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  • Crossed hands guy is my brother; red tie is actually me and Blue is JJ .XD We do clean up; don't always look like we crawled out of the cave. lol XD

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Soo (as a guess): * Red tie is JJ * Blue tie is Pie lol * Crossed arms and sunglasses is Pie's Brother Am I right?

  • Yeah, back in Chapter 2 Nick says his goodbyes to Mary, then in Chapter 3 they had that fight...

    Nick needs to understand that killing will always be his thing, he can't just not do it, it's in his nature; Death just had to set the fact in stone for him :/

    I really wanna start my next story with everyone's OC's and finally use Jayne as a character... But I have to finish this one first :P

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Ah see, I thought the kids were older but didn't think THAT much older. Thank you for the update. Mary is at the home? I must have missed th

  • JJ looks bigger there than in the selfie he took :/

    How old is that picture??

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Crossed hands guy is my brother; red tie is actually me and Blue is JJ .XD We do clean up; don't always look like we crawled out of the cave. lol XD

  • edited February 2015

    This was last year, like, August maybe? He lost a TON of weight. (He'll kill me for saying this BUUUUT....) he was pretty heavy. :( Poor guy. Can't blame him. French Fries are the

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    JJ looks bigger there than in the selfie he took How old is that picture??

    1. Dang. I was fat last year....:(
    2. French fries are the Devil's food
    3. Love this picture and all your drawings. I always feel so happy. :)
    4. I'm curious now as to WHAT is up with Erica....
    pudding_pie posted: »

    Not to be off topic but look what I found.... XD Anyways, I'm glad you liked the picture. I'll explain more about Ethan, Michelle and her daughter's condition. Miss Rosie. She'll be around more.

  • Dang. I was fat last year....:(

    I say that every year... nothing really changes :P

    French fries are the Devil's food

    But they're so good! :(

    JJwolf posted: »

    * Dang. I was fat last year....:( * French fries are the Devil's food * Love this picture and all your drawings. I always feel so happy. * I'm curious now as to WHAT is up with Erica....

  • Harmony came to an indefinite amount of time later. She was in an unfamiliar room with unfamiliar voices. No...there were some that she recognized, the ones speaking in English. She rolled on her side, which was inexplicably bruised, so she winced softly, and it must have gotten the attention of somebody.

    "She's awake," A voice breathed softly. Harmony closed her eyes slowly, and then opened them, and things became a little less hazy in her vision. She wasn't in any major pain, but she definitely felt disoriented.

    "I am," She replied, to whoever's voice it was. "As you can see." When she lifted her arm, she felt the tug of an IV that was stuck in it. She groaned at the limitations it brought her. She had to stay put for now. "So, what happened?"

    By this time, she saw everyone who was there, facing her. Therese stood in the front of everyone, a mask of concern spread over her face. She wore a business skirt and floral blouse. Her heels clicked as she stepped closer to check on Harmony. Other than her, Tim sat on an arm chair at the foot of the bed, the worry he'd probably been through for however Harmony was out wearing down on his skin. He looked tired. Lastly, Reynard was busy sniffing a vase of flowers on the table in the corner, near the window. It took him a minute to realize Harmony was awake as he turned his head to see what the commotion was about.

    "Oh," He said. "Welcome back to consciousness!"

    Harmony sighed, resting her head back on the pillow. "Can somebody please tell me what happened between me smashing my face onto a blood covered tile floor, and me sitting her, awake and asking questions?"

    "I'll explain," Therese said, sitting on the edge of the bed. She crossed her legs and used one arm to support her from behind as she leaned back some on the bed. "As I've been told, you lost consciousness when you hit the floor. You saved Belinda's life, and managed to capture an Incubus demon before he escaped. The demon was killed by the witches of the Thirteenth floor."

    "How long have I been asleep?"

    "A day, give or take," Reynard butted in. "Don't worry, you haven't been in a coma for ten years. You'd probably look a lot saggier. And you'd probably have almost no motor skills anymore. You just look a bit beat up, like someone threw their fist against your jaw."

    Harmony reached up and touched her chin tenderly. A little shock of pain coursed her jawline, and she winced softly. "I guess tile floors pack a hard punch."

    Reynard stifled a laugh and walked across the room, opening up the dividing curtain to the bed next to Harmony's. Belinda lay there, much more mangles, but alive. And conscious, as well. She turned her head very soft and slowly to Harmony's direction, and tried her best to smile with out causing too much pain. Her fingers wiggled as a gesture of 'hello'.

    "She can't talk much yet," Reynard said. "When her throat was cut, it severed some major strings. She'll be able to talk again, but not for a while."

    Belinda's face went slightly slack, as if being reminded brought her mood down. Harmony imagined how much pain Belinda must have been dealt on that kitchen floor. It sent shivers down her spine, thinking about it. She looked back at Tim and Therese, her face quizical still. "Where's the boy."

    It was as if mentioning Matthew was a sin in itself. The whole room felt uncomfortably tense all of the sudden. Tim's eyes glazed over, as if he were trying to keep his mind off of the subject.

    "He....woke back up before we finished cleaning up," Reynard seemed to be the one to deliver whatever sort of news that was needed."He....was resistant. The witches got him under control, but barely. He's a very strong child, stronger than we anticipated. Harmony... You're powerful." He sounded completely stone-faced serious. Whenever Reynard was serious about something, then something else was wrong.

    "Where is he?" Harmony's heart rate increased; The monitor was beeping at twice the normal amount.

    "He's still contained," Reynard said quickly. "But we can't control him if we let him go. He's in a rage."

    Belinda made a noise, whatever she could manage, and Harmony quickly looked over at the woman. Tears of anguish spilled down her cheeks, but she could say nothing of it. She just closed her eyes and looked away.

    Harmony didn't know what to say. She felt sorry for her sister-in-law, sorry for the poor boy. But there still felt like there was a missing piece to the puzzle, and it was only something that Belinda could answer.

    "So, when do I go home then?" She finally asked, balling her hands into fists under the blankets. She was angry, for some reason. She couldn't think why, though. Surely, she'd figure it out eventually, and either feel silly or justified, but for now, it was a sort of confused rage. She held it back with every awake fiber of her being, and it seemed to be working well.

    "As soon as Swineheart gets back and check you, you're going to be able to go home. Belinda will be transported to Fabletown Hospital to recover further, and eventually, transported back to London."

    "Isn't she the leader though?" Harmony looked at them funny. "Won't they miss her?"

    "The leader?" Therese said confused. "No, she's not their leader. I mean, she's got money and lives pretty lavishly-"

    "Not....the leader?" What's that supposed to mean? Who was? What else was Belinda keeping secret from her and Tim? Were they even at London's Fabletown? Or was it a rouse?

    Was she lying all along?

    "Who?" Harmony's voice squeaked. "Who is?"

    "....Rumpelstiltskin is the leader." Reynard drew the words out questionably slow, as if he sensed Harmony wasn't comprehending something.

    "Oh," He voice dropped. "....I think I'll rest my eyes, if you don't mind."

    Trembling, it seemed that Tim hadn't known this information either. He got to his feet, a little twitchy, and his gaze shifted to his sister, who seemed to be sound asleep. Harmony wondered if it was faked, or if she really just passed out. She wondered how much Belinda heard just then.

    At that moment, Swineheart was there to check Harmony's vitals, and shooed the rest of the people out.

    That's all I feel like doing for now XD More tomorrow, or maybe saturday. I've been SUPER DUPER busy (Even busier than normal busy) With things in general, plus I'm thinking about what colleges I want to attend (Sending in applications to Princeton, because why the hell not? lol) Plus I have SAT's soon, still looking at what I should do if I want to become an architect (Took Physics this year with out realizing that it's part of the things I should have under my educational belt) But I have to take Pre-Calc next year and I'm not too thrilled about that. Oh well. I'll probably also take Interior Design, I am DEFINITELY taking Creative Writing <3, I'm required to take English 12 and Gym/Health (ewe), and I'm also taking French 4. Um..... Oh, I'm also probably doing Ceramics. So yeah! Gotta get those course requests in now!

  • Lookin' snazzy, guys XD

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Not to be off topic but look what I found.... XD Anyways, I'm glad you liked the picture. I'll explain more about Ethan, Michelle and her daughter's condition. Miss Rosie. She'll be around more.

  • edited February 2015

    Chapter 14, Gargoth's End

    Hati managed to find Meg and bring her back with him to help defeat Gargoth. Upon their return the noticed the bloodshed. It was hold to tell if everyone there was dead, there was so much gore. Not even Delphantez couldn't hold off against Gargoth. Even Omnimaax with the help of his two sisters were no match for him. The only ones left fighting we're Draco Tezoth, and Bigby and even the mighty dragons and powerful wolf would eventually fallen next if Hati wasted another minute.

    “No, I took too long..”

    “Ya think dad? While we're getting slaughter in here, you're just taking your sweet time. As always.” Etan walking out of his protective barrier.

    “I'm sorry son, I ran into some familiar faces.. and I found Meg. Let's get this over with already. I'm getting tired of looking at these fucking Gargoyles.”

    “That, we can agree on.”

    Etan begins reading text from the old book. He found a paragraphs describing a story of how Gargoth was defeated and imprisoned by the three god-slayers. A gallant weasel, a noble archer and female warrior, these were legendary Fables who defeated the evil god before he could complete his plan that we see before. He failed then, and he shall fail again for the final time.

    Etan calls over Robby, Mr. Weasel and Meg. Telling them that if this works, they will go down in history just as their ancestors. He tells them to place their hand onto the book and repeat the phrases that he reads from the book. Before the three even start, Etan nose begins to bleed.

    “Etan your bleeding..” Robby informing him.

    “It's nothing just repeat this, In brightest day, in blackest night, No evil shall escape my sight Let those who worship evil's might, Beware my power...Green Lantern's light!

    “Etan! No is not the time!” Hati, yelling at his son for quoting the Green Lantern.

    “Dad, I couldn't resist...”

    Then in order, Bigby, Tezoth and Draco come crashing against the wall. Rose and Snow runs over to their men and makes sure they're aren't dead or anything.

    “Rose, what. What are you doing here?”

    “I come to save my Tez, what else do you think?”


    Tez turns back into his human form and falls into rose arms. Viera tries to go after Draco, but is stopped by her sister Nisa. Gargoth was right next to them, right outside the protective barrier, who knows what he would of done to Viera if Nisa let her go.”

    “Now now ladies. I wouldn't want to harm you, I'll save the most succulent for last..”

    Gargoth hears a familiar chant, the same chant he heard centuries ago during his imprisonment . He steadily turns and is nearly blinded a searing light.

    From the darkness he thrived! From below of the Homelands he risen! He came to near domination and was feared by all! Three brave souls rose up, and silenced the beast known as Gargoth! So he fell from his dark grace and turned to stone! Never to manipulate or bend the word at his will!

    “No... No! I wont fail again! I will not be defeated again! I will take you all with me if I must!”

    Gargoth tries to reach for Mr. Weasel, Robby and Meg before they can finish the spell. He begins to turn stone, staring from his wings. Etan nose continues to bleed even more and begins to fall, but is caught by his father.

    “Father...” Olivia as she watches her father's inevitable end.

    “I was going to be the MOST powerful fable of them all. I had the power, I had plan, I had the resources. I HAD THE MUNDIES!”

    Before he could fully turn to stone, he breaks free and is nearly inches away from killing Mr. Weasel with his bare hands.


    Then Olivia steps in and stabs Gargoth in the heart, before he could kill Mr. Weasel.

    “I'm A Weasel you psychopath...” Mr. Weasel brushing himself off

    Gargoth watches his daughter as he fall to the ground and his petrifaction begins again.

    “Olivia.... but why...”

    “Father, you brought upon yourself. Like every other power hungry villain, you were doom to meet your end. The hands of justice has turn, and the hour of your reign of terror, is over.”

    “I see, I knew you would wonder try to rise up against me... You are strong like your mother.. All the good of me went to you when you were born. All that remained was, blood lust.... and power.. But now there is only death for me again. Olivia, may I make one final request...?”

    “What is it, father?”

    “Destroy all the vile evil that resides in you, someone as precious as you shouldn't succumb to such, egregiousness flaws...”

    He takes his daughters hand before he completely turns to stone and smiles. She sheds a tear then, she let's go. Gargoth finally dies and his stone body shatters letting Bigby blow away his dust into night..

    It was finally over, but not really.

    Gargoth influence began to disappear and everything begins to slowly return back to normal. Everyone who was present at that site was transported to Liberty Island. Everything seemed back to normal, no sign of riots or Fable and Mundies fighting among each other. No sign of gargoyles either. It was over..

    “This calls for a celebration”, Draco shouted out loud while falling out of tree onto Tez.. Then everyone else rejoiced over their victory of Gargoth defeat. The Fabled Avengers was victorious again, but something wasn't right. Etan and Hati are missing...

    To be continue...

    Next chapter will be the final chapter of this story. Going to be big, and contain some tears.

  • If her good china got ruined, Tez would totally steal another valuable one for her. Assuming that Nancy would let him. ;P

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Nancy would've been furious if that were the case, haha. Ya'll would have set off an atomic bomb in that house.....NOT the good china....ANYTHING but her good china! :0 lmao

  • This chapter got a good laugh out of me, I needed that. :)

    pudding_pie posted: »

    After some much needed breakfast and a quick clean up, Gren and Thomas took their conversation outside. Mary entered through the mirror a li

  • Were you guys just talking about random shit, basically? XD

    Tetra posted: »

    Ah I see you already found it XD apologies was in class yes I have an idea on how I'm going to go about her death. Yup! It was a small l

  • Awesome, man! That's why I'm here. Glad it gave you a chuckle or two. :3

    This chapter got a good laugh out of me, I needed that.

  • Hey, hey, wanted to share one of the many things I'm excited about with you guys! If any of you are familiar with the Arkham games and/or have played them (or if you are a Batman fan in general), this trailer will make you anticipate the new one even more. Batman's work is never done, it seems. ;3

  • Yeah basically XD and since my roommate and I are not fans of the new smash bros game we would just make fun of that, and the amiibos (I think that's how it's spelt :p)

    Were you guys just talking about random shit, basically? XD

  • I generally dislike batman (I'm more of an antagonist kind of guy) but even I think these games are top notch! Definitely can't wait to get this!

    Hey, hey, wanted to share one of the many things I'm excited about with you guys! If any of you are familiar with the Arkham games and/or ha

  • edited February 2015

    Wow, you're like the first person (ever) that admitted your dislike for Batman. I don't know how to respond to that. XD Glad you agree the games are amazing, though. Because they are amazing when it comes to the hero/vigilante game genre.

    Tetra posted: »

    I generally dislike batman (I'm more of an antagonist kind of guy) but even I think these games are top notch! Definitely can't wait to get this!

  • You're right, I actually searched the name up on Google. Forgot those were the Nintendo figures, too. :P

    Tetra posted: »

    Yeah basically XD and since my roommate and I are not fans of the new smash bros game we would just make fun of that, and the amiibos (I think that's how it's spelt )

  • Those things are absolutely rediculous! I was generally scared for my life when I saw those things play, they adapt to the way you play and just kill on sight!

    You're right, I actually searched the name up on Google. Forgot those were the Nintendo figures, too. :P

  • edited February 2015

    Yeah I just never really liked him. XD

    I like the fighting mechanics and how he can punch lightning fast. I do also love the story! And the soundtrack isn't that bad either! I wonder what they'll do with batman in this game though.

    Wow, you're like the first person (ever) that admitted your dislike for Batman. I don't know how to respond to that. XD Glad you agree the games are amazing, though. Because they are amazing when it comes to the hero/vigilante game genre.

  • edited February 2015

    I think Joker's death had something to do with the actual comics, even though I'm not entirely sure in that regard. (I've never read them either, so I wouldn't know the specifics)

    As for Batman, they'll probably have him kick ass like usual, until Scarecrow (the supposed main villain in this one) catches him by surprise in a 'near-death' experience towards the end of the game. Just a prediction.

    Tetra posted: »

    Yeah I just never really liked him. XD I like the fighting mechanics and how he can punch lightning fast. I do also love the story! And the soundtrack isn't that bad either! I wonder what they'll do with batman in this game though.

  • Ah maybe I should ask my cousin then because he's read every single batman comic :p

    I loved the scarecrow segments in asylum. This could get interesting!

  • Yeah, I looked at the purpose of those figures and it seems like a pretty sweet feature overall. 'Innovative' in a sense. XP

    Tetra posted: »

    Those things are absolutely rediculous! I was generally scared for my life when I saw those things play, they adapt to the way you play and just kill on sight!

  • Oh man, those were the best! I probably should replay Arkham Asylum so I could experience those 'dream' sequences again.

    There was one easter egg Scarecrow segment in Arkham City, if you hadn't known already.

    Tetra posted: »

    Ah maybe I should ask my cousin then because he's read every single batman comic I loved the scarecrow segments in asylum. This could get interesting!

  • I should probably play them myself XD I just watched my little brother play them when he asks me too :p

    I will now look this up as he is one of my favorite villains :D

    Oh man, those were the best! I probably should replay Arkham Asylum so I could experience those 'dream' sequences again. There was one easter egg Scarecrow segment in Arkham City, if you hadn't known already.

  • I LOVE the Arkham games!!!

    This will be the last one apparently, and it looks like we will be going out with a blast XD

    Hey, hey, wanted to share one of the many things I'm excited about with you guys! If any of you are familiar with the Arkham games and/or ha

  • when it comes to the hero/vigilante game genre

    Did you play Watch Dogs, Dragon? That is a game I think you would like :)

    Wow, you're like the first person (ever) that admitted your dislike for Batman. I don't know how to respond to that. XD Glad you agree the games are amazing, though. Because they are amazing when it comes to the hero/vigilante game genre.

  • Totally agree with Hazza, I also LOVE the Arkham games! XD

    With The Witcher 3 coming out before it looks like an quality time for gaming. :D

    Hey, hey, wanted to share one of the many things I'm excited about with you guys! If any of you are familiar with the Arkham games and/or ha

  • There's a chance it might not be the last Arkham game if W.B. Montreal take over, but Rocksteady have said it will be their last. Whether or not you think that's good news will probably depend on what you thought of Origins.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I LOVE the Arkham games!!! This will be the last one apparently, and it looks like we will be going out with a blast XD

  • I really liked Origins!!

    I LOVED the fights with Deathstroke, Bane and the Joker. I was expecting to fight Deathstroke again later on, but no such luck :(

    If Arkham Knight kill off Batman then fair enough :P But I wouldn't say no to more!

    LupineNoir posted: »

    There's a chance it might not be the last Arkham game if W.B. Montreal take over, but Rocksteady have said it will be their last. Whether or not you think that's good news will probably depend on what you thought of Origins.

  • I'm looking forward to Mad Max and MGS The Phantom Pain...

    I swear, the amount of things you can do in The Phantom Pain, it may well be the game of the year for 2015!!! XD

    LupineNoir posted: »

    Totally agree with Hazza, I also LOVE the Arkham games! XD With The Witcher 3 coming out before it looks like an quality time for gaming.

  • edited February 2015

    Yes I have, though, it's been uninstalled from my Xbox for a while since I've nearly did everything the game had to offer. I may install and play it again if (and whenever) the sequel comes out. :)

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    when it comes to the hero/vigilante game genre Did you play Watch Dogs, Dragon? That is a game I think you would like

  • Hell yeah, I'm with you on the Witcher 3 as well! The recent issue of Game Informer had an article on it, made me even more pumped for the game - apart from a couple of gameplay videos they've released a few weeks ago.

    LupineNoir posted: »

    Totally agree with Hazza, I also LOVE the Arkham games! XD With The Witcher 3 coming out before it looks like an quality time for gaming.

  • Sequel doesn't surprise me :P

    I have only played 5 missions so far, I'm doing all of the side activities first then continuing the story...

    Yes I have, though, it's been uninstalled from my Xbox for a while since I've nearly did everything the game had to offer. I may install and play it again if (and whenever) the sequel comes out.

  • Robby is a personal favourite, so I'm glad to see him back on his feet and ready to kick some gargoyle ass!

    Lydia and Robby sharing a brief moment of googly eyes.

    G'aww. :')

    Snow and Rose are definitely not two to underestimate; and Meg's humbleness is endearing.

    MasterStone posted: »

    Chapter 13, Parallel “Etan, your father already went to look for the Mundy, now that only leaves the other Fable. Any Ideas?” “Well Ol

  • edited February 2015

    You'll find a lot of side missions to be super repetitive, but the game is sort of similar to the first Assassin's Creed when it comes to that. So no big deal imo. XP

    Story's pretty interesting, you might even find the side characters to be more interesting than Aiden.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Sequel doesn't surprise me :P I have only played 5 missions so far, I'm doing all of the side activities first then continuing the story...

  • Is Mad Max still coming out this year? The film is, which has a crazy-awesome trailer if you haven't seen it.

    The Phantom Pain looks amazing. XD Is it going to be the last Metal Gear Solid?

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I'm looking forward to Mad Max and MGS The Phantom Pain... I swear, the amount of things you can do in The Phantom Pain, it may well be the game of the year for 2015!!! XD

  • Yeah, the closer the release date gets and the more articles like that get published it starts getting hard not to be excited. :D

    Also, have you heard about Bethesda doing a stage section at E3? It's just got to be Fallout 4, but maybe there'll be Dishonored too.

    Hell yeah, I'm with you on the Witcher 3 as well! The recent issue of Game Informer had an article on it, made me even more pumped for the game - apart from a couple of gameplay videos they've released a few weeks ago.

  • Yes, it's apparently going to be their first one ever! I'm hoping for a Fallout 4 mostly, Dishonored can wait. XD

    LupineNoir posted: »

    Yeah, the closer the release date gets and the more articles like that get published it starts getting hard not to be excited. Also, hav

  • Apparently Deathstroke was going to feature much more prominently in Origins; at one point there was a plan to have him flying around the city sending drones after you, but they changed their minds about it. However, at the end of the game it shows Amanda Waller meeting with Deathstroke, and she's in charge of the Suicide Squad, so hopefully they will do a sequel with that. :D

    Would they kill him off? I wouldn't like to make that call. XD

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I really liked Origins!! I LOVED the fights with Deathstroke, Bane and the Joker. I was expecting to fight Deathstroke again later on, but no such luck If Arkham Knight kill off Batman then fair enough :P But I wouldn't say no to more!

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