Mira's Room



  • It could, but I'm not sure Damian would know about it or whoever hired him to kill Mira. Secret exits/entrances are sort of Varys' thing :P

    I might explain how Damian managed to get his armoured self out of the room so fast without being seen!

  • Yes you make a valid point, it more likely something Varys or his little birds would do. However what if Damian went to search Mira's room, but when he arrives at the door he realises someone is in the room. The door is ajar so he peeks in, only to see Coal Boy exiting from a secret door! When Coal Boy is gone he quickly searches the room, then he notices the note left on Mira's bed. He reads the note and decides to lay in wait for Mira to arrive at the gardens, he then decides to explore that secret passage way.

    It sounds a bit over the top, but hey if Roderick can come back......suddenly this doesn't seem so far fetched to me.

    It could, but I'm not sure Damian would know about it or whoever hired him to kill Mira. Secret exits/entrances are sort of Varys' thing :P

  • Everything about is actually a very good theory except the whole "seeing Coal Boy" part. IMO he would find and kill Coal Boy before he meets Mira in the gardens.

    But yeah, everything else you said is actually a pretty good theory. I hope we find out more about it in Ep3 as well as Coal Boy and whether or not he really is one of Varys' birds (though I'm 99% convinced he is :P)

    Yes you make a valid point, it more likely something Varys or his little birds would do. However what if Damian went to search Mira's room,

  • I'd be very surprised if she wasn't one of Varys' little birds. Oh I don't doubt that Damian would've tried to dispose of Coal Boy, but it's possible that he did actually try to do that. However I think that Coal Boy might have been alerted to Damian's presence when he opens the door more to enter the room, plus the noise of the armour as well. He may have tried to grab Coal Boy, but Coal Boy just manages to evade his grasp by quickly escaping though the passage. If he is one of Varys' then he will most likely be well practiced at making a hasty retreat.

    Everything about is actually a very good theory except the whole "seeing Coal Boy" part. IMO he would find and kill Coal Boy before he meets

  • Thats not how it plays out in the books. He stays in King's Landing but in hiding, and we don't see him for a whole book until the epilogue of ADWD where he commits 2 very high profile murders and 'appears' to give a long winded monologue about his motivations to one of the dying, while surrounded by his 'little birds'.
    Which is coincidently, or not, the name of the coal boy's model in game.

    Varys has very precise goals, and IMO every little thing he does is in service to those goals. Not the realm, or the children as he often claims. But his own agenda.

  • I think Damien was told to kill mira by the Whitehill soldiers. remember they said mira would regret her deal with lord tyrion? Damien was probably going through mira's letters for any info on the forresters situation.

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