Makoto paced around the room...he wondered how he'd tell Mary about Dewitt and what may happen to her. He went back and forth his mind stirring with ideas but nothing stuck. It haunted him every night, he couldn't sleep. He sat down and tried to calm do you tell a little girl the closest thing she has to a father is dead and she might go with him? He screamed and slammed his hand on the table, causing Ella to wake up. He walked over and picked her up. He gently bounced her in his arms saying "'s okay" until she went back to sleep. When Celeste had gotten back she found Makoto holding Ella who was asleep in his arms.
"I....accidently woke her up. Sorry." He said placing her back in the cradle.
She placed the groceries down on the table. She walked over and held him close. "It's okay, I'm here for you. What's on your mind?" She asked
Makoto broke down in tears. "It's not fair! She's so young yet her life is being taken away so fast! I don't know what to do! No matter what I do she could die! And it's MY fault!" He began sobbing.
Celeste realized what was going on. "You have to tell her no matter how much it hurts you. If you hold it from her it'll be way worse for her." She said
"I know...and you're right...but I just....I just wish...." He said
"She'll understand, she looks up to you." Celeste said.
With that Makoto gained composure, nodded and walked out. Normally Celeste would go and pick Mary up from school and bring her back to their house but this time Makoto went to get her. On the way over he saw hospital trucks moving going away from him. He wanted to follow them yet he kept walking. When he got to the school Mary was not there, she normally would be swinging on the swings but she was not there. The teacher had rushed out to find Makoto clueless as to where Mary was and ran over to him and told her of the news. He knew he should have ran over with the ambulance! He headed towards the local hospital. When he got there he rushed the front desk and asked where her room was. When he found out where she was he ran over to get inside when Mundy doctors held him back. He fought through them and ran to her side.
"Sir! You really can't see her unless you're family!" The doctor said
"I'm the closest thing to a family she has left!!! All of her other family members are dead!!!" Makoto yelled
"Okay..." the doctor said slipping out. Makoto didn't care what the doctor did, he turned his attention to Mary who was in severe pain.
"It hurts really bad..." She said in pain.
"I know...but you're going to be okay! Alright?" Makoto said
"Where's....where's Dewitt?" She asked
"He...he didn't make it Mary...he sacrificed himself so that I could live...but it might also cost you your life too." He began to cry again. "Mary please! Please forgive me! I'm so sorry I should've told him to stay behind but I didn't know!" He sobbed.
"I....understand...." She held her stomach in pain and she yelled. Her heart monitor started to go slower....
"Hey! Look at me! Don't close your eyes! Please!!! Remember our promises? We would hang out together with the baby! And when it came time for the wedding you'd be the flower girl! Goddamnit just please don't die..." He held her hands. Tears going down his face. The heart monitor went slower....and slower....then flatlined....
Makoto sat there and sobbed while doctors came in and wheeled her body out. She was now clinically dead. Makoto got up and left going back home...he didn't know what to think or what to do anymore....all he could think of was "Why not me?"
That's it! I had to a short one because I have to go commentate for a smash bros tournament today so any questions or comments or anything else let me know!
Thank you so much EMMY!!! I may write more missing scenes if any come to mind
Bigby was actually away for 3 years though, not 5, it's confirmed in Ambrose's narration during the Father and Son story arc when he says "Our Dad was away for the first three years of our existence"
I love it! Definitely peaks into Snow's feelings in regards to what was going on. She told Blossom that he would probably come back, which i… mores a hope restoring thing to say. She was also right though, about how it's mostly written in chalk at this point. Not entirely permanent.
The flashback to the day she saw him after about 5 years of his absence was also very heart-warming, getting to see what she thought, how genuinely happy she was.
She didn’t want to take things slowly anymore, she wanted to run headfirst into the fray like he always did, she'd just have to hope for the best.
I love love LOVE how you describe her feelings this way. Running in headfirst....that's exactly what kind of describes Bigby, and her transition from taking things slow to just accepting them as they come like Bigby's a powerful line, to say the least.
Also, how you described how different their marriage was compared to's… [view original content]
I remember when all that went down and Bigby was killed. I cried; when my fiancee told me about it, I thought she was playing around. She te… morends to do that a lot. Until I read it. I felt for Snow but she was strong and I agree with Bigby. He fell in love with the person she was; strong, capable of being independent and strong. I can see why people label her a 'bitch' but she had to learn how to be strong.
I love Blossom. Enough said.
I honestly thought Bigby was there until Bigby mentons 'I'm not really here, Snow. You're dreaming.' The feels, man.
Bigby gave a light-hearted chuckle “Snow, I didn’t marry a woman that needed a man to survive the day, I married a woman that was strong and independent; you can do this, you just have to hope, that’s all”
That's what I want to hear.
People have their ideas of little scenes such as this that take place. It interesting to see the raw emotions you have portrayed here in this l… [view original content]
Ah, I forgot! Thanks for correcting me on that! I guess I associate it with 5 years, as the next major story involving Bigby's cubs has to do with their 5th birthday (When they were introduced to their brother Ghost for the first time!)
Thank you so much EMMY!!! I may write more missing scenes if any come to mind
Bigby was actually away for 3 years though, not 5, it's co… morenfirmed in Ambrose's narration during the Father and Son story arc when he says "Our Dad was away for the first three years of our existence"
Good for her! She deserves at least a few, lmao XD
I remember that part. I love Tezzy so much, and Harmony loves her Uncle Tezzy too!
Whoops XP I must have said Lyla but MEANT Nancy; I'm used to refering to Lyla as an adult and as the main woman when dealing with Pie's characters! Seeing Lyla little though is very cute.
Banshees are cool! Can't wait to see more of Fayde and everyone else together!
You're Welcome It's the least I could do! I loved this chapter a ton!
John had the right intention to be wary, but was too hostile for his own good. Habits of being a wolf, I suppose. XP Harmony will get an apo… morelogy soon enough for everything he put her through, don't you worry.
Yeah, Harm surprised pretty much everyone with her secret, while Tez most definitely needs to give Harm a big hug for telling Rose to call Swineheart for him. (if you remember that part) You're definitely not an idiot, btw. :P
It was Nancy that talked about her mom to Fayde, and showed her how to make the Po-boys, not Lyla. Lyla would be too short to reach the counter, let alone have the knowledge on how to operate the stove and all that! XD
I haven't technically mentioned she was a Banshee in previous chaps, but I have detailed the way she can turn invisible and go through walls and stuff. Something that Banshees can apparently do, being a spirit and all.
Why thank you for the compliment, and the long-quoted review!
Would you agree with me if I said that Snow is different around Bigby after their marriage? Like around everyone else she is:
Snow White: Strong willed, independent, no nonsense
But around her husband she is:
Mrs Wolf: She loves him more than anything (minus the Cubs of course) enjoys his company and is generally just a much lovelier person when they're alone
I really like the moment in issue 102 when they wake up nude in the Sacred Grove (hence why I used it in this one-shot) The way she was cuddling him etc. That is a woman who truly does love her husband!!! XD
Ah, I forgot! Thanks for correcting me on that! I guess I associate it with 5 years, as the next major story involving Bigby's cubs has to do with their 5th birthday (When they were introduced to their brother Ghost for the first time!)
I totally agree. When she married Bigby, she finally seemed happy with her life. The part in the Sacred Grove made me laugh so hard when I read that issue, with her yelling at Bigby for letting her her get drunk in front of the trees and naked XD It was very heart warming to see them love each other even after several years of marriage and dealing with Fabletown's various craptastic times. They really, really love each other, and that's what I love most about their relationship.
I loved those moments!!!! XD
Would you agree with me if I said that Snow is different around Bigby after their marriage? Like around ever… moreyone else she is:
* Snow White: Strong willed, independent, no nonsense
But around her husband she is:
* Mrs Wolf: She loves him more than anything (minus the Cubs of course) enjoys his company and is generally just a much lovelier person when they're alone
I really like the moment in issue 102 when they wake up nude in the Sacred Grove (hence why I used it in this one-shot) The way she was cuddling him etc. That is a woman who truly does love her husband!!! XD
I don't think she was mad at him, I think she was just confused... She comments that her judgement was clouded by her horniness for him (that is hilarious) and the amount of wine they both collectively drunk. She just didn't like the location, even though Bigby would never let the trees see anything :P
It sounds like they had a very pleasant reunion... I actually wrote the first part of the reunion (when she see's him for the first time after he returns to Haven) but it's kinda raunchy for this site (no sex, but graphic nudity; they get interrupted by Flycatcher and resort to going to the Sacred Grove to avoid other distractions)
Beauty and Beast don't have the relationship that Bigby and Snow do though! Bigby and Snow are always close and always have that spark between them; B&B resort to keeping up appearances and having angry, make-up sex when one of them messes up
I'd also like your opinion here: It REALLY bothers me that Snow never once says "I love you" to Bigby, he has said it to her once during his proposal... maybe in issue 150 she will say it.
I totally agree. When she married Bigby, she finally seemed happy with her life. The part in the Sacred Grove made me laugh so hard when I r… moreead that issue, with her yelling at Bigby for letting her her get drunk in front of the trees and naked XD It was very heart warming to see them love each other even after several years of marriage and dealing with Fabletown's various craptastic times. They really, really love each other, and that's what I love most about their relationship.
I'm going to take up on your last comment and download the free trial before buying the game. I just think creating them is the best. Look forward to the results.
I'll be working on replacing her normal outfit with a nice dress shortly Gotta boot the game up and take some in-game pics, too! The environments in the sims 4 are as fantastic as the create-a-sim!
So this is a 'missing scene' from Fables I've wanted to write for a whil… moree, I hope you like it! @EMMYPESS I would really appreciate your opinion on this as you have written missing scenes for Fables in the past
The Hole In My Heart
Snow tucked in Blossom and went to switch off the light, but her little voice caught her full attention “Mommy?” Snow walked back to the bed and sat on it “What is it, sweetie?”
Blossom hugged her Mother tightly as tears poured from her eyes “Is Daddy really coming back?” Snow didn’t know how to respond, how could she? In a way it was her fault that things had turned out the way they did. Her own stubbornness had caused the demise of her husband, her best friend, her true love... her Big Bad Wolf.
The event had happened only hours ago; Bigby had returned to Fabletown upon hearing from Ghost that Brandish had imprisoned Snow with the int… [view original content]
All right, the FINAL part of this chapter is done. Hopefully, some things will start to make sense to people who have been reading Fayde's a… moredventure! If not, feel free to ask me questions about it. @pudding_pie, @EMMYPESS Please give your feedback of this chapter and the roles I've given your characters.
FYI: This part is pretty lengthy, most likely the longest one I've ever written so far.
Chapter 8, Part 3: Dinnertime
Out of the guest room, and into the wolves' den...
"Ah, jeez, seems like Tez is giving me that look with his dragon eyes again. I'm going to walk over and see what's up with him this time. Perhaps, you would be willing to go and introduce yourself to the others without causing trouble?"
Fayde cautiously peeks over Rose's shoulder and, surprisingly, gets a chilling feeling when the dragon thief stares her down from the end of the hallway. She quickly makes eye contact with Rose again. "Um, sure, Rose, sure. You… [view original content]
I don't recall any specific times she's said 'I love you,' But I could have sworn she must have said it at least once. Somewhere. I don't know. Hopefully then, she does say it in the final issue. I'm so nervous for it, I hope it ends well.
I don't think she was mad at him, I think she was just confused... She comments that her judgement was clouded by her horniness for him (tha… moret is hilarious) and the amount of wine they both collectively drunk. She just didn't like the location, even though Bigby would never let the trees see anything :P
It sounds like they had a very pleasant reunion... I actually wrote the first part of the reunion (when she see's him for the first time after he returns to Haven) but it's kinda raunchy for this site (no sex, but graphic nudity; they get interrupted by Flycatcher and resort to going to the Sacred Grove to avoid other distractions)
Beauty and Beast don't have the relationship that Bigby and Snow do though! Bigby and Snow are always close and always have that spark between them; B&B resort to keeping up appearances and having angry, make-up sex when one of them messes up
I'd also like your opinion here: It REALLY bothers me that Sn… [view original content]
Oh thank goodness you noticed it was Ethan and not John. My fiancee thought it was him for a moment and she was like Chad, sweetie...why is John with that woman?' lol Georgie has learned when Lyla demands food, you best be on it. NEVER make a pregnant she-Wolf wait, especially if she's carrying a litter. ^-^ He's managed to have everything prepared. Ah yes. Her puddin' n' pie as she likes to call him. Singing 'my sunshine' as he sleeps. The thesis is on what I consider as abuse and how society views parenting. All that fun stuff. XD
These are so fun. XD Michelle and Ethan's expressions on the first one; Georgie's panic and the fact that he's either become and expert in t… morehe kitchen and can prepare a meal like that so quickly, or he just has one constantly ready in case of emergencies. XD And Mary with her puddin' and pie make for the cutest couple. Whatever your thesis is specifically on, it's making you draw some mighty fine art!
I don't recall any specific times she's said 'I love you,' But I could have sworn she must have said it at least once. Somewhere. I don't know. Hopefully then, she does say it in the final issue. I'm so nervous for it, I hope it ends well.
Two days after Death was defeated...
Makoto paced around the room...he wondered how he'd tell Mary about Dewitt and what may ha… moreppen to her. He went back and forth his mind stirring with ideas but nothing stuck. It haunted him every night, he couldn't sleep. He sat down and tried to calm do you tell a little girl the closest thing she has to a father is dead and she might go with him? He screamed and slammed his hand on the table, causing Ella to wake up. He walked over and picked her up. He gently bounced her in his arms saying "'s okay" until she went back to sleep. When Celeste had gotten back she found Makoto holding Ella who was asleep in his arms.
"I....accidently woke her up. Sorry." He said placing her back in the cradle.
She placed the groceries down on the table. She walked over and held him close. "It's okay, I'm here for you. What's on your mind?" She asked
Makoto broke down in tears. "I… [view original content]
John & Nancy
Have time before I head to class. Need to write. Keep my mind busy....
Nancy's moment of peace and serenity was short… more lived; she could hear her brother Mike down stairs and her mother's squeaky, fake laughter. Nancy knew her mother was miserable and never satisfied. She could hear it in her voice as her mother aged. It was all to put on a show for others. 'Pretend' like she was the happiest mother and wife on the block. Nancy could see past the lies.
"Nancy, darling." The tapping of heels, as her mother grew closer to the door. "Nancy, my precious angel from above."
Nancy cringes and felt the bile build up in the back of her throat. "I'm HOME, mother."
Cheryl opens the door. "There you are, my beauty queen! Hurry on down stairs, now! Mommy got ourselves a recipe book full of cakes and I want to show you a little secret your grandmother-"
"That....sounds SO fun mom but....You see, me and Tracy have plans toni… [view original content]
Nevermore part 1
Makoto walked over to Luke who was standing at the edge of the roof. Rain hit the roof hard while thunder roared in the … morebackground, when Makoto looked over he could see undead chasing after and executing humans on the ground. Some fought back but most embraced their death with open arms, he could hear shouting but couldn't quite make out what they were saying.
"Soon there will be a paradisefor which only Fables exist." Luke said
Makoto crossed his arms. "I don't think so...I won't let you do this."
"I figured you wouldn't want to join me but I figured it was worth a try." Luke said
"Why? Bigby always told me how you were such a kind person. You always helped others no matter what happened to you. Now you're here killing innocent people, when the Fables are fine with what they have in the Mundy world." Makoto asked
"We'll I figured they'd never make a push on the adversary so I thought I would clean up both p… [view original content]
Back when you typed Portuguese in your vacation tale last year, (I know, quite a loooooooong while ago) I always figured that you Google translated a couple sentences into the language. I never thought you actually had Portuguese heritage, that's awesome!
In any case, you should come over to my house and help me translate what most of the characters are saying in Max Payne 3 - since the majority of the game takes place in South America. :P (just kidding, though, it'd be kind of hilarious if you were my personal Portuguese translator)
Nice pic too. I absolutely adore wood elves, or just any type of elf really!
O que tu queres matar o, ó Deus ímpios; afastar-me, portanto, os homens de derramamento de sangue. Para eles falam contra ti perversamente, … moree teus inimigos tomar o teu nome em vão. Acaso não odeio os que te odeiam, ó Senhor? E não me aflijo por causa dos que se levantam contra ti? Odeio-os com o maior ódio; eles se tornaram meus inimigos (139 Ps: 19-22.).
Gren and Emily never saw the little dark creature, clinging to the window. Into the night, he flew; wings paper thin, yet powerful enough to hold the creature's body. Flapping them vigorously, it dodges several acres of trees and two Horned Owls. As they screech, warning others there was food among them, he catches eye of a lonely pond, several miles from the Grendel home. Floating above, the creature opens his bag, throws a dark pebble into the water and watches the it ripple. Several seconds pass before a large portal like opening appears in the dark water.
The creature flaps his win… [view original content]
Ah I see you already found it XD apologies was in class yes I have an idea on how I'm going to go about her death.
Yup! It was a small local one with only about 30 people and it was a ton of fun. Most people were looking pretty bored so my roommate and we got to be witty and funny, got the crowed hyped and now we've been requested to go back for a third time to do so!
Yes, Dewitt speaks the truth that not everyone can be saved and there are consequences for the decisions that are made by him and Makoto. And of course crazy shit hitting the fan!
I always thought I mentioned it. XD My bad guys! lol Yeah, on both sides with a dash of Italian and German from father's side. LOL I'll stand beside you and when you look at me, confused as shit, I'll repeat what is said, just so you're not lost.
Thanks, bro. That was me, too. I know the story of Grendel states his mom was a sea hag or something but, meh....PIE is saying Wood Elf, darnit! >:D Glad you and everyone else approves, too. ^-^
Back when you typed Portuguese in your vacation tale last year, (I know, quite a loooooooong while ago) I always figured that you Google tra… morenslated a couple sentences into the language. I never thought you actually had Portuguese heritage, that's awesome!
In any case, you should come over to my house and help me translate what most of the characters are saying in Max Payne 3 - since the majority of the game takes place in South America. :P (just kidding, though, it'd be kind of hilarious if you were my personal Portuguese translator)
Nice pic too. I absolutely adore wood elves, or just any type of elf really!
Michelle called in. Needed the entire day off. Ethan was concerned for his assistant. Their last conversation ended on 12th street, next to a Taco truck and eating Tacos. He offered to walk her home but she refused. Ethan was worried. Too much happens when the sun goes down. These mundies reminded Ethan of the ravenous Wolves his grandfather used to warn the kids about. Only came out in the light of the moon, hunted unsuspecting pray and never gave them a chance. What an awful way to remain on Earth.
Ethan looked over at Penkle. He was pulling double the work today but the Troll didn't seem to mind. He'd stop a few minutes to swat at a fly and return to the paperwork. He mumbled to himself; perhaps it was his way of singing, for Peter had the radio on. It was playing some mundy song called Animals. Every time the singer howled, Peter returned the favor. He was doing it playfully and Ethan should have known this but it was getting to him.
Ethan sat at his desk and tried working on cases before him. The usual with Fables these days: leaky pipes, broken window, running out of cash. Need extra for the week until their next paycheck. Charming always listened and was willing to work out some sort of agreement. Ethan, on the other hand, was never 'generous' as some folks like to call him. He even heard some Fables say he was returning to the 'old' days, when Crane kept assistance away from all Fables alike. This was not true, however, Ethan could be, as Peter loved to say, an asshole.
Ethan rubs his eyes and tries to focus. The words manage to jumble together and make a whole new language. Sighing heavily, Ethan pushes back into his chair. The wheels crunch against the stone floors, creating a scratching noise that echoed in the giant room. Penkly, frustrated with the sudden noise, peeks his massive head up. His pointed ears stick out and listen for anymore of Ethan's clamor.
"Relax, Penkle." Ethan folds his arms and place behind his head. "I didn't mean to bother you. This floor is filthy."
Huffing, Penkle nods his head. "Clean. Later. Der dar broom and mop dar."
"SHOULD still be in the closet or the basement...."
Peter, ignoring their conversation, walks into the Business Office. He twirls as he continues to walk, snapping his fingers and kicking up his heels. With a wide grin and twinkle in his eyes, Peter hummed to the song, sat at Charming's desk and continues to sing.
"Hey!" Peter whistles, tossing a can of Coke. "LAST one, dude! Last!"
Ethan catches the sold drink, pops the top and takes a large gulp. How it felt wonderful running down his throat. "Thanks, Peter. Needed this."
"Bad day?" He tosses a Sprite at Penkle. "I thought something was on your mind when-"
"No, not a bad day, just-" Ethan traces his finger around the rin of the can. "Peter, can I ask you something?"
"Is this about your breakup with-"
Ethan immediatly shakes his head. "No, no. Not....that." It was still heavy on his mind but Ethan no longer shed a tear. "It has to do with Michelle."
"What, is she not working out? I can get rid of her and hire a new one if-"
"Will you PLEASE let me finish?!" Ethan's voice suddenly grew hostile. "I'm trying to explain myself. You KNOW how I am about that."
Peter holds his hands up and giggled nervously. "Hey hey, whoa, Ethan. EASY there, big guy. I THOUGHT you were done and asking me how I felt about Michelle. I have no problem with her but she works MORE with you and Charming then me. If she's NOT working out, I'll hire someone else for you."
"Michelle is working out perfectly. Its just...." Ethan's mind returns to her inconsolable face the night before. "Did you know she has a daughter named Erica?"
Peter shakes his head. "No....I thought she was single and alone. Who's her boyfriend or-"
"She doesn't have one. Guess the girl's father took off. He....he did something to that girl but Michelle refused to speak about it."
"This when you two went and got Tacos-WHICH, for the record-were bomb, I may add."
"Told you." Ethan looks at his brother and tries to smile. "No but...I'm just worried. I mention her daughter and now, she took the day off."
"Maybe the kid got sick." Peter crushes his empty can. "Kids get sick ALL the time, remember? Junior was always coughing or some disgusting bodily shit."
Penkle agrees. "Me kid, get sick a lot, too."
Ethan was stunned. "YOU have a kid, Penkle!? The fuck, people!"
"Not part of question. No ask. Me no tell. Michelle kid sick. Head. Cough. Tummy."
Peter holds his hand out. "See? The Troll has spoken. She probably took her to the doctor or-"
"Do you know where she lives?"
Peter tips his eyebrow. "Why?"
"I want to pay her a visit. You know, case she needs something. I'll stop at the Egg Man Diner and pick up a bowl of Chicken Soup for Erica."
Peter scratches his chin. "Well, if you want to play doctor today....her file is in Charming's desk. Third drawer to the left."
As Ethan searched strenuously through the drawers, Peter casually walks over towards his brother. Charming's once neatly filed papers were mere pieces scattered in either the drawer or the floor. Holding a paper up, Ethan tosses it if it didn't pertain to Michelle. Peter, playing with his shirt, whistles a song.
"Yes, Peter. Look, if you're going to play stalker, perhaps you can put those meaty arms to good use and-"
"You're making a mess and you're sweating, Ethan." Peter pokes Ethan's brow. "WHY do you need to find Michelle, anyways? Is there something ELSE you're not telling me?"
As Peter speaks, Ethan pulls out her file. The file was thick and full of useful information, including her address. "Did you know she came to us for help, when her daughter was first born?"
Peter was stunned. "She....she did? I don't remember-"
"Apparently, its when we were short staffed and REALLY busy. Before Penkle or hiring her on. She came to use because of money trouble and the baby. I guess you turned her down and I didn't bat an eye..."
Appalled, Peter covers his mouth and turns away. "I don't....I don't remember her, Ethan."
"Neither did I." Ethan slams the drawer shut. "She's a Fable needing help, so I'm going down there and helping her. Hold my calls, tell them I'm in a meeting and if Charming asks, I had business to tend to."
Peter, still covering his mouth, holds a thumb up. "Yeah, sure....I got this."
Leaving the office, Ethan heads outside and onto the streets of New York. His search was on. But first, Egg Man Diner.
Ethan clutched the bag containing the soup close to his chest. The air quickly changed. Cold. Frigid. The snow would return later; weather says a huge storm was heading for the big city and with Chicken soup, Erica would be warm and fighting off the cold. The part of town Michelle lived in was no place for a single mom and her young daughter.
The apartment building was falling apart; bricks on the sidewalk, trash blowing in the end and homeless people sitting in the alley. Sketchy people, hiding in the shadows, look at Ethan. A drug deal was taking place a few inches from Michelle's aparment. Disgusted, Ethan ignores the men and heads inside. No security. No alarms. Anyone, either tenants or strangers, could easily walk up these stairs and cause trouble.
Ethan heads to the tenth floor before walking down the halls. Several lights flickered as the bulbs burn out. The window at the end of the hallway was broken. Cobwebs lining the halls, dust collecting on the peeling wallpaper. Ethan searches until he finds 34C. Adjusting his jacket, Ethan knocks; a woman, scantily clad, walks out of the apartment. A man follows behind, hands her cash and the woman is on her way. Ethan rolls his eyes and hears movement inside. To his surprise, Rosie answers the door.
"Rosie Posie? What are you-"
"Ethan, what are you doing here?"
"I'm looking for Michelle. What are YOU doing here?"
"I babysit Michelle's daughter. I was doing the whole teacher thing wasn't working out. She posted an ad needing the extra help with her daughter."
"Is she here?"
"She should be back. Took Erica to the Rehabilitation Center and-"
Those words seemed foreign to Ethan. "Wait, what? Rehabilitation-"
Before Ethan could finish, Michelle walks up the stairs, carrying her daughter. Her face was more apopletic mixed with sheepish than anything else. Clutching her daughter close, Michelle never stops staring at Ethan.
"What are you doing here? How did you find out where I live?"
"Peter told me. Charming has your file and-"
Michelle walks right past Ethan. The little girl stares at Ethan. A blank stare, as if he was never standing before her. Michelle digs into her pocket and pulls out some cash.
"Thank you, Rosie. I DO apologies for this rude stranger. I hope he didn't cause you too much trouble."
"Oh no, Ethan? He just showed up when you did, ma'am. My cousin is harmless and-"
"Your cousin?" Michelle turns to look at Ethan. " is he your-"
"Well, ummm...Ethan, do you consider us cousins still or...."
Ethan chuckles. "You're still family to me, Rosie. That never changed."
Michelle, still trying to process this all, hands Rosie the money. "This is all I can give you, Rosie. I'm...I'm short this month. Erica's treatments and medicines are getting more and more expensive with each visit."
Rosie pockets the money. "I appreciate this, Michelle. Don't even worry. I love watching the apartment while your gone and this lovely little lady here, huh Erica?"
Erica's mouth opens but no words. They were more gurggles and spit bubbles; it reminded Ethan of the quads and how they attempted to speak.
"Thank you, Rosie. You sure you'll be alright or-"
Rosie smiles and pats Ethan's arm. "I'm a Grendel, Michelle. WHO in their right mind will fuck with me, right Ethan? Nice seeing you, too. We should hang sometime."
Rosie waves. "See you around, Michelle. Bye, Erica."
The minute Rosie leaves, Michelle enters her apartment. She notices the bag and smells the contents inside. Erica continues to grumble and mumble. Michelle covers her face and stands in the doorway.
"Well, you DID come all this you wish to come in or...."
"Please. I, uh...brought soup for Erica. I thought, maybe, she was-"
Before Ethan could finish, Michelle was gone. Ethan closes the door and watches her enter a back room. Craddling her daughter, Michelle hums and tries to calm Erica down. Ethan sits and waits, unaware of Michelle's true reasons for taking the day off.
That's unhappy news I hope you two are able to resolve things swiftly!
Aha, it being a dream and not a memory makes much more of a mystery which you'll hopefully be able to explain through the story. Something of a burden, perhaps, his love will be; but with RJ it would be hard to rid himself of the conmection, and he may not wish to.
Me and Pie did have a plan for the reason why he's seeing Emily. Not sure now. Not...not on good terms with him. IF he continues to use tha… moret idea in his story, great. If he does not, I'll explain what the idea was.
Thank you, Noir. It was a dream. It never took place but Robert for some reason, had this dream of him and Gren fighting. I MAY give Robert a partner in the future but for right now, he's content with just him and RJ. His love for Lyla will always be there, though...
He does appear slightly different than usual, and reading the chapter with them together made things clear, but it's wonderful that your fiancee is keeping an eye on your characters and checking out who they're with. 'Never male a pregnant she-Wolf' - very true, and let's hooe Georgie didn't learn that the hard way! Given how attentive he can be he probably didn't. After everything Mary went through the 'my sunshine' singing just brings a bit moisture to your eyes. Wow, that does sound real uplifting; all the best with it though.
Oh thank goodness you noticed it was Ethan and not John. My fiancee thought it was him for a moment and she was like Chad, sweetie...why is … moreJohn with that woman?' lol Georgie has learned when Lyla demands food, you best be on it. NEVER make a pregnant she-Wolf wait, especially if she's carrying a litter. ^-^ He's managed to have everything prepared. Ah yes. Her puddin' n' pie as she likes to call him. Singing 'my sunshine' as he sleeps. The thesis is on what I consider as abuse and how society views parenting. All that fun stuff. XD
It is; we're alright but it can be better. I can't blame him, though....
Anyways, yes. It was all a dream. I'll explain more; Pie will in his as well. Without giving too much away, Gren has the same dream, too....He'd always have love for his son. Pie explained it like this: he'd never lose love for RJ because that is his son but the removel of those markings are painful and ALL the memories attached to that person is lost forever. Those memories are all he has left of Lyla but is it worth it, since she HAS moved on and is in love with Georgie?
That's unhappy news I hope you two are able to resolve things swiftly!
Aha, it being a dream and not a memory makes much more of a myste… morery which you'll hopefully be able to explain through the story. Something of a burden, perhaps, his love will be; but with RJ it would be hard to rid himself of the conmection, and he may not wish to.
I'm saving that 1st picture! I love it so much!!!!
Anyways, its interesting to see Ethan take a sudden interest in Michelle. You can hear and see the concern he has. Peter dancing is hilarious to m; he's always shaking his rump, singing, twirling about. XD XD I think its precious. And poor Penkle. I love how finding out everyone has kids is a shock to Ethan! XD XD
Rosie!!! OH breaks my heart what took place; it also broke my heart when she asked Ethan if THEY were still family. Goes to show how bad things got real quick. And Erica needs rehabilitation.....what the hell did that guy do to her!? I can't wait for more, dude. Also, that bottom picture, too. That poor dog. RUN Puddles!!!! XD
The next day....
Michelle called in. Needed the entire day off. Ethan was concerned for his assistant. Their last conversation ended on 1… more2th street, next to a Taco truck and eating Tacos. He offered to walk her home but she refused. Ethan was worried. Too much happens when the sun goes down. These mundies reminded Ethan of the ravenous Wolves his grandfather used to warn the kids about. Only came out in the light of the moon, hunted unsuspecting pray and never gave them a chance. What an awful way to remain on Earth.
Ethan looked over at Penkle. He was pulling double the work today but the Troll didn't seem to mind. He'd stop a few minutes to swat at a fly and return to the paperwork. He mumbled to himself; perhaps it was his way of singing, for Peter had the radio on. It was playing some mundy song called Animals. Every time the singer howled, Peter returned the favor. He was doing it playfully and Ethan should have known this but it w… [view original content]
You're both smart guys - whatever was said or done you can probably move past easier from the perspective of some time passing.
Hmm, there are a few theories to take away from them both having the dream. If Robert lost all memories of Lyla, that would put RJ in an unfair situation; it would be a difficult choice to make.
It is; we're alright but it can be better. I can't blame him, though....
Anyways, yes. It was all a dream. I'll explain more; Pie will in… more his as well. Without giving too much away, Gren has the same dream, too....He'd always have love for his son. Pie explained it like this: he'd never lose love for RJ because that is his son but the removel of those markings are painful and ALL the memories attached to that person is lost forever. Those memories are all he has left of Lyla but is it worth it, since she HAS moved on and is in love with Georgie?
Aw, man, that first picture is a real treat. Made me smile and come over all happy; great drawing, Pie.
Anyway, I'm starting to really Penkle, and he adds a fresh dynamic to the Business Office. Peter's good mood is fun and entertaining, while Ethan's care for Michelle is touching. It is surprising that Michelle came to them for help and they didn't remember her. The second part of this chapter was described really well, and regarding Erica - not what I expected. Very interesting.
Oh, Puddles. XD At least Viviana and the others are happy.
The next day....
Michelle called in. Needed the entire day off. Ethan was concerned for his assistant. Their last conversation ended on 1… more2th street, next to a Taco truck and eating Tacos. He offered to walk her home but she refused. Ethan was worried. Too much happens when the sun goes down. These mundies reminded Ethan of the ravenous Wolves his grandfather used to warn the kids about. Only came out in the light of the moon, hunted unsuspecting pray and never gave them a chance. What an awful way to remain on Earth.
Ethan looked over at Penkle. He was pulling double the work today but the Troll didn't seem to mind. He'd stop a few minutes to swat at a fly and return to the paperwork. He mumbled to himself; perhaps it was his way of singing, for Peter had the radio on. It was playing some mundy song called Animals. Every time the singer howled, Peter returned the favor. He was doing it playfully and Ethan should have known this but it w… [view original content]
It took me WAY too long to write this chapter! I kept getting distracted throughout the day, if it wasn't watching the latest episode of TWD then it was watching Madonna fall off the stage on the BRIT Awards 2015 :P
Anyways, please enjoy dear friends! XD
Devils and Demons Chapter 6: A Monster Through and Through
Nick had to burn the bodies, he couldn’t just leave them the way they were, the way they were killed would spark questions. The bodies were set alight individually with a snap of Nick’s fingers, 3 snaps was all it took for the dark orange flames to engulf them and burn them to a crisp ash within a matter of seconds.
But then the unexpected happened “Dad?!”
Nick turned around, in the distance he could see a young boy, and he was calling out for his Father. Nick made his way slowly up to the child; he must’ve been around 7, with short brown hair, brown eyes, and a slightly chubby physique. The boy was dressed in dirtied brown garments like the other 3 men were. Nick recognised the boy’s facial features as though he were a mirror image; this child belonged to the man Nick had killed with his toxic breathe.
The boy saw Nick towering over him and trembled at the sight, Nick crouched down and spoke “Hey there son, what’re you doing out here?” He was trying to sound calm, but Nick was so furious with himself he wanted to scream. The boy’s voice shook as he replied “I-I’m looking for my Dad, he went out hunting with his friends...”
The boy looked past Nick and noticed the smouldering bodies, he was about to walk up to them when Nick put his hand to the boy’s chest and gently urged him backwards “You don’t wanna go there lad...” The boy’s eyes became watery; he could tell through Nick’s expression and tone of voice that one of those bodies must’ve been his Father
Nick bowed his head, he wanted to tell the truth like he always did, but this boy had suffered enough, he didn’t need to know that the man who was giving him comfort was also his Father’s killer. Nick gripped the boy’s shoulders and spoke “Look, do you have anyone else nearby?” The boy sniffled and wiped away his tears as he replied “I have friends back home”
Nick nodded “Ok, show me where home is for you”
Finally; Blossom, Connor and Lyra had come to the new Wolf Manor, and Lyra was far from excited to meet the Big Bad Wolf, in fact she was very nervous. She had such obvious traits from her Mother, with the long red streak in her hair and the slight freckles on her face, and the most obvious traits from her Father included her oddly-coloured eyes.
Blossom looked down at Lyra and noticed her nervous demeanour “Lyra, are you ok?” Lyra nodded as naturally as she could. Did Death really send her to the right group of people? Sure, Blossom and Connor had been very kind to her, but would Bigby be as inviting? She was about to find out as the wooden door opened.
On the other side of it was a rare beauty: skin as pale as fallen snow, hair blacker than a raven’s secret heart, lips redder than blood, she had a perfectly curved physique, and was extremely lovely to look at in her blue silk dress. She spoke with a light voice that could lull a weak-minded man into a trance “Babies, you made it!”
Blossom and Connor both collectively moaned “Moooooom” as Snow hugged both of them excitedly. When she saw Lyra however, her face took on a more approachable expression “Hello... who are you?” Lyra shifted a little, but Blossom replied for her “Mom, this is Lyra, we found her wandering in the woods looking for her Dad”
Snow moved to the side and allowed Lyra in “Nice to meet you Lyra, my name’s Snow White” Lyra gave a small curtsey to Snow; she was brought up with manners after all. Snow crouched down with a giggle “Awww, you’re so sweet” Lyra smiled then and finally spoke “Thank you, Mrs. Wolf”
Snow stood back up and crossed her arms with a half smile “So you know who my husband is then?” Lyra nodded, but with a stiffer neck than before. Snow noticed how she had suddenly tensed up at the mention of Bigby and reassured her “It’s ok sweetie, Bigby is great around kids, you don’t have to be afraid of him”
Bigby finally came down the stairs wearing brown pants and a green shirt, he instantly greeted his kids with a hug each “I see you two made it here no problem” Connor chuckled “We didn’t have any trouble on the road, Dad” Bigby looked at Snow and then down at Lyra, she froze at his gaze.
Bigby walked over to the odd-looking girl and crouched down to her level “Hello there” Lyra managed a weak smile; she was more afraid of Bigby than her own Father, then again Nick had never been anything but nice to her...
“Hello, Mr Wolf” Lyra extended her hand and Bigby shook it gently with a small smile “Hello little one” Snow came round to Bigby and put her hand to his shoulder “Honey, this is Lyra, Blossom and Connor found her wandering in the woods, she’s going to have dinner with us, ok?”
Bigby stood up and spoke “I’ve got no problem with it, dear” Snow smiled as she pulled Bigby’s chin closer “Good” she gave him a small kiss and went to join her 2 Cubs as Bigby stayed with Lyra “So what were you doing out in the woods, Lyra? It’s dangerous out there” Lyra was more confident in her reply “I’m looking for my Daddy; Blossom said you could help me?”
Bigby chuckled and put his hand on Lyra’s shoulder “Ok sweetie, I’ll help you look for him after we have dinner” Lyra nodded and followed Bigby to the dinner table.
Back in the woods...
After some minutes of walking, Nick and the young, distraught boy came across a camp of 10 forest dwellers; all wearing the same dirty, brown coloured garments. As soon as they saw Nick however, they raised their weapons and yelled “Stop, what are you doing here, outsider?!”
The boy ran into the arms of a woman who must’ve been his Mother; Nick thought carefully about his response. Even if he did start a fight, these poor excuses for people wouldn’t be able to beat him, but he didn’t want to shed anymore blood...
“I found him wandering near my camp; he’s looking for his Dad” The dwellers lowered their weapons a little and a bearded man with a milky eye walked up to Nick; he was big in every sense of the word and was failing to stare Nick down, made more difficult when Nick crossed his arms and pulled an unimpressed look.
The brute spoke with a demanding voice “You will take us to your camp” Nick turned on his heels and tilted his head, the brute and the rest of the camp followed behind.
When Nick reached his small camp, the remains of the bodies were still smoking a little; the men examined the area and stuffed the charred remains into bags, possibly for burial (or maybe consummation) later; the brute walked over to Nick and stared into his eyes “Did you do this to them?” Nick remained calm and lied “I found them like this, the boy was wandering, and that is all”
The two men continued to stare daggers at each other, the brutish man didn’t like Nick and knew he was hiding something, but if things went south there was a chance he would fall in front of his people, he whispered “What is your name, Scotsman?”
Nick narrowed his gaze “Nick” the brute nodded again “You have fresh blood on your shirt...” Nick glanced down to see a few small spots of still wet blood on his shirt; he looked back up at the brute and asserted his authority “You lead these people, yeah? Would be a shame to fall in front of them so easily...” The brutish man edged a little closer with a hand hovering over his sword, Nick had his dagger concealed under his crossed arms however, though the man seemed to know this already.
The brute spoke “You leave this wood and never come back, you hear me?” Nick smirked at his words “Deal” The men all turned to leave, but the boy stayed behind and stood in front of Nick, watching him sheath his dagger back onto his belt. He spoke with more normality than before “What happened to my Dad?”
Nick couldn’t leave this boy with unanswered questions; he got down on one knee and put his hand to the boy’s shoulder “Listen to me lad; you’re Dad... he was a good man, he would’ve wanted you to grow up big and strong like him, maybe lead these people one day like that big guy. I mean; you might not be the biggest person there is, you know, like me”
Nick made a muscle flexing gesture with arms and pulled a smile to amplify his point “But just remember this if you do become a leader: be a good one, show kindness where it is needed and... don’t make snap judgements, can you do that for me, and for your Dad?”
The boy straightened up and nodded “Yes sir” Nick patted the boy’s shoulder “Good lad, what’s your name by the way?” The boy responded “It’s Rhemsehr”
Nick nodded and stood up “Good luck, Rhemsehr” And with that he left.
Eventually Nick emerged from the forest, he could see a small city in the distance, and could feel the call of one of the vials coming from it; one of his Brother’s was there. But Nick had something else on his mind at that moment...
He clenched his fist tightly and smashed it through the tree next to him, letting out a scream of anger as he did so. He was enraged at his actions, leaving a boy without a Father; he had done it many times in the past sure, but he was a changed man now.
“Death?! DEATH!!” Nick fell to his knees as he screamed his creator’s name; he was so loud the city in the distance could probably hear him.
Death appeared before Nick with his arms folded “What is it, Son?”
Nick stood up in a flash “Why did that have to happen? Why did I have to kill a boy’s Father?!”
Death didn’t flinch “You were created to kill, not to be compassionate” That didn’t help, as Nick got closer to his creator “I am not a monster anymore! I don’t make children Fatherless!” Death started to chuckle then “You weren’t meant to fall in love either...”
Nick became confused “What do you mean?” Death walked forwards and Nick instinctively walked backwards until he hit the tree behind him, Death then spoke “You were never meant to fall in love, Son. Or have children for that matter; it isn’t something a Horseman should ever seek in his life”
Nick spoke with some sorrow in his voice “Why?”
Death bowed his head a little “Nick, I have been alive since before the Neanderthals were walking the Earth, you were created when the word of Moses was being spread around Ancient Egypt. I have had a very long time to experience what love is, but unlike those I gave my heart to, I am undying...”
Death began to pace as he continued “The Horsemen are irreplaceable, if you kill a Primordial Wind then it is replaced accordingly, but a Horseman cannot die. Our physical forms may turn to dust, but we just reform a few seconds later. Immortality is bullshit, our existence is a curse!”
Death stopped and looked Nick in the eye “I view love as something to keep my life interesting, I don’t seek to share love with someone like you do!” Nick stepped forward “Why are you telling me this?”
Death huffed a little “Because you need to understand what you are Nick, not who you are... You were not meant to be so ‘mundane’, you were meant to be a creature of violence and destruction. You can’t expect to just change in the blink of an eye; you have learned some control, yes, but you will never be able to stop yourself completely, it’s not how I made you”
Nick felt more helpless than before; was he really doomed to kill all like Death said he was? “Father, will I always be a monster?”
Death shrugged “You are a monster through and through Nick, I cannot change that; but you do not have to kill everyone you see. You can punish the evil and save the good if you so please... just don’t expect yourself to not get carried away”
With that, Death crumbled into dust. Nick decided there and then that he would control himself, he had to... for his own sake. He made his way briskly towards the city... towards one of his Brothers, and the soul vial he held.
Hopefully I'll get the next chapter up tomorrow. My flare for writing is slowly coming back it seems... it would be a shame to let it burn out again
I love it with all my heart, too. I have HUGE plans for these two in the future. Thanks, Noir!
I adore Penkle and have ideas for him, too. He's like a Bufkin but, well....a Troll instead. XD PEter is always doing something; he's the silly one of the twins, as you can see. I'll explain more about Michelle and Ethan, along with why her daughter's condition is the way it is.....:(
And Puddles. Those kids are having too much fun. But he loves them all.
Aw, man, that first picture is a real treat. Made me smile and come over all happy; great drawing, Pie.
Anyway, I'm starting to really P… moreenkle, and he adds a fresh dynamic to the Business Office. Peter's good mood is fun and entertaining, while Ethan's care for Michelle is touching. It is surprising that Michelle came to them for help and they didn't remember her. The second part of this chapter was described really well, and regarding Erica - not what I expected. Very interesting.
Oh, Puddles. XD At least Viviana and the others are happy.
I'm saving that 1st picture! I love it so much!!!!
Anyways, its interesting to see Ethan take a sudden interest in Michelle. You can h… moreear and see the concern he has. Peter dancing is hilarious to m; he's always shaking his rump, singing, twirling about. XD XD I think its precious. And poor Penkle. I love how finding out everyone has kids is a shock to Ethan! XD XD
Rosie!!! OH breaks my heart what took place; it also broke my heart when she asked Ethan if THEY were still family. Goes to show how bad things got real quick. And Erica needs rehabilitation.....what the hell did that guy do to her!? I can't wait for more, dude. Also, that bottom picture, too. That poor dog. RUN Puddles!!!! XD
Not to be off topic but look what I found....
XD Anyways, I'm glad you liked the picture. I'll explain more about Ethan, Michelle and her daughter's condition. Miss Rosie. She'll be around more.
The boy's return is almost like a reminder to Nick of the capability he has within. I felt bad for the kid. Nick seemed to have shown some pity for the father's demise and seems genuinly sorry for what he's done...
Another person I feel sorry for is Lyra. Her mother is gone, father is absent and she's in the care of the Wolf family. Nothing bad about that; Snow and Bigby are wonderful and she has other children to play with. But when Snow called out and Blossom and Conner answered 'MOOOM!' I felt a tear in the corner for Lyra. This poor girl...and then you have Death; I don't hate death for being honest with Nick. His soul purpose in life is to live by the rules: you live a little, then you die. This is where they come in. I can't help but think Death reminds Nick this because he happens to be one of his favorites and does not want to see him off the path laid out for him.
That's just me, man. :P Sorry. Went all college thinking on your ass. XD I do like this, though and glad to see you got the 'ol spark back.
It took me WAY too long to write this chapter! I kept getting distracted throughout the day, if it wasn't watching the latest episode of TWD… more then it was watching Madonna fall off the stage on the BRIT Awards 2015 :P
Anyways, please enjoy dear friends! XD
Devils and Demons Chapter 6: A Monster Through and Through
Nick had to burn the bodies, he couldn’t just leave them the way they were, the way they were killed would spark questions. The bodies were set alight individually with a snap of Nick’s fingers, 3 snaps was all it took for the dark orange flames to engulf them and burn them to a crisp ash within a matter of seconds.
But then the unexpected happened “Dad?!”
Nick turned around, in the distance he could see a young boy, and he was calling out for his Father. Nick made his way slowly up to the child; he must’ve been around 7, with short brown hair, brown eyes, and a slightly chubby physique. The boy was dressed in dirtied b… [view original content]
Thnx for the feedback dude, now for some pointers:
Blossom and Connor aren't kids anymore, they're both around 20 years old in this story
Mary is at the house, she isn't gone...
The kid was a way for me to explore a repercussion of Nick's actions, something that would show a side of the story that is rarely told
Death's talk to Nick was about how his curse of everlasting life has given him such a twisted view of the world and life itself. Nick is doomed to live forever (although he can be killed by Death) so Death was essentially preparing him for the day when Mary and Lyra would die and he would continue living...
The boy's return is almost like a reminder to Nick of the capability he has within. I felt bad for the kid. Nick seemed to have shown some p… moreity for the father's demise and seems genuinly sorry for what he's done...
Another person I feel sorry for is Lyra. Her mother is gone, father is absent and she's in the care of the Wolf family. Nothing bad about that; Snow and Bigby are wonderful and she has other children to play with. But when Snow called out and Blossom and Conner answered 'MOOOM!' I felt a tear in the corner for Lyra. This poor girl...and then you have Death; I don't hate death for being honest with Nick. His soul purpose in life is to live by the rules: you live a little, then you die. This is where they come in. I can't help but think Death reminds Nick this because he happens to be one of his favorites and does not want to see him off the path laid out for him.
That's just me, man. :P Sorry. Went all college thinking on your ass. XD I do like this, though and glad to see you got the 'ol spark back.
Ah see, I thought the kids were older but didn't think THAT much older. Thank you for the update. Mary is at the home? I must have missed that; my bad if it was mentioned I just never see her interacting with her daughter....And I get why Death is doing this but at the same time, unfair for Nick. I'm sure he already knew the risk; rubbing it in his face is only making the situation worse....
Thnx for the feedback dude, now for some pointers:
* Blossom and Connor aren't kids anymore, they're both around 20 years old in this s… moretory
* Mary is at the house, she isn't gone...
* The kid was a way for me to explore a repercussion of Nick's actions, something that would show a side of the story that is rarely told
* Death's talk to Nick was about how his curse of everlasting life has given him such a twisted view of the world and life itself. Nick is doomed to live forever (although he can be killed by Death) so Death was essentially preparing him for the day when Mary and Lyra would die and he would continue living...
Yeah.. those are what I interpret :P
Two days after Death was defeated...
Makoto paced around the room...he wondered how he'd tell Mary about Dewitt and what may happen to her. He went back and forth his mind stirring with ideas but nothing stuck. It haunted him every night, he couldn't sleep. He sat down and tried to calm do you tell a little girl the closest thing she has to a father is dead and she might go with him? He screamed and slammed his hand on the table, causing Ella to wake up. He walked over and picked her up. He gently bounced her in his arms saying "'s okay" until she went back to sleep. When Celeste had gotten back she found Makoto holding Ella who was asleep in his arms.
"I....accidently woke her up. Sorry." He said placing her back in the cradle.
She placed the groceries down on the table. She walked over and held him close. "It's okay, I'm here for you. What's on your mind?" She asked
Makoto broke down in tears. "It's not fair! She's so young yet her life is being taken away so fast! I don't know what to do! No matter what I do she could die! And it's MY fault!" He began sobbing.
Celeste realized what was going on. "You have to tell her no matter how much it hurts you. If you hold it from her it'll be way worse for her." She said
"I know...and you're right...but I just....I just wish...." He said
"She'll understand, she looks up to you." Celeste said.
With that Makoto gained composure, nodded and walked out. Normally Celeste would go and pick Mary up from school and bring her back to their house but this time Makoto went to get her. On the way over he saw hospital trucks moving going away from him. He wanted to follow them yet he kept walking. When he got to the school Mary was not there, she normally would be swinging on the swings but she was not there. The teacher had rushed out to find Makoto clueless as to where Mary was and ran over to him and told her of the news. He knew he should have ran over with the ambulance! He headed towards the local hospital. When he got there he rushed the front desk and asked where her room was. When he found out where she was he ran over to get inside when Mundy doctors held him back. He fought through them and ran to her side.
"Sir! You really can't see her unless you're family!" The doctor said
"I'm the closest thing to a family she has left!!! All of her other family members are dead!!!" Makoto yelled
"Okay..." the doctor said slipping out. Makoto didn't care what the doctor did, he turned his attention to Mary who was in severe pain.
"It hurts really bad..." She said in pain.
"I know...but you're going to be okay! Alright?" Makoto said
"Where's....where's Dewitt?" She asked
"He...he didn't make it Mary...he sacrificed himself so that I could live...but it might also cost you your life too." He began to cry again. "Mary please! Please forgive me! I'm so sorry I should've told him to stay behind but I didn't know!" He sobbed.
"I....understand...." She held her stomach in pain and she yelled. Her heart monitor started to go slower....
"Hey! Look at me! Don't close your eyes! Please!!! Remember our promises? We would hang out together with the baby! And when it came time for the wedding you'd be the flower girl! Goddamnit just please don't die..." He held her hands. Tears going down his face. The heart monitor went slower....and slower....then flatlined....
Makoto sat there and sobbed while doctors came in and wheeled her body out. She was now clinically dead. Makoto got up and left going back home...he didn't know what to think or what to do anymore....all he could think of was "Why not me?"
That's it! I had to a short one because I have to go commentate for a smash bros tournament today so any questions or comments or anything else let me know!
Thank you so much EMMY!!! I may write more missing scenes if any come to mind
Bigby was actually away for 3 years though, not 5, it's confirmed in Ambrose's narration during the Father and Son story arc when he says "Our Dad was away for the first three years of our existence"
Thnx dude!!
I don't need to tell you how much I LOVE Bigby and Snow as a couple! XD
Ah, I forgot! Thanks for correcting me on that! I guess I associate it with 5 years, as the next major story involving Bigby's cubs has to do with their 5th birthday (When they were introduced to their brother Ghost for the first time!)
Good for her! She deserves at least a few, lmao XD
I remember that part. I love Tezzy so much, and Harmony loves her Uncle Tezzy too!
Whoops XP I must have said Lyla but MEANT Nancy; I'm used to refering to Lyla as an adult and as the main woman when dealing with Pie's characters! Seeing Lyla little though is very cute.
Banshees are cool! Can't wait to see more of Fayde and everyone else together!
You're Welcome
It's the least I could do! I loved this chapter a ton!
I loved those moments!!!! XD
Would you agree with me if I said that Snow is different around Bigby after their marriage? Like around everyone else she is:
But around her husband she is:
I really like the moment in issue 102 when they wake up nude in the Sacred Grove (hence why I used it in this one-shot) The way she was cuddling him etc. That is a woman who truly does love her husband!!! XD
I totally agree. When she married Bigby, she finally seemed happy with her life. The part in the Sacred Grove made me laugh so hard when I read that issue, with her yelling at Bigby for letting her her get drunk in front of the trees and naked XD It was very heart warming to see them love each other even after several years of marriage and dealing with Fabletown's various craptastic times. They really, really love each other, and that's what I love most about their relationship.
I don't think she was mad at him, I think she was just confused... She comments that her judgement was clouded by her horniness for him (that is hilarious) and the amount of wine they both collectively drunk. She just didn't like the location, even though Bigby would never let the trees see anything :P
It sounds like they had a very pleasant reunion... I actually wrote the first part of the reunion (when she see's him for the first time after he returns to Haven) but it's kinda raunchy for this site (no sex, but graphic nudity; they get interrupted by Flycatcher and resort to going to the Sacred Grove to avoid other distractions)
Beauty and Beast don't have the relationship that Bigby and Snow do though! Bigby and Snow are always close and always have that spark between them; B&B resort to keeping up appearances and having angry, make-up sex when one of them messes up
I'd also like your opinion here: It REALLY bothers me that Snow never once says "I love you" to Bigby, he has said it to her once during his proposal... maybe in issue 150 she will say it.
I'm going to take up on your last comment and download the free trial before buying the game. I just think creating them is the best.
Look forward to the results. 
I remembered that issue, Brandish was my leat favorite fable for killing Bigby. >_<
When I got to the Diner Room part, I was expecting bowls and plates were about to be thrown, lol.
Agreed, though Rose is coming close to being my least favourite now...
I don't recall any specific times she's said 'I love you,' But I could have sworn she must have said it at least once. Somewhere. I don't know. Hopefully then, she does say it in the final issue. I'm so nervous for it, I hope it ends well.
Oh thank goodness you noticed it was Ethan and not John. My fiancee thought it was him for a moment and she was like Chad, sweetie...why is John with that woman?' lol Georgie has learned when Lyla demands food, you best be on it. NEVER make a pregnant she-Wolf wait, especially if she's carrying a litter. ^-^ He's managed to have everything prepared. Ah yes. Her puddin' n' pie as she likes to call him. Singing 'my sunshine' as he sleeps.
The thesis is on what I consider as abuse and how society views parenting. All that fun stuff. XD
She has never said "I love you" (trust me I have looked everywhere!!) Issue 150 must ease my pain XD
She does refer to him by some very sweet names and phrases though so I guess that kinda makes up for it :P
Nah, they're all better than that. Nancy would've been furious if that were the case, haha.
The feels!
I need to go back and see what happened before all this.
Btw, you commentated for a game tournament? That's pretty cool!
Obviously a very good picture, and I already somehow knew Cheryl would've been those types of moms. Bleh...
Unfortunately, what Dewitt said was true, crazy shit going on all at once.
Back when you typed Portuguese in your vacation tale last year, (I know, quite a loooooooong while ago) I always figured that you Google translated a couple sentences into the language. I never thought you actually had Portuguese heritage, that's awesome!
In any case, you should come over to my house and help me translate what most of the characters are saying in Max Payne 3 - since the majority of the game takes place in South America. :P (just kidding, though, it'd be kind of hilarious if you were my personal Portuguese translator)
Nice pic too. I absolutely adore wood elves, or just any type of elf really!
Ah I see you already found it XD apologies was in class
yes I have an idea on how I'm going to go about her death.
Yup! It was a small local one with only about 30 people and it was a ton of fun. Most people were looking pretty bored so my roommate and we got to be witty and funny, got the crowed hyped and now we've been requested to go back for a third time to do so!
Yes, Dewitt speaks the truth that not everyone can be saved and there are consequences for the decisions that are made by him and Makoto. And of course crazy shit hitting the fan!
I always thought I mentioned it. XD My bad guys! lol Yeah, on both sides with a dash of Italian and German from father's side. LOL I'll stand beside you and when you look at me, confused as shit, I'll repeat what is said, just so you're not lost.
Thanks, bro.
That was me, too. I know the story of Grendel states his mom was a sea hag or something but, meh....PIE is saying Wood Elf, darnit! >:D Glad you and everyone else approves, too. ^-^
Ya'll would have set off an atomic bomb in that house.....NOT the good china....ANYTHING but her good china! :0 lmao
The next day....
Michelle called in. Needed the entire day off. Ethan was concerned for his assistant. Their last conversation ended on 12th street, next to a Taco truck and eating Tacos. He offered to walk her home but she refused. Ethan was worried. Too much happens when the sun goes down. These mundies reminded Ethan of the ravenous Wolves his grandfather used to warn the kids about. Only came out in the light of the moon, hunted unsuspecting pray and never gave them a chance. What an awful way to remain on Earth.
Ethan looked over at Penkle. He was pulling double the work today but the Troll didn't seem to mind. He'd stop a few minutes to swat at a fly and return to the paperwork. He mumbled to himself; perhaps it was his way of singing, for Peter had the radio on. It was playing some mundy song called Animals. Every time the singer howled, Peter returned the favor. He was doing it playfully and Ethan should have known this but it was getting to him.
Ethan sat at his desk and tried working on cases before him. The usual with Fables these days: leaky pipes, broken window, running out of cash. Need extra for the week until their next paycheck. Charming always listened and was willing to work out some sort of agreement. Ethan, on the other hand, was never 'generous' as some folks like to call him. He even heard some Fables say he was returning to the 'old' days, when Crane kept assistance away from all Fables alike. This was not true, however, Ethan could be, as Peter loved to say, an asshole.
Ethan rubs his eyes and tries to focus. The words manage to jumble together and make a whole new language. Sighing heavily, Ethan pushes back into his chair. The wheels crunch against the stone floors, creating a scratching noise that echoed in the giant room. Penkly, frustrated with the sudden noise, peeks his massive head up. His pointed ears stick out and listen for anymore of Ethan's clamor.
"Relax, Penkle." Ethan folds his arms and place behind his head. "I didn't mean to bother you. This floor is filthy."
Huffing, Penkle nods his head. "Clean. Later. Der dar broom and mop dar."
"SHOULD still be in the closet or the basement...."
Peter, ignoring their conversation, walks into the Business Office. He twirls as he continues to walk, snapping his fingers and kicking up his heels. With a wide grin and twinkle in his eyes, Peter hummed to the song, sat at Charming's desk and continues to sing.
"Hey!" Peter whistles, tossing a can of Coke. "LAST one, dude! Last!"
Ethan catches the sold drink, pops the top and takes a large gulp. How it felt wonderful running down his throat. "Thanks, Peter. Needed this."
"Bad day?" He tosses a Sprite at Penkle. "I thought something was on your mind when-"
"No, not a bad day, just-" Ethan traces his finger around the rin of the can. "Peter, can I ask you something?"
"Is this about your breakup with-"
Ethan immediatly shakes his head. "No, no. Not....that." It was still heavy on his mind but Ethan no longer shed a tear. "It has to do with Michelle."
"What, is she not working out? I can get rid of her and hire a new one if-"
"Will you PLEASE let me finish?!" Ethan's voice suddenly grew hostile. "I'm trying to explain myself. You KNOW how I am about that."
Peter holds his hands up and giggled nervously. "Hey hey, whoa, Ethan. EASY there, big guy. I THOUGHT you were done and asking me how I felt about Michelle. I have no problem with her but she works MORE with you and Charming then me. If she's NOT working out, I'll hire someone else for you."
"Michelle is working out perfectly. Its just...." Ethan's mind returns to her inconsolable face the night before. "Did you know she has a daughter named Erica?"
Peter shakes his head. "No....I thought she was single and alone. Who's her boyfriend or-"
"She doesn't have one. Guess the girl's father took off. He....he did something to that girl but Michelle refused to speak about it."
"This when you two went and got Tacos-WHICH, for the record-were bomb, I may add."
"Told you." Ethan looks at his brother and tries to smile. "No but...I'm just worried. I mention her daughter and now, she took the day off."
"Maybe the kid got sick." Peter crushes his empty can. "Kids get sick ALL the time, remember? Junior was always coughing or some disgusting bodily shit."
Penkle agrees. "Me kid, get sick a lot, too."
Ethan was stunned. "YOU have a kid, Penkle!? The fuck, people!"
"Not part of question. No ask. Me no tell. Michelle kid sick. Head. Cough. Tummy."
Peter holds his hand out. "See? The Troll has spoken. She probably took her to the doctor or-"
"Do you know where she lives?"
Peter tips his eyebrow. "Why?"
"I want to pay her a visit. You know, case she needs something. I'll stop at the Egg Man Diner and pick up a bowl of Chicken Soup for Erica."
Peter scratches his chin. "Well, if you want to play doctor today....her file is in Charming's desk. Third drawer to the left."
As Ethan searched strenuously through the drawers, Peter casually walks over towards his brother. Charming's once neatly filed papers were mere pieces scattered in either the drawer or the floor. Holding a paper up, Ethan tosses it if it didn't pertain to Michelle. Peter, playing with his shirt, whistles a song.
"Yes, Peter. Look, if you're going to play stalker, perhaps you can put those meaty arms to good use and-"
"You're making a mess and you're sweating, Ethan." Peter pokes Ethan's brow. "WHY do you need to find Michelle, anyways? Is there something ELSE you're not telling me?"
As Peter speaks, Ethan pulls out her file. The file was thick and full of useful information, including her address. "Did you know she came to us for help, when her daughter was first born?"
Peter was stunned. "She....she did? I don't remember-"
"Apparently, its when we were short staffed and REALLY busy. Before Penkle or hiring her on. She came to use because of money trouble and the baby. I guess you turned her down and I didn't bat an eye..."
Appalled, Peter covers his mouth and turns away. "I don't....I don't remember her, Ethan."
"Neither did I." Ethan slams the drawer shut. "She's a Fable needing help, so I'm going down there and helping her. Hold my calls, tell them I'm in a meeting and if Charming asks, I had business to tend to."
Peter, still covering his mouth, holds a thumb up. "Yeah, sure....I got this."
Leaving the office, Ethan heads outside and onto the streets of New York. His search was on. But first, Egg Man Diner.
Ethan clutched the bag containing the soup close to his chest. The air quickly changed. Cold. Frigid. The snow would return later; weather says a huge storm was heading for the big city and with Chicken soup, Erica would be warm and fighting off the cold. The part of town Michelle lived in was no place for a single mom and her young daughter.
The apartment building was falling apart; bricks on the sidewalk, trash blowing in the end and homeless people sitting in the alley. Sketchy people, hiding in the shadows, look at Ethan. A drug deal was taking place a few inches from Michelle's aparment. Disgusted, Ethan ignores the men and heads inside. No security. No alarms. Anyone, either tenants or strangers, could easily walk up these stairs and cause trouble.
Ethan heads to the tenth floor before walking down the halls. Several lights flickered as the bulbs burn out. The window at the end of the hallway was broken. Cobwebs lining the halls, dust collecting on the peeling wallpaper. Ethan searches until he finds 34C. Adjusting his jacket, Ethan knocks; a woman, scantily clad, walks out of the apartment. A man follows behind, hands her cash and the woman is on her way. Ethan rolls his eyes and hears movement inside. To his surprise, Rosie answers the door.
"Rosie Posie? What are you-"
"Ethan, what are you doing here?"
"I'm looking for Michelle. What are YOU doing here?"
"I babysit Michelle's daughter. I was doing the whole teacher thing wasn't working out. She posted an ad needing the extra help with her daughter."
"Is she here?"
"She should be back. Took Erica to the Rehabilitation Center and-"
Those words seemed foreign to Ethan. "Wait, what? Rehabilitation-"
Before Ethan could finish, Michelle walks up the stairs, carrying her daughter. Her face was more apopletic mixed with sheepish than anything else. Clutching her daughter close, Michelle never stops staring at Ethan.
"What are you doing here? How did you find out where I live?"
"Peter told me. Charming has your file and-"
Michelle walks right past Ethan. The little girl stares at Ethan. A blank stare, as if he was never standing before her. Michelle digs into her pocket and pulls out some cash.
"Thank you, Rosie. I DO apologies for this rude stranger. I hope he didn't cause you too much trouble."
"Oh no, Ethan? He just showed up when you did, ma'am. My cousin is harmless and-"
"Your cousin?" Michelle turns to look at Ethan. " is he your-"
"Well, ummm...Ethan, do you consider us cousins still or...."
Ethan chuckles. "You're still family to me, Rosie. That never changed."
Michelle, still trying to process this all, hands Rosie the money. "This is all I can give you, Rosie. I'm...I'm short this month. Erica's treatments and medicines are getting more and more expensive with each visit."
Rosie pockets the money. "I appreciate this, Michelle. Don't even worry. I love watching the apartment while your gone and this lovely little lady here, huh Erica?"
Erica's mouth opens but no words. They were more gurggles and spit bubbles; it reminded Ethan of the quads and how they attempted to speak.
"Thank you, Rosie. You sure you'll be alright or-"
Rosie smiles and pats Ethan's arm. "I'm a Grendel, Michelle. WHO in their right mind will fuck with me, right Ethan? Nice seeing you, too. We should hang sometime."
"Yeah." Ethan faintly smiles. "Sounds good, Rosie."
Rosie waves. "See you around, Michelle. Bye, Erica."
The minute Rosie leaves, Michelle enters her apartment. She notices the bag and smells the contents inside. Erica continues to grumble and mumble. Michelle covers her face and stands in the doorway.
"Well, you DID come all this you wish to come in or...."
"Please. I, uh...brought soup for Erica. I thought, maybe, she was-"
Before Ethan could finish, Michelle was gone. Ethan closes the door and watches her enter a back room. Craddling her daughter, Michelle hums and tries to calm Erica down. Ethan sits and waits, unaware of Michelle's true reasons for taking the day off.
Any questions, let me know.
Adore my Gremily mini-me's.

That's unhappy news
I hope you two are able to resolve things swiftly!
Aha, it being a dream and not a memory makes much more of a mystery which you'll hopefully be able to explain through the story. Something of a burden, perhaps, his love will be; but with RJ it would be hard to rid himself of the conmection, and he may not wish to.
He does appear slightly different than usual, and reading the chapter with them together made things clear, but it's wonderful that your fiancee is keeping an eye on your characters and checking out who they're with.
'Never male a pregnant she-Wolf' - very true, and let's hooe Georgie didn't learn that the hard way! Given how attentive he can be he probably didn't. After everything Mary went through the 'my sunshine' singing just brings a bit moisture to your eyes.
Wow, that does sound real uplifting; all the best with it though. 
It is; we're alright but it can be better. I can't blame him, though....
Anyways, yes. It was all a dream. I'll explain more; Pie will in his as well. Without giving too much away, Gren has the same dream, too....He'd always have love for his son. Pie explained it like this: he'd never lose love for RJ because that is his son but the removel of those markings are painful and ALL the memories attached to that person is lost forever. Those memories are all he has left of Lyla but is it worth it, since she HAS moved on and is in love with Georgie?
I'm saving that 1st picture! I love it so much!!!!

Anyways, its interesting to see Ethan take a sudden interest in Michelle. You can hear and see the concern he has. Peter dancing is hilarious to m; he's always shaking his rump, singing, twirling about. XD XD I think its precious. And poor Penkle. I love how finding out everyone has kids is a shock to Ethan! XD XD
Rosie!!! OH breaks my heart what took place; it also broke my heart when she asked Ethan if THEY were still family.
Goes to show how bad things got real quick. And Erica needs rehabilitation.....what the hell did that guy do to her!? I can't wait for more, dude. Also, that bottom picture, too. That poor dog. RUN Puddles!!!! XD
You're both smart guys - whatever was said or done you can probably move past easier from the perspective of some time passing.
Hmm, there are a few theories to take away from them both having the dream. If Robert lost all memories of Lyla, that would put RJ in an unfair situation; it would be a difficult choice to make.
Aw, man, that first picture is a real treat. Made me smile and come over all happy; great drawing, Pie.
Anyway, I'm starting to really Penkle, and he adds a fresh dynamic to the Business Office. Peter's good mood is fun and entertaining, while Ethan's care for Michelle is touching. It is surprising that Michelle came to them for help and they didn't remember her. The second part of this chapter was described really well, and regarding Erica - not what I expected. Very interesting.
Oh, Puddles. XD At least Viviana and the others are happy.
It took me WAY too long to write this chapter! I kept getting distracted throughout the day, if it wasn't watching the latest episode of TWD then it was watching Madonna fall off the stage on the BRIT Awards 2015 :P
Anyways, please enjoy dear friends! XD
Devils and Demons Chapter 6: A Monster Through and Through
Nick had to burn the bodies, he couldn’t just leave them the way they were, the way they were killed would spark questions. The bodies were set alight individually with a snap of Nick’s fingers, 3 snaps was all it took for the dark orange flames to engulf them and burn them to a crisp ash within a matter of seconds.
But then the unexpected happened “Dad?!”
Nick turned around, in the distance he could see a young boy, and he was calling out for his Father. Nick made his way slowly up to the child; he must’ve been around 7, with short brown hair, brown eyes, and a slightly chubby physique. The boy was dressed in dirtied brown garments like the other 3 men were. Nick recognised the boy’s facial features as though he were a mirror image; this child belonged to the man Nick had killed with his toxic breathe.
The boy saw Nick towering over him and trembled at the sight, Nick crouched down and spoke “Hey there son, what’re you doing out here?” He was trying to sound calm, but Nick was so furious with himself he wanted to scream. The boy’s voice shook as he replied “I-I’m looking for my Dad, he went out hunting with his friends...”
The boy looked past Nick and noticed the smouldering bodies, he was about to walk up to them when Nick put his hand to the boy’s chest and gently urged him backwards “You don’t wanna go there lad...” The boy’s eyes became watery; he could tell through Nick’s expression and tone of voice that one of those bodies must’ve been his Father
Nick bowed his head, he wanted to tell the truth like he always did, but this boy had suffered enough, he didn’t need to know that the man who was giving him comfort was also his Father’s killer. Nick gripped the boy’s shoulders and spoke “Look, do you have anyone else nearby?” The boy sniffled and wiped away his tears as he replied “I have friends back home”
Nick nodded “Ok, show me where home is for you”
Finally; Blossom, Connor and Lyra had come to the new Wolf Manor, and Lyra was far from excited to meet the Big Bad Wolf, in fact she was very nervous. She had such obvious traits from her Mother, with the long red streak in her hair and the slight freckles on her face, and the most obvious traits from her Father included her oddly-coloured eyes.
Blossom looked down at Lyra and noticed her nervous demeanour “Lyra, are you ok?” Lyra nodded as naturally as she could. Did Death really send her to the right group of people? Sure, Blossom and Connor had been very kind to her, but would Bigby be as inviting? She was about to find out as the wooden door opened.
On the other side of it was a rare beauty: skin as pale as fallen snow, hair blacker than a raven’s secret heart, lips redder than blood, she had a perfectly curved physique, and was extremely lovely to look at in her blue silk dress. She spoke with a light voice that could lull a weak-minded man into a trance “Babies, you made it!”
Blossom and Connor both collectively moaned “Moooooom” as Snow hugged both of them excitedly. When she saw Lyra however, her face took on a more approachable expression “Hello... who are you?” Lyra shifted a little, but Blossom replied for her “Mom, this is Lyra, we found her wandering in the woods looking for her Dad”
Snow moved to the side and allowed Lyra in “Nice to meet you Lyra, my name’s Snow White” Lyra gave a small curtsey to Snow; she was brought up with manners after all. Snow crouched down with a giggle “Awww, you’re so sweet” Lyra smiled then and finally spoke “Thank you, Mrs. Wolf”
Snow stood back up and crossed her arms with a half smile “So you know who my husband is then?” Lyra nodded, but with a stiffer neck than before. Snow noticed how she had suddenly tensed up at the mention of Bigby and reassured her “It’s ok sweetie, Bigby is great around kids, you don’t have to be afraid of him”
Bigby finally came down the stairs wearing brown pants and a green shirt, he instantly greeted his kids with a hug each “I see you two made it here no problem” Connor chuckled “We didn’t have any trouble on the road, Dad” Bigby looked at Snow and then down at Lyra, she froze at his gaze.
Bigby walked over to the odd-looking girl and crouched down to her level “Hello there” Lyra managed a weak smile; she was more afraid of Bigby than her own Father, then again Nick had never been anything but nice to her...
“Hello, Mr Wolf” Lyra extended her hand and Bigby shook it gently with a small smile “Hello little one” Snow came round to Bigby and put her hand to his shoulder “Honey, this is Lyra, Blossom and Connor found her wandering in the woods, she’s going to have dinner with us, ok?”
Bigby stood up and spoke “I’ve got no problem with it, dear” Snow smiled as she pulled Bigby’s chin closer “Good” she gave him a small kiss and went to join her 2 Cubs as Bigby stayed with Lyra “So what were you doing out in the woods, Lyra? It’s dangerous out there” Lyra was more confident in her reply “I’m looking for my Daddy; Blossom said you could help me?”
Bigby chuckled and put his hand on Lyra’s shoulder “Ok sweetie, I’ll help you look for him after we have dinner” Lyra nodded and followed Bigby to the dinner table.
Back in the woods...
After some minutes of walking, Nick and the young, distraught boy came across a camp of 10 forest dwellers; all wearing the same dirty, brown coloured garments. As soon as they saw Nick however, they raised their weapons and yelled “Stop, what are you doing here, outsider?!”
The boy ran into the arms of a woman who must’ve been his Mother; Nick thought carefully about his response. Even if he did start a fight, these poor excuses for people wouldn’t be able to beat him, but he didn’t want to shed anymore blood...
“I found him wandering near my camp; he’s looking for his Dad” The dwellers lowered their weapons a little and a bearded man with a milky eye walked up to Nick; he was big in every sense of the word and was failing to stare Nick down, made more difficult when Nick crossed his arms and pulled an unimpressed look.
The brute spoke with a demanding voice “You will take us to your camp” Nick turned on his heels and tilted his head, the brute and the rest of the camp followed behind.
When Nick reached his small camp, the remains of the bodies were still smoking a little; the men examined the area and stuffed the charred remains into bags, possibly for burial (or maybe consummation) later; the brute walked over to Nick and stared into his eyes “Did you do this to them?” Nick remained calm and lied “I found them like this, the boy was wandering, and that is all”
The two men continued to stare daggers at each other, the brutish man didn’t like Nick and knew he was hiding something, but if things went south there was a chance he would fall in front of his people, he whispered “What is your name, Scotsman?”
Nick narrowed his gaze “Nick” the brute nodded again “You have fresh blood on your shirt...” Nick glanced down to see a few small spots of still wet blood on his shirt; he looked back up at the brute and asserted his authority “You lead these people, yeah? Would be a shame to fall in front of them so easily...” The brutish man edged a little closer with a hand hovering over his sword, Nick had his dagger concealed under his crossed arms however, though the man seemed to know this already.
The brute spoke “You leave this wood and never come back, you hear me?” Nick smirked at his words “Deal” The men all turned to leave, but the boy stayed behind and stood in front of Nick, watching him sheath his dagger back onto his belt. He spoke with more normality than before “What happened to my Dad?”
Nick couldn’t leave this boy with unanswered questions; he got down on one knee and put his hand to the boy’s shoulder “Listen to me lad; you’re Dad... he was a good man, he would’ve wanted you to grow up big and strong like him, maybe lead these people one day like that big guy. I mean; you might not be the biggest person there is, you know, like me”
Nick made a muscle flexing gesture with arms and pulled a smile to amplify his point “But just remember this if you do become a leader: be a good one, show kindness where it is needed and... don’t make snap judgements, can you do that for me, and for your Dad?”
The boy straightened up and nodded “Yes sir” Nick patted the boy’s shoulder “Good lad, what’s your name by the way?” The boy responded “It’s Rhemsehr”
Nick nodded and stood up “Good luck, Rhemsehr” And with that he left.
Eventually Nick emerged from the forest, he could see a small city in the distance, and could feel the call of one of the vials coming from it; one of his Brother’s was there. But Nick had something else on his mind at that moment...
He clenched his fist tightly and smashed it through the tree next to him, letting out a scream of anger as he did so. He was enraged at his actions, leaving a boy without a Father; he had done it many times in the past sure, but he was a changed man now.
“Death?! DEATH!!” Nick fell to his knees as he screamed his creator’s name; he was so loud the city in the distance could probably hear him.
Death appeared before Nick with his arms folded “What is it, Son?”
Nick stood up in a flash “Why did that have to happen? Why did I have to kill a boy’s Father?!”
Death didn’t flinch “You were created to kill, not to be compassionate” That didn’t help, as Nick got closer to his creator “I am not a monster anymore! I don’t make children Fatherless!” Death started to chuckle then “You weren’t meant to fall in love either...”
Nick became confused “What do you mean?” Death walked forwards and Nick instinctively walked backwards until he hit the tree behind him, Death then spoke “You were never meant to fall in love, Son. Or have children for that matter; it isn’t something a Horseman should ever seek in his life”
Nick spoke with some sorrow in his voice “Why?”
Death bowed his head a little “Nick, I have been alive since before the Neanderthals were walking the Earth, you were created when the word of Moses was being spread around Ancient Egypt. I have had a very long time to experience what love is, but unlike those I gave my heart to, I am undying...”
Death began to pace as he continued “The Horsemen are irreplaceable, if you kill a Primordial Wind then it is replaced accordingly, but a Horseman cannot die. Our physical forms may turn to dust, but we just reform a few seconds later. Immortality is bullshit, our existence is a curse!”
Death stopped and looked Nick in the eye “I view love as something to keep my life interesting, I don’t seek to share love with someone like you do!” Nick stepped forward “Why are you telling me this?”
Death huffed a little “Because you need to understand what you are Nick, not who you are... You were not meant to be so ‘mundane’, you were meant to be a creature of violence and destruction. You can’t expect to just change in the blink of an eye; you have learned some control, yes, but you will never be able to stop yourself completely, it’s not how I made you”
Nick felt more helpless than before; was he really doomed to kill all like Death said he was? “Father, will I always be a monster?”
Death shrugged “You are a monster through and through Nick, I cannot change that; but you do not have to kill everyone you see. You can punish the evil and save the good if you so please... just don’t expect yourself to not get carried away”
With that, Death crumbled into dust. Nick decided there and then that he would control himself, he had to... for his own sake. He made his way briskly towards the city... towards one of his Brothers, and the soul vial he held.
Hopefully I'll get the next chapter up tomorrow. My flare for writing is slowly coming back it seems... it would be a shame to let it burn out again
Please leave feedback as always!! XD
I adore Penkle and have ideas for him, too. He's like a Bufkin but, well....a Troll instead. XD PEter is always doing something; he's the silly one of the twins, as you can see.
I'll explain more about Michelle and Ethan, along with why her daughter's condition is the way it is.....:(
And Puddles. Those kids are having too much fun. But he loves them all.
Not to be off topic but look what I found....
XD Anyways, I'm glad you liked the picture.
I'll explain more about Ethan, Michelle and her daughter's condition.
Miss Rosie. She'll be around more.
And who are these fine gentlemen? :P
The boy's return is almost like a reminder to Nick of the capability he has within. I felt bad for the kid. Nick seemed to have shown some pity for the father's demise and seems genuinly sorry for what he's done...
Another person I feel sorry for is Lyra. Her mother is gone, father is absent and she's in the care of the Wolf family. Nothing bad about that; Snow and Bigby are wonderful and she has other children to play with. But when Snow called out and Blossom and Conner answered 'MOOOM!' I felt a tear in the corner for Lyra. This poor girl...and then you have Death; I don't hate death for being honest with Nick. His soul purpose in life is to live by the rules: you live a little, then you die. This is where they come in. I can't help but think Death reminds Nick this because he happens to be one of his favorites and does not want to see him off the path laid out for him.
That's just me, man. :P Sorry. Went all college thinking on your ass. XD I do like this, though and glad to see you got the 'ol spark back.
LMAO Hmmmm, I'm not sure but whoever these fools are, they sure clean up good. XD @JJWolf the hell is my brother looking at!? lol
Thnx for the feedback dude, now for some pointers:
Yeah.. those are what I interpret :P
Soo (as a guess):
Am I right?
Ah see, I thought the kids were older but didn't think THAT much older. Thank you for the update. Mary is at the home? I must have missed that; my bad if it was mentioned I just never see her interacting with her daughter....And I get why Death is doing this but at the same time, unfair for Nick. I'm sure he already knew the risk; rubbing it in his face is only making the situation worse....