Trusting Jon Snow

During Episode 2, at the top of the wall with Jon Snow, he asks Gared why he wants to be a ranger. There, we have the option to reveal our secret by telling him about the North Grove. Would you trust him with this secret?

I would like to tell him because I know I can trust the guy, but as Duncan said, it's something that's better off being kept as a myth, and we really aren't supposed to mention it to anyone.


  • edited February 2015

    trusting Jon isnt the problem....someone might listening/learning about the "North Grove"

  • edited February 2015

    Well even if you tell him he probably doesn't know what the north grove is, he knows nothing anyway

  • good answer :)

    TheCatWolf posted: »

    Well even if you tell him he probably doesn't know what the north grove is, he knows nothing anyway

  • I trust him, he is seen in the show like a good guy but i never will break promises...

  • Thanks, I try :P

    good answer

  • I wanted to, but anyone could've been eavesdropping and also Gared would probably have seemed like he was off his rocker. If I remember correctly someone posted a screen shot on these forums after choosing the option to tell him, it said "Jon Snow knows nothing" in the top left hand corner.

  • edited February 2015

    That notification only happens if you remain silent when he asks why you wanna be a ranger.

    Also, I highly doubt that anyone was eavesdropping. Gared and Jon were the only ones in the elevator.

    I wanted to, but anyone could've been eavesdropping and also Gared would probably have seemed like he was off his rocker. If I remember cor

  • ^ correct

    Alt text

    That notification only happens if you remain silent when he asks why you wanna be a ranger. Also, I highly doubt that anyone was eavesdropping. Gared and Jon were the only ones in the elevator.

  • edited February 2015

    Jon is definitley trustworthy. But I made a promise.


    (watch Game of Thrones Episode 1 parody if you don't get that :P)

    Seriously though, knowing Telltale, you probably have to tell Jon about it or something will go wrong.


  • Dude yes

    TheCatWolf posted: »

    Well even if you tell him he probably doesn't know what the north grove is, he knows nothing anyway

  • This may set me apart from the majority, but I for one find Jon Snow, his story, his personality and his victimisation of himself to be tedious and annoying. He constantly drones on about placing his vows, honour and duty to the Night's Watch above all yet he then breaks those scared vows. I wouldn't normally be annoyed by this but as he places those vows above all else, I think it's pretty pathetic.

    So no, if he can't keep the vows which he holds to the highest regard in the TV show then I don't see why I should tell him my secret. I don't really see the need to confide in Jon Snow - how would telling Jon your secret help the situation in any way?

  • I promised Lord Forrester that I would only tell Duncan about the North Grove and I take promises pretty seriously.

    Plus it seems like a completely random answer. I probably missed something but I don't recall Duncan ever telling Gared that he has to find or protect the North grove, he doesn't even tell him where it is. So I don't know where Gared got the idea that he has to find it.

  • If Lord Forrester couldn't tell his own wife about it I doubt we should tell Jon Snow as a serious answer. Or I could tell him so he finally knows something.

  • I don't think he took a wife or fathered children -seems fine to me. Besides, he DID have to earn their trust.

    This may set me apart from the majority, but I for one find Jon Snow, his story, his personality and his victimisation of himself to be tedi

  • we all know Lady Elissa will give that info pretty quickly for her son Ryon.

    hayd24 posted: »

    If Lord Forrester couldn't tell his own wife about it I doubt we should tell Jon Snow as a serious answer. Or I could tell him so he finally knows something.

  • Jon Snow in the books is way better than in the show. For some reason the show took all his deeds from him, even finding the Dragonglass cache. And they let Ghost get captured, i mean WTF?!?

    I didn't tell him though. Jon Snow is set to become LC soon and LC Snow is a harder man than Jon was, (as evidenced by Gilly). He may find cause to use that knowledge down the line. If Gared truly wants to help the Forresters, over the Watch or even the Starks, then i think he should keep his secret. Unless and until there is some benefit to the Forresters themselves.

    This may set me apart from the majority, but I for one find Jon Snow, his story, his personality and his victimisation of himself to be tedi

  • Omid's catOmid's cat Banned
    edited February 2015

    Anybody asked Frostfinger about NG?

    Probably knows sh** but there was a chance.

    Alt text

  • I never got this but seeing that it's actually in the game makes me grin from ear to ear.

    ^ correct

  • after someone posting that up..i had to see it for myself too :)

    Senrain posted: »

    I never got this but seeing that it's actually in the game makes me grin from ear to ear.

  • I was aware of this, after watching a youtube video of where to find Erik. And asking him about the North Grove? It's a waste of time. You might as well get on your hands and knees as you beg for special treatment inside Castle Black.

    Omid's cat posted: »

    Anybody asked Frostfinger about NG? Probably knows sh** but there was a chance.

  • #ForresterBattleCry

    Jon is definitley trustworthy. But I made a promise. #ForresterHonor (watch Game of Thrones Episode 1 parody if you don't get that :P)

  • edited February 2015

    This riles up a whole other discussion, but my brief response to this would be that it is a matter of interpretation. eg. " I shall live and die at my post." - Jon attempts to flee south to help his brother win his war.

    hayd24 posted: »

    I don't think he took a wife or fathered children -seems fine to me. Besides, he DID have to earn their trust.

  • I didn't in my canon. If Lord Forrester didn't trust his own wife/family with that information there was no way I'm telling some random guy I just met, even if he seems trustworthy.

    Though his response if you do is interesting, makes me pretty curious to learn more about it.

  • edited February 2015


    stevean2 posted: »




  • The M'lord Life

    Barthanax posted: »


  • This series was all I found, and I don't think you mean that, so to what parody are you referring?

    Jon is definitley trustworthy. But I made a promise. #ForresterHonor (watch Game of Thrones Episode 1 parody if you don't get that :P)

  • My answer exactly.

    MrHazer posted: »

    I promised Lord Forrester that I would only tell Duncan about the North Grove and I take promises pretty seriously. Plus it seems like a

  • edited February 2015

    He dismisses the notion along with grumpkins and snarks.

    Omid's cat posted: »

    Anybody asked Frostfinger about NG? Probably knows sh** but there was a chance.

  • Bluebirdo posted: »

    This series was all I found, and I don't think you mean that, so to what parody are you referring?

  • Mark my words. Gared is going to get himself killed looking for the North Grove.

    MrHazer posted: »

    I promised Lord Forrester that I would only tell Duncan about the North Grove and I take promises pretty seriously. Plus it seems like a

  • special treatment

    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)‎

    I was aware of this, after watching a youtube video of where to find Erik. And asking him about the North Grove? It's a waste of time. You might as well get on your hands and knees as you beg for special treatment inside Castle Black.

  • So, as of now, do you still trust Jon Snow with the North Grove info?

  • I told him because it was dramatic! Besides telling people who do not believe you makes story seem less credible.

  • I feel like he's going to find it, and then get brutally murdered by the Others before he can do anything about it.

    Mark my words. Gared is going to get himself killed looking for the North Grove.

  • I'm pretty sure I chose the option about family pride or something. The only "secret" I've revealed was that the guy murdered my family and then I promised not to do anything... Unfortunately Jon will probably think otherwise.

  • This was just the answer I was looking for.

    TheCatWolf posted: »

    Well even if you tell him he probably doesn't know what the north grove is, he knows nothing anyway

  • Nah, I'm not really trusting anyone with that information right now.

    So, as of now, do you still trust Jon Snow with the North Grove info?

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