This. THIS is the results of pie and his fiancee discussing Grendel mating season in March....XD
You and the misses are too funny when it comes to the conversations you have but it also means you two are comfortable enough to even mention that March has officially been become Grendel's mating season. XD Emily's face, though. Either its the comment of Gren's choice in underwear that has her looking like she just ate a lemon. XD
Anyways, I loved the first bit; TheMan found the perfect quote as to WHY I adore Lyla with all my heart. I too, pictured this woman in a dress and heels, chasing Georgie Porgie as he screams 'Fook, love!' down the halls. They have such love, though. Also, Emily is too funny since she's changed her entire outlook on life, although I don't blame her; I'd hate to even THINK of my folks doing the dirty. Yeah, I'm here but still!!! Although, Lyla, you're too awesome!
I agree, too about the spikes. Now, I have a question. I too noticed, during the first episode of TWAU Gren DID had spikes on the back of his foot; like, a few seconds during the scene where he pushes the pool table against Bigby. Is that KIND OF like the ones Liam will get but down his back and arms, too or are they larger and more dangerous? This is too cool; I swear, you need to make a fictional book about Grendels. XD Poor Liam, though. Like teething but ten times worse.
Peter dancing. XD Enough said. He's too funny. I love this bit, though:
Peter hears his father's accent, looks over and leaps over his desk. Scooping Georgie into his arms and spinning in a circle, he holds onto the British man for dear life.
"Aye, Peter! Peter! Ya' gunna break me bones, son!"
Not to fly away from the topic but Georgie's relationship with Peter is too precious. you can see they love one another. I applaude Georgie for loving Peter as if he made him; Georgie and the sheriff did not leave on good terms and he didn't have to take Lyla back OR accept Peter but he did. And he calls him dad. God, I love them.
Okay, back on track! I also find the Wood Elves being so secret both exciting and a bit suspicious. WHY hide all the information? Do they just not WANT people to see them or could it be something else? Robert is being a dick and although I'd normally support him, I must say he's not being very brotherly; yes, his views on his mother are different but some on! THAT'S your mother!
Then Artemis' Bow. I have a feeling either Emily will need it here in a bit or the kids....that's just my opinion. Knowing that it did belong to a, was the Witch that received it Gren and Robert's mother?? The Echantress, as you called her? Oh snap.....Gren has magic!!! Explains his powers and Seraphina.
I hope they can contact Isaiah; just discussing their mother sent the boys into a rage fight! And dear Michelle. I hope you cover more about her, pie. This is getting really good, dude.
BTW, thanks for the image. I know that was random but I love it!!
This. THIS is the results of pie and his fiancee discussing Grendel mating season in March....XD
Lyla held onto Viviana and bounced the l… moreittle blonde baby in her arms. Viviana giggled and tried reaching for her nana's face; Lyla, leaning down, is met with her pouty lips and a very wet kiss. Beaming, Viviana kicks her chubby legs and tries to babble. Nodding her head, Lyla holds the baby against her chest and walks around the kitchen. Not too far, Emily tries to breast feed Liam and Chloe; Chloe immediatly latches on but Liam, struggling to sit still, growls and pulls away.
Lyla looks over. "Do you need help, sweetie? There is a little trick to breast feeding more than one baby. See, when you kids were little-"
"I got this mom." Emily tries to pull Liam up. "He's just...angry this mornin' and he fookin' won't sit-"
"Emily." Lyla lowers her voice and glares at her daughter. "You really need to work on that language. I don't need the… [view original content]
I love him too He's one of my top favorites, after Harmony Sometimes I think back and I'm like "God, I miss my little baby boy when he was so small." But then I see how he interacts now, with his family and such, and I'm happy he's getting older I might do a flash-back chapter soon with him in it!
I haven't got too many plans with Ember yet, but I'll be sure to make her an extraordinary girl, underneath the seemingly ordinary face
I love Carter. Always have. Always will. To ME, he's my favorite of your OC's. He's such a jack and Mary all at once, yet he's the sweetest… more little thing on this planet. Him and his GTA, too. XD I don't blame you, dude. He has a cute little crush om Ember. All grown up, little Carter. I still picture him as a toddler, playing with his legos in the apartmenr.....-sigh- Memories....Hopefully you'll cover more....I know she can't be mundy but, who knows these days. XD XD
I've gone back and thought the same, too. How they've grown. :') I can remember when I was mad Jack was the father. Mad that he's not too involved but happy for Hans and taking that father role. I look forward to Ember. I'm loving her so far and that last few words in the sentence make me think she's going to be quite the addition!
I love him too He's one of my top favorites, after Harmony Sometimes I think back and I'm like "God, I miss my little baby boy when he was… more so small." But then I see how he interacts now, with his family and such, and I'm happy he's getting older I might do a flash-back chapter soon with him in it!
I haven't got too many plans with Ember yet, but I'll be sure to make her an extraordinary girl, underneath the seemingly ordinary face
I've gone back and thought the same, too. How they've grown. :') I can remember when I was mad Jack was the father. Mad that he's not too in… morevolved but happy for Hans and taking that father role. I look forward to Ember. I'm loving her so far and that last few words in the sentence make me think she's going to be quite the addition!
So... This got posted on my story yesterday by a Guest. This person has clearly read my reviews of other peoples works on the site AND has seen my comments on this forum:
HazzathePrick chapter 12 . 10h ago
Your fanfiction is so shit, please stop. I see you on the telltale forums all the time and you're such an asshole to some people on there. Just please stop being an ass and acting like huge know it all when you're on the forums and writing reviews on this site because your stories aren't even half as good as theirs. It's really irritating.
What do I do is the question?
I will admit that I have a tendency to point out stuff from the Fables universe (quite a lot actually) but I have never been horrible to people on the forum! I may 'shoot down' ideas sometimes, but it's an opinion, people can't expect everyone to agree with them...
On another note, I'm not gonna give up my writing just because this guy/girl thinks my stories are shit. Of course not everyone will like my work, but there is no need to be so rude about it.
I know you guys don't need to hear another sob story about my life, but I can't really talk to anyone else about this
So... This got posted on my story yesterday by a Guest. This person has clearly read my reviews of other peoples works on the site AN… moreD has seen my comments on this forum:
HazzathePrick chapter 12 . 10h ago
Your fanfiction is so shit, please stop. I see you on the telltale forums all the time and you're such an asshole to some people on there. Just please stop being an ass and acting like huge know it all when you're on the forums and writing reviews on this site because your stories aren't even half as good as theirs. It's really irritating.
What do I do is the question?
I will admit that I have a tendency to point out stuff from the Fables universe (quite a lot actually) but I have never been horrible to people on the forum! I may 'shoot down' ideas sometimes, but it's an opinion, people can't expect everyone to agree with them...
On another note, I'm not gonna give up my writing just because this guy/girl think… [view original content]
This person obviously uses this forum as well as though...
I have deleted the review as it was written by a Guest, so it doesn't need any 'we'll look into it' stuff from the site to get it removed. But they guy/girl could easily write more if they want to
Hmm that is a bit disturbing. I say don't even give the person the light of day, don't let him ruin the past two awesome days with his comment.
Just keep doing what you're doing Hazza, you've got no reason to change.
I wouldn't worry about it, man. Don't let this person ruin not only your day but the ability to write. Seems like its someone who reads our stories, knows your on and felt the need to leave this. You're a swell dude, too.
So... This got posted on my story yesterday by a Guest. This person has clearly read my reviews of other peoples works on the site AN… moreD has seen my comments on this forum:
HazzathePrick chapter 12 . 10h ago
Your fanfiction is so shit, please stop. I see you on the telltale forums all the time and you're such an asshole to some people on there. Just please stop being an ass and acting like huge know it all when you're on the forums and writing reviews on this site because your stories aren't even half as good as theirs. It's really irritating.
What do I do is the question?
I will admit that I have a tendency to point out stuff from the Fables universe (quite a lot actually) but I have never been horrible to people on the forum! I may 'shoot down' ideas sometimes, but it's an opinion, people can't expect everyone to agree with them...
On another note, I'm not gonna give up my writing just because this guy/girl think… [view original content]
No its fine, man. I got accepted into the San Francisco Arts Institute and start in the fall. Looks like pie, Emily and the Mrs. are moving again. XD XD
No its fine, man. I got accepted into the San Francisco Arts Institute and start in the fall. Looks like pie, Emily and the Mrs. are moving again. XD XD
This is freaking brilliant, dude!!! I love that passionate, loving look both have for one another. NEVER stop loving Gremily. They have become my 2nd favorite couple you've made. Lyla and Georgie, Gremily then its Bloody Mary and Junior, followed by Katie and Jersey. Peter and Holly are getting close, too.
Anyways, congrats on the arts school!!! I knew something awesome happened when you text me early this morning!!! You are VERY talented and I really hope you put your name out there and we soon see the work of pie all over. I know you can do it, dude. You're so talented. Never been to San Fran, so this will be an adventure for us all!!!
So... This got posted on my story yesterday by a Guest. This person has clearly read my reviews of other peoples works on the site AN… moreD has seen my comments on this forum:
HazzathePrick chapter 12 . 10h ago
Your fanfiction is so shit, please stop. I see you on the telltale forums all the time and you're such an asshole to some people on there. Just please stop being an ass and acting like huge know it all when you're on the forums and writing reviews on this site because your stories aren't even half as good as theirs. It's really irritating.
What do I do is the question?
I will admit that I have a tendency to point out stuff from the Fables universe (quite a lot actually) but I have never been horrible to people on the forum! I may 'shoot down' ideas sometimes, but it's an opinion, people can't expect everyone to agree with them...
On another note, I'm not gonna give up my writing just because this guy/girl think… [view original content]
For some silly reason, I laughed and said 'DAWWWWW' because of that grin. Thanks man. I appreciate it all. Pretty damn excited because I've never been to San Fran!!
For some silly reason, I laughed and said 'DAWWWWW' because of that grin. Thanks man. I appreciate it all. Pretty damn excited because I've never been to San Fran!!
I've never been, so its going to be a blast. A WHOLE new world; no, its not the country side but I'll take it!! I'd like to eventually create my own little world. If not, there are plenty of opportunities out there. I appreciate it, Noir.
Plus, I agree. Be the 'king of cool' on the campus! XD XD
Dude, that's freaking brilliant news!! Huge congratulations!! You're gonna go far with your skills, man. XD And San Francisco is a beautiful place!
Edit: Plus, everyday you can see yourself as Steve McQueen in 'Bullitt'.
Gren does look quite the lover with those pose and shorts. :P
Katherine's first words and Lyla chasing Georgie - you wrote that on here, didn't you? Because I have a memory of it but I ain't lying when I say these characters have appeared in a dream, and hopefully I'm not mixing that up with reality. XD Either way, it's an amusing image.
The mother-daughter conversation was interesting, showing more of the unique dynamic between Lyla and Emily. Like Lyla telling Emily not to swear and she still doing it. ^_^ But there's definitely something about Emily's personality that shows she's not just Georgie's daughter but Lyla's too.
So, no...I don't hate you, Vivian. I'm glad to know you're a part of my daughter's life."
That, and Vivian's response just make you respect these two even more.
Although New York was a bumbling city with a non-stop motion, noon and five in the afternoon were the worse.
Good detail! And:
Robert slides across the hood like Bo Duke
Is a good image of Robert. :P
The final image of Robert is a little more revealing, but, damn, he's got muscles! That pointing finger and saucy raised eyebrow really, um, add to the effect. XD
This. THIS is the results of pie and his fiancee discussing Grendel mating season in March....XD
Lyla held onto Viviana and bounced the l… moreittle blonde baby in her arms. Viviana giggled and tried reaching for her nana's face; Lyla, leaning down, is met with her pouty lips and a very wet kiss. Beaming, Viviana kicks her chubby legs and tries to babble. Nodding her head, Lyla holds the baby against her chest and walks around the kitchen. Not too far, Emily tries to breast feed Liam and Chloe; Chloe immediatly latches on but Liam, struggling to sit still, growls and pulls away.
Lyla looks over. "Do you need help, sweetie? There is a little trick to breast feeding more than one baby. See, when you kids were little-"
"I got this mom." Emily tries to pull Liam up. "He's just...angry this mornin' and he fookin' won't sit-"
"Emily." Lyla lowers her voice and glares at her daughter. "You really need to work on that language. I don't need the… [view original content]
Totally! It'll be one of those amazing life experiences. And given how big California is compared to the UK, it could be the other side of the country over here. XD (America is so amazingly vast!) It would be fantastic if you could, but there are so many opportunities too. (I'm actually very excited for you :P XD)
I've never been, so its going to be a blast. A WHOLE new world; no, its not the country side but I'll take it!! I'd like to eventually creat… moree my own little world. If not, there are plenty of opportunities out there. I appreciate it, Noir.
Plus, I agree. Be the 'king of cool' on the campus! XD XD
As you and Pie have mentioned, it's strange to think just how young they were not long ago, almost growing up too quick. They're still fun to read about though, especially Carter and his tender crush; looking forward to finding out about Ember. And Noah seems such Charming. XD
"My mother's on her very last nerves with that boy," Noah mutters gruesomely under his breath to Carter. The cousins are out at the gym, wor… moreking out frivolously to relieve the current day's stress from their bodies.
"Sucks," Carter says with sincerity, flexing his muscles as he pushes the bar with the weights up. "I heard he's a bit of a terror."
"Absolutely demonic. No pun intended." Noah spit out an unkind chuckle, lowering a dumbbell to the ground. He lets out a heaving breath, reaching to the floor for his bottle of cold Gatorade.
"Some one oughta knock the sense into the kid," Carter suggests. "Hang him upside-down out a window for a while, maybe."
"It's useless, the kid lives for those sorts of thrills. Tried to climb to the roof the other day."
"Shit.." Carter lowers the bar on the little hooks, and carefully sits up from under it. He runs his fingers through his messy blond hair, and takes a swig from the bottle Noah ha… [view original content]
Cupping her hands together, Vivian watched Emily bathe the quads, dress them and place all four in their bassinets. Liam immediatly fell asleep. His ever changing body was taking a lot of strength out of his little body. Emily quietly wept, wishing she could take his place for the time he'd spend in his personal hell. Chloe and Viviana took some time to relax and settle down. The girls were creating their own special sisterly bond. The others were often included but Emily could tell these two would be inseperable as they aged. That's how she was with Katie at one point. Seraphina refused to close her eyes. even after the patting and lullabys, the little girl remained wide awake.
"Aye, Seraphina." Emily kisses the top of the baby's head. "Ya' gunna be me little wild spark of life, ain't ya'?"
Seraphina seemed to agree. Waving her tiny fingers around, she creates a cloud of blue. It circles her tiny head, evaporating into the air. Seraphina continued to do this for several more minutes. She was ammused with her powers and tried everything she could to practice. Emily watched her little girl beckon the magic within her little hand.
"You going to let her do that?" Vivian leans over Emily's shoulder. "Remember, Ems. They need to learn how to control it."
"She does." Emily strokes Seraphina's hand. "I think afta' woot happened with Sunflower, she won't do THAT again. She'll do this. Sometimes it 'elps her go ta' sleep."
Vivian sighed heavily. "You think...all this will work out in the end, Ems?"
"Woot do ya' mean, Viv? It has so far."
"This whole thing with the Grendels and Thomas needing his place occupied before he dies. It's created such a hostile enviroment. I don't think I've EVER seen Gren and Robert react that way around one another. Sure, they've had their difference but....did you SEE the look Gren gave him, Emily?"
Emily noticed it. She had a feeling something was going to drasticlly change in her world. Being not only a Porgie but a Fable never guranteed you the chance at a 'normal' life. Even then, that was boring. Emily knew by being with Gren, having children and leading on this life would include some bonus material most would find difficult and challenging. She knew about the Alphas. Her grandfather was one for years; during her childhood, he used to hold meetings, scan their territory and take business trips with Malcom. Running his own pack and making sure their safety was secure took time. Strength. Power.
It all fell in the same category as the Grendels. She knew, deep in her heart, there was a chance Gren and Robert would decided on WHO should take their father's place. Emily was pleased to know Gren wanted nothing to do with this. It also worried her; the battles described to her were gruesome and although Gren was strong, he had his weakness. Everyone had their own but for Gren, it was too easy to spot.
Like Vivian, she noticed the sudden twist of emotions around the brother's heads. They eyed one another, like a Cheetah spots its prey. Emily often worried about her children's well being as well. She worried Liam would follow in his father's footsteps and one day be needed to repalce whomever took Thomas' spot. Her son's disability made him weaker. He'd be pinned up against RJ. Her brother was a beast in both physical strength and mentality. Emily knew the results. Liam would perish. The girls would be left alone, unless one chose to take their brother's place.
According to Thomas, that was VERY rare. Most females remained as birth givers and providers for gathering, cooking and keeping a home. Emily glanced over at her daughters. The one who'd probably take her brother's spot, if that day ever arrived, would be Seraphina. She had a light dwelling in both her eyes and spirit.
Emily looks up at Vivian, still cupping her hands. "I trust Grendel, Vivian, ta' make the right choices fa' this family."
"And what happens, Emily, if Gren DOES choose to take Thomas' place?"
Emily bows her head. "Then so be it, Viv. I can't fookin' make him stop..."
"So, you saw the look then...."
"Yes. I saw the way Gren was lookin' at Robert. The years I've known Grendel, he's neva' had that facial expression before. Eva'...."
The blonde guardian takes a seat on the bed. No movements as Vivian sits beside Emily. She could feel the coolness touch her bare arms. A tiny sheet of ice gres along her flesh. Emily touches it with her fingers.
"Ya' been doin' this a lot, Viv."
"I have." Vivian adjusts her dress. "Now that Gren knows I'm here, your folks....Thomas...I want to make my presence known."
"Will they see ya' in time?"
Vivian shakes her head. "Only you and the babies will see me. To be honest, that's how I want it to be. I'd hate for Fabletown to catch wind of my sudden existence. It may trigger a few unwelcomed guests to appear and take advantage."
"Ya' mean like Hades? Since, ya' know, he's attatched to me daughter and all."
"I'm so sorry, Emily." Vivian felt distraught by her actions. "I thought I was protecting her but...I didn't know he would be coming after Viviana. As long as the ribbon remains like so, he can not find her. He can TRY but he'd never be able to take her back."
Emily sighs. "Man, the fookin' things ya' get dealt with, eh Viv?"
"Yes, Emily. I agr-"
CRASH! Both the women look over towards the door. "The fook..." CRASH "Woot in the world?"
The crashing continues; stirring the babies, Emily opens the door and looks over the banister. In the living room, two massive swamp creatures tumble, fight and tear into one another. She notices Thomas slowly changing; her mother, now in Wolf form, tugging on Robert's ankle. Georgie doing all he can to stop Gren. Vivian cups her mouth, as Emily runs down the stairs.
"Watch them, Viv!" Emily points to the room. "Fookin' keep 'em calm in there!"
"Emily be careful-PLEASE! Oh God....oh no, no, no, no...."
Emily slides down the remainder of the banister. Her Wolf's keen sense of smell kicks in. The air was thick and heavy with blood. Parts of the tiled floors were coated with the crimson red liquid. She notice broken vases and chairs scattered on the floor. Thomas, now in his Grendel form, throws Robert against the wall. Lyla paws at Robert, trying to pin his back. Gren, lost in a sea of rage, tosses Georgie aside like a Rag doll. Emily watches her father slam into the front door with such force. She notices the blood dripping from his head.
"Fa' fooks sakes, DAD!"
Georgie looks up, rubbing his head. Emily notices the fresh blood staining his fingers. Georgie reaches out, waving his other hand.
"Amelia, no love! Stay back! I'm fine, love-just-"
"Fook! Hold on, I'm comin'!"
"Amelia Caitlynn!" Georgie tries to sit up. "NO! Stop! He can-UGH, fook! Emily!"
Emily knew the only thing she could do to catch Gren's attention. Charging before him, Gren nearly swipes his massive hand against Emily's face. Noticing his fiancee, Gren whimpers and pauses in his spot. Robert, grunting and trying to pry Lyla off his leg, stops as well. Emily holds up her hands and places them on Gren's chest.
"FUCK! Emily!" Gren grunts. "I almost fuckin' knocked your head clean off-"
"STOP this fookin' bullshit right now! Ya' two outta be ashamed of ya'selves! Actin' like fookin' animals!"
"But Emily-"
"Shut the fook UP, Grendel! Ya' want the kids ta' see ya' like this? Ya' want 'em ta' think, that every time their daddy has a bad day or gets inta' in argument, he's gunna change inta' THIS right 'ere? HUH!?"
"Robert challenged me." Gren scans the room and finds his brother, bleeding exceedingly from his mouth. "He said I didn't have what it TOOK to be an-"
"Enough! Stop! Both of ya'! Change back RIGHT now, calm ya' Grendel arses down and we'll DISCUSS this like normal, civil people, about woot needs ta' be done!"
Immediatly, Gren does as he's told. Lyla, slowly changing back to a woman, glares at Robert. "YOU. Change. NOW...."
"Lyla, I-"
Lyla wraps her fingers around Robert's throat. He knew better. He's seen his once girlfriend murder before. "NOW, Robert William Grendel....or so help me, RJ WILL lose a father today..."
Releasing her grip, Robert turns back into man. Thomas follows but finds it difficult to stand. With Lyla's assistance, the elderly beast takes a seat on the couch. Georgie, with the help from Gren and Emily, lead him to the chair.
"Call Swineheart. In the mean time, dad, hold this ta' ya' head."
Georgie pins the wet cloth to his skin. "Love, ya' could have been killed."
Emily glances over at Gren, who refuses to look her in the eyes. "Sometimes ya' need ta' put ya'self in danger ta' get the fookin' point across. It taking me head clean off the shoulders was going ta' stop ya'-"
"Don't talk like that." Gren looks up; both eyes still their milky tone and a growl growing in his throat. "DON'T you fuckin' speak like that!"
"Then calm ya' fookin' ass DOWN, Gren! I know ya' can't control certain things but ya' can't go 'round threatnin' and changin' because ya' fookin' brother can't keep his mouth shut!"
Robert remained hushed; Lyla, now in her human form, had her eyes glued on him. Robert cowered in the corner, licking his wounds. While Swineheart was being contacted, Emily took a seat next to her father and fiance. Holding his hand, she speaks.
"Alright, so-WOOT is the deal with Isaiah?"
Thomas speaks. "HE needs to come here. We can't go to the North Pole. Santa closes the portal off, so no Fable or curious mundy comes across it."
"Then call his arse up. We need ta' get his answer and fast."
"We've been trying, Emily but Isaiah..." Thomas looks out the window. "Isaiah has always been stubborn and his heels are buried in the sand. He wants nothing to DO with me or his brothers."
Emily grabs her phone. "Woot's the numba'?"
"But Emily-"
"Thomas, let me tell ya' somethin' 'bout me that maybe Grendel OR me folks neva' told ya'. I'm not one ta' give up. I don't take NO fa' an answer. Me babies are in danger. My fiancee nearly had his gut ripped open by that fookin' behemoth beast ova' there, being a fookin' pussy and tending ta' his wounds."
Glaring over, Robert refuses to answer. Emily continues. "I'm Emily Caitlynn Porgie and I do woot it takes ta' protect woot is mine. I'm the daughter of Lyla Smith and Georgie Porgie. TRUST me...I'll get woot's mine in the end."
Thomas, refusing to answer, grabs the paper. "It's the file Peter gave to Gren..."
Snatching the document, Emily dials the number. A few rings before an answer. He sounded so much like Gren but with a deeper, more robust voice.
"Hello, you have reach Santa's Village. This is Isaiah speaking. How may I-"
"Hello Isaiah. This is Emily Porgie."
Silence. Finally, Isaiah speaks. "Emily. So, it's true about my brother..."
"So, ya' do get news down 'ere in that winter wonda'land. I'm sure ya' know woots been goin' on then with ya' brothas' and-"
"Look, Emily. I know you are doing this because of Grendel. I'm sorry you're stuck in the middle but I just don't care about any of that bullshit."
"Oh but ya' will care." Emily scoots closer on the couch. "Cause, ya' see, we have children."
Isaiah pauses. " two had-"
"I'm sure ya' heard about Carla and the fookin' bitch move she did ta' ya' brotha. NONE of the kids were his. Can ya' fookin' believe that, Isaiah?"
Lyla had to turn away. She still found it difficult to swallow her sister's tragic behavior and what its done to Gren. Emily continues. "But, ya' know...that's just woots been goin' on with that fookin' shit. But yes....he has babies. Four of them, actually. Three girls and a boy."
"Oh." Emily could hear the sound of the wind behind Isaiah. "I....I see..."
"Isaiah-" Emily stands up and walks towards the open window. "I'm not askin' fa' ya' to play 'nice'. No one is askin' fa' that. Ya' have ya' feelin's 'bout this family, as does ya' brothers and father. Believe me. I undna'stand. But its not just about that anymore. My children and their father's life depends on this. I'd really like it if-"
"How's tomorrow?"
"Tomorrow morning. I...I need to talk to the big guy but I'm sure he'll understand. It's off season and, well, not a lot happens down here. I may swing a day or two. Gives me a chance to meet you since our last encounter."
"I was just a kid...." Emily recalls that Christmas. "We....we made a trip out there. With Gren, my dad and the otha's-"
"Want to see those kids, too. And...." Isaia stops for a moment. "So, how does that sound?"
"Fine." Emily beams. "Thank ya', Isaiah."
Emily hangs up the phone, just as Swinehart's taxi pulls up. Grasping the phone to her chest, Emily allows the tears to fall from her face. Standing behind her, Gren grabs Emily's waist and pulls her closer.
"The doctor is here." Emily continues to smile. "And Isaiah will be here tomorrow."
Lyla takes Georgie into the kitchen. Sitting on the couch, Thomas remains hushed. Still tending to his own wounds, Robert says not a single word. holding tightly onto Emily, however, Gren remains beside her, peeking out the window, too. It was all to easy; both Gren and Emily knew this was just the beginning but it was a start.
Any questions, you know the drill. I'm just, in the best of freaking moods right now! Look like this fool right now:
Gren is...something these past few days, isn't he? I THINK I mentioned katie's first word being the 'F' word MONTHS ago; Lyla was always chasing and yelling at Georgie but that's what makes their relationship so much fun and WHY they love one another so much. Never a dull moment with those two. :P
JJ asked me that not too long ago about HOW Lyla feels with Vivian being around. I'm glad the answer had led to not only respect but smiles. Why would Lyla hate Viv for something that happened in the past? The idea that SHE is part of why Emily took a new path, leaves her to also believe she only wants what's best for her daughter. As far as Emily, she may LOOK and talk like her father but at the end of the day, she is her mother's daughter.
And I too had fun picturing Robert doing that. Seems like him. XD And the NY thing-Awesome, man! Never been there BUT from all the books, movies and shows, it looks like hell. XD XD Also, blame JJ for that last image....yeah. My message in red says it all. XD XD
Gren does look quite the lover with those pose and shorts. :P
Katherine's first words and Lyla chasing Georgie - you wrote that on here, … moredidn't you? Because I have a memory of it but I ain't lying when I say these characters have appeared in a dream, and hopefully I'm not mixing that up with reality. XD Either way, it's an amusing image.
The mother-daughter conversation was interesting, showing more of the unique dynamic between Lyla and Emily. Like Lyla telling Emily not to swear and she still doing it. ^_^ But there's definitely something about Emily's personality that shows she's not just Georgie's daughter but Lyla's too.
So, no...I don't hate you, Vivian. I'm glad to know you're a part of my daughter's life."
That, and Vivian's response just make you respect these two even more.
Although New York was a bumbling city with a non-stop motion, noon and five in the afternoon were the worse.
Good detail! And… [view original content]
No problem man! that's good she sees your potential as the awesome artist you are man! I'm sure there will be many doors that will lead to great opportunities for you!
Eh it's questionable some days some days I just sleep XD
You have Diabetes?
First off:
You and the misses are too funny when it comes to the conversations you have but it also means you two are comfortable enough to even mention that March has officially been become Grendel's mating season. XD Emily's face, though. Either its the comment of Gren's choice in underwear that has her looking like she just ate a lemon. XD
Anyways, I loved the first bit; TheMan found the perfect quote as to WHY I adore Lyla with all my heart. I too, pictured this woman in a dress and heels, chasing Georgie Porgie as he screams 'Fook, love!' down the halls. They have such love, though. Also, Emily is too funny since she's changed her entire outlook on life, although I don't blame her; I'd hate to even THINK of my folks doing the dirty. Yeah, I'm here but still!!! Although, Lyla, you're too awesome!
I agree, too about the spikes. Now, I have a question. I too noticed, during the first episode of TWAU Gren DID had spikes on the back of his foot; like, a few seconds during the scene where he pushes the pool table against Bigby. Is that KIND OF like the ones Liam will get but down his back and arms, too or are they larger and more dangerous? This is too cool; I swear, you need to make a fictional book about Grendels. XD Poor Liam, though. Like teething but ten times worse.
Peter dancing. XD Enough said. He's too funny. I love this bit, though:
Not to fly away from the topic but Georgie's relationship with Peter is too precious. you can see they love one another.
I applaude Georgie for loving Peter as if he made him; Georgie and the sheriff did not leave on good terms and he didn't have to take Lyla back OR accept Peter but he did. And he calls him dad.
God, I love them. 
Okay, back on track! I also find the Wood Elves being so secret both exciting and a bit suspicious. WHY hide all the information? Do they just not WANT people to see them or could it be something else? Robert is being a dick and although I'd normally support him, I must say he's not being very brotherly; yes, his views on his mother are different but some on! THAT'S your mother!
Then Artemis' Bow. I have a feeling either Emily will need it here in a bit or the kids....that's just my opinion.
Knowing that it did belong to a, was the Witch that received it Gren and Robert's mother?? The Echantress, as you called her? Oh snap.....Gren has magic!!! Explains his powers and Seraphina.
I hope they can contact Isaiah; just discussing their mother sent the boys into a rage fight!
And dear Michelle. I hope you cover more about her, pie. This is getting really good, dude.
BTW, thanks for the image. I know that was random but I love it!!

No. Mom does, though.
What I meant was, seeing all this sugar is going to give me diabetes.
It's a bit of a myth though...
Type 2 Diabetes can be caused by consuming soft drinks, but other sources of sugar are still unproven it would seem
It's because it took forever to bake your batch X3
Lol, I always forget that you guys are still out and about with your day by the time that I get home and get settled and what-not XD
lol XD
I'm not too sure. I should try it out! I made raspberry cookies once, they were blue and they tasted good!
I love him too
He's one of my top favorites, after Harmony
Sometimes I think back and I'm like "God, I miss my little baby boy when he was so small." But then I see how he interacts now, with his family and such, and I'm happy he's getting older
I might do a flash-back chapter soon with him in it!
I haven't got too many plans with Ember yet, but I'll be sure to make her an extraordinary girl, underneath the seemingly ordinary face
I've gone back and thought the same, too. How they've grown. :') I can remember when I was mad Jack was the father. Mad that he's not too involved but happy for Hans and taking that father role.
I look forward to Ember. I'm loving her so far and that last few words in the sentence make me think she's going to be quite the addition! 
I have a few ideas
I'm sure you'll like them!
So... This got posted on my story yesterday by a Guest. This person has clearly read my reviews of other peoples works on the site AND has seen my comments on this forum:
What do I do is the question?
I will admit that I have a tendency to point out stuff from the Fables universe (quite a lot actually) but I have never been horrible to people on the forum! I may 'shoot down' ideas sometimes, but it's an opinion, people can't expect everyone to agree with them...
On another note, I'm not gonna give up my writing just because this guy/girl thinks my stories are shit. Of course not everyone will like my work, but there is no need to be so rude about it.
I know you guys don't need to hear another sob story about my life, but I can't really talk to anyone else about this
Hmm that is a bit disturbing. I say don't even give the person the light of day, don't let him ruin the past two awesome days with his comment.
Just keep doing what you're doing Hazza, you've got no reason to change.
This person obviously uses this forum as well as though...
I have deleted the review as it was written by a Guest, so it doesn't need any 'we'll look into it' stuff from the site to get it removed. But they guy/girl could easily write more if they want to
To the obviously rude person posting this
I wouldn't worry about it, man. Don't let this person ruin not only your day but the ability to write. Seems like its someone who reads our stories, knows your on and felt the need to leave this. You're a swell dude, too.
Will never get tired of drawing you two. I LOVE my Gremily.
Will write either later today or tomorrow. Just got some freaking awesome news!!

Freaking awesome news is the best news!!! XD
It is, man!
I'm so excited!! XD XD
I would ask what it is (cuz I'm me) but that's your business
No its fine, man. I got accepted into the San Francisco Arts Institute and start in the fall. Looks like pie, Emily and the Mrs. are moving again. XD XD
Holy shit dude! That's awesome!! XD
JJ gonna be sad to see you go
This is freaking brilliant, dude!!! I love that passionate, loving look both have for one another. NEVER stop loving Gremily. They have become my 2nd favorite couple you've made. Lyla and Georgie, Gremily then its Bloody Mary and Junior, followed by Katie and Jersey.
Peter and Holly are getting close, too.
Anyways, congrats on the arts school!!! I knew something awesome happened when you text me early this morning!!! You are VERY talented and I really hope you put your name out there and we soon see the work of pie all over.
I know you can do it, dude. You're so talented.
Never been to San Fran, so this will be an adventure for us all!!! 
Wooo, yes!
Thank you so much, Harmz!
Yeah, it's just a typical anonymous troll that can't speak to you like a normal person. Don't worry about it, Hazza my man!
Instead of posting the usual congratulatory comment,
I will post a cat picture to spice mine up.
Dude, that's freaking brilliant news!!
Huge congratulations!! You're gonna go far with your skills, man. XD And San Francisco is a beautiful place!
Edit: Plus, everyday you can see yourself as Steve McQueen in 'Bullitt'.
I couldn't care less what he/she says, but I don't want to repeatedly delete Guest reviews you know? (If that happens)
But thank you
For some silly reason, I laughed and said 'DAWWWWW' because of that grin.
Thanks man. I appreciate it all.
Pretty damn excited because I've never been to San Fran!!
But San Francisco is in California, right?
So... you wouldn't have to move very far?
I've never been, so its going to be a blast. A WHOLE new world; no, its not the country side but I'll take it!! I'd like to eventually create my own little world. If not, there are plenty of opportunities out there.
I appreciate it, Noir. 
Plus, I agree. Be the 'king of cool' on the campus! XD XD
Gren does look quite the lover with those pose and shorts. :P
Katherine's first words and Lyla chasing Georgie - you wrote that on here, didn't you? Because I have a memory of it but I ain't lying when I say these characters have appeared in a dream, and hopefully I'm not mixing that up with reality. XD Either way, it's an amusing image.
The mother-daughter conversation was interesting, showing more of the unique dynamic between Lyla and Emily. Like Lyla telling Emily not to swear and she still doing it. ^_^ But there's definitely something about Emily's personality that shows she's not just Georgie's daughter but Lyla's too.
That, and Vivian's response just make you respect these two even more.
Good detail! And:
Is a good image of Robert. :P
The final image of Robert is a little more revealing, but, damn, he's got muscles! That pointing finger and saucy raised eyebrow really, um, add to the effect. XD
Totally! It'll be one of those amazing life experiences.
And given how big California is compared to the UK, it could be the other side of the country over here. XD (America is so amazingly vast!) It would be fantastic if you could, but there are so many opportunities too.
(I'm actually very excited for you :P XD)
Yup! XD
As you and Pie have mentioned, it's strange to think just how young they were not long ago, almost growing up too quick. They're still fun to read about though, especially Carter and his tender crush; looking forward to finding out about Ember.
And Noah seems such Charming. XD
Awesome picture Pudding!
And congrats on the acceptance man! You'll do great!
Cupping her hands together, Vivian watched Emily bathe the quads, dress them and place all four in their bassinets. Liam immediatly fell asleep. His ever changing body was taking a lot of strength out of his little body. Emily quietly wept, wishing she could take his place for the time he'd spend in his personal hell. Chloe and Viviana took some time to relax and settle down. The girls were creating their own special sisterly bond. The others were often included but Emily could tell these two would be inseperable as they aged. That's how she was with Katie at one point. Seraphina refused to close her eyes. even after the patting and lullabys, the little girl remained wide awake.
"Aye, Seraphina." Emily kisses the top of the baby's head. "Ya' gunna be me little wild spark of life, ain't ya'?"
Seraphina seemed to agree. Waving her tiny fingers around, she creates a cloud of blue. It circles her tiny head, evaporating into the air. Seraphina continued to do this for several more minutes. She was ammused with her powers and tried everything she could to practice. Emily watched her little girl beckon the magic within her little hand.
"You going to let her do that?" Vivian leans over Emily's shoulder. "Remember, Ems. They need to learn how to control it."
"She does." Emily strokes Seraphina's hand. "I think afta' woot happened with Sunflower, she won't do THAT again. She'll do this. Sometimes it 'elps her go ta' sleep."
Vivian sighed heavily. "You think...all this will work out in the end, Ems?"
"Woot do ya' mean, Viv? It has so far."
"This whole thing with the Grendels and Thomas needing his place occupied before he dies. It's created such a hostile enviroment. I don't think I've EVER seen Gren and Robert react that way around one another. Sure, they've had their difference but....did you SEE the look Gren gave him, Emily?"
Emily noticed it. She had a feeling something was going to drasticlly change in her world. Being not only a Porgie but a Fable never guranteed you the chance at a 'normal' life. Even then, that was boring. Emily knew by being with Gren, having children and leading on this life would include some bonus material most would find difficult and challenging. She knew about the Alphas. Her grandfather was one for years; during her childhood, he used to hold meetings, scan their territory and take business trips with Malcom. Running his own pack and making sure their safety was secure took time. Strength. Power.
It all fell in the same category as the Grendels. She knew, deep in her heart, there was a chance Gren and Robert would decided on WHO should take their father's place. Emily was pleased to know Gren wanted nothing to do with this. It also worried her; the battles described to her were gruesome and although Gren was strong, he had his weakness. Everyone had their own but for Gren, it was too easy to spot.
Like Vivian, she noticed the sudden twist of emotions around the brother's heads. They eyed one another, like a Cheetah spots its prey. Emily often worried about her children's well being as well. She worried Liam would follow in his father's footsteps and one day be needed to repalce whomever took Thomas' spot. Her son's disability made him weaker. He'd be pinned up against RJ. Her brother was a beast in both physical strength and mentality. Emily knew the results. Liam would perish. The girls would be left alone, unless one chose to take their brother's place.
According to Thomas, that was VERY rare. Most females remained as birth givers and providers for gathering, cooking and keeping a home. Emily glanced over at her daughters. The one who'd probably take her brother's spot, if that day ever arrived, would be Seraphina. She had a light dwelling in both her eyes and spirit.
Emily looks up at Vivian, still cupping her hands. "I trust Grendel, Vivian, ta' make the right choices fa' this family."
"And what happens, Emily, if Gren DOES choose to take Thomas' place?"
Emily bows her head. "Then so be it, Viv. I can't fookin' make him stop..."
"So, you saw the look then...."
"Yes. I saw the way Gren was lookin' at Robert. The years I've known Grendel, he's neva' had that facial expression before. Eva'...."
The blonde guardian takes a seat on the bed. No movements as Vivian sits beside Emily. She could feel the coolness touch her bare arms. A tiny sheet of ice gres along her flesh. Emily touches it with her fingers.
"Ya' been doin' this a lot, Viv."
"I have." Vivian adjusts her dress. "Now that Gren knows I'm here, your folks....Thomas...I want to make my presence known."
"Will they see ya' in time?"
Vivian shakes her head. "Only you and the babies will see me. To be honest, that's how I want it to be. I'd hate for Fabletown to catch wind of my sudden existence. It may trigger a few unwelcomed guests to appear and take advantage."
"Ya' mean like Hades? Since, ya' know, he's attatched to me daughter and all."
"I'm so sorry, Emily." Vivian felt distraught by her actions. "I thought I was protecting her but...I didn't know he would be coming after Viviana. As long as the ribbon remains like so, he can not find her. He can TRY but he'd never be able to take her back."
Emily sighs. "Man, the fookin' things ya' get dealt with, eh Viv?"
"Yes, Emily. I agr-"
CRASH! Both the women look over towards the door. "The fook..." CRASH "Woot in the world?"
The crashing continues; stirring the babies, Emily opens the door and looks over the banister. In the living room, two massive swamp creatures tumble, fight and tear into one another. She notices Thomas slowly changing; her mother, now in Wolf form, tugging on Robert's ankle. Georgie doing all he can to stop Gren. Vivian cups her mouth, as Emily runs down the stairs.
"Watch them, Viv!" Emily points to the room. "Fookin' keep 'em calm in there!"
"Emily be careful-PLEASE! Oh God....oh no, no, no, no...."
Emily slides down the remainder of the banister. Her Wolf's keen sense of smell kicks in. The air was thick and heavy with blood. Parts of the tiled floors were coated with the crimson red liquid. She notice broken vases and chairs scattered on the floor. Thomas, now in his Grendel form, throws Robert against the wall. Lyla paws at Robert, trying to pin his back. Gren, lost in a sea of rage, tosses Georgie aside like a Rag doll. Emily watches her father slam into the front door with such force. She notices the blood dripping from his head.
"Fa' fooks sakes, DAD!"
Georgie looks up, rubbing his head. Emily notices the fresh blood staining his fingers. Georgie reaches out, waving his other hand.
"Amelia, no love! Stay back! I'm fine, love-just-"
"Fook! Hold on, I'm comin'!"
"Amelia Caitlynn!" Georgie tries to sit up. "NO! Stop! He can-UGH, fook! Emily!"
Emily knew the only thing she could do to catch Gren's attention. Charging before him, Gren nearly swipes his massive hand against Emily's face. Noticing his fiancee, Gren whimpers and pauses in his spot. Robert, grunting and trying to pry Lyla off his leg, stops as well. Emily holds up her hands and places them on Gren's chest.
"FUCK! Emily!" Gren grunts. "I almost fuckin' knocked your head clean off-"
"STOP this fookin' bullshit right now! Ya' two outta be ashamed of ya'selves! Actin' like fookin' animals!"
"But Emily-"
"Shut the fook UP, Grendel! Ya' want the kids ta' see ya' like this? Ya' want 'em ta' think, that every time their daddy has a bad day or gets inta' in argument, he's gunna change inta' THIS right 'ere? HUH!?"
"Robert challenged me." Gren scans the room and finds his brother, bleeding exceedingly from his mouth. "He said I didn't have what it TOOK to be an-"
"Enough! Stop! Both of ya'! Change back RIGHT now, calm ya' Grendel arses down and we'll DISCUSS this like normal, civil people, about woot needs ta' be done!"
Immediatly, Gren does as he's told. Lyla, slowly changing back to a woman, glares at Robert. "YOU. Change. NOW...."
"Lyla, I-"
Lyla wraps her fingers around Robert's throat. He knew better. He's seen his once girlfriend murder before. "NOW, Robert William Grendel....or so help me, RJ WILL lose a father today..."
Releasing her grip, Robert turns back into man. Thomas follows but finds it difficult to stand. With Lyla's assistance, the elderly beast takes a seat on the couch. Georgie, with the help from Gren and Emily, lead him to the chair.
"Call Swineheart. In the mean time, dad, hold this ta' ya' head."
Georgie pins the wet cloth to his skin. "Love, ya' could have been killed."
Emily glances over at Gren, who refuses to look her in the eyes. "Sometimes ya' need ta' put ya'self in danger ta' get the fookin' point across. It taking me head clean off the shoulders was going ta' stop ya'-"
"Don't talk like that." Gren looks up; both eyes still their milky tone and a growl growing in his throat. "DON'T you fuckin' speak like that!"
"Then calm ya' fookin' ass DOWN, Gren! I know ya' can't control certain things but ya' can't go 'round threatnin' and changin' because ya' fookin' brother can't keep his mouth shut!"
Robert remained hushed; Lyla, now in her human form, had her eyes glued on him. Robert cowered in the corner, licking his wounds. While Swineheart was being contacted, Emily took a seat next to her father and fiance. Holding his hand, she speaks.
"Alright, so-WOOT is the deal with Isaiah?"
Thomas speaks. "HE needs to come here. We can't go to the North Pole. Santa closes the portal off, so no Fable or curious mundy comes across it."
"Then call his arse up. We need ta' get his answer and fast."
"We've been trying, Emily but Isaiah..." Thomas looks out the window. "Isaiah has always been stubborn and his heels are buried in the sand. He wants nothing to DO with me or his brothers."
Emily grabs her phone. "Woot's the numba'?"
"But Emily-"
"Thomas, let me tell ya' somethin' 'bout me that maybe Grendel OR me folks neva' told ya'. I'm not one ta' give up. I don't take NO fa' an answer. Me babies are in danger. My fiancee nearly had his gut ripped open by that fookin' behemoth beast ova' there, being a fookin' pussy and tending ta' his wounds."
Glaring over, Robert refuses to answer. Emily continues. "I'm Emily Caitlynn Porgie and I do woot it takes ta' protect woot is mine. I'm the daughter of Lyla Smith and Georgie Porgie. TRUST me...I'll get woot's mine in the end."
Thomas, refusing to answer, grabs the paper. "It's the file Peter gave to Gren..."
Snatching the document, Emily dials the number. A few rings before an answer. He sounded so much like Gren but with a deeper, more robust voice.
"Hello, you have reach Santa's Village. This is Isaiah speaking. How may I-"
"Hello Isaiah. This is Emily Porgie."
Silence. Finally, Isaiah speaks. "Emily. So, it's true about my brother..."
"So, ya' do get news down 'ere in that winter wonda'land. I'm sure ya' know woots been goin' on then with ya' brothas' and-"
"Look, Emily. I know you are doing this because of Grendel. I'm sorry you're stuck in the middle but I just don't care about any of that bullshit."
"Oh but ya' will care." Emily scoots closer on the couch. "Cause, ya' see, we have children."
Isaiah pauses. " two had-"
"I'm sure ya' heard about Carla and the fookin' bitch move she did ta' ya' brotha. NONE of the kids were his. Can ya' fookin' believe that, Isaiah?"
Lyla had to turn away. She still found it difficult to swallow her sister's tragic behavior and what its done to Gren. Emily continues. "But, ya' know...that's just woots been goin' on with that fookin' shit. But yes....he has babies. Four of them, actually. Three girls and a boy."
"Oh." Emily could hear the sound of the wind behind Isaiah. "I....I see..."
"Isaiah-" Emily stands up and walks towards the open window. "I'm not askin' fa' ya' to play 'nice'. No one is askin' fa' that. Ya' have ya' feelin's 'bout this family, as does ya' brothers and father. Believe me. I undna'stand. But its not just about that anymore. My children and their father's life depends on this. I'd really like it if-"
"How's tomorrow?"
"Tomorrow morning. I...I need to talk to the big guy but I'm sure he'll understand. It's off season and, well, not a lot happens down here. I may swing a day or two. Gives me a chance to meet you since our last encounter."
"I was just a kid...." Emily recalls that Christmas. "We....we made a trip out there. With Gren, my dad and the otha's-"
"Want to see those kids, too. And...." Isaia stops for a moment. "So, how does that sound?"
"Fine." Emily beams. "Thank ya', Isaiah."
Emily hangs up the phone, just as Swinehart's taxi pulls up. Grasping the phone to her chest, Emily allows the tears to fall from her face. Standing behind her, Gren grabs Emily's waist and pulls her closer.
"The doctor is here." Emily continues to smile. "And Isaiah will be here tomorrow."
Lyla takes Georgie into the kitchen. Sitting on the couch, Thomas remains hushed. Still tending to his own wounds, Robert says not a single word. holding tightly onto Emily, however, Gren remains beside her, peeking out the window, too. It was all to easy; both Gren and Emily knew this was just the beginning but it was a start.
Any questions, you know the drill.
I'm just, in the best of freaking moods right now! Look like this fool right now:
Just, not all drunk....XD XD
Nah its like, three hours from where I'm at right now.
Not bad.
Hey thanks, Tetra. My girl was actually the one to push me to apply. :P We're looking forward to the many doors that will open.
Gren is...something these past few days, isn't he? I THINK I mentioned katie's first word being the 'F' word MONTHS ago; Lyla was always chasing and yelling at Georgie but that's what makes their relationship so much fun and WHY they love one another so much. Never a dull moment with those two. :P
JJ asked me that not too long ago about HOW Lyla feels with Vivian being around. I'm glad the answer had led to not only respect but smiles. Why would Lyla hate Viv for something that happened in the past?
The idea that SHE is part of why Emily took a new path, leaves her to also believe she only wants what's best for her daughter.
As far as Emily, she may LOOK and talk like her father but at the end of the day, she is her mother's daughter. 
And I too had fun picturing Robert doing that. Seems like him. XD And the NY thing-Awesome, man!
Never been there BUT from all the books, movies and shows, it looks like hell. XD XD Also, blame JJ for that last image....yeah. My message in red says it all. XD XD
No problem man!
that's good she sees your potential as the awesome artist you are man! I'm sure there will be many doors that will lead to great opportunities for you!