Where in Westeros do you want to live?



  • No, he also played it for a minor house (can't remember the name) that was becoming unruly. So as a warning he sent a minstrel to play the song, needless to say it worked.

    DifangDuana posted: »

    He only played that song for his enemy Rob Stark. He was more than tolerant against his idiot cousins and stupid unruly kids.

  • The Nightwatch, You don't have to deal with the shit in the rest of Westeros and the only thing you have to do is become a Fight machine and keeping the wall safe Okay it's not that simple but is much easier than those fucking politics in the rest of the land.

  • Aye, at least the life of being a brother of the Night's Watch is clear. Defend the Realm of men. At least there is always something to do at the wall and it doesn't sound boring to me. Maybe tiresome, but not boring.

    True_Scum posted: »

    The Nightwatch, You don't have to deal with the shit in the rest of Westeros and the only thing you have to do is become a Fight machine and

  • I don't know.....I mean that would depend wouldn't it, on what the land was like? A woman can't just marry any old guy with any old piece of land. The land has to lush, green and most importantly fertile =p.

    If I had a choice between Lord What-is-his-face with is burnt and barren land and Lord What-is-his-name with his rich, green, luscious and fertile lands - I know which land I'd choose. Gotta have somewhere to plant those potatoes and grow some grapes for my wine! Oh and the pigs, because hey......who doesn't love bacon =p

    DifangDuana posted: »

    You have a point there. If I am a peasant, I would still farm for House Lannister, since I am under their protection. But any peasant wort

  • I am glad that you remember the potatoes and bacons. :)

    I don't know.....I mean that would depend wouldn't it, on what the land was like? A woman can't just marry any old guy with any old piece o

  • Yeah i agree, It's safer i think than the rest of the land at least if it's not winter, I like the idea of the Night's Watch, Outlaws who protect it from wildlings and other unknown enemies, most of them are young criminals who are forced to take the black that's what make the Night's Watch so strong, If i was a son of a (poor) farmer i surely would choose for taking the black i want to fight for a good cause and my second choice will be The Brotherhood Without Banners also a interesting group.

    Aye, at least the life of being a brother of the Night's Watch is clear. Defend the Realm of men. At least there is always something to do at the wall and it doesn't sound boring to me. Maybe tiresome, but not boring.

  • Also, in the Night's Watch, you have the chance of one day rising high enough to command other recruits and black brothers. At least you command power and respect, no matter your background. :)

    The Brotherhood Without Banners also sounds good. They are a group dedicated to help people.

    True_Scum posted: »

    Yeah i agree, It's safer i think than the rest of the land at least if it's not winter, I like the idea of the Night's Watch, Outlaws who pr

  • Yes that's what i like about the Night's Watch nobody judges you about your past and what you say if you put effort and good will in you have to chance to become a higher rank, also I hope that The Brotherhood Without Banners will make a comeback in the TV Show next season.

    Also, in the Night's Watch, you have the chance of one day rising high enough to command other recruits and black brothers. At least you com

  • I'll take Oldtown. A wealthy city in a nice climate that, by the sounds of it, is much less of a shithole than King's Landing. And the Hightowers keep out of politics, for the most part, so there's much less of a chance of being raped and murdered because my liege lord's second son married the wrong woman or didn't show the proper respect or something.

  • Yeah, anyone who touches my potatoes and bacon.......one way ticket to the wall =p

    I am glad that you remember the potatoes and bacons.

  • Oldtown sounds like a good place to visit. It is the oldest city of the continent, older than King's Landing.

    I'll take Oldtown. A wealthy city in a nice climate that, by the sounds of it, is much less of a shithole than King's Landing. And the Hight

  • King's Landing is probably the newest of the big cities of Westeros.

    Oldtown sounds like a good place to visit. It is the oldest city of the continent, older than King's Landing.

  • Eh IMO you can still get get judged in the Night's Watch based on your past, we've seen it before in the show and books and even Jon talks about being judged during Ep2

    I hope the Brotherhood makes a comeback too, especially with Lady Stoneheart and everything (if they've confirmed her coming on the show I heard one time that they said they weren't gonna include her)

    True_Scum posted: »

    Yes that's what i like about the Night's Watch nobody judges you about your past and what you say if you put effort and good will in you hav

  • edited March 2015

    Dorne, i enjoy warm weather, it's by far the best region to be in during winter times, plus it seems a little more liberal than the rest of westeros(gender-equal inheritance laws anyone? :D)

    btw, i don't see all the appeal about the north, except for the cold weather in case you like it, the people in the north aren't more honorable or braver than the people in the reach or the stormlands, that is just ridiculous, it's a stereotype, albeit a positive one.

  • I think the honorable part is mostly when you talk about the Starks. And yes regarding stereotypes. I notices that people in Westeros often see others in stereotypical way.

    Choombi posted: »

    Dorne, i enjoy warm weather, it's by far the best region to be in during winter times, plus it seems a little more liberal than the rest of

  • I think Dorne would be nice place to live. I like the heat, and I could rule if I was firstborn even as a female.

  • If you were a firstborn AND happened to born into a noble house, chances are quite small.

    I think Dorne would be nice place to live. I like the heat, and I could rule if I was firstborn even as a female.

  • I want to live at Queenscrown, i love the idea of that tower. The painting of it on the ASOIAF app is just beautiful. So peaceful, with lots of space. Thats where i would set up shop.

  • edited March 2015

    I'd probably want to live in The Eyrie. It looks very peaceful:

    Alt text

  • who's to say ned's grandfather was as honorable as he was? besides, we also have people like roose bolton, he's not one bit less northern than the starks.

    the idea of basing your view of half a continent on 7 people happen to be the ruling family sounds a little bit wrong.

    I think the honorable part is mostly when you talk about the Starks. And yes regarding stereotypes. I notices that people in Westeros often see others in stereotypical way.

  • The North, or Dorne. Dorne, perhaps a bit more because they have more respect for women and women being in power there. But the North is also respectful where female warriors are concerned and I'm a big fan of female warriors. So it'd have to be the North or Dorne for me.

  • The Shield Islands.

  • Peaceful, yes. But boring as fuck during the timeline of the series.

    Cinicage posted: »

    I'd probably want to live in The Eyrie. It looks very peaceful:

  • Sooo...No love for the Riverlands? :)

  • Hah, the official battleground of all the wars of Westeros :D

    Sooo...No love for the Riverlands?

  • Before or after?

    The Shield Islands.

  • Sorry, not big on being raped and murdered.

    Sooo...No love for the Riverlands?

  • Dorne would also be good if you're into spicy food =). Oh and forget about the Eyrie, you take your life in your hands every time you want to enter and exit the place - I'd sooner live in the Riverlands and that's saying something, at least in the Riverlands things wouldn't be boring =p.

  • Good call on Dorne, maybe ill rebuild the Tower of Joy.

    lynarastark posted: »

    The North, or Dorne. Dorne, perhaps a bit more because they have more respect for women and women being in power there. But the North is als

  • Before.

    TMLC posted: »

    Before or after?

  • Dat Negan face. :)

    The Shield Islands.

  • Pyke sound fair to me, An ironborn doesn't surrender

  • And they pay with Iron price.

    jelted19 posted: »

    Pyke sound fair to me, An ironborn doesn't surrender

  • A brave man.


  • I'd rather be bored than dead.

    Peaceful, yes. But boring as fuck during the timeline of the series.

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