About ******

edited February 2015 in Game Of Thrones

It is always difficult to create a title when you discuss about Rodrik. That man is a walking spoiler!

On episode 1, we hear from the characters on what kind of person Rodrik is. Most of them say that he is a serious man. My initial impression of him was that he is a no-nonsense and cold man.

On episode 2, where we get to play as Rodrik, he can come off as quite warm, gentle and capable of joking. But then again, he can be quite serious when the situation demands it.

Has his near death experiences softened him? Or are we just seeing a different side of him?


  • About the spoiler, just put stars for his name. I'd recommend even doing that now.

    And I think that deep down he is a serious guy despite his near death experiences, but I would still say he can have a comedic factor, it just depends on us. We can joke around a little to try to lighten the mood or we can just keep him serious.

  • from Talia, i remember her saying he got so serious, getting ready for Lordship..so for me it's kinda believable that he has that caring side of him.

    Asher really caught me off guard, i really thought he was the cold & no-nonsense guy....was i wrong....lol.

  • I guess the fact he's serious doesn't make him cold blooded jerk. We can play him to be a serious and grim man ("I'm going to kill this man", "I will have ORDER") as well as a pussy (always choose "..."), so the question is whether his personality is affected by the gameplay itself. In my playthrough Rodrik is serious, but after two years spent away from home and family, he starts to be more tender and caring towards his relatives. So we can decide in the game, whether Robb Stark's campaign affected him or not.

  • edited February 2015

    I personally think that the experience softened him. maybe he realized that life is too short to be serious all the time?

  • I think the fact that we control him allows us to screw his "serious" character up. Not a big deal, but somewhat.

  • Did anyone else in the first episode call him serious but Talia? I mean perhaps it was just the fact that as Rodrik grew up he really needed to take more seriously that he was going to be the lord someday and 'cause of that had less time to spend with his little brothers and sisters. That could make him seem serious in Talia's eyes, she even says that Rodrik became so serious. It's the same thing in the books: Bran notices that when Ned has gone to KL and Robb is acting Lord of the Winterfell he turns more serious.

  • Funny enough, when Telltale first revealed the Forresters, I thought Ethan was suppose to be the serious, cold & no-nonsense guy. :)

    from Talia, i remember her saying he got so serious, getting ready for Lordship..so for me it's kinda believable that he has that caring sid

  • lol

    Funny enough, when Telltale first revealed the Forresters, I thought Ethan was suppose to be the serious, cold & no-nonsense guy.

  • edited February 2015

    He might just be more softened around family. How he is at home when he's injured and grieving how he is when he's out on the battlefield and leading and in "lord mode" are probably quite different. I played him as a serious lord when it came down to talking with the council and dealing with Ludd Whitehill and he certainly came off that way really well. He can joke around but he takes his duty seriously as far as I can tell.

    Rodrik to me is the picture of what Ethan would have been like in 10 years. A guy who was initially sensitive and soft-hearted at the core while young (and still is, to an extent) who chose to accept his duty and grow into a more serious person to be a successful leader and future lord. Ethan was already showing signs of being like that towards the end of his run. I think Rodrik and Ethan have a lot in common.

  • I think you are right. Both Rodrik and Ethan have the capability to be a leader.

    Ethan was essentially Rodrik without being groom to be a leader. Thus he is innocent and is interested in music and mind. When he became the leader, he was unprepared and inexperienced for the role, but rose up to the task and led his house competently in his short reign. Just as you said, he would grown up to be just like Rodrik.

    Rynna posted: »

    He might just be more softened around family. How he is at home when he's injured and grieving how he is when he's out on the battlefield an

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