WARNING: VERY detailed moment between my Gren and Emily. DO not read if easily offended. You have been warned by Pie. XD Enjoy.
'You mak… moree me feel like I'm living a teenage dream, the way you turn me on. I can't sleep; lets run away and don't ever look back. My heart stops, when you look at me, just one touch, now baby I believe this is real. So take a chance and don't ever look back. Be your teenage dream tonight.'
The chorus line to that song was on repeat for the majority of the night. Emily sat in bed; this was night number three she would not be falling asleep. Emily and Gren used to take long drives and listen to this song over and over. The CD was overplayed and no longer worked but the memories of that summer night would forever become the foundation Emily needed to build her future relationship with Gren.
By this time, it was obvious he and Carla were seperated and no longer on speaking terms. He lived in a studio apartment … [view original content]
Quite the romantic scene at the beach, with the sun setting; for their first encounter as something more than friends it's a pretty great spot. Well, maybe the car wheel would have gotten in the way some more, but it doesn't matter - Gren's thoughtfulness led him to do the right thing by Emily, and it's moments like that you just keep in mind when he's being a drunken fool. XD Ahh, the romance of it all. ^_^
WARNING: VERY detailed moment between my Gren and Emily. DO not read if easily offended. You have been warned by Pie. XD Enjoy.
'You mak… moree me feel like I'm living a teenage dream, the way you turn me on. I can't sleep; lets run away and don't ever look back. My heart stops, when you look at me, just one touch, now baby I believe this is real. So take a chance and don't ever look back. Be your teenage dream tonight.'
The chorus line to that song was on repeat for the majority of the night. Emily sat in bed; this was night number three she would not be falling asleep. Emily and Gren used to take long drives and listen to this song over and over. The CD was overplayed and no longer worked but the memories of that summer night would forever become the foundation Emily needed to build her future relationship with Gren.
By this time, it was obvious he and Carla were seperated and no longer on speaking terms. He lived in a studio apartment … [view original content]
Hairless cats are amazing, I'm personally more of a dog person but I would get one of those little hairless cats in a heartbeat.
Gotta love Scarlett, she's certainly her mother's daughter all right XD.
And once again I would highly suggest it, also play Dragon age Origins first, it's the first game and my personal favourite. And their is a doc character I think you would adore a golem named Shale. XD they hate birds as well ,their battle cry is "Death to all pigeons!" and the sass levels are through the roof. A lot of Twau and Twdg fans are also into the series, at least from what I seen on tumblr. (Funny because I was expecting to loose half my Fallowers once I started posting Dragon age stuff.)
Oh Jack. You were always one to think ya' have the game but in the end, you get shot down. I applaude you for trying at least....I also, Sca… morer, have a love for the hairless cats. My fiancee wants to get a black one. Lyall will come around to the idea. XD
"An idiot, moron, selfish, cocky, arrogant, bastard, son of a bitch. And that's putting it lightly."
THIS is why I adore Scarlett and poor Lyall get's the butt end of it all but he's STILL around to collect the abuse. XD XD Also, interesting little tid bit of information in regards to the character's sexuality. Not sure why but knowing little things like this make you appreciate and understand just a bit better. Also, love that picture. Again, oh Lyall. XD XD
Sorry to hear about the pain and troubles. Hope you get well soon. I've often wondered if Dragon Age was good. So far, I've heard mixed reviews but hearing you speak highly of it, makes me want to play it now.
It's Percy! He isn't finished yet though, because other than making things neater and shading, a decision has struck me and I'm not sure what to do about it, so I thought I'd ask you all. Partly because I value your opinions and partly because it involves facial hair, and that is something of which we seem to have a selection of styles being displayed from some of you. (Hazza, man, it'll grow back )
Here's the drawing (sorry for it not being really clear):
This is Weasel in Victorian times and, seeing as these thing were much more common back then, I wondered about giving him a mustache. There's a selection of designs below!
That second picture is actually a poster available to buy if any of you experience an urge to have such facial hair patterns adorning your wall. And why not?
So, if you have an opinion on any of those designs or another one not shown here, or if you think Victorian Mr. Weasel should remain 'tache free, please let me know!
I LOVE THIS, thank you Em! I also adore how they're wearing matching colors. ^_^ And I'd say you captured his appearance spot-on!
However… more, there's this minor error you made with the dialogue you've written below. I usually make Harmony in my story call Rose Red 'Double R', not Tez. For him, I have been making him call Rose 'Rose Bud' mostly.
The minimum requirements are I believe Window's XP, so if you have anything above that, it SHOULD work. There's a CAS demo that you can get for free off of origin, where all you get to do is make sims but it's pretty freakin' cool
God, I'm so behind on reading everyone's chapters >.< Barely getting my own out on time. I'm gonna go back and read a few, and I'll ask if I'm confused, but otherwise, can't wait to see what happens! Just got home from work actually, so I'm a bit tired, lol XD
WARNING: VERY detailed moment between my Gren and Emily. DO not read if easily offended. You have been warned by Pie. XD Enjoy.
'You mak… moree me feel like I'm living a teenage dream, the way you turn me on. I can't sleep; lets run away and don't ever look back. My heart stops, when you look at me, just one touch, now baby I believe this is real. So take a chance and don't ever look back. Be your teenage dream tonight.'
The chorus line to that song was on repeat for the majority of the night. Emily sat in bed; this was night number three she would not be falling asleep. Emily and Gren used to take long drives and listen to this song over and over. The CD was overplayed and no longer worked but the memories of that summer night would forever become the foundation Emily needed to build her future relationship with Gren.
By this time, it was obvious he and Carla were seperated and no longer on speaking terms. He lived in a studio apartment … [view original content]
Our most recent chapters and conversation is in the last page, if you're willing to join We all write about our own Fables mixed with ones from the games or the comics, and it's a fairly friendly and supportive community
Ha-ha! This is interesting! I think I prefer the 'After Eight' one in the first picture, or maybe 'The Connoisseur' for Mr. Weasel! Can't wait to see the chapter when you write it!
The minimum requirements are I believe Window's XP, so if you have anything above that, it SHOULD work. There's a CAS demo that you can get for free off of origin, where all you get to do is make sims but it's pretty freakin' cool
I JUST barely got caught up on the last few you posted, too. XD XD Don't feel bad. Take it easy and if you have questions, ask away. Hope work has been going great.
God, I'm so behind on reading everyone's chapters >.< Barely getting my own out on time. I'm gonna go back and read a few, and I'll as… morek if I'm confused, but otherwise, can't wait to see what happens! Just got home from work actually, so I'm a bit tired, lol XD
Awesome, man! I'm glad it made you smile!! Least I can do; that pic was wonderful and I appreciate it! You're awesome! Just don't get caught by the cops with all that 'borrowed' goods. XD
Awesome, man! I'm glad it made you smile!! Least I can do; that pic was wonderful and I appreciate it! You're awesome! Just don't get caught by the cops with all that 'borrowed' goods. XD
Oh man, warning heeded. Wouldn't want Brannigan ID'ing the both of us again. :P
Again, thank you a bunch! I just noticed Rose is carrying a ham, by the way. Love that detail there! XD
Yeah, man. Rumor has it I heard down at the Trip Trap you two did some MAJOR sweet talkin' to get out of it! XD XD
No problem, man. And yes, Rose DOES have a Ham because why the hell not? Snack for on the run!
Same, if you're confused or too lazy to go back a chapter, I'll clue you in on what you've missed! I think I'm spending tomorrow going back and looking at some chapters, as well as writing more myself. I've had a super busy break!
I JUST barely got caught up on the last few you posted, too. XD XD Don't feel bad. Take it easy and if you have questions, ask away. Hope work has been going great.
It took a few moments for Ash to drag her mother's body out of the way. She fought back her feelings of horror that she felt the moment Harmony had gone down, and put on that iron face that made all the others think she had everything planned out. She literally had no idea what to do.
They had established a safe-point between a giant rock and a cluster of pine trees. It blocked most oncoming wind and was the least effected area on the mountain, as far as they all could tell. There was no sign of life in this twister, though there wasn't much to see to begin with. All Ash could do now was wait for something different to happen, or actually come up with some sort of idea.
"There's a lot of magic in that thing," Robert was rambling, half to himself. "I-I can sense it. It's there."
Noah, currently in human form, was leaning against the rock with his eyes fixed past the trees. They could see their house from where they stood, a little dot in the distance. Ashlyn prayed that the rest of her family, whoever wasn't currently on the mountain, was somewhere safe.
"What do we do?" Franklin was the only one peaking over the rock significantly. "I don't...I don't understand-"
At that moment, a large tree flew over the rock, nearly knocking Franklin down. He ducked just in time, but that didn't stop Ash from nearly freaking out.
"You need to be more careful!" She yelled up to him. She took it upon herself to climb next to him, to stay near him, and to keep him safe. She felt a small pang in her heart; He wasn't a child anymore that needed protection. In fact, he was very strong and very capable of keeping himself out of danger. Still, she felt obligated to watch out for him.
"I'm fine," He said, without malice. He knew too, and appreciated her thought to look after him. They held each other tightly as the wind whipped through their hair.
"Hey.." Ash's voice was low, but loud enough for Frankie to hear. "Do you-"
"See that? Yeah, I do," He completed her thought. "I don't have any idea what it could be though."
It looked like a person, in the center of the storm. It was definitely female, from what Ashlyn could tell. The figure was human sized and far away, twisting with the storm like a ballerina. She was awfully pale.
And, awfully familiar.
It seemed like Franklin took notice to it too, and his face had gone a shade paler (If that were even possible) than before. He threw his body against the rock against tightly, as another wave of debris came raining past them. He'd pulled Ash down with him, and their faces were inches apart from one another, a situation that would have been desirable under different circumstances.
While they were still down, they talked quickly to one another.
"It's Mirah," He breathed incredulously. "Mirah.."
"I thought she died," Ash responded.
"Me too."
They lifted their heads, and noticed that she was done spinning in the center. She was staring directly at them. And, she was smirking.
Elora stood in her grandmother's castle holding two out of four of her siblings. Her dad had come through minutes ago, tears streaking his face and unable to say anything that made sense. He'd locked himself in the study to be alone for a while.
Winter sat on her throne, like the queen of the universe. A heated anger flushed through Elora's body the moment she saw her Grandmother, an anger that felt as misplaced as it was justified. She should go help, or something. Can't she see that something's wrong?
Elora placed Jessamine, who was whining, down in the pack-n-play, then placed Gabriel next to her. They crawled across the bottom, their little chubby legs doing all of the work for them. They were getting so big already. She patted Gabe's head and walked toward the foyer, where the portal had brought them.
No one was around. It was just her. She knew a little bit about her mother's magic, but had never attempted it before herself. She was about to, now.
"Ju-Just a few words...what were the words..." She stuttered to herself. She thought about where she wanted to go; She couldn't go back alone. She needed to find someone else who could help.
Scarlett. Scarlett was on the Farm, and she had her little baby and her boyfr-fiance-with her. But she would understand. She could help.
Elora scribbled across the ice floor with a pencil she'd had in her pocket. She shaped a triangle, and then drew the correct symbols in each corner, and hastily stood up as it began to shine bright.
"Please, please, please, please be the right symbols. Please bring me to Scarlett. Please." She tapped her foot hesitantly against the center of it, closing her eyes as if to brace the impact of the travel. She had no idea what would happen.
"Scar!" Jackson's voice traveled down the hall. "We have two bathrooms! Can you believe it?"
Scarlett chuckled at her fiance's excitement. A house had been built for them on the other end of Wolf Valley, far enough from the manor to be private, but not too far that she couldn't see them every day if she so pleased. The house came pre-furnished, with a yellow lamb themed nursery for the baby and a decent sized master suite to stay at. There was also a spare bedroom, and as previously stated, two bathrooms. She was lying across her bed, feeling the warm comforter that lay strewn neatly across it. In the center of the bed was her baby girl, Charlotte, napping quietly in a swaddled bundle. The TV was on mute, relaying a re-run of some old show about zombies. Jackson liked those kinds of shows.
The door swung open, but it wasn't the person Scar was expected at all. Her sister stood there, her hair frayed and her face a mixture of fear and resistance.
"Leave the baby with Jackson," She ordered, her voice strong but a little shaky. "We need to go home."
Scarlett just stared at Elora as if her sister had two heads right now. "Why? Mom and Dad are choosing now to miss their little girl and want her back?" She giggled, because the whole thing seemed like a funny thought. Elora didn't laugh, though. Scarlett's heart dropped, as she realized whatever was happening, it wasn't good.
"It's very far from that," She said. "You need to see for yourself."
Franklin's heart was beating at a mile a minute. He had always enjoyed having a heart that beat, compared to all of the full vampires, who didn't even breath, let alone have a beating heart. He also found joy in the fact that he could eat human foods, and go out in the sunlight like a normal person. The children had always been secretly jealous of him. That much was obvious. They'd always picked on him, blamed him for their problems in life. The adults weren't very much better. Mirah was the worst of them all.
A fire kindled in his soul, one greater than the one that caused him to kill his own father. His father had needed to be put down; The man was crazy in every sense of the word. He had loved Franklin, as fathers should, but he had no idea what he was toying with, involving himself in dark magic and evil. Franklin bitterly recalled the nights Magnus would send his son to Mirah when he was busy, and he wouldn't visit for months at a time.
"Franklin," She spoke, the first audible words since this whole debacle had started. Franklin stood his ground, or rather, crouched against the rock with endurance of a god.
"Mirah!" He called against the wind. He wondered how he could hear her whispers over the noise. It was obvious, after she'd repeated his name a few more times, that it was all in his head. Maybe she wasn't talking. Maybe he was imagining it all. He felt hot tears of anger fill his eyes, forcing themselves down his cheeks. "Stop this! It's me you want!"
Her laugh was so distinctly evil, in the back of his mind. No, he wasn't imagining this. She was speaking to him in his mind.
"Franklin," She repeated once more. "Revenge is a dish best served cold, don't you agree?"
He did not speak. He would not fuel her.
"This is a particularly cold dish, if I do say so myself. How long has it been? You know, since you killed your entire family? We loved you-"
No, he wouldn't let her get away with saying that. "You never loved me! No one ever loved me! Not really, anyway..." His voice trailed low and bitterly. He could see based off of the look on Ash's face that she couldn't hear what he was hearing. She was staring oddly at him, her eyebrow arched indefinitely in his directly. He waved her off, beginning to climb across the other side of the rock to approached the wind tunnel that still threatened to eat the surrounding area up.
"You were never my family," He realized he hadn't needed to yell for her to hear him. "Not you, not those despicable vampires you called your children. I did the world a favor by wiping them out. I'm about to do the world another favor by doing the same to you."
"Tsk," Her voice gained that patronizing noise. It haunted his dreams some nights. "I thought I raised you better, you know. You were always the most polite one of the group. Always willing to do things for others. And very shy, as well. You seem to have grown out of your shell; In more ways than one. Have I told you how handsome you look yet? You really look like your father more and more. I've watched you, Franklin. I've been watching you for a while now."
"That's impossible!" He was back to yelling, as if that could get the point across better. He payed no attention to Ash, who was fighting against the wind to keep up with him. He payed no attention to the debris, because he knew Mirah wouldn't let him get hit. Not yet, at least.
"Is it?" She pretended to sound perplexed at the thought. "You know, I had powers too, boy. You might have fire, but I have the ability to bend the wind. I call it a gift of the Cardinal Winds, if you will."
"You weren't born with your gift," Franklin muttered. "I've seen what you've done, when you thought no one else was watching. I know the evil you've committed."
He could imagine her narrowing her eyes at him sourly. "Have you now? When I put you to bed each night, did you fancy following me down to the lair I kept in the basement? Near the holding cells and under the storage closets? Did you watch as I paid a mighty sum to that North Wind guy all those years ago? Before you existed?"
Franklin was at a loss of words. No, he hadn't known about that part. But wasn't the North Wind Ashlyn's grandmother? He was terribly confused.
"I can see it on your face," Her voice purred. "No, it wasn't that new one in charge. It wasn't that Winter girl. No, it was her grandfather that I bought the zephyrs from. I disposed of them for him, and in return I gain control over the wind. I was actually quite shocked that I didn't gain his power when he died; I was too slow, now that I look back on it. You could say we were as close as a married couple."
Franklin felt a hand wrap around his arm. It was Ash, who had finally caught up to him. She looked like she had heard that part, as she started screaming obscenities at Mirah near Franklin's ear.
"You bitch! You liar! You couldn't have been involved in my family! There's no way!"
"You will not speak to be in that tone!" Mirah burst out. "As for you, silly girl, I thought better of you when I met you. I honestly thought you liked me, and the rest of my children. Had I known you would conspire with Franklin, I would have killed you instead of sold you off to William!"
"Fuck you!" She kept spitting at Mirah. Immediately, she shifted to her wolf form and started growling angrily.
Mirah seamed not to care. They were close enough to see her very clearly, in the center of the wind tunnel that had created the huge gaping hole in the earth. It was spinning regularly, around Mirah's body, filled with clouds and dust and rain; Not as much rain as before, but it was still flowing down on them.
"What do you plan on doing?" Franklin asked her. "Are you just gonna kill me? Is that it?"
"No," Mirah said calmly. "No, I have a better plan. I'm going to kill off all of your friends in front of your eyes, and there won't be a single thing you can do to stop me."
Franklin's heart leaped. There had to be a way. There had to be something he could do. She couldn't do that, could she? His grip on Ash tightened, her fur rubbing between his fingers. He swung himself on her back and ordered her to charge. She jumped into the air, fully airborn, and they headed directly for the core of the storm. Directly toward Mirah.
That's all for now! I'm really enjoying this turn of events (to be honest, I never planned in going in this direction; it just happened.) And I think I know exactly what I want to do this time around There should be one or two more chapters before the end, so stay tuned! Any questions, just ask! If you're new to my story, I can tell you that Mirah was a character we met even before Franklin. She was his caretaker, as she was for a multitude of other vampire children, but because he was only half-vampire, he actually was able to age, unlike the others. That made him an outcast and fairly unloved; There was a situation WAY back (I believe it starts somewhere around page 70, but I could be wrong.) that this is referencing to, so if you want an explaination of that, just PM me Other than that, there are two chapters (Well, technically three.) that are before this that you should probably read (It's worth the trouble, rather than me explaining it.) So do try and go back and read them if you can! If not, I understand, and so I will brief you on those as well if you need it. Have a good night, it's super late by me, and I need to get to bed XD Day light savings, remember! We loose an hour of sleep -superfrownyface- so go to bed early! (something that I haven't done XD woe is me >.<) Anyway, I need to get to bed. Goodnight.
They are just the perfect theifing couple on this thread. T man isn't the same without his Rosey Posey. After that awesome pic, I needed to thank him some how. Glad ya' like it!
Peter never left his sister's home. This may have sounded a bit odd to others but Emily understood. The Sheriff wanted to keep an eye out for Gren. He'd been known to fall deep into a desperate state and commit acts that either sent him to Swineheart or in jail. He and Emily knew this wouldn't happen; with herself and now the kids, Gren felt no need. But centuries of wound healing is difficult to forget in a single year.
Slumped on the couch, Peter scanned through a PEOPLE article and laughed at the celebrities complaining about their multi-million dollar mansions and the lack of a Bowling alley in the basement. Flipping through the photos, Nick floats impatiently beside Peter.
"So, are we playing slumber party tonight?"
"Peter, this is ridiculous! Emily AND Gren don't need you to be here! And besides, Ethan-"
"-Is a big boy, Nick. He can take care of himself. I aready called both Holly AND the Business Office. Everything is good and-"
"YOU trust that imbecile Troll and the Toothfairy alone with thousands upon thousands of useful material?"
Peter rolls his eyes and ignores the inconsiderate spirit. He understod where Nick was coming from; Michelle was still prety 'new' and Penkle was of huge propotion. Anything could go terribly wrong if he saw fit. But after watching them work both together and alone, Peter had nothing but confidence. Besides, they were not children; if Ethan OR Peter could not trust either alone, something was wrong.
Swatting his hand in Nick's direction, the spirit is nearly knocked into the wall. "And anyways, WHY do you care? Go haunt the halls or something."
"You're something else, Peter Porgie." Gliding towards the door, Nick continues to speak. "You are something else...."
Holding a thumbs up, Peter continues to read an article. He didn't have time for Nick's usual antics. Still mumbling to himself, Nick slowly moves down the halls.
"Ew. If I hear them having sex-"
"They're done, Nicholas." The voice of an angel. "And besides, you guys make it seem like they're loud and animalistic. It's far from that."
Nick faces the voice and beams. He and Vivian never saw eye to eye on a lot of things when she was alive, especially if it had to do with Georgie. Even in death, neither of them could be in the same area without some problems occuring. Neither had bad blood; it was just the thought of one trying to step on the other's toes and fix what obviously could not at the time.
"Well, if she's anything like her mother BEFORE the kids then yes....animalistic."
Vvian chuckles and sighs deeply. "Where is Ethan?"
"Who the fuck knows. Kid leaves half the time and does not say a word. Think something is up but he won't talk. He's acting like-"
"Georgie? Emily?"
Vivian nods to the agreement of her own answer. She does not miss those days. "I'm sure he'll come around, Nick. Maybe all of the sudden changes is too much right now. We all process things differently you know."
The two guardians casually float down the halls and near the end of the hallway; a large window with curtains is pulled back and allowed the moon's bright light to enter the home and create a section of an alluring glow. Vivian touches the glass. Upon contact, a section turns icy and foggy.
"This happens a lot now, huh?"
Vivian shakes her head. "I don't get it. I'm not supposed to show THIS much of myself."
"Why? Does it have to do with Hades or-"
"Some. Not all of it..."
"Are you EVER going to tell her, Vivian? Emily NEEDS to know what's going on with not only herself but the kids and-"
"They are fine, Nick." Vivian's voice changes drastically to bitter and cold. "I don't want her or the others getting hurt. I've got this...I won't let anything happen to Emily OR Gren OR those babies..."
"No." Nick could do the only thing he knew to comfort Vivian. "You've done on hell of a fucking job for this long, Viv. Without you, she'd be lost."
Pressing his face against her neck, Nick remains hushed and peers out the window. This was the first compliment she received from Nick since their last encounter. Vivan could only respond with a quick nod. It felt appropriate.
"Yes Vivian?"
"Do you think she's ready? For anything now?"
"Only time will tell, Viv. For now, remain the guardian she's looked to since day one."
Unsure of Nick's sudden change of heart towards her, Vivian said not a single word and smiled. She wouldn't let this one slip away. Vivian would do it all over, should it secure Emily's safety.
Following morning
"Hey hey, you you, we're making some pancakes. Syrup, syrup, they'll need some syrup. No way, no way, Emily has butter!"
Making her own song from the foundation of 'Girlfriend', Mary opens the fridge and takes out the tube of butter, tosses it on the table and continues to sing and dance. All four babies sit in their chairs and are ammused by their aunt's quirky antics. Mary was her own party and if you felt brave and up for a challenge, you were invited.
Emily tried to remain focused on the meal before her; she was in the mood for fluffy pancakes and Bacon that morning. While Gren was in the shower, she took this time to prepare a nice meal. Right on cue, Mary steps through the glass and immediatly helps Emily out. On Sunday mornings, this was slowly becoming a routine for the pair. At first, it used to bother Gren but seeing Emily's face when Mary stepped through he glass, he quickly stopped making comments and letting it be.
It was also good for the children. They no longer growled or tried to hid when Mary showed up. Normally she had one or two kids with her. This time, Mary was alone. Still singing, Mary takes out the orange juice and pours herself a cup.
"Woot time are we goin' down there ta' try on the dresses?"
Mary takes a bite from her toast. "Holly said around ten."
"Fook. I hope I lost SOME of the baby weight. I don't think they can make anymore changes ta' the damn thing."
Mary waves her hand around. "OH shut the fuck up, will you? Fucking look at yourself, Ems! You're gorgeous after having FOUR babies at once. It took me almost two years to lose the weight gained from the first set of twins."
Emily flips the pancakes, adding chocolate ships to a few. "Well, I appreciate the love but I fookin' don't wanna look like a bag full of cottage cheese comin' down the aisle neither."
Mary nearly spits up her drink. "What the fuck-COTTAGE CHEESE, Emily?"
"Ya' heard me, Mary."
"Ew." Taking another sip, Mary points to the babies. "You hear your mommy, kids? She is loco in the coco."
Staring confusingly at their aunt, the babies merely continue their breakfast of Oatmel. Making more of a mess, Chloe and Liam dump the bowls of hot cereal on the tray before them, smears the food around and pats large amounts into their hair. Mary finds this very ammusing; Emily, however, is not looking forwad to picking out chunks of Oatmeal from her children's hair. She should know better. After all, they were the combination of herself and Gren but seeing their toothless smiles and hearing their laughter was enough. They were having fun.
"Mmmmm." Mary takes Seraphina's spoon, scoops some up and makes an airplane. "VROOOOOM! VROOOOM! Here comes the airplane! OPEN wide for the airplane! VROOOM VROOOM-"
"Airplanes don't 'vrooom', Mary." Emily places the completed pancakes on the table. "That's a bloody car."
Mary leans in Seraphina's directon. "You see this? You SEE the crap your mommy gives me? The abuse, Seraphina."
"OH stop." Emily takes a pancake, cuts off some pieces and hands one to each baby. "Givin' ya' a hard time."
Mary laughs. "So am I, Ems."
Wearing just his pants, Peter enters the kitchen, Nick trailing behind him. The Sheriff grabs several pancakes, sits beside Emily and devours the tasty, fluffy discs of cooked batter. Grabbing the syrup bottle, Peter creates a taco like shape and pours the sticky goo down the center. Observing her brother's behavior, Emily was lost for words. Peter was always a pigish person. Holly still got onto him at times for his behavior and table manners. He WAS taught, just like the others. Some how, after moving out and living on his own for sometime, Peter lost his ability to act like a human.
"Ya' hungry there, Peter?"
Burping, Peter nods. "Man these are bomb, Emily."
"Can ya' NOT talk with ya' mouth full?"
Nick tries to avoid sudden flying pieces of food. Puddles takes this opportunity to suck up the sticky sweet mess. "TRY telling him that everyday and-"
"YOU do not tell me everyday, Nick. Shutup."
"If its not me, Ethan OR Holly. Hell, even your own mother that day you and your folks went out to eat."
"Eh." Peter flicks his guardian to the side. "I'm not THAT bad."
Peter tears off a chunk and places the mushy contents into the mouths of his neices and nephew. Eager for more tasty treats, the babies wiggle and babble in their chairs. Seraphina claps, causing her palms to activate and create a light blue cloud. Viviana slowly floats up; unaware she was doing so, Emily pulls her back down and buckles the baby in.
"She still doing that, Ems?"
Glaring up, Emily knew the question was coming from a Sheriff. Not a concerned brother. "Sometimes, Peter. Why..."
"Remember the deal, Ems. They got until their first birthday-"
"-WHICH-" Mary grabs Emily and points to the calender on her phone. "-Is in TWO months!"
"They HAVE this unda' control." Emily clutches her fork tightly in her palms. "They'll be fine. I don't fookin' wanna talk 'bout this right now, Peter."
Peter slightly nods and digs his fork into the pancake. Gren enters the kitchen, grabs a plate and sits beside Emily. After embracing the quads, acknowledging both Peter and Mary, Gren inhales his food and prepares for the day. It was still odd to both Emily and Peter seeing his left arm missing and gone for good. For the first time, however, he was completly free. Emily noticed the change of behavior and stood by his decision. It was the best one he could have ever made.
Mary looks at the time and wipes her mouth. "We need to leave here in a bit, Ems."
"Gren, are ya' SURE you'll be fine watchin' the kids?"
"Baby, go." Gren kisses Emily. "I got this. I'll have Nick, Peter and if I'm not mistaking, Junior or Jersey will stop by for a bit."
Peter stands up and takes out his phone. "Before I DO, Gren, let me call Holly really super fast and the Business Office."
Nick glances over. "Worried its a pile of burning ash?"
"No. Left my phone charger at my desk."
Emily takes each of her children and gives them a hug and kiss. Their mouths, hair and tops of their forehead are still sticky an covered in their food. Laughing, Emily tries to pull some bits out.
"I'll bathe them, too." Gren chuckles, holding Chloe. "Man. Did you get more ON you then in you, sweetie?"
"We'll be back. Might stop and get lunch. Ya' want anything, Gren?"
Peter covers the mouth piece to his phone. "Oh yeah. I'll take a large number ten on white, extra oil and-"
Emily tosses a nearby towel, causing the babies to errupt in laughter. "Ya' get nothin' a like it, Wolf."
"Why you gotta be so cruel, Emily?" Peter returns to the phone. "See what I have to deal with, Holly?"
Gren laughs. "A sandwich DOES sound good..."
"Usual, love?"
"You know me so well, Ems."
Embracing Gren one last time, she and Mary make their way to the truck. "Tell her we'll be there in a bit."
"Got it."
Vivian, floating down the stairs, follows Emily to the car. She always looked forward to seeing Emily in beautiful garments. Although pink was not her first choice of color, it was still satisfying to see her Emily finally model something other than the Georgie 'style' of clothing. Allowing Viviana to flot, and holding Seraphina, Peter holds both Liam and Chloe as the three women drive away and head to town.
"Is it WISE leaving them alone like that?"
"No." Gren chuckles, as he heads up the stairs. "But that is the fun part."
"You should really watch her, Gren." Peter looks to Viviana. "I mean what I say..."
"Eh she's fine, Peter. I promise you. Now, let's get these messy babies all cleaned and ready to go."
Business Office
Michelle, trying to contain her yawning, exits the building. It was a long night. Luckily, Charming was there to assist in the files and taking calls from concerned Fables. Ethan never returned after their small argument. It left Michelle feeling angry and hurt and she was perplexed by this odd behavior.
Taking out her phone, she noticed one unread text message.
'Look up.'
Doing so, she immediatly sees Ethan standing by his car. The strange sensation returns to her stomach.
"Busy night?"
"You never came back." Vexed, Michelle folds her arms. "I knew Peter was leaving but....you never called or-"
"I'm....sorry." Ethan plays with the back of his head. "I needed to get out. Get some air. He's...um, Peter has been trying to call me."
"Hm, well, I'll see to it you call your brother back. Until then, sir, I need to get home. Rosie has been there all night with Erica and-"
"She's fine."
Michelle looks up. "What?"
"Erica. she's fine. Wonderful little girl."
"What do you-" Michelle looks over at Ethan's car. "What did you-"
"You want to grab some breakfast with me and Erica?"
Ethan walks back to his car; opening the back door, he shows Michelle her daughter. All smiles, Erica carefully looks over. Michelle covers her daughter's face in kisses.
"I figured Rosie did enough last night. I paid her, sent her home early and I've been with Erica since. So-you want to eat with us or-"
"Sure." Michelle smiles. "That would be....thank you."
Getting into the vehicle, Michelle straps herself in and listens to the song playing on the radio. Looking back, she notices the time and care Ethan took into securing her daughter and keeping her head angled just right. The entire car ride was silent; only noise was the sound of the gentle singing from the radio. Reaching over and grabbing Michelle's hand, Ethan holds on until they reach the diner.
Assurance. Something both had not felt in a long time.
"Hey hey, you you, we're making some pancakes. Syrup, syrup, they'll need some syrup. No way, no way, Emily has butter!"
Making her own song from the foundation of 'Girlfriend', Mary opens the fridge and takes out the tube of butter, tosses it on the table and continues to sing and dance. All four babies sit in their chairs and are ammused by their aunt's quirky antics. Mary was her own party and if you felt brave and up for a challenge, you were invited.
I love it! I always figured Mary could sing, but I would never have expected THAT song to come out of her mouth XD
Nick... It's weird seeing that name used by another character :P
Oh, and I'm loving the Greek Goddess look that Emily is sporting with that bow!!
'You're a song, written by the hands of God...'
Peter never left his sister's home. This may have sounded a bit odd to others but Emily u… morenderstood. The Sheriff wanted to keep an eye out for Gren. He'd been known to fall deep into a desperate state and commit acts that either sent him to Swineheart or in jail. He and Emily knew this wouldn't happen; with herself and now the kids, Gren felt no need. But centuries of wound healing is difficult to forget in a single year.
Slumped on the couch, Peter scanned through a PEOPLE article and laughed at the celebrities complaining about their multi-million dollar mansions and the lack of a Bowling alley in the basement. Flipping through the photos, Nick floats impatiently beside Peter.
"So, are we playing slumber party tonight?"
"Peter, this is ridiculous! Emily AND Gren don't need you to be here! And besides, Ethan-"
"-Is a big boy, Nick. He can take care of himself. I aready c… [view original content]
I loved these images. The first one is too damn precious for words and the last is wesome all on its own. Emily has come a long way from the drugged out, alcoholic club owner we were introduced to not that long ago. She looks beautiful and the powers within the bow seem to be working perfectly with her. I love it so much, dude.
Now, to the story. Its interesting seeing Nick and Vivian interact with one another, seeing as they never did get along. I think after all this, things have changed. I liked their moment, though. I ship them so hard. XD
Also, Man beat me to my favorite quote in this story. I love hoe you've portrayed Mary and although she's singing and dancing, its still 'Mary' you know? Those quads are too damnfreaking cute!!!!
I loved the ending, too. I hope these two get together or create such a beautiful friendship. Judging by the final sentence, it has been some time. I just love Michelle and her daughter. Great work, pie. Can't wait to read more.
'You're a song, written by the hands of God...'
Peter never left his sister's home. This may have sounded a bit odd to others but Emily u… morenderstood. The Sheriff wanted to keep an eye out for Gren. He'd been known to fall deep into a desperate state and commit acts that either sent him to Swineheart or in jail. He and Emily knew this wouldn't happen; with herself and now the kids, Gren felt no need. But centuries of wound healing is difficult to forget in a single year.
Slumped on the couch, Peter scanned through a PEOPLE article and laughed at the celebrities complaining about their multi-million dollar mansions and the lack of a Bowling alley in the basement. Flipping through the photos, Nick floats impatiently beside Peter.
"So, are we playing slumber party tonight?"
"Peter, this is ridiculous! Emily AND Gren don't need you to be here! And besides, Ethan-"
"-Is a big boy, Nick. He can take care of himself. I aready c… [view original content]
I loved these images. The first one is too damn precious for words and the last is wesome all on its own. Emily has come a long way from the… more drugged out, alcoholic club owner we were introduced to not that long ago. She looks beautiful and the powers within the bow seem to be working perfectly with her. I love it so much, dude.
Now, to the story. Its interesting seeing Nick and Vivian interact with one another, seeing as they never did get along. I think after all this, things have changed. I liked their moment, though. I ship them so hard. XD
Also, Man beat me to my favorite quote in this story. I love hoe you've portrayed Mary and although she's singing and dancing, its still 'Mary' you know? Those quads are too damnfreaking cute!!!!
I loved the ending, too. I hope these two get together or create such a beautiful friendship. Judging by the final sentence, it has been some time. I just love Michelle and her daughter. Great work, pie. Can't wait to read more.
Quite the romantic scene at the beach, with the sun setting; for their first encounter as something more than friends it's a pretty great spot. Well, maybe the car wheel would have gotten in the way some more, but it doesn't matter - Gren's thoughtfulness led him to do the right thing by Emily, and it's moments like that you just keep in mind when he's being a drunken fool. XD Ahh, the romance of it all. ^_^
Have a cracking day!
Hairless cats are amazing, I'm personally more of a dog person but I would get one of those little hairless cats in a heartbeat.
Gotta love Scarlett, she's certainly her mother's daughter all right XD.
And once again I would highly suggest it, also play Dragon age Origins first, it's the first game and my personal favourite. And their is a doc character I think you would adore a golem named Shale. XD they hate birds as well ,their battle cry is "Death to all pigeons!" and the sass levels are through the roof. A lot of Twau and Twdg fans are also into the series, at least from what I seen on tumblr. (Funny because I was expecting to loose half my Fallowers once I started posting Dragon age stuff.)
It's Percy!
He isn't finished yet though, because other than making things neater and shading, a decision has struck me and I'm not sure what to do about it, so I thought I'd ask you all. Partly because I value your opinions and partly because it involves facial hair, and that is something of which we seem to have a selection of styles being displayed from some of you. (Hazza, man, it'll grow back
Here's the drawing (sorry for it not being really clear):
This is Weasel in Victorian times and, seeing as these thing were much more common back then, I wondered about giving him a mustache. There's a selection of designs below!
That second picture is actually a poster available to buy if any of you experience an urge to have such facial hair patterns adorning your wall. And why not?
So, if you have an opinion on any of those designs or another one not shown here, or if you think Victorian Mr. Weasel should remain 'tache free, please let me know!
I know it'll grow back :')
I would give Percy the Connoisseur moustache!! XD
Glad you did
I didn't do that on purpose, actually. I just thought those colors looked well on them and BAM it was matching XD
Ah, my mistake. I will edit this at once!
The minimum requirements are I believe Window's XP, so if you have anything above that, it SHOULD work. There's a CAS demo that you can get for free off of origin, where all you get to do is make sims but it's pretty freakin' cool
God, I'm so behind on reading everyone's chapters >.< Barely getting my own out on time. I'm gonna go back and read a few, and I'll ask if I'm confused, but otherwise, can't wait to see what happens! Just got home from work actually, so I'm a bit tired, lol XD
Our most recent chapters and conversation is in the last page, if you're willing to join
We all write about our own Fables mixed with ones from the games or the comics, and it's a fairly friendly and supportive community 
Ha-ha! This is interesting! I think I prefer the 'After Eight' one in the first picture, or maybe 'The Connoisseur' for Mr. Weasel! Can't wait to see the chapter when you write it!
The connoisseur is my favorite.
I found the demo... Can't wait to try it :[]
I JUST barely got caught up on the last few you posted, too. XD XD Don't feel bad. Take it easy and if you have questions, ask away. Hope work has been going great.
This is too awesome, man!
I think the rockstar is the best but hey, that's just me! That grin, though!
Love this!!
To @DragonButter Thanks for that AWESOME image of Lyla & Georgie, man!
I loved it so much, I HAD to make you something in return! ^-^
Tezoth the master thief... I have something very special planned for him in my next story...
(Don't worry Dragon, it's nothing bad)
Pie hooking everyone up!
I'm like Oprah. XD
You get a picture! You get a picture! EVERYONE gets a picture!
YES, YES, YES! I'm smiling so hard right now.
You got him down perfectly, man! And the entire picture overall! :DDDDDDDDD
It's okay, I trust you! XD
I think you'll like it...
It involves Rose in a way :P
Awesome, man!
I'm glad it made you smile!!
Least I can do; that pic was wonderful and I appreciate it! You're awesome! Just don't get caught by the cops with all that 'borrowed' goods. XD
Oh man, warning heeded. Wouldn't want Brannigan ID'ing the both of us again. :P
Again, thank you a bunch! I just noticed Rose is carrying a ham, by the way. Love that detail there! XD
Yeah, man. Rumor has it I heard down at the Trip Trap you two did some MAJOR sweet talkin' to get out of it! XD XD
No problem, man.
And yes, Rose DOES have a Ham because why the hell not? Snack for on the run!
I know the picture's unfinished, but the teeth and eyes really caught me by surprise - I'll leave it at that. XD
Ever since the picture of Weasel pie made for you, I personally think he should remain 'stacheless'.
Don't forget the cheese, I'm all for on-the-go ham and cheese sandwiches! We'll probably stop by the settlement and give some to the Porgie clan too.
I'm hooked on sims now lol Thanks to @EMMYPESS
Here are some of my Fables I created in their human forms.
Looking good! Glad to see you like Create a Sim too XD
So awesome
Looks like we both made gifts for our beloved Dragon XDD I LOVE the expression on Tez's face and how Rose is just going along with it XD
Same, if you're confused or too lazy to go back a chapter, I'll clue you in on what you've missed! I think I'm spending tomorrow going back and looking at some chapters, as well as writing more myself. I've had a super busy break!
Thanks, got like 28 more to create...!
It took a few moments for Ash to drag her mother's body out of the way. She fought back her feelings of horror that she felt the moment Harmony had gone down, and put on that iron face that made all the others think she had everything planned out. She literally had no idea what to do.
They had established a safe-point between a giant rock and a cluster of pine trees. It blocked most oncoming wind and was the least effected area on the mountain, as far as they all could tell. There was no sign of life in this twister, though there wasn't much to see to begin with. All Ash could do now was wait for something different to happen, or actually come up with some sort of idea.
"There's a lot of magic in that thing," Robert was rambling, half to himself. "I-I can sense it. It's there."
Noah, currently in human form, was leaning against the rock with his eyes fixed past the trees. They could see their house from where they stood, a little dot in the distance. Ashlyn prayed that the rest of her family, whoever wasn't currently on the mountain, was somewhere safe.
"What do we do?" Franklin was the only one peaking over the rock significantly. "I don't...I don't understand-"
At that moment, a large tree flew over the rock, nearly knocking Franklin down. He ducked just in time, but that didn't stop Ash from nearly freaking out.
"You need to be more careful!" She yelled up to him. She took it upon herself to climb next to him, to stay near him, and to keep him safe. She felt a small pang in her heart; He wasn't a child anymore that needed protection. In fact, he was very strong and very capable of keeping himself out of danger. Still, she felt obligated to watch out for him.
"I'm fine," He said, without malice. He knew too, and appreciated her thought to look after him. They held each other tightly as the wind whipped through their hair.
"Hey.." Ash's voice was low, but loud enough for Frankie to hear. "Do you-"
"See that? Yeah, I do," He completed her thought. "I don't have any idea what it could be though."
It looked like a person, in the center of the storm. It was definitely female, from what Ashlyn could tell. The figure was human sized and far away, twisting with the storm like a ballerina. She was awfully pale.
And, awfully familiar.
It seemed like Franklin took notice to it too, and his face had gone a shade paler (If that were even possible) than before. He threw his body against the rock against tightly, as another wave of debris came raining past them. He'd pulled Ash down with him, and their faces were inches apart from one another, a situation that would have been desirable under different circumstances.
While they were still down, they talked quickly to one another.
"It's Mirah," He breathed incredulously. "Mirah.."
"I thought she died," Ash responded.
"Me too."
They lifted their heads, and noticed that she was done spinning in the center. She was staring directly at them. And, she was smirking.
Elora stood in her grandmother's castle holding two out of four of her siblings. Her dad had come through minutes ago, tears streaking his face and unable to say anything that made sense. He'd locked himself in the study to be alone for a while.
Winter sat on her throne, like the queen of the universe. A heated anger flushed through Elora's body the moment she saw her Grandmother, an anger that felt as misplaced as it was justified. She should go help, or something. Can't she see that something's wrong?
Elora placed Jessamine, who was whining, down in the pack-n-play, then placed Gabriel next to her. They crawled across the bottom, their little chubby legs doing all of the work for them. They were getting so big already. She patted Gabe's head and walked toward the foyer, where the portal had brought them.
No one was around. It was just her. She knew a little bit about her mother's magic, but had never attempted it before herself. She was about to, now.
"Ju-Just a few words...what were the words..." She stuttered to herself. She thought about where she wanted to go; She couldn't go back alone. She needed to find someone else who could help.
Scarlett. Scarlett was on the Farm, and she had her little baby and her boyfr-fiance-with her. But she would understand. She could help.
Elora scribbled across the ice floor with a pencil she'd had in her pocket. She shaped a triangle, and then drew the correct symbols in each corner, and hastily stood up as it began to shine bright.
"Please, please, please, please be the right symbols. Please bring me to Scarlett. Please." She tapped her foot hesitantly against the center of it, closing her eyes as if to brace the impact of the travel. She had no idea what would happen.
"Scar!" Jackson's voice traveled down the hall. "We have two bathrooms! Can you believe it?"
Scarlett chuckled at her fiance's excitement. A house had been built for them on the other end of Wolf Valley, far enough from the manor to be private, but not too far that she couldn't see them every day if she so pleased. The house came pre-furnished, with a yellow lamb themed nursery for the baby and a decent sized master suite to stay at. There was also a spare bedroom, and as previously stated, two bathrooms. She was lying across her bed, feeling the warm comforter that lay strewn neatly across it. In the center of the bed was her baby girl, Charlotte, napping quietly in a swaddled bundle. The TV was on mute, relaying a re-run of some old show about zombies. Jackson liked those kinds of shows.
The door swung open, but it wasn't the person Scar was expected at all. Her sister stood there, her hair frayed and her face a mixture of fear and resistance.
"Leave the baby with Jackson," She ordered, her voice strong but a little shaky. "We need to go home."
Scarlett just stared at Elora as if her sister had two heads right now. "Why? Mom and Dad are choosing now to miss their little girl and want her back?" She giggled, because the whole thing seemed like a funny thought. Elora didn't laugh, though. Scarlett's heart dropped, as she realized whatever was happening, it wasn't good.
"It's very far from that," She said. "You need to see for yourself."
Franklin's heart was beating at a mile a minute. He had always enjoyed having a heart that beat, compared to all of the full vampires, who didn't even breath, let alone have a beating heart. He also found joy in the fact that he could eat human foods, and go out in the sunlight like a normal person. The children had always been secretly jealous of him. That much was obvious. They'd always picked on him, blamed him for their problems in life. The adults weren't very much better. Mirah was the worst of them all.
A fire kindled in his soul, one greater than the one that caused him to kill his own father. His father had needed to be put down; The man was crazy in every sense of the word. He had loved Franklin, as fathers should, but he had no idea what he was toying with, involving himself in dark magic and evil. Franklin bitterly recalled the nights Magnus would send his son to Mirah when he was busy, and he wouldn't visit for months at a time.
"Franklin," She spoke, the first audible words since this whole debacle had started. Franklin stood his ground, or rather, crouched against the rock with endurance of a god.
"Mirah!" He called against the wind. He wondered how he could hear her whispers over the noise. It was obvious, after she'd repeated his name a few more times, that it was all in his head. Maybe she wasn't talking. Maybe he was imagining it all. He felt hot tears of anger fill his eyes, forcing themselves down his cheeks. "Stop this! It's me you want!"
Her laugh was so distinctly evil, in the back of his mind. No, he wasn't imagining this. She was speaking to him in his mind.
"Franklin," She repeated once more. "Revenge is a dish best served cold, don't you agree?"
He did not speak. He would not fuel her.
"This is a particularly cold dish, if I do say so myself. How long has it been? You know, since you killed your entire family? We loved you-"
No, he wouldn't let her get away with saying that. "You never loved me! No one ever loved me! Not really, anyway..." His voice trailed low and bitterly. He could see based off of the look on Ash's face that she couldn't hear what he was hearing. She was staring oddly at him, her eyebrow arched indefinitely in his directly. He waved her off, beginning to climb across the other side of the rock to approached the wind tunnel that still threatened to eat the surrounding area up.
"You were never my family," He realized he hadn't needed to yell for her to hear him. "Not you, not those despicable vampires you called your children. I did the world a favor by wiping them out. I'm about to do the world another favor by doing the same to you."
"Tsk," Her voice gained that patronizing noise. It haunted his dreams some nights. "I thought I raised you better, you know. You were always the most polite one of the group. Always willing to do things for others. And very shy, as well. You seem to have grown out of your shell; In more ways than one. Have I told you how handsome you look yet? You really look like your father more and more. I've watched you, Franklin. I've been watching you for a while now."
"That's impossible!" He was back to yelling, as if that could get the point across better. He payed no attention to Ash, who was fighting against the wind to keep up with him. He payed no attention to the debris, because he knew Mirah wouldn't let him get hit. Not yet, at least.
"Is it?" She pretended to sound perplexed at the thought. "You know, I had powers too, boy. You might have fire, but I have the ability to bend the wind. I call it a gift of the Cardinal Winds, if you will."
"You weren't born with your gift," Franklin muttered. "I've seen what you've done, when you thought no one else was watching. I know the evil you've committed."
He could imagine her narrowing her eyes at him sourly. "Have you now? When I put you to bed each night, did you fancy following me down to the lair I kept in the basement? Near the holding cells and under the storage closets? Did you watch as I paid a mighty sum to that North Wind guy all those years ago? Before you existed?"
Franklin was at a loss of words. No, he hadn't known about that part. But wasn't the North Wind Ashlyn's grandmother? He was terribly confused.
"I can see it on your face," Her voice purred. "No, it wasn't that new one in charge. It wasn't that Winter girl. No, it was her grandfather that I bought the zephyrs from. I disposed of them for him, and in return I gain control over the wind. I was actually quite shocked that I didn't gain his power when he died; I was too slow, now that I look back on it. You could say we were as close as a married couple."
Franklin felt a hand wrap around his arm. It was Ash, who had finally caught up to him. She looked like she had heard that part, as she started screaming obscenities at Mirah near Franklin's ear.
"You bitch! You liar! You couldn't have been involved in my family! There's no way!"
"You will not speak to be in that tone!" Mirah burst out. "As for you, silly girl, I thought better of you when I met you. I honestly thought you liked me, and the rest of my children. Had I known you would conspire with Franklin, I would have killed you instead of sold you off to William!"
"Fuck you!" She kept spitting at Mirah. Immediately, she shifted to her wolf form and started growling angrily.
Mirah seamed not to care. They were close enough to see her very clearly, in the center of the wind tunnel that had created the huge gaping hole in the earth. It was spinning regularly, around Mirah's body, filled with clouds and dust and rain; Not as much rain as before, but it was still flowing down on them.
"What do you plan on doing?" Franklin asked her. "Are you just gonna kill me? Is that it?"
"No," Mirah said calmly. "No, I have a better plan. I'm going to kill off all of your friends in front of your eyes, and there won't be a single thing you can do to stop me."
Franklin's heart leaped. There had to be a way. There had to be something he could do. She couldn't do that, could she? His grip on Ash tightened, her fur rubbing between his fingers. He swung himself on her back and ordered her to charge. She jumped into the air, fully airborn, and they headed directly for the core of the storm. Directly toward Mirah.
That's all for now! I'm really enjoying this turn of events (to be honest, I never planned in going in this direction; it just happened.) And I think I know exactly what I want to do this time around
There should be one or two more chapters before the end, so stay tuned! Any questions, just ask! If you're new to my story, I can tell you that Mirah was a character we met even before Franklin. She was his caretaker, as she was for a multitude of other vampire children, but because he was only half-vampire, he actually was able to age, unlike the others. That made him an outcast and fairly unloved; There was a situation WAY back (I believe it starts somewhere around page 70, but I could be wrong.) that this is referencing to, so if you want an explaination of that, just PM me
Other than that, there are two chapters (Well, technically three.) that are before this that you should probably read (It's worth the trouble, rather than me explaining it.) So do try and go back and read them if you can! If not, I understand, and so I will brief you on those as well if you need it. Have a good night, it's super late by me, and I need to get to bed XD Day light savings, remember! We loose an hour of sleep -superfrownyface- so go to bed early! (something that I haven't done XD woe is me >.<) Anyway, I need to get to bed. Goodnight.
Have fun!
They are just the perfect theifing couple on this thread. T man isn't the same without his Rosey Posey.
After that awesome pic, I needed to thank him some how. Glad ya' like it! 
'You're a song, written by the hands of God...'
Peter never left his sister's home. This may have sounded a bit odd to others but Emily understood. The Sheriff wanted to keep an eye out for Gren. He'd been known to fall deep into a desperate state and commit acts that either sent him to Swineheart or in jail. He and Emily knew this wouldn't happen; with herself and now the kids, Gren felt no need. But centuries of wound healing is difficult to forget in a single year.
Slumped on the couch, Peter scanned through a PEOPLE article and laughed at the celebrities complaining about their multi-million dollar mansions and the lack of a Bowling alley in the basement. Flipping through the photos, Nick floats impatiently beside Peter.
"So, are we playing slumber party tonight?"
"Peter, this is ridiculous! Emily AND Gren don't need you to be here! And besides, Ethan-"
"-Is a big boy, Nick. He can take care of himself. I aready called both Holly AND the Business Office. Everything is good and-"
"YOU trust that imbecile Troll and the Toothfairy alone with thousands upon thousands of useful material?"
Peter rolls his eyes and ignores the inconsiderate spirit. He understod where Nick was coming from; Michelle was still prety 'new' and Penkle was of huge propotion. Anything could go terribly wrong if he saw fit. But after watching them work both together and alone, Peter had nothing but confidence. Besides, they were not children; if Ethan OR Peter could not trust either alone, something was wrong.
Swatting his hand in Nick's direction, the spirit is nearly knocked into the wall. "And anyways, WHY do you care? Go haunt the halls or something."
"You're something else, Peter Porgie." Gliding towards the door, Nick continues to speak. "You are something else...."
Holding a thumbs up, Peter continues to read an article. He didn't have time for Nick's usual antics. Still mumbling to himself, Nick slowly moves down the halls.
"Ew. If I hear them having sex-"
"They're done, Nicholas." The voice of an angel. "And besides, you guys make it seem like they're loud and animalistic. It's far from that."
Nick faces the voice and beams. He and Vivian never saw eye to eye on a lot of things when she was alive, especially if it had to do with Georgie. Even in death, neither of them could be in the same area without some problems occuring. Neither had bad blood; it was just the thought of one trying to step on the other's toes and fix what obviously could not at the time.
"Well, if she's anything like her mother BEFORE the kids then yes....animalistic."
Vvian chuckles and sighs deeply. "Where is Ethan?"
"Who the fuck knows. Kid leaves half the time and does not say a word. Think something is up but he won't talk. He's acting like-"
"Georgie? Emily?"
Vivian nods to the agreement of her own answer. She does not miss those days. "I'm sure he'll come around, Nick. Maybe all of the sudden changes is too much right now. We all process things differently you know."
The two guardians casually float down the halls and near the end of the hallway; a large window with curtains is pulled back and allowed the moon's bright light to enter the home and create a section of an alluring glow. Vivian touches the glass. Upon contact, a section turns icy and foggy.
"This happens a lot now, huh?"
Vivian shakes her head. "I don't get it. I'm not supposed to show THIS much of myself."
"Why? Does it have to do with Hades or-"
"Some. Not all of it..."
"Are you EVER going to tell her, Vivian? Emily NEEDS to know what's going on with not only herself but the kids and-"
"They are fine, Nick." Vivian's voice changes drastically to bitter and cold. "I don't want her or the others getting hurt. I've got this...I won't let anything happen to Emily OR Gren OR those babies..."
"No." Nick could do the only thing he knew to comfort Vivian. "You've done on hell of a fucking job for this long, Viv. Without you, she'd be lost."
Pressing his face against her neck, Nick remains hushed and peers out the window. This was the first compliment she received from Nick since their last encounter. Vivan could only respond with a quick nod. It felt appropriate.
"Yes Vivian?"
"Do you think she's ready? For anything now?"
"Only time will tell, Viv. For now, remain the guardian she's looked to since day one."
Unsure of Nick's sudden change of heart towards her, Vivian said not a single word and smiled. She wouldn't let this one slip away. Vivian would do it all over, should it secure Emily's safety.
Following morning
"Hey hey, you you, we're making some pancakes. Syrup, syrup, they'll need some syrup. No way, no way, Emily has butter!"
Making her own song from the foundation of 'Girlfriend', Mary opens the fridge and takes out the tube of butter, tosses it on the table and continues to sing and dance. All four babies sit in their chairs and are ammused by their aunt's quirky antics. Mary was her own party and if you felt brave and up for a challenge, you were invited.
Emily tried to remain focused on the meal before her; she was in the mood for fluffy pancakes and Bacon that morning. While Gren was in the shower, she took this time to prepare a nice meal. Right on cue, Mary steps through the glass and immediatly helps Emily out. On Sunday mornings, this was slowly becoming a routine for the pair. At first, it used to bother Gren but seeing Emily's face when Mary stepped through he glass, he quickly stopped making comments and letting it be.
It was also good for the children. They no longer growled or tried to hid when Mary showed up. Normally she had one or two kids with her. This time, Mary was alone. Still singing, Mary takes out the orange juice and pours herself a cup.
"Woot time are we goin' down there ta' try on the dresses?"
Mary takes a bite from her toast. "Holly said around ten."
"Fook. I hope I lost SOME of the baby weight. I don't think they can make anymore changes ta' the damn thing."
Mary waves her hand around. "OH shut the fuck up, will you? Fucking look at yourself, Ems! You're gorgeous after having FOUR babies at once. It took me almost two years to lose the weight gained from the first set of twins."
Emily flips the pancakes, adding chocolate ships to a few. "Well, I appreciate the love but I fookin' don't wanna look like a bag full of cottage cheese comin' down the aisle neither."
Mary nearly spits up her drink. "What the fuck-COTTAGE CHEESE, Emily?"
"Ya' heard me, Mary."
"Ew." Taking another sip, Mary points to the babies. "You hear your mommy, kids? She is loco in the coco."
Staring confusingly at their aunt, the babies merely continue their breakfast of Oatmel. Making more of a mess, Chloe and Liam dump the bowls of hot cereal on the tray before them, smears the food around and pats large amounts into their hair. Mary finds this very ammusing; Emily, however, is not looking forwad to picking out chunks of Oatmeal from her children's hair. She should know better. After all, they were the combination of herself and Gren but seeing their toothless smiles and hearing their laughter was enough. They were having fun.
"Mmmmm." Mary takes Seraphina's spoon, scoops some up and makes an airplane. "VROOOOOM! VROOOOM! Here comes the airplane! OPEN wide for the airplane! VROOOM VROOOM-"
"Airplanes don't 'vrooom', Mary." Emily places the completed pancakes on the table. "That's a bloody car."
Mary leans in Seraphina's directon. "You see this? You SEE the crap your mommy gives me? The abuse, Seraphina."
"OH stop." Emily takes a pancake, cuts off some pieces and hands one to each baby. "Givin' ya' a hard time."
Mary laughs. "So am I, Ems."
Wearing just his pants, Peter enters the kitchen, Nick trailing behind him. The Sheriff grabs several pancakes, sits beside Emily and devours the tasty, fluffy discs of cooked batter. Grabbing the syrup bottle, Peter creates a taco like shape and pours the sticky goo down the center. Observing her brother's behavior, Emily was lost for words. Peter was always a pigish person. Holly still got onto him at times for his behavior and table manners. He WAS taught, just like the others. Some how, after moving out and living on his own for sometime, Peter lost his ability to act like a human.
"Ya' hungry there, Peter?"
Burping, Peter nods. "Man these are bomb, Emily."
"Can ya' NOT talk with ya' mouth full?"
Nick tries to avoid sudden flying pieces of food. Puddles takes this opportunity to suck up the sticky sweet mess. "TRY telling him that everyday and-"
"YOU do not tell me everyday, Nick. Shutup."
"If its not me, Ethan OR Holly. Hell, even your own mother that day you and your folks went out to eat."
"Eh." Peter flicks his guardian to the side. "I'm not THAT bad."
Peter tears off a chunk and places the mushy contents into the mouths of his neices and nephew. Eager for more tasty treats, the babies wiggle and babble in their chairs. Seraphina claps, causing her palms to activate and create a light blue cloud. Viviana slowly floats up; unaware she was doing so, Emily pulls her back down and buckles the baby in.
"She still doing that, Ems?"
Glaring up, Emily knew the question was coming from a Sheriff. Not a concerned brother. "Sometimes, Peter. Why..."
"Remember the deal, Ems. They got until their first birthday-"
"-WHICH-" Mary grabs Emily and points to the calender on her phone. "-Is in TWO months!"
"They HAVE this unda' control." Emily clutches her fork tightly in her palms. "They'll be fine. I don't fookin' wanna talk 'bout this right now, Peter."
Peter slightly nods and digs his fork into the pancake. Gren enters the kitchen, grabs a plate and sits beside Emily. After embracing the quads, acknowledging both Peter and Mary, Gren inhales his food and prepares for the day. It was still odd to both Emily and Peter seeing his left arm missing and gone for good. For the first time, however, he was completly free. Emily noticed the change of behavior and stood by his decision. It was the best one he could have ever made.
Mary looks at the time and wipes her mouth. "We need to leave here in a bit, Ems."
"Gren, are ya' SURE you'll be fine watchin' the kids?"
"Baby, go." Gren kisses Emily. "I got this. I'll have Nick, Peter and if I'm not mistaking, Junior or Jersey will stop by for a bit."
Peter stands up and takes out his phone. "Before I DO, Gren, let me call Holly really super fast and the Business Office."
Nick glances over. "Worried its a pile of burning ash?"
"No. Left my phone charger at my desk."
Emily takes each of her children and gives them a hug and kiss. Their mouths, hair and tops of their forehead are still sticky an covered in their food. Laughing, Emily tries to pull some bits out.
"I'll bathe them, too." Gren chuckles, holding Chloe. "Man. Did you get more ON you then in you, sweetie?"
"We'll be back. Might stop and get lunch. Ya' want anything, Gren?"
Peter covers the mouth piece to his phone. "Oh yeah. I'll take a large number ten on white, extra oil and-"
Emily tosses a nearby towel, causing the babies to errupt in laughter. "Ya' get nothin' a like it, Wolf."
"Why you gotta be so cruel, Emily?" Peter returns to the phone. "See what I have to deal with, Holly?"
Gren laughs. "A sandwich DOES sound good..."
"Usual, love?"
"You know me so well, Ems."
Embracing Gren one last time, she and Mary make their way to the truck. "Tell her we'll be there in a bit."
"Got it."
Vivian, floating down the stairs, follows Emily to the car. She always looked forward to seeing Emily in beautiful garments. Although pink was not her first choice of color, it was still satisfying to see her Emily finally model something other than the Georgie 'style' of clothing. Allowing Viviana to flot, and holding Seraphina, Peter holds both Liam and Chloe as the three women drive away and head to town.
"Is it WISE leaving them alone like that?"
"No." Gren chuckles, as he heads up the stairs. "But that is the fun part."
"You should really watch her, Gren." Peter looks to Viviana. "I mean what I say..."
"Eh she's fine, Peter. I promise you. Now, let's get these messy babies all cleaned and ready to go."
Business Office
Michelle, trying to contain her yawning, exits the building. It was a long night. Luckily, Charming was there to assist in the files and taking calls from concerned Fables. Ethan never returned after their small argument. It left Michelle feeling angry and hurt and she was perplexed by this odd behavior.
Taking out her phone, she noticed one unread text message.
'Look up.'
Doing so, she immediatly sees Ethan standing by his car. The strange sensation returns to her stomach.
"Busy night?"
"You never came back." Vexed, Michelle folds her arms. "I knew Peter was leaving but....you never called or-"
"I'm....sorry." Ethan plays with the back of his head. "I needed to get out. Get some air. He's...um, Peter has been trying to call me."
"Hm, well, I'll see to it you call your brother back. Until then, sir, I need to get home. Rosie has been there all night with Erica and-"
"She's fine."
Michelle looks up. "What?"
"Erica. she's fine. Wonderful little girl."
"What do you-" Michelle looks over at Ethan's car. "What did you-"
"You want to grab some breakfast with me and Erica?"
Ethan walks back to his car; opening the back door, he shows Michelle her daughter. All smiles, Erica carefully looks over. Michelle covers her daughter's face in kisses.
"I figured Rosie did enough last night. I paid her, sent her home early and I've been with Erica since. So-you want to eat with us or-"
"Sure." Michelle smiles. "That would be....thank you."
Getting into the vehicle, Michelle straps herself in and listens to the song playing on the radio. Looking back, she notices the time and care Ethan took into securing her daughter and keeping her head angled just right. The entire car ride was silent; only noise was the sound of the gentle singing from the radio. Reaching over and grabbing Michelle's hand, Ethan holds on until they reach the diner.
Assurance. Something both had not felt in a long time.
Any questions, you know the drill.
I love it! I always figured Mary could sing, but I would never have expected THAT song to come out of her mouth XD
Nick... It's weird seeing that name used by another character :P
Oh, and I'm loving the Greek Goddess look that Emily is sporting with that bow!!
That is a really neat drawing of Dragon's OC and Rose.
I like the 'F YOU' look he has.
I loved these images. The first one is too damn precious for words and the last is wesome all on its own. Emily has come a long way from the drugged out, alcoholic club owner we were introduced to not that long ago. She looks beautiful and the powers within the bow seem to be working perfectly with her.
I love it so much, dude.
Now, to the story. Its interesting seeing Nick and Vivian interact with one another, seeing as they never did get along. I think after all this, things have changed. I liked their moment, though. I ship them so hard. XD
Also, Man beat me to my favorite quote in this story. I love hoe you've portrayed Mary and although she's singing and dancing, its still 'Mary' you know? Those quads are too damnfreaking cute!!!!
I loved the ending, too.
I hope these two get together or create such a beautiful friendship. Judging by the final sentence, it has been some time. I just love Michelle and her daughter. Great work, pie. Can't wait to read more. 
Is that my new nickname? :P
It seems you. Heck, everyone here has a nickname. No one says the full name anymore.