Nick is PERFECT in this chapter! Downing a salted whiskey in one, going toe to toe with Nessy (seriously, that is awesome as hell) and then not taking any shit... It's just perfection!
Although, who is this Franz that would dare to challenge Nick I wonder??
The image of Rose, Tezoth and Weasel failing to hold Nick back sounds pretty accurate as well :P
Rain and Punches
Ashlyn was one of the schools sweethearts, and is friends with everybody, likes to play pranks often, and has a cute hal… moref-vampire boyfriend named Franklin. She's part wolf, and she can also fly, and she loves to embrace her wolf side as much as possible. She's assertive and very sarcastic and she likes to find out peoples secrets, though she usually keeps them to herself when she does find them out. She plays a little bit of guitar and piano, as music is one of her favorite things, and she listens to anything that comes on the radio.
Last year, both her and Franklin was announced king and queen of FableTown High, followed by the debut of Robert's infamous prank of turning everyone naked..
Don't let her sweetness fool you, once you piss her off or do her harm. You'll be in for a rude awakening and perhaps a bountiful beat down..
“Yes Ashlyn...?”
“It's about to rain...”
“How can you tell babe.… [view original content]
Oh dude, I fucking love you right now!!!!!! XD
Nick is PERFECT in this chapter! Downing a salted whiskey in one, going toe to toe with Ne… moressy (seriously, that is awesome as hell) and then not taking any shit... It's just perfection!
Although, who is this Franz that would dare to challenge Nick I wonder??
The image of Rose, Tezoth and Weasel failing to hold Nick back sounds pretty accurate as well :P
I'm sorry but that's what you get for...(sees the threat) Never mind, Pie. I love you. I love you so muuuuuuuuuuuuuuch! XD XD Please, senpai....take me to McDonald's! BTW, that Quarter Pounder was the business tonight.
On a serious note, I can't wait to see what you have in store. I love Peter. Heck, I love ALL the Porgie kids!!
Really JJ? Jesus dude, you made me cry! I love that trip to McDonald's now, bro! XD XD jk jk But yes. It will all make sense. I'm trying to wrap everything together now.
Franz is a Frenchman and the coach of the Fables North (Rival school) and have won the Fable Leagues twice. Since then, he and Nick have been a heated rivalry over the years and bar fights as displayed above..
He is stuck up, annoying, and narcissistic.. and a sorcerer.
Franz is a Frenchman and the coach of the Fables North (Rival school) and have won the Fable Leagues twice. Since then, he and Nick have be… moreen a heated rivalry over the years and bar fights as displayed above..
He is stuck up, annoying, and narcissistic.. and a sorcerer.
I finally got some more written; I have to cover 3 things now because of this chapter, but that's ok :P You'll discover what 3 things when you read it...
Plz enjoy!
Devil and Demons Chapter 8 – Where Do We Go Now?
Nick stood in place for a long time. He kept going over what Pestilence had said to him; was he really trying so hard to change what was in his blood? The changes were evident in some ways but not in others.
Nick had become a much calmer and more open person since Lyra was born; but was that his own choice? Was it paternal instinct to be a good Father? Or was it to be a good husband to Mary? He had forgotten entirely, it was like a dream to him...
He had gotten so caught up in his old ways upon regaining his half-form. All that power, it filled him with a rage to rival that of any bloodthirsty army; in that moment Nick felt like he could do anything, like he could challenge the Horsemen themselves and emerge the victor. But he was a fool to think such things.
The Horsemen were agents of the Fates; they kept chaos in perfect check, it was their undying responsibility, a curse upon their lives forevermore, a burden to be taken only by them, they couldn’t pass this responsibility over like a torch. It wasn’t even a complicated situation; it was in fact, very simple: One Rider for each part of chaos.
Famine; the Rider that tainted food and crops, the being that withered away the very life source of men and animal’s alike.
Pestilence; the Rider who brought plague and sickness to the world, the being that ensured safety from ailment was impossible.
War; the Rider that wrought destruction and carnage amongst men and creature alike, the being that filled hearts with rage and malice, and an unquenchable thirst for death and dominance.
Death; the Rider that rid the world of those who were ready to move on to whatever lay ahead of them, the being that allowed new life to surpass the dead.
Nick wasn’t power hungry like Galen was; he had more than enough power within him. He knew because he had seen his full potential when he destroyed the Mundane world all by himself, he didn’t need his siblings or the Horsemen to do what he did. He used his Black Magic, the very same Magic that the Horsemen used to create their Harbinger’s, to do everything.
The Harbinger’s had mastered Black Magic in their youths, they all possessed tremendous power, but it was rarely used by them. The vicious nature of the Magic made conflicts far too easy for them; over time, Aleesha and Cormac had forgotten how to use their Black Magic entirely, Nick had never seen Galen practice its usage, but it was possible that he did, and Nick only used it for simple things like creating clothes, weapons and various other miscellaneous items like gold...
“You have defeated another one it seems” Nick was so lost in his own being that he failed to see Death leaning against the exterior wall of the tavern with his arms folded, he seemed to be smirking.
“Yes, now Galen is the only one left...”
Death stood up straight “He will not be defeated as easily; War is doing everything he can to ensure Galen emerges the victor”
Nick pulled a half smile “I can handle Galen just fine, but what are you going to do?”
Death smiled properly “Nothing”
That shocked Nick “What?”
Death didn’t budge “I said I’m going to do nothing; you can handle Galen yourself”
Nick was confused “But you said War is helping him!”
Death replied “What would you have me do? I cannot stop War from doing what he is doing with violence, you know what will happen if I do...”
Nick suddenly felt alone “You cannot do anything?”
Death bowed his head and took a moment to think, shortly after he looked up at Nick “I could try to persuade War to stop helping Galen, but I cannot be sure of the outcome”
O The new Wolf Manor
Dinner was finished, now came dessert.
Snow moved to the kitchen as Connor discussed something with his Dad; while Blossom had noticed how unusually quiet Lyra was being and spoke to her “You ok, Lyra?”
Lyra wasn’t ok, she was at the other end of the spectrum of ‘ok’, and right now she was completely terrified. She was trying her hardest to not shake; she didn’t know what was going to happen next. Would Bigby kill her now or later?
That was what he was going to do right? Punish Nick and Mary by killing their precious daughter, a vengeful payback for nearly killing Bigby himself? But ‘nearly’ was the keyword in that sentence, Nick didn’t let his prey escape without a reason, did he let Bigby live of his own choice?
“Lyra? Lyra!” Lyra shook at the sound of Blossom’s slightly raised voice; she looked into the eyes of the red-haired woman and saw concern on her fair features.
Snow returned minutes later with a chocolate cake; Blossom and Connor instantly diverted their attention to it. Their Mother knew how to make a mean cake, and this one was extra big. Snow spoke as she sat down “Now kids, let Lyra have the first slice, she is our guest”
Snow grabbed a knife and handed it to Bigby “Honey, will you do the honours?” Bigby took the knife and stood up “Sure” He sliced slowly into the cake and moved the blade across afterwards, he looked Lyra in the eye “This is it” She thought “He’s going to stab me”
Bigby spoke “Do you want this much?” Lyra looked at the knife; it was about 2 inches away from the first slice. Lyra managed to speak, though her tone was a little shaky “Yes, please”
Bigby cut the cake and served the slice up to Lyra’s plate, but his gaze never wavered from hers as he did so, Lyra could’ve sworn his eyes turned yellow for a brief moment...
Lyra picked up her fork and took a bite; the cake tasted amazing! The soft sponge, the deliciously smooth filling and icing, this one bite washed away all her fear in an instant. Snow smiled “Do you like it?”Lyra looked at the pale beauty “It’s delicious!”
Bigby cut 2 more slices, one for him and one for Snow, before handing the knife over to Connor, who proceeded to cut an exceptionally large piece for himself, much to the disapproval of his Mother.
“Really, Connor?” Connor ignored Snow has he tucked in with a boyish smile “Mom, you make the best chocolate cake that ever existed, I’ve been on the road for months without it-“
Snow stopped her son with a small giggle “Ok, ok, I get it”
Bigby finally spoke to Lyra “So who are your Parent’s Lyra?”
Lyra stopped her last mouthful, she was brought crashing back into reality with those words, and unfortunately, someone was speaking for her: Blossom.
“Her Mom is called Mary and her-“
“Dad is called Nick...” Bigby finished Blossom’s sentence for her; Lyra started shaking now as Bigby stood up. Lyra instinctively rushed away from her seat and backed away from Bigby as he moved towards her at a brisk pace.
But then an unexpected thing happened; Snow came up behind Bigby, spun him around and slapped him, hard. Blossom and Connor both stood up and moved in front of Lyra as Snow yelled “What the hell is the matter with you?!”
Bigby looked at Snow “Do you know who she is?! She’s Nick’s daughter!”
Snow suddenly remembered who Nick was, and she joined her husband in his advance “Kids, move out of the way”
Lyra was close to tears now, she was so scared; but it seemed that her new friends were taking her side. Blossom and Connor both stood their ground; Bigby wasn’t impressed “Kids, move”
They wouldn’t budge, Bigby took a step forward and Blossom did the same, she stared into her Father with piercing yellow eyes. Bigby’s eyes turned the same colour as low growls emitted from the two Wolves. Connor was also ready for action.
Snow got in-between her husband and daughter “Kids, you need to move out of the way-“
Blossom suddenly roared “Why?!”
Snow was a little surprised by Blossom’s outburst; Blossom continued “What is wrong with you two? Why are you attacking a helpless little girl?”
Bigby responded “Because her Dad is a murderer! He destroyed an entire world and nearly killed me!”
Blossom failed to see a good reason “So you kill a little girl instead?!”
Bigby yelled back “Nick would’ve killed you too! I barely escaped with my life!”
The arguments stopped as Lyra started crying; all this yelling and anger had pushed her over the edge, Bigby continued to look at Lyra with murderous intent, but Snow had been swayed “Bigby, the kids are right”
Bigby looked at Snow in shock “What?”
Snow grabbed Bigby’s shoulder’s “We can’t just kill her; she isn’t the one that did those things. We’re better than that” She cupped his face “You’re better than that...”
Bigby turned away and stormed into the kitchen; Blossom turned to Lyra and crouched down in front of her “Are you ok?” Lyra hugged Blossom tightly and sobbed into her black tunic; Blossom hugged her back and rested her chin on Lyra’s head.
Eventually Lyra pulled away and was ready to speak “What happens now?” Snow crouched down in front of Lyra, but Lyra immediately stepped out of her reach, Snow was taken aback by this “I... I’m sorry”
Lyra didn’t give any hint of relief, Snow continued “You can stay here; I’ll make sure Bigby doesn’t do anything”
Lyra narrowed her gaze “Why would you do that for me? I’m just looking for my Dad” Snow nodded “Yes you are; which is why Bigby, Blossom and Connor are going to help you find him”
Bigby emerged back into the room “Excuse me?”
Snow turned to him “Bigby, she’s a child, as much as you want Nick dead, he is still her Father”
Bigby was angered by the comment “He’s done terrible things, Snow!”
Snow nodded “We all have; do you really think we both deserve happiness and 7 Cubs after everything we’ve done?” It was a harsh truth; Bigby was no better than Nick once upon a time, and Snow wasn’t a saint either...
Bigby looked at Lyra “What has your Dad been doing for the last 10 years?”
Lyra stood up straight “We live in the woods, the 3 of us, we keep to ourselves... My Dad doesn’t bother anyone, and he wants forgiveness for his sins”
Bigby snorted a little “Forgiveness? Not even I seek forgiveness anymore, kid”
Lyra didn’t believe it “We can all be forgiven somehow; my Dad destroyed the Empire and killed the Adversary, how many of you thanked him for that?”
There was truth in that sentence; Nick did free the Homelands for all the Fables...
Bigby gave a reluctant nod “Ok kid, we set out tomorrow morning”
O Elsewhere
Death had to do something; he wasn’t going to help Nick directly, that wasn’t his style, but he could do something about his arrogant Brother. War and Galen were still on the grassy hilltop overseeing their men training vigorously “War, we need to speak”
War looked at Death with slight confusion “What is it?” Death crooked a finger, and War obeyed like a moth to a flame. He envied his brother’s power, and his standing.
Death spoke at a lower voice than usual “Stop helping Galen, right now” War narrowed his gaze “Why?”
Death replied “Because that isn’t what we do now is it... Don’t make me regret asking a second time” War was a little fearful of what would happen if he disobeyed, Death may have been the coolest cucumber that walked the earth, but like Nick, he had a violent temper when it was let loose.
War smiled instead “Fine, Galen?”
Galen moved towards his Master “Yes?”
War handed Galen a glass org with a beautiful orange substance inside it “You know what to do with this...”
Galen suddenly disappeared, and Death got angry “What do you think you are doing with that?!”
War punched Death, the blow moved his head, but it caused a tremor in the earth itself and cracks appeared in the ground. War stepped backwards as the surrounding area faded away. The two were no longer in the Homelands, this was the realm of the Horsemen; a vast area that could be whatever they imagined it to be, it was a picture to be forever drawn and washed away. The area morphed itself into a rocky canyon in the middle of a moonlit night, with a heavy rain cascading from the dark blue heavens, it was very surreal.
War materialized a giant, double-edged zweihander sword “In this realm, we can fight as we please”
Death materialised his scythe and cracked his neck to the side “This could’ve been easy for you, little brother”
War laughed “You haven’t fought anyone in centuries! I practice every day!”
Death got into a fighting stance “One thing you never forget, brother... is how to kill”
Meanwhile, Galen finally appeared just behind Nick after doing another important errand with the orb; he ran up to Nick and plunged the orb into his chest just as he turned around from the sounds of footsteps. One hard punch to the cheek knocked Galen backwards, but the worst had already been done. Nick felt himself go weak as his vision turned white, when he woke up, he wasn’t in a city with a tavern anymore; he was on mountain, with Galen’s echoed voice speaking to him.
“Where am I? What was that?” Galen responded “That was an Orb of Creation, you know what those contain?”
Nick did know, but Galen answered for him “Alternate realities; this is a universe in which the Horsemen, and subsequently the Harbinger’s, never existed! Oh, and its 40 years ahead of the other universe”
Nick glared at the sky “You know I will escape this place”
Galen laughed “Only a Great Power to rival our creators will help you escape, and I don’t think those exist here do you?”
The voice disappeared, but Nick knew of one Great Power that existed in all universes: the Power of Death.
Well then; now I have to multi-task! I've gotta write an epic fight between two Gods, Lyra's journey with the Wolves and Nick in this universe. Now, gentlemen and lady, this alternate universe is where your OC's are going to appear, you each know which of your OC's will appear, but you don't all necessarily know what they will be doing, that's the surprise...
In this alternate universe, they are alternate versions of themselves, your OC's will be different, either subtly or quite radically. All I ask is that you give me an honest opinion of your OC's portrayal, even though this is completely non-canon, I will change things if you don't like how I am portraying them.
If you wish to know what your OC will be like and what their role is before the next chapter, don't hesitate to PM me
Until next time! Any comments or questions, leave them below! XD
I finally got some more written; I have to cover 3 things now because of this chapter, but that's ok :P You'll discover what 3 things when y… moreou read it...
Plz enjoy!
Devil and Demons Chapter 8 – Where Do We Go Now?
Nick stood in place for a long time. He kept going over what Pestilence had said to him; was he really trying so hard to change what was in his blood? The changes were evident in some ways but not in others.
Nick had become a much calmer and more open person since Lyra was born; but was that his own choice? Was it paternal instinct to be a good Father? Or was it to be a good husband to Mary? He had forgotten entirely, it was like a dream to him...
He had gotten so caught up in his old ways upon regaining his half-form. All that power, it filled him with a rage to rival that of any bloodthirsty army; in that moment Nick felt like he could do anything, like he could challenge the Horsemen themselves and emerge the victo… [view original content]
I'm so glad you love him He's one of those kids whose an absolute sweetheart and would never harm a fly. He regards Charlotte as his caretaker, his best friend, his mother of sorts.
I have my plans with everything, and I would write something more detailed right now in regards to all you've written, but it's also currently 11 PM and my eyes are trying their best to stay open at the moment. It'll all become clear hopefully in the next chapter. I have a few ideas on what to do, but you're not far off in your theory
Oh, I loved being able to go home and stay home XD Gotta work tomorrow though, so it is what it is. Just baggin' jelly beans for a few hours straight XD
I adore Tobias just as much as Carter. He's my 2nd favorite to be honest. I'm curious to see where this plays with this entire thing taking … moreplace with Mirah, Harmony and now Robert's death and their powers. I know they have the ability to change things but to go back and prevent death? Or, maybe that has nothing to do with that. I know you told me I was on the right track as far as this situation goes. I have a feeling the lesson both will teach eachother comes from this but like always, I'll sit back and wait for more information.
And that ending.
"We're here to help," The boy spoke up. He must have been fourteen or so.
"It will all make sense in due time. Come." And the girl reached out her hand. Franklin took it.
You know what, Ems. I'm going to scratch that and keep to my theory. Either that or this is someone from Franklin's past and they have returned for him. Who knows! BUT, I'll stick to my t… [view original content]
The misses wanted to see Emily with this hairstyle. Who am I to say no to a drawing of Emily? XD Still like her hair down, though.....meh, it's 4am and I'm up. XP Try and get a chapter in later today. For now, enjoy miss Emily Porgie.
The misses wanted to see Emily with this hairstyle. Who am I to say no to a drawing of Emily? XD Still like her hair down, though.....meh, it's 4am and I'm up. XP Try and get a chapter in later today. For now, enjoy miss Emily Porgie.
Nick has a full plate, I can tell you this much. I'm really looking forward to Lyra and her journey, considering she's become a huge part in the Wolf family. I still wonder WHY them at times, you know? As far as the OC's go, that will be interesting to see them all portrayed differently then we know them to be.
I finally got some more written; I have to cover 3 things now because of this chapter, but that's ok :P You'll discover what 3 things when y… moreou read it...
Plz enjoy!
Devil and Demons Chapter 8 – Where Do We Go Now?
Nick stood in place for a long time. He kept going over what Pestilence had said to him; was he really trying so hard to change what was in his blood? The changes were evident in some ways but not in others.
Nick had become a much calmer and more open person since Lyra was born; but was that his own choice? Was it paternal instinct to be a good Father? Or was it to be a good husband to Mary? He had forgotten entirely, it was like a dream to him...
He had gotten so caught up in his old ways upon regaining his half-form. All that power, it filled him with a rage to rival that of any bloodthirsty army; in that moment Nick felt like he could do anything, like he could challenge the Horsemen themselves and emerge the victo… [view original content]
Nick has a full plate, I can tell you this much. I'm really looking forward to Lyra and her journey, considering she's become a huge part in… more the Wolf family. I still wonder WHY them at times, you know? As far as the OC's go, that will be interesting to see them all portrayed differently then we know them to be.
Okay I just noticed something about posting your stories. They have to BE a certain length, or else it cuts off like half way. SO, this will be divided into 2 parts. Sorry for the confusion....
Rosie nearly collided into the mailbox as she parked her yellow volkswagon beetle and fished the four gifts in the back seat. Struggling to remove her belt, Rosie uses her umbrella to grab the presents and pull forward. Nearly tumbling to the ground, Rosie tries to juggle the brightly colored wrapped gifts. With a bagged gift clentched in her teeth, Rosie uses her foot to shut the door, attempts to lock the door and head for the party.
She could hear cheering and noise makers; one of the little girls was startled and Rosie heared her cries from the backyard. Detecting the lingering smell in the air, someone had just completed the barbecue. Peter noticed Rosie, running towards the house. She thought the path was directed to the gates. Instead, it was heading for a tree.
Tossing his burning cigarette to the side, Peter runs over to Rosie and grabs the gifts. Rosie lifts the hair covering her face and notices the large, burly hands.
"No, Rosey Posey." Peter glances over the top of the bag. "It's me. You, can't see very good when your vision is blinded by gifts and all."
"I thought I was heading for the back." Rosie hands Peter two gifts. "I, uh, guess not." She chuckles. "Man, its been an off day for me."
Peter watched his sweet cousin pull back her hair into a messy bun. She placed the other two gifts on the ground and tried to fix herself up. Judging by the outfit, Rosie either JUST woke up or came back from the gym. She wore a dark gray Hollister sweatshirt, black yoga pants and white running shoes. She seemed exhausted and preoccupied with what was occuring in her life. Rosie always remained busy. Even as a child, she found something to do.
Peter, like Gren, grew worried as the days dragged on. She was taking on so much at once. Full time job with Erica, school, homework and relationship. Last Peter heard, she was dating. Off the top of his head, he couldn't remember the guy's name. He did, however, notice her hair color. It was a light red with a tint of brown along several of the strands. The spell was wearing off. There was no need for her to hide anymore.
The family was devestated when they found out Carla's vile secrets. The length she went to conceal the truth behind her 'relationship' with Gren. The children, their apperance and even their names. Last Peter heard, the boys were looking more like their biological father and took on his name. Rosie, although looked more and more like her mother, refused to kick Gren to the corner. She couldn't hide from the man. He raised her. Loved her. Peter continued to watch Rosie try and fix herself up.
Rosie seemed to be the only one hurt and angry about her mother's actions and the lies she created for so long. Even Carla revealed the truth behind her conception, Rosie refused to acknowledge it; Peter knew it cost her relationship with her mother and brothers. Neither spoke to her.
She was also the first person to know the truth behind Gren's love for Emily. Rosie found it difficult to explain but she noticed their interactions and conversations, especially as Emily aged. Rosie supported their decision to keep the babies and be one. To her, it was the best either of them could do.
After Rosie was set and ready, she sighs, gathers the bags and looks at Peter.
"So, Mr. Sheriff of Fabletown-perhaps you can lead me to the party, since, you know...I have no ability to do so myself."
Peter chuckles and allows Rosie to walk beside him. "You were always the comedian of the group." He pats Rosie on the head. "Glad that hasn't changed."
"Nah because my life would be too boring." Rosie adjusts the gifts under her arms. "And I mean, its not THAT exciting since YOU had a baby."
Peter nods. "She's growing like a weed. Looks like me but has Holly's attitude." He chuckles. "Great. Her teen years will be hell..."
"How is Lily doing since I last saw her? Shit, like, two weeks now? Feel AWFUL, Peter."
"You're busy Rosie." Peter opens the back gate door. "But Lily is doing JUST fine. I'm sure she cant wait to see you."
The guests continued to sing, blow their horns and cheer. Rosie notices the colorful ballons. One of different shades of blues, pinks, purples and a few with animal print. Peter opens the gates and lets Rosie enter first. She places the gifts on a beautifully set table. The whole entire family was here as well. Emily glances over and gets an eye of Rosie, waving and heading towards her.
"Rosie!" Emily places her drink down and embraces Rosie. "OH I'm so glad ya' could make it."
"I wouldn't miss this for the world, Ems." Rosie plants a kiss on Emily's cheek. "So, were are the birthday babies at?"
Even as Rosie tried to pull away, the grasp Emily had around her torso was strong. Emily buries her face into Rosie's hair. She was pleased to see such a fresh face as her beloved Rosie in her presence. Emily could never hate Rosie or blame her for the pain Carla created and bestowed upon the family for years. Rosie had no idea. Many banished Rosie, along with the others. Never Emily. She could never hate Rosie. Rosie was the small handful of people that accepted the love between herself and Gren. Understood the bond and connection created all those years ago. She accepted the pregnancy and was there when Emily revealed the genders and names.
Rosie pulls back and looks deep into Emily's eyes. Emily quickly cleans her face; Gren, who spotted Rosie, runs up to the young woman in her casual outfit. He was wearing dark shorts, black flip flops and a white tee shirt. He looked so content. Something Rosie rarely saw growing up.
It was crystal clear her father was were he belonged. Holding out his arms, Rosie met with Gren's warm embrace. Like Emily, he held on firmly. Gren swayed Rosie back and forth, like he'd done to her many times as a child.
"My Rosie." Gren whispered against her face, "My baby girl. You made it."
Rosie nods. "I wouldn't miss the rugrats' birthdays, dad. You know that..."
Gren releases his grip on Rosie. "Does your mother know you're here?"
"No. I can fucking care less." There was so much irritability in her voice. "She can't tell me what to do."
"Rosie." Gren taps her forehead with love. "Watch the language and respect your mother, please. She is still-"
Rosie folds her arms. She and Carla rarely spoke. Everything was different the second her mother confessed the horrible truth. Explained how she was able to trick Gren into making him believe that she and the boys were his children. Magic. Carla purchased a vile of magic every year that would conceal the baby's true identity. Rosie tried asking her mother the reason why she stayed and never left; spare Gren's feelings and move on with their TRUE father. Her answear was always the same: she refused to be alone.
Apparently, her biological father was just as unfaithful as her own mother; he had various lovers and never stayed with one woman too long. Her mother was the 'booty call' when none of the others answered. It made Rosie sick to her stomach. Disgusted to be related to such a wicked individual. Her brothers, sadly, viewed Gren in the same fashion as their mother. Junior changed his name and without the magic no longer hiding their true apperances, it became clear why Carla used this technique for so long. They looked NOTHING like Gren. She knew by speaking to Gren there was a possibility of losing her mother and brothers. This was a risk Rosie was willing to take.
Even as Gren took her by the hand and guides her to the babies, everyone looked towards Rosie and beamed. Not a single ounce of hatered. Penelope and Johann made their stop as she examined little Josiah. Looked more and more like his mother but kept the shape of Johann.
Katie and Jersey's girls all form a circle, bouncing around and trying to speak at the same time. The cake, games and soda pop were finally catching up to them. Even John and Nancy took the time to strick up a conversation with Rosie. Hugs and kisses would follow. Looking around at the familiar setting Rosie grew up in, she felt a sense of peace and comfort. Reaching the table with her younger siblings, Rosie knew she made the right decision.
"OH look at you four!" Rosie kisses each on the head. "My God! You're getting so big! Stop growing without me around!"
Emily chuckles. "They be gettin' inta' everything these days. Poor Puddles does not know woot ta' do."
Rosie first picks up Liam. The little boy remained in his human form. Rosie takes a look at her brother. Playing with his hair, she noticed the small amount of gel.
"Cute you two."
Gren laughs as he grabs Emily's hand. "We found it to be appropriate."
Rosie cuddles her brother one last time before returning the boy to his seat. He immediatly grabs the cake, buries his tiny hands into the mountain of sugar and eats. Second baby to be picked up is Viviana. The little blonde haired baby smiles and jumps in her seat.
"Roro! Roro!" Viviana tries reaching for Rosie. "Roro!"
"Still can't say my name, eh blondie?" Rosie repeats her name five time but gets the same response. She laughs. "You'll get it, baby girl. Happy birthday."
Next baby in her arms are the two remaining girls. Chloe and Seraphina were more interested in Jersey, now being attacked by water balloons and silly string. Chloe wanted to play; she whined, wagged her little tail and tried barking at Jersey. Rosie grabs her sister and clings securly to the rambunctious baby.
"Goodness, Chloe! Hold on! Let your big sissy give you loves first! You have cake all over your hair and neck."
Emily wipes the mess. "Good luck. Looks like four very messy babies are gettin' anotha' bath tonight."
Rosie giggles, kisses her sisters one last time and releases the two; Liam and Viviana are quick to follow, although Liam is more occupied with his sweet treat than anything. Viviana floats towards her cousins, now chasing after the Wolf cubs. Blossom and Winter take Viviana by her hand and fly towards Katie and Jersey's girls. Snow looks over her shoulder; the boys play with George, who climbs a nearby tree and holds out his plastic sword. All three boys have created hats and eye patches from the plates and napkins. Snow could see Ghost as he chases George up the tree.
"Be careful boys!" Snow yells for her three. "Be nice and safe!"
Connor waves his sword. "We are, mom!"
Mary snickers. "TRUST me, White-George needs some boy time. His brother just turned one and all he cares about is eating, sleeping and pooping. George passed THAT stage years ago."
Snow chuckles. "Anymore babies for you and Junior?"
"Hell no!" Mary says with no hesitation and a slight giggle. "I'm through having kids. Six is plenty."
"Tell me about it." Mary and Snow clink their red cups together. "Raising those holigans was hell alone. Did it alone for a bit and-"
There was a crash and seconds later, a boy's voice calling out for his mother. All the mothers turned to look. It was Ambrose. He had fallen from the tree's branch and split open his pants and cut his finger open. Lyla picked up the boy and led him to Snow. She gathered her son and headed inside, looking for the kitchen. Peter followed, just in case Snow needed help. Mary and Junior head to the tree and find their son hiding among the thick leaves and branchs.
"I'm stuck." George peeks over a leaf. "My jeans got caught and-"
"Maybe I should leave you there." Junior sighs, sliding his hands into his pocket. "I mean, sometimes I wonder, George, if that would be the only way to get my message through your head."
"NO!" George tries to remove his pants. "Wait! I'm sorry! We were playing and-"
Ghost managed to remove George before he could get a single leg from his jeans. Gently placing the boy onto the ground, Connor would soon follow.
"Thanks Ghost." George smacks a section in the air. "Your a pal."
"No problem." A gust of wind circles the two boys. "C'mon. Let's play over there by the well."
"Be careful!" Junior calls to his son, now following Connor. "Other than that, have fun!"
While Mary and Junior head back to the guests, Emily grabs her camera and snaps several pictures of the quads. Seraphina and Chloe were busy playing with Mary's older twin girls and a few of Katie's children. Liam was still determined to finish off his personal cake, while Blossom and Winter continued their journey through the air with Viviana. Mr. Sunflower, who was also trying to capture a few moments on his camera, was suddenly struck with a water balloon. It did not pop; it merely bounced off his bottom, rolled to the side and remained as one. Chloe made the mistake of popping it. Although wet, the little Wolf cub continued her play like nothing even happened.
Sunflower turns to view the person responsible for nearly getting not only himself but the camera wet. Gren, tossing yet another water balloon into the air, chuckled at the flower Fable. Adjusting his coat, Sunflower places the camera on a nearby table and smiles.
"Ah, so it's games you wish to play, eh Grendel?"
"C'mon, Sunflower! Let Emily take all the pictures! I wanna see how a plant Fable handles a little fun!"
Seraphina noticed Sunflower participating in th games. She wanted to be a part of it all. Swishing her arms, Seraphina attempts to get Sunflower's attention. It works; he notices the little girl sitting on the grass, picks her up and heads after Gren. Clinging to his shirt, Seraphina giggles and points. Emily takes her camera and begins to take pictures. Liam was too focused on his sweets, Chloe playing with her cousins and Viviana flying high with Blossom and Winter. While capturing a few images, Emily scans the area. There were so many people here. Family and friends alike that loved and adored her family. The children. Just two years ago, none of this existed to Emily.
This was beauty beyond her dreams. She had a husband-to-be and four precious babies. Snapping another image, she giggles and watches several bubbles blown by the girls travel towards the sky. Blossom and Winter, holding tightly to Viviana, chase after the boys. All four were playing by a well not too far from the house. With help, Viviana lands safetly on the ground.
"Can we play?" Winter picks up a plastic sword. "We can take that side and-"
"Pirates are for boys, Winter!" Connor takes the sword back. "You and Blossom go back to the party with Vivi."
"Ahh Connor let 'em play." Ambrose lifts his hat up to get a better look. "Look, we have plenty of things and-"
"Dude, no!" Connor was set in his answer. "We don't NEED anymore people."
Blossom ignores her brother; Connor was one to talk big, maybe even push a little but in the end, he knew better than to try and one up. Their mother would see to it he learned the value of family, respect and friendship. She knew Ghost would back her up. Same went with George. The young Porgie boy was extremly nice to her. While Winter struggled to pick up Viviana, Blossom took this opportunity to speak to George. He was near the tree, smacking it with the sword and pretending to search for gold. Gliding over, he nearly dropped his 'weapon' in fear.
"Cool party, huh George?"
"Blossom!" George's face turns as red as her hair. "I.....uhhh....yeah. It's, um, its pretty cool."
"Can WE play pirates with you?" Blossom picks up the sword and hands it to George. "Connor says we can't play."
"Don't listen to him." George smiles. "Sure you guys can play. We could always use more pirates. We can pretend we're searching for gold coins, crowns and silver."
Blossom agrees and although Connor was outvoted, he continued to voice his concerns and opinions. Neither of the other kids listened. Eventually, he stopped. Running to an open spot near the creek, the kids played. Blossom, Winter and Viviana took to the skies. Although the young girl had no idea what was taking place, she was still enjoying it all. Soaring high above the clouds and trees, the little blonde girl dodged a few birds. Arms out and the wind beneath her, Viviana played among the clouds. During this time, the ribbon showed itself. The magic had worn off and as Viviana turned against the blows of the wind, Blossom noticed the purple material.
The misses wanted to see Emily with this hairstyle. Who am I to say no to a drawing of Emily? XD Still like her hair down, though.....meh, it's 4am and I'm up. XP Try and get a chapter in later today. For now, enjoy miss Emily Porgie.
Dang, forgot about Charlotte already, I guess it was because I was so devastated about Harm's demise earlier. :S Also had to reread to realize Robert got struck too, like you said below. No more GTA sessions for now, it seems.
Anyway! Harmony coming back in the future will be great to hear. Uncle Tez, Aunt Rose, and Bloody Mary would've been furious if she were dead for good.
"No no no," Charlotte muttered softly to herself. "No, this isn't right, Toby."
Toby looked up at Charlotte with glistening eyes. "It isn… more't?"
"No, it isn't."
"I'm sorry."
"It's okay. You're learning."
"Do I still get the cookie?"
Charlotte chuckled. "Yes, you get a cookie. But keep practicing. I'll clean up this mess you made."
Toby scooted off of his chair and skipped over to the kitchen counter. He couldn't reach the jar, so Charlotte reached up and grabbed the cookie she promised him, handing it down carefully.
They'd been living in between time and space for roughly 4 years now. It was a fairly normal pocket; When you looked out the window, a great expanse of stars stretched out for eons. It took the first two years of Toby's life to secure this place, binding the right spells and making it so that time passed at the same rate as Earth. It was an entirely different situation altogether to convince her mother, after… [view original content]
NOTE: Again, sorry for the confusion but like I mentioned, the longer the story, it WILL cut off like halfway through. So, here is the 2nd half...
Blossom Wolf and the others are about to see the TRUTH behind the ribbon....
All the adults knew of the ribbon. The cousins knew. Even the Wolf cubs were aware and told by their mother to never pull. But why? Her head remaind and never rolled off. Nothing serious happened to the other kids, so what was the big deal? Curiosity in a child's eyes can go either way. Today, it was for the worse. Clinging to Viviana, Blossom carries the screaming baby back to the grounds. Winter follows, unsure of her sister's plans. If they were going to play Pirate, they would need all the power they could get. George noticed Blossom fumbling with the ribbon. Terrified, he drops his sword and charges after Blossom.
"NO!" George screams and waves his arms. "NO! Blossom, you can't do that!"
"Why not?" Blossom had the end in between her fingers. "What's the big deal? Not like her head-"
"My aunt Emmy said it's a bad thing! She-"
"What can be bad from pullin' this thing? Not like her head falls off like that one lady's did."
George begged and pleaded but the thing is, Blossom Wolf did as she pleased. With a single tug, the ribbon fell off the baby's neck. Winter and the others gasped in horror. They'd been told NOT to pull but for what reasons, none were certain of. Within moments, Viviana's body was consumed with a light. It spun around for several seconds before revealing the truth behind the ribbon. Towering over the children was a three-headed Dog. The fur was blonde and despite Viviana being so tiny, the creature was of astonishing proportions. Its claws dug into the dirt and roared loudly towards the Heavens. The trees and Earth shoke as the creature moved towards the river. All three heads dipped their massive tongues into the cool water for a drink. Blossom and the others were startled.
"AHHH!" Ambrose points to a figure just beyond the trees. "Who is that!?"
Viviana's three heads turn to see the mysterious man. He was leaning against a tree, beckoning for the young creature to join him. Viviana refused to move. Blossom, now firmly griping George's hand, was frightened by what was before her. Viviana growled. Connor and Winter flew back to the party; Ambrose was stuck in place, unsure of how to respond. The mysterious figure once again called for Viviana. He had what appeared to be a tiny demon-like creature with him. His wings flapped furiously beside the man. Dark clouds circled the beast as he headed towards the children and Viviana. Blossom and George tried obtaining Viviana's attention; she was baring her fangs, growling faintly in her throat and preparing to attack. Shoulders hunched and thigh muscles tight.
She was a creature to fear. That was one thing the children got from this once simple and beautiful baby, now a three-headed hound from Hell. George gently pushed Blossom back; Ambrose was soon to follow, afraid he'd become dinner to Viviana. Before either child could speak, there was a cloud of black surrounding Viviana's paws. The figure paused. What was this strange material circling his precious Viviana's feet?
The profile of a young girl emerged from the clouds of black. She looked identical to Chloe. The baffling child revolved around Viviana's body and head. It landed on the shoulder of the creature; Viviana did not seem to mind as the young girl took a seat and lifted her right hand.
Within seconds, the forest behind the mysterious figure was dark. Both he and winged creature faced the darkness growing behind them.
Blossom, George and Ambrose watched as Viviana inched closer to the man. The shadow figure continued to sit and point. Her hand spiraled once more and shadows emerged from the ground. They appeared to listen to the figure sitting on Viviana's shoulder.
"What's going on, George?" Blossom grasped tighter. "What is this?"
Being the offspring of Bloody Mary and Georgie Porgie Junior, George knew a thing or two about the darkness and the dangers lurking around every corner. The tension in the air, the thick taste of ash in his mouth. The marking on his arm burning and sensing danger. This was the work of the darkness. Pushing Blossom back, George stepped forward. He needed to get a better vision of Viviana and who he assumed to be Chloe. She looked like his aunt Emmy now.
Chloe directs her shadow minions towards the man and his winged creature. They seem unaware that the litte girl possesed such powers, for both turned and ran back to the darkness. George counte five shadow figures chasing after the other two. Viviana paused at the entrance to the forest and waited for chloe's next step. When the shadows returned, showing the intruder was gone, Viviana and Chloe turn to head back to the others. Neither of the children could speak. Neither of them knew WHAT to say, as the little girls turned back into their normal forms. The ribbon returned once more around Viviana's neck.
"Yes, George...."
"Don't....don't pull the ribbon ever again. Please?"
Winter and Connor returned with Gren and Emily. She ran towards the girls and scooped them up in her arms. Checking them thoroughly, however, she did not find any traces of magice, scratches or injuries. Both were laughing, smiling and eager to return to the party. Gren sniffed the air and scanned the area. There was indeed something here.
"Gren-" Emily, now holding both the girls, watches Gren continue to sniff. "Woot...woot is it, love?"
Gren grabs his fiancee's hand. He didn't want to worry Emily. He knew of something but did not have the knowledge or word for it. It was gone, whatever it was. Lyla and Georgie, followed by Robert and a few others were not too far behind. They were stunned to see Gren and Emily heading back so soon. Snow snatches Blossom and Ambrose up. Connor and Winter follow behind as they return to the party. Robert walks beside Gren, who is holding Viviana.
"You alright, Gren?:
"What...what did you notice back there?"
"Nothing, Robert. Just....let's get back to the party."
Gren refused to stir trouble, especially on his children's birthday. Half of the guests had no idea what was REALLY behind the ribbon. Noticing it was visible once more, Gren slipped to the back and would take care of it before returning his daughter to the others. Emily placed Chloe on the grass as she joined her sister and brother. She noticed ash in her daughter's hair and quickly brushed it out. Rosie strives to ask Emily about the babies but she refused to answer; she was not going to let this upset her and would be dealt with. Not today. She and Gren just wanted something 'normal' but even a birthday party with them required SOME sort of action.
Sleping in their cribs, the quads carried on into dream world. Gren and Emily cuddled on the bed. She was worried. Gren adjusts himself in the sheets and smiles.
Emily looks up. "Woot is is, love?"
Gren turns to face Emily. "That is pretty neat. Thier powers are linked together."
"And ya' find this fascinatin', why Gren?"
"Means they are protecting eachother, Emily."
"But, if woot Vivian said is true, then-"
Gren strokes Emily's face. "We have one year olds that took down the God of the Underworld. I THINK they'll be fine, Emily."
Gren slides in between Emily's legs and plays with her hair on her head. Pressing his chin against her belly, he grins. "And besides, they are pretty tough AND smart."
"Ya' be strange, Grendel. Why I love ya', though...."
"They'll be fine, Emily. I promise you that....they'll be fine."
Leaning forwards to kiss Emily, she knew this to be true. She trusted Gren. There was no need not to....
Any questions, you know the drill. I want to skip ahead with the quads here in a bit, too but before I do, cover some other things as well.
Rain and Punches
Ashlyn was one of the schools sweethearts, and is friends with everybody, likes to play pranks often, and has a cute hal… moref-vampire boyfriend named Franklin. She's part wolf, and she can also fly, and she loves to embrace her wolf side as much as possible. She's assertive and very sarcastic and she likes to find out peoples secrets, though she usually keeps them to herself when she does find them out. She plays a little bit of guitar and piano, as music is one of her favorite things, and she listens to anything that comes on the radio.
Last year, both her and Franklin was announced king and queen of FableTown High, followed by the debut of Robert's infamous prank of turning everyone naked..
Don't let her sweetness fool you, once you piss her off or do her harm. You'll be in for a rude awakening and perhaps a bountiful beat down..
“Yes Ashlyn...?”
“It's about to rain...”
“How can you tell babe.… [view original content]
Part 2 to story above
NOTE: Again, sorry for the confusion but like I mentioned, the longer the story, it WILL cut off like halfway throu… moregh. So, here is the 2nd half...
Blossom Wolf and the others are about to see the TRUTH behind the ribbon....
All the adults knew of the ribbon. The cousins knew. Even the Wolf cubs were aware and told by their mother to never pull. But why? Her head remaind and never rolled off. Nothing serious happened to the other kids, so what was the big deal? Curiosity in a child's eyes can go either way. Today, it was for the worse. Clinging to Viviana, Blossom carries the screaming baby back to the grounds. Winter follows, unsure of her sister's plans. If they were going to play Pirate, they would need all the power they could get. George noticed Blossom fumbling with the ribbon. Terrified, he drops his sword and charges after Blossom.
"NO!" George screams and waves his arms. "NO! Blossom, you can't do tha… [view original content]
Part 2 to story above
NOTE: Again, sorry for the confusion but like I mentioned, the longer the story, it WILL cut off like halfway throu… moregh. So, here is the 2nd half...
Blossom Wolf and the others are about to see the TRUTH behind the ribbon....
All the adults knew of the ribbon. The cousins knew. Even the Wolf cubs were aware and told by their mother to never pull. But why? Her head remaind and never rolled off. Nothing serious happened to the other kids, so what was the big deal? Curiosity in a child's eyes can go either way. Today, it was for the worse. Clinging to Viviana, Blossom carries the screaming baby back to the grounds. Winter follows, unsure of her sister's plans. If they were going to play Pirate, they would need all the power they could get. George noticed Blossom fumbling with the ribbon. Terrified, he drops his sword and charges after Blossom.
"NO!" George screams and waves his arms. "NO! Blossom, you can't do tha… [view original content]
I don't like the context, it's fine when it's expressed through words, but I don't like seeing it you know?
A similar picture was done with Bigby and Snow... Again, I didn't like it. I understand that Gren and Bigby would do anything for their women, but they aren't slaves to their masters...
That was some pretty hefty stuff to read there, man. I forgot how Penny and Katie used to poke fun at him at times, too. And the pushing, that's even worse. ;(
Georgie and Peter
'The bond that links your true family is not one of blood but the respect and joy in each other's lives.'
'Before I … morebecame the Sheriff, my life was a tangled mess. I had no idea WHO I was or supposed to be. On one side, my dreams of being something extrodinary. Different. Nothing this town or world had ever seen before. I was going to soar high and touch the sky, taste the rain hidden in the clouds, dance with the stars and sleep on the moon. The world was mine for the taking. Yet, on the other side to me, the truth. Truth to who I was. There was no such thing as pretending anymore. Hiding. Trying to prove anyone wrong. I saw it everyday in the mirror. Even at a young age I knew there was something unusual. All the others looked and acted JUST like dad; Ethan may have taken his looks from papa but even the way his face contorted when he was angry. Happy. Sad. Not mine...I looked like HIM and the town made sure I knew. … [view original content]
I don't...
I don't like the context, it's fine when it's expressed through words, but I don't like seeing it you know?
A similar pictu… morere was done with Bigby and Snow... Again, I didn't like it. I understand that Gren and Bigby would do anything for their women, but they aren't slaves to their masters...
Not even kidding you, pie. If I was straight, I'd date Emily. I actually agree with Dragon and the misses. The messy ponytail is nice on her. Loving the return of the bowler hat, too. BTW, I always forget she had the gauges in her ears. Been so long since I've seen them.
The misses wanted to see Emily with this hairstyle. Who am I to say no to a drawing of Emily? XD Still like her hair down, though.....meh, it's 4am and I'm up. XP Try and get a chapter in later today. For now, enjoy miss Emily Porgie.
Woah! o.o I like the pic! The bowler hat with the messy ponytail is awesome! I don't know why but I always forget that people in the porgie clan have tattoos. Reminds me that I need to get my sleeves done this summer XD
The misses wanted to see Emily with this hairstyle. Who am I to say no to a drawing of Emily? XD Still like her hair down, though.....meh, it's 4am and I'm up. XP Try and get a chapter in later today. For now, enjoy miss Emily Porgie.
Wow. I'm in LOVE with the detail in this first half. That is silly how you can only write so much, yet, it makes sense, too. OMG....does....does that picture HINT that Gren and Emily MIGHT have more babies!?
I love Rosie Posie and all she stands for. If I go another year or so of never hearing about Carla again, I'll be fine. I hate her. Excuse me but I do. To go that far and use magic to hid the children's true identity, all because you didn't want to be alone!? I honestly think their is more than that but I'll wait and see for myself. Ugh. Hate Carla...
There was just soooo much cutness in this story! I love how the Wolf cubs are there, all of Katie and Jersey's 13 girls. Josiah. Mary and Junior's kids, too.
Viviana played among the clouds. During this time, the ribbon showed itself. The magic had worn off and as Viviana turned against the blows of the wind, Blossom noticed the purple material.
OH shit Blossom no!!! :0 :0 UGH! Need to read the second half to see what she does! Great job, pie! LOVE that picture.
Okay I just noticed something about posting your stories. They have to BE a certain length, or else it cuts off like half way. SO, this will… more be divided into 2 parts. Sorry for the confusion....
Rosie nearly collided into the mailbox as she parked her yellow volkswagon beetle and fished the four gifts in the back seat. Struggling to remove her belt, Rosie uses her umbrella to grab the presents and pull forward. Nearly tumbling to the ground, Rosie tries to juggle the brightly colored wrapped gifts. With a bagged gift clentched in her teeth, Rosie uses her foot to shut the door, attempts to lock the door and head for the party.
She could hear cheering and noise makers; one of the little girls was startled and Rosie heared her cries from the backyard. Detecting the lingering smell in the air, someone had just completed the barbecue. Peter noticed Rosie, running towards the house. She thought the path was directed to the gates. Instead,… [view original content]
I think so, too, the more I look at it. She is actually the only kid in the Porgie Clan to have tats....for now, at least. XD Hey man, good luck with the sleeves. That is no joke but well worth it. Tattoos are awesome.
Woah! o.o I like the pic! The bowler hat with the messy ponytail is awesome! I don't know why but I always forget that people in the porgie clan have tattoos. Reminds me that I need to get my sleeves done this summer XD
I think so, too, the more I look at it. She is actually the only kid in the Porgie Clan to have tats....for now, at least. XD Hey man, good luck with the sleeves. That is no joke but well worth it. Tattoos are awesome.
Part 2 to story above
NOTE: Again, sorry for the confusion but like I mentioned, the longer the story, it WILL cut off like halfway throu… moregh. So, here is the 2nd half...
Blossom Wolf and the others are about to see the TRUTH behind the ribbon....
All the adults knew of the ribbon. The cousins knew. Even the Wolf cubs were aware and told by their mother to never pull. But why? Her head remaind and never rolled off. Nothing serious happened to the other kids, so what was the big deal? Curiosity in a child's eyes can go either way. Today, it was for the worse. Clinging to Viviana, Blossom carries the screaming baby back to the grounds. Winter follows, unsure of her sister's plans. If they were going to play Pirate, they would need all the power they could get. George noticed Blossom fumbling with the ribbon. Terrified, he drops his sword and charges after Blossom.
"NO!" George screams and waves his arms. "NO! Blossom, you can't do tha… [view original content]
The drawing you made seems like something Big Hero 6 or How To Train Your Dragon would do when It comes to their movie poster style.
Also… more, I found a similar H.T.T.Y.D. pic online when it comes to the whole leash thing. So you and the others may find it funny. XP
So I did more sims this morning! I didn't have school today (It's a teacher's convention or something.) So I decided to make more goodies ^-^ I FINALLY got around to building the Porgie house and furnishing it. I'm just uploading a pic of the outside and some small glimpses here, but Pie, if YOU want to see the whole thing, I will PM you (Or you can PM me.) and send the rest of the pics I took.
Revamped Emily Porgie:
The Porgie House:
Gameplay pics:
Lyla is cooking dinner I wish I could taste that mac'n'cheese myself!
Some of the kiddos talking.
"Emily, whatcha reading?"
"How ta pick up fookin' men! There ain't nothin' about Grendels in here though!"
Katie: "I SAW that you motherfuckin' cheater! DAD TELL JUNIOR TO PUT HIS CARDS BACK!"
-Little did Katie know, it was EMILY who was cheating the whole time XD-
Meanwhile, the twins were watching to TV together.
Emily: "Ya poker face sucks ass, Penny."
Smiling stupidly. "What are you talking about? I don't have any good cards!"
That's all for now! I'm going to eventually work on other OC's, take more in-game shots, do some of my own OC's, blah blah blah. I don't play the sims 4 often, so it'll be every once in a while. If you want to see YOUR OC and are not sure if I will be doing them or not, you can PM me and we can talk about it I literally love making sims.
LMFAO I'm sorry but this! THIS made my freaking day, Ems! You have no idea! 1st off, my Lyla making ma n' cheese for the fam. I love it! Emily and the book....don't lie to yourself, Ems! you LOVE those swamp creatures! XD XD
-Little did Katie know, it was EMILY who was cheating the whole time XD-
Yeah.....sounds about right. XD Junior's face, though! lmao Ethan looks so ammused by the conversation he and Junior are having! Bet its about Mary again....XD XD XD I love their house!!! SOOOO cute!!!!! GAH1 qDBYDGWYUCIUEB123EJDA!!!! This doesn't make sense because I'm taken back by it all!!!! XD XD Katie looks like she's about to beat Junior's face. The twins! I love that you have them together. They're ALWAYS together. Yeah....playing cards in the Porgie household is a risk taking thing....^-^
Meanwhile, Georgie was outside and away from the fam. XD I'd love to see the rest!! I'll PM you! These are awesome, Ems! Can't wait for MORE of the sims!! BTW, Emily, you look great in that blue dress, love.
I figured a game of poker would be entertaining XD I'm also glad you love their house. It's not the best that I've done, but it's hard to make a house with so many bedrooms, you know? Currently, I'm working on Harmony's house, which is definitely a challenge. It's coming along, though I actually didn't make the twins watch TV together, I was just looking to see what they were doing and they were both sitting in the living room watching some sports.
I'll have to upload the rest real quick and send them! There's pictures of all the rooms and a few extras I put Emily in my FAVORITE dress; it was something I downloaded a week ago that was converted from the sims 2 to the sims 4 and she HAD to wear it!
LMFAO I'm sorry but this! THIS made my freaking day, Ems! You have no idea! 1st off, my Lyla making ma n' cheese for the fam. I love it! Em… moreily and the book....don't lie to yourself, Ems! you LOVE those swamp creatures! XD XD
-Little did Katie know, it was EMILY who was cheating the whole time XD-
Yeah.....sounds about right. XD Junior's face, though! lmao Ethan looks so ammused by the conversation he and Junior are having! Bet its about Mary again....XD XD XD I love their house!!! SOOOO cute!!!!! GAH1 qDBYDGWYUCIUEB123EJDA!!!! This doesn't make sense because I'm taken back by it all!!!! XD XD Katie looks like she's about to beat Junior's face. The twins! I love that you have them together. They're ALWAYS together. Yeah....playing cards in the Porgie household is a risk taking thing....^-^
Meanwhile, Georgie was outside and away from the fam. XD I'd love to see the rest!! I'll PM you! These are awesome, Ems! Can't wait for MORE of the sims!! BTW, Emily, you look great in that blue dress, love.
Finally decided on the plot... and some other things, enjoy :}
Dan began to fit in well at FableTown High. Having to made some cool new friends and join the team, things seemed be turning out great for him.. Both him and Ella proceed were on their way with lunch until they bumped into Ashlyn who looked nervous about something.
It was about the girl, Mindy that Asylyn and her boyfriend Franklin saw the other day and what see said to them both. Something about 'hunger'. All to strange, as she explained to Ella who asked if both her and Franklin were smoking something. Ashlyn mad at Ella since she was telling the truth then walked away, and as she went around the corner to her locker she hears something. It's scratching on the wall with, the sound of claws scratching on the wall..
Ashlyn carefully walks over towards the spot were she's hearing the scratching, and when she gets there she see's nothing. Just the marks from a clawed hand. She takes her thing's and leaves immediately. Something wasn't right.
Having to return to the lunch room, Ashlyn sat at the table with her boyfriend Franklin, and with Ella, Dan, Marcelo, and others. Franklin saw the look on his girlfriends face, the same look when Mindy approached them on that rainy day. He attempts to comfort, but she can't help but to continue to look at the lunch room as if she was waiting for something...
“Ashlyn? Ashlyn what's wrong? You want a bite of my burger..?” Franklin as he began to rub her shoulders. She came out of her trance like state back to reality and assured to everyone that everything was fine, when clearly something wasn't right. Ella apologized to Ashlyn about earlier and they made up with each other though, it is just the story that Ashyln told seemed unbelievable because there isn't a girl at FableTown High named Mindy, that Ella know of..
The intercom buzzed and Principal Etan voice Echoed from the box.
Attention student, as many of you already know. The school dance is approaching so and the theme of the dance has been declared! Eighty's theme folks! As depicted as the winner of the poll!
Eighty's theme was the school dance, which made Lyla Smith fill up with joy. She knew exactly what she was going to wear, but could say the same for her boyfriend Rasputin, who is still bummed about being outclassed by Dan.
“Rasputey, what wrong?”
Rasputin continues to stare at Dan in anger and the feeling of defeat and embarrassment continues to linger. The towering Russian teen rises up to out of his seat and walks over towards the table where Dan is sitting while Lyla tries to calm him down. Her words aren't getting through the thick Russians skull, he was to worried about his pride to care about the consequences.
“Puny amphibious beast!” Rasputin as he slams his massive fist onto the table causing the some scraps of food to fly on Ella.
“The fuck?” Ella as she rises up out of her seat also.
Then Rasputin points at Dan demanding a rematch but instead of using swords, they used their real power instead. Marcelo makes a snide remark claiming that if only Rasputin's pride was as strong as his brain. Then the Russian turns to Marcelo and hoist him up in the air with only using one hand, while Lyla was still trying to calm him down. Ella was ready to step in at any moment, she had her powers ready to go at any moment.
“Go on you puny, dragon. Make a move, show the school who big and bad you are... “ Rasputin continued to hold up Marcelo daring him to punch. Instead his eyes change and then from human, he turn into a dragon yhe size as a car and roared right into the face of Rasputin.
“If only, you showed this much determination on the field, little dragon. But, I'm not impressed. Here, let me show you..., true power..”
Rasputin also transformed into a dragon nearly towering over Marcelo, slowly breathing fire and just as the two creatures about to class, Nick and Tez step in right between the two and before they could destroy the school.
“Alright maggots, you proved your points. Now both of you off to the office now! I SAID NOW! BEFORE I BREAK MY FOOT OFF IN BOTH OF YOUR ASSES!”
Marcelo and Rasputin returned to normal and were both escorted to the office by Mr. Tezoth. Once there Etan would speak with them both and settle things over.. hopefully.
The bell rung and everyone else were off to their next classes and as Ashyln and Franklin were moving through the crowd, Ashlyn saw her again. The mysterious girl with a evil grisly smile on her face... and blood dripping from her mouth like syrup on a pancake. She leaned in close to Franklin and left the horrid scene knowing that this wouldn't be the last time she see her....
In the office, Rasputin and Marcelo are awaiting their disciplinary action for attempt to fight in the cafeteria. The attendant sends the two into Etan's office and they both have a seat. Etan spins his chair around and removes his reading glasses and shakes his head in disapproval.
"Disappointed in both of you. Regardless of both of you being on the team, it is no way way in hell that you are untouchable. Rasputin, you need to learn how to control your anger, you too Marcelo. Both of remind me do Daren in our High school days... somewhat. Anyway, dention., after school both of you. No more fighting or there WILL be consequences would be extended, okay?"
"Yes, Mr. Etan.."
"Good, now both of you got to class."
As Rasputin leaves the office Robert is brought in by Tez also who was in trouble for attempting another prank. Etan walked out of his office and looked at Robert, and immediately knew why Robert was here, he sighed and gave Robert detention also.
"Hey, do you didn't even let me explain!!" Robert pleading.
Then as Etan steps out of the office while placing his reading glasses back on while whistling...
I bet Ash found Robert's prank freakin' hilarious XD Franklin though, he might have been less happy about it XD So happy to see they were the Prom King and Queen It sounds very fitting!
Mindy is a bit strange; I'm not sure how I feel about her quite yet. She seems like she's no good, although it's hard to tell this early. Cool, though! Can't wait for more character development on her!
And then Teacher's night out XD
And you will never would of guessed who his father is...”
“Uhh Prince Charm.....?”
lol XD
Etan, Rose, Tez, and Weasel looks at Nick with awe and then took another sip of their drinks. They knew Nick was about to bring up the time when he got into several bar fights with Nessy in Scotland years ago..
Oh Nick XD I love it!
“Interesting.... do you guys notice how... unusually and ironically similar Franz group is to ours..? Like looking into a broken mirror.. I might say. They every have a weasel too...!”
Holy crap, that's interesting! Franz is definitely a character....I don't see this going in a good direction. I love his accent though XD
The whole scene was amazing XD I could just imagine the fear in all the teachers trying to pull Nick back and avoid a fight and embarrassment XD
How do the Mundies say it...? We are thee Shits?'
Just perfect XD
And Etan, recording that shit. That may come in handy, depending on how things end up.
Rain and Punches
Ashlyn was one of the schools sweethearts, and is friends with everybody, likes to play pranks often, and has a cute hal… moref-vampire boyfriend named Franklin. She's part wolf, and she can also fly, and she loves to embrace her wolf side as much as possible. She's assertive and very sarcastic and she likes to find out peoples secrets, though she usually keeps them to herself when she does find them out. She plays a little bit of guitar and piano, as music is one of her favorite things, and she listens to anything that comes on the radio.
Last year, both her and Franklin was announced king and queen of FableTown High, followed by the debut of Robert's infamous prank of turning everyone naked..
Don't let her sweetness fool you, once you piss her off or do her harm. You'll be in for a rude awakening and perhaps a bountiful beat down..
“Yes Ashlyn...?”
“It's about to rain...”
“How can you tell babe.… [view original content]
Oh dude, I fucking love you right now!!!!!! XD
Nick is PERFECT in this chapter! Downing a salted whiskey in one, going toe to toe with Nessy (seriously, that is awesome as hell) and then not taking any shit... It's just perfection!
Although, who is this Franz that would dare to challenge Nick I wonder??
The image of Rose, Tezoth and Weasel failing to hold Nick back sounds pretty accurate as well :P
Glad you enjoyed, lol.
Seriously though, who the hell is Franz?! He must have some huge balls to start a fight with Nick!!! XP
I'm sorry but that's what you get for...(sees the threat) Never mind, Pie. I love you. I love you so muuuuuuuuuuuuuuch! XD XD Please, senpai....take me to McDonald's!
BTW, that Quarter Pounder was the business tonight.
On a serious note, I can't wait to see what you have in store.
I love Peter. Heck, I love ALL the Porgie kids!!
Franz is a Frenchman and the coach of the Fables North (Rival school) and have won the Fable Leagues twice. Since then, he and Nick have been a heated rivalry over the years and bar fights as displayed above..
He is stuck up, annoying, and narcissistic.. and a sorcerer.
He reminds me of Galen with his personality :P
A sorcerer eh? Nick hasn't faced one of those yet XD
I finally got some more written; I have to cover 3 things now because of this chapter, but that's ok :P You'll discover what 3 things when you read it...
Plz enjoy!
Devil and Demons Chapter 8 – Where Do We Go Now?
Nick stood in place for a long time. He kept going over what Pestilence had said to him; was he really trying so hard to change what was in his blood? The changes were evident in some ways but not in others.
Nick had become a much calmer and more open person since Lyra was born; but was that his own choice? Was it paternal instinct to be a good Father? Or was it to be a good husband to Mary? He had forgotten entirely, it was like a dream to him...
He had gotten so caught up in his old ways upon regaining his half-form. All that power, it filled him with a rage to rival that of any bloodthirsty army; in that moment Nick felt like he could do anything, like he could challenge the Horsemen themselves and emerge the victor. But he was a fool to think such things.
The Horsemen were agents of the Fates; they kept chaos in perfect check, it was their undying responsibility, a curse upon their lives forevermore, a burden to be taken only by them, they couldn’t pass this responsibility over like a torch. It wasn’t even a complicated situation; it was in fact, very simple: One Rider for each part of chaos.
Famine; the Rider that tainted food and crops, the being that withered away the very life source of men and animal’s alike.
Pestilence; the Rider who brought plague and sickness to the world, the being that ensured safety from ailment was impossible.
War; the Rider that wrought destruction and carnage amongst men and creature alike, the being that filled hearts with rage and malice, and an unquenchable thirst for death and dominance.
Death; the Rider that rid the world of those who were ready to move on to whatever lay ahead of them, the being that allowed new life to surpass the dead.
Nick wasn’t power hungry like Galen was; he had more than enough power within him. He knew because he had seen his full potential when he destroyed the Mundane world all by himself, he didn’t need his siblings or the Horsemen to do what he did. He used his Black Magic, the very same Magic that the Horsemen used to create their Harbinger’s, to do everything.
The Harbinger’s had mastered Black Magic in their youths, they all possessed tremendous power, but it was rarely used by them. The vicious nature of the Magic made conflicts far too easy for them; over time, Aleesha and Cormac had forgotten how to use their Black Magic entirely, Nick had never seen Galen practice its usage, but it was possible that he did, and Nick only used it for simple things like creating clothes, weapons and various other miscellaneous items like gold...
“You have defeated another one it seems” Nick was so lost in his own being that he failed to see Death leaning against the exterior wall of the tavern with his arms folded, he seemed to be smirking.
“Yes, now Galen is the only one left...”
Death stood up straight “He will not be defeated as easily; War is doing everything he can to ensure Galen emerges the victor”
Nick pulled a half smile “I can handle Galen just fine, but what are you going to do?”
Death smiled properly “Nothing”
That shocked Nick “What?”
Death didn’t budge “I said I’m going to do nothing; you can handle Galen yourself”
Nick was confused “But you said War is helping him!”
Death replied “What would you have me do? I cannot stop War from doing what he is doing with violence, you know what will happen if I do...”
Nick suddenly felt alone “You cannot do anything?”
Death bowed his head and took a moment to think, shortly after he looked up at Nick “I could try to persuade War to stop helping Galen, but I cannot be sure of the outcome”
O The new Wolf Manor
Dinner was finished, now came dessert.
Snow moved to the kitchen as Connor discussed something with his Dad; while Blossom had noticed how unusually quiet Lyra was being and spoke to her “You ok, Lyra?”
Lyra wasn’t ok, she was at the other end of the spectrum of ‘ok’, and right now she was completely terrified. She was trying her hardest to not shake; she didn’t know what was going to happen next. Would Bigby kill her now or later?
That was what he was going to do right? Punish Nick and Mary by killing their precious daughter, a vengeful payback for nearly killing Bigby himself? But ‘nearly’ was the keyword in that sentence, Nick didn’t let his prey escape without a reason, did he let Bigby live of his own choice?
“Lyra? Lyra!” Lyra shook at the sound of Blossom’s slightly raised voice; she looked into the eyes of the red-haired woman and saw concern on her fair features.
Snow returned minutes later with a chocolate cake; Blossom and Connor instantly diverted their attention to it. Their Mother knew how to make a mean cake, and this one was extra big. Snow spoke as she sat down “Now kids, let Lyra have the first slice, she is our guest”
Snow grabbed a knife and handed it to Bigby “Honey, will you do the honours?” Bigby took the knife and stood up “Sure” He sliced slowly into the cake and moved the blade across afterwards, he looked Lyra in the eye “This is it” She thought “He’s going to stab me”
Bigby spoke “Do you want this much?” Lyra looked at the knife; it was about 2 inches away from the first slice. Lyra managed to speak, though her tone was a little shaky “Yes, please”
Bigby cut the cake and served the slice up to Lyra’s plate, but his gaze never wavered from hers as he did so, Lyra could’ve sworn his eyes turned yellow for a brief moment...
Lyra picked up her fork and took a bite; the cake tasted amazing! The soft sponge, the deliciously smooth filling and icing, this one bite washed away all her fear in an instant. Snow smiled “Do you like it?”Lyra looked at the pale beauty “It’s delicious!”
Bigby cut 2 more slices, one for him and one for Snow, before handing the knife over to Connor, who proceeded to cut an exceptionally large piece for himself, much to the disapproval of his Mother.
“Really, Connor?” Connor ignored Snow has he tucked in with a boyish smile “Mom, you make the best chocolate cake that ever existed, I’ve been on the road for months without it-“
Snow stopped her son with a small giggle “Ok, ok, I get it”
Bigby finally spoke to Lyra “So who are your Parent’s Lyra?”
Lyra stopped her last mouthful, she was brought crashing back into reality with those words, and unfortunately, someone was speaking for her: Blossom.
“Her Mom is called Mary and her-“
“Dad is called Nick...” Bigby finished Blossom’s sentence for her; Lyra started shaking now as Bigby stood up. Lyra instinctively rushed away from her seat and backed away from Bigby as he moved towards her at a brisk pace.
But then an unexpected thing happened; Snow came up behind Bigby, spun him around and slapped him, hard. Blossom and Connor both stood up and moved in front of Lyra as Snow yelled “What the hell is the matter with you?!”
Bigby looked at Snow “Do you know who she is?! She’s Nick’s daughter!”
Snow suddenly remembered who Nick was, and she joined her husband in his advance “Kids, move out of the way”
Lyra was close to tears now, she was so scared; but it seemed that her new friends were taking her side. Blossom and Connor both stood their ground; Bigby wasn’t impressed “Kids, move”
They wouldn’t budge, Bigby took a step forward and Blossom did the same, she stared into her Father with piercing yellow eyes. Bigby’s eyes turned the same colour as low growls emitted from the two Wolves. Connor was also ready for action.
Snow got in-between her husband and daughter “Kids, you need to move out of the way-“
Blossom suddenly roared “Why?!”
Snow was a little surprised by Blossom’s outburst; Blossom continued “What is wrong with you two? Why are you attacking a helpless little girl?”
Bigby responded “Because her Dad is a murderer! He destroyed an entire world and nearly killed me!”
Blossom failed to see a good reason “So you kill a little girl instead?!”
Bigby yelled back “Nick would’ve killed you too! I barely escaped with my life!”
The arguments stopped as Lyra started crying; all this yelling and anger had pushed her over the edge, Bigby continued to look at Lyra with murderous intent, but Snow had been swayed “Bigby, the kids are right”
Bigby looked at Snow in shock “What?”
Snow grabbed Bigby’s shoulder’s “We can’t just kill her; she isn’t the one that did those things. We’re better than that” She cupped his face “You’re better than that...”
Bigby turned away and stormed into the kitchen; Blossom turned to Lyra and crouched down in front of her “Are you ok?” Lyra hugged Blossom tightly and sobbed into her black tunic; Blossom hugged her back and rested her chin on Lyra’s head.
Eventually Lyra pulled away and was ready to speak “What happens now?” Snow crouched down in front of Lyra, but Lyra immediately stepped out of her reach, Snow was taken aback by this “I... I’m sorry”
Lyra didn’t give any hint of relief, Snow continued “You can stay here; I’ll make sure Bigby doesn’t do anything”
Lyra narrowed her gaze “Why would you do that for me? I’m just looking for my Dad” Snow nodded “Yes you are; which is why Bigby, Blossom and Connor are going to help you find him”
Bigby emerged back into the room “Excuse me?”
Snow turned to him “Bigby, she’s a child, as much as you want Nick dead, he is still her Father”
Bigby was angered by the comment “He’s done terrible things, Snow!”
Snow nodded “We all have; do you really think we both deserve happiness and 7 Cubs after everything we’ve done?” It was a harsh truth; Bigby was no better than Nick once upon a time, and Snow wasn’t a saint either...
Bigby looked at Lyra “What has your Dad been doing for the last 10 years?”
Lyra stood up straight “We live in the woods, the 3 of us, we keep to ourselves... My Dad doesn’t bother anyone, and he wants forgiveness for his sins”
Bigby snorted a little “Forgiveness? Not even I seek forgiveness anymore, kid”
Lyra didn’t believe it “We can all be forgiven somehow; my Dad destroyed the Empire and killed the Adversary, how many of you thanked him for that?”
There was truth in that sentence; Nick did free the Homelands for all the Fables...
Bigby gave a reluctant nod “Ok kid, we set out tomorrow morning”
O Elsewhere
Death had to do something; he wasn’t going to help Nick directly, that wasn’t his style, but he could do something about his arrogant Brother. War and Galen were still on the grassy hilltop overseeing their men training vigorously “War, we need to speak”
War looked at Death with slight confusion “What is it?” Death crooked a finger, and War obeyed like a moth to a flame. He envied his brother’s power, and his standing.
Death spoke at a lower voice than usual “Stop helping Galen, right now” War narrowed his gaze “Why?”
Death replied “Because that isn’t what we do now is it... Don’t make me regret asking a second time” War was a little fearful of what would happen if he disobeyed, Death may have been the coolest cucumber that walked the earth, but like Nick, he had a violent temper when it was let loose.
War smiled instead “Fine, Galen?”
Galen moved towards his Master “Yes?”
War handed Galen a glass org with a beautiful orange substance inside it “You know what to do with this...”
Galen suddenly disappeared, and Death got angry “What do you think you are doing with that?!”
War punched Death, the blow moved his head, but it caused a tremor in the earth itself and cracks appeared in the ground. War stepped backwards as the surrounding area faded away. The two were no longer in the Homelands, this was the realm of the Horsemen; a vast area that could be whatever they imagined it to be, it was a picture to be forever drawn and washed away. The area morphed itself into a rocky canyon in the middle of a moonlit night, with a heavy rain cascading from the dark blue heavens, it was very surreal.
War materialized a giant, double-edged zweihander sword “In this realm, we can fight as we please”
Death materialised his scythe and cracked his neck to the side “This could’ve been easy for you, little brother”
War laughed “You haven’t fought anyone in centuries! I practice every day!”
Death got into a fighting stance “One thing you never forget, brother... is how to kill”
Meanwhile, Galen finally appeared just behind Nick after doing another important errand with the orb; he ran up to Nick and plunged the orb into his chest just as he turned around from the sounds of footsteps. One hard punch to the cheek knocked Galen backwards, but the worst had already been done. Nick felt himself go weak as his vision turned white, when he woke up, he wasn’t in a city with a tavern anymore; he was on mountain, with Galen’s echoed voice speaking to him.
“Where am I? What was that?” Galen responded “That was an Orb of Creation, you know what those contain?”
Nick did know, but Galen answered for him “Alternate realities; this is a universe in which the Horsemen, and subsequently the Harbinger’s, never existed! Oh, and its 40 years ahead of the other universe”
Nick glared at the sky “You know I will escape this place”
Galen laughed “Only a Great Power to rival our creators will help you escape, and I don’t think those exist here do you?”
The voice disappeared, but Nick knew of one Great Power that existed in all universes: the Power of Death.
Well then; now I have to multi-task! I've gotta write an epic fight between two Gods, Lyra's journey with the Wolves and Nick in this universe. Now, gentlemen and lady, this alternate universe is where your OC's are going to appear, you each know which of your OC's will appear, but you don't all necessarily know what they will be doing, that's the surprise...
In this alternate universe, they are alternate versions of themselves, your OC's will be different, either subtly or quite radically. All I ask is that you give me an honest opinion of your OC's portrayal, even though this is completely non-canon, I will change things if you don't like how I am portraying them.
If you wish to know what your OC will be like and what their role is before the next chapter, don't hesitate to PM me
Until next time! Any comments or questions, leave them below! XD
This was great Hazza keep it up!
I'm so glad you love him
He's one of those kids whose an absolute sweetheart and would never harm a fly. He regards Charlotte as his caretaker, his best friend, his mother of sorts.
I have my plans with everything, and I would write something more detailed right now in regards to all you've written, but it's also currently 11 PM and my eyes are trying their best to stay open at the moment. It'll all become clear hopefully in the next chapter. I have a few ideas on what to do, but you're not far off in your theory
Oh, I loved being able to go home and stay home XD Gotta work tomorrow though, so it is what it is. Just baggin' jelly beans for a few hours straight XD
Thnx man!
The misses wanted to see Emily with this hairstyle. Who am I to say no to a drawing of Emily? XD Still like her hair down, though.....meh, it's 4am and I'm up. XP Try and get a chapter in later today. For now, enjoy miss Emily Porgie.
Hmmm, it definitely suits her, but I agree with you, she looks better with her hair down and flowing in the wind
To me, Emily is beautiful but I do agree. Hair is better down.
This just reminds me of her 'old' look WAAAAAY back in the day.
You do realise that every woman I've seen you draw is hit the roof gorgeous right? :P
Although the old look......... we shall never speak of it again XD
Nick has a full plate, I can tell you this much. I'm really looking forward to Lyra and her journey, considering she's become a huge part in the Wolf family. I still wonder WHY them at times, you know? As far as the OC's go, that will be interesting to see them all portrayed differently then we know them to be.
I'm not sure who is going to have more fun now, Nick or the OC's :P
Death put Lyra with the Wolf family because they were the closest source of protection for her, but also because he knew they would look after her...
Okay I just noticed something about posting your stories. They have to BE a certain length, or else it cuts off like half way. SO, this will be divided into 2 parts. Sorry for the confusion....
Rosie nearly collided into the mailbox as she parked her yellow volkswagon beetle and fished the four gifts in the back seat. Struggling to remove her belt, Rosie uses her umbrella to grab the presents and pull forward. Nearly tumbling to the ground, Rosie tries to juggle the brightly colored wrapped gifts. With a bagged gift clentched in her teeth, Rosie uses her foot to shut the door, attempts to lock the door and head for the party.
She could hear cheering and noise makers; one of the little girls was startled and Rosie heared her cries from the backyard. Detecting the lingering smell in the air, someone had just completed the barbecue. Peter noticed Rosie, running towards the house. She thought the path was directed to the gates. Instead, it was heading for a tree.
Tossing his burning cigarette to the side, Peter runs over to Rosie and grabs the gifts. Rosie lifts the hair covering her face and notices the large, burly hands.
"No, Rosey Posey." Peter glances over the top of the bag. "It's me. You, can't see very good when your vision is blinded by gifts and all."
"I thought I was heading for the back." Rosie hands Peter two gifts. "I, uh, guess not." She chuckles. "Man, its been an off day for me."
Peter watched his sweet cousin pull back her hair into a messy bun. She placed the other two gifts on the ground and tried to fix herself up. Judging by the outfit, Rosie either JUST woke up or came back from the gym. She wore a dark gray Hollister sweatshirt, black yoga pants and white running shoes. She seemed exhausted and preoccupied with what was occuring in her life. Rosie always remained busy. Even as a child, she found something to do.
Peter, like Gren, grew worried as the days dragged on. She was taking on so much at once. Full time job with Erica, school, homework and relationship. Last Peter heard, she was dating. Off the top of his head, he couldn't remember the guy's name. He did, however, notice her hair color. It was a light red with a tint of brown along several of the strands. The spell was wearing off. There was no need for her to hide anymore.
The family was devestated when they found out Carla's vile secrets. The length she went to conceal the truth behind her 'relationship' with Gren. The children, their apperance and even their names. Last Peter heard, the boys were looking more like their biological father and took on his name. Rosie, although looked more and more like her mother, refused to kick Gren to the corner. She couldn't hide from the man. He raised her. Loved her. Peter continued to watch Rosie try and fix herself up.
Rosie seemed to be the only one hurt and angry about her mother's actions and the lies she created for so long. Even Carla revealed the truth behind her conception, Rosie refused to acknowledge it; Peter knew it cost her relationship with her mother and brothers. Neither spoke to her.
She was also the first person to know the truth behind Gren's love for Emily. Rosie found it difficult to explain but she noticed their interactions and conversations, especially as Emily aged. Rosie supported their decision to keep the babies and be one. To her, it was the best either of them could do.
After Rosie was set and ready, she sighs, gathers the bags and looks at Peter.
"So, Mr. Sheriff of Fabletown-perhaps you can lead me to the party, since, you know...I have no ability to do so myself."
Peter chuckles and allows Rosie to walk beside him. "You were always the comedian of the group." He pats Rosie on the head. "Glad that hasn't changed."
"Nah because my life would be too boring." Rosie adjusts the gifts under her arms. "And I mean, its not THAT exciting since YOU had a baby."
Peter nods. "She's growing like a weed. Looks like me but has Holly's attitude." He chuckles. "Great. Her teen years will be hell..."
"How is Lily doing since I last saw her? Shit, like, two weeks now? Feel AWFUL, Peter."
"You're busy Rosie." Peter opens the back gate door. "But Lily is doing JUST fine. I'm sure she cant wait to see you."
The guests continued to sing, blow their horns and cheer. Rosie notices the colorful ballons. One of different shades of blues, pinks, purples and a few with animal print. Peter opens the gates and lets Rosie enter first. She places the gifts on a beautifully set table. The whole entire family was here as well. Emily glances over and gets an eye of Rosie, waving and heading towards her.
"Rosie!" Emily places her drink down and embraces Rosie. "OH I'm so glad ya' could make it."
"I wouldn't miss this for the world, Ems." Rosie plants a kiss on Emily's cheek. "So, were are the birthday babies at?"
Even as Rosie tried to pull away, the grasp Emily had around her torso was strong. Emily buries her face into Rosie's hair. She was pleased to see such a fresh face as her beloved Rosie in her presence. Emily could never hate Rosie or blame her for the pain Carla created and bestowed upon the family for years. Rosie had no idea. Many banished Rosie, along with the others. Never Emily. She could never hate Rosie. Rosie was the small handful of people that accepted the love between herself and Gren. Understood the bond and connection created all those years ago. She accepted the pregnancy and was there when Emily revealed the genders and names.
Rosie pulls back and looks deep into Emily's eyes. Emily quickly cleans her face; Gren, who spotted Rosie, runs up to the young woman in her casual outfit. He was wearing dark shorts, black flip flops and a white tee shirt. He looked so content. Something Rosie rarely saw growing up.
It was crystal clear her father was were he belonged. Holding out his arms, Rosie met with Gren's warm embrace. Like Emily, he held on firmly. Gren swayed Rosie back and forth, like he'd done to her many times as a child.
"My Rosie." Gren whispered against her face, "My baby girl. You made it."
Rosie nods. "I wouldn't miss the rugrats' birthdays, dad. You know that..."
Gren releases his grip on Rosie. "Does your mother know you're here?"
"No. I can fucking care less." There was so much irritability in her voice. "She can't tell me what to do."
"Rosie." Gren taps her forehead with love. "Watch the language and respect your mother, please. She is still-"
Rosie folds her arms. She and Carla rarely spoke. Everything was different the second her mother confessed the horrible truth. Explained how she was able to trick Gren into making him believe that she and the boys were his children. Magic. Carla purchased a vile of magic every year that would conceal the baby's true identity. Rosie tried asking her mother the reason why she stayed and never left; spare Gren's feelings and move on with their TRUE father. Her answear was always the same: she refused to be alone.
Apparently, her biological father was just as unfaithful as her own mother; he had various lovers and never stayed with one woman too long. Her mother was the 'booty call' when none of the others answered. It made Rosie sick to her stomach. Disgusted to be related to such a wicked individual. Her brothers, sadly, viewed Gren in the same fashion as their mother. Junior changed his name and without the magic no longer hiding their true apperances, it became clear why Carla used this technique for so long. They looked NOTHING like Gren. She knew by speaking to Gren there was a possibility of losing her mother and brothers. This was a risk Rosie was willing to take.
Even as Gren took her by the hand and guides her to the babies, everyone looked towards Rosie and beamed. Not a single ounce of hatered. Penelope and Johann made their stop as she examined little Josiah. Looked more and more like his mother but kept the shape of Johann.
Katie and Jersey's girls all form a circle, bouncing around and trying to speak at the same time. The cake, games and soda pop were finally catching up to them. Even John and Nancy took the time to strick up a conversation with Rosie. Hugs and kisses would follow. Looking around at the familiar setting Rosie grew up in, she felt a sense of peace and comfort. Reaching the table with her younger siblings, Rosie knew she made the right decision.
"OH look at you four!" Rosie kisses each on the head. "My God! You're getting so big! Stop growing without me around!"
Emily chuckles. "They be gettin' inta' everything these days. Poor Puddles does not know woot ta' do."
Rosie first picks up Liam. The little boy remained in his human form. Rosie takes a look at her brother. Playing with his hair, she noticed the small amount of gel.
"Cute you two."
Gren laughs as he grabs Emily's hand. "We found it to be appropriate."
Rosie cuddles her brother one last time before returning the boy to his seat. He immediatly grabs the cake, buries his tiny hands into the mountain of sugar and eats. Second baby to be picked up is Viviana. The little blonde haired baby smiles and jumps in her seat.
"Roro! Roro!" Viviana tries reaching for Rosie. "Roro!"
"Still can't say my name, eh blondie?" Rosie repeats her name five time but gets the same response. She laughs. "You'll get it, baby girl. Happy birthday."
Next baby in her arms are the two remaining girls. Chloe and Seraphina were more interested in Jersey, now being attacked by water balloons and silly string. Chloe wanted to play; she whined, wagged her little tail and tried barking at Jersey. Rosie grabs her sister and clings securly to the rambunctious baby.
"Goodness, Chloe! Hold on! Let your big sissy give you loves first! You have cake all over your hair and neck."
Emily wipes the mess. "Good luck. Looks like four very messy babies are gettin' anotha' bath tonight."
Rosie giggles, kisses her sisters one last time and releases the two; Liam and Viviana are quick to follow, although Liam is more occupied with his sweet treat than anything. Viviana floats towards her cousins, now chasing after the Wolf cubs. Blossom and Winter take Viviana by her hand and fly towards Katie and Jersey's girls. Snow looks over her shoulder; the boys play with George, who climbs a nearby tree and holds out his plastic sword. All three boys have created hats and eye patches from the plates and napkins. Snow could see Ghost as he chases George up the tree.
"Be careful boys!" Snow yells for her three. "Be nice and safe!"
Connor waves his sword. "We are, mom!"
Mary snickers. "TRUST me, White-George needs some boy time. His brother just turned one and all he cares about is eating, sleeping and pooping. George passed THAT stage years ago."
Snow chuckles. "Anymore babies for you and Junior?"
"Hell no!" Mary says with no hesitation and a slight giggle. "I'm through having kids. Six is plenty."
"Tell me about it." Mary and Snow clink their red cups together. "Raising those holigans was hell alone. Did it alone for a bit and-"
There was a crash and seconds later, a boy's voice calling out for his mother. All the mothers turned to look. It was Ambrose. He had fallen from the tree's branch and split open his pants and cut his finger open. Lyla picked up the boy and led him to Snow. She gathered her son and headed inside, looking for the kitchen. Peter followed, just in case Snow needed help. Mary and Junior head to the tree and find their son hiding among the thick leaves and branchs.
"I'm stuck." George peeks over a leaf. "My jeans got caught and-"
"Maybe I should leave you there." Junior sighs, sliding his hands into his pocket. "I mean, sometimes I wonder, George, if that would be the only way to get my message through your head."
"NO!" George tries to remove his pants. "Wait! I'm sorry! We were playing and-"
Ghost managed to remove George before he could get a single leg from his jeans. Gently placing the boy onto the ground, Connor would soon follow.
"Thanks Ghost." George smacks a section in the air. "Your a pal."
"No problem." A gust of wind circles the two boys. "C'mon. Let's play over there by the well."
"Be careful!" Junior calls to his son, now following Connor. "Other than that, have fun!"
While Mary and Junior head back to the guests, Emily grabs her camera and snaps several pictures of the quads. Seraphina and Chloe were busy playing with Mary's older twin girls and a few of Katie's children. Liam was still determined to finish off his personal cake, while Blossom and Winter continued their journey through the air with Viviana. Mr. Sunflower, who was also trying to capture a few moments on his camera, was suddenly struck with a water balloon. It did not pop; it merely bounced off his bottom, rolled to the side and remained as one. Chloe made the mistake of popping it. Although wet, the little Wolf cub continued her play like nothing even happened.
Sunflower turns to view the person responsible for nearly getting not only himself but the camera wet. Gren, tossing yet another water balloon into the air, chuckled at the flower Fable. Adjusting his coat, Sunflower places the camera on a nearby table and smiles.
"Ah, so it's games you wish to play, eh Grendel?"
"C'mon, Sunflower! Let Emily take all the pictures! I wanna see how a plant Fable handles a little fun!"
Seraphina noticed Sunflower participating in th games. She wanted to be a part of it all. Swishing her arms, Seraphina attempts to get Sunflower's attention. It works; he notices the little girl sitting on the grass, picks her up and heads after Gren. Clinging to his shirt, Seraphina giggles and points. Emily takes her camera and begins to take pictures. Liam was too focused on his sweets, Chloe playing with her cousins and Viviana flying high with Blossom and Winter. While capturing a few images, Emily scans the area. There were so many people here. Family and friends alike that loved and adored her family. The children. Just two years ago, none of this existed to Emily.
This was beauty beyond her dreams. She had a husband-to-be and four precious babies. Snapping another image, she giggles and watches several bubbles blown by the girls travel towards the sky. Blossom and Winter, holding tightly to Viviana, chase after the boys. All four were playing by a well not too far from the house. With help, Viviana lands safetly on the ground.
"Can we play?" Winter picks up a plastic sword. "We can take that side and-"
"Pirates are for boys, Winter!" Connor takes the sword back. "You and Blossom go back to the party with Vivi."
"Ahh Connor let 'em play." Ambrose lifts his hat up to get a better look. "Look, we have plenty of things and-"
"Dude, no!" Connor was set in his answer. "We don't NEED anymore people."
Blossom ignores her brother; Connor was one to talk big, maybe even push a little but in the end, he knew better than to try and one up. Their mother would see to it he learned the value of family, respect and friendship. She knew Ghost would back her up. Same went with George. The young Porgie boy was extremly nice to her. While Winter struggled to pick up Viviana, Blossom took this opportunity to speak to George. He was near the tree, smacking it with the sword and pretending to search for gold. Gliding over, he nearly dropped his 'weapon' in fear.
"Cool party, huh George?"
"Blossom!" George's face turns as red as her hair. "I.....uhhh....yeah. It's, um, its pretty cool."
"Can WE play pirates with you?" Blossom picks up the sword and hands it to George. "Connor says we can't play."
"Don't listen to him." George smiles. "Sure you guys can play. We could always use more pirates. We can pretend we're searching for gold coins, crowns and silver."
Blossom agrees and although Connor was outvoted, he continued to voice his concerns and opinions. Neither of the other kids listened. Eventually, he stopped. Running to an open spot near the creek, the kids played. Blossom, Winter and Viviana took to the skies. Although the young girl had no idea what was taking place, she was still enjoying it all. Soaring high above the clouds and trees, the little blonde girl dodged a few birds. Arms out and the wind beneath her, Viviana played among the clouds. During this time, the ribbon showed itself. The magic had worn off and as Viviana turned against the blows of the wind, Blossom noticed the purple material.
End of part 1. Any questions, let me know.
Hmmm, now I'm starting to like the ponytail. I'm with your misses on this one. XD
Dang, forgot about Charlotte already, I guess it was because I was so devastated about Harm's demise earlier. :S Also had to reread to realize Robert got struck too, like you said below. No more GTA sessions for now, it seems.
Anyway! Harmony coming back in the future will be great to hear. Uncle Tez, Aunt Rose, and Bloody Mary would've been furious if she were dead for good.
Part 2 to story above
NOTE: Again, sorry for the confusion but like I mentioned, the longer the story, it WILL cut off like halfway through. So, here is the 2nd half...
Blossom Wolf and the others are about to see the TRUTH behind the ribbon....
All the adults knew of the ribbon. The cousins knew. Even the Wolf cubs were aware and told by their mother to never pull. But why? Her head remaind and never rolled off. Nothing serious happened to the other kids, so what was the big deal? Curiosity in a child's eyes can go either way. Today, it was for the worse. Clinging to Viviana, Blossom carries the screaming baby back to the grounds. Winter follows, unsure of her sister's plans. If they were going to play Pirate, they would need all the power they could get. George noticed Blossom fumbling with the ribbon. Terrified, he drops his sword and charges after Blossom.
"NO!" George screams and waves his arms. "NO! Blossom, you can't do that!"
"Why not?" Blossom had the end in between her fingers. "What's the big deal? Not like her head-"
"My aunt Emmy said it's a bad thing! She-"
"What can be bad from pullin' this thing? Not like her head falls off like that one lady's did."
George begged and pleaded but the thing is, Blossom Wolf did as she pleased. With a single tug, the ribbon fell off the baby's neck. Winter and the others gasped in horror. They'd been told NOT to pull but for what reasons, none were certain of. Within moments, Viviana's body was consumed with a light. It spun around for several seconds before revealing the truth behind the ribbon. Towering over the children was a three-headed Dog. The fur was blonde and despite Viviana being so tiny, the creature was of astonishing proportions. Its claws dug into the dirt and roared loudly towards the Heavens. The trees and Earth shoke as the creature moved towards the river. All three heads dipped their massive tongues into the cool water for a drink. Blossom and the others were startled.
"AHHH!" Ambrose points to a figure just beyond the trees. "Who is that!?"
Viviana's three heads turn to see the mysterious man. He was leaning against a tree, beckoning for the young creature to join him. Viviana refused to move. Blossom, now firmly griping George's hand, was frightened by what was before her. Viviana growled. Connor and Winter flew back to the party; Ambrose was stuck in place, unsure of how to respond. The mysterious figure once again called for Viviana. He had what appeared to be a tiny demon-like creature with him. His wings flapped furiously beside the man. Dark clouds circled the beast as he headed towards the children and Viviana. Blossom and George tried obtaining Viviana's attention; she was baring her fangs, growling faintly in her throat and preparing to attack. Shoulders hunched and thigh muscles tight.
She was a creature to fear. That was one thing the children got from this once simple and beautiful baby, now a three-headed hound from Hell. George gently pushed Blossom back; Ambrose was soon to follow, afraid he'd become dinner to Viviana. Before either child could speak, there was a cloud of black surrounding Viviana's paws. The figure paused. What was this strange material circling his precious Viviana's feet?
The profile of a young girl emerged from the clouds of black. She looked identical to Chloe. The baffling child revolved around Viviana's body and head. It landed on the shoulder of the creature; Viviana did not seem to mind as the young girl took a seat and lifted her right hand.
Within seconds, the forest behind the mysterious figure was dark. Both he and winged creature faced the darkness growing behind them.
Blossom, George and Ambrose watched as Viviana inched closer to the man. The shadow figure continued to sit and point. Her hand spiraled once more and shadows emerged from the ground. They appeared to listen to the figure sitting on Viviana's shoulder.
"What's going on, George?" Blossom grasped tighter. "What is this?"
Being the offspring of Bloody Mary and Georgie Porgie Junior, George knew a thing or two about the darkness and the dangers lurking around every corner. The tension in the air, the thick taste of ash in his mouth. The marking on his arm burning and sensing danger. This was the work of the darkness. Pushing Blossom back, George stepped forward. He needed to get a better vision of Viviana and who he assumed to be Chloe. She looked like his aunt Emmy now.
Chloe directs her shadow minions towards the man and his winged creature. They seem unaware that the litte girl possesed such powers, for both turned and ran back to the darkness. George counte five shadow figures chasing after the other two. Viviana paused at the entrance to the forest and waited for chloe's next step. When the shadows returned, showing the intruder was gone, Viviana and Chloe turn to head back to the others. Neither of the children could speak. Neither of them knew WHAT to say, as the little girls turned back into their normal forms. The ribbon returned once more around Viviana's neck.
"Yes, George...."
"Don't....don't pull the ribbon ever again. Please?"
Winter and Connor returned with Gren and Emily. She ran towards the girls and scooped them up in her arms. Checking them thoroughly, however, she did not find any traces of magice, scratches or injuries. Both were laughing, smiling and eager to return to the party. Gren sniffed the air and scanned the area. There was indeed something here.
"Gren-" Emily, now holding both the girls, watches Gren continue to sniff. "Woot...woot is it, love?"
Gren grabs his fiancee's hand. He didn't want to worry Emily. He knew of something but did not have the knowledge or word for it. It was gone, whatever it was. Lyla and Georgie, followed by Robert and a few others were not too far behind. They were stunned to see Gren and Emily heading back so soon. Snow snatches Blossom and Ambrose up. Connor and Winter follow behind as they return to the party. Robert walks beside Gren, who is holding Viviana.
"You alright, Gren?:
"What...what did you notice back there?"
"Nothing, Robert. Just....let's get back to the party."
Gren refused to stir trouble, especially on his children's birthday. Half of the guests had no idea what was REALLY behind the ribbon. Noticing it was visible once more, Gren slipped to the back and would take care of it before returning his daughter to the others. Emily placed Chloe on the grass as she joined her sister and brother. She noticed ash in her daughter's hair and quickly brushed it out. Rosie strives to ask Emily about the babies but she refused to answer; she was not going to let this upset her and would be dealt with. Not today. She and Gren just wanted something 'normal' but even a birthday party with them required SOME sort of action.
Sleping in their cribs, the quads carried on into dream world. Gren and Emily cuddled on the bed. She was worried. Gren adjusts himself in the sheets and smiles.
Emily looks up. "Woot is is, love?"
Gren turns to face Emily. "That is pretty neat. Thier powers are linked together."
"And ya' find this fascinatin', why Gren?"
"Means they are protecting eachother, Emily."
"But, if woot Vivian said is true, then-"
Gren strokes Emily's face. "We have one year olds that took down the God of the Underworld. I THINK they'll be fine, Emily."
Gren slides in between Emily's legs and plays with her hair on her head. Pressing his chin against her belly, he grins. "And besides, they are pretty tough AND smart."
"Ya' be strange, Grendel. Why I love ya', though...."
"They'll be fine, Emily. I promise you that....they'll be fine."
Leaning forwards to kiss Emily, she knew this to be true. She trusted Gren. There was no need not to....
Any questions, you know the drill.
I want to skip ahead with the quads here in a bit, too but before I do, cover some other things as well. 
Guess who got bored at their lunch break....XD
This Franz guy, he needs to get what's coming to him soon, in the most embarrassing way possible. (muahahahah)
... I don't like that pic
Reminds me of a movie...
Why man? xd Who wouldn't want to see Gren like this!? XD
THINK it was from one...not sure...XD It just seemed appropriate and crossed my mind at work and I was like 'Oh yes....need to do that!' XD XD
I don't...
I don't like the context, it's fine when it's expressed through words, but I don't like seeing it you know?
A similar picture was done with Bigby and Snow... Again, I didn't like it. I understand that Gren and Bigby would do anything for their women, but they aren't slaves to their masters...
That was some pretty hefty stuff to read there, man. I forgot how Penny and Katie used to poke fun at him at times, too. And the pushing, that's even worse. ;(
Hey man, each to their own.
Not even kidding you, pie. If I was straight, I'd date Emily. I actually agree with Dragon and the misses. The messy ponytail is nice on her. Loving the return of the bowler hat, too.
BTW, I always forget she had the gauges in her ears. Been so long since I've seen them.
Woah! o.o I like the pic! The bowler hat with the messy ponytail is awesome! I don't know why but I always forget that people in the porgie clan have tattoos. Reminds me that I need to get my sleeves done this summer XD
Wow. I'm in LOVE with the detail in this first half. That is silly how you can only write so much, yet, it makes sense, too. OMG....does....does that picture HINT that Gren and Emily MIGHT have more babies!?
I love Rosie Posie and all she stands for. If I go another year or so of never hearing about Carla again, I'll be fine. I hate her. Excuse me but I do. To go that far and use magic to hid the children's true identity, all because you didn't want to be alone!? I honestly think their is more than that but I'll wait and see for myself. Ugh. Hate Carla...
There was just soooo much cutness in this story! I love how the Wolf cubs are there, all of Katie and Jersey's 13 girls. Josiah. Mary and Junior's kids, too.
OH shit Blossom no!!! :0 :0 UGH! Need to read the second half to see what she does! Great job, pie! LOVE that picture.
I think so, too, the more I look at it.
She is actually the only kid in the Porgie Clan to have tats....for now, at least. XD Hey man, good luck with the sleeves. That is no joke but well worth it. Tattoos are awesome. 
Ah! My poor memory strikes again XD
Thanks! The pain will be worth it! XD They are really awesome, I've wanted sleeves since ninth grade
The drawing you made seems like something Big Hero 6 or How To Train Your Dragon would do when It comes to their movie poster style.
Also, I found a similar H.T.T.Y.D. pic online when it comes to the whole leash thing. So you and the others may find it funny. XP
This just made my freakin' day and don't know why! Would have been all bad if Gren could breath fire and did this to Emily....lmao
So I did more sims this morning! I didn't have school today (It's a teacher's convention or something.) So I decided to make more goodies ^-^ I FINALLY got around to building the Porgie house and furnishing it. I'm just uploading a pic of the outside and some small glimpses here, but Pie, if YOU want to see the whole thing, I will PM you (Or you can PM me.) and send the rest of the pics I took.
Revamped Emily Porgie:
The Porgie House:
Gameplay pics:
Lyla is cooking dinner
I wish I could taste that mac'n'cheese myself!
Some of the kiddos talking.
"Emily, whatcha reading?"
"How ta pick up fookin' men! There ain't nothin' about Grendels in here though!"
Katie: "I SAW that you motherfuckin' cheater! DAD TELL JUNIOR TO PUT HIS CARDS BACK!"
-Little did Katie know, it was EMILY who was cheating the whole time XD-
Meanwhile, the twins were watching to TV together.
Emily: "Ya poker face sucks ass, Penny."
Smiling stupidly. "What are you talking about? I don't have any good cards!"
That's all for now! I'm going to eventually work on other OC's, take more in-game shots, do some of my own OC's, blah blah blah. I don't play the sims 4 often, so it'll be every once in a while. If you want to see YOUR OC and are not sure if I will be doing them or not, you can PM me and we can talk about it
I literally love making sims.
LMFAO I'm sorry but this! THIS made my freaking day, Ems! You have no idea! 1st off, my Lyla making ma n' cheese for the fam. I love it!
Emily and the book....don't lie to yourself, Ems! you LOVE those swamp creatures! XD XD
Yeah.....sounds about right. XD Junior's face, though! lmao Ethan looks so ammused by the conversation he and Junior are having! Bet its about Mary again....XD XD XD I love their house!!! SOOOO cute!!!!! GAH1 qDBYDGWYUCIUEB123EJDA!!!! This doesn't make sense because I'm taken back by it all!!!! XD XD Katie looks like she's about to beat Junior's face. The twins!
I love that you have them together. They're ALWAYS together.
Yeah....playing cards in the Porgie household is a risk taking thing....^-^
Meanwhile, Georgie was outside and away from the fam. XD I'd love to see the rest!! I'll PM you! These are awesome, Ems! Can't wait for MORE of the sims!!
BTW, Emily, you look great in that blue dress, love. 
Glad to have made your day
I figured a game of poker would be entertaining XD I'm also glad you love their house. It's not the best that I've done, but it's hard to make a house with so many bedrooms, you know? Currently, I'm working on Harmony's house, which is definitely a challenge. It's coming along, though
I actually didn't make the twins watch TV together, I was just looking to see what they were doing and they were both sitting in the living room watching some sports.
I'll have to upload the rest real quick and send them! There's pictures of all the rooms and a few extras
I put Emily in my FAVORITE dress; it was something I downloaded a week ago that was converted from the sims 2 to the sims 4 and she HAD to wear it!
Finally decided on the plot... and some other things, enjoy :}
Dan began to fit in well at FableTown High. Having to made some cool new friends and join the team, things seemed be turning out great for him.. Both him and Ella proceed were on their way with lunch until they bumped into Ashlyn who looked nervous about something.
It was about the girl, Mindy that Asylyn and her boyfriend Franklin saw the other day and what see said to them both. Something about 'hunger'. All to strange, as she explained to Ella who asked if both her and Franklin were smoking something. Ashlyn mad at Ella since she was telling the truth then walked away, and as she went around the corner to her locker she hears something. It's scratching on the wall with, the sound of claws scratching on the wall..
Ashlyn carefully walks over towards the spot were she's hearing the scratching, and when she gets there she see's nothing. Just the marks from a clawed hand. She takes her thing's and leaves immediately. Something wasn't right.
Having to return to the lunch room, Ashlyn sat at the table with her boyfriend Franklin, and with Ella, Dan, Marcelo, and others. Franklin saw the look on his girlfriends face, the same look when Mindy approached them on that rainy day. He attempts to comfort, but she can't help but to continue to look at the lunch room as if she was waiting for something...
“Ashlyn? Ashlyn what's wrong? You want a bite of my burger..?” Franklin as he began to rub her shoulders. She came out of her trance like state back to reality and assured to everyone that everything was fine, when clearly something wasn't right. Ella apologized to Ashlyn about earlier and they made up with each other though, it is just the story that Ashyln told seemed unbelievable because there isn't a girl at FableTown High named Mindy, that Ella know of..
The intercom buzzed and Principal Etan voice Echoed from the box.
Attention student, as many of you already know. The school dance is approaching so and the theme of the dance has been declared! Eighty's theme folks! As depicted as the winner of the poll!
Eighty's theme was the school dance, which made Lyla Smith fill up with joy. She knew exactly what she was going to wear, but could say the same for her boyfriend Rasputin, who is still bummed about being outclassed by Dan.
“Rasputey, what wrong?”
Rasputin continues to stare at Dan in anger and the feeling of defeat and embarrassment continues to linger. The towering Russian teen rises up to out of his seat and walks over towards the table where Dan is sitting while Lyla tries to calm him down. Her words aren't getting through the thick Russians skull, he was to worried about his pride to care about the consequences.
“Puny amphibious beast!” Rasputin as he slams his massive fist onto the table causing the some scraps of food to fly on Ella.
“The fuck?” Ella as she rises up out of her seat also.
Then Rasputin points at Dan demanding a rematch but instead of using swords, they used their real power instead. Marcelo makes a snide remark claiming that if only Rasputin's pride was as strong as his brain. Then the Russian turns to Marcelo and hoist him up in the air with only using one hand, while Lyla was still trying to calm him down. Ella was ready to step in at any moment, she had her powers ready to go at any moment.
“Go on you puny, dragon. Make a move, show the school who big and bad you are... “ Rasputin continued to hold up Marcelo daring him to punch. Instead his eyes change and then from human, he turn into a dragon yhe size as a car and roared right into the face of Rasputin.
“If only, you showed this much determination on the field, little dragon. But, I'm not impressed. Here, let me show you..., true power..”
Rasputin also transformed into a dragon nearly towering over Marcelo, slowly breathing fire and just as the two creatures about to class, Nick and Tez step in right between the two and before they could destroy the school.
“Alright maggots, you proved your points. Now both of you off to the office now! I SAID NOW! BEFORE I BREAK MY FOOT OFF IN BOTH OF YOUR ASSES!”
Marcelo and Rasputin returned to normal and were both escorted to the office by Mr. Tezoth. Once there Etan would speak with them both and settle things over.. hopefully.
The bell rung and everyone else were off to their next classes and as Ashyln and Franklin were moving through the crowd, Ashlyn saw her again. The mysterious girl with a evil grisly smile on her face... and blood dripping from her mouth like syrup on a pancake. She leaned in close to Franklin and left the horrid scene knowing that this wouldn't be the last time she see her....
In the office, Rasputin and Marcelo are awaiting their disciplinary action for attempt to fight in the cafeteria. The attendant sends the two into Etan's office and they both have a seat. Etan spins his chair around and removes his reading glasses and shakes his head in disapproval.
"Disappointed in both of you. Regardless of both of you being on the team, it is no way way in hell that you are untouchable. Rasputin, you need to learn how to control your anger, you too Marcelo. Both of remind me do Daren in our High school days... somewhat. Anyway, dention., after school both of you. No more fighting or there WILL be consequences would be extended, okay?"
"Yes, Mr. Etan.."
"Good, now both of you got to class."
As Rasputin leaves the office Robert is brought in by Tez also who was in trouble for attempting another prank. Etan walked out of his office and looked at Robert, and immediately knew why Robert was here, he sighed and gave Robert detention also.
"Hey, do you didn't even let me explain!!" Robert pleading.
Then as Etan steps out of the office while placing his reading glasses back on while whistling...
I bet Ash found Robert's prank freakin' hilarious XD Franklin though, he might have been less happy about it XD So happy to see they were the Prom King and Queen
It sounds very fitting!
Mindy is a bit strange; I'm not sure how I feel about her quite yet. She seems like she's no good, although it's hard to tell this early. Cool, though! Can't wait for more character development on her!
And then Teacher's night out XD
lol XD
Oh Nick XD I love it!
Holy crap, that's interesting! Franz is definitely a character....I don't see this going in a good direction. I love his accent though XD
The whole scene was amazing XD I could just imagine the fear in all the teachers trying to pull Nick back and avoid a fight and embarrassment XD
Just perfect XD
And Etan, recording that shit. That may come in handy, depending on how things end up.