I want to see Gared get more development

I have to say Gared is one of my favorite Telltale characters he has the best back story of any other character and his dialogue is great. I think he should be brought more into light and go into deeper development. I'm very interested where his story takes us and the character changes he will go through


  • With seen a change to Gared in my opinion. In ep2 he seemed so much more angrier and aggressive as opposed to the noble squire we saw in ep1 which makes sense considering what he went through in ep1.

  • Same, I think he is a great character but he hasn't had enough story development yet to also help develop his character a whole lot. Same goes for Asher, I hope we start to see them develop more next episode.

  • agreed with op, he has quite a bit of untapped character development potential, i hope we get that...actually, i hope we get the choice to get that.

  • Gared says he loves bacon, God what more do you want!?

  • Who doesn't love bacon?

    DoubleJump posted: »

    Gared says he loves bacon, God what more do you want!?

  • sigh Pig farmers...

    AlfMusic posted: »

    Who doesn't love bacon?

  • Bacon is overrated. It's great, but it's overrated.

    AlfMusic posted: »

    Who doesn't love bacon?

  • I agree... I want to see more development on all the protagonists and I think that in future episodes I wont be disappointed (I hope)... Gared is one of my favs as well..

  • I loved that transformation... One of my favourite scenes was the fight with Finn.. Gared doesnt put up with anyones shit...

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    With seen a change to Gared in my opinion. In ep2 he seemed so much more angrier and aggressive as opposed to the noble squire we saw in ep1 which makes sense considering what he went through in ep1.

  • He's probably gonna. What with the whole North Grove thing.

  • U wot m8

    Bacon is overrated. It's great, but it's overrated.

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