They knocked her out of the center successfully. Mirah's body fell the 20 feet to the ground, and Franklin watched from Ash's back as she hit it hard. The storm around them calmed down a bit, but it was still alive which meant she was still alive.
"I don't know how you survived the burning house," Franklin spoke to Mirah calmly and with assurance. Ashlyn flew down, her fur whipping in the wind as her paws landed gracefully on the ground. They slowly approached Mirah, who was eerily still across the rocks and the dirt and the grass.
"It was simple," Her voice purred softly, as if it were next to Franklin's ear. "I used the wind to my advantage."
Every time she mentioned it, Franklin could feel a rush of anger sweep over Ashlyn underneath him. She obviously didn't appreciate Mirah's casualness, especially when talking about things that come natural to Ash. Franklin held her fur tight as she lunged forward to attack.
Mirah was up in the air before Ash even landed on the ground where she was laying. Her eyes were wide and glowing, pulsating red in the darkness. Franklin wondered what powers she'd gained over the months, and which ones she'd kept hidden all these years when he was a child and in her custody.
In one fowl swoop, Mirah's hands blasted a thick strong wind directly at Ashlyn. She flipped over a few times against the hard rocky soil, knocking Franklin off of her back and scraping his arms up some in the process. He was several feet away from his wolf companion, who was laying haphazardly on the ground. His heart leaped when he saw her, afraid that had been her last stand. But wearily, she lifted her head and shook the dirt from her fur, and her howl pierced the noise the storm made like a knife to butter. It was game on.
"So- Let me get this straight," Scarlett was prancing around her house, trying to find the cardboard box that had her mud boots in it. She couldn't be running around in the rain with dainty flats. She was also trying to get the full story from Elora, who was currently in a far too panicked state. "There was lightning, and then some rain, and then a tornado thing on the mountain, and my crazy brothers and sister decided it was a better idea to confront the natural disaster than find somewhere safer, like maybe Fabletown?"
"It's not natural," Elora stuttered. "No, not natural. It's magic, we all sensed it. Especially Mom."
"And where is Mom now?"
"With them. She's probably helping too. Dad is with the kids, with Grandma."
"Oh, I found them!" Scar reaches into a box that was labeled 'Photos' and pulls her boots out. "Goddamnit, Jackson, you're never packing boxes again."
"I'm totally okay with that," He called from the dining room. He'd taken over their daughter, setting her up in her highchair as it was time for dinner anyway. "Be safe, babe."
As soon as the shoes went on, Scarlett hastily scribbled the correct symbols with chalk on the wood floor of her spare room. She hadn't done any teleportation spells before, but years of studying underneath her mother made her able to write them down perfectly.
"Alright, hold my hand. This might be a bumpy ride, Sis."
Elora gulped, and grabbed hold of her sister tightly. She closed her eyes, as did Scarlett, and the whole world around them lit up in a bright green aura before they vanished completely. They were on their way home to save the day.
"Man, that welt is the size of Alaska," Noah said bluntly, his hands on his knees as he bent down and stared at his mother's face. She was breathing normally and had signs of possibly waking up again, and so it was his and Robbie's duty to make sure she didn't get any more hurt from flying debris or change drastically in health.
"Do you really gotta say it that way? This is our mother you're talking about," Robert scolded him, looking around precariously.
"Well it's true," Noah replied. "Man, it must hurt a ton."
Robert rolled his eyes. He couldn't believe how completely opposite he was to his brother, and the only thing they had in common was the fact that they seemed to pick up women fairly easily. Their grandfather, Charming, once told them is was a peculiar family trait that seemed to pass down in the generations. They had no idea what he was talking about then, but then again, they were also about nine years old when he told them. They understood now, but with all that charm came just as much responsibilities.
"Can you see anything?" Robert asked, facing away from the storm. His glasses had fallen off on the journey, and were probably broken or lost forever, so he couldn't see anything clearly.
"I think Ash and Frank knocked the bitch in the center of the storm out. I don't know, they disappeared past viewing distance."
"Language, young man..." A dreary half-conscious voice spoke up between Noah and his brother. Harmony was siting up carefully, her hand rubbing one of her temples as she situated herself back into action.
"You alright, Ma?" Noah asked, ignoring her patronizing.
She stood up, waving her arm as if to ward him away. "I'm fine, just...what happened?"
"You got hit in the head," Robert stated the obvious.
"Well, duh," Noah said to his brother. "I think she knew at least that much."
"Stop it, both you you," Harmony scolded. She looked between her boys, and then up past the rock, where the storm still swirled and tree branches and leaves flew by. "Where is Ashlyn and Franklin?"
"In the storm," Robert said, a little too casually. Harmony didn't take it lightly.
"Are they freakin' nuts!?" She half yelled.
"Language, mother," Noah half-joked. She ignored him completely.
"I need to go out there and save them- I need to-" She leaned on the rock for balance.
"Mom, I think you have a concussion or something," Robbie said after a moment. "You should-"
"No! I have to do something!"
"Then sit down, and maybe you can just focus on controlling the wind, for now." A new voice rose over the storm. Two girls emerged, one with dark hair and scarlet colored eyes and one with light brown hair and a worried look across her face. Elora and Scarlett.
Another hit against Ashlyn's body. She begun showing raw bloody scars across her hairy body. Wolves could heal easily, but not nearly as quickly as vampires did. Franklin looked as though he hadn't had a scratch on him, but the truth was, he'd been beaten just as bloody as she had. There was no letting up to Mirah's wrath, and she seemed determined to keep them alive but miserably failing.
"We need a new plan," He shouted from across the open land. They'd been separated again by Mirah's force and blown in separate directions. Even with Ashlyn's power to control the wind, Mirah's was more powerful and lethal than hers.
"What else can we do?" She shouted back. She galloped over as quickly as she could in all the pain that she was, and her wet nose bumped into Franklin's rain-washed face. They were absolutely soaking, absolutely hurt, and absolutely out of a solution to the problem. Mirah's laugh echoed in their minds like a never ending nightmare. She was getting ready to lash out again.
"Had enough?" She cooed from above the trees. Her thick and flowing white dress was torn in the spots that had done damage, but underneath the rips were perfect, flawless skin. As flawless as Franklin's skin.
Just then, a few more familiar howls filled the air. Ashlyn visibly cracked a wolfish grin, wobbling slightly off to the side. She knew how far away her family was and how quick it would take for them to reach the arena.
There were four wolves that jumped over the giant rocks and fallen trees, emerging quickly from the woods. The jumped past Ash and Frankie, landing at the feet of Mirah.
"Mom!" Ash said out loud, when she noticed Harmony among the wolves. She was the only one in human form, as she never fared very well when she was in her wolf form. She was riding Scarlett, and in her hand was a dastardly looking shiny sword.
Franklin clung to Ash's fur again as soon as the real hell broke loose. Mirah seemed enraged, as if she wasn't ready to take on EVERYONE at once, but completely capable of doing so. At least, it seemed she was. She rose in the sky, just out of reach of their noses, but Ashlyn's siblings were smart, and they used their powers to fly to get close.
They watched from the sidelines as Noah lunged forward, his mouth snapping wide. He was able to distract Mirah in one direction while Elora tore at the vampire's calf. A shrill scream pierced the night sky, but that was obviously not the end of Mirah yet. She blasted them away, as she had to Franklin and Ash countless times. All of the siblings were blown across the ground like ragdolls, landing awkwardly in every which direction. The only person standing among the fallen was Harmony.
She let in one deep breath, and the let it go. Another deep breath, and let that one go too. It was an exercise Swineheart had taught her, when she delivered her first batch of bouncing wolf babies. She was an ecstatic new mother then; Now, she was a furiously protective and old one.
Her grip tightened on the handle. The vampire woman stood before her, the sky letting loose all that it contained. Things got slippery, the mud was thick and wet. She walked forward, covered in dirt and disgust, but none of that mattered compared to how much she wanted to keep her family safe. She would do whatever it took to save them.
Mirah's force was only growing. She seemed even stronger, the wind blowing faster and more crazy. Harmony had to hold the sword as tight as she could. She shot a few arrow prayers to the heavens, in hopes that God or some sort of Angel would catch them and hold them dear. She hoped she had the strength to do this, because every waking moment sent pounding pain across most of her body.
She prayed that she would live to see the light of day again.
Standing there in the rain felt as if she were underwater. She kept doing those breathing exercises, pushing the initial panic and fear down as far as possible. There was no room for fear right now. She had to be brave. She had to be strong. The wind kissed her cheeks; a sign from her mother. Her mother was helping, she could feel it. She could recognize those winds anywhere. It was like an imprint on her mind and her body. It was pushing things out of the way for her.
Thanks, Mom," She mouthed to herself, as if it would make a difference. Her mind wandered to the face of each of her children. Her sons. Her daughters. The babies and the teenagers. She found herself wondering what they would all look like, ten, fifteen years' time. She wondered if she would be able to see them grow, or if this was the last time for everything.
But no matter what the outcome, she couldn't back away now. She held the sword firmly in her hand. It was the way her grandmother taught her. The way her father taught her. Fencing had come in handy after all. Besides, she was far too weak right now to conjure anything strong. She was using her magic to boost her adrenaline, though it didn't have to be used much, as the whole situation was throwing her mind and her body into a quick state of emergency.
"Come down here," She beckoned the woman, whom she didn't even know's name. "Come down, and fight like a real soldier."
The laugh. It grated on Harmony's nerves in the way you might scratch a chalkboard. She shivered and blinked a few times, and more pain welled up behind her eyes and throughout her body. She fought back tears that she refused to shed, tears of weakness. The only tears she would shed would be for grieving, if it came down to that.
"Very well," The vampiress said. She descended and her feet hit the muddy ground. She was covered in as much disgusting matter as Harmony was, her hair just a soaked, covered in rags for a dress. But, there were no visible wounds. She healed rather quickly.
A sword drew out of thin air, into the woman's hand. Harmony took a stance, the standard defensive fencing stance she'd grown so used to using. They began to move slowly, in a wide circle, their eyes trained on one another.
"And who do I have the pleasure of cutting to bits?" Harmony's voice came out like poison, and it seemed to visibly shock the vampire woman.
"Oh, listen to you," Her voice purred proudly. She cracked a malevolent smile. "I've seen you over the years. You've surprised me most of all, believe it or not."
"I don't even know you," Harmony's voice was hard and full of anger. "Why, why would you invade so mercilessly without reason?"
"Oh there's plenty of reason, little girl," Mirah chuckled. "You just don't get to know why."
At that, Harmony parried. Her sword stuck swiftly into Mirah's shoulder, and she smirked as she watched it singe the woman's skin. Holy water was said to burn vampires. That's why Harmony summoned a blessed sword to the battle. She knew what was needed to destroy the creature before her.
"Oh, you have tricks, don't you?" Mirah's voice growled. "It's okay, I have tricks too!"
Instead of lunging with her sword, the wind seemed to thrash around them violently. Branches shook the skies, raining down all around. Harmony's children, who'd tried to stay back as well as they could, were bombarded with debris. She heard sour yelps and growls behind her back, and her heart sunk deeply.
She lunged again, the sword narrowly dodged by Mirah's quick reflexes. She jumped backwards as if it were the most natural move she had, landing several feet away. The mud seeped into Harmony's shoes as she tread forward carefully. She was going to have to do this differently.
They took to the skies. If there was one thing Harmony could do, it was fly. She swung her sword gracefully at Mirah, who dodged again and swung her own sword. It grazed the surface of Harmony's forearm, a nasty cut forming along it evenly.
With out a word, she swung her sword downward onto Mirah's hand. She would show this woman no mercy. Agonizing screams filled the air as the hold metal touched the woman's skin and severed her hand from her wrist.
"You BITCH!" She snarled with a scream. "You cut my HAND off! Do you know how long it take for those to grow back?"
Harmony just smiled, her eyes narrowing. She swung more, but although Mirah was one handed, she still blocked the parries with an iron fist.
It wasn't enough; Harmony had gotten lucky to get that hit in. She was running out of energy, loosing time. If only she had time...
Her opponent's sword raised high, and lightning blasted a nearby tree to shambled behind Mirah. It shook the world around them, sent waves of sound through Harmony's chest. She staggered backward in the sky, as the blade came down and entered her chest. She'd been stabbed through the heart. Harmony was dying. Her body shook a bit before her head fell backward and her body went tumbling down, down, down to the ground.
That's all for now, folks. Like the cliffhanger? No? You hate me? I'm sorry. Harmony is officially.....dead.
Let that one sink in, I know it's hard for me to take.
You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy, when skies are grey. You never know dear, how much I love you.
. Please don't take my sunshine away...
Oh what the actual fuck....excuse my language but....FUCK, Ems! I mean, I knew there was trouble the minute Mirah came back but...I trust you DO have a plan with Harmony's sudden death. I'm still....-reads last few lines again- OH man.
I THINK I have a theory as to what will take place. You claim you have a plan for this and I TRUST you do. My theory is this: Char has been having a lot of time traveling moments and she can change some things around. Tobias came into her life; Hope mentions keeping the child safe and one day, he'll help her vice versa. Now, Mirah is back; I'm not SURE if this ties into Tim's sister in any way but I have a feeling Charlotte is going to DO something, or Tobias or hell-maybe someone we have not met or didn't see coming.
They knocked her out of the center successfully. Mirah's body fell the 20 feet to the ground, and Franklin watched from Ash's back as she hit it hard. The storm around them calmed down a bit, but it was still alive which meant she was still alive.
"I don't know how you survived the burning house," Franklin spoke to Mirah calmly and with assurance. Ashlyn flew down, her fur whipping in the wind as her paws landed gracefully on the ground. They slowly approached Mirah, who was eerily still across the rocks and the dirt and the grass.
"It was simple," Her voice purred softly, as if it were next to Franklin's ear. "I used the wind to my advantage."
Every time she mentioned it, Franklin could feel a rush of anger… [view original content]
They knocked her out of the center successfully. Mirah's body fell the 20 feet to the ground, and Franklin watched from Ash's back as she hit it hard. The storm around them calmed down a bit, but it was still alive which meant she was still alive.
"I don't know how you survived the burning house," Franklin spoke to Mirah calmly and with assurance. Ashlyn flew down, her fur whipping in the wind as her paws landed gracefully on the ground. They slowly approached Mirah, who was eerily still across the rocks and the dirt and the grass.
"It was simple," Her voice purred softly, as if it were next to Franklin's ear. "I used the wind to my advantage."
Every time she mentioned it, Franklin could feel a rush of anger… [view original content]
I know, I know. I saw these reactions coming from a mile away.
I do have a plan. You're on the right track. You'll see when I decide to write again (Probably tomorrow, I'm tired.) But in the end, it'll all make sense. Just trust me.
Oh what the actual fuck....excuse my language but....FUCK, Ems! I mean, I knew there was trouble the minute Mirah came back but...I trust yo… moreu DO have a plan with Harmony's sudden death. I'm still....-reads last few lines again- OH man.
I THINK I have a theory as to what will take place. You claim you have a plan for this and I TRUST you do. My theory is this: Char has been having a lot of time traveling moments and she can change some things around. Tobias came into her life; Hope mentions keeping the child safe and one day, he'll help her vice versa. Now, Mirah is back; I'm not SURE if this ties into Tim's sister in any way but I have a feeling Charlotte is going to DO something, or Tobias or hell-maybe someone we have not met or didn't see coming.
Jesus, man.....the feels....
They knocked her out of the center successfully. Mirah's body fell the 20 feet to the ground, and Franklin watched from Ash's back as she hit it hard. The storm around them calmed down a bit, but it was still alive which meant she was still alive.
"I don't know how you survived the burning house," Franklin spoke to Mirah calmly and with assurance. Ashlyn flew down, her fur whipping in the wind as her paws landed gracefully on the ground. They slowly approached Mirah, who was eerily still across the rocks and the dirt and the grass.
"It was simple," Her voice purred softly, as if it were next to Franklin's ear. "I used the wind to my advantage."
Every time she mentioned it, Franklin could feel a rush of anger… [view original content]
"Hey! C'mon we've got to help! Or else Ellas death prediction will come true!" A trolls voice rang.
"You're righ-" He was cut off.
And there was silence on the battlefield.
In the present....
"Hey! There's a body near the entrance to the farm!" A pig said
The farm animals ran towards the body. It was a boy who looked to be a bit older than Ella. He had longish hair, he was wearing a hoodie and jeans with a pair of shoes.
"Is he dead?" A bird asked
"No unconscious." Makoto said lifting up the boy.
"What do you think you're doing with him!? Make him into a demon like your daughter?" A pig said
"No....I intend to treat this boy back to health and ask him how he got here." He started to walk away but looked back. "Also please treat my daughter with a little more respect please? She just wants friends, but she also has a killer grandma named Bloody Mary..." And continued walking.
The next day....
The kid tossed and turned and opened his eyes. He looked to his right and saw Ella sitting by the bed.
"Hey! I was wondering when you'd wake up!" She smiled
"Where am I? Am I dead?" He asked
"We'll you're in my house. And no, my dad found you un...unconscious? I think that's the word." She said
"I see..." He said
The room was silent, they both stared at each other. When Ella remembered something.
"Oh I better go get my dad!" She said getting up and running down the stairs.
"Ella! Please be quiet! Your baby brother is sleeping!" He heard a woman say.
He turned and faced the ceiling...who was he? Why is he here?
A man with blue hair walked in.
"Hey. I'm Makoto. And this is Ella." He said
"Hi..." He said
"Is it alright if I ask you a few questions?" Makoto asked
"Yeah..." He said
"What's your name and how did you get here?" Makoto asked
"I don't know either...." The boy said
"So you have amnesia then? Interesting...well if you wanna stay here that's fine, or if you wanna go live up on the farm that's fine too." Makoto smiled and walked out.
"Your dad has cool hair." The boy said.
"You should stay here...there aren't nice people on the farm...." Ella frowned.
He leaned up from out of bed. He noticed how her whenever her body touched something a dark pool of blood would form around that part of the body. He pointed at her hand.
"Is it because of that?" He asked
She pulled her hand away. "Y...yes..."
The boy had an expressionless face and said "Why bother?"
She shrugged and said "I don't know it just gets lonely." And frowned.
He nodded and held out his hand. "We'll be friends then."
She shook his hand and shook "okay but shouldn't we give you a name?" She said
"Just call me...Caden." He said
She nodded. Caden and Ella got up and went outside to hangout....
That's it! Figured I'd swap stories each day If you're confused and don't know what's going on, just ask and I will tell Any other questions or comments let me know!
'A son's first hero, a daughter's first love. Any man can make a baby but it takes a special person to be a father.'
If I have time, will write later. Need to take the misses to the doctor. REALLY sick and Emily has the sniffles, too. No bueno.
Robert sat on the couch, eating his food. The half time show carried on. It wasn't a bad performance. In Katy Perry fashion, she arrives on … morestage with a raindow skirt, sparkling top and playful critters dancing beside her. each of the dancers were dresses as either a Fox, Whale, Bird or Pig; the Pigs tossed bouncy balls into the crowd, while the other pulled strings and allowed rainfalls of confetti to fall from the sky. Slash, playing his guitar like the God he was, caused the crowd and the people in the room to go bonkers, clap and sing along.
Rose. Harmony and Lyla were singing along to 'California Girls'. Catherine clapped to the beat and tapped her toes. Mikhail had never heard this woman sing before but he was pleased by the cheery, bubbly lyrics. Georgie was more interested in the guitar performance than anything but in all honesty, he wanted to see the game. He KNEW the Packers would make their comback. He clung to his cheese head … [view original content]
They knocked her out of the center successfully. Mirah's body fell the 20 feet to the ground, and Franklin watched from Ash's back as she hit it hard. The storm around them calmed down a bit, but it was still alive which meant she was still alive.
"I don't know how you survived the burning house," Franklin spoke to Mirah calmly and with assurance. Ashlyn flew down, her fur whipping in the wind as her paws landed gracefully on the ground. They slowly approached Mirah, who was eerily still across the rocks and the dirt and the grass.
"It was simple," Her voice purred softly, as if it were next to Franklin's ear. "I used the wind to my advantage."
Every time she mentioned it, Franklin could feel a rush of anger… [view original content]
Yeah, I'm confused with what's going on in your story. Been catching up with other user's stories on here in the process, y'know? So you giving me a summarized rundown would be great. :P
What is Living?
In the future....
"Cat! Mikhail! Help Ella!" A man's voice rang.
"Hey! C'mon we've got to help! Or else Ellas death… more prediction will come true!" A trolls voice rang.
"You're righ-" He was cut off.
And there was silence on the battlefield.
In the present....
"Hey! There's a body near the entrance to the farm!" A pig said
The farm animals ran towards the body. It was a boy who looked to be a bit older than Ella. He had longish hair, he was wearing a hoodie and jeans with a pair of shoes.
"Is he dead?" A bird asked
"No unconscious." Makoto said lifting up the boy.
"What do you think you're doing with him!? Make him into a demon like your daughter?" A pig said
"No....I intend to treat this boy back to health and ask him how he got here." He started to walk away but looked back. "Also please treat my daughter with a little more respect please? She just wants friends, but she also has a killer gran… [view original content]
Case One: The Lost Child Part: One
Luke and Bigby sat in their office, doing paperwork from The Crooked Man's case. It had been five days… more since The Crooked Man sat in his crooked house with his crooked cat and mouse but their little crooked house had come to a crooked end when The Big Bad Wolf blew it down.
"Luke that's really stupid." Bigby chuckled
"Well it got you to laugh didn't it?" Luke laughed
"Luke if we're going to be partners, at least do the job right." Bigby said
"Alright, alright fine." Luke said.
Luke rewrote the paper and made sure to make it look as professional as he could. Even though his wife was a detective didn't mean she taught him how to write reports for the police. When they both finished the paperwork Luke went to hand the paperwork to Snow who was in the business office. He handed off the paperwork and headed back to Bigbys office, when he was walking toward the office he could hear someone's voice… [view original content]
I have heard of American McGee's Alice: Madness Returns, but I don't know much else about it.... I did see some pretty weird and creepy things in the trailer for it though :P
Case One: The Lost Boy Part Two
Bigby and Luke headed to the Pudding and Pie, the rain had stopped and there was a red tint with the sun … morepeeking through the clouds. Luke took off his suit jacket and slung it over his shoulders. Vivian wasn't at the door which was weird...Normally around this time there would be a lot of people coming in....
"Hey Bigby, where's Vivian?" Luke asked
"Probably on break I'm guessing." Bigby responded.
Another thing that bothered Luke was that there was no glass on the floor where the window was broken...why didn't Alice or Hans mention anything about it? Before Luke could ask they walked into the club. It smelt of cigarette smoke and booze, you could practically get drunk just by the atmosphere. Georgie noticed them, but kept working. Luke and Bigby walked up to him.
"Hey Georgie, can we look at Lillys things?" Bigby asked
Georgie nodded. He was keeping really quiet, which made things seem suspic… [view original content]
Right so far I've been writing Ella growing up since she's going to be with Catherine and Mikhail. This takes place six years after Makoto killed Luke, so I can introduce her powers and personality a little. Ellas powers were handed down to her by Bloody Mary and also Luke who gave her part of Deaths darkness. I'm sure you already know what Bloody Mary's power is, but what Luke gave her is weird to say the least. Anything her body touches will form a dark pool of blood, this comes in handy when it comes to movement because she can use the dark pools of blood around her feet to slide around stylishy. This chapter I showed what I have planned for the future, and a friend named Caden who woke up from being unconscious at the farms gate, for Ella since most of the Farm considers her a demon and a freak. That should be it but if you have anymore questions let me know, don't worry about it man! I'd get confused as well XD
Yeah, I'm confused with what's going on in your story. Been catching up with other user's stories on here in the process, y'know? So you giving me a summarized rundown would be great. :P
Very nice continuation!!!
I have heard of American McGee's Alice: Madness Returns, but I don't know much else about it.... I did see some pretty weird and creepy things in the trailer for it though :P
Alice Madness Returns is a horror spin on the tale. It's very very good, it definitely creeped me out with all the weird enemy's.
Still t… morehe best looking game I've ever played, took a screen shot of one of the places and put it as my laptop wallpaper XD
I would have loved this ability. no cookie or sweet treat would be safe! >:D LMAO you're the only one to have noticed Gren's cup. XD It is Mickey. KIND OF added at the last moment. XP
I bet every baby/toddler would want to have that power in real life. XD
Luckily, that isn't the case for parents. :P
Anyway, fantastic… moreally fantastic picture! Very adorbs. (I like the Mickey Mouse mug, btw, if that's what you were intending to draw)
I would have loved this ability. no cookie or sweet treat would be safe! >:D LMAO you're the only one to have noticed Gren's cup. XD It is Mickey. KIND OF added at the last moment. XP
Right so far I've been writing Ella growing up since she's going to be with Catherine and Mikhail. This takes place six years after Makoto k… moreilled Luke, so I can introduce her powers and personality a little. Ellas powers were handed down to her by Bloody Mary and also Luke who gave her part of Deaths darkness. I'm sure you already know what Bloody Mary's power is, but what Luke gave her is weird to say the least. Anything her body touches will form a dark pool of blood, this comes in handy when it comes to movement because she can use the dark pools of blood around her feet to slide around stylishy. This chapter I showed what I have planned for the future, and a friend named Caden who woke up from being unconscious at the farms gate, for Ella since most of the Farm considers her a demon and a freak. That should be it but if you have anymore questions let me know, don't worry about it man! I'd get confused as well XD
I refuse to believe a powerful witch like Harmony can die as simple as that.
But I'll be eager to see whatever plan you have in store for us either way.
'The bond that links your true family is not one of blood but the respect and joy in each other's lives.'
'Before I became the Sheriff, my life was a tangled mess. I had no idea WHO I was or supposed to be. On one side, my dreams of being something extrodinary. Different. Nothing this town or world had ever seen before. I was going to soar high and touch the sky, taste the rain hidden in the clouds, dance with the stars and sleep on the moon. The world was mine for the taking. Yet, on the other side to me, the truth. Truth to who I was. There was no such thing as pretending anymore. Hiding. Trying to prove anyone wrong. I saw it everyday in the mirror. Even at a young age I knew there was something unusual. All the others looked and acted JUST like dad; Ethan may have taken his looks from papa but even the way his face contorted when he was angry. Happy. Sad. Not mine...I looked like HIM and the town made sure I knew. There was no such thing as hiding. My mother explained but it wasn't enough. I didn't want to except THAT side. I was Georgie Porgie's son, not HIS son. All that changed, for the man I called father showed me the way, for it was ME that was hiding for so long.'
Georgie and Peter were quiet the entire time they sat and ate their food. Peter picked at his burger, dipped the ends into ketchup and ate. He would repeat this process the entire time. Georgie knew better. His son was in the moment of thinking and needed to undertake the information bestowed upon him. Peter was one to take the sudden changes; he'd known about this for some time but knowing it was the truth was a pill too large for even Peter to swallow.
Bigby Wolf. His TRUE biological father. Not Georgie Porgie. This felt like a slap on the face and while he was down, the kicking, taunting and spits continued. These words felt like knives to the back. His world was spinning out of control. Peter lost the grip on the wheel. He was no longer in control. It made sense. All of it. His ability to breath under water. Blow down a tree house-a fucking TREE house to the ground with one mighty puff. The comportment. Since hitting puberty, Peter noticed the changes: rapid facial hair growth, way his hair was styled. Even the methods of eating, sleeping and speaking. Lyla saw Bigby in her son. He had her eyes and John's body build. That was all. But the rest....
Vindicated his older sister's detest towards him as they grew up. Katie and Penny NEVER saw Peter as their brother; they refused to participate in anything Peter was in, allowed him to play games or refused to acknowledge him. Many times the girls were punished and forced to interact with their brother. At first, both Lyla and Georgie felt the girls were envious but when none of the other children showed the same emotions towards Peter, they scratched that theory completly off the board. Katie and Penny went as far as to taking Peter off to the woods trying to 'rid' of him. That was the first time he'd seen his father cry....
Peter bit into the burger and looked back on that day. Katie and Penny were anxious to show him a beautiful, rare mushroom growing just past the house and near the river. Penny swore it glowed like the stars and smelled of Roses and rain water. Ethan, like the caring brother he was, did not trust Peter alone with the girls. Peter was too jovial to notice their TRUE intentions behind the invitation. Taking them by the hand, the girls led Peter to the river. They both told him to close his eyes; the mushroom only appeared when you did so and once it popped up, you'd hear the little sound of a bell. Peter believed them. Why? Because he desperatly wanted his sisters to accept him....
Peter did as he was told; the giggles should have been the dead giveaway but he remained loyal and obeyed his older siblings. With one mighty push, both girls send Peter into the rapidly moving river. Peter first slammed into a rock; he desperatly tried to cling on but the muck and mud mad it difficult for his little paws to grasp. Within seconds, the current took Peter down and into several larger rocks. He howled, cried and called out for his father.
"DADDY!" Peter could still hear his six year old self, as he continued to chew his burger. "DADDY! DADDY, HELP ME!"
The girls, however, had no idea Ethan followed them. Ethan screamed and ran back to the house; Penny and Katie changed, hoping to tackle their brother before he reached the house. They did not think twice about their mother; Lyla stood a few feet from the river and noticed her children changed and chasing their brother.
"Ethan, Penelope and Katherine-you KNOW not to come by the river and-"
Ethan tugs on her dress. "They pushed Peter into the river, mommy! He's gone! He's-"
Lyla did not think twice; lifting her dress up, she prepared to change and dive into the water. She called out for Georgie; her mind racing, heart beating and time slipping away. He was strong. Peter was like his father and was capable of holding his own. But at the tender age of six? Lyla began to think the worse.
"GEORGIE!" Lyla, now in Wolf form, leaps into the river.
It happened so quickly. Georgie was running down the slope of the hill and chasing after Lyla. She paddled against the current and fought the mess of rocks and fallen logs.
"PETER! The girls pushed him in and-Find him! Georgie...PETER!"
Peter was not the only one thinking about that afternoon as the two men sat and ate their meal. Georgie noticed the look Peter had when he was deep in thought. Reaching over, he grabs his son's hand and holds tightly. Not looking up, Peter returns the gesture and grabs Georgie's hand. He could still hear the water. Smell the forest. Feel the tears streaming down his face.
It had been a long time since Georgie cried but as he ran through the dark and hush forest, he allowed the tears to fall. Leaping over logs and sliding down hills, Georgie searched for Peter.
"Peter!" Georgie finds the river and heads for the bank. "PETER! PETER!"
Georgie jumps into the river. He should have known better. He was weaker and more vulnerable but at that moment, all he wanted was Peter. His son back in his arms and safe once more. Georgie swam against the crashing waves; the water was icy to his flesh and his skin began to turn a very light blue. Continuing to swim against the pain, Georgie noticed a bundle of brown fur bobbing along the waves.
His heart stopped. "No...." Georgie kicked his legs and reached for Peter. "NO! PETER!"
Georgie manages to grab Peter's arm. He was barely breathing and in and out on concious. Georgie fought the currents; his body was exhausted and the pain made it nearly impossible to swim but he needed to get Peter to safety. Georgie found a spot near another sandy bank, miles from their home. Heaving Peter forward, Georgie places his son on the ground and checks for any vital signs. A slow but sturdy heart beat.
Georgie clings to Peter and rocks back and forth. "That's my boy, come on, Peter. Please...daddy has ya', son. I'm 'ere fa' ya'..."
The tears. Peter looked up. He could only remember the sound of Georgie's voice and the tears.
Back in the restaurant, Peter tried to hide his emotions. Georgie never let go of his hand.
"You didn't have to save me..." Peter finally spoke. " could have just left me there. To drown..."
"Why would I do that ta' ya', Peter? Ya' be my son and-"
"No..." The grip on Georgie's hand grew tight. "I'm NOT your son. I'm...HIS....I'm-"
The waitress returned with their check. Peter remained silent once more. Georgie took out his wallet, added two twenties and left the change for the young lady. Both men dressed in their coats and walked out to the city streets. The snow on the ground crunched beneath their boots. Ice dangled along the edges of buildings. Clouds of air formed along the sewers, people as they spoke and the cars nearly colliding into one another against the afternoon traffic. Georgie grabs Peter by the arm.
"Ya' are my son, Peter."
"No I'm not." Peter takes out a cigarette. "Katie and Penny were right. I was not a part of-"
Georgie pauses, grabs Peter by his arms and forces the young man against a brick wall and away from prying eyes. The tears again.
"Ya' listen ta' me and ya' listen good Peter. YA' be my son! Ya' sisters had NO right treatin' ya' that way! Ya' mother and I did all we could ta' stop them. We really did!"
"I know you did..." Peter wipes his nose. "I remember what you did to both of them when you brought me back to the home after-"
Georgie looks down at the ground. "Ya' mum thought ya' were dead, Peter. I've neva' seen her cry or scream like she did. I can still hear it ta' this day. Ya' ya' remember what I did ta' them?"
Peter did. While his mother warmed Peter's body with warm blankets and a fire, Georgie took to the girls. The other children sat inside and watched their father punish Katie and Penny. Lyla would not stop him. As mush as it pained her to see Georgie punish the girls, it had to be done. THIS time, it was required.
Georgie spanked the girls ten times each. Even through their pleas, he continued. They were punished for three months; no television, games, desserts. Nothing. they were to go to school, homework and that was it. Nothing fun. Peter recalled his mother stepping in and using the method their grandfather had used on Lyla and her sisters when they were kids. Both Penny and Katie had to turn; with a rope, Lyla tied them to a pole and the girls were to stay out there for three nights. Peter could still hear their howls. After that, however, Penny and Katie never bothered Peter again. They avoided him but never played a hurtful trick like that again.
"I do." Peter presses his head against Georgie. "I remember mom, too."
"She was so fookin' pissed, Peter. We thought they killed ya'. They took it too far with ya'."
"You do love me..." Peter tried not to cry. "You saved me. You didn't have could have left me there, dad. Even after you found out I wasn't YOUR biological child, you STILL loved me. Why?"
Georgie was asked this often when the twins were born. Why stay? Why keep Peter? Georgie asked himself these very questions hours after the boys were born; he avoided Lyla for almost two months before sitting down and hearing her explanation. He didn't hate her. He couldn't hate Lyla, for if he did, he'd hate his children. Peter. It was not his fault. Even before his birth, he adored his boys.
"Why do I love RJ?" Georgie looks up and smiles. "I didn't need ta' love ya' older brotha' but I do. He's not biologically mine but I care fa' the boy. Have love fa' him. Same goes fa' ya', Peter."
"Yeah but mom was IN a relationship with Robert. Not was just-"
Georgie holds onto Peter as if he was six years old again. Just like the inccident from the river. Peter returned the gesture. He refused to let go.
"I loved ya' mum. I loved you kids. Becoming a father was the best fookin' thing I've eva' done with my life. Bigby and I have had our problems. We did. Ya' know the stories. I hated that man. I fookin' wanted him dead, Peter. But that was years ago. I can't blame ya' fa' what I did or he did and how we felt towards one another. I couldn't. I'd be hatin' ya' mum, too, if I did. Your sisters and brothers."
"Peter. You ARE my son. I love ya', boy. Don't ya' eva' question that. I was there when ya' rode ya' bike. First words. The birthdays, playing Football. All the fookin' scrapes and bruises. Teaching ya' how to do math. First day of school. My heart broke in silence when ya' had your first broken heart. College. Everything."
"I remember you taking me to the park and he was there. Why?"
Georgie smiles and kisses the top of Peter's head. "Because, son, that was MY test, too. I was so much betta' than woot they made me out ta' be. The Sheriff deserved ta' see ya'. He DOES love you, Peter. He loved you then and he loves ya' now. But he knew the risk it was if the Council found out...."
"I know." Peter clings on tighter. "I...I know...."
Georgie and Peter remained this way for some time. Peter never questioned Georgie's love again.
'My father will always have a special place in me. He may not have been the one to have created me but he'll forever be a part of me. He stands proud and tall beside my grandfather. Besides father taught me to stand up for myself. Believe in my dreams. Conquer the world and never feel sorry for yourself. He gave me wings to fly, so I could touch the sky, taste the rain water, dance with the stars and sleep on the moon. I am Peter Porgie and I'm proud to call Georgie AND Bigby my fathers. I was a part of the Porgie Clan.'
Any questions, you know the drill. From time to time, I will be doing these past stories to help fill in what was not covered from previous stories. A lot have asked WHY Bigby was not around and WHY Georgie took on Peter when he could have easily ignored the boy. Peter could not have said it better than that.
LMFAO I'm sorry! There is way too many things I can say that made this funny. First off, the women's reaction to Katy Perry was priceless. H… morearmony nearly knocking Cindy in the face, Rose, Lyla, Catherine. It was just hilarious NOT to picture. Second, Draco and Nick in the kitchen, discussing dips and what not. XD XD Damn, Lyla! You go with your Betty Crocker badself!
Jersey drunk. Nothing more to say. I was waiting for Draco to seriously hit him. Freaking Draco, too. Calling Georgie q-ball! XD XD Least he has a sense of humor about it!
AWWW! You took my meme with Gren and the Doritos. :') Sweet! That was too funny! Going after poor Weasel. Swear he's the Fable on this thread that is messed with but always comes back with a smile and his cheery self! I love it! Quick reflects there too, Robert.
And Emily:
You captured her PERFECTLY! This is so them! Love Nick's reaction. Everyone else is like 'Oh well, this is normal' and he's like 'DAFUQ....'
I can't wait for more, dude! Awesome job! Keep up with this!
"No no no," Charlotte muttered softly to herself. "No, this isn't right, Toby."
Toby looked up at Charlotte with glistening eyes. "It isn't?"
"No, it isn't."
"I'm sorry."
"It's okay. You're learning."
"Do I still get the cookie?"
Charlotte chuckled. "Yes, you get a cookie. But keep practicing. I'll clean up this mess you made."
Toby scooted off of his chair and skipped over to the kitchen counter. He couldn't reach the jar, so Charlotte reached up and grabbed the cookie she promised him, handing it down carefully.
They'd been living in between time and space for roughly 4 years now. It was a fairly normal pocket; When you looked out the window, a great expanse of stars stretched out for eons. It took the first two years of Toby's life to secure this place, binding the right spells and making it so that time passed at the same rate as Earth. It was an entirely different situation altogether to convince her mother, after this escape had been built, to actually move and live in it. From the outside, it did not exist. It was not a building or anything floating freely in space. It both existed and did not exist. It was the epitome of oxymorons.
"Do you think we can visit home soon?" Toby's voice came out curiously, with a tinge of excitement. "Can we see your brother and sister?"
"Sure, Toby. Just let me fix this up, please..."
"I want to play with Isabelle's crayons. She has the crayola ones!"
"That's nice Toby..." Charlotte was only half paying attention. Six year old's tended not to notice how little people listened to their chatter. She was moving things around, fixing the bits that should be in different orders, or omitted altogether. " it," She said aloud to herself, as Toby continued to ramble.
"Do you think Henry will want to play cars with me? Charlotte? Charlotte? Mama?"
On 'Mama', Charlotte twisted her head to see what was the matter. "What's wrong?"
"Do you think Henry will want to play with my cars?"
"Of course he will. He loves cars."
The boy smiled. "Does Izzy like cars too?"
"She might."
"I hope she does."
Charlotte giggled. Tobias was obsessed with people liking him, and who couldn't? He was possibly the sweetest little boy, and an absolute angel. Part of Charlotte felt bad for his birth parents, whoever they were, as they were missing out on the opportunity of a lifetime. She stood from her seat, happy to have easily fixed the mistakes Toby had made. She'd been working with him and his gift more, teaching him how to use it the right way. She wished she'd had the same opportunity as a child to mold hers, as it would have been easier to use as she got older. He was getting there. He was making a lot of the same mistakes she had made when she first discovered her power to time travel. He was putting memories in the wrong people, or moving the wrong item and creating the wrong sort of event. Luckily, she gave him the fairly easy situations; Things that will not result in drastic changes. It was tiring for both of them, but it needed to be done.
She needed to make lunch for herself, or else she would die of starvation or something. She opened the cabinet and frowned. She was nearly out of everything.
"Looks like we ARE making a visit home," She told the boy behind her. He began to cheer and do a cute happy dance, half a cookie still in one hand.
"Yay yay yay!" His brown hair shook with him. She would have to give him a haircut soon. Charlotte patted his head and closed the pantry, leading Toby down the hall to the closet at the end. It used to be just a closet, but she had triggered it so that it was the door back home. It lead to her closet at home, in her danky little bedroom.
"Ready to go?"
"Wait! Let me get my cars!" He shouted. His tiny legs brought him down two doors, to the open bedroom that belonged to him. She heard the sound of the toybox being dumped sideways and winced at the noise, but smiled as he emerged holding a little metal tiny in his hands.
"You have them?"
Toby stuffed the rest of the cookie in his mouth and said," Yefsh."
Charlotte smiled. "Lets go, buddy."
They entered the portal.
"Mom!" Ashlyn howled with grief. She was in her human form, as was her other siblings. Shock took over all of them, and it was hard to tell who had started crying yet with all the rain pouring down.
"Well she fucking is!" Noah burst out with anger. "So stop fucking saying it for Christ's sake!"
"Mom..." Elora uttered. "Mom.... Mommy...." She was definitely crying. The siblings kindled with rage as they all turned to face Mirah, who was trying to tend to her missing hand.
Franklin had had enough. He look toward his friends-his family- and then sprang into immediate action. Mirah was low enough to the ground for him to leap and reach her ankle. He pulled with all of his strength, and heard her yelp loudly.
Still firmly grasping her leg, and dangling in the air, lightning seemed to his the ground rather close by. It felt as if he were out there for days; it must have only been a few hours. He struggled to hold on as she kicked her legs out, and another bit of lightning shook the world. And then, a scream.
"Robert!" It was Ash. "Robert, Oh my god!"
Franklin looked down, which he wished he hadn't. Robert had been struck.
"Mirah," His voice was begging. When did she become so merciless? He tried to remember what she used to be, even if he hadn't liked that person either. At least she didn't go around killing the innocent.
Something clicked, when he had thought that. She was enacting revenge for the 'family' he had killed. It hadn't been anything near what he had with these people, and all of those children, they weren't really children. They knew what they were doing even when they seemed like they didn't. He had to stop them, and the only way to stop them was to kill them.
He hadn't used his powers to create fire in a long, long time. When it delayed, he was almost convinced they had gone away some how. But no, they had not. It was as if his hands were the sun as they lit up, and the look on Mirah's face sent rueful joy through his body. She would go up in flames, this time for real.
The rain came down harder, as hard as it possibly could. The flames were flickering, but his hands kept producing. She was beating on him with her clawlike hands, trying with all of her strength to rid him.
"You were never my family," He said through clenched teeth. "You never really loved us. You used all of us. You deserve to go to Hell for all you've done."
Unexpectedly, Mirah threw her head back and cackled. Her dress was flaming, she was beginning to turn to ash. "I may have been sinful most of my life and regretted very little of it, but we're all damned, young boy! The sooner you realize that, the quicker you will realize that all you have done to redeem yourself had been in vain. ALL vampires go to Hell!" And with that, she burned to a crisp. It felt so simple; It couldn't have been that easy. Could it?
Next, Franklin found himself falling from all the way up in the sky. He must have not noticed how high up she ascended when he grabbed on to her. Little bits of ash joined him as his body hit the ground, enough to kill a mundane person, but only enough to knock the wind from him severely. He scrambled to his feet awkwardly, rubbing away the cuts and bruises. It tended to help when he was healing himself.
The group of teenagers he regarded to as his family stood in a circle around both Harmony and their brother Robert.
"They're dead," Ash said in a cold whisper. It was done raining, as if the end of Mirah meant the end of everything. It was done. The sky was clear. The sun was rising.
"What do you think would have happened?" Noah's voice was shaky. "If the sun had come up?"
"No light could have penetrated those clouds," Franklin replied shallowly. He felt like a hollow shell of himself, standing there in the cold mud. Everyone was shivering. Elora was sitting on her but sobbing uncontrollably. Scarlett held her mother and her brother's hands silently as she stared into space.
"What do we do?" Ash stammered. "We- We can't just....fuck. Fuck. FUCK FUCK FUCK!" Her anger was bleeding through. She was covered in cuts and bruises that would take time to heal. Franklin fought the urge to reach out for her, because there was no way she was going to accept any sort of affection right now.
Nobody was ready for this. No one felt more useless than Franklin though, who stood there hollowly as everyone dealt with their grief in different stages of shock, madness, fear, and depression. There was nothing he could do to help.
"Yes, there is," An unfamiliar voice sounded from behind. Confused, Franklin looked behind him. No one else seemed to have heard the voice.
"Shh," She was a girl who seemed peculiarly familiar. She had black hair and light hazel eyes. Next to her was a boy, a little bit younger than her, with moppy brown hair and tan kin.
"We're here to help," The boy spoke up. He must have been fourteen or so.
"It will all make sense in due time. Come." And the girl reached out her hand. Franklin took it.
That's all for now! I didn't have work today, so I'm in a less tired mood, lol XD For those of you who are afraid Harmony is dead for good, I want to reassure you that she isn't. She's dead now, but there will be a fix to the problem. And for now, Robert is dead too. Mirah wasn't joking when she said she'd kill everyone Franklin loved. He was lucky Ash hadn't been struck at that point.
This all being said, I will probably write tomorrow. I have a bit of planning to do for the next chapter, so I want to make sure I get it all done in the way I want it to go. So yeah Like I said, don't panic. I'm sorry for making you all cry yesterday XD
This keeps getting better and better! You're doing an awesome job with Catherine by the way! It's cool to see Cat actually enjoying herself with the others
Poor Gren XD the last girl I'd ever want to pissed off would be Emily o.o
Lyla and Emily have your guys' back. Robert sometimes goes a bit much when it comes to 'joking' with others. Yes you and Porgie are bros right now and always. Being another Packers fan helped, too.
First I get help from Lyla, now Percy gets help from Emily. Take that, Grendel bros.
Me and the Porgie pie are chill bros in this at the moment, it seems. So awesome.
They knocked her out of the center successfully. Mirah's body fell the 20 feet to the ground, and Franklin watched from Ash's back as she hit it hard. The storm around them calmed down a bit, but it was still alive which meant she was still alive.
"I don't know how you survived the burning house," Franklin spoke to Mirah calmly and with assurance. Ashlyn flew down, her fur whipping in the wind as her paws landed gracefully on the ground. They slowly approached Mirah, who was eerily still across the rocks and the dirt and the grass.
"It was simple," Her voice purred softly, as if it were next to Franklin's ear. "I used the wind to my advantage."
Every time she mentioned it, Franklin could feel a rush of anger… [view original content]
Reason why I love Georgie and respect him....I'm begining to see what you meant when Georgie was being tested. Bigby WAS a part of his second chance. By forgiving the Sheriff for what took place all those years ago, he was able to truly love Peter...
Georgie and Peter
'The bond that links your true family is not one of blood but the respect and joy in each other's lives.'
'Before I … morebecame the Sheriff, my life was a tangled mess. I had no idea WHO I was or supposed to be. On one side, my dreams of being something extrodinary. Different. Nothing this town or world had ever seen before. I was going to soar high and touch the sky, taste the rain hidden in the clouds, dance with the stars and sleep on the moon. The world was mine for the taking. Yet, on the other side to me, the truth. Truth to who I was. There was no such thing as pretending anymore. Hiding. Trying to prove anyone wrong. I saw it everyday in the mirror. Even at a young age I knew there was something unusual. All the others looked and acted JUST like dad; Ethan may have taken his looks from papa but even the way his face contorted when he was angry. Happy. Sad. Not mine...I looked like HIM and the town made sure I knew. … [view original content]
For those of you who are afraid Harmony is dead for good, I want to reassure you that she isn't. She's dead now, but there will be a fix to the problem.
I. Love. You!
I sound weird I know, but Harmony is too special to just be dead and buried forever! :'D
"No no no," Charlotte muttered softly to herself. "No, this isn't right, Toby."
Toby looked up at Charlotte with glistening eyes. "It isn… more't?"
"No, it isn't."
"I'm sorry."
"It's okay. You're learning."
"Do I still get the cookie?"
Charlotte chuckled. "Yes, you get a cookie. But keep practicing. I'll clean up this mess you made."
Toby scooted off of his chair and skipped over to the kitchen counter. He couldn't reach the jar, so Charlotte reached up and grabbed the cookie she promised him, handing it down carefully.
They'd been living in between time and space for roughly 4 years now. It was a fairly normal pocket; When you looked out the window, a great expanse of stars stretched out for eons. It took the first two years of Toby's life to secure this place, binding the right spells and making it so that time passed at the same rate as Earth. It was an entirely different situation altogether to convince her mother, after… [view original content]
I adore Tobias just as much as Carter. He's my 2nd favorite to be honest. I'm curious to see where this plays with this entire thing taking place with Mirah, Harmony and now Robert's death and their powers. I know they have the ability to change things but to go back and prevent death? Or, maybe that has nothing to do with that. I know you told me I was on the right track as far as this situation goes. I have a feeling the lesson both will teach eachother comes from this but like always, I'll sit back and wait for more information.
And that ending.
"We're here to help," The boy spoke up. He must have been fourteen or so.
"It will all make sense in due time. Come." And the girl reached out her hand. Franklin took it.
You know what, Ems. I'm going to scratch that and keep to my theory. Either that or this is someone from Franklin's past and they have returned for him. Who knows! BUT, I'll stick to my theory for right now. I figured Harmony's death was for a reason. Can't wait to see what you have planned.
Hope work and everything else is going well for you. I know there are days you're like 'F this!' but it will all be worth it. Take advantage of those days off, too!
"No no no," Charlotte muttered softly to herself. "No, this isn't right, Toby."
Toby looked up at Charlotte with glistening eyes. "It isn… more't?"
"No, it isn't."
"I'm sorry."
"It's okay. You're learning."
"Do I still get the cookie?"
Charlotte chuckled. "Yes, you get a cookie. But keep practicing. I'll clean up this mess you made."
Toby scooted off of his chair and skipped over to the kitchen counter. He couldn't reach the jar, so Charlotte reached up and grabbed the cookie she promised him, handing it down carefully.
They'd been living in between time and space for roughly 4 years now. It was a fairly normal pocket; When you looked out the window, a great expanse of stars stretched out for eons. It took the first two years of Toby's life to secure this place, binding the right spells and making it so that time passed at the same rate as Earth. It was an entirely different situation altogether to convince her mother, after… [view original content]
Really JJ? Jesus dude, you made me cry! I love that trip to McDonald's now, bro! XD XD jk jk But yes. It will all make sense. I'm trying to wrap everything together now.
Reason why I love Georgie and respect him....I'm begining to see what you meant when Georgie was being tested. Bigby WAS a part of his secon… mored chance. By forgiving the Sheriff for what took place all those years ago, he was able to truly love Peter...
Click here
I think of Peter and Georgie's relationship when I hear this song. Can't wait for more, pie.
Ashlyn was one of the schools sweethearts, and is friends with everybody, likes to play pranks often, and has a cute half-vampire boyfriend named Franklin. She's part wolf, and she can also fly, and she loves to embrace her wolf side as much as possible. She's assertive and very sarcastic and she likes to find out peoples secrets, though she usually keeps them to herself when she does find them out. She plays a little bit of guitar and piano, as music is one of her favorite things, and she listens to anything that comes on the radio.
Last year, both her and Franklin was announced king and queen of FableTown High, followed by the debut of Robert's infamous prank of turning everyone naked..
Don't let her sweetness fool you, once you piss her off or do her harm. You'll be in for a rude awakening and perhaps a bountiful beat down..
“Yes Ashlyn...?”
“It's about to rain...”
“How can you tell babe..?”
Suddenly rain begins to violently pour down unto the tree while they both are setting under the tree in the courtyard right before the bell rings. Franklin pulls out his umbrella and the two stroll off to the next class hugging each other.
Once Ashlyn and Franklin enter the door way, they are startled by the strange and awkward girl, Mindy who just blankly stares up into the murky sky as the rain continues to fall.
“It's.... it's raining... The hunger... it's... suppressing..”
“Wait... what..?” Franklin as he looks at Ashlyn in confusing. He watches Mindy slowly walk away then feels Ashyln's grip on his arm tightens as if she is afraid.
“We should go Ashlyn, we don't want to be late for Mr. Weasel's..”
And so they did, but Ashlyn continues to stare back at Mindy before she disappears behind the corners on the hallway. Ashlyn had this strange and ominous feeling about the girl. Something dark... and hidden was a good definition of what she saw...
Teachers night out
Coach Nick, Mr. Tezoth, Ms. Rose, Mr. Weasel, and Principal Etan went out to the pub on Friday night for some drinks. To discuss some good things that happened over the week and burn off some steam and what not.
The pub was somewhere in Fabletown, a lot notable Fables who resides in the area attends there from time to time. And also some of the teachers of the Fables North Academy swing by as well.. but their coach, Franz isn't allowed in while Nick is there..
“Well, you look happy coach, anything good happened yesterday?!” Rose as she takes sip of her drink while having her arm wrap around Tez's neck.
Nick order's a whiskey with salt and downs the whole thing and wipes his face.
“It's a fucking miracle, Rose. That new kid, Dan.. He is one of the best swordsman's I HAVE EVER came across in the past five years.. And you will never would of guessed who his father is...”
“Uhh Prince Charm.....?”
Etan, Rose, Tez, and Weasel looks at Nick with awe and then took another sip of their drinks. They knew Nick was about to bring up the time when he got into several bar fights with Nessy in Scotland years ago.. Yeah, it would have been a 2 hour chat until....
A strange man with a European accent, about the same size and height as Nick but a little thinner barged into the bar yelling something incomprehensible. He is accompanied by several other teachers. Mr. Weasel catches a glimpse of there all a noticed how similar they are to his clique.
“Interesting.... do you guys notice how... unusually and ironically similar Franz group is to ours..? Like looking into a broken mirror.. I might say. They even have a weasel too...!”
Nick turns around and see's Franz.
Then Rose and Tez tries to calm Nick down while Etan sits there and continues to sip his drink with a grin that lust for action. The bar owner goes over to Franz and tells him that he is not a lot while Nick is present, he doesn't want his bar destroyed for the third time.
Franz pulls out a hundred dollar bill and slaps it into the owner's hand while yelling “I am a paying customer, my subordinates are paying customers and have been for years. If because some hot headed Neanderthal want's to get into a simple brawl with me and doesn't have the Scottish BALLS to settle this in a more formal manner, then I don't know what to say.”
Nick hears the whole thing and gets up out of his chair with Tez, Rose and Mr. Weasel pulling him back with all their strength but are not having any progress.. They can't handle this Scotsman, and most likely, this big mouth European can't either.
“Ahh, the brute is here.. Got something to say? Maybe you're announcing that you want your school to drop out of Le Fable Leagues, because you know... How do the Mundies say it...? We are thee Shits? ”
Nick then punches Franz directly in the face and the two begin to have, yet another bar fight.. Everyone tries to break the fight up except for Etan who records the whole thing on his phone..
There ya go. Expect the next chapter much earlier than normal...
They knocked her out of the center successfully. Mirah's body fell the 20 feet to the ground, and Franklin watched from Ash's back as she hit it hard. The storm around them calmed down a bit, but it was still alive which meant she was still alive.
"I don't know how you survived the burning house," Franklin spoke to Mirah calmly and with assurance. Ashlyn flew down, her fur whipping in the wind as her paws landed gracefully on the ground. They slowly approached Mirah, who was eerily still across the rocks and the dirt and the grass.
"It was simple," Her voice purred softly, as if it were next to Franklin's ear. "I used the wind to my advantage."
Every time she mentioned it, Franklin could feel a rush of anger sweep over Ashlyn underneath him. She obviously didn't appreciate Mirah's casualness, especially when talking about things that come natural to Ash. Franklin held her fur tight as she lunged forward to attack.
Mirah was up in the air before Ash even landed on the ground where she was laying. Her eyes were wide and glowing, pulsating red in the darkness. Franklin wondered what powers she'd gained over the months, and which ones she'd kept hidden all these years when he was a child and in her custody.
In one fowl swoop, Mirah's hands blasted a thick strong wind directly at Ashlyn. She flipped over a few times against the hard rocky soil, knocking Franklin off of her back and scraping his arms up some in the process. He was several feet away from his wolf companion, who was laying haphazardly on the ground. His heart leaped when he saw her, afraid that had been her last stand. But wearily, she lifted her head and shook the dirt from her fur, and her howl pierced the noise the storm made like a knife to butter. It was game on.
"So- Let me get this straight," Scarlett was prancing around her house, trying to find the cardboard box that had her mud boots in it. She couldn't be running around in the rain with dainty flats. She was also trying to get the full story from Elora, who was currently in a far too panicked state. "There was lightning, and then some rain, and then a tornado thing on the mountain, and my crazy brothers and sister decided it was a better idea to confront the natural disaster than find somewhere safer, like maybe Fabletown?"
"It's not natural," Elora stuttered. "No, not natural. It's magic, we all sensed it. Especially Mom."
"And where is Mom now?"
"With them. She's probably helping too. Dad is with the kids, with Grandma."
"Oh, I found them!" Scar reaches into a box that was labeled 'Photos' and pulls her boots out. "Goddamnit, Jackson, you're never packing boxes again."
"I'm totally okay with that," He called from the dining room. He'd taken over their daughter, setting her up in her highchair as it was time for dinner anyway. "Be safe, babe."
As soon as the shoes went on, Scarlett hastily scribbled the correct symbols with chalk on the wood floor of her spare room. She hadn't done any teleportation spells before, but years of studying underneath her mother made her able to write them down perfectly.
"Alright, hold my hand. This might be a bumpy ride, Sis."
Elora gulped, and grabbed hold of her sister tightly. She closed her eyes, as did Scarlett, and the whole world around them lit up in a bright green aura before they vanished completely. They were on their way home to save the day.
"Man, that welt is the size of Alaska," Noah said bluntly, his hands on his knees as he bent down and stared at his mother's face. She was breathing normally and had signs of possibly waking up again, and so it was his and Robbie's duty to make sure she didn't get any more hurt from flying debris or change drastically in health.
"Do you really gotta say it that way? This is our mother you're talking about," Robert scolded him, looking around precariously.
"Well it's true," Noah replied. "Man, it must hurt a ton."
Robert rolled his eyes. He couldn't believe how completely opposite he was to his brother, and the only thing they had in common was the fact that they seemed to pick up women fairly easily. Their grandfather, Charming, once told them is was a peculiar family trait that seemed to pass down in the generations. They had no idea what he was talking about then, but then again, they were also about nine years old when he told them. They understood now, but with all that charm came just as much responsibilities.
"Can you see anything?" Robert asked, facing away from the storm. His glasses had fallen off on the journey, and were probably broken or lost forever, so he couldn't see anything clearly.
"I think Ash and Frank knocked the bitch in the center of the storm out. I don't know, they disappeared past viewing distance."
"Language, young man..." A dreary half-conscious voice spoke up between Noah and his brother. Harmony was siting up carefully, her hand rubbing one of her temples as she situated herself back into action.
"You alright, Ma?" Noah asked, ignoring her patronizing.
She stood up, waving her arm as if to ward him away. "I'm fine, just...what happened?"
"You got hit in the head," Robert stated the obvious.
"Well, duh," Noah said to his brother. "I think she knew at least that much."
"Stop it, both you you," Harmony scolded. She looked between her boys, and then up past the rock, where the storm still swirled and tree branches and leaves flew by. "Where is Ashlyn and Franklin?"
"In the storm," Robert said, a little too casually. Harmony didn't take it lightly.
"Are they freakin' nuts!?" She half yelled.
"Language, mother," Noah half-joked. She ignored him completely.
"I need to go out there and save them- I need to-" She leaned on the rock for balance.
"Mom, I think you have a concussion or something," Robbie said after a moment. "You should-"
"No! I have to do something!"
"Then sit down, and maybe you can just focus on controlling the wind, for now." A new voice rose over the storm. Two girls emerged, one with dark hair and scarlet colored eyes and one with light brown hair and a worried look across her face. Elora and Scarlett.
Another hit against Ashlyn's body. She begun showing raw bloody scars across her hairy body. Wolves could heal easily, but not nearly as quickly as vampires did. Franklin looked as though he hadn't had a scratch on him, but the truth was, he'd been beaten just as bloody as she had. There was no letting up to Mirah's wrath, and she seemed determined to keep them alive but miserably failing.
"We need a new plan," He shouted from across the open land. They'd been separated again by Mirah's force and blown in separate directions. Even with Ashlyn's power to control the wind, Mirah's was more powerful and lethal than hers.
"What else can we do?" She shouted back. She galloped over as quickly as she could in all the pain that she was, and her wet nose bumped into Franklin's rain-washed face. They were absolutely soaking, absolutely hurt, and absolutely out of a solution to the problem. Mirah's laugh echoed in their minds like a never ending nightmare. She was getting ready to lash out again.
"Had enough?" She cooed from above the trees. Her thick and flowing white dress was torn in the spots that had done damage, but underneath the rips were perfect, flawless skin. As flawless as Franklin's skin.
Just then, a few more familiar howls filled the air. Ashlyn visibly cracked a wolfish grin, wobbling slightly off to the side. She knew how far away her family was and how quick it would take for them to reach the arena.
There were four wolves that jumped over the giant rocks and fallen trees, emerging quickly from the woods. The jumped past Ash and Frankie, landing at the feet of Mirah.
"Mom!" Ash said out loud, when she noticed Harmony among the wolves. She was the only one in human form, as she never fared very well when she was in her wolf form. She was riding Scarlett, and in her hand was a dastardly looking shiny sword.
Franklin clung to Ash's fur again as soon as the real hell broke loose. Mirah seemed enraged, as if she wasn't ready to take on EVERYONE at once, but completely capable of doing so. At least, it seemed she was. She rose in the sky, just out of reach of their noses, but Ashlyn's siblings were smart, and they used their powers to fly to get close.
They watched from the sidelines as Noah lunged forward, his mouth snapping wide. He was able to distract Mirah in one direction while Elora tore at the vampire's calf. A shrill scream pierced the night sky, but that was obviously not the end of Mirah yet. She blasted them away, as she had to Franklin and Ash countless times. All of the siblings were blown across the ground like ragdolls, landing awkwardly in every which direction. The only person standing among the fallen was Harmony.
She let in one deep breath, and the let it go. Another deep breath, and let that one go too. It was an exercise Swineheart had taught her, when she delivered her first batch of bouncing wolf babies. She was an ecstatic new mother then; Now, she was a furiously protective and old one.
Her grip tightened on the handle. The vampire woman stood before her, the sky letting loose all that it contained. Things got slippery, the mud was thick and wet. She walked forward, covered in dirt and disgust, but none of that mattered compared to how much she wanted to keep her family safe. She would do whatever it took to save them.
Mirah's force was only growing. She seemed even stronger, the wind blowing faster and more crazy. Harmony had to hold the sword as tight as she could. She shot a few arrow prayers to the heavens, in hopes that God or some sort of Angel would catch them and hold them dear. She hoped she had the strength to do this, because every waking moment sent pounding pain across most of her body.
She prayed that she would live to see the light of day again.
Standing there in the rain felt as if she were underwater. She kept doing those breathing exercises, pushing the initial panic and fear down as far as possible. There was no room for fear right now. She had to be brave. She had to be strong. The wind kissed her cheeks; a sign from her mother. Her mother was helping, she could feel it. She could recognize those winds anywhere. It was like an imprint on her mind and her body. It was pushing things out of the way for her.
Thanks, Mom," She mouthed to herself, as if it would make a difference. Her mind wandered to the face of each of her children. Her sons. Her daughters. The babies and the teenagers. She found herself wondering what they would all look like, ten, fifteen years' time. She wondered if she would be able to see them grow, or if this was the last time for everything.
But no matter what the outcome, she couldn't back away now. She held the sword firmly in her hand. It was the way her grandmother taught her. The way her father taught her. Fencing had come in handy after all. Besides, she was far too weak right now to conjure anything strong. She was using her magic to boost her adrenaline, though it didn't have to be used much, as the whole situation was throwing her mind and her body into a quick state of emergency.
"Come down here," She beckoned the woman, whom she didn't even know's name. "Come down, and fight like a real soldier."
The laugh. It grated on Harmony's nerves in the way you might scratch a chalkboard. She shivered and blinked a few times, and more pain welled up behind her eyes and throughout her body. She fought back tears that she refused to shed, tears of weakness. The only tears she would shed would be for grieving, if it came down to that.
"Very well," The vampiress said. She descended and her feet hit the muddy ground. She was covered in as much disgusting matter as Harmony was, her hair just a soaked, covered in rags for a dress. But, there were no visible wounds. She healed rather quickly.
A sword drew out of thin air, into the woman's hand. Harmony took a stance, the standard defensive fencing stance she'd grown so used to using. They began to move slowly, in a wide circle, their eyes trained on one another.
"And who do I have the pleasure of cutting to bits?" Harmony's voice came out like poison, and it seemed to visibly shock the vampire woman.
"Oh, listen to you," Her voice purred proudly. She cracked a malevolent smile. "I've seen you over the years. You've surprised me most of all, believe it or not."
"I don't even know you," Harmony's voice was hard and full of anger. "Why, why would you invade so mercilessly without reason?"
"Oh there's plenty of reason, little girl," Mirah chuckled. "You just don't get to know why."
At that, Harmony parried. Her sword stuck swiftly into Mirah's shoulder, and she smirked as she watched it singe the woman's skin. Holy water was said to burn vampires. That's why Harmony summoned a blessed sword to the battle. She knew what was needed to destroy the creature before her.
"Oh, you have tricks, don't you?" Mirah's voice growled. "It's okay, I have tricks too!"
Instead of lunging with her sword, the wind seemed to thrash around them violently. Branches shook the skies, raining down all around. Harmony's children, who'd tried to stay back as well as they could, were bombarded with debris. She heard sour yelps and growls behind her back, and her heart sunk deeply.
She lunged again, the sword narrowly dodged by Mirah's quick reflexes. She jumped backwards as if it were the most natural move she had, landing several feet away. The mud seeped into Harmony's shoes as she tread forward carefully. She was going to have to do this differently.
They took to the skies. If there was one thing Harmony could do, it was fly. She swung her sword gracefully at Mirah, who dodged again and swung her own sword. It grazed the surface of Harmony's forearm, a nasty cut forming along it evenly.
With out a word, she swung her sword downward onto Mirah's hand. She would show this woman no mercy. Agonizing screams filled the air as the hold metal touched the woman's skin and severed her hand from her wrist.
"You BITCH!" She snarled with a scream. "You cut my HAND off! Do you know how long it take for those to grow back?"
Harmony just smiled, her eyes narrowing. She swung more, but although Mirah was one handed, she still blocked the parries with an iron fist.
It wasn't enough; Harmony had gotten lucky to get that hit in. She was running out of energy, loosing time. If only she had time...
Her opponent's sword raised high, and lightning blasted a nearby tree to shambled behind Mirah. It shook the world around them, sent waves of sound through Harmony's chest. She staggered backward in the sky, as the blade came down and entered her chest. She'd been stabbed through the heart. Harmony was dying. Her body shook a bit before her head fell backward and her body went tumbling down, down, down to the ground.
That's all for now, folks. Like the cliffhanger? No? You hate me? I'm sorry. Harmony is officially.....dead.
Let that one sink in, I know it's hard for me to take.
You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy, when skies are grey. You never know dear, how much I love you.
Please don't take my sunshine away...
Oh what the actual fuck....excuse my language but....FUCK, Ems! I mean, I knew there was trouble the minute Mirah came back but...I trust you DO have a plan with Harmony's sudden death. I'm still....-reads last few lines again- OH man.
I THINK I have a theory as to what will take place. You claim you have a plan for this and I TRUST you do.
My theory is this: Char has been having a lot of time traveling moments and she can change some things around. Tobias came into her life; Hope mentions keeping the child safe and one day, he'll help her vice versa. Now, Mirah is back; I'm not SURE if this ties into Tim's sister in any way but I have a feeling Charlotte is going to DO something, or Tobias or hell-maybe someone we have not met or didn't see coming.
Jesus, man.....the feels....
She... She's... Dead? :'O
She's dead.
I know, I know. I saw these reactions coming from a mile away.
I do have a plan. You're on the right track. You'll see when I decide to write again (Probably tomorrow, I'm tired.) But in the end, it'll all make sense. Just trust me.
For good?
You're... Joking right? Shit... Not good at all....
I leave that up to you to decide, for now. I have plans, don't worry.
I'm not joking, but this is not the end. There will be more. There will be vengeance. There will be healing. Next chapter, my friend.
I'll leave it up to you then EMMY
Serve up justice! For Harmony!
I couldn't care about what happens to the others right now!
I want Harmony back!!
What is Living?
In the future....
"Cat! Mikhail! Help Ella!" A man's voice rang.
"Hey! C'mon we've got to help! Or else Ellas death prediction will come true!" A trolls voice rang.
"You're righ-" He was cut off.
And there was silence on the battlefield.
In the present....
"Hey! There's a body near the entrance to the farm!" A pig said
The farm animals ran towards the body. It was a boy who looked to be a bit older than Ella. He had longish hair, he was wearing a hoodie and jeans with a pair of shoes.
"Is he dead?" A bird asked
"No unconscious." Makoto said lifting up the boy.
"What do you think you're doing with him!? Make him into a demon like your daughter?" A pig said
"No....I intend to treat this boy back to health and ask him how he got here." He started to walk away but looked back. "Also please treat my daughter with a little more respect please? She just wants friends, but she also has a killer grandma named Bloody Mary..." And continued walking.
The next day....
The kid tossed and turned and opened his eyes. He looked to his right and saw Ella sitting by the bed.
"Hey! I was wondering when you'd wake up!" She smiled
"Where am I? Am I dead?" He asked
"We'll you're in my house. And no, my dad found you un...unconscious? I think that's the word." She said
"I see..." He said
The room was silent, they both stared at each other. When Ella remembered something.
"Oh I better go get my dad!" She said getting up and running down the stairs.
"Ella! Please be quiet! Your baby brother is sleeping!" He heard a woman say.
He turned and faced the ceiling...who was he? Why is he here?
A man with blue hair walked in.
"Hey. I'm Makoto. And this is Ella." He said
"Hi..." He said
"Is it alright if I ask you a few questions?" Makoto asked
"Yeah..." He said
"What's your name and how did you get here?" Makoto asked
"I don't know either...." The boy said
"So you have amnesia then? Interesting...well if you wanna stay here that's fine, or if you wanna go live up on the farm that's fine too." Makoto smiled and walked out.
"Your dad has cool hair." The boy said.
"You should stay here...there aren't nice people on the farm...." Ella frowned.
He leaned up from out of bed. He noticed how her whenever her body touched something a dark pool of blood would form around that part of the body. He pointed at her hand.
"Is it because of that?" He asked
She pulled her hand away. "Y...yes..."
The boy had an expressionless face and said "Why bother?"
She shrugged and said "I don't know it just gets lonely." And frowned.
He nodded and held out his hand. "We'll be friends then."
She shook his hand and shook "okay but shouldn't we give you a name?" She said
"Just call me...Caden." He said
She nodded. Caden and Ella got up and went outside to hangout....
That's it! Figured I'd swap stories each day
If you're confused and don't know what's going on, just ask and I will tell
Any other questions or comments let me know! 
I bet every baby/toddler would want to have that power in real life. XD
Luckily, that isn't the case for parents. :P
Anyway, fantastically fantastic picture! Very adorbs. (I like the Mickey Mouse mug, btw, if that's what you were intending to draw)
First I get help from Lyla, now Percy gets help from Emily. Take that, Grendel bros.
Me and the Porgie pie are chill bros in this at the moment, it seems. So awesome.
I refuse to believe a powerful witch like Harmony can die as simple as that.
But I'll be eager to see whatever plan you have in store for us either way.
Yeah, I'm confused with what's going on in your story. Been catching up with other user's stories on here in the process, y'know? So you giving me a summarized rundown would be great. :P
Hey, now this is a mystery that I like!!!
Loving the crooked rhymes as well :P
Very nice continuation!!!
I have heard of American McGee's Alice: Madness Returns, but I don't know much else about it.... I did see some pretty weird and creepy things in the trailer for it though :P
Right so far I've been writing Ella growing up since she's going to be with Catherine and Mikhail. This takes place six years after Makoto killed Luke, so I can introduce her powers and personality a little. Ellas powers were handed down to her by Bloody Mary and also Luke who gave her part of Deaths darkness. I'm sure you already know what Bloody Mary's power is, but what Luke gave her is weird to say the least. Anything her body touches will form a dark pool of blood, this comes in handy when it comes to movement because she can use the dark pools of blood around her feet to slide around stylishy. This chapter I showed what I have planned for the future, and a friend named Caden who woke up from being unconscious at the farms gate, for Ella since most of the Farm considers her a demon and a freak. That should be it but if you have anymore questions let me know, don't worry about it man! I'd get confused as well XD
Glad you like it Hazza
Haha, I thought they were pretty dumb XD I made Bigby voice my opinion of them actually
Alice Madness Returns is a horror spin on the tale. It's very very good, it definitely creeped me out with all the weird enemy's.
Still the best looking game I've ever played, took a screen shot of one of the places and put it as my laptop wallpaper XD
I remember you saying you had it as your wallpaper :P
I may check it out properly someday... So many games to play!!!
I would have loved this ability. no cookie or sweet treat would be safe! >:D LMAO you're the only one to have noticed Gren's cup. XD It is Mickey. KIND OF added at the last moment. XP
Nice, I tend to notice stuff like that since I've been to Disney World a bunch of times. XD
Ah okay, I remember reading about Ella's ability to slide on pools of blood. Thanks for explaining the rest to me.
No problem Dragon!
Nice gif XD I have plans, so don't worry.
Georgie and Peter
'The bond that links your true family is not one of blood but the respect and joy in each other's lives.'
'Before I became the Sheriff, my life was a tangled mess. I had no idea WHO I was or supposed to be. On one side, my dreams of being something extrodinary. Different. Nothing this town or world had ever seen before. I was going to soar high and touch the sky, taste the rain hidden in the clouds, dance with the stars and sleep on the moon. The world was mine for the taking. Yet, on the other side to me, the truth. Truth to who I was. There was no such thing as pretending anymore. Hiding. Trying to prove anyone wrong. I saw it everyday in the mirror. Even at a young age I knew there was something unusual. All the others looked and acted JUST like dad; Ethan may have taken his looks from papa but even the way his face contorted when he was angry. Happy. Sad. Not mine...I looked like HIM and the town made sure I knew. There was no such thing as hiding. My mother explained but it wasn't enough. I didn't want to except THAT side. I was Georgie Porgie's son, not HIS son. All that changed, for the man I called father showed me the way, for it was ME that was hiding for so long.'
Georgie and Peter were quiet the entire time they sat and ate their food. Peter picked at his burger, dipped the ends into ketchup and ate. He would repeat this process the entire time. Georgie knew better. His son was in the moment of thinking and needed to undertake the information bestowed upon him. Peter was one to take the sudden changes; he'd known about this for some time but knowing it was the truth was a pill too large for even Peter to swallow.
Bigby Wolf. His TRUE biological father. Not Georgie Porgie. This felt like a slap on the face and while he was down, the kicking, taunting and spits continued. These words felt like knives to the back. His world was spinning out of control. Peter lost the grip on the wheel. He was no longer in control. It made sense. All of it. His ability to breath under water. Blow down a tree house-a fucking TREE house to the ground with one mighty puff. The comportment. Since hitting puberty, Peter noticed the changes: rapid facial hair growth, way his hair was styled. Even the methods of eating, sleeping and speaking. Lyla saw Bigby in her son. He had her eyes and John's body build. That was all. But the rest....
Vindicated his older sister's detest towards him as they grew up. Katie and Penny NEVER saw Peter as their brother; they refused to participate in anything Peter was in, allowed him to play games or refused to acknowledge him. Many times the girls were punished and forced to interact with their brother. At first, both Lyla and Georgie felt the girls were envious but when none of the other children showed the same emotions towards Peter, they scratched that theory completly off the board. Katie and Penny went as far as to taking Peter off to the woods trying to 'rid' of him. That was the first time he'd seen his father cry....
Peter bit into the burger and looked back on that day. Katie and Penny were anxious to show him a beautiful, rare mushroom growing just past the house and near the river. Penny swore it glowed like the stars and smelled of Roses and rain water. Ethan, like the caring brother he was, did not trust Peter alone with the girls. Peter was too jovial to notice their TRUE intentions behind the invitation. Taking them by the hand, the girls led Peter to the river. They both told him to close his eyes; the mushroom only appeared when you did so and once it popped up, you'd hear the little sound of a bell. Peter believed them. Why? Because he desperatly wanted his sisters to accept him....
Peter did as he was told; the giggles should have been the dead giveaway but he remained loyal and obeyed his older siblings. With one mighty push, both girls send Peter into the rapidly moving river. Peter first slammed into a rock; he desperatly tried to cling on but the muck and mud mad it difficult for his little paws to grasp. Within seconds, the current took Peter down and into several larger rocks. He howled, cried and called out for his father.
"DADDY!" Peter could still hear his six year old self, as he continued to chew his burger. "DADDY! DADDY, HELP ME!"
The girls, however, had no idea Ethan followed them. Ethan screamed and ran back to the house; Penny and Katie changed, hoping to tackle their brother before he reached the house. They did not think twice about their mother; Lyla stood a few feet from the river and noticed her children changed and chasing their brother.
"Ethan, Penelope and Katherine-you KNOW not to come by the river and-"
Ethan tugs on her dress. "They pushed Peter into the river, mommy! He's gone! He's-"
Lyla did not think twice; lifting her dress up, she prepared to change and dive into the water. She called out for Georgie; her mind racing, heart beating and time slipping away. He was strong. Peter was like his father and was capable of holding his own. But at the tender age of six? Lyla began to think the worse.
"GEORGIE!" Lyla, now in Wolf form, leaps into the river.
It happened so quickly. Georgie was running down the slope of the hill and chasing after Lyla. She paddled against the current and fought the mess of rocks and fallen logs.
"PETER! The girls pushed him in and-Find him! Georgie...PETER!"
Peter was not the only one thinking about that afternoon as the two men sat and ate their meal. Georgie noticed the look Peter had when he was deep in thought. Reaching over, he grabs his son's hand and holds tightly. Not looking up, Peter returns the gesture and grabs Georgie's hand. He could still hear the water. Smell the forest. Feel the tears streaming down his face.
It had been a long time since Georgie cried but as he ran through the dark and hush forest, he allowed the tears to fall. Leaping over logs and sliding down hills, Georgie searched for Peter.
"Peter!" Georgie finds the river and heads for the bank. "PETER! PETER!"
Georgie jumps into the river. He should have known better. He was weaker and more vulnerable but at that moment, all he wanted was Peter. His son back in his arms and safe once more. Georgie swam against the crashing waves; the water was icy to his flesh and his skin began to turn a very light blue. Continuing to swim against the pain, Georgie noticed a bundle of brown fur bobbing along the waves.
His heart stopped. "No...." Georgie kicked his legs and reached for Peter. "NO! PETER!"
Georgie manages to grab Peter's arm. He was barely breathing and in and out on concious. Georgie fought the currents; his body was exhausted and the pain made it nearly impossible to swim but he needed to get Peter to safety. Georgie found a spot near another sandy bank, miles from their home. Heaving Peter forward, Georgie places his son on the ground and checks for any vital signs. A slow but sturdy heart beat.
Georgie clings to Peter and rocks back and forth. "That's my boy, come on, Peter. Please...daddy has ya', son. I'm 'ere fa' ya'..."
The tears. Peter looked up. He could only remember the sound of Georgie's voice and the tears.
Back in the restaurant, Peter tried to hide his emotions. Georgie never let go of his hand.
"You didn't have to save me..." Peter finally spoke. " could have just left me there. To drown..."
"Why would I do that ta' ya', Peter? Ya' be my son and-"
"No..." The grip on Georgie's hand grew tight. "I'm NOT your son. I'm...HIS....I'm-"
The waitress returned with their check. Peter remained silent once more. Georgie took out his wallet, added two twenties and left the change for the young lady. Both men dressed in their coats and walked out to the city streets. The snow on the ground crunched beneath their boots. Ice dangled along the edges of buildings. Clouds of air formed along the sewers, people as they spoke and the cars nearly colliding into one another against the afternoon traffic. Georgie grabs Peter by the arm.
"Ya' are my son, Peter."
"No I'm not." Peter takes out a cigarette. "Katie and Penny were right. I was not a part of-"
Georgie pauses, grabs Peter by his arms and forces the young man against a brick wall and away from prying eyes. The tears again.
"Ya' listen ta' me and ya' listen good Peter. YA' be my son! Ya' sisters had NO right treatin' ya' that way! Ya' mother and I did all we could ta' stop them. We really did!"
"I know you did..." Peter wipes his nose. "I remember what you did to both of them when you brought me back to the home after-"
Georgie looks down at the ground. "Ya' mum thought ya' were dead, Peter. I've neva' seen her cry or scream like she did. I can still hear it ta' this day. Ya' ya' remember what I did ta' them?"
Peter did. While his mother warmed Peter's body with warm blankets and a fire, Georgie took to the girls. The other children sat inside and watched their father punish Katie and Penny. Lyla would not stop him. As mush as it pained her to see Georgie punish the girls, it had to be done. THIS time, it was required.
Georgie spanked the girls ten times each. Even through their pleas, he continued. They were punished for three months; no television, games, desserts. Nothing. they were to go to school, homework and that was it. Nothing fun. Peter recalled his mother stepping in and using the method their grandfather had used on Lyla and her sisters when they were kids. Both Penny and Katie had to turn; with a rope, Lyla tied them to a pole and the girls were to stay out there for three nights. Peter could still hear their howls. After that, however, Penny and Katie never bothered Peter again. They avoided him but never played a hurtful trick like that again.
"I do." Peter presses his head against Georgie. "I remember mom, too."
"She was so fookin' pissed, Peter. We thought they killed ya'. They took it too far with ya'."
"You do love me..." Peter tried not to cry. "You saved me. You didn't have could have left me there, dad. Even after you found out I wasn't YOUR biological child, you STILL loved me. Why?"
Georgie was asked this often when the twins were born. Why stay? Why keep Peter? Georgie asked himself these very questions hours after the boys were born; he avoided Lyla for almost two months before sitting down and hearing her explanation. He didn't hate her. He couldn't hate Lyla, for if he did, he'd hate his children. Peter. It was not his fault. Even before his birth, he adored his boys.
"Why do I love RJ?" Georgie looks up and smiles. "I didn't need ta' love ya' older brotha' but I do. He's not biologically mine but I care fa' the boy. Have love fa' him. Same goes fa' ya', Peter."
"Yeah but mom was IN a relationship with Robert. Not was just-"
Georgie holds onto Peter as if he was six years old again. Just like the inccident from the river. Peter returned the gesture. He refused to let go.
"I loved ya' mum. I loved you kids. Becoming a father was the best fookin' thing I've eva' done with my life. Bigby and I have had our problems. We did. Ya' know the stories. I hated that man. I fookin' wanted him dead, Peter. But that was years ago. I can't blame ya' fa' what I did or he did and how we felt towards one another. I couldn't. I'd be hatin' ya' mum, too, if I did. Your sisters and brothers."
"Peter. You ARE my son. I love ya', boy. Don't ya' eva' question that. I was there when ya' rode ya' bike. First words. The birthdays, playing Football. All the fookin' scrapes and bruises. Teaching ya' how to do math. First day of school. My heart broke in silence when ya' had your first broken heart. College. Everything."
"I remember you taking me to the park and he was there. Why?"
Georgie smiles and kisses the top of Peter's head. "Because, son, that was MY test, too. I was so much betta' than woot they made me out ta' be. The Sheriff deserved ta' see ya'. He DOES love you, Peter. He loved you then and he loves ya' now. But he knew the risk it was if the Council found out...."
"I know." Peter clings on tighter. "I...I know...."
Georgie and Peter remained this way for some time. Peter never questioned Georgie's love again.
'My father will always have a special place in me. He may not have been the one to have created me but he'll forever be a part of me. He stands proud and tall beside my grandfather. Besides father taught me to stand up for myself. Believe in my dreams. Conquer the world and never feel sorry for yourself. He gave me wings to fly, so I could touch the sky, taste the rain water, dance with the stars and sleep on the moon. I am Peter Porgie and I'm proud to call Georgie AND Bigby my fathers. I was a part of the Porgie Clan.'
Any questions, you know the drill.
From time to time, I will be doing these past stories to help fill in what was not covered from previous stories. A lot have asked WHY Bigby was not around and WHY Georgie took on Peter when he could have easily ignored the boy. Peter could not have said it better than that. 
That meme is freaking awesome! I'd never, ever piss her off!
"No no no," Charlotte muttered softly to herself. "No, this isn't right, Toby."
Toby looked up at Charlotte with glistening eyes. "It isn't?"
"No, it isn't."
"I'm sorry."
"It's okay. You're learning."
"Do I still get the cookie?"
Charlotte chuckled. "Yes, you get a cookie. But keep practicing. I'll clean up this mess you made."
Toby scooted off of his chair and skipped over to the kitchen counter. He couldn't reach the jar, so Charlotte reached up and grabbed the cookie she promised him, handing it down carefully.
They'd been living in between time and space for roughly 4 years now. It was a fairly normal pocket; When you looked out the window, a great expanse of stars stretched out for eons. It took the first two years of Toby's life to secure this place, binding the right spells and making it so that time passed at the same rate as Earth. It was an entirely different situation altogether to convince her mother, after this escape had been built, to actually move and live in it. From the outside, it did not exist. It was not a building or anything floating freely in space. It both existed and did not exist. It was the epitome of oxymorons.
"Do you think we can visit home soon?" Toby's voice came out curiously, with a tinge of excitement. "Can we see your brother and sister?"
"Sure, Toby. Just let me fix this up, please..."
"I want to play with Isabelle's crayons. She has the crayola ones!"
"That's nice Toby..." Charlotte was only half paying attention. Six year old's tended not to notice how little people listened to their chatter. She was moving things around, fixing the bits that should be in different orders, or omitted altogether. " it," She said aloud to herself, as Toby continued to ramble.
"Do you think Henry will want to play cars with me? Charlotte? Charlotte? Mama?"
On 'Mama', Charlotte twisted her head to see what was the matter. "What's wrong?"
"Do you think Henry will want to play with my cars?"
"Of course he will. He loves cars."
The boy smiled. "Does Izzy like cars too?"
"She might."
"I hope she does."
Charlotte giggled. Tobias was obsessed with people liking him, and who couldn't? He was possibly the sweetest little boy, and an absolute angel. Part of Charlotte felt bad for his birth parents, whoever they were, as they were missing out on the opportunity of a lifetime. She stood from her seat, happy to have easily fixed the mistakes Toby had made. She'd been working with him and his gift more, teaching him how to use it the right way. She wished she'd had the same opportunity as a child to mold hers, as it would have been easier to use as she got older. He was getting there. He was making a lot of the same mistakes she had made when she first discovered her power to time travel. He was putting memories in the wrong people, or moving the wrong item and creating the wrong sort of event. Luckily, she gave him the fairly easy situations; Things that will not result in drastic changes. It was tiring for both of them, but it needed to be done.
She needed to make lunch for herself, or else she would die of starvation or something. She opened the cabinet and frowned. She was nearly out of everything.
"Looks like we ARE making a visit home," She told the boy behind her. He began to cheer and do a cute happy dance, half a cookie still in one hand.
"Yay yay yay!" His brown hair shook with him. She would have to give him a haircut soon. Charlotte patted his head and closed the pantry, leading Toby down the hall to the closet at the end. It used to be just a closet, but she had triggered it so that it was the door back home. It lead to her closet at home, in her danky little bedroom.
"Ready to go?"
"Wait! Let me get my cars!" He shouted. His tiny legs brought him down two doors, to the open bedroom that belonged to him. She heard the sound of the toybox being dumped sideways and winced at the noise, but smiled as he emerged holding a little metal tiny in his hands.
"You have them?"
Toby stuffed the rest of the cookie in his mouth and said," Yefsh."
Charlotte smiled. "Lets go, buddy."
They entered the portal.
"Mom!" Ashlyn howled with grief. She was in her human form, as was her other siblings. Shock took over all of them, and it was hard to tell who had started crying yet with all the rain pouring down.
"She- She's dead," Robery stuttered. "She's dead- Mom's dead...She can't be dead."
"Well she fucking is!" Noah burst out with anger. "So stop fucking saying it for Christ's sake!"
"Mom..." Elora uttered. "Mom.... Mommy...." She was definitely crying. The siblings kindled with rage as they all turned to face Mirah, who was trying to tend to her missing hand.
Franklin had had enough. He look toward his friends-his family- and then sprang into immediate action. Mirah was low enough to the ground for him to leap and reach her ankle. He pulled with all of his strength, and heard her yelp loudly.
Still firmly grasping her leg, and dangling in the air, lightning seemed to his the ground rather close by. It felt as if he were out there for days; it must have only been a few hours. He struggled to hold on as she kicked her legs out, and another bit of lightning shook the world. And then, a scream.
"Robert!" It was Ash. "Robert, Oh my god!"
Franklin looked down, which he wished he hadn't. Robert had been struck.
"Mirah," His voice was begging. When did she become so merciless? He tried to remember what she used to be, even if he hadn't liked that person either. At least she didn't go around killing the innocent.
Something clicked, when he had thought that. She was enacting revenge for the 'family' he had killed. It hadn't been anything near what he had with these people, and all of those children, they weren't really children. They knew what they were doing even when they seemed like they didn't. He had to stop them, and the only way to stop them was to kill them.
He hadn't used his powers to create fire in a long, long time. When it delayed, he was almost convinced they had gone away some how. But no, they had not. It was as if his hands were the sun as they lit up, and the look on Mirah's face sent rueful joy through his body. She would go up in flames, this time for real.
The rain came down harder, as hard as it possibly could. The flames were flickering, but his hands kept producing. She was beating on him with her clawlike hands, trying with all of her strength to rid him.
"You were never my family," He said through clenched teeth. "You never really loved us. You used all of us. You deserve to go to Hell for all you've done."
Unexpectedly, Mirah threw her head back and cackled. Her dress was flaming, she was beginning to turn to ash. "I may have been sinful most of my life and regretted very little of it, but we're all damned, young boy! The sooner you realize that, the quicker you will realize that all you have done to redeem yourself had been in vain. ALL vampires go to Hell!" And with that, she burned to a crisp. It felt so simple; It couldn't have been that easy. Could it?
Next, Franklin found himself falling from all the way up in the sky. He must have not noticed how high up she ascended when he grabbed on to her. Little bits of ash joined him as his body hit the ground, enough to kill a mundane person, but only enough to knock the wind from him severely. He scrambled to his feet awkwardly, rubbing away the cuts and bruises. It tended to help when he was healing himself.
The group of teenagers he regarded to as his family stood in a circle around both Harmony and their brother Robert.
"They're dead," Ash said in a cold whisper. It was done raining, as if the end of Mirah meant the end of everything. It was done. The sky was clear. The sun was rising.
"What do you think would have happened?" Noah's voice was shaky. "If the sun had come up?"
"No light could have penetrated those clouds," Franklin replied shallowly. He felt like a hollow shell of himself, standing there in the cold mud. Everyone was shivering. Elora was sitting on her but sobbing uncontrollably. Scarlett held her mother and her brother's hands silently as she stared into space.
"What do we do?" Ash stammered. "We- We can't just....fuck. Fuck. FUCK FUCK FUCK!" Her anger was bleeding through. She was covered in cuts and bruises that would take time to heal. Franklin fought the urge to reach out for her, because there was no way she was going to accept any sort of affection right now.
Nobody was ready for this. No one felt more useless than Franklin though, who stood there hollowly as everyone dealt with their grief in different stages of shock, madness, fear, and depression. There was nothing he could do to help.
"Yes, there is," An unfamiliar voice sounded from behind. Confused, Franklin looked behind him. No one else seemed to have heard the voice.
"Shh," She was a girl who seemed peculiarly familiar. She had black hair and light hazel eyes. Next to her was a boy, a little bit younger than her, with moppy brown hair and tan kin.
"We're here to help," The boy spoke up. He must have been fourteen or so.
"It will all make sense in due time. Come." And the girl reached out her hand. Franklin took it.
That's all for now! I didn't have work today, so I'm in a less tired mood, lol XD For those of you who are afraid Harmony is dead for good, I want to reassure you that she isn't. She's dead now, but there will be a fix to the problem. And for now, Robert is dead too. Mirah wasn't joking when she said she'd kill everyone Franklin loved. He was lucky Ash hadn't been struck at that point.
This all being said, I will probably write tomorrow. I have a bit of planning to do for the next chapter, so I want to make sure I get it all done in the way I want it to go. So yeah
Like I said, don't panic. I'm sorry for making you all cry yesterday XD
That is good to know, Tetra! If I ever mess up or miss something, please let me know. Well, Gren DID deserve it. lol I'd never pissher off, either. xD
Lyla and Emily have your guys' back.
Robert sometimes goes a bit much when it comes to 'joking' with others. Yes you and Porgie are bros right now and always.
Being another Packers fan helped, too.
She would of made an excellent addition Fabled Avengers, it's hard to believe Harmony is dead.
Reason why I love Georgie and respect him....I'm begining to see what you meant when Georgie was being tested. Bigby WAS a part of his second chance. By forgiving the Sheriff for what took place all those years ago, he was able to truly love Peter...
Click here
I think of Peter and Georgie's relationship when I hear this song. Can't wait for more, pie.
Will do, but I think you'll be fine! XD Granted he did ask for but I still gotta feel bad for him XD
I'm glad to hear that. But this won't be the last of our beloved Harmony. I have my plans, and hopefully it all works out the way I want it to
I. Love. You!
I sound weird I know, but Harmony is too special to just be dead and buried forever! :'D
I adore Tobias just as much as Carter. He's my 2nd favorite to be honest. I'm curious to see where this plays with this entire thing taking place with Mirah, Harmony and now Robert's death and their powers. I know they have the ability to change things but to go back and prevent death? Or, maybe that has nothing to do with that. I know you told me I was on the right track as far as this situation goes. I have a feeling the lesson both will teach eachother comes from this but like always, I'll sit back and wait for more information.
And that ending.
You know what, Ems. I'm going to scratch that and keep to my theory.
Either that or this is someone from Franklin's past and they have returned for him. Who knows! BUT, I'll stick to my theory for right now. I figured Harmony's death was for a reason. Can't wait to see what you have planned.
Hope work and everything else is going well for you. I know there are days you're like 'F this!' but it will all be worth it.
Take advantage of those days off, too! 
Really JJ? Jesus dude, you made me cry! I love that trip to McDonald's now, bro! XD XD jk jk But yes. It will all make sense. I'm trying to wrap everything together now.
Rain and Punches
Ashlyn was one of the schools sweethearts, and is friends with everybody, likes to play pranks often, and has a cute half-vampire boyfriend named Franklin. She's part wolf, and she can also fly, and she loves to embrace her wolf side as much as possible. She's assertive and very sarcastic and she likes to find out peoples secrets, though she usually keeps them to herself when she does find them out. She plays a little bit of guitar and piano, as music is one of her favorite things, and she listens to anything that comes on the radio.
Last year, both her and Franklin was announced king and queen of FableTown High, followed by the debut of Robert's infamous prank of turning everyone naked..
Don't let her sweetness fool you, once you piss her off or do her harm. You'll be in for a rude awakening and perhaps a bountiful beat down..
“Yes Ashlyn...?”
“It's about to rain...”
“How can you tell babe..?”
Suddenly rain begins to violently pour down unto the tree while they both are setting under the tree in the courtyard right before the bell rings. Franklin pulls out his umbrella and the two stroll off to the next class hugging each other.
Once Ashlyn and Franklin enter the door way, they are startled by the strange and awkward girl, Mindy who just blankly stares up into the murky sky as the rain continues to fall.
“It's.... it's raining... The hunger... it's... suppressing..”
“Wait... what..?” Franklin as he looks at Ashlyn in confusing. He watches Mindy slowly walk away then feels Ashyln's grip on his arm tightens as if she is afraid.
“We should go Ashlyn, we don't want to be late for Mr. Weasel's..”
And so they did, but Ashlyn continues to stare back at Mindy before she disappears behind the corners on the hallway. Ashlyn had this strange and ominous feeling about the girl. Something dark... and hidden was a good definition of what she saw...
Teachers night out
Coach Nick, Mr. Tezoth, Ms. Rose, Mr. Weasel, and Principal Etan went out to the pub on Friday night for some drinks. To discuss some good things that happened over the week and burn off some steam and what not.
The pub was somewhere in Fabletown, a lot notable Fables who resides in the area attends there from time to time. And also some of the teachers of the Fables North Academy swing by as well.. but their coach, Franz isn't allowed in while Nick is there..
“Well, you look happy coach, anything good happened yesterday?!” Rose as she takes sip of her drink while having her arm wrap around Tez's neck.
Nick order's a whiskey with salt and downs the whole thing and wipes his face.
“It's a fucking miracle, Rose. That new kid, Dan.. He is one of the best swordsman's I HAVE EVER came across in the past five years.. And you will never would of guessed who his father is...”
“Uhh Prince Charm.....?”
Etan, Rose, Tez, and Weasel looks at Nick with awe and then took another sip of their drinks. They knew Nick was about to bring up the time when he got into several bar fights with Nessy in Scotland years ago.. Yeah, it would have been a 2 hour chat until....
A strange man with a European accent, about the same size and height as Nick but a little thinner barged into the bar yelling something incomprehensible. He is accompanied by several other teachers. Mr. Weasel catches a glimpse of there all a noticed how similar they are to his clique.
“Interesting.... do you guys notice how... unusually and ironically similar Franz group is to ours..? Like looking into a broken mirror.. I might say. They even have a weasel too...!”
Nick turns around and see's Franz.
Then Rose and Tez tries to calm Nick down while Etan sits there and continues to sip his drink with a grin that lust for action. The bar owner goes over to Franz and tells him that he is not a lot while Nick is present, he doesn't want his bar destroyed for the third time.
Franz pulls out a hundred dollar bill and slaps it into the owner's hand while yelling “I am a paying customer, my subordinates are paying customers and have been for years. If because some hot headed Neanderthal want's to get into a simple brawl with me and doesn't have the Scottish BALLS to settle this in a more formal manner, then I don't know what to say.”
Nick hears the whole thing and gets up out of his chair with Tez, Rose and Mr. Weasel pulling him back with all their strength but are not having any progress.. They can't handle this Scotsman, and most likely, this big mouth European can't either.
“Ahh, the brute is here.. Got something to say? Maybe you're announcing that you want your school to drop out of Le Fable Leagues, because you know... How do the Mundies say it...? We are thee Shits? ”
Nick then punches Franz directly in the face and the two begin to have, yet another bar fight.. Everyone tries to break the fight up except for Etan who records the whole thing on his phone..
There ya go. Expect the next chapter much earlier than normal...