Duncan revealing the North Grove

When do you think Duncan will speak up about the North Grove to Rodrik or do you think he won't tell him if so why? And do you think whether or not he's sentinel will have an affect on him speaking up? Also I'm curious if while you were playing Gared did you spill the secret to anyone or did you keep your word and only tell Duncan and did you tell anyone at the wall? If you spilled the secret to someone you shouldn't have told who was it and why?


  • [removed]

  • They know nothing.

    In Lee's voice

    Ha. Good one.

  • edited March 2015

    He'll probably tell Rodrik when the time is right. As it stands, Rodders has enough on his plate.

  • That would be true if the North Grove was a "problem". Considering how it was introduced, and considering Gregor said House Forrester must never lose it, I think it is something that would help greatly.

    That being said, I think Duncan is just waiting for the right moment, when Rodrik is recovered and there are no Whitehills to spy on them. Id the Whitehills learned it's existence it'd probably be BAD news.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    He'll probably tell Rodrik when the time is right. As it stands, Rodders has enough on his plate.

  • I doubt Rodrik is gonna heal anytime soon and even if he did he's lord of Ironrath he can't go out and look for the grove.

    Byakuren posted: »

    That would be true if the North Grove was a "problem". Considering how it was introduced, and considering Gregor said House Forrester must n

  • edited March 2015

    Well, yeah, I meant recovered in the sense of "can at least stand without his sister's help or a walking stick" :D

    And yeah, that's why I think Duncan is waiting for a bit, even if he tells him it's not like there's anyone trustworthy left to take up the mission, and they can't ask just anyone. If he shares the secret now, there are possibilities of information leak due to the Whitehills being everywhere, for now Duncan probably think it's safer to keep it to himself. At least until they have some breathing room/a way to get it.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I doubt Rodrik is gonna heal anytime soon and even if he did he's lord of Ironrath he can't go out and look for the grove.

  • But the walking stick is awesome! I love crippled Rodrik. anyway I feel like Gared is the only one who can search for the north grove but I don't see how Duncan can tell him what to do without anyone at the wall seeing the orders I believe the letter would get to Frostfinger before Gared.

    Byakuren posted: »

    Well, yeah, I meant recovered in the sense of "can at least stand without his sister's help or a walking stick" And yeah, that's why I

  • Unless Duncan joins the watch himself XD

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    But the walking stick is awesome! I love crippled Rodrik. anyway I feel like Gared is the only one who can search for the north grove but I

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