Surprise @MasterStone, @LupineNoir, and @pudding_pie! I hope you'll all enjoy what I've drawn for your Fables in celebration of the first year anniversary this thread had.
First up is MasterStone's character: Etan the Demon Wolf.
Second we have LupineNoir's character: Mr. Weasel.
And last but not least, we have pudding_pie's character: Lyla. (along with guest Fable, Georgie)
Well, those are the pictures I have completed thus far! If any of you have any questions or feedback, please let me know. Also, this time around, I'll be replying to any comments posted on the pictures on my Deviantart - should any of you wish to leave comments there.
Surprise @MasterStone, @LupineNoir, and @pudding_pie! I hope you'll all enjoy what I've drawn for your Fables in celebration of the first ye… morear anniversary this thread had.
First up is MasterStone's character: Etan the Demon Wolf.
Second we have LupineNoir's character: Mr. Weasel.
And last but not least, we have pudding_pie's character: Lyla. (along with guest Fable, Georgie)
Well, those are the pictures I have completed thus far! If any of you have any questions or feedback, please let me know. Also, this time around, I'll be replying to any comments posted on the pictures on my Deviantart - should any of you wish to leave comments there.
Surprise @MasterStone, @LupineNoir, and @pudding_pie! I hope you'll all enjoy what I've drawn for your Fables in celebration of the first ye… morear anniversary this thread had.
First up is MasterStone's character: Etan the Demon Wolf.
Second we have LupineNoir's character: Mr. Weasel.
And last but not least, we have pudding_pie's character: Lyla. (along with guest Fable, Georgie)
Well, those are the pictures I have completed thus far! If any of you have any questions or feedback, please let me know. Also, this time around, I'll be replying to any comments posted on the pictures on my Deviantart - should any of you wish to leave comments there.
Surprise @MasterStone, @LupineNoir, and @pudding_pie! I hope you'll all enjoy what I've drawn for your Fables in celebration of the first ye… morear anniversary this thread had.
First up is MasterStone's character: Etan the Demon Wolf.
Second we have LupineNoir's character: Mr. Weasel.
And last but not least, we have pudding_pie's character: Lyla. (along with guest Fable, Georgie)
Well, those are the pictures I have completed thus far! If any of you have any questions or feedback, please let me know. Also, this time around, I'll be replying to any comments posted on the pictures on my Deviantart - should any of you wish to leave comments there.
LOVE IT! XD Those illustrations bring that whole scene to life, plus the close-ups of Weasel saying "bullocks" and "help me" on the rhino's horn are that extra something! And you used practically all of that quote - kudos for that and being willing to draw a rhino. XD Thanks, Dragon - this is a really nice thing to do. XD
Stone's and Pie's make for equally good posters! With Etan's flashing ring and -- actually, maybe it's best not to talk about Lyla and Georgie. Seems like they're up to something that does not need interrupting. :P
Surprise @MasterStone, @LupineNoir, and @pudding_pie! I hope you'll all enjoy what I've drawn for your Fables in celebration of the first ye… morear anniversary this thread had.
First up is MasterStone's character: Etan the Demon Wolf.
Second we have LupineNoir's character: Mr. Weasel.
And last but not least, we have pudding_pie's character: Lyla. (along with guest Fable, Georgie)
Well, those are the pictures I have completed thus far! If any of you have any questions or feedback, please let me know. Also, this time around, I'll be replying to any comments posted on the pictures on my Deviantart - should any of you wish to leave comments there.
Really not happy with myself right now:
My attempt at trimming backfired so I had to shave off everything... Now I look weird!
(EDIT: I am not starting another selfie craze)
Wouldn't say it's confusing, just requires more focus to take it in. How Emily handles what she's becoming sounds like it could be another big step for her; after meeting Gren, she's going through much self-transformation. Why until the quads are much older and Hades being in there is a complete mystery to me, but it is more fun that way.
At least if you write with a pen it's quieter than a pencil.
I do apologies if it was confusing but so far, you two are catching on. You have it down as far as Emily taking on what Calla used to be, se… moreeing as the bow belonged to her. But HOW she'll handle it, will come later. The Ivy came because Emily is finally becoming one with the bow. She won't FULLY understand its true powers until the quads are much older. Hades is tied in there as well.
And yes. I know I annoy the misses at times with my constant need to write this down. XD
Holy crap, these quotes XDD Sweet drawings, Dragon! Etan looks awesome and his quote definitely suits his character! LupineNoir's quote is absolutely phenomenal XD and Lyla...She's saying what any other mother would say in her position, and that's why hers is amazing too XD I love them all!
Surprise @MasterStone, @LupineNoir, and @pudding_pie! I hope you'll all enjoy what I've drawn for your Fables in celebration of the first ye… morear anniversary this thread had.
First up is MasterStone's character: Etan the Demon Wolf.
Second we have LupineNoir's character: Mr. Weasel.
And last but not least, we have pudding_pie's character: Lyla. (along with guest Fable, Georgie)
Well, those are the pictures I have completed thus far! If any of you have any questions or feedback, please let me know. Also, this time around, I'll be replying to any comments posted on the pictures on my Deviantart - should any of you wish to leave comments there.
Really not happy with myself right now:
My attempt at trimming backfired so I had to shave off everything... Now I look weird!
(EDIT: I am not starting another selfie craze)
Really not happy with myself right now:
My attempt at trimming backfired so I had to shave off everything... Now I look weird!
(EDIT: I am not starting another selfie craze)
The next year of FableTown High already began, about a week ago... and new student Dan was already late for his first day at this mysterious academy. He stumbled up the path towards the building dropping some of his books on the way. As he picked up his things he noticed everything what was going on. From students playing Frisbee with wolfs, birds and dragons flying in on their way to school, and magic... a whole lot magic. This is what Dan parents told him how things would be here, and they were so right. Until...
“Hey you puny little nerd. Watch where you're going!” Said the huge student with a deep and trembling Russian accent. Dan picked up his books again and apologized the to massive boy while the girl who was on his shoulder with a fine necklace with the name Lyla in this beautiful gold like design. She smiled at Dan as he walked away and of course he smiled back and waved a bit.
So Dan continued on his way and he ran into this tomboyish looking girl chilling on the front buildings steps listening to loud music. “Um, excuse me mam.. can you show me to the.. Hello?” The girl continued blast her music while doodling on her tablet. “EXCUSE ME MAM!” Dan yelled at the top of his lungs and the looked up and took off her headphones.
“Did you just call me, mam?” The girl said looking at Dan with a 'WTF' look on her face. Dan apologized and asked her again. “Hi my name is Dan, I'm kinda new her... and need some help. My schedule got torn up and I'm trying to find the..”
“Fresh meat huh? Hmm... You'll need a tour of this place.. Right this way.. fresh meat.” Dan followed the girl letting out “Okay...” under his breathe. He also asked for the tomboys name politely and she replied, Ella before opening the gates of the courtyard.
“Alright fresh meat or Dan.. Welcome to FableTown High, where all the love child's of Fables come to get an education, and shit..” Ella waving her hands in the air all dramatically.
“This is the courtyard, during my free time I usually come here to hang out under the tree with my buddies. And occasionally get into a argument with this big brawn annoying Russian jackass.”
“Russian jackass... I think I met him earlier.” Dan adding on.
“Hah, I assumed he was being a dick during the whole encounter?”
“Yeah... moving on. On the left is your labs, chemistry, biology, science, environmental and all the shit. Oh and sex ed..”
“Why sex ed? Shouldn't most of us know about... you know....”
“Dan, I've been here since my junior year, and I still haven't gotten a definitive answer.. Moving on.. On the right side is the lunch room, which is HUGE. They don't serve that rubbish like in Mundy schools, they have actual burgers, fries, hot dogs, shakes.... etc, it's all so gooooood. Oh, plants and fruits to..”
“More like suffice, moving on. Now we're entering the main hall. Behold the trophy case, filled with the legacies of our school, which we can talk about later... Right ahead, the big brown door. That is the auditorium/meeting room. You should already know about that. The other rooms behind you lead to other various classroom, including the gym, and office..”
“There is so much to see... Hey, I'm taking up so much of your time Ella. You're gonna be late for your classes!”
“Yeah, I have time... Oh crap, there is something I need to show you. Follow me!” Ella takes Dan's hand and leads him down a hallway and outdoors. Upon approaching Dan gazes upon the vast field that appears to be a large stadium arena. He see's other Fables all shapes and sizes either racing each other or doing some kind of tricks through those big loops. Dan is amazed by the sight.
“Shit. Come on kid, I want to introduce you to the coach.”
“What coach? Dan asked
“Coach Nick. Big cocky Scotsman dude. Head Coach of the Fable Leagues at this school.”
“Fable League? Is that is some kind of sport?”
“Not just a sport, it's a thing for all Fables. Been around for centuries. There's basically a big tournament every now and then where each Fable school compete against one another. Fun stuff..”
“I think my mom participated during her time.. but hey wait! Wait for me!”
Up next, we take a stroll with the class clown.... and find out what Mr. Tezoth have brought back from the Mundy World.
LMFAO These are too brilliant, man! Etan looks like a superhero movie coming out this summer, Percy and the Rhino. XD I'm sorry but that poor little guy has been through so much! At least he and the dude are having coffee now! And Lyla looks too awesome with that shovel, gun and angry British husband back there. XD
I loved these, man! GREAT work and much love for the surprise!!! I'm saving this!!
Surprise @MasterStone, @LupineNoir, and @pudding_pie! I hope you'll all enjoy what I've drawn for your Fables in celebration of the first ye… morear anniversary this thread had.
First up is MasterStone's character: Etan the Demon Wolf.
Second we have LupineNoir's character: Mr. Weasel.
And last but not least, we have pudding_pie's character: Lyla. (along with guest Fable, Georgie)
Well, those are the pictures I have completed thus far! If any of you have any questions or feedback, please let me know. Also, this time around, I'll be replying to any comments posted on the pictures on my Deviantart - should any of you wish to leave comments there.
Why did I picture Hogwarts as I read this?? Because why the hell not, right!? Poor Dan. Being a freshman is never an easy thing; he's already come across some interesting people in the halls alone. Least he has Ella by his side. Damn! Their food sounds better than the crap my high school served up! XD XD Man, Dan! Get ready for the cocky coach's class! And T man with his infamous treasures. XD And the class clown....and my Lyla is such a sweetie.
Fresh meat
The next year of FableTown High already began, about a week ago... and new student Dan was already late for his first day at t… morehis mysterious academy. He stumbled up the path towards the building dropping some of his books on the way. As he picked up his things he noticed everything what was going on. From students playing Frisbee with wolfs, birds and dragons flying in on their way to school, and magic... a whole lot magic. This is what Dan parents told him how things would be here, and they were so right. Until...
“Hey you puny little nerd. Watch where you're going!” Said the huge student with a deep and trembling Russian accent. Dan picked up his books again and apologized the to massive boy while the girl who was on his shoulder with a fine necklace with the name Lyla in this beautiful gold like design. She smiled at Dan as he walked away and of course he smiled back and waved a bit.
So Dan continued on his … [view original content]
LMFAO These are too brilliant, man! Etan looks like a superhero movie coming out this summer, Percy and the Rhino. XD I'm sorry but that poo… morer little guy has been through so much! At least he and the dude are having coffee now! And Lyla looks too awesome with that shovel, gun and angry British husband back there. XD
I loved these, man! GREAT work and much love for the surprise!!! I'm saving this!!
Really not happy with myself right now:
My attempt at trimming backfired so I had to shave off everything... Now I look weird!
(EDIT: I am not starting another selfie craze)
Holy crap, these quotes XDD Sweet drawings, Dragon! Etan looks awesome and his quote definitely suits his character! LupineNoir's quote is a… morebsolutely phenomenal XD and Lyla...She's saying what any other mother would say in her position, and that's why hers is amazing too XD I love them all!
Fresh meat
The next year of FableTown High already began, about a week ago... and new student Dan was already late for his first day at t… morehis mysterious academy. He stumbled up the path towards the building dropping some of his books on the way. As he picked up his things he noticed everything what was going on. From students playing Frisbee with wolfs, birds and dragons flying in on their way to school, and magic... a whole lot magic. This is what Dan parents told him how things would be here, and they were so right. Until...
“Hey you puny little nerd. Watch where you're going!” Said the huge student with a deep and trembling Russian accent. Dan picked up his books again and apologized the to massive boy while the girl who was on his shoulder with a fine necklace with the name Lyla in this beautiful gold like design. She smiled at Dan as he walked away and of course he smiled back and waved a bit.
So Dan continued on his … [view original content]
Thanks, I'm trying to squeeze everyone's Fables in every chapter now then. But as of now 3-4 right now seems easier on me. I'm also having a dilemma on the ultimate plot.. Have two things in mind..
Why did I picture Hogwarts as I read this?? Because why the hell not, right!? Poor Dan. Being a freshman is never an easy thing; he's alrea… moredy come across some interesting people in the halls alone. Least he has Ella by his side. Damn! Their food sounds better than the crap my high school served up! XD XD Man, Dan! Get ready for the cocky coach's class! And T man with his infamous treasures. XD And the class clown....and my Lyla is such a sweetie.
This is too good, dude! Looking forward to more.
Oh man this was way too good man! Poor Dan trying to get Ellas attention! Good job with Ella by the way! I like the attitude she gives off, definitely reminds me of a high school! XD
Fresh meat
The next year of FableTown High already began, about a week ago... and new student Dan was already late for his first day at t… morehis mysterious academy. He stumbled up the path towards the building dropping some of his books on the way. As he picked up his things he noticed everything what was going on. From students playing Frisbee with wolfs, birds and dragons flying in on their way to school, and magic... a whole lot magic. This is what Dan parents told him how things would be here, and they were so right. Until...
“Hey you puny little nerd. Watch where you're going!” Said the huge student with a deep and trembling Russian accent. Dan picked up his books again and apologized the to massive boy while the girl who was on his shoulder with a fine necklace with the name Lyla in this beautiful gold like design. She smiled at Dan as he walked away and of course he smiled back and waved a bit.
So Dan continued on his … [view original content]
Fresh meat
The next year of FableTown High already began, about a week ago... and new student Dan was already late for his first day at t… morehis mysterious academy. He stumbled up the path towards the building dropping some of his books on the way. As he picked up his things he noticed everything what was going on. From students playing Frisbee with wolfs, birds and dragons flying in on their way to school, and magic... a whole lot magic. This is what Dan parents told him how things would be here, and they were so right. Until...
“Hey you puny little nerd. Watch where you're going!” Said the huge student with a deep and trembling Russian accent. Dan picked up his books again and apologized the to massive boy while the girl who was on his shoulder with a fine necklace with the name Lyla in this beautiful gold like design. She smiled at Dan as he walked away and of course he smiled back and waved a bit.
So Dan continued on his … [view original content]
Why did I picture Hogwarts as I read this?? Because why the hell not, right!? Poor Dan. Being a freshman is never an easy thing; he's alrea… moredy come across some interesting people in the halls alone. Least he has Ella by his side. Damn! Their food sounds better than the crap my high school served up! XD XD Man, Dan! Get ready for the cocky coach's class! And T man with his infamous treasures. XD And the class clown....and my Lyla is such a sweetie.
This is too good, dude! Looking forward to more.
Peter, with Nick casually floating beside him, listened to the arguing in the living room. When Emily frantically dialed up his number, he immediatly knew it had to do with Gren before she metioned his name. Swineheart, on the floor tending to the many wounds, found the argument ammusing but he'd never actually say this. A massice clawed hand was heading his way, should he voice his true opinion.
His mother was occupied with the current smacking of Robert. The beast tried to push her away; several times, his father pulled out the gun he carried for some odd reason in his pocket. Peter was sure there was an explanation for this and he'd ask later. But his mother had everything under her full control. When Robert spoke inappropratly or tried to pick another fight with Gren, Lyla was right there in his face. Once she turned into her true form and sunk her teeth into Robert's arm. Despite being larger, his mother had the upper hand. Not Robert.
Nick noticed Vivian, quietly sitting in the corner, playing with the babies. She allowed Viviana to float beside the couch; Chloe saw this as a game and began to swing her paw in her sister's direction. Liam was tending to his newly found wounds. The boy, leaning againt the chair, licked his shoulders and began cleaning his spikes. Seraphina, on the other hand, was content rolling around on the floor, chewing on her hand like always. Nick excused himself and began floating towards Vivian.
"You going to be alright, Peter?"
Peter holds his thumb up. "I got this, Nick. Go play with your other friends."
Rolling his eyes, Nick nearly dodges another blow from Robert. Peter sits back and waits with diligent patience. He knew this was going to take some time before he could say a single word. Robert and Gren alone were two, very strong willed Fables that refused to back down. His mother would only take this for so long and by the look on his father's face, Georgie was cracking, too. His sister, holding onto what was left of Gren's arm, continued to beg for Gren to stitch his dismembered body part. The hand, still twitching, laid on the floor beside Swineheart.
"Please, love." She tugs on his white tee. "Please, just....let the doctor stitch ya' back up and-"
"He still has time, miss Emily." Swineheart dips his fingers into some clear goo. "I promise you, if he DOES change his mind, the arm will be here and-"
Peter and the others watch Gren pick up his fallen arm and toss it into the fire. The skin crackles and turns into a dark, thick mass of black. Covering her mouth, Emily faces Gren; his eyes on his father as Thomas tries his best to remain strong and focused on the situation at hand. He just witnessed his own son toss the infamous arm into the flames, forever lost and turned into dust.
Even Peter was surprised. Emily begins to throw her fists into Gren's back. "THE FOOK! Gren-woot is wrong with ya'!? The doctor could 'ave-"
Gren turns to face Emily, both eyes their solid milky color. "That thing has been NOTHING but a painful fuckin' reminder of WHY that man hates me. WHY my story is 'well known' by mundies and you Fables alike. I fuckin' want nothing to do with that fuckin' peice of shit. Let the fires of HELL fuckin' have it...."
Emily can not find the words to express the sorrow dwelling within. Gren's words were almost like the chains had been released and the shackles removed from his ankles. He was smiling, staring into the flames and watching them consume the very thing that held him prisoner for so long. Instead of anger or negative thoughts, Emily wraps her arms around Gren's torso and holds on. Gren could feel nothing but genuine love against her touch. Beaming, he knew he'd done the right thing.
Robert, however, continued to lick his own wounds. He refused to let Swineheart touch a single hair on his body. Knowing the arm was long gone, the doctor turns his attention on Georgie Porgie. Peter had noticed the dried blood and enormous cut along his father's head. He must have tried to step in, thought Peter, as Swineheart cleaned and disinfected the area properly.
Peter lights a cigarette. "So, can I ask questions or will this shit turn into another five minute long screaming match? Because, I can go home and watch mundy television programs if I want to see that..."
"No, Peter. Wait." Lyla grabs her son's hand. "Just....hold on for a minute. This happened so fast and-"
"FAST!?" Georgie tries to stand up. "Did ya' not see that fookin' asshole charge at Gren!? If anything, Robert fookin' did this first and it nearly caused me Emily's head to be knocked clean off her fookin' shoulders."
Robert chuckles. "Hm. Wouldn't be the FIRST decapitated body you've seen, Porgie...."
The entire room goes quiet. Vivian is the first to react. Her mouth covered, Nick notices the tears pouring from her eyes. No one is more prepared then Emily. She could feel the Ivy pulsing along her hands; it entwines itself around her fingers, allowing the leaves to lay on her plams and tiny thorns to stick in her arm. Lyla's eyes change; she knew Robert was saying this out of anger but it had gone too far. Even Gren was stunned and prepared to defend Georgie.
Peter, however, is the first to react, sending everyone into a bewildering state. Pinning the Grendel along the brick walls of the fireplace, Robert could smell the instant change. Peter's eyes a golden Amber, his fangs glaring and hair forming along his jawline and hands. The strength he possesed was nothing Robert had ever witnessed on a Wolf before.
"Want to TRY that again, Robert?"
"This is highly inappropriate for a Sheriff to behave, Peter and-"
"NO!" Peter slams Robert's head into the wall. "WHAT'S highly inappropriate are asshole fucking Fables like yourselves that have no other method of defense other than to hurt others. You talk big, Robert.... MY FATHER has paid for his actions. HE has nothing to do, with what you almost did to my sister. You almost had her killed, Robert...."
"SHUTUP!" Peter again slams Robert into the wall. "SHUT....up...NOW, Robert! Now, just what in the holy FUCK is wrong with you and Gren, to the point where is fucking ARM needed to be torn off?!"
Thomas speaks. "They are fighting. For my replacement. I had to stop Grendel. He was going to KILL Robert and-"
"Oh boo fuckin' hoo, dad." Gren continues to stand near the fireplace. "Oh, I would have killed your precious Robert...."
"That's not IT, Grendel. I don't want either of you boys to die because of this. You told me you all agreed Robert would-"
Isaiah stands up. Peter could tell he was the smallest of the brothers. "I wanted nothing to do with you people. See, THIS is why I refused to stay in contact. Why I moved so far away from either of you people. THIS is madness! Look all around you!"
Gren spits into the fire. "I don't know what came over me. He challenged me and...that was it."
Swineheart, completing the finishing task of cleaning Georgie's wounds, looks over. "Your natural instincts kicked in, Grendel. Not sure if you REALLY want that position but it can also come back to protecting your family. You felt threatned and needed to save not only Emily but your babies as well."
"I didn't need protection, Gren." Emily folds her arms. "We were fookin' fine and-"
Gren notices the Ivy, now slowly returning into Emily's body. Her eyes black but steadily turning their chocolate brown color once more. The bow had taken its rightful place within his fiancee. Gren, smiling larger than before, said not a word as he hugged Emily.
Robert clears his throat. "Um, am I allowed to LIVE, Wolf, or will I be another casuality under your watch?"
Peter wanted nothing more than to crush Robert's neck inbetween his fingers. Watch his claws pierce his skin and draw blood from the veins coarsing along his body. But he was better than the trembling creature before him. Peter was more concerned for the well-being of his family; his father was injured, sister nearly killed and the babies did not need to be forced into this madness. Adjusting his coat, Peter takes out another cigarette. He also needed to think about his own family; his unborn daughter and soon-to-be-wife at home, waiting as always for Peter to come home.
"Look-" Peter points to Thomas. "I don't know much about your kind and to be honest, you guys are nothing but a bunch of pussies. HOWEVER-this is obviously a big, fucking deal right now and it needs to be settled once and for all. We DO have little ones now..."
Thomas nods. "I agree with you, Sheriff but its not that simple. Both Robert AND Grendel want to take my place. Battle IS the only option and-"
"See the things is, I DON'T want it." Gren slams his fist into the wall. "I don't fuckin' WANT what you were."
"You fought your brother!" Thomas stands up from the couch. " trampled him outside your own home and nearly killed him and-"
"Did you not hear a single, fuckin' word I've been saying-he CHALLENGED me and-"
"You had no right attacking your brother if you want nothing to do with this..."
Gren was stupified by his father's words. The anguish burned in Gren's mind; his father still stood by Robert's side, even after he demonstrated everything he was told was never inheritied to him. Gren was always and would remain, the weakest one; depsite Isaiah's stature and inability to fight, Gren was weak. He honestly wanted no part in being an Alpha; perhaps his subconcious mind was trying to prove a point to his father but instead, was taken out on context.
Gren carefully kisses Emily on the forehead and slowly walks over to his children. He could sense Vivian; the woman's concerns for the family was allowing the sillhouete of her body to appear before Gren. Nodding to Nick, Gren picks up Liam; the girls follow thanks to Nick and Vivian. Without a word, Gren leaves the home and steps out into the yard. Robert tries to follow but Emily stops him. With a single touch, he could feel the sudden power within her.
"Don't ya' go afta' him, Robert. Ya' two are done fa' the day..."
Peter sticks his hands insode the coat pockets. "So, what NOW, Thomas?"
Robert answers. "I'm going to have to stay away from Gren for awhile. His emotions are everywhere and-"
"Robert, stop." Thomas snatches his son's arm. "We can settle this! We can't keep waiting any longer! My time-"
"Oh shut the fook up, ya' old fookin' asshole!" Georgie, with Lyla's help, sits up. Swineheart, now to the side, carefully watches the ongoing fued. "Ya' keep sayin' ya' be dyin' but ya' neva' showed any signs otha' than bein' slow! This some kind of fookin' joke or-"
"I assure you, Mr. Porgie, I'm NOT playing a game. I truly am dying. WHEN, I can not tell you! I wanted to make PEACE with all my children before I died and-"
"ALL of us?" Isaiah heads for the door, dressing in his coat. "No. You mean just Robert. Look, you all heard MY answer. I don't want it. Whatever happens between YOU and Gren, is on you two. I wasnt no part in this." As Isaiah exits the home, he glares at his father. "I hope you find your answer..."
Isaiah leaves the home and searches for his brother. Gren, sitting on the grass, plays with all four of the babies. Liam and Chloe, taken back by their father's missing arm, touch and pull on the stub. Laughing, Gren lays his head in the grass; Viviana floats above, blowing little kisses in his direction, while Seraphina rolls. Simply rolls in the grass. Vivian and Nick are not too far behind. The crunching of Isaiah's boots sends all four kids in his direction.
"Hello Gren."
"Quite the little family you got here. They're beautiful. Your wife....she's beautiful, too. I don't remember Emily looking like that and-"
"Emily has changed." Gren sighs. "For the better, Isaiah. I....I almost lost her. I was not going to let that happen again."
"Yeah." This was all Isaiah could say.
"You leaving?"
"I need to go, Grendel. I don't belong in his world...I hope you're not joining just to please dad?"
"No." Gren sits up. "I want nothing to do with either of them, Isaiah. I can't keep fuckin' doing this."
"No, you can't, especially now that you...." He points to his arm. "You know...THAT right there."
Gren chuckles. "Oh this arm. Glad I'm fuckin' done with this shit. I don't need it, Isaiah."
Isaiah nods. "Well, I better be going. I hope you two can figure this all out."
"Yeah. Me too, Isaiah. Take care."
Kissing the quads goodbye, Isaiah heads back into his car and drives away. Gren knew this would be the final time he'd see his brother. Returning to the grass, Gren closes his eyes; all four of his children, in various angles, sleep beside their father. Suddenly, the familair smell of flowers. Emily. Opening his eyes, his beautiful fiancee's face gleaming down; her dress blowing in the wind and she kneels beside Gren. Touching his shoulder, she traces of the stitches. His arm was indeed gone for good. She, too, felt a sudden peace about it.
"You alright, Ems?"
"Robert has agreed ta' stay away from ya' until ya' father dies. This is the only option they could come up with, Gren."
"It has to be done, Emily. I can't-"
"Ya' have babies. A family that loves ya', Gren. I can't-"
Gren touches Emily's face. "I ain't going anywhere, pudding pie."
Emily beams. "Ya have not called me that in years...."
"Lay with me and the kids, Emily."
Emily does this. The second she does, however, the Ivy plants return and wrap themselves not only around her but Gren as well; little leaves touch the kids, causing the babies to stir in their spot but never wake. Emily presses her chest against Gren's and passionatly kisses him. The Ivy tighten around their grasp.
There were tears in Gren's eyes. "Emily, meet my mother. Mom....this is Emily and your grandchildren...."
With that, Emily could feel the power's true potential, as it permanently became one with her. Gren and Emily, along with their children, remained on the grass; Peter, looking out from the front porch, smiled, as a trail of smoke escaped his nose. He watched as Robert said not a single word, got into his car and left. Georgie and Lyla join their son and watch Emily, Gren and the babies.
Emily kisses Gren's nose an touches one of the leaves.
"Hello, Calla. Nice ta' finally meet ya. Here...let me introduce ya' granbabies fa' ya'...."
Any questions, you know the drill. Getting close to the wedding; after that, I fastforward time a bit and make the quads older, where everything will finally take place. More on Michelle, Ethan and their current issues at hand.
Oh please, stop. You're making me blush. I look forward to more of your drawings. Glad to hear there will be more!! And agian, thanks man! These two look awesome! >:D -cocks gun-
Yes! The great artist approves! XD
Speaking of which, I've decided to draw more in the future (besides the rest I have to finish for the others).
Thanks for saving this as well, it's the least I could do!
These are really neat, Dragon! I love that this is the surprise! Weasel looks like he's having quite the adventure; Etna looks badass with his uniform and Lya with Georgie. Looking forward to the others.
Surprise @MasterStone, @LupineNoir, and @pudding_pie! I hope you'll all enjoy what I've drawn for your Fables in celebration of the first ye… morear anniversary this thread had.
First up is MasterStone's character: Etan the Demon Wolf.
Second we have LupineNoir's character: Mr. Weasel.
And last but not least, we have pudding_pie's character: Lyla. (along with guest Fable, Georgie)
Well, those are the pictures I have completed thus far! If any of you have any questions or feedback, please let me know. Also, this time around, I'll be replying to any comments posted on the pictures on my Deviantart - should any of you wish to leave comments there.
I love the drawing on the four kids. Viviana really does look like Vivian and I'm curious as to how this occured and where you'll go with this. That smile, Seraphina. I love her. Liam is so handsome and Chloe has the Porgie 'look' that Emily and Georgie are so famous for. :P
Anyways, I'll be brief because I don't want to re-word this entry. I loved that Gren was able to remove the hand for good. I honestly think I know what you were trying to say when he did this. Like, he was letting go of a HUGE part that has kept him back for so long. I swear, his relationship with Thomas breaks my heart.
"Oh boo fuckin' hoo, dad." Gren continues to stand near the fireplace. "Oh, I would have killed your precious Robert...."
I did notice something that I was a bit disturbed with:
Robert chuckles. "Hm. Wouldn't be the FIRST decapitated body you've seen, Porgie...."
I don't mind that Robert and Gren are in the middle of a battle. I know emotions are high and all but, pie...tone it down when it comes to Robert. You're making him seem like a really prick and that's not at all who he is. Yes, he and Gren are in the midst of their father's death AND needing to replace him but, wow....he's a DICK right now! Other than that, I love it. Just, if you can tone him down JUST a bit. Robert's a douche but he's not THAT mean....:(
Now, back to that whole BS. Peter! I love him because he's there always when you need him. Family and friends always come first to him, no matter what.
I loved that ending. I cried, when Gren told Emily to meet his mother. So, Calla has pretty much allowed the bow to become a part of Emily, just as it was once her own. I loved this. Great work, dude. Can't wait to see what you have planned.
Peter, with Nick casually floating beside him, listened to the arguing in the living room. When Emily frantically dialed up his number, he i… moremmediatly knew it had to do with Gren before she metioned his name. Swineheart, on the floor tending to the many wounds, found the argument ammusing but he'd never actually say this. A massice clawed hand was heading his way, should he voice his true opinion.
His mother was occupied with the current smacking of Robert. The beast tried to push her away; several times, his father pulled out the gun he carried for some odd reason in his pocket. Peter was sure there was an explanation for this and he'd ask later. But his mother had everything under her full control. When Robert spoke inappropratly or tried to pick another fight with Gren, Lyla was right there in his face. Once she turned into her true form and sunk her teeth into Robert's arm. Despite being larger, his mother had the upper hand. Not Robert… [view original content]
hehe Fry XD
Surprise @MasterStone, @LupineNoir, and @pudding_pie! I hope you'll all enjoy what I've drawn for your Fables in celebration of the first year anniversary this thread had.
First up is MasterStone's character: Etan the Demon Wolf.
Second we have LupineNoir's character: Mr. Weasel.
And last but not least, we have pudding_pie's character: Lyla. (along with guest Fable, Georgie)
Well, those are the pictures I have completed thus far! If any of you have any questions or feedback, please let me know. Also, this time around, I'll be replying to any comments posted on the pictures on my Deviantart - should any of you wish to leave comments there.
Lol, I saw this in my feed and was like:
Awsome drawings Dragon!
Thanks! Did you like the Green Lantern outfit I drew Etan in?
Yess! It's adorable!
I love these!
Mr. Weasel saying "Oh bollocks" in a fine British accent is a laughable thing :P
And Lyla and Georgie's threat sounds about right as well XD
Really not happy with myself right now:
My attempt at trimming backfired so I had to shave off everything... Now I look weird!
(EDIT: I am not starting another selfie craze)
Ah, I knew it!
These are awesome! Also what's Deviantart? XD
Deviantart is a site where people post up images they have drawn or created. There are ALL sorts of images on there...
LOVE IT! XD Those illustrations bring that whole scene to life, plus the close-ups of Weasel saying "bullocks" and "help me" on the rhino's horn are that extra something! And you used practically all of that quote - kudos for that and being willing to draw a rhino. XD Thanks, Dragon - this is a really nice thing to do. XD
Stone's and Pie's make for equally good posters! With Etan's flashing ring and -- actually, maybe it's best not to talk about Lyla and Georgie. Seems like they're up to something that does not need interrupting. :P
There are some great artists on there! Not least a few from this thread.
Dude, it'll grow back!
Wouldn't say it's confusing, just requires more focus to take it in.
How Emily handles what she's becoming sounds like it could be another big step for her; after meeting Gren, she's going through much self-transformation. Why until the quads are much older and Hades being in there is a complete mystery to me, but it is more fun that way. 
At least if you write with a pen it's quieter than a pencil.
Holy crap, these quotes XDD Sweet drawings, Dragon! Etan looks awesome and his quote definitely suits his character! LupineNoir's quote is absolutely phenomenal XD and Lyla...She's saying what any other mother would say in her position, and that's why hers is amazing too XD I love them all!
You look fine! Smile a little more, and you'll look even better
Hope you're week is going well, mine's been completely snowed in XD
Fresh meat
The next year of FableTown High already began, about a week ago... and new student Dan was already late for his first day at this mysterious academy. He stumbled up the path towards the building dropping some of his books on the way. As he picked up his things he noticed everything what was going on. From students playing Frisbee with wolfs, birds and dragons flying in on their way to school, and magic... a whole lot magic. This is what Dan parents told him how things would be here, and they were so right. Until...
“Hey you puny little nerd. Watch where you're going!” Said the huge student with a deep and trembling Russian accent. Dan picked up his books again and apologized the to massive boy while the girl who was on his shoulder with a fine necklace with the name Lyla in this beautiful gold like design. She smiled at Dan as he walked away and of course he smiled back and waved a bit.
So Dan continued on his way and he ran into this tomboyish looking girl chilling on the front buildings steps listening to loud music. “Um, excuse me mam.. can you show me to the.. Hello?” The girl continued blast her music while doodling on her tablet. “EXCUSE ME MAM!” Dan yelled at the top of his lungs and the looked up and took off her headphones.
“Did you just call me, mam?” The girl said looking at Dan with a 'WTF' look on her face. Dan apologized and asked her again. “Hi my name is Dan, I'm kinda new her... and need some help. My schedule got torn up and I'm trying to find the..”
“Fresh meat huh? Hmm... You'll need a tour of this place.. Right this way.. fresh meat.” Dan followed the girl letting out “Okay...” under his breathe. He also asked for the tomboys name politely and she replied, Ella before opening the gates of the courtyard.
“Alright fresh meat or Dan.. Welcome to FableTown High, where all the love child's of Fables come to get an education, and shit..” Ella waving her hands in the air all dramatically.
“This is the courtyard, during my free time I usually come here to hang out under the tree with my buddies. And occasionally get into a argument with this big brawn annoying Russian jackass.”
“Russian jackass... I think I met him earlier.” Dan adding on.
“Hah, I assumed he was being a dick during the whole encounter?”
“Yeah... moving on. On the left is your labs, chemistry, biology, science, environmental and all the shit. Oh and sex ed..”
“Why sex ed? Shouldn't most of us know about... you know....”
“Dan, I've been here since my junior year, and I still haven't gotten a definitive answer.. Moving on.. On the right side is the lunch room, which is HUGE. They don't serve that rubbish like in Mundy schools, they have actual burgers, fries, hot dogs, shakes.... etc, it's all so gooooood. Oh, plants and fruits to..”
“More like suffice, moving on. Now we're entering the main hall. Behold the trophy case, filled with the legacies of our school, which we can talk about later... Right ahead, the big brown door. That is the auditorium/meeting room. You should already know about that. The other rooms behind you lead to other various classroom, including the gym, and office..”
“There is so much to see... Hey, I'm taking up so much of your time Ella. You're gonna be late for your classes!”
“Yeah, I have time... Oh crap, there is something I need to show you. Follow me!” Ella takes Dan's hand and leads him down a hallway and outdoors. Upon approaching Dan gazes upon the vast field that appears to be a large stadium arena. He see's other Fables all shapes and sizes either racing each other or doing some kind of tricks through those big loops. Dan is amazed by the sight.
“Shit. Come on kid, I want to introduce you to the coach.”
“What coach? Dan asked
“Coach Nick. Big cocky Scotsman dude. Head Coach of the Fable Leagues at this school.”
“Fable League? Is that is some kind of sport?”
“Not just a sport, it's a thing for all Fables. Been around for centuries. There's basically a big tournament every now and then where each Fable school compete against one another. Fun stuff..”
“I think my mom participated during her time.. but hey wait! Wait for me!”
Up next, we take a stroll with the class clown.... and find out what Mr. Tezoth have brought back from the Mundy World.
LMFAO These are too brilliant, man! Etan looks like a superhero movie coming out this summer, Percy and the Rhino. XD I'm sorry but that poor little guy has been through so much! At least he and the dude are having coffee now! And Lyla looks too awesome with that shovel, gun and angry British husband back there. XD
I loved these, man! GREAT work and much love for the surprise!!! I'm saving this!!

Why did I picture Hogwarts as I read this?? Because why the hell not, right!?
Poor Dan. Being a freshman is never an easy thing; he's already come across some interesting people in the halls alone. Least he has Ella by his side. Damn! Their food sounds better than the crap my high school served up! XD XD Man, Dan! Get ready for the cocky coach's class! And T man with his infamous treasures. XD And the class clown....and my Lyla is such a sweetie. 
This is too good, dude! Looking forward to more.
In 2 weeks time!!
My absent smile was to exaggerate the image :P
Well I've had a shift at work for each day this week, so I'm very happy about that XD
Though I do wish we had snow in England...
I wasn't smiling cuz the image was meant to show what I felt about my clean-shaven face :P
Yes! The great artist approves! XD
Speaking of which, I've decided to draw more in the future (besides the rest I have to finish for the others).
Thanks for saving this as well, it's the least I could do!
Dude you look like me when the dude snapped and broke my headphones last week! XD Don't worry it'll grow back quick!
Thank ya, thank ya. :P You can expect to see your surprise picture in the next few weeks or less!
Yeah, so you shouldn't be angry at yourself for making such a decision. :P
I love it so much!!!
I can't wait to see what comes next, Stone!!! XD
I wasn't punched to the floor like he was :P
I should be good at trimming....
Oh well :P
Lol, Hogwarts.
Thanks, I'm trying to squeeze everyone's Fables in every chapter now then. But as of now 3-4 right now seems easier on me. I'm also having a dilemma on the ultimate plot.. Have two things in mind..
Oh man this was way too good man! Poor Dan trying to get Ellas attention! Good job with Ella by the way!
I like the attitude she gives off, definitely reminds me of a high school! XD
Keep up the awesome work
Haha! That is true Hazza, although you didn't break my headphones that guy did XD
Oh goody, I'm sure I brought something of value from our world. I bet it's a couple dozen of Bluebeard's Rolex watches.
Maybe it's because of the picture he included in his intro/prologue for his story about our Fables in Fabletown High. XP
Right, @MasterStone?
Right lol.
Peter, with Nick casually floating beside him, listened to the arguing in the living room. When Emily frantically dialed up his number, he immediatly knew it had to do with Gren before she metioned his name. Swineheart, on the floor tending to the many wounds, found the argument ammusing but he'd never actually say this. A massice clawed hand was heading his way, should he voice his true opinion.
His mother was occupied with the current smacking of Robert. The beast tried to push her away; several times, his father pulled out the gun he carried for some odd reason in his pocket. Peter was sure there was an explanation for this and he'd ask later. But his mother had everything under her full control. When Robert spoke inappropratly or tried to pick another fight with Gren, Lyla was right there in his face. Once she turned into her true form and sunk her teeth into Robert's arm. Despite being larger, his mother had the upper hand. Not Robert.
Nick noticed Vivian, quietly sitting in the corner, playing with the babies. She allowed Viviana to float beside the couch; Chloe saw this as a game and began to swing her paw in her sister's direction. Liam was tending to his newly found wounds. The boy, leaning againt the chair, licked his shoulders and began cleaning his spikes. Seraphina, on the other hand, was content rolling around on the floor, chewing on her hand like always. Nick excused himself and began floating towards Vivian.
"You going to be alright, Peter?"
Peter holds his thumb up. "I got this, Nick. Go play with your other friends."
Rolling his eyes, Nick nearly dodges another blow from Robert. Peter sits back and waits with diligent patience. He knew this was going to take some time before he could say a single word. Robert and Gren alone were two, very strong willed Fables that refused to back down. His mother would only take this for so long and by the look on his father's face, Georgie was cracking, too. His sister, holding onto what was left of Gren's arm, continued to beg for Gren to stitch his dismembered body part. The hand, still twitching, laid on the floor beside Swineheart.
"Please, love." She tugs on his white tee. "Please, just....let the doctor stitch ya' back up and-"
"He still has time, miss Emily." Swineheart dips his fingers into some clear goo. "I promise you, if he DOES change his mind, the arm will be here and-"
Peter and the others watch Gren pick up his fallen arm and toss it into the fire. The skin crackles and turns into a dark, thick mass of black. Covering her mouth, Emily faces Gren; his eyes on his father as Thomas tries his best to remain strong and focused on the situation at hand. He just witnessed his own son toss the infamous arm into the flames, forever lost and turned into dust.
Even Peter was surprised. Emily begins to throw her fists into Gren's back. "THE FOOK! Gren-woot is wrong with ya'!? The doctor could 'ave-"
Gren turns to face Emily, both eyes their solid milky color. "That thing has been NOTHING but a painful fuckin' reminder of WHY that man hates me. WHY my story is 'well known' by mundies and you Fables alike. I fuckin' want nothing to do with that fuckin' peice of shit. Let the fires of HELL fuckin' have it...."
Emily can not find the words to express the sorrow dwelling within. Gren's words were almost like the chains had been released and the shackles removed from his ankles. He was smiling, staring into the flames and watching them consume the very thing that held him prisoner for so long. Instead of anger or negative thoughts, Emily wraps her arms around Gren's torso and holds on. Gren could feel nothing but genuine love against her touch. Beaming, he knew he'd done the right thing.
Robert, however, continued to lick his own wounds. He refused to let Swineheart touch a single hair on his body. Knowing the arm was long gone, the doctor turns his attention on Georgie Porgie. Peter had noticed the dried blood and enormous cut along his father's head. He must have tried to step in, thought Peter, as Swineheart cleaned and disinfected the area properly.
Peter lights a cigarette. "So, can I ask questions or will this shit turn into another five minute long screaming match? Because, I can go home and watch mundy television programs if I want to see that..."
"No, Peter. Wait." Lyla grabs her son's hand. "Just....hold on for a minute. This happened so fast and-"
"FAST!?" Georgie tries to stand up. "Did ya' not see that fookin' asshole charge at Gren!? If anything, Robert fookin' did this first and it nearly caused me Emily's head to be knocked clean off her fookin' shoulders."
Robert chuckles. "Hm. Wouldn't be the FIRST decapitated body you've seen, Porgie...."
The entire room goes quiet. Vivian is the first to react. Her mouth covered, Nick notices the tears pouring from her eyes. No one is more prepared then Emily. She could feel the Ivy pulsing along her hands; it entwines itself around her fingers, allowing the leaves to lay on her plams and tiny thorns to stick in her arm. Lyla's eyes change; she knew Robert was saying this out of anger but it had gone too far. Even Gren was stunned and prepared to defend Georgie.
Peter, however, is the first to react, sending everyone into a bewildering state. Pinning the Grendel along the brick walls of the fireplace, Robert could smell the instant change. Peter's eyes a golden Amber, his fangs glaring and hair forming along his jawline and hands. The strength he possesed was nothing Robert had ever witnessed on a Wolf before.
"Want to TRY that again, Robert?"
"This is highly inappropriate for a Sheriff to behave, Peter and-"
"NO!" Peter slams Robert's head into the wall. "WHAT'S highly inappropriate are asshole fucking Fables like yourselves that have no other method of defense other than to hurt others. You talk big, Robert.... MY FATHER has paid for his actions. HE has nothing to do, with what you almost did to my sister. You almost had her killed, Robert...."
"SHUTUP!" Peter again slams Robert into the wall. "SHUT....up...NOW, Robert! Now, just what in the holy FUCK is wrong with you and Gren, to the point where is fucking ARM needed to be torn off?!"
Thomas speaks. "They are fighting. For my replacement. I had to stop Grendel. He was going to KILL Robert and-"
"Oh boo fuckin' hoo, dad." Gren continues to stand near the fireplace. "Oh, I would have killed your precious Robert...."
"That's not IT, Grendel. I don't want either of you boys to die because of this. You told me you all agreed Robert would-"
Isaiah stands up. Peter could tell he was the smallest of the brothers. "I wanted nothing to do with you people. See, THIS is why I refused to stay in contact. Why I moved so far away from either of you people. THIS is madness! Look all around you!"
Gren spits into the fire. "I don't know what came over me. He challenged me and...that was it."
Swineheart, completing the finishing task of cleaning Georgie's wounds, looks over. "Your natural instincts kicked in, Grendel. Not sure if you REALLY want that position but it can also come back to protecting your family. You felt threatned and needed to save not only Emily but your babies as well."
"I didn't need protection, Gren." Emily folds her arms. "We were fookin' fine and-"
Gren notices the Ivy, now slowly returning into Emily's body. Her eyes black but steadily turning their chocolate brown color once more. The bow had taken its rightful place within his fiancee. Gren, smiling larger than before, said not a word as he hugged Emily.
Robert clears his throat. "Um, am I allowed to LIVE, Wolf, or will I be another casuality under your watch?"
Peter wanted nothing more than to crush Robert's neck inbetween his fingers. Watch his claws pierce his skin and draw blood from the veins coarsing along his body. But he was better than the trembling creature before him. Peter was more concerned for the well-being of his family; his father was injured, sister nearly killed and the babies did not need to be forced into this madness. Adjusting his coat, Peter takes out another cigarette. He also needed to think about his own family; his unborn daughter and soon-to-be-wife at home, waiting as always for Peter to come home.
"Look-" Peter points to Thomas. "I don't know much about your kind and to be honest, you guys are nothing but a bunch of pussies. HOWEVER-this is obviously a big, fucking deal right now and it needs to be settled once and for all. We DO have little ones now..."
Thomas nods. "I agree with you, Sheriff but its not that simple. Both Robert AND Grendel want to take my place. Battle IS the only option and-"
"See the things is, I DON'T want it." Gren slams his fist into the wall. "I don't fuckin' WANT what you were."
"You fought your brother!" Thomas stands up from the couch. " trampled him outside your own home and nearly killed him and-"
"Did you not hear a single, fuckin' word I've been saying-he CHALLENGED me and-"
"You had no right attacking your brother if you want nothing to do with this..."
Gren was stupified by his father's words. The anguish burned in Gren's mind; his father still stood by Robert's side, even after he demonstrated everything he was told was never inheritied to him. Gren was always and would remain, the weakest one; depsite Isaiah's stature and inability to fight, Gren was weak. He honestly wanted no part in being an Alpha; perhaps his subconcious mind was trying to prove a point to his father but instead, was taken out on context.
Gren carefully kisses Emily on the forehead and slowly walks over to his children. He could sense Vivian; the woman's concerns for the family was allowing the sillhouete of her body to appear before Gren. Nodding to Nick, Gren picks up Liam; the girls follow thanks to Nick and Vivian. Without a word, Gren leaves the home and steps out into the yard. Robert tries to follow but Emily stops him. With a single touch, he could feel the sudden power within her.
"Don't ya' go afta' him, Robert. Ya' two are done fa' the day..."
Peter sticks his hands insode the coat pockets. "So, what NOW, Thomas?"
Robert answers. "I'm going to have to stay away from Gren for awhile. His emotions are everywhere and-"
"Robert, stop." Thomas snatches his son's arm. "We can settle this! We can't keep waiting any longer! My time-"
"Oh shut the fook up, ya' old fookin' asshole!" Georgie, with Lyla's help, sits up. Swineheart, now to the side, carefully watches the ongoing fued. "Ya' keep sayin' ya' be dyin' but ya' neva' showed any signs otha' than bein' slow! This some kind of fookin' joke or-"
"I assure you, Mr. Porgie, I'm NOT playing a game. I truly am dying. WHEN, I can not tell you! I wanted to make PEACE with all my children before I died and-"
"ALL of us?" Isaiah heads for the door, dressing in his coat. "No. You mean just Robert. Look, you all heard MY answer. I don't want it. Whatever happens between YOU and Gren, is on you two. I wasnt no part in this." As Isaiah exits the home, he glares at his father. "I hope you find your answer..."
Isaiah leaves the home and searches for his brother. Gren, sitting on the grass, plays with all four of the babies. Liam and Chloe, taken back by their father's missing arm, touch and pull on the stub. Laughing, Gren lays his head in the grass; Viviana floats above, blowing little kisses in his direction, while Seraphina rolls. Simply rolls in the grass. Vivian and Nick are not too far behind. The crunching of Isaiah's boots sends all four kids in his direction.
"Hello Gren."
"Quite the little family you got here. They're beautiful. Your wife....she's beautiful, too. I don't remember Emily looking like that and-"
"Emily has changed." Gren sighs. "For the better, Isaiah. I....I almost lost her. I was not going to let that happen again."
"Yeah." This was all Isaiah could say.
"You leaving?"
"I need to go, Grendel. I don't belong in his world...I hope you're not joining just to please dad?"
"No." Gren sits up. "I want nothing to do with either of them, Isaiah. I can't keep fuckin' doing this."
"No, you can't, especially now that you...." He points to his arm. "You know...THAT right there."
Gren chuckles. "Oh this arm. Glad I'm fuckin' done with this shit. I don't need it, Isaiah."
Isaiah nods. "Well, I better be going. I hope you two can figure this all out."
"Yeah. Me too, Isaiah. Take care."
Kissing the quads goodbye, Isaiah heads back into his car and drives away. Gren knew this would be the final time he'd see his brother. Returning to the grass, Gren closes his eyes; all four of his children, in various angles, sleep beside their father. Suddenly, the familair smell of flowers. Emily. Opening his eyes, his beautiful fiancee's face gleaming down; her dress blowing in the wind and she kneels beside Gren. Touching his shoulder, she traces of the stitches. His arm was indeed gone for good. She, too, felt a sudden peace about it.
"You alright, Ems?"
"Robert has agreed ta' stay away from ya' until ya' father dies. This is the only option they could come up with, Gren."
"It has to be done, Emily. I can't-"
"Ya' have babies. A family that loves ya', Gren. I can't-"
Gren touches Emily's face. "I ain't going anywhere, pudding pie."
Emily beams. "Ya have not called me that in years...."
"Lay with me and the kids, Emily."
Emily does this. The second she does, however, the Ivy plants return and wrap themselves not only around her but Gren as well; little leaves touch the kids, causing the babies to stir in their spot but never wake. Emily presses her chest against Gren's and passionatly kisses him. The Ivy tighten around their grasp.
"That bow, love...woot, woot was it, Gren? Ya' neva' told me..."
There were tears in Gren's eyes. "Emily, meet my mother. Mom....this is Emily and your grandchildren...."
With that, Emily could feel the power's true potential, as it permanently became one with her. Gren and Emily, along with their children, remained on the grass; Peter, looking out from the front porch, smiled, as a trail of smoke escaped his nose. He watched as Robert said not a single word, got into his car and left. Georgie and Lyla join their son and watch Emily, Gren and the babies.
Emily kisses Gren's nose an touches one of the leaves.
"Hello, Calla. Nice ta' finally meet ya. Here...let me introduce ya' granbabies fa' ya'...."
Any questions, you know the drill. Getting close to the wedding; after that, I fastforward time a bit and make the quads older, where everything will finally take place. More on Michelle, Ethan and their current issues at hand.
Oh please, stop. You're making me blush.
I look forward to more of your drawings. Glad to hear there will be more!!
And agian, thanks man! These two look awesome! >:D -cocks gun-
It all makes sense....DUN DUN DUN!!!!
These are really neat, Dragon! I love that this is the surprise! Weasel looks like he's having quite the adventure; Etna looks badass with his uniform and Lya with Georgie. Looking forward to the others.
I love the drawing on the four kids.
Viviana really does look like Vivian and I'm curious as to how this occured and where you'll go with this. That smile, Seraphina.
I love her. Liam is so handsome and Chloe has the Porgie 'look' that Emily and Georgie are so famous for. :P
Anyways, I'll be brief because I don't want to re-word this entry. I loved that Gren was able to remove the hand for good. I honestly think I know what you were trying to say when he did this. Like, he was letting go of a HUGE part that has kept him back for so long. I swear, his relationship with Thomas breaks my heart.
I did notice something that I was a bit disturbed with:
I don't mind that Robert and Gren are in the middle of a battle. I know emotions are high and all but, pie...tone it down when it comes to Robert.
You're making him seem like a really prick and that's not at all who he is. Yes, he and Gren are in the midst of their father's death AND needing to replace him but, wow....he's a DICK right now! Other than that, I love it. Just, if you can tone him down JUST a bit. Robert's a douche but he's not THAT mean....:(
Now, back to that whole BS. Peter! I love him because he's there always when you need him. Family and friends always come first to him, no matter what.
I loved that ending. I cried, when Gren told Emily to meet his mother. So, Calla has pretty much allowed the bow to become a part of Emily, just as it was once her own. I loved this. Great work, dude. Can't wait to see what you have planned.