Georgie and Lyla
Not so long ago....
'I'm on the top of the world, looking down on creation and the only explanation I can find, is th… moree love that I found, ever since you came around, your love has put me ontop of the world.'
It had been a long day. Georgie, sitting in his chair, looked on the stage. All he could see was her image; the beautiful woman with shoulder length chestnut hair, wearing a sparkling pink bikini, twirling on the pole. Her glares at Georgie, as he sat back and watched. Lyla's seductive hips swaying in circles, her mountains of flesh bouncing with each step she took. She was gorgeous in his eyes. Georgie had never encountered such beauty before like this. Beauty like this were created for the rich, the Gods and those with power. Nothing like this was ever meant for him.
Even as he stared onto the empty stage, lights glimmering all around, there she was. Lyla was different. Georgie had noticed her stricking pers… [view original content]
Hey thanks, man. Yes, this takes place long before the quads. I like to go back and fill in the missing pieces. Show the readers (as you mentioned) to how close they really were. Now, the markings. I shall explain.
Since Lyla is a Wolf, they mark their mates for eternity. When the two are connected as one, this happens; Georgie got a wolf print and she got a Bowler hat. They are now forever as one. Heaven and Hell couldn't seperate them. These markings are full of their memories and more to come. It's a wolf thing.
Dude! This so so sweet!!!
I'm assuming this takes place in the past (given the context and dialogue) but it really is an insight into jus… moret how close these two are!
This will help me a lot with my own writing, and help me write your fic when I have the time XD
Marking becoming permanent on their bodies; Wolf print for him and a Bowler hat for Lyla
De wut?
Hey thanks, man. Yes, this takes place long before the quads. I like to go back and fill in the missing pieces. Show the readers (as you me… morentioned) to how close they really were. Now, the markings. I shall explain.
Since Lyla is a Wolf, they mark their mates for eternity. When the two are connected as one, this happens; Georgie got a wolf print and she got a Bowler hat. They are now forever as one. Heaven and Hell couldn't seperate them. These markings are full of their memories and more to come. It's a wolf thing.
Yes; Lyla's family is able to mark what is their's. Her father did it and so forth. Georgie's is in the middle of his right arm and Lyla's is on her back.
Yes; Lyla's family is able to mark what is their's. Her father did it and so forth. Georgie's is in the middle of his right arm and Lyla's is on her back.
'A son's first hero, a daughter's first love. Any man can make a baby but it takes a special person to be a father.'
If I have time, will write later. Need to take the misses to the doctor. REALLY sick and Emily has the sniffles, too. No bueno.
'A son's first hero, a daughter's first love. Any man can make a baby but it takes a special person to be a father.'
If I have time, will write later. Need to take the misses to the doctor. REALLY sick and Emily has the sniffles, too. No bueno.
This is the single most cutest thing I've seen Gren involved in! I love how they are sneaking the cookies but Seraphina blames it all on Viviana. i love that last one. And the quote, too.
Hope everything is alright. NOW is the time when everyone is sick.
'A son's first hero, a daughter's first love. Any man can make a baby but it takes a special person to be a father.'
If I have time, will write later. Need to take the misses to the doctor. REALLY sick and Emily has the sniffles, too. No bueno.
'A son's first hero, a daughter's first love. Any man can make a baby but it takes a special person to be a father.'
If I have time, will write later. Need to take the misses to the doctor. REALLY sick and Emily has the sniffles, too. No bueno.
I have to, or I'll become a sleepy zombie and also miss the bus XD
I've been meaning to incorporate her for a LONG ass time, as I had for… moregotten to tie up those loose ends all the way back when it happened. I figured I might as well do it now, you know? Franklin's past is definitely coming to haunt him, and now he's got to deal with it.
Sweet! I try XD Ash is badass, lmao XD Her and Franklin are a dangerous duo, ever since the beginning. I have yet to write more, as I have to go to bed again as I write this reply. I've been busy lately and unable to write or check this page as frequently as I want to.
Decided that this song will be the music I listen to for when I write the fight scene between Nick and Galen:
(Thank you Watch Dogs for giving me this awesome song!)
Fight music!
Robert sat on the couch, eating his food. The half time show carried on. It wasn't a bad performance. In Katy Perry fashion, she arrives on stage with a raindow skirt, sparkling top and playful critters dancing beside her. each of the dancers were dresses as either a Fox, Whale, Bird or Pig; the Pigs tossed bouncy balls into the crowd, while the other pulled strings and allowed rainfalls of confetti to fall from the sky. Slash, playing his guitar like the God he was, caused the crowd and the people in the room to go bonkers, clap and sing along.
Rose. Harmony and Lyla were singing along to 'California Girls'. Catherine clapped to the beat and tapped her toes. Mikhail had never heard this woman sing before but he was pleased by the cheery, bubbly lyrics. Georgie was more interested in the guitar performance than anything but in all honesty, he wanted to see the game. He KNEW the Packers would make their comback. He clung to his cheese head and silently prayed. Gren laughed and pointed but thanks to Emily, that ended quickly.
Nick and Draco, now standing in the kitchen, drank their beers and nibbled on chips. All were gone except for Cheetos and Funyuns. Taking a Cheeto, Draco dips the salty, cheesy snack into a bowl of French Onio dip. Making a sour face, Nick watches the Dragon Fable inhale the chip, take a sip and sigh.
"You LIKE that stuff?"
Draco glances over. "Like....what, chips?"
"No, the dip."
"Yeah, Lyla makes a pretty bomb ass French Onion dip. You should try the ranch, too. She RARELY buys the bottled kind. Always homemade. Go on. Try it."
Nick takes a crispy chicken wing and dips the meat into the ranch. Eating it, he's pleased with the flavors. Holding his thumb up and nodding, Nick takes another wing and repeats this process six times.
"Wow. This IS good!"
"Her own little recipe." Draco points towards Georgie. "Why dear, sweet q-ball in there is getting chunky and-"
"I fookin' heard that." Georgie sits up from the couch and heads towards the kitchen. "I bloody heard that, Dragon."
Nick tosses Georgie a beer. "Here. Join us. Let the women sing and dance to Katy Perry."
"Ugh tell me 'bout it." Georgie pops the top and drinks. "Fa' fook sakes, man, I JUST wanna watch the fookin' game and-"
"Coming through!" Gren takes his plate and adds wings, vegetables and a chicken sandwich. " much food."
"Want a Beer?"
"Nah, nah. OH-I fuckin' want THIS, though. Yo', Nick-" Gren whistles and twirls his finger. "Pass me those Doritos, will you?"
"Really Gren? Whistles and finger motion? You MUST be joking me?"
"Well poo on you! HEY, Georgie-can you hand me the chips?"
"Uh because you love me, I'm your favorite son-in-law and I gave you four adorable, cheek pinching grandchildren."
Jersey, trying to avoid hitting the door, runs into the kitchen. It's obvious he's drunk, as he leans his body against Draco.
"This guy...." Jersey pokes Draco's chest over and over. "THIS here-"
Rolling his eyes, Draco pushes Jersey off and holds up the bowl. "There are no Doritos, Gren."
Gren stops and angrily looks over. "WHAT..."
"I SAID, there are no more Doritos. That Weasel looking thing took the last chips and-"
Nick tries to grab Gren's arm. "Dude, hey, hey-calm down! We can run to the store and-"
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Gren leaps over the counter, pushing Georgie to the floor. "I'LL GET HIM!"
In the living room, the show had ended and the commercials began once more. Rose, Harmony and Lyla continued to speak about the performance. Cindy soon joined in. The conversation quickly went from shoes, to bras, to her hair style and finally makeup and dancing. Catherine found the empty spot beside Lyla and with Mikhail's help, discussed the show.
Harmony nearly smacked Cindy in the face. "OMG....did you guys SEE those shoes!?"
"I know, right!?" Lyla and Cindy both say this together.
Rose jumps in. "Oh man-THAT was the best one yet! UGH, man Slash is SOOOO freaking sexy! The way he was playing that guitar and the way it just worked with that final song. UGH!"
Tez, not surprised by his Rose, chuckled. "Yes, dear. You WOULD notice the man in leather pants, no shirt and guitar."
Rose folds her arms. "Well, EXCUSE m, mister looking at Katy Perry's boobs."
Tez sits up. "No! No, no, no, no-I was looking at her top BECAUSE did you see the cupcakes and-"
"Excuses." Cindy giggles. "Men and their boobs."
Tez playfully punches Rose in the arm. "You know I'm messing with you, Rosey Red."
"I do, boo-kins."
Emily looks over just in time to see Gren storm out of the kitchen. Nick, Draco and georgie try their best to contain the beast, slowly changing into his form. Robert notices his target; Weasel was munching on one of the Dorito chips, unaware of the towering creature heading his way. He was preoccupied by the excitment and the dancing dog on television promoting a new flavor of Mountain Dew.
"I do say, Cindy, that was quite the show and they just keep comin' with more. Splendid!"
Robert lifts Percy up, holds him above his head and watches Gren slam into the bottom of the couch. Clinging to robert's giant hands, Percy was prepared for a sudden feast on his little body.
"AYE, Robert! I must say, I do enjoy rides at the carnival but please, give me a warning and-"
"You almost became Grendel food, dude."
Percy clings to his coat. "I....excuse me?"
Gren glares over. "YOU-you ate ALL the Doritos!"
"Why, my good creature, I took SOME of Doritos and last time I heard, Miss Lyla said the food was for whomever and I must-"
Gren tries to reach for Weasel. "GAAAAAAH! I'm going to fuck you up, you British speaking Racoon!"
"Gren!" Robert clings Percy to his chest. "CALM the fuck down. You're drunk. Stop-go get Cheetos or something, shit."
Cindy takes Percy from Robert and kisses the top of his head. "Are you alright, love?"
"Quite so, dear, although next time remind me ta' neva' take Dorito snacks from Mr. Gren..."
Rose laughs. "OH man! forget the game! THIS is priceless! Hey.....sweetie! Wanna bet Gren will get his ass beat and-"
Before Tez could answer Rose, Emily stands up. she had just about enough of Gren's pigish behavior and it needed to end. He was being rude to not only the guests but her parent's home as well. With a single slap to the head, Robert watches Emily beat his brother to the ground. He tried not to laugh, although Jersey and Nick were already there.
"Gren...GET ya' fookin ass up and apologies ta' Percy!"
Another slap. "Ya' making me look like some fookin' fool! Ya' be betta' than that! I fookin' told ya', ta' BUT ya' own bag in case they ran out! But no-ya' gotta go and be a fookin stubborn as mutha'fookin' asshole!"
Harmony covers her mouth. Rose, however, stands up to clap. "Damn! You tell him, Georgie with a vagina! You-"
Tez grabs Rose and pulls her back down. He seemed nervous. "SSSSHHHH! Be quiet, Rose! Don't anger her...."
Rose laughs. "OH me and Ems are cool, huh Emily?"
Emily ignores Rose, stands before Gren, who is now covering his head with his hand and huffs.
"GET up, apologies ta' Percy AND me folks. When ya' be done, ya' get your sorry fookin' swamp ass OUT of this house and ya' go SIT in the sun and THINK about what ya' did ta'day. Ya' fookin' hear me, Gren?"
Gren nods. With a pouty lip, he apologies to Percy, Georgie and Lyla. As instructed, the beast goes outside and sits in the middle of the yard. All the children, noticing his sudden apperance, approach him with caution. Emily adjusts her dress, sits down and eats her sandwich. Jersey applaudes the young woman but Nick was taken back. He'd never seen such a thing; a beast taking orders from a woman half his stature. Emily never once blinked.
Robert laughs. "Oh man! THIS...we need to get together more often here!"
Rose agrees. "See, baby! And you wanted to go to the Trip Trap this year...."
"You are right, dear. I do agree this way-"
Robert leans over Rose's lap. "Hey, T still up for the bet or are you too chicken now?"
"I'm still doing it. I have confidence the packers will catch up."
He and Georgie fist bump. "See. He fookin' gets me."
The game returns; the packers behind by ten points and the Patriots had the ball. it was still anyone's game. Robert laughed to himself. Oh what a day this was becoming.
Any questions or comments, leave them below. JUST got back from my doctor's appointment. No, not sick. Just some other things, know. XP Class is canceled, SO, this gives me a chance to catch up on this story. I love where its going. I have more planned, so don't worry if you feel like your OC has not had enough screen time. I want to give eneryone a chance.
Oh man! I have too much to say about this one!! XD
First of all I have a criticism, it's just that I couldn't quite tell who was talking or who was doing what in places, but I think I figured it out in the end :P
Now onto Nick:
Nick and Draco, now standing in the kitchen, drank their beers and nibbled on chips.
I'm no scientist, but I would think Nick would need salt in his beer cuz of how 'fresh' it is...
Besides all that, you nailed Nick spot on! I also like how you show his surprise at Emily being dominant over Gren in his true form; Nick is the sort of guy that would expect the dominant one to be the one with the power and the strength, but Emily... She is a force of her own! XD
Robert sat on the couch, eating his food. The half time show carried on. It wasn't a bad performance. In Katy Perry fashion, she arrives on … morestage with a raindow skirt, sparkling top and playful critters dancing beside her. each of the dancers were dresses as either a Fox, Whale, Bird or Pig; the Pigs tossed bouncy balls into the crowd, while the other pulled strings and allowed rainfalls of confetti to fall from the sky. Slash, playing his guitar like the God he was, caused the crowd and the people in the room to go bonkers, clap and sing along.
Rose. Harmony and Lyla were singing along to 'California Girls'. Catherine clapped to the beat and tapped her toes. Mikhail had never heard this woman sing before but he was pleased by the cheery, bubbly lyrics. Georgie was more interested in the guitar performance than anything but in all honesty, he wanted to see the game. He KNEW the Packers would make their comback. He clung to his cheese head … [view original content]
Robert sat on the couch, eating his food. The half time show carried on. It wasn't a bad performance. In Katy Perry fashion, she arrives on … morestage with a raindow skirt, sparkling top and playful critters dancing beside her. each of the dancers were dresses as either a Fox, Whale, Bird or Pig; the Pigs tossed bouncy balls into the crowd, while the other pulled strings and allowed rainfalls of confetti to fall from the sky. Slash, playing his guitar like the God he was, caused the crowd and the people in the room to go bonkers, clap and sing along.
Rose. Harmony and Lyla were singing along to 'California Girls'. Catherine clapped to the beat and tapped her toes. Mikhail had never heard this woman sing before but he was pleased by the cheery, bubbly lyrics. Georgie was more interested in the guitar performance than anything but in all honesty, he wanted to see the game. He KNEW the Packers would make their comback. He clung to his cheese head … [view original content]
I just love those four little bundles of trouble. XD They are good. They both have the cold but they'll be good with lots of rest and soup. That time of year for us. Hot cold, hot cold. Go home,'re drunk. XD
I just love those four little bundles of trouble. XD They are good. They both have the cold but they'll be good with lots of rest and soup. That time of year for us. Hot cold, hot cold. Go home,'re drunk. XD
LMFAO I'm sorry! There is way too many things I can say that made this funny. First off, the women's reaction to Katy Perry was priceless. Harmony nearly knocking Cindy in the face, Rose, Lyla, Catherine. It was just hilarious NOT to picture. Second, Draco and Nick in the kitchen, discussing dips and what not. XD XD Damn, Lyla! You go with your Betty Crocker badself!
Jersey drunk. Nothing more to say. I was waiting for Draco to seriously hit him. Freaking Draco, too. Calling Georgie q-ball! XD XD Least he has a sense of humor about it!
AWWW! You took my meme with Gren and the Doritos. :') Sweet! That was too funny! Going after poor Weasel. Swear he's the Fable on this thread that is messed with but always comes back with a smile and his cheery self! I love it! Quick reflects there too, Robert.
And Emily:
You captured her PERFECTLY! This is so them! Love Nick's reaction. Everyone else is like 'Oh well, this is normal' and he's like 'DAFUQ....'
I can't wait for more, dude! Awesome job! Keep up with this!
Robert sat on the couch, eating his food. The half time show carried on. It wasn't a bad performance. In Katy Perry fashion, she arrives on … morestage with a raindow skirt, sparkling top and playful critters dancing beside her. each of the dancers were dresses as either a Fox, Whale, Bird or Pig; the Pigs tossed bouncy balls into the crowd, while the other pulled strings and allowed rainfalls of confetti to fall from the sky. Slash, playing his guitar like the God he was, caused the crowd and the people in the room to go bonkers, clap and sing along.
Rose. Harmony and Lyla were singing along to 'California Girls'. Catherine clapped to the beat and tapped her toes. Mikhail had never heard this woman sing before but he was pleased by the cheery, bubbly lyrics. Georgie was more interested in the guitar performance than anything but in all honesty, he wanted to see the game. He KNEW the Packers would make their comback. He clung to his cheese head … [view original content]
I saw the film Nebraska, and the when the Dad's son asks him why he had kids, his response was "I liked to screw around and your Mother was Catholic, you work it out"
I didn't really understand, so my Mum (a former church goer because of her Dad) explained that cuz of the Catholicism, they didn't use any protection ever :P
This keeps getting better and better! You're doing an awesome job with Catherine by the way! It's cool to see Cat actually enjoying herself with the others
Poor Gren XD the last girl I'd ever want to pissed off would be Emily o.o
Robert sat on the couch, eating his food. The half time show carried on. It wasn't a bad performance. In Katy Perry fashion, she arrives on … morestage with a raindow skirt, sparkling top and playful critters dancing beside her. each of the dancers were dresses as either a Fox, Whale, Bird or Pig; the Pigs tossed bouncy balls into the crowd, while the other pulled strings and allowed rainfalls of confetti to fall from the sky. Slash, playing his guitar like the God he was, caused the crowd and the people in the room to go bonkers, clap and sing along.
Rose. Harmony and Lyla were singing along to 'California Girls'. Catherine clapped to the beat and tapped her toes. Mikhail had never heard this woman sing before but he was pleased by the cheery, bubbly lyrics. Georgie was more interested in the guitar performance than anything but in all honesty, he wanted to see the game. He KNEW the Packers would make their comback. He clung to his cheese head … [view original content]
Yeah we don't believe in protection. My mom explained it as, if God wants you to have, oh I don't know, ten kids then damn it, you'll have ten kids. XD Me and the misses TRY (I know those tuning in really don't want to hear this lol) but accidents happen.
My older brother is only ten months older than me. lmao Goes him, me, another brother and a younger sister. All barely a year apart from one another.
I didn't want to cause offence btw...
I saw the film Nebraska, and the when the Dad's son asks him why he had kids, his response was "I l… moreiked to screw around and your Mother was Catholic, you work it out"
I didn't really understand, so my Mum (a former church goer because of her Dad) explained that cuz of the Catholicism, they didn't use any protection ever :P
Yeah we don't believe in protection. My mom explained it as, if God wants you to have, oh I don't know, ten kids then damn it, you'll have t… moreen kids. XD Me and the misses TRY (I know those tuning in really don't want to hear this lol) but accidents happen.
My older brother is only ten months older than me. lmao Goes him, me, another brother and a younger sister. All barely a year apart from one another.
LMFAO I'm sorry! There is way too many things I can say that made this funny. First off, the women's reaction to Katy Perry was priceless. H… morearmony nearly knocking Cindy in the face, Rose, Lyla, Catherine. It was just hilarious NOT to picture. Second, Draco and Nick in the kitchen, discussing dips and what not. XD XD Damn, Lyla! You go with your Betty Crocker badself!
Jersey drunk. Nothing more to say. I was waiting for Draco to seriously hit him. Freaking Draco, too. Calling Georgie q-ball! XD XD Least he has a sense of humor about it!
AWWW! You took my meme with Gren and the Doritos. :') Sweet! That was too funny! Going after poor Weasel. Swear he's the Fable on this thread that is messed with but always comes back with a smile and his cheery self! I love it! Quick reflects there too, Robert.
And Emily:
You captured her PERFECTLY! This is so them! Love Nick's reaction. Everyone else is like 'Oh well, this is normal' and he's like 'DAFUQ....'
I can't wait for more, dude! Awesome job! Keep up with this!
So... you DO want more children then?
If you and Tammy TRY then surely that means something???
Tbh, I know too many people over here that should've used protection; I know girls who are single mothers cuz of it...
Take any image you want, save the picture and I like to use Just upload the saved image and the directions are pretty clear after that.
Nick is reacting how anyone would if they didn't know either the Porgies OR Emily. XD
But Nick would be like that if any woman had that much control; like Harmony to Tim, Rose to Tezoth, hell, Cindy to Weasel!!
Like I pointed out in one of my chapters; when Mary gets mad at Nick for losing control, he listens, but he doesn't take her seriously, he just finds her sexy when she gets mad at him. But seeing Gren actually 'afraid' of Emily... that's something Nick has never known before...
Take any image you want, save the picture and I like to use Just upload the saved image and the direction… mores are pretty clear after that.
Nick is reacting how anyone would if they didn't know either the Porgies OR Emily. XD
We have some pretty powerful women on this thread. High five, ladies!
I THINK I recall a part in the story where Mary was making dinner and she was getting snippy with Nick and he pretty much was like 'Alright, babe...I'll let you vent' and that was pretty much it. XD
seeing Gren actually 'afraid' of Emily
Gren comes off as this hard, 'I'm going to cut your face' kind of guy but he also comes off as a HUGE P word, if he were to REALLY be put in his place. Emily does not take BS from anyone and I mean, dang....he tried to eat Weasel, so I can see why she got so pissed the F off. XD
Thnx man!
But Nick would be like that if any woman had that much control; like Harmony to Tim, Rose to Tezoth, hell, Cindy to Weasel!!
… more Like I pointed out in one of my chapters; when Mary gets mad at Nick for losing control, he listens, but he doesn't take her seriously, he just finds her sexy when she gets mad at him. But seeing Gren actually 'afraid' of Emily... that's something Nick has never known before...
Here's hoping Jayne and Lyra can join that list when the time comes!
It was in Chapter 2; also Nick made the dinner :P
He and Mary had an argument about something he told Lyra, and after dinner he seduced her, but Mary was already over the argument by then, so that time was different :P
Nick will always be the 'I don't care' character; I remember his portrayal in TDAU: Not at all intimidated by Bigby or the 13th Floor Witches...
In my next story (and possibly this current one) Nick's more aggravated encounters with Lyla and Emily will show how unafraid he is of them...
We have some pretty powerful women on this thread. High five, ladies!
I THINK I recall a part in the story where Mary was making dinner … moreand she was getting snippy with Nick and he pretty much was like 'Alright, babe...I'll let you vent' and that was pretty much it. XD
seeing Gren actually 'afraid' of Emily
Gren comes off as this hard, 'I'm going to cut your face' kind of guy but he also comes off as a HUGE P word, if he were to REALLY be put in his place. Emily does not take BS from anyone and I mean, dang....he tried to eat Weasel, so I can see why she got so pissed the F off. XD
Ah! Totally excited, and not surprised about Robert XD Too bad she already has a boyfriend, lmao! Can't wait for the 'big plot', it sounds super intriguing!
Of course! I have the right part for her. Robert will occasionally flirt with her from time to time. As it is early, I'll introduce everyone… more's Fables in order until they all get together for the "big plot" coming up.
A small preview for the plot, stranded & cornered.
SOOOOO CUTE! The babies are literally the most adorable things Gren's such a great dad So, does Rosie consider these younger ones her siblings, or just generic relatives of sorts? I love Rosie so much, lol XD Sorry to hear everyone's sick with something Hopefully you and the misses and ESPECIALLY the baby get well soon. Must suck for the poor kid, probably experiencing the sniffles for the first time, lol XD We need another pic of her to see how big she's getting!
'A son's first hero, a daughter's first love. Any man can make a baby but it takes a special person to be a father.'
If I have time, will write later. Need to take the misses to the doctor. REALLY sick and Emily has the sniffles, too. No bueno.
SOOOOO CUTE! The babies are literally the most adorable things Gren's such a great dad So, does Rosie consider these younger ones her sibl… moreings, or just generic relatives of sorts? I love Rosie so much, lol XD Sorry to hear everyone's sick with something Hopefully you and the misses and ESPECIALLY the baby get well soon. Must suck for the poor kid, probably experiencing the sniffles for the first time, lol XD We need another pic of her to see how big she's getting!
Gren is an awesome dad. Rosie does consider the quads her siblings. Even though Gren is not biologically her father, he raised her since birth and to Rosie, that's her father no matter what. She loves Emily dearly and is happy she and Gren are together and growing as one. Rosie is awesome and I want to cover more of her in future chapters.
It does, poor thing. She's been so cranky and I know it hurts; I feel awful because you can't do much except meds, sleep and love. Hoping for a quick recovery for both and I will definently get those pics up for you guys.
SOOOOO CUTE! The babies are literally the most adorable things Gren's such a great dad So, does Rosie consider these younger ones her sibl… moreings, or just generic relatives of sorts? I love Rosie so much, lol XD Sorry to hear everyone's sick with something Hopefully you and the misses and ESPECIALLY the baby get well soon. Must suck for the poor kid, probably experiencing the sniffles for the first time, lol XD We need another pic of her to see how big she's getting!
Dude! This so so sweet!!!
I'm assuming this takes place in the past (given the context and dialogue) but it really is an insight into just how close these two are!
This will help me a lot with my own writing, and help me write your fic when I have the time XD
De wut?
Hey thanks, man.
Yes, this takes place long before the quads. I like to go back and fill in the missing pieces. Show the readers (as you mentioned) to how close they really were. Now, the markings. I shall explain.
Since Lyla is a Wolf, they mark their mates for eternity. When the two are connected as one, this happens; Georgie got a wolf print and she got a Bowler hat. They are now forever as one. Heaven and Hell couldn't seperate them. These markings are full of their memories and more to come. It's a wolf thing.
-Hands you box of tissue- I don't want anyone to cry but I'm glad you could see just how much Georgie and Lyla have and always will love one another.
So are they physical markings? If so then where are they on their persons??
Yes; Lyla's family is able to mark what is their's. Her father did it and so forth. Georgie's is in the middle of his right arm and Lyla's is on her back.
'A son's first hero, a daughter's first love. Any man can make a baby but it takes a special person to be a father.'
If I have time, will write later. Need to take the misses to the doctor. REALLY sick and Emily has the sniffles, too.
No bueno.
Cool... I will incorporate that in the story now (I knew so little of Lyla and Georgie when I wrote them into Chapter 2 :P)
Oh no they took all the cookies! XD
No bueno indeed, I hope they get better!
That. Is. Too. Damn. Cute!!! XD
Oh dear :O I hope Tammy is ok... Emily as well of course!
This is the single most cutest thing I've seen Gren involved in!
I love how they are sneaking the cookies but Seraphina blames it all on Viviana. i love that last one.
And the quote, too.
Hope everything is alright. NOW is the time when everyone is sick.
We all have to become sleepy zombies at some point in our lives, Em. XP
I can only imagine what those two will be like when they're into their young adulthood, wreaking havoc everywhere!
Meh, the song's alright. I think it's good for the junkyard scene and ONLY the junkyard scene alone in Watch Dogs. :P
Robert sat on the couch, eating his food. The half time show carried on. It wasn't a bad performance. In Katy Perry fashion, she arrives on stage with a raindow skirt, sparkling top and playful critters dancing beside her. each of the dancers were dresses as either a Fox, Whale, Bird or Pig; the Pigs tossed bouncy balls into the crowd, while the other pulled strings and allowed rainfalls of confetti to fall from the sky. Slash, playing his guitar like the God he was, caused the crowd and the people in the room to go bonkers, clap and sing along.
Rose. Harmony and Lyla were singing along to 'California Girls'. Catherine clapped to the beat and tapped her toes. Mikhail had never heard this woman sing before but he was pleased by the cheery, bubbly lyrics. Georgie was more interested in the guitar performance than anything but in all honesty, he wanted to see the game. He KNEW the Packers would make their comback. He clung to his cheese head and silently prayed. Gren laughed and pointed but thanks to Emily, that ended quickly.
Nick and Draco, now standing in the kitchen, drank their beers and nibbled on chips. All were gone except for Cheetos and Funyuns. Taking a Cheeto, Draco dips the salty, cheesy snack into a bowl of French Onio dip. Making a sour face, Nick watches the Dragon Fable inhale the chip, take a sip and sigh.
"You LIKE that stuff?"
Draco glances over. "Like....what, chips?"
"No, the dip."
"Yeah, Lyla makes a pretty bomb ass French Onion dip. You should try the ranch, too. She RARELY buys the bottled kind. Always homemade. Go on. Try it."
Nick takes a crispy chicken wing and dips the meat into the ranch. Eating it, he's pleased with the flavors. Holding his thumb up and nodding, Nick takes another wing and repeats this process six times.
"Wow. This IS good!"
"Her own little recipe." Draco points towards Georgie. "Why dear, sweet q-ball in there is getting chunky and-"
"I fookin' heard that." Georgie sits up from the couch and heads towards the kitchen. "I bloody heard that, Dragon."
Nick tosses Georgie a beer. "Here. Join us. Let the women sing and dance to Katy Perry."
"Ugh tell me 'bout it." Georgie pops the top and drinks. "Fa' fook sakes, man, I JUST wanna watch the fookin' game and-"
"Coming through!" Gren takes his plate and adds wings, vegetables and a chicken sandwich. " much food."
"Want a Beer?"
"Nah, nah. OH-I fuckin' want THIS, though. Yo', Nick-" Gren whistles and twirls his finger. "Pass me those Doritos, will you?"
"Really Gren? Whistles and finger motion? You MUST be joking me?"
"Well poo on you! HEY, Georgie-can you hand me the chips?"
"Uh because you love me, I'm your favorite son-in-law and I gave you four adorable, cheek pinching grandchildren."
Jersey, trying to avoid hitting the door, runs into the kitchen. It's obvious he's drunk, as he leans his body against Draco.
"This guy...." Jersey pokes Draco's chest over and over. "THIS here-"
Rolling his eyes, Draco pushes Jersey off and holds up the bowl. "There are no Doritos, Gren."
Gren stops and angrily looks over. "WHAT..."
"I SAID, there are no more Doritos. That Weasel looking thing took the last chips and-"
Nick tries to grab Gren's arm. "Dude, hey, hey-calm down! We can run to the store and-"
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Gren leaps over the counter, pushing Georgie to the floor. "I'LL GET HIM!"
In the living room, the show had ended and the commercials began once more. Rose, Harmony and Lyla continued to speak about the performance. Cindy soon joined in. The conversation quickly went from shoes, to bras, to her hair style and finally makeup and dancing. Catherine found the empty spot beside Lyla and with Mikhail's help, discussed the show.
Harmony nearly smacked Cindy in the face. "OMG....did you guys SEE those shoes!?"
"I know, right!?" Lyla and Cindy both say this together.
Rose jumps in. "Oh man-THAT was the best one yet! UGH, man Slash is SOOOO freaking sexy! The way he was playing that guitar and the way it just worked with that final song. UGH!"
Tez, not surprised by his Rose, chuckled. "Yes, dear. You WOULD notice the man in leather pants, no shirt and guitar."
Rose folds her arms. "Well, EXCUSE m, mister looking at Katy Perry's boobs."
Tez sits up. "No! No, no, no, no-I was looking at her top BECAUSE did you see the cupcakes and-"
"Excuses." Cindy giggles. "Men and their boobs."
Tez playfully punches Rose in the arm. "You know I'm messing with you, Rosey Red."
"I do, boo-kins."
Emily looks over just in time to see Gren storm out of the kitchen. Nick, Draco and georgie try their best to contain the beast, slowly changing into his form. Robert notices his target; Weasel was munching on one of the Dorito chips, unaware of the towering creature heading his way. He was preoccupied by the excitment and the dancing dog on television promoting a new flavor of Mountain Dew.
"I do say, Cindy, that was quite the show and they just keep comin' with more. Splendid!"
Robert lifts Percy up, holds him above his head and watches Gren slam into the bottom of the couch. Clinging to robert's giant hands, Percy was prepared for a sudden feast on his little body.
"AYE, Robert! I must say, I do enjoy rides at the carnival but please, give me a warning and-"
"You almost became Grendel food, dude."
Percy clings to his coat. "I....excuse me?"
Gren glares over. "YOU-you ate ALL the Doritos!"
"Why, my good creature, I took SOME of Doritos and last time I heard, Miss Lyla said the food was for whomever and I must-"
Gren tries to reach for Weasel. "GAAAAAAH! I'm going to fuck you up, you British speaking Racoon!"
"Gren!" Robert clings Percy to his chest. "CALM the fuck down. You're drunk. Stop-go get Cheetos or something, shit."
Cindy takes Percy from Robert and kisses the top of his head. "Are you alright, love?"
"Quite so, dear, although next time remind me ta' neva' take Dorito snacks from Mr. Gren..."
Rose laughs. "OH man! forget the game! THIS is priceless! Hey.....sweetie! Wanna bet Gren will get his ass beat and-"
Before Tez could answer Rose, Emily stands up. she had just about enough of Gren's pigish behavior and it needed to end. He was being rude to not only the guests but her parent's home as well. With a single slap to the head, Robert watches Emily beat his brother to the ground. He tried not to laugh, although Jersey and Nick were already there.
"Gren...GET ya' fookin ass up and apologies ta' Percy!"
Another slap. "Ya' making me look like some fookin' fool! Ya' be betta' than that! I fookin' told ya', ta' BUT ya' own bag in case they ran out! But no-ya' gotta go and be a fookin stubborn as mutha'fookin' asshole!"
Harmony covers her mouth. Rose, however, stands up to clap. "Damn! You tell him, Georgie with a vagina! You-"
Tez grabs Rose and pulls her back down. He seemed nervous. "SSSSHHHH! Be quiet, Rose! Don't anger her...."
Rose laughs. "OH me and Ems are cool, huh Emily?"
Emily ignores Rose, stands before Gren, who is now covering his head with his hand and huffs.
"GET up, apologies ta' Percy AND me folks. When ya' be done, ya' get your sorry fookin' swamp ass OUT of this house and ya' go SIT in the sun and THINK about what ya' did ta'day. Ya' fookin' hear me, Gren?"
Gren nods. With a pouty lip, he apologies to Percy, Georgie and Lyla. As instructed, the beast goes outside and sits in the middle of the yard. All the children, noticing his sudden apperance, approach him with caution. Emily adjusts her dress, sits down and eats her sandwich. Jersey applaudes the young woman but Nick was taken back. He'd never seen such a thing; a beast taking orders from a woman half his stature. Emily never once blinked.
Robert laughs. "Oh man! THIS...we need to get together more often here!"
Rose agrees. "See, baby! And you wanted to go to the Trip Trap this year...."
"You are right, dear. I do agree this way-"
Robert leans over Rose's lap. "Hey, T still up for the bet or are you too chicken now?"
"I'm still doing it. I have confidence the packers will catch up."
He and Georgie fist bump. "See. He fookin' gets me."
The game returns; the packers behind by ten points and the Patriots had the ball. it was still anyone's game. Robert laughed to himself. Oh what a day this was becoming.
,Any questions or comments, leave them below. JUST got back from my doctor's appointment. No, not sick. Just some other things, know. XP Class is canceled, SO, this gives me a chance to catch up on this story. I love where its going. I have more planned, so don't worry if you feel like your OC has not had enough screen time. I want to give eneryone a chance.
I wasn't expecting T-Bone's music to be good, but this song has a fast pace and it REALLY did improve the junk yard scene!
Oh man! I have too much to say about this one!! XD
First of all I have a criticism, it's just that I couldn't quite tell who was talking or who was doing what in places, but I think I figured it out in the end :P
Now onto Nick:
I'm no scientist, but I would think Nick would need salt in his beer cuz of how 'fresh' it is...
Besides all that, you nailed Nick spot on! I also like how you show his surprise at Emily being dominant over Gren in his true form; Nick is the sort of guy that would expect the dominant one to be the one with the power and the strength, but Emily... She is a force of her own! XD
Can't turn your back on those four. XD They are fine. Thanks, Tetra. Common colds. Chicken soup and LOTS of rest.
I just love those four little bundles of trouble. XD They are good. They both have the cold but they'll be good with lots of rest and soup. That time of year for us. Hot cold, hot cold. Go home,'re drunk. XD
Good to hear your precious ladies are doing ok! XD
LMFAO I'm sorry! There is way too many things I can say that made this funny. First off, the women's reaction to Katy Perry was priceless. Harmony nearly knocking Cindy in the face, Rose, Lyla, Catherine. It was just hilarious NOT to picture. Second, Draco and Nick in the kitchen, discussing dips and what not. XD XD Damn, Lyla! You go with your Betty Crocker badself!
Jersey drunk. Nothing more to say. I was waiting for Draco to seriously hit him. Freaking Draco, too. Calling Georgie q-ball! XD XD Least he has a sense of humor about it!
AWWW! You took my meme with Gren and the Doritos. :') Sweet! That was too funny! Going after poor Weasel. Swear he's the Fable on this thread that is messed with but always comes back with a smile and his cheery self! I love it! Quick reflects there too, Robert.
And Emily:
You captured her PERFECTLY! This is so them! Love Nick's reaction. Everyone else is like 'Oh well, this is normal' and he's like 'DAFUQ....'
I can't wait for more, dude! Awesome job! Keep up with this!
Not going to lie, we both thought she was pregnant again. XD XD
Oh god! XP
Must be Catholic!!!! Joking...
XD XD Nah man, that's funny 'cause it's true. LMAO
You really can't ! XD
That's awesome news that they don't have anything worse than common colds, although still bad they're sick.
I didn't want to cause offence btw...
I saw the film Nebraska, and the when the Dad's son asks him why he had kids, his response was "I liked to screw around and your Mother was Catholic, you work it out"
I didn't really understand, so my Mum (a former church goer because of her Dad) explained that cuz of the Catholicism, they didn't use any protection ever :P
This keeps getting better and better! You're doing an awesome job with Catherine by the way!
It's cool to see Cat actually enjoying herself with the others 
Poor Gren XD the last girl I'd ever want to pissed off would be Emily o.o
Yeah we don't believe in protection. My mom explained it as, if God wants you to have, oh I don't know, ten kids then damn it, you'll have ten kids. XD Me and the misses TRY (I know those tuning in really don't want to hear this lol) but accidents happen.
My older brother is only ten months older than me. lmao Goes him, me, another brother and a younger sister. All barely a year apart from one another.
So... you DO want more children then?
If you and Tammy TRY then surely that means something???
Tbh, I know too many people over here that should've used protection; I know girls who are single mothers cuz of it...
How do you make images like that?
Nick can be old-fashioned at times :P
We'd love at least three or four.
That's the same here in Cali, man. It's all bad. Sad really. 
Good god! I love kids, but I wouldn't want any more than 2!! XP
Yep... Some people....
Take any image you want, save the picture and I like to use Just upload the saved image and the directions are pretty clear after that.
Nick is reacting how anyone would if they didn't know either the Porgies OR Emily. XD
Thnx man!
But Nick would be like that if any woman had that much control; like Harmony to Tim, Rose to Tezoth, hell, Cindy to Weasel!!
Like I pointed out in one of my chapters; when Mary gets mad at Nick for losing control, he listens, but he doesn't take her seriously, he just finds her sexy when she gets mad at him. But seeing Gren actually 'afraid' of Emily... that's something Nick has never known before...
We have some pretty powerful women on this thread. High five, ladies!
I THINK I recall a part in the story where Mary was making dinner and she was getting snippy with Nick and he pretty much was like 'Alright, babe...I'll let you vent' and that was pretty much it. XD
Gren comes off as this hard, 'I'm going to cut your face' kind of guy but he also comes off as a HUGE P word, if he were to REALLY be put in his place. Emily does not take BS from anyone and I mean, dang....he tried to eat Weasel, so I can see why she got so pissed the F off. XD
Here's hoping Jayne and Lyra can join that list when the time comes!
It was in Chapter 2; also Nick made the dinner :P
He and Mary had an argument about something he told Lyra, and after dinner he seduced her, but Mary was already over the argument by then, so that time was different :P
Nick will always be the 'I don't care' character; I remember his portrayal in TDAU: Not at all intimidated by Bigby or the 13th Floor Witches...
In my next story (and possibly this current one) Nick's more aggravated encounters with Lyla and Emily will show how unafraid he is of them...
Ah! Totally excited, and not surprised about Robert XD Too bad she already has a boyfriend, lmao! Can't wait for the 'big plot', it sounds super intriguing!
SOOOOO CUTE! The babies are literally the most adorable things
Gren's such a great dad
So, does Rosie consider these younger ones her siblings, or just generic relatives of sorts? I love Rosie so much, lol XD Sorry to hear everyone's sick with something
Hopefully you and the misses and ESPECIALLY the baby get well soon. Must suck for the poor kid, probably experiencing the sniffles for the first time, lol XD We need another pic of her to see how big she's getting!
I second this!!!!! XD XD XD
Gren is an awesome dad.
Rosie does consider the quads her siblings. Even though Gren is not biologically her father, he raised her since birth and to Rosie, that's her father no matter what. She loves Emily dearly and is happy she and Gren are together and growing as one. Rosie is awesome and I want to cover more of her in future chapters.
It does, poor thing. She's been so cranky and I know it hurts; I feel awful because you can't do much except meds, sleep and love.
Hoping for a quick recovery for both and I will definently get those pics up for you guys.