completely for your feelings. You post when you feel comfortable, man. It takes a long time, sometimes, to get over stuff like that. Maybe you should try out something new? Start a new story, maybe connect it somehow to The Devil Among Us....whether it be the characters or the world it happens in. Sometimes starting over rejuvenates a person's love for writing Hope my advice is good
Yeah, my 1st sketches always look 'weird'; I still recall Lyla's 1st look and thinking it needed something. It's not bad but needs some work… more still.
Oh, there shall be no doubt, Dragon! I promise you'll love the design; I may keep her hair down but give it that cute office hair cut. ^-^
I love tim and Harmony's look. For some reason, I pictured Scar with red hair. XD Oh brain these days. I really like Noah's look. VERY charming indeed. Robbie is adorable; I love Elora's look and Ash looks stylish, Ems! These are great.
AWWWW! And Carter! Even though he's NOT biologically his, he really took after Hans. I adore this kid.
Lol, it's okay. I actually picture Elora with a reddish tint to her brown hair, but the limitations in that regard prevent me from doing so, so I gave her plain brown hair. Also, her hairstyle isn't exactly how I'd want it, but it is what it is. Ash is my favorite of the kids, she's got that 'I'm cooler than all you bitches' look XD
Lol, I know! Noah is another favorite, he's got the brawny big guy look down, yet still looks chill and what not. Glad you like them.
Weird, I thought Elora would be the one with the black hair, while Scar would be the brunette. XD
No matter, of course, all of the appear… moreances are great!
Ash is looking extremely awesome, and Elora's grin LOL. She would definitely cheese her smile like that. :P
Tim and Noah got that swagger going on too!
Tim and Harmony are adorable, and I was glad I could capture them well. Harmony and Ashlyn are my two favorites of the bunch. I guess I could see where you could confuse Scarlett with red hair, lol XD It's okay though. She's supposed to look like Harm, except she was born with red eyes, thus the name Scarlett. I was trying to make him Noah as charming as possible, and even Robery a tiny bit, but he definitely embraces his nerdy side!
Carter's my little baby, I love him so much. I purposely showed how much he's changed physically because of Hans being in his life; He's worked out with his step-dad since he was old enough to lift the weights safely. He has blond hair, obviously from his biological father, but it just goes to show that it doesn't matter where your blood comes from, it matters on who decides to take on the role as dad in your life. He's definitely one of my favorites as a character from my story.
I love tim and Harmony's look. For some reason, I pictured Scar with red hair. XD Oh brain these days. I really like Noah's look. … moreVERY charming indeed. Robbie is adorable; I love Elora's look and Ash looks stylish, Ems! These are great.
AWWWW! And Carter! Even though he's NOT biologically his, he really took after Hans. I adore this kid.
I love these little buggers like they were my own family. Porgie Clan-now and always.
"Those are good, huh sir?"
Ethan was on his third Lengua Taco. He'd seen Gren eat them before when Ethan was a child. One time asking what they were, he swore never in his life would he take pleasure in eating such a vile dish. The idea of Cow's tongue, boild in water with spices, seemed odd and not on Ethan's bucket list. His mother used to make him; Georgie used to feel the same way until trying the funny sounding dish. He loved them but Ethan. No. Never.
Now, here he was on the corner next to a poorly designed Taco truck, eating Lengua tacos with his assistant. Michelle smiles and points to a tall green bottle.
"Add lime juice to it, Ethan. It makes it ten times better."
What could possibly make this elegant dish tast any better? The mixture of spices, Cliantro and onion was enough in Ethan's opinion. There were so many flacors dancing along his tongue and down his throat. He'd order a few couple more and take some back to Peter. What Wolf would say no to either free food and a Taco at that? Ethan did as Michelle suggested, added a few drops and took a taste. Magnificent.
"Food porn, Michelle." Ethan tries not to laugh. "THIS is so fucking tasty."
Michelle chuckles. "Well, I'm glad you like them. See? They are not THAT bad."
"Thanks for making me try these out. I regret pushing Gren's offers away all those years ago."
"Gren eats these, too?"
Ethan nods. "Yeah he used to stop at this little Mexican restaurant on the way over to visit us sometimes. He would bring burritos for the kids and Tacos for the adults."
"Did Gren visit alot when you were younger?"
"All the time." Ethan sips from his drink and wipes his mouth. "Come to think of it, he did a lot of visits. Always alone, too. Several times he'd bring one or all three of the kids but.....Carla was never around."
Michelle began to pick up the lack of 'aunt' before her name. None of the kids referred to her as aunt Carla. To Lyla, that was the children's decisions. They were old enough to make clear choices and knew what felt right in their hearts. Something as cruel as what occured between the two would never disappear over time. Although his sister made Gren's life jovial and relished, there were moments were Ethan could see it in his eyes. Devestation and a broken heart. Not for their seperation but what followed after it. Nothing but lies and humiliation.
"Do they speak....Gren and Carla?"
"No. Not at all."
"I can't blame him." Michelle sighs. "I went through the SAME bullshit with my daughter's father and-"
This took Ethan by surprise. Since hiring on the young woman, not once did she mention children or boyfriend. He always assumed she was a single woman living in New York. Curious, Ethan leans forward on the bench.
"Wait, you have a daughter?"
Aware of what she had done, Michelle plays with her napkin. "Uh, daughter...."
"Oh." Ethan noticed her sudden change in behavior. "Do you NOT like to mention her or-"
"Oh God, no! I love my baby. I have no regrets when it comes to Erica."
"Erica, huh? Do you have a picture of her?"
Michelle takes a moment. Perhps to process Ethan's request or the idea she spilled the beans on her motherhood. Either way, she took a minute to stare blankly into the sidewalk. Before Ethan could speak, Michelle digs into her purse and pulls out a purple wallet. Inside, she takes out three photos. Ethan examines the pictures; a beautiful little girl, each one smiling larger than the last. Erica had curly black hair, dimples on each cheek and was much darker than her mother. Eyes blue as the sky above and personality that seemed to light up the room.
"She's beautiful." Ethan glances over the pictures. "Erica looks like quite the handful. Just look at that smile."
Michelle takes the pictures and looks at them herself. "She is something, that one. Too much like me. ALWAYS rambling on and talking about the most random material out there."
"How old is she?"
"Four next month."
"Is her father...around?" Ethan wasn't sure how to ask this. "You speak as if he's-"
"He's around." Michelle stops to look at the ground. "He's just...not allowed around her right now."
"May I ask why, if you don't-"
"Just....some things, sir." Her voice drastically changes, as Michelle places the pictures away. "Some things happend, I found them out and I did what any mother would do. Protect her children. He has no right to see her, after what he did to Erica..."
Ethan was not sure how to answer. His assistant went from cheerful, to dark and gloomy within minutes. Reaching out a hand, Ethan touches her own. It was the only thing he could do at that moment. Glaring over, Michelle tries to form a smile. Crooked and broken, she manages to make one. Tears forming in the corners and hurt brewing within. Ethan would ask later. Now, was not the time.
"Is she a mundy or-"
"Half." Michelle rubs her thumb against Ethan's skin. "Her father and I met at a club one night and we hooked up. At first, the relationship was swell....that is, until he hit me and-"
"He hit you!?" Ethan could feel the rage within. "The fuck you mean he HIT you!?"
"Six months after we dated, he hit me for the first time. Over somehting so ridiculous. I don't even remember WHAT is was to be honest. He swore he'd never do it again and when you love TRY to believe them. So, I stayed..."
"Michelle...." Ethan was devestated. "No, why?"
"I had NO ONE else, Ethan. I was barely making the rent, TRYING to go to school and was a place. Attention."
Ethan sighs. "Then what?"
"Two months later, I found out I was pregnant. All nine months he beat me-pushed me down the stairs, called me vulgar names. I almost miscarried Erica twice. There was so much blood...."
Ethan was having a difficult time comprehending WHY Michelle stayed. He was against ANY form of abuse, no matter who began it. His parents used to argue, yes; Ethan could recall several time his parents fought and either they'd go in their room or take it outside. But never once did his father ever lay a hand upon their mother. Never. That was a coward. NOT a man.
"Fuck." Ethan rubs his face. "Wheeew, man...WHY?"
"Why what, sir?"
"WHY did you not get help?"
"I tried." Michelle finishes off her last Taco. "I came to get help but was turned away. It was busy, short all seemed so concerned with other issues, I didn't want to bother you all..."
No. Ethan continued to watch Michelle eat her Taco. It made sense why she looked so familiar during the interview. She was the young woman, carrying a newborn baby, begging for help Charming tried but it was true; the office was overrun with calls, paperwork and issues from other Fables. This is the time they also hired Penkle.
"We're alright now, sir. Don't worry." Her smile was not convincing. "We all learn to move on. Forget certain things..."
Ethan and Michelle remained in silence. The troubled look growing on her face caused Ethan to turn and watch several mundies cross, run or take their time getting to their next destination. The sun settled near the tall buildings. He'd have to call Peter and find out the current state of Gren and Emily. That could wait. There was another Fable that needed his help. And he wouldn't ignore her this time around.
That same night....
Emily and Gren refused to sleep. The quads were not to be seperated and alone. They had their bassinets, lined in a perfect line, each holding their precious child. Chloe and Viviana took awhile to fall asleep. Gren held one, as Emily rocked the other little girl. Chewing on her tiny paw, Chloe cooed and yipped several times. Singing a gentle song, Gren managed to place Viviana into a trance and make the little girl close her eyes and drift off to sleep. No sooner had he done that, Chloe followed.
"Stubborn." Emily examined all her children. "Every bloody one of em'."
"Like their old man." Gren chuckles. "Admit it. I can be the same way."
"THat's Georgie Porgie right there, too. Swear that man. I know I've had me bloody fookin' moments, too."
"You have." Gren wraps the blanket around Emily's shoulder. "I always loved that little fire you had about you. Never did you back down or let anyone tell you otherwise."
Emily's rugged and caustic attitude caused many issues as she aged. Several times in school, she'd visit the principal or be suspended for whatever reason. Lyla used to punish Emily for the way she behaved. There was no need to be so 'tough' or mean like Emily had become. Georgie used to blame himself; she was too much like he was as a child. Emily didn't take shit from no one. Not even from her own family. Gren often wondered if he had a part in Emily's eratic behavior. Since the bully inccident, Gren taught Emily how to fight and defend herself. She never applied these lessons until her adult life. Emily nearly killed many Fables and mundies alike since turning eighteen. That's when the problems began.
"Well, that fire almost had me killed."
Gren never wished to speak about Emily's past; he'd witnessed countless times Swineheart bringing her back from the verge of death. It broke his heart to hear stories of Emily Porgie becoming so much like what her father used to be. Gren would never admit this to his precious Emily but for awhile, he despised her. Gren felt sick when her name was mentioned; painful nights of crying, begging and pleading to change her ways haunted his life for two years. Gren now understood why it wrenched him so. He was in love with Emily.
Gren kisses the top of Emily's head. "I was never going to let anything happen to you."
Emily had to know something. Now, was the time. "Did ya' always love me, Grendel?"
"Always." Gren inhales her smell. Flowers, like always. "I've always loved you. From the second I held you, to this exact moment in time. I've always know the love between us was special."
Emily scoots closer to Gren. His bare chest against her skin was warm and inviting. Tracing her palm across his chest, Emily could feel the steady beating of his heart. His apperance always sent shivers along her spine; caused her mind to become blank and her heart racing with each touch. Emily could remember a time staying awake at night and secretly dreaming of Gren; his naked body beside her, while the two passionatly kissed under the moon's light. Emily, too, always loved Gren.
"Do ya' think they'll be okay, love?"
"They'll be fine, Emily. I promise you....I'll do ANYTHING to protect you and those little bundles of love here."
Emily stops to look outside. The sky had a touch of dark purple as the moon glowed widly into the heavens. The stars twinkled along the midnight sky.
"Ya' father, love. Ya' need to give him a chance."
Gren sighs. "I'm trying, Emily. I've been fuckin' trying but....all these centuries of anger and guilt."
"Ya' need ta' think about the babies, love. That IS their grandfather afta' all."
"He loves them." Gren had a difficult time saying this. "I see it. Feel it. I just wish he'd shown the same thing towards me."
"He's tryin' now, love. It does not make it right but...he IS tryin'."
Turning to face Emily, Gren locks his lips onto Emily's. Pinning her to the ground, Gren carefully removes her shirt. Like always, Gren was stunned by the beauty before him. Emily's pale skin seemed to glean against the candle's flame. Her ebony hair scattered on the carpet, her finger entwined in his hair. The gentle, warm and loving glow her eyes had for him. He swore at that moment, he was holding Heaven in his arms.
"Show me." Emily's whispered the words softly. "Show me EVERYTHING about ya', Gren. Please. No more hidin' from me..."
Positioning himself between Emily's legs, Gren holds out his palm; fingers extending out and into the darkness, Emily watches streams of blue exit his skin and circle into the night. Like Seraphina's, the blue had the apperance of glitter. It twirled along the air, gently floating towards the ceiling. Emily reaches out a finger; the material was cool, like river water and carefully pressed itself along her bare flesh.
"It's beautiful." Emily became lost in the glow. "Grendel..."
"I was always ashamed of this. Never wanted anyone to fuckin' see me like this. Something fuckin' silly as this."
"It's not silly." Emily kisses Gren's hand. "It's a part of you. I love everything about you. We've created children together, Grendel. My babies have a piece of you in there. If I hate ya', I hate them..."
"I know..." Gren could feel Emily buck, the warmth he felt along his skin. "I'm sorry, Emily...I love you..."
Furiously, the couple kiss and hold one another. Gren knew, no matter what his thoughts may tell him, he was loved. For once, it was there. They had a type of glow, as the pair continued to kiss. Emily did not have a trace of fright in her eyes tonight. This dark, cold world seemed brighter, as he held a piece of heaven tonight.
They'd handle it all. No matter the situation, Gren and Emily were one. He was not alone. And neither was she.
Any questions, you know the drill. Feel like shit. Excuse the language but I do. Not sick just very angry and hurt beyond words....Feel like doing THIS today.
Eh. But life goes on. I have other priorities. Writing about these two always makes it better. Love Emily and Gren. My favorite pairing, besides Lyla and Georgie.
I like Michelle! She's very interesting being a daughter of the tooth fairy. I can understand how Ethan feels about her getting hit, I may lack empathy and be apathetic but even I get pissed off about that stuff. The Emily and Gren segment was good too! I can connect to Gren when it comes to father's.
Hey man I know there are things some people don't like to talk about. Especially stuff that hurts, just know that if you do need to talk we're all here to help if you need it!
I love these little buggers like they were my own family. Porgie Clan-now and always.
"Those are good, huh sir?"
Ethan was on his th… moreird Lengua Taco. He'd seen Gren eat them before when Ethan was a child. One time asking what they were, he swore never in his life would he take pleasure in eating such a vile dish. The idea of Cow's tongue, boild in water with spices, seemed odd and not on Ethan's bucket list. His mother used to make him; Georgie used to feel the same way until trying the funny sounding dish. He loved them but Ethan. No. Never.
Now, here he was on the corner next to a poorly designed Taco truck, eating Lengua tacos with his assistant. Michelle smiles and points to a tall green bottle.
"Add lime juice to it, Ethan. It makes it ten times better."
What could possibly make this elegant dish tast any better? The mixture of spices, Cliantro and onion was enough in Ethan's opinion. There were so many flacors dancing al… [view original content]
Have time before I head to class. Need to write. Keep my mind busy....
Nancy's moment of peace and serenity was short lived; she could hear her brother Mike down stairs and her mother's squeaky, fake laughter. Nancy knew her mother was miserable and never satisfied. She could hear it in her voice as her mother aged. It was all to put on a show for others. 'Pretend' like she was the happiest mother and wife on the block. Nancy could see past the lies.
"Nancy, darling." The tapping of heels, as her mother grew closer to the door. "Nancy, my precious angel from above."
Nancy cringes and felt the bile build up in the back of her throat. "I'm HOME, mother."
Cheryl opens the door. "There you are, my beauty queen! Hurry on down stairs, now! Mommy got ourselves a recipe book full of cakes and I want to show you a little secret your grandmother-"
"That....sounds SO fun mom but....You see, me and Tracy have plans tonight. Remember?"
It was as if Nancy was speaking a different language. Her mother, Deer in the headlights apperance, remained still and lost for words. Her mouth remained open and eyes wide like the moon.
"Yes. Plans." Nancy continues to apply foundation. "I mentioned that today at breakfast if you can recall-"
"But it's Friday night. No good comes on Friday night, dear. You need to be home and learning cakes and-"
Nancy tosses her compact mirror down. "I don't WANT to stay home, mother and learn about cakes or ways to removes stains from a white shirts."
Cheryl was applaed by her daughter's recent behavior. "Nancy, I do not appreciate you speaking to me this way. Is this about some boy in your class?"
"What?! No, mother!"
"Good. Good. Because you need to know, sweetie, that men-"
Nancy turns away and faces the mirror before her. "I KNOW mother. Now please-I need to get ready."
Cheryl folds her arms and sighs. "I'm going to have a word with your father when he gets home."
"Fine, mom." Nancy rolls her eyes. "I already spoke to daddy and he said as long as I'm home by ten, I can go out."
Huffing like a child, Cheryl turns and heads back down stairs. Nancy hears her mother mimble a few 'Hail Marys' before her voice no longer can be heard. Nancy was in too much of a cheery mood to let her Bible thumping, beauty pagent, cookie baking mother stand in her way. Although it was a lie, Nancy was willing to take that risk. Tracy agreed to be the reason on one condition. Lunch, six pack of Beer and the new A-Ha cassete.
Applying a few squirts of her perfume, Nancy continues to tease her hair. Adding a necklace and her boots, Nancy heads downstairs. Right on cue, Tracy honks the horn. Cheryl, although in heels, manages to run to the door. Standing before it, she blocks Nancy's exit.
"Uh mom...Tracy is here and-"
"No! I need to speak to her and set some rules, young lady."
"Seriously?" Annoyed, Nancy agrees. "Fine, mom. Go ahead."
Cheryl was pleased, opens the door and heads for Tracy. Sitting in her Jeep, the radio loudly plays the recent hot hits. Rocking out in her pink sweat band, Cheetah print shirt, purple skirt and black leggings, Tracy pulls her sunglasses down to examine the hostile housewife, now tapping her heels and waiting for Tracy to speak.
"Hey, Mrs. D. Nice dress. Rad flower print you have there. Awesome."
"Thank you, Tracy." Cheryl examines the car. "So, where are you and my daughter going tonight?"
"See that new Nightmare on Elm Street movie, Mrs. D. Then, hitting the Roller rink for a few good memories."
"That movie is the Devil." Cheryl was stunned at their choice. "I do not feel comfortable you watching that, Nancy."
Nancy ignores her mother's usual ranting. Leaping into the passenger seat, She buckles in, sticks gum in her mouth and sighs.
"Mom, its JUST a movie-"
"-THAT is the Devil, Nancy! You ladies need to see something more friendly and romantic."
"Okay mom." Nancy salutes. "I'll see what else is playing."
"And the Roller Rink, Nancy? Surely you girls would rather come back to the house and learn how to sew or-"
"Nah, Mrs. D. We have killer plans for tonight. I'll take good care of your Nancy."
Cheryl refused to budge. Nancy could sense the tension growing. She would not be able to cut it with a knife. A Clever-now THA would do the trick.
"Nancy, sweetie....I'm not sure."
"I'll find a pay phone and call you when the movie is over with, okay mom? I'll be back at ten."
Cheryl does not speak, as Nancy blows a kiss. Waving, Tracy starts the car and the girls pull away. Listening to the music, Nancy sits back in her seat; the cool hair blows her Farrah Fawcet t hairdo against the wind. Laughing, Nancy turns the radio and searches for a song to listen to.
Tracy giggles. "Your mom is insane, Nanc." She chews loudly on her gum. "Did you SEE how she looked at me?"
"My mom needs a break. Think all that cooking and sewing is getting to her. Can you believe she WANTED us to come back...and SEW!?"
"Bummer, man. Your mom needs to get out more. See the real world."
"Not going to happen." Nancy leaves the radio on a Toto song. "The world IS in her kitchen and she's dragging me to the depths of hell with her."
Tracy snorts as the Jeep parks at a red light. "So, this old is he? He's someone's dad, huh?"
"He said he wasn't, Tracy."
Tracy punches Nancy in the arm. "OOOOH, the mysterious strange, older man wants you. I told you, Nanc!"
"Stop it, Tracy." Nancy plays with a string of hair. "He's super nice....and dreamy...and those arms."
"HEY! How about his friend? He a hunk, too?"
"Nah. He seems like a player, Tracy."
Tracy snaps her fingers. "Damn. Thought we could, like, double date or something. Least YOU have that hunk watching you. Nice."
The light turns green and Tracy continues to drive down the road. Nancy looks around. The same old town she grew up in. She did not understand how her mother wished to remain in her home and felt that was life. Even listening to the radio, Nancy closed her eyes and pictured what it would be like outside these city limits. She began to picture John; the mysterious man with the chestnut hair, whisking her away to a town and world she knew so little of. There was more out there. She just knew it.
Pulling into a parking lot, Nancy looks around. Making sure no one would spot her, she notices John leaning on his truck. It was clean and sparkling against the sun. Tracy parks and turns the engine off.
"Damn. He cleans up good, Nancy."
Nancy sighs dreamly. "He does, huh?"
"You SURE he's not a dad to someone? Looks like Ricky's dad, actually..."
"He swears he's not." Nancy jumps out of the Jeep. "Come on."
Tracy pops her gum. "Girl, I was going to see this guy. I want to know my Nancy is in good hands."
The two girls walk towards John; he meets them half way and shakes Tracy's hand. While the two interact, Nancy scans John's body. He wore a simple dark shirt tucked into his jeans. He smelled wonderful and was clean cut. His arms enormous, neck thick against the collar and rippling pecs peeking just enough through the shirt. He was a massive man for his age. His eyes, too. Nancy noticed the strange Amber color. They reminded her of a Dog. Or Wolf.
"So, you're the dude that swept my Nancy off her feet?"
John chuckles. "Pleasure to meet you, Tracy. Nancy speaks highly of you."
"She better." Tracy pops her bubble and continues to chew. "I love this girl. You better take care of her, John."
"I will, Tracy." John glances at Nancy and winks. "Trust me. She's in good hands."
Tracy embraces Nancy and for awhile, refuses to let go. "You be safe, you hear me?"
Nancy was taken back. Tracy rarely cried or showed any sort of emotions other than loud and annoying. "Tracy, I-"
"I'll be here to pick you up, alright? Have fun, kiddo."
Tracy palyfully punches Nancy in the cheek, shakes John's hand one last time and climbs back into her Jeep. Honking the horn, Tracy peels off and returns to the road. John extends his massive palm out and escorts Nancy to the truck.
"Shall we?"
Opening the door, Nancy takes a seat inside. Such a gentlemen, she thought. John takes his seat, inserts the keys and starts the engine. John backs out of the parking lot and heads into town.
"I hope you like some good old Southern cooking, Nancy."
Nancy smiles and laughs. "Are you KIDDING me? All I ate as a child. Grits, Fried Chicken. Okra, Collard Greens-"
"Fantastic." John grabs Nancy's hand. "I look forward to this evening."
Nancy did not shutter at his touch, nor did she pull away. His mighty palm grasps her tiny hand and wraps his fingers. Her hand felt small compared to his. Nancy beamed and the two remained silent. Nancy was curious to leanr more baout this strange man. There was something different about John.
Michelle is growing on me for sure now. I have so many ideas for her. At least you get mad when the situation is mentioned. I too agree with Gren's situation with his father....sorry about your situation, too, man.
I'm fine. I won't go into detail but its being dealt with. Nothing to do with my girl OR the baby. HE knows what he did. All I'll say. Thanks, man. Appreciate it.
I like Michelle! She's very interesting being a daughter of the tooth fairy. I can understand how Ethan feels about her getting hit, I may l… moreack empathy and be apathetic but even I get pissed off about that stuff. The Emily and Gren segment was good too! I can connect to Gren when it comes to father's.
Hey man I know there are things some people don't like to talk about. Especially stuff that hurts, just know that if you do need to talk we're all here to help if you need it!
Michelle is growing on me for sure now. I have so many ideas for her. At least you get mad when the situation is mentioned. I too agree wit… moreh Gren's situation with his father....sorry about your situation, too, man.
I'm fine. I won't go into detail but its being dealt with. Nothing to do with my girl OR the baby. HE knows what he did. All I'll say. Thanks, man. Appreciate it.
Lol, it's okay. I actually picture Elora with a reddish tint to her brown hair, but the limitations in that regard prevent me from doing so,… more so I gave her plain brown hair. Also, her hairstyle isn't exactly how I'd want it, but it is what it is. Ash is my favorite of the kids, she's got that 'I'm cooler than all you bitches' look XD
Lol, I know! Noah is another favorite, he's got the brawny big guy look down, yet still looks chill and what not. Glad you like them.
I love these little buggers like they were my own family. Porgie Clan-now and always.
"Those are good, huh sir?"
Ethan was on his th… moreird Lengua Taco. He'd seen Gren eat them before when Ethan was a child. One time asking what they were, he swore never in his life would he take pleasure in eating such a vile dish. The idea of Cow's tongue, boild in water with spices, seemed odd and not on Ethan's bucket list. His mother used to make him; Georgie used to feel the same way until trying the funny sounding dish. He loved them but Ethan. No. Never.
Now, here he was on the corner next to a poorly designed Taco truck, eating Lengua tacos with his assistant. Michelle smiles and points to a tall green bottle.
"Add lime juice to it, Ethan. It makes it ten times better."
What could possibly make this elegant dish tast any better? The mixture of spices, Cliantro and onion was enough in Ethan's opinion. There were so many flacors dancing al… [view original content]
I'm super glad you followed through on my request so far, your effort is well-appreciated.
As for Michelle, she now definitely reminds me of the commonly cute lawyer or attorney you would see on detective shows or cop dramas. XD
Hope all goes well for her too, I have a feeling she works hard to try and forget past 'unruly' experiences she's had.
Btw, I assume Tetra got it correct with her being the daughter of the tooth fairy. From what I saw in the picture, I thought she was the tooth fairy herself.
I'll give you a thumbs up like Tetra did for you! I know you'll bounce back from whatever it is you're dealing with.
I love these little buggers like they were my own family. Porgie Clan-now and always.
"Those are good, huh sir?"
Ethan was on his th… moreird Lengua Taco. He'd seen Gren eat them before when Ethan was a child. One time asking what they were, he swore never in his life would he take pleasure in eating such a vile dish. The idea of Cow's tongue, boild in water with spices, seemed odd and not on Ethan's bucket list. His mother used to make him; Georgie used to feel the same way until trying the funny sounding dish. He loved them but Ethan. No. Never.
Now, here he was on the corner next to a poorly designed Taco truck, eating Lengua tacos with his assistant. Michelle smiles and points to a tall green bottle.
"Add lime juice to it, Ethan. It makes it ten times better."
What could possibly make this elegant dish tast any better? The mixture of spices, Cliantro and onion was enough in Ethan's opinion. There were so many flacors dancing al… [view original content]
I really loved those pictures. I adore the Porgie Clan. I see you added RJ in there, too. The bottom one as well, too. I love Michelle. She has grown on me, too.
I had no idea Michelle came from such a background; guess she hid it really well, what with her personality. Knowing she DID come to Ethan and Peter for help but was turned away. Man...I can't wait to know more on Erica. I wonder what her ex did to that little girl...
The part with Gren and Emily are so freaking cute. I love this pairing. At first, like so many others, I was like 'Ehhh, not sure...' but they work so well and make adorable little babies. I love how he's not afraid to show Emily his true self.
Feel like shit. Excuse the language but I do. Not sick just very angry and hurt beyond words
I tried calling and PMing you but I can't blame you for being angry with me. Know I'll be here, when you are ready. You know I love you, man....
I love these little buggers like they were my own family. Porgie Clan-now and always.
"Those are good, huh sir?"
Ethan was on his th… moreird Lengua Taco. He'd seen Gren eat them before when Ethan was a child. One time asking what they were, he swore never in his life would he take pleasure in eating such a vile dish. The idea of Cow's tongue, boild in water with spices, seemed odd and not on Ethan's bucket list. His mother used to make him; Georgie used to feel the same way until trying the funny sounding dish. He loved them but Ethan. No. Never.
Now, here he was on the corner next to a poorly designed Taco truck, eating Lengua tacos with his assistant. Michelle smiles and points to a tall green bottle.
"Add lime juice to it, Ethan. It makes it ten times better."
What could possibly make this elegant dish tast any better? The mixture of spices, Cliantro and onion was enough in Ethan's opinion. There were so many flacors dancing al… [view original content]
I really loved those pictures. I adore the Porgie Clan. I see you added RJ in there, too. The bottom one as well, too. I love Michelle. She… more has grown on me, too.
I had no idea Michelle came from such a background; guess she hid it really well, what with her personality. Knowing she DID come to Ethan and Peter for help but was turned away. Man...I can't wait to know more on Erica. I wonder what her ex did to that little girl...
The part with Gren and Emily are so freaking cute. I love this pairing. At first, like so many others, I was like 'Ehhh, not sure...' but they work so well and make adorable little babies. I love how he's not afraid to show Emily his true self.
Feel like shit. Excuse the language but I do. Not sick just very angry and hurt beyond words
I tried calling and PMing you but I can't blame you for being angry with me. Know I'll be here, when you are ready. You know I love you, man....
John & Nancy
Have time before I head to class. Need to write. Keep my mind busy....
Nancy's moment of peace and serenity was short… more lived; she could hear her brother Mike down stairs and her mother's squeaky, fake laughter. Nancy knew her mother was miserable and never satisfied. She could hear it in her voice as her mother aged. It was all to put on a show for others. 'Pretend' like she was the happiest mother and wife on the block. Nancy could see past the lies.
"Nancy, darling." The tapping of heels, as her mother grew closer to the door. "Nancy, my precious angel from above."
Nancy cringes and felt the bile build up in the back of her throat. "I'm HOME, mother."
Cheryl opens the door. "There you are, my beauty queen! Hurry on down stairs, now! Mommy got ourselves a recipe book full of cakes and I want to show you a little secret your grandmother-"
"That....sounds SO fun mom but....You see, me and Tracy have plans toni… [view original content]
An image is worse imo!! If I had an image of mine stolen....
"I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you are looking for credit, I can tell you I don't have any to give. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills, skills I have acquired over a very short career. Skills that make me a pain in the ass for people like you. If you give me credit for that image, that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you... and I will hurt you." XD
Yeah, my 1st sketches always look 'weird'; I still recall Lyla's 1st look and thinking it needed something. It's not bad but needs some work still.
Oh, there shall be no doubt, Dragon!
I promise you'll love the design; I may keep her hair down but give it that cute office hair cut. ^-^
Yeah it was rough but writing is the same, I think. I had an ongoing battle until I proved it was mine and the chick was banned. You wanna USE my whatever for a refference, go for it. Just credit me...
BTW, I just read that bottom in Georgie's voice for some reason. XD XD XD 'I will fookin' look fa' ya', I will find ya'...and I will fookin' hurt ya', ya' bloody fookin' twit.'
"I have a cricket bat called Crowd Control mate! and right now it's got your fookin' name on it's edge!!"
Might have to write a one-shot where Chad's buddy Georgie goes to town :P
A chick stole it? Why do I always expect it to be a man???
Every story starts with a 'Once Upon a Time'....
This one has a baby.
He's special.
No one knows where he came from.
It'd been several months since the encounter with Hope. Charlotte stayed more reclusive than she normally was, using all of her energy to refocus herself, and to get her brain on some sort of schedule, if it were even possible. She banned herself from going to the past, until thinks started getting better.
They only got worse.
She had headaches, all of the time. Even medicine was beginning to wear thin of it's usefulness, as she gathered five pills into her hand and took them. Her parents were concerned, but they didn't know even a fraction of the real pain she was going through. Her body contantly pulsed with memories, almost none of them hers. She was having an information overload, unable to bear a single thought without the dull ache of her brain spreading to the tips of her fingers and toes. She laid in bed whenever she wasn't busy doing other things, and quite frankly, she hadn't had to do much in the first place. Swineheart had attended to her multiple times, unable to search for the reason, although Charlotte knew exactly what the reason was.
And so did her grandmother, Harmony. It was all because of Charlotte's visit to the past. She saw her grandmother every so often, bringing over cookies or stews and sometimes paying a visit to Charlotte's mother, helping to paint the babys's room. (Because Hope hadn't lied when she said it was twins.) They chose a neutral yellow, and picked out some nice cribs from Ikea's children's department, with a matching rocking chair and changing table. The theme was little brown teddy bears.
Charlotte wanted to be more involved, but she was becoming more and more bedridden as the days went by. It wasn't until she had to be physically transported to the hospital that her day had finally come. The day that would change her life forever.
It was snowing. She remembered walking, every step nearly unbearable. Her mind raced so fast that she couldn't process her thoughts correctly, her eyes hurting when they were open. It was 2 AM.
As soon as they stepped through the doors of Fabletown, everything froze. She wasn't in control of it.
She also noticed, directly afterward, the sudden numbness in her body.
It was time.
He was born.
A cry pierced the air, the sound of a baby whipping into the night. Charlotte descended the steps of Fabletown Castle, her feet making foot prints in the snow. She looked back a moment, at her mother's worried face and her father's blank one. He tried so hard to look calm and collected, but after looking at it- really looking at it - she could see that he'd aged some during the months of pain. They truly loved their daughter. Charlotte turned her head back toward the open metal gates. She saw the basket, round with small handles. The baby was still wailing, loud and clear.
She approached it. The blanket that he was wrapped in was blue. His little face was white, his nose red from the cold, his eyes a sea foam blue. He was precious.
She lifted him, almost automatically, into her arms, and his crying ceased. He squirmed in her arms as she rocked him softly, her fingers counting his fingers. She felt an overwhelming love for him that she didn't think was possible; It was as if he was her child, and she'd just given birth to him, and he was hers. Except that wasn't the case at all. She looked for a note, as if there would ever be one, and then turned her head back and forth. It was then, with out her realizing, that time unpaused, and the snowflakes began falling once more from the dark sky. The only light that illuminated the area was the street light. The streets were eerily silent.
"Charlotte?" Her mother's voice came out confused. "How did you get over there so quickly? Are you feeling better all of the sudden?"
Charlotte slowly turned, the boy in her arms, to look at her mother. A series of shocked faces stared back at her, and all Charlotte could think to do was smile softly as the baby fell asleep against her chest.
"Who....?" Jackson started, as he approached his daughter. His hand went out cautiously to touch the baby. "Where?"
"He was....just out here, in the cold. Abandoned," Charlotte whispered softly, so as to not disturb the baby.
"Who would do that?" Her mother was horrified, her face the complete epitome of the word. She was close now, looking at the baby skeptically, and then glancing back and forth, at each end of the street. "Why would he be out here at this time of night?"
"It's a miracle that we found him," Jackson said. "Otherwise, he'd be dead in this cold. What should we do?"
"We keep him," Charlotte spoke up.
"It's not that simple, honey," Her mother said apologetically. "We need to take this to the Deputy-...Aunt Therese can handle it from there."
"No," Charlotte said, sharply. She didn't mean to come of as snappy, but it just happened. She was suddenly more protective of this child than any mother could ever be to her own. "No, we need to keep him."
"Charlotte," Scar said softly. "I know you don't understand."
"No," Charlotte got defensive. "No, you don't understand! I'm in no pain, Mom. It's stopped, like magic or something! I think it must have been the baby!"
"But he's just a baby....he could be mundane for all we know," Jackson kept his cool as he placed his hand on his daughter's shoulder. "We need to figure it out with the help of some officials."
"We need to keep him though..." Charlotte voice was sad. "Please....please let me keep him..."
Her parents were at a loss of words. They could never understand the bond between their daughter and this baby, how they'd been corded together since the boy's conception, in another land, at another time. The fact of the matter, was that she began receiving the full strength of her powers the moment he was thought up by whatever God controlled the universe. It was all unlocked, the moment her counter-part existed. And no one could break the bond they already have.
They named him Tobias. Toby, for short. He had brown hair in little wisps atop his tiny head. It was confirmed that he was of Fable origin, however, even though Therese had Mary investigate deeply, the parents were never found. Through the begging on their daughter, Jackson and Scarlett had finally agreed to take him in as their own, for a time. He slept in, for the moment, what would be Charlotte's new brother's bed. They would have to buy another bed soon.
Hope did visit again, though less glorified. She appeared as a butterfly, it's wings contrasting with the harsh winter of the outdoors. She landed on the baby's exposed tummy, as Charlotte helped out and changed his diaper that afternoon.
"How strange," She whispered, lowered Toby's legs. Her finger slowly reached for the bug, and the butterfly climbed across her thumb, up her arm, and to her ear. It's tiny voice came as a whisper.
"All is in balance now, young Counselor. Guide, and you will be guided. Show him the way, and he will show you the way. Do not let others get in the way of your duty. You are free to do as you please, but don't misuse this gift of God, for if you do, you will be stripped of it in the most unbearable manner."
And it was gone.
The words echoed in Charlotte's mind, as it was no longer burdened with the world's time. She finished putting on a new pair of pajamas on the little baby in front of her, and swaddled him in a warm blanket, and her heart melted when a tiny smile elapsed over his cheeks, the first one she'd seen him do. She held him close as she sat in the rocker, wondering if her mother felt the same way when Charlotte had been born, approximately 17 years ago.
It must be, because she loved him like a son; More than a son, like an eternal partner in crime, helping each other change lives and fix the broken.
I hope this is interesting enough to follow, lol. If you're confused, don't be scared to ask questions. It's meant to be that type of reading, where you're left unsure about some things but relieved that it's all going the way it's supposed to. I'll have more later, when I feel like writing more. It'll probably delve back into the present time, where we're dealing with what happened to Tim's sister and Harmony and such. Also, I'll post the fam later, when I can.
The VERY same thing happened to me when I was writing a Tomb Raider fanfic 2 years ago.. The person had a plot similar to mines, but we ended up working things out.
Nah, it's absolutely okay! I love it!
And thanks, that's awesome! The toothfairy's daughter? I would have never come up with something like that XD I hope she's cool, because she looks cool! I have to go back and read some, lol!
At least your issue got resolved
Ethan and Michelle.
I ship it.
Kidding aside, I really like Michelle! She seems like that kind of girl who rambles when she's nervous, who's super nerdy, yet still pretty and professional. Penkle seems like another character to enjoy, quite the opposite to Michelle in attitude, that's for sure!
Ethan has a bit of an aura of authority, I see. He seems very calm, probably internally chuckling at Michelle's ramblings, and when she catches him rambling, they're like the same but different. I like it. She seems to adore him, at least to an extent. I can't wait to see what else you have in store for her, and these other characters
As for the second part of this chapter. Thomas's questioning is a little unsettling, but he was also kind of helping to explain it all to Gren in a way that would make him feel a little better, deep down. It's very interesting how things are, between his relationship with Emily compared to the other children's relationships with their aunts and uncles. It's still sad, thinking about how Carla kinda screwed Gren over, lying about the children she had and what-not. Part of me still wishes it didn't go sour, but then we wouldn't have this wonderful set of quads to love
I also liked the little 'history lesson' we got on Grendels and how they work. It's cool! Like JJ said, you might as well have invented Grendels yourself
In the end though, it seems like Thomas is trying to help. I hope nothing too serious happens because of him, because although he's a little mysterious, he's also kind of alright, you know? I loved this chapter!
I used to write on for a while, a long time ago. I've never really gotten any questions on any work or reviews (I guess I wasn't that good back then XP) But I know if this ever happened to me, I would be angry as well.
The community here is a lot different than anything like We're more knitted together here, much friendlier and supportive. I just want you to know that I'd never do anything like that to anyone, and I understand completely for your feelings. You post when you feel comfortable, man. It takes a long time, sometimes, to get over stuff like that. Maybe you should try out something new? Start a new story, maybe connect it somehow to The Devil Among Us....whether it be the characters or the world it happens in. Sometimes starting over rejuvenates a person's love for writing
Hope my advice is good 
Ha! I love that movie XD Liam Neeson's voice is now in my head XD
I do too.Without giving too much away, I do have a plan for these two in the future.
I pictured Michelle as the typical blonde assistant that rambles on and does not notice HOW much she's talking. I love Penkle, even though he's only appeared once. Ethan has learned a few things from his twin brother about authoritarian. 
I'm actually glad things with Carla ended. I've been nothing but pleased with Gren and emily's relationship, although the way it was handled was not cool on her part.
Gren has grown on me; I have so much backstory planned for him and the characteristics of his kind. We know so little and I'd love to add my two cents in. JJ and Noir have mentioned they don't trust Thomas but I assure he's not to worry about.
Glad you loved it, Ems. 
Nevermore part 1
Makoto walked over to Luke who was standing at the edge of the roof. Rain hit the roof hard while thunder roared in the background, when Makoto looked over he could see undead chasing after and executing humans on the ground. Some fought back but most embraced their death with open arms, he could hear shouting but couldn't quite make out what they were saying.
"Soon there will be a paradisefor which only Fables exist." Luke said
Makoto crossed his arms. "I don't think so...I won't let you do this."
"I figured you wouldn't want to join me but I figured it was worth a try." Luke said
"Why? Bigby always told me how you were such a kind person. You always helped others no matter what happened to you. Now you're here killing innocent people, when the Fables are fine with what they have in the Mundy world." Makoto asked
"We'll I figured they'd never make a push on the adversary so I thought I would clean up both places so that the adversary can have here...while the Fables get the mundane world." Luke said
"But you never asked what these people or what the mundanes want did you? You never gave them a chance to voice what they want, instead you just thrusted death upon them so you felt justifie!" Makotos voice was raising.
Luke started to get angry. "Don't you raise your voice at me! I may not have raised you but I am still your father! And I am Death incarnate! I will do as I please!"
Makoto grabbed Luke by the collar and threw him across the rooftop. "You may be my father but you must earn that respect back!!! And it doesn't matter WHO you are! You don't have a say on how these people die! You know....I'm a father now too, and I want my little girl to grow up in a good place not some fake paradise that I had sacrifice a whole world for!!!" He followed up with a kick. Luke got up his hair was red as flames and so were his hands. He gut punched Makoto.
"You want your daughter to grow up with a bunch of mundys! They're a pain in the ass! They don't live half as long as us! I constantly have to go around picking up worthless souls and ship them wherever the hell I please!" He shouted punching him in the stomach again causing Makoto to kneel. Makoto looked up, he had blood in his mouth he spit it aside and punched Luke in the face knocking him down, he knelt over his stomach and started punching him.
"So just because you have your work cut out for you, you decided to come up with this place called paradise so you'd have more time off and things wouldn't be such a pain in the ass! Do you think that's how it works!!!" Makoto yelled punching him over and over. He stopped so he could answer but there was silence, Makoto picked Luke up by the collar again and slammed him into the door. "ANSWER ME!!!" He yelled
"You know, I have feelings too. I wanted to stay with you and your mother and raise you with her. But 'I have my work cut out for me' RIGHT! Sure I'm late on the plan but this was it! I did this for you and her! To be with you both!" He yelled back. Makoto punched him in the gut.
"DON'T give me that bull shit! If you wanted out of your job you could've easily given it to someone else!" Makoto said
"I did! I gave it to you! But then you threw it away and died, because you couldn't live with it!!!" Luke yelled
Luke was right. Makoto couldn't handle being death it was an awful thing during those days. He'd hear people's voices shouting at night, asking where they were and where were their families. He never wanted to experience that again. Luke kicked Makoto off of him, as Makoto stumbled he followed up by pulling his fist back and punching him as hard as he could. Sending Makoto almost off the edge of the rooftop, he climbed up and he started getting blury.
"What the voice of the Mundies getting tired? You wanted to play with Death yet you can't handle it!?" Luke said grabbing him and throwing him to the center of the roof. His eyes started getting this where it would end? Makoto thought. Luke slammed his foot on Makoto causing the roof to crack. Makoto screamed out in pain but his voice grew short and he stopped breathing.....
Makoto woke up standing. He had no idea where he was the place was pure white. He turned around to see that there was door with a teenage boys body crucified over it.
"Hey." A voice rang. He saw a teenager standing there he was in a school uniform, his hair was long and covered his right eye and was dark blue like his. He had the same headphones as him as well. The teenager smiled. "So you really are a reincarnation of me. I'm sorry about that. Luckily for you I'm here to help, and you don't have to sacrifice yourself like I did all those years ago." He said holding out a blue orb. "This is the orb of the world. You are it's protector, it's saviour. Just as I was."
Makoto touched the orb and felt a surge of energy within his body. "Wait you said I don't have to give my life. How come?" He asked
"Someone else has done it for you. A vampire who came from the original line. He was destined to get his soul back to rest, but when he heard what was going to happen to you he wouldn't allow it. So he gave me his soul to help me guard away the others."
Dewitt showed up standing next to the teenager. "Hey Makoto." He smiled
"Why would you do this! Why didn't you just let me do this!" Makoto said tearing up.
"Well you see in my life I haven't done much good. I've done more bad than good, so I want to atone for what I've done. You juststarted a family. I couldn't go back saying you had died." Dewitt said
"So what the hell am I supposed to tell Mary!? She'll be equally as mad!" Makoto yelled
"That's the thing...since her family is not directly from my family line, more than likely she will die too." Dewitt said
Makoto dropped to his knees and sobbed "No....please no...that's a goddamn lie! She....she cant...I won't let her!!!"
"I'm afraid that's not how this works kid." He tapped him on the shoulder. "We've kept you here longer than we have to...go make the world a better place" Dewitt smiled.
Makoto blacked out.....
That's it! Any questions or comments or anything else let me know!
I will finish this fight tomorrow and then I'll write what went down with Dewitt after that! :P
Huh. I may have a theory but lately, mine are always false, tossed into the burner and start a new one. Char's problems with her powers seem to have ended with Tobias. (LOVE that name!) I wonder if he's Char's son in the FUTURE and she's being exposed to him now, he's the sibling that Scar is expecting; he is some random mundane baby or he's her husband in the future; kind of like what Ash and Franklin are going through at the moment.
This really stood out for me; misuse the gift of God could mean anything but I'm looking at Tobias for the moment. All children are gifts and this little boy was left alone. No one knows WHERE or how he got there. char found him; show him and he'll show you. So far, he's been helping char with HER gift. Wonder what she will do for the little boy...hmmm...
Looking forward to the fam picture, too.
Thanks agian for allowing me to use Georgie.
I just had to!
Looking forward to the other chaps, too.
You're on the right track, but not quite there. I intend on Charlotte and Tobias's relationship to be strictly like family, like a mother and her son, almost but not quite. They're tethered to each other, they balance each other out. His parents are still unknown to the world, and it's not something that Charlotte can outright see. It's almost like it's blocked from her view, but maybe one day they will find out, together.
Hope's words are deeper than they seem, and Charlotte has locked them safely away in the back of her mind. It's all very cryptic for the moment, but it will all make sense in due time.
I can't wait to share them. It take a little while to upload them, but when they are, it's just a matter of copy and pasting urls and what not, lol XD I have a little bonus, as well
You'll love it.
More sims! These are some of my OC's, Harmony and her first litter of cubs ^-^ I also included a bonus Sim, who you'll see toward the end
(He's the only one I didn't zoom completely out to see his entire body, head to toe >.< My bad, lol)
Ashlyn Mary (A personal favorite!):
Robert Darien:
Elora Rose:
Noah Charming:
Scarlett Snow
AND last but not least, my original baby, Mary's son, Carter:
That's all I have for now, I will do more at a later date! I'll probably also do some in-game photos, so you can see them interacting and such
I love what I've done, for the most part
My favorite (as stated above) is Ash, and probably also Harmony. I wish I could put blue streaks in their hair, but sadly EA has limited me in that regard. Goodnight, it's my bedtime XD
Oh man these are freaking awesome!
Keep up the awesome work with these EMMY!
The story on this thread, Devils and Demons, kinda is my attempt at starting over TDAU :P
My flare will come back in full force eventually; but Act 1 of TDAU is 21 chapters, 50,000 words long and I wrote the whole of it in 1 month!!
I really wanna be able to do that again someday XD
That speech just instantly came to my head when I saw Pie's comment :P
I had to change bits of it of course...
These are pretty cool EMMY!!! XD
I'm going to hold you responsible for that promise. If you break it, prepare for the consequences.
Weird, I thought Elora would be the one with the black hair, while Scar would be the brunette. XD
No matter, of course, all of the appearances are great!
Ash is looking extremely awesome, and Elora's grin LOL. She would definitely cheese her smile like that. :P
Tim and Noah got that swagger going on too!
I love tim and Harmony's look. For some reason, I pictured Scar with red hair. XD Oh brain these days. I really like Noah's look. VERY charming indeed. Robbie is adorable; I love Elora's look and Ash looks stylish, Ems! These are great.
AWWWW! And Carter! Even though he's NOT biologically his, he really took after Hans.
I adore this kid. 
I'll do some more another time.
Thanks man!
Lol, it's okay. I actually picture Elora with a reddish tint to her brown hair, but the limitations in that regard prevent me from doing so, so I gave her plain brown hair. Also, her hairstyle isn't exactly how I'd want it, but it is what it is. Ash is my favorite of the kids, she's got that 'I'm cooler than all you bitches' look XD
Lol, I know! Noah is another favorite, he's got the brawny big guy look down, yet still looks chill and what not. Glad you like them.
Tim and Harmony are adorable, and I was glad I could capture them well. Harmony and Ashlyn are my two favorites of the bunch. I guess I could see where you could confuse Scarlett with red hair, lol XD It's okay though. She's supposed to look like Harm, except she was born with red eyes, thus the name Scarlett. I was trying to make him Noah as charming as possible, and even Robery a tiny bit, but he definitely embraces his nerdy side!
Carter's my little baby, I love him so much. I purposely showed how much he's changed physically because of Hans being in his life; He's worked out with his step-dad since he was old enough to lift the weights safely. He has blond hair, obviously from his biological father, but it just goes to show that it doesn't matter where your blood comes from, it matters on who decides to take on the role as dad in your life. He's definitely one of my favorites as a character from my story.
I love these little buggers like they were my own family.
Porgie Clan-now and always. 
"Those are good, huh sir?"
Ethan was on his third Lengua Taco. He'd seen Gren eat them before when Ethan was a child. One time asking what they were, he swore never in his life would he take pleasure in eating such a vile dish. The idea of Cow's tongue, boild in water with spices, seemed odd and not on Ethan's bucket list. His mother used to make him; Georgie used to feel the same way until trying the funny sounding dish. He loved them but Ethan. No. Never.
Now, here he was on the corner next to a poorly designed Taco truck, eating Lengua tacos with his assistant. Michelle smiles and points to a tall green bottle.
"Add lime juice to it, Ethan. It makes it ten times better."
What could possibly make this elegant dish tast any better? The mixture of spices, Cliantro and onion was enough in Ethan's opinion. There were so many flacors dancing along his tongue and down his throat. He'd order a few couple more and take some back to Peter. What Wolf would say no to either free food and a Taco at that? Ethan did as Michelle suggested, added a few drops and took a taste. Magnificent.
"Food porn, Michelle." Ethan tries not to laugh. "THIS is so fucking tasty."
Michelle chuckles. "Well, I'm glad you like them. See? They are not THAT bad."
"Thanks for making me try these out. I regret pushing Gren's offers away all those years ago."
"Gren eats these, too?"
Ethan nods. "Yeah he used to stop at this little Mexican restaurant on the way over to visit us sometimes. He would bring burritos for the kids and Tacos for the adults."
"Did Gren visit alot when you were younger?"
"All the time." Ethan sips from his drink and wipes his mouth. "Come to think of it, he did a lot of visits. Always alone, too. Several times he'd bring one or all three of the kids but.....Carla was never around."
Michelle began to pick up the lack of 'aunt' before her name. None of the kids referred to her as aunt Carla. To Lyla, that was the children's decisions. They were old enough to make clear choices and knew what felt right in their hearts. Something as cruel as what occured between the two would never disappear over time. Although his sister made Gren's life jovial and relished, there were moments were Ethan could see it in his eyes. Devestation and a broken heart. Not for their seperation but what followed after it. Nothing but lies and humiliation.
"Do they speak....Gren and Carla?"
"No. Not at all."
"I can't blame him." Michelle sighs. "I went through the SAME bullshit with my daughter's father and-"
This took Ethan by surprise. Since hiring on the young woman, not once did she mention children or boyfriend. He always assumed she was a single woman living in New York. Curious, Ethan leans forward on the bench.
"Wait, you have a daughter?"
Aware of what she had done, Michelle plays with her napkin. "Uh, daughter...."
"Oh." Ethan noticed her sudden change in behavior. "Do you NOT like to mention her or-"
"Oh God, no! I love my baby. I have no regrets when it comes to Erica."
"Erica, huh? Do you have a picture of her?"
Michelle takes a moment. Perhps to process Ethan's request or the idea she spilled the beans on her motherhood. Either way, she took a minute to stare blankly into the sidewalk. Before Ethan could speak, Michelle digs into her purse and pulls out a purple wallet. Inside, she takes out three photos. Ethan examines the pictures; a beautiful little girl, each one smiling larger than the last. Erica had curly black hair, dimples on each cheek and was much darker than her mother. Eyes blue as the sky above and personality that seemed to light up the room.
"She's beautiful." Ethan glances over the pictures. "Erica looks like quite the handful. Just look at that smile."
Michelle takes the pictures and looks at them herself. "She is something, that one. Too much like me. ALWAYS rambling on and talking about the most random material out there."
"How old is she?"
"Four next month."
"Is her father...around?" Ethan wasn't sure how to ask this. "You speak as if he's-"
"He's around." Michelle stops to look at the ground. "He's just...not allowed around her right now."
"May I ask why, if you don't-"
"Just....some things, sir." Her voice drastically changes, as Michelle places the pictures away. "Some things happend, I found them out and I did what any mother would do. Protect her children. He has no right to see her, after what he did to Erica..."
Ethan was not sure how to answer. His assistant went from cheerful, to dark and gloomy within minutes. Reaching out a hand, Ethan touches her own. It was the only thing he could do at that moment. Glaring over, Michelle tries to form a smile. Crooked and broken, she manages to make one. Tears forming in the corners and hurt brewing within. Ethan would ask later. Now, was not the time.
"Is she a mundy or-"
"Half." Michelle rubs her thumb against Ethan's skin. "Her father and I met at a club one night and we hooked up. At first, the relationship was swell....that is, until he hit me and-"
"He hit you!?" Ethan could feel the rage within. "The fuck you mean he HIT you!?"
"Six months after we dated, he hit me for the first time. Over somehting so ridiculous. I don't even remember WHAT is was to be honest. He swore he'd never do it again and when you love TRY to believe them. So, I stayed..."
"Michelle...." Ethan was devestated. "No, why?"
"I had NO ONE else, Ethan. I was barely making the rent, TRYING to go to school and was a place. Attention."
Ethan sighs. "Then what?"
"Two months later, I found out I was pregnant. All nine months he beat me-pushed me down the stairs, called me vulgar names. I almost miscarried Erica twice. There was so much blood...."
Ethan was having a difficult time comprehending WHY Michelle stayed. He was against ANY form of abuse, no matter who began it. His parents used to argue, yes; Ethan could recall several time his parents fought and either they'd go in their room or take it outside. But never once did his father ever lay a hand upon their mother. Never. That was a coward. NOT a man.
"Fuck." Ethan rubs his face. "Wheeew, man...WHY?"
"Why what, sir?"
"WHY did you not get help?"
"I tried." Michelle finishes off her last Taco. "I came to get help but was turned away. It was busy, short all seemed so concerned with other issues, I didn't want to bother you all..."
No. Ethan continued to watch Michelle eat her Taco. It made sense why she looked so familiar during the interview. She was the young woman, carrying a newborn baby, begging for help Charming tried but it was true; the office was overrun with calls, paperwork and issues from other Fables. This is the time they also hired Penkle.
"We're alright now, sir. Don't worry." Her smile was not convincing. "We all learn to move on. Forget certain things..."
Ethan and Michelle remained in silence. The troubled look growing on her face caused Ethan to turn and watch several mundies cross, run or take their time getting to their next destination. The sun settled near the tall buildings. He'd have to call Peter and find out the current state of Gren and Emily. That could wait. There was another Fable that needed his help. And he wouldn't ignore her this time around.
That same night....
Emily and Gren refused to sleep. The quads were not to be seperated and alone. They had their bassinets, lined in a perfect line, each holding their precious child. Chloe and Viviana took awhile to fall asleep. Gren held one, as Emily rocked the other little girl. Chewing on her tiny paw, Chloe cooed and yipped several times. Singing a gentle song, Gren managed to place Viviana into a trance and make the little girl close her eyes and drift off to sleep. No sooner had he done that, Chloe followed.
"Stubborn." Emily examined all her children. "Every bloody one of em'."
"Like their old man." Gren chuckles. "Admit it. I can be the same way."
"THat's Georgie Porgie right there, too. Swear that man. I know I've had me bloody fookin' moments, too."
"You have." Gren wraps the blanket around Emily's shoulder. "I always loved that little fire you had about you. Never did you back down or let anyone tell you otherwise."
Emily's rugged and caustic attitude caused many issues as she aged. Several times in school, she'd visit the principal or be suspended for whatever reason. Lyla used to punish Emily for the way she behaved. There was no need to be so 'tough' or mean like Emily had become. Georgie used to blame himself; she was too much like he was as a child. Emily didn't take shit from no one. Not even from her own family. Gren often wondered if he had a part in Emily's eratic behavior. Since the bully inccident, Gren taught Emily how to fight and defend herself. She never applied these lessons until her adult life. Emily nearly killed many Fables and mundies alike since turning eighteen. That's when the problems began.
"Well, that fire almost had me killed."
Gren never wished to speak about Emily's past; he'd witnessed countless times Swineheart bringing her back from the verge of death. It broke his heart to hear stories of Emily Porgie becoming so much like what her father used to be. Gren would never admit this to his precious Emily but for awhile, he despised her. Gren felt sick when her name was mentioned; painful nights of crying, begging and pleading to change her ways haunted his life for two years. Gren now understood why it wrenched him so. He was in love with Emily.
Gren kisses the top of Emily's head. "I was never going to let anything happen to you."
Emily had to know something. Now, was the time. "Did ya' always love me, Grendel?"
"Always." Gren inhales her smell. Flowers, like always. "I've always loved you. From the second I held you, to this exact moment in time. I've always know the love between us was special."
Emily scoots closer to Gren. His bare chest against her skin was warm and inviting. Tracing her palm across his chest, Emily could feel the steady beating of his heart. His apperance always sent shivers along her spine; caused her mind to become blank and her heart racing with each touch. Emily could remember a time staying awake at night and secretly dreaming of Gren; his naked body beside her, while the two passionatly kissed under the moon's light. Emily, too, always loved Gren.
"Do ya' think they'll be okay, love?"
"They'll be fine, Emily. I promise you....I'll do ANYTHING to protect you and those little bundles of love here."
Emily stops to look outside. The sky had a touch of dark purple as the moon glowed widly into the heavens. The stars twinkled along the midnight sky.
"Ya' father, love. Ya' need to give him a chance."
Gren sighs. "I'm trying, Emily. I've been fuckin' trying but....all these centuries of anger and guilt."
"Ya' need ta' think about the babies, love. That IS their grandfather afta' all."
"He loves them." Gren had a difficult time saying this. "I see it. Feel it. I just wish he'd shown the same thing towards me."
"He's tryin' now, love. It does not make it right but...he IS tryin'."
Turning to face Emily, Gren locks his lips onto Emily's. Pinning her to the ground, Gren carefully removes her shirt. Like always, Gren was stunned by the beauty before him. Emily's pale skin seemed to glean against the candle's flame. Her ebony hair scattered on the carpet, her finger entwined in his hair. The gentle, warm and loving glow her eyes had for him. He swore at that moment, he was holding Heaven in his arms.
"Show me." Emily's whispered the words softly. "Show me EVERYTHING about ya', Gren. Please. No more hidin' from me..."
Positioning himself between Emily's legs, Gren holds out his palm; fingers extending out and into the darkness, Emily watches streams of blue exit his skin and circle into the night. Like Seraphina's, the blue had the apperance of glitter. It twirled along the air, gently floating towards the ceiling. Emily reaches out a finger; the material was cool, like river water and carefully pressed itself along her bare flesh.
"It's beautiful." Emily became lost in the glow. "Grendel..."
"I was always ashamed of this. Never wanted anyone to fuckin' see me like this. Something fuckin' silly as this."
"It's not silly." Emily kisses Gren's hand. "It's a part of you. I love everything about you. We've created children together, Grendel. My babies have a piece of you in there. If I hate ya', I hate them..."
"I know..." Gren could feel Emily buck, the warmth he felt along his skin. "I'm sorry, Emily...I love you..."
Furiously, the couple kiss and hold one another. Gren knew, no matter what his thoughts may tell him, he was loved. For once, it was there. They had a type of glow, as the pair continued to kiss. Emily did not have a trace of fright in her eyes tonight. This dark, cold world seemed brighter, as he held a piece of heaven tonight.
They'd handle it all. No matter the situation, Gren and Emily were one. He was not alone. And neither was she.
Any questions, you know the drill.
Feel like shit. Excuse the language but I do. Not sick just very angry and hurt beyond words....Feel like doing THIS today.
Eh. But life goes on. I have other priorities. Writing about these two always makes it better. Love Emily and Gren. My favorite pairing, besides Lyla and Georgie.
I like Michelle! She's very interesting being a daughter of the tooth fairy. I can understand how Ethan feels about her getting hit, I may lack empathy and be apathetic but even I get pissed off about that stuff. The Emily and Gren segment was good too! I can connect to Gren when it comes to father's.
Hey man I know there are things some people don't like to talk about. Especially stuff that hurts, just know that if you do need to talk we're all here to help if you need it!
John & Nancy
Have time before I head to class. Need to write. Keep my mind busy....
Nancy's moment of peace and serenity was short lived; she could hear her brother Mike down stairs and her mother's squeaky, fake laughter. Nancy knew her mother was miserable and never satisfied. She could hear it in her voice as her mother aged. It was all to put on a show for others. 'Pretend' like she was the happiest mother and wife on the block. Nancy could see past the lies.
"Nancy, darling." The tapping of heels, as her mother grew closer to the door. "Nancy, my precious angel from above."
Nancy cringes and felt the bile build up in the back of her throat. "I'm HOME, mother."
Cheryl opens the door. "There you are, my beauty queen! Hurry on down stairs, now! Mommy got ourselves a recipe book full of cakes and I want to show you a little secret your grandmother-"
"That....sounds SO fun mom but....You see, me and Tracy have plans tonight. Remember?"
It was as if Nancy was speaking a different language. Her mother, Deer in the headlights apperance, remained still and lost for words. Her mouth remained open and eyes wide like the moon.
"Yes. Plans." Nancy continues to apply foundation. "I mentioned that today at breakfast if you can recall-"
"But it's Friday night. No good comes on Friday night, dear. You need to be home and learning cakes and-"
Nancy tosses her compact mirror down. "I don't WANT to stay home, mother and learn about cakes or ways to removes stains from a white shirts."
Cheryl was applaed by her daughter's recent behavior. "Nancy, I do not appreciate you speaking to me this way. Is this about some boy in your class?"
"What?! No, mother!"
"Good. Good. Because you need to know, sweetie, that men-"
Nancy turns away and faces the mirror before her. "I KNOW mother. Now please-I need to get ready."
Cheryl folds her arms and sighs. "I'm going to have a word with your father when he gets home."
"Fine, mom." Nancy rolls her eyes. "I already spoke to daddy and he said as long as I'm home by ten, I can go out."
Huffing like a child, Cheryl turns and heads back down stairs. Nancy hears her mother mimble a few 'Hail Marys' before her voice no longer can be heard. Nancy was in too much of a cheery mood to let her Bible thumping, beauty pagent, cookie baking mother stand in her way. Although it was a lie, Nancy was willing to take that risk. Tracy agreed to be the reason on one condition. Lunch, six pack of Beer and the new A-Ha cassete.
Applying a few squirts of her perfume, Nancy continues to tease her hair. Adding a necklace and her boots, Nancy heads downstairs. Right on cue, Tracy honks the horn. Cheryl, although in heels, manages to run to the door. Standing before it, she blocks Nancy's exit.
"Uh mom...Tracy is here and-"
"No! I need to speak to her and set some rules, young lady."
"Seriously?" Annoyed, Nancy agrees. "Fine, mom. Go ahead."
Cheryl was pleased, opens the door and heads for Tracy. Sitting in her Jeep, the radio loudly plays the recent hot hits. Rocking out in her pink sweat band, Cheetah print shirt, purple skirt and black leggings, Tracy pulls her sunglasses down to examine the hostile housewife, now tapping her heels and waiting for Tracy to speak.
"Hey, Mrs. D. Nice dress. Rad flower print you have there. Awesome."
"Thank you, Tracy." Cheryl examines the car. "So, where are you and my daughter going tonight?"
"See that new Nightmare on Elm Street movie, Mrs. D. Then, hitting the Roller rink for a few good memories."
"That movie is the Devil." Cheryl was stunned at their choice. "I do not feel comfortable you watching that, Nancy."
Nancy ignores her mother's usual ranting. Leaping into the passenger seat, She buckles in, sticks gum in her mouth and sighs.
"Mom, its JUST a movie-"
"-THAT is the Devil, Nancy! You ladies need to see something more friendly and romantic."
"Okay mom." Nancy salutes. "I'll see what else is playing."
"And the Roller Rink, Nancy? Surely you girls would rather come back to the house and learn how to sew or-"
"Nah, Mrs. D. We have killer plans for tonight. I'll take good care of your Nancy."
Cheryl refused to budge. Nancy could sense the tension growing. She would not be able to cut it with a knife. A Clever-now THA would do the trick.
"Nancy, sweetie....I'm not sure."
"I'll find a pay phone and call you when the movie is over with, okay mom? I'll be back at ten."
Cheryl does not speak, as Nancy blows a kiss. Waving, Tracy starts the car and the girls pull away. Listening to the music, Nancy sits back in her seat; the cool hair blows her Farrah Fawcet t hairdo against the wind. Laughing, Nancy turns the radio and searches for a song to listen to.
Tracy giggles. "Your mom is insane, Nanc." She chews loudly on her gum. "Did you SEE how she looked at me?"
"My mom needs a break. Think all that cooking and sewing is getting to her. Can you believe she WANTED us to come back...and SEW!?"
"Bummer, man. Your mom needs to get out more. See the real world."
"Not going to happen." Nancy leaves the radio on a Toto song. "The world IS in her kitchen and she's dragging me to the depths of hell with her."
Tracy snorts as the Jeep parks at a red light. "So, this old is he? He's someone's dad, huh?"
"He said he wasn't, Tracy."
Tracy punches Nancy in the arm. "OOOOH, the mysterious strange, older man wants you. I told you, Nanc!"
"Stop it, Tracy." Nancy plays with a string of hair. "He's super nice....and dreamy...and those arms."
"HEY! How about his friend? He a hunk, too?"
"Nah. He seems like a player, Tracy."
Tracy snaps her fingers. "Damn. Thought we could, like, double date or something. Least YOU have that hunk watching you. Nice."
The light turns green and Tracy continues to drive down the road. Nancy looks around. The same old town she grew up in. She did not understand how her mother wished to remain in her home and felt that was life. Even listening to the radio, Nancy closed her eyes and pictured what it would be like outside these city limits. She began to picture John; the mysterious man with the chestnut hair, whisking her away to a town and world she knew so little of. There was more out there. She just knew it.
Pulling into a parking lot, Nancy looks around. Making sure no one would spot her, she notices John leaning on his truck. It was clean and sparkling against the sun. Tracy parks and turns the engine off.
"Damn. He cleans up good, Nancy."
Nancy sighs dreamly. "He does, huh?"
"You SURE he's not a dad to someone? Looks like Ricky's dad, actually..."
"He swears he's not." Nancy jumps out of the Jeep. "Come on."
Tracy pops her gum. "Girl, I was going to see this guy. I want to know my Nancy is in good hands."
The two girls walk towards John; he meets them half way and shakes Tracy's hand. While the two interact, Nancy scans John's body. He wore a simple dark shirt tucked into his jeans. He smelled wonderful and was clean cut. His arms enormous, neck thick against the collar and rippling pecs peeking just enough through the shirt. He was a massive man for his age. His eyes, too. Nancy noticed the strange Amber color. They reminded her of a Dog. Or Wolf.
"So, you're the dude that swept my Nancy off her feet?"
John chuckles. "Pleasure to meet you, Tracy. Nancy speaks highly of you."
"She better." Tracy pops her bubble and continues to chew. "I love this girl. You better take care of her, John."
"I will, Tracy." John glances at Nancy and winks. "Trust me. She's in good hands."
Tracy embraces Nancy and for awhile, refuses to let go. "You be safe, you hear me?"
Nancy was taken back. Tracy rarely cried or showed any sort of emotions other than loud and annoying. "Tracy, I-"
"I'll be here to pick you up, alright? Have fun, kiddo."
Tracy palyfully punches Nancy in the cheek, shakes John's hand one last time and climbs back into her Jeep. Honking the horn, Tracy peels off and returns to the road. John extends his massive palm out and escorts Nancy to the truck.
"Shall we?"
Opening the door, Nancy takes a seat inside. Such a gentlemen, she thought. John takes his seat, inserts the keys and starts the engine. John backs out of the parking lot and heads into town.
"I hope you like some good old Southern cooking, Nancy."
Nancy smiles and laughs. "Are you KIDDING me? All I ate as a child. Grits, Fried Chicken. Okra, Collard Greens-"
"Fantastic." John grabs Nancy's hand. "I look forward to this evening."
Nancy did not shutter at his touch, nor did she pull away. His mighty palm grasps her tiny hand and wraps his fingers. Her hand felt small compared to his. Nancy beamed and the two remained silent. Nancy was curious to leanr more baout this strange man. There was something different about John.
Something she was dying to know.
Any questions, you know the drill.
Michelle is growing on me for sure now.
I have so many ideas for her. At least you get mad when the situation is mentioned. I too agree with Gren's situation with his father....sorry about your situation, too, man.
I'm fine. I won't go into detail but its being dealt with. Nothing to do with my girl OR the baby. HE knows what he did. All I'll say. Thanks, man. Appreciate it.
I can't wait to see all these ideas come into play!
Ah it's nothing serious we just don't see eye to eye on certain things is all.
Tetra makes a thumbs up gesture no problem man! I always like to help people if they need it
That's what mods are for, if they aren't already available for the game.
Like you, Ash is my fav. I want to read more about her after you're done with the Tim/Harmony vacation and Charlotte plot.
But only if you want to!
What Michelle went through with her man is exactly what I planned for my new OC to go through in the next story!!
Good job here man XD
I'm super glad you followed through on my request so far, your effort is well-appreciated.
As for Michelle, she now definitely reminds me of the commonly cute lawyer or attorney you would see on detective shows or cop dramas. XD
Hope all goes well for her too, I have a feeling she works hard to try and forget past 'unruly' experiences she's had.
Btw, I assume Tetra got it correct with her being the daughter of the tooth fairy. From what I saw in the picture, I thought she was the tooth fairy herself.
I'll give you a thumbs up like Tetra did for you! I know you'll bounce back from whatever it is you're dealing with.
I really loved those pictures. I adore the Porgie Clan. I see you added RJ in there, too.
The bottom one as well, too. I love Michelle. She has grown on me, too.
I had no idea Michelle came from such a background; guess she hid it really well, what with her personality. Knowing she DID come to Ethan and Peter for help but was turned away. Man...I can't wait to know more on Erica. I wonder what her ex did to that little girl...
The part with Gren and Emily are so freaking cute. I love this pairing. At first, like so many others, I was like 'Ehhh, not sure...' but they work so well and make adorable little babies.
I love how he's not afraid to show Emily his true self.
I tried calling and PMing you but I can't blame you for being angry with me.
Know I'll be here, when you are ready. You know I love you, man....
I'm sure he'll forgive you for whatever regretful thing you said. Stay positive, and good luck!
I really like the picture of John in both human and Wolf form. I'll keep this short, sweet and to the point.
Nancy's mother is bothering me, I love Nancy and her Farrah Fawcett hair, Tracy is a blast and I look forward to more back int time stories from you.
Yeah...thanks, Dragon.
I apologize if it didn't seem inspirational as it sounded in my head.
But I do mean what I said.