Episode 3 Release Date Discussion- PC/Mac/PSN US Mar 24 - Xbox 360/One/PSN EU Mar 25 - iOS Mar 26



  • whoever tested everything on this game clearly had something on his mind:/

  • I agree, I hope he just isn't some rip off of Ramsay or Joffrey.

    Yeah I hope hes a good villan, ramsey was fine but we need a good original villan

  • If you read about the game at all, it is very clear that they are released episode by episode. This has, as well, always been there way of doing things.

    Yes, episode 3,4,5and6. Why cant all the episodes just be released? Its so stupid that they come availible 1 at a time. I'm NOT playing epis

  • edited February 2015

    I'm not defending them, I'm just telling people to buy games from Telltale on Steam or the Telltale store, as almost all problems are console-exclusive and are seldom encountered on PC.

    The thing with the choices being deleted or wrongly saved sadly are a constant problem with Telltale.

    And I also don't understand their silence, after all they sold the game on console, so even if imo it's a mistake to buy Telltale games on console, they thought it was ok to sell.

    But there's not really much you can do, like I said, Telltale's Service is really bad.

    eh i mean no barely any lag perfect and I like the game in "general" but it isn't finished, what do you mean what am i complaining about? th

  • edited February 2015

    May kings and queens melt down their crowns.
    A pyre on Aegon's hill.
    In floods of gold, I pray they drown,
    For all the blood they spilled.

    Can't wait for Episode 3

  • Episode 3 in Steam DataBase

    Alt text

  • What exactly does this mean? Excuse my "stupid" question in a sense :/

    elgardo4 posted: »

    Episode 3 in Steam DataBase

  • I'm not exactly sure what it means, but Episode 2 was added in mid-December IIRC, so I guess Episode 3 will release in early April along with Season 5 of the show.

    What exactly does this mean? Excuse my "stupid" question in a sense

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    It means they are starting to upload parts of episode 3 to the Steam database either for testing or to make the process of uploading episodes easier.

    For the record they started uploading episode 2 in December.

    What exactly does this mean? Excuse my "stupid" question in a sense

  • Oh ok. Thanks for the quick response @EpicMustacheGuy and to you Ozzy

    OzzyUK posted: »

    It means they are starting to upload parts of episode 3 to the Steam database either for testing or to make the process of uploading episodes easier. For the record they started uploading episode 2 in December.

  • I wonder how episode 3 already weighs more than episode 2 of TFTBL does :P

    elgardo4 posted: »

    Episode 3 in Steam DataBase

  • The episodes get smaller as the weeks go by as TellTale compresses the files.

    Green613 posted: »

    I wonder how episode 3 already weighs more than episode 2 of TFTBL does :P

  • (?) Dying peacefully is not a valid response...

    stevean2 posted: »

    I have nothing of relevance to say, so have a comic strip from the legendary Tim Buckley.

  • edited February 2015

    "Why can't all the episodes just be released?"

    For the same reason that Television Series and Comic Series aren't released all at once. TTG has to coordinate Voice Actors, Animators, Writers, Editors, Artists, PR, Sound Engineers, Sound Designers, etc. Just like HBO. Even if you haven't been a project manager or leader for any large quantity of work, it shouldn't come as a surprise that the more people you have working on something, the more difficult it is to coordinate everyone.

    If they did the entire series at once and released it when Episode 6 is currently on track to release (say, August), then one team would inevitably get behind and have to double-time it to catch up. Part of the reason Telltale Games are so magical is that there is so much care and attention given to each individual episode. You would miss that if they just rushed it out all at once.

    Not to mention that TTG takes our feedback and uses it to make a better story. They don't pander by any means... Rather, they flesh out the story as we play it, which brings a more organic storytelling experience than just a static script that you get at the beginning of a season. Think of a Tabletop Role-playing game, where the game master has a set destination and knowledge of how she will get there, but explores the finer points of the narrative cooperatively with his players.

    TL;DR Because it's better. Better for them, better for the narrative, and better for you.

    Yes, episode 3,4,5and6. Why cant all the episodes just be released? Its so stupid that they come availible 1 at a time. I'm NOT playing epis

  • edited February 2015

    I figure this is kinda of an update -

    Seems like there is gonna be a lot of Asher next episode

  • Do people have any idea how much the file size tends to get reduced by? To help gauge how much stuff might be in the episode, versus episode 1 & 2. Plus the episode size is quite a bit bigger than Borderlands Episode 2.

    The episodes get smaller as the weeks go by as TellTale compresses the files.

  • I think it usually goes down 800 MB or 1GB or more.

    Rob_K posted: »

    Do people have any idea how much the file size tends to get reduced by? To help gauge how much stuff might be in the episode, versus episode 1 & 2. Plus the episode size is quite a bit bigger than Borderlands Episode 2.

  • edited February 2015

    Cheers for the answer, Dojo. So, potentially just a bit bigger than GoT episode 2 at the moment as episode 2 was 1.45gb, assuming it doesn't go down by more than a gig. Of course, a higher file size doesn't always correlate to an increased episode length or more content, but it's a good sign.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    I think it usually goes down 800 MB or 1GB or more.

  • It's frustrating to see GoT fans waiting for Ep. 3 while ToB still hasn't released Ep. 2.

    zachiscool3 posted: »

    Well. I wonder if this will come out before or after Tales of the Borderlands Ep 2

  • edited February 2015

    Well, I don't understand how it can be frustrating to see us waiting lol but I can see why it would be frustrating to see us complaining.

    BeastInside posted: »

    It's frustrating to see GoT fans waiting for Ep. 3 while ToB still hasn't released Ep. 2.

  • For those who watch the show we are under 2 months now before its glorious return!

  • Thread: Android release question

    I just played episode 1 and 2 from google play. I'm totally addicted! Does anyone know when episode 3 will be released for android/tablets?

  • there's not a release date yet. maybe in a few weeks.

  • A moment of silence for the people on kindle

    Alt text

    I'm still waiting for episode 2 on kindle.

  • Lol that what i put down get me every time: )

    Kadir1903 posted: »

    Did.. Did you fuck potatoes?!

  • Well borderlands should be out soon which means that game of thrones can still come out in a few weeks as enough time will have past

  • It sucks that we're going to need to wait atleast for tftbl ep 2 to be out before we can even hope to get a release date (and probably worst for tftbl fans)

  • You poor soul

    Well borderlands should be out soon which means that game of thrones can still come out in a few weeks as enough time will have past

  • Haha Episode 2 did actually finally come out on kindle last week thankfully.

    A moment of silence for the people on kindle

  • Please help... I downloaded this games of throne from play store and purschased the episode with $19.9.. But to my surprise it was telling me purchased coming soon... I don't know what happened my friend has already downloaded episode 2.. Please help I don't want my money to be waste in vain

  • RIP money, you will be missed.

    Jk, contact Telltale about it, they'll help you (I hope).

    chinedu posted: »

    Please help... I downloaded this games of throne from play store and purschased the episode with $19.9.. But to my surprise it was telling m

  • I also had that problem with episode 2. OzzyUK gave these instructions:

    "In the main menu there should be a button that says "episodes" when you click on it you should have the option to download the episode.

    If that doesn't work you might need to uninstall Game of Thrones and remove all the files and then reinstall them, you also might need to temporarily move your save folder out of your save directory (C:\Users\YOUR NAME\Documents\telltale games) restart the game and then download the next episode, once that has finished quit and put your saves back into the folder and hopefully that should work. Make sure you backup before doing this process to avoid losing any save data with choices."

    It worked like a charm for me, hope it does for you too :)

    chinedu posted: »

    Please help... I downloaded this games of throne from play store and purschased the episode with $19.9.. But to my surprise it was telling m

  • I can't wait for next ep. I think it's good they're releasing their games as episodes, because it's saturating player for more and I like that. I'm patient, so it doesn't matter for me, and those trailers for next episodes are so goddamn good. And about game, it rules, just like other Telltale games. Hope they never loose potential.

  • I think he would have to become a Ranger first to be even able to go beyond the wall. My guess is that he's not going to see Craster, but instead will search secretly for the North Grove. Maybe with his new friends. I think one possible scenario could be that in the north grove are some special weapons hidden made out of this material that can kill the White Walkers, or "Others" how they were called in the books. I forgot what that marital was called. Something with dragon?

    RMack posted: »

    It may happen though. That way Gared can prove he's capable beyond the Wall and on his way to becoming a ranger...or you could fail and damn House Forrester. I wouldn't be surprised to see that.

  • To me it's just frustrating to wait for ANY of them. I play TOB too, and I'm waiting for more TWAU, and waiting for the 3rd season of TWD, and for episode 3 of GOT of course. If I had my wish I would be playing all without having to stop and would probably die of starvation. I am so addicted to the choice based TT games that I won't do anything else as long as I can play. 0.0

    BeastInside posted: »

    It's frustrating to see GoT fans waiting for Ep. 3 while ToB still hasn't released Ep. 2.

  • LOL

    Endrik posted: »

    You poor soul

  • I just hope TT won't let iPad users wait longer for the release of Ep 3 - a lot of reviews in the App Store are awful, and only 56 people or so reviewed it so far, most of them just giving stars, a lot complaining about the Asher action problem that lets him die every time and they can't continue playing, so they give the game 1 star only. I'm glad there are also 5 star reviews, but on average the game is only at 3.5 stars now in the App Store. So maddening. I tried to post my review but it won't work for some reason. I never had that problem, and it bugs me to no end because I want to add my 5 stars and give the people with the Asher problem the solution so that they can continue to play and give a decent rating!!! :( Anyway, as I said, it worries me. I hope TT doesn't let us iPad peeps hanging. Scary thought... 0.0

  • File size has gone down by 203mb, so from 3.12gb to 2.92gb.


    Not sure it means much though in terms of them getting ready to launch episode 3, as the file size drop was much larger for Borderlands. 832 mb it dropped rather than GoT's 203mb.

    Still a rather large episode though. I wonder what could be leading to such a big file size. :)

  • The material was nicknamed "dragon glass" however it was actually made of obsidian. It was also said that "dragon steel" was effective against them too, this could translate to valerian steel.

    VicMasina posted: »

    I think he would have to become a Ranger first to be even able to go beyond the wall. My guess is that he's not going to see Craster, but in

  • Right, thank you :) I remember now, yeah, Valerian steel was made of it, too. Since it's so rare, maybe that's what's hidden in the grove - but what I'd personally like the best would be if we'll get our very own dragon :) I hope we'll find the north grove is an old dragon nest with eggs :D hehe

    The material was nicknamed "dragon glass" however it was actually made of obsidian. It was also said that "dragon steel" was effective against them too, this could translate to valerian steel.

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