Tazal and Asher

In episode 2 we met Tazal who doesn't seem to like Asher that much since the lost Legion is still chasing him I wonder if we'll see a lot of Tazal (if you spared him) what do you think happened between them and for long do you think he'll be chasing Asher? Although if you spare him you bust his knee so I don't think he'll be a great threat.


  • Doubtful since so many killed him. Also he was stabbed canon anyway. The fact we never see his face means I think he will be minor, maybe a mention at some point

  • edited March 2015

    I doubt we will ever see him again with the wounds he have received if you spare him. A lost of hand, a stab wound and a broken knee. That man is a load for his Lost Legion comrades and they have to be very nice if they are going to nurse him back to health.

  • If he won't be mentioned or have any appearances at all what would have been the point of him being in ep2?

  • Tazal's role is to establish an antagonist group for Asher and his comrades. Also. you need a face when you fight against an antagonist group. Tazal served that role too.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    If he won't be mentioned or have any appearances at all what would have been the point of him being in ep2?

  • But I think the lost legion is still after them so why remove the antagonist if you spared him?

    Tazal's role is to establish an antagonist group for Asher and his comrades. Also. you need a face when you fight against an antagonist group. Tazal served that role too.

  • I hope he'll appear if you spare him and then gets killed in the middle of his villain speach. Something like this:

    "Asher! I've finally found you! You should have killed me when you had the chance, because-"

    Gets eaten by a dragon.

  • I said that Tazal was the face of the antagonist group, not the antagonist. He was just someone from the Lost Legion who interacted with Asher and Beskha. And how else to create conflict when you have someone who know Asher and have a grudge against our protagonist.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    But I think the lost legion is still after them so why remove the antagonist if you spared him?

  • You have a point and you're probably right but I feel differently so lets just agree to disagree.

    I said that Tazal was the face of the antagonist group, not the antagonist. He was just someone from the Lost Legion who interacted with Ash

  • Omid's catOmid's cat Banned
    edited March 2015

    Tazal is stubborn a-hole. I hate him. Killed that guy but I have a feeling he'll be back. Stabbed, without hand, with broken knee, was able to escape so fast nobody did notice. He's White Walker wannabe or something.

  • I'd like it more if we had a dialouge option to [stab Tazal] or [let him continue], and then stab him anyway. That'd be cool.

    Pipas posted: »

    I hope he'll appear if you spare him and then gets killed in the middle of his villain speach. Something like this: "Asher! I've finally found you! You should have killed me when you had the chance, because-" Gets eaten by a dragon.

  • Like said before, I think Tazal was just an introduction to the Lost Legions as a whole. I doubt we'll really see him again, unless you spared him (even then he may just have a very small role).

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