Episode 2 Release Date Discussion - Release Dates "Starting March 17th", Official Trailer In Thread



  • Yeah... no, I highly doubt that. Telltale doesn't dedicate whole teams to early projects.

    himmatsj posted: »

    Yep, definitely. I'd bet my last dollar on that!

  • You are gullible.

    Why would Telltale arbitrarily delay an episode just because of PAX? They can still showcase recently released episodes and they don't really have any benefits.

    himmatsj posted: »

    You are gullible.

  • Ethan is the hero that Ironrath deserves, but not the one it needs right now.

    Crips posted: »

    Your gravatar though

  • "Not enough pun." -IGN


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    jakobennis posted: »

    hahaha poop

  • Bored now. What happened again in Episode 1?

  • 4 months, really? Usually I buy each episode digitally before buying the physical copy of every Telltale game. Now I just have to skip the digital purchase and wait for every episode to be released before touching more games from Telltale. If you really want to keep doing this episodic thing, make sure that the game is done before you start releasing them. You also did this with TWAU, and at this rate, we might just see the last episode by the end of this console generation.

  • "And IF we are quiet in the message boards..."?! Come ooooon....anyway good development of news, we have to wait LONGER :D THIS is what I was waiting for!

    Nah, kidding Telltale, I love you.

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    aaroncarney posted: »

    Bored now. What happened again in Episode 1?

  • My greatest fear is that the episode gets released at M17. It would mean that I have to play the episode in China instead of back home. I would be lucky if my hotel have wifi. The worst possible scenario would be that there are no Wifi and I am forced to wait two more weeks before heading back home to play it.

  • It's kinda funny that when I was dyining to play ep two few months pack, everybody said " I remember when we had to wait 4 months for episode two of Wolf among us and that was frustrating."

    Now you don't have that argument anymore, do you?

    (Okey okay I know waiting sucks no matter what and I suppose WAU was still more frustrating experience since there was no information before it.)

  • Damn, that sucks man.

    My greatest fear is that the episode gets released at M17. It would mean that I have to play the episode in China instead of back home. I wo

  • edited February 2015

    Haven't been into the threads for a while, when i saw all these new comments i was like OMG is this for real! and then when i scrolled through there was nothing but bar jokes, Gifs and complaining fans, So yeah guess i'll check on this 1,000 years later maybe then there will be some news.

  • Bar jokes for lyf

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    Jeeny_Frank posted: »

    Haven't been into the threads for a while, when i saw all these new comments i was like OMG is this for real! and then when i scrolled throu

  • So what if he tells wife jokes? you never stated any rules to the contest whatsoever. :D #norighttotellpeoplewhattodo

    Too many wife jokes :-|

  • Dud i started this chat i think i can say too many wife jokes

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    stevean2 posted: »

    So what if he tells wife jokes? you never stated any rules to the contest whatsoever. #norighttotellpeoplewhattodo

  • But there was also Job Strauffer talking.

    I believe that hasn't happened before.

    Jeeny_Frank posted: »

    Haven't been into the threads for a while, when i saw all these new comments i was like OMG is this for real! and then when i scrolled throu

  • All the HJ love/sympathy in this thread warms the cockles of my heart!

    DeityD posted: »

    After playing the pre-sequel, this is actually kinda sad.

  • Cringey gif time is it? hold on, lemme google search "wife jokes"

    My wife came home from work crying yesterday and asked me to console her.

    So I hit her over the head with my Xbox.

    Dud i started this chat i think i can say too many wife jokes


    That drives me (even more) crazy too, I mean, everyone knows psychopaths are way more badass than sociopaths...

    I hate to be pedantic but every time I notice things (false public perceptions regarding psychology) like this it kinda bothers me; the word

  • Oh God, I'm going to have to replay it - I remember the stuff, but can't even remotely recall the things...

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    stevean2 posted: »

    Cringey gif time is it? hold on, lemme google search "wife jokes" My wife came home from work crying yesterday and asked me to console her. So I hit her over the head with my Xbox.

  • And even he got in on the gif action!

    Crips posted: »

    But there was also Job Strauffer talking. I believe that hasn't happened before.

  • want my money back...
    this is just stupid, they play with us.

  • Yeaaaaah.
    Never buying Telltale before all the episodes are released again.
    Seriously, four months? Once you start following the 4-6 week thing in the FAQ, then I might change my mind.
    But for now, I'm rather upset.

  • Ah, sociopaths... those whiny little bitches, bless 'em.

    THANK YOU! That drives me (even more) crazy too, I mean, everyone knows psychopaths are way more badass than sociopaths...

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    Ah, sociopaths... those whiny little bitches, bless 'em.

  • How do most men define marriage?
    An expensive way to get your laundry done free.

  • Why should telltale care? They already have your money...

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    Yeaaaaah. Never buying Telltale before all the episodes are released again. Seriously, four months? Once you start following the 4-6 week thing in the FAQ, then I might change my mind. But for now, I'm rather upset.

  • Atleast they deliver... apart from Modern Day Crapcom.

    Why should telltale care? They already have your money...

  • edited February 2015

    Yeah there was that and i thought it was nice that he commented on the episode, but we still don't even know anything yet except some speculations of a release date in M8 so yeah...

    And even he got in on the gif action!

  • At least we've got something to go with.

    Jeeny_Frank posted: »

    Yeah there was that and i thought it was nice that he commented on the episode, but we still don't even know anything yet except some speculations of a release date in M8 so yeah...

  • I guess it is something to go with, but yeah I think i can wait i mean we waited this long why not wait for a while.

    Crips posted: »

    At least we've got something to go with.

  • Where have i gone wrong in life?

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    stevean2 posted: »

    How do most men define marriage? An expensive way to get your laundry done free.

  • My mating call ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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  • First world problems man! I doubt there would be a problem catching wifi in China if not in hotel then some cafe or something near by.

    Damn, that sucks man.

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