Robert was satisfied with the current situation at hand. On one side, his dear brother was drunk, slurring his words and singing some silly … moresong from a previous Beer commercial. His wife Emily was tending to the babies as he continued to poorly, yet entertaining, sing the lyrics. Georgie was mad. Like, ridiculously mad. So mad, in fact, he tossed a nearby lamp out the window. The Patriots were up by fourteen points. His cheese hat sat crookedly on his head.
"You alright there, Porgie?"
A middle finger and an empty bowl of popcorn flew in Robert's direction. Robert managed to avoid the glass bowl and watched it tumble beside Catherine. Mikhail found this as his cue to head into the kitchen and get more snacks. He was down to his final Jalapeno popper and Catherine was dying to try the potato salad Mary and Junior brought.
On the other side of Robert, Harmony and Tim cuddled on the couch and watched the game. She couldn't wait for the … [view original content]
Oh man this was awesome! I always like seeing everyone's Fables in one story it's always interesting. With Ellas power she got from Luke 50 laps will be too easy XD Glad she's helping everyone out too. Can't wait for more of this!
Then Rose pushes him onto his desk and climbs on top of him..
During the school dance Robert used magic he bought to school f… morerom home which made everyone naked for the whole day.
Yes. This is SO that awesome and loveable Grendel we've all come to know. I swear, Weasel! XD Poor guy but he seems so chill about it all. Mr. Weasel He just WANTED to have a little sippy sip.
Damn. And Rasputin and Ella are boss with Coach Nick's class. XD Great job, man! This is coming out great!
'You're a song, written by the hands of God...'
Peter never left his sister's home. This may have sounded a bit odd to others but Emily u… morenderstood. The Sheriff wanted to keep an eye out for Gren. He'd been known to fall deep into a desperate state and commit acts that either sent him to Swineheart or in jail. He and Emily knew this wouldn't happen; with herself and now the kids, Gren felt no need. But centuries of wound healing is difficult to forget in a single year.
Slumped on the couch, Peter scanned through a PEOPLE article and laughed at the celebrities complaining about their multi-million dollar mansions and the lack of a Bowling alley in the basement. Flipping through the photos, Nick floats impatiently beside Peter.
"So, are we playing slumber party tonight?"
"Peter, this is ridiculous! Emily AND Gren don't need you to be here! And besides, Ethan-"
"-Is a big boy, Nick. He can take care of himself. I aready c… [view original content]
Robert was satisfied with the current situation at hand. On one side, his dear brother was drunk, slurring his words and singing some silly … moresong from a previous Beer commercial. His wife Emily was tending to the babies as he continued to poorly, yet entertaining, sing the lyrics. Georgie was mad. Like, ridiculously mad. So mad, in fact, he tossed a nearby lamp out the window. The Patriots were up by fourteen points. His cheese hat sat crookedly on his head.
"You alright there, Porgie?"
A middle finger and an empty bowl of popcorn flew in Robert's direction. Robert managed to avoid the glass bowl and watched it tumble beside Catherine. Mikhail found this as his cue to head into the kitchen and get more snacks. He was down to his final Jalapeno popper and Catherine was dying to try the potato salad Mary and Junior brought.
On the other side of Robert, Harmony and Tim cuddled on the couch and watched the game. She couldn't wait for the … [view original content]
Holy shit, Rose and my Tez have desk sex - just like that? Me likey. XD
But seriously though, great job. It's interesting to see how Tez is praising Etan as the best principal ever, haha. And the drinks with him and Nick too, can't wait to see how that turns out!
Robert, was known at as the crown prince of pranks at FableTown High. He was crowned that title during his sophomore year during… more his prank fest. During the school dance Robert used magic he bought to school from home which made everyone naked for the whole day. He also lead a raid on the girls locker room the following month followed by getting Mr. Weasel drunk by slipping Vodka into his many cups of tea.. It's a mystery how Mr. Weasel couldn't tell the difference.
Of course he got in trouble, and of course he continued to prank, it was just his thing and he had to live up to his name. Now during this year, Robert has bigger plans in store..
The bell for the next class was about to ring any moment, any.... moment right.. DING. Robert was the first one out of classroom. As the horde of student's flood the hallways Robert put on his trusty beats headsets that he got from Mr. Tezoth on. He put on one of his favorite tracks and … [view original content]
Not like she used to; the mark on her arm allows her to travel but she lost all her powers and ability to turn into her 'true' form. Basically, its a door to her; Junior is the one with the control and power.
I have an idea for these two. Right now, just two people who really care for one another.
And yes it is; I described it for a brief moment, like, two or three chaps back about Emily's connection to the bow. It will become more powerful, as the chapters go on.
Mary can still go through glass surfaces and such? I thought she lost her powers back when Junior took her place?
Glad to see Mary again … moreas usual. Her convo's never cease to amuse me. ;D
And the end: I secretly ship Ethan and Michelle together - ah, probably too soon to start thinking that. XD
Is the pic below a sign of things to come with Emily?
Not like she used to; the mark on her arm allows her to travel but she lost all her powers and ability to turn into her 'true' form. Basical… morely, its a door to her; Junior is the one with the control and power.
I have an idea for these two. Right now, just two people who really care for one another.
And yes it is; I described it for a brief moment, like, two or three chaps back about Emily's connection to the bow. It will become more powerful, as the chapters go on.
I just couldn't take that away from her. Yeah, she lost all the fun to it but it broke my heart to shreds knowing she couldn't join her beloved Junior in the mirror. XD
I knew she can't turn into her shard form anymore, I just didn't know she could still go through glass. Still, pretty kickass if you ask me… more!
That's fine, I like slow friend/relationships anyway!
Cool! All I gotta do is wait and let the magic happen again, lol.
Rose and Harm seem like they would. Harmony would eventually stop but Rose will forever go on. lol
T man KNEW there would be, um...awkward moments, seeing as Robert is there and the party is at Georgie and Lyla's home. XD BUT, he'll get his in the end.
Oh jeez, all of a sudden 'sex punishments' are the conversation topic for the super bowl party. Nice going, Rose. XD XD
I'm shocked Harmo… moreny is actually continuing to converse about it with her aunt, too! :O
My Tez, oh man, I bet everything didn't turn out as 'normal' as he'd expect this party to be - everything has been so awkward so far!
Oh man I've been waiting for this one! Awesome job as usual JJ! I'm surprised Catherine hasn't punched anyone yet just to start a fight! XD
And like Pie said you're among friends, we'll do our best to help anyway we can man!
LMFAO I loved this beyond words itself. I wanted to let you know, I'm here for you. Stop avoiding me and let me help. We're pals, man. You'… morere among friends here. Don't be afraid....
Anyways, Sheila. My precious Sheila. Too much like Mary. Freaking Rose, too. Poor T man! I bet his face was just as red as Harm's was. XD XD Georgie and Lyla. I love these two beyond anything. Him throwing a fit is too fun NOT to picture. I'm seriously waiting for either Nick or T man to just blow up and punch Robert in the face. Or even Catherine. Gotta watch the quiet ones.....XD XD lol Katy Perry is the bomb!
Percy and his usual charming self. And Draco, man! Great, dude. I was wondering when you'd be writing this again. Well worth the wait.
EDIT: This is Gren's face when he mentioned he farted!
^^This. Right here. XDXD
Damn, Robert. Thug life! XD And T man with Rose! 9_6 DAMN! lol
nick's class is indeed something Robert would avoid. Rasputin and Ella, along with Dan are quite the entertainmet during Gym class. Also, Marcelo is about to explode the next time Rasputin is around. Great work, stone!
Robert, was known at as the crown prince of pranks at FableTown High. He was crowned that title during his sophomore year during… more his prank fest. During the school dance Robert used magic he bought to school from home which made everyone naked for the whole day. He also lead a raid on the girls locker room the following month followed by getting Mr. Weasel drunk by slipping Vodka into his many cups of tea.. It's a mystery how Mr. Weasel couldn't tell the difference.
Of course he got in trouble, and of course he continued to prank, it was just his thing and he had to live up to his name. Now during this year, Robert has bigger plans in store..
The bell for the next class was about to ring any moment, any.... moment right.. DING. Robert was the first one out of classroom. As the horde of student's flood the hallways Robert put on his trusty beats headsets that he got from Mr. Tezoth on. He put on one of his favorite tracks and … [view original content]
Your portrayal of Nick is perfect! He is quite literally the military drill commander on a bad day that no one wants to have yelling at them, you've captured him well XD
Robert, was known at as the crown prince of pranks at FableTown High. He was crowned that title during his sophomore year during… more his prank fest. During the school dance Robert used magic he bought to school from home which made everyone naked for the whole day. He also lead a raid on the girls locker room the following month followed by getting Mr. Weasel drunk by slipping Vodka into his many cups of tea.. It's a mystery how Mr. Weasel couldn't tell the difference.
Of course he got in trouble, and of course he continued to prank, it was just his thing and he had to live up to his name. Now during this year, Robert has bigger plans in store..
The bell for the next class was about to ring any moment, any.... moment right.. DING. Robert was the first one out of classroom. As the horde of student's flood the hallways Robert put on his trusty beats headsets that he got from Mr. Tezoth on. He put on one of his favorite tracks and … [view original content]
Holy shit, Rose and my Tez have desk sex - just like that? Me likey. XD
But seriously though, great job. It's interesting to see how Tez … moreis praising Etan as the best principal ever, haha. And the drinks with him and Nick too, can't wait to see how that turns out!
Robert had to get away. The thoughts of fighting his brother never left; he was having a difficult time erasing his father's words and seeing his own brother toss the dismembered body part into the fire. He could still hear the crackling of scales and charred bones. The powerful aroma of burning tissue and blood. Robert had no knowledge of his brother ever attempting something this dramatic. Gren was weak. Yet, there he was. Proving to everyone, including himself, that he was strong. Gren was no longer the weaker one. Robert noticed the tiny grin growing on his father's face the second the useless body part landed on the burning embers.
Robert was challenged. Despite the two agreeing neither wanted it, the thought of holding his father's place grew in Gren's eyes. Since his family and the love for the once troubled Porgie girl, Gren was determined. And with determination, retaliation was not too far behind. Robert found himself near a cart located on the corner of King street; the street vendor watched this towering man hustle behind the shadows, pant like a dog under the sun's heat and cover his face in shame. The longer Robert closed his eyes, the more vivid the image was.
Teeth sinking into Gren's neck. The blood dripping down his mouth and staining his shirt. Tearing off his brother's head and throwing it into the glades. Where he should have been his entire life. Face hidden and life as a miserable roach. The fight felt real against Robert's hands. Throwing his palms against a brick wall, robert lets out a growl and stomps his feet. Stay calm, he thought, looking down at his hands. Calm're better then this.
Robert loved his brother. He cared deeply for the younger boy, the runt of the boys and the weaker one of them all. He too was torn when his father sent Gren away after the inccident at Mead Hall, fight with Beowulf and their mother's death. Sadly, Robert did not have his own voice. It belonged to Thomas. Like his father, he turned Grendel away but longed to see his brother once more and apologies for his decisions all those centuries ago. Robert truly wanted a relationship.
But centuries of built in compulsion can be ignored for only so long. Robert could recall the moment he began to feel the loathe for his brother. It was the instant Gren handed the bow over to Emily Porgie, that these fierce feelings of hate began to grow. From there on, things drastically changed. Robert felt challenged and cornered.
He once again attempted to ignore these foul thoughts; Robert did not wish to bring harm to Gren or those in contact with him. All he wanted was the bond the brothers once had back in the Homelands. Before they were labled and created as 'monsters'. Before Beowulf and the night Gren was cast away. Years of pent up anger caused Robert sleepless nights. The nightmares and vile images of his brother's deceased corpse; bits of flesh dangling from Robert's teeth, blood on his hands and claws and the title of Alpha forever imbedded into Robert's name. He was a leader. A provider. An Alpha.
The dreams all began the same. On a cliff, near the forest and far away from any mundy or form of life in Fabletown. The brothers would battle, tumble around the forest floor for some time and wind up on the edge, inches from plummeting to their deaths on the sharp rocks below. Gren always had the upper hand. He'd have the exact glimmer of hope in his eyes until the young woman appears. The same young woman with long, jet black hair, pale skin and blue dress. She looked identical to Georgie. Nothing ever changed.
"Emily..." Robert was begining to wonder. "Could...but why are you....what were you doing in my dreams?"
Each time she'd beg both to stop. Tears forming in her eyes, arms out and pleading for mercy. robert never obeyed; with a single slash of his hand, Gren's head was swung clean off from his body and rolling until it stops at the base of a tree. Robert's entire body covered in blood; wrath enveloping his thoughts and spirit, as he heads over to what he know assumed was Emily Porgie. Robert, still in true form, pins Emily to a nearby rock and chuckles. The same menacing laugh after every kill to Gren.
Robert immediatly opens his eyes. In front, the brick wall. On one side, a chain linked fence. To the left, the busy streets of New York. Robert shakes his head. He despised the next part. Robert always managed to wake up JUST before it went too far.
"Why..." Robert presses his head to the wall. "WHY you? I don't....I don't fucking want to HURT Gren!"
The secret side of Robert, the emotions caged in for so long, could not be contianed. It was awake and Robert could not control it. Despite all actions, he could not ignore instincts. And neither could his brother. soon, they'd meet up again...Robert, however, pauses to sniff the air. Between the thick stench of trash, pollution and grease, it was there-Strawberries. Freshly picked. Ripe and juicy. Robert looked around; the honking of the cars grew louder and echoed in the cold, lonely alley.
"Hello?" Robert continues to sniff. " someone there-"
A nearby can is crushed beneath an unknow heel. The woman with red hair and devilish smile approaches Robert without any further hesitation. Robert is surprised by her sudden appearance.
"You!" Robert growls and lowers his face. "The fuck you doing here, you-"
The mysterious woman blows a cloud of green dust into Robert's face. Robert inhales and becomes still. His eyes briefly change to white, then returns to their original blue. The redhaired woman traces her fingers along robert's broad shoulders.
She giggles. "Long time no see, Robert. My you are still so, be a good swamp beast and listen to me. Your TRUE feelings for Gren are to remain dormant for the next few years. Wait until he feels safe and secure with your new 'change' and allow you into his world. When the times comes, I'll return for you..."
"Gren..." Robert repeats his brother's name. "Gren....Gren..."
"Yes. Gren." The woman pats Robert's face. "Poor, foolish Gren. Always one to fall for a pretty face. The arm was not the source of his weakness. No. That was a mere show for you all to witness his TRUE power within. His weakness lies in the form of a Porgie."
The nightmares. The terrible images. Emily. "Gren....weakness...Emily..."
"Good boy, Robert. That's right. Now, when the time comes, you shall kill and destroy Emily. Gren will become a pitiful worm that I and you can crush between our hands. Once he's gone, you can take his place and BE the alpha you were bred to become!"
"Don't worry about me, Robert dear." The red haired woman takes out a picture. "I have my OWN reasons. Now, I'll count to three. Once you're awake, all this silly nonsense will be nothing but a bad dream. You'll forget about the feud, as will Gren...until I need you, that is..."
The woman counts and after three, Robert awakes from the trance. He says not a single word; it was if the woman was not there and she watches him climb into a cab and drive away. The woman holds the image up of Gren, Emily and the quads.
"Mark my words, Grendel. I WILL have my revenge. You and that sorry excuse...."
Grendel & Emily's home. Minutes after the inccident in the alley....
Gren stood near the sink. He felt retched. His mind was clouded. Peter, trying to place the babies in their bassinets, noticed Gren's behavior. Gren swayed, pants and sweat forms around his brow.
"Gren?" Peter immediatly heads for Gren. "Gren? Gren...GREN! Look at me..."
"I need....water. Peter....water..."
Peter snatches a glass and tries to collect cool water from the faucet. In seconds, Gren lays on the kitchen floor, panting and trying to regain concious. Peter collects Gren and feels his forehead. Clamy and carpeted in sweat. Both his eyes are sunk in and milky.
"Gren! What the fuck!?" Peter looks around. "VIVIAN! VIVIAN! I know you're here! VIVIAN! Look at me, Gren...LOOK at me!"
"My head...fuck..."
Gren's memories of the homelands returned. Robert. His mother. All of it. Reaching for the ceiling, Gren smiles and closes his eyes.
'That moment you think you knew a person until you notice you're completly wrong about them.'
Days turn to weeks and weeks into months. Life goes on....
"Emily!" Lyla, holding a cake decorated with Bees, runs down the hall and searches each room. "Amelia! God...sweetie, where are you!?"
Lyla, running in her red pumps and wearing a light yellow dress, enters the kitchen. Mary, Penelope, Katie and Vivian all glance over at the woman holding one of many cakes. Lyla nearly runs into several balloons on the floor. Streamers float against the early spring winds and several party hats tumble to the ground and roll beside the oven.
"Where is Emily? I swear that girl would lose her freaking head if it wasn't attached to her body!"
Mary points. "In the living room with Georgie. He and the boys are setting up the tables and-"
"Thank you!" Lyla runs out of the room, her thanks you's echoing down the hall. Mary chuckles and takes out the final cake. "Your mom is weird."
"Yeah but, you gotta love her." Katie picks up a tub of pink frosting. "You would think this was HER children's birthday party."
"I remember like it happened yesterday. She was the same way with you kids...."
Penelope, placing a number one on a finished cake, peeks over and beams. "Yeah. Like YOU were, too."
Mary tosses a towel at Penelope, nearly missing the cake. "Oh hush! You too! Johann was worse, though."
Penny agrees. "I love that man but he makes things more complicated then it seems. I mean, look at Emily-they are turning ONE, not sixteen! They are not going to remember all of this!"
"It's Gren, too."
"Gren." Penny picks up the towel and wipes her hands. "Did you see what he has out in the back-a bounce house?"
"Well, they DO have older cousins, Penelope. He was just trying to-"
"Are your girls going to be in there?"
"Are you kidding me!?" Katie licks her thumb. "They were practically in there before the guys had it blown up. Jersey had to go in there and-CRASH!POW!CRASH!
All the women look up; Mary tries to control her laughter. she already knows what took place. Someone dropped something and she was waiting for either Georgie, Lyla or Emily to throw the 'F' bombs. In her head, Mary counts down; a cool mist floats past her, as Vivian hurries towards the front. Mary slaps the wall.
"Hey, blondie-tell me who it was. My money is on John, that old fart."
Katie slaps Mary's back. "Really? Be nice."
Vivian rolls her eyes. "Sure thing, Mary....sure thing..."
Vivian enters the living room and finds a table on its back, with the legs in the air. Jersey and John, along with Robert and Junior, attempt one final try to place the object on the floor. As the men did so, Gren, RJ and Ethan begin to unfold the chairs. Peter, running in from outside, points to the grass.
"Do you want me to add the tables or-"
Gren picks up a box. "Here. Start decorating the ones out there already. Scatter the different themes. Don't make just ONE table animal or pink or whatever."
"Want balloons too?"
Gren nods. "There should be some in the kitchen, right Emily?"
"Yes, yes." She was worried about the table and her family. "Just....grab them, Peter."
Lyla tries to calm her daughter down. "Sweetie....this is wonderful and all but we really didn't need ALL this and-"
"Mum, please." Emily attempts to remain calm and collected. "I KNOW they ain't gunna remember this but WE all will. I want this ta' be a celebration."
"Alright alright. I just-"
"KATHERINE!" Emily bellows for her sister. "Get in 'ere, please!"
Within seconds, Katie runs into the room. Her red dress covered in an apron to avoid getting cake or frosting on it. "Yes Emily?"
"Are the cakes done yet?"
Before Katie could answer, Georgie jumps back and allows another table to crash to the ground. "AH fa' fook's sakes!"
"Georgie!" Lyla folds her arms. "Baby, I love you but let them do this, please!"
"I fookin' got this, love! Go back and-"
"Dad, stop!" Emily stomps her foot. "I'll go get Peter if ya' boys need him but get outta the way! Ya' be too fookin' skinny ta' move these things and-"
Jersey chuckles. "What your wife and daughter are saying are, get your scrawny fuckin' British ass outta the way so the MEN can set this up and-"
Junior takes a shard of glass and pokes Jersey with it. "Hey-watch it, Rudolph from hell..."
"Shit, Junior!" Jersey rubs his arm. "That shit fuckin' hurts! The hell! It burns!"
Emily holds out her hands. "ALRIGHT! Fookin' listen up! Dad-go help Peter with the decorations. Mum, place the finished cakes on the tables WITH decorations. The boys will finish up here. Gren, Ethan and RJ are almost done here...I'll go upstairs and join Holly and Michelle while we get the babies ready and the rest-fookin' find SOMETHING-ANYTHING-ta' do until this thing begins! Let's go, chop chop!"
Like roaches from the light, everyone scatters to their assigned locations. Emily's sisters, along with Lyla, Mary and Vivian finish up with the cakes. Georgie, mumbling to himself, joins his son out in the backyard. Emily, sighing heavily, kisses Gren and heads up to the her bedroom. Holly and Michelle, finished bathing the last girl, begin the preperations for their attire. Emily had everything set up; the girls would each wear a pink dress, matching bows and simple slip on shoes. Liam would wear a nice, casual outfit and hair carefully styled like Gren. Michelle, holding up Seraphina, shows off the final product.
"Ta-da! Look, mommy! A happy, clean and dressed birthday baby!"
Seraphina reaches for Emily. "Mama! Mama!"
Emily grabs her daughter. "Oh my sweet little pumpkin. Look at ya'-so pretty and squeaky clean, too."
Holly chuckles. "She was the easy one. Viviana was being a little brat and floated nearly towards the shower head. Little sneaky thing."
"Viviana!" Emily grabs the dress and places her in it. "Baby, no no. Be nice and listen."
"Bluuurb, pfffbtt, mama." Viviana lays back into the soft bed. "Mama."
"Yes, baby but ya' need ta' behave ta'day. It's ya' birthdays! My babies are turning one today. the time flew."
Another baby, in a pink bassinet, screeches and wails. Holly wipes her hands and hands Liam to Michelle. "Alright. Time for me to take on mommy duty now."
Holly reaches into the bassinet and pulls out a little wolf pup with an enormous pink bow on her head. Pulling her shirt up and placing Lily beneath her breast, the baby girl begins to nurse and immediatly goes quiet. Only sounds are the quads laughing and Michelle singing to Liam.
"How she been doin'? Nursing alright?"
Holly pats Lily on the bottom. "Oh there was no trouble getting her to nurse. It's the sleeping. She GETS it but the other night, she just refused to sleep a full couple of hours. I'm taking her to Swineheart if it continues."
"Erica was like that." Michelle adds a clip on tie to Liam's outfit. "She would sleep for two, wake up and BE awake. Doctor said I needed to get her into a routine. A schedule."
"Viviana and Chloe were like that, too. Drove Gren insane fa' a bit."
Holly nods. "I THINK that might be it. I know that's what your mom was saying, too. Snow mentioned gas but she's not bloated or anything. Lily eats without any troubles and goes to the bathroom alright."
"There." Michelle taps Liam's nose. "All done, our little mini-Gren."
Holly glances over at Emily. "So, is Thomas going to be here or-"
"He's on his way." Emily holds both Seraphina and Chloe. "He wanted ta' be 'ere before..."
"He's not doing so well, is he?"
Emily shakes her head. "Any day now. He's weak. Can't eat much. Sleeps all the time. I know Gren and Robert were ova' there the other day and spent all afternoon with Thomas. I....I've neva'seen Gren so bloody worried 'bout his own father before."
"He and Robert get along now or-"
"It's weird, Holly." Emily places Chloe and Seraphina on the bed. The girls, along with Chloe and Liam, play. "It's like....all of Gren and Robert's bullshit went away ova' night. Ya' seen 'em. Best of bloody friends those two."
"Well, perhaps they KNEW this wasn't worth the fights. You said it yourseilf neither wanted it and just wanted to mend their relationship."
"True." Emily plays with a strand of her hair. "I don't know...seemed too easy, though...."
Suddenly, the women heard sets of feet and laughter outside their door. It flew open, slamming into the wall. Five cubs fly into the bedroom and circle Holly; a red haired child tickles Lily's chin and when the baby looks up, the little girl smiles.
"Hi, Lily." She grabs the baby's hand. "OH, she's so little!"
"Let me see, let me see!" Another little girl, one with black hair in pigtails, peeks over the blanket. "She looks like a piggy. She's all pink, Holly!"
"Is she sleeping?"
"She just had her lunch and now, it will be time for her to get dressed and go to the party, too. My. You girls look beautiful today."
"Thank you!" Both spin in their dresses. "Mommy picked these out for us! Therese has one JUST like this, too and-"
"Alright girls." A young blonde woman, appearing to be in her teens, knocks on the doorway. "C'mon. Let Holly and the others get things ready. Go downstairs. Peter is there and did you see the bounce house?"
Two little boys look up. "A bounce house, Therese!?"
"Yes Connor. Take Ambrose with you and go outside. Bug Peter for a bit. YOU girls go, too. Blossom, take Winter and-"
"We know, we know." Blossom grabs her sister's hand. "See you outside!"
Within seconds, all the cubs fly out and back outside. Therese giggles and looks over at the women.
"Happy birthday, babies." Threse pulls out four little gifts. "These are from the toys in Toyland. They wanted me to give you these."
"Thank ya', Therese. Ya' mum here, too?"
"She's speaking to Peter and the others. My, Emily. You and Grendel really went all out for their first. It looks well put together."
"Thank ya'." Emily sticks her tongue out at the other two. "I thought so, too."
Therese picks up Chloe and plays with the little Wolf cub. Fascinated by her hair, Chloe tries to grab a chunk and yank down. Quick on her feet, Therese manages to swing back and avoid her little paw. Emily stands up and looks out the window. Several more guests were arriving; she watched Snow's children play with Jersey and Katie's girls. Connor and Ambrose, wearing pirate hats, ran after George near the sandbox. Emily noticed Gren and Robert placing plates on the table and her mother, along with her sisters and Vivian, add the four cakes to the table.
"Well, shall we go, ladies?"
All four of the women, each holding a baby, heads down the stairs and out to the back. Emily clings onto her daughters; Viviana, allowed only for today, floats beside her mother and giggles at all the pink and pretty decorations.
"Here we go, babies." Emily tries not to cry, as Gren joins her. "Time fa' ya' birthday party!"
Any questions, you know the drill. If this seems confusing, I'll explain. I went ahead and well into the quad's 1st birthday. Why? Because I don't want to drag on with the material that is not needed. The wedding between Gren and Emily WILL happen but I want to cover a lot in these chapters and did not want to bore or drag on too much. I want to cover more on Gremily's relationship and the quads as well; not to mention Ethan and Michelle, too.
Down town
Robert had to get away. The thoughts of fighting his brother never left; he was having a difficult time erasing his father's wo… morerds and seeing his own brother toss the dismembered body part into the fire. He could still hear the crackling of scales and charred bones. The powerful aroma of burning tissue and blood. Robert had no knowledge of his brother ever attempting something this dramatic. Gren was weak. Yet, there he was. Proving to everyone, including himself, that he was strong. Gren was no longer the weaker one. Robert noticed the tiny grin growing on his father's face the second the useless body part landed on the burning embers.
Robert was challenged. Despite the two agreeing neither wanted it, the thought of holding his father's place grew in Gren's eyes. Since his family and the love for the once troubled Porgie girl, Gren was determined. And with determination, retaliation was not too far behind. Robert found himsel… [view original content]
'I'm on the top of the world, looking down on creation and the only explanation I can find, is the love that I found, ever since you came around, your love has put me ontop of the world.'
It had been a long day. Georgie, sitting in his chair, looked on the stage. All he could see was her image; the beautiful woman with shoulder length chestnut hair, wearing a sparkling pink bikini, twirling on the pole. Her glares at Georgie, as he sat back and watched. Lyla's seductive hips swaying in circles, her mountains of flesh bouncing with each step she took. She was gorgeous in his eyes. Georgie had never encountered such beauty before like this. Beauty like this were created for the rich, the Gods and those with power. Nothing like this was ever meant for him.
Even as he stared onto the empty stage, lights glimmering all around, there she was. Lyla was different. Georgie had noticed her stricking personality and way she carried herself. Lyla was not afraid of a challenge, nor was she one to back down from a fight. He'd watched her grow from a young girl into this marvelous creature with stunning amber eyes and a body that Georgie swore was sculpted from the clouds in Heaven themselves.
Georgie knew Lyla, even before she was conceived. He was told of her forecoming and the chance she'd hand over to him the minute their hearts connected as one. Georgie, a lonely, desperate strip club owner had nothing in this world. He lost it all to a foolish choice and terrible games he used to play. It cost him the one person he thought he could trust, the lives of countless others and his freedom. Georgie's reputation wasn't the best but now, it was torn and pulled left and right by all the Fables in this town. They all hissed and cast him off into the darkness. But never Lyla. Even after all the rumors, truths and stories she heard, Lyla never questioned Georgie's love.
She never looked at him, the way this town did. Even as she danced on stage, her thoughts remained the same. Rubbing his forehead with his thumb, Georgie tried to ignore the headache growing on the right side. He had not slept in days since her arrival to the club. Georgie, certain she had forgotten about him, managed to find her way to the Pudding n' Pie. Their encounter, however, was as if they'd just spoken the night before. There was nothing strange or uncomfortable.
Georgie was sure he'd lost her forever. One day, they were having long conversations either on the phone or walks in the park. Georgie loved taking Lyla to dinners and spending hours having something 'normal' in his life for once. Then, one day, it all ended. She no longer wanted anything to do with Georgie. His world came to a hault; it crumbled to the ground like an old building. His heart shattered into a million little pieces. Georgie, alone once more, faced this world empty. For almost a year, he returned to his old ways.
Cocaine was his drug of choice. Whiskey was his sleeping pill. Old country songs the lullaby Georgie used to mask the pain. Remove all the memories he had of Lyla. How could be? He was told this was the woman that would rescue him from the clutches of the dark. From himself...
Behind Georgie, he could hear Hans sweeping the floors. It would be closing time soon. He was waiting on Lyla. Like he'd done before and always would.
Georgie tried to remove the night he received the news of Lyla. John, her father, was the one to hand it to him. He too, seemed distraught and hurt by this. It would be years later Georgie would find out the real reason behind Lyla's sudden change of heart. The Wolf Council and John's concern for his daughter's well-being. He was doing it to protect her. But John had no idea what is would have done to not only Georgie but his daughter as well.
Georgie, still sitting in his chair, hated thinking about certain things. But every so often, he played the plan B of his life, should Lyla have stayed away forever. She'd eventually get married to a Wolf named Malcom; he was second in charge and was John's 'wing man' as he reffered to Malcom at times. They have a ceremony and eventually, give him strong sons ans beutiful daughters. Georgie, however, would remain alone and in a deep, dark depression. No one could save him; Hans' attempts failed, his guardian Nick knew of Georgie's fate and could not save his long time friend. No one. Lyla was his saving grace. Why did he need to live now? There was no need....
The further Georgie's mind walked into the past, the longer the scar above his belly button burned. this thing was forever a constant reminder but also the connection created between him and Lyla. Without her, Georgie would not be breathing. Eventually, the darkness would envelop his mind, body and spirit. With one final push and ounce of strength, Georgie would kill himself. A single bullet wound to the head and the memories of his long lost love. The minute they placed Georgie in the ground, Lyla was forever gone. She never died physically but a piece of her did go with Georgie that day. She was not the same.
As Georgie continued to think back, Lyla, now wearing black skirt, red top and heels, sneaks around the corner and wraps her arms around Georgie's neck. This sends the club owner leaping in his seat, nearly falling off the chair.
"Aye love!" Georgie adjusts his hat. "Ya' fookin' scared me!"
"I'm sorry, Georgie!" Lyla pops her gum and giggles. "I thought you would hear me coming."
"No, no." Georgie rubs his head. "I was just...thinking."
"About what?" Lyla wraps her arm under Georgie's. "What do you think about, Georgie? I've caught you sitting out her alone and quietly looking out into nothing. Tonight, your mind seemed elsewhere and NOT on my dancing and-"
Georgie and Lyla wave to Hans; Georgie tosses his bouncer the keys and with Lyla, heads upstairs. Georgie lived in a one bedroom apartment just above the club. With a hearty smile, Hans bids the pair a goodnight and continues to clean. Georgie opens the door and switches on the light. Taking off her jacket, Lyla throws it on the couch and heads for the kitchen.
"You hungry?" Lyla opens the fridge. "Let's see-oh, I can make something with these leftover potatos and some Spam. You like Spam, Georgie?"
"I do." Georgie, standing beside Lyla, folds his arms. "Think we got some corn in 'ere, too."
As Lyla took out the canned meat, Georgie watched the beautiful young woman open the top and take out the food. She sliced and added to a hot pain. Without a word, Georgie could see the happiness in her arms. He just stood there and watched; Lyla, careful not to burn the meat, browns it on both sides and places the cooked pieces on a paper plate. The microwave finishes cooking the corn. The beeper goes off, indicating it was complete.
Lyla looks over and smiles, noticing Georgie's glance. "What is it, Georgie?"
"Huh?" Georgie shakes his head. "Woot, love?"
"You." Lyla giggles. "What are you looking at?"
"You." No hesitation. No time. "Always you, love."
"I don't mind that." Georgie could see the color change on her cheeks. "I like it...."
This was the first time Georgie ever heard Lyla admit her approval of his stares. He used to find her beauty irresistable. It nearly drove the man to madness. Insanity. Georgie would lay in bed at night, looking at the walls and picture her beside him. She was always wearing one of his shirts and panties. Nothing more, as the two would silently lay and cuddle. the idea of her presence was enough for Georgie.
"Ya don't mind..."
"No." Lyla adds the final piece to the plate. "I like you, too...."
"Lyla." Georgie grabs her arm. "Don't....don't dance anymore."
"Why? Am I bad or-"
"Fook no, ya' ain't bad, love!" Georgie was shocked by her answer. "Ya' be the best one. I just....don't want ya'...."
The truth was, Georgie didn't want others to see his slice of beauty. If she WAS crafted by the clouds in Heaven like he imagined, Georgie refused to show this to the world. Lyla was his and with that, Georgie refused to allow others to see.
"Don't want ya' up there. I want ya' WITH me....just, not dancin', love."
"Oh." Lyla opens the microwave door. "Like...your partner or-"
"Kinda, yes." Georgie takes the bowl of Corn and places it on the counter. "Like that."
Lyla didn't say a word, as she took a spoon to the Corn. She tossed the little yellow vegetables in some butter and pepper. She was all he saw. Georgie touched Lyla's hand. She paused and looke at the counters before her.
"I remember so much about you, Georgie...."
"I know ya' do, love." Georgie tried to hold back the tears. "I-"
"I remember one year, I was really sick on Halloween. I was so sad. I had my costume and everything. Mom took my sisters out. you came by, with a bag of my favorite candies and we had our own little party. My dad let you stop by. You brought me a sandwich and candy. I got to dress up. Even you did, too."
"I remember that, Lyla."
Lyla stops to wipe a tear. "You stayed all night. We told ghost stories, made candy castles was nice. Just you and me, Georgie."
Georgie grabs Lyla and pulls her close. Glancing down, all he could see were her amber eyes. They glimmered under the lights in the kitchen. She smelled sweetly of flowers and perfume.
"Lyla..." Georgie leans forward, his lips inches from her own. "I'm sorry..."
"You left me." Lyla began to cry. " never came back. Why?"
"Ya' dad told me ya' wanted nuthin' ta' do with me, love." Georgie wipes away the tears. "When he said this and you never returned my calls, I knew it was true..."
"I knew something was wrong. I couldn't....couldn't explain it, Georgie. I missed you. I....I had dreams..."
This was the first time Lyla spoke of that day. Her memories, despite the spell, were still strong. She never did forget about him. Holding Lyla tight against his chest, Georgie rocks Lyla back and forth. Like the many times before. Listening to the beating of his heart, Lyla listens to Georgie hum the familiar tune he used to sing everytime she had a nightmare. Bad dream.
"Ya' raised me up, so I can stand on mountains. Ya' raised me up, ta' walk on stormy seas. I am strong, when I am on your shoulders. Ya' raised me up, ta' more than I can be...."
Lyla looks up. "You remembered, Georgie. How..."
"Lyla, I neva' forgot ya', love. I'd rather spend anotha' 100 years in the dark, then neva' knowing ya'. Ya' made me a betta' man. When ya' came ta' the club, lookin' fa' work..."
"Something in here told me to go to the Pudding n' Pie." She points to her heart. "It felt...right."
"Yeah." Georgie kisses the top of Lyla's head. "It did...."
Georgie leans forward; his lips are met with Lyla's. Like before, the soft, pouty pink lips pressed against his own. They were warm and understanding. Loving. Wrapping his arms around Lyla, Georgie presses her along the fridge, lifts Lyla up and allows her to rest against his stomach. With her legs around his waist, Georgie continues to passionatly kiss the woman of his dreams. The one that gave him hope. A second chance.
"I love you, Lyla."
"Georgie..." Lyla cups his face and glances into his eyes. "I've always loved you..."
Without another word, Georgie carries Lyla to his bedroom. This was his only chance to make it final. To connect with Lyla. All through the night, the pair made passionate love beneath the moonlight and stars. Marking becoming permanent on their bodies; Wolf print for him and a Bowler hat for Lyla. Hope was right all those years ago at the Farm when she assured Georgie his fate had been sealed. Lyla was his saving grace.
"I love you." Georgie repeats these words over and over. "I love you...."
"I love you, Georgie." Lyla kisses his forehead. "I've always loved you..."
Even without words, he knew the truth. If the world were to end right now, the moon and stars would be all they'd see. Georgie would take Lyla and enter this empty world. But it didn't matter. He had her by his side. Everything was alright for once. Georgie was not alone.
'When this world is no more, the moon is all we'll see. I'll ask you, to fly away with me. Until the stars all fall down, they empty from the sky but I don't mind. If you're with me, then everything's alright....'
Any questions, you know the drill. I will never grow tired of these two. Lyla and Georgie. Everyone deserves a second chance...
Bigby and Luke headed to the Pudding and Pie, the rain had stopped and there was a red tint with the sun peeking through the clouds. Luke took off his suit jacket and slung it over his shoulders. Vivian wasn't at the door which was weird...Normally around this time there would be a lot of people coming in....
"Hey Bigby, where's Vivian?" Luke asked
"Probably on break I'm guessing." Bigby responded.
Another thing that bothered Luke was that there was no glass on the floor where the window was broken...why didn't Alice or Hans mention anything about it? Before Luke could ask they walked into the club. It smelt of cigarette smoke and booze, you could practically get drunk just by the atmosphere. Georgie noticed them, but kept working. Luke and Bigby walked up to him.
"Hey Georgie, can we look at Lillys things?" Bigby asked
Georgie nodded. He was keeping really quiet, which made things seem suspicious. They moved to the back room, normally Bigby would probably share a few words with Georgie about how he didn't approve of using Fables as prostitutes but he figured this kidnapping was more important. They looked at Lillys cubby, there was a note.
Ah my only crooked clue, now if I were you. After seeing that Fables can get glamoured as others....shouldn't you check your own house to see if your Fabletown government isn't filled with any crooked people yourself? I could be hiding right under your nose! Ta-Ta Wolf and friend!
The red ink stopped there. Bigby was furious and Luke could tell. He stepped in front of Bigby and calmed him down, saying that he was sure that there was nobody was glamoured in as other Fables. Bigby has been getting better about his temper, normally he'd get angry fast due to people lying and treating him bad for what he's done in the homelands but Snow and Luke have been helping him to take the calmer approach. Bigby and Luke left the Pudding and Pie but they went separate ways to investigate two different things. Luke went back to Hans, while Bigby went to the business office....
At Hans and Alices place...
Luke looked around the outside of the house. He didn't know if Alice or Hans would be home, but he didn't think they'd mind him being there. It was dark outside now, but Luke carried a lighter just in case Bigby needed a cigarette light, and to have on hand. He went over to the boys window, where the window was shown. He saw a shadow that looked like it was picking up glass, he asked for the shadows name, the shadow had a human figure and seemed to have jumped down a hole when he asked his name. He ran over and found the was still here outside, was that Alice trying to pick it up? He bent over to pick up a piece.
"What the hell is this still doing he-" He was cut off and fell unconscious.
When Luke woke up he looked around. There were trees of all kinds, different shapes sizes and colors. There strange animals around. The sun even had a was smiling. Luke came to the conclusion that he was in a place he wished he wasn't.
"I knew shit was going to get weird right as I saw Alice. Goddamn Wonderland....." He sighed and shook his head and walked forward into Wonderland....
That's it! If anybody is wondering I'm not using Alices Wonderland from Disney but kind of the one from American McGees Alice: Madness Returns, because I liked his idea of her and her Wonderland there than in Disney's that and stuff is just way more weird there than in Disney's. Any other questions or comments let me know!
I loved the first part. It was so well detailed and I could SEE what Robert saw. Oh my God. I knew the young woman was Emily but why is he thinking about Emily? Perhaps since she is his weakness....And the red haired woman! Is THIS Rose Red coming back?! But wHY go after Gren and Emily....but she blew the cloud of Gren dust into Robert's face and now has him AND Gren in a spell. She said she'd come back later for REVENGE and when he was needed! OMG!!!! Is it Rose!?! OMG! OMG, omg, omg.....And then Gren collasping! WTF!?
I did like that you sped up to their birthday. I thought it was funny when all the men were trying to get the tables set up and Georgie HONESTLY thought he could do it, too. XD XD Nice call, Emily. Katie and the others, too. So, can they SEE Vivian now or can she be heard and felt, since she odes the whole mist and cool thing?
I see Michelle is there! -fangirls on the floor- AWWWW! And little Lily Faith! A Wolf cub!!! D I LOVE, love, love that name!! You MUST draw a picture when you have the chance, pie!!!!! PLEASE!!!! I love Holly and Peter together! And the babies are too precious! Some are speaking! DAAWWWWW!!!!!
OMG! The cubs are there!? You're including the cubs AND Snow!?! OMG, Peter DOES speak to them! And the cubs get to see their neice! Is Snow the grandmother as well, considering Bigby IS his father? Is Bigby there, too, by the way....I know you said one of the cubs were tied into one of the quads but that was it....Hmmmmm.....
AWWW! Gren, Emily and the babies with their decoractions and cake and family and love!!!! I just love these two to no freaking end, pie! Can't wait for more.
Down town
Robert had to get away. The thoughts of fighting his brother never left; he was having a difficult time erasing his father's wo… morerds and seeing his own brother toss the dismembered body part into the fire. He could still hear the crackling of scales and charred bones. The powerful aroma of burning tissue and blood. Robert had no knowledge of his brother ever attempting something this dramatic. Gren was weak. Yet, there he was. Proving to everyone, including himself, that he was strong. Gren was no longer the weaker one. Robert noticed the tiny grin growing on his father's face the second the useless body part landed on the burning embers.
Robert was challenged. Despite the two agreeing neither wanted it, the thought of holding his father's place grew in Gren's eyes. Since his family and the love for the once troubled Porgie girl, Gren was determined. And with determination, retaliation was not too far behind. Robert found himsel… [view original content]
I love these two. The end. Nothing more. Georgie and Lyla are my favorite couple on this thread; the story behind him is heartbreaking (I can't get over that rabbit tale, dude....:( ) and the idea that John, although he WAS thinking about his child, tried keeping them away. That end, too. I love them so much.
I agree. EVERYONE deserves another chance, especially if they never had one to begin with. You've made me think twice about Georgie and everytime I see him, I can't hate the man. You have made me love and accept him and the clan, too.
Georgie and Lyla
Not so long ago....
'I'm on the top of the world, looking down on creation and the only explanation I can find, is th… moree love that I found, ever since you came around, your love has put me ontop of the world.'
It had been a long day. Georgie, sitting in his chair, looked on the stage. All he could see was her image; the beautiful woman with shoulder length chestnut hair, wearing a sparkling pink bikini, twirling on the pole. Her glares at Georgie, as he sat back and watched. Lyla's seductive hips swaying in circles, her mountains of flesh bouncing with each step she took. She was gorgeous in his eyes. Georgie had never encountered such beauty before like this. Beauty like this were created for the rich, the Gods and those with power. Nothing like this was ever meant for him.
Even as he stared onto the empty stage, lights glimmering all around, there she was. Lyla was different. Georgie had noticed her stricking pers… [view original content]
Anyways, I'm glad so many of you have enjoyed these two. I can never hate Georgie and I wanted the readers to see HIM through my eyes. The Rabbit story was hard to wrtie, as was the abuse he endured back at the Homelands. But he found his 2nd chance and she loves him, past and all.
I love these two. The end. Nothing more. Georgie and Lyla are my favorite couple on this thread; the story behind him is heartbreaking (I ca… moren't get over that rabbit tale, dude....:( ) and the idea that John, although he WAS thinking about his child, tried keeping them away. That end, too. I love them so much.
I agree. EVERYONE deserves another chance, especially if they never had one to begin with. You've made me think twice about Georgie and everytime I see him, I can't hate the man. You have made me love and accept him and the clan, too.
I just love how Georgie is like 'Okay, Luke and Bigby are here. Cool.' Love him! That note. What a way to play with the Sheriff's emotions, considering he's not the MOST of patience. XD XD
I love the Disney version but the madness Alice is wonderful. I do agree; with what is going on, that Alice would work better than the cutesy cute one from Disney. :P Also, are Hans and Alice dating?? Did I mise something or...XD XD I love the entrance to Wonderland, too. Wondering what Luke will encounter in THIS Wonderland.
Case One: The Lost Boy Part Two
Bigby and Luke headed to the Pudding and Pie, the rain had stopped and there was a red tint with the sun … morepeeking through the clouds. Luke took off his suit jacket and slung it over his shoulders. Vivian wasn't at the door which was weird...Normally around this time there would be a lot of people coming in....
"Hey Bigby, where's Vivian?" Luke asked
"Probably on break I'm guessing." Bigby responded.
Another thing that bothered Luke was that there was no glass on the floor where the window was broken...why didn't Alice or Hans mention anything about it? Before Luke could ask they walked into the club. It smelt of cigarette smoke and booze, you could practically get drunk just by the atmosphere. Georgie noticed them, but kept working. Luke and Bigby walked up to him.
"Hey Georgie, can we look at Lillys things?" Bigby asked
Georgie nodded. He was keeping really quiet, which made things seem suspic… [view original content]
I was essentially going to have a scene where Georgie brings out the crowd control bat and they joke around and have Bigby apologize for doing what he did, but I couldn't quite put it into words for some reason XD Yeah Bigby doesn't have the best patience control in the world! XD
I agree as well, I wonder what it'd be like if the two Alices met each other XD Ah that is my fault I never actually explained if they were married/dating, whoops! The whole Hans and Alice thing was last minute, it had to be Alice but I didn't know who to put her with and I saw Hans and I said "Hey Hans! Long time know see!" And threw him in the story! XD Anyways! I'd say they're married or in the process of doing so :P I apologize on that one!
I just love how Georgie is like 'Okay, Luke and Bigby are here. Cool.' Love him! That note. What a way to play with the Sheriff's emotions,… more considering he's not the MOST of patience. XD XD
I love the Disney version but the madness Alice is wonderful. I do agree; with what is going on, that Alice would work better than the cutesy cute one from Disney. :P Also, are Hans and Alice dating?? Did I mise something or...XD XD I love the entrance to Wonderland, too. Wondering what Luke will encounter in THIS Wonderland.
That would have been fun to read. XD Glad to see he and Bigby have, understanding for the most part. I agree. I mean, that letter sent him off the edge. I was waiting for Luke to pull out a Snickers bar, honestly. XD
Ah. Now I know that Hans AND Alice are a pair. Hans is always in the backburner. Poor guy. lol i still can't wait. I'm curious to see where Luke ends up in 'Wonderland.'
I was essentially going to have a scene where Georgie brings out the crowd control bat and they joke around and have Bigby apologize for doi… moreng what he did, but I couldn't quite put it into words for some reason XD Yeah Bigby doesn't have the best patience control in the world! XD
I agree as well, I wonder what it'd be like if the two Alices met each other XD Ah that is my fault I never actually explained if they were married/dating, whoops! The whole Hans and Alice thing was last minute, it had to be Alice but I didn't know who to put her with and I saw Hans and I said "Hey Hans! Long time know see!" And threw him in the story! XD Anyways! I'd say they're married or in the process of doing so :P I apologize on that one!
That would have been fun to read. XD Glad to see he and Bigby have, understanding for the most part. I agree. I mean, that lette… morer sent him off the edge. I was waiting for Luke to pull out a Snickers bar, honestly. XD
Ah. Now I know that Hans AND Alice are a pair. Hans is always in the backburner. Poor guy. lol i still can't wait. I'm curious to see where Luke ends up in 'Wonderland.'
I have to, or I'll become a sleepy zombie and also miss the bus XD
I've been meaning to incorporate her for a LONG ass time, as I had forgotten to tie up those loose ends all the way back when it happened. I figured I might as well do it now, you know? Franklin's past is definitely coming to haunt him, and now he's got to deal with it.
Sweet! I try XD Ash is badass, lmao XD Her and Franklin are a dangerous duo, ever since the beginning. I have yet to write more, as I have to go to bed again as I write this reply. I've been busy lately and unable to write or check this page as frequently as I want to.
Go to bed early? What is this nonsense you speak of? XD
Anyhow, I honestly didn't expect to see Mirah again, as I forgot who she was unti… morel you explained below. I guess Frank's past is starting to haunt him in a sense, eh?
The end cliffhanger was pretty badass too, love stuff like that! Ash is so hardcore. :P
It's a mystery how Mr. Weasel couldn't tell the difference.
Lmao XD I can just imagine Drunk Mr. Weasel making out with a broom and calling it Cindy like he has in the past XDD
Etan's the Principal! That's awesome! I love how he just snags a pair of headphones and then is like "Haha see ya tonight Tez!"
Then Rose pushes him onto his desk and climbs on top of him..
Someone close the blinds on the door before one poor soul peaks in on it >.> Or, one lucky soul, depending on the context XD
Nick XD Nuff said XD
I'm laughing so hard XD
“Ella, you're late. AGAIN. You realize, you have to run 30 laps.. for your insolence..”
“Fine by me, coach. I'll run 50. Now, allow me introduce you to Dan. He's new here and would like to try up for the league.”
I LOVE Ella's enthusiasm! Or maybe that's not the right word.... I love how she doesn't particularly care WHAT the teacher tells her, she kind of just does her own thing and seems to want to prove that she's better than what they got, and go further with it. She's freakin' cool!
Rasputin is one of our best fighters here. He's a moron, he's cocky, he's stoic.
Nick's bluntness is amazing XD
One question: Are you eventually adding my Ashlyn in? I haven't seen her name appear, but then again, you're only starting out, so it's all good I was just curious, lol.
Robert, was known at as the crown prince of pranks at FableTown High. He was crowned that title during his sophomore year during… more his prank fest. During the school dance Robert used magic he bought to school from home which made everyone naked for the whole day. He also lead a raid on the girls locker room the following month followed by getting Mr. Weasel drunk by slipping Vodka into his many cups of tea.. It's a mystery how Mr. Weasel couldn't tell the difference.
Of course he got in trouble, and of course he continued to prank, it was just his thing and he had to live up to his name. Now during this year, Robert has bigger plans in store..
The bell for the next class was about to ring any moment, any.... moment right.. DING. Robert was the first one out of classroom. As the horde of student's flood the hallways Robert put on his trusty beats headsets that he got from Mr. Tezoth on. He put on one of his favorite tracks and … [view original content]
Of course! I have the right part for her. Robert will occasionally flirt with her from time to time. As it is early, I'll introduce everyone's Fables in order until they all get together for the "big plot" coming up.
A small preview for the plot, stranded & cornered.
It's a mystery how Mr. Weasel couldn't tell the difference.
Lmao XD I can just imagine Drunk Mr. Weasel making out with a broom and … morecalling it Cindy like he has in the past XDD
Etan's the Principal! That's awesome! I love how he just snags a pair of headphones and then is like "Haha see ya tonight Tez!"
Then Rose pushes him onto his desk and climbs on top of him..
Someone close the blinds on the door before one poor soul peaks in on it >.> Or, one lucky soul, depending on the context XD
Nick XD Nuff said XD
I'm laughing so hard XD
“Ella, you're late. AGAIN. You realize, you have to run 30 laps.. for your insolence..”
“Fine by me, coach. I'll run 50. Now, allow me introduce you to Dan. He's new here and would like to try up for the … [view original content]
No never! lol it was boring, dude. SOOOOOOOOOOO boring!!!!
I have a hard time reading about Georige's past at times. Just the idea of not only the curse but what was done to him bu his father. and that Rabbit. UGH that story! You can really feel the love these two have. His flashbacks help us as readers see that he truly wanted to change and be with Lyla. It's sad. she would have lived but her life would have been miserable.
Get off your phone and get to class! XD XD
Anyways, I'm glad so many of you have enjoyed these two. I can never hate Georgie and I wante… mored the readers to see HIM through my eyes. The Rabbit story was hard to wrtie, as was the abuse he endured back at the Homelands. But he found his 2nd chance and she loves him, past and all.
Georgie and Lyla
Not so long ago....
'I'm on the top of the world, looking down on creation and the only explanation I can find, is th… moree love that I found, ever since you came around, your love has put me ontop of the world.'
It had been a long day. Georgie, sitting in his chair, looked on the stage. All he could see was her image; the beautiful woman with shoulder length chestnut hair, wearing a sparkling pink bikini, twirling on the pole. Her glares at Georgie, as he sat back and watched. Lyla's seductive hips swaying in circles, her mountains of flesh bouncing with each step she took. She was gorgeous in his eyes. Georgie had never encountered such beauty before like this. Beauty like this were created for the rich, the Gods and those with power. Nothing like this was ever meant for him.
Even as he stared onto the empty stage, lights glimmering all around, there she was. Lyla was different. Georgie had noticed her stricking pers… [view original content]
Oh man I've been waiting for this one!
Awesome job as usual JJ!
I'm surprised Catherine hasn't punched anyone yet just to start a fight! XD
And like Pie said you're among friends, we'll do our best to help anyway we can man!
Condsider her the supporting character to the protagonist! She's gonna play a big roll in the future.
I forgot to include that Rasputin is dating Lyla.. but you'll see more on that next chapter..
Oh I see! Well now I'm even more excited!
Mary can still go through glass surfaces and such? I thought she lost her powers back when Junior took her place?
Glad to see Mary again as usual. Her convo's never cease to amuse me. ;D
And the end: I secretly ship Ethan and Michelle together - ah, probably too soon to start thinking that. XD
Is the pic below a sign of things to come with Emily?
Oh jeez, all of a sudden 'sex punishments' are the conversation topic for the super bowl party. Nice going, Rose. XD XD
I'm shocked Harmony is actually continuing to converse about it with her aunt, too! :O
My Tez, oh man, I bet everything didn't turn out as 'normal' as he'd expect this party to be - everything has been so awkward so far!
Holy shit, Rose and my Tez have desk sex - just like that? Me likey. XD
But seriously though, great job. It's interesting to see how Tez is praising Etan as the best principal ever, haha. And the drinks with him and Nick too, can't wait to see how that turns out!
Not like she used to; the mark on her arm allows her to travel but she lost all her powers and ability to turn into her 'true' form. Basically, its a door to her; Junior is the one with the control and power.
I have an idea for these two.
Right now, just two people who really care for one another. 
And yes it is; I described it for a brief moment, like, two or three chaps back about Emily's connection to the bow. It will become more powerful, as the chapters go on.
I knew she can't turn into her shard form anymore, I just didn't know she could still go through glass. Still, pretty kickass if you ask me!
That's fine, I like slow friend/relationships anyway!
Cool! All I gotta do is wait and let the magic happen again, lol.
I just couldn't take that away from her. Yeah, she lost all the fun to it but it broke my heart to shreds knowing she couldn't join her beloved Junior in the mirror. XD
Awesome to both, man! Can't wait.
Rose and Harm seem like they would. Harmony would eventually stop but Rose will forever go on. lol
T man KNEW there would be, um...awkward moments, seeing as Robert is there and the party is at Georgie and Lyla's home. XD BUT, he'll get his in the end.
Yeah I do apologies for the late posts. So much has been going on....Thanks for for the support, dude.
'Coming your way, Robert!' XD
Damn, Robert. Thug life! XD And T man with Rose! 9_6 DAMN! lol
nick's class is indeed something Robert would avoid. Rasputin and Ella, along with Dan are quite the entertainmet during Gym class. Also, Marcelo is about to explode the next time Rasputin is around. Great work, stone!
Stone, this is amazing!!!
Your portrayal of Nick is perfect! He is quite literally the military drill commander on a bad day that no one wants to have yelling at them, you've captured him well XD
Looking forward to those drinks as well.
I can agree with you there haha! All we can do is just try and make these days better. Anytime man that's what friends are for!
It had to be done....!
^^^Waiting for this to happen. XD XD
Down town
Robert had to get away. The thoughts of fighting his brother never left; he was having a difficult time erasing his father's words and seeing his own brother toss the dismembered body part into the fire. He could still hear the crackling of scales and charred bones. The powerful aroma of burning tissue and blood. Robert had no knowledge of his brother ever attempting something this dramatic. Gren was weak. Yet, there he was. Proving to everyone, including himself, that he was strong. Gren was no longer the weaker one. Robert noticed the tiny grin growing on his father's face the second the useless body part landed on the burning embers.
Robert was challenged. Despite the two agreeing neither wanted it, the thought of holding his father's place grew in Gren's eyes. Since his family and the love for the once troubled Porgie girl, Gren was determined. And with determination, retaliation was not too far behind. Robert found himself near a cart located on the corner of King street; the street vendor watched this towering man hustle behind the shadows, pant like a dog under the sun's heat and cover his face in shame. The longer Robert closed his eyes, the more vivid the image was.
Teeth sinking into Gren's neck. The blood dripping down his mouth and staining his shirt. Tearing off his brother's head and throwing it into the glades. Where he should have been his entire life. Face hidden and life as a miserable roach. The fight felt real against Robert's hands. Throwing his palms against a brick wall, robert lets out a growl and stomps his feet. Stay calm, he thought, looking down at his hands. Calm're better then this.
Robert loved his brother. He cared deeply for the younger boy, the runt of the boys and the weaker one of them all. He too was torn when his father sent Gren away after the inccident at Mead Hall, fight with Beowulf and their mother's death. Sadly, Robert did not have his own voice. It belonged to Thomas. Like his father, he turned Grendel away but longed to see his brother once more and apologies for his decisions all those centuries ago. Robert truly wanted a relationship.
But centuries of built in compulsion can be ignored for only so long. Robert could recall the moment he began to feel the loathe for his brother. It was the instant Gren handed the bow over to Emily Porgie, that these fierce feelings of hate began to grow. From there on, things drastically changed. Robert felt challenged and cornered.
He once again attempted to ignore these foul thoughts; Robert did not wish to bring harm to Gren or those in contact with him. All he wanted was the bond the brothers once had back in the Homelands. Before they were labled and created as 'monsters'. Before Beowulf and the night Gren was cast away. Years of pent up anger caused Robert sleepless nights. The nightmares and vile images of his brother's deceased corpse; bits of flesh dangling from Robert's teeth, blood on his hands and claws and the title of Alpha forever imbedded into Robert's name. He was a leader. A provider. An Alpha.
The dreams all began the same. On a cliff, near the forest and far away from any mundy or form of life in Fabletown. The brothers would battle, tumble around the forest floor for some time and wind up on the edge, inches from plummeting to their deaths on the sharp rocks below. Gren always had the upper hand. He'd have the exact glimmer of hope in his eyes until the young woman appears. The same young woman with long, jet black hair, pale skin and blue dress. She looked identical to Georgie. Nothing ever changed.
"Emily..." Robert was begining to wonder. "Could...but why are you....what were you doing in my dreams?"
Each time she'd beg both to stop. Tears forming in her eyes, arms out and pleading for mercy. robert never obeyed; with a single slash of his hand, Gren's head was swung clean off from his body and rolling until it stops at the base of a tree. Robert's entire body covered in blood; wrath enveloping his thoughts and spirit, as he heads over to what he know assumed was Emily Porgie. Robert, still in true form, pins Emily to a nearby rock and chuckles. The same menacing laugh after every kill to Gren.
Robert immediatly opens his eyes. In front, the brick wall. On one side, a chain linked fence. To the left, the busy streets of New York. Robert shakes his head. He despised the next part. Robert always managed to wake up JUST before it went too far.
"Why..." Robert presses his head to the wall. "WHY you? I don't....I don't fucking want to HURT Gren!"
The secret side of Robert, the emotions caged in for so long, could not be contianed. It was awake and Robert could not control it. Despite all actions, he could not ignore instincts. And neither could his brother. soon, they'd meet up again...Robert, however, pauses to sniff the air. Between the thick stench of trash, pollution and grease, it was there-Strawberries. Freshly picked. Ripe and juicy. Robert looked around; the honking of the cars grew louder and echoed in the cold, lonely alley.
"Hello?" Robert continues to sniff. " someone there-"
A nearby can is crushed beneath an unknow heel. The woman with red hair and devilish smile approaches Robert without any further hesitation. Robert is surprised by her sudden appearance.
"You!" Robert growls and lowers his face. "The fuck you doing here, you-"
The mysterious woman blows a cloud of green dust into Robert's face. Robert inhales and becomes still. His eyes briefly change to white, then returns to their original blue. The redhaired woman traces her fingers along robert's broad shoulders.
She giggles. "Long time no see, Robert. My you are still so, be a good swamp beast and listen to me. Your TRUE feelings for Gren are to remain dormant for the next few years. Wait until he feels safe and secure with your new 'change' and allow you into his world. When the times comes, I'll return for you..."
"Gren..." Robert repeats his brother's name. "Gren....Gren..."
"Yes. Gren." The woman pats Robert's face. "Poor, foolish Gren. Always one to fall for a pretty face. The arm was not the source of his weakness. No. That was a mere show for you all to witness his TRUE power within. His weakness lies in the form of a Porgie."
The nightmares. The terrible images. Emily. "Gren....weakness...Emily..."
"Good boy, Robert. That's right. Now, when the time comes, you shall kill and destroy Emily. Gren will become a pitiful worm that I and you can crush between our hands. Once he's gone, you can take his place and BE the alpha you were bred to become!"
"Don't worry about me, Robert dear." The red haired woman takes out a picture. "I have my OWN reasons. Now, I'll count to three. Once you're awake, all this silly nonsense will be nothing but a bad dream. You'll forget about the feud, as will Gren...until I need you, that is..."
The woman counts and after three, Robert awakes from the trance. He says not a single word; it was if the woman was not there and she watches him climb into a cab and drive away. The woman holds the image up of Gren, Emily and the quads.
"Mark my words, Grendel. I WILL have my revenge. You and that sorry excuse...."
Grendel & Emily's home. Minutes after the inccident in the alley....
Gren stood near the sink. He felt retched. His mind was clouded. Peter, trying to place the babies in their bassinets, noticed Gren's behavior. Gren swayed, pants and sweat forms around his brow.
"Gren?" Peter immediatly heads for Gren. "Gren? Gren...GREN! Look at me..."
"I need....water. Peter....water..."
Peter snatches a glass and tries to collect cool water from the faucet. In seconds, Gren lays on the kitchen floor, panting and trying to regain concious. Peter collects Gren and feels his forehead. Clamy and carpeted in sweat. Both his eyes are sunk in and milky.
"Gren! What the fuck!?" Peter looks around. "VIVIAN! VIVIAN! I know you're here! VIVIAN! Look at me, Gren...LOOK at me!"
"My head...fuck..."
Gren's memories of the homelands returned. Robert. His mother. All of it. Reaching for the ceiling, Gren smiles and closes his eyes.
'That moment you think you knew a person until you notice you're completly wrong about them.'
Days turn to weeks and weeks into months. Life goes on....
"Emily!" Lyla, holding a cake decorated with Bees, runs down the hall and searches each room. "Amelia! God...sweetie, where are you!?"
Lyla, running in her red pumps and wearing a light yellow dress, enters the kitchen. Mary, Penelope, Katie and Vivian all glance over at the woman holding one of many cakes. Lyla nearly runs into several balloons on the floor. Streamers float against the early spring winds and several party hats tumble to the ground and roll beside the oven.
"Where is Emily? I swear that girl would lose her freaking head if it wasn't attached to her body!"
Mary points. "In the living room with Georgie. He and the boys are setting up the tables and-"
"Thank you!" Lyla runs out of the room, her thanks you's echoing down the hall. Mary chuckles and takes out the final cake. "Your mom is weird."
"Yeah but, you gotta love her." Katie picks up a tub of pink frosting. "You would think this was HER children's birthday party."
"I remember like it happened yesterday. She was the same way with you kids...."
Penelope, placing a number one on a finished cake, peeks over and beams. "Yeah. Like YOU were, too."
Mary tosses a towel at Penelope, nearly missing the cake. "Oh hush! You too! Johann was worse, though."
Penny agrees. "I love that man but he makes things more complicated then it seems. I mean, look at Emily-they are turning ONE, not sixteen! They are not going to remember all of this!"
"It's Gren, too."
"Gren." Penny picks up the towel and wipes her hands. "Did you see what he has out in the back-a bounce house?"
"Well, they DO have older cousins, Penelope. He was just trying to-"
"Are your girls going to be in there?"
"Are you kidding me!?" Katie licks her thumb. "They were practically in there before the guys had it blown up. Jersey had to go in there and-CRASH! POW! CRASH!
All the women look up; Mary tries to control her laughter. she already knows what took place. Someone dropped something and she was waiting for either Georgie, Lyla or Emily to throw the 'F' bombs. In her head, Mary counts down; a cool mist floats past her, as Vivian hurries towards the front. Mary slaps the wall.
"Hey, blondie-tell me who it was. My money is on John, that old fart."
Katie slaps Mary's back. "Really? Be nice."
Vivian rolls her eyes. "Sure thing, Mary....sure thing..."
Vivian enters the living room and finds a table on its back, with the legs in the air. Jersey and John, along with Robert and Junior, attempt one final try to place the object on the floor. As the men did so, Gren, RJ and Ethan begin to unfold the chairs. Peter, running in from outside, points to the grass.
"Do you want me to add the tables or-"
Gren picks up a box. "Here. Start decorating the ones out there already. Scatter the different themes. Don't make just ONE table animal or pink or whatever."
"Want balloons too?"
Gren nods. "There should be some in the kitchen, right Emily?"
"Yes, yes." She was worried about the table and her family. "Just....grab them, Peter."
Lyla tries to calm her daughter down. "Sweetie....this is wonderful and all but we really didn't need ALL this and-"
"Mum, please." Emily attempts to remain calm and collected. "I KNOW they ain't gunna remember this but WE all will. I want this ta' be a celebration."
"Alright alright. I just-"
"KATHERINE!" Emily bellows for her sister. "Get in 'ere, please!"
Within seconds, Katie runs into the room. Her red dress covered in an apron to avoid getting cake or frosting on it. "Yes Emily?"
"Are the cakes done yet?"
Before Katie could answer, Georgie jumps back and allows another table to crash to the ground. "AH fa' fook's sakes!"
"Georgie!" Lyla folds her arms. "Baby, I love you but let them do this, please!"
"I fookin' got this, love! Go back and-"
"Dad, stop!" Emily stomps her foot. "I'll go get Peter if ya' boys need him but get outta the way! Ya' be too fookin' skinny ta' move these things and-"
Jersey chuckles. "What your wife and daughter are saying are, get your scrawny fuckin' British ass outta the way so the MEN can set this up and-"
Junior takes a shard of glass and pokes Jersey with it. "Hey-watch it, Rudolph from hell..."
"Shit, Junior!" Jersey rubs his arm. "That shit fuckin' hurts! The hell! It burns!"
Emily holds out her hands. "ALRIGHT! Fookin' listen up! Dad-go help Peter with the decorations. Mum, place the finished cakes on the tables WITH decorations. The boys will finish up here. Gren, Ethan and RJ are almost done here...I'll go upstairs and join Holly and Michelle while we get the babies ready and the rest-fookin' find SOMETHING-ANYTHING-ta' do until this thing begins! Let's go, chop chop!"
Like roaches from the light, everyone scatters to their assigned locations. Emily's sisters, along with Lyla, Mary and Vivian finish up with the cakes. Georgie, mumbling to himself, joins his son out in the backyard. Emily, sighing heavily, kisses Gren and heads up to the her bedroom. Holly and Michelle, finished bathing the last girl, begin the preperations for their attire. Emily had everything set up; the girls would each wear a pink dress, matching bows and simple slip on shoes. Liam would wear a nice, casual outfit and hair carefully styled like Gren. Michelle, holding up Seraphina, shows off the final product.
"Ta-da! Look, mommy! A happy, clean and dressed birthday baby!"
Seraphina reaches for Emily. "Mama! Mama!"
Emily grabs her daughter. "Oh my sweet little pumpkin. Look at ya'-so pretty and squeaky clean, too."
Holly chuckles. "She was the easy one. Viviana was being a little brat and floated nearly towards the shower head. Little sneaky thing."
"Viviana!" Emily grabs the dress and places her in it. "Baby, no no. Be nice and listen."
"Bluuurb, pfffbtt, mama." Viviana lays back into the soft bed. "Mama."
"Yes, baby but ya' need ta' behave ta'day. It's ya' birthdays! My babies are turning one today. the time flew."
Another baby, in a pink bassinet, screeches and wails. Holly wipes her hands and hands Liam to Michelle. "Alright. Time for me to take on mommy duty now."
Holly reaches into the bassinet and pulls out a little wolf pup with an enormous pink bow on her head. Pulling her shirt up and placing Lily beneath her breast, the baby girl begins to nurse and immediatly goes quiet. Only sounds are the quads laughing and Michelle singing to Liam.
"How she been doin'? Nursing alright?"
Holly pats Lily on the bottom. "Oh there was no trouble getting her to nurse. It's the sleeping. She GETS it but the other night, she just refused to sleep a full couple of hours. I'm taking her to Swineheart if it continues."
"Erica was like that." Michelle adds a clip on tie to Liam's outfit. "She would sleep for two, wake up and BE awake. Doctor said I needed to get her into a routine. A schedule."
"Viviana and Chloe were like that, too. Drove Gren insane fa' a bit."
Holly nods. "I THINK that might be it. I know that's what your mom was saying, too. Snow mentioned gas but she's not bloated or anything. Lily eats without any troubles and goes to the bathroom alright."
"There." Michelle taps Liam's nose. "All done, our little mini-Gren."
Holly glances over at Emily. "So, is Thomas going to be here or-"
"He's on his way." Emily holds both Seraphina and Chloe. "He wanted ta' be 'ere before..."
"He's not doing so well, is he?"
Emily shakes her head. "Any day now. He's weak. Can't eat much. Sleeps all the time. I know Gren and Robert were ova' there the other day and spent all afternoon with Thomas. I....I've neva'seen Gren so bloody worried 'bout his own father before."
"He and Robert get along now or-"
"It's weird, Holly." Emily places Chloe and Seraphina on the bed. The girls, along with Chloe and Liam, play. "It's like....all of Gren and Robert's bullshit went away ova' night. Ya' seen 'em. Best of bloody friends those two."
"Well, perhaps they KNEW this wasn't worth the fights. You said it yourseilf neither wanted it and just wanted to mend their relationship."
"True." Emily plays with a strand of her hair. "I don't know...seemed too easy, though...."
Suddenly, the women heard sets of feet and laughter outside their door. It flew open, slamming into the wall. Five cubs fly into the bedroom and circle Holly; a red haired child tickles Lily's chin and when the baby looks up, the little girl smiles.
"Hi, Lily." She grabs the baby's hand. "OH, she's so little!"
"Let me see, let me see!" Another little girl, one with black hair in pigtails, peeks over the blanket. "She looks like a piggy. She's all pink, Holly!"
"Is she sleeping?"
"She just had her lunch and now, it will be time for her to get dressed and go to the party, too. My. You girls look beautiful today."
"Thank you!" Both spin in their dresses. "Mommy picked these out for us! Therese has one JUST like this, too and-"
"Alright girls." A young blonde woman, appearing to be in her teens, knocks on the doorway. "C'mon. Let Holly and the others get things ready. Go downstairs. Peter is there and did you see the bounce house?"
Two little boys look up. "A bounce house, Therese!?"
"Yes Connor. Take Ambrose with you and go outside. Bug Peter for a bit. YOU girls go, too. Blossom, take Winter and-"
"We know, we know." Blossom grabs her sister's hand. "See you outside!"
Within seconds, all the cubs fly out and back outside. Therese giggles and looks over at the women.
"Happy birthday, babies." Threse pulls out four little gifts. "These are from the toys in Toyland. They wanted me to give you these."
"Thank ya', Therese. Ya' mum here, too?"
"She's speaking to Peter and the others. My, Emily. You and Grendel really went all out for their first. It looks well put together."
"Thank ya'." Emily sticks her tongue out at the other two. "I thought so, too."
Therese picks up Chloe and plays with the little Wolf cub. Fascinated by her hair, Chloe tries to grab a chunk and yank down. Quick on her feet, Therese manages to swing back and avoid her little paw. Emily stands up and looks out the window. Several more guests were arriving; she watched Snow's children play with Jersey and Katie's girls. Connor and Ambrose, wearing pirate hats, ran after George near the sandbox. Emily noticed Gren and Robert placing plates on the table and her mother, along with her sisters and Vivian, add the four cakes to the table.
"Well, shall we go, ladies?"
All four of the women, each holding a baby, heads down the stairs and out to the back. Emily clings onto her daughters; Viviana, allowed only for today, floats beside her mother and giggles at all the pink and pretty decorations.
"Here we go, babies." Emily tries not to cry, as Gren joins her. "Time fa' ya' birthday party!"
Any questions, you know the drill.
If this seems confusing, I'll explain. I went ahead and well into the quad's 1st birthday. Why? Because I don't want to drag on with the material that is not needed. The wedding between Gren and Emily WILL happen but I want to cover a lot in these chapters and did not want to bore or drag on too much. I want to cover more on Gremily's relationship and the quads as well; not to mention Ethan and Michelle, too. 
You seem to have cut-off typing your afterword, dude :P
Georgie and Lyla
Not so long ago....
'I'm on the top of the world, looking down on creation and the only explanation I can find, is the love that I found, ever since you came around, your love has put me ontop of the world.'
It had been a long day. Georgie, sitting in his chair, looked on the stage. All he could see was her image; the beautiful woman with shoulder length chestnut hair, wearing a sparkling pink bikini, twirling on the pole. Her glares at Georgie, as he sat back and watched. Lyla's seductive hips swaying in circles, her mountains of flesh bouncing with each step she took. She was gorgeous in his eyes. Georgie had never encountered such beauty before like this. Beauty like this were created for the rich, the Gods and those with power. Nothing like this was ever meant for him.
Even as he stared onto the empty stage, lights glimmering all around, there she was. Lyla was different. Georgie had noticed her stricking personality and way she carried herself. Lyla was not afraid of a challenge, nor was she one to back down from a fight. He'd watched her grow from a young girl into this marvelous creature with stunning amber eyes and a body that Georgie swore was sculpted from the clouds in Heaven themselves.
Georgie knew Lyla, even before she was conceived. He was told of her forecoming and the chance she'd hand over to him the minute their hearts connected as one. Georgie, a lonely, desperate strip club owner had nothing in this world. He lost it all to a foolish choice and terrible games he used to play. It cost him the one person he thought he could trust, the lives of countless others and his freedom. Georgie's reputation wasn't the best but now, it was torn and pulled left and right by all the Fables in this town. They all hissed and cast him off into the darkness. But never Lyla. Even after all the rumors, truths and stories she heard, Lyla never questioned Georgie's love.
She never looked at him, the way this town did. Even as she danced on stage, her thoughts remained the same. Rubbing his forehead with his thumb, Georgie tried to ignore the headache growing on the right side. He had not slept in days since her arrival to the club. Georgie, certain she had forgotten about him, managed to find her way to the Pudding n' Pie. Their encounter, however, was as if they'd just spoken the night before. There was nothing strange or uncomfortable.
Georgie was sure he'd lost her forever. One day, they were having long conversations either on the phone or walks in the park. Georgie loved taking Lyla to dinners and spending hours having something 'normal' in his life for once. Then, one day, it all ended. She no longer wanted anything to do with Georgie. His world came to a hault; it crumbled to the ground like an old building. His heart shattered into a million little pieces. Georgie, alone once more, faced this world empty. For almost a year, he returned to his old ways.
Cocaine was his drug of choice. Whiskey was his sleeping pill. Old country songs the lullaby Georgie used to mask the pain. Remove all the memories he had of Lyla. How could be? He was told this was the woman that would rescue him from the clutches of the dark. From himself...
Behind Georgie, he could hear Hans sweeping the floors. It would be closing time soon. He was waiting on Lyla. Like he'd done before and always would.
Georgie tried to remove the night he received the news of Lyla. John, her father, was the one to hand it to him. He too, seemed distraught and hurt by this. It would be years later Georgie would find out the real reason behind Lyla's sudden change of heart. The Wolf Council and John's concern for his daughter's well-being. He was doing it to protect her. But John had no idea what is would have done to not only Georgie but his daughter as well.
Georgie, still sitting in his chair, hated thinking about certain things. But every so often, he played the plan B of his life, should Lyla have stayed away forever. She'd eventually get married to a Wolf named Malcom; he was second in charge and was John's 'wing man' as he reffered to Malcom at times. They have a ceremony and eventually, give him strong sons ans beutiful daughters. Georgie, however, would remain alone and in a deep, dark depression. No one could save him; Hans' attempts failed, his guardian Nick knew of Georgie's fate and could not save his long time friend. No one. Lyla was his saving grace. Why did he need to live now? There was no need....
The further Georgie's mind walked into the past, the longer the scar above his belly button burned. this thing was forever a constant reminder but also the connection created between him and Lyla. Without her, Georgie would not be breathing. Eventually, the darkness would envelop his mind, body and spirit. With one final push and ounce of strength, Georgie would kill himself. A single bullet wound to the head and the memories of his long lost love. The minute they placed Georgie in the ground, Lyla was forever gone. She never died physically but a piece of her did go with Georgie that day. She was not the same.
As Georgie continued to think back, Lyla, now wearing black skirt, red top and heels, sneaks around the corner and wraps her arms around Georgie's neck. This sends the club owner leaping in his seat, nearly falling off the chair.
"Aye love!" Georgie adjusts his hat. "Ya' fookin' scared me!"
"I'm sorry, Georgie!" Lyla pops her gum and giggles. "I thought you would hear me coming."
"No, no." Georgie rubs his head. "I was just...thinking."
"About what?" Lyla wraps her arm under Georgie's. "What do you think about, Georgie? I've caught you sitting out her alone and quietly looking out into nothing. Tonight, your mind seemed elsewhere and NOT on my dancing and-"
Georgie and Lyla wave to Hans; Georgie tosses his bouncer the keys and with Lyla, heads upstairs. Georgie lived in a one bedroom apartment just above the club. With a hearty smile, Hans bids the pair a goodnight and continues to clean. Georgie opens the door and switches on the light. Taking off her jacket, Lyla throws it on the couch and heads for the kitchen.
"You hungry?" Lyla opens the fridge. "Let's see-oh, I can make something with these leftover potatos and some Spam. You like Spam, Georgie?"
"I do." Georgie, standing beside Lyla, folds his arms. "Think we got some corn in 'ere, too."
As Lyla took out the canned meat, Georgie watched the beautiful young woman open the top and take out the food. She sliced and added to a hot pain. Without a word, Georgie could see the happiness in her arms. He just stood there and watched; Lyla, careful not to burn the meat, browns it on both sides and places the cooked pieces on a paper plate. The microwave finishes cooking the corn. The beeper goes off, indicating it was complete.
Lyla looks over and smiles, noticing Georgie's glance. "What is it, Georgie?"
"Huh?" Georgie shakes his head. "Woot, love?"
"You." Lyla giggles. "What are you looking at?"
"You." No hesitation. No time. "Always you, love."
"I don't mind that." Georgie could see the color change on her cheeks. "I like it...."
This was the first time Georgie ever heard Lyla admit her approval of his stares. He used to find her beauty irresistable. It nearly drove the man to madness. Insanity. Georgie would lay in bed at night, looking at the walls and picture her beside him. She was always wearing one of his shirts and panties. Nothing more, as the two would silently lay and cuddle. the idea of her presence was enough for Georgie.
"Ya don't mind..."
"No." Lyla adds the final piece to the plate. "I like you, too...."
"Lyla." Georgie grabs her arm. "Don't....don't dance anymore."
"Why? Am I bad or-"
"Fook no, ya' ain't bad, love!" Georgie was shocked by her answer. "Ya' be the best one. I just....don't want ya'...."
The truth was, Georgie didn't want others to see his slice of beauty. If she WAS crafted by the clouds in Heaven like he imagined, Georgie refused to show this to the world. Lyla was his and with that, Georgie refused to allow others to see.
"Don't want ya' up there. I want ya' WITH me....just, not dancin', love."
"Oh." Lyla opens the microwave door. "Like...your partner or-"
"Kinda, yes." Georgie takes the bowl of Corn and places it on the counter. "Like that."
Lyla didn't say a word, as she took a spoon to the Corn. She tossed the little yellow vegetables in some butter and pepper. She was all he saw. Georgie touched Lyla's hand. She paused and looke at the counters before her.
"I remember so much about you, Georgie...."
"I know ya' do, love." Georgie tried to hold back the tears. "I-"
"I remember one year, I was really sick on Halloween. I was so sad. I had my costume and everything. Mom took my sisters out. you came by, with a bag of my favorite candies and we had our own little party. My dad let you stop by. You brought me a sandwich and candy. I got to dress up. Even you did, too."
"I remember that, Lyla."
Lyla stops to wipe a tear. "You stayed all night. We told ghost stories, made candy castles was nice. Just you and me, Georgie."
Georgie grabs Lyla and pulls her close. Glancing down, all he could see were her amber eyes. They glimmered under the lights in the kitchen. She smelled sweetly of flowers and perfume.
"Lyla..." Georgie leans forward, his lips inches from her own. "I'm sorry..."
"You left me." Lyla began to cry. " never came back. Why?"
"Ya' dad told me ya' wanted nuthin' ta' do with me, love." Georgie wipes away the tears. "When he said this and you never returned my calls, I knew it was true..."
"I knew something was wrong. I couldn't....couldn't explain it, Georgie. I missed you. I....I had dreams..."
This was the first time Lyla spoke of that day. Her memories, despite the spell, were still strong. She never did forget about him. Holding Lyla tight against his chest, Georgie rocks Lyla back and forth. Like the many times before. Listening to the beating of his heart, Lyla listens to Georgie hum the familiar tune he used to sing everytime she had a nightmare. Bad dream.
"Ya' raised me up, so I can stand on mountains. Ya' raised me up, ta' walk on stormy seas. I am strong, when I am on your shoulders. Ya' raised me up, ta' more than I can be...."
Lyla looks up. "You remembered, Georgie. How..."
"Lyla, I neva' forgot ya', love. I'd rather spend anotha' 100 years in the dark, then neva' knowing ya'. Ya' made me a betta' man. When ya' came ta' the club, lookin' fa' work..."
"Something in here told me to go to the Pudding n' Pie." She points to her heart. "It felt...right."
"Yeah." Georgie kisses the top of Lyla's head. "It did...."
Georgie leans forward; his lips are met with Lyla's. Like before, the soft, pouty pink lips pressed against his own. They were warm and understanding. Loving. Wrapping his arms around Lyla, Georgie presses her along the fridge, lifts Lyla up and allows her to rest against his stomach. With her legs around his waist, Georgie continues to passionatly kiss the woman of his dreams. The one that gave him hope. A second chance.
"I love you, Lyla."
"Georgie..." Lyla cups his face and glances into his eyes. "I've always loved you..."
Without another word, Georgie carries Lyla to his bedroom. This was his only chance to make it final. To connect with Lyla. All through the night, the pair made passionate love beneath the moonlight and stars. Marking becoming permanent on their bodies; Wolf print for him and a Bowler hat for Lyla. Hope was right all those years ago at the Farm when she assured Georgie his fate had been sealed. Lyla was his saving grace.
"I love you." Georgie repeats these words over and over. "I love you...."
"I love you, Georgie." Lyla kisses his forehead. "I've always loved you..."
Even without words, he knew the truth. If the world were to end right now, the moon and stars would be all they'd see. Georgie would take Lyla and enter this empty world. But it didn't matter. He had her by his side. Everything was alright for once. Georgie was not alone.
'When this world is no more, the moon is all we'll see. I'll ask you, to fly away with me. Until the stars all fall down, they empty from the sky but I don't mind. If you're with me, then everything's alright....'
Any questions, you know the drill.
I will never grow tired of these two. Lyla and Georgie.
Everyone deserves a second chance...
What do you mean? It looks fine on my screen. :P LOL
Dude it was! XD XD XD
On my screen, your afterword ends with:
Case One: The Lost Boy Part Two
Bigby and Luke headed to the Pudding and Pie, the rain had stopped and there was a red tint with the sun peeking through the clouds. Luke took off his suit jacket and slung it over his shoulders. Vivian wasn't at the door which was weird...Normally around this time there would be a lot of people coming in....
"Hey Bigby, where's Vivian?" Luke asked
"Probably on break I'm guessing." Bigby responded.
Another thing that bothered Luke was that there was no glass on the floor where the window was broken...why didn't Alice or Hans mention anything about it? Before Luke could ask they walked into the club. It smelt of cigarette smoke and booze, you could practically get drunk just by the atmosphere. Georgie noticed them, but kept working. Luke and Bigby walked up to him.
"Hey Georgie, can we look at Lillys things?" Bigby asked
Georgie nodded. He was keeping really quiet, which made things seem suspicious. They moved to the back room, normally Bigby would probably share a few words with Georgie about how he didn't approve of using Fables as prostitutes but he figured this kidnapping was more important. They looked at Lillys cubby, there was a note.
Ah my only crooked clue, now if I were you. After seeing that Fables can get glamoured as others....shouldn't you check your own house to see if your Fabletown government isn't filled with any crooked people yourself? I could be hiding right under your nose! Ta-Ta Wolf and friend!
The red ink stopped there. Bigby was furious and Luke could tell. He stepped in front of Bigby and calmed him down, saying that he was sure that there was nobody was glamoured in as other Fables. Bigby has been getting better about his temper, normally he'd get angry fast due to people lying and treating him bad for what he's done in the homelands but Snow and Luke have been helping him to take the calmer approach. Bigby and Luke left the Pudding and Pie but they went separate ways to investigate two different things. Luke went back to Hans, while Bigby went to the business office....
At Hans and Alices place...
Luke looked around the outside of the house. He didn't know if Alice or Hans would be home, but he didn't think they'd mind him being there. It was dark outside now, but Luke carried a lighter just in case Bigby needed a cigarette light, and to have on hand. He went over to the boys window, where the window was shown. He saw a shadow that looked like it was picking up glass, he asked for the shadows name, the shadow had a human figure and seemed to have jumped down a hole when he asked his name. He ran over and found the was still here outside, was that Alice trying to pick it up? He bent over to pick up a piece.
"What the hell is this still doing he-" He was cut off and fell unconscious.
When Luke woke up he looked around. There were trees of all kinds, different shapes sizes and colors. There strange animals around. The sun even had a was smiling. Luke came to the conclusion that he was in a place he wished he wasn't.
"I knew shit was going to get weird right as I saw Alice. Goddamn Wonderland....." He sighed and shook his head and walked forward into Wonderland....
That's it! If anybody is wondering I'm not using Alices Wonderland from Disney but kind of the one from American McGees Alice: Madness Returns, because I liked his idea of her and her Wonderland there than in Disney's that and stuff is just way more weird there than in Disney's. Any other questions or comments let me know!
I loved the first part. It was so well detailed and I could SEE what Robert saw. Oh my God. I knew the young woman was Emily but why is he thinking about Emily? Perhaps since she is his weakness....And the red haired woman! Is THIS Rose Red coming back?! But wHY go after Gren and Emily....but she blew the cloud of Gren dust into Robert's face and now has him AND Gren in a spell. She said she'd come back later for REVENGE and when he was needed! OMG!!!! Is it Rose!?! OMG! OMG, omg, omg.....And then Gren collasping! WTF!?
I did like that you sped up to their birthday.
I thought it was funny when all the men were trying to get the tables set up and Georgie HONESTLY thought he could do it, too. XD XD Nice call, Emily.
Katie and the others, too. So, can they SEE Vivian now or can she be heard and felt, since she odes the whole mist and cool thing?
I see Michelle is there! -fangirls on the floor- AWWWW! And little Lily Faith! A Wolf cub!!!
D I LOVE, love, love that name!! You MUST draw a picture when you have the chance, pie!!!!! PLEASE!!!! I love Holly and Peter together! And the babies are too precious! Some are speaking! DAAWWWWW!!!!!
OMG! The cubs are there!? You're including the cubs AND Snow!?! OMG, Peter DOES speak to them! And the cubs get to see their neice! Is Snow the grandmother as well, considering Bigby IS his father? Is Bigby there, too, by the way....I know you said one of the cubs were tied into one of the quads but that was it....Hmmmmm.....
AWWW! Gren, Emily and the babies with their decoractions and cake and family and love!!!! I just love these two to no freaking end, pie! Can't wait for more.
Oh oops! I saw it, too! XD XD yo, pie! -sends text message- FIX THIS! LOL
I love these two. The end. Nothing more. Georgie and Lyla are my favorite couple on this thread; the story behind him is heartbreaking (I can't get over that rabbit tale, dude....:( ) and the idea that John, although he WAS thinking about his child, tried keeping them away. That end, too. I love them so much.
I agree. EVERYONE deserves another chance, especially if they never had one to begin with. You've made me think twice about Georgie and everytime I see him, I can't hate the man. You have made me love and accept him and the clan, too.
I saw it, man. XD Thanks. BTW, @JJWolf CALM down! Sheesh! I thought something serious happened what with the texts and all! XD
Get off your phone and get to class! XD XD
Anyways, I'm glad so many of you have enjoyed these two.
I can never hate Georgie and I wanted the readers to see HIM through my eyes. The Rabbit story was hard to wrtie, as was the abuse he endured back at the Homelands. But he found his 2nd chance and she loves him, past and all.

I just love how Georgie is like 'Okay, Luke and Bigby are here. Cool.' Love him! That note. What a way to play with the Sheriff's emotions, considering he's not the MOST of patience. XD XD
I love the Disney version but the madness Alice is wonderful. I do agree; with what is going on, that Alice would work better than the cutesy cute one from Disney. :P Also, are Hans and Alice dating?? Did I mise something or...XD XD I love the entrance to Wonderland, too. Wondering what Luke will encounter in THIS Wonderland.
I was essentially going to have a scene where Georgie brings out the crowd control bat and they joke around and have Bigby apologize for doing what he did, but I couldn't quite put it into words for some reason XD Yeah Bigby doesn't have the best patience control in the world! XD
I agree as well, I wonder what it'd be like if the two Alices met each other XD Ah that is my fault I never actually explained if they were married/dating, whoops! The whole Hans and Alice thing was last minute, it had to be Alice but I didn't know who to put her with and I saw Hans and I said "Hey Hans! Long time know see!" And threw him in the story! XD Anyways! I'd say they're married or in the process of doing so :P I apologize on that one!
That would have been fun to read. XD Glad to see he and Bigby have, understanding for the most part.
I agree. I mean, that letter sent him off the edge. I was waiting for Luke to pull out a Snickers bar, honestly. XD
Ah. Now I know that Hans AND Alice are a pair. Hans is always in the backburner. Poor guy. lol i still can't wait. I'm curious to see where Luke ends up in 'Wonderland.'
One day there will be a friendship between Georgie and the sheriff one day! XD Hahaha! I should've done that!
Yeah sadly he's the back burner lol. XD Luke will see some weird, spooky, and mind breaking things.
I have to, or I'll become a sleepy zombie and also miss the bus XD
I've been meaning to incorporate her for a LONG ass time, as I had forgotten to tie up those loose ends all the way back when it happened. I figured I might as well do it now, you know? Franklin's past is definitely coming to haunt him, and now he's got to deal with it.
Sweet! I try XD Ash is badass, lmao XD Her and Franklin are a dangerous duo, ever since the beginning. I have yet to write more, as I have to go to bed again as I write this reply. I've been busy lately and unable to write or check this page as frequently as I want to.
Lmao XD I can just imagine Drunk Mr. Weasel making out with a broom and calling it Cindy like he has in the past XDD
Etan's the Principal! That's awesome! I love how he just snags a pair of headphones and then is like "Haha see ya tonight Tez!"
Someone close the blinds on the door before one poor soul peaks in on it >.> Or, one lucky soul, depending on the context XD
Nick XD Nuff said XD
I'm laughing so hard XD
I LOVE Ella's enthusiasm! Or maybe that's not the right word.... I love how she doesn't particularly care WHAT the teacher tells her, she kind of just does her own thing and seems to want to prove that she's better than what they got, and go further with it. She's freakin' cool!
Nick's bluntness is amazing XD
One question: Are you eventually adding my Ashlyn in? I haven't seen her name appear, but then again, you're only starting out, so it's all good
I was just curious, lol.
Of course! I have the right part for her. Robert will occasionally flirt with her from time to time. As it is early, I'll introduce everyone's Fables in order until they all get together for the "big plot" coming up.
A small preview for the plot, stranded & cornered.
No never! lol it was boring, dude. SOOOOOOOOOOO boring!!!!
I have a hard time reading about Georige's past at times. Just the idea of not only the curse but what was done to him bu his father. and that Rabbit. UGH that story! You can really feel the love these two have. His flashbacks help us as readers see that he truly wanted to change and be with Lyla.
It's sad. she would have lived but her life would have been miserable.
I love these two.
Decided that this song will be the music I listen to for when I write the fight scene between Nick and Galen:
(Thank you Watch Dogs for giving me this awesome song!)
Fight music!
Dang man these two... Scenes like these make me feel like I want to cry which is weird XD Excellent writing as always!