I get bullied all of the time for stupid reasons.
Of my various nicknames, my favorite is, "Slave Owner" because it's the stupidest. Also… more, "White bitch" and "slutty d-ke".
I remember getting bullied for my weight when I was in elementary school. I have physical issues that cause my weight to change rapidly and I used to get made fun of because I'm overweight - but I've always been overweight. And besides, guys (and my female crushes) like pudgy girls.
In my first year at elementary school I haven't talked to anyone because I was shy. Then,one day the smart guy in a wheelchair and his friend tried talking to me. They said I was a good guy and we were ftriends until the end on elementary school. I haven't heard from them since. I was bullied then too, because I was shy and overweight and also I suck at sports (and I have really good grades without learning much.).
In high school I made the same mistake of not talking to anyone the first few months. Then I just opened up and now in my last year of high school, I can consider all people in my class , my friends.I still can't make eye contact for more than a minute,but that doesn't seem to catch anyone's attention. This year it's my prom night and I'm the only one not going because I hate parties and drinking in general.
Well, might as well share my experiences. I was bullied for a majority in my life. I was different, and because of that I was targeted. I wasn't very bright in the my younger days (still not the brightest but I feel wiser, and I'm a smartass now. heh)... well actually I was a bit of a dumbass. Back in my first school I had the typical bullshit happening to me. I got made fun of for not eating properly (pretty sure they looked at me like a pig), for being chubby (I was laying down on the ground for being worn out and these twins I know laughed at me about my gut), and other stuff. I didn't really have any friends for a while. I made some though, but they weren't always around. I was pretty awkward with talking to others, so often I would be alone. But at points I didn't want to be so I hanged around with just about anybody. Often the bad ones unfortunately. I would often get tricked, and one would ask me to follow his finger which I idiotically did and he point it somewhere I should be looking at it, so they would try to make me look gay which I wasn't. My toys would often get taken out of my sights, sometimes wrecked. One time I had a football threw at the back of my head by one of the jocks. Other stuff happened but I don't remember it all. The bullying kinda carried over all the way, but less and less. I practically grew up with the same bullies but they ended up respecting me cuz they saw how hard working I was, and how determined I was. Some still didn't like me but the ones who used to bully me would actually come to me for assistance and we would talk sometimes for a good chat. I was basically the underdog in everyone's world, and I showed everyone that I'm just as good when I put my heart into it. And eventually in high school a lot people thought I was awesome. It felt great! But... there's more to it guys. There's more to the story. The major part of my life.
Now back in grade 4 I would meet my now former best friend, Nathan. I don't remember how it all started but we kinda clicked together. We would play a lot and make stories with each other, it was the happiest I've ever been. Two years later, I met my presently best friend, Marcus and the 3 of us played together. But then those two eventually got into an argument which made Marcus leave. I didn't know what to do, I didn't know who to be with. So I just stood with Nathan.
Now I'm in middle school with Nathan. Things have been normal for a bit. Then I met his friend Gordon, and one named Tanner. We all hanged out together. And we would be with more friends in a table. However.... something started to change. I didn't know what it was but I could slowly see it. Nathan started to acted differently in some way. I would always try to meet up with him first thing in the morning cuz I thought our friendship was important. But at times I felt as though he was ignoring me. Maybe I was clingy? I dunno. But things started escalated. Nathan and Gordon would always play a game where they ditch me and I would have to run all over the school to chase them (good for exercise but it got ridiculous). Eventually I just stopped caring and went to the library to be alone. Or walk around the track by myself or even sit on the bench. Then they started to constantly tease me that I'm gay. And I would eat these cookies with cream in the middle and they would say it's sperm. Like really? Every time too! I couldn't change the food since we were poor (still are but not as bad). Randomly, Tanner would try to hit me in the balls, one time he attempted to kick me there which I dodged, but the second time he got me. I chased him for a bit as I got, extremely pissed off (when I'm inflicted pain I get angry, the more I feel it the angrier I am). Eventually I saw him again, and I walked up to him, staring at him. I just wanted to speak with my eyes 'Don't do that AGAIN.' then he tried to punch me and in an instant I moved my hand to grab his fist. I just stared at him and let go of his fist, then walked off. I always had my defences up after that, ready for his stupid moves. Anyway, back to Nathan and Gordon. At times they would lie to me with bullshit, trying to make me look like a dumbass. One time he, Gordon, and Tanner threw cherries at me, getting my clothes dirty. Pranks started too. Bullshit after bullshit it continued, and I became more distant. I started to think they never cared at all. My own best friend too. The more this shit happened, the less I remembered the good stuff when we were together.
Now we're talking about high school, still with the jackasses. Same bullshit. Now they started to ignore me, trying to make sure I can't find them. One day in the first week of high school, I found them in the cafeteria, and I asked if I could see with them. Gordon straight out said no. No as in 'I don't want to see you anymore.'. It hurt me pretty badly, but I had enough of it. Years of putting up with their bullshit, I couldn't take it anymore. I said fine and walked away. My friendship with Nathan, Gordon, Tanner was over. For weeks I walked by myself, just stood away from everyone as much as I could. I just wanted to be alone, I had a hard time trusting people for while. Occasionally I would get made fun of, but I just didn't care anymore. If I lived or died, who cares? I never budged. I just kept moving it, hoping the day ends every time I woke up. Unfortunately my locker is between two punks, one of them is Tanner. One time, Austin (knew him from the very beginning, and he's my locker neighbour too) was in the way of my locker. I needed books for class. I asked him to move but he wouldn't so I just reached for it myself and he then moved. But then Tanner said something and he just grabbed me by the shirt, threatening me. I didn't even react. I just stared at him blankly, not even caring. Just looking at him with my dead face. He looked at me as if I was just a zombie he was holding, and then he let go of me and the two walked away as I went to my locker. I don't remember much after that (except that Nathan and Gordon are incredibly annoying in drama class but that was like 2 years later during the next paragraph).
But... something good happened. One day I was walking down the staircase I met Marcus once again. I said hey to him, and he said hi back. I just looked at him as he was going up the stairs. I... I don't know what happened. But I just... Thought maybe I could have another chance of having a friend. I suddenly felt like I didn't want to be alone anymore. So I asked him if I could walk with him. And he said I could. We started to talk a lot, getting along. I was this time cautious, looking for any sign of bad intentions. I didn't fully trust him at first but then I started to. He was a real friend. Someone I could talk to. He always helped me with stuff and I always helped him. He was smarter than me but I was the better artist. So we assisted each other in our dilemmas. And we ended up becoming best friends, and since I was with him I ended up getting more and more friends. I was in card game table. I learned a lot of stuff. I had a lot of laughs with them. So many good things happened ever since I stuck to Marcus. I finally felt happy.
Of course now that we all graduated, it's hard to contact them. We're all so busy but we try to keep in touch. I still see my friends occasionally here in town (even the bad ones but I managed to ignore them). So yeah that's about it. This practically all happened before I joined the forums obviously. I say it ended on a high note.
Glad it all worked out. I'm glad you're still around. Don't need to put up with that shit, especially over a community feud. Our backgrounds are kinda similar. Heh.
When I was in gym, my asthma got in the way and I was usually a klutz so I was basically a burden on the group. But then in middle school I started to shine. As you already know, I outran the fastest runner in my class (same guy in my story down below, he was Austin). Buuut then my stamina said nope so I came last. lol But everyone was amazed I was that fast. I just wanted to prove myself. In gym I became more and more aggressive and I often surprised others. I was a really good dodger in dodge ball thanks to my speed/reflex. I even became a good shot in basket ball and a great server in volleyball (when focused lol). I suck at baseball though, and when one of my jerk teammates were pressuring me, when I went to bat he kept bitching since we're loosing and I yelled 'WILL YOU PLEASE SHUT UP!' everyone just was quiet but one guy said 'woah!'. lol I earned many of my peers respect for my hard working ways in gym class. And they saw I that (just like in any other class). One guy hated me (despite me trying to be nice all the time) and when I screwed up he got pissed, but one of his friends told him to relax and that I worked harder than anyone. My peers would count on me by high school.
My gym experience was kinda like a Daniel Bryan experience (Well not as big but anyway coincidently my first name is Daniel). Often looked down but earned many others' respect and earned happiness through hard work and determination. Glory comes from putting all your heart into something that means much to you.
Being bullied was a gift it taught me so many lessons
It all started when my parents got divorced I was in my family home with all my bro… morethers and sisters one of the most popular kids in my school and outside with my friends all day everyday I was so happy in the middle of a big town
Then it happened divorce my whole family got split up and I ended up with the youngest family members in the country with just a field with my mam no people and a school who hated my guts because I was born in the capital who were rivals and seen as dirt all because of where I was from.
I got so depressed and couldn't understand why everyone hated me including the teachers when I was so nice to everyone I felt like the odd one out being treated like dirt because where I was from I was living my worst nightmare everyday
It all became to much and one night I considered suicide I couldn't go another day of this abuse
But then suddenly everything made … [view original content]
Sometimes it's really hard at first to know who's your real friend and who's the false one. They had no right to treat you like that, when all you wanted was to be friends with the one you wanted to be with. But she just took it for granted. Just like how my former friends I mention below took my friendship for granted. Well at least you got past that, and able to make really good friends here!
I remember calling a cetain someone a b**** on Skype and you got upset about it a bit. I understand why now after reading that one part. Sorry for saying that word. I'll keep it in mind.
I was bullied a lot in school (not as much anymore since I moved but the school I went to previously had kids in it who I knew from elementa… morery through junior high). A big part of it was for my appearance, but also just because of my attitude toward others. I wasn't rude or anything, in fact I really liked being around people. but I guess something about me made me unapproachable because I didn't really have any friends. I was pretty strange as a child too and had a few tics (a speech impediment I barely have anymore and some other weird habits like foot tapping and ear pinching that I got help to stop doing), and I spent a lot of time alone at recess reading by myself. It was hard for me to make friends because I was really shy and always afraid I would say the wrong thing, so I never talked to anyone unless they talked to me first.
So when I was in grade 5 I finally decided to come out of my shell more and talk to people. I met this girl … [view original content]
Thanks bro That is an awesome story and I respect it fully well done
My circumstance was a little different I played for all the sports teams and was one of the fastest and fittest in that school because of where I was from me being better at anything didn't ever bred respect but hate or jealousy
I'll give you an example
I did a race with the school to qualify to represent the school in a big city race it was around the big field twice the first five are picked.
I was way ahead of everyone so someone kicked the back on my legs so I would fall over I fell from the kick and finished 3rd >:/
Glad it all worked out. I'm glad you're still around. Don't need to put up with that shit, especially over a community feud. Our backgrounds… more are kinda similar. Heh.
When I was in gym, my asthma got in the way and I was usually a klutz so I was basically a burden on the group. But then in middle school I started to shine. As you already know, I outran the fastest runner in my class (same guy in my story down below, he was Austin). Buuut then my stamina said nope so I came last. lol But everyone was amazed I was that fast. I just wanted to prove myself. In gym I became more and more aggressive and I often surprised others. I was a really good dodger in dodge ball thanks to my speed/reflex. I even became a good shot in basket ball and a great server in volleyball (when focused lol). I suck at baseball though, and when one of my jerk teammates were pressuring me, when I went to bat he kept bitching since we're loosing and I yelled 'WILL YOU PL… [view original content]
Sometimes it's really hard at first to know who's your real friend and who's the false one. They had no right to treat you like that, when … moreall you wanted was to be friends with the one you wanted to be with. But she just took it for granted. Just like how my former friends I mention below took my friendship for granted. Well at least you got past that, and able to make really good friends here!
I remember calling a cetain someone a b**** on Skype and you got upset about it a bit. I understand why now after reading that one part. Sorry for saying that word. I'll keep it in mind.
AHHH Everytime I read this stories and there my friends here who I known well I just went too jump into these stories and start throwing punches to some of these guys gimme ONE CHANCE at them PLEASE I need to >:/
They didn't deserve your friendship they never will they f**ked up so bad they will never met another friend as great and unique as you I have the absolute preveilge of being your friend so I know
I'm so proud you stood up and kept going beating all of your challenges and becoming the awesome person we all know and like today :'D
Well, might as well share my experiences. I was bullied for a majority in my life. I was different, and because of that I was targeted. I wa… moresn't very bright in the my younger days (still not the brightest but I feel wiser, and I'm a smartass now. heh)... well actually I was a bit of a dumbass. Back in my first school I had the typical bullshit happening to me. I got made fun of for not eating properly (pretty sure they looked at me like a pig), for being chubby (I was laying down on the ground for being worn out and these twins I know laughed at me about my gut), and other stuff. I didn't really have any friends for a while. I made some though, but they weren't always around. I was pretty awkward with talking to others, so often I would be alone. But at points I didn't want to be so I hanged around with just about anybody. Often the bad ones unfortunately. I would often get tricked, and one would ask me to follow his finger which I idioticall… [view original content]
New and recent on-going bullying i'm dealing with.
I'am bullied by my worst enemies writer's block, procrastination, and negative thoughts. These bullies prevent me from accomplishing my goals in life which leads to depression. I'm tired of the pain and drama they cause and just wish they would go away. I do my best to get support from friends and family, but when I tell them my goals I kind of get discouraged when they tell me it will be hard to accomplish them. Growing up my life was mutual and happy, but when I got older things started to drift. I became much of a loner and isolated myself from the world. I did not have that many friends, but was cool with everyone. Each time we had to do an assignment in class, I would start to feel forlorn when nobody wanted to work with me . Still till this day people don't work with me in groups unless I invite myself into a group. I was the cool kid, but a loner.
The only thing that makes me happy is talking to the family and doing my best to accomplish my goals which my bullies I mentioned won't let me. If I'm to meet someone new then I would be kind and quickly make friends with them. My negative thoughts comes from thinking the world is against me. I get called names because my appearance and it hurts. I can't even go in public without thinking someone is talking about me, and have to cover my face when around others. My fears are remaining isolated in my room while others in my family or friends enjoys their lives, my life not meaning anything, and not being able to accomplish my goals. I think I have social anxiety, but I'm not sure because I feel to keep my problems to myself and I'm quiet.
Now one of my goals I'm doing my best to accomplish is becoming a creative writer. I figured that after High school I should start my own writing because, in English class I would write long papers which was good. At first my bullies did not torment me, but as soon as I saw a video on writing process on youtube that's when they came. I became upset, discouraged, and sad because, I thought my writing sucked and did not compare to the professionals like Steven King. My fam likes to write, but procrastinates too. We came up with ideas, wrote some of the story, but never seem to continue because the thought of people not liking it.
Writer's block and negative thoughts prevents the writing process for us, but for me I just want to get rid or them. So many rules in writing stops the writing process too. I read some of the stuff other people wrote, but when I write it does not work.
Joining this forum helped deal with the loneliness and stress because, this is a place to talk and meet new people. People are always willing to help someone. I also won some rewards for my lego animation I did back in High school which was awesome.
My other goals is to support the fam and travel the world meeting new people, but I have no talking skills which sucks. I just want to write something people will like and make me happy when I'm sad, but the rules is frustrating. I even glance over at others forums with stories and get sad because, the negative thoughts of my work sucks compared to theirs. I know they say practice makes best, but I want to write awesome stories like them. I was asking if someone can help show how to make characters, but they just said relate able and robust. Like give me an example of a character sketch please.
In conclusion my life is lonely, mutual, frustrating, and wish to defeat my bullies I'm dealing with. There are some fun times in my life too, but wish they were more exciting and interesting. I will not let my bullies stop me from being who I want to be. I want to stop being discouraged and write something.
Thanks community for letting me share my story with you.
These concerns are very common and acknowledging them is half the battle you will succeed in the end you must believe you can and you are destined to achieve thanks for sharing your story best of luck
New and recent on-going bullying i'm dealing with.
I'am bullied by my worst enemies writer's block, procrastination, and negative thought… mores. These bullies prevent me from accomplishing my goals in life which leads to depression. I'm tired of the pain and drama they cause and just wish they would go away. I do my best to get support from friends and family, but when I tell them my goals I kind of get discouraged when they tell me it will be hard to accomplish them. Growing up my life was mutual and happy, but when I got older things started to drift. I became much of a loner and isolated myself from the world. I did not have that many friends, but was cool with everyone. Each time we had to do an assignment in class, I would start to feel forlorn when nobody wanted to work with me . Still till this day people don't work with me in groups unless I invite myself into a group. I was the cool kid, but a loner.
The only thing that makes me hap… [view original content]
In my first year at elementary school I haven't talked to anyone because I was shy. Then,one day the smart guy in a wheelchair and his frien… mored tried talking to me. They said I was a good guy and we were ftriends until the end on elementary school. I haven't heard from them since. I was bullied then too, because I was shy and overweight and also I suck at sports (and I have really good grades without learning much.).
In high school I made the same mistake of not talking to anyone the first few months. Then I just opened up and now in my last year of high school, I can consider all people in my class , my friends.I still can't make eye contact for more than a minute,but that doesn't seem to catch anyone's attention. This year it's my prom night and I'm the only one not going because I hate parties and drinking in general.
Was always bullied about my weight and sexuality in grade school. I stopped caring after a while and developed a lazy appearance that followed me into my middle school and highschool years. At the time when I was insulted about my sexuality, I was too young to realize what had exactly they were referring to. Jokes on them, because I'm now bisexual because of choice.
Also, a more recent event, I had a group of friends from my local school who I'd talk to on Skype. At first, it appeared they liked me, but I stopped getting invited to their group less and less. Finally, I found out from a kid who had a crush on me that they made a joke of me in their little group. I stopped being their friend and crushed them as emotionally as possible (okay, it was actually pretty unintentional and it was because I moved away).
Sadly, I have yet to meet a person who hasn't suffered from any form of bullying. I wish people would stop using it as an excuse to act immature or rude online, though.
I want to stop being discouraged and write something.
You just did.
I'm probably the one who wrote saying to make your characters relatable, because I write that a lot, but we can all relate to what you just wrote. Procrastination and negative thoughts haunt everyone and will never go away. If you read autobiographies of famous people who have "made it," you'll find they have them, too. You just have to keep fighting them.
There's a lot I could write, but really, just be yourself, be proud to show your face, and smile and validate others. That will get you far.
New and recent on-going bullying i'm dealing with.
I'am bullied by my worst enemies writer's block, procrastination, and negative thought… mores. These bullies prevent me from accomplishing my goals in life which leads to depression. I'm tired of the pain and drama they cause and just wish they would go away. I do my best to get support from friends and family, but when I tell them my goals I kind of get discouraged when they tell me it will be hard to accomplish them. Growing up my life was mutual and happy, but when I got older things started to drift. I became much of a loner and isolated myself from the world. I did not have that many friends, but was cool with everyone. Each time we had to do an assignment in class, I would start to feel forlorn when nobody wanted to work with me . Still till this day people don't work with me in groups unless I invite myself into a group. I was the cool kid, but a loner.
The only thing that makes me hap… [view original content]
I've been getting teased lately by these 3 boys in my school, and I started to have enough. One of them (one of the most annoying ones) left his computer on in my history class so I sent a rather inappropriate email from his account. 1 down, 2 to go.
I've been getting teased lately by these 3 boys in my school, and I started to have enough. One of them (one of the most annoying ones) left his computer on in my history class so I sent a rather inappropriate email from his account. 1 down, 2 to go.
XD exactly bro
Srry for late reply.
It depends on the situation.
Isis yes,
An Annoying Ex : No.
People bully me by tickling me, it's not fun since I'm ticklish.
In my first year at elementary school I haven't talked to anyone because I was shy. Then,one day the smart guy in a wheelchair and his friend tried talking to me. They said I was a good guy and we were ftriends until the end on elementary school. I haven't heard from them since. I was bullied then too, because I was shy and overweight and also I suck at sports (and I have really good grades without learning much.).
In high school I made the same mistake of not talking to anyone the first few months. Then I just opened up and now in my last year of high school, I can consider all people in my class , my friends.I still can't make eye contact for more than a minute,but that doesn't seem to catch anyone's attention. This year it's my prom night and I'm the only one not going because I hate parties and drinking in general.
Well, might as well share my experiences. I was bullied for a majority in my life. I was different, and because of that I was targeted. I wasn't very bright in the my younger days (still not the brightest but I feel wiser, and I'm a smartass now. heh)... well actually I was a bit of a dumbass. Back in my first school I had the typical bullshit happening to me. I got made fun of for not eating properly (pretty sure they looked at me like a pig), for being chubby (I was laying down on the ground for being worn out and these twins I know laughed at me about my gut), and other stuff. I didn't really have any friends for a while. I made some though, but they weren't always around. I was pretty awkward with talking to others, so often I would be alone. But at points I didn't want to be so I hanged around with just about anybody. Often the bad ones unfortunately. I would often get tricked, and one would ask me to follow his finger which I idiotically did and he point it somewhere I should be looking at it, so they would try to make me look gay which I wasn't. My toys would often get taken out of my sights, sometimes wrecked. One time I had a football threw at the back of my head by one of the jocks. Other stuff happened but I don't remember it all. The bullying kinda carried over all the way, but less and less. I practically grew up with the same bullies but they ended up respecting me cuz they saw how hard working I was, and how determined I was. Some still didn't like me but the ones who used to bully me would actually come to me for assistance and we would talk sometimes for a good chat. I was basically the underdog in everyone's world, and I showed everyone that I'm just as good when I put my heart into it. And eventually in high school a lot people thought I was awesome. It felt great! But... there's more to it guys. There's more to the story. The major part of my life.
Now back in grade 4 I would meet my now former best friend, Nathan. I don't remember how it all started but we kinda clicked together. We would play a lot and make stories with each other, it was the happiest I've ever been. Two years later, I met my presently best friend, Marcus and the 3 of us played together. But then those two eventually got into an argument which made Marcus leave. I didn't know what to do, I didn't know who to be with. So I just stood with Nathan.
Now I'm in middle school with Nathan. Things have been normal for a bit. Then I met his friend Gordon, and one named Tanner. We all hanged out together. And we would be with more friends in a table. However.... something started to change. I didn't know what it was but I could slowly see it. Nathan started to acted differently in some way. I would always try to meet up with him first thing in the morning cuz I thought our friendship was important. But at times I felt as though he was ignoring me. Maybe I was clingy? I dunno. But things started escalated. Nathan and Gordon would always play a game where they ditch me and I would have to run all over the school to chase them (good for exercise but it got ridiculous). Eventually I just stopped caring and went to the library to be alone. Or walk around the track by myself or even sit on the bench. Then they started to constantly tease me that I'm gay. And I would eat these cookies with cream in the middle and they would say it's sperm. Like really? Every time too! I couldn't change the food since we were poor (still are but not as bad). Randomly, Tanner would try to hit me in the balls, one time he attempted to kick me there which I dodged, but the second time he got me. I chased him for a bit as I got, extremely pissed off (when I'm inflicted pain I get angry, the more I feel it the angrier I am). Eventually I saw him again, and I walked up to him, staring at him. I just wanted to speak with my eyes 'Don't do that AGAIN.' then he tried to punch me and in an instant I moved my hand to grab his fist. I just stared at him and let go of his fist, then walked off. I always had my defences up after that, ready for his stupid moves. Anyway, back to Nathan and Gordon. At times they would lie to me with bullshit, trying to make me look like a dumbass. One time he, Gordon, and Tanner threw cherries at me, getting my clothes dirty. Pranks started too. Bullshit after bullshit it continued, and I became more distant. I started to think they never cared at all. My own best friend too. The more this shit happened, the less I remembered the good stuff when we were together.
Now we're talking about high school, still with the jackasses. Same bullshit. Now they started to ignore me, trying to make sure I can't find them. One day in the first week of high school, I found them in the cafeteria, and I asked if I could see with them. Gordon straight out said no. No as in 'I don't want to see you anymore.'. It hurt me pretty badly, but I had enough of it. Years of putting up with their bullshit, I couldn't take it anymore. I said fine and walked away. My friendship with Nathan, Gordon, Tanner was over. For weeks I walked by myself, just stood away from everyone as much as I could. I just wanted to be alone, I had a hard time trusting people for while. Occasionally I would get made fun of, but I just didn't care anymore. If I lived or died, who cares? I never budged. I just kept moving it, hoping the day ends every time I woke up. Unfortunately my locker is between two punks, one of them is Tanner. One time, Austin (knew him from the very beginning, and he's my locker neighbour too) was in the way of my locker. I needed books for class. I asked him to move but he wouldn't so I just reached for it myself and he then moved. But then Tanner said something and he just grabbed me by the shirt, threatening me. I didn't even react. I just stared at him blankly, not even caring. Just looking at him with my dead face. He looked at me as if I was just a zombie he was holding, and then he let go of me and the two walked away as I went to my locker. I don't remember much after that (except that Nathan and Gordon are incredibly annoying in drama class but that was like 2 years later during the next paragraph).
But... something good happened. One day I was walking down the staircase I met Marcus once again. I said hey to him, and he said hi back. I just looked at him as he was going up the stairs. I... I don't know what happened. But I just... Thought maybe I could have another chance of having a friend. I suddenly felt like I didn't want to be alone anymore. So I asked him if I could walk with him. And he said I could. We started to talk a lot, getting along. I was this time cautious, looking for any sign of bad intentions. I didn't fully trust him at first but then I started to. He was a real friend. Someone I could talk to. He always helped me with stuff and I always helped him. He was smarter than me but I was the better artist. So we assisted each other in our dilemmas. And we ended up becoming best friends, and since I was with him I ended up getting more and more friends. I was in card game table. I learned a lot of stuff. I had a lot of laughs with them. So many good things happened ever since I stuck to Marcus. I finally felt happy.
Of course now that we all graduated, it's hard to contact them. We're all so busy but we try to keep in touch. I still see my friends occasionally here in town (even the bad ones but I managed to ignore them). So yeah that's about it. This practically all happened before I joined the forums obviously. I say it ended on a high note.
Glad it all worked out. I'm glad you're still around. Don't need to put up with that shit, especially over a community feud. Our backgrounds are kinda similar. Heh.
When I was in gym, my asthma got in the way and I was usually a klutz so I was basically a burden on the group. But then in middle school I started to shine. As you already know, I outran the fastest runner in my class (same guy in my story down below, he was Austin). Buuut then my stamina said nope so I came last. lol But everyone was amazed I was that fast. I just wanted to prove myself. In gym I became more and more aggressive and I often surprised others. I was a really good dodger in dodge ball thanks to my speed/reflex. I even became a good shot in basket ball and a great server in volleyball (when focused lol). I suck at baseball though, and when one of my jerk teammates were pressuring me, when I went to bat he kept bitching since we're loosing and I yelled 'WILL YOU PLEASE SHUT UP!' everyone just was quiet but one guy said 'woah!'. lol I earned many of my peers respect for my hard working ways in gym class. And they saw I that (just like in any other class). One guy hated me (despite me trying to be nice all the time) and when I screwed up he got pissed, but one of his friends told him to relax and that I worked harder than anyone. My peers would count on me by high school.
My gym experience was kinda like a Daniel Bryan experience (Well not as big but anyway coincidently my first name is Daniel). Often looked down but earned many others' respect and earned happiness through hard work and determination. Glory comes from putting all your heart into something that means much to you.
Sometimes it's really hard at first to know who's your real friend and who's the false one. They had no right to treat you like that, when all you wanted was to be friends with the one you wanted to be with. But she just took it for granted. Just like how my former friends I mention below took my friendship for granted. Well at least you got past that, and able to make really good friends here!
I remember calling a cetain someone a b**** on Skype and you got upset about it a bit. I understand why now after reading that one part. Sorry for saying that word. I'll keep it in mind.
Thanks bro That is an awesome story and I respect it fully well done
My circumstance was a little different I played for all the sports teams and was one of the fastest and fittest in that school because of where I was from me being better at anything didn't ever bred respect but hate or jealousy
I'll give you an example
I did a race with the school to qualify to represent the school in a big city race it was around the big field twice the first five are picked.
I was way ahead of everyone so someone kicked the back on my legs so I would fall over I fell from the kick and finished 3rd >:/
XD I think I know who you are talking about :x
AHHH Everytime I read this stories and there my friends here who I known well I just went too jump into these stories and start throwing punches to some of these guys gimme ONE CHANCE at them PLEASE I need to >:/
They didn't deserve your friendship they never will they f**ked up so bad they will never met another friend as great and unique as you I have the absolute preveilge of being your friend so I know
I'm so proud you stood up and kept going beating all of your challenges and becoming the awesome person we all know and like today :'D
Yeah it was Lexi. The Cluke shipper. Blegh!
New and recent on-going bullying i'm dealing with.
I'am bullied by my worst enemies writer's block, procrastination, and negative thoughts. These bullies prevent me from accomplishing my goals in life which leads to depression. I'm tired of the pain and drama they cause and just wish they would go away. I do my best to get support from friends and family, but when I tell them my goals I kind of get discouraged when they tell me it will be hard to accomplish them. Growing up my life was mutual and happy, but when I got older things started to drift. I became much of a loner and isolated myself from the world. I did not have that many friends, but was cool with everyone. Each time we had to do an assignment in class, I would start to feel forlorn when nobody wanted to work with me
. Still till this day people don't work with me in groups unless I invite myself into a group. I was the cool kid, but a loner.
The only thing that makes me happy is talking to the family and doing my best to accomplish my goals which my bullies I mentioned won't let me. If I'm to meet someone new then I would be kind and quickly make friends with them. My negative thoughts comes from thinking the world is against me. I get called names because my appearance and it hurts. I can't even go in public without thinking someone is talking about me, and have to cover my face when around others. My fears are remaining isolated in my room while others in my family or friends enjoys their lives, my life not meaning anything, and not being able to accomplish my goals. I think I have social anxiety, but I'm not sure because I feel to keep my problems to myself and I'm quiet.
Now one of my goals I'm doing my best to accomplish is becoming a creative writer. I figured that after High school I should start my own writing because, in English class I would write long papers which was good. At first my bullies did not torment me, but as soon as I saw a video on writing process on youtube that's when they came. I became upset, discouraged, and sad because, I thought my writing sucked and did not compare to the professionals like Steven King. My fam likes to write, but procrastinates too. We came up with ideas, wrote some of the story, but never seem to continue because the thought of people not liking it.
Writer's block and negative thoughts prevents the writing process for us, but for me I just want to get rid or them. So many rules in writing stops the writing process too. I read some of the stuff other people wrote, but when I write it does not work.
Joining this forum helped deal with the loneliness and stress because, this is a place to talk and meet new people. People are always willing to help someone. I also won some rewards for my lego animation I did back in High school which was awesome.
My other goals is to support the fam and travel the world meeting new people, but I have no talking skills which sucks. I just want to write something people will like and make me happy when I'm sad, but the rules is frustrating. I even glance over at others forums with stories and get sad because, the negative thoughts of my work sucks compared to theirs. I know they say practice makes best, but I want to write awesome stories like them. I was asking if someone can help show how to make characters, but they just said relate able and robust. Like give me an example of a character sketch please.
In conclusion my life is lonely, mutual, frustrating, and wish to defeat my bullies I'm dealing with. There are some fun times in my life too, but wish they were more exciting and interesting. I will not let my bullies stop me from being who I want to be. I want to stop being discouraged and write something.
Thanks community for letting me share my story with you.
These concerns are very common and acknowledging them is half the battle you will succeed in the end you must believe you can and you are destined to achieve thanks for sharing your story best of luck
No one gets through School unscathed, theres always shit that will test you, It gets better though
Go with a girl that is nice. Prom just go and have fun. I went with my friend's sister who wasn't my type but we had fun.
Was always bullied about my weight and sexuality in grade school. I stopped caring after a while and developed a lazy appearance that followed me into my middle school and highschool years. At the time when I was insulted about my sexuality, I was too young to realize what had exactly they were referring to. Jokes on them, because I'm now bisexual because of choice.
Also, a more recent event, I had a group of friends from my local school who I'd talk to on Skype. At first, it appeared they liked me, but I stopped getting invited to their group less and less. Finally, I found out from a kid who had a crush on me that they made a joke of me in their little group. I stopped being their friend and crushed them as emotionally as possible (okay, it was actually pretty unintentional and it was because I moved away).
Sadly, I have yet to meet a person who hasn't suffered from any form of bullying. I wish people would stop using it as an excuse to act immature or rude online, though.
You just did.
I'm probably the one who wrote saying to make your characters relatable, because I write that a lot, but we can all relate to what you just wrote. Procrastination and negative thoughts haunt everyone and will never go away. If you read autobiographies of famous people who have "made it," you'll find they have them, too. You just have to keep fighting them.
There's a lot I could write, but really, just be yourself, be proud to show your face, and smile and validate others. That will get you far.
I've been getting teased lately by these 3 boys in my school, and I started to have enough. One of them (one of the most annoying ones) left his computer on in my history class so I sent a rather inappropriate email from his account. 1 down, 2 to go.
XD awesome you can doet
Aw, love that song!!