The Protagonist and Antagonist?

Who would you say they are in the game and show? I know they're ensembles but if you had to choose who you felt had the role of either

Game: Rodrik and Whitehill (Don't like either)

Show: Starks and Lannisters (more characters so couldn't narrow it down(


  • Rodrik and Whitehill (Don't like either)

    Alt text

    Also I wouldn't really classify the Lannisters as villains, since I feel the show doesn't really revolve around one house (or call one house the "good" or "bad" house).

  • Cotter and Finn, duh. Their actions will determine the fate of everyone and everything in Westeros, Essos and Earth itself

  • and don't forget Luxembourg

    Cotter and Finn, duh. Their actions will determine the fate of everyone and everything in Westeros, Essos and Earth itself

  • edited February 2015

    It's worth noting that the word 'protagonist' just means the central narrative figure or main character, not the good guy specifically. And in the same way, 'antagonist' means the protagonist's major obstacle, opposing character or force, not the villain (Technically a tornado can be the 'antagonist' if that's the thing causing conflict in a story). And when you have morally questionable characters like serial killers (Dexter) and meth cooks (Breaking Bad) as the protagonists in shows, meaning their antagonists can be 'good guys', honest cops etc. then that definition becomes clearer.

    The Starks are clearly pitched as the protagonists, supposed 'good guys', at the beginning of Game of Thrones, which makes the Lannisters their antagonist 'bad guys', but the whole purpose of the series is to unravel that point of view. Ned and Robb, the 'hero good guys', fail and die instead of triumphing, Catelyn is consumed by revenge, turns to the dark side, and basically becomes the 'antagonist' for other characters, and some of the Lannisters have redemptive arcs or are revealed as more decent than we assumed. Everyone has their motivations and no one is fully good or bad. It also doesn't have much to do with whether you like them or empathise with them either, it's whether you understand them and their actions in the circumstances they're faced with.

    The Forresters are automatically the protagonists, because the story revolves around them and we are playing as them. That doesn't mean they have to be the 'good guys' and if they do end up doing things objectively 'worse' than the Whitehills, then that would be appropriate for a 'game of thrones' story. But somehow I don't see that happening, given Telltale is already pitching Lord Whitehill and Gryff as somewhat two-dimensional villains, which is one of the problems I have with the game.

  • Technically a tornado can be the 'antagonist' if that's the thing causing conflict in a story

    Just realized the tornado is the main antagonist of Life Is Strange :P

    It's worth noting that the word 'protagonist' just means the central narrative figure or main character, not the good guy specifically. And

  • Littlefinger or the White Walkers are better candidates for the main antagonists of the show/books than the Lannisters are.

  • You're absolutely right about Gryff and Whitehill are generic. We're just supposed to hate them instead of actually being invested in their character

    It's worth noting that the word 'protagonist' just means the central narrative figure or main character, not the good guy specifically. And

  • edited February 2015

    I'd say that Gared Tuttle is more the main protagonist of the game, as he is the only one who knows anything the others don't, and he was the most major character of episode 1, and episode 2 seemed to be setting him up for more massive choices.

    As for the show, Tyrion seems to be the protagonist, in my opinion.

  • Um, did I miss something because I haven't even seen Gryff yet?

    Clemenem posted: »

    You're absolutely right about Gryff and Whitehill are generic. We're just supposed to hate them instead of actually being invested in their character

  • Como os companheiros acima já postaram, é complicado decidir quem é herói ou vilão em Game of Thrones. Por exemplo, eu odiava Jaime Lannister, porém quanto mais se conhece um personagem, mais se conhece os motivos de seus atos, seus pensamentos e sentimentos. Assim como na vida real.

  • "Gryff Whitehill means to torment us!"

    "Nothing worse than a fourth-born with something to prove."

    "It was bad enough when it was just the soldiers!"

    Just extrapolation, but he certainly doesn't sound like the kind of person you can reason with or who has any sympathy. More like some who's evil for evil's sake.

    Um, did I miss something because I haven't even seen Gryff yet?

  • I honestly never saw Game of Thrones as a world with protagonists and antagonists. I see it as a world with numerous different people fighting each other and you can choose who you wanna side with, therefore the protagonist and antagonist changes to how you feel.

    The game is the exception though IMO. The protagonists are obviously members of House Forrester and the antagonists depend on the PC so they are the Whitehills/wildlings/Lannisters/Lost Legion

  • edited February 2015

    You can't base Gryff off of what they said on the "Next Time On." For all we know he could be a very interesting villain.

    Clemenem posted: »

    You're absolutely right about Gryff and Whitehill are generic. We're just supposed to hate them instead of actually being invested in their character

  • edited February 2015

    Gryff could just be a misunderstood son who no-one appreciates, and was only evil for his father to be proud of him.
    EDIT: as they said: "Nothing worse than a fourth-born with something to prove"

    "Gryff Whitehill means to torment us!" "Nothing worse than a fourth-born with something to prove." "It was bad enough when it was just

  • Puhutaanko kaikki omia äidinkieliämme niin ei ymmärretä toisistamme yhtään mitään? Eikö olisi aika hyvä idea?

    Como os companheiros acima já postaram, é complicado decidir quem é herói ou vilão em Game of Thrones. Por exemplo, eu odiava Jaime Lanniste

  • (British) U Wot m90?

    Puhutaanko kaikki omia äidinkieliämme niin ei ymmärretä toisistamme yhtään mitään? Eikö olisi aika hyvä idea?

  • Se a intenção foi deixar os gringo puto por não entender uma palavra... parabéns!!! xD

    Como os companheiros acima já postaram, é complicado decidir quem é herói ou vilão em Game of Thrones. Por exemplo, eu odiava Jaime Lanniste

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