Gren threw his arm in the fire! Can't show much of a stronger will than that. Physically, it might make him weaker, but mentally he already seems better off.
Thomas' blindness to Gren's true motivations are exasperating and incredibly unhelpful, as it widens the rift between the brothers and seems to simply be leaving a legacy of resentment for when he's gone.
Good family scene at the end, though.
And the babies look so lively in that picture. Viviana's ribbon is pretty, despite what it's presence is for, and that touch of purple in the grey of Seraphina's right eye is good detail!
Peter, with Nick casually floating beside him, listened to the arguing in the living room. When Emily frantically dialed up his number, he i… moremmediatly knew it had to do with Gren before she metioned his name. Swineheart, on the floor tending to the many wounds, found the argument ammusing but he'd never actually say this. A massice clawed hand was heading his way, should he voice his true opinion.
His mother was occupied with the current smacking of Robert. The beast tried to push her away; several times, his father pulled out the gun he carried for some odd reason in his pocket. Peter was sure there was an explanation for this and he'd ask later. But his mother had everything under her full control. When Robert spoke inappropratly or tried to pick another fight with Gren, Lyla was right there in his face. Once she turned into her true form and sunk her teeth into Robert's arm. Despite being larger, his mother had the upper hand. Not Robert… [view original content]
Fresh meat
The next year of FableTown High already began, about a week ago... and new student Dan was already late for his first day at t… morehis mysterious academy. He stumbled up the path towards the building dropping some of his books on the way. As he picked up his things he noticed everything what was going on. From students playing Frisbee with wolfs, birds and dragons flying in on their way to school, and magic... a whole lot magic. This is what Dan parents told him how things would be here, and they were so right. Until...
“Hey you puny little nerd. Watch where you're going!” Said the huge student with a deep and trembling Russian accent. Dan picked up his books again and apologized the to massive boy while the girl who was on his shoulder with a fine necklace with the name Lyla in this beautiful gold like design. She smiled at Dan as he walked away and of course he smiled back and waved a bit.
So Dan continued on his … [view original content]
I've been debating for the longest time about this. I fianlly agreed to have it done; I felt like THAT arm alone was the sole reminder to Gren and others alike of what he did and forever known for it. He felt, as Emily did too, that it was for the best. Also, a middle finger to Thomas as well.
Thomas thinks he's doing best by his children but in the end, Gren and Isaiah are right; he only ever looked out for Robert, for he was the strongest. I'll explain more about all that as time goes on. Right now, a taste as to what will happen.
They do, don't they? I almost forgot about the ribbon. It won't be ALL bad, what it represents in the end....:) I noticed Gren's bum eye had a touch of color while he was in glamour. Felt it was appropriate for her, too.
Gren threw his arm in the fire! Can't show much of a stronger will than that. Physically, it might make him weaker, but mentally he already … moreseems better off.
Thomas' blindness to Gren's true motivations are exasperating and incredibly unhelpful, as it widens the rift between the brothers and seems to simply be leaving a legacy of resentment for when he's gone.
Good family scene at the end, though.
And the babies look so lively in that picture. Viviana's ribbon is pretty, despite what it's presence is for, and that touch of purple in the grey of Seraphina's right eye is good detail!
I don't mind that Robert and Gren are in the middle of a battle. I know emotions are high and all but, pie...tone it down when it comes to Robert. You're making him seem like a really prick and that's not at all who he is. Yes, he and Gren are in the midst of their father's death AND needing to replace him but, wow....he's a DICK right now! Other than that, I love it. Just, if you can tone him down JUST a bit. Robert's a douche but he's not THAT mean....:(
Check your PM or whatever you wish to see inregards to this.
I love the drawing on the four kids. Viviana really does look like Vivian and I'm curious as to how this occured and where you'll go with t… morehis. That smile, Seraphina. I love her. Liam is so handsome and Chloe has the Porgie 'look' that Emily and Georgie are so famous for. :P
Anyways, I'll be brief because I don't want to re-word this entry. I loved that Gren was able to remove the hand for good. I honestly think I know what you were trying to say when he did this. Like, he was letting go of a HUGE part that has kept him back for so long. I swear, his relationship with Thomas breaks my heart.
"Oh boo fuckin' hoo, dad." Gren continues to stand near the fireplace. "Oh, I would have killed your precious Robert...."
I did notice something that I was a bit disturbed with:
Robert chuckles. "Hm. Wouldn't be the FIRST decapitated body you've seen, Porgie...."
I don't mind that Robert and Gren are in the middle of a bat… [view original content]
Really not happy with myself right now:
My attempt at trimming backfired so I had to shave off everything... Now I look weird!
(EDIT: I am not starting another selfie craze)
These are really neat, Dragon! I love that this is the surprise! Weasel looks like he's having quite the adventure; Etna looks badass with his uniform and Lya with Georgie. Looking forward to the others.
Okay, I did but it still does not explain WHY he's a dick right now. I get it. He and Gren are fighting but he's not a dick. You're making Robert into a douche.
Thank you.
I don't mind that Robert and Gren are in the middle of a battle. I know emotions are high and all but, pie...tone it down w… morehen it comes to Robert. You're making him seem like a really prick and that's not at all who he is. Yes, he and Gren are in the midst of their father's death AND needing to replace him but, wow....he's a DICK right now! Other than that, I love it. Just, if you can tone him down JUST a bit. Robert's a douche but he's not THAT mean....:(
Check your PM or whatever you wish to see inregards to this.
I'm not going to repeat what I sent you. YOU told me it was okay, if I placed conflict between GREN and ROBERT. THEY are acting like this because:
Thomas is dying. In the Homelands, if you recall, the Alpha's spot would be replaced by either of his sons willing to either battle or hand their spot over to whome ever they saw fit. GREN does not want it. ROBERT does. However, GREN'S instincts are kicking in. Plus, he feels like he and the family is in danger
Robert AND Gren have been estranged for CENTURIES. They are finally cool with one another. Again, instincts have kicked in.
I'm sorry if you feel this way but it DOES get better. I promise you that.
Okay, I did but it still does not explain WHY he's a dick right now. I get it. He and Gren are fighting but he's not a dick. You're making Robert into a douche.
Luke and Bigby sat in their office, doing paperwork from The Crooked Man's case. It had been five days since The Crooked Man sat in his crooked house with his crooked cat and mouse but their little crooked house had come to a crooked end when The Big Bad Wolf blew it down.
"Luke that's really stupid." Bigby chuckled
"Well it got you to laugh didn't it?" Luke laughed
"Luke if we're going to be partners, at least do the job right." Bigby said
"Alright, alright fine." Luke said.
Luke rewrote the paper and made sure to make it look as professional as he could. Even though his wife was a detective didn't mean she taught him how to write reports for the police. When they both finished the paperwork Luke went to hand the paperwork to Snow who was in the business office. He handed off the paperwork and headed back to Bigbys office, when he was walking toward the office he could hear someone's voice.
"You have to find our kid!" A man's voice rang
"Please you have to help us!" A sobbing woman's voice rang
Luke walked into the office, said hello and sat down.
"We will. Now where was your kid seen last?" Bigby asked
When Luke got a good look he saw Alice from Wonderland and Hans from The Pudding and Pie. Weird... Luke thought. Although it seemed a lot more normal then usual since when Alice gets involved everything seemed really weird.
"He was asleep in bed. It was about one thirty in the morning when we heard him scream, we both ran in and he was gone." Hans said
"And how old is your son?" Luke asked
"He's seven, his name is Lucas. He always seemed to sing The Crooked Man nursery rhyme though, which was odd." Hans said
Alice didn't say much else, she cried and leaned on Hans. "Please...find our son..." She sobbed
Luke and Bigby both reassured them that they'd find their son, before they left they asked if they could go and search their house first and told them to go find something to eat and rest. They nodded and left. Bigby and Luke were getting ready to investigate.
"Do you think it was really a kidnapping?" Luke asked
"Yeah, Hans wasn't lying or trying to hide anything." Bigby said putting on his coat
"Man I wish I had those senses." Luke said throwing on his suit jacket
"No I don't think you do." Bigby said lighting a cigarette
Luke remembered about the drawbacks of Bigbys senses when he puffed out smoke from the cigarette. He nodded and they headed out the door.
It was grey and raining out Luke forgot his watch but it was close to mid day, they called a cab and went over to Hans and Alices house. When they checked the door Luke figured out the lock had been picked open. They walked through the rooms to check everything, when they got to the room they checked the door again. The door was left unlocked but when they entered the room the window had been smashed.
"Did they ever mention a broken window?" Luke asked making sure he had heard their conversation with the family right.
"No they didnt, they must have seen it since they came in here. I guess they forgot this part due to trying to relay information to fast." Bigby said
They searched the room but could not find anything but the note on the bed. The writing was in red.
Dear Wolf, You seemed to have killed my crooked double. I heard so from my crooked mouse. I still lie in my crooked house along with my one crooked cat, and my VERY crooked friend. Can you find the true Crooked Man with your new friend? I left the next note where a troll used to work
"No fucking way...." Luke said
"You've gotta be kidding me!" Bigby said "Let's go we gotta move!"
They headed to where the clue suggested they go....
That's it! Going to do this for now as a side story-esque thing. Hope you enjoyed! If you have any questions or comments let me know!
Haha, so here's some more sims screenshots, and THIS time we've got Dragonbutter's OC Tez! Plus, I threw in Rose, and a few extras Hope you like them, Dragon! I searched EVERYWHERE online to find some dragon-esque eyes for Tezzy, however the looking was futile So he has normal people eyes. But I did give him some sunglasses that seem to suit him. And as for Rose, I couldn't seem to capture her as best as I wanted, but I hope you're at least satisfied with her They need more shirts with roses on them, because I couldn't find any of those, either. I should learn to re-texture and make some myself!
Tezoth the Dragon:
WITH sunglasses (I thought these ones suited him the best.):
Rose (With original jacket that I wanted to go with.):
Rose (With a different shirt, as I changed my mind.):
Extras :
"Rose, you're mouth tastes like bubblegum."
"Because I'm that sweet for ya, Tezzy!"
"Kicking ass is a pain in the back sometimes. Mind rubbing it some?"
"No problem, Rose Bud. Anything for you."
Hope you all liked it! I'm working on taking some in-game shots of the Porgie clan interacting (Hopefully some entertaining ones XD) And making other people's OC's! If I have any questions about appearance, I'll PM you guys, or if you want to request one early, I'll take them too. Just make sure you describe your character (As I don't always keep up to date with everyone's stories -frownieface-) or even send a drawing that I can base them off or something. I LOVE making sims I have more of my own OC's ready (Jackson and Charlotte, at least.) So I'll probably upload them tomorrow.
He'll love these now and always. I loved that bottom one. Man....T man, ya' got some GREAT hand skills, man! XD XD Rose looks beautiful and T man is one swag-a-licious Dragon guy! XD I so ship these two to the moon and back. I always look forward to the Sims from ya'!
I'm working on taking some in-game shots of the Porgie clan interacting (Hopefully some entertaining ones XD
XD XD XD I too, look forward to what my precious Clan is up to! GREAT work, Ems! Also, looking forward to the others as well. -thumbs up-
You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy, when skies are grey...
Franklin stood at the base of the mountain, gaping up at the clouds that swirled near the top. He'd stopped to take a breath, though he didn't really need to breath due to his vampirism, but Ash was running a lot faster than he could. She'd started flying when they reached the base, and now she was quite a ways ahead of him, her raven hair whipping back in the wind.
Franklin threw himself into a sprint, his body releasing massive amounts of adrenaline. He only had trouble keeping his pants up, as Carter's clothes were fitted for more muscular men than he was.
It'd been a few years since he'd used his abilities. Yes, he was born able to create fire from the palms of his hands. No, he didn't like using those powers. In fact, the only person who knew about it, if she'd even remembered, was his currently unofficial girlfriend who happened to be more preoccupied in finding out what was up there than who she was leaving far behind.
It was then that Franklin heard the howls of wolves. They were coming from the east, and were fairly close by. He whipped his head sideways little droplets of rain beginning to fall. The wolf eyes were distant but bright in the darkness, and heading straight for him. He stopped. He knew this must have been one of Ashlyn's other siblings, also curious at what spectacle might be appearing ahead. He leaned gracefully against a tall tree, watching as both wolves approached him swiftly.
"Frankie," Noah's voice was always deeper when he was a wolf. "Smelled you from the lake. Didn't even know you were here."
"Yeah, well..." Franklin was certainly not interested in informing Noah about his previous escapades before the lightning hit the ground.
Just then, the wolf following caught up. "Hey, why are we stopping?" Roberts voice was familiar, and he was the only wolf that had dark blue eyes compared to the others. His fur was black but lacked the blue streaks that Ash had in hers. Ash...
"Let's keep moving," Franklin said, and returned to sprinting upward. He could see Ash still, which was good, but she was now just a little dot from where Franklin stood. The wind was growing more intense, throwing her around some in the air, and Franklin's heart leaped when he saw her nearly fall into the trees. Quickly though, she recovered. They moved forward.
"Ash? Robbie? Noah? Guys?" Tim's voice was yelling over the noise outside. It was as if a hurricane was hitting, wind pounding up against the windows and the shutters. He was praying no windows would get broken. In his arms were four babies, how he balanced them in his arms and prevented himself from tripping on over his own feet were a miracle beyond his understanding. So far, he had knocked on every one of his children's doors, but not a single one had answered or even seemed present. He was growing worried.
"Dad?" Elora's innocent voice filled the current void, as she stuck her head through the doorway.
"Oh thank God you're here at least. Here, take these two-" He handed Jessamine and Gabriel over. "-and help me find your brothers and your sister."
"They're gone," She told him wistfully. "I watched the boys leave a few minutes ago....And Ash was outside when this all started."
"Shit!" Tim cursed as rarely as Harmony did. "Listen, Mom set up a portal. I need you to take all of the babies through ASAP."
Elora climbed down the stairs after her father, and took all of the infants from his arms. She left as quickly as possible, leaving Tim behind in a nearly empty house. The only person who was still present was his wife.
"Harmony!" His voice called. He was in the living room now, and the windows had somehow gotten open. The entire room was freezing, and the wind was blowing hard enough to knock things over the tables and throw papers askew. "Harmony!"
"Tim!" Her voice was frantic. He bolted with all of the power his body possessed, down the thin hallway connecting all of the downstairs rooms in the house. Her voice had come from the study.
"Are you okay?" He stammered as he stumbled through the door, more wind greeting him as he nearly hit the ground. She was standing at the open window in that room, her hands barely holding on to the note that was left behind.
"The boys," She said. "They went to see what's happening. We need to save them!"
"Harmony-" Tim said, but then he was too late as she'd already flown through the window. He leaned on the old mahogany desk, watching after her as she flew away from him. It took all of his might to hold back impending tears, that this may have been the last time he would ever see her. Please, dear God, don't let this be the last time he sees her.
The rain was coming down in sheets. Ashlyn was completely soaked, head to toe, and had to force herself to the ground. She was close, and she could feel the energy pulling her in, like a black hole sucking in all that surrounds it. Whatever this was, it was evil. That much was apparent. She dodged flying branches, ducked under low-hanging trees, and smiled when the rest of her crew had caught up to her.
"Jeez Ash!" Noah said. He was an overgrown dark brown wolf, staring her down with his shiny eyes and sharp teeth. It didn't faze her in the least. In fact, she hadn't thought about switching to her wolf form. She did it then, just to impress her siblings. She only got a few eye rolls.
"We're close," Franklin stated the obvious. "How are we gonna deal with what's up ahead? It can't be good."
Ashlyn didn't have the faintest clue. She figured a plan would come to her, but her mind just came back blank. She needed to see what the threat even WAS before deciding what to do about it.
They walked this time, staying close together but alert at the possibility of something stronger than them. They would fight until every man was down, that much was for sure.
"I think I see..." Ash muttered as they emerged to a clearing. There was a giant crater past the trees, the origin of the swirlings winds and clouds present. The whole thing was as wonderful as it was frightening. She blocked her siblings from the debris as they all approached behind her.
"Well shit," Noah said plainly. "What do we do now?"
Harmony was fast. She'd learned from years of experience and practice how to fly perfectly still in the wind. She had half a mind to go invisible, however that would only put a damper on the situation than help it. She needed to be solid in order to fight effectively.
"Ashlyn Mary!" Her voice called through the storm. Her clothes were soaked through, her hair clung to the back of her neck, and she felt entirely miserable out in the cold. All she could think of was her children, hopefully sticking together, hopefully keeping as dry as they could be. It took an enormous amount of effort to try and sway the winds to act with her, not against her.
The mountain was approaching quickly. Soon, she'd be at the top, where hopefully she would have gotten there before her own children. She could neutralize what ever dark force was intruding on her land, and save her family in the process. Because whatever it was, it wasn't there to help her in the least.
The ground was muddy and slippery when she'd finally landed. Just a few more feet, and she would reach the center of attention. Just a few more feet...
Oh no. No, no, no. She hadn't made it there before her babies. They were at the other side of the crater, their bodies huddled, but fierce. Despite her motherly fear that was overwhelming her body, she felt a pang of pride for her children. They were so brave. She could see from there, Ash's determined face. Harmony intended to join them as soon as she got to the other side.
She went airborn again, whipping past flying trees and branches and leaves, with buckets of rain hitting her eyes and her face. She miscalculated, though, and a log came flying directly at her. She fell to the ground like a falling star, hitting a steep slope on the crater.
"Oh my god, Mom!" One of them said. One of the boys...
Harmony's body went slack as they hastily approached, and she went temporarily unconscious.
That's all for now! I'm tired, it's late, and I have work in the morning >.< Hope you enjoyed the suspense, lol!
I'm not going to repeat what I sent you. YOU told me it was okay, if I placed conflict between GREN and ROBERT. THEY are acting like this be… morecause:
* Thomas is dying. In the Homelands, if you recall, the Alpha's spot would be replaced by either of his sons willing to either battle or hand their spot over to whome ever they saw fit. GREN does not want it. ROBERT does. However, GREN'S instincts are kicking in. Plus, he feels like he and the family is in danger
* Robert AND Gren have been estranged for CENTURIES. They are finally cool with one another. Again, instincts have kicked in.
I'm sorry if you feel this way but it DOES get better. I promise you that.
It might not seem entirely professional, but I like Luke's opening regardless. XD Love a good mystery and you've set this one up well; Hans and Alice seemed genuine, but would they really forget a broken window? Then there's the connection to The Crooked Man with the note that's left behind and the boy singing the nursey rhyme. And was the glass of the window on the floor of the room? Because if not it must have been broken from the inside! Which it probably wasn't, but it's something I keep in mind in these scenarios. :P Good first chapter.
Case One: The Lost Child Part: One
Luke and Bigby sat in their office, doing paperwork from The Crooked Man's case. It had been five days… more since The Crooked Man sat in his crooked house with his crooked cat and mouse but their little crooked house had come to a crooked end when The Big Bad Wolf blew it down.
"Luke that's really stupid." Bigby chuckled
"Well it got you to laugh didn't it?" Luke laughed
"Luke if we're going to be partners, at least do the job right." Bigby said
"Alright, alright fine." Luke said.
Luke rewrote the paper and made sure to make it look as professional as he could. Even though his wife was a detective didn't mean she taught him how to write reports for the police. When they both finished the paperwork Luke went to hand the paperwork to Snow who was in the business office. He handed off the paperwork and headed back to Bigbys office, when he was walking toward the office he could hear someone's voice… [view original content]
Dragon will surely enjoy these! I think you've captured both personalities well, just from clothes and positions alone. That does look like a great massage; and the picture quality is great - you can zoom right into that TV screen! (Though I've no idea what the show is quite supposed to be :P) Good going! And I might have a pictures of my OC's up soon if you wanted to make them at all :P
Lol, I do too! I figured I would do some romantic interactions between the two to spice things up some XD Thanks though, I tried my hardest XD I ship them too! And I can't wait to make more
I still have to build them a house to live in (Ha-ha they've been living on a blank lot for the past few weeks >.<) and then I gotta think of some situations they'd run into XD It'll be a challenge, but a fun challenge.
He'll love these now and always. I loved that bottom one. Man....T man, ya' got some GREAT hand skills, man! XD XD Rose looks beautiful and … moreT man is one swag-a-licious Dragon guy! XD I so ship these two to the moon and back. I always look forward to the Sims from ya'!
I'm working on taking some in-game shots of the Porgie clan interacting (Hopefully some entertaining ones XD
XD XD XD I too, look forward to what my precious Clan is up to! GREAT work, Ems! Also, looking forward to the others as well. -thumbs up-
Thanks! I've based Tez on Dragon's drawing of him, and I tried to capture the Rose from the beginning of the comics, but her signature rose shirt is not in the game, sadly. If it were, She'd be sporting it proudly as her and Tez macked on the couch together XD And sounds good! Mr. Weasel and friends will be fun to make
Dragon will surely enjoy these! I think you've captured both personalities well, just from clothes and positions alone. That does look like… more a great massage; and the picture quality is great - you can zoom right into that TV screen! (Though I've no idea what the show is quite supposed to be :P) Good going! And I might have a pictures of my OC's up soon if you wanted to make them at all :P
You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy, when skies are grey...
Franklin stood at the base of the mountain, gaping up at… more the clouds that swirled near the top. He'd stopped to take a breath, though he didn't really need to breath due to his vampirism, but Ash was running a lot faster than he could. She'd started flying when they reached the base, and now she was quite a ways ahead of him, her raven hair whipping back in the wind.
Franklin threw himself into a sprint, his body releasing massive amounts of adrenaline. He only had trouble keeping his pants up, as Carter's clothes were fitted for more muscular men than he was.
It'd been a few years since he'd used his abilities. Yes, he was born able to create fire from the palms of his hands. No, he didn't like using those powers. In fact, the only person who knew about it, if she'd even remembered, was his currently unofficial girlfriend who happened to be more preoccup… [view original content]
The chapter previous explains a lot, if you want to go back and read it. But the 'My Only Sunshine' part is very mysterious and will definitely be answered next chapter. I gotta go to work in 2 hours (11 AM) so I'll probably write it later, assuming my arms won't be falling off by then :P Glad you like it though!
Aw, what is it?! I've clearly missed quite a lot, but the suspense has definitely been built a lot in this chapter!
Wondering how the 'My Only Sunshine' song fits in, too! Looking forward to the next chapter!
It is a bold thing to have Gren do and it obviously changes him physically, somewhat; you seem to have taken Gren very much to heart, giving such consideration to how he feels relative to his past and how others perceive him, and allowing him to do this.
A taste? It's going to make for one tense main course, so hopefully they don't all come out of it with egg on their face. (Okay, might have carried the food metaphor a bit far there, but I think it gets the point across XD)
Even with where the story is relative to the ribbon, it doesn't seem entirely terrible because it's stopping Hades for now and that's a chain of events that started hundreds if not more years ago with Calla, possibly. (Hopefully I'm getting it all straight, do correct me if not!) Ah, will look out for that; the colour adds something.
I've been debating for the longest time about this. I fianlly agreed to have it done; I felt like THAT arm alone was the sole reminder to Gr… moreen and others alike of what he did and forever known for it. He felt, as Emily did too, that it was for the best. Also, a middle finger to Thomas as well.
Thomas thinks he's doing best by his children but in the end, Gren and Isaiah are right; he only ever looked out for Robert, for he was the strongest. I'll explain more about all that as time goes on. Right now, a taste as to what will happen.
They do, don't they? I almost forgot about the ribbon. It won't be ALL bad, what it represents in the end....:) I noticed Gren's bum eye had a touch of color while he was in glamour. Felt it was appropriate for her, too.
The chapter previous explains a lot, if you want to go back and read it. But the 'My Only Sunshine' part is very mysterious and will definit… moreely be answered next chapter. I gotta go to work in 2 hours (11 AM) so I'll probably write it later, assuming my arms won't be falling off by then :P Glad you like it though!
That first and second picture of Rose does being to mind her appearance from the earlier comics! Shame the rose shirt isn't in there, we'll just have to imagine her in it on the couch. XD
Thanks! I've based Tez on Dragon's drawing of him, and I tried to capture the Rose from the beginning of the comics, but her signature rose … moreshirt is not in the game, sadly. If it were, She'd be sporting it proudly as her and Tez macked on the couch together XD And sounds good! Mr. Weasel and friends will be fun to make
Since pairing Gren up with Emily, he has won a special place in my heart and as I write about him, I always take into consideration his past and current behavior. I wanted to incorporate his past and how people see him compared to the way Emily views him. By Gren doing this, he's slowly overcoming his past and bettering himself.
LOL I don't know why I found this humerous but I did. A slight taste for what I have planned for the future. Eggs and all with a slice of toast, orange juice and ham. XD
For now it has Hades at bay. It will all be tied in to Vivian's escape, the bow and a few other ideas that I'll keep a secret for now. There is a chain of events that is slowly unfolding and with Emily in possesion of Calla's bow, it will all start to unfold.
It is a bold thing to have Gren do and it obviously changes him physically, somewhat; you seem to have taken Gren very much to heart, giving… more such consideration to how he feels relative to his past and how others perceive him, and allowing him to do this.
A taste? It's going to make for one tense main course, so hopefully they don't all come out of it with egg on their face. (Okay, might have carried the food metaphor a bit far there, but I think it gets the point across XD)
Even with where the story is relative to the ribbon, it doesn't seem entirely terrible because it's stopping Hades for now and that's a chain of events that started hundreds if not more years ago with Calla, possibly. (Hopefully I'm getting it all straight, do correct me if not!) Ah, will look out for that; the colour adds something.
I LOVE THIS, thank you Em! I also adore how they're wearing matching colors. ^_^ And I'd say you captured his appearance spot-on!
However, there's this minor error you made with the dialogue you've written below. I usually make Harmony in my story call Rose Red 'Double R', not Tez. For him, I have been making him call Rose 'Rose Bud' mostly.
WARNING: VERY detailed moment between my Gren and Emily. DO not read if easily offended. You have been warned by Pie. XD Enjoy.
'You make me feel like I'm living a teenage dream, the way you turn me on. I can't sleep; lets run away and don't ever look back. My heart stops, when you look at me, just one touch, now baby I believe this is real. So take a chance and don't ever look back. Be your teenage dream tonight.'
The chorus line to that song was on repeat for the majority of the night. Emily sat in bed; this was night number three she would not be falling asleep. Emily and Gren used to take long drives and listen to this song over and over. The CD was overplayed and no longer worked but the memories of that summer night would forever become the foundation Emily needed to build her future relationship with Gren.
By this time, it was obvious he and Carla were seperated and no longer on speaking terms. He lived in a studio apartment downtown, while Carla suddenly up and leaves with nothing but a suitcase and a pocketful of dreams. She would end up in another apartment; majority of their furniture and items sold off or donated to Goodwill stores or family members.
Blaring this song, she would pick Gren up and the two would cruise the forever busy streets of Fabletown. The pair would either pick up burgers or burritos and head to the beach. Away from the prying eyes of the city and the troubles lingering like a storm cloud over both their heads. Emily had her demons, as did Gren. They secretly fought off the invisible troubles as Emily parked the car near a cove, left the radio on and enjoyed their greasy meals.
The majority of the time, the two sat in silence. The only noise they heard were the crashing of the waves, shrieks of nearby birds and occasional groups of people. Gren and Emily understood one another and felt there was no need for useless chatter during meal time. Hoever, once the burgers were devoured and the soft drink containers empty, anything was far game.
Laying beside Gren, as the song continued to play in her head, Emily remembers one hot July afternoon. She was a senior in highschool and was enjoying what little time she had left for the summer. She worked part time at a comic book store and took her next three days off as a reward to herself. Inviting Gren along, the two make their way to the usual spot, eat their ususal meals and listen to the familiar sounds. Once complete, however, Emily did something different today.
She needed to see for herself. For the past month, her feelings for Gren drastically changed. She desired to have Gren. Not just for company but as a lover and frequent guest in her bed. Emily invisioned Gren's bare body pressed against her own; both lost in a sea of sheets and in one another's arms. Emily used to have fantasies while doing her homework; Gren would climb the tree near her window, make his way to her window and remain with Emily the rest of the evening. She needed to know.
Tossing her trash to the back, Emily leans over and plants herself on Gren's lap. Still drinking his soda, Gren was unsure of Emily's sudden choice of affection. Yet, he did nothing to stop this. It felt....right to Gren and as he wrapped his hand around Emily's waist, she had her answer.
"I've always liked this." Emily touches the patch of hair under Gren's lips. "I always fookin' thought it was neat."
"My hair, Emily?" Cocking his eyebrow, Gren tosses the empty cup to the back. "You think this is neat?"
"Yes." Emily strokes it with her thumb and index finger. "I really do. Fa' some reason. Ya' know, when I was little, I fookin' thought this was a Caterpiller or somethin'."
Gren chuckles, pulling Emily closer. The aroma of her body. The radiant, joyus sound of her laughter. For the past year or two, Gren looked at Emily differently then the other kids. He'd grown accustomed to her company and it was fitting being alone with Emily. Inhaling her floral scent, Gren's shoulder's tensed. Emily took notice of this behavior change and leaned her face forward, allowing her nose to gently brush along Gren's face. It had a slight feel of sand paper.
"Emily..." Gren whispers her name, causing Emily to buck in his lap. "We...we need to...we-"
Emily unties her hair and removes her Bowler hat. Tossing the item to the back as well, she allows her locks of hair to fall forward and bury Gren's face in a forest of black. The intoxicating smell intensifies the more Emily moves and waves her hair around. The grip on her hips tighten; Gren digs his fingers into her felsh, causing Emily to lean forward, wrap her arms around Gren's neck and moan softly.
Like the song implied, she would be Gren's teenage dream; the two would run away from this town, never look back and allow these feelings to blossom and flower into something neither could explain.
'I'mma get your heart racing, in my skin tight jeans, be your teenage dream tonight. Let you put your hands on me, in my skin tight jeans, be your teenage dream tonight.'
Emily could feel the growing lump in Gren's jeans. Like any normal young woman her age, she desired to see Gren in all his true self and become one with him. Grinding into his lap, Gren grunts and pins Emily against the steering wheel. For a second, the horn honks, sending flocks of Seagulls towards the setting sun. Golds, reds and oranges appeared like fire along the windows and reflecting off both their skins.
Emily, tilting her neck, allows Gren's lips to touch her skin. Grasping at his jacket, Emily removes the article of clothing, watching it fall towards the seat. emily took this opportunity to observe the man before her. He sent her heart fluttering and stomach turning like a thousand butterflies dwelled within. Locking his lips against her skin, Gren begins to nimble, sending Emily's body into a moment of weakness and serenity.
"Emily..." Gren continues to whisper her name like the gentle winds in the trees. "Emily. Emily..."
Rapacious, Emily throws Gren into the driver's seat and robustly kisses Gren. Their tongues dancing, hearts racing and hands gripping righter against clothes and skin. Both felt right. Not a single feeling of remorse or second thoughts. To Emily, this is what she's always wanted. For Gren, his two years of dreaming and being haunted by Emily's image was unfolding before his eyes.
Continuing to grunt, Gren notices Emily's hands slip under her shirt; removing the item over her head, Gren admires her full breasts as the peek over her lacy black bra. Against the dark material and setting sun, Emily's pale skin seems to slow and shine, drawing Gren in like a Moth to a flame.
Gren desperatly wanted to take Emily. Judging by her smell, she was still a virgin. As a Grendel and also a male, it would have been an honor to have been the first for Emily. Gren secretly wanted him to be the only man she'd ever see naked and make passionate love to well into the morning light of the next day. He wanted to lay Emily down on the beach before them, remove the remainder of her clothes and with time and diligence, secure the feelings both felt.
He wanted to. Emily covertly hoping he'd make the final move. Gren's thrusting stops the moment Emily's hands reach for his belt buckle. He noticed her trembling hands. The look of fright in her eyes. The heavy breathing and a glimmer of uncertainty within. She was terrified. Concerned for her well being and feelings alike, Gren beams and pulls Emily's hands away.
"Woot the fook, Gren? I thought....why are ya'-"
"You're fuckin' shaking, Ems."
"So...." Emily tries to play it off. "I,'s gettin' cold and-"
"Let's wait awhile, alright?" Gently, Gren rubs Emily's face. Warm to the touch. "Why ruin a wonderful day?"
At first, Emily was slightly annoyed and confused; the signs were there, both had feelings and wanted to jump into the pool of lust and drown in the sea of love. But as she glanced down at her shaking hands, Emily understood what Gren meant. She was nowhere ready. Both physically and mentally. She gained respect for Gren and allowed her desires for him continue to grow and become sturdy. Handing Emily her shirt, Gren returns to the passenger seat and looks out the window.
"Wanna go for a walk, Ems?"
"Yes." Not an ounce of hesitation. "I'd love ta'."
Hand in hand, the pair make their way down the sandy beach. A hermit crab skuttles across, entering a nearby log and disappearing into the shadows. Seagulls caw and shriek up ahead; several other couples and a jogger pass the two up, nodding in their direction and continuing behind them. Emily, clutching tightly to Gren, leans her face against his skin and smiles.
"This was wonderful, Gren."
"Yes." Gren leans down to kiss Emily's head. "It was...."
The song, however, remaind in Emily's mind since that day. Whenever Gren was near, it played softly. Bits of the chorus and certain words seemed to paint an image of what was the come. Even now, twenty-eight years old and laying in bed with the same man nearly ten years ago, it continued to play. Looking up, Gren plays with several strands of hair and allow to drop along her back.
"I do remember." Gren whispers. "How can I forget?"
Emily touches the stub where his arm used to be. The flesh slightly warm and the stitches forever a reminder. In her mind, she didn't understand but in her heart and spirit, it was the right thing for Gren to do. She was proud of his decision.
"Gunna take some time fa' me ta' get used ta' this thing bein' gone."
"Nah. You'll see. Nothing to it. I honestly have not noticed it."
"Did ya' see all their faces when ya' did that?"
Gren presses his nose against Emily's. "I did. My dad...he didn't know WHAT to fuckin' say."
"Please, Gren." Emily plays with the hair on Gren's chest. "Please...I know this is fookin' difficult but ya' need ta' TRY and make peace with ya' dad before he passes on. The quads ARE his grandchildren. he deserves ta' see them."
"I'm tryin' Emily." Gren kisses Emily's lips. "I swear to fuckin' God....I'm tryin'. It's just been a fuckin' weird week...."
"I know, love. I just want ya' ta' be happy."
"I am." Gren once more pulls Emily closer. "I can't recall the last time I was this happy. Oh...there was that summer night you and I had. The night when we almost..."
"Would ya' have, Gren? If I wasn't so terrified and unsure, would ya' 'ave?"
"Yes. I knew something was just....right, when we were in the middle of it all."
Emily smiles. "Me too, Gren."
Gently touching the nub of Gren's arm, the couple lock lips and passionatly kiss. It pleased Emily to know that summer night, Gren felt the same way. Even well into the night, the song continued. Perhaps they were already planning on this long before either knew; moving forward, hand and hand and running off together.
This was real. They were never looking back. She was his teenage dream. Now and forever.
Any questions, let me know. I'll do this from time to time; explore Gren and Emily's relationship and how it started. I had a question not too long ago about this and to point something out-no, Gren never looked at Emily inappropriatly when she was a kid. He loved her but the emotions were that of loving a good friend. As she turned 16, things changed. It wouldn't be until years later, when the two would connect and become one. Next chapter will cover Ethan and Michelle, the weddings and then from there, remaining questions and answers. A few drawings as well, too. Feeling pretty damn good today, guys!
"That line usually works for you?" Scarlett scoffed, taking another sip from her glass of champagne.
Her reaction gave him the knowledge that the glittery mask he was wearing was in fact concealing his identity. That and the fact she didn't attempt to tear off his other leg.
"Not usually." Lyall gave a small chuckle. Scarlett rolled her eyes and polished off the last of her drink before a carteret took it off her hands.
"Your excuse for idle conversation means nothing to me, I suggest you take it elsewhere."
"I don't want idle conversation though." he replied
"Then what do you want?" her eye narrowed at him.
"To talk to the attractive woman right in front of me."
"Flattery will get you nowhere in life, though it appreciated." crossing her arms she frowned, her eye brows buckle.
"That also sounded like you were thanking me."
"Don't get your hopes up...I have nothing to say that would amuse you." her voice was as black as ice and just as cold.
"Just try me, come on... tell me about yourself, your line of work?" he smiled slyly as Scarlett rolled her eyes again and sighed.
"Why? I do not pester you or any stranger for useless information." she huffed in annoyance.
"I bet you could though."
"Oh I could, but personally my tactics for retrieving information are a little more... how do I put this? More... hands on." her lips almost curled into a smile, she and Lyall were served glasses of red wine. She took a sip and tapped her chin. "My line of work you ask? To put in it simple terms an inferior mind like you-"
"What a second, inferior-"
"Please, those shoes with those socks?"
"You certainly know fashion."
"I don't do fashion I am fashion." Scarlett let out a small chuckle. "Now my line of work I wouldn't say a bodyguard, but more of a right hand woman to Medusa."
"Medusa?" Maybe he should go into acting, she was certainly buying this curious stranger act.
"Well from the fact you haven't heard of her I take it you a pretty decent life. Almost hard not to hear of her, striking appearance, wealthy, lover of the finer things in life, and owns bits and pieces around town." Scarlett took a sip of wine. "And above all powerful."
"Seems like you really admire her." Lyall quickly adjusted the strap of his mask, it was beginning to get rather uncomfortable.
"I admire power. Power has meaning, power means control, it means survival, loyalty, it means survival of the fittest. Without power there is no meaning." she gestured for him to fallow her. "Come on, it's getting rather stuffy in here, the balcony seems more appealing."
Jack's foot tapped impatiently as he looked at his watch. Mouse said she would be a little late assisting Bigby and his son, she called him and assured him she would still make it to the Trip Trap in time. The sound of rushing footsteps caused him to turn around, and sure enough there was Mouse. Clad in a red and black flannel sweater, and a pair of jeans and scruffy looking white sneakers. It was just the Trip Trap, not some black tie affair, so either got all dressed up.
"Sorry about the wait." Mouse apologized.
"No worries, what about the rest of your friends?" he asked.
"Most of them had to cancel, another one said she might be a tad late as well..." she shuffled awkwardly in her spot. "Sorry, I'm terrible at planning..."
"You apologize way too much."
"Sorry- I mean!...err..."
Jack chuckled and really ruffled her head of hair. "I'm just messing with ya, I think it's cute."
"Oh... Thank you." she smiled. "Come on, Helena shouldn't be too long."
They two shared a cab, they converse about various subjects, the rather muggy weather, television shows they fancied, foods they enjoyed and music. Until the taxi pulled up to the bar, they spilt the cost and soon headed inside. The Trip trap haven't changed a bit, same wallpaper, dartboard, and same old Grendel in his usual spot, idly drinking his glass of whiskey, Holly cleaning glasses. He wondered why Mouse would choose this of all places, surly she would had fancied a cafe with pretty cakes and creamy lattes as opposed to sour pickled eggs and strong alcohol. She seemed too innocent to be into drinking at bars, hell she barely looked legal age with her youthful appearance, one of the perks of being a Fable.
Grendel's gazed was shifted from his whiskey to the two Fables. Sitting up straight he let out a small chuckle.
"You ready for another rounds of darts?" he asked.
"Of course!" Mouse mused making her way up to the chalk board, already writing down names to keep score. "I think I figured out Holly's trick."
"Do you now?" Holly asked raising an eye brow, a small smile on her freckled face.
"Oh, I hope you don't mind... but I brought a date." she said.
Jack smiled, he open his mouth to reply but was cut off by the sound of the door creaking opening.
"And here she is now!"
"She?" Jack turned around, standing in the doorway was a woman who reeked of floral, she had long black hair, striking green eyes, and was clad in a white T-shirt and jeans.
"Sorry I'm late." she replied as Mouse ran up and hugged her. "Beers are on me tonight."
"Oh your gonna regret saying that, Helena" Grendel chuckle polish off the rest of his whiskey.
"Was traffic bad? I was almost afraid you wouldn't show up." Mouse asked giving her a peck on the cheek.
"Of course not Pet, just business." she turned to Jack. "I take it your Mouse's new friend, Jake right?"
"Hope your good at darts, I got dead aim." she mused collecting the pile of darts from the bar's countertop. "Shall I go first? Or do you want to try?"
"I'll...I'll go last..." Jack plopped himself down in a chair, Mouse happily cheered Helana on as she threw the dart. Holly placed a mug of beer in front of Jack.
"Sooo... Mouse is-"
"Into girls? Yup." Holly replied placing another mug of beer on the table for Grendel.
"So my chances are-"
"Zero to none."
"Nice view..." Lyall commented, his arms rested on the balcony as he gazed at the night sky, he nearly reached into the pocket of his tux for a cigarette but remembered he had to make sure he remained unnoticed, and cigarettes were kind of his thing...
"It is rather pretty, isn't it." Scarlett replied.
"Oh, so you actually don't hate something." Lyall chuckled.
"Very funny." she rolled her eyes.
"But seriously though, what do you like?"
"Power, control, survival, had we not been over this?" her lips formed a frowned.
"I meant something a little more... I don't know, leisurely? Or a guilty pleasure." he asked with a shrug of his shoulders.
"I fucking love cats."
"Dead serious." Scarlett replied. "I fancy the breed sphynx above all other breeds, you know the more or less hairless kind." Scarlett informed.
Perhaps it was the wolf part of him but he never really was a cat person, and those hairless kind? That sounded even less appealing... never liked cats, but his apartment was too small for a dog, all he had was a pair of love birds.
"Do you have one?" he asked.
"Of course not, my line of work although it certainly allows me to have the luxury of fine clothes and VIP parties... a feline companion is not one of the things Medusa covers." she let out a weak chuckle. "Look at me, talking about felines to a complete stranger, my life is certainly sad and glamorous."
"I don't mind, I said I wanted to talk to an attractive woman and I am, even if I'm not a cat person." he smiled. "So why cats though? You don't strike me as a crazy cat lady."
"You sound like my ex-husband." Scarlett muttered in annoyance before tapping her chin, looking as if she was deep in thought debating with herself. "You surly heard of my mother right? Bloody Mary? Former thug and bodyguard to The Crooked man? Say her name five times in the mirror?"
"Of course, kind of hard not to with what happened in the past."
"Indeed, now... picture me as a young child, both eyes and hair tied in pigtails and with a pink toy bunny by my side constantly. Now picture me in a room, just a bed with a few toys to keep my boredom at bay, and a large mirror used for simply looking at myself and keeping my appearance in check. I inherited most of my mother's powers, traveling by mirrors is one of them. I didn't know I had that power until much later on, my mother just assumed I was powerless. One day I grew bored and wanted to pretend I was mother and jump through mirrors. I reached out to touch mine and pretend to pull myself through, only I actually did pull myself through. I was in another house, a modest little house that belonged to a married couple with two children. They found me in the bathroom, I was just as confused as they were. They were nice though, gave me some sweets, the children let me play with them... but what I recall loving the most about that place was the family pet. A sphynx cat named Skittles, he was friendly. Purred when I rubbed his head, liked catnip and fell asleep on my lap, he was quite the darling, I simply loved that feline to bits." she explained, drinking the rest of her wine.
"What happened next? Did Mary ever find you?"
"Of course she did! She's my mother! She entered the house through the mirror in one of the bedrooms and killed the couple as well as the kids."
"Shit!" Lyall gasped. "She just killed him?!"
"Of course, they were mundies. If they got Mundy social workers involved a whole whirlwind of trouble would stir up. The cat got away though, it was just a clueless feline and no threat. My mother took me back to my room, broke the mirror in my room right in front of me." she said, her gaze at the night sky.
"Seems harsh to do that to a kid."
"I was young and foolish, I was just lucky I didn't end up in a home of someone else who was a more powerful Mundy that would had caused a storm. After awhile she taught me how to travel through mirrors. She eventually let me have a mirror again long as I only promise to use it when she was around." she informed. "And their you have it, my wonderful tale of why I fucking love cats. Are you are amused yet?" she asked him.
"Amused? No. Intrigued, yes." Lyall replied. "Your mother... How did you feel about her? What about your father?"
Scarlett frowned upon being asked these questions.
"Why does useless trivia amuse you so?"
"I want to get to know you." Lyall replied.
"I'm the daughter of Bloody Mary, a Fable who killed children, you do the math to what extent of maternal instincts she possessed." she hissed.
"But do you love her?"
"Of course I do you twit! She may had never been the motherly type... but she was my mom, that was something at least." she shrugged. "As for my father I don't know, never met the son of the bitch before or know who he is."
"You ever thought about seeking him out?" Lyall asked.
"Why would I? I doubt he would have anything to offer, beside's I exist don't I? His job is done." she replied, her voice as cold as ice. "Men are good for one thing, women are good for six."
"I get the feeling if I were to argue with you about that I would end up with an missing eye as well." he chuckled.
"Well of course."
"We could be eye patch buddies, or pirates!"
Now this earned Lyall a genuine chuckle from Scarlett, her lips curled into a small smile as she laughed.
"Pirates... I recall once during October my ex tried to get me into some stripper pirate getup, fishnet leggings for Christ sake." she shook her head.
"What kind of man was your ex husband like?" Lyall asked, keeping up his clueless act.
"An idiot, moron, selfish, cocky, arrogant, bastard, son of a bitch. And that's putting it lightly." Scarlett informed.
"You call that lightly?"
"Let me rephrase that, lightly for me."
"If you thought all that about him why did you even marry him in the first place." Of course Lyall could see how much of a jackass Bradwr could be, he did seem like a nice guy and was handsome enough... but nice and looks just didn't seem enough for Scarlett.
"We grew up together, besides not like I was gonna marry Dee, Dum, or Jersey. It started off fine then shit hit the fan, like usual."
"I'm sorry..."
"Don't be, it was a shitty idea from the start. He was an overgrown man child, where I should had quitted love a long time ago."
"So you don't mix business and pleasure?" he asked.
"Oh I wouldn't say that. Lust on its own is just fine, take your pleasures where you can get them. What about you?" she asked raising an eyebrow. "Is your fruit... forbidden?"
"My fruit is ready for the picking if that's what your asking." he mused.
"Hmmmm, look at me talking about sex with a complete stranger. May I have your name mister?"
"Why ruin the mystery? But first... may I have this dance?" he offered his arm to her. "The music finally has a decent beat to it."
"You sure you can keep up?"
"Yeah, I'm pretty sure."
"Are you done stuffing your face?" asked Bonnie as Bradwr shovelled something thing that was bacon wrapped (Seriously, what isn't wrapped in bacon nowadays?) in his mouth.
"Cut me some slack, haven't had food this good in a looooooong ass time." he popped a cube of gouda cheese in his mouth. "Lived off my father's crappy cooking for all these years, let me enjoy this." the cheese was shortly fallowed by a baguette coated in butter and a sip of red wine to wash it all down.
Bonnie sighed and helped herself to a small lemon tart. They were suppose to be keeping an eye out in case shit went down, not gorging themselves on snacks and alcohol.
"Hey," he turned to her. "Don't sweat it, let's enjoy ourselves. This is your first time doing something like this right? Big police mission stuff right? You just need to relax, we go all spy mood they will just figure us out in no time."
"That actually makes some sense to a certain degree." Bonnie agreed.
"Just keep calm, after all what's the worse that could happen?" Bradwr stated, popping a cocktail shrimp in his mouth
"When people say that it's when shit hits the fan."
Sorry about the long ass wait, dealing with shit is a pain in the arse But on a much happier note I gotten Dragon age Inquisition I been playing the fuck of out that, if you like character customization, romancing characters of your choice, and adventure role playing games I would highly suggest the Dragon age series.
And since we're on the topic of Mouse being a lesbian, Lyall, Bonnie, Scarlett, and Bradwr are all bisexual, thought that would be a fun fact to share.
I really liked this. I enjoy when you go back, especially now with Gren and Emily. I loved the detail you put into this entire thing. You can feel the love between them, even then and looking back now. That song, too. Still getting used to Gren missing that arm.
I loved that, too. The were never looking back. I love thise, dude.
no, Gren never looked at Emily inappropriatly when she was a kid.
Who the hell said that!? Stupid! That's just silly. I look forward to what you have planned! Glad you're feeling good, pie.
WARNING: VERY detailed moment between my Gren and Emily. DO not read if easily offended. You have been warned by Pie. XD Enjoy.
'You mak… moree me feel like I'm living a teenage dream, the way you turn me on. I can't sleep; lets run away and don't ever look back. My heart stops, when you look at me, just one touch, now baby I believe this is real. So take a chance and don't ever look back. Be your teenage dream tonight.'
The chorus line to that song was on repeat for the majority of the night. Emily sat in bed; this was night number three she would not be falling asleep. Emily and Gren used to take long drives and listen to this song over and over. The CD was overplayed and no longer worked but the memories of that summer night would forever become the foundation Emily needed to build her future relationship with Gren.
By this time, it was obvious he and Carla were seperated and no longer on speaking terms. He lived in a studio apartment … [view original content]
Hmm. Now this is interesting. You see, I've read all the comics, but never thought of making myself a Fable. It would be totally possible, c… moreonsidering not every single Fable is linked with a story known to the Mundy world. I've always thought of being other Fables (Mostly Snow White, since my personality reflects hers the most, with her motherly attitude and strategic thinking, as well as her values for her friends and family.) So where should I start? Well, I'd like to be unusual, something that has to be at the Farm because of non-human qualities. Maybe an unusual skin color? I'd also like some kind of powers associated with me; Maybe I could be Jack Frost Two's daughter. Although he is about as innocent as a child when it comes to adult things (If you know what I mean). I could also be one of the North Wind's servants (They're absolutely adorable.) Sigh.....You sir, have created a monster. I'll have to check back later with more detailed t… [view original content]
WARNING: VERY detailed moment between my Gren and Emily. DO not read if easily offended. You have been warned by Pie. XD Enjoy.
'You mak… moree me feel like I'm living a teenage dream, the way you turn me on. I can't sleep; lets run away and don't ever look back. My heart stops, when you look at me, just one touch, now baby I believe this is real. So take a chance and don't ever look back. Be your teenage dream tonight.'
The chorus line to that song was on repeat for the majority of the night. Emily sat in bed; this was night number three she would not be falling asleep. Emily and Gren used to take long drives and listen to this song over and over. The CD was overplayed and no longer worked but the memories of that summer night would forever become the foundation Emily needed to build her future relationship with Gren.
By this time, it was obvious he and Carla were seperated and no longer on speaking terms. He lived in a studio apartment … [view original content]
Oh this was nothing. I've done worse. XD lol I totally forgot to add a 'warning' thingy. :P
Gremily are wonderful. I love writing them in moments like this.
Oh Jack. You were always one to think ya' have the game but in the end, you get shot down. I applaude you for trying at least....I also, Scar, have a love for the hairless cats. My fiancee wants to get a black one. Lyall will come around to the idea. XD
"An idiot, moron, selfish, cocky, arrogant, bastard, son of a bitch. And that's putting it lightly."
THIS is why I adore Scarlett and poor Lyall get's the butt end of it all but he's STILL around to collect the abuse. XD XD Also, interesting little tid bit of information in regards to the character's sexuality. Not sure why but knowing little things like this make you appreciate and understand just a bit better. Also, love that picture. Again, oh Lyall. XD XD
Sorry to hear about the pain and troubles. Hope you get well soon. I've often wondered if Dragon Age was good. So far, I've heard mixed reviews but hearing you speak highly of it, makes me want to play it now.
Cat and Mouse
Part 5
A wolf among the rabbits
"That line usually works for you?" Scarlett scoffed, taking another sip from her glas… mores of champagne.
Her reaction gave him the knowledge that the glittery mask he was wearing was in fact concealing his identity. That and the fact she didn't attempt to tear off his other leg.
"Not usually." Lyall gave a small chuckle. Scarlett rolled her eyes and polished off the last of her drink before a carteret took it off her hands.
"Your excuse for idle conversation means nothing to me, I suggest you take it elsewhere."
"I don't want idle conversation though." he replied
"Then what do you want?" her eye narrowed at him.
"To talk to the attractive woman right in front of me."
"Flattery will get you nowhere in life, though it appreciated." crossing her arms she frowned, her eye brows buckle.
"That also sounded like you were thanking me."
"Don't get your hopes up...I have noth… [view original content]
Gren threw his arm in the fire! Can't show much of a stronger will than that. Physically, it might make him weaker, but mentally he already seems better off.
Thomas' blindness to Gren's true motivations are exasperating and incredibly unhelpful, as it widens the rift between the brothers and seems to simply be leaving a legacy of resentment for when he's gone.
Good family scene at the end, though.
And the babies look so lively in that picture.
Viviana's ribbon is pretty, despite what it's presence is for, and that touch of purple in the grey of Seraphina's right eye is good detail!
Ella makes for an entertaining tour guide. :P Great start!
I've been debating for the longest time about this. I fianlly agreed to have it done; I felt like THAT arm alone was the sole reminder to Gren and others alike of what he did and forever known for it. He felt, as Emily did too, that it was for the best. Also, a middle finger to Thomas as well.
Thomas thinks he's doing best by his children but in the end, Gren and Isaiah are right; he only ever looked out for Robert, for he was the strongest. I'll explain more about all that as time goes on. Right now, a taste as to what will happen.
They do, don't they? I almost forgot about the ribbon. It won't be ALL bad, what it represents in the end....:) I noticed Gren's bum eye had a touch of color while he was in glamour. Felt it was appropriate for her, too.
Thank you.
Check your PM or whatever you wish to see inregards to this.
Man! THAT is a change, compared to the 1st image I saw. I like it, though.
I think you'll like the idea I have for your picture.
I hate it...
I've had the beard for so long my skin feels odd when I touch it, I'm gonna get better trimmers next time :P
Okay, I did but it still does not explain WHY he's a dick right now. I get it. He and Gren are fighting but he's not a dick. You're making Robert into a douche.
I'm not going to repeat what I sent you. YOU told me it was okay, if I placed conflict between GREN and ROBERT. THEY are acting like this because:
Thomas is dying. In the Homelands, if you recall, the Alpha's spot would be replaced by either of his sons willing to either battle or hand their spot over to whome ever they saw fit. GREN does not want it. ROBERT does. However, GREN'S instincts are kicking in. Plus, he feels like he and the family is in danger
Robert AND Gren have been estranged for CENTURIES. They are finally cool with one another. Again, instincts have kicked in.
I'm sorry if you feel this way but it DOES get better. I promise you that.
Case One: The Lost Child Part: One
Luke and Bigby sat in their office, doing paperwork from The Crooked Man's case. It had been five days since The Crooked Man sat in his crooked house with his crooked cat and mouse but their little crooked house had come to a crooked end when The Big Bad Wolf blew it down.
"Luke that's really stupid." Bigby chuckled
"Well it got you to laugh didn't it?" Luke laughed
"Luke if we're going to be partners, at least do the job right." Bigby said
"Alright, alright fine." Luke said.
Luke rewrote the paper and made sure to make it look as professional as he could. Even though his wife was a detective didn't mean she taught him how to write reports for the police. When they both finished the paperwork Luke went to hand the paperwork to Snow who was in the business office. He handed off the paperwork and headed back to Bigbys office, when he was walking toward the office he could hear someone's voice.
"You have to find our kid!" A man's voice rang
"Please you have to help us!" A sobbing woman's voice rang
Luke walked into the office, said hello and sat down.
"We will. Now where was your kid seen last?" Bigby asked
When Luke got a good look he saw Alice from Wonderland and Hans from The Pudding and Pie. Weird... Luke thought. Although it seemed a lot more normal then usual since when Alice gets involved everything seemed really weird.
"He was asleep in bed. It was about one thirty in the morning when we heard him scream, we both ran in and he was gone." Hans said
"And how old is your son?" Luke asked
"He's seven, his name is Lucas. He always seemed to sing The Crooked Man nursery rhyme though, which was odd." Hans said
Alice didn't say much else, she cried and leaned on Hans. "Please...find our son..." She sobbed
Luke and Bigby both reassured them that they'd find their son, before they left they asked if they could go and search their house first and told them to go find something to eat and rest. They nodded and left. Bigby and Luke were getting ready to investigate.
"Do you think it was really a kidnapping?" Luke asked
"Yeah, Hans wasn't lying or trying to hide anything." Bigby said putting on his coat
"Man I wish I had those senses." Luke said throwing on his suit jacket
"No I don't think you do." Bigby said lighting a cigarette
Luke remembered about the drawbacks of Bigbys senses when he puffed out smoke from the cigarette. He nodded and they headed out the door.
It was grey and raining out Luke forgot his watch but it was close to mid day, they called a cab and went over to Hans and Alices house. When they checked the door Luke figured out the lock had been picked open. They walked through the rooms to check everything, when they got to the room they checked the door again. The door was left unlocked but when they entered the room the window had been smashed.
"Did they ever mention a broken window?" Luke asked making sure he had heard their conversation with the family right.
"No they didnt, they must have seen it since they came in here. I guess they forgot this part due to trying to relay information to fast." Bigby said
They searched the room but could not find anything but the note on the bed. The writing was in red.
Dear Wolf, You seemed to have killed my crooked double. I heard so from my crooked mouse. I still lie in my crooked house along with my one crooked cat, and my VERY crooked friend. Can you find the true Crooked Man with your new friend? I left the next note where a troll used to work
"No fucking way...." Luke said
"You've gotta be kidding me!" Bigby said "Let's go we gotta move!"
They headed to where the clue suggested they go....
That's it! Going to do this for now as a side story-esque thing. Hope you enjoyed! If you have any questions or comments let me know!
I'll be eagerly awaiting them
Haha, so here's some more sims screenshots, and THIS time we've got Dragonbutter's OC Tez! Plus, I threw in Rose, and a few extras
Hope you like them, Dragon! I searched EVERYWHERE online to find some dragon-esque eyes for Tezzy, however the looking was futile
So he has normal people eyes. But I did give him some sunglasses that seem to suit him. And as for Rose, I couldn't seem to capture her as best as I wanted, but I hope you're at least satisfied with her
They need more shirts with roses on them, because I couldn't find any of those, either. I should learn to re-texture and make some myself!
Tezoth the Dragon:
WITH sunglasses (I thought these ones suited him the best.):
Rose (With original jacket that I wanted to go with.):
Rose (With a different shirt, as I changed my mind.):
"Rose, you're mouth tastes like bubblegum."
"Because I'm that sweet for ya, Tezzy!"
"Kicking ass is a pain in the back sometimes. Mind rubbing it some?"
"No problem, Rose Bud. Anything for you."
Hope you all liked it! I'm working on taking some in-game shots of the Porgie clan interacting (Hopefully some entertaining ones XD) And making other people's OC's! If I have any questions about appearance, I'll PM you guys, or if you want to request one early, I'll take them too. Just make sure you describe your character (As I don't always keep up to date with everyone's stories -frownieface-) or even send a drawing that I can base them off or something. I LOVE making sims
I have more of my own OC's ready (Jackson and Charlotte, at least.) So I'll probably upload them tomorrow.
He'll love these now and always. I loved that bottom one. Man....T man, ya' got some GREAT hand skills, man! XD XD Rose looks beautiful and T man is one swag-a-licious Dragon guy! XD I so ship these two to the moon and back. I always look forward to the Sims from ya'!
XD XD XD I too, look forward to what my precious Clan is up to!
GREAT work, Ems! Also, looking forward to the others as well. -thumbs up-
You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy, when skies are grey...
Franklin stood at the base of the mountain, gaping up at the clouds that swirled near the top. He'd stopped to take a breath, though he didn't really need to breath due to his vampirism, but Ash was running a lot faster than he could. She'd started flying when they reached the base, and now she was quite a ways ahead of him, her raven hair whipping back in the wind.
Franklin threw himself into a sprint, his body releasing massive amounts of adrenaline. He only had trouble keeping his pants up, as Carter's clothes were fitted for more muscular men than he was.
It'd been a few years since he'd used his abilities. Yes, he was born able to create fire from the palms of his hands. No, he didn't like using those powers. In fact, the only person who knew about it, if she'd even remembered, was his currently unofficial girlfriend who happened to be more preoccupied in finding out what was up there than who she was leaving far behind.
It was then that Franklin heard the howls of wolves. They were coming from the east, and were fairly close by. He whipped his head sideways little droplets of rain beginning to fall. The wolf eyes were distant but bright in the darkness, and heading straight for him. He stopped. He knew this must have been one of Ashlyn's other siblings, also curious at what spectacle might be appearing ahead. He leaned gracefully against a tall tree, watching as both wolves approached him swiftly.
"Frankie," Noah's voice was always deeper when he was a wolf. "Smelled you from the lake. Didn't even know you were here."
"Yeah, well..." Franklin was certainly not interested in informing Noah about his previous escapades before the lightning hit the ground.
Just then, the wolf following caught up. "Hey, why are we stopping?" Roberts voice was familiar, and he was the only wolf that had dark blue eyes compared to the others. His fur was black but lacked the blue streaks that Ash had in hers. Ash...
"Let's keep moving," Franklin said, and returned to sprinting upward. He could see Ash still, which was good, but she was now just a little dot from where Franklin stood. The wind was growing more intense, throwing her around some in the air, and Franklin's heart leaped when he saw her nearly fall into the trees. Quickly though, she recovered. They moved forward.
"Ash? Robbie? Noah? Guys?" Tim's voice was yelling over the noise outside. It was as if a hurricane was hitting, wind pounding up against the windows and the shutters. He was praying no windows would get broken. In his arms were four babies, how he balanced them in his arms and prevented himself from tripping on over his own feet were a miracle beyond his understanding. So far, he had knocked on every one of his children's doors, but not a single one had answered or even seemed present. He was growing worried.
"Dad?" Elora's innocent voice filled the current void, as she stuck her head through the doorway.
"Oh thank God you're here at least. Here, take these two-" He handed Jessamine and Gabriel over. "-and help me find your brothers and your sister."
"They're gone," She told him wistfully. "I watched the boys leave a few minutes ago....And Ash was outside when this all started."
"Shit!" Tim cursed as rarely as Harmony did. "Listen, Mom set up a portal. I need you to take all of the babies through ASAP."
Elora climbed down the stairs after her father, and took all of the infants from his arms. She left as quickly as possible, leaving Tim behind in a nearly empty house. The only person who was still present was his wife.
"Harmony!" His voice called. He was in the living room now, and the windows had somehow gotten open. The entire room was freezing, and the wind was blowing hard enough to knock things over the tables and throw papers askew. "Harmony!"
"Tim!" Her voice was frantic. He bolted with all of the power his body possessed, down the thin hallway connecting all of the downstairs rooms in the house. Her voice had come from the study.
"Are you okay?" He stammered as he stumbled through the door, more wind greeting him as he nearly hit the ground. She was standing at the open window in that room, her hands barely holding on to the note that was left behind.
"The boys," She said. "They went to see what's happening. We need to save them!"
"Harmony-" Tim said, but then he was too late as she'd already flown through the window. He leaned on the old mahogany desk, watching after her as she flew away from him. It took all of his might to hold back impending tears, that this may have been the last time he would ever see her. Please, dear God, don't let this be the last time he sees her.
The rain was coming down in sheets. Ashlyn was completely soaked, head to toe, and had to force herself to the ground. She was close, and she could feel the energy pulling her in, like a black hole sucking in all that surrounds it. Whatever this was, it was evil. That much was apparent. She dodged flying branches, ducked under low-hanging trees, and smiled when the rest of her crew had caught up to her.
"Jeez Ash!" Noah said. He was an overgrown dark brown wolf, staring her down with his shiny eyes and sharp teeth. It didn't faze her in the least. In fact, she hadn't thought about switching to her wolf form. She did it then, just to impress her siblings. She only got a few eye rolls.
"We're close," Franklin stated the obvious. "How are we gonna deal with what's up ahead? It can't be good."
Ashlyn didn't have the faintest clue. She figured a plan would come to her, but her mind just came back blank. She needed to see what the threat even WAS before deciding what to do about it.
They walked this time, staying close together but alert at the possibility of something stronger than them. They would fight until every man was down, that much was for sure.
"I think I see..." Ash muttered as they emerged to a clearing. There was a giant crater past the trees, the origin of the swirlings winds and clouds present. The whole thing was as wonderful as it was frightening. She blocked her siblings from the debris as they all approached behind her.
"Well shit," Noah said plainly. "What do we do now?"
Harmony was fast. She'd learned from years of experience and practice how to fly perfectly still in the wind. She had half a mind to go invisible, however that would only put a damper on the situation than help it. She needed to be solid in order to fight effectively.
"Ashlyn Mary!" Her voice called through the storm. Her clothes were soaked through, her hair clung to the back of her neck, and she felt entirely miserable out in the cold. All she could think of was her children, hopefully sticking together, hopefully keeping as dry as they could be. It took an enormous amount of effort to try and sway the winds to act with her, not against her.
The mountain was approaching quickly. Soon, she'd be at the top, where hopefully she would have gotten there before her own children. She could neutralize what ever dark force was intruding on her land, and save her family in the process. Because whatever it was, it wasn't there to help her in the least.
The ground was muddy and slippery when she'd finally landed. Just a few more feet, and she would reach the center of attention. Just a few more feet...
Oh no. No, no, no. She hadn't made it there before her babies. They were at the other side of the crater, their bodies huddled, but fierce. Despite her motherly fear that was overwhelming her body, she felt a pang of pride for her children. They were so brave. She could see from there, Ash's determined face. Harmony intended to join them as soon as she got to the other side.
She went airborn again, whipping past flying trees and branches and leaves, with buckets of rain hitting her eyes and her face. She miscalculated, though, and a log came flying directly at her. She fell to the ground like a falling star, hitting a steep slope on the crater.
"Oh my god, Mom!" One of them said. One of the boys...
Harmony's body went slack as they hastily approached, and she went temporarily unconscious.
That's all for now! I'm tired, it's late, and I have work in the morning >.< Hope you enjoyed the suspense, lol!
I know all this, dude. I just felt like Robert was being portrayed as the 'bad' guy again and he's not....:(
It might not seem entirely professional, but I like Luke's opening regardless. XD Love a good mystery and you've set this one up well; Hans and Alice seemed genuine, but would they really forget a broken window? Then there's the connection to The Crooked Man with the note that's left behind and the boy singing the nursey rhyme. And was the glass of the window on the floor of the room? Because if not it must have been broken from the inside! Which it probably wasn't, but it's something I keep in mind in these scenarios. :P Good first chapter.
Dragon will surely enjoy these! I think you've captured both personalities well, just from clothes and positions alone.
That does look like a great massage; and the picture quality is great - you can zoom right into that TV screen! (Though I've no idea what the show is quite supposed to be :P) Good going!
And I might have a pictures of my OC's up soon if you wanted to make them at all :P
Lol, I do too! I figured I would do some romantic interactions between the two to spice things up some XD Thanks though, I tried my hardest XD I ship them too! And I can't wait to make more
I still have to build them a house to live in (Ha-ha they've been living on a blank lot for the past few weeks >.<) and then I gotta think of some situations they'd run into XD It'll be a challenge, but a fun challenge.
I know
Thanks! I've based Tez on Dragon's drawing of him, and I tried to capture the Rose from the beginning of the comics, but her signature rose shirt is not in the game, sadly. If it were, She'd be sporting it proudly as her and Tez macked on the couch together XD And sounds good! Mr. Weasel and friends will be fun to make
Aw, what is it?! I've clearly missed quite a lot, but the suspense has definitely been built a lot in this chapter!
Wondering how the 'My Only Sunshine' song fits in, too! Looking forward to the next chapter!
The chapter previous explains a lot, if you want to go back and read it. But the 'My Only Sunshine' part is very mysterious and will definitely be answered next chapter. I gotta go to work in 2 hours (11 AM) so I'll probably write it later, assuming my arms won't be falling off by then :P Glad you like it though!
It is a bold thing to have Gren do and it obviously changes him physically, somewhat; you seem to have taken Gren very much to heart, giving such consideration to how he feels relative to his past and how others perceive him, and allowing him to do this.
A taste? It's going to make for one tense main course, so hopefully they don't all come out of it with egg on their face. (Okay, might have carried the food metaphor a bit far there, but I think it gets the point across XD)
Even with where the story is relative to the ribbon, it doesn't seem entirely terrible because it's stopping Hades for now and that's a chain of events that started hundreds if not more years ago with Calla, possibly. (Hopefully I'm getting it all straight, do correct me if not!) Ah, will look out for that; the colour adds something.
Ah, I'll go and read it! Well, hopefully you're arms won't be falling off for everyone's sake..
Really though, have a good time at work! 
That first and second picture of Rose does being to mind her appearance from the earlier comics! Shame the rose shirt isn't in there, we'll just have to imagine her in it on the couch. XD
Since pairing Gren up with Emily, he has won a special place in my heart and as I write about him, I always take into consideration his past and current behavior. I wanted to incorporate his past and how people see him compared to the way Emily views him. By Gren doing this, he's slowly overcoming his past and bettering himself.
LOL I don't know why I found this humerous but I did. A slight taste for what I have planned for the future. Eggs and all with a slice of toast, orange juice and ham. XD
For now it has Hades at bay. It will all be tied in to Vivian's escape, the bow and a few other ideas that I'll keep a secret for now.
There is a chain of events that is slowly unfolding and with Emily in possesion of Calla's bow, it will all start to unfold.
I LOVE THIS, thank you Em! I also adore how they're wearing matching colors. ^_^ And I'd say you captured his appearance spot-on!
However, there's this minor error you made with the dialogue you've written below. I usually make Harmony in my story call Rose Red 'Double R', not Tez. For him, I have been making him call Rose 'Rose Bud' mostly.
WARNING: VERY detailed moment between my Gren and Emily. DO not read if easily offended.
You have been warned by Pie. XD Enjoy.
'You make me feel like I'm living a teenage dream, the way you turn me on. I can't sleep; lets run away and don't ever look back. My heart stops, when you look at me, just one touch, now baby I believe this is real. So take a chance and don't ever look back. Be your teenage dream tonight.'
The chorus line to that song was on repeat for the majority of the night. Emily sat in bed; this was night number three she would not be falling asleep. Emily and Gren used to take long drives and listen to this song over and over. The CD was overplayed and no longer worked but the memories of that summer night would forever become the foundation Emily needed to build her future relationship with Gren.
By this time, it was obvious he and Carla were seperated and no longer on speaking terms. He lived in a studio apartment downtown, while Carla suddenly up and leaves with nothing but a suitcase and a pocketful of dreams. She would end up in another apartment; majority of their furniture and items sold off or donated to Goodwill stores or family members.
Blaring this song, she would pick Gren up and the two would cruise the forever busy streets of Fabletown. The pair would either pick up burgers or burritos and head to the beach. Away from the prying eyes of the city and the troubles lingering like a storm cloud over both their heads. Emily had her demons, as did Gren. They secretly fought off the invisible troubles as Emily parked the car near a cove, left the radio on and enjoyed their greasy meals.
The majority of the time, the two sat in silence. The only noise they heard were the crashing of the waves, shrieks of nearby birds and occasional groups of people. Gren and Emily understood one another and felt there was no need for useless chatter during meal time. Hoever, once the burgers were devoured and the soft drink containers empty, anything was far game.
Laying beside Gren, as the song continued to play in her head, Emily remembers one hot July afternoon. She was a senior in highschool and was enjoying what little time she had left for the summer. She worked part time at a comic book store and took her next three days off as a reward to herself. Inviting Gren along, the two make their way to the usual spot, eat their ususal meals and listen to the familiar sounds. Once complete, however, Emily did something different today.
She needed to see for herself. For the past month, her feelings for Gren drastically changed. She desired to have Gren. Not just for company but as a lover and frequent guest in her bed. Emily invisioned Gren's bare body pressed against her own; both lost in a sea of sheets and in one another's arms. Emily used to have fantasies while doing her homework; Gren would climb the tree near her window, make his way to her window and remain with Emily the rest of the evening. She needed to know.
Tossing her trash to the back, Emily leans over and plants herself on Gren's lap. Still drinking his soda, Gren was unsure of Emily's sudden choice of affection. Yet, he did nothing to stop this. It felt....right to Gren and as he wrapped his hand around Emily's waist, she had her answer.
"I've always liked this." Emily touches the patch of hair under Gren's lips. "I always fookin' thought it was neat."
"My hair, Emily?" Cocking his eyebrow, Gren tosses the empty cup to the back. "You think this is neat?"
"Yes." Emily strokes it with her thumb and index finger. "I really do. Fa' some reason. Ya' know, when I was little, I fookin' thought this was a Caterpiller or somethin'."
Gren chuckles, pulling Emily closer. The aroma of her body. The radiant, joyus sound of her laughter. For the past year or two, Gren looked at Emily differently then the other kids. He'd grown accustomed to her company and it was fitting being alone with Emily. Inhaling her floral scent, Gren's shoulder's tensed. Emily took notice of this behavior change and leaned her face forward, allowing her nose to gently brush along Gren's face. It had a slight feel of sand paper.
"Emily..." Gren whispers her name, causing Emily to buck in his lap. "We...we need to...we-"
Emily unties her hair and removes her Bowler hat. Tossing the item to the back as well, she allows her locks of hair to fall forward and bury Gren's face in a forest of black. The intoxicating smell intensifies the more Emily moves and waves her hair around. The grip on her hips tighten; Gren digs his fingers into her felsh, causing Emily to lean forward, wrap her arms around Gren's neck and moan softly.
Like the song implied, she would be Gren's teenage dream; the two would run away from this town, never look back and allow these feelings to blossom and flower into something neither could explain.
'I'mma get your heart racing, in my skin tight jeans, be your teenage dream tonight. Let you put your hands on me, in my skin tight jeans, be your teenage dream tonight.'
Emily could feel the growing lump in Gren's jeans. Like any normal young woman her age, she desired to see Gren in all his true self and become one with him. Grinding into his lap, Gren grunts and pins Emily against the steering wheel. For a second, the horn honks, sending flocks of Seagulls towards the setting sun. Golds, reds and oranges appeared like fire along the windows and reflecting off both their skins.
Emily, tilting her neck, allows Gren's lips to touch her skin. Grasping at his jacket, Emily removes the article of clothing, watching it fall towards the seat. emily took this opportunity to observe the man before her. He sent her heart fluttering and stomach turning like a thousand butterflies dwelled within. Locking his lips against her skin, Gren begins to nimble, sending Emily's body into a moment of weakness and serenity.
"Emily..." Gren continues to whisper her name like the gentle winds in the trees. "Emily. Emily..."
Rapacious, Emily throws Gren into the driver's seat and robustly kisses Gren. Their tongues dancing, hearts racing and hands gripping righter against clothes and skin. Both felt right. Not a single feeling of remorse or second thoughts. To Emily, this is what she's always wanted. For Gren, his two years of dreaming and being haunted by Emily's image was unfolding before his eyes.
Continuing to grunt, Gren notices Emily's hands slip under her shirt; removing the item over her head, Gren admires her full breasts as the peek over her lacy black bra. Against the dark material and setting sun, Emily's pale skin seems to slow and shine, drawing Gren in like a Moth to a flame.
Gren desperatly wanted to take Emily. Judging by her smell, she was still a virgin. As a Grendel and also a male, it would have been an honor to have been the first for Emily. Gren secretly wanted him to be the only man she'd ever see naked and make passionate love to well into the morning light of the next day. He wanted to lay Emily down on the beach before them, remove the remainder of her clothes and with time and diligence, secure the feelings both felt.
He wanted to. Emily covertly hoping he'd make the final move. Gren's thrusting stops the moment Emily's hands reach for his belt buckle. He noticed her trembling hands. The look of fright in her eyes. The heavy breathing and a glimmer of uncertainty within. She was terrified. Concerned for her well being and feelings alike, Gren beams and pulls Emily's hands away.
"Woot the fook, Gren? I thought....why are ya'-"
"You're fuckin' shaking, Ems."
"So...." Emily tries to play it off. "I,'s gettin' cold and-"
"Let's wait awhile, alright?" Gently, Gren rubs Emily's face. Warm to the touch. "Why ruin a wonderful day?"
At first, Emily was slightly annoyed and confused; the signs were there, both had feelings and wanted to jump into the pool of lust and drown in the sea of love. But as she glanced down at her shaking hands, Emily understood what Gren meant. She was nowhere ready. Both physically and mentally. She gained respect for Gren and allowed her desires for him continue to grow and become sturdy. Handing Emily her shirt, Gren returns to the passenger seat and looks out the window.
"Wanna go for a walk, Ems?"
"Yes." Not an ounce of hesitation. "I'd love ta'."
Hand in hand, the pair make their way down the sandy beach. A hermit crab skuttles across, entering a nearby log and disappearing into the shadows. Seagulls caw and shriek up ahead; several other couples and a jogger pass the two up, nodding in their direction and continuing behind them. Emily, clutching tightly to Gren, leans her face against his skin and smiles.
"This was wonderful, Gren."
"Yes." Gren leans down to kiss Emily's head. "It was...."
The song, however, remaind in Emily's mind since that day. Whenever Gren was near, it played softly. Bits of the chorus and certain words seemed to paint an image of what was the come. Even now, twenty-eight years old and laying in bed with the same man nearly ten years ago, it continued to play. Looking up, Gren plays with several strands of hair and allow to drop along her back.
"I do remember." Gren whispers. "How can I forget?"
Emily touches the stub where his arm used to be. The flesh slightly warm and the stitches forever a reminder. In her mind, she didn't understand but in her heart and spirit, it was the right thing for Gren to do. She was proud of his decision.
"Gunna take some time fa' me ta' get used ta' this thing bein' gone."
"Nah. You'll see. Nothing to it. I honestly have not noticed it."
"Did ya' see all their faces when ya' did that?"
Gren presses his nose against Emily's. "I did. My dad...he didn't know WHAT to fuckin' say."
"Please, Gren." Emily plays with the hair on Gren's chest. "Please...I know this is fookin' difficult but ya' need ta' TRY and make peace with ya' dad before he passes on. The quads ARE his grandchildren. he deserves ta' see them."
"I'm tryin' Emily." Gren kisses Emily's lips. "I swear to fuckin' God....I'm tryin'. It's just been a fuckin' weird week...."
"I know, love. I just want ya' ta' be happy."
"I am." Gren once more pulls Emily closer. "I can't recall the last time I was this happy. Oh...there was that summer night you and I had. The night when we almost..."
"Would ya' have, Gren? If I wasn't so terrified and unsure, would ya' 'ave?"
"Yes. I knew something was just....right, when we were in the middle of it all."
Emily smiles. "Me too, Gren."
Gently touching the nub of Gren's arm, the couple lock lips and passionatly kiss. It pleased Emily to know that summer night, Gren felt the same way. Even well into the night, the song continued. Perhaps they were already planning on this long before either knew; moving forward, hand and hand and running off together.
This was real. They were never looking back. She was his teenage dream. Now and forever.
Any questions, let me know. I'll do this from time to time; explore Gren and Emily's relationship and how it started. I had a question not too long ago about this and to point something out-no, Gren never looked at Emily inappropriatly when she was a kid. He loved her but the emotions were that of loving a good friend. As she turned 16, things changed. It wouldn't be until years later, when the two would connect and become one.
Next chapter will cover Ethan and Michelle, the weddings and then from there, remaining questions and answers. A few drawings as well, too. Feeling pretty damn good today, guys!

Cat and Mouse
Part 5
A wolf among the rabbits
"That line usually works for you?" Scarlett scoffed, taking another sip from her glass of champagne.
Her reaction gave him the knowledge that the glittery mask he was wearing was in fact concealing his identity. That and the fact she didn't attempt to tear off his other leg.
"Not usually." Lyall gave a small chuckle. Scarlett rolled her eyes and polished off the last of her drink before a carteret took it off her hands.
"Your excuse for idle conversation means nothing to me, I suggest you take it elsewhere."
"I don't want idle conversation though." he replied
"Then what do you want?" her eye narrowed at him.
"To talk to the attractive woman right in front of me."
"Flattery will get you nowhere in life, though it appreciated." crossing her arms she frowned, her eye brows buckle.
"That also sounded like you were thanking me."
"Don't get your hopes up...I have nothing to say that would amuse you." her voice was as black as ice and just as cold.
"Just try me, come on... tell me about yourself, your line of work?" he smiled slyly as Scarlett rolled her eyes again and sighed.
"Why? I do not pester you or any stranger for useless information." she huffed in annoyance.
"I bet you could though."
"Oh I could, but personally my tactics for retrieving information are a little more... how do I put this? More... hands on." her lips almost curled into a smile, she and Lyall were served glasses of red wine. She took a sip and tapped her chin. "My line of work you ask? To put in it simple terms an inferior mind like you-"
"What a second, inferior-"
"Please, those shoes with those socks?"
"You certainly know fashion."
"I don't do fashion I am fashion." Scarlett let out a small chuckle. "Now my line of work I wouldn't say a bodyguard, but more of a right hand woman to Medusa."
"Medusa?" Maybe he should go into acting, she was certainly buying this curious stranger act.
"Well from the fact you haven't heard of her I take it you a pretty decent life. Almost hard not to hear of her, striking appearance, wealthy, lover of the finer things in life, and owns bits and pieces around town." Scarlett took a sip of wine. "And above all powerful."
"Seems like you really admire her." Lyall quickly adjusted the strap of his mask, it was beginning to get rather uncomfortable.
"I admire power. Power has meaning, power means control, it means survival, loyalty, it means survival of the fittest. Without power there is no meaning." she gestured for him to fallow her. "Come on, it's getting rather stuffy in here, the balcony seems more appealing."
Jack's foot tapped impatiently as he looked at his watch. Mouse said she would be a little late assisting Bigby and his son, she called him and assured him she would still make it to the Trip Trap in time. The sound of rushing footsteps caused him to turn around, and sure enough there was Mouse. Clad in a red and black flannel sweater, and a pair of jeans and scruffy looking white sneakers. It was just the Trip Trap, not some black tie affair, so either got all dressed up.
"Sorry about the wait." Mouse apologized.
"No worries, what about the rest of your friends?" he asked.
"Most of them had to cancel, another one said she might be a tad late as well..." she shuffled awkwardly in her spot. "Sorry, I'm terrible at planning..."
"You apologize way too much."
"Sorry- I mean!...err..."
Jack chuckled and really ruffled her head of hair. "I'm just messing with ya, I think it's cute."
"Oh... Thank you." she smiled. "Come on, Helena shouldn't be too long."
They two shared a cab, they converse about various subjects, the rather muggy weather, television shows they fancied, foods they enjoyed and music. Until the taxi pulled up to the bar, they spilt the cost and soon headed inside. The Trip trap haven't changed a bit, same wallpaper, dartboard, and same old Grendel in his usual spot, idly drinking his glass of whiskey, Holly cleaning glasses. He wondered why Mouse would choose this of all places, surly she would had fancied a cafe with pretty cakes and creamy lattes as opposed to sour pickled eggs and strong alcohol. She seemed too innocent to be into drinking at bars, hell she barely looked legal age with her youthful appearance, one of the perks of being a Fable.
Grendel's gazed was shifted from his whiskey to the two Fables. Sitting up straight he let out a small chuckle.
"You ready for another rounds of darts?" he asked.
"Of course!" Mouse mused making her way up to the chalk board, already writing down names to keep score. "I think I figured out Holly's trick."
"Do you now?" Holly asked raising an eye brow, a small smile on her freckled face.
"Oh, I hope you don't mind... but I brought a date." she said.
Jack smiled, he open his mouth to reply but was cut off by the sound of the door creaking opening.
"And here she is now!"
"She?" Jack turned around, standing in the doorway was a woman who reeked of floral, she had long black hair, striking green eyes, and was clad in a white T-shirt and jeans.
"Sorry I'm late." she replied as Mouse ran up and hugged her. "Beers are on me tonight."
"Oh your gonna regret saying that, Helena" Grendel chuckle polish off the rest of his whiskey.
"Was traffic bad? I was almost afraid you wouldn't show up." Mouse asked giving her a peck on the cheek.
"Of course not Pet, just business." she turned to Jack. "I take it your Mouse's new friend, Jake right?"
"Hope your good at darts, I got dead aim." she mused collecting the pile of darts from the bar's countertop. "Shall I go first? Or do you want to try?"
"I'll...I'll go last..." Jack plopped himself down in a chair, Mouse happily cheered Helana on as she threw the dart. Holly placed a mug of beer in front of Jack.
"Sooo... Mouse is-"
"Into girls? Yup." Holly replied placing another mug of beer on the table for Grendel.
"So my chances are-"
"Zero to none."
"Nice view..." Lyall commented, his arms rested on the balcony as he gazed at the night sky, he nearly reached into the pocket of his tux for a cigarette but remembered he had to make sure he remained unnoticed, and cigarettes were kind of his thing...
"It is rather pretty, isn't it." Scarlett replied.
"Oh, so you actually don't hate something." Lyall chuckled.
"Very funny." she rolled her eyes.
"But seriously though, what do you like?"
"Power, control, survival, had we not been over this?" her lips formed a frowned.
"I meant something a little more... I don't know, leisurely? Or a guilty pleasure." he asked with a shrug of his shoulders.
"I fucking love cats."
"Dead serious." Scarlett replied. "I fancy the breed sphynx above all other breeds, you know the more or less hairless kind." Scarlett informed.
Perhaps it was the wolf part of him but he never really was a cat person, and those hairless kind? That sounded even less appealing... never liked cats, but his apartment was too small for a dog, all he had was a pair of love birds.
"Do you have one?" he asked.
"Of course not, my line of work although it certainly allows me to have the luxury of fine clothes and VIP parties... a feline companion is not one of the things Medusa covers." she let out a weak chuckle. "Look at me, talking about felines to a complete stranger, my life is certainly sad and glamorous."
"I don't mind, I said I wanted to talk to an attractive woman and I am, even if I'm not a cat person." he smiled. "So why cats though? You don't strike me as a crazy cat lady."
"You sound like my ex-husband." Scarlett muttered in annoyance before tapping her chin, looking as if she was deep in thought debating with herself. "You surly heard of my mother right? Bloody Mary? Former thug and bodyguard to The Crooked man? Say her name five times in the mirror?"
"Of course, kind of hard not to with what happened in the past."
"Indeed, now... picture me as a young child, both eyes and hair tied in pigtails and with a pink toy bunny by my side constantly. Now picture me in a room, just a bed with a few toys to keep my boredom at bay, and a large mirror used for simply looking at myself and keeping my appearance in check. I inherited most of my mother's powers, traveling by mirrors is one of them. I didn't know I had that power until much later on, my mother just assumed I was powerless. One day I grew bored and wanted to pretend I was mother and jump through mirrors. I reached out to touch mine and pretend to pull myself through, only I actually did pull myself through. I was in another house, a modest little house that belonged to a married couple with two children. They found me in the bathroom, I was just as confused as they were. They were nice though, gave me some sweets, the children let me play with them... but what I recall loving the most about that place was the family pet. A sphynx cat named Skittles, he was friendly. Purred when I rubbed his head, liked catnip and fell asleep on my lap, he was quite the darling, I simply loved that feline to bits." she explained, drinking the rest of her wine.
"What happened next? Did Mary ever find you?"
"Of course she did! She's my mother! She entered the house through the mirror in one of the bedrooms and killed the couple as well as the kids."
"Shit!" Lyall gasped. "She just killed him?!"
"Of course, they were mundies. If they got Mundy social workers involved a whole whirlwind of trouble would stir up. The cat got away though, it was just a clueless feline and no threat. My mother took me back to my room, broke the mirror in my room right in front of me." she said, her gaze at the night sky.
"Seems harsh to do that to a kid."
"I was young and foolish, I was just lucky I didn't end up in a home of someone else who was a more powerful Mundy that would had caused a storm. After awhile she taught me how to travel through mirrors. She eventually let me have a mirror again long as I only promise to use it when she was around." she informed. "And their you have it, my wonderful tale of why I fucking love cats. Are you are amused yet?" she asked him.
"Amused? No. Intrigued, yes." Lyall replied. "Your mother... How did you feel about her? What about your father?"
Scarlett frowned upon being asked these questions.
"Why does useless trivia amuse you so?"
"I want to get to know you." Lyall replied.
"I'm the daughter of Bloody Mary, a Fable who killed children, you do the math to what extent of maternal instincts she possessed." she hissed.
"But do you love her?"
"Of course I do you twit! She may had never been the motherly type... but she was my mom, that was something at least." she shrugged. "As for my father I don't know, never met the son of the bitch before or know who he is."
"You ever thought about seeking him out?" Lyall asked.
"Why would I? I doubt he would have anything to offer, beside's I exist don't I? His job is done." she replied, her voice as cold as ice. "Men are good for one thing, women are good for six."
"I get the feeling if I were to argue with you about that I would end up with an missing eye as well." he chuckled.
"Well of course."
"We could be eye patch buddies, or pirates!"
Now this earned Lyall a genuine chuckle from Scarlett, her lips curled into a small smile as she laughed.
"Pirates... I recall once during October my ex tried to get me into some stripper pirate getup, fishnet leggings for Christ sake." she shook her head.
"What kind of man was your ex husband like?" Lyall asked, keeping up his clueless act.
"An idiot, moron, selfish, cocky, arrogant, bastard, son of a bitch. And that's putting it lightly." Scarlett informed.
"You call that lightly?"
"Let me rephrase that, lightly for me."
"If you thought all that about him why did you even marry him in the first place." Of course Lyall could see how much of a jackass Bradwr could be, he did seem like a nice guy and was handsome enough... but nice and looks just didn't seem enough for Scarlett.
"We grew up together, besides not like I was gonna marry Dee, Dum, or Jersey. It started off fine then shit hit the fan, like usual."
"I'm sorry..."
"Don't be, it was a shitty idea from the start. He was an overgrown man child, where I should had quitted love a long time ago."
"So you don't mix business and pleasure?" he asked.
"Oh I wouldn't say that. Lust on its own is just fine, take your pleasures where you can get them. What about you?" she asked raising an eyebrow. "Is your fruit... forbidden?"
"My fruit is ready for the picking if that's what your asking." he mused.
"Hmmmm, look at me talking about sex with a complete stranger. May I have your name mister?"
"Why ruin the mystery? But first... may I have this dance?" he offered his arm to her. "The music finally has a decent beat to it."
"You sure you can keep up?"
"Yeah, I'm pretty sure."
"Are you done stuffing your face?" asked Bonnie as Bradwr shovelled something thing that was bacon wrapped (Seriously, what isn't wrapped in bacon nowadays?) in his mouth.
"Cut me some slack, haven't had food this good in a looooooong ass time." he popped a cube of gouda cheese in his mouth. "Lived off my father's crappy cooking for all these years, let me enjoy this." the cheese was shortly fallowed by a baguette coated in butter and a sip of red wine to wash it all down.
Bonnie sighed and helped herself to a small lemon tart. They were suppose to be keeping an eye out in case shit went down, not gorging themselves on snacks and alcohol.
"Hey," he turned to her. "Don't sweat it, let's enjoy ourselves. This is your first time doing something like this right? Big police mission stuff right? You just need to relax, we go all spy mood they will just figure us out in no time."
"That actually makes some sense to a certain degree." Bonnie agreed.
"Just keep calm, after all what's the worse that could happen?" Bradwr stated, popping a cocktail shrimp in his mouth
"When people say that it's when shit hits the fan."
Sorry about the long ass wait, dealing with shit is a pain in the arse
But on a much happier note I gotten Dragon age Inquisition
I been playing the fuck of out that, if you like character customization, romancing characters of your choice, and adventure role playing games I would highly suggest the Dragon age series.
Also a picture I commissioned of Lyall and Scarlett, I would highly suggest you check out the rest of her gallery as well!
And since we're on the topic of Mouse being a lesbian, Lyall, Bonnie, Scarlett, and Bradwr are all bisexual, thought that would be a fun fact to share.
I really liked this. I enjoy when you go back, especially now with Gren and Emily. I loved the detail you put into this entire thing. You can feel the love between them, even then and looking back now. That song, too.
Still getting used to Gren missing that arm.
I loved that, too. The were never looking back.
I love thise, dude.
Who the hell said that!? Stupid! That's just silly. I look forward to what you have planned! Glad you're feeling good, pie.
I got a pic of my OC that Pie drew a while ago. I wish I could play this game but my computer might not be strong enough.. .
I would love it if they did that if you can make you're own fable it would be fun (:
I wasn't expecting such a 'tasteful' encounter to be written on here :P
I love these moments though, Gremily is amazing in every way! XD
We have all done it on here...
Oh this was nothing. I've done worse. XD lol I totally forgot to add a 'warning' thingy. :P
Gremily are wonderful.
I love writing them in moments like this.
You did worse?
But this is a public forum... what could you have possibly written???
Oh Jack. You were always one to think ya' have the game but in the end, you get shot down. I applaude you for trying at least....I also, Scar, have a love for the hairless cats. My fiancee wants to get a black one.
Lyall will come around to the idea. XD
THIS is why I adore Scarlett and poor Lyall get's the butt end of it all but he's STILL around to collect the abuse. XD XD Also, interesting little tid bit of information in regards to the character's sexuality. Not sure why but knowing little things like this make you appreciate and understand just a bit better.
Also, love that picture. Again, oh Lyall. XD XD
Sorry to hear about the pain and troubles.
Hope you get well soon. I've often wondered if Dragon Age was good. So far, I've heard mixed reviews but hearing you speak highly of it, makes me want to play it now.
Not on here. Just in general. I COULD say what I wrote but that would just be ALL bad. XD XD
Oh ok, you wrote it somewhere else then...
... PM me where! XP