Anyone else have a feeling that ****** will be the "Lee Everett" of this game?

For some reason I have a bad feeling that Rodrik will be the Lee Everett of the game or whatever, and be killed off in the last episode of the season in a emotional way. Just a random thought of mine, anyone else feel the same way?


  • I can't say that this idea has crossed my mind, however anything is possible I suppose.

  • I feel like Garred is going to be the one who is killed off at the end, If I got my lore right, if you leave the wall, you will be killed if found, I could imagine Garred coming back to help fight, maybe even saving Rodrick or something, then being killed for leaving the wall

  • Well, he's been the best protagonist so far, but surely he ain't no match for Lee Everett :P. Instead of killing why not sparing all the Forrester for this season? It's quite diferent, if not only slow as hell, developing POVs in the game rather than in the books; and we all know that this series will last a lot more than one single season... so shall not we perhaps the walking dead it later on, when the characters become prepared for a good death rather than a TWD S2 one??

  • I hope that Rodrik, Malcolm and Talia at least live to go into season 2. Even though I hope we grow past house forrester, i'd still like at least a few core characters

    I think Gareds gonna die in every ending

    I think Ryon and Mira will be determinant

    I honestly dont know about the mother or asher

  • Rodrik and Asher die and Ryon is the only one left to be Lord.

    AKA Joffrey Jr is going to lead the Forresters.

  • I stand by my belief that Gared will be executed by the Night's Watch for desertion. I don't think Rodrik will die because he's already had a 'death'.

  • if that does happen, i hope it's him and Lord Whitehill dying together..."Im going to kill that man" it will be sweet justice.

  • edited February 2015

    that would be a twist...after Gared saves someone and has to be executed!!!

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I feel like Garred is going to be the one who is killed off at the end, If I got my lore right, if you leave the wall, you will be killed if

  • edited February 2015

    I bet that Rodrik, Talia, and Ryon will be the only survivors of the family.

    Possibly Mira.

  • I got that feeling for Talia actually (dying is the last episode I mean). She seems like a very tragic character that Telltale has been pushing on us to care about. I'm glad she's very involved in the story, interacting with most of the protagonists. Seems to me that she will be most likely to die, because of how involved she is and how caring for everyone she can actually be. It's gonna hurt if I'm right.

  • If they do a Season 2 I think they'll be hesitant to kill her off because she could also make a good playable character. I'm not sure they'll kill off both of the twins but something tragic that isn't death may still happen to her. She could be kidnapped or something, or forced to escape Ironrath and find safety elsewhere.

    DoubleJump posted: »

    I got that feeling for Talia actually (dying is the last episode I mean). She seems like a very tragic character that Telltale has been push

  • I don't know why but i feel certain that Gared is going to die. Sort of like Ned Stark vibe.

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