Mira and Sera with Ollena and Margaery.

And again. What do you think? It was scene when Ollena said to
Margaery's handmaidens that they have to find a necklace.
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  • There is an uncanny resemblance...

  • It seriously looks like Telltale borrowed the extras appearences when making them both. Hopefully they can get tied together by the end of the season.

  • ^agreed

    rrocha3 posted: »

    There is an uncanny resemblance...

  • I still don't think they're intended to be any specific extras we see in the show but they likely used said actors as loose references.

  • In-game Mira and Sera are much more prettier, I should say.

  • At this point, I am rolling with the fact that they are in the show.

  • Absolutely! I watched that episode the other day, and i fully expect to be sent on a mission in Kings Landing to find the bestest most expensive necklace ever. And i can't fricken wait to explore a bit, get out of the Red Keep, and stretch my legs.

  • One Necklace to rule them all...

    Yeah, Mira and Sera. This or Telltale had no idea how handmaiden looks like and checked the show.

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    Absolutely! I watched that episode the other day, and i fully expect to be sent on a mission in Kings Landing to find the bestest most expensive necklace ever. And i can't fricken wait to explore a bit, get out of the Red Keep, and stretch my legs.

  • Im pretty sure the game modeled these characters on the handmaidens from the show. I mean why wouldn't they? They're blank slates aside from the few appearances they make in the show.

    Omid's cat posted: »

    One Necklace to rule them all... Yeah, Mira and Sera. This or Telltale had no idea how handmaiden looks like and checked the show.

  • I have to say, if they made these characters after those extras, they certainly didn't make the faces after them. The nose, forehead, and eyes of Mira are not at all even close, with her cheeks also being slightly different. Meanwhile, Sera has a completely different face. Like, not even close to the same. Maybe the head shape is similar. Other than the faces, however, these two certainly had their outfits and hairstyles copied. Dunno if they're intended to be the same characters, though.

  • I don't think they were meant to be carbon copies of the girls in the show. Just vague impressions based off of them.

    Like you said, the clothes match, they Are Margary's handmaidens. And it's not like the girls in the show are really fleshed out characters after all.

    Harpadarpa posted: »

    I have to say, if they made these characters after those extras, they certainly didn't make the faces after them. The nose, forehead, and ey

  • The resemblance is uncanny, I think Tell Tale may well have been influenced by this.

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