so guess telltales slow again with ep 2?



  • No shit Sherlock.

    I know(your shitty user name is so hard and I can't make any adjective)

    Guys, please try to be more civil. Thanks.

    himmatsj posted: »

    No shit Sherlock. That's cause they made the entire game beforehand.

  • Not very familiar with ttg, but if they are putting extra effort into ep2 because of the response to ep1 being so omfgawsome does than mean that typically a poor response to a series would result in each subsequent episode getting worse and worse? So they're not committed to making the whole series as good as possible from the get go? Or maybe I'm just twisting it because I'm grumpy (apparently I do that sometimes).

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    They normally make improvements from player feedback which should make the game better, when they where looking at feedback for The Walking Dead season 1 they noticed that players behaviour would change depending on whether or not Clementine was in the scene and made other changes from playtesters and community feedback.

    So they're not committed to making the whole series as good as possible from the get go?

    They are fully committed to making a great game and normally plan the whole seasons story is advance but it's hard to judge players reactions in advance, if they notice that players really like one particular character they might make them more prominent in later episodes (there was a lot of love for Loaderbot on the forum so hopefully we see more of that character in future episodes :D).

    Lou153 posted: »

    Not very familiar with ttg, but if they are putting extra effort into ep2 because of the response to ep1 being so omfgawsome does than mean

  • sounds like "you guys figured out the plot, so now we gotta rewrite this all over again." to me. didn't they do that for TWAU ep 2?

    himmatsj posted: »

    You have much to learn, young padawan. The ways of the PR-speak, know you do not.

  • "No shit, Sherlock" (yes, I missed the comma) is an expression/figure of speech.,_Sherlock

    No shit Sherlock. I know(your shitty user name is so hard and I can't make any adjective) Guys, please try to be more civil. Thanks.

  • I can still enjoy a game and be annoyed with how long an episode takes to come out...I actually never really got that mad over it, at least not as much as you have in your last comment with the cursing.

    oh, and your insult of "your pissed off over a game - find something better to do then" is just as played out as what I said about you and being a fanboy I guess

    Are you going to do this with every single sentence of my comment? If you're going to quote me, just use the quote function. I'm not talk

  • your comments are funny

    himmatsj posted: »

    No shit Sherlock. That's cause they made the entire game beforehand.

  • and if it's right? we can go tit-for-tat with this kind of questioning all night long...

    And if you're prediction is wrong?

  • your right, after the whole Jurassic park fiasco telltale wouldn't have the stones to try and disguise themselves again.

    they just send in 'telltalemike' to try and make everything all better by repeating the same comment over and over about how "sorry they are.."

    you either work for telltale or you are just an extreme fanboy who sees no wrong in what telltale does. Alright, let's stop slinging insults around and get back on topic, please. Thanks.

  • I'm just pretending, starting now, that episode 1 just came out, and I'm all hyped for the next episode. The time we already waited doesn't matter anymore. We already sat through that time. Let's just think about the fact that NOW episode 2 will probably be coming out in 4-6 weeks. It makes it much better.

  • I do believe Blind understands that, but it can sound a bit rude when followed by your next sentence.

    himmatsj posted: »

    "No shit, Sherlock" (yes, I missed the comma) is an expression/figure of speech.,_Sherlock

  • I do believe Blind understands that, but it can sound a bit rude when followed by your next sentence.

    Yeah, that was what I was trying to say. Even if it's a saying, the way you were insinuating it was still a bit rude himmatsj.

    Dapnee posted: »

    I do believe Blind understands that, but it can sound a bit rude when followed by your next sentence.

  • good things can come either way really..

    but you're saying you like waiting and being patient? or do you have other games you are playing? I only play the telltale games on my itouch (recently pc too since they screwed ios users over), so yea, I do look forward to playing the episodes sooner than later...waiting is boring, so enough with that patience is a virtue crap. you can waste your life away waiting.

    Patience is a virtue. Of course it would be nice to have an episode in 2 months, but as long as we get it one way or the other, I don't care. Good things come to those who wait.

  • are telltale employees giving all your comments thumbs up? lol

    You need factual evidence, stating what you believe happened isn't going to be enough to convince others. And if your only evidence is that it's taking a long time, that's not good enough.

  • "they normally make improvements from player feedback"

    just not the ios users, though, apparently..

    OzzyUK posted: »

    They normally make improvements from player feedback which should make the game better, when they where looking at feedback for The Walking

  • Hmm, illusion. You want the illusion that 4-6 weeks starts from now. You want the illusion of choice. What else? Telltale seem to be masters at captivating their audience with illusions...

    I'm just pretending, starting now, that episode 1 just came out, and I'm all hyped for the next episode. The time we already waited doesn't

  • Improvements in this context means minor revisions to the story details, dialogue, cinematography, etc during a Season - not technical, back end improvements.

    Dubz13 posted: »

    "they normally make improvements from player feedback" just not the ios users, though, apparently..

  • No one likes waiting, but you know what, you can't do a damn thing about it sometimes. Waiting is a part of life, the best thing is to occupy yourself with other things while you wait. Game of Thrones is the only game I play currently other than TFTBL, but I spend the rest of my time with other assorted activities that helps pass the time. You can't dwell on this, it's not going to make the game come faster, it just makes the wait that much worse. Sitting around on your computer complaining doesn't do jack shit, it doesn't make the game come faster, it doesn't make the wait better or more tolerable, if anything, it makes it worse. Complaining about something will get you nowhere in life, learn that now, you just have to be patient and good things will come. What's better, a project completed in 4-6 weeks that is a pile of garbage and rushed out the door so fans like you won't complain about the wait time, or a project that took a little extra time and is outstanding because they worked hard on it. I'll take the latter any day of the week. Patience comes with it's reward, and if you can't comprehend that or you can't find something better to do with your time than complain, then I pray for you.

    Dubz13 posted: »

    good things can come either way really.. but you're saying you like waiting and being patient? or do you have other games you are playing

  • well, I don't think there's very good customer service, imo - we all paid our hard earned money like everyone else...if a game can't play normally on a particular device/system, then they should have never released it in the first place.

    and apple refuses to i'm blaming it on telltale for releasing it on a device it clearly lags like crazy for and not warning people about it until well after it was released....and not only that, they STILL do not have a warning up for Itouch 5 users (the most recent released itouch on the market)...they just say 'iphone 4 users and below etc.'

    i'm sorry but that's sleazy tactics there

    Improvements in this context means minor revisions to the story details, dialogue, cinematography, etc during a Season - not technical, back end improvements.

  • Dubz13Dubz13 Banned
    edited March 2015

    sure, I can....I can vent and bitch about it to pass the time :)

    and I really wouldn't say I sit around on my computer - I only post on this board when i'm at work multi-tasking - so whatever

    I do other things when i'm not at work of course; but when I come to check if there's any update on the game and I see none after weeks and weeks, then yea, i'll start my bitching (I mean, checking my history - I didn't bitch about the release date until like a week ago - i'd say I patiently waited a good couple months, but now enough is enough, imo)

    No one likes waiting, but you know what, you can't do a damn thing about it sometimes. Waiting is a part of life, the best thing is to occup

  • Dubz13Dubz13 Banned
    edited March 2015

    "Patience comes with it's reward, and if you can't comprehend that or you can't find something better to do with your time than complain, then I pray for you."

    I'm sorry, but that's a real pompous/arrogant statement directed towards someone you don't even know

    and to turn your comment around on you - how about someone who constantly posts on a board defending a gaming company for people who feel the need to vent? what exactly does that say about you? you practically respond to every post someone makes against the telltale game(s). so whose really wasting their time?

    No one likes waiting, but you know what, you can't do a damn thing about it sometimes. Waiting is a part of life, the best thing is to occup

  • It was rewritten but for different reason than the plot being discovered I believe.

    TheCygi posted: »

    sounds like "you guys figured out the plot, so now we gotta rewrite this all over again." to me. didn't they do that for TWAU ep 2?

  • so whose really wasting their time?

    You because you call anyone who defends the actions of a company a fanboy and demand Telltale release an episode so that it fits within your schedule. The world does not revolve around you. You're wasting your time venting when you realize venting is not going to get the episode finished faster, venting is doing nothing so why do it?

    Dubz13 posted: »

    "Patience comes with it's reward, and if you can't comprehend that or you can't find something better to do with your time than complain, th

  • Alt text

    There, news, happy.

    Dubz13 posted: »

    "Patience comes with it's reward, and if you can't comprehend that or you can't find something better to do with your time than complain, th

  • Meh its alright a bit annoying though its definitely not early by any means but longer time is for the best. Apologists can say whatever the fuck they want. If the episode goes back to that half assed 90 minute format in Season 2 fashion I'll call it out on it but if its a fun adventure with a good story, length and has replayability I'll praise it just like I did Zer0 Sum

  • What, and you do? Are you a so called expert on PR-speak?

    himmatsj posted: »

    You have much to learn, young padawan. The ways of the PR-speak, know you do not.

  • edited March 2015

    Did GOT EP 2's length bother you? Because its most likely going to be similar to that in length. :P

    Clemenem posted: »

    Meh its alright a bit annoying though its definitely not early by any means but longer time is for the best. Apologists can say whatever the

  • edited March 2015

    Well, he can't really say 'Listen, guys, we screwed something important up :P

    Why not? At least, we would know that's a honest answer.

    Well, he can't really say 'Listen, guys, we screwed something important up :P' even if it was the case, so it's probably just PR talk. No

  • I don't know if it'll only be 100 minutes seeing as Telltale has had 4 months to work on it where as with GOT they had less. If it is however I can look past it so long as everything else doesn't have any flaws.

    Did GOT EP 2's length bother you? Because its most likely going to be similar to that in length. :P

  • If you only play it once, it doesn't even matter.

    himmatsj posted: »

    Hmm, illusion. You want the illusion that 4-6 weeks starts from now. You want the illusion of choice. What else? Telltale seem to be masters at captivating their audience with illusions...

  • Because PR doesn't work that way. You basically have to say 'Everything's perfect!', 'Just played the Episode!' and 'This Episode will be awesome!'.

    The-Flix posted: »

    Well, he can't really say 'Listen, guys, we screwed something important up :P Why not? At least, we would know that's a honest answer.

  • yea, that really helps...

    There, news, happy.

  • Dubz13Dubz13 Banned
    edited March 2015

    because I have the right to do so - just as you have the right to act "righteous" for being mr. patient

    so whose really wasting their time? You because you call anyone who defends the actions of a company a fanboy and demand Telltale re

  • [removed]

    Dubz13 posted: »

    yea, that really helps...

  • Dubz13Dubz13 Banned
    edited March 2015

    and I think the same of you - very immature. a mutual respect.

  • That hurt my feelings.

    Dubz13 posted: »

    and I think the same of you - very immature. a mutual respect.

  • I'm not the one that posts things like "Are you gonna make me leave?" and "I can stay if I want".

    Dubz13 posted: »

    and I think the same of you - very immature. a mutual respect.

  • dude, calm down - i'm only joking.

    it's a message board

    That hurt my feelings.

  • well hey, it's true - i'm also not the one posting to me telling me to "get out" and "leave!" like the forum belongs to all you regular people that come here...gimme a break.

    I can speak my mind, and maybe either YOU guys can deal with it or leave/ignore me. ever think of that?

    bullying is the worst form of immaturity - and that's the type of comments i'm getting thrown my way.

    like I said, mutual respect for what you people may think of me

    I'm not the one that posts things like "Are you gonna make me leave?" and "I can stay if I want".

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