Dancing With Dragons Question

Why did Cersei want Littlefinger to disguise Jeyne Poole as Arya Stark to marry Rammy. The Boltons and Lannisters are allies and The Lannisters and Starks are enemies. Why not just let Ram marry Arya


  • Because Ramsay is the true held of Game of Thrones.

  • Because most assume arrya is dead and the lannisters haven't seen her since Ned lost his head.

  • edited March 2015

    Is this a joke question.

  • No why

    ousen posted: »

    Is this a joke question.

  • edited March 2015

    I am not trying to be mean but the answer is in the book,the lannisters dont have Arya.So if you have read the book why are you asking.

    Clemenem posted: »

    No why

  • What throws me off is that Arya was at the red wedding with The Hound

    ousen posted: »

    I am not trying to be mean but the answer is in the book,the lannisters dont have Arya.So if you have read the book why are you asking.

  • edited March 2015

    What throws you off about that?

    Clemenem posted: »

    What throws me off is that Arya was at the red wedding with The Hound

  • Arya got knocked out by Sandor at the red wedding and dragged off. The Brotherhood and Hot Pie are really the only people that know she's even alive outside of the Faceless Men. They had Jeyne disguise as Arya and marry Ramsay because they want the Boltons to be considered the 'true' heirs of Winterfell now that everyone thinks the Starks are all dead, excluding Sansa(who is believed to have helped Tyrion kill the king.)

    Clemenem posted: »

    What throws me off is that Arya was at the red wedding with The Hound

  • She gets away and goes to Braavos sometime after.

    How much of the books/show have you actually read/watched?

    Clemenem posted: »

    What throws me off is that Arya was at the red wedding with The Hound

  • Thank you :)

    Arya got knocked out by Sandor at the red wedding and dragged off. The Brotherhood and Hot Pie are really the only people that know she's e

  • ArthurVArthurV Telltale Alumni

    As far as the Lannisters know, the real Arya is dead and they have no idea where Sansa is. But having Ramsay marry a Stark would politically consolidate the North behind the Boltons, so they just decided to fabricate a Stark.

  • How much of the books/show have you actually read/watched, if you don't mind me asking?

  • edited March 2015

    Lol, you've got it backwards. It was Littlefinger who proposed and enacted this plan. Cersei had nothing to do with it, except agreeing with it. And yeah, as others have pointed out, there was no actual Arya available.

  • It was the plan of Littlefinger and Tywin Lannister. Remember that Tyrion was married of to Sansa, and was meant to get her with child ASAP so that the Lannisters could rule the North through their children.

    The plot with Jeyne Poole was never meant to last, just to help the Boltons bring the North back under the Crown's influence, until Tyrion and Sansa were ready to move North with their children. Although if they had known where the real Arya was im sure that they would have used her just the same.

  • Wow, you wouldn't think it would be that hard to get an answer(without the criticisms. Thanks Puh

    Clemenem posted: »

    Thank you

  • Its because the OP makes lots of posts/comments about the show so you would have assumed from those that they have some basic knowledge that hardly anyone knows where Arya is at this point

    L33ted posted: »

    Wow, you wouldn't think it would be that hard to get an answer(without the criticisms. Thanks Puh

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