Finally decided on the plot... and some other things, enjoy :}
Dan began to fit in well at FableTown High. Having to made so… moreme cool new friends and join the team, things seemed be turning out great for him.. Both him and Ella proceed were on their way with lunch until they bumped into Ashlyn who looked nervous about something.
It was about the girl, Mindy that Asylyn and her boyfriend Franklin saw the other day and what see said to them both. Something about 'hunger'. All to strange, as she explained to Ella who asked if both her and Franklin were smoking something. Ashlyn mad at Ella since she was telling the truth then walked away, and as she went around the corner to her locker she hears something. It's scratching on the wall with, the sound of claws scratching on the wall..
Ashlyn carefully walks over towards the spot were she's hearing the scratching, and when she gets there she see's nothing. Just the marks from a… [view original content]
I like where this is going! XD
Was Nick the one that yelled at Rasputin and Marcelo? The 'maggots' thing sounded like something he would … moresay :P
The mysterious girl with a evil grisly smile on her face... and blood dripping from her mouth like syrup on a pancake.
I LOVE that description, it's so good!
Finally decided on the plot... and some other things, enjoy :}
Dan began to fit in well at FableTown High. Having to made so… moreme cool new friends and join the team, things seemed be turning out great for him.. Both him and Ella proceed were on their way with lunch until they bumped into Ashlyn who looked nervous about something.
It was about the girl, Mindy that Asylyn and her boyfriend Franklin saw the other day and what see said to them both. Something about 'hunger'. All to strange, as she explained to Ella who asked if both her and Franklin were smoking something. Ashlyn mad at Ella since she was telling the truth then walked away, and as she went around the corner to her locker she hears something. It's scratching on the wall with, the sound of claws scratching on the wall..
Ashlyn carefully walks over towards the spot were she's hearing the scratching, and when she gets there she see's nothing. Just the marks from a… [view original content]
Lyra is so adorable! Despite being scared out of her mind and all that. Still, hopefully things will go well for Nick and his daughter, and Mary, too. Wherever she is now.
I finally got some more written; I have to cover 3 things now because of this chapter, but that's ok :P You'll discover what 3 things when y… moreou read it...
Plz enjoy!
Devil and Demons Chapter 8 – Where Do We Go Now?
Nick stood in place for a long time. He kept going over what Pestilence had said to him; was he really trying so hard to change what was in his blood? The changes were evident in some ways but not in others.
Nick had become a much calmer and more open person since Lyra was born; but was that his own choice? Was it paternal instinct to be a good Father? Or was it to be a good husband to Mary? He had forgotten entirely, it was like a dream to him...
He had gotten so caught up in his old ways upon regaining his half-form. All that power, it filled him with a rage to rival that of any bloodthirsty army; in that moment Nick felt like he could do anything, like he could challenge the Horsemen themselves and emerge the victo… [view original content]
Okay I just noticed something about posting your stories. They have to BE a certain length, or else it cuts off like half way. SO, this will… more be divided into 2 parts. Sorry for the confusion....
Rosie nearly collided into the mailbox as she parked her yellow volkswagon beetle and fished the four gifts in the back seat. Struggling to remove her belt, Rosie uses her umbrella to grab the presents and pull forward. Nearly tumbling to the ground, Rosie tries to juggle the brightly colored wrapped gifts. With a bagged gift clentched in her teeth, Rosie uses her foot to shut the door, attempts to lock the door and head for the party.
She could hear cheering and noise makers; one of the little girls was startled and Rosie heared her cries from the backyard. Detecting the lingering smell in the air, someone had just completed the barbecue. Peter noticed Rosie, running towards the house. She thought the path was directed to the gates. Instead,… [view original content]
Lyra is so adorable! Despite being scared out of her mind and all that. Still, hopefully things will go well for Nick and his daughter, and Mary, too. Wherever she is now.
I'm glad you like Lyra dude!! She still has a ways to go with her character, trust me XD
Mary will probably appear later on :P
As for Nick? Wait and see...
This may be the first time I ever saw Bloody Mary and Snow actually sit together and have a normal convo for once, totally rad!
I'll make sure to read your second part eventually!
These have! I always love our OC's and your characters in sim form.
Having a large family is hard; I made the Porgie Clan on my sims 4 and I'm ready to pull my hair out. XD I adore that home, though and can't wait to see what you have planned next. I'm going to have to download some things from the sites you sent me awhile back. A lot of neat things on there.
Glad to have made your day XD
I figured a game of poker would be entertaining XD I'm also glad you love their house. It's not the best t… morehat I've done, but it's hard to make a house with so many bedrooms, you know? Currently, I'm working on Harmony's house, which is definitely a challenge. It's coming along, though I actually didn't make the twins watch TV together, I was just looking to see what they were doing and they were both sitting in the living room watching some sports.
I'll have to upload the rest real quick and send them! There's pictures of all the rooms and a few extras I put Emily in my FAVORITE dress; it was something I downloaded a week ago that was converted from the sims 2 to the sims 4 and she HAD to wear it!
Finally decided on the plot... and some other things, enjoy :}
Dan began to fit in well at FableTown High. Having to made so… moreme cool new friends and join the team, things seemed be turning out great for him.. Both him and Ella proceed were on their way with lunch until they bumped into Ashlyn who looked nervous about something.
It was about the girl, Mindy that Asylyn and her boyfriend Franklin saw the other day and what see said to them both. Something about 'hunger'. All to strange, as she explained to Ella who asked if both her and Franklin were smoking something. Ashlyn mad at Ella since she was telling the truth then walked away, and as she went around the corner to her locker she hears something. It's scratching on the wall with, the sound of claws scratching on the wall..
Ashlyn carefully walks over towards the spot were she's hearing the scratching, and when she gets there she see's nothing. Just the marks from a… [view original content]
"Sir it seems that you look a bit lost" A voice said
Luke looked over and saw a gray and black stripped cat who was grinning ear to ear literally.
"Uh yeah, do you know how to get out of here? I'm trying to look for a little kid who was kidnapped." Luke asked
"If it's a child you speek of then you'll need my help. I'm the Cheshire cat, I'm sure you're here on Alices accord?" He said
"Do you know where Alices kid is cat?" Luke asked
"I may guide you to him. But only if you ask." He tilted his head still smiling.
Luke sighed "Will you please take me to Alices kid?"
"Of course, head to the end of the Forest and meet me there." He purred fading into the darkness.
I really hate this place, Luke thought.
As Luke traversed through the forest, the trees changed shapes, forms and colors. Luke looked up and saw the sun going down and it was frowning. He put on his suit coat and started to set up a camp to sleep for the night. He started with the fire, he grabbed rocks and dug a pit for the sticks. He went to a nearby tree when the Cheshire cat showed up.
"You know that may not be a good idea." The cat said
Luke looked at him, and then the tree. "And why do you say that? It's just a tree." And snapped off the tree branch.
The tree let out a big cry in pain, it was so loud it almost made Luke lose his hearing. When he looked up the tree was crying and dark ooze poured out where the branch was. When he looked at the stick it seemed to be a humans arm he dropped it and fell back.
"What the fuck!?!?" He said looking at the cat.
"I believe you forgot that this is, in a way, Alices mind. And as you can see. She's not the most mentally stable woman." The cat said still maintaining it's smile.
The tree started to cry the black ooze turned to blood. Luke looked behind the tree and saw other trees starting to get up.
"Now I suggest you start running to the hills sir." He purred.
"Who hurt you sweetie?" The tree asked.
The tree pointed at Luke. Luke got up brushing off the dirt and leaves.
"Look this is just a misunderstanding, all I wanted was firewood for my fire. I didn't know this wood happen!" Luke said holding up his hands.
More trees started to get up and moved towards Luke. He sighed he didn't want to hurt them but if they got in his way he'd have to. He started to run down the path leading out of the woods. He was stopped by two trees that were bigger than the rest.
"You maimed one of our brethren, we can't allow you to escape." The tree said.
The other tree held an axe while the one that spoke held a short sword. Luke was cornered but he didn't intend to go out without a fight. Feeling anger his hair turned red and his fists now on fire, scared the trees. While they were in shock he grabbed one of the trees and threw it at one of the brute trees, lighting them both on fire. The other brute tree charged with his axe and swung, Luke dodged back but his tie had been cut.
"This. This was my favorite tie! My wife got me this tie!!!" Luke said in anger charging the tree.
The tree swung in fear but Luke would duck and dodge every swing the brute threw at him. Luke pulled his fist back and gave it everything he had. His fist went straight threw the tree and caught it on fire burning it to the ground without and black ooze bursting out. Luke calmed himself down and shook his hands so they weren't on fire anymore. He looked back and all the trees were miles away from him. When he reached the end of the Forest the Cheshire cat sat with his smile.
"We'll that was....grotesque, but I guess it couldn't be avoided at that point." He said.
Luke was tired, it had been a long day and his body was about to give out on him. " there a safe place to sleep around here?" He yawned.
"Of course, the ground is said to be the perfect place for an adventurer." The cat said
"Fuck you cat." Luke said.
Luke has had enough of this place already, he was tired and just killed some trees....which sounded really weird now that he thinks about it. He looked up in the sky and saw the moon. It had a maniacle smile with blood dripping out of its eye sockets and mouth. He didn't feel like sleeping anymore...
"Where to next?" Luke asked
"Well you have the choice of a mountain or a lake. Your choice." He purred dissapearing.
Luke sighed "Unbelievable...Well nothing can be good about a lake so mountain it is." He said walking toward the mountain...
Georgie clinging onto his cheese head while everyone else is lost in the half-time show is a good image. XD And massive thanks to Robert for stopping Percy from becoming chewed up by Gren! :P
Robert sat on the couch, eating his food. The half time show carried on. It wasn't a bad performance. In Katy Perry fashion, she arrives on … morestage with a raindow skirt, sparkling top and playful critters dancing beside her. each of the dancers were dresses as either a Fox, Whale, Bird or Pig; the Pigs tossed bouncy balls into the crowd, while the other pulled strings and allowed rainfalls of confetti to fall from the sky. Slash, playing his guitar like the God he was, caused the crowd and the people in the room to go bonkers, clap and sing along.
Rose. Harmony and Lyla were singing along to 'California Girls'. Catherine clapped to the beat and tapped her toes. Mikhail had never heard this woman sing before but he was pleased by the cheery, bubbly lyrics. Georgie was more interested in the guitar performance than anything but in all honesty, he wanted to see the game. He KNEW the Packers would make their comback. He clung to his cheese head … [view original content]
Everyone would be seriously screwed without Charlotte! If she didn't exist -- wouldn't like to think about it. And Harmony's dead but won't be dead, which is a complete emotional rollercoaster, and hopefully Robert won't stay dead either. You're playing with us as bad (or good) as Willingham. XD
"No no no," Charlotte muttered softly to herself. "No, this isn't right, Toby."
Toby looked up at Charlotte with glistening eyes. "It isn… more't?"
"No, it isn't."
"I'm sorry."
"It's okay. You're learning."
"Do I still get the cookie?"
Charlotte chuckled. "Yes, you get a cookie. But keep practicing. I'll clean up this mess you made."
Toby scooted off of his chair and skipped over to the kitchen counter. He couldn't reach the jar, so Charlotte reached up and grabbed the cookie she promised him, handing it down carefully.
They'd been living in between time and space for roughly 4 years now. It was a fairly normal pocket; When you looked out the window, a great expanse of stars stretched out for eons. It took the first two years of Toby's life to secure this place, binding the right spells and making it so that time passed at the same rate as Earth. It was an entirely different situation altogether to convince her mother, after… [view original content]
This is striking! It might be because it's side on, or how Emily's head is looking slightly up, but it reminds me of those old paintings of regal women from the 1700's and the like. Actually, it sort of reminds me of some British queens; which might just be me, but it looks good!
The misses wanted to see Emily with this hairstyle. Who am I to say no to a drawing of Emily? XD Still like her hair down, though.....meh, it's 4am and I'm up. XP Try and get a chapter in later today. For now, enjoy miss Emily Porgie.
Hey Noir glad to see you lurking around the thread again, man! Thanks! The misses wnated to see some different styles. I can see what you mean as far as the old paintings. Reminds me of the silhouette drawings of the heads they used to do, too. THINK that might be what you are referring to.
This is striking! It might be because it's side on, or how Emily's head is looking slightly up, but it reminds me of those old paintings of … moreregal women from the 1700's and the like. Actually, it sort of reminds me of some British queens; which might just be me, but it looks good!
'Come on somebody, why don't you run? Ol' Red is itching to have a litle fun. Get my latern, get my gun. Red will have you treed before the morning comes.'
Things are changing fast for the three Porgie siblings, aren't they? Another chapter soon and a few taking place in the past, too. if you have any questions, you know the drill.
Dude the italics are making me worry now. The last time you mentioed this 'Red' person, was nothing good at all. They used robert and are keeping the 'peace' until she (assuming its female....) needs Robert or whatever. So, IS it Rose Red or is this someone completly different?! :0 I look forwardto see what is in store for the remaining porgie kids. Also, more Michelle and Ethan, too!! Love the past stories, too.
BTW, I love that picture. How clever. Peter's smoke cloud is Emily. Ethan, though....why does he look so much like Georgie now? So many questions and I HATE but love when you give little hints like this.
'Come on somebody, why don't you run? Ol' Red is itching to have a litle fun. Get my latern, get my gun. Red will have you treed before the … moremorning comes.'
Things are changing fast for the three Porgie siblings, aren't they? Another chapter soon and a few taking place in the past, too. if you have any questions, you know the drill.
Sorta had some things on my mind but yeah, I'm lurking again. XD It's those sort of things; can't find an exact picture of what I had in mind but it doesn't really matter - Emily is looking good in her own way, anyway.
Hey Noir glad to see you lurking around the thread again, man! Thanks! The misses wnated to see some different styles. I can see what you m… moreean as far as the old paintings. Reminds me of the silhouette drawings of the heads they used to do, too. THINK that might be what you are referring to.
Pictures like this are why it's in everybodies interest you have a constant supply of ink, Pie. XD Need to catch up a little, but Ethan looks like he's up to something!
'Come on somebody, why don't you run? Ol' Red is itching to have a litle fun. Get my latern, get my gun. Red will have you treed before the … moremorning comes.'
Things are changing fast for the three Porgie siblings, aren't they? Another chapter soon and a few taking place in the past, too. if you have any questions, you know the drill.
LOL I have a TON of black ink markers alone. XD I often wonder that myself sometimes. :P Ethan IS up to something but what, I'll never least, not at this moment.
Pictures like this are why it's in everybodies interest you have a constant supply of ink, Pie. XD Need to catch up a little, but Ethan looks like he's up to something!
Finally read this, and I'm confused with what happened. I get the whole ribbon scenario turning her into a demon dog thing, but why? And did Viv change back to normal or something?
Part 2 to story above
NOTE: Again, sorry for the confusion but like I mentioned, the longer the story, it WILL cut off like halfway throu… moregh. So, here is the 2nd half...
Blossom Wolf and the others are about to see the TRUTH behind the ribbon....
All the adults knew of the ribbon. The cousins knew. Even the Wolf cubs were aware and told by their mother to never pull. But why? Her head remaind and never rolled off. Nothing serious happened to the other kids, so what was the big deal? Curiosity in a child's eyes can go either way. Today, it was for the worse. Clinging to Viviana, Blossom carries the screaming baby back to the grounds. Winter follows, unsure of her sister's plans. If they were going to play Pirate, they would need all the power they could get. George noticed Blossom fumbling with the ribbon. Terrified, he drops his sword and charges after Blossom.
"NO!" George screams and waves his arms. "NO! Blossom, you can't do tha… [view original content]
Alright. I'll try and explain without going all essay on your butt. XD I tend to do that a lot. LOL Okay:
Vivian escaped the Underworld. No one has been able to do so since Heracles. He's been the only person to have entered AND escaped. Hades did not want this to happen; he's a greedy person and his main goal was to keep all the souls in the kingdom of the Underworld. Vivian was one of them. The night she died, her soul traveled here. She was before a panel of 3 judges that sentenced her to an eternity of suffering for what she'd done in her previous life. Vivian managed to escape, however and killed Cerberus, the one that guards the gates to the Underworld. Hades loved Cerberus and was heart broken by the fatality of his long friend. He sought out revenge.
Vivian wandered the Earth for years alone and in the darkness until Hope found her and told her about Georgie and Lyla. She assumed Georgie was dead and when Hope placed her as a guardian, Vivian thought it was for Lyla. Little did she know, it was not Lyla she was guarding but Emily; Vivian found out Emily's fate and refused to allow history to repeat. Thus, why she pointed Emily into the direction of Gren; their paths have already been entwined for centuries. Hades, however, has been searching for Vivian, in hopes of bringing her back to the Underworld.
When he found out vivian was not only alive but considered a 'guardian angel', Hades claimed the souls of Emily's children as punishment to Vivian for attempting to run off and killing Ceberus. Hope and Vivian manage to save who they can but forgot one baby-Viviana.For some reason, neither could feel or detect her... The only method Viv has ever known, was the ribbon; she places it around the baby's neck, to keep her soul on Earth and safe. The ribbon has become a curse and a blessing; by pulling the ribbon, she not only turns into the new Cerberus but it calls Hades closer and closer. The ribbon returns after some time and Viviana returns back to normal. Hades can not collect Viviana's soul because of the ribbon. But they must be careful; after awhile, the magic of the ribbon fades and she'll no longer be safe.
Now, Vivian is still invisible but no longer hides her existence. She only reveals herself to certain people by leaving a cool mist or hand prints on the window. Nick helps, too, considering he can see her as well.
I hope this answers your question. IF you are still confused or need more explanation, just let me know. -looks at preview. Slaps forehead- Man....essay status. XD XD
Finally read this, and I'm confused with what happened. I get the whole ribbon scenario turning her into a demon dog thing, but why? And did Viv change back to normal or something?
You're really channeling the bizarreness of Wonderland! It's one of my favourite places because it's so weird.:D Kinda feel sorry for the trees - they had a legitimate reason to be angry - however, they obviously weren't going to have a calm chat about it. Enjoying the helpfulness of the Cheshire Cat! XD
Case One: The Lost Child Part: Three
"Sir it seems that you look a bit lost" A voice said
Luke looked over and saw a gray and black st… moreripped cat who was grinning ear to ear literally.
"Uh yeah, do you know how to get out of here? I'm trying to look for a little kid who was kidnapped." Luke asked
"If it's a child you speek of then you'll need my help. I'm the Cheshire cat, I'm sure you're here on Alices accord?" He said
"Do you know where Alices kid is cat?" Luke asked
"I may guide you to him. But only if you ask." He tilted his head still smiling.
Luke sighed "Will you please take me to Alices kid?"
"Of course, head to the end of the Forest and meet me there." He purred fading into the darkness.
I really hate this place, Luke thought.
As Luke traversed through the forest, the trees changed shapes, forms and colors. Luke looked up and saw the sun going down and it was frowning. He put on his suit coat and started … [view original content]
I intend on eventually doing Robert and RJ, and probably Gren just for kicks XD Pie absolutely loved them, which means I guess I'm pretty good at it! lol
I will scream, cry and maybe (maybe) wake Emily because I'll be so happy. :'3 I'd love to see that, plus robert, RJ and all the others! Again, love the Sim creations you make.
I intend on eventually doing Robert and RJ, and probably Gren just for kicks XD Pie absolutely loved them, which means I guess I'm pretty good at it! lol
Hey everyone, I'm going to write a short story based on Sin City, but with Fables characters, after I finish Devils and Demons, and I was wondering who would be best for the roles of each character.
Atm, I do not have everyone ready:
John Hartigan - Haven't decided, maybe Luke or Bigby?
Marv - My OC Nick
Dwight McCarthy - Haven't decided, maybe Tezoth or Draco?
Nancy Callahan - Haven't decided
Miho - Catherine
Goldie and Wendy - Penelope Porgie?
Kevin - Robert
Gail - Lyla Porgie
Det. Lt. Jack 'Jackie Boy' Rafferty - Georgie Porgie
Becky - Harmony
Roark Junior/Yellow Bastard - Mr. Weasel (in glamour of course)
The Salesman - My OC Rook
Manute - My OC Sebastien
Basically, I need help on deciding who is best for each role, both OC's and comic/game characters. I would really appreciate all your input! XD
Of course, in the end I may not write it all... but let's see how far I get with the plot. Also, it will not be a direct rip of the film.
Alright. I'll try and explain without going all essay on your butt. XD I tend to do that a lot. LOL Okay:
Vivian escaped the Underworld. … moreNo one has been able to do so since Heracles. He's been the only person to have entered AND escaped. Hades did not want this to happen; he's a greedy person and his main goal was to keep all the souls in the kingdom of the Underworld. Vivian was one of them. The night she died, her soul traveled here. She was before a panel of 3 judges that sentenced her to an eternity of suffering for what she'd done in her previous life. Vivian managed to escape, however and killed Cerberus, the one that guards the gates to the Underworld. Hades loved Cerberus and was heart broken by the fatality of his long friend. He sought out revenge.
Vivian wandered the Earth for years alone and in the darkness until Hope found her and told her about Georgie and Lyla. She assumed Georgie was dead and when Hope placed her as a gu… [view original content]
I'm afraid I haven't watched the movies, nor have I read the comic books. I trust you in giving whatever badass role to Tez, though! However, I may do a little research later and get back to you on that as well.
Hey everyone, I'm going to write a short story based on Sin City, but with Fables characters, after I finish Devils and Demons, and I was wo… morendering who would be best for the roles of each character.
Atm, I do not have everyone ready:
* John Hartigan - Haven't decided, maybe Luke or Bigby?
* Marv - My OC Nick
* Dwight McCarthy - Haven't decided, maybe Tezoth or Draco?
* Nancy Callahan - Haven't decided
* Miho - Catherine
* Goldie and Wendy - Penelope Porgie?
* Kevin - Robert
* Gail - Lyla Porgie
* Det. Lt. Jack 'Jackie Boy' Rafferty - Georgie Porgie
* Becky - Harmony
* Roark Junior/Yellow Bastard - Mr. Weasel (in glamour of course)
* The Salesman - My OC Rook
* Manute - My OC Sebastien
Basically, I need help on deciding who is best for each role, both OC's and comic/game characters. I would really appreciate all your input! XD
Of course, in the end I may not write it all... but let's see how far I get with the plot. Also, it will not be a direct rip of the film.
Dwight is one of the 3 protagonists of the first film:
John Hartigan is a veteran cop pushing 60, he is by the book and not corrupt or dirty in any way, but is also willing to sacrifice his life for others (particularly Nancy Callahan)
Marv literally is Nick :P He's a street thug that no one can seem to kill or cause serious injury too, he has respect for women, and is willing to help people that are nice to him. But if you piss him off... run, never look back and pray he doesn't catch you.
Dwight is an interesting one, he is a tough guy that is 'one fingerprint check away from being sent to the gas chamber' but is willing to help the prostitutes of Oldtown. He has good intentions, but his dark side is always ready to come out...
Now I know Tez is typically a nice guy, but if you confront him he will attack. He is a master thief, but not inherently evil... Have I got that right?
Also, I would seriously recommend the first film! It is truly something good. The second one is good, but it doesn't have the same 'feel' as the first one
The comic writer, Frank Miller, was both the consultant and the assistant director for both films, the main director is Robert Rodriguez.
I'm afraid I haven't watched the movies, nor have I read the comic books. I trust you in giving whatever badass role to Tez, though! However, I may do a little research later and get back to you on that as well.
Hades sat in his chair, drank a rather large glass of Scotch and picked at a Chicken sandwich. Valeo flapped beside him; neither knew the girls' powers were connected and what you did to one, the other followed.
"Red lied to me..."
"Sire, perhaps she had no idea that-"
"How could she have not known?!" Hades tosses the glass against the wall. "HOW, Valeo, could Vivian have been co clever enough to mask the child for so long and keep her here, without ME taking her back!?"
Valeo immediatly picks up the broken glass. It had been centuries he'd seen his master frustrated and prepared for any drastic measure, should it be needed. Hades knew of gains, losses and heartache. Ceberus was his true friend and companion. He was married at one time. Her name was Persephone and she was beautiful beyond any words or ability to comprehend. She did her best to stay by Hades' side but even love can not change ALL and keep some. Persephone was never seen the next day. Vanished off the face of the Earth.
Valeo looks over at Hades, now consummed with the images of his love. When he looked like so, it was best to not make a sound. Griping the edge of the window, overlooking the kingdom down below, Hades spoke.
"The deal is off, Red."
Valeo looks up. "Excuse me, sire? What thee speak of?"
"The deal. Red is playing dirty. She knew of this. I KNOW she did. From now on, I'm not helping her. She's after ONLY one thing. Me-the little blonde haired girl with that fucking ribbon..."
"You can't TAKE her with that on, sire. You' can't! It's impossible and-"
"Patience, Valeo. I have an idea but it will take time."
Valeo sighs. "Shall I fetch you another Scotch, Hades?"
Hades creates a hand gesture, indicating he wished to be alone. Doing as his master ordered, Valeo flaps his wings, exits the chambers and returns to the world outside the castle. Hades sat for several minutes, basking in his thoughts and wondering what all of this meant. Taking a glance into the portal before him, he caught a glimpse of baby Viviana; Gren was dressing the children and preparing them for another day. She looked so much like Vivian. The woman who took Ceberus from him and now, became the child.
But was it really just about Ceberus, he thought, or was there more to it? He knew what going back on his deal with 'Red' meant but at this point, the God of the Underworld was always calling the shots and pulling the strings. He's get his precious Ceberus and Viviana back.
For no one makes a fool of the God of the Underworld.
"Dipers, wipes, extra clothes, pacifiers..."
Gren, wearing his Security Guard outfit, looked over the list for the fourth time that morning. After a long conversation with Peter during th party, both he and Ethan agreed the babies would be safe and better off at the Business Office when both he and Emily were working. Gren trusted the family to watch over the children. He truly did. But when Ambrose explained about the mysterious 'Dark man', Gren knew the risk was too great. He KNEW who it was. Gren was not letting him take Viviana OR the others away...
Ethan was trying to create a child 'friendly' area within the office walls anyways. Michelle would need to bring Erica, too, should Rosie be either busy or in class. The same fell onto Peter and his newborn, Lily. Holly was at home for now but after four months, she'd return to the dark and damp bar that was the Trip Trap.
While Gren went over the list again, making this number five, Emily walks into the bedroom. Beaming, she presses her chest against the bed and kisses each of her children. All the girls were wearing a different colored dress: Seraphina in pink, Viviana in a light yellow and Chloe in a purple dress with a ladybug on the front. Liam wore casual clothes; simple pair of dark, blue jeans, his green Chucks and a white tanktop. Beside him, a brown jacket. Emily chuckles, holding it up. JUST like Gren's jacket. This must have been one of the birthday gifts her son received. She blamed it on either Mary or one of her sisters.
All four babies crawled over Emily's back and planted themselves in various directions. Gren noticed his fiancee and babies. He smiled, swearing to himself and any Gods that would listen, this was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen in the centuries he was alive on this Earth.
"Gren, love, ya' been doing that fa' how long now?"
"I want to make sure ALL of it is here and-"
Emily stands up, grabs the list and tosses the paper to the side. "There. All done."
Gren bends down to pick it up. Brushing it off, he chuckles. "Cute, Emily. Did you ever pump the milk and-"
"They are in bags, all marked and reday ta' be used by these four little buggas' 'ere!"
"Ethan wanted me to tell you they DO have a fridge and-"
"I know they do, love." Emily tickles Chloe's feet. "And I know they JUST instaled a little kitchen area in the back. Peter told me. Trust me, Grendel. IF they had none of these things, the quads would be goin' ta' my folks' place, WHICH they are mad because of it...."
Gren felt awful; Lyla and Georgie were normally the ones to watch the kids but he didn't want to take that chance. Not right now, at least. Until he figured out what it all meant. Thankfully, both understood. Georgie was incapable of handling something with such power and Lyla was a powerful Werewolf but to a certain point. Against the dark arts and magic, she looked like a shivering Dog ready to piddle on itself.
"I know, I know." Gren gently grabs Emily's hand and rubs it with his thumb. "BUT, I'll make it up to them. I'm off on Friday and Saturday. Promised your folks they could come down or I'd go to them with the quads."
Emily leans forward and kisses Gren's lips. "Sounds wonderful, love."
Gren smacks his lips. "Mmmm...Cherry."
Gren watched Emily playfully flip him off, stand off the bed and adjust her dress. He was not looking forward to his fiancee leaving this home, knowing WHERE she was going. But, oddly enough, Emily enjoyed working as a sexy Barista; Gren did have to admit, the tips alone she brought home was an entire paycheck and then some. They needed the money; keeping up on a house took a lot of money and work. Emily was happy. That's all Gren could ever ask for.
With Emily's help, they strap each of the quads into their car seats. Liam was already taking advantage and choosing a nap for his car ride. Viviana was not too far behind but Chloe and Seraphina were too busy speaking and having a conversation. The quads were able to speak and say some words but for the most part, it was still babbles and made up words. Emily kisses them one last time before closing the door.
Vivian, watching from the porch, was worried for her own reasons. She felt horrible for the birthday party. What the Wolf Cubs and the quads' cousins had to endure for what seemed like hours. Centuries. Gren refused to acknowledge Vivian and avoided any spots in the home that felt cool and misty. She could not blame him. Emily listened for awhile to Vivian's explanation but even with words, Vivian could see the hurt in her eyes. She was determined; Vivian was a guardian to not only Emily but her growing family as well and there would be nothing in her way to stop them all.
Emily wraps her arms around Gren's neck, pulls him close and hungrily kisses. He yanks Emily against his chest. The floral smell was potent today. Very strong and was making it difficult not to change into his true form, drag Emily to the bedroom and engage in sex for the remainder of the day. March was definently upon them. A few grunts escaped his throat. Emily laughs, brushing her finger against his lips.
"Oh shit." Gren whispers and rubs his eyes. "Shit, shit, shit...."
Emily laughs. "Ya' be alright, love." She kisses his lips. "Have a great day, love. I'll see you after five."
Gren sits in the driver's seat, starts the car and leans against the window. "What time are you off?"
"It's a short shift ta'day. I'll be home by two."
"Want me to pick up dinner or-"
"No, love." Emily taps Gren's nose. "I got a surprise fa' ya'."
"Oh. A surprise, huh?"
Emily grabs Gren's face and kisses him one last time. Staring into his eyes, she felt a sense of comfort and adoration. She'd never tell Gren, as he waved, blew kisses and headed for the city. Tell him about the dream she had last night. Her old self, strung out and incapable of forming words. Making sense. Emily wipes away a tear; heading back to the house, the images became burned into her mind. They'd go away. Sometimes, Emily felt these were reminders of the life she almost led. Glancing over at Vivian, the guardian could only smile faintly. Emily was wondering if this was part of Vivian's work and ways to keep Emily on the right path.
After adding water to Puddles' bowl, some food in the other bowl and locking the doors, Emily heads to her car. As she searched the radio, a familiar song echoed withing the Honda. Snow Patrol's Chasing Cars poured from the speakers. The images once more. This was the song Gren was playing, as he attempted to bring Emily back from the dead. He found her in the alley; Emily, for the life of her, could not remember HOW or WHY she was there but judging by the scars along her arms, drugs was the reason. The song played hile Gren wiped her forehead and spoke gently.
'If I lay here, if I just lay here, will you lie with me and just forget the world....'
Emily beams, pulls out of the driveway and heads to the coffee shop. Emily sang along to the tune. "All that I am. All that I ever was. Is here in ya' perfect eyes. They are all I can see...."
Little did Emily know, Gren was listening to the same song, as he parked beside the Woodlands.
"If I lay here, if I just lay here. Will you lie with me and just forget the world..."
Looking back, towards his four beautiful children, Gren knew he made the right decision.
Meanwhile, downtown Fabletown....
"Mom, I tried. I-"
A young man, appearing to be in his early twenties, is slammed into the brick wall. A hand with slender fingers wraps around his mouth; a young woman with red hair continues to push the begging man into the brick.
"You had ONE job, Junior. ONE fucking job!"
"I tried, I tried!" The boy falls to the ground, now bleeding from his head. "Please. I tried. She's on THEIR side! Deal with her and-"
"I'll DEAL with your sister in time. Right now, I need the little traitor to worm her way into their lives, find a secure little spot and when the time comes-BAM! Release all hell upon that family."
The man scurries to a nearby trashcan. Trying to prop himself up, the wound was causing his mind to spin, mouth to dry and eyes to close. "Mom....I-"
"You'll be FINE, dear." The redhaired woman throws down a napkin. "Here. Clean yourself up..."
"Mom, what if this does not work? She can become powerful with that bow. She-"
"Oh, son. I have MY secret weapon waiting for the day I call. Those poor fools will NEVER see it. Hm. Try and pull a fast one on me, well....they're wrong....VERY wrong..."
The redhaired woman laughs, as she lifts her injured son from the ground. The pair head back to her black Cadillac.
"Oh how the mighty will fall, son..."
Any questions, you know the drill. Got time for a quick chap. Have a HUGE get-together today for my older brother and his partner. Hear they have an announcement for the family. I THINK I know what it is (baby. PLEASE, a baby XD) so I'll be gone the rest of the day. Plus, homework, thesis paper. Ewww. Have spirng break in two weeks, so here is to that!! If I DO have time, will write more.
Oh and here is Rosie:
I sketched this, like, months ago and recently found it. Its been one of those weeks, folks. XD
I can see Penelope being either Goldie or Wendy. I love Georgie as 'Jackie Boy', too. XD XD I think Luke would make a great John Hartigan but again, that is your call. Weasel is yellow bastard. XD XD LMFAO @JJWolf you'll love who Robert is.
This sounds interesting, man. I've only read the books. Heard the movie was crap. :(I may need to go back and refreash my memory now. Can't wait.
Hey everyone, I'm going to write a short story based on Sin City, but with Fables characters, after I finish Devils and Demons, and I was wo… morendering who would be best for the roles of each character.
Atm, I do not have everyone ready:
* John Hartigan - Haven't decided, maybe Luke or Bigby?
* Marv - My OC Nick
* Dwight McCarthy - Haven't decided, maybe Tezoth or Draco?
* Nancy Callahan - Haven't decided
* Miho - Catherine
* Goldie and Wendy - Penelope Porgie?
* Kevin - Robert
* Gail - Lyla Porgie
* Det. Lt. Jack 'Jackie Boy' Rafferty - Georgie Porgie
* Becky - Harmony
* Roark Junior/Yellow Bastard - Mr. Weasel (in glamour of course)
* The Salesman - My OC Rook
* Manute - My OC Sebastien
Basically, I need help on deciding who is best for each role, both OC's and comic/game characters. I would really appreciate all your input! XD
Of course, in the end I may not write it all... but let's see how far I get with the plot. Also, it will not be a direct rip of the film.
I like where this is going! XD
Was Nick the one that yelled at Rasputin and Marcelo? The 'maggots' thing sounded like something he would say :P
I LOVE that description, it's so good!
Yep, it was Nick lol.
This was really good! Keep up the awesome work!
Lyra is so adorable! Despite being scared out of her mind and all that. Still, hopefully things will go well for Nick and his daughter, and Mary, too. Wherever she is now.
This may be the first time I ever saw Bloody Mary and Snow actually sit together and have a normal convo for once, totally rad!
I'll make sure to read your second part eventually!
Ah, these Sim pictures always make me smile.
I'm glad you like Lyra dude!! She still has a ways to go with her character, trust me XD
Mary will probably appear later on :P
As for Nick? Wait and see...
Waiting is what I do best, sometimes. XD
Sweet! I love doing them
These are always so cool! Awesome job as always EMMY!
Snow and Mary seem like they'd be friends once the dust settles.
Glad you approve, man! 
These have! I always love our OC's and your characters in sim form.
Having a large family is hard; I made the Porgie Clan on my sims 4 and I'm ready to pull my hair out. XD I adore that home, though and can't wait to see what you have planned next. I'm going to have to download some things from the sites you sent me awhile back. A lot of neat things on there.
Lyla and her men with accents. XD XD This is getting good, man. Keep it up!
Thanks man! I want to do Makoto eventually, and Celeste and Ella
No problem!
that'd be really cool, I look forward to it whenever you decide to do it! 
Case One: The Lost Child Part: Three
"Sir it seems that you look a bit lost" A voice said
Luke looked over and saw a gray and black stripped cat who was grinning ear to ear literally.
"Uh yeah, do you know how to get out of here? I'm trying to look for a little kid who was kidnapped." Luke asked
"If it's a child you speek of then you'll need my help. I'm the Cheshire cat, I'm sure you're here on Alices accord?" He said
"Do you know where Alices kid is cat?" Luke asked
"I may guide you to him. But only if you ask." He tilted his head still smiling.
Luke sighed "Will you please take me to Alices kid?"
"Of course, head to the end of the Forest and meet me there." He purred fading into the darkness.
I really hate this place, Luke thought.
As Luke traversed through the forest, the trees changed shapes, forms and colors. Luke looked up and saw the sun going down and it was frowning. He put on his suit coat and started to set up a camp to sleep for the night. He started with the fire, he grabbed rocks and dug a pit for the sticks. He went to a nearby tree when the Cheshire cat showed up.
"You know that may not be a good idea." The cat said
Luke looked at him, and then the tree. "And why do you say that? It's just a tree." And snapped off the tree branch.
The tree let out a big cry in pain, it was so loud it almost made Luke lose his hearing. When he looked up the tree was crying and dark ooze poured out where the branch was. When he looked at the stick it seemed to be a humans arm he dropped it and fell back.
"What the fuck!?!?" He said looking at the cat.
"I believe you forgot that this is, in a way, Alices mind. And as you can see. She's not the most mentally stable woman." The cat said still maintaining it's smile.
The tree started to cry the black ooze turned to blood. Luke looked behind the tree and saw other trees starting to get up.
"Now I suggest you start running to the hills sir." He purred.
"Who hurt you sweetie?" The tree asked.
The tree pointed at Luke. Luke got up brushing off the dirt and leaves.
"Look this is just a misunderstanding, all I wanted was firewood for my fire. I didn't know this wood happen!" Luke said holding up his hands.
More trees started to get up and moved towards Luke. He sighed he didn't want to hurt them but if they got in his way he'd have to. He started to run down the path leading out of the woods. He was stopped by two trees that were bigger than the rest.
"You maimed one of our brethren, we can't allow you to escape." The tree said.
The other tree held an axe while the one that spoke held a short sword. Luke was cornered but he didn't intend to go out without a fight. Feeling anger his hair turned red and his fists now on fire, scared the trees. While they were in shock he grabbed one of the trees and threw it at one of the brute trees, lighting them both on fire. The other brute tree charged with his axe and swung, Luke dodged back but his tie had been cut.
"This. This was my favorite tie! My wife got me this tie!!!" Luke said in anger charging the tree.
The tree swung in fear but Luke would duck and dodge every swing the brute threw at him. Luke pulled his fist back and gave it everything he had. His fist went straight threw the tree and caught it on fire burning it to the ground without and black ooze bursting out. Luke calmed himself down and shook his hands so they weren't on fire anymore. He looked back and all the trees were miles away from him. When he reached the end of the Forest the Cheshire cat sat with his smile.
"We'll that was....grotesque, but I guess it couldn't be avoided at that point." He said.
Luke was tired, it had been a long day and his body was about to give out on him. " there a safe place to sleep around here?" He yawned.
"Of course, the ground is said to be the perfect place for an adventurer." The cat said
"Fuck you cat." Luke said.
Luke has had enough of this place already, he was tired and just killed some trees....which sounded really weird now that he thinks about it. He looked up in the sky and saw the moon. It had a maniacle smile with blood dripping out of its eye sockets and mouth. He didn't feel like sleeping anymore...
"Where to next?" Luke asked
"Well you have the choice of a mountain or a lake. Your choice." He purred dissapearing.
Luke sighed "Unbelievable...Well nothing can be good about a lake so mountain it is." He said walking toward the mountain...
That's it! Any questions or comments let me know!
OMG These are fantastic! I love your Sim creations! Judging by his comment, pie loved them! Great work, EMMY!
Georgie clinging onto his cheese head while everyone else is lost in the half-time show is a good image. XD And massive thanks to Robert for stopping Percy from becoming chewed up by Gren! :P
Everyone would be seriously screwed without Charlotte! If she didn't exist -- wouldn't like to think about it. And Harmony's dead but won't be dead, which is a complete emotional rollercoaster, and hopefully Robert won't stay dead either. You're playing with us as bad (or good) as Willingham. XD
This is striking! It might be because it's side on, or how Emily's head is looking slightly up, but it reminds me of those old paintings of regal women from the 1700's and the like. Actually, it sort of reminds me of some British queens; which might just be me, but it looks good!
Hey Noir glad to see you lurking around the thread again, man!
Thanks! The misses wnated to see some different styles. I can see what you mean as far as the old paintings. Reminds me of the silhouette drawings of the heads they used to do, too.
THINK that might be what you are referring to.
'Come on somebody, why don't you run? Ol' Red is itching to have a litle fun. Get my latern, get my gun. Red will have you treed before the morning comes.'
Things are changing fast for the three Porgie siblings, aren't they? Another chapter soon and a few taking place in the past, too.
if you have any questions, you know the drill. 
Dude the italics are making me worry now. The last time you mentioed this 'Red' person, was nothing good at all.
They used robert and are keeping the 'peace' until she (assuming its female....) needs Robert or whatever. So, IS it Rose Red or is this someone completly different?! :0 I look forwardto see what is in store for the remaining porgie kids.
Also, more Michelle and Ethan, too!! Love the past stories, too.
BTW, I love that picture. How clever. Peter's smoke cloud is Emily.
Ethan, though....why does he look so much like Georgie now? So many questions and I HATE but love when you give little hints like this.
Sorta had some things on my mind but yeah, I'm lurking again. XD It's those sort of things; can't find an exact picture of what I had in mind but it doesn't really matter - Emily is looking good in her own way, anyway.
Pictures like this are why it's in everybodies interest you have a constant supply of ink, Pie. XD Need to catch up a little, but Ethan looks like he's up to something!
These are always so fun; the characters come to life more and you can imagine them doing exactly these things.
LOL I have a TON of black ink markers alone. XD I often wonder that myself sometimes. :P Ethan IS up to something but what, I'll never least, not at this moment.
Finally read this, and I'm confused with what happened. I get the whole ribbon scenario turning her into a demon dog thing, but why? And did Viv change back to normal or something?
Alright. I'll try and explain without going all essay on your butt. XD I tend to do that a lot. LOL Okay:
Vivian escaped the Underworld. No one has been able to do so since Heracles. He's been the only person to have entered AND escaped. Hades did not want this to happen; he's a greedy person and his main goal was to keep all the souls in the kingdom of the Underworld. Vivian was one of them. The night she died, her soul traveled here. She was before a panel of 3 judges that sentenced her to an eternity of suffering for what she'd done in her previous life. Vivian managed to escape, however and killed Cerberus, the one that guards the gates to the Underworld. Hades loved Cerberus and was heart broken by the fatality of his long friend. He sought out revenge.
Vivian wandered the Earth for years alone and in the darkness until Hope found her and told her about Georgie and Lyla. She assumed Georgie was dead and when Hope placed her as a guardian, Vivian thought it was for Lyla. Little did she know, it was not Lyla she was guarding but Emily; Vivian found out Emily's fate and refused to allow history to repeat. Thus, why she pointed Emily into the direction of Gren; their paths have already been entwined for centuries. Hades, however, has been searching for Vivian, in hopes of bringing her back to the Underworld.
When he found out vivian was not only alive but considered a 'guardian angel', Hades claimed the souls of Emily's children as punishment to Vivian for attempting to run off and killing Ceberus. Hope and Vivian manage to save who they can but forgot one baby-Viviana.For some reason, neither could feel or detect her... The only method Viv has ever known, was the ribbon; she places it around the baby's neck, to keep her soul on Earth and safe. The ribbon has become a curse and a blessing; by pulling the ribbon, she not only turns into the new Cerberus but it calls Hades closer and closer. The ribbon returns after some time and Viviana returns back to normal. Hades can not collect Viviana's soul because of the ribbon. But they must be careful; after awhile, the magic of the ribbon fades and she'll no longer be safe.
Now, Vivian is still invisible but no longer hides her existence. She only reveals herself to certain people by leaving a cool mist or hand prints on the window. Nick helps, too, considering he can see her as well.
I hope this answers your question. IF you are still confused or need more explanation, just let me know.
-looks at preview. Slaps forehead- Man....essay status. XD XD
You're really channeling the bizarreness of Wonderland! It's one of my favourite places because it's so weird.:D Kinda feel sorry for the trees - they had a legitimate reason to be angry - however, they obviously weren't going to have a calm chat about it. Enjoying the helpfulness of the Cheshire Cat! XD
I intend on eventually doing Robert and RJ, and probably Gren just for kicks XD Pie absolutely loved them, which means I guess I'm pretty good at it! lol
Eventually I want to do Mr. Weasel and see how he comes out XD
I will scream, cry and maybe (maybe) wake Emily because I'll be so happy. :'3 I'd love to see that, plus robert, RJ and all the others! Again, love the Sim creations you make.
Hey everyone, I'm going to write a short story based on Sin City, but with Fables characters, after I finish Devils and Demons, and I was wondering who would be best for the roles of each character.
Atm, I do not have everyone ready:
John Hartigan - Haven't decided, maybe Luke or Bigby?
Marv - My OC Nick
Dwight McCarthy - Haven't decided, maybe Tezoth or Draco?
Nancy Callahan - Haven't decided
Miho - Catherine
Goldie and Wendy - Penelope Porgie?
Kevin - Robert
Gail - Lyla Porgie
Det. Lt. Jack 'Jackie Boy' Rafferty - Georgie Porgie
Becky - Harmony
Roark Junior/Yellow Bastard - Mr. Weasel (in glamour of course)
The Salesman - My OC Rook
Manute - My OC Sebastien
Basically, I need help on deciding who is best for each role, both OC's and comic/game characters. I would really appreciate all your input! XD
Of course, in the end I may not write it all... but let's see how far I get with the plot. Also, it will not be a direct rip of the film.
I think this has explained everything. Thanks!
I'm afraid I haven't watched the movies, nor have I read the comic books. I trust you in giving whatever badass role to Tez, though! However, I may do a little research later and get back to you on that as well.
Dwight is one of the 3 protagonists of the first film:
John Hartigan is a veteran cop pushing 60, he is by the book and not corrupt or dirty in any way, but is also willing to sacrifice his life for others (particularly Nancy Callahan)
Marv literally is Nick :P He's a street thug that no one can seem to kill or cause serious injury too, he has respect for women, and is willing to help people that are nice to him. But if you piss him off... run, never look back and pray he doesn't catch you.
Now I know Tez is typically a nice guy, but if you confront him he will attack. He is a master thief, but not inherently evil... Have I got that right?
Also, I would seriously recommend the first film! It is truly something good. The second one is good, but it doesn't have the same 'feel' as the first one
The comic writer, Frank Miller, was both the consultant and the assistant director for both films, the main director is Robert Rodriguez.
Kingdom of the Underworld..."
"No one told me about the other girl..."
Hades sat in his chair, drank a rather large glass of Scotch and picked at a Chicken sandwich. Valeo flapped beside him; neither knew the girls' powers were connected and what you did to one, the other followed.
"Red lied to me..."
"Sire, perhaps she had no idea that-"
"How could she have not known?!" Hades tosses the glass against the wall. "HOW, Valeo, could Vivian have been co clever enough to mask the child for so long and keep her here, without ME taking her back!?"
Valeo immediatly picks up the broken glass. It had been centuries he'd seen his master frustrated and prepared for any drastic measure, should it be needed. Hades knew of gains, losses and heartache. Ceberus was his true friend and companion. He was married at one time. Her name was Persephone and she was beautiful beyond any words or ability to comprehend. She did her best to stay by Hades' side but even love can not change ALL and keep some. Persephone was never seen the next day. Vanished off the face of the Earth.
Valeo looks over at Hades, now consummed with the images of his love. When he looked like so, it was best to not make a sound. Griping the edge of the window, overlooking the kingdom down below, Hades spoke.
"The deal is off, Red."
Valeo looks up. "Excuse me, sire? What thee speak of?"
"The deal. Red is playing dirty. She knew of this. I KNOW she did. From now on, I'm not helping her. She's after ONLY one thing. Me-the little blonde haired girl with that fucking ribbon..."
"You can't TAKE her with that on, sire. You' can't! It's impossible and-"
"Patience, Valeo. I have an idea but it will take time."
Valeo sighs. "Shall I fetch you another Scotch, Hades?"
Hades creates a hand gesture, indicating he wished to be alone. Doing as his master ordered, Valeo flaps his wings, exits the chambers and returns to the world outside the castle. Hades sat for several minutes, basking in his thoughts and wondering what all of this meant. Taking a glance into the portal before him, he caught a glimpse of baby Viviana; Gren was dressing the children and preparing them for another day. She looked so much like Vivian. The woman who took Ceberus from him and now, became the child.
But was it really just about Ceberus, he thought, or was there more to it? He knew what going back on his deal with 'Red' meant but at this point, the God of the Underworld was always calling the shots and pulling the strings. He's get his precious Ceberus and Viviana back.
For no one makes a fool of the God of the Underworld.
"Dipers, wipes, extra clothes, pacifiers..."
Gren, wearing his Security Guard outfit, looked over the list for the fourth time that morning. After a long conversation with Peter during th party, both he and Ethan agreed the babies would be safe and better off at the Business Office when both he and Emily were working. Gren trusted the family to watch over the children. He truly did. But when Ambrose explained about the mysterious 'Dark man', Gren knew the risk was too great. He KNEW who it was. Gren was not letting him take Viviana OR the others away...
Ethan was trying to create a child 'friendly' area within the office walls anyways. Michelle would need to bring Erica, too, should Rosie be either busy or in class. The same fell onto Peter and his newborn, Lily. Holly was at home for now but after four months, she'd return to the dark and damp bar that was the Trip Trap.
While Gren went over the list again, making this number five, Emily walks into the bedroom. Beaming, she presses her chest against the bed and kisses each of her children. All the girls were wearing a different colored dress: Seraphina in pink, Viviana in a light yellow and Chloe in a purple dress with a ladybug on the front. Liam wore casual clothes; simple pair of dark, blue jeans, his green Chucks and a white tanktop. Beside him, a brown jacket. Emily chuckles, holding it up. JUST like Gren's jacket. This must have been one of the birthday gifts her son received. She blamed it on either Mary or one of her sisters.
All four babies crawled over Emily's back and planted themselves in various directions. Gren noticed his fiancee and babies. He smiled, swearing to himself and any Gods that would listen, this was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen in the centuries he was alive on this Earth.
"Gren, love, ya' been doing that fa' how long now?"
"I want to make sure ALL of it is here and-"
Emily stands up, grabs the list and tosses the paper to the side. "There. All done."
Gren bends down to pick it up. Brushing it off, he chuckles. "Cute, Emily. Did you ever pump the milk and-"
"They are in bags, all marked and reday ta' be used by these four little buggas' 'ere!"
"Ethan wanted me to tell you they DO have a fridge and-"
"I know they do, love." Emily tickles Chloe's feet. "And I know they JUST instaled a little kitchen area in the back. Peter told me. Trust me, Grendel. IF they had none of these things, the quads would be goin' ta' my folks' place, WHICH they are mad because of it...."
Gren felt awful; Lyla and Georgie were normally the ones to watch the kids but he didn't want to take that chance. Not right now, at least. Until he figured out what it all meant. Thankfully, both understood. Georgie was incapable of handling something with such power and Lyla was a powerful Werewolf but to a certain point. Against the dark arts and magic, she looked like a shivering Dog ready to piddle on itself.
"I know, I know." Gren gently grabs Emily's hand and rubs it with his thumb. "BUT, I'll make it up to them. I'm off on Friday and Saturday. Promised your folks they could come down or I'd go to them with the quads."
Emily leans forward and kisses Gren's lips. "Sounds wonderful, love."
Gren smacks his lips. "Mmmm...Cherry."
Gren watched Emily playfully flip him off, stand off the bed and adjust her dress. He was not looking forward to his fiancee leaving this home, knowing WHERE she was going. But, oddly enough, Emily enjoyed working as a sexy Barista; Gren did have to admit, the tips alone she brought home was an entire paycheck and then some. They needed the money; keeping up on a house took a lot of money and work. Emily was happy. That's all Gren could ever ask for.
With Emily's help, they strap each of the quads into their car seats. Liam was already taking advantage and choosing a nap for his car ride. Viviana was not too far behind but Chloe and Seraphina were too busy speaking and having a conversation. The quads were able to speak and say some words but for the most part, it was still babbles and made up words. Emily kisses them one last time before closing the door.
Vivian, watching from the porch, was worried for her own reasons. She felt horrible for the birthday party. What the Wolf Cubs and the quads' cousins had to endure for what seemed like hours. Centuries. Gren refused to acknowledge Vivian and avoided any spots in the home that felt cool and misty. She could not blame him. Emily listened for awhile to Vivian's explanation but even with words, Vivian could see the hurt in her eyes. She was determined; Vivian was a guardian to not only Emily but her growing family as well and there would be nothing in her way to stop them all.
Emily wraps her arms around Gren's neck, pulls him close and hungrily kisses. He yanks Emily against his chest. The floral smell was potent today. Very strong and was making it difficult not to change into his true form, drag Emily to the bedroom and engage in sex for the remainder of the day. March was definently upon them. A few grunts escaped his throat. Emily laughs, brushing her finger against his lips.
"Easy, love." Emily rubs Gren's neck. "Ya' eyes changing...."
"Oh shit." Gren whispers and rubs his eyes. "Shit, shit, shit...."
Emily laughs. "Ya' be alright, love." She kisses his lips. "Have a great day, love. I'll see you after five."
Gren sits in the driver's seat, starts the car and leans against the window. "What time are you off?"
"It's a short shift ta'day. I'll be home by two."
"Want me to pick up dinner or-"
"No, love." Emily taps Gren's nose. "I got a surprise fa' ya'."
"Oh. A surprise, huh?"
Emily grabs Gren's face and kisses him one last time. Staring into his eyes, she felt a sense of comfort and adoration. She'd never tell Gren, as he waved, blew kisses and headed for the city. Tell him about the dream she had last night. Her old self, strung out and incapable of forming words. Making sense. Emily wipes away a tear; heading back to the house, the images became burned into her mind. They'd go away. Sometimes, Emily felt these were reminders of the life she almost led. Glancing over at Vivian, the guardian could only smile faintly. Emily was wondering if this was part of Vivian's work and ways to keep Emily on the right path.
After adding water to Puddles' bowl, some food in the other bowl and locking the doors, Emily heads to her car. As she searched the radio, a familiar song echoed withing the Honda. Snow Patrol's Chasing Cars poured from the speakers. The images once more. This was the song Gren was playing, as he attempted to bring Emily back from the dead. He found her in the alley; Emily, for the life of her, could not remember HOW or WHY she was there but judging by the scars along her arms, drugs was the reason. The song played hile Gren wiped her forehead and spoke gently.
'If I lay here, if I just lay here, will you lie with me and just forget the world....'
Emily beams, pulls out of the driveway and heads to the coffee shop. Emily sang along to the tune. "All that I am. All that I ever was. Is here in ya' perfect eyes. They are all I can see...."
Little did Emily know, Gren was listening to the same song, as he parked beside the Woodlands.
"If I lay here, if I just lay here. Will you lie with me and just forget the world..."
Looking back, towards his four beautiful children, Gren knew he made the right decision.
Meanwhile, downtown Fabletown....
"Mom, I tried. I-"
A young man, appearing to be in his early twenties, is slammed into the brick wall. A hand with slender fingers wraps around his mouth; a young woman with red hair continues to push the begging man into the brick.
"You had ONE job, Junior. ONE fucking job!"
"I tried, I tried!" The boy falls to the ground, now bleeding from his head. "Please. I tried. She's on THEIR side! Deal with her and-"
"I'll DEAL with your sister in time. Right now, I need the little traitor to worm her way into their lives, find a secure little spot and when the time comes-BAM! Release all hell upon that family."
The man scurries to a nearby trashcan. Trying to prop himself up, the wound was causing his mind to spin, mouth to dry and eyes to close. "Mom....I-"
"You'll be FINE, dear." The redhaired woman throws down a napkin. "Here. Clean yourself up..."
"Mom, what if this does not work? She can become powerful with that bow. She-"
"Oh, son. I have MY secret weapon waiting for the day I call. Those poor fools will NEVER see it. Hm. Try and pull a fast one on me, well....they're wrong....VERY wrong..."
The redhaired woman laughs, as she lifts her injured son from the ground. The pair head back to her black Cadillac.
"Oh how the mighty will fall, son..."
Any questions, you know the drill. Got time for a quick chap. Have a HUGE get-together today for my older brother and his partner. Hear they have an announcement for the family. I THINK I know what it is (baby. PLEASE, a baby XD) so I'll be gone the rest of the day. Plus, homework, thesis paper. Ewww. Have spirng break in two weeks, so here is to that!!
If I DO have time, will write more.
Oh and here is Rosie:
I sketched this, like, months ago and recently found it. Its been one of those weeks, folks. XD
Cool beans, man!
If you are still confused, however, hit yo' boy Pie up! XD XD
I can see Penelope being either Goldie or Wendy. I love Georgie as 'Jackie Boy', too. XD XD I think Luke would make a great John Hartigan but again, that is your call.
Weasel is yellow bastard. XD XD LMFAO @JJWolf you'll love who Robert is. 
This sounds interesting, man. I've only read the books. Heard the movie was crap. :(I may need to go back and refreash my memory now.
Can't wait.