Ah got it now. Was a TAD confused at first but it makes sense. Man, between Harmony, Grendel brothers and Lyla, Nick has his hands full for potential battle. XD
Basically, the Harbingers need host bodies to walk the earth, but it's like a massive selection process. These host bodies need to have desi… morerable appearances, traits and backgrounds first, then they need to be either recently dead or near death.
Aleesha and Cormac can only be killed by either Famine or Pestilence respectively; so they aren't dead, they just can't do anything in the real world
Nick knows full well of what he is capable of, and while Cormac and others find this raw power to be desirable, Nick doesn't like using his full potential. You will see what Nick can really do soon enough with his Black Magic against Harmony...
Grendel Brothers... again, wait and see (you and JJ kinda already know what happens)
Lyla, there won't be a fight, but there will be tension.
Nick doesn't actually go looking for fights :P But he won't back down from one if it gets started. I want a villain that can actually do some real damage to him, and I don't wanna be the one to create him/her XD
Ah got it now. Was a TAD confused at first but it makes sense. Man, between Harmony, Grendel brothers and Lyla, Nick has his hands full for potential battle. XD
Wow...I had to go back and read it again. Not that is was confusing but because so much is being revealed and it all begins to make sense; your past stories, the connections you made with certain characters and what not. For example:
Georgie and Lyla. Georgie was cursed; you have stated this and if his parents HAD stabbed him with the knife like they were told, he wouldn't have ended up being the Georgie we all knew from the game. He hid that SAME knife, under the roots of a tree....that tree ended up being Gren's mom. As it laid there, the roots grew and she detected Georgie and how he'd influence her son's life. VERY cool...because she was an Enchatress, she KNEW what her son was capable of. By Gren being stabbed and then Georgie being impaled by the SAME knife, it created a chain connecting them together forever, as mentioned. Calla KNEW of Emily. The love she'd provide to Gren. The knife sensed it; thus, this gave Georgie the hope and willingness to LOVE Lyla, take a chance and create a family....
With that being said, Gren obviously had the bow this entire time. He gave it to Emily; Thomas stated that Grendels just knew when something felt right. It felt right giving Emily that bow. Makes sense why Carla never got it. There WAS no love. Now, the bo, which was owned by the goddess Artemis and given to Calla, gained a lot of power. I looked up the bo, too. VERY interesting, being as its connected to Wood Elves. So, when Gren GAVE this to Emily, Calla imbedded herself into Emily and gave her the powers. (explains the eyes) and her ability to use it.
Now, Thomas. I always cry when he speaks of Gren like this. How sad, to REALLT despise your own son like that. I look forward to what you have planned for the quads, especially Viviana because of Hades and Vivian has YET to reveal it all....also:
But, ya' had FIVE sons." Emily plucks Viviana from the sky. "I have just the four babies."
Thomas smiles, looking down at Emily. "So you do. Now...."
OMG....did you JUST reveal to us that Emily WILL become pregnant again!? -Dancing- OH it makes sense, dude! There were 5 brothers; each had their element and since Emily and Gren ONLY had four kids...oh man! so, when each HAVE their element, will it effect their lives in any way?
Sheila slams her hand into the ground. "GO ROBERT! GO!"
"Robert?" George seemes stunned. "Why would you go for Robert? We want uncle Gren to win!"
XD XD Oh Sheila. THIS is why I love you!
Thomas snags Gren's arm and holds tightly. Gren, turning to view his father, snarls and hisses; he tries to snap his jaws around Thomas, as Robert plummets to the ground. Emily, notiving what was about to take place, runs for Gren. But it was too late.
Oh what....
With one mighty pull, Thomas tears off Gren's arm.
SHIT! :0 NO, WHY!!!!!!!
Gren glares up at Thomas, blood dripping off his hands. Thomas turns away, ashamed of the answer.
"What HE'S always wanted me to be." Gren suddenly beams. "An Alpha."
Oh wow...this just made things interesting, with not only what's going to take place but Robert and Gren's relationship. Its obvious Isaiah wants nothing to do with it...wow....GREAT, dude. This is getting really good!!!
The minute Robert arrived to their home, Emily's bilious feeling went away. As if it never happened. Mary, concerned for her sudden behavior… more, stood nearby in case she was needed. Thomas, hands tucked behind his back, carefully examined Emily. He looked over at her shoulders; her long, jet black hair parted in the middle, several strands drapping over her shoulders and the rest falling carefully down her back.
Emily rubs her head and looks over at Mary. "Woot?"
"Are....are you okay, Emily?" Mary pushes two Tylenols at Emily. "You...were....the fuck was that?"
"I don't bloody know." Emily pops the pills into her mouth and takes a sip of water. "It must 'ave been a fookin' fluke. Its gone, wooteva' it was...."
Mary glances over at Thomas. "YOU. Grendel man. What the hell is this?"
"I wouldn't worry yourself too much, Mary. Emily is handling the changes very well and-"
"WOOT fookin' changes!?" Emily's chair falls over to the si… [view original content]
Well...shit. Things are really picking up and I really hope Gren pulls through, for his family's and his own sake!
Poor Gren losing an arm
I really like the Greek refrences, Artemis' Bow, Orpheus: Master of strings. Charming poetry. And his bravery travel to the underworld. I also had to read his name in the persona 3 protagonists voice XD
The minute Robert arrived to their home, Emily's bilious feeling went away. As if it never happened. Mary, concerned for her sudden behavior… more, stood nearby in case she was needed. Thomas, hands tucked behind his back, carefully examined Emily. He looked over at her shoulders; her long, jet black hair parted in the middle, several strands drapping over her shoulders and the rest falling carefully down her back.
Emily rubs her head and looks over at Mary. "Woot?"
"Are....are you okay, Emily?" Mary pushes two Tylenols at Emily. "You...were....the fuck was that?"
"I don't bloody know." Emily pops the pills into her mouth and takes a sip of water. "It must 'ave been a fookin' fluke. Its gone, wooteva' it was...."
Mary glances over at Thomas. "YOU. Grendel man. What the hell is this?"
"I wouldn't worry yourself too much, Mary. Emily is handling the changes very well and-"
"WOOT fookin' changes!?" Emily's chair falls over to the si… [view original content]
I love Greek Mythology and I wanted to add some of their stories; a lot tie into what is going on and where I'm leading this. Artemis' Bow was always a fun read and Orpheus was my favorite as well. Glad you picked up on that. Gren is fine. His arm, though....XD
Well...shit. Things are really picking up and I really hope Gren pulls through, for his family's and his own sake!
Poor Gren losing an ar… morem
I really like the Greek refrences, Artemis' Bow, Orpheus: Master of strings. Charming poetry. And his bravery travel to the underworld. I also had to read his name in the persona 3 protagonists voice XD
I always liked to read up on Greek Mythology even when I was about eight and understood none of it until later on XD. With Grens arm I'm getting Vivid reminders of my TWAU play through XD
I love Greek Mythology and I wanted to add some of their stories; a lot tie into what is going on and where I'm leading this. Artemis' Bow … morewas always a fun read and Orpheus was my favorite as well. Glad you picked up on that. Gren is fine. His arm, though....XD
Yes. All that you stated is true. I mentioned this several times but its all connected in the end. Calla was a Witch back in the Homelands; she was able to enter the siritual world and obtain information. This also gave her an idea of her sons and what would happen. Enter Georgie and his second chance with Lyla, which would result in the birth of Emily and Gren's reason for living...
OMG....did you JUST reveal to us that Emily WILL become pregnant again!?
Not sure, man. XD Maybe is all I'll say....:D
As far as Gren goes right now, like Thomas stated: instincts are kicking in. Robert and Gren do not want to fight; I'll explain more in the future chapters but its been built into their DNA.
Wow...I had to go back and read it again. Not that is was confusing but because so much is being revealed and it all begins to make sense; y… moreour past stories, the connections you made with certain characters and what not. For example:
Georgie and Lyla. Georgie was cursed; you have stated this and if his parents HAD stabbed him with the knife like they were told, he wouldn't have ended up being the Georgie we all knew from the game. He hid that SAME knife, under the roots of a tree....that tree ended up being Gren's mom. As it laid there, the roots grew and she detected Georgie and how he'd influence her son's life. VERY cool...because she was an Enchatress, she KNEW what her son was capable of. By Gren being stabbed and then Georgie being impaled by the SAME knife, it created a chain connecting them together forever, as mentioned. Calla KNEW of Emily. The love she'd provide to Gren. The knife sensed it; thus, this gave Georgie the hope and … [view original content]
I really got into them when I was in high school. Since then, felt it was appropriate for FABLES. XD That was me, too, after writing it because I cough don't kill me JJ but....I DID pull it off the 1st play through. XD
I always liked to read up on Greek Mythology even when I was about eight and understood none of it until later on XD. With Grens arm I'm getting Vivid reminders of my TWAU play through XD
At my age I just thought they were bad ass people doing awesome poses XD Yeah I can agree on that, they are in their own way a fable. Yeah I had the mentality that Gren was an ass but then as the game went on he grew on me (I think the Jackie boy joke sealed the deal ) and I had to do a second play through and not rip off his arm. Sorry JJ XP
I really got into them when I was in high school. Since then, felt it was appropriate for FABLES. XD That was me, too, after writing it because I cough don't kill me JJ but....I DID pull it off the 1st play through. XD
High school, the epitome evil... some might say.. To others it could be a really cool and fun place to meet interesting and cool people, learn new things,and prepare for the next chapter of your life.The series of stories about to unfold requires excitement, if it doesn't, you are being told telling the wrong story. It requires intensity. It requires a story about a girl falling in love with a boy.Heartbreaks, tears, and in the end coming out stronger then you ever were.
It requires making choices for your own. It requires mistakes that would've cost you your future, or even your life. It requires embarrassment. Not remembering what happened last night.** It requires sleepless nights over schoolwork, or just 1 million and one things running through your head. It requires being worried of not knowing what you’ll do in life.** Fear that you will end up as a failure. Fear that the calling of your very own life is unknown, Fear of letting people down. Fear of fear itself. You can tell a true high school story if it involves being afraid.
A true high school story makes you want to be adventurous. Do not believe a story if it does not have rebellion. A true high school story involves going against your parents commands and getting in trouble the next day.When I say getting in trouble I mean getting IN TROUBLE. Like being grounded for 1 month, getting your phone taken away for 2 weeks.
To be honest, a true high school story needs to have a foolish high schooler who made a big mistake in order to learn the reality of life and a macho and cocky gym teacher, a tomboy with an attitude,a diva, a class clown, a master thief, a sophisticated and slightly eccentric professor and a care-free wolf.
A true high school story is about making mistakes, and learning from them. Getting hurt, and picking yourself back up, being stronger then you has ever been.Realizing that you can’t trust everyone, not every person you see that smiles in your face is your friend. A true high school story is about learning from experiences, and living your life as if tomorrow was your last day.Now take what you heard and add, wizard's,witches, archer's, dragon's, werewolf's,werecat's, demon's, demigod's, weasel's, grendel's, cryptid's and other stuff.
So.... here we go...
High school, the epitome evil... some might say.. To others it could be a really cool and fun place to meet inte… moreresting and cool people, learn new things,and prepare for the next chapter of your life. The series of stories about to unfold requires excitement, if it doesn't, you are being told telling the wrong story. It requires intensity. It requires a story about a girl falling in love with a boy.Heartbreaks, tears, and in the end coming out stronger then you ever were.
It requires making choices for your own. It requires mistakes that would've cost you your future, or even your life. It requires embarrassment. Not remembering what happened last night.** It requires sleepless nights over schoolwork, or just 1 million and one things running through your head. It requires being worried of not knowing what you’ll do in life.** Fear that you will end up as a failure. Fear that the calling of your very own life i… [view original content]
I really got into them when I was in high school. Since then, felt it was appropriate for FABLES. XD That was me, too, after writing it because I cough don't kill me JJ but....I DID pull it off the 1st play through. XD
That was a wonderful start. This class clown Grendel is ready to return to my High school years. -crosses fingers- Hoping to catch the eye of the Diva, ditch the cocky gym teacher's class, hang with the theif and wolf, ace that sophisticated teacher's class and get the answer for the math test from the tomboy. XD
So.... here we go...
High school, the epitome evil... some might say.. To others it could be a really cool and fun place to meet inte… moreresting and cool people, learn new things,and prepare for the next chapter of your life. The series of stories about to unfold requires excitement, if it doesn't, you are being told telling the wrong story. It requires intensity. It requires a story about a girl falling in love with a boy.Heartbreaks, tears, and in the end coming out stronger then you ever were.
It requires making choices for your own. It requires mistakes that would've cost you your future, or even your life. It requires embarrassment. Not remembering what happened last night.** It requires sleepless nights over schoolwork, or just 1 million and one things running through your head. It requires being worried of not knowing what you’ll do in life.** Fear that you will end up as a failure. Fear that the calling of your very own life i… [view original content]
I honestly don't think ANYONE'S going to be able to guess who it is....It's someone whose been a character for a short while before, however they haven't even been mentioned since around the time Franklin himself had first become a character (hint hint) so stay tuned, I'll be writing it out more tomorrow (As we have no school, because of snow and ice. Again.) I tell you one thing; It is a female. So yeah XD But, maybe Char and Tobias are also intertwined in the whole thing. Who knows? Keep on the look out. Franklin and Ash are in that awkward stage where they want to be together but they're also super shy around each other when it comes to romantical things because the both of them are fairly new at it all. At least they're not as bad as Elora, who might just faint the when Anubis finally kisses her XDD And Tim, glorious, wonderful Tim. He's cooking because he's trying to give Harmony a bit of a break; Looks like she IS going to be visiting her mother, as soon as this mysterious crap blows over! I was actually looking back at super old chapters, and I completely forgot that Snow and Charming both took turns teaching Harmony some fencing, so I think I'll integrate that into the next scenes that I eventually write.
I was actually about to play it when my family decided "Let's go out and eat at Cracker Barrel!" So I went there instead. And the nearest Cracker Barrel is about an hour away from my house, plus it was foggy af (Like, not even kidding, Silent Hill foggy where there could be hellhounds or like the Pyramid head guy around the corner.) AND it was also raining. NOT a fun drive, but boy, was my steak delicious. Also got some candy from the shop So it wasn't bad.
My money is on char, Tobias or hell.....even Tim's sister but I could be WAAAAY off with these! Seeing Franklin's interactions with Ash alwa… moreys remind me of my younger years trying to speak to girls, although his frustration at the moment...poor kid, man. Tim cooking dinner! XD XD DON'T know why that ammused me. XD
LOL The Sims are awesome. :P You can't go wrong with that.
Bigby and Snow had helped Makoto and Celeste build their house next to theirs. Even though Bigby didn't like it, Bloody Mary was there to help. Luna stayed back in Fabletown while Makoto helped make sure Ella was able to transform, so she could be brought to Fabletown if need be....
Six years later....
It was Ellas birthday and Makoto had just got home from work, she skated to him by using the dark pool of blood and darkness to move swiftly and stylishly. They got lucky because Luna once brought her to Fabletown by accident and she was skating around the Mundies, but they thought she had on some fancy shoes or roller skates because they couldn't see the blood pool. She jumped up into his arms giggling and laughing giving him a kiss on the cheek. It was only Makotos family and Bigbys family, everyone else was too afraid of Ella to go to her party. But this didn't bother Ella, as long as she had her family she was as happy as could be. She took a lot after her father with her hair and her attitude, she always goes out of her way to protect others but does have some morale dilemmas. She hated women's clothes she found them uncomfortable, so she wore male clothes since she was five, why she did this Makoto and Celeste did not know, but they supported her anyways. She started to play with Makotos headphones.
"Dad what took you so long!" She said
He kissed her on the cheek and set her down in the chair. "Sorry sweetheart I Beast decided we'd swap duties today and I do paperwork. Which doesn't always go as planned." He laughed and pulled out a present and set it on the table.
"Look Ella you've got one more!" Celeste said
Ella unwrapped them to see that her father had got her matching earphones for her birthday. She jumped for joy and said thank you way too many times. After that they all said their goodbyes and went to bed....
That night before Ella went to sleep she saw a weird shadowy figure in the corner of her room.
"Why hello there young one!" The shadow grinned. "You and I are family, in fact I gave you this power. And guess what! You're a special breed!" He cackled. "You're a....ha...HAHAHA....A Daemon! YOU are the middle line of mortal AND DEITY! How exciting is that!? HA HA HA! My back when I lived I bet I was smart!" He cackled on.
Ella screamed in pure fright "MOM!!! DAD!!!" She yelled
The shadow waved and dissappeared. Makoto and Celeste ran in and comforted Ella who was crying in her bed scared to death, they asked her what was wrong. She explained to them what she had saw, Makoto and Celeste talked it out and there was a clear sign that it was Luke who had contacted her tonight...
Three days go by and Luke had not visited her at all since then...Makoto paced and came up with the idea that it was just a one time thing, or else he would've came back over the past nights. Celeste agreed and they put it off for a while. Ella woke up, took a shower and got dressed, she put on her headphones and told her them she was headed to the farm. They agreed and gave her a hug and told her when to be back.
She walked along and she could hear her footsteps splash sploosh splash sploosh as she walked. Sometimes she found it soothing as she loved the rain and the splash people with their feet, reminds her of the rain. She came up on the farm where she found other little ones playing. But whenever she showed up everyone would run and hide. Ever since they saw her and her transformation nobody could bare to even look at her. She shrugged and slid the headphones on, and began to practice movement with the pool of blood.
After many hours a parent walked out. "Hey! Do you mind leaving? Our kids want to play." The rabbit yelled
"Can't they just come out then?" Ella asked.
The parent looked down as if he were in shame and said "No. I'm sorry..."
Although Ella could not hear it there was a voice in the background telling him to not be sorry she's a demon. They also didn't see there were a pair of eyes in the background...
Bloody Mary wanted to kill every last one of them, but instead she walked up to Ella as she came through a mirror and escorted her back home....
That's it! Sorry @pudding_pie I hope you don't mind me using Greek mythology myself although this will probably be the only time I will actually use it. I just thought the word fit for Ellas description. I would've asked through PM but I didn't know if you're up at this hour XD If you want I can change her! Just let me know and I'll make the changes Any questions or comments let me know
I love it! I can't wait to see whatever role you'll have Tezoth play as a staff member. Maybe he'll purposely stare down some Fable kids with his dragon eyes and call on them when they don't know the answer. XD
So.... here we go...
High school, the epitome evil... some might say.. To others it could be a really cool and fun place to meet inte… moreresting and cool people, learn new things,and prepare for the next chapter of your life. The series of stories about to unfold requires excitement, if it doesn't, you are being told telling the wrong story. It requires intensity. It requires a story about a girl falling in love with a boy.Heartbreaks, tears, and in the end coming out stronger then you ever were.
It requires making choices for your own. It requires mistakes that would've cost you your future, or even your life. It requires embarrassment. Not remembering what happened last night.** It requires sleepless nights over schoolwork, or just 1 million and one things running through your head. It requires being worried of not knowing what you’ll do in life.** Fear that you will end up as a failure. Fear that the calling of your very own life i… [view original content]
Alright, if you guys remember me asking you a particular question in the PM's you've sent me. Here's a little status update about your surpr… moreises:
MasterStone - Finished
LupineNoir - Finished
pudding_pie - Finished
JJwolf - Work in progress
EMMYPESS, Tetra, Hazzatheman - Haven't started yet
And that's all there is to it! I'll most likely post what I have done so far in the next few days.
So.... here we go...
High school, the epitome evil... some might say.. To others it could be a really cool and fun place to meet inte… moreresting and cool people, learn new things,and prepare for the next chapter of your life. The series of stories about to unfold requires excitement, if it doesn't, you are being told telling the wrong story. It requires intensity. It requires a story about a girl falling in love with a boy.Heartbreaks, tears, and in the end coming out stronger then you ever were.
It requires making choices for your own. It requires mistakes that would've cost you your future, or even your life. It requires embarrassment. Not remembering what happened last night.** It requires sleepless nights over schoolwork, or just 1 million and one things running through your head. It requires being worried of not knowing what you’ll do in life.** Fear that you will end up as a failure. Fear that the calling of your very own life i… [view original content]
Alright, if you guys remember me asking you a particular question in the PM's you've sent me. Here's a little status update about your surpr… moreises:
MasterStone - Finished
LupineNoir - Finished
pudding_pie - Finished
JJwolf - Work in progress
EMMYPESS, Tetra, Hazzatheman - Haven't started yet
And that's all there is to it! I'll most likely post what I have done so far in the next few days.
Alright, if you guys remember me asking you a particular question in the PM's you've sent me. Here's a little status update about your surpr… moreises:
MasterStone - Finished
LupineNoir - Finished
pudding_pie - Finished
JJwolf - Work in progress
EMMYPESS, Tetra, Hazzatheman - Haven't started yet
And that's all there is to it! I'll most likely post what I have done so far in the next few days.
Oh man, from WAAAAAY back when he was just a tyke. You have me going back in my memory vault, trying to figure it out. There were a few I recall. I MAY need to go back and double check. Would hate to be like 'Oh, its susan right!' and you're like 'DAFUQ is Susan....XD lol I figured Char & Tobias may be involved bu not necesserly a bad thing, neither. At least Elore HAS tried to move on. I always felt so bad for her because of what happened....:'( And yes, please. I always found Charming and Harmony's interactions interesting.
I've never been to the Cracker Barrel. We don't have those here in my town. XD I hear its good, though. But driving in the Silent Hill fog...0.0 IDK 'bout all that. Them chicken wings can wait! XD XD Least ya' got some candy. Cany always helps.
I honestly don't think ANYONE'S going to be able to guess who it is....It's someone whose been a character for a short while before, however… more they haven't even been mentioned since around the time Franklin himself had first become a character (hint hint) so stay tuned, I'll be writing it out more tomorrow (As we have no school, because of snow and ice. Again.) I tell you one thing; It is a female. So yeah XD But, maybe Char and Tobias are also intertwined in the whole thing. Who knows? Keep on the look out. Franklin and Ash are in that awkward stage where they want to be together but they're also super shy around each other when it comes to romantical things because the both of them are fairly new at it all. At least they're not as bad as Elora, who might just faint the when Anubis finally kisses her XDD And Tim, glorious, wonderful Tim. He's cooking because he's trying to give Harmony a bit of a break; Looks like she IS going to be visiting h… [view original content]
Great start, Stone! I'm really looking forward to this. Take me back to MY high school years, although we didn't have all these neats additions. Hey, Class Clown-perhaps you can give me some of those math answers! XD
So.... here we go...
High school, the epitome evil... some might say.. To others it could be a really cool and fun place to meet inte… moreresting and cool people, learn new things,and prepare for the next chapter of your life. The series of stories about to unfold requires excitement, if it doesn't, you are being told telling the wrong story. It requires intensity. It requires a story about a girl falling in love with a boy.Heartbreaks, tears, and in the end coming out stronger then you ever were.
It requires making choices for your own. It requires mistakes that would've cost you your future, or even your life. It requires embarrassment. Not remembering what happened last night.** It requires sleepless nights over schoolwork, or just 1 million and one things running through your head. It requires being worried of not knowing what you’ll do in life.** Fear that you will end up as a failure. Fear that the calling of your very own life i… [view original content]
Alright, if you guys remember me asking you a particular question in the PM's you've sent me. Here's a little status update about your surpr… moreises:
MasterStone - Finished
LupineNoir - Finished
pudding_pie - Finished
JJwolf - Work in progress
EMMYPESS, Tetra, Hazzatheman - Haven't started yet
And that's all there is to it! I'll most likely post what I have done so far in the next few days.
LOL Nah, dude. I don't mind! The idea that my recent additions to Greek Mythology helped bring out that wonderful love you have for it as well. I thought it was interesting you picked Daemon, considering Bloody Mary is a vengful spirit and trying to hurt or kill little Ella; although, if I recall properly, Daemons were not actually evil. They were ghosts but forces of natures and sometimes guides...almost like what Viv is to Emily, although YOU may have a different idea.
But you mentioned only adding this character once, although it was interesting to see Celeste and Makato. The little Rabbit, though.
She's getting older...
Three Months later...
Bigby and Snow had helped Makoto and Celeste build their house next to theirs. Even thoug… moreh Bigby didn't like it, Bloody Mary was there to help. Luna stayed back in Fabletown while Makoto helped make sure Ella was able to transform, so she could be brought to Fabletown if need be....
Six years later....
It was Ellas birthday and Makoto had just got home from work, she skated to him by using the dark pool of blood and darkness to move swiftly and stylishly. They got lucky because Luna once brought her to Fabletown by accident and she was skating around the Mundies, but they thought she had on some fancy shoes or roller skates because they couldn't see the blood pool. She jumped up into his arms giggling and laughing giving him a kiss on the cheek. It was only Makotos family and Bigbys family, everyone else was too afraid of Ella to go to her party. But this didn't bother Ella, as long as … [view original content]
Alright Cool! Greek mythology is an awesome thing! Oh I think you misunderstand on this part! Bloody Mary is Ellas Grandmother, and since she has more of her powers she seeks to help her since Ella is being treated as an outcast because of her demonic abilities. Yes you are right on that one, they were also treated as people who were both mortal but gods as well so they were sort of in the middle. I have some ideas of where I am going with this but mostly it just pops in my head as I am writing XD
LOL Nah, dude. I don't mind! The idea that my recent additions to Greek Mythology helped bring out that wonderful love you have for it as w… moreell. I thought it was interesting you picked Daemon, considering Bloody Mary is a vengful spirit and trying to hurt or kill little Ella; although, if I recall properly, Daemons were not actually evil. They were ghosts but forces of natures and sometimes guides...almost like what Viv is to Emily, although YOU may have a different idea.
But you mentioned only adding this character once, although it was interesting to see Celeste and Makato. The little Rabbit, though.
-slaps forehead- Oh dude, my bad! Thanks for telling me otherwise! XP Makes sense! Hopefully, little Ella finds her nitch in this world, although it won't be too hard. Her parents are pretty rad and she has Snow and Bigby, too. Least I was right on one! XD XD It works, man and I'm loving it. Can't wait to read more on Ella.
Alright Cool! Greek mythology is an awesome thing! Oh I think you misunderstand on this part! Bloody Mary is Ellas Grandmother, and since s… morehe has more of her powers she seeks to help her since Ella is being treated as an outcast because of her demonic abilities. Yes you are right on that one, they were also treated as people who were both mortal but gods as well so they were sort of in the middle. I have some ideas of where I am going with this but mostly it just pops in my head as I am writing XD
Hey man don't worry about it! XD As of right now I want her and Catherine to meet up, what happens I don't even know XD She will find her way, with the help of her family! Thanks Pudding!
-slaps forehead- Oh dude, my bad! Thanks for telling me otherwise! XP Makes sense! Hopefully, little Ella finds her nitch in this world, alt… morehough it won't be too hard. Her parents are pretty rad and she has Snow and Bigby, too. Least I was right on one! XD XD It works, man and I'm loving it. Can't wait to read more on Ella.
I love it! I can't wait to see whatever role you'll have Tezoth play as a staff member. Maybe he'll purposely stare down some Fable kids with his dragon eyes and call on them when they don't know the answer. XD
Yeah it was really weird writing this XD but also a ton of fun to see two of my characters duke it out! We will have to remember him as he w… moreas when he worked with Bigby (Which will be coming up soon I can't figure out a case for them to do )
He is very ballsy at that part but when he used the orb of the world, he wasn't the only one in that body.
So.... here we go...
High school, the epitome evil... some might say.. To others it could be a really cool and fun place to meet inte… moreresting and cool people, learn new things,and prepare for the next chapter of your life. The series of stories about to unfold requires excitement, if it doesn't, you are being told telling the wrong story. It requires intensity. It requires a story about a girl falling in love with a boy.Heartbreaks, tears, and in the end coming out stronger then you ever were.
It requires making choices for your own. It requires mistakes that would've cost you your future, or even your life. It requires embarrassment. Not remembering what happened last night.** It requires sleepless nights over schoolwork, or just 1 million and one things running through your head. It requires being worried of not knowing what you’ll do in life.** Fear that you will end up as a failure. Fear that the calling of your very own life i… [view original content]
Alright, if you guys remember me asking you a particular question in the PM's you've sent me. Here's a little status update about your surpr… moreises:
MasterStone - Finished
LupineNoir - Finished
pudding_pie - Finished
JJwolf - Work in progress
EMMYPESS, Tetra, Hazzatheman - Haven't started yet
And that's all there is to it! I'll most likely post what I have done so far in the next few days.
Wow! Had to go over a few things because, as JJ mentions, there's so much information! A wonder you get to sleep at night with plots like that going about your mind. XD Surely if Hades did ever turn up, with Emily, the bow, and the spirit of Calla with her - if I've got that right? - they might be strong enough to put him at bay, at least. Not sure if I missed something, but what happened to the ivy that went in Emily? Or was that her sort of becoming one with the bow?
The minute Robert arrived to their home, Emily's bilious feeling went away. As if it never happened. Mary, concerned for her sudden behavior… more, stood nearby in case she was needed. Thomas, hands tucked behind his back, carefully examined Emily. He looked over at her shoulders; her long, jet black hair parted in the middle, several strands drapping over her shoulders and the rest falling carefully down her back.
Emily rubs her head and looks over at Mary. "Woot?"
"Are....are you okay, Emily?" Mary pushes two Tylenols at Emily. "You...were....the fuck was that?"
"I don't bloody know." Emily pops the pills into her mouth and takes a sip of water. "It must 'ave been a fookin' fluke. Its gone, wooteva' it was...."
Mary glances over at Thomas. "YOU. Grendel man. What the hell is this?"
"I wouldn't worry yourself too much, Mary. Emily is handling the changes very well and-"
"WOOT fookin' changes!?" Emily's chair falls over to the si… [view original content]
I do apologies if it was confusing but so far, you two are catching on. You have it down as far as Emily taking on what Calla used to be, seeing as the bow belonged to her. But HOW she'll handle it, will come later. The Ivy came because Emily is finally becoming one with the bow. She won't FULLY understand its true powers until the quads are much older. Hades is tied in there as well.
And yes. I know I annoy the misses at times with my constant need to write this down. XD
Wow! Had to go over a few things because, as JJ mentions, there's so much information! A wonder you get to sleep at night with plots like th… moreat going about your mind. XD Surely if Hades did ever turn up, with Emily, the bow, and the spirit of Calla with her - if I've got that right? - they might be strong enough to put him at bay, at least. Not sure if I missed something, but what happened to the ivy that went in Emily? Or was that her sort of becoming one with the bow?
So.... here we go...
High school, the epitome evil... some might say.. To others it could be a really cool and fun place to meet inte… moreresting and cool people, learn new things,and prepare for the next chapter of your life. The series of stories about to unfold requires excitement, if it doesn't, you are being told telling the wrong story. It requires intensity. It requires a story about a girl falling in love with a boy.Heartbreaks, tears, and in the end coming out stronger then you ever were.
It requires making choices for your own. It requires mistakes that would've cost you your future, or even your life. It requires embarrassment. Not remembering what happened last night.** It requires sleepless nights over schoolwork, or just 1 million and one things running through your head. It requires being worried of not knowing what you’ll do in life.** Fear that you will end up as a failure. Fear that the calling of your very own life i… [view original content]
Ah got it now.
Was a TAD confused at first but it makes sense. Man, between Harmony, Grendel brothers and Lyla, Nick has his hands full for potential battle. XD
Harmony... wait and see
Grendel Brothers... again, wait and see (you and JJ kinda already know what happens)
Lyla, there won't be a fight, but there will be tension.
Nick doesn't actually go looking for fights :P But he won't back down from one if it gets started. I want a villain that can actually do some real damage to him, and I don't wanna be the one to create him/her XD
Wow...I had to go back and read it again. Not that is was confusing but because so much is being revealed and it all begins to make sense; your past stories, the connections you made with certain characters and what not. For example:
Georgie and Lyla. Georgie was cursed; you have stated this and if his parents HAD stabbed him with the knife like they were told, he wouldn't have ended up being the Georgie we all knew from the game. He hid that SAME knife, under the roots of a tree....that tree ended up being Gren's mom. As it laid there, the roots grew and she detected Georgie and how he'd influence her son's life. VERY cool...because she was an Enchatress, she KNEW what her son was capable of. By Gren being stabbed and then Georgie being impaled by the SAME knife, it created a chain connecting them together forever, as mentioned. Calla KNEW of Emily. The love she'd provide to Gren. The knife sensed it; thus, this gave Georgie the hope and willingness to LOVE Lyla, take a chance and create a family....
With that being said, Gren obviously had the bow this entire time. He gave it to Emily; Thomas stated that Grendels just knew when something felt right. It felt right giving Emily that bow. Makes sense why Carla never got it. There WAS no love. Now, the bo, which was owned by the goddess Artemis and given to Calla, gained a lot of power. I looked up the bo, too. VERY interesting, being as its connected to Wood Elves. So, when Gren GAVE this to Emily, Calla imbedded herself into Emily and gave her the powers. (explains the eyes) and her ability to use it.
Now, Thomas. I always cry when he speaks of Gren like this. How sad, to REALLT despise your own son like that. I look forward to what you have planned for the quads, especially Viviana because of Hades and Vivian has YET to reveal it all....also:
OMG....did you JUST reveal to us that Emily WILL become pregnant again!? -Dancing- OH it makes sense, dude! There were 5 brothers; each had their element and since Emily and Gren ONLY had four kids...oh man! so, when each HAVE their element, will it effect their lives in any way?
XD XD Oh Sheila. THIS is why I love you!
Oh what....
SHIT! :0 NO, WHY!!!!!!!
Oh wow...this just made things interesting, with not only what's going to take place but Robert and Gren's relationship. Its obvious Isaiah wants nothing to do with it...wow....GREAT, dude. This is getting really good!!!
Well...shit. Things are really picking up and I really hope Gren pulls through, for his family's and his own sake!
Poor Gren losing an arm
I really like the Greek refrences, Artemis' Bow, Orpheus: Master of strings. Charming poetry. And his bravery travel to the underworld. I also had to read his name in the persona 3 protagonists voice XD
I love Greek Mythology and I wanted to add some of their stories; a lot tie into what is going on and where I'm leading this.
Artemis' Bow was always a fun read and Orpheus was my favorite as well. Glad you picked up on that. Gren is fine.
His arm, though....XD
I always liked to read up on Greek Mythology even when I was about eight and understood none of it until later on XD. With Grens arm I'm getting Vivid reminders of my TWAU play through XD
Yes. All that you stated is true. I mentioned this several times but its all connected in the end. Calla was a Witch back in the Homelands; she was able to enter the siritual world and obtain information. This also gave her an idea of her sons and what would happen. Enter Georgie and his second chance with Lyla, which would result in the birth of Emily and Gren's reason for living...
As far as Gren goes right now, like Thomas stated: instincts are kicking in. Robert and Gren do not want to fight; I'll explain more in the future chapters but its been built into their DNA.
I really got into them when I was in high school. Since then, felt it was appropriate for FABLES. XD That was me, too, after writing it because I cough don't kill me JJ but....I DID pull it off the 1st play through. XD
At my age I just thought they were bad ass people doing awesome poses XD Yeah I can agree on that, they are in their own way a fable. Yeah I had the mentality that Gren was an ass but then as the game went on he grew on me (I think the Jackie boy joke sealed the deal
) and I had to do a second play through and not rip off his arm. Sorry JJ XP
So.... here we go...
High school, the epitome evil... some might say.. To others it could be a really cool and fun place to meet interesting and cool people, learn new things,and prepare for the next chapter of your life. The series of stories about to unfold requires excitement, if it doesn't, you are being told telling the wrong story. It requires intensity. It requires a story about a girl falling in love with a boy.Heartbreaks, tears, and in the end coming out stronger then you ever were.
It requires making choices for your own. It requires mistakes that would've cost you your future, or even your life. It requires embarrassment. Not remembering what happened last night.** It requires sleepless nights over schoolwork, or just 1 million and one things running through your head. It requires being worried of not knowing what you’ll do in life.** Fear that you will end up as a failure. Fear that the calling of your very own life is unknown, Fear of letting people down. Fear of fear itself. You can tell a true high school story if it involves being afraid.
A true high school story makes you want to be adventurous. Do not believe a story if it does not have rebellion. A true high school story involves going against your parents commands and getting in trouble the next day. When I say getting in trouble I mean getting IN TROUBLE. Like being grounded for 1 month, getting your phone taken away for 2 weeks.
To be honest, a true high school story needs to have a foolish high schooler who made a big mistake in order to learn the reality of life and a macho and cocky gym teacher, a tomboy with an attitude, a diva, a class clown, a master thief, a sophisticated and slightly eccentric professor and a care-free wolf.
A true high school story is about making mistakes, and learning from them. Getting hurt, and picking yourself back up, being stronger then you has ever been. Realizing that you can’t trust everyone, not every person you see that smiles in your face is your friend. A true high school story is about learning from experiences, and living your life as if tomorrow was your last day. Now take what you heard and add, wizard's,witches, archer's, dragon's, werewolf's,werecat's, demon's, demigod's, weasel's, grendel's, cryptid's and other stuff.
Welcome to FableTown High..
Glamour required....
How is that for a start..?
Dude this is going to be so awesome! I just hope my character doesn't have a really cheesy love story or romance XD
Oh...I SEE now....XD
That was a wonderful start. This class clown Grendel is ready to return to my High school years. -crosses fingers- Hoping to catch the eye of the Diva, ditch the cocky gym teacher's class, hang with the theif and wolf, ace that sophisticated teacher's class and get the answer for the math test from the tomboy. XD
Ella is going to be one of the lead chars to show the new student the ropes of FableTown High.
Ah okay I like it!
I honestly don't think ANYONE'S going to be able to guess who it is....It's someone whose been a character for a short while before, however they haven't even been mentioned since around the time Franklin himself had first become a character (hint hint) so stay tuned, I'll be writing it out more tomorrow (As we have no school, because of snow and ice. Again.) I tell you one thing; It is a female. So yeah XD But, maybe Char and Tobias are also intertwined in the whole thing. Who knows? Keep on the look out. Franklin and Ash are in that awkward stage where they want to be together but they're also super shy around each other when it comes to romantical things because the both of them are fairly new at it all. At least they're not as bad as Elora, who might just faint the when Anubis finally kisses her XDD And Tim, glorious, wonderful Tim. He's cooking because he's trying to give Harmony a bit of a break; Looks like she IS going to be visiting her mother, as soon as this mysterious crap blows over! I was actually looking back at super old chapters, and I completely forgot that Snow and Charming both took turns teaching Harmony some fencing, so I think I'll integrate that into the next scenes that I eventually write.
I was actually about to play it when my family decided "Let's go out and eat at Cracker Barrel!" So I went there instead. And the nearest Cracker Barrel is about an hour away from my house, plus it was foggy af (Like, not even kidding, Silent Hill foggy where there could be hellhounds or like the Pyramid head guy around the corner.) AND it was also raining. NOT a fun drive, but boy, was my steak delicious. Also got some candy from the shop
So it wasn't bad.
She's getting older...
Three Months later...
Bigby and Snow had helped Makoto and Celeste build their house next to theirs. Even though Bigby didn't like it, Bloody Mary was there to help. Luna stayed back in Fabletown while Makoto helped make sure Ella was able to transform, so she could be brought to Fabletown if need be....
Six years later....
It was Ellas birthday and Makoto had just got home from work, she skated to him by using the dark pool of blood and darkness to move swiftly and stylishly. They got lucky because Luna once brought her to Fabletown by accident and she was skating around the Mundies, but they thought she had on some fancy shoes or roller skates because they couldn't see the blood pool. She jumped up into his arms giggling and laughing giving him a kiss on the cheek. It was only Makotos family and Bigbys family, everyone else was too afraid of Ella to go to her party. But this didn't bother Ella, as long as she had her family she was as happy as could be. She took a lot after her father with her hair and her attitude, she always goes out of her way to protect others but does have some morale dilemmas. She hated women's clothes she found them uncomfortable, so she wore male clothes since she was five, why she did this Makoto and Celeste did not know, but they supported her anyways. She started to play with Makotos headphones.
"Dad what took you so long!" She said
He kissed her on the cheek and set her down in the chair. "Sorry sweetheart I Beast decided we'd swap duties today and I do paperwork. Which doesn't always go as planned." He laughed and pulled out a present and set it on the table.
"Look Ella you've got one more!" Celeste said
Ella unwrapped them to see that her father had got her matching earphones for her birthday. She jumped for joy and said thank you way too many times. After that they all said their goodbyes and went to bed....
That night before Ella went to sleep she saw a weird shadowy figure in the corner of her room.
"Why hello there young one!" The shadow grinned. "You and I are family, in fact I gave you this power. And guess what! You're a special breed!" He cackled. "You're a....ha...HAHAHA....A Daemon! YOU are the middle line of mortal AND DEITY! How exciting is that!? HA HA HA! My back when I lived I bet I was smart!" He cackled on.
Ella screamed in pure fright "MOM!!! DAD!!!" She yelled
The shadow waved and dissappeared. Makoto and Celeste ran in and comforted Ella who was crying in her bed scared to death, they asked her what was wrong. She explained to them what she had saw, Makoto and Celeste talked it out and there was a clear sign that it was Luke who had contacted her tonight...
Three days go by and Luke had not visited her at all since then...Makoto paced and came up with the idea that it was just a one time thing, or else he would've came back over the past nights. Celeste agreed and they put it off for a while. Ella woke up, took a shower and got dressed, she put on her headphones and told her them she was headed to the farm. They agreed and gave her a hug and told her when to be back.
She walked along and she could hear her footsteps splash sploosh splash sploosh as she walked. Sometimes she found it soothing as she loved the rain and the splash people with their feet, reminds her of the rain. She came up on the farm where she found other little ones playing. But whenever she showed up everyone would run and hide. Ever since they saw her and her transformation nobody could bare to even look at her. She shrugged and slid the headphones on, and began to practice movement with the pool of blood.
After many hours a parent walked out. "Hey! Do you mind leaving? Our kids want to play." The rabbit yelled
"Can't they just come out then?" Ella asked.
The parent looked down as if he were in shame and said "No. I'm sorry..."
Although Ella could not hear it there was a voice in the background telling him to not be sorry she's a demon. They also didn't see there were a pair of eyes in the background...
Bloody Mary wanted to kill every last one of them, but instead she walked up to Ella as she came through a mirror and escorted her back home....
That's it! Sorry @pudding_pie I hope you don't mind me using Greek mythology myself although this will probably be the only time I will actually use it. I just thought the word fit for Ellas description. I would've asked through PM but I didn't know if you're up at this hour XD If you want I can change her! Just let me know and I'll make the changes
Any questions or comments let me know 
I love it! I can't wait to see whatever role you'll have Tezoth play as a staff member. Maybe he'll purposely stare down some Fable kids with his dragon eyes and call on them when they don't know the answer. XD
Alright, if you guys remember me asking you a particular question in the PM's you've sent me. Here's a little status update about your surprises:
MasterStone - Finished
LupineNoir - Finished
pudding_pie - Finished
JJwolf - Work in progress
EMMYPESS, Tetra, Hazzatheman - Haven't started yet
And that's all there is to it! I'll most likely post what I have done so far in the next few days.
I look forward to what you have planned for us, dude
HAHAHAHA!!!! Oh, I'm going to love this story! XD
I can't wait to see what you have planned as well!
Aw man, I'm getting excited now ^-^ Can't wait to see what we're all getting
Oh man, from WAAAAAY back when he was just a tyke. You have me going back in my memory vault, trying to figure it out. There were a few I recall. I MAY need to go back and double check. Would hate to be like 'Oh, its susan right!' and you're like 'DAFUQ is Susan....XD lol I figured Char & Tobias may be involved bu not necesserly a bad thing, neither.
At least Elore HAS tried to move on. I always felt so bad for her because of what happened....:'( And yes, please. I always found Charming and Harmony's interactions interesting.
I've never been to the Cracker Barrel. We don't have those here in my town. XD I hear its good, though. But driving in the Silent Hill fog...0.0 IDK 'bout all that. Them chicken wings can wait! XD XD Least ya' got some candy. Cany always helps.
LMAO his face! I thought you knew!? My bad, dude! XD XD -hugs Gren-
@JJWolf Because I can....>:D
Great start, Stone! I'm really looking forward to this. Take me back to MY high school years, although we didn't have all these neats additions.
Hey, Class Clown-perhaps you can give me some of those math answers! XD
My curiosity meter is going through the roof!!
So super ready and excited!

LOL Nah, dude. I don't mind!
The idea that my recent additions to Greek Mythology helped bring out that wonderful love you have for it as well. I thought it was interesting you picked Daemon, considering Bloody Mary is a vengful spirit and trying to hurt or kill little Ella; although, if I recall properly, Daemons were not actually evil. They were ghosts but forces of natures and sometimes guides...almost like what Viv is to Emily, although YOU may have a different idea.
But you mentioned only adding this character once, although it was interesting to see Celeste and Makato. The little Rabbit, though.
Alright Cool!
Greek mythology is an awesome thing! Oh I think you misunderstand on this part! Bloody Mary is Ellas Grandmother, and since she has more of her powers she seeks to help her since Ella is being treated as an outcast because of her demonic abilities. Yes you are right on that one, they were also treated as people who were both mortal but gods as well so they were sort of in the middle. I have some ideas of where I am going with this but mostly it just pops in my head as I am writing XD
-slaps forehead- Oh dude, my bad! Thanks for telling me otherwise! XP Makes sense! Hopefully, little Ella finds her nitch in this world, although it won't be too hard. Her parents are pretty rad and she has Snow and Bigby, too.
Least I was right on one! XD XD It works, man and I'm loving it. Can't wait to read more on Ella.
Hey man don't worry about it! XD As of right now I want her and Catherine to meet up, what happens I don't even know XD She will find her way, with the help of her family! Thanks Pudding!
He's going to be one of the coolest teachers there!
You're going to write another case with Luke and Bigby?
Boy, does that make this even more exciting than before.
Looking forward to this!
Some of them are finished!!
What exactly it is that's finished I ain't certain, but it is exciting nonetheless. :P 
At some point yes!
Sweet! Looking forward to it.
Wow! Had to go over a few things because, as JJ mentions, there's so much information! A wonder you get to sleep at night with plots like that going about your mind. XD Surely if Hades did ever turn up, with Emily, the bow, and the spirit of Calla with her - if I've got that right? - they might be strong enough to put him at bay, at least. Not sure if I missed something, but what happened to the ivy that went in Emily? Or was that her sort of becoming one with the bow?
I do apologies if it was confusing but so far, you two are catching on. You have it down as far as Emily taking on what Calla used to be, seeing as the bow belonged to her. But HOW she'll handle it, will come later. The Ivy came because Emily is finally becoming one with the bow. She won't FULLY understand its true powers until the quads are much older. Hades is tied in there as well.
And yes. I know I annoy the misses at times with my constant need to write this down. XD
Sweet! Super excited to see how it all ends up going!