Glad you think so XD The 'After Eight' seems a little like the style some old Hollywood actors had, or maybe that's 'The Wisp'; either way, that and 'The Connoisseur' are good styles! I'll certainly reference it in the chapter!
Ha-ha! This is interesting! I think I prefer the 'After Eight' one in the first picture, or maybe 'The Connoisseur' for Mr. Weasel! Can't wait to see the chapter when you write it!
Figured it might be fun to briefly discuss. Whatever he ends up with, I think I'm going to have to draw it in the rockstar just to see what it looks like. XD Wanted a cheery look with the grin. :P
The teeth are going to get more attention - was it a good or bad surprise? XD
I actually went back to that one to try and get a look that was a little different (because I don't want to copy Pie's great work XD) but still similar enough that it could be the same person; the 'stacheless' choice will be given thought!
I know the picture's unfinished, but the teeth and eyes really caught me by surprise - I'll leave it at that. XD
Ever since the picture of Weasel pie made for you, I personally think he should remain 'stacheless'.
Robert was satisfied with the current situation at hand. On one side, his dear brother was drunk, slurring his words and singing some silly song from a previous Beer commercial. His wife Emily was tending to the babies as he continued to poorly, yet entertaining, sing the lyrics. Georgie was mad. Like, ridiculously mad. So mad, in fact, he tossed a nearby lamp out the window. The Patriots were up by fourteen points. His cheese hat sat crookedly on his head.
"You alright there, Porgie?"
A middle finger and an empty bowl of popcorn flew in Robert's direction. Robert managed to avoid the glass bowl and watched it tumble beside Catherine. Mikhail found this as his cue to head into the kitchen and get more snacks. He was down to his final Jalapeno popper and Catherine was dying to try the potato salad Mary and Junior brought.
On the other side of Robert, Harmony and Tim cuddled on the couch and watched the game. She couldn't wait for the puppy bowl and like they do every time, Tim kisses her hand and agrees. Robert rolls his eyes. Next to them, Nick quietly munched on a chicken sandwich. He and Mary were lost in a conversation; something about mirrors, a video game and sundaes. Junior, like his father, was glued to the screen. His wife could be plotting his murder and he'd never see it coming.
Lyla, like the good wifey she was, returned to the living room with an enormous sandwich. It was a turkey club, extra tomatos, mayo and swiss cheese. No crusts. Like Georgie has always had it now and forever. Taking the sandwich and kissing Lyla, he hides back into his pitiful corner of sadness and watches his beloved Packers lose.
Draco and Tez were in the kitchen grabbing another soda and chips. Still smoking his cigar, a trail of smoke follows Draco with each step he takes. Tez does his best to swat the clouds away. Rose, peeking over the couch, waves at her boyfriend.
"Sweetie! HEY! Can you get me more of these chicken wings!?"
"Which ones?" Tez scans the table. "There are like, four different kinds."
"The one with that sweet looking sauce. Honey barbecue I think it was."
Lyla points to the blue dish. "It's in that one, Tez."
Tez looks over and holds a thumbs up. "Thanks, Lyla. I'd hate to grab the extra spicy ones. I remember one time, Rose ate this really hot noodle dish and-"
"T man." Robert's voice carries well into the kitchen. "Hey, T man...can you bring me a plate of wings, too? Maybe some ranch?"
Tez ignores Robert, grabbing the wings for Rose and heads back into the living room. Draco laughs uncontrolably; sitting in his original spot, the Dragon man opens his mouth, crisps the chicken skin for several seconds and proceeds to eat it. The loud crunching sounds echo in the room. Harmony, entertained by the buily-in stove sitting besides her, holds out her burger.
"Could you warm this up for me, Draco? It got cold and-"
Within seconds, Draco has the patty warm and charbroiled to perfection. "Hey....thanks!"
"Ah, T man. No wings for me?"
Rose slaps the back of Robert's head. "AH HA, Robby. My little campfire didn't want to get you chicken wings."
Robert glances over at Lyla, now rubbing Georgie's head. "Lyla-"
"Forget it, Robert." Lyla never looks over as she digs her fingers into Georgie's scalp. "You're a big boy. Go get your own damn wings."
Robert scans the room. "Nick..."
"Forget it, Grendel." Nick chomps down onto the ends of his sandwich. "I'm VERY comfortable here and last time I left to take a piss, your brother jacked me seat and wouldn't move for ten minutes."
Gren, who's face is buried in emily's hair, looks up. He squints at Nick. "Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey-HEY. I went to...that seat has a duck on it." Gren points. "There....a duck....right there...."
Emily pushes Gren back into the seat. "Yes, love. A duck. Just sit still and-"
While Emily and Gren tried to decide if the animal on the pillow case was a duck (it was some sort of bird. Not a duck....) Robert continued to look for anyone willing to get up and get him some wings. He was comfortable and the half time show was about to begin. Katy Perry, Slash from Guns n' Roses and a special guest would be preforming this year. Robert tried getting Harmony to do it but she was just as excited to see Katy perform then he was.
"OH Lyla! The costums! I wonder if she'll have a lot of colors, that whipped cream bra-OH! I hope she sings 'California girls.'"
Lyla nearly knocks Georgie over, trying to clap. "OH I know, Harms! I want her to sing 'I kissed a girl', too!"
Gren holds a thumbs up. "Yay....lesbians...."
Robert finds his victim. Er, umm...helper. Running into the living room is Junior and Mary's daughter, Sheila. She stops for a minute to look over at Nicj again. Poking his boot, Nick chuckles and finishes off his sandwich.
"I bet you can REALLY crunch bones with this thing."
"You know, Sheila...I have this awesome toy in the car and-"
"No." Mary looks over. "Nothing like that. No death things or shadows of the night bullshit."
Junior takes a sip from his drink. "Mary, really? If it shuts her up and-"
"Psssst. Sheila." Robert calls the little girl over. "Come here."
Sheila skips, her shoulder length black hair bouncing with each step. She stops before Robert, twirls her dress and smiles. "YES...."
"Can you get some wings, please?"
"Sure." Sheila smiles. "What kind?"
"Regular barbecue."
"Blue cheese."
Sheila salutes and runs into the kitchen. Georgie, Junior and Gren all laugh; even Harmony and Mary get in on the laughter, as Robert looks around. Percy, being held by Cindy and drinking his tea, chuckles.
"I do say, did I miss something on the telly?"
Cindy points over at Robert. "You'll see, Percy darling. Quite entertaining, those mirror jumpers."
"Ah but of course." Percy holds out his tea. "Jolly good show, my good man. Carry on, Robert."
"What?" Robert was confused. "That fuck you all laughing at over-"
"I farted." Gren points to himself. "Like, a fuckin' HUGE ass one and-"
"LOVE..." Emily grabs his head and pulls closer. She whispers something anf within seconds, Gren is quiet. "Thank ya', love...."
Rose pats Emily on the leg. "THAT'S my girl! You deny them some booty and they'll do ANYTHING you say!"
Tez nearly drops his plate of food. Catherine and Mikhail laugh at Gren's expense, while Mary heads to the corner to try and contain her laughter.
"ROSEBUD, really!?"
"WHAT!? I'm being serious. Take away the P and the D is sad! It's genius! Good for you, Emily. Lyla...I'm looking at you, too. And don't get me STARTED on you, Mary. Harmony, too."
Harmony's face is as red as a tomato. "OH dear lord, no! I've never-"
"Oh please! Yes you have!"
While Rose and harmony continue thir debate over 'sex punishments', Sheila returns with a plate of wings. Robert clasps his hands together, rubs and smiles.
"OH man, look at ALL those wings! That's my girl! That's-"
Sheila, however, turns and faces her father. With Junior's help, he lifts his daughter and plants her right beside him. Draco chuckles and tosses a Dorito into his mouth. Sheila grabs a wing and begins to feast.
"Uh....Sheila...Sheila, dear what are you-"
"I'm eatin' my wings."
"Those...those are for me, sweetie. I asked you if-"
"YOU asked me if I could get some wings. Which I did. I'm hungry. This was a good idea, Robert. Thank you."
Junior shrugs; Robert had nothing to say as he watched the little girl down her entire plate.
"Sorry, Robert but its true."
Georgie and Lyla laugh just as the half time show comes on. While they prepared for the opening number, Robert huffs his way to the kitchen and grabs himself some wings and a beer. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,``,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,`,
Sorry for the lack of posting. It's been a long end of february and begining of March. Nothing bad...just some stuff. I hope you all like it.
They're kick-ass thieves and they know it! XD Tez's expression's awesome - they must have bagged a lot of stuff to have dollar bills flying about the place! Great gift! XD
Robert was satisfied with the current situation at hand. On one side, his dear brother was drunk, slurring his words and singing some silly … moresong from a previous Beer commercial. His wife Emily was tending to the babies as he continued to poorly, yet entertaining, sing the lyrics. Georgie was mad. Like, ridiculously mad. So mad, in fact, he tossed a nearby lamp out the window. The Patriots were up by fourteen points. His cheese hat sat crookedly on his head.
"You alright there, Porgie?"
A middle finger and an empty bowl of popcorn flew in Robert's direction. Robert managed to avoid the glass bowl and watched it tumble beside Catherine. Mikhail found this as his cue to head into the kitchen and get more snacks. He was down to his final Jalapeno popper and Catherine was dying to try the potato salad Mary and Junior brought.
On the other side of Robert, Harmony and Tim cuddled on the couch and watched the game. She couldn't wait for the … [view original content]
Ah, Scarlett and Lyall can actually get on, and quite well! Obviously Lyall isn't wanting to give himself away, so he might be put on a bit of an act, but he certainly seems to be saying the right things (other than not being keen on cats. Wouldn't have immediately thought Scarlett was a cat person, but that's one of the reasons she's likable, because she's somewhat mysterious). Have we met Mouse's date before?
That's a great picture of the two! And I noticed the fishnet stockings reference! (Okay, I'll stop going on about that from now on XD)
Hope Dragon Age keeps you happy throughout the bad times!
Cat and Mouse
Part 5
A wolf among the rabbits
"That line usually works for you?" Scarlett scoffed, taking another sip from her glas… mores of champagne.
Her reaction gave him the knowledge that the glittery mask he was wearing was in fact concealing his identity. That and the fact she didn't attempt to tear off his other leg.
"Not usually." Lyall gave a small chuckle. Scarlett rolled her eyes and polished off the last of her drink before a carteret took it off her hands.
"Your excuse for idle conversation means nothing to me, I suggest you take it elsewhere."
"I don't want idle conversation though." he replied
"Then what do you want?" her eye narrowed at him.
"To talk to the attractive woman right in front of me."
"Flattery will get you nowhere in life, though it appreciated." crossing her arms she frowned, her eye brows buckle.
"That also sounded like you were thanking me."
"Don't get your hopes up...I have noth… [view original content]
I love this chapter!! You seem to have captured the very best of everyone's humour XD
Though, I wonder what 'awesome toy' Nick has in his car... Maybe something original :O
I await more dude!
I apologize this took so long XD I didn't have a very good day yesterday so I am just now reading this! XD
I at first liked it when I wrote it, but I then thought it was stupid so I made Bigby give that insight but I'm glad you liked it XD Yes Hans and Alice could be hiding something! Thanks Lupine, I now need to just finish writing these parts now XD
It might not seem entirely professional, but I like Luke's opening regardless. XD Love a good mystery and you've set this one up well; Hans … moreand Alice seemed genuine, but would they really forget a broken window? Then there's the connection to The Crooked Man with the note that's left behind and the boy singing the nursey rhyme. And was the glass of the window on the floor of the room? Because if not it must have been broken from the inside! Which it probably wasn't, but it's something I keep in mind in these scenarios. :P Good first chapter.
They're kick-ass thieves and they know it! XD Tez's expression's awesome - they must have bagged a lot of stuff to have dollar bills flying about the place! Great gift! XD
Figured it might be fun to briefly discuss. Whatever he ends up with, I think I'm going to have to draw it in the rockstar just to see what it looks like. XD Wanted a cheery look with the grin. :P
She's a goof in my stories ever since her marriage to Junior and having the kids. XD She seems like that type of person who'd make random songs from the most odd songs. XD
I feel the same way, considering your OC is also Nick. lol
Ivy leaves are a bitch to draw but I couldn't help myself! She has finally found her place in Fabletown with her new powers.
"Hey hey, you you, we're making some pancakes. Syrup, syrup, they'll need some syrup. No way, no way, Emily has butter!"
Making her o… morewn song from the foundation of 'Girlfriend', Mary opens the fridge and takes out the tube of butter, tosses it on the table and continues to sing and dance. All four babies sit in their chairs and are ammused by their aunt's quirky antics. Mary was her own party and if you felt brave and up for a challenge, you were invited.
I love it! I always figured Mary could sing, but I would never have expected THAT song to come out of her mouth XD
Nick... It's weird seeing that name used by another character :P
Oh, and I'm loving the Greek Goddess look that Emily is sporting with that bow!!
LMFAO I loved this beyond words itself. I wanted to let you know, I'm here for you. Stop avoiding me and let me help. We're pals, man. You're among friends here. Don't be afraid....
Anyways, Sheila. My precious Sheila. Too much like Mary. Freaking Rose, too. Poor T man! I bet his face was just as red as Harm's was. XD XD Georgie and Lyla. I love these two beyond anything. Him throwing a fit is too fun NOT to picture. I'm seriously waiting for either Nick or T man to just blow up and punch Robert in the face. Or even Catherine. Gotta watch the quiet ones.....XD XD lol Katy Perry is the bomb!
Percy and his usual charming self. And Draco, man! Great, dude. I was wondering when you'd be writing this again. Well worth the wait.
EDIT: This is Gren's face when he mentioned he farted!
Robert was satisfied with the current situation at hand. On one side, his dear brother was drunk, slurring his words and singing some silly … moresong from a previous Beer commercial. His wife Emily was tending to the babies as he continued to poorly, yet entertaining, sing the lyrics. Georgie was mad. Like, ridiculously mad. So mad, in fact, he tossed a nearby lamp out the window. The Patriots were up by fourteen points. His cheese hat sat crookedly on his head.
"You alright there, Porgie?"
A middle finger and an empty bowl of popcorn flew in Robert's direction. Robert managed to avoid the glass bowl and watched it tumble beside Catherine. Mikhail found this as his cue to head into the kitchen and get more snacks. He was down to his final Jalapeno popper and Catherine was dying to try the potato salad Mary and Junior brought.
On the other side of Robert, Harmony and Tim cuddled on the couch and watched the game. She couldn't wait for the … [view original content]
Damn! Etan and Daren are pimpin' in those suits! I'm 'bout ready to jack that shirt from Draco, though. Thanks to JJ, all I can see now is him smoking cigars. XD XD
I apologize this took so long XD I didn't have a very good day yesterday so I am just now reading this! XD
I at first liked it when I wro… morete it, but I then thought it was stupid so I made Bigby give that insight but I'm glad you liked it XD Yes Hans and Alice could be hiding something! Thanks Lupine, I now need to just finish writing these parts now XD
Etan and Daren are seriously slick in those corporate suits. XD Draco and Viera look like they'd make as a good a couple as we all know they are; great to see them!
She's a goof in my stories ever since her marriage to Junior and having the kids. XD She seems like that type of person who'd make random so… morengs from the most odd songs. XD
I feel the same way, considering your OC is also Nick. lol
Ivy leaves are a bitch to draw but I couldn't help myself! She has finally found her place in Fabletown with her new powers.
Robert was satisfied with the current situation at hand. On one side, his dear brother was drunk, slurring his words and singing some silly … moresong from a previous Beer commercial. His wife Emily was tending to the babies as he continued to poorly, yet entertaining, sing the lyrics. Georgie was mad. Like, ridiculously mad. So mad, in fact, he tossed a nearby lamp out the window. The Patriots were up by fourteen points. His cheese hat sat crookedly on his head.
"You alright there, Porgie?"
A middle finger and an empty bowl of popcorn flew in Robert's direction. Robert managed to avoid the glass bowl and watched it tumble beside Catherine. Mikhail found this as his cue to head into the kitchen and get more snacks. He was down to his final Jalapeno popper and Catherine was dying to try the potato salad Mary and Junior brought.
On the other side of Robert, Harmony and Tim cuddled on the couch and watched the game. She couldn't wait for the … [view original content]
LMFAO I loved this beyond words itself. I wanted to let you know, I'm here for you. Stop avoiding me and let me help. We're pals, man. You'… morere among friends here. Don't be afraid....
Anyways, Sheila. My precious Sheila. Too much like Mary. Freaking Rose, too. Poor T man! I bet his face was just as red as Harm's was. XD XD Georgie and Lyla. I love these two beyond anything. Him throwing a fit is too fun NOT to picture. I'm seriously waiting for either Nick or T man to just blow up and punch Robert in the face. Or even Catherine. Gotta watch the quiet ones.....XD XD lol Katy Perry is the bomb!
Percy and his usual charming self. And Draco, man! Great, dude. I was wondering when you'd be writing this again. Well worth the wait.
EDIT: This is Gren's face when he mentioned he farted!
^^This. Right here. XDXD
My Nick reminds me of those VERY over protective parents; he and your Nick would bump heads but eventually, the dust would settle and all would be good.
I've got my plans.
Secretly wishing that no matter what, Nick can kick her ass if need be
I may have to do more with Mary while I have the chance...
Nick and Nick would hate each other though (according to you at least)
Here's to seeing what she is capable of! (Secretly wishing that no matter what, Nick can kick her ass if need be)
My Nick reminds me of those VERY over protective parents; he and your Nick would bump heads but eventually, the dust would settle and all wo… moreuld be good.
I've got my plans.
Secretly wishing that no matter what, Nick can kick her ass if need be
Whoa, wait-Nick wants to kick my Emily's ass?!
Good grief! Went back and read the chapter where things first kick off and it's definitely worth it - these three chapters have a real flow and grip to them! As for Mirah, I can't exactly remember her name from all those chapters back but hopefully I can remember enough: was there her and another fully fledged vampire looking after the children, some of which spoke French? Did Ash and Franklin escape by burning that wooden house they were all in, when the vampires took them out on a journey? Ah, hopefully I'm remembering correctly!
Still, Mirah will have a fight on her hands if she thinks she can take on Harmony's children (I know they're older now but they'll always be Harmony's first children ^_^) and Franklin, though the revelation about how Mirah came about her powers is surprising! Ties the characters together nicely, though. Great stuff!
It took a few moments for Ash to drag her mother's body out of the way. She fought back her feelings of horror that she felt the moment Harm… moreony had gone down, and put on that iron face that made all the others think she had everything planned out. She literally had no idea what to do.
They had established a safe-point between a giant rock and a cluster of pine trees. It blocked most oncoming wind and was the least effected area on the mountain, as far as they all could tell. There was no sign of life in this twister, though there wasn't much to see to begin with. All Ash could do now was wait for something different to happen, or actually come up with some sort of idea.
"There's a lot of magic in that thing," Robert was rambling, half to himself. "I-I can sense it. It's there."
Noah, currently in human form, was leaning against the rock with his eyes fixed past the trees. They could see their house from where they stood, a little dot… [view original content]
Not bad! You certainly know your way around in creating these steamy romance chapters, instead of detailing it in the most generic way possible - I totally mean it in a good way, by the way. XP
WARNING: VERY detailed moment between my Gren and Emily. DO not read if easily offended. You have been warned by Pie. XD Enjoy.
'You mak… moree me feel like I'm living a teenage dream, the way you turn me on. I can't sleep; lets run away and don't ever look back. My heart stops, when you look at me, just one touch, now baby I believe this is real. So take a chance and don't ever look back. Be your teenage dream tonight.'
The chorus line to that song was on repeat for the majority of the night. Emily sat in bed; this was night number three she would not be falling asleep. Emily and Gren used to take long drives and listen to this song over and over. The CD was overplayed and no longer worked but the memories of that summer night would forever become the foundation Emily needed to build her future relationship with Gren.
By this time, it was obvious he and Carla were seperated and no longer on speaking terms. He lived in a studio apartment … [view original content]
Nick IS over protective of Lyra, wait until the next story and you will see...
I'm only thinking ahead my friend, Nick admires Emily too much to lay a finger on her
Not bad! You certainly know your way around in creating these steamy romance chapters, instead of detailing it in the most generic way possible - I totally mean it in a good way, by the way. XP
So mad, in fact, he tossed a nearby lamp out the window.
That would be a bad moment for any cat to be walking past that window. :P
This was another fun read! Not entirely sure why but I often crack up laughing when reading how you make Percy and now Cindy speak, in a very good way.
Ahh, Gren and the duck; think I prefer this Drunk Gren to the aggressive Drunk Gren, but, hey! They both have their perks. Poor Robert with those wings - they'll probably taste more satisfying now he's gotten them himself, at least. :P
Robert was satisfied with the current situation at hand. On one side, his dear brother was drunk, slurring his words and singing some silly … moresong from a previous Beer commercial. His wife Emily was tending to the babies as he continued to poorly, yet entertaining, sing the lyrics. Georgie was mad. Like, ridiculously mad. So mad, in fact, he tossed a nearby lamp out the window. The Patriots were up by fourteen points. His cheese hat sat crookedly on his head.
"You alright there, Porgie?"
A middle finger and an empty bowl of popcorn flew in Robert's direction. Robert managed to avoid the glass bowl and watched it tumble beside Catherine. Mikhail found this as his cue to head into the kitchen and get more snacks. He was down to his final Jalapeno popper and Catherine was dying to try the potato salad Mary and Junior brought.
On the other side of Robert, Harmony and Tim cuddled on the couch and watched the game. She couldn't wait for the … [view original content]
You're remembering exactly correctly! (To be honest, I had to look back myself; There was a confusion with names and I had to make sure her name was Mirah XD) But yeah, there was the french girls and the burning house and the escape and what not! I believe it's on page 80-something, but I could be wrong XD
Glad you like it all! I started writing the first chapter of this whole debacle on a whim, and the more I roll with it, the more detailed I seem to be writing and the more I'm enjoying writing it as well. More to come later today, if not, tomorrow (assuming I won't be exhausted by the end of the day XD)
Good grief! Went back and read the chapter where things first kick off and it's definitely worth it - these three chapters have a real flow … moreand grip to them! As for Mirah, I can't exactly remember her name from all those chapters back but hopefully I can remember enough: was there her and another fully fledged vampire looking after the children, some of which spoke French? Did Ash and Franklin escape by burning that wooden house they were all in, when the vampires took them out on a journey? Ah, hopefully I'm remembering correctly!
Still, Mirah will have a fight on her hands if she thinks she can take on Harmony's children (I know they're older now but they'll always be Harmony's first children ^_^) and Franklin, though the revelation about how Mirah came about her powers is surprising! Ties the characters together nicely, though. Great stuff!
The teeth are going to get more attention - was it a good or bad surprise? XD
I actually went back to that one to try and get a look that… more was a little different (because I don't want to copy Pie's great work XD) but still similar enough that it could be the same person; the 'stacheless' choice will be given thought!
Go to bed early? What is this nonsense you speak of? XD
Anyhow, I honestly didn't expect to see Mirah again, as I forgot who she was until you explained below. I guess Frank's past is starting to haunt him in a sense, eh?
The end cliffhanger was pretty badass too, love stuff like that! Ash is so hardcore. :P
It took a few moments for Ash to drag her mother's body out of the way. She fought back her feelings of horror that she felt the moment Harm… moreony had gone down, and put on that iron face that made all the others think she had everything planned out. She literally had no idea what to do.
They had established a safe-point between a giant rock and a cluster of pine trees. It blocked most oncoming wind and was the least effected area on the mountain, as far as they all could tell. There was no sign of life in this twister, though there wasn't much to see to begin with. All Ash could do now was wait for something different to happen, or actually come up with some sort of idea.
"There's a lot of magic in that thing," Robert was rambling, half to himself. "I-I can sense it. It's there."
Noah, currently in human form, was leaning against the rock with his eyes fixed past the trees. They could see their house from where they stood, a little dot… [view original content]
Robert, was known at as the crown prince of pranks at FableTown High. He was crowned that title during his sophomore year during his prank fest. During the school dance Robert used magic he bought to school from home which made everyone naked for the whole day. He also lead a raid on the girls locker room the following month followed by getting Mr. Weasel drunk by slipping Vodka into his many cups of tea.. It's a mystery how Mr. Weasel couldn't tell the difference.
Of course he got in trouble, and of course he continued to prank, it was just his thing and he had to live up to his name. Now during this year, Robert has bigger plans in store..
The bell for the next class was about to ring any moment, any.... moment right.. DING. Robert was the first one out of classroom. As the horde of student's flood the hallways Robert put on his trusty beats headsets that he got from Mr. Tezoth on. He put on one of his favorite tracks and started singing the lyrics out loud in an comical way.
“When your feeling ain't the same and your body don't want to
But you know gotta let it go cause the party ain't jumpin' like it used to
Even though this might bruise you
Let it burn!
Let it burn!
Gotta let it burn!
Deep down you know it's best for yourself but you
Hate the thought of her being with someone else
But you know that it's over
You know that it was through
Let it burn!
Let it burn!
Gotta let it burn!”
Then he finally arrives at his destination in the courtyard, he rides over on his skateboard to meet the girl known as Ashlyn, who he occasionally flirt with.
Meanwhile, Tezoth is just flying in from a another supply pick up from the Mundy world. This he brought with him some school utensils, a couple tablets, and some expensive headset, beats. He takes the goodies to his stash in his office and upon entering, Rose Red is setting there in at his desk waiting for him as it seems.
“Whoa, Rose Bud you startled me..!”
“Lies, Tez... and what has my dragon snatched up this time?”
“Well, I guess I can tell you since you aren't mad. I brought some...”
Out of no where Principle Etan appears and gracefully takes a pear of beats from his the box of goodies Tez brought back. He firmly places them onto his head a plugs the cord into his iphone and begins to listening to tunes.
“Ahh, I always wanted a pair of these. Excellent work Mr. Tezoth, and by the way are we all stilling going out tonight? I think Nick could use a drink or two..”
“That's the plan Mr. Etan, me and Rose are already on board..”
“Splendid, now excuse me. I have paper work to attend to.”
Mr. Etan leaves office, then Tezoth remarks on how Etan is one the most coolest and sophisticated principle in school history. Then Rose pushes him onto his desk and climbs on top of him..
Back on the field, Ella finally introduces Dan to Nick. She warns him that Nick can come off as aggressive and cocky, for reasons of course, but Dan mentions he find with that because he have to deal with his older brothers from time to time.
Marcelo flies in from his flight training and changes back from dragon to human, he just lost a race with Rasputin, the teams head captain. Coach Nick was watching the flight training and he notice how clumsy Marcelo was during the obstacle course and begins to scream at him.
Marcelo walks over toward the water cooler and drinks several cups of water, then Rasputin walks by and whispers “Puny Dragon” over Marcelo's shoulder. Before Marcel could punch Rasputin, he is stopped by Ella before he could get himself in trouble. “It's not worth it, Marcelo.” she says as she and Dan walk away.
“Hey, Nick. I got someone to introduce you to. This is-”
“Ella, you're late. AGAIN. You realize, you have to run 30 laps.. for your insolence..”
“Fine by me, coach. I'll run 50. Now, allow me introduce you to Dan. He's new here and would like to try up for the league.”
“Is that so? Unfortunately, we have enough weaklings on the team as of now and tryouts are closed. However, I can make an arrangement.. RASPUTIN, bring me two swords, pronto!”
Rasputin brings over the two swords, and Nick takes one and hands it to Dan. It seems Nick want to test Dan's sword play to see if he was the kind of fighter he was looking for.
“Here, take this uhh Dan. Let's see how good you are with the sword. You will face Rasputin in.... MORTAL KOMBAT!”
“Nick, really?”
“I'm just joking Ella. Rasputin is one of our best fighters here. He's a moron, he's cocky, he's stoic. Which is why he is the captain, so now Dan. Let's see if you qualify.... FIGHT!”
Nick slams his large fist onto the bell and then Rasputin prepares to strike and Dan tries to hold his ground and tries not to get butchered on his first day of school...
Then Rose pushes him onto his desk and climbs on top of him..
During the school dance Robert used magic he bought to school from home which made everyone naked for the whole day.
Yes. This is SO that awesome and loveable Grendel we've all come to know. I swear, Weasel! XD Poor guy but he seems so chill about it all. Mr. Weasel He just WANTED to have a little sippy sip.
Damn. And Rasputin and Ella are boss with Coach Nick's class. XD Great job, man! This is coming out great!
Robert, was known at as the crown prince of pranks at FableTown High. He was crowned that title during his sophomore year during… more his prank fest. During the school dance Robert used magic he bought to school from home which made everyone naked for the whole day. He also lead a raid on the girls locker room the following month followed by getting Mr. Weasel drunk by slipping Vodka into his many cups of tea.. It's a mystery how Mr. Weasel couldn't tell the difference.
Of course he got in trouble, and of course he continued to prank, it was just his thing and he had to live up to his name. Now during this year, Robert has bigger plans in store..
The bell for the next class was about to ring any moment, any.... moment right.. DING. Robert was the first one out of classroom. As the horde of student's flood the hallways Robert put on his trusty beats headsets that he got from Mr. Tezoth on. He put on one of his favorite tracks and … [view original content]
Oh man this was awesome! I always like seeing everyone's Fables in one story it's always interesting. With Ellas power she got from Luke 50 laps will be too easy XD Glad she's helping everyone out too. Can't wait for more of this!
Robert, was known at as the crown prince of pranks at FableTown High. He was crowned that title during his sophomore year during… more his prank fest. During the school dance Robert used magic he bought to school from home which made everyone naked for the whole day. He also lead a raid on the girls locker room the following month followed by getting Mr. Weasel drunk by slipping Vodka into his many cups of tea.. It's a mystery how Mr. Weasel couldn't tell the difference.
Of course he got in trouble, and of course he continued to prank, it was just his thing and he had to live up to his name. Now during this year, Robert has bigger plans in store..
The bell for the next class was about to ring any moment, any.... moment right.. DING. Robert was the first one out of classroom. As the horde of student's flood the hallways Robert put on his trusty beats headsets that he got from Mr. Tezoth on. He put on one of his favorite tracks and … [view original content]
Jacob, you should be glad to have a nickname :P
That is a moustache and a fine choice! XD
Glad you think so XD The 'After Eight' seems a little like the style some old Hollywood actors had, or maybe that's 'The Wisp'; either way, that and 'The Connoisseur' are good styles!
I'll certainly reference it in the chapter!
It does seem very popular! Thanks for your opinion.
Figured it might be fun to briefly discuss.
Whatever he ends up with, I think I'm going to have to draw it in the rockstar just to see what it looks like. XD Wanted a cheery look with the grin. :P
The teeth are going to get more attention - was it a good or bad surprise? XD
I actually went back to that one to try and get a look that was a little different (because I don't want to copy Pie's great work XD) but still similar enough that it could be the same person; the 'stacheless' choice will be given thought!
Robert was satisfied with the current situation at hand. On one side, his dear brother was drunk, slurring his words and singing some silly song from a previous Beer commercial. His wife Emily was tending to the babies as he continued to poorly, yet entertaining, sing the lyrics. Georgie was mad. Like, ridiculously mad. So mad, in fact, he tossed a nearby lamp out the window. The Patriots were up by fourteen points. His cheese hat sat crookedly on his head.
"You alright there, Porgie?"
A middle finger and an empty bowl of popcorn flew in Robert's direction. Robert managed to avoid the glass bowl and watched it tumble beside Catherine. Mikhail found this as his cue to head into the kitchen and get more snacks. He was down to his final Jalapeno popper and Catherine was dying to try the potato salad Mary and Junior brought.
On the other side of Robert, Harmony and Tim cuddled on the couch and watched the game. She couldn't wait for the puppy bowl and like they do every time, Tim kisses her hand and agrees. Robert rolls his eyes. Next to them, Nick quietly munched on a chicken sandwich. He and Mary were lost in a conversation; something about mirrors, a video game and sundaes. Junior, like his father, was glued to the screen. His wife could be plotting his murder and he'd never see it coming.
Lyla, like the good wifey she was, returned to the living room with an enormous sandwich. It was a turkey club, extra tomatos, mayo and swiss cheese. No crusts. Like Georgie has always had it now and forever. Taking the sandwich and kissing Lyla, he hides back into his pitiful corner of sadness and watches his beloved Packers lose.
Draco and Tez were in the kitchen grabbing another soda and chips. Still smoking his cigar, a trail of smoke follows Draco with each step he takes. Tez does his best to swat the clouds away. Rose, peeking over the couch, waves at her boyfriend.
"Sweetie! HEY! Can you get me more of these chicken wings!?"
"Which ones?" Tez scans the table. "There are like, four different kinds."
"The one with that sweet looking sauce. Honey barbecue I think it was."
Lyla points to the blue dish. "It's in that one, Tez."
Tez looks over and holds a thumbs up. "Thanks, Lyla. I'd hate to grab the extra spicy ones. I remember one time, Rose ate this really hot noodle dish and-"
"T man." Robert's voice carries well into the kitchen. "Hey, T man...can you bring me a plate of wings, too? Maybe some ranch?"
Tez ignores Robert, grabbing the wings for Rose and heads back into the living room. Draco laughs uncontrolably; sitting in his original spot, the Dragon man opens his mouth, crisps the chicken skin for several seconds and proceeds to eat it. The loud crunching sounds echo in the room. Harmony, entertained by the buily-in stove sitting besides her, holds out her burger.
"Could you warm this up for me, Draco? It got cold and-"
Within seconds, Draco has the patty warm and charbroiled to perfection. "Hey....thanks!"
"Ah, T man. No wings for me?"
Rose slaps the back of Robert's head. "AH HA, Robby. My little campfire didn't want to get you chicken wings."
Robert glances over at Lyla, now rubbing Georgie's head. "Lyla-"
"Forget it, Robert." Lyla never looks over as she digs her fingers into Georgie's scalp. "You're a big boy. Go get your own damn wings."
Robert scans the room. "Nick..."
"Forget it, Grendel." Nick chomps down onto the ends of his sandwich. "I'm VERY comfortable here and last time I left to take a piss, your brother jacked me seat and wouldn't move for ten minutes."
Gren, who's face is buried in emily's hair, looks up. He squints at Nick. "Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey-HEY. I went to...that seat has a duck on it." Gren points. "There....a duck....right there...."
Emily pushes Gren back into the seat. "Yes, love. A duck. Just sit still and-"
While Emily and Gren tried to decide if the animal on the pillow case was a duck (it was some sort of bird. Not a duck....) Robert continued to look for anyone willing to get up and get him some wings. He was comfortable and the half time show was about to begin. Katy Perry, Slash from Guns n' Roses and a special guest would be preforming this year. Robert tried getting Harmony to do it but she was just as excited to see Katy perform then he was.
"OH Lyla! The costums! I wonder if she'll have a lot of colors, that whipped cream bra-OH! I hope she sings 'California girls.'"
Lyla nearly knocks Georgie over, trying to clap. "OH I know, Harms! I want her to sing 'I kissed a girl', too!"
Gren holds a thumbs up. "Yay....lesbians...."
Robert finds his victim. Er, umm...helper. Running into the living room is Junior and Mary's daughter, Sheila. She stops for a minute to look over at Nicj again. Poking his boot, Nick chuckles and finishes off his sandwich.
"I bet you can REALLY crunch bones with this thing."
"You know, Sheila...I have this awesome toy in the car and-"
"No." Mary looks over. "Nothing like that. No death things or shadows of the night bullshit."
Junior takes a sip from his drink. "Mary, really? If it shuts her up and-"
"Psssst. Sheila." Robert calls the little girl over. "Come here."
Sheila skips, her shoulder length black hair bouncing with each step. She stops before Robert, twirls her dress and smiles. "YES...."
"Can you get some wings, please?"
"Sure." Sheila smiles. "What kind?"
"Regular barbecue."
"Blue cheese."
Sheila salutes and runs into the kitchen. Georgie, Junior and Gren all laugh; even Harmony and Mary get in on the laughter, as Robert looks around. Percy, being held by Cindy and drinking his tea, chuckles.
"I do say, did I miss something on the telly?"
Cindy points over at Robert. "You'll see, Percy darling. Quite entertaining, those mirror jumpers."
"Ah but of course." Percy holds out his tea. "Jolly good show, my good man. Carry on, Robert."
"What?" Robert was confused. "That fuck you all laughing at over-"
"I farted." Gren points to himself. "Like, a fuckin' HUGE ass one and-"
"LOVE..." Emily grabs his head and pulls closer. She whispers something anf within seconds, Gren is quiet. "Thank ya', love...."
Rose pats Emily on the leg. "THAT'S my girl! You deny them some booty and they'll do ANYTHING you say!"
Tez nearly drops his plate of food. Catherine and Mikhail laugh at Gren's expense, while Mary heads to the corner to try and contain her laughter.
"ROSEBUD, really!?"
"WHAT!? I'm being serious. Take away the P and the D is sad! It's genius! Good for you, Emily. Lyla...I'm looking at you, too. And don't get me STARTED on you, Mary. Harmony, too."
Harmony's face is as red as a tomato. "OH dear lord, no! I've never-"
"Oh please! Yes you have!"
While Rose and harmony continue thir debate over 'sex punishments', Sheila returns with a plate of wings. Robert clasps his hands together, rubs and smiles.
"OH man, look at ALL those wings! That's my girl! That's-"
Sheila, however, turns and faces her father. With Junior's help, he lifts his daughter and plants her right beside him. Draco chuckles and tosses a Dorito into his mouth. Sheila grabs a wing and begins to feast.
"Uh....Sheila...Sheila, dear what are you-"
"I'm eatin' my wings."
"Those...those are for me, sweetie. I asked you if-"
"YOU asked me if I could get some wings. Which I did. I'm hungry. This was a good idea, Robert. Thank you."
Junior shrugs; Robert had nothing to say as he watched the little girl down her entire plate.
"Sorry, Robert but its true."
Georgie and Lyla laugh just as the half time show comes on. While they prepared for the opening number, Robert huffs his way to the kitchen and grabs himself some wings and a beer.
,`,Sorry for the lack of posting. It's been a long end of february and begining of March. Nothing bad...just some stuff.
I hope you all like it. 
They're kick-ass thieves and they know it! XD Tez's expression's awesome - they must have bagged a lot of stuff to have dollar bills flying about the place!
Great gift! XD
I love this chapter!! You seem to have captured the very best of everyone's humour XD
Though, I wonder what 'awesome toy' Nick has in his car... Maybe something original :O
I await more dude!
Ah, Scarlett and Lyall can actually get on, and quite well! Obviously Lyall isn't wanting to give himself away, so he might be put on a bit of an act, but he certainly seems to be saying the right things (other than not being keen on cats. Wouldn't have immediately thought Scarlett was a cat person, but that's one of the reasons she's likable, because she's somewhat mysterious). Have we met Mouse's date before?
That's a great picture of the two!
And I noticed the fishnet stockings reference! (Okay, I'll stop going on about that from now on XD)
Hope Dragon Age keeps you happy throughout the bad times!
Thanks Man.
I tried to see it in my mind how all our OC's and then some would react in one, large room. Ah well THAT shall come in a later chap. 
I strangely admire how Nick is keeping to himself throughout all this, it's like he isn't comfortable around all these new people :P
I am actually quite excited for whatever this 'awesome toy' is...
I apologize this took so long XD I didn't have a very good day yesterday so I am just now reading this! XD
I at first liked it when I wrote it, but I then thought it was stupid so I made Bigby give that insight but I'm glad you liked it XD Yes Hans and Alice could be hiding something! Thanks Lupine, I now need to just finish writing these parts now XD
As they snuck around, Rose played the 'Pink Panther' song. XD They are just THAT damn good. XD XD Glad ya' liked it, Noir.
Well, stache or not, Percy is one swell lad.
That's what I love about him. Always so cheerful, even in other stories. 
She's a goof in my stories ever since her marriage to Junior and having the kids. XD She seems like that type of person who'd make random songs from the most odd songs. XD
I feel the same way, considering your OC is also Nick. lol
Ivy leaves are a bitch to draw but I couldn't help myself! She has finally found her place in Fabletown with her new powers.
LMFAO I loved this beyond words itself. I wanted to let you know, I'm here for you. Stop avoiding me and let me help.
We're pals, man. You're among friends here. Don't be afraid....
Anyways, Sheila. My precious Sheila. Too much like Mary.
Freaking Rose, too. Poor T man! I bet his face was just as red as Harm's was. XD XD Georgie and Lyla.
I love these two beyond anything.
Him throwing a fit is too fun NOT to picture. I'm seriously waiting for either Nick or T man to just blow up and punch Robert in the face. Or even Catherine. Gotta watch the quiet ones.....XD XD lol Katy Perry is the bomb! 
Percy and his usual charming self.
And Draco, man!
Great, dude. I was wondering when you'd be writing this again. Well worth the wait. 
EDIT: This is Gren's face when he mentioned he farted!
^^This. Right here. XDXD
Damn! Etan and Daren are pimpin' in those suits! I'm 'bout ready to jack that shirt from Draco, though. Thanks to JJ, all I can see now is him smoking cigars. XD XD
No need to apologize, Tetra! Hope today is much better.
Bigby saying something in response to it does seem very like the Sheriff; have fun writing!
Ah, I love that music - fits them well! XD
Etan and Daren are seriously slick in those corporate suits. XD Draco and Viera look like they'd make as a good a couple as we all know they are; great to see them!
I may have to do more with Mary while I have the chance...
Nick and Nick would hate each other though (according to you at least)
Here's to seeing what she is capable of! (Secretly wishing that no matter what, Nick can kick her ass if need be)
Oh, I almost forgot about this :^
And Gren nasty for farting like that lol.
Somehow I think that Nick would punch Robert after Tezoth does, and then pass it off as 'following the crowd' XP
My Nick reminds me of those VERY over protective parents; he and your Nick would bump heads but eventually, the dust would settle and all would be good.
I've got my plans.
Whoa, wait-Nick wants to kick my Emily's ass?!
Nick IS over protective of Lyra, wait until the next story and you will see...
I'm only thinking ahead my friend, Nick admires Emily too much to lay a finger on her
Good grief! Went back and read the chapter where things first kick off and it's definitely worth it - these three chapters have a real flow and grip to them! As for Mirah, I can't exactly remember her name from all those chapters back but hopefully I can remember enough: was there her and another fully fledged vampire looking after the children, some of which spoke French? Did Ash and Franklin escape by burning that wooden house they were all in, when the vampires took them out on a journey? Ah, hopefully I'm remembering correctly!
Still, Mirah will have a fight on her hands if she thinks she can take on Harmony's children (I know they're older now but they'll always be Harmony's first children ^_^) and Franklin, though the revelation about how Mirah came about her powers is surprising! Ties the characters together nicely, though. Great stuff!
Not bad! You certainly know your way around in creating these steamy romance chapters, instead of detailing it in the most generic way possible - I totally mean it in a good way, by the way. XP
I can only imagine....Hopefully nothing TOO bad.
Oh whew! -wipes brow- Had me scared there for a minute! XD Nah, Emily and Nick are BFF's. -fist bump-
Very nice, Draco and Etan are definitely looking swagger. XD
I know better than to add TOO much. XD I'd be chased out with torches! Glad it was enough.
And much appreciation, man. 
He's kinda mean, but in his mind it's for the best (and in a way, he is right in the end)
I'm just imagining if push comes to shove; you think I wanted to have Nick face Harmony ever? XP
Nick is relentless, if someone starts on him then he will do whatever it takes to finish it.
That would be a bad moment for any cat to be walking past that window. :P
This was another fun read! Not entirely sure why but I often crack up laughing when reading how you make Percy and now Cindy speak, in a very good way.
Ahh, Gren and the duck; think I prefer this Drunk Gren to the aggressive Drunk Gren, but, hey! They both have their perks. Poor Robert with those wings - they'll probably taste more satisfying now he's gotten them himself, at least. :P
Hope the days are good to you from here on, dude.
You're remembering exactly correctly! (To be honest, I had to look back myself; There was a confusion with names and I had to make sure her name was Mirah XD) But yeah, there was the french girls and the burning house and the escape and what not! I believe it's on page 80-something, but I could be wrong XD
Glad you like it all! I started writing the first chapter of this whole debacle on a whim, and the more I roll with it, the more detailed I seem to be writing and the more I'm enjoying writing it as well. More to come later today, if not, tomorrow (assuming I won't be exhausted by the end of the day XD)
It is going pretty good thanks! I'm back in my dorm once again!
Hope your day is great as well!
I will hopefully have the next part up tonight!
It was both. :P
Go to bed early? What is this nonsense you speak of? XD
Anyhow, I honestly didn't expect to see Mirah again, as I forgot who she was until you explained below. I guess Frank's past is starting to haunt him in a sense, eh?
The end cliffhanger was pretty badass too, love stuff like that! Ash is so hardcore. :P
Robert, was known at as the crown prince of pranks at FableTown High. He was crowned that title during his sophomore year during his prank fest. During the school dance Robert used magic he bought to school from home which made everyone naked for the whole day. He also lead a raid on the girls locker room the following month followed by getting Mr. Weasel drunk by slipping Vodka into his many cups of tea.. It's a mystery how Mr. Weasel couldn't tell the difference.
Of course he got in trouble, and of course he continued to prank, it was just his thing and he had to live up to his name. Now during this year, Robert has bigger plans in store..
The bell for the next class was about to ring any moment, any.... moment right.. DING. Robert was the first one out of classroom. As the horde of student's flood the hallways Robert put on his trusty beats headsets that he got from Mr. Tezoth on. He put on one of his favorite tracks and started singing the lyrics out loud in an comical way.
“When your feeling ain't the same and your body don't want to
But you know gotta let it go cause the party ain't jumpin' like it used to
Even though this might bruise you
Let it burn!
Let it burn!
Gotta let it burn!
Deep down you know it's best for yourself but you
Hate the thought of her being with someone else
But you know that it's over
You know that it was through
Let it burn!
Let it burn!
Gotta let it burn!”
Then he finally arrives at his destination in the courtyard, he rides over on his skateboard to meet the girl known as Ashlyn, who he occasionally flirt with.
Meanwhile, Tezoth is just flying in from a another supply pick up from the Mundy world. This he brought with him some school utensils, a couple tablets, and some expensive headset, beats. He takes the goodies to his stash in his office and upon entering, Rose Red is setting there in at his desk waiting for him as it seems.
“Whoa, Rose Bud you startled me..!”
“Lies, Tez... and what has my dragon snatched up this time?”
“Well, I guess I can tell you since you aren't mad. I brought some...”
Out of no where Principle Etan appears and gracefully takes a pear of beats from his the box of goodies Tez brought back. He firmly places them onto his head a plugs the cord into his iphone and begins to listening to tunes.
“Ahh, I always wanted a pair of these. Excellent work Mr. Tezoth, and by the way are we all stilling going out tonight? I think Nick could use a drink or two..”
“That's the plan Mr. Etan, me and Rose are already on board..”
“Splendid, now excuse me. I have paper work to attend to.”
Mr. Etan leaves office, then Tezoth remarks on how Etan is one the most coolest and sophisticated principle in school history. Then Rose pushes him onto his desk and climbs on top of him..
Back on the field, Ella finally introduces Dan to Nick. She warns him that Nick can come off as aggressive and cocky, for reasons of course, but Dan mentions he find with that because he have to deal with his older brothers from time to time.
Marcelo flies in from his flight training and changes back from dragon to human, he just lost a race with Rasputin, the teams head captain. Coach Nick was watching the flight training and he notice how clumsy Marcelo was during the obstacle course and begins to scream at him.
Marcelo walks over toward the water cooler and drinks several cups of water, then Rasputin walks by and whispers “Puny Dragon” over Marcelo's shoulder. Before Marcel could punch Rasputin, he is stopped by Ella before he could get himself in trouble. “It's not worth it, Marcelo.” she says as she and Dan walk away.
“Hey, Nick. I got someone to introduce you to. This is-”
“Ella, you're late. AGAIN. You realize, you have to run 30 laps.. for your insolence..”
“Fine by me, coach. I'll run 50. Now, allow me introduce you to Dan. He's new here and would like to try up for the league.”
“Is that so? Unfortunately, we have enough weaklings on the team as of now and tryouts are closed. However, I can make an arrangement.. RASPUTIN, bring me two swords, pronto!”
Rasputin brings over the two swords, and Nick takes one and hands it to Dan. It seems Nick want to test Dan's sword play to see if he was the kind of fighter he was looking for.
“Here, take this uhh Dan. Let's see how good you are with the sword. You will face Rasputin in.... MORTAL KOMBAT!”
“Nick, really?”
“I'm just joking Ella. Rasputin is one of our best fighters here. He's a moron, he's cocky, he's stoic. Which is why he is the captain, so now Dan. Let's see if you qualify.... FIGHT!”
Nick slams his large fist onto the bell and then Rasputin prepares to strike and Dan tries to hold his ground and tries not to get butchered on his first day of school...
Hope you enjoyed 8)
Yes. This is SO that awesome and loveable Grendel we've all come to know.
I swear, Weasel! XD Poor guy but he seems so chill about it all. Mr. Weasel He just WANTED to have a little sippy sip. 
Damn. And Rasputin and Ella are boss with Coach Nick's class. XD Great job, man! This is coming out great!
Oh man this was awesome!
I always like seeing everyone's Fables in one story it's always interesting. With Ellas power she got from Luke 50 laps will be too easy XD Glad she's helping everyone out too. Can't wait for more of this!