I really loved those pictures. I adore the Porgie Clan. I see you added RJ in there, too. The bottom one as well, too. I love Michelle. She… more has grown on me, too.
I had no idea Michelle came from such a background; guess she hid it really well, what with her personality. Knowing she DID come to Ethan and Peter for help but was turned away. Man...I can't wait to know more on Erica. I wonder what her ex did to that little girl...
The part with Gren and Emily are so freaking cute. I love this pairing. At first, like so many others, I was like 'Ehhh, not sure...' but they work so well and make adorable little babies. I love how he's not afraid to show Emily his true self.
Feel like shit. Excuse the language but I do. Not sick just very angry and hurt beyond words
I tried calling and PMing you but I can't blame you for being angry with me. Know I'll be here, when you are ready. You know I love you, man....
Hey thanks, man. I'll tweek her as the chapter go on. I still don't like her design but they say it takes a few tries before you get just the right one. She works hard for that reason and for some others I will cover later...She is the daughter of the Toothfairy. I WAS going to make her the fairy but I wanted to do something different and will go deeper into her BG.
I'm super glad you followed through on my request so far, your effort is well-appreciated.
As for Michelle, she now definitely reminds m… moree of the commonly cute lawyer or attorney you would see on detective shows or cop dramas. XD
Hope all goes well for her too, I have a feeling she works hard to try and forget past 'unruly' experiences she's had.
Btw, I assume Tetra got it correct with her being the daughter of the tooth fairy. From what I saw in the picture, I thought she was the tooth fairy herself.
I'll give you a thumbs up like Tetra did for you! I know you'll bounce back from whatever it is you're dealing with.
Hey thanks, man. I'll tweek her as the chapter go on. I still don't like her design but they say it takes a few tries before you get just th… moree right one. She works hard for that reason and for some others I will cover later...She is the daughter of the Toothfairy. I WAS going to make her the fairy but I wanted to do something different and will go deeper into her BG.
Oh I'm fine, man. Really appreciate it.
“Etan, your father already went to look for the Mundy, now that only leaves the other Fable. Any Ideas?”
“Well Olivia... I should of guessed it soon as I read the description. It was Robby's father..”
“You're joking right?”
“No... It's right here in black and white, clear as crystal. It was definitely his father. Which means Robby is the Fable who defeated Gargoth long ago. We need to find him, then when my father returns we have all three god-slayers. Gargoth ends tonight.”
“Isn't that your friend Lydia? But who is those two characters with her..?”
“Wait a minute... I know those two. I'll be right back.”
Etan zooms down to Lydia's location. When he gets there, he see's Lydia standing over Robby's unconscious body with Argula and Omnimaax.
“You two came to assist your master? Well sorry to disappoint you but..”
“At ease, Etan. We are no longer with him. Me and Argula has come to settle our differences with our younger sister, Lydia.”
“Umm, sister? Nevermind that. Robby is one of our god-slayers and we need to revive him from his current condition fast.”
“Etan I know you are a 200 year old wolf, but even at the age of 600 you still wouldn't be no where near showing the signs of “senile”.
“Argula, Etan. Silence, both of you. You're interrupting Lydia, now please.”
Etan watched Lydia work her magic on Robby. Using her luminescent light see touched Robby's face and it began to glow. His blonde hair turned gold and finally once Lydia kissed him on the cheek his eye flew open revealing his cold blue eyes. He sprung up and looked around the destroyed room.
“What the... did I just die?”
“You mean, Lydia brought you back from near death. Just in time for the finale”
“Etan, Lydia, and what? What are they doing here.”
“Robby, my brother... and sister are here to help. We set aside our difference, for now to help us destroy Gargoth. We're all a team here Robby.”
“Ah Lydia, words.. can't possibly express how grateful I am. Thanks for saving my butt again..”
“No need Robby.”
Lydia and Robby sharing a brief moment of googly eyes.
“Robby, we need to get you and Weasel ready. And once we find our missing link, we're going to kill a god.”
Somewhere in the city. Hati flying through chaotic city in search of Meg, encounters the sisters. Snow White and Rose Red who are searching for their lovers. He swoops down and changes from his wolf form into a human form and approach the two.
“Excuse me lovelies. By any chance have you seen a young woman pass through here?”
“We did, but why? Who are you?” Snow asked.
“I'm afraid that I have time to explain why I don't have time to explain. I'm kinda in a rush you see. My son Etan needs me to find-”
“Hold up, did you say Etan?” Snow said in a suspicious.
“I remember him from my wedding. He brought me a Bigby a giant FRIED carp as our weeding gift. We barely ate the whole thing...”
“Sound like something my son would do. Bigby is also there with him, we're plan on ending this madness tonight.”
“What about my Tez? I haven't heard from him since yesterday. Where the hell is my Tez!” Rose grabbing on Hati's collar.”
“Calm down rose, I'm SURE Hati would be willing to take us to them..” Rose calming her sister down.”
“It's too dangerous... for lovely ladies such as yourselves...”
Rose and Snow both drawn their swords showing Hati, that they weren't as weak as they seemed. Then Hati looked at them both with a funny look on his face then raised both of his and slowly backed away.
“Okay fine, calm down ladies. Help me find the woman named Meg, and I fly all the of you back.”
“Sure but aren't you a wolf...?” Rose asked.
“Try wolf god madame.”
“Her name is Meg right..? I think that her sitting on top of that building.”
“How there hell did I miss that..? Thanks ladies, I'll be right back for your escort.”
Hati then takes to get make.
“So, sis. What exactly did you did with that big ass fish that Etan brought..?”
“Rose, I will admit. That giant carp was delicious, but soon as we got through have of it the smell became unbearable. But Bigby ate the rest of it, all 25 inches of it...”
“Your mans stomach is an bottomless pit Snow.”
“I could say the same for Tezoth, Rose.”
On the roof.
“Excuse me, Meg?”
“Who the hell are you?”
“We require you assistance in defeat the being known as Gargoth. You are one of the keys in doing so mah lady.”
“Key. That is what Robby said to me before I left. But, I'm not a Fable, I'm just a simple Mundy. Looking out for her own kind. That is how it should be. Mundies looking after their own, Fables looking after theirs.”
“You're sound like Gargoth.”
“That is how he came to power. He trick both Mundies and Fables to fight among one another. It seemed his 'influenced only worked on few. You're one of them.”
Meg remains silence.
“Listen..., I fell in love with a Mundy. My son Etan, his mother is a Mundy so basically he is half and half. We broke the barrier that keep our kind separate.”
“What are you saying? Oh, I never got your name by the way.”
“Lord Hati, but you can call my Hati. What I saying is, Fables and Mundies can live together in piece. It's possible but difficult, hell I'm having a hard time to explain. We can live togather side by side, uh damn I forgot something.
“We're parallel..”
“Right Meg, we are in a way.”
“You're an very interesting man Hati. Your wife sure knows how to pick em.”
“She's longer with me... She-”
“Oh I'm sorry.. I shouldn't never brought this up.”
“No you're god Meg. Even if it doesn't seem like it, there's always someone out there. You're young, so you have plenty of time to find that very special person.”
“Right...” Meg looking at pocket knife Walter gave her.
“Shit, we wasted too much time, let's pick the ladies below and head back fast.”
And then Meg hopped on Hatis back and then Hati swooped down and picked up Rose and Snow and all three of them headed back to the Final Showdown with Gargoth.
So this is a 'missing scene' from Fables I've wanted to write for a while, I hope you like it! @EMMYPESS I would really appreciate your opinion on this as you have written missing scenes for Fables in the past
The Hole In My Heart
Snow tucked in Blossom and went to switch off the light, but her little voice caught her full attention “Mommy?” Snow walked back to the bed and sat on it “What is it, sweetie?”
Blossom hugged her Mother tightly as tears poured from her eyes “Is Daddy really coming back?” Snow didn’t know how to respond, how could she? In a way it was her fault that things had turned out the way they did. Her own stubbornness had caused the demise of her husband, her best friend, her true love... her Big Bad Wolf.
The event had happened only hours ago; Bigby had returned to Fabletown upon hearing from Ghost that Brandish had imprisoned Snow with the intent to make her his wife and kill the Cubs. Bigby got there as fast as his legs would carry him, and then all hell broke loose. Snow had promised that she would be the one to kill Brandish, and in her own selfishness she had forgotten to tell Bigby about the reflective spell that Brandish had cast upon himself: all damage done to him would be redirected to Snow in an instant.
If she had told him, maybe Bigby wouldn’t have been as determined to rip the man to pieces; maybe he would’ve waited until the Witches had figured out a way to counter the spell... Hindsight was such an evil thing.
Instead, Bigby had charged headfirst into the conflict as he always did, and emerged the loser. A brilliant statue of the finest glass was all that remained of the once feared Wolf, and in that moment, Snow realised how foolish she had been.
Sure she had been the one to deliver the killing blow to the Prince, but it still didn’t change the fact that her husband was dead. The Witches had given Snow the tiniest ray of hope however: if they could reform all the shards back into a statue, and with the help of a little magic, they could persuade Bigby to come back to life.
But it was just hope, it wasn’t a set in stone answer, it was chalk on the pavement, something that could be washed away. There was always the chance that Bigby wouldn’t come back, or that it could be decades before he did return. Still, it was something to put the Cubs sorrows to rest a little.
Snow answered her daughter with a simple “I hope he does” Blossom nodded and Snow wiped away her tears before giving her soft cheek a loving kiss, she left the room and made her way to her own.
But when she closed the door to the Master bedroom, that was when all barriers faltered, Snow was alone here, no Cubs, no Sister, no one... and she wept. She cried harder than she had ever before, she never wanted this to happen. She wanted so desperately for Bigby to hold her and tell her he would make everything ok again, but that gruff voice never spoke those words, and those big arms never wrapped around her frame.
Snow continued to weep as she changed into a nightgown and drowned herself in the covers of the bed. It wasn’t the same.She couldn’t sleep, she just kept on crying. She couldn’t edge closer to her husband and hug him for comfort, or kiss him and hope he would kiss her back, there was an empty space where he would sleep every night, and this time it wasn’t a case of him going away on business, this time he was gone from the world.
Snow grabs a framed picture from her bedside table, a picture of her wedding day; Bigby had his arm on Snow’s back and she did the same to him, they were both smiling genuine smiles of happiness, it was the happiest day of their lives after the births of their children. Snow kisses the picture of Bigby and holds the frame close to her chest as she remembers happier times...
O The border of the Valley of the Sleeping Giants
Why did Rose have to drag Snow to the edge of the Farm on such a nice Summer’s day? She was having fun with the Cubs, she wouldn’t want to be anywhere else right now...
Regardless of that, Snow obeyed Rose’s instructions of walking up the hill, and then she saw him. Her heart raced in her chest as she dropped her cane and ran into his arms, tears streaming down her cheeks. She thought she would never see him again, not after the fight they had had, but that was 3 years ago, and how time had flown by.
Snow was always silently praying that Bigby would come back to her, even if it meant his death for stepping on the Farm’s land, just seeing him there would be enough to convince her that he truly did love her as Rose said he did. She was reunited with Ghost as well; she and Bigby caught up on everything and then the time came for him to get to know his children through the letters and gifts and pictures that they had ostensibly sent to him.
Afterwards came the unexpected, Bigby’s proposal of marriage. Snow had no idea what to say or do, she was completely frozen, she hadn’t considered the thought even after the Cubs were born, she wanted to take things slowly... but that was what she had always done with Bigby. She didn’t want to take things slowly anymore, she wanted to run headfirst into the fray like he always did, she'd just have to hope for the best. Snow accepted Bigby’s proposal with their first kiss, and Bigby was certainly a good kisser.
But was it really the fact he was good at kissing? Or because the kiss felt so right? It was the kiss Snow had always dreamed of sharing with the man she loved. She hadn’t shared such a kiss with Charming, but back then she was so ready to fall in love after going through hell; now she was ready to experience true love, true love with a man she had known for centuries, a man she could trust to protect and look after her and their children, a man who would never abandon her again, not now that they had come to an understanding...
O Back in the present
Snow set the picture back down on the table and went briskly to the wardrobe, she searched through Bigby’s clothes, smelling each of his shirts until she found one that smelled so much like him it was as though he was there. She threw off her nightgown and put on the white, slightly creased shirt, buttoning it up and holding the fabric close to her body as she climbed back into the bed, but this time on Bigby’s side of it. She needed to be close to him, she had to or else she would lose it.
She buried her crying face into his pillow and remembered another time...
O Haven, the Sacred Grove
6 bloody months away! And all to find a new location for Fabletown?! Bigby had never been away for 6 months before, and Snow had started to miss him after just a few days. It was a weird sensation, it was like a hole in her heart, and she needed Bigby to feel complete. He made her happy, in every sense of the word.
Unlike some couples who could only take each other’s company in bursts; Snow and Bigby truly enjoyed being around each other. Their honeymoon was enough evidence of that. They had spent the whole 2 weeks doing everything together, they were never apart, and they wished they had done more whilst in Paris...
But now they were in Haven, 6 years after they had tied the knot, the Cubs were at the North Wind’s keep, and the couple were still just as happy. Snow woke up in a slight daze, she had definitely drunk a lot of wine last night, and given how the surrounding area was littered with wine bottles and empty plates, clearly Bigby had to.
She remembered that they had chosen to have their reunion in the Sacred Grove to avoid any interruptions, and apparently 6 months away had worked a wonder. Their clothes were everywhere, and she was cuddling him like a giant teddy bear. But the brightness of the sun instantly alerted Snow to the time of day.
“Oh no! Wake up, Bigby! We have to- We were out all night!” Snow removes herself from the comforts of her husband’s body and shakes him into a lucid consciousness, he replies weakly “Huhh? Whufiss?”
Snow proceeds to snatch up her clothing and put it on quickly as Bigby does the same, he kept going on about how the trees couldn’t see anything and how they didn’t have to rush such a pleasant reunion. In a way Snow didn’t want to rush it either, she wanted so badly to stay pressed up against him and just share pillow talk with him like they always did after they made love, but given the awkward location of trees that had eyes and possibly ears as well, she wasn’t comfortable with the concept.
O The present
Snow had finally fallen asleep, at least she thought she was asleep, as a familiar voice alerted her, “Hey Snow” Snow shot up to see Bigby standing at the edge of the bed. “Bigby!” Snow throws herself at him, but something isn’t right...
Bigby doesn’t hug her back, and he is a lot cooler than normal. She looks up at him, Bigby still has a small smile on his face “I’m not really here Snow, you’re dreaming” Snow wanted to cry again, but the tears wouldn’t flow, so she just continued to hug him “Please come back to me, I can’t so this without you”
Bigby gave a light-hearted chuckle “Snow, I didn’t marry a woman that needed a man to survive the day, I married a woman that was strong and independent; you can do this, you just have to hope, that’s all”
Snow nodded and spoke at a whisper “Stay with me?” Bigby sat down on the bed “Sure”
A while later Snow woke up, it really was a dream, it was still night-time and Bigby was still gone. But she wouldn’t cry anymore, she had shed all the tears she would, she would wait for her love to return. She would remain faithful and wait...
It’s what she did best.
I wanted to get this done today, please leave your feedback below!
I think you already have her down perfectly in the recent picture you posted. But hey, just another opinion of mine, as it's your Fable! ^^
Good to know, gotta be positive!
O que tu queres matar o, ó Deus ímpios; afastar-me, portanto, os homens de derramamento de sangue. Para eles falam contra ti perversamente, e teus inimigos tomar o teu nome em vão. Acaso não odeio os que te odeiam, ó Senhor? E não me aflijo por causa dos que se levantam contra ti? Odeio-os com o maior ódio; eles se tornaram meus inimigos (139 Ps: 19-22.).
Gren and Emily never saw the little dark creature, clinging to the window. Into the night, he flew; wings paper thin, yet powerful enough to hold the creature's body. Flapping them vigorously, it dodges several acres of trees and two Horned Owls. As they screech, warning others there was food among them, he catches eye of a lonely pond, several miles from the Grendel home. Floating above, the creature opens his bag, throws a dark pebble into the water and watches the it ripple. Several seconds pass before a large portal like opening appears in the dark water.
The creature flaps his wings and stands back; a whirlpool effect takes place, causing Frogs and other creatures to scatter and take cover. Weeds dance along the current, causing several to break off and disappear into the murky waters. The color changes to purple, then red; shrill screams of sorrow and anguish escape the portal, as the winged creature dives into the portal he's created. The opening to this unknown world closes behind the creature and soon, the night returns to a normal, peaceful state.
However, the winged creature continues his journey along the shadows. He flies past several caves and a river of fire. He flies until a kingdom appears in the distance. A dark Castle, lightning above and darkness all arounds, stands sturdy along the sharp cliffs and thunderous volcanic ashes down below. Demons circle above, screeching their high pitched screams. Several people wander around; their clothes tattered, faces burned and pleading santuary. The creature ignores these lost souls, flies into the cave and searches the long, dark halls.
"Master." The creature calls out, hissing as he speaks. "Master, where art thou, master? Thee has required thy information regarding the child."
The winged creature stops in front of a open doorway. Standing before an enormous fire, is a tall, slender man. Wearing a dark, black trenchcoat with skulls on the shoulders, dark hair pulled back and black smoke beneath his feet, the man turns to face his assistant. His skin is pale like the fallen snow; dark circles under his eyes, smoke escaping his nose and teeth sharp as the cliffs outside the castle.
"Excellent Vaeo. You have done well. What have you to speak of?"
"She is there, master. Thy soul, who made thee look foolish....she is within the home of Grendel and Emily Porgie."
"Ah yes." The man takes a sip from his wine glass. "I have heard rumors the Porgie man has bred and created offspring. I never guessed one would lay within the bed of the beast. Which one has she clung to, Vaeo?"
"This one, master." Vaeo opens his palm and shows the man Viviana. "She's identical to the woman whom escaped thee, Hades. But I must warn thee, for she holds the powers of the purple ribbons, keeping thee away from her pure soul."
Hades cackles. "I shall wait, Vaeo. Patience is key; I shall have not only my Cerberus back but the soul that was rightfully mine from the beginning of time itself. Fetch me more wine and do not disturb me, Vaeo. I wish to be alone tonight."
"As thy wishes, master. I shall fetch thee more wine."
Hades stands before the fire; the image of a tall, curvy woman with blonde hair dances within the flames. Hades reaches out a hand and grabs the young woman.
"You shall be mine, Vivivana or face the consequences. I'll have you....even if I have to burn down all of Fabletown myself. Choose me...or perish..."
Laughing, Hades tosses a purple ribbon into the flames. Within seconds, the material pops and singes into the flames.
Emily awoke to an empty spot beside her. The birds sang outside alongside the morning light. The blankets were still warm; Gren had not been up very long, as Emily sits up and stretches her lower back. Still naked, Emily stands before the open window and pushes back the curtains. The sun barely touched the mountain tops. Early morning dew scattered along the leaves and flowers of the field.
A mother Deer and her baby standing beside the pond, drinking the brisk water and chewing on the tall weeds. Butterflies flew in groups, taking the precious opportunity to suckle on the nectar of the sweet flowers. Puddles walks into the room and licks Emily's ankle.
"Ah, Puddles." Emily picks up the quivering Dog. "Where Gren be, love?"
Emily peers over the four bassinets and notices all are empty. Feeling the blankets, they too were still warm. Listening to the quitness all around, Emily picks up a booming voice. It was not Grendel but his father, Thomas. Placing Puddles close to her breasts, Emily wanders into the bathroom and searches for a towel. She'd take a warm shower first before heading out. Puddles squirmed and yipped when he noticed the water gushing from the shower head.
"Relax, ya' silly mutt." Emily puts Puddles on the floor. "Ya' ain't gettin' the bloody bath."
Puddles sits beside the toilet, watching Emily step into the shower and rinse her body. The water trickled down her body. Like time before, there she was. Vivian sat on the edge of the shower, peering over and watching her precious Emily. This had become a routine for the guardian. Although Emily was in a better place, she still worried about Emily and being alone for too long. Nothing good ever came from this combination. Turning to grab the soap, Emily is startled to see Vivian.
"Damn, woman! Ya' scared the fook outta' me."
"You should know better by now, Emily." Vivian sighs and chuckles. "You hate me?"
"Fa' woot, Viv?"
"Not...telling you about-I didn't know, Emily! I swear to God! I never meant to...he tricked me and-"
Emily laughs. "Ya' need ta' calm ya' tits, Vivian. Does it fookin' look like I'm mad? Nuthin' bad is comin' from this. So woot, she has a bloody ribbon-nuthin' a little magice can't fix. She neva' pulls it and Hades won't find her. The end."
"I love those babies." Vivian watches the water run through her hand. "I only wanted to protect you, Emily. Change what you couldn't see. I was determined. I was not going to allow you to become....your father."
Vivian had a difficult time speaking of what Emily was supposed to be; the copy of her father, a man that turned to sin and had one foot already claimed in the fires of hell. A man cursed to forever lead a miserable life. When he had children, Emily was left with the remaining curse. She was the dark and twisted side, while her brother Junior was heaven's light and destined for nothing but good.
"I can neva' hate ya', Vivian. Ya' may not make fookin' sense sometimes but...I'm foreva' greatful fa' woot ya' did."
"Right back at ya', Viv. Now..where is me fiancee and babies at?"
The quads, sitting under the sunshine, play with one another and several bugs. Sunflower, watching over the babies, is unsure of the 'lesson' taking place before him. Both in true form, Gren and Thomas battle in a clearing. Gren's cheek is torn open. Blood drips from the wound and bits of flesh dangle on the edges. Several teeth are missing; a gash remains open on his arm and chest. Thomas has a black eye and cuts but nothing major compared to Gren's battle wounds.
Panting, both beasts pause. "Come, son. I know you are stronger than this."
"What is the point of this, father?" Gren tries to catch his breath. "I'm not understanding this."
"You are weak." Thomas circles Gren. "I have watched you turn into mush and now, you have become the very thing that was taken down all those centuries ago back in the homelands. Males incapable of battle, thus dying by a single flesh wound and turned away for their weakness."
"We're not in the Homelands, father." Gren glares. "I have no need to battle."
"You have children now, Grendel. You must protect them until they are capable of making their own path."
"Path?" Gren was confused. "What the fuck are you speaking about?"
"I told you, I wish to help the quads." Thomas lunges at Gren. "If I teach you how to fight like a proper male Grendel, they won't have to. Especially little Liam over there. He's in no condition to fight, what with missing his arm..."
Gren dodges Thomas' attack. The beast rams into a fallen tree and causes several Chipmunks to run in various directions. The earth trembles beneath the steps of the beasts. The quads, seeing this as a game, turn their attention towards their father and grandfather. Sunflower tries to turn them away.
"This is insane." He sheilds Seraphina's eyes. "This...this is ridiculous!"
Gren sinks his teeth into Thomas' shoulder but the beast never makes a sound. Instead, he bucks Gren off, throwing his son into a boulder. With a thunderous THUD, Gren slams his back into the rock. Dropping into a soft patch of grass, he finds it difficult to stand up.
Thomas hovers over, blocking the sun from Gren's face. "You must learn to be quick. Observe. Understand the person before you."
Gren, vexed and determined, leaps into the belly of his father. Tumbling down a slope, the beasts end up in the pond. Ducks fly off, quacking and warning others to avoid this sudden battle. Water splashes in different directions, blinding Gren for a few seconds. Thomas shoves Gren into the muddy banks; Gren could taste the dirt and old, rotten weeds in the back of his throat.
"You MUST be willing to understand, Grendel! Do not think too much; release yourself and allow nature to take its course. You have something none of your brothers ever inherited from your mother."
With all his strength, Gren turns to face his father. With a blast of blue from his plams, Gren knocks Thomas to the floor. The blast causes Thomas to fall and remain still for several seconds. Gren picks his mighty father up, drags his body to a clearing and tosses it into a tree. Thomas regains concious and notices his son using what his mother gave him.
"You must be quick, Gren." Thomas repeats these words, as Gren inches closer. "You must protect your family. For it is up to you to decide not only their fates.....but yours as well."
"What do you mean?" Gren growls, pressing Thomas into a tree. "What the fuck are you speaking of?"
"One of my boys MUST take my place...for if YOU or any of them don't, it falls on Liam and RJ...."
Before Gren could speak, he catches the scent of his beloved Emily. Looking up, she holds Viviana and Liam. Seraphina and Chloe are held tightly by Sunflower. A coolness surrounds him, indicating Vivian was not too far. Emily smiles.
"Woot the bloody 'ell are ya' two doin'?"
Thomas spits up a tooth. "Playing, Emily. Rough-housing. You know men, especally Grendels."
Emily laughs. "Yeah I know. Glad I have just ONE boy. Clean ya'selves up and come get some food."
Gren and Thomas return to their glamoured forms; Thomas takes Chloe in his arms, as Gren walks beside Emily. He wraps his arm around her waist and pulls her close. The intoxicating smell lingers in his nose as the wind carries her hair. Following behind, Thomas holds he baby. She tugs on his shirt and growls when a passing bird flys above.
"Protect them, Grendel." He strokes the baby girl's hair. "Protect them and Emily...protect them from your brother..."
Any questions, you know the drill. Feeling a bit better today; could be better but I look more like this today:
O que tu queres matar o, ó Deus ímpios; afastar-me, portanto, os homens de derramamento de sangue. Para eles falam contra ti perversamente, … moree teus inimigos tomar o teu nome em vão. Acaso não odeio os que te odeiam, ó Senhor? E não me aflijo por causa dos que se levantam contra ti? Odeio-os com o maior ódio; eles se tornaram meus inimigos (139 Ps: 19-22.).
Gren and Emily never saw the little dark creature, clinging to the window. Into the night, he flew; wings paper thin, yet powerful enough to hold the creature's body. Flapping them vigorously, it dodges several acres of trees and two Horned Owls. As they screech, warning others there was food among them, he catches eye of a lonely pond, several miles from the Grendel home. Floating above, the creature opens his bag, throws a dark pebble into the water and watches the it ripple. Several seconds pass before a large portal like opening appears in the dark water.
The creature flaps his win… [view original content]
Is this Portuguese I am reading? My language spotting isn't very well sometimes but if it is I think I have an idea on the generalization of what it says. Besides that this is a great chapter Pudding! Glad you are doing better today man hope it gets even better from here!
O que tu queres matar o, ó Deus ímpios; afastar-me, portanto, os homens de derramamento de sangue. Para eles falam contra ti perversamente, … moree teus inimigos tomar o teu nome em vão. Acaso não odeio os que te odeiam, ó Senhor? E não me aflijo por causa dos que se levantam contra ti? Odeio-os com o maior ódio; eles se tornaram meus inimigos (139 Ps: 19-22.).
Gren and Emily never saw the little dark creature, clinging to the window. Into the night, he flew; wings paper thin, yet powerful enough to hold the creature's body. Flapping them vigorously, it dodges several acres of trees and two Horned Owls. As they screech, warning others there was food among them, he catches eye of a lonely pond, several miles from the Grendel home. Floating above, the creature opens his bag, throws a dark pebble into the water and watches the it ripple. Several seconds pass before a large portal like opening appears in the dark water.
The creature flaps his win… [view original content]
Is this Portuguese I am reading? My language spotting isn't very well sometimes but if it is I think I have an idea on the generalization of… more what it says. Besides that this is a great chapter Pudding! Glad you are doing better today man hope it gets even better from here!
All right, the FINAL part of this chapter is done. Hopefully, some things will start to make sense to people who have been reading Fayde's adventure! If not, feel free to ask me questions about it. @pudding_pie, @EMMYPESS Please give your feedback of this chapter and the roles I've given your characters.
FYI: This part is pretty lengthy, most likely the longest one I've ever written so far.
Chapter 8, Part 3: Dinnertime
Out of the guest room, and into the wolves' den...
"Ah, jeez, seems like Tez is giving me that look with his dragon eyes again. I'm going to walk over and see what's up with him this time. Perhaps, you would be willing to go and introduce yourself to the others without causing trouble?"
Fayde cautiously peeks over Rose's shoulder and, surprisingly, gets a chilling feeling when the dragon thief stares her down from the end of the hallway. She quickly makes eye contact with Rose again. "Um, sure, Rose, sure. You can count on me."
"Rad. Introduce yourself to Nancy and John -the owners of the house- and the rest of their kids."
"Okay, thank you Rose."
Both of them part ways and already, Fayde began to hear distant arguing in the background. Sighing, she walked down the steps to the ground floor.
"Now, what new faces await me?" She thought, wondering where to go next. To her curiosity, Fayde spotted a light peek outward behind a door from another long hallway she looked down.
She walked closer and closer to the light, and slowly opened the door. "Hello?"
A growl was heard. "It's not polite to disturb a man alone in his study." He paused. "Then again, I'm technically not a man." The tall wolf, holding a glass of liquor, gets up from his desk chair to greet the Irishwoman. "You must be Fayde, the girl I've been hearing a lot about recently."
She cleared her throat. "Yeah, that's me, heh. Listen, um, I'm sorry for any trouble or confusion I may have caused - y'know, before Rose let me in here."
"Uh-huh, even now, I can smell the trouble coming off of you." He downs more of his drink. "It's really messing with my senses."
"Ah, that explains some things. Your daughter, Lyla, said that she was a wolf when she introduced herself to me. She is your daughter, right?"
"Correct, and I recommend you stay far away as possible from her, as well as my other daughters. Because if you ever as much lay a finger on any of on them - I will kill you. You hear me? The only reason you're being given shelter right now is because of my wife, Rose, and -possibly- Harmony."
Fayde scoffs. "Alright, I get it, you don't trust me. I'll just back away and leave you to your indulgence in alcohol. To which, I don't blame you."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
Fayde turns around and glares. "Get a better attitude and maybe I'll explain." She closes the door gently behind her.
"Hmph, brave woman." John swirls the iced liquid in his glass and takes another sip.
Fayde looks around more and thinks. "That was most likely John I've tried talking to. Heard Rose mention something about a dinner being made - so his wife, Nancy, must be in the kitchen." And so, to the kitchen she went.
"Oh my gosh, Nancy. I never had the chance to see food prepared like this before! Normally, back when I used to live in the kingdom of the North Wind, it was the winter nymphs who prepared our meals for me and my siblings. My mother, too, whenever she felt like having some."
"That's great, Harmony!" Nancy beamed, checking the stove temperature in the process. "Hopefully, my dinner will prove just as worthy of your appetite tonight. I know my children, as well as your Aunt Rose and Uncle Tezoth, will enjoy it just the same."
Harmony smiled. "Don't worry, I'm positive I'll eat everything there is to devour. You Mundies definitely seem like you have a knack for this sort of stuff."
Nancy laughed. "I'll take that as a compliment."
"Um, hello?" Nancy and Harmony stop conversing the moment they hear an accent.
Fayde walks a little closer to them, but keeps her distance. "Sorry for intruding, but I'm currently still settling in your nice home here. You must be Nancy, correct? And Harmony?"
Nancy confirms with a friendly yes, whilst Harmony nods.
"You must be the Irish lady that Rose brought in earlier. Welcome to my home in this neck of the woods."
Nancy cuts a couple bread sticks in half. "A few of my daughters told me a little about you, you know. How you were 'super nice' to them and all that. Something I wholly appreciate inside this household."
Fayde grinned. "It was nothing, really. They are indeed very nice kids. Although, I don't think I have properly introduced myself to the rest."
"Not a problem, you'll get to do your niceties in the dining room when I'm done with the preparing. Care to assist me?"
Fayde blushed. "I would love to."
"Fantastic. What about you, Harmony?"
"Erm, if you don't mind," Harmony blows the hair away from her eyes. "I'm going to go see how Double R and Tez are doing, especially now that Tez is up and walking."
Nancy is surprised at Harm's excuse, but lets her leave nevertheless. "Very well. Looks like it's you and me, Fayde."
"Hmm, I guess so." Fayde curiously browses at all of the ingredients strewn along the counter. "What are you making?"
"I had a feeling you would ask. I'm making fried shrimp Po-boy sandwiches for ya'll - as well as some Jambalaya I have sizzling in the pan."
"'Po-boy' sandwiches? 'Jambalaya'?"
"Oops, I reckon you're not familiar with food of this type? This is your first time here in America, isn't it?"
Fayde nods. "Aye and aye, I arrived here by boat yesterday. Besides, even though I know a decent amount about this country, the United States still remain a mystery to me."
"I see, and how do you like our country so far? If you don't mind me prying?"
"I like it, to be honest. It's a nice change of pace compared to the lifestyle, erm, I was accustomed to in Ireland."
"Ah, good to hear! By the way, sorry to interrupt, but I think the fried shrimp is just about done. So hauling them over here would be of help. Don't forget to wear the oven mitts too! I wouldn't want a guest of mine burning her hands carelessly on the handle."
"Don't worry, I've been through worse." Fayde turns off the burner under the pan of fried shrimp and puts on one of the oven mitts. She picks up the hot pan and carries it over. "Where do you want this?"
"On the potholder there, thank you."
Fayde puts the pan down as requested and takes off the mitt. "I was wondering. Are you from the South? You sound like it."
"Born and raised, Louisana in fact. Also one of the reasons I know a couple of the delicacies you see me making now."
"Very cool, I like your accent."
"Why thank you, I like yours as well. Never met another that was of Irish blood, apart from my mother that gave birth to little ol' me long ago."
Fayde continued to look at Nancy preparing the sandwiches. "Your mother was Irish? Where was she from?"
"She was from a town called Darkley - a quaint little place from what she told me in the past."
"Darkley... Haven't been into Northern Ireland much, but I know I've visited there once or twice in my lifetime. Fantastic that your mom is from there, though. Total respect."
"Yeah - what about you, Fayde?"
"I'm from Dublin. It's a long drive from there to where your mom resided."
Nancy smiled at the name. "Dublin... I've heard it's a wonderful place to live in."
"Aye, it's breathtaking, just like Darkley. However, it's much more of a huge portside city than a village."
"Ah. Still sounds wonderful, really."
Fayde smiled nervously, eventually changing the subject. "So, um, do you need any more help or-"
"Yes, actually. Where are my manners? Here I am, asking for your help and all I had you do was put a pan on the counter!" She sighed embarrassingly. "Come, help me make the rest of these Po-boys - I'll walk you through it."
Nancy places two perfectly-cut French bread loaves in front of her. "Like you've seen me do, I put the fried shrimp on the bread first. Here's a spoon, just in case the shrimp is still hot."
Fayde grabs the spoon and moves the pan shrimp onto the sandwich. "Like this?"
"Yes. Perfect. Now for the lettuce, tomato, pickle, and mayo - usually in that order."
Fayde does all that while finally putting the other bread piece on top of the delicious sandwich.
Nancy crosses her arms and nodded slowly. "Congratulations, Fayde. You've officially made your first Louisianan Po-boy sandwich."
Fayde smiled, then put a hand on her growling stomach. "Mmm, I can't wait to eat one of these, Nancy. My mouth is literally watering just by looking at it."
Nancy chuckled. "Don't worry, you'll get your share. In the meantime, make at least two more while I get the Jambalaya into this here bowl."
Fayde does what is asked of her and soon, the food is ready to be served.
"Wow, this is... wow."
Nancy grins. "Surprised, huh? This is normally what dinner looks like every day - comes with having an alpha wolf for a husband, 3 wolf pups and a 'Mundy' for a family, I reckon."
Fayde is surprised when she mentions a Mundy. "Who's the Mundy?"
"That would be my beloved little Carla, why?"
"Oh, nothing. I'm just surprised you have a Mundy for a daughter. At first glance I thought she was a Fable."
"Nope, her, as well as me, are completely Mundy - as you Fables would call us. I hope our presence won't make you uncomfortable, Fayde."
Her eyes widen. "Not at all, Nancy! I deeply apologize if I offended you in any way."
"It's fine. You aren't the first person who was surprised firsthand. But that's another talk for another time. For now, let's deliver this grub to the dining room. I hear my kids getting restless."
Fayde smiled as she carried the bowl of Jambalaya. "I hope I won't raise eyebrows when I come into the dining room with you."
"Nonsense," Nancy picked up two plates of Po-boy sandwiches. "You'll be fine."
Chaos in the dining room...
"Dragon Tez, Dragon Tez! Are you and Rose gonna stay with us super late this time? You, me, Gina, and Mary can go hunting together!"
Tez chuckles and messes her hair a little. "We'll see about this time, Lyla. If it isn't tonight, I promise I'll hunt with you and the others the next time I come over."
"Yay! Maybe Rosey Red's friend could join us too?"
Tez's grin went to a serious one. "I don't know about that," Tez looks over at Rose, then back to Lyla. "We'll see."
Lyla sounded a bit disappointed. "Okay..."
Rose butted in. "Hey, how about we go see how your mom is doing with the food, huh?"
Lyla smiled again. "Ooo, yeah, Rosey Red, let's do it!" The two of them got up and walked to the entrance, while Tez shrugged and went over to join Harm, Gina, Mary, and Carla in the playful conversation they were having in the corner of the dining room.
Later, Lyla and Rose meet Nancy and Fayde in the hallway leading to the dining room.
Nancy smiles. "Fancy seeing you two here."
"Of course, me and Lyla were wondering when the food was coming. Thankfully, it seems the wait is over."
"It would've taken me longer if I didn't have a helping hand at my side." Nancy looks over at Fayde.
"You helped my Mommy with dinner, Faydey?"
"Why, yes I have, little wolf. I hope you don't mind."
"I don't mind! You're so kind to do that!" Fayde smiles at this comment.
Nancy hands the plates to Rose, and eyes her and Lyla. "I think we need more hands to deliver the food to the table quickly."
"Sounds good, Nancy, me and Lyla'll help."
After a few more minutes of putting everything on the table. Everyone finally sits in their seats to stare in awe at the food that laid before them. John was the last one to come and get seated.
Nancy taps her glass with a spoon. "Now, as you most of you know, we have a guest in our home tonight. Mary, Gina, say hello to Fayde - since you are the ones that haven't properly greeted her yet.
Mary and Gina shyly say hello, in order to avoid being awkward.
"Mary, Gina..."
Gina exclaims. "Come on, mom. What do you want us to do? Treat her like she's the queen of England or something? She's like, a total stranger that came from nowhere."
Lyla tries to correct Gina. "No Gina, Faydey is one of Rosey Red's friends!"
"Lyla, don't be silly. Mary and I -including you and the others- haven't even seen her before and mom expects us to treat her like she's an aunt or somethin'."
Nancy rubs her forehead. "I'm just asking for you to show courtesy to our guest, that's all."
"Why should I? This is literally the fir-"
"Gina, that's enough, don't talk back to your mother like that."
"Although," John looks at Nancy. "My little Gina does bring up a good point. Why are we even bothering to be polite to this woman that Rose and Tezoth happened to bring to our home? We've never seen or heard about the likes of her in their previous visits here."
Tez defends himself. "Hey, I never brought her here, all right? I was currently out of it at the moment. You've seen my condition!"
John ignores Tezoth. "Admit it, sweet wife of mine, you brought her in because you and Rose were mad at me for being angry at Harmony."
Rose butts in to defend Nancy and Harm. "Hey, at least it was a legit reason to do so! You were totally out of line with her. Besides, I'm beginning to think she had a good reason for saving her."
"Rose Bud, you still made a bad call on bringing her in here." She's-"
"Oh, fucking can it, Tezzy - Fayde didn't try anything yet! Will you get off my back?"
"I'm sorry, Rose, I just can't. Not after what you saw her do to me, she's unpredictable."
"I know, Tezzy baby, I thought otherwise too. But Fayde's changed from what I've seen, besides, you've got Harmony to thank for saving your dragon butt."
"Harmony saved my life?" Tez stared at her in confusion.
John growls. "I knew it! Harmony definitely had a hand in bringing this Irish woman to our home, she's got something to hide! I just know!"
Nancy almost yells. "That's enough, John! Why can't you leave her alone, and give this woman a chance? You, me, and the kids gave the dragon thief a chance, why aren't you giving her the same satisfaction?"
"Tezoth was different, honey, he had nothing to hide. But this girl," John points at Fayde from across the table. "She almost reeks of death, and has plenty of secrets to hide. My senses know it."
"Now please, why don't you tell us what your real intentions are, I doubt you're here to have a nice dinner with us."
Everyone else looked back at Fayde, both confused and eager to hear what she had to say. Fayde stands up to break her silence.
"You have me on the spot, wolf. Congratulations. Very well, I shall explain."
"I am not Rose Red's friend, in case some of you were wondering. The sole reason I'm here, or, the reason that I think I'm here - is because I had a hand in almost killing Tezoth earlier today."
Tez growls, but continued to put his inner dragon at bay.
"So um, yeah, I think they brought me here because they couldn't decide what to do with me after the predicament."
Harmony stands up. "She's right, even though I was the one who persuaded Rose to bring Fayde along, back when Nancy picked us up."
"I, I just couldn't stand dealing with the fact that my Aunt Rose would kill someone on the spot like that. It isn't right."
Tez and John were both super confused. "Why, Harmony?"
"Because an Angel told me to spare her, to give her a second chance. I never saw an Angel before in my life, so I listened."
Everyone was murmuring, and Fayde felt so many feelings inside the pit of her stomach now.
"An Angel? Don't be ridiculous." John scoffed.
"It's true, and now knowing that Fayde 'reeks' of death - it totally makes sense what her Fable background is."
Fayde is left aghast. "I don't know what to say, Harmony. Thank you."
"No need. You just have to apologize for showing your face like that in the rearview and nearly scaring the pants off of me when I was in the car with you earlier."
"I'll make sure to do that then. Well, assuming that Harmony's got it all figured out, I'm a Banshee. You know, the Irish legend of spirits that warn others of their coming deaths." Fayde ran her hands through her hair. "And going to back to your question in further detail, John. My main reasons for coming here, specifically New York's Fabletown, was to escape a powerful force I've had the misfortune to have relations with. And to visit an old friend."
"Suffice to say, I'd say coming here to America in general was a mistake, as I worry I may have placed you all in danger. But please, let's eat first before all of you accuse me of something."
I deleted it. I went back and noticed it is a bit much for the site. XP It's a psalm from the bible. Basically watch out for the enemies, for they can be anyone....even family.
Is this Portuguese I am reading? My language spotting isn't very well sometimes but if it is I think I have an idea on the generalization of… more what it says. Besides that this is a great chapter Pudding! Glad you are doing better today man hope it gets even better from here!
I deleted it. I went back and noticed it is a bit much for the site. XP It's a psalm from the bible. Basically watch out for the enemies, for they can be anyone....even family.
These are so fun. XD Michelle and Ethan's expressions on the first one; Georgie's panic and the fact that he's either become and expert in the kitchen and can prepare a meal like that so quickly, or he just has one constantly ready in case of emergencies. XD And Mary with her puddin' and pie make for the cutest couple. Whatever your thesis is specifically on, it's making you draw some mighty fine art!
I should be doing my thesis paper. I'm off today and CANCEL FOR TODAY was on my classes. I really should. But, the thing is....my brain does… more not work that way. I needed a break anyways; have not drawn in a bit and the pile of unfinished papers are not only collecting dust but my cat seems to thinks its a bed for him now. I said 'alright pie. Just ONE and its back to thesis time.' So, I did this:
LOL This is dumb. I'm dumb. XD I started sketching Michelle and well...all THAT happens. As you can see, my brain was all over the place. This thesis papar is making me do things....0.0
And then, this happens:
And as I TRIED going back to my paper (I REALLY did. Honest....)this idea comes to my head and I said, screw it-the thesis can wait. My brain needs a break. So, I did Mary and Georgie Junior because I miss doodling these two.
Well, looks like I'm not getting school work done today. lol Thank God this thing is halfway done...stupid thesis. lol Anyways, enjoy the random drawings of my Fables.
Man, Dragon. You're on a roll with this story. 1st off, John-calm your giant wolf man ass down. I loved his interactions with Fayde in the 1st section; I can see it now and that is so John, hiding in his Den, drinking his Whiskey. BTW, loved that little wolf den bit. XD Clever! -snaps fingers- You go, Fayde! Put that Alpha in his place!
How precious is my Nancy. Making Po-boys, fried everything and Jambalya! Harmony is hilarious; she's all excited for the food and is so cheerful all the damn time and I love it! The fact that Fayde just arrived to america must be exciting. She's with Wolves AND eating all this food, which she seemed to love. XD Then, he little discussion with Nancy and the family. Their talks of Ireland and the fmailies. I love their budding relationship. At least Nancy is willing to listen to Fayde; one of the MANY differences between her and John. DAMN! And T man going to kill someone with that look alone! XD
Rosey Red.! ^.^ I love that so much, Lyla, you precious little monkey you! And Harmony's mention of the angel...this Vivian or is it something totally different? I'm pretty sure it is. Fayde's description of everyone being in possible danger has me curious. does this have to do with the mysterious voice she heard back at the club....:0 Great work, man! -thumbs up-
All right, the FINAL part of this chapter is done. Hopefully, some things will start to make sense to people who have been reading Fayde's a… moredventure! If not, feel free to ask me questions about it. @pudding_pie, @EMMYPESS Please give your feedback of this chapter and the roles I've given your characters.
FYI: This part is pretty lengthy, most likely the longest one I've ever written so far.
Chapter 8, Part 3: Dinnertime
Out of the guest room, and into the wolves' den...
"Ah, jeez, seems like Tez is giving me that look with his dragon eyes again. I'm going to walk over and see what's up with him this time. Perhaps, you would be willing to go and introduce yourself to the others without causing trouble?"
Fayde cautiously peeks over Rose's shoulder and, surprisingly, gets a chilling feeling when the dragon thief stares her down from the end of the hallway. She quickly makes eye contact with Rose again. "Um, sure, Rose, sure. You… [view original content]
hose top pics are a bit risqué don't you think dude XD
Can I see.......? I like the bottom one, two. His mother is beautiful. Thomas looks like he can kill a man on the spot....
I loved the psalm in italics. I loved the 1st section with Hades. Damn. The middle, too. Vivian is too funny, showing up in the shower with Emily. lol And that fight with Gren and Thomas. He's preparing him...from battle? He mentioned 'brother'....is it Robert?? Thomas said he needs to protect Emily AND kids, especially Liam. Also, RJ....I like this, man.
I'm...I'm happy to knw you're doing good, pie.....Real glad.
O que tu queres matar o, ó Deus ímpios; afastar-me, portanto, os homens de derramamento de sangue. Para eles falam contra ti perversamente, … moree teus inimigos tomar o teu nome em vão. Acaso não odeio os que te odeiam, ó Senhor? E não me aflijo por causa dos que se levantam contra ti? Odeio-os com o maior ódio; eles se tornaram meus inimigos (139 Ps: 19-22.).
Gren and Emily never saw the little dark creature, clinging to the window. Into the night, he flew; wings paper thin, yet powerful enough to hold the creature's body. Flapping them vigorously, it dodges several acres of trees and two Horned Owls. As they screech, warning others there was food among them, he catches eye of a lonely pond, several miles from the Grendel home. Floating above, the creature opens his bag, throws a dark pebble into the water and watches the it ripple. Several seconds pass before a large portal like opening appears in the dark water.
The creature flaps his win… [view original content]
hose top pics are a bit risqué don't you think dude XD
Can I see.......? I like the bottom one, two. His mother is beautiful. Thomas… more looks like he can kill a man on the spot....
I loved the psalm in italics. I loved the 1st section with Hades. Damn. The middle, too. Vivian is too funny, showing up in the shower with Emily. lol And that fight with Gren and Thomas. He's preparing him...from battle? He mentioned 'brother'....is it Robert?? Thomas said he needs to protect Emily AND kids, especially Liam. Also, RJ....I like this, man.
I'm...I'm happy to knw you're doing good, pie.....Real glad.
I knew you would love the study/wolf den scene! Plus, now you know what Fayde really is. :P
Harmony was sorta cheerful in this one, she was still scared of John after he got angry at her a couple parts ago. Fayde, too, in the moment where she caught Harmony by surprise in the car. Nevertheless, Harmony mostly got over it in the end, though Nancy will make sure John apologizes to her. (Fayde as well)
I'm glad you enjoyed the kitchen scene overall, it was something that clicked in my mind while saying to myself, "I had to do this!"
You're right, Harmony was indeed referring to Vivian - back when I had her talk to Harm for a brief moment. I'll try and explain more about it as I go on. And yes, Fayde was referring to the mysterious voice she heard back at the club, which was the shadow demon that she spoke to.
Man, Dragon. You're on a roll with this story. 1st off, John-calm your giant wolf man ass down. I loved his interactions with Fayde in the 1… morest section; I can see it now and that is so John, hiding in his Den, drinking his Whiskey. BTW, loved that little wolf den bit. XD Clever! -snaps fingers- You go, Fayde! Put that Alpha in his place!
How precious is my Nancy. Making Po-boys, fried everything and Jambalya! Harmony is hilarious; she's all excited for the food and is so cheerful all the damn time and I love it! The fact that Fayde just arrived to america must be exciting. She's with Wolves AND eating all this food, which she seemed to love. XD Then, he little discussion with Nancy and the family. Their talks of Ireland and the fmailies. I love their budding relationship. At least Nancy is willing to listen to Fayde; one of the MANY differences between her and John. DAMN! And T man going to kill someone with that look alone! XD
Rosey … [view original content]
This chapter leaves questions, but the description of the Homelands at the beginning was a pleasure to read! In time you'll no doubt answer them, but was Robert remembering in his dream? And there are hints as to who the woman is, but why her? Whatever the answers, RJ's inquiries into Robert's love-life are endearing; even if Robert never does meet anyone who he can love the same way as Lyla (hopefully he will but you may already have plans) it would be nice if he could at least find happiness without longing.
Robert went to bed in a blanket of bad dreams and a bed full of worries. Tossing and turning, he was out in the middle of a dark section of … morethe woods. He was back in the Homelands but how? Looking down, Robert could see the long, dark claws, webbed hands and gray toned skin. Spikes all along the back of his arms and legs; teeth were fangs and his fin sat on the top of his head.
Opening his massive mouth, Robert lets out a thundering roar, smiles and runs in the dark. Light from the tops of the trees shun through and covers the forest floor with a golden warmth. Robert hears a nearby creek, heads towards and jumps forward; several other Grendels dive into the murky waters, chase after tiny Frogs and bathe in an opening near several rocks.
One male, a monsterous one at that, beckons for Robert to join. It was his father; the mighty beast, alpha of his own little tribe, sits upon a boulder and watches his sons bask and play in the water. H… [view original content]
I want to write about her really bad XD As soon as I'm done with the current chapter or whatever, I'll definitely do something pertaining to her (And probably Franklin ^-^)
That's what mods are for, if they aren't already available for the game.
Like you, Ash is my fav. I want to read more about her after you're done with the Tim/Harmony vacation and Charlotte plot. But only if you want to!
When you mntioned she was a ghost awhile back, it never clicked. 'Oh she must be a Banshee....' For some reason, I thought she was kind of like the North Wind; can turn invisible, the wind....alll that fun stuff but that's not REALLY a ghost. Banshee is WAAAAAY cooler than my silly guesses. XD
Well, growing up around her grandfather and what not, I'm pleased Harm was willing to not be too afraid of John; he can be a bit much at times but its in the nature of his family. Plus, Harmony seems like she can put that male Wolf in his place. XD XD Protecting his cubs and mate can make a Wolf do some silly things.. That MAY come off as 'asshole' material but in the end, he's a cool cat. Er, uh.....Wolf? XD And I adore Fayde and Nancy in the same room. I hope to read more of these scenes. As if they've been friends for centuries. BTW, I ALMOST said Dublin but something told me you'd pick it. XD
Yay! -throws confetti- I love that you've incorporated Vivian into this tale of mystery. That mysterious voice, though...again, great work, man.
I knew you would love the study/wolf den scene! Plus, now you know what Fayde really is. :P
Harmony was sorta cheerful in this one, she w… moreas still scared of John after he got angry at her a couple parts ago. Fayde, too, in the moment where she caught Harmony by surprise in the car. Nevertheless, Harmony mostly got over it in the end, though Nancy will make sure John apologizes to her. (Fayde as well)
I'm glad you enjoyed the kitchen scene overall, it was something that clicked in my mind while saying to myself, "I had to do this!"
You're right, Harmony was indeed referring to Vivian - back when I had her talk to Harm for a brief moment. I'll try and explain more about it as I go on. And yes, Fayde was referring to the mysterious voice she heard back at the club, which was the shadow demon that she spoke to.
I'm sorry. I should've told you that she was a spirit - not a ghost. Even though they're kind of the same thing, imo. I wouldn't put you at fault for thinking she was the North Wind either. After all, I did put 'Everwind' as her last name. XD But yeah, as you already have said, she's a Banshee.
Haha. I picked Dublin because of its popularity with many Irish people apparently. :P It definitely looks like a cool place to hang out at. I'll also try to include more convo scenes between the two, dude!
When you mntioned she was a ghost awhile back, it never clicked. 'Oh she must be a Banshee....' For some reason, I thought she was kind of l… moreike the North Wind; can turn invisible, the wind....alll that fun stuff but that's not REALLY a ghost. Banshee is WAAAAAY cooler than my silly guesses. XD
Well, growing up around her grandfather and what not, I'm pleased Harm was willing to not be too afraid of John; he can be a bit much at times but its in the nature of his family. Plus, Harmony seems like she can put that male Wolf in his place. XD XD Protecting his cubs and mate can make a Wolf do some silly things.. That MAY come off as 'asshole' material but in the end, he's a cool cat. Er, uh.....Wolf? XD And I adore Fayde and Nancy in the same room. I hope to read more of these scenes. As if they've been friends for centuries. BTW, I ALMOST said Dublin but something told me you'd pick it. XD
Yay! -throws confetti- I love that you've incorpora… [view original content]
After some much needed breakfast and a quick clean up, Gren and Thomas took their conversation outside. Mary entered through the mirror a little after Emily finished frying Eggs; she was itching to stick her nose in their conversation but Emily made sure to keep the once haunting mirror leaper inside the house.
"Leave 'em be, Mary." She grabs Mary's jacket and pulls her back. "Let Gren and his father be alone fa' a bit."
"Don't you WANT to know what they're talking about?" Mary points out towards the door. "I mean, it can be some pretty juicy gossip or material you can blackmail later on either of their swamp asses."
Emily shakes her head. Not sure why she was surprised by Mary's behavior. Centuries of playing with other individual's emotions can really leave someone with both a warped sense of humor and logical way of thinking. Emily was begining to rethink her dear, beloved sister-in-law had really changed her mischievous ways.
"He'll fookin' tell me if he wants ta', Mary. Startin ta' think its more fa' ya' than me..."
"Me!?" Mary playfully pushes Emily to the side. "Don't be so ridiculous, Porgie. Man. Holly, can you believe this girl?"
Mary circles her index finger beside her head, indicating Emily had 'lost it'." Holly only sighs and tries to crack a smile. While rubbing her belly, Holly leans over and grabs a piece of toast. Smearing Strawberry jam and a dab of butter, she devours the toast, licking her fingers as the piece of bread vanishes down her throat.
"Damn, woman." Mary speaks as she chews her Eggs. "You hungry? Baby making you turn into a real beast?"
"Well, she IS mixed. Both Wolf and Trolls tend to be, well....messy eaters, as you can call it."
Emily flips the Egg and looks over at the table. "Wow, a little girl. Was Peter mad or-"
"No, he was actually elated knowing it was a little girl. To be honest, I am, too. Male Trolls like to be little shits while in the womb. Kick, bite, scratch....and before their birth, your entire lower back feels like pin needles being pressed into EVERY fiber of your being."
Emily shakes her head. "Fa' fook's sake, Holly. I thought MY pregnancy was bad...."
"That ain't shit, ladies!" Mary sips from her coffee. "I had to not only PUSH that big ass head of George out but when I was pregnant with Aubrey and Sophia...shit, forget about it. Had heartburn from the first month up until the third trimester and Sheila was almost a cesarean because the little shit refused to go DOWN towards my Vagina."
Emily takes her plate, sits beside Mary and adds salt to her Eggs. The quads, all in their jumpers, casually bounce around and eye their mother. Liam sniffs the air; Chloe, licking her lips, tries to reach for the plate of greasy goodness her mother cooked up. Desperate to get a taste, she whines and whimpers. Howling into the room, Chloe tilts her head back and lets out a squeaky, yet heart breaking sound.
Mary chuckles. "DRAMA queen we got over here."
Emily sits up, plate in hand and walks over to Liam and Chloe. "Ya' be little brats like ya' fatha'. Cry, cry, cry. Whine, whine, whine, until I bloody give in a give ya' want ya' need."
Holly shakes her head. "Be careful you DON'T spoil them, Emily. Your grandfather did that to Katie and....well-"
Emily rips a piece of her Egg. Mushing the contents between her fingers, she places the piece inside Chloe's mouth. Chomping down immediatly, she chews while Emily prepares the second bite for Liam. Waving his stubby arm about, Emily smiles, laughs and adds another piece into his mouth. As the two babies chew, Seraphina and Viviana demand some food as well.
"See?" Holly points to all four. "Spoiled."
"This ain't nuthin', Holly." Emily tears a piece of her toast and hands it to the girls. "Grendel SPOILS. I'm just bloody keepin' their traps shut. Especially when it comes ta' the girls. I guess Grendels RARELY have daughters, which is why they either remain alone until someone DOES birth a female or they look elsewhere."
"Seriously?" Mary burps as she speaks. "Well, that's stupid. That why they go after, oh I don't know....She-Wolves and other creatures with a portal to the land of orgasms and happy dreams?"
Holly tosses a towel at Mary's direction. "You are something else, Mary."
"WELL, I'm serious. No offense but a beast with THAT much stamina NEEDS to get it out and well....touching yourself only takes the edge off. Gren looks like he can put it down. Rough, soft, fast-"
"MARY!" Emily's face is bright red. "Stop! That's really none of ya' business!"
"Oh my God, Emily." Mary stands beside the table. "Not like those four understand a word I'm saying. I mean, it MUST be true, right? From what I HEARD....he and Carla RARELY had sex. So, he smells your sweet thang walking around and BAM-instant boner and he's desperate to take you into his cave of love and release the beast whithin!"
Holly covers her mouth. "Oh good lord...."
Mary grabs the table with both hands, leans her groin into the edge and grinds into it, causing Holly to burst into tears of joy and Emily cover her face in both shame and embaressment.
"Bet he took to like this, legs all up in the air and in his TRUE form. Huh, Emily? That how he got you? In his true form!?"
"No." Emily's hands fall to the side. "That's not woot happened at all."
"Wow, really?" Mary seemed surprised. "Huh. Well, if you don't mind-"
"Why does her sex life with Gren suddenly seem interesting?" Holly was unsure where any of this was heading. "I mean, what's there to fucking know: penis, vagina, insert, up down up down and you're done."
Mary sits in her chair once more. After all the dancing and thrusting, she takes a drink from the juice bottle. "Well, DUH I know how it works but with a GRENDEL! You're so little, Emily. How did he NOT lose it the first time you two did it?"
Emily could still recall that night. She was staying with Gren, due to the unknown murderer chasing Halfers and Fables down in the middle of the night in cold blood. To avoid being caught, she stayed awith Gren; she made dinner that night and the two argued over dishes. Cleaning the freaking dishes. Yes, Emily was injured but she could handle a few pots and pans. One thing led to another, they argued and before Emily or Gren knew it, their bodies were locked and both naked within five minutes. He was never rough or made Emily do anything she wasn't comfortable with. They made love. That's honestly how Emily would describe it. Love.
"I know. You BOTH must be thinkin the same fookin' thing but it's neva' like that. At all. Yes, I DO ask every now and than fa' him ta' show me his TRUE side but...Grendel is a gentle giant. He's mad...poor choices in his fookin' life that I know still botha' him but....he's a fookin gentle lover."
Mary boos Emily and holds her thumb upside down. "Ah man. BORING! I wanted to hear the dirty stuff...."
"Maybe they do-" Holly rubs her belly once more. "-But YOU don't get to know."
Emily laughs, sipping from her coffee. "Well, enough about ME, ladies. Holly....let's talk wedding, shall we, love?"
Thomas and Gren sat under the large tree near a crystal clear blue lake. The grass was cool in between his fingers, as Gren leaned back to enjoy the fresh air. The city noise often left him angry; he couldn't stand the noise and it left him with headaches beyond anything regular mundy drugs could help. Since moving out here, they stopped.
"It's stunning out here." Thomas spoke, nearly whispering. "So peaceful. Quiet. Reminds me of home."
"This will work for me, dad." Gren sits up. "I'm glad we both decided this was best. for not only us but the kids, too."
"You have quite the beautiful family, Grendel. I'm proud of you. I...I never said that enough to you and I'm sorry."
Gren plucks a blade of grass from the Earth and examnies it. "Did you even love me, dad?"
Thomas sighed. These were hard memories to think about. The old beast would sit up alone at night and ponder the decisions he made. Not only as a leader but a husband and father, too. He cared for the boys; he wanted nothing but pure happiness for the boys and he did love his sons. But Grendel....Thomas liked Gren; even sitting beside his youngest, his heart broke with the truth. But love him?
With a heavy heart, Thomas answered. "No...Gren, I....I didn't love you like the others."
Gren already knew. He was prepared but the truth behind his father's answer still left a tear roll down his face. "I knew this already. I kind of fucking knew it..."
"Your mother was the one to provide the love and nuturing you so sought after. I was merely there to teach, not love. She did all that with you. She adored you. Would....would have done anything to protect you..."
"Robert." Gren tried to speak. "You always....always fuckin' loved Robert more than-"
"Robert was the indetical copy of myself." Thomas needed to explain. "The moment I held your brother in my arms, I FELT the power within. He was larger then the rest of you boys and he LOOKED like an Alpha male Grendel. Isaiah, Jason and Richard were strong, yes but nothing like Robert. But you, Gren. You looked Grendel. You acted like one but...you were more of your mother's side, when it came down to this-" Tomas points at his head. "-The mind. You thought like a Wood Elf."
"Which is-"
"Grendel, you were weak. And after I noticed you held the same powers as your mother..."
Thomas had to stop all together. It was making him weak inside. He knew what he'd done to Grendel created the beast the mundies and even Fables, thought he was. Simply that. A monster. But anyone-mundy, Fable, Folker, Halfer-anyone with a broken heart can easily turn into a monster.
Thomas spoke again. "Grendel males were only bore into this world for one simple purpose. To be the strongest. You knew this; in their early stages of life, the boys were trained in combat. They pinned cousins, brothers....fathers and sons against one another, to practice and prepare for their time in battle. We'd train you the proper methods of defeating your rivals. To have a strong family."
"I didn't fuckin' fit into your 'perfect' world." Gren stands up and speedily moves towards the pond. "I was nothing like Robert. Or the others."
"No." Thomas joins Gren by the banks. "You were too much like your mother. And although I truly loved your mother, knowing one of my sons was capable of thinking like her....those were different times, Grendel. I'm sorry. It does not change how we ended up here to this day. But, its the truth."
Gren cleans his face with his sleeve. "Mom and ....Wood Elves. I know so little of them. I need to fuckin' know, dad. If I DO have more of mom in me like you state, I need to know."
"Very well." Thomas stops to watch a Dragon Fly glide over the water. "It was more for the females then males; males were often left to play like any normal boy does in his youth. THAT was their training. Females, however, were take away at the age of five and for two years, sent to a temple. There, the elders would sacrafice a Bear and the young girls would drink this blood, in hopes of providing them strength, courage and a womb capable of bearing many children."
Gren was stunned. "Wow. So, it was the opposite for you and mom?"
"There were many differences between our kinds but also, a lot of similar traits, too."
"Why do Grendels hate Wood Elves so fuckin' much, dad?"
"Well, story has it centuries ago we used to live among eachother in peace; they knew we existed, as did they and tried not to cross paths. Rumor has it, a group of Elf females came across a sleeping Grendel in the swamp. One of the girls poked it with a stick and awoke the creature. It attacked the girls; it nearly killed them all until the father of one of the girls heard their cries. He killed the beast and the other Grendels found their fallen comrade in the creek. With the help of a Witch, they sent a plague of revenge on the Wood Elves."
Gren was speechless. There were no books or files on Wood Elves. They remained one of the few Fables whoe kept a low profile and had little informaton to WHO they were. This was Gren's only form of resources. Thomas continued.
"Wood Elves were magical creatures, Gren, hence how YOU and Seraphina have the ability to kill and bring back plants. With the help of voodoo, they slaughter three of their largest livestock animals, bathe in their blood and drink the water touched by the moonlight. This protected the Elves long enough to understand the plague without being killed. The Elves attack the Grendels and battle for three months. Many lives were lost, especially the Elves. The Grendels fail, however, to take them down..."
Gren waits for his father to speak. After a minute, Gren clears his throat. "And-"
"The Elves and Grendels came to an agreement but centuries of wrath and hate loom over both sides, leaving future generations to hate one another. I, however, fell in love with your mother."
Gren sighs. "I want to know more about mom and-"
"In another time, son." Thomas wipes his eyes and heads for his car. "I'm feeling exhausted and need to rest. I shall return tomorrow and speak to you. Answer any questions you may still have."
Watching his father leave, Gren stands alone near the pond. Looking out, he notices Emily; her pale blue sundress blows in the wind, as she heads towards him. Immediatly, she notices Gren alone.
"He leave so soon?" Emily grabs Gren's hand. "Love...ya' alright?"
Gren beams. "I'm...fuckin' great, sweetie. Never better."
"Did you two talk or-"
Gren tightly holds onto Emily. Pressing her against his own body, Gren buries is face into Emily's thick mounds of black hair. Inhaling her scent, Gren remains still and quiet. Continuing to rub her back, Gren could honsetly say he was alright. Emily was not sure how to react to this sudden gesture. Kissing Gren's neck, Emily leaned her head against Gren's shoulder.
"I fuckin' promise you...I'll always be there for you and those babies."
Like always, Emily nods. She knows this to be true. She trusted Gren. He knew this. Felt it.
"Come, love. Let's get inside. A bit chilly out 'ere..."
Taking Gren's hand, the couple walk towards their home. Back to the home full of love. Love Gren knew was for him. The love he dreamed of all those centuries ago.
Any questions, you know the drill. Had time before class. Peace out! THIS guy has to work on his Thesis! YAY! XD
Poor Fayde, seems like she's feeling a little outcasted here, other than Rose encouraging her to do stuff, like introduce herself. I haven't read the full last chapter before this, so correct me if I ask questions that were answered before this one XD
You know what, I'm gonna go back and read it. BRB! (Even though this is being posted AFTER I've read it, lol)
So I read it, and it was super adorable The part with the water guns was funny and Gina and Lyla and Carla and Mary are all super adorable Back to THIS chapter though!
"Correct, and I recommend you stay far away as possible from her, as well as my other daughters. Because if you ever as much lay a finger on any of on them - I will kill you. You hear me? The only reason you're being given shelter right now is because of my wife, Rose, and -possibly- Harmony."
John's a bit snippy, as he was in the prior chapters....My poor little Harmony XD She got yelled at before. Poor Fayde too, he definitely doesn't trust her, although I might be wary of inviting a possible criminal to my house just as well. Actually, I'd certainly be wary XD But I see that Fayde isn't genuinely evil of any sort, so I feel bad for her.
I'd also like to point out that I love imagining her Irish accent; Whenever she talks, I hear her in my head and I never want her to stop talking XD
"Oh my gosh, Nancy. I never had the chance to see food prepared like this before! Normally, back when I used to live in the kingdom of the North Wind, it was the winter nymphs who prepared our meals for me and my siblings. My mother, too, whenever she felt like having some."
Nice little detail! Also, poor Harmony still slightly traumatized by Fayde from earlier, as is obvious from her hasty exit from the dining room.
I liked the bit where Lyla talked about her mother, and also showed Fayde how to make some Po-Boys. I never had them before, but it sounds good!
Gina exclaims. "Come on, mom. What do you want us to do? Treat her like she's the queen of England or something? She's like, a total stranger that came from nowhere."
Oh Gina XD Very blunt little girl, lmao XD
"Although," John looks at Nancy. "My little Gina does bring up a good point. Why are we even bothering to be polite to this woman that Rose and Tezoth happened to bring to our home? We've never seen or heard about the likes of her in their previous visits here."
Oh no, here we go again. -Braces self-
"Oh, fucking can it, Tezzy - Fayde didn't try anything yet! Will you get off my back?"
Oooooh it's seriously getting steaming hot now!
John growls. "I knew it! Harmony definitely had a hand in bringing this Irish woman to our home, she's got something to hide! I just know!"
XD John sounds like one of those conspiracy theorists right now XD What could little Harmony be hiding, out of all things? That she picked her nose secretly before running in to Rose on the street earlier that day? Lmao XD
"Because an Angel told me to spare her, to give her a second chance. I never saw an Angel before in my life, so I listened."
HOLY crap! I just now remembered reading the chapter where Harmony was approached by Viv! How could I forget that? I'm an idiot XD
So I guess she did have a secret so technically John was right- But he didn't have to be a meanie! Lol, it's all good though XD
"Suffice to say, I'd say coming here to America in general was a mistake, as I worry I may have placed you all in danger. But please, let's eat first before all of you accuse me of something."
Sounds like a good idea, Fayde XD Can't wait for the next chapter, totally pumped man! I don't remember if you already stated in the past that Fayde was a banshee, but now I know, and now that's super cool, and whoever is the bastard whose after her better back off before Team Red comes and blows his ass outa town! XD Great chapter, Dragon! You're going great!
All right, the FINAL part of this chapter is done. Hopefully, some things will start to make sense to people who have been reading Fayde's a… moredventure! If not, feel free to ask me questions about it. @pudding_pie, @EMMYPESS Please give your feedback of this chapter and the roles I've given your characters.
FYI: This part is pretty lengthy, most likely the longest one I've ever written so far.
Chapter 8, Part 3: Dinnertime
Out of the guest room, and into the wolves' den...
"Ah, jeez, seems like Tez is giving me that look with his dragon eyes again. I'm going to walk over and see what's up with him this time. Perhaps, you would be willing to go and introduce yourself to the others without causing trouble?"
Fayde cautiously peeks over Rose's shoulder and, surprisingly, gets a chilling feeling when the dragon thief stares her down from the end of the hallway. She quickly makes eye contact with Rose again. "Um, sure, Rose, sure. You… [view original content]
Poor Fayde, seems like she's feeling a little outcasted here, other than Rose encouraging her to do stuff, like introduce herself. I haven't… more read the full last chapter before this, so correct me if I ask questions that were answered before this one XD
You know what, I'm gonna go back and read it. BRB! (Even though this is being posted AFTER I've read it, lol)
So I read it, and it was super adorable The part with the water guns was funny and Gina and Lyla and Carla and Mary are all super adorable Back to THIS chapter though!
"Correct, and I recommend you stay far away as possible from her, as well as my other daughters. Because if you ever as much lay a finger on any of on them - I will kill you. You hear me? The only reason you're being given shelter right now is because of my wife, Rose, and -possibly- Harmony."
John's a bit snippy, as he was in the prior chapters....My poor little Harmony XD She got yelled at before. P… [view original content]
LOL yup. sounds like pie. He sent me a link to that one and another one, too....just because I asked. lol Wasn't too bad but yeah. Good call on his part.
"That ain't shit, ladies!" Mary sips from her coffee. "I had to not only PUSH that big ass head of George out but when I was pregnant with Aubrey and Sophia...shit, forget about it. Had heartburn from the first month up until the third trimester and Sheila was almost a cesarean because the little shit refused to go DOWN towards my Vagina."
It's always something that Mary says XD I actually haven't read the chapter directly before this, but I did see a glimpse where Thomas....stabbed Liam? Please tell me there was justification for it? Or...maybe it was a dream? Idk, I didn't read it all >.<
I could highlight some OTHER things that Mary said...but, well XD Oh Mary...
And then Holly, kind of defending Ems there XD Poor Emily, she's like...got that motherly mindset now, and the things Mary is saying are the type of things Emily would have indulged, had she not changed the way she had so far. Still funny as hell though XD
It's interesting listening to Thomas talk. It's also sad, to know that he loved Gren the least of his children, but I suppose it makes sense with the way things were. I mean, that's basically how it was even in human society. Only the strong went on back in the days. If you were sick or weak or even a bit foolish, you were sort of condemned. I don't like Thomas as much as I like Georgie, or Lyla, or even John and Nancy, but I don't hate him either. If I recall correctly, he's dying, right? Please correct me if I'm wrong XP Still a tiny bit hazy to what's going on.
Emily; her pale blue sundress
Emily? In a sundress? Willingly? I need to see this! -flies away to sim land- This picture is going to exist, whether anyone likes it or not XD
At least it ends on a lovely note
EDIT: Props for beating JJ at reviewing this chapter XDDD Love you JJ XD
After some much needed breakfast and a quick clean up, Gren and Thomas took their conversation outside. Mary entered through the mirror a li… morettle after Emily finished frying Eggs; she was itching to stick her nose in their conversation but Emily made sure to keep the once haunting mirror leaper inside the house.
"Leave 'em be, Mary." She grabs Mary's jacket and pulls her back. "Let Gren and his father be alone fa' a bit."
"Don't you WANT to know what they're talking about?" Mary points out towards the door. "I mean, it can be some pretty juicy gossip or material you can blackmail later on either of their swamp asses."
Emily shakes her head. Not sure why she was surprised by Mary's behavior. Centuries of playing with other individual's emotions can really leave someone with both a warped sense of humor and logical way of thinking. Emily was begining to rethink her dear, beloved sister-in-law had really changed her mischievous ways.
… [view original content]
Me and Pie did have a plan for the reason why he's seeing Emily. Not sure now. Not...not on good terms with him. IF he continues to use that idea in his story, great. If he does not, I'll explain what the idea was.
Thank you, Noir. It was a dream. It never took place but Robert for some reason, had this dream of him and Gren fighting. I MAY give Robert a partner in the future but for right now, he's content with just him and RJ. His love for Lyla will always be there, though...
This chapter leaves questions, but the description of the Homelands at the beginning was a pleasure to read! In time you'll no doubt answer … morethem, but was Robert remembering in his dream? And there are hints as to who the woman is, but why her? Whatever the answers, RJ's inquiries into Robert's love-life are endearing; even if Robert never does meet anyone who he can love the same way as Lyla (hopefully he will but you may already have plans) it would be nice if he could at least find happiness without longing.
Also, hope you're feeling better today!
EDIT: Props for beating JJ at reviewing this chapter XDDD Love you JJ XD
LMAO That's too funny. This made my day! XD
From what I HEARD....he and Carla RARELY had sex. So, he smells your sweet thang walking around and BAM-instant boner and he's desperate to take you into his cave of love and release the beast whithin!"
Freaking Mary, I swear to God...XD XD She's something else and her pushing emily to talk about her sex life. SO her. I love that Emily gets all red now; before, she'd sit down and give EVERY little detail. How cute are those qauds, though!
With a heavy heart, Thomas answered. "No...Gren, I....I didn't love you like the others."
OMG. How fucking sad is this!
Gren already knew. He was prepared but the truth behind his father's answer still left a tear roll down his face. "I knew this already. I kind of fucking knew it..."
You know, Ems said it better than I ever can; this was something practiced hundreds of years ago, too. I can't say I hate Thomas for being honest but still. To flat out tell your son, 'No. I hate you...never loved you.' No amount of preperation can prepare you for this. It makes sense why Gren drinks, wanted to be alone....hated so many people....
I really, really REALLY liked that section with the Wood Elves and the detail you gave them. I swear...the things you create are genius and tie into the whole fable world and what not. The war, too and how the sides became enemies....that's interesting, too.
Emily? In a sundress? Willingly? I need to see this! -flies away to sim land- This picture is going to exist, whether anyone likes it or not XD
@EMMYPESS Yes, please! You make Sims Emily in blue dress. Pie...draw this! PLEASE! I never thought in a MILLION years, I'd see Emily Porgie-THIS EMILY PORGIE-in a blue dress! How precious is she now! ^-^ All mommy like! I bet she looks adorable, what with the long black hair and tattoos.
<------THIS Emily....in a dress?!
I STILL see her like this! Ugh. The memories.....:'(
I love this! More, dude! You're on a roll with this!!!!
"That ain't shit, ladies!" Mary sips from her coffee. "I had to not only PUSH that big ass head of George out bu… moret when I was pregnant with Aubrey and Sophia...shit, forget about it. Had heartburn from the first month up until the third trimester and Sheila was almost a cesarean because the little shit refused to go DOWN towards my Vagina."
It's always something that Mary says XD I actually haven't read the chapter directly before this, but I did see a glimpse where Thomas....stabbed Liam? Please tell me there was justification for it? Or...maybe it was a dream? Idk, I didn't read it all >.<
I could highlight some OTHER things that Mary said...but, well XD Oh Mary...
And then Holly, kind of defending Ems there XD Poor Emily, she's like...got that motherly mindset now, and the things Mary is saying are the type of things Emily would have indulged, had she not changed the way she had so far. Still … [view original content]
John had the right intention to be wary, but was too hostile for his own good. Habits of being a wolf, I suppose. XP Harmony will get an apology soon enough for everything he put her through, don't you worry.
Yeah, Harm surprised pretty much everyone with her secret, while Tez most definitely needs to give Harm a big hug for telling Rose to call Swineheart for him. (if you remember that part) You're definitely not an idiot, btw. :P
It was Nancy that talked about her mom to Fayde, and showed her how to make the Po-boys, not Lyla. Lyla would be too short to reach the counter, let alone have the knowledge on how to operate the stove and all that! XD
I haven't technically mentioned she was a Banshee in previous chaps, but I have detailed the way she can turn invisible and go through walls and stuff. Something that Banshees can apparently do, being a spirit and all.
Why thank you for the compliment, and the long-quoted review!
Poor Fayde, seems like she's feeling a little outcasted here, other than Rose encouraging her to do stuff, like introduce herself. I haven't… more read the full last chapter before this, so correct me if I ask questions that were answered before this one XD
You know what, I'm gonna go back and read it. BRB! (Even though this is being posted AFTER I've read it, lol)
So I read it, and it was super adorable The part with the water guns was funny and Gina and Lyla and Carla and Mary are all super adorable Back to THIS chapter though!
"Correct, and I recommend you stay far away as possible from her, as well as my other daughters. Because if you ever as much lay a finger on any of on them - I will kill you. You hear me? The only reason you're being given shelter right now is because of my wife, Rose, and -possibly- Harmony."
John's a bit snippy, as he was in the prior chapters....My poor little Harmony XD She got yelled at before. P… [view original content]
Love those teachers that turn their backs so you can check your phone....XD XD lol
Anyways, Mary IS something. I always have fun writing about her when she shows up. Emily has drastically changed; I know a lot of people STILL picture how she used to be. I do it too, at times. But she's in mommy mode right now. I don't hate Thomas, either. The truth hurts, I guess and Gren already knew this. Sad, yes but at least he didn't sugar coat it.
I don't like Thomas as much as I like Georgie
This...made my day, night, month, year. :'D And yes, Thomas is dying.
Thomas....stabbed Liam?
Long story short, the quads were not learning fast enough how to shapeshift. As much as it broke his heart, Peter was going to take them to the Farm, especially Liam. He REFUSED to change. Thomas heard of a story about a woman who stabbed a Wolf with the Lycanthropy knife, allowing the beast to turn from Wolf to man. He had a similar knife and used it on the baby, simply to help his grandson change from beast to child.
I'd love to see that, Ems. @JJWolf yes, I'll draw it, too. :P She willingly wears dresses now. Blues ones are her favorite.
"That ain't shit, ladies!" Mary sips from her coffee. "I had to not only PUSH that big ass head of George out bu… moret when I was pregnant with Aubrey and Sophia...shit, forget about it. Had heartburn from the first month up until the third trimester and Sheila was almost a cesarean because the little shit refused to go DOWN towards my Vagina."
It's always something that Mary says XD I actually haven't read the chapter directly before this, but I did see a glimpse where Thomas....stabbed Liam? Please tell me there was justification for it? Or...maybe it was a dream? Idk, I didn't read it all >.<
I could highlight some OTHER things that Mary said...but, well XD Oh Mary...
And then Holly, kind of defending Ems there XD Poor Emily, she's like...got that motherly mindset now, and the things Mary is saying are the type of things Emily would have indulged, had she not changed the way she had so far. Still … [view original content]
I love it! Definitely peaks into Snow's feelings in regards to what was going on. She told Blossom that he would probably come back, which is a hope restoring thing to say. She was also right though, about how it's mostly written in chalk at this point. Not entirely permanent.
The flashback to the day she saw him after about 5 years of his absence was also very heart-warming, getting to see what she thought, how genuinely happy she was.
She didn’t want to take things slowly anymore, she wanted to run headfirst into the fray like he always did, she'd just have to hope for the best.
I love love LOVE how you describe her feelings this way. Running in headfirst....that's exactly what kind of describes Bigby, and her transition from taking things slow to just accepting them as they come like Bigby would....it's a powerful line, to say the least.
Also, how you described how different their marriage was compared to others....it's also very hear warming. You basically covered all the things I would have mentioned or thought of when writing about Bigby and Snow myself XD Even her reaction, how she was climbing onto his side of the bed, wearing his shirt instead of her own....I've always imagined how Snow was behind the scenes of the comics, and this picture your painting is very much like the one I've thought of countless times! It's brilliant!
“I’m not really here Snow, you’re dreaming”
Oh man, I got my hopes up way too quickly! I want to cry with her now Absolutely brilliant, though! I loved it!
So this is a 'missing scene' from Fables I've wanted to write for a whil… moree, I hope you like it! @EMMYPESS I would really appreciate your opinion on this as you have written missing scenes for Fables in the past
The Hole In My Heart
Snow tucked in Blossom and went to switch off the light, but her little voice caught her full attention “Mommy?” Snow walked back to the bed and sat on it “What is it, sweetie?”
Blossom hugged her Mother tightly as tears poured from her eyes “Is Daddy really coming back?” Snow didn’t know how to respond, how could she? In a way it was her fault that things had turned out the way they did. Her own stubbornness had caused the demise of her husband, her best friend, her true love... her Big Bad Wolf.
The event had happened only hours ago; Bigby had returned to Fabletown upon hearing from Ghost that Brandish had imprisoned Snow with the int… [view original content]
Lol, SAME! Have just a few of them in school, so it suffices XD
She's fun for me to write too, but I think you do a way better job than I do XD She makes me laugh so hard sometimes that I have to take a break from reading and just laugh it out XD
Glad that made your day The truth of the matter is, that Georgie is a reformed man, at least in the way you portray him, and for that, he's one of my favorite characters in your story, apart from most of the OC's. He's a wonderful husband and father, AND grandfather, and reading about him interacting with everyone else actually warms my heart Plus, him and Lyla are one of my absolute favorite couples
Ahhhhhhh that makes total sense! So he wasn't doing it out of any sort of malice. That's how Bigby was able to turn from wolf to man. Is that the specific story you were referencing? Lol.
I figured she'd like blue over most other colors...-cough-PINK-cough- XD Such the opposite of me, at least in that regard XD Pink's my favorite color.
Love those teachers that turn their backs so you can check your phone....XD XD lol
Anyways, Mary IS something. I always have fun writing … moreabout her when she shows up. Emily has drastically changed; I know a lot of people STILL picture how she used to be. I do it too, at times. But she's in mommy mode right now. I don't hate Thomas, either. The truth hurts, I guess and Gren already knew this. Sad, yes but at least he didn't sugar coat it.
I don't like Thomas as much as I like Georgie
This...made my day, night, month, year. :'D And yes, Thomas is dying.
Thomas....stabbed Liam?
Long story short, the quads were not learning fast enough how to shapeshift. As much as it broke his heart, Peter was going to take them to the Farm, especially Liam. He REFUSED to change. Thomas heard of a story about a woman who stabbed a Wolf with the Lycanthropy knife, allowing the beast to turn from Wolf to man. He had a similar knife an… [view original content]
I'll be working on replacing her normal outfit with a nice dress shortly Gotta boot the game up and take some in-game pics, too! The environments in the sims 4 are as fantastic as the create-a-sim!
EDIT: Props for beating JJ at reviewing this chapter XDDD Love you JJ XD
LMAO That's too funny. This made my day! XD
From what… more I HEARD....he and Carla RARELY had sex. So, he smells your sweet thang walking around and BAM-instant boner and he's desperate to take you into his cave of love and release the beast whithin!"
Freaking Mary, I swear to God...XD XD She's something else and her pushing emily to talk about her sex life. SO her. I love that Emily gets all red now; before, she'd sit down and give EVERY little detail. How cute are those qauds, though!
With a heavy heart, Thomas answered. "No...Gren, I....I didn't love you like the others."
OMG. How fucking sad is this!
Gren already knew. He was prepared but the truth behind his father's answer still left a tear roll down his face. "I knew this already. I kind of fucking knew it..."
You know, Ems said it better than I ever can; this was som… [view original content]
I remember when all that went down and Bigby was killed. I cried; when my fiancee told me about it, I thought she was playing around. She tends to do that a lot. Until I read it. I felt for Snow but she was strong and I agree with Bigby. He fell in love with the person she was; strong, capable of being independent and strong. I can see why people label her a 'bitch' but she had to learn how to be strong.
I love Blossom. Enough said.
I honestly thought Bigby was there until Bigby mentons 'I'm not really here, Snow. You're dreaming.' The feels, man.
Bigby gave a light-hearted chuckle “Snow, I didn’t marry a woman that needed a man to survive the day, I married a woman that was strong and independent; you can do this, you just have to hope, that’s all”
That's what I want to hear.
People have their ideas of little scenes such as this that take place. It interesting to see the raw emotions you have portrayed here in this little section pertaining to the absence of Bigby. I often wondered HOW Snow felt. This and from what Ems has written, summons it up.
So this is a 'missing scene' from Fables I've wanted to write for a whil… moree, I hope you like it! @EMMYPESS I would really appreciate your opinion on this as you have written missing scenes for Fables in the past
The Hole In My Heart
Snow tucked in Blossom and went to switch off the light, but her little voice caught her full attention “Mommy?” Snow walked back to the bed and sat on it “What is it, sweetie?”
Blossom hugged her Mother tightly as tears poured from her eyes “Is Daddy really coming back?” Snow didn’t know how to respond, how could she? In a way it was her fault that things had turned out the way they did. Her own stubbornness had caused the demise of her husband, her best friend, her true love... her Big Bad Wolf.
The event had happened only hours ago; Bigby had returned to Fabletown upon hearing from Ghost that Brandish had imprisoned Snow with the int… [view original content]
I KNOW I should be listening but my mind is in la-la land today. XD
I know he came off as a, ummm...asshole, in the game but I just grew to love him. Wanted to take him and make a story. I'm glad my portrayl has allowed you to see HIM through my eyes; a husband, father and yes....grandfather. I don't think Lyla Smith would be the same without her Georgie. Noir said it one time they are like the sun and moon. One can not rise without the other. And knowing they are one of your favorite couples, continues to make my day. Like they are towards you, Harmony and Tim have grown on me. Sweet as sugar, those two.
YAY! I was referencing the story about Bigby and Snow. Been doing my homework. lol No pink for THIS Emily; she wear the lightest possible, just because it IS a part of Holly's wedding. Blue seems more her.
Lol, SAME! Have just a few of them in school, so it suffices XD
She's fun for me to write too, but I think you do a way better job than I… more do XD She makes me laugh so hard sometimes that I have to take a break from reading and just laugh it out XD
Glad that made your day The truth of the matter is, that Georgie is a reformed man, at least in the way you portray him, and for that, he's one of my favorite characters in your story, apart from most of the OC's. He's a wonderful husband and father, AND grandfather, and reading about him interacting with everyone else actually warms my heart Plus, him and Lyla are one of my absolute favorite couples
Ahhhhhhh that makes total sense! So he wasn't doing it out of any sort of malice. That's how Bigby was able to turn from wolf to man. Is that the specific story you were referencing? Lol.
I figured she'd like blue over most other colors...-cough-PINK-cough- XD Such the opposite of me, at least in that regard XD Pink's my favorite color.
I know you do, dude.
I appreciate it.
Just give him time man, he'll come around when he's ready
You two are too close to just give up what you have!
Hey thanks, man. I'll tweek her as the chapter go on. I still don't like her design but they say it takes a few tries before you get just the right one.
She works hard for that reason and for some others I will cover later...She is the daughter of the Toothfairy. I WAS going to make her the fairy but I wanted to do something different and will go deeper into her BG. 
Oh I'm fine, man.
Really appreciate it.
I think you already have her down perfectly in the recent picture you posted. But hey, just another opinion of mine, as it's your Fable! ^^
Good to know, gotta be positive!
Chapter 13, Parallel
“Etan, your father already went to look for the Mundy, now that only leaves the other Fable. Any Ideas?”
“Well Olivia... I should of guessed it soon as I read the description. It was Robby's father..”
“You're joking right?”
“No... It's right here in black and white, clear as crystal. It was definitely his father. Which means Robby is the Fable who defeated Gargoth long ago. We need to find him, then when my father returns we have all three god-slayers. Gargoth ends tonight.”
“Isn't that your friend Lydia? But who is those two characters with her..?”
“Wait a minute... I know those two. I'll be right back.”
Etan zooms down to Lydia's location. When he gets there, he see's Lydia standing over Robby's unconscious body with Argula and Omnimaax.
“You two came to assist your master? Well sorry to disappoint you but..”
“At ease, Etan. We are no longer with him. Me and Argula has come to settle our differences with our younger sister, Lydia.”
“Umm, sister? Nevermind that. Robby is one of our god-slayers and we need to revive him from his current condition fast.”
“Etan I know you are a 200 year old wolf, but even at the age of 600 you still wouldn't be no where near showing the signs of “senile”.
“Argula, Etan. Silence, both of you. You're interrupting Lydia, now please.”
Etan watched Lydia work her magic on Robby. Using her luminescent light see touched Robby's face and it began to glow. His blonde hair turned gold and finally once Lydia kissed him on the cheek his eye flew open revealing his cold blue eyes. He sprung up and looked around the destroyed room.
“What the... did I just die?”
“You mean, Lydia brought you back from near death. Just in time for the finale”
“Etan, Lydia, and what? What are they doing here.”
“Robby, my brother... and sister are here to help. We set aside our difference, for now to help us destroy Gargoth. We're all a team here Robby.”
“Ah Lydia, words.. can't possibly express how grateful I am. Thanks for saving my butt again..”
“No need Robby.”
Lydia and Robby sharing a brief moment of googly eyes.
“Robby, we need to get you and Weasel ready. And once we find our missing link, we're going to kill a god.”
Somewhere in the city. Hati flying through chaotic city in search of Meg, encounters the sisters. Snow White and Rose Red who are searching for their lovers. He swoops down and changes from his wolf form into a human form and approach the two.
“Excuse me lovelies. By any chance have you seen a young woman pass through here?”
“We did, but why? Who are you?” Snow asked.
“I'm afraid that I have time to explain why I don't have time to explain. I'm kinda in a rush you see. My son Etan needs me to find-”
“Hold up, did you say Etan?” Snow said in a suspicious.
“I remember him from my wedding. He brought me a Bigby a giant FRIED carp as our weeding gift. We barely ate the whole thing...”
“Sound like something my son would do. Bigby is also there with him, we're plan on ending this madness tonight.”
“What about my Tez? I haven't heard from him since yesterday. Where the hell is my Tez!” Rose grabbing on Hati's collar.”
“Calm down rose, I'm SURE Hati would be willing to take us to them..” Rose calming her sister down.”
“It's too dangerous... for lovely ladies such as yourselves...”
Rose and Snow both drawn their swords showing Hati, that they weren't as weak as they seemed. Then Hati looked at them both with a funny look on his face then raised both of his and slowly backed away.
“Okay fine, calm down ladies. Help me find the woman named Meg, and I fly all the of you back.”
“Sure but aren't you a wolf...?” Rose asked.
“Try wolf god madame.”
“Her name is Meg right..? I think that her sitting on top of that building.”
“How there hell did I miss that..? Thanks ladies, I'll be right back for your escort.”
Hati then takes to get make.
“So, sis. What exactly did you did with that big ass fish that Etan brought..?”
“Rose, I will admit. That giant carp was delicious, but soon as we got through have of it the smell became unbearable. But Bigby ate the rest of it, all 25 inches of it...”
“Your mans stomach is an bottomless pit Snow.”
“I could say the same for Tezoth, Rose.”
On the roof.
“Excuse me, Meg?”
“Who the hell are you?”
“We require you assistance in defeat the being known as Gargoth. You are one of the keys in doing so mah lady.”
“Key. That is what Robby said to me before I left. But, I'm not a Fable, I'm just a simple Mundy. Looking out for her own kind. That is how it should be. Mundies looking after their own, Fables looking after theirs.”
“You're sound like Gargoth.”
“That is how he came to power. He trick both Mundies and Fables to fight among one another. It seemed his 'influenced only worked on few. You're one of them.”
Meg remains silence.
“Listen..., I fell in love with a Mundy. My son Etan, his mother is a Mundy so basically he is half and half. We broke the barrier that keep our kind separate.”
“What are you saying? Oh, I never got your name by the way.”
“Lord Hati, but you can call my Hati. What I saying is, Fables and Mundies can live together in piece. It's possible but difficult, hell I'm having a hard time to explain. We can live togather side by side, uh damn I forgot something.
“We're parallel..”
“Right Meg, we are in a way.”
“You're an very interesting man Hati. Your wife sure knows how to pick em.”
“She's longer with me... She-”
“Oh I'm sorry.. I shouldn't never brought this up.”
“No you're god Meg. Even if it doesn't seem like it, there's always someone out there. You're young, so you have plenty of time to find that very special person.”
“Right...” Meg looking at pocket knife Walter gave her.
“Shit, we wasted too much time, let's pick the ladies below and head back fast.”
And then Meg hopped on Hatis back and then Hati swooped down and picked up Rose and Snow and all three of them headed back to the Final Showdown with Gargoth.
To be continued
So this is a 'missing scene' from Fables I've wanted to write for a while, I hope you like it! @EMMYPESS I would really appreciate your opinion on this as you have written missing scenes for Fables in the past
The Hole In My Heart
Snow tucked in Blossom and went to switch off the light, but her little voice caught her full attention “Mommy?” Snow walked back to the bed and sat on it “What is it, sweetie?”
Blossom hugged her Mother tightly as tears poured from her eyes “Is Daddy really coming back?” Snow didn’t know how to respond, how could she? In a way it was her fault that things had turned out the way they did. Her own stubbornness had caused the demise of her husband, her best friend, her true love... her Big Bad Wolf.
The event had happened only hours ago; Bigby had returned to Fabletown upon hearing from Ghost that Brandish had imprisoned Snow with the intent to make her his wife and kill the Cubs. Bigby got there as fast as his legs would carry him, and then all hell broke loose. Snow had promised that she would be the one to kill Brandish, and in her own selfishness she had forgotten to tell Bigby about the reflective spell that Brandish had cast upon himself: all damage done to him would be redirected to Snow in an instant.
If she had told him, maybe Bigby wouldn’t have been as determined to rip the man to pieces; maybe he would’ve waited until the Witches had figured out a way to counter the spell... Hindsight was such an evil thing.
Instead, Bigby had charged headfirst into the conflict as he always did, and emerged the loser. A brilliant statue of the finest glass was all that remained of the once feared Wolf, and in that moment, Snow realised how foolish she had been.
Sure she had been the one to deliver the killing blow to the Prince, but it still didn’t change the fact that her husband was dead. The Witches had given Snow the tiniest ray of hope however: if they could reform all the shards back into a statue, and with the help of a little magic, they could persuade Bigby to come back to life.
But it was just hope, it wasn’t a set in stone answer, it was chalk on the pavement, something that could be washed away. There was always the chance that Bigby wouldn’t come back, or that it could be decades before he did return. Still, it was something to put the Cubs sorrows to rest a little.
Snow answered her daughter with a simple “I hope he does” Blossom nodded and Snow wiped away her tears before giving her soft cheek a loving kiss, she left the room and made her way to her own.
But when she closed the door to the Master bedroom, that was when all barriers faltered, Snow was alone here, no Cubs, no Sister, no one... and she wept. She cried harder than she had ever before, she never wanted this to happen. She wanted so desperately for Bigby to hold her and tell her he would make everything ok again, but that gruff voice never spoke those words, and those big arms never wrapped around her frame.
Snow continued to weep as she changed into a nightgown and drowned herself in the covers of the bed. It wasn’t the same.She couldn’t sleep, she just kept on crying. She couldn’t edge closer to her husband and hug him for comfort, or kiss him and hope he would kiss her back, there was an empty space where he would sleep every night, and this time it wasn’t a case of him going away on business, this time he was gone from the world.
Snow grabs a framed picture from her bedside table, a picture of her wedding day; Bigby had his arm on Snow’s back and she did the same to him, they were both smiling genuine smiles of happiness, it was the happiest day of their lives after the births of their children. Snow kisses the picture of Bigby and holds the frame close to her chest as she remembers happier times...
O The border of the Valley of the Sleeping Giants
Why did Rose have to drag Snow to the edge of the Farm on such a nice Summer’s day? She was having fun with the Cubs, she wouldn’t want to be anywhere else right now...
Regardless of that, Snow obeyed Rose’s instructions of walking up the hill, and then she saw him. Her heart raced in her chest as she dropped her cane and ran into his arms, tears streaming down her cheeks. She thought she would never see him again, not after the fight they had had, but that was 3 years ago, and how time had flown by.
Snow was always silently praying that Bigby would come back to her, even if it meant his death for stepping on the Farm’s land, just seeing him there would be enough to convince her that he truly did love her as Rose said he did. She was reunited with Ghost as well; she and Bigby caught up on everything and then the time came for him to get to know his children through the letters and gifts and pictures that they had ostensibly sent to him.
Afterwards came the unexpected, Bigby’s proposal of marriage. Snow had no idea what to say or do, she was completely frozen, she hadn’t considered the thought even after the Cubs were born, she wanted to take things slowly... but that was what she had always done with Bigby. She didn’t want to take things slowly anymore, she wanted to run headfirst into the fray like he always did, she'd just have to hope for the best. Snow accepted Bigby’s proposal with their first kiss, and Bigby was certainly a good kisser.
But was it really the fact he was good at kissing? Or because the kiss felt so right? It was the kiss Snow had always dreamed of sharing with the man she loved. She hadn’t shared such a kiss with Charming, but back then she was so ready to fall in love after going through hell; now she was ready to experience true love, true love with a man she had known for centuries, a man she could trust to protect and look after her and their children, a man who would never abandon her again, not now that they had come to an understanding...
O Back in the present
Snow set the picture back down on the table and went briskly to the wardrobe, she searched through Bigby’s clothes, smelling each of his shirts until she found one that smelled so much like him it was as though he was there. She threw off her nightgown and put on the white, slightly creased shirt, buttoning it up and holding the fabric close to her body as she climbed back into the bed, but this time on Bigby’s side of it. She needed to be close to him, she had to or else she would lose it.
She buried her crying face into his pillow and remembered another time...
O Haven, the Sacred Grove
6 bloody months away! And all to find a new location for Fabletown?! Bigby had never been away for 6 months before, and Snow had started to miss him after just a few days. It was a weird sensation, it was like a hole in her heart, and she needed Bigby to feel complete. He made her happy, in every sense of the word.
Unlike some couples who could only take each other’s company in bursts; Snow and Bigby truly enjoyed being around each other. Their honeymoon was enough evidence of that. They had spent the whole 2 weeks doing everything together, they were never apart, and they wished they had done more whilst in Paris...
But now they were in Haven, 6 years after they had tied the knot, the Cubs were at the North Wind’s keep, and the couple were still just as happy. Snow woke up in a slight daze, she had definitely drunk a lot of wine last night, and given how the surrounding area was littered with wine bottles and empty plates, clearly Bigby had to.
She remembered that they had chosen to have their reunion in the Sacred Grove to avoid any interruptions, and apparently 6 months away had worked a wonder. Their clothes were everywhere, and she was cuddling him like a giant teddy bear. But the brightness of the sun instantly alerted Snow to the time of day.
“Oh no! Wake up, Bigby! We have to- We were out all night!” Snow removes herself from the comforts of her husband’s body and shakes him into a lucid consciousness, he replies weakly “Huhh? Whufiss?”
Snow proceeds to snatch up her clothing and put it on quickly as Bigby does the same, he kept going on about how the trees couldn’t see anything and how they didn’t have to rush such a pleasant reunion. In a way Snow didn’t want to rush it either, she wanted so badly to stay pressed up against him and just share pillow talk with him like they always did after they made love, but given the awkward location of trees that had eyes and possibly ears as well, she wasn’t comfortable with the concept.
O The present
Snow had finally fallen asleep, at least she thought she was asleep, as a familiar voice alerted her, “Hey Snow” Snow shot up to see Bigby standing at the edge of the bed. “Bigby!” Snow throws herself at him, but something isn’t right...
Bigby doesn’t hug her back, and he is a lot cooler than normal. She looks up at him, Bigby still has a small smile on his face “I’m not really here Snow, you’re dreaming” Snow wanted to cry again, but the tears wouldn’t flow, so she just continued to hug him “Please come back to me, I can’t so this without you”
Bigby gave a light-hearted chuckle “Snow, I didn’t marry a woman that needed a man to survive the day, I married a woman that was strong and independent; you can do this, you just have to hope, that’s all”
Snow nodded and spoke at a whisper “Stay with me?” Bigby sat down on the bed “Sure”
A while later Snow woke up, it really was a dream, it was still night-time and Bigby was still gone. But she wouldn’t cry anymore, she had shed all the tears she would, she would wait for her love to return. She would remain faithful and wait...
It’s what she did best.
I wanted to get this done today, please leave your feedback below!
See you next time when I continue my other fic XD
Cool beans, man!
Great to know! I'll keep Michelle like this then.
O que tu queres matar o, ó Deus ímpios; afastar-me, portanto, os homens de derramamento de sangue. Para eles falam contra ti perversamente, e teus inimigos tomar o teu nome em vão. Acaso não odeio os que te odeiam, ó Senhor? E não me aflijo por causa dos que se levantam contra ti? Odeio-os com o maior ódio; eles se tornaram meus inimigos (139 Ps: 19-22.).
Gren and Emily never saw the little dark creature, clinging to the window. Into the night, he flew; wings paper thin, yet powerful enough to hold the creature's body. Flapping them vigorously, it dodges several acres of trees and two Horned Owls. As they screech, warning others there was food among them, he catches eye of a lonely pond, several miles from the Grendel home. Floating above, the creature opens his bag, throws a dark pebble into the water and watches the it ripple. Several seconds pass before a large portal like opening appears in the dark water.
The creature flaps his wings and stands back; a whirlpool effect takes place, causing Frogs and other creatures to scatter and take cover. Weeds dance along the current, causing several to break off and disappear into the murky waters. The color changes to purple, then red; shrill screams of sorrow and anguish escape the portal, as the winged creature dives into the portal he's created. The opening to this unknown world closes behind the creature and soon, the night returns to a normal, peaceful state.
However, the winged creature continues his journey along the shadows. He flies past several caves and a river of fire. He flies until a kingdom appears in the distance. A dark Castle, lightning above and darkness all arounds, stands sturdy along the sharp cliffs and thunderous volcanic ashes down below. Demons circle above, screeching their high pitched screams. Several people wander around; their clothes tattered, faces burned and pleading santuary. The creature ignores these lost souls, flies into the cave and searches the long, dark halls.
"Master." The creature calls out, hissing as he speaks. "Master, where art thou, master? Thee has required thy information regarding the child."
The winged creature stops in front of a open doorway. Standing before an enormous fire, is a tall, slender man. Wearing a dark, black trenchcoat with skulls on the shoulders, dark hair pulled back and black smoke beneath his feet, the man turns to face his assistant. His skin is pale like the fallen snow; dark circles under his eyes, smoke escaping his nose and teeth sharp as the cliffs outside the castle.
"Excellent Vaeo. You have done well. What have you to speak of?"
"She is there, master. Thy soul, who made thee look foolish....she is within the home of Grendel and Emily Porgie."
"Ah yes." The man takes a sip from his wine glass. "I have heard rumors the Porgie man has bred and created offspring. I never guessed one would lay within the bed of the beast. Which one has she clung to, Vaeo?"
"This one, master." Vaeo opens his palm and shows the man Viviana. "She's identical to the woman whom escaped thee, Hades. But I must warn thee, for she holds the powers of the purple ribbons, keeping thee away from her pure soul."
Hades cackles. "I shall wait, Vaeo. Patience is key; I shall have not only my Cerberus back but the soul that was rightfully mine from the beginning of time itself. Fetch me more wine and do not disturb me, Vaeo. I wish to be alone tonight."
"As thy wishes, master. I shall fetch thee more wine."
Hades stands before the fire; the image of a tall, curvy woman with blonde hair dances within the flames. Hades reaches out a hand and grabs the young woman.
"You shall be mine, Vivivana or face the consequences. I'll have you....even if I have to burn down all of Fabletown myself. Choose me...or perish..."
Laughing, Hades tosses a purple ribbon into the flames. Within seconds, the material pops and singes into the flames.
Emily awoke to an empty spot beside her. The birds sang outside alongside the morning light. The blankets were still warm; Gren had not been up very long, as Emily sits up and stretches her lower back. Still naked, Emily stands before the open window and pushes back the curtains. The sun barely touched the mountain tops. Early morning dew scattered along the leaves and flowers of the field.
A mother Deer and her baby standing beside the pond, drinking the brisk water and chewing on the tall weeds. Butterflies flew in groups, taking the precious opportunity to suckle on the nectar of the sweet flowers. Puddles walks into the room and licks Emily's ankle.
"Ah, Puddles." Emily picks up the quivering Dog. "Where Gren be, love?"
Emily peers over the four bassinets and notices all are empty. Feeling the blankets, they too were still warm. Listening to the quitness all around, Emily picks up a booming voice. It was not Grendel but his father, Thomas. Placing Puddles close to her breasts, Emily wanders into the bathroom and searches for a towel. She'd take a warm shower first before heading out. Puddles squirmed and yipped when he noticed the water gushing from the shower head.
"Relax, ya' silly mutt." Emily puts Puddles on the floor. "Ya' ain't gettin' the bloody bath."
Puddles sits beside the toilet, watching Emily step into the shower and rinse her body. The water trickled down her body. Like time before, there she was. Vivian sat on the edge of the shower, peering over and watching her precious Emily. This had become a routine for the guardian. Although Emily was in a better place, she still worried about Emily and being alone for too long. Nothing good ever came from this combination. Turning to grab the soap, Emily is startled to see Vivian.
"Damn, woman! Ya' scared the fook outta' me."
"You should know better by now, Emily." Vivian sighs and chuckles. "You hate me?"
"Fa' woot, Viv?"
"Not...telling you about-I didn't know, Emily! I swear to God! I never meant to...he tricked me and-"
Emily laughs. "Ya' need ta' calm ya' tits, Vivian. Does it fookin' look like I'm mad? Nuthin' bad is comin' from this. So woot, she has a bloody ribbon-nuthin' a little magice can't fix. She neva' pulls it and Hades won't find her. The end."
"I love those babies." Vivian watches the water run through her hand. "I only wanted to protect you, Emily. Change what you couldn't see. I was determined. I was not going to allow you to become....your father."
Vivian had a difficult time speaking of what Emily was supposed to be; the copy of her father, a man that turned to sin and had one foot already claimed in the fires of hell. A man cursed to forever lead a miserable life. When he had children, Emily was left with the remaining curse. She was the dark and twisted side, while her brother Junior was heaven's light and destined for nothing but good.
"I can neva' hate ya', Vivian. Ya' may not make fookin' sense sometimes but...I'm foreva' greatful fa' woot ya' did."
Vivian beams. "I'm greatful for this, too, Emily. I've always loved you."
"Right back at ya', Viv. Now..where is me fiancee and babies at?"
The quads, sitting under the sunshine, play with one another and several bugs. Sunflower, watching over the babies, is unsure of the 'lesson' taking place before him. Both in true form, Gren and Thomas battle in a clearing. Gren's cheek is torn open. Blood drips from the wound and bits of flesh dangle on the edges. Several teeth are missing; a gash remains open on his arm and chest. Thomas has a black eye and cuts but nothing major compared to Gren's battle wounds.
Panting, both beasts pause. "Come, son. I know you are stronger than this."
"What is the point of this, father?" Gren tries to catch his breath. "I'm not understanding this."
"You are weak." Thomas circles Gren. "I have watched you turn into mush and now, you have become the very thing that was taken down all those centuries ago back in the homelands. Males incapable of battle, thus dying by a single flesh wound and turned away for their weakness."
"We're not in the Homelands, father." Gren glares. "I have no need to battle."
"You have children now, Grendel. You must protect them until they are capable of making their own path."
"Path?" Gren was confused. "What the fuck are you speaking about?"
"I told you, I wish to help the quads." Thomas lunges at Gren. "If I teach you how to fight like a proper male Grendel, they won't have to. Especially little Liam over there. He's in no condition to fight, what with missing his arm..."
Gren dodges Thomas' attack. The beast rams into a fallen tree and causes several Chipmunks to run in various directions. The earth trembles beneath the steps of the beasts. The quads, seeing this as a game, turn their attention towards their father and grandfather. Sunflower tries to turn them away.
"This is insane." He sheilds Seraphina's eyes. "This...this is ridiculous!"
Gren sinks his teeth into Thomas' shoulder but the beast never makes a sound. Instead, he bucks Gren off, throwing his son into a boulder. With a thunderous THUD, Gren slams his back into the rock. Dropping into a soft patch of grass, he finds it difficult to stand up.
Thomas hovers over, blocking the sun from Gren's face. "You must learn to be quick. Observe. Understand the person before you."
Gren, vexed and determined, leaps into the belly of his father. Tumbling down a slope, the beasts end up in the pond. Ducks fly off, quacking and warning others to avoid this sudden battle. Water splashes in different directions, blinding Gren for a few seconds. Thomas shoves Gren into the muddy banks; Gren could taste the dirt and old, rotten weeds in the back of his throat.
"You MUST be willing to understand, Grendel! Do not think too much; release yourself and allow nature to take its course. You have something none of your brothers ever inherited from your mother."
With all his strength, Gren turns to face his father. With a blast of blue from his plams, Gren knocks Thomas to the floor. The blast causes Thomas to fall and remain still for several seconds. Gren picks his mighty father up, drags his body to a clearing and tosses it into a tree. Thomas regains concious and notices his son using what his mother gave him.
"You must be quick, Gren." Thomas repeats these words, as Gren inches closer. "You must protect your family. For it is up to you to decide not only their fates.....but yours as well."
"What do you mean?" Gren growls, pressing Thomas into a tree. "What the fuck are you speaking of?"
"One of my boys MUST take my place...for if YOU or any of them don't, it falls on Liam and RJ...."
Before Gren could speak, he catches the scent of his beloved Emily. Looking up, she holds Viviana and Liam. Seraphina and Chloe are held tightly by Sunflower. A coolness surrounds him, indicating Vivian was not too far. Emily smiles.
"Woot the bloody 'ell are ya' two doin'?"
Thomas spits up a tooth. "Playing, Emily. Rough-housing. You know men, especally Grendels."
Emily laughs. "Yeah I know. Glad I have just ONE boy. Clean ya'selves up and come get some food."
Gren and Thomas return to their glamoured forms; Thomas takes Chloe in his arms, as Gren walks beside Emily. He wraps his arm around her waist and pulls her close. The intoxicating smell lingers in his nose as the wind carries her hair. Following behind, Thomas holds he baby. She tugs on his shirt and growls when a passing bird flys above.
"Protect them, Grendel." He strokes the baby girl's hair. "Protect them and Emily...protect them from your brother..."
Any questions, you know the drill.
Feeling a bit better today; could be better but I look more like this today:
Also, a sketch of Gren's mother and father.
Those top pics are a bit risqué don't you think dude XD
Btw, what does the italics translate into???
Is this Portuguese I am reading? My language spotting isn't very well sometimes but if it is I think I have an idea on the generalization of what it says. Besides that this is a great chapter Pudding! Glad you are doing better today man hope it gets even better from here!
Pie does have Portuguese heritage... :P
Hey I didn't know that! XD my apologies Pudding!
All right, the FINAL part of this chapter is done. Hopefully, some things will start to make sense to people who have been reading Fayde's adventure! If not, feel free to ask me questions about it.
@pudding_pie, @EMMYPESS Please give your feedback of this chapter and the roles I've given your characters. 
FYI: This part is pretty lengthy, most likely the longest one I've ever written so far.
Chapter 8, Part 3: Dinnertime
Out of the guest room, and into the wolves' den...
"Ah, jeez, seems like Tez is giving me that look with his dragon eyes again. I'm going to walk over and see what's up with him this time. Perhaps, you would be willing to go and introduce yourself to the others without causing trouble?"
Fayde cautiously peeks over Rose's shoulder and, surprisingly, gets a chilling feeling when the dragon thief stares her down from the end of the hallway. She quickly makes eye contact with Rose again. "Um, sure, Rose, sure. You can count on me."
"Rad. Introduce yourself to Nancy and John -the owners of the house- and the rest of their kids."
"Okay, thank you Rose."
Both of them part ways and already, Fayde began to hear distant arguing in the background. Sighing, she walked down the steps to the ground floor.
"Now, what new faces await me?" She thought, wondering where to go next. To her curiosity, Fayde spotted a light peek outward behind a door from another long hallway she looked down.
She walked closer and closer to the light, and slowly opened the door. "Hello?"
A growl was heard. "It's not polite to disturb a man alone in his study." He paused. "Then again, I'm technically not a man." The tall wolf, holding a glass of liquor, gets up from his desk chair to greet the Irishwoman. "You must be Fayde, the girl I've been hearing a lot about recently."
She cleared her throat. "Yeah, that's me, heh. Listen, um, I'm sorry for any trouble or confusion I may have caused - y'know, before Rose let me in here."
"Uh-huh, even now, I can smell the trouble coming off of you." He downs more of his drink. "It's really messing with my senses."
"Ah, that explains some things. Your daughter, Lyla, said that she was a wolf when she introduced herself to me. She is your daughter, right?"
"Correct, and I recommend you stay far away as possible from her, as well as my other daughters. Because if you ever as much lay a finger on any of on them - I will kill you. You hear me? The only reason you're being given shelter right now is because of my wife, Rose, and -possibly- Harmony."
Fayde scoffs. "Alright, I get it, you don't trust me. I'll just back away and leave you to your indulgence in alcohol. To which, I don't blame you."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
Fayde turns around and glares. "Get a better attitude and maybe I'll explain." She closes the door gently behind her.
"Hmph, brave woman." John swirls the iced liquid in his glass and takes another sip.
Fayde looks around more and thinks. "That was most likely John I've tried talking to. Heard Rose mention something about a dinner being made - so his wife, Nancy, must be in the kitchen." And so, to the kitchen she went.
"Oh my gosh, Nancy. I never had the chance to see food prepared like this before! Normally, back when I used to live in the kingdom of the North Wind, it was the winter nymphs who prepared our meals for me and my siblings. My mother, too, whenever she felt like having some."
"That's great, Harmony!" Nancy beamed, checking the stove temperature in the process. "Hopefully, my dinner will prove just as worthy of your appetite tonight. I know my children, as well as your Aunt Rose and Uncle Tezoth, will enjoy it just the same."
Harmony smiled. "Don't worry, I'm positive I'll eat everything there is to devour. You Mundies definitely seem like you have a knack for this sort of stuff."
Nancy laughed. "I'll take that as a compliment."
"Um, hello?" Nancy and Harmony stop conversing the moment they hear an accent.
Fayde walks a little closer to them, but keeps her distance. "Sorry for intruding, but I'm currently still settling in your nice home here. You must be Nancy, correct? And Harmony?"
Nancy confirms with a friendly yes, whilst Harmony nods.
"You must be the Irish lady that Rose brought in earlier. Welcome to my home in this neck of the woods."
Nancy cuts a couple bread sticks in half. "A few of my daughters told me a little about you, you know. How you were 'super nice' to them and all that. Something I wholly appreciate inside this household."
Fayde grinned. "It was nothing, really. They are indeed very nice kids. Although, I don't think I have properly introduced myself to the rest."
"Not a problem, you'll get to do your niceties in the dining room when I'm done with the preparing. Care to assist me?"
Fayde blushed. "I would love to."
"Fantastic. What about you, Harmony?"
"Erm, if you don't mind," Harmony blows the hair away from her eyes. "I'm going to go see how Double R and Tez are doing, especially now that Tez is up and walking."
Nancy is surprised at Harm's excuse, but lets her leave nevertheless. "Very well. Looks like it's you and me, Fayde."
"Hmm, I guess so." Fayde curiously browses at all of the ingredients strewn along the counter. "What are you making?"
"I had a feeling you would ask. I'm making fried shrimp Po-boy sandwiches for ya'll - as well as some Jambalaya I have sizzling in the pan."
"'Po-boy' sandwiches? 'Jambalaya'?"
"Oops, I reckon you're not familiar with food of this type? This is your first time here in America, isn't it?"
Fayde nods. "Aye and aye, I arrived here by boat yesterday. Besides, even though I know a decent amount about this country, the United States still remain a mystery to me."
"I see, and how do you like our country so far? If you don't mind me prying?"
"I like it, to be honest. It's a nice change of pace compared to the lifestyle, erm, I was accustomed to in Ireland."
"Ah, good to hear! By the way, sorry to interrupt, but I think the fried shrimp is just about done. So hauling them over here would be of help. Don't forget to wear the oven mitts too! I wouldn't want a guest of mine burning her hands carelessly on the handle."
"Don't worry, I've been through worse." Fayde turns off the burner under the pan of fried shrimp and puts on one of the oven mitts. She picks up the hot pan and carries it over. "Where do you want this?"
"On the potholder there, thank you."
Fayde puts the pan down as requested and takes off the mitt. "I was wondering. Are you from the South? You sound like it."
"Born and raised, Louisana in fact. Also one of the reasons I know a couple of the delicacies you see me making now."
"Very cool, I like your accent."
"Why thank you, I like yours as well. Never met another that was of Irish blood, apart from my mother that gave birth to little ol' me long ago."
Fayde continued to look at Nancy preparing the sandwiches. "Your mother was Irish? Where was she from?"
"She was from a town called Darkley - a quaint little place from what she told me in the past."
"Darkley... Haven't been into Northern Ireland much, but I know I've visited there once or twice in my lifetime. Fantastic that your mom is from there, though. Total respect."
"Yeah - what about you, Fayde?"
"I'm from Dublin. It's a long drive from there to where your mom resided."
Nancy smiled at the name. "Dublin... I've heard it's a wonderful place to live in."
"Aye, it's breathtaking, just like Darkley. However, it's much more of a huge portside city than a village."
"Ah. Still sounds wonderful, really."
Fayde smiled nervously, eventually changing the subject. "So, um, do you need any more help or-"
"Yes, actually. Where are my manners? Here I am, asking for your help and all I had you do was put a pan on the counter!" She sighed embarrassingly. "Come, help me make the rest of these Po-boys - I'll walk you through it."
Nancy places two perfectly-cut French bread loaves in front of her. "Like you've seen me do, I put the fried shrimp on the bread first. Here's a spoon, just in case the shrimp is still hot."
Fayde grabs the spoon and moves the pan shrimp onto the sandwich. "Like this?"
"Yes. Perfect. Now for the lettuce, tomato, pickle, and mayo - usually in that order."
Fayde does all that while finally putting the other bread piece on top of the delicious sandwich.
Nancy crosses her arms and nodded slowly. "Congratulations, Fayde. You've officially made your first Louisianan Po-boy sandwich."
Fayde smiled, then put a hand on her growling stomach. "Mmm, I can't wait to eat one of these, Nancy. My mouth is literally watering just by looking at it."
Nancy chuckled. "Don't worry, you'll get your share. In the meantime, make at least two more while I get the Jambalaya into this here bowl."
Fayde does what is asked of her and soon, the food is ready to be served.
"Wow, this is... wow."
Nancy grins. "Surprised, huh? This is normally what dinner looks like every day - comes with having an alpha wolf for a husband, 3 wolf pups and a 'Mundy' for a family, I reckon."
Fayde is surprised when she mentions a Mundy. "Who's the Mundy?"
"That would be my beloved little Carla, why?"
"Oh, nothing. I'm just surprised you have a Mundy for a daughter. At first glance I thought she was a Fable."
"Nope, her, as well as me, are completely Mundy - as you Fables would call us. I hope our presence won't make you uncomfortable, Fayde."
Her eyes widen. "Not at all, Nancy! I deeply apologize if I offended you in any way."
"It's fine. You aren't the first person who was surprised firsthand. But that's another talk for another time. For now, let's deliver this grub to the dining room. I hear my kids getting restless."
Fayde smiled as she carried the bowl of Jambalaya. "I hope I won't raise eyebrows when I come into the dining room with you."
"Nonsense," Nancy picked up two plates of Po-boy sandwiches. "You'll be fine."
Chaos in the dining room...
"Dragon Tez, Dragon Tez! Are you and Rose gonna stay with us super late this time? You, me, Gina, and Mary can go hunting together!"
Tez chuckles and messes her hair a little. "We'll see about this time, Lyla. If it isn't tonight, I promise I'll hunt with you and the others the next time I come over."
"Yay! Maybe Rosey Red's friend could join us too?"
Tez's grin went to a serious one. "I don't know about that," Tez looks over at Rose, then back to Lyla. "We'll see."
Lyla sounded a bit disappointed. "Okay..."
Rose butted in. "Hey, how about we go see how your mom is doing with the food, huh?"
Lyla smiled again. "Ooo, yeah, Rosey Red, let's do it!" The two of them got up and walked to the entrance, while Tez shrugged and went over to join Harm, Gina, Mary, and Carla in the playful conversation they were having in the corner of the dining room.
Later, Lyla and Rose meet Nancy and Fayde in the hallway leading to the dining room.
Nancy smiles. "Fancy seeing you two here."
"Of course, me and Lyla were wondering when the food was coming. Thankfully, it seems the wait is over."
"It would've taken me longer if I didn't have a helping hand at my side." Nancy looks over at Fayde.
"You helped my Mommy with dinner, Faydey?"
"Why, yes I have, little wolf. I hope you don't mind."
"I don't mind! You're so kind to do that!" Fayde smiles at this comment.
Nancy hands the plates to Rose, and eyes her and Lyla. "I think we need more hands to deliver the food to the table quickly."
"Sounds good, Nancy, me and Lyla'll help."
After a few more minutes of putting everything on the table. Everyone finally sits in their seats to stare in awe at the food that laid before them. John was the last one to come and get seated.
Nancy taps her glass with a spoon. "Now, as you most of you know, we have a guest in our home tonight. Mary, Gina, say hello to Fayde - since you are the ones that haven't properly greeted her yet.
Mary and Gina shyly say hello, in order to avoid being awkward.
"Mary, Gina..."
Gina exclaims. "Come on, mom. What do you want us to do? Treat her like she's the queen of England or something? She's like, a total stranger that came from nowhere."
Lyla tries to correct Gina. "No Gina, Faydey is one of Rosey Red's friends!"
"Lyla, don't be silly. Mary and I -including you and the others- haven't even seen her before and mom expects us to treat her like she's an aunt or somethin'."
Nancy rubs her forehead. "I'm just asking for you to show courtesy to our guest, that's all."
"Why should I? This is literally the fir-"
"Gina, that's enough, don't talk back to your mother like that."
"Although," John looks at Nancy. "My little Gina does bring up a good point. Why are we even bothering to be polite to this woman that Rose and Tezoth happened to bring to our home? We've never seen or heard about the likes of her in their previous visits here."
Tez defends himself. "Hey, I never brought her here, all right? I was currently out of it at the moment. You've seen my condition!"
John ignores Tezoth. "Admit it, sweet wife of mine, you brought her in because you and Rose were mad at me for being angry at Harmony."
Rose butts in to defend Nancy and Harm. "Hey, at least it was a legit reason to do so! You were totally out of line with her. Besides, I'm beginning to think she had a good reason for saving her."
"Rose Bud, you still made a bad call on bringing her in here." She's-"
"Oh, fucking can it, Tezzy - Fayde didn't try anything yet! Will you get off my back?"
"I'm sorry, Rose, I just can't. Not after what you saw her do to me, she's unpredictable."
"I know, Tezzy baby, I thought otherwise too. But Fayde's changed from what I've seen, besides, you've got Harmony to thank for saving your dragon butt."
"Harmony saved my life?" Tez stared at her in confusion.
John growls. "I knew it! Harmony definitely had a hand in bringing this Irish woman to our home, she's got something to hide! I just know!"
Nancy almost yells. "That's enough, John! Why can't you leave her alone, and give this woman a chance? You, me, and the kids gave the dragon thief a chance, why aren't you giving her the same satisfaction?"
"Tezoth was different, honey, he had nothing to hide. But this girl," John points at Fayde from across the table. "She almost reeks of death, and has plenty of secrets to hide. My senses know it."
"Now please, why don't you tell us what your real intentions are, I doubt you're here to have a nice dinner with us."
Everyone else looked back at Fayde, both confused and eager to hear what she had to say. Fayde stands up to break her silence.
"You have me on the spot, wolf. Congratulations. Very well, I shall explain."
"I am not Rose Red's friend, in case some of you were wondering. The sole reason I'm here, or, the reason that I think I'm here - is because I had a hand in almost killing Tezoth earlier today."
Tez growls, but continued to put his inner dragon at bay.
"So um, yeah, I think they brought me here because they couldn't decide what to do with me after the predicament."
Harmony stands up. "She's right, even though I was the one who persuaded Rose to bring Fayde along, back when Nancy picked us up."
"I, I just couldn't stand dealing with the fact that my Aunt Rose would kill someone on the spot like that. It isn't right."
Tez and John were both super confused. "Why, Harmony?"
"Because an Angel told me to spare her, to give her a second chance. I never saw an Angel before in my life, so I listened."
Everyone was murmuring, and Fayde felt so many feelings inside the pit of her stomach now.
"An Angel? Don't be ridiculous." John scoffed.
"It's true, and now knowing that Fayde 'reeks' of death - it totally makes sense what her Fable background is."
Fayde is left aghast. "I don't know what to say, Harmony. Thank you."
"No need. You just have to apologize for showing your face like that in the rearview and nearly scaring the pants off of me when I was in the car with you earlier."
"I'll make sure to do that then. Well, assuming that Harmony's got it all figured out, I'm a Banshee. You know, the Irish legend of spirits that warn others of their coming deaths." Fayde ran her hands through her hair. "And going to back to your question in further detail, John. My main reasons for coming here, specifically New York's Fabletown, was to escape a powerful force I've had the misfortune to have relations with. And to visit an old friend."
"Suffice to say, I'd say coming here to America in general was a mistake, as I worry I may have placed you all in danger. But please, let's eat first before all of you accuse me of something."
END, of Chapter 8 part 3.
I deleted it. I went back and noticed it is a bit much for the site. XP It's a psalm from the bible. Basically watch out for the enemies, for they can be anyone....even family.
Yes it is in Portuguese.
HazzatheMan is right with the comment.
Thanks, man. Glad its worked out.
Sounds close to home for you dude...
These are so fun. XD Michelle and Ethan's expressions on the first one; Georgie's panic and the fact that he's either become and expert in the kitchen and can prepare a meal like that so quickly, or he just has one constantly ready in case of emergencies. XD And Mary with her puddin' and pie make for the cutest couple.
Whatever your thesis is specifically on, it's making you draw some mighty fine art! 
Awesome then I did translate it right from your reply to Hazza up above! Gotcha I'll remember that you have Portuguese heritage now.
Anytime man!
Man, Dragon. You're on a roll with this story. 1st off, John-calm your giant wolf man ass down. I loved his interactions with Fayde in the 1st section; I can see it now and that is so John, hiding in his Den, drinking his Whiskey.
BTW, loved that little wolf den bit. XD Clever! -snaps fingers- You go, Fayde! Put that Alpha in his place!
How precious is my Nancy. Making Po-boys, fried everything and Jambalya!
Harmony is hilarious; she's all excited for the food and is so cheerful all the damn time and I love it! The fact that Fayde just arrived to america must be exciting. She's with Wolves AND eating all this food, which she seemed to love. XD Then, he little discussion with Nancy and the family.
Their talks of Ireland and the fmailies. I love their budding relationship. At least Nancy is willing to listen to Fayde; one of the MANY differences between her and John. DAMN! And T man going to kill someone with that look alone! XD
Rosey Red.! ^.^ I love that so much, Lyla, you precious little monkey you! And Harmony's mention of the angel...this Vivian or is it something totally different? I'm pretty sure it is.
Fayde's description of everyone being in possible danger has me curious. does this have to do with the mysterious voice she heard back at the club....:0 Great work, man! -thumbs up-
Can I see.......? I like the bottom one, two. His mother is beautiful. Thomas looks like he can kill a man on the spot....
I loved the psalm in italics. I loved the 1st section with Hades. Damn. The middle, too. Vivian is too funny, showing up in the shower with Emily. lol And that fight with Gren and Thomas. He's preparing him...from battle? He mentioned 'brother'....is it Robert?? Thomas said he needs to protect Emily AND kids, especially Liam. Also, RJ....I like this, man.
I'm...I'm happy to knw you're doing good, pie.....Real glad.
They were two pics of Gren and Emily nude... you couldn't see anything but they were kinda racy :P
Harmony was sorta cheerful in this one, she was still scared of John after he got angry at her a couple parts ago. Fayde, too, in the moment where she caught Harmony by surprise in the car. Nevertheless, Harmony mostly got over it in the end, though Nancy will make sure John apologizes to her. (Fayde as well)
I'm glad you enjoyed the kitchen scene overall, it was something that clicked in my mind while saying to myself, "I had to do this!"
You're right, Harmony was indeed referring to Vivian - back when I had her talk to Harm for a brief moment. I'll try and explain more about it as I go on.
And yes, Fayde was referring to the mysterious voice she heard back at the club, which was the shadow demon that she spoke to.
This chapter leaves questions, but the description of the Homelands at the beginning was a pleasure to read! In time you'll no doubt answer them, but was Robert remembering in his dream? And there are hints as to who the woman is, but why her? Whatever the answers, RJ's inquiries into Robert's love-life are endearing; even if Robert never does meet anyone who he can love the same way as Lyla (hopefully he will but you may already have plans) it would be nice if he could at least find happiness without longing.
Also, hope you're feeling better today!
I want to write about her really bad XD As soon as I'm done with the current chapter or whatever, I'll definitely do something pertaining to her (And probably Franklin ^-^)
When you mntioned she was a ghost awhile back, it never clicked. 'Oh she must be a Banshee....' For some reason, I thought she was kind of like the North Wind; can turn invisible, the wind....alll that fun stuff but that's not REALLY a ghost. Banshee is WAAAAAY cooler than my silly guesses. XD
Well, growing up around her grandfather and what not, I'm pleased Harm was willing to not be too afraid of John; he can be a bit much at times but its in the nature of his family. Plus, Harmony seems like she can put that male Wolf in his place. XD XD Protecting his cubs and mate can make a Wolf do some silly things.. That MAY come off as 'asshole' material but in the end, he's a cool cat. Er, uh.....Wolf? XD And I adore Fayde and Nancy in the same room. I hope to read more of these scenes. As if they've been friends for centuries. BTW, I ALMOST said Dublin but something told me you'd pick it. XD
Yay! -throws confetti- I love that you've incorporated Vivian into this tale of mystery.
That mysterious voice, though...again, great work, man. 
I'm sorry.
I should've told you that she was a spirit - not a ghost. Even though they're kind of the same thing, imo. I wouldn't put you at fault for thinking she was the North Wind either. After all, I did put 'Everwind' as her last name. XD But yeah, as you already have said, she's a Banshee. 
Haha. I picked Dublin because of its popularity with many Irish people apparently. :P It definitely looks like a cool place to hang out at. I'll also try to include more convo scenes between the two, dude!
Appreciated like usual.
After some much needed breakfast and a quick clean up, Gren and Thomas took their conversation outside. Mary entered through the mirror a little after Emily finished frying Eggs; she was itching to stick her nose in their conversation but Emily made sure to keep the once haunting mirror leaper inside the house.
"Leave 'em be, Mary." She grabs Mary's jacket and pulls her back. "Let Gren and his father be alone fa' a bit."
"Don't you WANT to know what they're talking about?" Mary points out towards the door. "I mean, it can be some pretty juicy gossip or material you can blackmail later on either of their swamp asses."
Emily shakes her head. Not sure why she was surprised by Mary's behavior. Centuries of playing with other individual's emotions can really leave someone with both a warped sense of humor and logical way of thinking. Emily was begining to rethink her dear, beloved sister-in-law had really changed her mischievous ways.
"He'll fookin' tell me if he wants ta', Mary. Startin ta' think its more fa' ya' than me..."
"Me!?" Mary playfully pushes Emily to the side. "Don't be so ridiculous, Porgie. Man. Holly, can you believe this girl?"
Mary circles her index finger beside her head, indicating Emily had 'lost it'." Holly only sighs and tries to crack a smile. While rubbing her belly, Holly leans over and grabs a piece of toast. Smearing Strawberry jam and a dab of butter, she devours the toast, licking her fingers as the piece of bread vanishes down her throat.
"Damn, woman." Mary speaks as she chews her Eggs. "You hungry? Baby making you turn into a real beast?"
"Well, she IS mixed. Both Wolf and Trolls tend to be, well....messy eaters, as you can call it."
Emily flips the Egg and looks over at the table. "Wow, a little girl. Was Peter mad or-"
"No, he was actually elated knowing it was a little girl. To be honest, I am, too. Male Trolls like to be little shits while in the womb. Kick, bite, scratch....and before their birth, your entire lower back feels like pin needles being pressed into EVERY fiber of your being."
Emily shakes her head. "Fa' fook's sake, Holly. I thought MY pregnancy was bad...."
"That ain't shit, ladies!" Mary sips from her coffee. "I had to not only PUSH that big ass head of George out but when I was pregnant with Aubrey and Sophia...shit, forget about it. Had heartburn from the first month up until the third trimester and Sheila was almost a cesarean because the little shit refused to go DOWN towards my Vagina."
Emily takes her plate, sits beside Mary and adds salt to her Eggs. The quads, all in their jumpers, casually bounce around and eye their mother. Liam sniffs the air; Chloe, licking her lips, tries to reach for the plate of greasy goodness her mother cooked up. Desperate to get a taste, she whines and whimpers. Howling into the room, Chloe tilts her head back and lets out a squeaky, yet heart breaking sound.
Mary chuckles. "DRAMA queen we got over here."
Emily sits up, plate in hand and walks over to Liam and Chloe. "Ya' be little brats like ya' fatha'. Cry, cry, cry. Whine, whine, whine, until I bloody give in a give ya' want ya' need."
Holly shakes her head. "Be careful you DON'T spoil them, Emily. Your grandfather did that to Katie and....well-"
Emily rips a piece of her Egg. Mushing the contents between her fingers, she places the piece inside Chloe's mouth. Chomping down immediatly, she chews while Emily prepares the second bite for Liam. Waving his stubby arm about, Emily smiles, laughs and adds another piece into his mouth. As the two babies chew, Seraphina and Viviana demand some food as well.
"See?" Holly points to all four. "Spoiled."
"This ain't nuthin', Holly." Emily tears a piece of her toast and hands it to the girls. "Grendel SPOILS. I'm just bloody keepin' their traps shut. Especially when it comes ta' the girls. I guess Grendels RARELY have daughters, which is why they either remain alone until someone DOES birth a female or they look elsewhere."
"Seriously?" Mary burps as she speaks. "Well, that's stupid. That why they go after, oh I don't know....She-Wolves and other creatures with a portal to the land of orgasms and happy dreams?"
Holly tosses a towel at Mary's direction. "You are something else, Mary."
"WELL, I'm serious. No offense but a beast with THAT much stamina NEEDS to get it out and well....touching yourself only takes the edge off. Gren looks like he can put it down. Rough, soft, fast-"
"MARY!" Emily's face is bright red. "Stop! That's really none of ya' business!"
"Oh my God, Emily." Mary stands beside the table. "Not like those four understand a word I'm saying. I mean, it MUST be true, right? From what I HEARD....he and Carla RARELY had sex. So, he smells your sweet thang walking around and BAM-instant boner and he's desperate to take you into his cave of love and release the beast whithin!"
Holly covers her mouth. "Oh good lord...."
Mary grabs the table with both hands, leans her groin into the edge and grinds into it, causing Holly to burst into tears of joy and Emily cover her face in both shame and embaressment.
"Bet he took to like this, legs all up in the air and in his TRUE form. Huh, Emily? That how he got you? In his true form!?"
"No." Emily's hands fall to the side. "That's not woot happened at all."
"Wow, really?" Mary seemed surprised. "Huh. Well, if you don't mind-"
"Why does her sex life with Gren suddenly seem interesting?" Holly was unsure where any of this was heading. "I mean, what's there to fucking know: penis, vagina, insert, up down up down and you're done."
Mary sits in her chair once more. After all the dancing and thrusting, she takes a drink from the juice bottle. "Well, DUH I know how it works but with a GRENDEL! You're so little, Emily. How did he NOT lose it the first time you two did it?"
Emily could still recall that night. She was staying with Gren, due to the unknown murderer chasing Halfers and Fables down in the middle of the night in cold blood. To avoid being caught, she stayed awith Gren; she made dinner that night and the two argued over dishes. Cleaning the freaking dishes. Yes, Emily was injured but she could handle a few pots and pans. One thing led to another, they argued and before Emily or Gren knew it, their bodies were locked and both naked within five minutes. He was never rough or made Emily do anything she wasn't comfortable with. They made love. That's honestly how Emily would describe it. Love.
"I know. You BOTH must be thinkin the same fookin' thing but it's neva' like that. At all. Yes, I DO ask every now and than fa' him ta' show me his TRUE side but...Grendel is a gentle giant. He's mad...poor choices in his fookin' life that I know still botha' him but....he's a fookin gentle lover."
Mary boos Emily and holds her thumb upside down. "Ah man. BORING! I wanted to hear the dirty stuff...."
"Maybe they do-" Holly rubs her belly once more. "-But YOU don't get to know."
Emily laughs, sipping from her coffee. "Well, enough about ME, ladies. Holly....let's talk wedding, shall we, love?"
Thomas and Gren sat under the large tree near a crystal clear blue lake. The grass was cool in between his fingers, as Gren leaned back to enjoy the fresh air. The city noise often left him angry; he couldn't stand the noise and it left him with headaches beyond anything regular mundy drugs could help. Since moving out here, they stopped.
"It's stunning out here." Thomas spoke, nearly whispering. "So peaceful. Quiet. Reminds me of home."
"This will work for me, dad." Gren sits up. "I'm glad we both decided this was best. for not only us but the kids, too."
"You have quite the beautiful family, Grendel. I'm proud of you. I...I never said that enough to you and I'm sorry."
Gren plucks a blade of grass from the Earth and examnies it. "Did you even love me, dad?"
Thomas sighed. These were hard memories to think about. The old beast would sit up alone at night and ponder the decisions he made. Not only as a leader but a husband and father, too. He cared for the boys; he wanted nothing but pure happiness for the boys and he did love his sons. But Grendel....Thomas liked Gren; even sitting beside his youngest, his heart broke with the truth. But love him?
With a heavy heart, Thomas answered. "No...Gren, I....I didn't love you like the others."
Gren already knew. He was prepared but the truth behind his father's answer still left a tear roll down his face. "I knew this already. I kind of fucking knew it..."
"Your mother was the one to provide the love and nuturing you so sought after. I was merely there to teach, not love. She did all that with you. She adored you. Would....would have done anything to protect you..."
"Robert." Gren tried to speak. "You always....always fuckin' loved Robert more than-"
"Robert was the indetical copy of myself." Thomas needed to explain. "The moment I held your brother in my arms, I FELT the power within. He was larger then the rest of you boys and he LOOKED like an Alpha male Grendel. Isaiah, Jason and Richard were strong, yes but nothing like Robert. But you, Gren. You looked Grendel. You acted like one but...you were more of your mother's side, when it came down to this-" Tomas points at his head. "-The mind. You thought like a Wood Elf."
"Which is-"
"Grendel, you were weak. And after I noticed you held the same powers as your mother..."
Thomas had to stop all together. It was making him weak inside. He knew what he'd done to Grendel created the beast the mundies and even Fables, thought he was. Simply that. A monster. But anyone-mundy, Fable, Folker, Halfer-anyone with a broken heart can easily turn into a monster.
Thomas spoke again. "Grendel males were only bore into this world for one simple purpose. To be the strongest. You knew this; in their early stages of life, the boys were trained in combat. They pinned cousins, brothers....fathers and sons against one another, to practice and prepare for their time in battle. We'd train you the proper methods of defeating your rivals. To have a strong family."
"I didn't fuckin' fit into your 'perfect' world." Gren stands up and speedily moves towards the pond. "I was nothing like Robert. Or the others."
"No." Thomas joins Gren by the banks. "You were too much like your mother. And although I truly loved your mother, knowing one of my sons was capable of thinking like her....those were different times, Grendel. I'm sorry. It does not change how we ended up here to this day. But, its the truth."
Gren cleans his face with his sleeve. "Mom and ....Wood Elves. I know so little of them. I need to fuckin' know, dad. If I DO have more of mom in me like you state, I need to know."
"Very well." Thomas stops to watch a Dragon Fly glide over the water. "It was more for the females then males; males were often left to play like any normal boy does in his youth. THAT was their training. Females, however, were take away at the age of five and for two years, sent to a temple. There, the elders would sacrafice a Bear and the young girls would drink this blood, in hopes of providing them strength, courage and a womb capable of bearing many children."
Gren was stunned. "Wow. So, it was the opposite for you and mom?"
"There were many differences between our kinds but also, a lot of similar traits, too."
"Why do Grendels hate Wood Elves so fuckin' much, dad?"
"Well, story has it centuries ago we used to live among eachother in peace; they knew we existed, as did they and tried not to cross paths. Rumor has it, a group of Elf females came across a sleeping Grendel in the swamp. One of the girls poked it with a stick and awoke the creature. It attacked the girls; it nearly killed them all until the father of one of the girls heard their cries. He killed the beast and the other Grendels found their fallen comrade in the creek. With the help of a Witch, they sent a plague of revenge on the Wood Elves."
Gren was speechless. There were no books or files on Wood Elves. They remained one of the few Fables whoe kept a low profile and had little informaton to WHO they were. This was Gren's only form of resources. Thomas continued.
"Wood Elves were magical creatures, Gren, hence how YOU and Seraphina have the ability to kill and bring back plants. With the help of voodoo, they slaughter three of their largest livestock animals, bathe in their blood and drink the water touched by the moonlight. This protected the Elves long enough to understand the plague without being killed. The Elves attack the Grendels and battle for three months. Many lives were lost, especially the Elves. The Grendels fail, however, to take them down..."
Gren waits for his father to speak. After a minute, Gren clears his throat. "And-"
"The Elves and Grendels came to an agreement but centuries of wrath and hate loom over both sides, leaving future generations to hate one another. I, however, fell in love with your mother."
Gren sighs. "I want to know more about mom and-"
"In another time, son." Thomas wipes his eyes and heads for his car. "I'm feeling exhausted and need to rest. I shall return tomorrow and speak to you. Answer any questions you may still have."
Watching his father leave, Gren stands alone near the pond. Looking out, he notices Emily; her pale blue sundress blows in the wind, as she heads towards him. Immediatly, she notices Gren alone.
"He leave so soon?" Emily grabs Gren's hand. "Love...ya' alright?"
Gren beams. "I'm...fuckin' great, sweetie. Never better."
"Did you two talk or-"
Gren tightly holds onto Emily. Pressing her against his own body, Gren buries is face into Emily's thick mounds of black hair. Inhaling her scent, Gren remains still and quiet. Continuing to rub her back, Gren could honsetly say he was alright. Emily was not sure how to react to this sudden gesture. Kissing Gren's neck, Emily leaned her head against Gren's shoulder.
"I fuckin' promise you...I'll always be there for you and those babies."
Like always, Emily nods. She knows this to be true. She trusted Gren. He knew this. Felt it.
"Come, love. Let's get inside. A bit chilly out 'ere..."
Taking Gren's hand, the couple walk towards their home. Back to the home full of love. Love Gren knew was for him. The love he dreamed of all those centuries ago.
Any questions, you know the drill. Had time before class.
Peace out! THIS guy has to work on his Thesis! YAY! XD
Poor Fayde, seems like she's feeling a little outcasted here, other than Rose encouraging her to do stuff, like introduce herself. I haven't read the full last chapter before this, so correct me if I ask questions that were answered before this one XD
You know what, I'm gonna go back and read it. BRB! (Even though this is being posted AFTER I've read it, lol)
So I read it, and it was super adorable
The part with the water guns was funny and Gina and Lyla and Carla and Mary are all super adorable
Back to THIS chapter though!
John's a bit snippy, as he was in the prior chapters....My poor little Harmony XD She got yelled at before. Poor Fayde too, he definitely doesn't trust her, although I might be wary of inviting a possible criminal to my house just as well. Actually, I'd certainly be wary XD But I see that Fayde isn't genuinely evil of any sort, so I feel bad for her.
I'd also like to point out that I love imagining her Irish accent; Whenever she talks, I hear her in my head and I never want her to stop talking XD
Nice little detail! Also, poor Harmony still slightly traumatized by Fayde from earlier, as is obvious from her hasty exit from the dining room.
I liked the bit where Lyla talked about her mother, and also showed Fayde how to make some Po-Boys. I never had them before, but it sounds good!
Oh Gina XD Very blunt little girl, lmao XD
Oh no, here we go again. -Braces self-
Oooooh it's seriously getting steaming hot now!
XD John sounds like one of those conspiracy theorists right now XD What could little Harmony be hiding, out of all things? That she picked her nose secretly before running in to Rose on the street earlier that day? Lmao XD
HOLY crap! I just now remembered reading the chapter where Harmony was approached by Viv! How could I forget that? I'm an idiot XD
So I guess she did have a secret so technically John was right- But he didn't have to be a meanie! Lol, it's all good though XD
Sounds like a good idea, Fayde XD Can't wait for the next chapter, totally pumped man! I don't remember if you already stated in the past that Fayde was a banshee, but now I know, and now that's super cool, and whoever is the bastard whose after her better back off before Team Red comes and blows his ass outa town! XD Great chapter, Dragon! You're going great!
Wow, this review was a lot longer than I realized. Great work, Dragon XD
LOL yup. sounds like pie.
He sent me a link to that one and another one, too....just because I asked. lol Wasn't too bad but yeah. Good call on his part.
It's always something that Mary says XD I actually haven't read the chapter directly before this, but I did see a glimpse where Thomas....stabbed Liam? Please tell me there was justification for it? Or...maybe it was a dream? Idk, I didn't read it all >.<
I could highlight some OTHER things that Mary said...but, well XD Oh Mary...
And then Holly, kind of defending Ems there XD Poor Emily, she's like...got that motherly mindset now, and the things Mary is saying are the type of things Emily would have indulged, had she not changed the way she had so far. Still funny as hell though XD
It's interesting listening to Thomas talk. It's also sad, to know that he loved Gren the least of his children, but I suppose it makes sense with the way things were. I mean, that's basically how it was even in human society. Only the strong went on back in the days. If you were sick or weak or even a bit foolish, you were sort of condemned. I don't like Thomas as much as I like Georgie, or Lyla, or even John and Nancy, but I don't hate him either. If I recall correctly, he's dying, right? Please correct me if I'm wrong XP Still a tiny bit hazy to what's going on.
Emily? In a sundress? Willingly? I need to see this! -flies away to sim land- This picture is going to exist, whether anyone likes it or not XD
At least it ends on a lovely note
EDIT: Props for beating JJ at reviewing this chapter XDDD Love you JJ XD
Me and Pie did have a plan for the reason why he's seeing Emily. Not sure now. Not...not on good terms with him.
IF he continues to use that idea in his story, great. If he does not, I'll explain what the idea was.
Thank you, Noir. It was a dream. It never took place but Robert for some reason, had this dream of him and Gren fighting. I MAY give Robert a partner in the future but for right now, he's content with just him and RJ. His love for Lyla will always be there, though...
LMAO That's too funny. This made my day! XD
Freaking Mary, I swear to God...XD XD She's something else and her pushing emily to talk about her sex life. SO her. I love that Emily gets all red now; before, she'd sit down and give EVERY little detail. How cute are those qauds, though!
OMG. How fucking sad is this!
You know, Ems said it better than I ever can; this was something practiced hundreds of years ago, too. I can't say I hate Thomas for being honest but still. To flat out tell your son, 'No. I hate you...never loved you.' No amount of preperation can prepare you for this. It makes sense why Gren drinks, wanted to be alone....hated so many people....
I really, really REALLY liked that section with the Wood Elves and the detail you gave them. I swear...the things you create are genius and tie into the whole fable world and what not.
The war, too and how the sides became enemies....that's interesting, too.
@EMMYPESS Yes, please! You make Sims Emily in blue dress. Pie...draw this! PLEASE! I never thought in a MILLION years, I'd see Emily Porgie-THIS EMILY PORGIE-in a blue dress! How precious is she now! ^-^ All mommy like! I bet she looks adorable, what with the long black hair and tattoos.
I STILL see her like this!
Ugh. The memories.....:'( 
I love this! More, dude! You're on a roll with this!!!!
John had the right intention to be wary, but was too hostile for his own good. Habits of being a wolf, I suppose. XP Harmony will get an apology soon enough for everything he put her through, don't you worry.
Yeah, Harm surprised pretty much everyone with her secret, while Tez most definitely needs to give Harm a big hug for telling Rose to call Swineheart for him. (if you remember that part) You're definitely not an idiot, btw. :P
It was Nancy that talked about her mom to Fayde, and showed her how to make the Po-boys, not Lyla. Lyla would be too short to reach the counter, let alone have the knowledge on how to operate the stove and all that! XD
I haven't technically mentioned she was a Banshee in previous chaps, but I have detailed the way she can turn invisible and go through walls and stuff. Something that Banshees can apparently do, being a spirit and all.
Why thank you for the compliment, and the long-quoted review!
Love those teachers that turn their backs so you can check your phone....XD XD lol
Anyways, Mary IS something. I always have fun writing about her when she shows up. Emily has drastically changed; I know a lot of people STILL picture how she used to be. I do it too, at times. But she's in mommy mode right now. I don't hate Thomas, either. The truth hurts, I guess and Gren already knew this. Sad, yes but at least he didn't sugar coat it.
This...made my day, night, month, year. :'D And yes, Thomas is dying.
Long story short, the quads were not learning fast enough how to shapeshift. As much as it broke his heart, Peter was going to take them to the Farm, especially Liam. He REFUSED to change. Thomas heard of a story about a woman who stabbed a Wolf with the Lycanthropy knife, allowing the beast to turn from Wolf to man. He had a similar knife and used it on the baby, simply to help his grandson change from beast to child.
I'd love to see that, Ems.
@JJWolf yes, I'll draw it, too. :P She willingly wears dresses now. Blues ones are her favorite.
I love it! Definitely peaks into Snow's feelings in regards to what was going on. She told Blossom that he would probably come back, which is a hope restoring thing to say. She was also right though, about how it's mostly written in chalk at this point. Not entirely permanent.
The flashback to the day she saw him after about 5 years of his absence was also very heart-warming, getting to see what she thought, how genuinely happy she was.
I love love LOVE how you describe her feelings this way. Running in headfirst....that's exactly what kind of describes Bigby, and her transition from taking things slow to just accepting them as they come like Bigby would....it's a powerful line, to say the least.
Also, how you described how different their marriage was compared to others....it's also very hear warming. You basically covered all the things I would have mentioned or thought of when writing about Bigby and Snow myself XD Even her reaction, how she was climbing onto his side of the bed, wearing his shirt instead of her own....I've always imagined how Snow was behind the scenes of the comics, and this picture your painting is very much like the one I've thought of countless times! It's brilliant!
Oh man, I got my hopes up way too quickly! I want to cry with her now
Absolutely brilliant, though! I loved it!
Lol, SAME! Have just a few of them in school, so it suffices XD
She's fun for me to write too, but I think you do a way better job than I do XD She makes me laugh so hard sometimes that I have to take a break from reading and just laugh it out XD
Glad that made your day
The truth of the matter is, that Georgie is a reformed man, at least in the way you portray him, and for that, he's one of my favorite characters in your story, apart from most of the OC's. He's a wonderful husband and father, AND grandfather, and reading about him interacting with everyone else actually warms my heart
Plus, him and Lyla are one of my absolute favorite couples 
Ahhhhhhh that makes total sense! So he wasn't doing it out of any sort of malice. That's how Bigby was able to turn from wolf to man. Is that the specific story you were referencing? Lol.
I figured she'd like blue over most other colors...-cough-PINK-cough- XD Such the opposite of me, at least in that regard XD Pink's my favorite color.
I'll be working on replacing her normal outfit with a nice dress shortly
Gotta boot the game up and take some in-game pics, too! The environments in the sims 4 are as fantastic as the create-a-sim!
I remember when all that went down and Bigby was killed. I cried; when my fiancee told me about it, I thought she was playing around. She tends to do that a lot. Until I read it. I felt for Snow but she was strong and I agree with Bigby. He fell in love with the person she was; strong, capable of being independent and strong. I can see why people label her a 'bitch' but she had to learn how to be strong.
I love Blossom. Enough said.
I honestly thought Bigby was there until Bigby mentons 'I'm not really here, Snow. You're dreaming.' The feels, man.
That's what I want to hear.
People have their ideas of little scenes such as this that take place. It interesting to see the raw emotions you have portrayed here in this little section pertaining to the absence of Bigby. I often wondered HOW Snow felt. This and from what Ems has written, summons it up.
I KNOW I should be listening but my mind is in la-la land today. XD
I know he came off as a, ummm...asshole, in the game but I just grew to love him. Wanted to take him and make a story. I'm glad my portrayl has allowed you to see HIM through my eyes; a husband, father and yes....grandfather.
I don't think Lyla Smith would be the same without her Georgie. Noir said it one time they are like the sun and moon. One can not rise without the other. And knowing they are one of your favorite couples, continues to make my day. Like they are towards you, Harmony and Tim have grown on me. Sweet as sugar, those two. 
YAY! I was referencing the story about Bigby and Snow.
Been doing my homework. lol No pink for THIS Emily; she wear the lightest possible, just because it IS a part of Holly's wedding. Blue seems more her.