Episode 2 trailer discussion thread.



  • That's just being harsh on yourself, otherwise you're in your pixelated form and literally can't do anything...

    The sad thing is I didn't even draw it (found it on google images), the even sadder thing is that it's still infinitely better than anything I could do!

  • Re: Athena's eyes - what if that's just how Fiona is describing the story, like, "the ex-Lance assassin looked possessed"?

    It wouldn't be the first time our narrators have been unreliable...

  • I like your theory...

    Re: Athena's eyes - what if that's just how Fiona is describing the story, like, "the ex-Lance assassin looked possessed"? It wouldn't be the first time our narrators have been unreliable...

  • WOW! Thats a really great idea! I was going with the theory that Athena still has some of her programming in her head and when she presumably saw Fiona with a sensitive piece of top secret Atlas tech the conditioning just kicked in, but your theory is also awesome

    Re: Athena's eyes - what if that's just how Fiona is describing the story, like, "the ex-Lance assassin looked possessed"? It wouldn't be the first time our narrators have been unreliable...

  • Lol, I can see that!

    Fiona: ''The ex-Crimson Lance girl looked really bad, like she was possesed...and she tried to kill us with her throwing shield.''

    The camera shows Fiona and Sasha escaping from Athena, her throwing the shield at them and then camera focuses entirely on Athena, whose red eyes are releaved, then she starts to crouch on her all four limbs and howl to the moon

    The Kidnapper: ...Oh really?

    Fiona: Yes, really.

    The Kidnaper: points gun at her

    Fiona: But I'm telling the truth! Kind of...

    Re: Athena's eyes - what if that's just how Fiona is describing the story, like, "the ex-Lance assassin looked possessed"? It wouldn't be the first time our narrators have been unreliable...

  • Huh, good point. I haven't thought of that.

    Re: Athena's eyes - what if that's just how Fiona is describing the story, like, "the ex-Lance assassin looked possessed"? It wouldn't be the first time our narrators have been unreliable...

  • that a vagina mouth

    LawmanZero posted: »

    That is a rakk hive. It is also a total dick, so Loader Bot doesn't have to feel guilty about killing it.

  • Made a few gifs. :)

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  • Loader Bot <3

    Pipas posted: »

    Made a few gifs. +bonus

  • So who are finch and croeger and what role do you guys think they'll play

  • Loaderbot looks like he's having fun

    Pipas posted: »

    Made a few gifs. +bonus

  • Not to be nit-picky but

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    Rhys is 3% done with all this waiting.

  • edited March 2015

    What the hell? Was that there before?

    Dapnee posted: »

    Not to be nit-picky but Rhys is 3% done with all this waiting.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    I'd guess they're bounty hunters, as the "Next Time" segment for episode 2 had a section showing Fiona on someone's list.

    zeke10 posted: »

    So who are finch and croeger and what role do you guys think they'll play

  • Wtf is that random 3%?

    Dapnee posted: »

    Not to be nit-picky but Rhys is 3% done with all this waiting.

  • Ah i wonder how often we'll bump into them. Also was the line in the trailer implying that finch has croeger shoot him for fun when he's drunk lol

    dojo32161 posted: »

    I'd guess they're bounty hunters, as the "Next Time" segment for episode 2 had a section showing Fiona on someone's list.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Nah, Finch (I'd guess that's who Adam's playing as) said that Croger has people shoot him in the chest for fun, though Croger is usually drunk when this happens.

    zeke10 posted: »

    Ah i wonder how often we'll bump into them. Also was the line in the trailer implying that finch has croeger shoot him for fun when he's drunk lol

  • Guessing they had that on the screen in front of Rhys, but they didn't place it on the right layer when they compiled the trailer.

    Crips posted: »

    Wtf is that random 3%?

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Wonder if they'll fix it before release.

    Dapnee posted: »

    Guessing they had that on the screen in front of Rhys, but they didn't place it on the right layer when they compiled the trailer.

  • Oh lol maybe if were lucky and they survive they survive they can be the protags for season 2 or dlc lol

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Nah, Finch (I'd guess that's who Adam's playing as) said that Croger has people shoot him in the chest for fun, though Croger is usually drunk when this happens.

  • NO...it'll take 4 month to fix that :)

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Wonder if they'll fix it before release.

  • Alt text

    Dapnee posted: »

    Not to be nit-picky but Rhys is 3% done with all this waiting.

  • Oh my God....Telltale, step up your game here.

    Dapnee posted: »

    Not to be nit-picky but Rhys is 3% done with all this waiting.

  • Now now maybe there's a logical explaination for this. Maybe Sasha got bored and doodled on Rhys suit thing as modern art and it JUST so happens to be the same color as the words on the screen XD

    sSOPHOo posted: »

    NO...it'll take 4 month to fix that

  • Or more than likely, Fiona is exagerrating the encounter.

  • A) She's a bounty hunter and Fiona does have a bounty on her.

    B) The teaser at the end of episode 1 showed Sasha shoving Athena's girlfriend Janey. Athena is probably just being protective of hir girlfriend.

    The red eyes are likely just exaggerations made by Fiona.

    ActionHank posted: »

    Even if it is just dramatic effect, there's still questions to be raised in that case. She's presumably on the side of the vault hunters, an

  • There's no maybe, she is a bounty hunter/mercenary.

    Dapnee posted: »

    Maybe she's a bounty hunter, Sasha and Fiona are wanted. And without Felix with them, their wanted notices are probably all over the echo-ne

  • The trailer disagrees with you. It seems like we are getting a lot of story development.

    If I'm honest I feel like this episode will not have a lot of story development, but that doesn't mean it won't be good. I'm really looking

  • You do realize it could just be Fiona exaggerating, right? It's unlikely the Vault Hunters are being corrupted.

    The real story is likely more mundane. After all, we saw Sasha shoving Athena's girlfriend Janey. Athena is likely made about that.

    LawmanZero posted: »

    Given how Athena looks in the trailer, I'm guessing that SOMETHING is corrupting the Vault Hunters slowly. It might not affect all of them,

  • That's pretty much what i figured too. Both Fiona and Rhys are known for exaggerating their stories.

    Re: Athena's eyes - what if that's just how Fiona is describing the story, like, "the ex-Lance assassin looked possessed"? It wouldn't be the first time our narrators have been unreliable...

  • I think some are looking too much into the red eyes. It's probably Fiona exaggerating what really happen.

    Since it's the same place the new catch a' ride is at, Athena is likely there to see Janey.

  • edited March 2015



    BullseyeRey posted: »

    I think some are looking too much into the red eyes. It's probably Fiona exaggerating what really happen. Since it's the same place the new catch a' ride is at, Athena is likely there to see Janey.

  • It is though :p

    That doesn't even sound like Handsome Jack's voice actor

  • That doesn't even sound like Handsome Jack's voice actor

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator
    edited March 2015

    It is Dameon Clark. I don't know why a lot of people say he doesn't, it sounds exactly like him to me anyway.

    That doesn't even sound like Handsome Jack's voice actor

  • That's a possibility, too.

    I'll put that on the TV Tropes WMG page.

    BullseyeRey posted: »

    You do realize it could just be Fiona exaggerating, right? It's unlikely the Vault Hunters are being corrupted. The real story is likely more mundane. After all, we saw Sasha shoving Athena's girlfriend Janey. Athena is likely made about that.

  • I think it's kinda funny how this keeps happening. I remember when we first got a trailer for The Pre Sequel a lot of people thought he had been replaced, which obviously wasn't the case. It happened when episode one came out too, and here we are again. xD

    I'm guessing that people are being thrown off by his angry/serious voice in the trailer. It's almost as if Dameon is too talented for his own good. He's got so much range with the character that people keep thinking it's someone else, lol.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    It is Dameon Clark. I don't know why a lot of people say he doesn't, it sounds exactly like him to me anyway.

  • edited March 2015

    It's almost as if Dameon is too talented for his own good.


    Also, he sounds normal in the first part where he's saying "I know, I'm your hero - you're my biggest fan..." It's just the angry bit that's throwing people off.

    Actually I had no idea how much I needed genuinely angry HJ in my life. We get a taste of it after the events of Where Angels Fear to Tread, but as he descends further and further into madness he becomes more psychotic/cartoony. This feels real. O_O

    Given their writing skills I'm actually ridiculously keen to see where Telltale take the character - especially now that Anthony's left.

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    I think it's kinda funny how this keeps happening. I remember when we first got a trailer for The Pre Sequel a lot of people thought he had

  • edited March 2015

    It sounds like him, but he just kinda sounds a little different in every game. Which is actually great because it's only logical. The more time passes, the more angry Jack becomes and the more he let it out. To think of it, Timothy didn't sound like Jack at all only because he has a different personality.

    He just doing his job too good. xD

    dojo32161 posted: »

    It is Dameon Clark. I don't know why a lot of people say he doesn't, it sounds exactly like him to me anyway.

  • Yeah, Timothy blew me away. Given how similar Dameon is to Jack in real life (by his own admission!), and his tendency to be typecast as mainly psychopaths and serial killers I was genuinely shocked that he could portray someone so meek and awkward so believably...

    And the time where Timothy refuses to kill the guard and says, "I'm not you, Jack":

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    DeityD posted: »

    It sounds like him, but he just kinda sounds a little different in every game. Which is actually great because it's only logical. The more t

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