Life Is Strange - True Colors Out Now, Bonus Episode "Wavelengths" September 30th



  • Yup, you didn't spoil anything... but you made me so intrigued right now... DAMN IT I WANNA PLAY EPISODE 2 SO BAD....


    ualexen92 posted: »

    SPOILER AHEAD SPOILER !!!! WARNING any-case I know that moderator on forum play Episode 2 and they don't want any more spoilers... I c

  • [removed]

    Mat_Den96 posted: »

    Yup, you didn't spoil anything... but you made me so intrigued right now... DAMN IT I WANNA PLAY EPISODE 2 SO BAD.... T_T

  • You don't know what a spoiler means, do you?

    ualexen92 posted: »

    SPOILER AHEAD SPOILER !!!! WARNING any-case I know that moderator on forum play Episode 2 and they don't want any more spoilers... I c

  • edited February 2015

    Ahhh yeah it may be pool in episode 2 or it may not be... but there is train and cafe shop/bar what so ever and many many think that we don't know

    Mat_Den96 posted: »

    Yup, you didn't spoil anything... but you made me so intrigued right now... DAMN IT I WANNA PLAY EPISODE 2 SO BAD.... T_T

  • Nop I do not know

    I can predict the ending of game or something like this Kate and Nathan dead or alive or you enter in Vortex clue or not, Chloe will die in all episode but you will save her or she may not event be in episode, there will appear deer again that will.... ok ok this is going to far


    You don't know what a spoiler means, do you?

  • What you stated earlier (about the poll) was a theory and not a spoiler.

    ualexen92 posted: »

    Nop I do not know I can predict the ending of game or something like this Kate and Nathan dead or alive or you enter in Vortex clue or no

  • or it was a spoiler cover in a theory EVIL EVIL EVIL what so ever 句_句

    What you stated earlier (about the poll) was a theory and not a spoiler.

  • It is going to release at the end of march and it is only playable because it was leaked....

    Alt text

    I repeat, Episode 2 isn't being delayed. IT ISN'T. The episode is fully playable with little to no graphical errors and the release will be mid-March or a week later.

  • Spoiler

    "She met someone that changed her life and poof"... that someone is obviously Max

  • I'm even more excited for EP 2 now ;-;

    ualexen92 posted: »

    SPOILER AHEAD SPOILER !!!! WARNING any-case I know that moderator on forum play Episode 2 and they don't want any more spoilers... I c

  • Would you rate it higher than episode one? Hope asking isn't too spoilery.

  • Even if you are not posting direct spoilers, please avoid any discussion of Episode 2 that results from playing an early copy at all.

  • Nope.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Would you guys recommend this. I think its interesting but I heard the voice acting and lip syncing looks really bad and usually things like that drive me straight out of a narrative based game

  • At least Tales will be released before Half Life 2 Episode 3.... right?

    TheCatWolf posted: »

    Even with the delay it's probably coming first or at the same time of TFTB :P

  • edited March 2015

    I'm not sure anymore. Which one is going to be released first: Life is strange ep2, TFTB Episode 2, Half-Life 3 or GTA V for pc? Place your bets guys!!!

    MichaelBP posted: »

    At least Tales will be released before Half Life 2 Episode 3.... right?

  • I agree, but can their be a separate thread just for Episode 2 spoilers (with a spoiler tag) and once Episode 2 is released just merge them?

    (That being said i havent actually played/seen Episode 2 it just seems like a big issue on this thread)

    Even if you are not posting direct spoilers, please avoid any discussion of Episode 2 that results from playing an early copy at all.

  • Episode 3 release date has been leaked too i mean the month

  • I'll say that Tales episode 2 will be released first.
    Valve can't count to three and Rockstar probably made a typo. GTA V for the pc is probably being released in April 2016.

    TheCatWolf posted: »

    I'm not sure anymore. Which one is going to be released first: Life is strange ep2, TFTB Episode 2, Half-Life 3 or GTA V for pc? Place your bets guys!!!

  • GTA V for the pc is probably being released in April 2016

    Cause the game needs to be more ''polished'' xD

    MichaelBP posted: »

    I'll say that Tales episode 2 will be released first. Valve can't count to three and Rockstar probably made a typo. GTA V for the pc is probably being released in April 2016.

  • Of course, it has to be thest pc port of all time. With a flawless GTA online and online heists on day 1, 0 glitches, mod support and official moding tools at lauch, and the game runs as smooth as butter on a toaster.

    TheCatWolf posted: »

    GTA V for the pc is probably being released in April 2016 Cause the game needs to be more ''polished'' xD

  • That sounds bad, no one should've played it so no one should be discussing it.

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    I agree, but can their be a separate thread just for Episode 2 spoilers (with a spoiler tag) and once Episode 2 is released just merge them? (That being said i havent actually played/seen Episode 2 it just seems like a big issue on this thread)

  • Hell, I feel bad just by watching episode 2 and reading about some things that happen in 3 and 4 (still gonna keep my mouth shut, unless I'm PM'd). Oh well, still gonna buy the episodes since there's nothing like playing the game yourself, and playthrough I watched seemed to skip over several optional things.

    That sounds bad, no one should've played it so no one should be discussing it.

  • I'm glad you're keeping quiet about it. I want to go in blind and I should be able to if people don't talk about something they should'nt of seen.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Hell, I feel bad just by watching episode 2 and reading about some things that happen in 3 and 4 (still gonna keep my mouth shut, unless I'm

  • I can't believe info. up to episode 4 has been leaked. Dontnod/Square Enix are gonna be scarred for life with episodic gaming.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Hell, I feel bad just by watching episode 2 and reading about some things that happen in 3 and 4 (still gonna keep my mouth shut, unless I'm

  • Actually,apparently there is even info from episode 5 floating around in interwebs, but I haven't found anything about it.
    I think I've already spoiled myself enough.

    DoubleJump posted: »

    I can't believe info. up to episode 4 has been leaked. Dontnod/Square Enix are gonna be scarred for life with episodic gaming.

  • Damn! At best this will all be chalked up to a lesson learned.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Actually,apparently there is even info from episode 5 floating around in interwebs, but I haven't found anything about it. I think I've already spoiled myself enough.

  • Of course, I'm not going to enter a thread and say stuff like " x thing happened and y happened in episode z. Oh, you didn't know? Ooops.", only an asshole would do that.

    I can't wait to get my hands on the official release, there are a lot of cool details that people on Youtube, like in episode 1, at the end when you're on the path leading to the cliff, if you look back, you can see one of episode 3's possible locations (if the preview polaroid for 3 is accurate and if it is the same location).

    I'm glad you're keeping quiet about it. I want to go in blind and I should be able to if people don't talk about something they should'nt of seen.

  • Thanks, i'm glad you're a cool guy.

    I'll keep an eye out.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Of course, I'm not going to enter a thread and say stuff like " x thing happened and y happened in episode z. Oh, you didn't know? Ooops.",

  • Yep, hopefully they'll find a way of preventing any possible leaks if they do another episodic game in the future.
    If they do another one, I doubt it'll be a sequel to Life Is Strange. I just can't see how a sequel would work.

    DoubleJump posted: »

    Damn! At best this will all be chalked up to a lesson learned.

  • Yep, be sure to do that, since there were lots of things I didn't notice in my first playthrough of 1.

    I might be wrong, since I'm just basing it off of the fact in one of the preview polaroids for 3, you can see a sign that says "how do you do?" and you can see the same sign at the end of 1.

    Also, be sure to do absolutely nothing when you're in a new area for a while, since Max will says a few things that she won't if you start interacting with the area.
    It's how I found out that Chloe liked Blues Clues and Teletubies.

    Thanks, i'm glad you're a cool guy. I'll keep an eye out.

  • @GoldenPaladin I really agree, but isnt it just easier to have a thread that is discussing it then have people always discussing it on here so more users get spoiled who havent played/or seen it. I've been spoiled multiple times on here.

    It just seems easier for the mods (Who wont have to delete discussions) and the users (who wont be spoiled, or urged/tempted to play or watch Episode 2)

    That sounds bad, no one should've played it so no one should be discussing it.

  • No, those impatient people who already spoiled themselves should keep it to themselves. It's a waste of time and possibly more people spoiled, angry/upset, and arguments. People should stay by the already great rule on leaked spoilers and not talk about it. If they really want to with someone else who has seen the episode then there's the PM system.

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    @GoldenPaladin I really agree, but isnt it just easier to have a thread that is discussing it then have people always discussing it on here

  • Thats actually a really smart idea :)

    (Also i'm not trying to support those who went against DONTNOD and played it/watched it I just dont want more users to get spoiled if that makes sense?)

    No, those impatient people who already spoiled themselves should keep it to themselves. It's a waste of time and possibly more people spoile

  • I understand what you're trying to do and I'm not mad at you or anything if it seems like it. If we grant that thread then they'll start making more about later episodes way before release and end up spoiling more people. It's better if they talk in private, even if they talk on a Spoiler tagged thread then it's still public and people will be spoiled...There's still the already in placed rules about not talking about leaked information.

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Thats actually a really smart idea (Also i'm not trying to support those who went against DONTNOD and played it/watched it I just dont want more users to get spoiled if that makes sense?)

  • and to think people want telltale to make the episodes the same way the life is strange ones are being made all of this leaked stuff is just proof that isn't the way of doing it

  • I dont know, I think the way DONTNOD is doing this is pretty interesting and Telltale could learn a few things from it. It just sucks its been leaked.

    (Also Episode 4 of TWD was leaked too so i'm sort of confused what you mean)

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    and to think people want telltale to make the episodes the same way the life is strange ones are being made all of this leaked stuff is just proof that isn't the way of doing it

  • Also, be sure to do absolutely nothing when you're in a new area for a while, since Max will says a few things that she won't if you start interacting with the area. It's how I found out that Chloe liked Blues Clues and Teletubies.


    MichaelBP posted: »

    Yep, be sure to do that, since there were lots of things I didn't notice in my first playthrough of 1. I might be wrong, since I'm just b

  • edited March 2015

    life is strange is basically done it is just in a very buggy state from what i am hearing but it is done, playable and in the game files, with amid the ruins at first only the choices were leaked but when the actual episode leaked early that is because telltale were done with it and the person who leaked it hacked into a press copy that was only for those reviewing the game through the android version so it isn't the same thing in a way

    what i am trying to say is people have said that telltale should make the episodes first and then release them and life is strange is the perfect example as to why that is a terrible idea i would rather have the waits from telltale than having the whole game spoiled

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    I dont know, I think the way DONTNOD is doing this is pretty interesting and Telltale could learn a few things from it. It just sucks its been leaked. (Also Episode 4 of TWD was leaked too so i'm sort of confused what you mean)

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