THIS is what I got from this entire chapter! >:D She may look like Georgie but she HAS her mother's fiery personality! DAMN! And speaking of Lyla, she can kick some serious ass! Watch out, Robert; you maybe a huge swamp man but Lyla Jane Porgie is one mama Wolf ya' don't want to mess with!! XD And Georgie! The hell was he thinking!? LMAO 'Can't fookin' do shit but here...let me get in the way of TWO male Grendels, another one 'bout ta' change and me Wolf wife, with death in her eyes.' XD XD
But on a serious note, Emily is determined to fix this. I have a feeling Isaiah SAYING he wants no part in this won't be THAT easy. I think Gren SECRETLY wants to take his father's place; why would he attack Robert like that if he really didn't care....that's just me, though.
Again, congrats, dude. You'll go far. And yes, this IS you right now. :P I'll come by later! I have a surprise for you!!!
Cupping her hands together, Vivian watched Emily bathe the quads, dress them and place all four in their bassinets. Liam immediatly fell asl… moreeep. His ever changing body was taking a lot of strength out of his little body. Emily quietly wept, wishing she could take his place for the time he'd spend in his personal hell. Chloe and Viviana took some time to relax and settle down. The girls were creating their own special sisterly bond. The others were often included but Emily could tell these two would be inseperable as they aged. That's how she was with Katie at one point. Seraphina refused to close her eyes. even after the patting and lullabys, the little girl remained wide awake.
"Aye, Seraphina." Emily kisses the top of the baby's head. "Ya' gunna be me little wild spark of life, ain't ya'?"
Seraphina seemed to agree. Waving her tiny fingers around, she creates a cloud of blue. It circles her tiny head, evaporating into the air. Seraphi… [view original content]
Congrats! (As I have read the comments and deciphered what freaking awesome news you were refering to ) Getting accepted to college must feel absolutely amazing! Moving is tough, but as long as your happy with it, it's also an adventure!
I myself have been moving on down with things! I just started my first job today which was fun and a little strenuous, which is great! I've also been looking at colleges and I think I want to apply to NJIT and see what they say
Great pic, too! I love how Emily has changed so much! I love her and Gren together almost as much as I love Georgie and Lyla
When Makoto came to he found himself being dangled off the roof by his neck. Luke had a firm grasp and a smile on his face. Makoto had anger, hate, and determination in his eyes. Luke laughed.
"What's with that look!? Did you get a second wind or something!" He smiled.
Makoto didn't answer, he swung his body and kicked Luke back bringing them both back on the roof. Makoto moved fast and attacked holding nothing back. After many hits to Luke, Makoto pulled his fist back and swung as hard as he could. Luke flew back. Makoto stepped on his chest and grabbed his arm and pulled until it ripped clear off, but blood was not spilled, darkness spewed where Luke's arm was and made a hand. Luke screamed in pain but laughed.
"That's not true..." Makoto said pulling out the orb of the world.
He crushed the orb in his hand, he felt a rush of energy course through his body. A white aura formed around him, his eyes became crimson red, his clothes became white. And in his hands was a sword forged by the gods, a gold handle and a blade that was almost transparent. The hand that was made of darkness was cut off by the sword and it didn't grow back. Makoto picked Luke up by the throat and held the sword to his heart.
"By the way....I gave your daughter a you'll never forget me." He laughed. "She will have a part of the darkness that I myself use. But no worries it will not harm her." He smiled. "Now do it. You beat me...should of dropped you off the roof when I had the chance." He said looking down.
Makoto shoved the sword into his heart. Tearing out Death straight out of his body, Luke's body dropped what was darkness was now blood and Makoto had no interest in helping him. Death stood over Luke's body and took his soul.
"I don't think you oppose this?" Death asked
Makoto used the sword to open a void back to the great seal, he pointed the sword near the void.
"You do your work behind the seal. If I ever catch you or anyone else behind that seal moving out. I don't mind doing your job, I am NOT like my father." Makoto demanded, although his voice didn't sound like his own.
Death grabbed his scythe and stabbed Makoto. Makoto grabbed the scythe and threw it down. He reached into deaths cloak and grabbed him dragged him through the void and opened the seal. He threw death into the seal and closed it. He walked back through the void which brought him back to the mundane world, with Lunas body. His body turned to normal, he saw Lunas body picked it up and carried it to Swineheart. After that he went back to the woodlands. He felt out of breath like he could drop dead. But he pushed on to see his wife to be and his child. He opened the door to the roof...and saw Celeste he smiled and went to her side, closed his eyes and went to sleep.
That's it! Any questions or comments or anything else let me know!
This chapter went differently to how I imagined it :P Regardless, please enjoy!
Devils and Demons Chapter 7 – Nightmare Creatures
Death had always been a mystery to those that knew of him. The tales of a heart filled with sand and a lack of emotion proved to be nothing more than lies and rumours, and now Death was to come face to face with his sibling, War.
Galen had made no attempt at trying to find Nick; he knew that Nick would find him sooner or later, so he was preparing himself accordingly. War had taken to helping Galen, mostly to spite Death, but also to remove Nick from the world. The rivalry’s of the Horsemen were mimicked by their Harbinger’s; just as Death and War hated each other, so did Galen and Nick.
The two most powerful of the 4 were in a constant battle for control and domination, but neither side would win. Chaos needed to be kept in check, fighting amongst the Horsemen would shift the balance and cause untold catastrophes around the world.
Death appears on a grassy hilltop as the sun sets in the distance, this is a different part of the Homelands to be sure. He spots War and Galen and walks towards them calmly. The two were overseeing something, but their plan wasn’t the cause of Death’s attention.
War turns around; the large man wore beautiful red robes with shining steel armour, he had pure white eyes and long silvery hair, a constant scowl on his face. He spoke with a gravelly and dominating voice “You took your time”
Death crossed his arms and narrowed his yellow-eyed gaze at his Brother “I had things to do...”
Galen turned around, not looking at all pleased to see Death before him “Been helping my dear Brother?” Death moved his head just enough to stare at Galen “Yes, unlike War I am actually helping Nick” War chuckled then “Brother, you forget that I am providing Galen with an army!”
Death looked over the edge of the hill to see nearly a thousand men all training vigorously with an assortment of weaponry, their eyes were all a milky colour, a telltale sign that they were under Galen’s leadership. Death spoke “I never understood how you could rally men to your side to fight to the death so easily”
Galen smirked “Just like you claim the souls of the dead, I can fill men with a morale so high they that will do anything. They will kill for me, and they will die for me”
Death started to pace “So what is your plan then?” War was the one to speak then “Galen will kill Nick, and then he will kill that bitch daughter of his...” Death stopped pacing and stared right into War’s gaze, he wanted to do something, but he was not allowed.
He had to suppress his anger as he replied “Why should the girl die?” Galen interjected “Because she should not exist. We don’t have children, Death, we are meant to be alone, or have you forgotten who you really are?”
Death smiled “I am fully aware of who I am; I am Death itself, I am the sire of the true Harbinger of Doom, and I will ensure that he succeeds in his quest”
Death crumbled away into dust; Galen looked at War, he seemed on edge “Master, what is it?” War glanced at his creation “He will have to be dealt with somehow...”
O The new Wolf Manor
The dinner was going perfectly, Snow and Bigby had mutually prepared a sizeable feast, and there was more than enough for 4 so Lyra wasn’t going to go hungry. She was presenting the best manners she could, and for a girl that was born of 2 reformed killers, Nick and Mary had done everything they could to ensure Lyra could lead a normal life, as well as be a kind-hearted and sweet person.
Throughout the dinner however, Bigby had been subtly keeping a close eye on Lyra... Blossom spoke up “Hey Dad, you ok?” Bigby glanced to his daughter and managed a smile “Yeah, sweetie, I’m fine”
Lyra may have been 10 years old, but she wasn’t as helpless as she made herself out to be. She knew Bigby was watching her closely, and by now she had figured out that he knew who she really was...
O Elsewhere
Nick trudged his way down the hill and walked into the bustling city; it wasn’t an overly big place, but it must’ve had nearly 1000 residents at a guess. He wasn’t letting his guard down for one second as he scanned the crowds for his Brother, Cormac...
Nick whispered to himself “Come on, how hard can it be to spot an Irish-man with muscles in this crowd?” Of all of Nick’s powers, improved vision wasn’t one of them. Sure he could see with perfect clarity and a little farther than the average Fable, but his night vision worked like everyone else’s...
Unfortunately, Nick’s searching had limited his sense of awareness, a gruff Irish voice spoke behind him “I missed you, Nick” Nick slowly turned around to see Cormac standing behind him with a happy smile on his face. Nick couldn’t tell whether Cormac was genuinely happy to see him, or if it was just a ruse to catch him off-guard.
“So what happens now?” Cormac chuckled at Nick’s response and put a hand to his shoulder; leading him through the crowd towards a tavern “I wanna have a drink and chat with you first...”
The 2 men walked inside and were instantly met with mixed looks of fear and interest, though it was an interest of the violent nature. Some patrons left the place in an instant, whilst others gave the 2 men a wide berth with intimidating glares. Nick and Cormac sat down opposite each other as a brown haired girl came up to them slowly “Anything for you 2?”
Cormac spoke for both of them without removing his gaze from Nick’s own “We’ll have 2 pints of your strongest whiskey, but make sure my Brother has a fair amount of salt in his, thank you” The girl seemed to understand what Cormac meant as she left the pair with shakier legs than before.
Nick leant back in his chair “So what do you want to talk about?” Cormac laced his fingers together as he spoke “We both know that Galen is planning ahead, I just want to inform you of what he has planned-“
Nick raised a firm hand “No, I want it to be a surprise” Cormac was thrown off by the response “But, War is helping him...” Nick narrowed his gaze “And Death is helping me”
The girl came back with the drinks and left in a hurry, Nick took a large swig of his whiskey “Mmm, that’s good” Cormac took a smaller sip of his “Can you taste the salt?” Nick shook his head “Nah, remember fresh drinks burn me like acid... and taste like raw sewage, salted drinks taste like they should”
Cormac smiled “An unfortunate side effect of your host, eh?” Nick smiled back “Yep, this merciless pirate was drowning in the ocean when I found him, if I’d merged with him on land then I wouldn’t have this severe weakness to freshwater”
Cormac studied his arms “My host was a brawler you know, he never lost a fight...”
Nick looked at his hands “These hands have been working the decks of ships for nearly 40 years; my host was a pirate captain in his 50’s, and a damn vicious one at that. He didn’t understand what mercy and morality meant; he raped, plundered and murdered anything in his sights until he was finally killed by the British Navy in 1750...”
Cormac shook his head “And now look what we did to them: my host has more muscle than he did before, and yours is much younger and fitter...” Nick took another swig of his drink as Cormac did the same, he looked at his Brother “Who would’ve thought, eh? You and I are actually having a friendly talk...”
Cormac set his drink down “Yeah... But we both know how this ends”
Nick slowly moved his right hand to the back of his slacks, reaching for his revolver “I want that vial back”
In a flash, Nick brandished the revolver and went to shoot Cormac in the heart, but Cormac had anticipated as such and caught Nick’s arm as he drew, moving it to the side. The shot went past Cormac and hit the wall of the tavern; he punched Nick across the face with his free hand, and boy could he hit hard. The blow left Nick in a slight daze as Cormac threw him against the bar.
The patrons all left in a hurry as Cormac forced Nick against the wooden bar by his neck, choking him with a raw strength that Nick didn’t posses. Nick wasn’t helpless however, as he reached for a metal tankard and hit Cormac across the face with it, but the attack served only to move Cormac’s face to the side a little.
The attack did loosen Cormac’s grip however and Nick took the opportunity by head butting him in the nose, it broke on impact and started bleeding that foul black blood, but Cormac wouldn’t let go. Nick could see spots in his vision; he had to do something...
He was so stupid; he had forgotten that he had reclaimed his power of hellfire from Aleesha! Nick set his hands ablaze and put them to Cormac’s face, he let go in an instant and lurched backwards, cupping his face and wailing in pain. Nick coughed as he regained his breathe, but his Brother had recovered first. Cormac grabbed Nick and threw him through the tavern wall to the streets outside.
Cormac walked outside and changed into his intermediate from: his skin turned black and his eyes white, his clothes were gone, his mouth stretched from ear to ear with sharpened teeth inside, and a large war hammer with a solid stone head was in his clawed hands. The Harbinger swung the war hammer down onto Nick’s back; it broke with a very audible crack.
Nick couldn’t move as Cormac brought the hammer up again and swung it down again, this time onto Nick’s left leg. This wasn’t assault, this was torture...
Nick couldn’t heal fast enough to stand a chance against his Brother; his trump card had to be played now. As Cormac brought the hammer up again, he noticed Nick had something in his hand. Nick chuckled painfully “You... forgot... about this”
The vial that Cormac once possessed had been removed from his person while he had Nick forced against the bar. Nick drank down the liquid with some disgust. His body began to crack and stretch, and then the screaming started. Nick’s skin literally receded back into him as his flesh and muscle remained as the outer layer.
His clothes disappeared along with his weapons, his eyes turned yellow, his mouth stretched from ear to ear with sharpened teeth, and his nails formed into sharp claws on his hands and feet. This vial contained Nick’s intermediate form.
Cormac stepped back a little as the skinless creature stood up slowly, when Nick turned around he had a psychotic grin on his face, and when he spoke, his voice had changed to one of a demonic and intimidating nature “You. Are. Fucked!”
Cormac swung the hammer down again, but Nick punched straight through the head of it, breaking the stone into mere pieces. Cormac stepped back as Nick continued to grin “Hehehehe, oh I have missed this!”
Nick tackled Cormac to the ground and proceeded to punch him with far more strength than he had before, Cormac was powerless to stop the sheer might of his Brother. Eventually Nick brought Cormac back up to his feet and continued to slash and kick away at him. Cormac’s attempts at counter-attacking were all in vain, Nick was too fast for him in this form.
“Come on! I haven’t had a real challenge for 10 years! Show me what you can do, bootlicker!” Now in a rage, Cormac changed into his true form, his legs morphed into a giant black horse with white eyes and a beaked mouth. Nick readied himself “Yes, that’s it, let the beast out, and show me how powerful you really are!”
Cormac grabbed Nick’s arm and leg in both hands and pulled him like a tug-of-war rope, Nick struggled and groaned at the sheer strength of his sibling. He set his hands ablaze and Cormac let go from the scorching pain, but it was the worst decision. Nick grabbed the horses head and pulled on it viciously, eventually the great beasts neck was oozing blood before its head came off entirely. Nick threw the head down, and Cormac fell.
He reverted back into his intermediate form, but the loss of his steed had weakened him too much. Given time, the horse would heal itself back to normal, but time wasn’t on Cormac’s side anymore, so he allowed the inevitable to happen. Nick picked up the discarded handle of Cormac’s hammer in one hand as he held his Brother by the throat in the other. But suddenly, Nick felt a sharp pain, and when he looked down, he saw a knife in his chest.
Regardless, Nick forced the handle through Cormac’s heart. The creature fell limp and Nick collapsed to the floor with him as the 2 Brother’s reverted back into their human forms. Cormac sputtered blood as he spoke “Did I... get you?”
Nick pulled the blade from his chest; Cormac must’ve created the knife and stabbed him with it when he was preparing him for the killing blow. Nick spoke with a heavier voice from all the fighting “You grazed my heart a little...”
Cormac sniffled slightly “I failed... I only ever wanted... to be like you”
Nick held his Brother closer “I admired you for that, but you should never have aspired to be like me, I’m bad luck”
Cormac managed a weak chuckle “I’ll see you again... Brother” and with that he died. Cormac’s spirit of his true form reared up as Pestilence appeared in a lavish dark blue cloak, he spoke with a husky voice “So... you now force him to find a new body”
Nick stared his uncle in the eye “I don’t like to lose... besides, he stole something from me”
Pestilence seemed amused by this “Yes, you were certainly happy to be a monster again...”
Nick remembered then; he remembered the rage, the bloodlust, the unquenchable thirst for death... “It was a heat of the moment thing, it won’t happen again”
Pestilence merely shook his head “I am not the one to tell you these things, but you will never be able to prevent yourself from doing what you were created to do”
Nick turned away “I can try”
Pestilence began to fade away along with Cormac’s spirit “As can we all...”
So initially, I was going to make the dinner at Wolf Manor much longer, but I've decided to continue it in the next chapter, mainly cuz I wanted to get through the fight between Cormac and Nick first (which turned out to be a much longer fight than I had planned as well!)
Anyways, any questions or comments, leave them below...
"Now do it. You beat me...should of dropped you off the roof when I had the chance."
Hah! Famous last words! XD
I liked it, it was weird seeing your version of Death compared to mine lol, Makoto literally throwing him through the void (who the hell is this guy?!)
Nevermore part 2: The Messiah
When Makoto came to he found himself being dangled off the roof by his neck. Luke had a firm grasp and a sm… moreile on his face. Makoto had anger, hate, and determination in his eyes. Luke laughed.
"What's with that look!? Did you get a second wind or something!" He smiled.
Makoto didn't answer, he swung his body and kicked Luke back bringing them both back on the roof. Makoto moved fast and attacked holding nothing back. After many hits to Luke, Makoto pulled his fist back and swung as hard as he could. Luke flew back. Makoto stepped on his chest and grabbed his arm and pulled until it ripped clear off, but blood was not spilled, darkness spewed where Luke's arm was and made a hand. Luke screamed in pain but laughed.
"That's not true..." Makoto said pulling out the orb of the world.
He crushed the orb in his hand, he felt a rush of ener… [view original content]
Thanks Ems. I was not going to apply but the Mrs. said the worse they'd say is no; I wanted to do this right after high school but due to lack of funds, I never did. Now, why not? Nervous about the whole move but it's an adventure, too. Get my little Emily out there in the world. I recall my 1st job; awesome to know although it was stressful, you're getting the experience. If you don't mind me asking, where is it you work at? Good luck with all the college decisions you make. You're a bright young lady and you'll go far. You have a knack for building and designing very great quality homes and buildings.
Thank you. I love all the pairings I've created; Lyla & Georgie will ALWAYS be number one in my book but I've grown to my Gremily as well. They just work. She's found her second chance.
Much luck right back at ya', Ems. Stay awesome! -high five-
Congrats! (As I have read the comments and deciphered what freaking awesome news you were refering to ) Getting accepted to college must fee… morel absolutely amazing! Moving is tough, but as long as your happy with it, it's also an adventure!
I myself have been moving on down with things! I just started my first job today which was fun and a little strenuous, which is great! I've also been looking at colleges and I think I want to apply to NJIT and see what they say
Great pic, too! I love how Emily has changed so much! I love her and Gren together almost as much as I love Georgie and Lyla
Good luck!
Makoto is essentially being used by a God to make sure everything is in check with the world, hence the orb of the world. But as Luke said he passed down part of his darkness to Ella this will come into play later when she runs into Catherine; )
"Now do it. You beat me...should of dropped you off the roof when I had the chance."
Hah! Famous last words! XD
I liked it, it wa… mores weird seeing your version of Death compared to mine lol, Makoto literally throwing him through the void (who the hell is this guy?!)
LMAO I'm glad you and the others have picked up on this. Emily is too much like her mother; yes, she looks like Georgie but that does not mean a damn thing. >:D Her babies and man are in danger! She'll do anything to protect them all.
'Can't fookin' do shit but here...let me get in the way of TWO male Grendels, another one 'bout ta' change and me Wolf wife, with death in her eyes.'
Best freaking Georgie quote ever, man! XD XD I laughed so hard. Read it in his voice, too. I won't focus too much on this, for I'll eventually skip forward to the quads being older and able to speak. THIS is when everything will come together. I want to cover this, Holly & Peter's wedding, the birth of their daughter and of course, Gremily's wedding. Now, it's actually a lot easier than you think but I won't say too'll just have to wait and see! XD
Also, thanks for the gift, dude! I so wish they had Georgie plushies. How bomb would that be?!
Don't mess with Emily Porgie
THIS is what I got from this entire chapter! >:D She may look like Georgie but she HAS her mother's fiery… more personality! DAMN! And speaking of Lyla, she can kick some serious ass! Watch out, Robert; you maybe a huge swamp man but Lyla Jane Porgie is one mama Wolf ya' don't want to mess with!! XD And Georgie! The hell was he thinking!? LMAO 'Can't fookin' do shit but here...let me get in the way of TWO male Grendels, another one 'bout ta' change and me Wolf wife, with death in her eyes.' XD XD
But on a serious note, Emily is determined to fix this. I have a feeling Isaiah SAYING he wants no part in this won't be THAT easy. I think Gren SECRETLY wants to take his father's place; why would he attack Robert like that if he really didn't care....that's just me, though.
Again, congrats, dude. You'll go far. And yes, this IS you right now. :P I'll come by later! I have a surprise for you!!!
Makoto is essentially being used by a God to make sure everything is in check with the world, hence the orb of the world. But as Luke said he passed down part of his darkness to Ella this will come into play later when she runs into Catherine; )
This chapter went differently to how I imagined it :P Regardless, please enjoy!
Devils and Demons Chapter 7 – Nightmare Creatures
Deat… moreh had always been a mystery to those that knew of him. The tales of a heart filled with sand and a lack of emotion proved to be nothing more than lies and rumours, and now Death was to come face to face with his sibling, War.
Galen had made no attempt at trying to find Nick; he knew that Nick would find him sooner or later, so he was preparing himself accordingly. War had taken to helping Galen, mostly to spite Death, but also to remove Nick from the world. The rivalry’s of the Horsemen were mimicked by their Harbinger’s; just as Death and War hated each other, so did Galen and Nick.
The two most powerful of the 4 were in a constant battle for control and domination, but neither side would win. Chaos needed to be kept in check, fighting amongst the Horsemen would shift the balance and cause untold c… [view original content]
Harmony restrained her nephew back tightly as he whipped his legs around in his tantrum. They were in public, which meant she couldn't just let him scream it out like he would at home. She was trying to shuffle him home, and she would have used a spell to turn him into a rag-doll briefly, but she was so freakin' exhausted.
She opened the gates to Fabletown with a twirl of her finger (Because honestly, that was all she could manage.), and hurried the boy up the brick stairs and across the cobblestone floor to the elevator that was thankfully sitting open across the foyer.
"Let me go, let me go, let me go!" He screamed as they ascended, the cheesy elevator music barely audible.
Harmony had rarely in her life lost her temper. She had her fair share of tantrums from her own children over the years. She'd usually have Tim give them a stern talking to after all settled down enough. But there was no getting through to young Matthew. She was just lucky he was as scrawny as Tim must have been at age six, so she could carry him the way home.
Harmony also didn't yell very often. The boy finally realized his teeth were as good a weapon as his nails, and bit ferociously down on the arm that held him back.
"OUCH!" Harmony's voice squealed, as the elevator doors swung open swiftly. She pulled the boy out into the hallway, shifting him in her arms, trying to avoid his kicking and clawing, all at the same time that she had to get out her keys, and unlock the apartment door.
"Let! Me! GOOOO!" He said, as loudly as he could. Had the neighbors not known of Harmony's predicament, they would have thought she was abducting an innocent young boy to torture in some sort of lair.
His hands reached up for her head, and she narrowly missed a whack in the face. Instead, he went for another swing, and then his hand caught onto a lock of hair and he tugged as hard as he could. The pain produced sudden tears welling to the surface of Harmony's eyes, and that was when she had had enough. She dropped him on the ground mercilessly.
He must have been shocked by the movements, as he'd briefly stopped cursing and crying out to start up at her in awe. He clumsily got to his feet, and made a move to run, but Harmony was too quick for him, and her magic was even quicker. His feet were frozen to the floor they stuck to.
"Listen, you hellish brat from some sort of...twisted, demonic, I-don't-fucking-know dimension in which your asshole father came from."
He was about to protest, but the sincerity of Harmony's anger and the emphasis of her usually very rare cursing overruled the sincerity of his want to scream and run around like a little devil. He looked shocked and absolutely scared shitless.
"You're going to listen to WHATEVER I say from here on out, you understand? You'd better tell me you understand, before I give you a lashing that you'll never forget."
He nodded very quickly, horror across his silent lips.
"You've been a pain in my rear end the second you walked through my front door, and all I have ever done to you is feed you and clothe you and make sure that when you're poor mother is better, that her son is taken care of!" Her voice was gaining volume, as she poored her frustrations on this currently cohesive and slightly vulnerable young boy.
"That's what family does! Family takes care of Family! You're Dad never took care of you, he only destroyed!"
That was enough to push Matthew off edge. The poor began crying relentlessly, his wails filling the hall as his tears blubbered across his face. Harmony felt no pity for the moment, as she felt that he deserved to cry and feel bad, at least for a little bit. She lifted him off the floor and lifted the spell, but he no longer fought her back as she finally unlocked the front door. She felt the house shake as it slammed shut, another action that was rare on her behalf. She put Matthew down on the couch, who was crying still, and quickly left the room to get Tim in there.
Tim was in the kitchen, feeding their four babies in separate highchairs. The babies gurgled and cooed and smiled when they saw their mother, but Harmony was in no mood to play with them.
"You need to have a talk with him. He's finally calmed down and might actually listen for once," She said quickly and with fervor. "He's sobbing like a baby out there."
"I can hear," Tim said, eyeing Harmony skeptically. "So what did you do?"
Harmony let out a labored breath, her hands shaking mildly. "I blew up. I nearly smacked him, Tim. I..."
Tim could see the distraught look on her face, and quickly stood from his stool that faced their children. He wrapped his arms around her softly, patted her back supportively, and felt as she subsided into tears of her own.
"He's just terrible!" She cried into his shoulder. "I don't know what else to do, Tim. What do we do?"
"We wait," He says in a hushed tone. "We wait for Belinda to recover, which is fairly soon, and we see what we do from there. We just need to hold out for a little bit longer, honest."
"I hope," She said softly now. "I hope something can be done. I feel wretched."
Tim chuckled. "You're hanging out on the thirteenth floor too much. You need a break. A real break. You should visit your mother."
"...Huh? My mother?"
Tim nodded. "You should. And you should see your brothers, too. I'm sure they miss you."
"I guess..." She said softly. "I guess I can."
"We'll talk about it later," He suggested. "For now, I have to have a little chat with out friend in the next room. You finish with the babies?"
Harmony sniffled, wiping her eyes gently. "Sure, sure. Okay."
Tim planted a kiss on her cheek, and then let go of her. The crying had ceased from Matthew's part, and as Tim entered in though the doors, he saw the boy laying on his side on the couch, absolutely gutted.
It was not too long ago that Tim had realized the extent of how warped his nephew's mind must have been. He didn't think any of it was Belinda's doing; It was solely the demon whom helped produce the little boy. Matthew needed a father more than anything right now, and Tim intended to be whatever Matthew needed, if the boy was willing to take it. He sat on the couch next to Matthew, his hand resting softly on the arm of the sofa. He patted Matthew's back cautiously, unsure of if the boy would retaliate or not. The boy lay motionless, occasionally hiccuping and sniffling.
Tim took a moment before finally saying something. He went to talk a couple times, but he hadn't always been good with words. His mouth was ajar with silence, and he then realized that there wasn't much patronizing that he could think to tell the boy. Matthew had heard everything Tim had told him, every time he chose to misbehave. He needed to hear something else.
"My dad died when I was as little as you were," He said finally, his voice distant but firm. He felt Matthew shift softly under his hand, but the boy otherwise said nothing.
"He was killed by a troll. I watched it happen."
Matthew turned his head slightly, his eyes trained on Tim's face. They were transitioning from entirely black to his normal black-on-white slightly more normal looking eyes. "Did you cry?"
"Not at first," Tim said. "But when I ran away, after all the chaos and destruction. As soon as I found a home in Fabletown, and was escorted and given a home, I sobbed until my eyes were too dry to sob any longer."
"That's how I feel," Matthew said. "I just want to cry until I can't cry."
"It's a valid feeling," Tim replied. "But you also have to learn from what you've experienced."
"How do I do that?"
"You see where your father went wrong, Matthew. Why was he killed in the end? Because of his actions. You mustn't make the same mistakes, nor should you think what he thought was right. He's not of this dimension. You are. You and your mother are human, in the very essence of the word. Embrace your humanity, and will the evil to leave you."
"But what if I can't? I feel my Daddey sometimes. He speaks to me sometimes-" The boy broke off and covered his eyes, afraid of Tim seeing his tears.
"You can," Tim encouraged him. "You can tell your father that he no longer applies to you. He can't control you, only you can control you. Do you understand."
The boy nodded softly, rubbing his eyes. With his cheek pressed against a throwpillow, he cleared his throat and spoke once more. "Does Aunt Harmony hate me though? Was I bad enough to do that?"
Tim quickly shot down that reply. "Of course she doesn't hate you. If she hated you, you wouldn't be here. No, she loves you very much, and is only trying to help you. But you see what your tantrums are doing? They're weighing on all of us."
"I'm sorry," Matthew replied. "I don't like to throw them."
"I know you don't."
"Sometimes...Daddey..." He closes his eyes for a moment, as if fighting something back. "He was always mean to me, but I thought that was normal. I thought Daddies were mean and Mummies were always sad."
This weighed down Tim's heart significantly. Mummies were always sad. That was his sister. Always sad. He could see it, in the creases of her face, in the demeanor she took on when she thought nobody was looking. She was broken-hearted, to say the least.
"Mummy won't be sad any longer," Tim told his nephew. "I will do my best to change it."
"I love you, Uncle Tim. I don't know if I ever said it before, but I do." He was firm now, and he sat up, and was leaning against Tim as the fire crackled in the small fireplace under the television. Tim pulled him in tight for a side-hug, and the two shared a peaceful moment together, possibly for the first time ever.
I'm. So. Tired. You. Don't. Even. Know.
I had work for the first time today. And it's a lot of hard work, to say the least. There's a lot of candy wrapping and labeling and organizing that goes into running a chocolate store. And worst of all, I can't eat the merchandise X3 Well, maybe it's not bad that I can't eat it, then I can't get fat on it all XD The boss is nice, and she and her husband are both funny and stuff. They just need some extra help until Easter because Easter is their busy season, so to speak. Lots and lots of chocolate bunnies, EVERYWHERE. I had to wrap a lot of them earlier. It's not hard, just tedious. It wears down on the shoulders after a while.
OTHER THAN THAT THOUGH.... I'm doing pretty good I've got testing these next two weeks (PARCC, a new test that absolutely suck monkey balls.) and it lasts for that long because the school doesn't have enough computers for all the students in the school. Sooo, we have to basically take turns each day, with some classes testing on some days, and others on other days. I have my English tomorrow, and Math is some time next week. It all kind of bites But at the same time, it's whatever. None of the scores count, as these next few years it will just be in testing, to see how students score on average and so they can develop what score you need to pass and such. it'd be funny if the average was like, 3, or something XD Pretty good odds of passing, then XD Anyway, I've taken up too much of your time with my rambling. I'm going to probably go to sleep soon, because I'm tired! I may play sims for a little bit in between, lol. Hope you're all having fantastic days and are moving on up in life
Nick turned around he had a psychotic grin on his face, and when he spoke, his voice had changed to one of a demonic and intimidating nature “You. Are. Fucked!”
I was way too hyped to even care, I pictured it in my mind and said you have this once Nick but after we need to get you a therapist to get back a little control! XD
Nick is slowly losing all his hard earned control though...
Eventually, someone will need to set him straight, I know who it is, but it will be a nice surprise for the rest of you XD
I swear, this Witch might actually be my favourite one from Fables (even if she is an OC)
In response to your afterword... Yep... jobs can suck like that
I'm nearly 20 and have had 3 of them; I worked in a SubWay store, then I worked in my college car park, and now I clean for Blenheim Palace. But you work in a chocolate shop/candy store, that sounds so much cooler than what I've done before!!!
Harmony restrained her nephew back tightly as he whipped his legs around in his tantrum. They were in public, which meant she couldn't just … morelet him scream it out like he would at home. She was trying to shuffle him home, and she would have used a spell to turn him into a rag-doll briefly, but she was so freakin' exhausted.
She opened the gates to Fabletown with a twirl of her finger (Because honestly, that was all she could manage.), and hurried the boy up the brick stairs and across the cobblestone floor to the elevator that was thankfully sitting open across the foyer.
"Let me go, let me go, let me go!" He screamed as they ascended, the cheesy elevator music barely audible.
Harmony had rarely in her life lost her temper. She had her fair share of tantrums from her own children over the years. She'd usually have Tim give them a stern talking to after all settled down enough. But there was no getting… [view original content]
Nick would send the therapist to another therapist after one session! XD
In TDAU, Nick's psychopathy is very obvious, but for the role of a hero in this fic, he needs more depth than just "I kill and I love it" I actually prefer Nick in this story than in the TDAU.
Sadly yes but when I read this:
Nick turned around he had a psychotic grin on his face, and when he spoke, his voice had changed to on… moree of a demonic and intimidating nature “You. Are. Fucked!”
I was way too hyped to even care, I pictured it in my mind and said you have this once Nick but after we need to get you a therapist to get back a little control! XD
I wonder who it'll be?
How many powers does Harmony have?! :P
I swear, this Witch might actually be my favourite one from Fables (even if she is an OC)
In re… moresponse to your afterword... Yep... jobs can suck like that
I'm nearly 20 and have had 3 of them; I worked in a SubWay store, then I worked in my college car park, and now I clean for Blenheim Palace. But you work in a chocolate shop/candy store, that sounds so much cooler than what I've done before!!!
It's all just magic, really. She can do most things that come with being able to do magic.
Aw, thanks
It's not too bad, and it's only… more the first day, so I think I'll get used to it after a while. It brings in the cash, which is all I'm concerned with
Same, my friends are all like "What's the worst they can say? No?" So I figure, might as well!
I'm working at a chocolate store in town, that's family owned. And thanks, everyone keeps saying that sort of stuff to me, and I'm just like 'Stop, you're making me bluuuuush!' Lol XD You're particularly gifted yourself, with all these drawings and such! Absolutely amazing!
Thanks Ems. I was not going to apply but the Mrs. said the worse they'd say is no; I wanted to do this right after high school but due to l… moreack of funds, I never did. Now, why not? Nervous about the whole move but it's an adventure, too. Get my little Emily out there in the world. I recall my 1st job; awesome to know although it was stressful, you're getting the experience. If you don't mind me asking, where is it you work at? Good luck with all the college decisions you make. You're a bright young lady and you'll go far. You have a knack for building and designing very great quality homes and buildings.
Thank you. I love all the pairings I've created; Lyla & Georgie will ALWAYS be number one in my book but I've grown to my Gremily as well. They just work. She's found her second chance.
Much luck right back at ya', Ems. Stay awesome! -high five-
No matter what is thrown in her way, Harm has this down. With the flick of her wrist, she can managed anything. And that, folks, is how she gets (excuse the language) shit DOWN! Glad to hear your 1st day was awesome, although the tired shoulders do not sound like fun. XD I'd be eating all that, so Pie would be fired the first hour he's there. Glad to hear school is going great and hope you get all you've ever wanted. That extra $$$ helps, especially at your age. LEASTyou are not flipping burgers like my 1st job. -shudders- So many burns....XD XD
Harmony restrained her nephew back tightly as he whipped his legs around in his tantrum. They were in public, which meant she couldn't just … morelet him scream it out like he would at home. She was trying to shuffle him home, and she would have used a spell to turn him into a rag-doll briefly, but she was so freakin' exhausted.
She opened the gates to Fabletown with a twirl of her finger (Because honestly, that was all she could manage.), and hurried the boy up the brick stairs and across the cobblestone floor to the elevator that was thankfully sitting open across the foyer.
"Let me go, let me go, let me go!" He screamed as they ascended, the cheesy elevator music barely audible.
Harmony had rarely in her life lost her temper. She had her fair share of tantrums from her own children over the years. She'd usually have Tim give them a stern talking to after all settled down enough. But there was no getting… [view original content]
This chapter went differently to how I imagined it :P Regardless, please enjoy!
Devils and Demons Chapter 7 – Nightmare Creatures
Deat… moreh had always been a mystery to those that knew of him. The tales of a heart filled with sand and a lack of emotion proved to be nothing more than lies and rumours, and now Death was to come face to face with his sibling, War.
Galen had made no attempt at trying to find Nick; he knew that Nick would find him sooner or later, so he was preparing himself accordingly. War had taken to helping Galen, mostly to spite Death, but also to remove Nick from the world. The rivalry’s of the Horsemen were mimicked by their Harbinger’s; just as Death and War hated each other, so did Galen and Nick.
The two most powerful of the 4 were in a constant battle for control and domination, but neither side would win. Chaos needed to be kept in check, fighting amongst the Horsemen would shift the balance and cause untold c… [view original content]
I adore Emily and how much she's blossomed. I know there is more to her than you're letting on, so I'll wait until that day comes. I have a feeling it has to do with Aretmis' Bow.
I figured you'd like that. Well, I look forward to whatever comes their way. I can't wait to see hwta you have in stock for the Grendel family and all that follows. Glad you liked it, dude. If I ever DO find one, you'll be the first to know of it.
LMAO I'm glad you and the others have picked up on this. Emily is too much like her mother; yes, she looks like Georgie but that does not me… morean a damn thing. >:D Her babies and man are in danger! She'll do anything to protect them all.
'Can't fookin' do shit but here...let me get in the way of TWO male Grendels, another one 'bout ta' change and me Wolf wife, with death in her eyes.'
Best freaking Georgie quote ever, man! XD XD I laughed so hard. Read it in his voice, too. I won't focus too much on this, for I'll eventually skip forward to the quads being older and able to speak. THIS is when everything will come together. I want to cover this, Holly & Peter's wedding, the birth of their daughter and of course, Gremily's wedding. Now, it's actually a lot easier than you think but I won't say too'll just have to wait and see! XD
Also, thanks for the gift, dude! I so wish they had Georgie plushies. How bomb would that be?!
JJ sums it up excellently, you do not mess with Emily Porgie. People might be fighting all around her but she'll get through; I love that determined personality she has, taking nonsense from no one but also being a caring mother and loyal soon-to-be wife!
The drama in this chapter was top-notch!
that was VERY rare ... The one who'd probably take her brother's spot, if that day ever arrived, would be Seraphina.
No idea if you plan to do this but, after everything between all the male grendels, having Seraphina in the top-spot when she's older would be a good change to see. Sounds like you've got it all planned out though, Pie.
Cupping her hands together, Vivian watched Emily bathe the quads, dress them and place all four in their bassinets. Liam immediatly fell asl… moreeep. His ever changing body was taking a lot of strength out of his little body. Emily quietly wept, wishing she could take his place for the time he'd spend in his personal hell. Chloe and Viviana took some time to relax and settle down. The girls were creating their own special sisterly bond. The others were often included but Emily could tell these two would be inseperable as they aged. That's how she was with Katie at one point. Seraphina refused to close her eyes. even after the patting and lullabys, the little girl remained wide awake.
"Aye, Seraphina." Emily kisses the top of the baby's head. "Ya' gunna be me little wild spark of life, ain't ya'?"
Seraphina seemed to agree. Waving her tiny fingers around, she creates a cloud of blue. It circles her tiny head, evaporating into the air. Seraphi… [view original content]
Georgie had dealt with worse. As Swineheart patched up the back of his head, he tapped the scar lightly above his belly button. Holding his hand, Lyla was not too far behind. Emily and Gren sat in the living room, observing the ever so cheerful doctor and his casual conversations. Robert, on the other hand, vanished before either could say a word. Out of anger or guilt, neither of them could be too sure about. Thomas, however, would be staying the night. Emily had some questions about his 'death'. For the time being, however, she remained hushed. Even as everyone went their seperate ways and would return in the morning, Emily never said a single word.
That night, she refused to close her eyes. Gren, although laying in bed, had his wide open. Staring into the darkness, Emily could hear mumbling. She never asked what he was saying; Gren sometimes prayed to himself or held a conversation. With whom, Emily never needed to know; it was how Gren functioned and to disturb him could be catastrophic preportions she was not prepared for. He'd been doing this for as long as she could remember. When he was ready to speak, she'd be there.
In the meantime, Emily took this opportunity to see her babies. All in their bassinets, fast asleep. Liam and Chloe sprawled out, both arms up above their heads and legs to the side. Emily chuckled when she placed a thin blanket over their exposed feet. Viviana was slightly floating. Emily sighed. She'd learn. It was going to take time. Kissing her forehead, Emily reaches over and covers Seraphina with her pink blanket. The little girl slept just like her father; on his back but had his entire face covered with her hands and both feet together. Mouth wide open, allowing the spit to fall from the corner.
"Aye Seraphina." Emily tried not to laugh. "Ya' be too much like ya' daddy. And Iove ya' for it."
Finishing her final kiss on the mini-Gren, Emily sits back on the bed and lays beside Gren. By now, his mumbling ceased and his arms wrapped around her torso.
"You alright, Ems?"
"I'm actually doin' wonderful, love." Emily exhaled. "I'm just...there is so much...neva' a dull moment, though."
Gren leans forward and chuckles. "Thought you like the go-go feel of the Fable world? Fuckin' welcome to your life, Emily. You fuckin' get with me and-"
Emily cups Gren's faces and stares lovingly into his eyes. "I have no regrets, Gren. Ya' know that. None."
"Good." Gren kisses Emily's lips. "Neither do I."
Not another word was spoken that night; remaining in their bed, Emily and Gren hold onto one another and quietly stare into the ceiling. Eventually they'd fall asleep and get what peace was available until the next day. For now, they were content with the Crickets outside and knowing the comfort that forever held them as one.
The Following Day
While Emily fried the eggs and mixed the batter, the window in their living room glowed and vibrated. The faint howls from the darkness caused Puddles to scurry into safety and Chloe to turn her head. The hair on her arms and neck stood up; her little eyes darted, nose sniffed the air and growls escaped her throat. Liam immediatly turned into his true form. Viviana shuttered in her chair, while Seraphina held up her hands. Gren places the paper down and eyes down the hall.
"Woot in the fook?" Emily continues to stir while Gren gets up. "Woot is it, loves?"
"Stay here." Gren holds out his hand. "I know who it is...going to get her good..."
Judging by Gren's wide grin, Emily remained in her spot and poured the batter on the warm skillet. "Have at it, love. They deserve it sometimes."
Gren tiptoes around the corner; the girls lean against their chairs, while Liam continues to growl and prepare for battle. Emily watches the spikes petrude through his skin. Taking a towel, she wipes the wounds. The little boy did not seem to mind or notice this. Instincts kicked in. The family felt threatned. There was silence in the air.
"AHHHHHHH SHIT, GREN!" A female voice echoes down the hall. "THE hell is wrong with you!?"
Mary, holding Haylee and Damien, runs into the kitchen. Following, screaming and laughing all at once, are the twin girls Aubrey and Sophia, dragging George and Sheila. Gren, in true form, chases them into the kitchen like a Rancher does to Cattle. Sitting on his shoulders, is Junior. Emily rolls her eyes.
"Did he scare ya', Mary or-"
"Psssh, SCARE me!?" Mary places the twins on the counter. "Please. If anything, that face did. HOW can you even look at that during-"
"MARY!" Emily points to George and Sheila. "They DO understand now, sweetie."
"I know." Mary plops in a chair. "They know what sex is, right kids?"
"Well....I doubt they REALLY need ta' hear 'bout their uncle Gren and aunt Emmy...."
Laughing disorderly, Junior jumps from Gren's shoulders and lands beside Chloe and Viviana. He playfully scoffs their hair, sending both into a laughing fit. Twirling around, Junior grabs and Apple and leans against the counter. He watches Emily flip the fluffy circle of goodness in the pan; reaching across the stove, Emily takes the fried eggs and places them on a paper towel to soak up any extra oil.
"Damn Emily." Junior bites into the Apple. "You have some mad skills in the kitchen."
"All them summer days we spent with nana and papa."
"You always cooking?"
"Well, they are still too young but give it time and I'll be cookin' fa' four kids and a full grown male Grendel."
Emily places three pancakes on a plate. Adding the eggs and a dash of salt, she places the completed meal before Gren. He grabs his knife and fork and digs into his food.
"Thanks babe. Looks fuckin' good."
Emily points her Spatula at Junior. "Ya' want some food or-"
Junor shakes his head. "I'm on a diet, Emily."
"A bloody woot?" Emily cocks her eyebrow. "Swineheart made ya' do it or-"
"Yup. Said I've gained twenty pounds too much." Junior glares at Mary. "Said I need to cut back on my food intake."
Mary snorts, as she peels back a Banana. "Hey, don't look at me. YOU go back for seconds or thirds and take HUGE ass slices of cake."
Sheila nods. "My daddy can eat like a Horsey, auntie Emmy."
"He can, eh?" Emily takes this opportunity to poke her brother's belly. "My, we may need ta' roll ya' outta' here, little brother."
Junior holds up his middle finger. "Don't, alright? HEY! Stop poking my stomach! EMILY!"
"Ya' daughter is right, Junior."
"Don't feel bad, Junior." Gren pats his stomach. "Doctor told me the same damn thing."
"Not my fault." Emily places two pancakes and an egg on another plate. "It's been built inta' me ta' feed an army. I watched my mum do it and nana, too."
Emily hands Mary the plate. Like savages, George and Sheila crowd around their mother. Sheila bounces in place, licking her lips and reaching for a pancake. Mary pokes her hand.
"HEY, hey hey....back up, you little Vultures."
"MOMMY! I'm hungry!"
Mary takes a bite from her eggs. "You have a mouth, little lady. Go ask your aunt Emily for some freakin' food."
Sheila glares at Emily, twirls her dress and beams. "Aunt Emmy....may I please have some yummy pancakes because you love me and I'm your super duper favorite neice in the whole wide world?"
Emily chuckles. "Ya' be a brat, Sheila. I'll make ya' some, George too and-GIRLS! Ya' want some, too?"
"Yes aunt Emmy." Aubrey and Sophia look up. "Do you have syrup, too?"
Gren holds up the bottle. "Right here, girls. You know uncle Gren has the hookup."
"Hookup?" Mary snorts. "Calm down there, Tony Montana with your 'hookups' and what not."
Sophia looks over at Mary. "Who's that, mommy?"
Junior speaks. "Your mother and her movies, girls. Eat up and no goofing around, ya' hear me?"
Allfour of the older children took a seat beside Gren. Emily hands them tiny plates with food. With Mary's assistance, the younger twins Haylee and Damien get their food. Mary takes her fork and slices the egg down the middle. Adding a little to each mouth, the twins gnaw and chew on their delicious breakfast. Emily joins with her food.
"Ya' sure ya' don't want anything, Junior?"
"I'm fine, sis. Thank you. Got my Rabbit food...."
Emily returned to her meal and left it at that. When her brother made up his mind, it was difficult to send him down another path. When everyone finished their meals, Emily and Mary took the time to wash the dishes. Junior and Gren took this time to head out to the deck and smoke a cigarette; Georgie would arrive later and Thomas was still alseep upstairs. Gren took two of the kids and Junior held the other; George, Sheila and the twin girls ran out towards the open fields, chasing several Butterflies. From the corner, they noticed Sunflower.
Junior waves. "He still comes around?"
"All the time." Gren looks at Seraphina. "Think Sunflower and my little mini-me here are connected some how."
"How do you know that?" Junior places Viviana and Liam on the ground. "Have you seen it or-"
"When we were trying to teach her NOT to use the powers of killing plants, we used him. While he lay dying, she healed him...never did it again."
"Well, that does not gurantee anything..."
"You didn't see her like we did." Gren exhales the smoke. "I've never seen such anguish in a human being's eyes like that in years..."
Junior remained silent. He knew that look. According to his mother, it was the same when his father removed all mirrors in the home for awhile. Looking at Seraphina, the little girl crawls towards the plant Fable. Sunflower at first is cautious; taking one finger at a time, he presses it against Seraphina's hands. When nothing happens, he picks the baby up and craddles her against his face.
"My Seraphina." Sunflower kisses her cheek. "My look at you. All smiles and giggles."
Gren agrees. "Too much like her nana Lyla."
Sunflower agrees. "Hello Grendel. Ah, Mr. Georgie Porgie Junior. Or, do you prefer BloodyPorgie, as the kids call you now?"
"Junior is fine, Sunflower. Nice to see you around."
The Porgie kids grew up around Sunflower. Since their father's stay at the Farm, he developed a close bond to the Fable. Even during his recovery, Sunflower was always there; with Hans, John and even Bigby, Georgie was able to remain strong and hopeful for the life he was truly destined to have. Junior and his siblings thanked Sunflower. Now, it made sense. It was not just Georgie he was looking out for.
"Those your children out there, Junior?"
"The little demons chasing the Dog? Yeah....mine."
Gren scans the area; Sheila and the girls played with Chloe, now in Wolf form. Viviana soared in the sky, carrying George behind her. Liam, Haylee and Damine rolled in the grass. Seraphina was content being near Sunflower. She had a tight grip around his neck.
"They are quite the spunky little ruffians, aren't they?"
Junior chuckles. "I love every single one of them. From my George, to the fireballs my twin girls throw our way. Sheila reminds me of her mother, Haylee is too much like me and Damien is his own little person."
"That's how it was with you kids." Sunflower smiles. "You all had your own unique qualitites and-"
"DADDY!" Everyone turns to face the field. "DADDY! DADDY!"
"Which one is that?" Junior sheilds his eyes. "Aubrey, baby?"
"What is it, my bag of coal?"
"Come see this HUGE bug me and Sophia found. HURRY! Liam is eyeing it-"
Gren shakes his head. "That boy and his bug eating phase...."
Still holding Seraphina, Sunflower, Junior and Gren head towards the kids.
Mary and Emily finish the dishes, take a seat and drink some coffee. Emily was enjoying what quiet she had until either Thomas woke up or Robert arrived. She was already getting a headache for what could possibly lay ahead of her that day.
"Need me to spike up your drink, Emily? Seem like you need it..."
"No, Mary." Emily glares up. "I don't need that shit. I just 'ave a lot on me mind."
"Well, you'll figure this out. I mean, just Grendels being Grendels and the kids-"
"I'm worried 'bout me kids, Mary. I...I know all this with Gren and his brothers will be handled but-"
"What about the kids, Emily?" Mary touches her hand. "Emily-"
"Have ya' eva' had this feeling, that something will happen but ya' can't explain it? Me kids are special, yes-they are not normal kids, Mary...I know this but....Viviana has that ribbon and I KNOW there is something Vivian is not tellin' me."
"Ask her." Mary scans the room. "I know that whore is here somewhere-"
"WELL, that cunt won't tell you about Viviana! How selfish are you, bitch!? And the others-"
"MARY!" Emily leans across the table. "STOP! Stop talkin' 'bout-"
"Emily." Mary points. "Your....your eyes..."
"My...." Emily sits down and touches her face. ""
"They...CHANGED." Mary sits perfectly still. "They, Emily..."
Emily sits up, cup in hand. "I need ta' get Thomas up. Excuse me...."
As Emily heads up the stairs, her head becomes heavy, causing Emily the sudden urge to vomit. Leaning against the banister for support, Emily cups her head with her free hand. Not now, she thought. Please. Not now.
Sitting up, Emily presses her back to the wall. Vivian, not too far, tries to comfort Emily. Thomas notices Emily's behavior, as he stands in the doorway. Emily turns the face the elderly man.
"You alright, dear? You're pale-"
"Come." Emily leans on Thomas for support. "Let's get downstairs and wait fa' the others...."
As Thomas and Emily head down the stairs, Vivian walks into Emily and Gren's bedroom. Sitting in the closet, was the bow, glowing a dark red color.
Any questions, you know the drill. Feeling freaking wonderful today. This paper is coming along great; have half done and I'm really proud of it. Emily is doing wonderful. So far, she loves rap music like her mommy and the dog adores her. Tony the cat has this nasty habit of sitting on the dresser and watching Emily. XD She looks more and more like mommy every day. Has my smile. Well, the toothless one at that. XD XD
Emily is one mama you'd never want to piss off. She'll defend her babies and soon-to-be-husband. She's got Georgie and Lyla in there. 'Nuff said. XD XD
And I DO have it all planned out. As far as Seraphina goes, well....I have it all worked out. Same with the other kids, too. You and JJ are on the right track. NOT quite, though.
JJ sums it up excellently, you do not mess with Emily Porgie. People might be fighting all around her but she'll get through; I love that de… moretermined personality she has, taking nonsense from no one but also being a caring mother and loyal soon-to-be wife!
The drama in this chapter was top-notch!
that was VERY rare ... The one who'd probably take her brother's spot, if that day ever arrived, would be Seraphina.
No idea if you plan to do this but, after everything between all the male grendels, having Seraphina in the top-spot when she's older would be a good change to see. Sounds like you've got it all planned out though, Pie.
No idea if you plan to do this but, after everything between all the male grendels, having Seraphina in the top-spot when she's older would be a good change to see.
And I DO have it all planned out. As far as Seraphina goes, well....I have it all worked out. Same with the other kids, too. You and JJ are on the right track. NOT quite, though
OMG!!!! I knew I was on the right track!!! OH I hope Seraphina DOES take her grandfather's place and REALLY rubs it Robert's face. (No offense Robert. Love you.....)
Emily is one mama you'd never want to piss off. She'll defend her babies and soon-to-be-husband. She's got Georgie and Lyla in there. 'Nuff… more said. XD XD
And I DO have it all planned out. As far as Seraphina goes, well....I have it all worked out. Same with the other kids, too. You and JJ are on the right track. NOT quite, though.
The little girl slept just like her father; on his back but had his entire face covered with her hands and both feet together. Mouth wide open, allowing the spit to fall from the corner.
How precious is Seraphina. She's my favorite of the quads so far. I'll wait for Chloe and Liam because I know you have plans for them.
Emily cups Gren's faces and stares lovingly into his eyes. "I have no regrets, Gren. Ya' know that. None."
"Good." Gren kisses Emily's lips. "Neither do I."
You can really feel the love and connection they have; Gren and Emily have been through so much and with them being together, they can learn and understand.
"Psssh, SCARE me!?" Emily places the twins on the counter. "Please. If anything, that face did
THINK you meant Mary but I'll take it! Typical Mary! XD XD
Junior holds up his middle finger. "Don't, alright? HEY! Stop poking my stomach! EMILY!"
I love their relationship. Reminds me of myself and my brothers. XD XD
"Hookup?" Mary snorts. "Calm down there, Tony Montana with your 'hookups' and what not."
Favorite line!! XD
Sheila glares at Emily, twirls her dress and beams. "Aunt Emmy....may I please have some yummy pancakes because you love me and I'm your super duper favorite neice in the whole wide world?"
Actually, I lied. THIS one is. I love Sheila! XD XD
Sunflower agrees. "Hello Grendel. Ah, Mr. Georgie Porgie Junior. Or, do you prefer BloodyPorgie, as the kids call you now?"
Love how all the Fables know about Junior now. I love it.
Junior and his siblings thanked Sunflower. Now, it made sense. It was not just Georgie he was looking out for.
OH....snap.....:0 :0 :0 I knew it!!!! SQUEA!!!
"Emily." Mary points. "Your....your eyes..."
"My...." Emily sits down and touches her face. ""
"They...CHANGED." Mary sits perfectly still. "They, Emily..."
As Thomas and Emily head down the stairs, Vivian walks into Emily and Gren's bedroom. Sitting in the closet, was the bow, glowing a dark red color.
Because of the bow, pie!? I thought it was to protect unless...its picking up Emily's feelings now and....oh I'll stop in case of spoilers!!!! MORE! Love this!!!
Georgie had dealt with worse. As Swineheart patched up the back of his head, he tapped the scar lightly above his belly button. Holding his … morehand, Lyla was not too far behind. Emily and Gren sat in the living room, observing the ever so cheerful doctor and his casual conversations. Robert, on the other hand, vanished before either could say a word. Out of anger or guilt, neither of them could be too sure about. Thomas, however, would be staying the night. Emily had some questions about his 'death'. For the time being, however, she remained hushed. Even as everyone went their seperate ways and would return in the morning, Emily never said a single word.
That night, she refused to close her eyes. Gren, although laying in bed, had his wide open. Staring into the darkness, Emily could hear mumbling. She never asked what he was saying; Gren sometimes prayed to himself or held a conversation. With whom, Emily never needed to know; it was how Gren… [view original content]
Emily is one mama you'd never want to piss off. She'll defend her babies and soon-to-be-husband. She's got Georgie and Lyla in there. 'Nuff… more said. XD XD
And I DO have it all planned out. As far as Seraphina goes, well....I have it all worked out. Same with the other kids, too. You and JJ are on the right track. NOT quite, though.
It's quite strange reading about Luke and Makoto fighting after reading about them as protagonists, especially Luke. Sure, he was evil, but until he started properly fighting with Makoto it didn't seem so for real. Guess we'll have to remember the good Luke. :P
Otherwise, Makoto staring Death down and putting him in his place is really ballsy! Makoto is not a guy to mess with. And you've tied it in to the chapter you wrote a while ago!
Nevermore part 2: The Messiah
When Makoto came to he found himself being dangled off the roof by his neck. Luke had a firm grasp and a sm… moreile on his face. Makoto had anger, hate, and determination in his eyes. Luke laughed.
"What's with that look!? Did you get a second wind or something!" He smiled.
Makoto didn't answer, he swung his body and kicked Luke back bringing them both back on the roof. Makoto moved fast and attacked holding nothing back. After many hits to Luke, Makoto pulled his fist back and swung as hard as he could. Luke flew back. Makoto stepped on his chest and grabbed his arm and pulled until it ripped clear off, but blood was not spilled, darkness spewed where Luke's arm was and made a hand. Luke screamed in pain but laughed.
"That's not true..." Makoto said pulling out the orb of the world.
He crushed the orb in his hand, he felt a rush of ener… [view original content]
When these Harbingers get going they really get going! Think the part with Lyra being shorter worked well - gives more tension knowing that Bigby has figured things out and just leaving it as that!
This chapter went differently to how I imagined it :P Regardless, please enjoy!
Devils and Demons Chapter 7 – Nightmare Creatures
Deat… moreh had always been a mystery to those that knew of him. The tales of a heart filled with sand and a lack of emotion proved to be nothing more than lies and rumours, and now Death was to come face to face with his sibling, War.
Galen had made no attempt at trying to find Nick; he knew that Nick would find him sooner or later, so he was preparing himself accordingly. War had taken to helping Galen, mostly to spite Death, but also to remove Nick from the world. The rivalry’s of the Horsemen were mimicked by their Harbinger’s; just as Death and War hated each other, so did Galen and Nick.
The two most powerful of the 4 were in a constant battle for control and domination, but neither side would win. Chaos needed to be kept in check, fighting amongst the Horsemen would shift the balance and cause untold c… [view original content]
Makotos phone went off after he got dressed. He answered the phone to find out Swineheart wanted to tell him that Luna can be saved, but only at the cost of Mary's heart. He didn't know how to answer, he wanted to try and bring Mary back...but there was no way to cheat Death. He told him to go ahead with the procedure and hung up the phone. Bigby had been training Makoto to be a sheriff's operative lately, he'll be working under Beast and doing any investigating while Beast handles paperwork. Makoto didn't mind, in fact as of late he didn't care about much. He just wanted things to go back to the way they were.
Nobody remembers that day, where Dewitt and himself risked their lives to save the Mundy world and probably save most of the Fable world as well. After Death was sealed it's as if he had never been seen or heard of before. His father, mother, Clara, Dewitts whole family lineage didn't exist. As far as anyone knew, he and Mary were orphans that were found on the street. The only ones who remember what had happened was Celeste, and later on Ella, and Catherine.
One month later...
Today is Mary's funeral. Although only Makoto and his family showed up since everyone else didn't remember. There were no words to be said except for Luna who after the funeral said "I can hear her cries in my head when I shut down". Makoto fell to his knees and sobbed all he could think was it was all his fault, he screamed in anger. He stood up and realized that he's been mourning for to long. If this is what Mary's sacrifice was for then he'd make sure not to waste it...
A few days after Ellas first birthday...
"Makoto! Get in here quickly!!!" Celeste yelled
He and Luna rushed into the room to see Ella crawling but when she was moving dark pools of blood and darkness would splash as she moved. The blood nor the darkness actually touch her though, it never stained her clothes or her skin. So this is what his father meant when he gave her part of his darkness. He shook his head, laughed and picked her up.
"She's fine. This must be my father's gift." He said
"How is this fine!? She has pools of dark blood all around her hands and feet!" Celeste stressed.
"It'll be something we have to get used to-" Makoto cut himself off as he spotted shards of glass appearing out of her skin. "We also need to contact your mother when we move to the farm for a bit." He said.
"Mrs. Yuki do you want me to accompany you to the business office to see if there is any land?" Luna asked
She sighed "As much as I hate that place yes. If you wouldn't mind." She said.
They left and headed to the business office...
That's it! That's all I have time for right now, maybe I'll write more later. Any questions or comments or anything else let me know!
lmao XD She really can do a lot! She's got Morgan Le Faye to thank for all the training and such (Hmm, Morgan hasn't made much of an appearance lately. Maybe I should feature her in the next chapter!) I also want to take a trip to Winter's kingdom and see how the boys are doing (Thus, Tim's suggestion that Harmony should pay a small visit ^-^) Ugh, so many plans, not enough hours and determination in a day XD
So far it's good! I DO have to use this thing that melts the plastic on the candy wrappers, so the possibility of burning myself is present here, too XD It's all good though.
No matter what is thrown in her way, Harm has this down. With the flick of her wrist, she can managed anything. And that, folks, is how she… more gets (excuse the language) shit DOWN! Glad to hear your 1st day was awesome, although the tired shoulders do not sound like fun. XD I'd be eating all that, so Pie would be fired the first hour he's there. Glad to hear school is going great and hope you get all you've ever wanted. That extra $$$ helps, especially at your age. LEASTyou are not flipping burgers like my 1st job. -shudders- So many burns....XD XD
Yeah it was really weird writing this XD but also a ton of fun to see two of my characters duke it out! We will have to remember him as he was when he worked with Bigby (Which will be coming up soon I can't figure out a case for them to do )
He is very ballsy at that part but when he used the orb of the world, he wasn't the only one in that body.
It's quite strange reading about Luke and Makoto fighting after reading about them as protagonists, especially Luke. Sure, he was evil, but … moreuntil he started properly fighting with Makoto it didn't seem so for real. Guess we'll have to remember the good Luke. :P
Otherwise, Makoto staring Death down and putting him in his place is really ballsy! Makoto is not a guy to mess with. And you've tied it in to the chapter you wrote a while ago!
When these Harbingers get going they really get going! Think the part with Lyra being shorter worked well - gives more tension knowing that Bigby has figured things out and just leaving it as that!
Franklin towered over Ashlyn like a twig. She'd never imagined him ever getting much taller than he had been as a boy. But there he was, his lanky arms hung at his sides, his loose red t-shirt shining bright in the sunlight as the sun was setting over the horizon. They were standing all alone, in Ash's backyard.
It'd only been a week ago, that they shared their first kiss together. Since then, seeing one another was far too infrequent. Dealing with current happenings, and helping out with her younger siblings, Ashlyn had had her hands full for days. She was barely caught up with school work, let alone her social life. But Franklin understood, as he had been there when the terrible news about what happened in Paris was revealed.
"Matthew is troubled," She was saying, in a half whisper, as they swayed softly on separate swings. Ashlyn couldn't remember the last time she hung out on the swing set. She must have been in middle school. Soon, another generation of Fable children would be adorning it, sliding down it's rusty tunnel slide and flinging clumps of dusty sand at one another.
"He's gotten better though," Franklin said. "At least, as far as I've seen."
"He's confused, really. I think he doesn't know whats right and whats wrong. He came home kicking and screaming earlier today, but I guess Dad finally talked some sense into the kid's head. Or something."
"Anything that helps," Franklin suggested. He was too tall to swing his legs with out hitting the ground now, and Ash could sense the disappointment across his face.
"We'll get a tire swing," She told him. "One that's really high up."
Franklin just shrugged. "Sure."
"How's your Mom?" Ash asked.
"The same as usual. Pretending to not be super stressed and in pain by making sarcastic comments and yelling at people occasionally. Plus, she's working even though she's not supposed to. Swineheart said her pregnancy is even more high-risk than the last ones."
"That sucks," Ash said. "What about the kids?"
"The girls are still annoying, though I find them even moreso, since they like to assume I'm still their age and bother me with their stupid toys and what-not. Carter's cool, though. These are his old clothes, actually."
"Yeah, I figured," Ash said. "It's all a little baggy on you."
"Thanks." Franklin smirked. "What about you? How are you feeling lately?"
"Me? I don't know..." Her voice trailed off.
The sun had finally dipped under the mountains. The stars came out, glistening like glitter across the dark blue sky. Franklin turned his head up to gaze at it all, a smile playing across his lips. His fangs retracted accidently, cutting into his lips haphazardly.
"Ow," He cursed, rubbing his lip with his hand. "That's beginning to get on my nerves."
"Can't control your daggers?" Ash laughed.
Franklin gave her a petty punch in the arm. "Shut up. They never came out as often when I was little. Although, I did also eat more regularly before....this happened to me," He gestured to his full grown body.
Ash's face flushed slightly, as she realized what that might mean. It meant that his body was craving a source of nutrition, and it wanted anything that it could have. That included blood.
"You should eat more," She said hastily. "My Dad's cooking dinner, you better eat it."
"I don't really like chicken though," Franklin protested.
"I don't fucking care, you're eating."
He held his hands up defensively,"Whoa, now. I'll eat, Ashy."
"Ashy? Really?"
"I didn't think you'd be that cheesy and start coming up with pet names already."
"What are you even talking about? I just thought-"
"Just call me Ash. Or buttercakes. I like buttercakes enough to let that one slide."
Franklin laughed, but his laugh grew silent quicker than Ash would have anticipated. His eyes were glowing in the darkness of night, a deep blood red that reminded Ash of the color of fire.
Their faces met in between the chains that held the swings up. Franklin's lips were powdery and soft, whereas Ash's were a bit sticky with sweat and tasted like salt. Who would have thought that a vampire and a werewolf would ever find love in one another? Before they knew it, they were off the swings and traveling down the bare path that started at the tree line. The path led to a little area where Ash and her siblings would camp in the summer as children, right next to the crystal lake that faced the mountains. When they reached it, it was as if they were staring at a perfect mirror, the image of the full moon present across it's surface. It was as if they could step in and arrive in another universe entirely.
The pair landed on a freshly fallen log. It hadn't yet grown moss or flowers in it, and was fairly dry given the recent snow flurries the other day. Thankfully, it had no snow on it, either. They plopped down it, hand in hand, and leaned on one another as if it were the most natural thing on earth. She buried her face in his jacket, sheilding it from the breeze in the air and smelling in his scents as if they were something magical. In return, his arms held her tight, a little too tight, and he kissed the top of her head ever so lightly, every few minutes that passed. They could barely see the house light on from where they sat, which is how they both liked it, because that meant seclusion from the real world.
It was then that they kissed more. Ash's legs were crossed and over-top of his as they made out, their skin rubbing together softly. She held his cheeks and gave him a smile so genuine that she started to tear up some.
Franklin kissed her lips once more, and noticed the crying. "What's wrong? Did I...?"
"You didn't do anything wrong," She said back. "I love you, Franklin."
She could feel his entire body tense up all of a sudden, and then relax all at once. He pressed his lips against her cheek and then grazed his incisors across her skin, sending shivers throughout her body. "I love you too."
Intertwined, love for one another, nothing could ruin this moment.
Nothing, except the fact that there was a bright flash in the sky.
"Was that lightning?" Robert asked, staring out the window skeptically. He'd closed his book as soon as the brightness flooded the room for that split second, and it still sat in the crook of his hand as he bend over an arm chair to see out the window.
"What do I know?" Noah said plainly. "I was just napping here until you woke me with your voice. It couldn't have been lightning, there wasn't any noise."
"It might be far enough away that we missed it," Robert suggested. "I didn't see rain on the forecast, though."
"Well duh," Noah said. "The forecast is never right."
"That's not true," Robert replied. "They were right when they said hail the other day."
"And they also said it would be 85 degrees that day, too, and that Hell would freeze over. I don't think either of those things happened."
Robbie rolled his eyes, and drew the curtains closed. There was not another flash after the first one.
"You have a blade in your bra?" Franklin's voice came out awkward and shocked as she dug in swiftly and retrieved the small knife.
"You never know when you're gonna need one," She explained. "And the security guards as school don't pat breasts, so that's where I keep it."
"I thought that there were also metal detectors-"
"I've learned a thing or two about disabling electronics with a bit of magic from my mother. Don't underestimate me, lovey."
Franklin laughed sarcastically. "Look who's giving out pet names now!"
"Oh shut it. Let's investigate, shall we?"
"I don't think I have much say in what you decide to do, so I'll follow your lead."
With that, Ash was quickly running around the perimeter of the lake, her feet throwing wet sand in all directions. Franklin narrowly dodged it, trying not to get his clothes dirty on this adventure.
Matthew had been lying across the couch still when he suddenly jerked awake under Harmony's arm. Her and Tim took turns comforting him all day, as he refused to move much and seemed to be feeling ill after his outburst. She was brushing her fingers through his fine brown hair when he yelped out.
"Shh," Her voice cooed. "It was just a bad dream, sweetie."
"No!" He said loudly. "No it wasn't! No, something bad is happening!"
Harmony stared at him, a little confused. She assumed he must still be half asleep, but the look in his eyes proved otherwise. All of the sudden, the windows flashed, as if there had been a lightning strike close by. However, no thunder followed. That threw a red flag up in Harmony's mechanical brain. She stood from the couch, opening the curtains to look out. The view from the living room window provided a gorgeous view of the nature that surrounded her home. She could see the edge of the lake over the tree line from there, and a little wisp of smoke from where ever the lightning struck.
"We need to go! We need to!" The boy behind her yelped, his voice ravaging. "They'll kill us all!"
Harmony was ready for whatever bastard was threatening her and her family. She ran into the kitchen, causing Tim to jump as the door swung wide.
"What is it-"
"Get the children and bring them to my mother's house," She ordered him. "Something is happening. I can sense the darkness already entering our home."
"What do you mean?" Tim looked at her confused, still stirring the pot of noodles.
"Take the kids. All of them. Every single one of them. I have an emergency portal already set up in the foyer, take the babies and the others and go."
"I can't leave you here by yourself," Tim said. "I need to stay with you."
"You don't," Harmony said firmly. "I want to know that my babies will all be alright. Take them, Timothy. That's an absolute order. I'm sending a note to the witches as we speak."
Tim glanced at the table, which had a pen scribbling across a piece of paper, with nothing but air guiding it. He hadn't noticed how intricate Harmony's powers had really gotten until right then, and he figured the amount of adrenaline coursing through her at that moment was also helping her a lot.
Tim just nodded. It was then, that they heard actual thunder, as storm clouds filled the skies above their house.
Their little corner of the world was supposed to be untouched. There was supposed to be a force-field around it, undetectable by any mundane's in the immediate area. Why did Harmony suddenly feel so vulnerable?
Tim quickly exited the room, heading upstairs to the nursery to get the babies.
"Maybe it is just a storm," Robert kept rambling about the weather. Noah stopped listening about 5 seconds in, trying to close his eyes so he could get a nap in before that night. He was expecting Sara-Jane to come around, but even then he wasn't entirely sure.
"What!" Robert's voice yelled, rocking Noah from his slumber once more. Noah growled, his low throaty wolf growl.
"Will you keep it the hell down? I'm SLEEPING if you haven't noticed!"
"Well you might want to be awake for this!" Robert said. The curtains were all drawn back again, and it revealed something of a phenomenon mixed with a nightmare.
"That's a dark cloud..." Noah said slowly. Also, it's pretty bright for after sunset, dontcha think?"
"Yeah, I noticed that a little earlier, Noah," Robert replied. "I don't think this is good."
Noah finally sighed, slipping his shoes off carefully. "Wanna go look? Can't hurt, can it?"
Robert hesitated. "I don't know. I think we should tell Mom-"
"Oh, for Christ's sake Rob! We're nearly adults! If we noticed it, don't you think they already have too? She's probably running around the house collecting babies and shuffling them through the front door. This can't be good."
"And you want to freakin' go out and check it out?" Robert yelled back.
"Yep." Immediately, Noah threw open the long french-style windows to the study open, knocking out the screen that separated inside from outside, and fell the five feet to the ground. Instead of landing on feet, he landed on paws and his fur was blowing in the sudden accumulation of strong winds. The cold whipped through his hair, but it didn't bother him in the least. He disappeared into the forest, followed by his much more hesitant brother Robbie. Of course, Robbie hadn't left without leaving a hastily written note on his and Noah's whereabouts, just in case Noah WAS right and she WAS running frantic all over the place.
That's all for now! Dun dun dun! What could be happening? Who is the source of this evil?
Is it someone we may already know?
You'll find out, next chapter! Sorry if this was long, lol XD I was writing, and I kept writing, and now I'm still writing, and I should probably stop and do something more productive with my life. Like.... Bah, who am I kidding? I'm going to play sims XD
The minute Robert arrived to their home, Emily's bilious feeling went away. As if it never happened. Mary, concerned for her sudden behavior, stood nearby in case she was needed. Thomas, hands tucked behind his back, carefully examined Emily. He looked over at her shoulders; her long, jet black hair parted in the middle, several strands drapping over her shoulders and the rest falling carefully down her back.
Emily rubs her head and looks over at Mary. "Woot?"
"Are....are you okay, Emily?" Mary pushes two Tylenols at Emily. "You...were....the fuck was that?"
"I don't bloody know." Emily pops the pills into her mouth and takes a sip of water. "It must 'ave been a fookin' fluke. Its gone, wooteva' it was...."
Mary glances over at Thomas. "YOU. Grendel man. What the hell is this?"
"I wouldn't worry yourself too much, Mary. Emily is handling the changes very well and-"
"WOOT fookin' changes!?" Emily's chair falls over to the side, both hands in a tightly formed fist. "The fook did ya' do ta' me!"
Emily's eyes became the solid black color Mary observed earlier. She stepped closer to Thomas; standing on her toes, she glares into his eyes and breaths heavily. Thomas was not the least bit worried or fearful for Emily's change. He'd seen this transaction happen before. It came with the territory of owning Artemis' bow. The sacred item belonged to the goddess of hunt and protecting young girls and women alike. It was left to the Wood Elves, forever creating their ability to hunt and be one with their surrounding nature. Grendel's mother, Calla, was the sole owner of this bow and how she was able to obtain what was hidden within the weapon.
By passing it to Emily, she now had the ability Calla once had. She was merely going through the changes and as Thomas stood before the young Porgie, he could see it. Sense it. Notice how she held herself up and presented the anger within. Thomas tried to smile and touch her face.
"Get the fook away from me!" Emily slaps Thomas' hand away. "Ya' filthy, dirty fookin'-"
"Come with me." Thomas holds out his hand. "Let's take a walk, you and me."
Mary grabs Emily's hand. "Oh no you don't, you sick fucking swamp creature from the black lagoon! You're not taking her away from me, got it?"
Emily gently touches Mary's hand. "I got this, Mary. Please."
"But, Emily-" Mary refuses to release her grip. "You-I mean-Emily...."
"Please, Mary." Emily looks over and notices Vivian. They both nod. "I need ta' figure things out. My life is not the same now, Mary. Ya' of all people should know this. Did it NOT change, fa' the both of ya', when ya' got with me brotha' Junior?"
One by one, Mary's fingers drop until neither of them touch Emily's skin. Holding her hand in place, Mary could only stare at Thomas. Emily taking this as her answer, grabs Thomas by the hand and is led out to the back. Vivian passes Mary by; touching the Fable, she leaves a cool, compressed hand on Mary's arm, indicating she was indeed nearby. Mary rubs the spot, takes her seat and waits.
"You BETTER guard her, Vivian. Or so help me....."
Mary, cupping her face, silently weeps. For Emily was right. About everything.
Carefully, Thomas and Emily walk down the dirt path. On each ends, wild flowers bloom. The trees begin to show tiny white blossoms poking through the little brown buds forming beneath them. Emily stops to pick a few flowers. The Bees swarm in groups, traveling from Flower to Flower, pollinating as they go. The creek bubbles not too far from the home. A Crane and several other wild birds poke their heads from the tall grass. The sun shines high above the clouds, creating a warm blanket for the two Fables and the guardian, closely following behind.
"Spring is upon us." Thomas inhales the warm air. "I can smell it. Feel it. Taste it in my food."
"Where DO ya' live, Thomas? Ya' neva' mentioned and Gren-"
"I come and go as I please, dear." Thomas and Emily sit under a shade tree. "I go where I'm needed. Feel like sleeping. I catch my own meals, build my own home and wander this Earth like it was made for only me. I know this is asking for trouble but, to be honest, its all I've ever known. Gren, Robert or Isaiah have no need to worry about me...."
"They are. Gren....ya' may find this hard ta' believe but, he's oten thought of ya'."
Thomas strokes his goatee hairs and looks off into the distance. "I thought of my boys all the time. I knew there was a chance some of them made it out alive but when your head is full of anger and spite, the last thing you wish to do is involve others."
"It wasn't Gren's fault." Emily adjusts in the grass. "Woot happend ta' his mutha and all."
Thomas closes his eyes. "I've tried to tell my heart and soul that for years, dear. I really have. But I'm dead set on it. Gren should have ignored those men and women. She didn't NEED to walk out from the glades, pick a fight and devour all those souls. For what? The noise? Anger? Because Gren felt like being an ass that day?"
"He regrets eva' tryin' ta' fix it, Thomas. He really does..."
Thomas huffs. "His mother had no business taking his spot anyways. She should have let him die-"
"Ya' don't MEAN that, Thomas." Emily uses the tree to pull herself up. "Ya' don't fookin' mean this! I know ya' have ya' feelings towards him but-"
"Emily. Sit. Please." Thomas grabs her hand. "I know these words are difficult to listen. I feel horrible even speaking such awful things but its the TRUTH, Emily. THIS is how I feel about Grendel. He should have died. You need to understand-I lost my wife because my son's foolish and eratic behavior. Because of him, Beowulf was called upon. HE had his arm torn off because of his actions. My wife begged and pleaded for the Witch to help Gren. To save him from dying in the forest...."
Emily continues to speak. "Ya' don't need ta' talk 'bout him like that. Please..."
"I apologies." Thomas looks out once more. "I'm just...she took his place in death. I lost my wife. She became the tree and-"
"But why the bloody tree?"
"Weeping Willows mean a lot of things. She was one with the Earth. Perhaps it felt appropriate. Some say Orpheus used Willow wood to care out a talisman against evil as he journeyed to the Underworld."
Emily took her seat. "Underworld....oh my God. Viviana...."
Thomas continued. "For the Elves, the tree represented beauty and spiritual connection. She would be forever one with the Earth and near her boys for all eternity. During the Exile, I know Grendel tried to go back but her roots were far deep into the ground. I too, made the attempt but it was no use. Your father hid that knife and according to him, when he went back, her roots were entangled into the blade and handle."
"He told me that." Emily leans against the tree. "He fookin' told me this, Thomas..."
"And I'm simply answering all your questions. Wood Elves believed in everything opposite to Grendels: beauty, love, connections. All that. When their mother obtained the bow, all her magic and beliefs were trapped inside. The arrows powered by love, the bow crafted out of destiny and determination. By him giving you the bow, Calla must have sensed you because of what occured with Grendel and your father the night he stabbed Gren with the knife."
Emily covers her mouth. The attatchment to Vivian; Calla must have sensed it and did everything in her power to take Vivian from Hades' grasp and send her into Emily's life. The bow must have been the crafted tailsman Thomas mentioned. Viviana was being protected, like the bow's original purpose in life. Emily, now in possesion of the bow, WAS protecting her daughters. Like Artemis did. Calla's powers were forever locked into the bow itself; by her father stabbing Gren with the knife, their connection was sealed. Calla KNEW Emily would be with her son. It explained why Carla never felt the love. Wanted anything to do with Gren. Emily had become what Calla once was.
Emily looks down at her hands. "No...I'M the one that-"
"You're the protector of your daughters. Guardian to your son. Lover to Grendel. Because of Calla, Vivian was freed from the Underworld and able to find you. Guide you. Take you away from the path of destruction and onto the one made for you since day one. Gren GAVE you that bow because he knew it was right. We Grendels just FEEL these things, Emily. It felt RIGHT giving you his mother's bow..."
"My daughters-"
"They have their own place in this world, Emily. I can assure you, they'll make you and my son very proud. Chloe and Viviana are destined for great. Little Seraphina will find her place among the skies, Earth, water...."
Emily beamed. Looking over, she notices Vivian holding the babies. All but Viviana are held against her chest.
"Woot 'bout Liam?" Emily wipes away a tear. "Woot 'bout him, Thomas? Please....will he be alright?"
"I only know bits, Emily. I do apologies. Liam is just like Grendel in more ways than one. But he has the mind of his mother. The agility of his grandmother and the hope of his grandfather. He moves like the wind and swiftly like the Wolf. His strength is of the Grendel but his love and devotion from the Wood Elves. Each of them will have the element, just like my boys did."
"But, ya' had FIVE sons." Emily plucks Viviana from the sky. "I have just the four babies."
Thomas smiles, looking down at Emily. "So you do. Now...."
"Thomas, I-"
"Ah, my grandchildren. There you are. Come to papa Thomas." Thomas takes Chloe and Seraphina in his arms. Liam, still weak from his changes, cuddles into Emily's lap and chews on her shirt.
"My they are getting very big. Such wonderful children. My little girls-you'll make us very proud one day. My little Liam-you and your sisters will forever keep this world at peace and make it better. Something we failed at for generations...."
"Perhaps Vivian should tell you herself. But that can be for another day. Come. Let us go find where your uncles and father have gone to."
Helping Emily to her feet, Thomas leads them both down the slope of the hill and back to the home. Viviana flies into the sky and follows her mother and grandfather. Chloe and Seraphina remain in Thomas' arms, as Emily does her best to comfort her boy. Liam, closing his eyes, continues to suck on her shirt. She notices three large Grendels in the front yard; Junior, sitting on the fence post, watches as Gren tosses Robert to the side. The children, all sitting behind the fence, watch anxiously at the battle, for neither of them have ever witnessed such strength and force.
Sheila slams her hand into the ground. "GO ROBERT! GO!"
"Robert?" George seemes stunned. "Why would you go for Robert? We want uncle Gren to win!"
Sheila pats her brother's hand. "I'm sorry but....if you have NOT noticed, Georgie my dear brother....he's a BIT smaller and-"
Junior takes the front of his shoe and taps his daughter in the back of the head. "Sheila. What have I told you?"
"But daddy!" Sheila points out. "He's-"
"Sheila. One more word and you'll be going in the house."
Emily was not sure what was taking place. Although changed, Isaiah stood back and away. The only two in full combat were Gren and Robert. Pressing his brother against the Earth, Robert sat in the middle of Gren's back and held his right hand against his head.
"The fook!?" Emily heads for the house. "Why are they fighten' like this, Thomas? I thought they had ta' talk and-"
"They do." Thomas places the babies on the grass. "Only if they agreed Robert could have it...."
Thomas begins to undress and change. Emily, placing Liam with the others, charges after him. She notices Sunflower and without a single word, he knows what to do. Emily's heart was racing; Gren must have wanted it more than he led on. He didn't have a chance. Robert was already creating a mess in the dirt with blood and bits of flesh.
"Get the kids outta 'ere, Junior!" Emily's eyes were a solid black once more. "GO! Get em' outta 'ere!"
Emily looks over and notices the bow. Vivian, holding the item, trembles in place. Emily snatches the item from her guardian's hands; immediatly, an Ivy plant exits the handle, wraps around Emily's hand and disappears into her body. The arrows glow red; they turn a golden yellow, as she points and aims it directly at Robert.
Vivian grabs Emily's shoulder. "EMILY! Do you even know how to-"
"Not now, Vivian..." Emily releases the arrow, as it penetrates the air, flies past the others and into Robert's arm. "I'm tryin' ta' save me family...."
Robert roars into the air. Clutching his arm, Gren takes this opportunity and leaps onto his brother. Pinning Robert to the ground, a cloud of dust forms a foundation beneath the brothers. Panicked, Isaiah covers his mouth and turns away; he'd never seen his brothers react in such a manner before. It made him nauseas and unable to breath. Gren sinks his teeth into Robert's neck; the blood pours from the wound and seeps into Gren's mouth, causing his grip to tighten.
"He's going to kill him!" Isaiah looks over at Thomas, now in full form. "Dad, shit! DO something!"
Thomas sadly knew of the only thing to truly stop his son. As the life draned slowly from Robert's eyes, Thomas snags Gren's arm and holds tightly. Gren, turning to view his father, snarls and hisses; he tries to snap his jaws around Thomas, as Robert plummets to the ground. Emily, notiving what was about to take place, runs for Gren. But it was too late.
"THOMAS!" Everyone knew what was about to happen next. "THOMAS, FOOK-NOOOOO!"
With one mighty pull, Thomas tears off Gren's arm. Tossing it to the side, Gren screams into the mid-morning light, tumbles to the ground and curls into a tight ball. Emily rushes to his side, grabs his head and glares up at Thomas. Her eyes remaining dark as the night sky.
Remaining on the ground, Emily holds Gren. Surprisingly, he was not angry or distraught.
"Emily, it had to had to be done-"
"Woot, Gren-WHY, love!? He almost-"
"It kicked in." Gren looks over at his brother, tending to the arrow not causing severe pain in Robert's arm. "It finally kicked in..."
"Woot kicked in, Gren!? I....I don't understand, I-"
Gren glares up at Thomas, blood dripping off his hands. Thomas turns away, ashamed of the answer.
"What HE'S always wanted me to be." Gren suddenly beams. "An Alpha."
Any questions, you know the drill. Sorry for this long ass chapter. XD I was on a good one today. This idea has been brewing in my head for some time; I actually woke up last night and wrote it down, so I wouldn't forget. Trying to REALLY bring it all together. If anything is confusing, not be afraid to ask.
My money is on char, Tobias or hell.....even Tim's sister but I could be WAAAAY off with these! Seeing Franklin's interactions with Ash always remind me of my younger years trying to speak to girls, although his frustration at the moment...poor kid, man. Tim cooking dinner! XD XD DON'T know why that ammused me. XD
LOL The Sims are awesome. :P You can't go wrong with that.
Franklin towered over Ashlyn like a twig. She'd never imagined him ever getting much taller than he had been as a boy. But there he was, his… more lanky arms hung at his sides, his loose red t-shirt shining bright in the sunlight as the sun was setting over the horizon. They were standing all alone, in Ash's backyard.
It'd only been a week ago, that they shared their first kiss together. Since then, seeing one another was far too infrequent. Dealing with current happenings, and helping out with her younger siblings, Ashlyn had had her hands full for days. She was barely caught up with school work, let alone her social life. But Franklin understood, as he had been there when the terrible news about what happened in Paris was revealed.
"Matthew is troubled," She was saying, in a half whisper, as they swayed softly on separate swings. Ashlyn couldn't remember the last time she hung out on the swing set. She must have been in middle school. Soon,… [view original content]
Cormac wishing to be like nick really leaves you to truly understand just what Nick is capable of and the power he has within himself. To be honest, Cormac dead (for now at least) does not surprise me. Nick is badass during this fight and Pestilence is one bad ass as well. So, when they are killed, they must take new forms? Neat.
He was so stupid; he had forgotten that he had reclaimed his power of hellfire from Aleesha!
Sounds like me on a daily basis. XD XD Forget something and when you remember it, WATCH the fuck out! XD I loved the description that followed. I forgot about that part....
Neat story, man. Apologies for not leaving a comment sooner.
This chapter went differently to how I imagined it :P Regardless, please enjoy!
Devils and Demons Chapter 7 – Nightmare Creatures
Deat… moreh had always been a mystery to those that knew of him. The tales of a heart filled with sand and a lack of emotion proved to be nothing more than lies and rumours, and now Death was to come face to face with his sibling, War.
Galen had made no attempt at trying to find Nick; he knew that Nick would find him sooner or later, so he was preparing himself accordingly. War had taken to helping Galen, mostly to spite Death, but also to remove Nick from the world. The rivalry’s of the Horsemen were mimicked by their Harbinger’s; just as Death and War hated each other, so did Galen and Nick.
The two most powerful of the 4 were in a constant battle for control and domination, but neither side would win. Chaos needed to be kept in check, fighting amongst the Horsemen would shift the balance and cause untold c… [view original content]
Basically, the Harbingers need host bodies to walk the earth, but it's like a massive selection process. These host bodies need to have desirable appearances, traits and backgrounds first, then they need to be either recently dead or near death.
Aleesha and Cormac can only be killed by either Famine or Pestilence respectively; so they aren't dead, they just can't do anything in the real world
Nick knows full well of what he is capable of, and while Cormac and others find this raw power to be desirable, Nick doesn't like using his full potential. You will see what Nick can really do soon enough with his Black Magic against Harmony...
Cormac wishing to be like nick really leaves you to truly understand just what Nick is capable of and the power he has within himself. To be… more honest, Cormac dead (for now at least) does not surprise me. Nick is badass during this fight and Pestilence is one bad ass as well. So, when they are killed, they must take new forms? Neat.
He was so stupid; he had forgotten that he had reclaimed his power of hellfire from Aleesha!
Sounds like me on a daily basis. XD XD Forget something and when you remember it, WATCH the fuck out! XD I loved the description that followed. I forgot about that part....
Neat story, man. Apologies for not leaving a comment sooner.
Don't mess with Emily Porgie
THIS is what I got from this entire chapter! >:D She may look like Georgie but she HAS her mother's fiery personality! DAMN! And speaking of Lyla, she can kick some serious ass! Watch out, Robert; you maybe a huge swamp man but Lyla Jane Porgie is one mama Wolf ya' don't want to mess with!! XD And Georgie! The hell was he thinking!? LMAO 'Can't fookin' do shit but here...let me get in the way of TWO male Grendels, another one 'bout ta' change and me Wolf wife, with death in her eyes.' XD XD
But on a serious note, Emily is determined to fix this. I have a feeling Isaiah SAYING he wants no part in this won't be THAT easy. I think Gren SECRETLY wants to take his father's place; why would he attack Robert like that if he really didn't care....that's just me, though.
Again, congrats, dude. You'll go far. And yes, this IS you right now. :P I'll come by later! I have a surprise for you!!!

Best. Gif. Ever. XD
Congrats! (As I have read the comments and deciphered what freaking awesome news you were refering to
) Getting accepted to college must feel absolutely amazing! Moving is tough, but as long as your happy with it, it's also an adventure!
I myself have been moving on down with things! I just started my first job today which was fun and a little strenuous, which is great! I've also been looking at colleges and I think I want to apply to NJIT and see what they say
Great pic, too! I love how Emily has changed so much! I love her and Gren together almost as much as I love Georgie and Lyla
Good luck!
Nevermore part 2: The Messiah
When Makoto came to he found himself being dangled off the roof by his neck. Luke had a firm grasp and a smile on his face. Makoto had anger, hate, and determination in his eyes. Luke laughed.
"What's with that look!? Did you get a second wind or something!" He smiled.
Makoto didn't answer, he swung his body and kicked Luke back bringing them both back on the roof. Makoto moved fast and attacked holding nothing back. After many hits to Luke, Makoto pulled his fist back and swung as hard as he could. Luke flew back. Makoto stepped on his chest and grabbed his arm and pulled until it ripped clear off, but blood was not spilled, darkness spewed where Luke's arm was and made a hand. Luke screamed in pain but laughed.
"That's not true..." Makoto said pulling out the orb of the world.
He crushed the orb in his hand, he felt a rush of energy course through his body. A white aura formed around him, his eyes became crimson red, his clothes became white. And in his hands was a sword forged by the gods, a gold handle and a blade that was almost transparent. The hand that was made of darkness was cut off by the sword and it didn't grow back. Makoto picked Luke up by the throat and held the sword to his heart.
"By the way....I gave your daughter a you'll never forget me." He laughed. "She will have a part of the darkness that I myself use. But no worries it will not harm her." He smiled. "Now do it. You beat me...should of dropped you off the roof when I had the chance." He said looking down.
Makoto shoved the sword into his heart. Tearing out Death straight out of his body, Luke's body dropped what was darkness was now blood and Makoto had no interest in helping him. Death stood over Luke's body and took his soul.
"I don't think you oppose this?" Death asked
Makoto used the sword to open a void back to the great seal, he pointed the sword near the void.
"You do your work behind the seal. If I ever catch you or anyone else behind that seal moving out. I don't mind doing your job, I am NOT like my father." Makoto demanded, although his voice didn't sound like his own.
Death grabbed his scythe and stabbed Makoto. Makoto grabbed the scythe and threw it down. He reached into deaths cloak and grabbed him dragged him through the void and opened the seal. He threw death into the seal and closed it. He walked back through the void which brought him back to the mundane world, with Lunas body. His body turned to normal, he saw Lunas body picked it up and carried it to Swineheart. After that he went back to the woodlands. He felt out of breath like he could drop dead. But he pushed on to see his wife to be and his child. He opened the door to the roof...and saw Celeste he smiled and went to her side, closed his eyes and went to sleep.
That's it! Any questions or comments or anything else let me know!
This chapter went differently to how I imagined it :P Regardless, please enjoy!
Devils and Demons Chapter 7 – Nightmare Creatures
Death had always been a mystery to those that knew of him. The tales of a heart filled with sand and a lack of emotion proved to be nothing more than lies and rumours, and now Death was to come face to face with his sibling, War.
Galen had made no attempt at trying to find Nick; he knew that Nick would find him sooner or later, so he was preparing himself accordingly. War had taken to helping Galen, mostly to spite Death, but also to remove Nick from the world. The rivalry’s of the Horsemen were mimicked by their Harbinger’s; just as Death and War hated each other, so did Galen and Nick.
The two most powerful of the 4 were in a constant battle for control and domination, but neither side would win. Chaos needed to be kept in check, fighting amongst the Horsemen would shift the balance and cause untold catastrophes around the world.
Death appears on a grassy hilltop as the sun sets in the distance, this is a different part of the Homelands to be sure. He spots War and Galen and walks towards them calmly. The two were overseeing something, but their plan wasn’t the cause of Death’s attention.
War turns around; the large man wore beautiful red robes with shining steel armour, he had pure white eyes and long silvery hair, a constant scowl on his face. He spoke with a gravelly and dominating voice “You took your time”
Death crossed his arms and narrowed his yellow-eyed gaze at his Brother “I had things to do...”
Galen turned around, not looking at all pleased to see Death before him “Been helping my dear Brother?” Death moved his head just enough to stare at Galen “Yes, unlike War I am actually helping Nick” War chuckled then “Brother, you forget that I am providing Galen with an army!”
Death looked over the edge of the hill to see nearly a thousand men all training vigorously with an assortment of weaponry, their eyes were all a milky colour, a telltale sign that they were under Galen’s leadership. Death spoke “I never understood how you could rally men to your side to fight to the death so easily”
Galen smirked “Just like you claim the souls of the dead, I can fill men with a morale so high they that will do anything. They will kill for me, and they will die for me”
Death started to pace “So what is your plan then?” War was the one to speak then “Galen will kill Nick, and then he will kill that bitch daughter of his...” Death stopped pacing and stared right into War’s gaze, he wanted to do something, but he was not allowed.
He had to suppress his anger as he replied “Why should the girl die?” Galen interjected “Because she should not exist. We don’t have children, Death, we are meant to be alone, or have you forgotten who you really are?”
Death smiled “I am fully aware of who I am; I am Death itself, I am the sire of the true Harbinger of Doom, and I will ensure that he succeeds in his quest”
Death crumbled away into dust; Galen looked at War, he seemed on edge “Master, what is it?” War glanced at his creation “He will have to be dealt with somehow...”
O The new Wolf Manor
The dinner was going perfectly, Snow and Bigby had mutually prepared a sizeable feast, and there was more than enough for 4 so Lyra wasn’t going to go hungry. She was presenting the best manners she could, and for a girl that was born of 2 reformed killers, Nick and Mary had done everything they could to ensure Lyra could lead a normal life, as well as be a kind-hearted and sweet person.
Throughout the dinner however, Bigby had been subtly keeping a close eye on Lyra... Blossom spoke up “Hey Dad, you ok?” Bigby glanced to his daughter and managed a smile “Yeah, sweetie, I’m fine”
Lyra may have been 10 years old, but she wasn’t as helpless as she made herself out to be. She knew Bigby was watching her closely, and by now she had figured out that he knew who she really was...
O Elsewhere
Nick trudged his way down the hill and walked into the bustling city; it wasn’t an overly big place, but it must’ve had nearly 1000 residents at a guess. He wasn’t letting his guard down for one second as he scanned the crowds for his Brother, Cormac...
Nick whispered to himself “Come on, how hard can it be to spot an Irish-man with muscles in this crowd?” Of all of Nick’s powers, improved vision wasn’t one of them. Sure he could see with perfect clarity and a little farther than the average Fable, but his night vision worked like everyone else’s...
Unfortunately, Nick’s searching had limited his sense of awareness, a gruff Irish voice spoke behind him “I missed you, Nick” Nick slowly turned around to see Cormac standing behind him with a happy smile on his face. Nick couldn’t tell whether Cormac was genuinely happy to see him, or if it was just a ruse to catch him off-guard.
“So what happens now?” Cormac chuckled at Nick’s response and put a hand to his shoulder; leading him through the crowd towards a tavern “I wanna have a drink and chat with you first...”
The 2 men walked inside and were instantly met with mixed looks of fear and interest, though it was an interest of the violent nature. Some patrons left the place in an instant, whilst others gave the 2 men a wide berth with intimidating glares. Nick and Cormac sat down opposite each other as a brown haired girl came up to them slowly “Anything for you 2?”
Cormac spoke for both of them without removing his gaze from Nick’s own “We’ll have 2 pints of your strongest whiskey, but make sure my Brother has a fair amount of salt in his, thank you” The girl seemed to understand what Cormac meant as she left the pair with shakier legs than before.
Nick leant back in his chair “So what do you want to talk about?” Cormac laced his fingers together as he spoke “We both know that Galen is planning ahead, I just want to inform you of what he has planned-“
Nick raised a firm hand “No, I want it to be a surprise” Cormac was thrown off by the response “But, War is helping him...” Nick narrowed his gaze “And Death is helping me”
The girl came back with the drinks and left in a hurry, Nick took a large swig of his whiskey “Mmm, that’s good” Cormac took a smaller sip of his “Can you taste the salt?” Nick shook his head “Nah, remember fresh drinks burn me like acid... and taste like raw sewage, salted drinks taste like they should”
Cormac smiled “An unfortunate side effect of your host, eh?” Nick smiled back “Yep, this merciless pirate was drowning in the ocean when I found him, if I’d merged with him on land then I wouldn’t have this severe weakness to freshwater”
Cormac studied his arms “My host was a brawler you know, he never lost a fight...”
Nick looked at his hands “These hands have been working the decks of ships for nearly 40 years; my host was a pirate captain in his 50’s, and a damn vicious one at that. He didn’t understand what mercy and morality meant; he raped, plundered and murdered anything in his sights until he was finally killed by the British Navy in 1750...”
Cormac shook his head “And now look what we did to them: my host has more muscle than he did before, and yours is much younger and fitter...” Nick took another swig of his drink as Cormac did the same, he looked at his Brother “Who would’ve thought, eh? You and I are actually having a friendly talk...”
Cormac set his drink down “Yeah... But we both know how this ends”
Nick slowly moved his right hand to the back of his slacks, reaching for his revolver “I want that vial back”
In a flash, Nick brandished the revolver and went to shoot Cormac in the heart, but Cormac had anticipated as such and caught Nick’s arm as he drew, moving it to the side. The shot went past Cormac and hit the wall of the tavern; he punched Nick across the face with his free hand, and boy could he hit hard. The blow left Nick in a slight daze as Cormac threw him against the bar.
The patrons all left in a hurry as Cormac forced Nick against the wooden bar by his neck, choking him with a raw strength that Nick didn’t posses. Nick wasn’t helpless however, as he reached for a metal tankard and hit Cormac across the face with it, but the attack served only to move Cormac’s face to the side a little.
The attack did loosen Cormac’s grip however and Nick took the opportunity by head butting him in the nose, it broke on impact and started bleeding that foul black blood, but Cormac wouldn’t let go. Nick could see spots in his vision; he had to do something...
He was so stupid; he had forgotten that he had reclaimed his power of hellfire from Aleesha! Nick set his hands ablaze and put them to Cormac’s face, he let go in an instant and lurched backwards, cupping his face and wailing in pain. Nick coughed as he regained his breathe, but his Brother had recovered first. Cormac grabbed Nick and threw him through the tavern wall to the streets outside.
Cormac walked outside and changed into his intermediate from: his skin turned black and his eyes white, his clothes were gone, his mouth stretched from ear to ear with sharpened teeth inside, and a large war hammer with a solid stone head was in his clawed hands. The Harbinger swung the war hammer down onto Nick’s back; it broke with a very audible crack.
Nick couldn’t move as Cormac brought the hammer up again and swung it down again, this time onto Nick’s left leg. This wasn’t assault, this was torture...
Nick couldn’t heal fast enough to stand a chance against his Brother; his trump card had to be played now. As Cormac brought the hammer up again, he noticed Nick had something in his hand. Nick chuckled painfully “You... forgot... about this”
The vial that Cormac once possessed had been removed from his person while he had Nick forced against the bar. Nick drank down the liquid with some disgust. His body began to crack and stretch, and then the screaming started. Nick’s skin literally receded back into him as his flesh and muscle remained as the outer layer.
His clothes disappeared along with his weapons, his eyes turned yellow, his mouth stretched from ear to ear with sharpened teeth, and his nails formed into sharp claws on his hands and feet. This vial contained Nick’s intermediate form.
Cormac stepped back a little as the skinless creature stood up slowly, when Nick turned around he had a psychotic grin on his face, and when he spoke, his voice had changed to one of a demonic and intimidating nature “You. Are. Fucked!”
Cormac swung the hammer down again, but Nick punched straight through the head of it, breaking the stone into mere pieces. Cormac stepped back as Nick continued to grin “Hehehehe, oh I have missed this!”
Nick tackled Cormac to the ground and proceeded to punch him with far more strength than he had before, Cormac was powerless to stop the sheer might of his Brother. Eventually Nick brought Cormac back up to his feet and continued to slash and kick away at him. Cormac’s attempts at counter-attacking were all in vain, Nick was too fast for him in this form.
“Come on! I haven’t had a real challenge for 10 years! Show me what you can do, bootlicker!” Now in a rage, Cormac changed into his true form, his legs morphed into a giant black horse with white eyes and a beaked mouth. Nick readied himself “Yes, that’s it, let the beast out, and show me how powerful you really are!”
Cormac grabbed Nick’s arm and leg in both hands and pulled him like a tug-of-war rope, Nick struggled and groaned at the sheer strength of his sibling. He set his hands ablaze and Cormac let go from the scorching pain, but it was the worst decision. Nick grabbed the horses head and pulled on it viciously, eventually the great beasts neck was oozing blood before its head came off entirely. Nick threw the head down, and Cormac fell.
He reverted back into his intermediate form, but the loss of his steed had weakened him too much. Given time, the horse would heal itself back to normal, but time wasn’t on Cormac’s side anymore, so he allowed the inevitable to happen. Nick picked up the discarded handle of Cormac’s hammer in one hand as he held his Brother by the throat in the other. But suddenly, Nick felt a sharp pain, and when he looked down, he saw a knife in his chest.
Regardless, Nick forced the handle through Cormac’s heart. The creature fell limp and Nick collapsed to the floor with him as the 2 Brother’s reverted back into their human forms. Cormac sputtered blood as he spoke “Did I... get you?”
Nick pulled the blade from his chest; Cormac must’ve created the knife and stabbed him with it when he was preparing him for the killing blow. Nick spoke with a heavier voice from all the fighting “You grazed my heart a little...”
Cormac sniffled slightly “I failed... I only ever wanted... to be like you”
Nick held his Brother closer “I admired you for that, but you should never have aspired to be like me, I’m bad luck”
Cormac managed a weak chuckle “I’ll see you again... Brother” and with that he died. Cormac’s spirit of his true form reared up as Pestilence appeared in a lavish dark blue cloak, he spoke with a husky voice “So... you now force him to find a new body”
Nick stared his uncle in the eye “I don’t like to lose... besides, he stole something from me”
Pestilence seemed amused by this “Yes, you were certainly happy to be a monster again...”
Nick remembered then; he remembered the rage, the bloodlust, the unquenchable thirst for death... “It was a heat of the moment thing, it won’t happen again”
Pestilence merely shook his head “I am not the one to tell you these things, but you will never be able to prevent yourself from doing what you were created to do”
Nick turned away “I can try”
Pestilence began to fade away along with Cormac’s spirit “As can we all...”
So initially, I was going to make the dinner at Wolf Manor much longer, but I've decided to continue it in the next chapter, mainly cuz I wanted to get through the fight between Cormac and Nick first (which turned out to be a much longer fight than I had planned as well!)
Anyways, any questions or comments, leave them below...
Till next time, friends! XD
Hah! Famous last words! XD
I liked it, it was weird seeing your version of Death compared to mine lol, Makoto literally throwing him through the void (who the hell is this guy?!)
Thanks Ems.
I was not going to apply but the Mrs. said the worse they'd say is no; I wanted to do this right after high school but due to lack of funds, I never did. Now, why not? Nervous about the whole move but it's an adventure, too. Get my little Emily out there in the world.
I recall my 1st job; awesome to know although it was stressful, you're getting the experience. If you don't mind me asking, where is it you work at? Good luck with all the college decisions you make. You're a bright young lady and you'll go far.
You have a knack for building and designing very great quality homes and buildings.
Thank you.
I love all the pairings I've created; Lyla & Georgie will ALWAYS be number one in my book but I've grown to my Gremily as well. They just work. She's found her second chance. 
Much luck right back at ya', Ems. Stay awesome! -high five-
Makoto is essentially being used by a God to make sure everything is in check with the world, hence the orb of the world. But as Luke said he passed down part of his darkness to Ella this will come into play later when she runs into Catherine; )
LMAO I'm glad you and the others have picked up on this. Emily is too much like her mother; yes, she looks like Georgie but that does not mean a damn thing. >:D Her babies and man are in danger! She'll do anything to protect them all.
Best freaking Georgie quote ever, man! XD XD I laughed so hard. Read it in his voice, too. I won't focus too much on this, for I'll eventually skip forward to the quads being older and able to speak. THIS is when everything will come together. I want to cover this, Holly & Peter's wedding, the birth of their daughter and of course, Gremily's wedding.
Now, it's actually a lot easier than you think but I won't say too'll just have to wait and see! XD
Also, thanks for the gift, dude! I so wish they had Georgie plushies. How bomb would that be?!
Ah I see
Luke got what was coming then :P
Dude that fight was so great. Nick is way too bad ass XD Can't wait for the next part
Nick is slowly losing all his hard earned control though...
Eventually, someone will need to set him straight, I know who it is, but it will be a nice surprise for the rest of you XD
Harmony restrained her nephew back tightly as he whipped his legs around in his tantrum. They were in public, which meant she couldn't just let him scream it out like he would at home. She was trying to shuffle him home, and she would have used a spell to turn him into a rag-doll briefly, but she was so freakin' exhausted.
She opened the gates to Fabletown with a twirl of her finger (Because honestly, that was all she could manage.), and hurried the boy up the brick stairs and across the cobblestone floor to the elevator that was thankfully sitting open across the foyer.
"Let me go, let me go, let me go!" He screamed as they ascended, the cheesy elevator music barely audible.
Harmony had rarely in her life lost her temper. She had her fair share of tantrums from her own children over the years. She'd usually have Tim give them a stern talking to after all settled down enough. But there was no getting through to young Matthew. She was just lucky he was as scrawny as Tim must have been at age six, so she could carry him the way home.
Harmony also didn't yell very often. The boy finally realized his teeth were as good a weapon as his nails, and bit ferociously down on the arm that held him back.
"OUCH!" Harmony's voice squealed, as the elevator doors swung open swiftly. She pulled the boy out into the hallway, shifting him in her arms, trying to avoid his kicking and clawing, all at the same time that she had to get out her keys, and unlock the apartment door.
"Let! Me! GOOOO!" He said, as loudly as he could. Had the neighbors not known of Harmony's predicament, they would have thought she was abducting an innocent young boy to torture in some sort of lair.
His hands reached up for her head, and she narrowly missed a whack in the face. Instead, he went for another swing, and then his hand caught onto a lock of hair and he tugged as hard as he could. The pain produced sudden tears welling to the surface of Harmony's eyes, and that was when she had had enough. She dropped him on the ground mercilessly.
He must have been shocked by the movements, as he'd briefly stopped cursing and crying out to start up at her in awe. He clumsily got to his feet, and made a move to run, but Harmony was too quick for him, and her magic was even quicker. His feet were frozen to the floor they stuck to.
"Listen, you hellish brat from some sort of...twisted, demonic, I-don't-fucking-know dimension in which your asshole father came from."
He was about to protest, but the sincerity of Harmony's anger and the emphasis of her usually very rare cursing overruled the sincerity of his want to scream and run around like a little devil. He looked shocked and absolutely scared shitless.
"You're going to listen to WHATEVER I say from here on out, you understand? You'd better tell me you understand, before I give you a lashing that you'll never forget."
He nodded very quickly, horror across his silent lips.
"You've been a pain in my rear end the second you walked through my front door, and all I have ever done to you is feed you and clothe you and make sure that when you're poor mother is better, that her son is taken care of!" Her voice was gaining volume, as she poored her frustrations on this currently cohesive and slightly vulnerable young boy.
"That's what family does! Family takes care of Family! You're Dad never took care of you, he only destroyed!"
That was enough to push Matthew off edge. The poor began crying relentlessly, his wails filling the hall as his tears blubbered across his face. Harmony felt no pity for the moment, as she felt that he deserved to cry and feel bad, at least for a little bit. She lifted him off the floor and lifted the spell, but he no longer fought her back as she finally unlocked the front door. She felt the house shake as it slammed shut, another action that was rare on her behalf. She put Matthew down on the couch, who was crying still, and quickly left the room to get Tim in there.
Tim was in the kitchen, feeding their four babies in separate highchairs. The babies gurgled and cooed and smiled when they saw their mother, but Harmony was in no mood to play with them.
"You need to have a talk with him. He's finally calmed down and might actually listen for once," She said quickly and with fervor. "He's sobbing like a baby out there."
"I can hear," Tim said, eyeing Harmony skeptically. "So what did you do?"
Harmony let out a labored breath, her hands shaking mildly. "I blew up. I nearly smacked him, Tim. I..."
Tim could see the distraught look on her face, and quickly stood from his stool that faced their children. He wrapped his arms around her softly, patted her back supportively, and felt as she subsided into tears of her own.
"He's just terrible!" She cried into his shoulder. "I don't know what else to do, Tim. What do we do?"
"We wait," He says in a hushed tone. "We wait for Belinda to recover, which is fairly soon, and we see what we do from there. We just need to hold out for a little bit longer, honest."
"I hope," She said softly now. "I hope something can be done. I feel wretched."
Tim chuckled. "You're hanging out on the thirteenth floor too much. You need a break. A real break. You should visit your mother."
"...Huh? My mother?"
Tim nodded. "You should. And you should see your brothers, too. I'm sure they miss you."
"I guess..." She said softly. "I guess I can."
"We'll talk about it later," He suggested. "For now, I have to have a little chat with out friend in the next room. You finish with the babies?"
Harmony sniffled, wiping her eyes gently. "Sure, sure. Okay."
Tim planted a kiss on her cheek, and then let go of her. The crying had ceased from Matthew's part, and as Tim entered in though the doors, he saw the boy laying on his side on the couch, absolutely gutted.
It was not too long ago that Tim had realized the extent of how warped his nephew's mind must have been. He didn't think any of it was Belinda's doing; It was solely the demon whom helped produce the little boy. Matthew needed a father more than anything right now, and Tim intended to be whatever Matthew needed, if the boy was willing to take it. He sat on the couch next to Matthew, his hand resting softly on the arm of the sofa. He patted Matthew's back cautiously, unsure of if the boy would retaliate or not. The boy lay motionless, occasionally hiccuping and sniffling.
Tim took a moment before finally saying something. He went to talk a couple times, but he hadn't always been good with words. His mouth was ajar with silence, and he then realized that there wasn't much patronizing that he could think to tell the boy. Matthew had heard everything Tim had told him, every time he chose to misbehave. He needed to hear something else.
"My dad died when I was as little as you were," He said finally, his voice distant but firm. He felt Matthew shift softly under his hand, but the boy otherwise said nothing.
"He was killed by a troll. I watched it happen."
Matthew turned his head slightly, his eyes trained on Tim's face. They were transitioning from entirely black to his normal black-on-white slightly more normal looking eyes. "Did you cry?"
"Not at first," Tim said. "But when I ran away, after all the chaos and destruction. As soon as I found a home in Fabletown, and was escorted and given a home, I sobbed until my eyes were too dry to sob any longer."
"That's how I feel," Matthew said. "I just want to cry until I can't cry."
"It's a valid feeling," Tim replied. "But you also have to learn from what you've experienced."
"How do I do that?"
"You see where your father went wrong, Matthew. Why was he killed in the end? Because of his actions. You mustn't make the same mistakes, nor should you think what he thought was right. He's not of this dimension. You are. You and your mother are human, in the very essence of the word. Embrace your humanity, and will the evil to leave you."
"But what if I can't? I feel my Daddey sometimes. He speaks to me sometimes-" The boy broke off and covered his eyes, afraid of Tim seeing his tears.
"You can," Tim encouraged him. "You can tell your father that he no longer applies to you. He can't control you, only you can control you. Do you understand."
The boy nodded softly, rubbing his eyes. With his cheek pressed against a throwpillow, he cleared his throat and spoke once more. "Does Aunt Harmony hate me though? Was I bad enough to do that?"
Tim quickly shot down that reply. "Of course she doesn't hate you. If she hated you, you wouldn't be here. No, she loves you very much, and is only trying to help you. But you see what your tantrums are doing? They're weighing on all of us."
"I'm sorry," Matthew replied. "I don't like to throw them."
"I know you don't."
"Sometimes...Daddey..." He closes his eyes for a moment, as if fighting something back. "He was always mean to me, but I thought that was normal. I thought Daddies were mean and Mummies were always sad."
This weighed down Tim's heart significantly. Mummies were always sad. That was his sister. Always sad. He could see it, in the creases of her face, in the demeanor she took on when she thought nobody was looking. She was broken-hearted, to say the least.
"Mummy won't be sad any longer," Tim told his nephew. "I will do my best to change it."
"I love you, Uncle Tim. I don't know if I ever said it before, but I do." He was firm now, and he sat up, and was leaning against Tim as the fire crackled in the small fireplace under the television. Tim pulled him in tight for a side-hug, and the two shared a peaceful moment together, possibly for the first time ever.
I'm. So. Tired. You. Don't. Even. Know.
I had work for the first time today. And it's a lot of hard work, to say the least. There's a lot of candy wrapping and labeling and organizing that goes into running a chocolate store. And worst of all, I can't eat the merchandise X3 Well, maybe it's not bad that I can't eat it, then I can't get fat on it all XD The boss is nice, and she and her husband are both funny and stuff. They just need some extra help until Easter because Easter is their busy season, so to speak. Lots and lots of chocolate bunnies, EVERYWHERE. I had to wrap a lot of them earlier. It's not hard, just tedious. It wears down on the shoulders after a while.
OTHER THAN THAT THOUGH.... I'm doing pretty good
I've got testing these next two weeks (PARCC, a new test that absolutely suck monkey balls.) and it lasts for that long because the school doesn't have enough computers for all the students in the school. Sooo, we have to basically take turns each day, with some classes testing on some days, and others on other days. I have my English tomorrow, and Math is some time next week. It all kind of bites
But at the same time, it's whatever. None of the scores count, as these next few years it will just be in testing, to see how students score on average and so they can develop what score you need to pass and such. it'd be funny if the average was like, 3, or something XD Pretty good odds of passing, then XD Anyway, I've taken up too much of your time with my rambling. I'm going to probably go to sleep soon, because I'm tired! I may play sims for a little bit in between, lol. Hope you're all having fantastic days and are moving on up in life 
Sadly yes but when I read this:
I was way too hyped to even care, I pictured it in my mind and said you have this once Nick but after we need to get you a therapist to get back a little control! XD
I wonder who it'll be?
How many powers does Harmony have?! :P
I swear, this Witch might actually be my favourite one from Fables (even if she is an OC)
In response to your afterword... Yep... jobs can suck like that
I'm nearly 20 and have had 3 of them; I worked in a SubWay store, then I worked in my college car park, and now I clean for Blenheim Palace. But you work in a chocolate shop/candy store, that sounds so much cooler than what I've done before!!!
Yeah, I got that line from Splatterhouse 2010 :P
Nick would send the therapist to another therapist after one session! XD
In TDAU, Nick's psychopathy is very obvious, but for the role of a hero in this fic, he needs more depth than just "I kill and I love it" I actually prefer Nick in this story than in the TDAU.
SHE, will appear soon enough...
It's all just magic, really. She can do most things that come with being able to do magic.
Aw, thanks
It's not too bad, and it's only the first day, so I think I'll get used to it after a while. It brings in the cash, which is all I'm concerned with
Better to start earning now while your in school
Same, my friends are all like "What's the worst they can say? No?" So I figure, might as well!
I'm working at a chocolate store in town, that's family owned. And thanks, everyone keeps saying that sort of stuff to me, and I'm just like 'Stop, you're making me bluuuuush!' Lol XD You're particularly gifted yourself, with all these drawings and such! Absolutely amazing!
-super duper high five-
No matter what is thrown in her way, Harm has this down. With the flick of her wrist, she can managed anything.
And that, folks, is how she gets (excuse the language) shit DOWN!
Glad to hear your 1st day was awesome, although the tired shoulders do not sound like fun. XD I'd be eating all that, so Pie would be fired the first hour he's there. Glad to hear school is going great and hope you get all you've ever wanted. That extra $$$ helps, especially at your age.
LEASTyou are not flipping burgers like my 1st job. -shudders- So many burns....XD XD
Aww I liked, Cormac.
I adore Emily and how much she's blossomed. I know there is more to her than you're letting on, so I'll wait until that day comes. I have a feeling it has to do with Aretmis' Bow.
I figured you'd like that.
Well, I look forward to whatever comes their way. I can't wait to see hwta you have in stock for the Grendel family and all that follows. Glad you liked it, dude.
If I ever DO find one, you'll be the first to know of it.
Sorry man :P
He's not actually dead though, it'll just take him an unspecified amount of years to find another body...
You could use him in one of your stories if you want to? He's a lot less OP than Nick, but certainly not weak...
JJ sums it up excellently, you do not mess with Emily Porgie. People might be fighting all around her but she'll get through; I love that determined personality she has, taking nonsense from no one but also being a caring mother and loyal soon-to-be wife!
The drama in this chapter was top-notch!
No idea if you plan to do this but, after everything between all the male grendels, having Seraphina in the top-spot when she's older would be a good change to see. Sounds like you've got it all planned out though, Pie.
Georgie had dealt with worse. As Swineheart patched up the back of his head, he tapped the scar lightly above his belly button. Holding his hand, Lyla was not too far behind. Emily and Gren sat in the living room, observing the ever so cheerful doctor and his casual conversations. Robert, on the other hand, vanished before either could say a word. Out of anger or guilt, neither of them could be too sure about. Thomas, however, would be staying the night. Emily had some questions about his 'death'. For the time being, however, she remained hushed. Even as everyone went their seperate ways and would return in the morning, Emily never said a single word.
That night, she refused to close her eyes. Gren, although laying in bed, had his wide open. Staring into the darkness, Emily could hear mumbling. She never asked what he was saying; Gren sometimes prayed to himself or held a conversation. With whom, Emily never needed to know; it was how Gren functioned and to disturb him could be catastrophic preportions she was not prepared for. He'd been doing this for as long as she could remember. When he was ready to speak, she'd be there.
In the meantime, Emily took this opportunity to see her babies. All in their bassinets, fast asleep. Liam and Chloe sprawled out, both arms up above their heads and legs to the side. Emily chuckled when she placed a thin blanket over their exposed feet. Viviana was slightly floating. Emily sighed. She'd learn. It was going to take time. Kissing her forehead, Emily reaches over and covers Seraphina with her pink blanket. The little girl slept just like her father; on his back but had his entire face covered with her hands and both feet together. Mouth wide open, allowing the spit to fall from the corner.
"Aye Seraphina." Emily tried not to laugh. "Ya' be too much like ya' daddy. And Iove ya' for it."
Finishing her final kiss on the mini-Gren, Emily sits back on the bed and lays beside Gren. By now, his mumbling ceased and his arms wrapped around her torso.
"You alright, Ems?"
"I'm actually doin' wonderful, love." Emily exhaled. "I'm just...there is so much...neva' a dull moment, though."
Gren leans forward and chuckles. "Thought you like the go-go feel of the Fable world? Fuckin' welcome to your life, Emily. You fuckin' get with me and-"
Emily cups Gren's faces and stares lovingly into his eyes. "I have no regrets, Gren. Ya' know that. None."
"Good." Gren kisses Emily's lips. "Neither do I."
Not another word was spoken that night; remaining in their bed, Emily and Gren hold onto one another and quietly stare into the ceiling. Eventually they'd fall asleep and get what peace was available until the next day. For now, they were content with the Crickets outside and knowing the comfort that forever held them as one.
The Following Day
While Emily fried the eggs and mixed the batter, the window in their living room glowed and vibrated. The faint howls from the darkness caused Puddles to scurry into safety and Chloe to turn her head. The hair on her arms and neck stood up; her little eyes darted, nose sniffed the air and growls escaped her throat. Liam immediatly turned into his true form. Viviana shuttered in her chair, while Seraphina held up her hands. Gren places the paper down and eyes down the hall.
"Woot in the fook?" Emily continues to stir while Gren gets up. "Woot is it, loves?"
"Stay here." Gren holds out his hand. "I know who it is...going to get her good..."
Judging by Gren's wide grin, Emily remained in her spot and poured the batter on the warm skillet. "Have at it, love. They deserve it sometimes."
Gren tiptoes around the corner; the girls lean against their chairs, while Liam continues to growl and prepare for battle. Emily watches the spikes petrude through his skin. Taking a towel, she wipes the wounds. The little boy did not seem to mind or notice this. Instincts kicked in. The family felt threatned. There was silence in the air.
"AHHHHHHH SHIT, GREN!" A female voice echoes down the hall. "THE hell is wrong with you!?"
Mary, holding Haylee and Damien, runs into the kitchen. Following, screaming and laughing all at once, are the twin girls Aubrey and Sophia, dragging George and Sheila. Gren, in true form, chases them into the kitchen like a Rancher does to Cattle. Sitting on his shoulders, is Junior. Emily rolls her eyes.
"Did he scare ya', Mary or-"
"Psssh, SCARE me!?" Mary places the twins on the counter. "Please. If anything, that face did. HOW can you even look at that during-"
"MARY!" Emily points to George and Sheila. "They DO understand now, sweetie."
"I know." Mary plops in a chair. "They know what sex is, right kids?"
"Well....I doubt they REALLY need ta' hear 'bout their uncle Gren and aunt Emmy...."
Laughing disorderly, Junior jumps from Gren's shoulders and lands beside Chloe and Viviana. He playfully scoffs their hair, sending both into a laughing fit. Twirling around, Junior grabs and Apple and leans against the counter. He watches Emily flip the fluffy circle of goodness in the pan; reaching across the stove, Emily takes the fried eggs and places them on a paper towel to soak up any extra oil.
"Damn Emily." Junior bites into the Apple. "You have some mad skills in the kitchen."
"All them summer days we spent with nana and papa."
"You always cooking?"
"Well, they are still too young but give it time and I'll be cookin' fa' four kids and a full grown male Grendel."
Emily places three pancakes on a plate. Adding the eggs and a dash of salt, she places the completed meal before Gren. He grabs his knife and fork and digs into his food.
"Thanks babe. Looks fuckin' good."
Emily points her Spatula at Junior. "Ya' want some food or-"
Junor shakes his head. "I'm on a diet, Emily."
"A bloody woot?" Emily cocks her eyebrow. "Swineheart made ya' do it or-"
"Yup. Said I've gained twenty pounds too much." Junior glares at Mary. "Said I need to cut back on my food intake."
Mary snorts, as she peels back a Banana. "Hey, don't look at me. YOU go back for seconds or thirds and take HUGE ass slices of cake."
Sheila nods. "My daddy can eat like a Horsey, auntie Emmy."
"He can, eh?" Emily takes this opportunity to poke her brother's belly. "My, we may need ta' roll ya' outta' here, little brother."
Junior holds up his middle finger. "Don't, alright? HEY! Stop poking my stomach! EMILY!"
"Ya' daughter is right, Junior."
"Don't feel bad, Junior." Gren pats his stomach. "Doctor told me the same damn thing."
"Not my fault." Emily places two pancakes and an egg on another plate. "It's been built inta' me ta' feed an army. I watched my mum do it and nana, too."
Emily hands Mary the plate. Like savages, George and Sheila crowd around their mother. Sheila bounces in place, licking her lips and reaching for a pancake. Mary pokes her hand.
"HEY, hey hey....back up, you little Vultures."
"MOMMY! I'm hungry!"
Mary takes a bite from her eggs. "You have a mouth, little lady. Go ask your aunt Emily for some freakin' food."
Sheila glares at Emily, twirls her dress and beams. "Aunt Emmy....may I please have some yummy pancakes because you love me and I'm your super duper favorite neice in the whole wide world?"
Emily chuckles. "Ya' be a brat, Sheila. I'll make ya' some, George too and-GIRLS! Ya' want some, too?"
"Yes aunt Emmy." Aubrey and Sophia look up. "Do you have syrup, too?"
Gren holds up the bottle. "Right here, girls. You know uncle Gren has the hookup."
"Hookup?" Mary snorts. "Calm down there, Tony Montana with your 'hookups' and what not."
Sophia looks over at Mary. "Who's that, mommy?"
Junior speaks. "Your mother and her movies, girls. Eat up and no goofing around, ya' hear me?"
Allfour of the older children took a seat beside Gren. Emily hands them tiny plates with food. With Mary's assistance, the younger twins Haylee and Damien get their food. Mary takes her fork and slices the egg down the middle. Adding a little to each mouth, the twins gnaw and chew on their delicious breakfast. Emily joins with her food.
"Ya' sure ya' don't want anything, Junior?"
"I'm fine, sis. Thank you. Got my Rabbit food...."
Emily returned to her meal and left it at that. When her brother made up his mind, it was difficult to send him down another path. When everyone finished their meals, Emily and Mary took the time to wash the dishes. Junior and Gren took this time to head out to the deck and smoke a cigarette; Georgie would arrive later and Thomas was still alseep upstairs. Gren took two of the kids and Junior held the other; George, Sheila and the twin girls ran out towards the open fields, chasing several Butterflies. From the corner, they noticed Sunflower.
Junior waves. "He still comes around?"
"All the time." Gren looks at Seraphina. "Think Sunflower and my little mini-me here are connected some how."
"How do you know that?" Junior places Viviana and Liam on the ground. "Have you seen it or-"
"When we were trying to teach her NOT to use the powers of killing plants, we used him. While he lay dying, she healed him...never did it again."
"Well, that does not gurantee anything..."
"You didn't see her like we did." Gren exhales the smoke. "I've never seen such anguish in a human being's eyes like that in years..."
Junior remained silent. He knew that look. According to his mother, it was the same when his father removed all mirrors in the home for awhile. Looking at Seraphina, the little girl crawls towards the plant Fable. Sunflower at first is cautious; taking one finger at a time, he presses it against Seraphina's hands. When nothing happens, he picks the baby up and craddles her against his face.
"My Seraphina." Sunflower kisses her cheek. "My look at you. All smiles and giggles."
Gren agrees. "Too much like her nana Lyla."
Sunflower agrees. "Hello Grendel. Ah, Mr. Georgie Porgie Junior. Or, do you prefer BloodyPorgie, as the kids call you now?"
"Junior is fine, Sunflower. Nice to see you around."
The Porgie kids grew up around Sunflower. Since their father's stay at the Farm, he developed a close bond to the Fable. Even during his recovery, Sunflower was always there; with Hans, John and even Bigby, Georgie was able to remain strong and hopeful for the life he was truly destined to have. Junior and his siblings thanked Sunflower. Now, it made sense. It was not just Georgie he was looking out for.
"Those your children out there, Junior?"
"The little demons chasing the Dog? Yeah....mine."
Gren scans the area; Sheila and the girls played with Chloe, now in Wolf form. Viviana soared in the sky, carrying George behind her. Liam, Haylee and Damine rolled in the grass. Seraphina was content being near Sunflower. She had a tight grip around his neck.
"They are quite the spunky little ruffians, aren't they?"
Junior chuckles. "I love every single one of them. From my George, to the fireballs my twin girls throw our way. Sheila reminds me of her mother, Haylee is too much like me and Damien is his own little person."
"That's how it was with you kids." Sunflower smiles. "You all had your own unique qualitites and-"
"DADDY!" Everyone turns to face the field. "DADDY! DADDY!"
"Which one is that?" Junior sheilds his eyes. "Aubrey, baby?"
"What is it, my bag of coal?"
"Come see this HUGE bug me and Sophia found. HURRY! Liam is eyeing it-"
Gren shakes his head. "That boy and his bug eating phase...."
Still holding Seraphina, Sunflower, Junior and Gren head towards the kids.
Mary and Emily finish the dishes, take a seat and drink some coffee. Emily was enjoying what quiet she had until either Thomas woke up or Robert arrived. She was already getting a headache for what could possibly lay ahead of her that day.
"Need me to spike up your drink, Emily? Seem like you need it..."
"No, Mary." Emily glares up. "I don't need that shit. I just 'ave a lot on me mind."
"Well, you'll figure this out. I mean, just Grendels being Grendels and the kids-"
"I'm worried 'bout me kids, Mary. I...I know all this with Gren and his brothers will be handled but-"
"What about the kids, Emily?" Mary touches her hand. "Emily-"
"Have ya' eva' had this feeling, that something will happen but ya' can't explain it? Me kids are special, yes-they are not normal kids, Mary...I know this but....Viviana has that ribbon and I KNOW there is something Vivian is not tellin' me."
"Ask her." Mary scans the room. "I know that whore is here somewhere-"
"Stop." Emily flicks Mary's arm. "Don't talk 'bout Viv that way...."
"WELL, that cunt won't tell you about Viviana! How selfish are you, bitch!? And the others-"
"MARY!" Emily leans across the table. "STOP! Stop talkin' 'bout-"
"Emily." Mary points. "Your....your eyes..."
"My...." Emily sits down and touches her face. ""
"They...CHANGED." Mary sits perfectly still. "They, Emily..."
Emily sits up, cup in hand. "I need ta' get Thomas up. Excuse me...."
As Emily heads up the stairs, her head becomes heavy, causing Emily the sudden urge to vomit. Leaning against the banister for support, Emily cups her head with her free hand. Not now, she thought. Please. Not now.
Sitting up, Emily presses her back to the wall. Vivian, not too far, tries to comfort Emily. Thomas notices Emily's behavior, as he stands in the doorway. Emily turns the face the elderly man.
"You alright, dear? You're pale-"
"Come." Emily leans on Thomas for support. "Let's get downstairs and wait fa' the others...."
As Thomas and Emily head down the stairs, Vivian walks into Emily and Gren's bedroom. Sitting in the closet, was the bow, glowing a dark red color.
Any questions, you know the drill.
Feeling freaking wonderful today. This paper is coming along great; have half done and I'm really proud of it.
Emily is doing wonderful. So far, she loves rap music like her mommy and the dog adores her. Tony the cat has this nasty habit of sitting on the dresser and watching Emily. XD She looks more and more like mommy every day. Has my smile. Well, the toothless one at that. XD XD
Emily is one mama you'd never want to piss off.
She'll defend her babies and soon-to-be-husband. She's got Georgie and Lyla in there. 'Nuff said. XD XD
And I DO have it all planned out. As far as Seraphina goes, well....I have it all worked out. Same with the other kids, too. You and JJ are on the right track. NOT quite, though.
OMG!!!! I knew I was on the right track!!! OH I hope Seraphina DOES take her grandfather's place and REALLY rubs it Robert's face. (No offense Robert. Love you.....)
How precious is Seraphina.
She's my favorite of the quads so far. I'll wait for Chloe and Liam because I know you have plans for them.

You can really feel the love and connection they have; Gren and Emily have been through so much and with them being together, they can learn and understand.
THINK you meant Mary but I'll take it! Typical Mary! XD XD
I love their relationship. Reminds me of myself and my brothers. XD XD
Favorite line!! XD
Actually, I lied. THIS one is. I love Sheila! XD XD
Love how all the Fables know about Junior now. I love it.
Wait wait wait wait WHOA! Emily's eyes change when she's mad?!? WTF!?
Because of the bow, pie!? I thought it was to protect unless...its picking up Emily's feelings now and....oh I'll stop in case of spoilers!!!! MORE! Love this!!!
Very true.
Hmm, and not quite on the right track? Gonna have to swap notes with JJ or something and get this all figured out. XD
It's quite strange reading about Luke and Makoto fighting after reading about them as protagonists, especially Luke. Sure, he was evil, but until he started properly fighting with Makoto it didn't seem so for real. Guess we'll have to remember the good Luke. :P
Otherwise, Makoto staring Death down and putting him in his place is really ballsy! Makoto is not a guy to mess with.
And you've tied it in to the chapter you wrote a while ago!
When these Harbingers get going they really get going! Think the part with Lyra being shorter worked well - gives more tension knowing that Bigby has figured things out and just leaving it as that!
New Beginnings
Ten days after Death was sealed...
Makotos phone went off after he got dressed. He answered the phone to find out Swineheart wanted to tell him that Luna can be saved, but only at the cost of Mary's heart. He didn't know how to answer, he wanted to try and bring Mary back...but there was no way to cheat Death. He told him to go ahead with the procedure and hung up the phone. Bigby had been training Makoto to be a sheriff's operative lately, he'll be working under Beast and doing any investigating while Beast handles paperwork. Makoto didn't mind, in fact as of late he didn't care about much. He just wanted things to go back to the way they were.
Nobody remembers that day, where Dewitt and himself risked their lives to save the Mundy world and probably save most of the Fable world as well. After Death was sealed it's as if he had never been seen or heard of before. His father, mother, Clara, Dewitts whole family lineage didn't exist. As far as anyone knew, he and Mary were orphans that were found on the street. The only ones who remember what had happened was Celeste, and later on Ella, and Catherine.
One month later...
Today is Mary's funeral. Although only Makoto and his family showed up since everyone else didn't remember. There were no words to be said except for Luna who after the funeral said "I can hear her cries in my head when I shut down". Makoto fell to his knees and sobbed all he could think was it was all his fault, he screamed in anger. He stood up and realized that he's been mourning for to long. If this is what Mary's sacrifice was for then he'd make sure not to waste it...
A few days after Ellas first birthday...
"Makoto! Get in here quickly!!!" Celeste yelled
He and Luna rushed into the room to see Ella crawling but when she was moving dark pools of blood and darkness would splash as she moved. The blood nor the darkness actually touch her though, it never stained her clothes or her skin. So this is what his father meant when he gave her part of his darkness. He shook his head, laughed and picked her up.
"She's fine. This must be my father's gift." He said
"How is this fine!? She has pools of dark blood all around her hands and feet!" Celeste stressed.
"It'll be something we have to get used to-" Makoto cut himself off as he spotted shards of glass appearing out of her skin. "We also need to contact your mother when we move to the farm for a bit." He said.
"Mrs. Yuki do you want me to accompany you to the business office to see if there is any land?" Luna asked
She sighed "As much as I hate that place yes. If you wouldn't mind." She said.
They left and headed to the business office...
That's it! That's all I have time for right now, maybe I'll write more later. Any questions or comments or anything else let me know!
lmao XD She really can do a lot! She's got Morgan Le Faye to thank for all the training and such (Hmm, Morgan hasn't made much of an appearance lately. Maybe I should feature her in the next chapter!) I also want to take a trip to Winter's kingdom and see how the boys are doing (Thus, Tim's suggestion that Harmony should pay a small visit ^-^) Ugh, so many plans, not enough hours and determination in a day XD
So far it's good! I DO have to use this thing that melts the plastic on the candy wrappers, so the possibility of burning myself is present here, too XD It's all good though.
Yeah it was really weird writing this XD but also a ton of fun to see two of my characters duke it out! We will have to remember him as he was when he worked with Bigby (Which will be coming up soon I can't figure out a case for them to do
He is very ballsy at that part but when he used the orb of the world, he wasn't the only one in that body.
Nick vs Galen.... That won't be a localised fight :P
I suppose I did create tension by cutting that part short...
Franklin towered over Ashlyn like a twig. She'd never imagined him ever getting much taller than he had been as a boy. But there he was, his lanky arms hung at his sides, his loose red t-shirt shining bright in the sunlight as the sun was setting over the horizon. They were standing all alone, in Ash's backyard.
It'd only been a week ago, that they shared their first kiss together. Since then, seeing one another was far too infrequent. Dealing with current happenings, and helping out with her younger siblings, Ashlyn had had her hands full for days. She was barely caught up with school work, let alone her social life. But Franklin understood, as he had been there when the terrible news about what happened in Paris was revealed.
"Matthew is troubled," She was saying, in a half whisper, as they swayed softly on separate swings. Ashlyn couldn't remember the last time she hung out on the swing set. She must have been in middle school. Soon, another generation of Fable children would be adorning it, sliding down it's rusty tunnel slide and flinging clumps of dusty sand at one another.
"He's gotten better though," Franklin said. "At least, as far as I've seen."
"He's confused, really. I think he doesn't know whats right and whats wrong. He came home kicking and screaming earlier today, but I guess Dad finally talked some sense into the kid's head. Or something."
"Anything that helps," Franklin suggested. He was too tall to swing his legs with out hitting the ground now, and Ash could sense the disappointment across his face.
"We'll get a tire swing," She told him. "One that's really high up."
Franklin just shrugged. "Sure."
"How's your Mom?" Ash asked.
"The same as usual. Pretending to not be super stressed and in pain by making sarcastic comments and yelling at people occasionally. Plus, she's working even though she's not supposed to. Swineheart said her pregnancy is even more high-risk than the last ones."
"That sucks," Ash said. "What about the kids?"
"The girls are still annoying, though I find them even moreso, since they like to assume I'm still their age and bother me with their stupid toys and what-not. Carter's cool, though. These are his old clothes, actually."
"Yeah, I figured," Ash said. "It's all a little baggy on you."
"Thanks." Franklin smirked. "What about you? How are you feeling lately?"
"Me? I don't know..." Her voice trailed off.
The sun had finally dipped under the mountains. The stars came out, glistening like glitter across the dark blue sky. Franklin turned his head up to gaze at it all, a smile playing across his lips. His fangs retracted accidently, cutting into his lips haphazardly.
"Ow," He cursed, rubbing his lip with his hand. "That's beginning to get on my nerves."
"Can't control your daggers?" Ash laughed.
Franklin gave her a petty punch in the arm. "Shut up. They never came out as often when I was little. Although, I did also eat more regularly before....this happened to me," He gestured to his full grown body.
Ash's face flushed slightly, as she realized what that might mean. It meant that his body was craving a source of nutrition, and it wanted anything that it could have. That included blood.
"You should eat more," She said hastily. "My Dad's cooking dinner, you better eat it."
"I don't really like chicken though," Franklin protested.
"I don't fucking care, you're eating."
He held his hands up defensively,"Whoa, now. I'll eat, Ashy."
"Ashy? Really?"
"I didn't think you'd be that cheesy and start coming up with pet names already."
"What are you even talking about? I just thought-"
"Just call me Ash. Or buttercakes. I like buttercakes enough to let that one slide."
Franklin laughed, but his laugh grew silent quicker than Ash would have anticipated. His eyes were glowing in the darkness of night, a deep blood red that reminded Ash of the color of fire.
Their faces met in between the chains that held the swings up. Franklin's lips were powdery and soft, whereas Ash's were a bit sticky with sweat and tasted like salt. Who would have thought that a vampire and a werewolf would ever find love in one another? Before they knew it, they were off the swings and traveling down the bare path that started at the tree line. The path led to a little area where Ash and her siblings would camp in the summer as children, right next to the crystal lake that faced the mountains. When they reached it, it was as if they were staring at a perfect mirror, the image of the full moon present across it's surface. It was as if they could step in and arrive in another universe entirely.
The pair landed on a freshly fallen log. It hadn't yet grown moss or flowers in it, and was fairly dry given the recent snow flurries the other day. Thankfully, it had no snow on it, either. They plopped down it, hand in hand, and leaned on one another as if it were the most natural thing on earth. She buried her face in his jacket, sheilding it from the breeze in the air and smelling in his scents as if they were something magical. In return, his arms held her tight, a little too tight, and he kissed the top of her head ever so lightly, every few minutes that passed. They could barely see the house light on from where they sat, which is how they both liked it, because that meant seclusion from the real world.
It was then that they kissed more. Ash's legs were crossed and over-top of his as they made out, their skin rubbing together softly. She held his cheeks and gave him a smile so genuine that she started to tear up some.
Franklin kissed her lips once more, and noticed the crying. "What's wrong? Did I...?"
"You didn't do anything wrong," She said back. "I love you, Franklin."
She could feel his entire body tense up all of a sudden, and then relax all at once. He pressed his lips against her cheek and then grazed his incisors across her skin, sending shivers throughout her body. "I love you too."
Intertwined, love for one another, nothing could ruin this moment.
Nothing, except the fact that there was a bright flash in the sky.
"Was that lightning?" Robert asked, staring out the window skeptically. He'd closed his book as soon as the brightness flooded the room for that split second, and it still sat in the crook of his hand as he bend over an arm chair to see out the window.
"What do I know?" Noah said plainly. "I was just napping here until you woke me with your voice. It couldn't have been lightning, there wasn't any noise."
"It might be far enough away that we missed it," Robert suggested. "I didn't see rain on the forecast, though."
"Well duh," Noah said. "The forecast is never right."
"That's not true," Robert replied. "They were right when they said hail the other day."
"And they also said it would be 85 degrees that day, too, and that Hell would freeze over. I don't think either of those things happened."
Robbie rolled his eyes, and drew the curtains closed. There was not another flash after the first one.
"You have a blade in your bra?" Franklin's voice came out awkward and shocked as she dug in swiftly and retrieved the small knife.
"You never know when you're gonna need one," She explained. "And the security guards as school don't pat breasts, so that's where I keep it."
"I thought that there were also metal detectors-"
"I've learned a thing or two about disabling electronics with a bit of magic from my mother. Don't underestimate me, lovey."
Franklin laughed sarcastically. "Look who's giving out pet names now!"
"Oh shut it. Let's investigate, shall we?"
"I don't think I have much say in what you decide to do, so I'll follow your lead."
With that, Ash was quickly running around the perimeter of the lake, her feet throwing wet sand in all directions. Franklin narrowly dodged it, trying not to get his clothes dirty on this adventure.
Matthew had been lying across the couch still when he suddenly jerked awake under Harmony's arm. Her and Tim took turns comforting him all day, as he refused to move much and seemed to be feeling ill after his outburst. She was brushing her fingers through his fine brown hair when he yelped out.
"Shh," Her voice cooed. "It was just a bad dream, sweetie."
"No!" He said loudly. "No it wasn't! No, something bad is happening!"
Harmony stared at him, a little confused. She assumed he must still be half asleep, but the look in his eyes proved otherwise. All of the sudden, the windows flashed, as if there had been a lightning strike close by. However, no thunder followed. That threw a red flag up in Harmony's mechanical brain. She stood from the couch, opening the curtains to look out. The view from the living room window provided a gorgeous view of the nature that surrounded her home. She could see the edge of the lake over the tree line from there, and a little wisp of smoke from where ever the lightning struck.
"We need to go! We need to!" The boy behind her yelped, his voice ravaging. "They'll kill us all!"
Harmony was ready for whatever bastard was threatening her and her family. She ran into the kitchen, causing Tim to jump as the door swung wide.
"What is it-"
"Get the children and bring them to my mother's house," She ordered him. "Something is happening. I can sense the darkness already entering our home."
"What do you mean?" Tim looked at her confused, still stirring the pot of noodles.
"Take the kids. All of them. Every single one of them. I have an emergency portal already set up in the foyer, take the babies and the others and go."
"I can't leave you here by yourself," Tim said. "I need to stay with you."
"You don't," Harmony said firmly. "I want to know that my babies will all be alright. Take them, Timothy. That's an absolute order. I'm sending a note to the witches as we speak."
Tim glanced at the table, which had a pen scribbling across a piece of paper, with nothing but air guiding it. He hadn't noticed how intricate Harmony's powers had really gotten until right then, and he figured the amount of adrenaline coursing through her at that moment was also helping her a lot.
Tim just nodded. It was then, that they heard actual thunder, as storm clouds filled the skies above their house.
Their little corner of the world was supposed to be untouched. There was supposed to be a force-field around it, undetectable by any mundane's in the immediate area. Why did Harmony suddenly feel so vulnerable?
Tim quickly exited the room, heading upstairs to the nursery to get the babies.
"Maybe it is just a storm," Robert kept rambling about the weather. Noah stopped listening about 5 seconds in, trying to close his eyes so he could get a nap in before that night. He was expecting Sara-Jane to come around, but even then he wasn't entirely sure.
"What!" Robert's voice yelled, rocking Noah from his slumber once more. Noah growled, his low throaty wolf growl.
"Will you keep it the hell down? I'm SLEEPING if you haven't noticed!"
"Well you might want to be awake for this!" Robert said. The curtains were all drawn back again, and it revealed something of a phenomenon mixed with a nightmare.
"That's a dark cloud..." Noah said slowly. Also, it's pretty bright for after sunset, dontcha think?"
"Yeah, I noticed that a little earlier, Noah," Robert replied. "I don't think this is good."
Noah finally sighed, slipping his shoes off carefully. "Wanna go look? Can't hurt, can it?"
Robert hesitated. "I don't know. I think we should tell Mom-"
"Oh, for Christ's sake Rob! We're nearly adults! If we noticed it, don't you think they already have too? She's probably running around the house collecting babies and shuffling them through the front door. This can't be good."
"And you want to freakin' go out and check it out?" Robert yelled back.
"Yep." Immediately, Noah threw open the long french-style windows to the study open, knocking out the screen that separated inside from outside, and fell the five feet to the ground. Instead of landing on feet, he landed on paws and his fur was blowing in the sudden accumulation of strong winds. The cold whipped through his hair, but it didn't bother him in the least. He disappeared into the forest, followed by his much more hesitant brother Robbie. Of course, Robbie hadn't left without leaving a hastily written note on his and Noah's whereabouts, just in case Noah WAS right and she WAS running frantic all over the place.
That's all for now! Dun dun dun! What could be happening? Who is the source of this evil?
Is it someone we may already know?
You'll find out, next chapter! Sorry if this was long, lol XD I was writing, and I kept writing, and now I'm still writing, and I should probably stop and do something more productive with my life. Like.... Bah, who am I kidding? I'm going to play sims XD
The minute Robert arrived to their home, Emily's bilious feeling went away. As if it never happened. Mary, concerned for her sudden behavior, stood nearby in case she was needed. Thomas, hands tucked behind his back, carefully examined Emily. He looked over at her shoulders; her long, jet black hair parted in the middle, several strands drapping over her shoulders and the rest falling carefully down her back.
Emily rubs her head and looks over at Mary. "Woot?"
"Are....are you okay, Emily?" Mary pushes two Tylenols at Emily. "You...were....the fuck was that?"
"I don't bloody know." Emily pops the pills into her mouth and takes a sip of water. "It must 'ave been a fookin' fluke. Its gone, wooteva' it was...."
Mary glances over at Thomas. "YOU. Grendel man. What the hell is this?"
"I wouldn't worry yourself too much, Mary. Emily is handling the changes very well and-"
"WOOT fookin' changes!?" Emily's chair falls over to the side, both hands in a tightly formed fist. "The fook did ya' do ta' me!"
Emily's eyes became the solid black color Mary observed earlier. She stepped closer to Thomas; standing on her toes, she glares into his eyes and breaths heavily. Thomas was not the least bit worried or fearful for Emily's change. He'd seen this transaction happen before. It came with the territory of owning Artemis' bow. The sacred item belonged to the goddess of hunt and protecting young girls and women alike. It was left to the Wood Elves, forever creating their ability to hunt and be one with their surrounding nature. Grendel's mother, Calla, was the sole owner of this bow and how she was able to obtain what was hidden within the weapon.
By passing it to Emily, she now had the ability Calla once had. She was merely going through the changes and as Thomas stood before the young Porgie, he could see it. Sense it. Notice how she held herself up and presented the anger within. Thomas tried to smile and touch her face.
"Get the fook away from me!" Emily slaps Thomas' hand away. "Ya' filthy, dirty fookin'-"
"Come with me." Thomas holds out his hand. "Let's take a walk, you and me."
Mary grabs Emily's hand. "Oh no you don't, you sick fucking swamp creature from the black lagoon! You're not taking her away from me, got it?"
Emily gently touches Mary's hand. "I got this, Mary. Please."
"But, Emily-" Mary refuses to release her grip. "You-I mean-Emily...."
"Please, Mary." Emily looks over and notices Vivian. They both nod. "I need ta' figure things out. My life is not the same now, Mary. Ya' of all people should know this. Did it NOT change, fa' the both of ya', when ya' got with me brotha' Junior?"
One by one, Mary's fingers drop until neither of them touch Emily's skin. Holding her hand in place, Mary could only stare at Thomas. Emily taking this as her answer, grabs Thomas by the hand and is led out to the back. Vivian passes Mary by; touching the Fable, she leaves a cool, compressed hand on Mary's arm, indicating she was indeed nearby. Mary rubs the spot, takes her seat and waits.
"You BETTER guard her, Vivian. Or so help me....."
Mary, cupping her face, silently weeps. For Emily was right. About everything.
Carefully, Thomas and Emily walk down the dirt path. On each ends, wild flowers bloom. The trees begin to show tiny white blossoms poking through the little brown buds forming beneath them. Emily stops to pick a few flowers. The Bees swarm in groups, traveling from Flower to Flower, pollinating as they go. The creek bubbles not too far from the home. A Crane and several other wild birds poke their heads from the tall grass. The sun shines high above the clouds, creating a warm blanket for the two Fables and the guardian, closely following behind.
"Spring is upon us." Thomas inhales the warm air. "I can smell it. Feel it. Taste it in my food."
"Where DO ya' live, Thomas? Ya' neva' mentioned and Gren-"
"I come and go as I please, dear." Thomas and Emily sit under a shade tree. "I go where I'm needed. Feel like sleeping. I catch my own meals, build my own home and wander this Earth like it was made for only me. I know this is asking for trouble but, to be honest, its all I've ever known. Gren, Robert or Isaiah have no need to worry about me...."
"They are. Gren....ya' may find this hard ta' believe but, he's oten thought of ya'."
Thomas strokes his goatee hairs and looks off into the distance. "I thought of my boys all the time. I knew there was a chance some of them made it out alive but when your head is full of anger and spite, the last thing you wish to do is involve others."
"It wasn't Gren's fault." Emily adjusts in the grass. "Woot happend ta' his mutha and all."
Thomas closes his eyes. "I've tried to tell my heart and soul that for years, dear. I really have. But I'm dead set on it. Gren should have ignored those men and women. She didn't NEED to walk out from the glades, pick a fight and devour all those souls. For what? The noise? Anger? Because Gren felt like being an ass that day?"
"He regrets eva' tryin' ta' fix it, Thomas. He really does..."
Thomas huffs. "His mother had no business taking his spot anyways. She should have let him die-"
"Ya' don't MEAN that, Thomas." Emily uses the tree to pull herself up. "Ya' don't fookin' mean this! I know ya' have ya' feelings towards him but-"
"Emily. Sit. Please." Thomas grabs her hand. "I know these words are difficult to listen. I feel horrible even speaking such awful things but its the TRUTH, Emily. THIS is how I feel about Grendel. He should have died. You need to understand-I lost my wife because my son's foolish and eratic behavior. Because of him, Beowulf was called upon. HE had his arm torn off because of his actions. My wife begged and pleaded for the Witch to help Gren. To save him from dying in the forest...."
Emily continues to speak. "Ya' don't need ta' talk 'bout him like that. Please..."
"I apologies." Thomas looks out once more. "I'm just...she took his place in death. I lost my wife. She became the tree and-"
"But why the bloody tree?"
"Weeping Willows mean a lot of things. She was one with the Earth. Perhaps it felt appropriate. Some say Orpheus used Willow wood to care out a talisman against evil as he journeyed to the Underworld."
Emily took her seat. "Underworld....oh my God. Viviana...."
Thomas continued. "For the Elves, the tree represented beauty and spiritual connection. She would be forever one with the Earth and near her boys for all eternity. During the Exile, I know Grendel tried to go back but her roots were far deep into the ground. I too, made the attempt but it was no use. Your father hid that knife and according to him, when he went back, her roots were entangled into the blade and handle."
"He told me that." Emily leans against the tree. "He fookin' told me this, Thomas..."
"And I'm simply answering all your questions. Wood Elves believed in everything opposite to Grendels: beauty, love, connections. All that. When their mother obtained the bow, all her magic and beliefs were trapped inside. The arrows powered by love, the bow crafted out of destiny and determination. By him giving you the bow, Calla must have sensed you because of what occured with Grendel and your father the night he stabbed Gren with the knife."
Emily covers her mouth. The attatchment to Vivian; Calla must have sensed it and did everything in her power to take Vivian from Hades' grasp and send her into Emily's life. The bow must have been the crafted tailsman Thomas mentioned. Viviana was being protected, like the bow's original purpose in life. Emily, now in possesion of the bow, WAS protecting her daughters. Like Artemis did. Calla's powers were forever locked into the bow itself; by her father stabbing Gren with the knife, their connection was sealed. Calla KNEW Emily would be with her son. It explained why Carla never felt the love. Wanted anything to do with Gren. Emily had become what Calla once was.
Emily looks down at her hands. "No...I'M the one that-"
"You're the protector of your daughters. Guardian to your son. Lover to Grendel. Because of Calla, Vivian was freed from the Underworld and able to find you. Guide you. Take you away from the path of destruction and onto the one made for you since day one. Gren GAVE you that bow because he knew it was right. We Grendels just FEEL these things, Emily. It felt RIGHT giving you his mother's bow..."
"My daughters-"
"They have their own place in this world, Emily. I can assure you, they'll make you and my son very proud. Chloe and Viviana are destined for great. Little Seraphina will find her place among the skies, Earth, water...."
Emily beamed. Looking over, she notices Vivian holding the babies. All but Viviana are held against her chest.
"Woot 'bout Liam?" Emily wipes away a tear. "Woot 'bout him, Thomas? Please....will he be alright?"
"I only know bits, Emily. I do apologies. Liam is just like Grendel in more ways than one. But he has the mind of his mother. The agility of his grandmother and the hope of his grandfather. He moves like the wind and swiftly like the Wolf. His strength is of the Grendel but his love and devotion from the Wood Elves. Each of them will have the element, just like my boys did."
"But, ya' had FIVE sons." Emily plucks Viviana from the sky. "I have just the four babies."
Thomas smiles, looking down at Emily. "So you do. Now...."
"Thomas, I-"
"Ah, my grandchildren. There you are. Come to papa Thomas." Thomas takes Chloe and Seraphina in his arms. Liam, still weak from his changes, cuddles into Emily's lap and chews on her shirt.
"My they are getting very big. Such wonderful children. My little girls-you'll make us very proud one day. My little Liam-you and your sisters will forever keep this world at peace and make it better. Something we failed at for generations...."
Emily holds Viviana closer. "Woot 'bout her, Thomas? Does...does Hades-"
"Perhaps Vivian should tell you herself. But that can be for another day. Come. Let us go find where your uncles and father have gone to."
Helping Emily to her feet, Thomas leads them both down the slope of the hill and back to the home. Viviana flies into the sky and follows her mother and grandfather. Chloe and Seraphina remain in Thomas' arms, as Emily does her best to comfort her boy. Liam, closing his eyes, continues to suck on her shirt. She notices three large Grendels in the front yard; Junior, sitting on the fence post, watches as Gren tosses Robert to the side. The children, all sitting behind the fence, watch anxiously at the battle, for neither of them have ever witnessed such strength and force.
Sheila slams her hand into the ground. "GO ROBERT! GO!"
"Robert?" George seemes stunned. "Why would you go for Robert? We want uncle Gren to win!"
Sheila pats her brother's hand. "I'm sorry but....if you have NOT noticed, Georgie my dear brother....he's a BIT smaller and-"
Junior takes the front of his shoe and taps his daughter in the back of the head. "Sheila. What have I told you?"
"But daddy!" Sheila points out. "He's-"
"Sheila. One more word and you'll be going in the house."
Emily was not sure what was taking place. Although changed, Isaiah stood back and away. The only two in full combat were Gren and Robert. Pressing his brother against the Earth, Robert sat in the middle of Gren's back and held his right hand against his head.
"The fook!?" Emily heads for the house. "Why are they fighten' like this, Thomas? I thought they had ta' talk and-"
"They do." Thomas places the babies on the grass. "Only if they agreed Robert could have it...."
Thomas begins to undress and change. Emily, placing Liam with the others, charges after him. She notices Sunflower and without a single word, he knows what to do. Emily's heart was racing; Gren must have wanted it more than he led on. He didn't have a chance. Robert was already creating a mess in the dirt with blood and bits of flesh.
"Get the kids outta 'ere, Junior!" Emily's eyes were a solid black once more. "GO! Get em' outta 'ere!"
Emily looks over and notices the bow. Vivian, holding the item, trembles in place. Emily snatches the item from her guardian's hands; immediatly, an Ivy plant exits the handle, wraps around Emily's hand and disappears into her body. The arrows glow red; they turn a golden yellow, as she points and aims it directly at Robert.
Vivian grabs Emily's shoulder. "EMILY! Do you even know how to-"
"Not now, Vivian..." Emily releases the arrow, as it penetrates the air, flies past the others and into Robert's arm. "I'm tryin' ta' save me family...."
Robert roars into the air. Clutching his arm, Gren takes this opportunity and leaps onto his brother. Pinning Robert to the ground, a cloud of dust forms a foundation beneath the brothers. Panicked, Isaiah covers his mouth and turns away; he'd never seen his brothers react in such a manner before. It made him nauseas and unable to breath. Gren sinks his teeth into Robert's neck; the blood pours from the wound and seeps into Gren's mouth, causing his grip to tighten.
"He's going to kill him!" Isaiah looks over at Thomas, now in full form. "Dad, shit! DO something!"
Thomas sadly knew of the only thing to truly stop his son. As the life draned slowly from Robert's eyes, Thomas snags Gren's arm and holds tightly. Gren, turning to view his father, snarls and hisses; he tries to snap his jaws around Thomas, as Robert plummets to the ground. Emily, notiving what was about to take place, runs for Gren. But it was too late.
"THOMAS!" Everyone knew what was about to happen next. "THOMAS, FOOK-NOOOOO!"
With one mighty pull, Thomas tears off Gren's arm. Tossing it to the side, Gren screams into the mid-morning light, tumbles to the ground and curls into a tight ball. Emily rushes to his side, grabs his head and glares up at Thomas. Her eyes remaining dark as the night sky.
"Ya' monster!" Emily hisses, still holding onto Gren. "Ya' fookin' monster!"
Remaining on the ground, Emily holds Gren. Surprisingly, he was not angry or distraught.
"Emily, it had to had to be done-"
"Woot, Gren-WHY, love!? He almost-"
"It kicked in." Gren looks over at his brother, tending to the arrow not causing severe pain in Robert's arm. "It finally kicked in..."
"Woot kicked in, Gren!? I....I don't understand, I-"
Gren glares up at Thomas, blood dripping off his hands. Thomas turns away, ashamed of the answer.
"What HE'S always wanted me to be." Gren suddenly beams. "An Alpha."
Any questions, you know the drill. Sorry for this long ass chapter. XD I was on a good one today. This idea has been brewing in my head for some time; I actually woke up last night and wrote it down, so I wouldn't forget. Trying to REALLY bring it all together. If anything is confusing, not be afraid to ask.
My money is on char, Tobias or hell.....even Tim's sister but I could be WAAAAY off with these! Seeing Franklin's interactions with Ash always remind me of my younger years trying to speak to girls, although his frustration at the moment...poor kid, man.
Tim cooking dinner! XD XD DON'T know why that ammused me. XD
LOL The Sims are awesome. :P You can't go wrong with that.
Cormac wishing to be like nick really leaves you to truly understand just what Nick is capable of and the power he has within himself. To be honest, Cormac dead (for now at least) does not surprise me. Nick is badass during this fight and Pestilence is one bad ass as well. So, when they are killed, they must take new forms? Neat.
Sounds like me on a daily basis. XD XD Forget something and when you remember it, WATCH the fuck out! XD I loved the description that followed. I forgot about that part....
Neat story, man. Apologies for not leaving a comment sooner.
Basically, the Harbingers need host bodies to walk the earth, but it's like a massive selection process. These host bodies need to have desirable appearances, traits and backgrounds first, then they need to be either recently dead or near death.
Aleesha and Cormac can only be killed by either Famine or Pestilence respectively; so they aren't dead, they just can't do anything in the real world
Nick knows full well of what he is capable of, and while Cormac and others find this raw power to be desirable, Nick doesn't like using his full potential. You will see what Nick can really do soon enough with his Black Magic against Harmony...