Will The Forresters ever build a proper army?

Now that Rodrik can wed Elaena the two houses will merge but with House Forrester's like 10 men, and some have been shown to steal is pretty useless and couldn't cut the tits off a Boar


  • Who needs an army when you have a cripple and 10 men!

  • Well Id assume the with the Glenmores help and Asher trying to get an army that there will be some big battle

  • Alt text

    Who needs an army when you have a cripple and 10 men!

  • edited March 2015

    Maybe Ironrath itself won't build an army much bigger than it already has. But if you get the Glenmores at your side plus with the possibility of Asher's sellsword army, they'll have a good amount of people to help defend themselves.

  • And who knows what Mira can accomplish?

  • Doesn't matter, Ludd would reveal his true form and roll and ram everything

    Alt text

    It takes two Dittos to transform into Ludd

  • edited March 2015

    Completely agree. Mira may have the biggest influence on the Houses' survival if she plays her cards correctly in King's Landing.

    Linsepins posted: »

    And who knows what Mira can accomplish?

  • edited March 2015

    With 20 Whitehill soldiers sitting right outside your bedroom door, they would kill all the Forresters/guardsmen before Rodrik could hobble over to see what was going on. Clearly recruiting more men from nearby is not an option, unless they're like a guerrilla force outside the walls or something.

    The Glenmore's betrothal was a good idea, since the army would come from the Reach and unless the Whitehills wanted to anger the Reach, they would let them in. The only flaw to this plan is that the Boltons/Freys might attack the army before it reaches Ironrath and that would complicate things.

    The Merc army led by Asher might have the best chance out of all of them though...but looks the most unlikely to occur with Asher's bad blood with most of the Merc company's in Essos.

    As for Mira, I have no idea where she would get an army from unless the event that will take place soon leaves her entirely blameless in Cersel's eyes. (99.99999% sure that won't happen)

    I believe that the Forresters will be on the backfoot for sometime....maybe they won't ever recover, let alone have a "proper army".

  • Where does it say House Glenmore is from the Reach?

    With 20 Whitehill soldiers sitting right outside your bedroom door, they would kill all the Forresters/guardsmen before Rodrik could hobble

  • Nowhere it does not exist on any book wiki, i´m pretty sure that house Glenmore is a telltale Creation and the house only exist in the game and tv show.

    Walker99 posted: »

    Where does it say House Glenmore is from the Reach?

  • Agreed

    ousen posted: »

    Nowhere it does not exist on any book wiki, i´m pretty sure that house Glenmore is a telltale Creation and the house only exist in the game and tv show.

  • edited March 2015

    It makes me somewhat grumpy because they have not even said where they have their seat. I think it´s in the North because it´s the only logical Place for them to be if they are going to send troops.

    Walker99 posted: »


  • edited March 2015

    Agreed, I think it can safely be assumed they are from the North. Though I think they would be willing to marry into the south in other circumstances, as did Lord Gregor. I don't think it is the right time as the Forresters are in desperate need of reinforcements quickly, and the southern houses can not archive this while the Ironborn hold Moat Cailin.

    ousen posted: »

    It makes me somewhat grumpy because they have not even said where they have their seat. I think it´s in the North because it´s the only logical Place for them to be if they are going to send troops.

  • Yes you are right i erased that before i got your answer it sounded better in my head, they would of course have attempted to get the best Alliance possible before the war.But in the current situation they have no choice.

    Walker99 posted: »

    Agreed, I think it can safely be assumed they are from the North. Though I think they would be willing to marry into the south in other cir

  • Maybe at some point Mira could sneak her way into marrying into a powerful house. That's the only way I see her sending an army there are many other sneaky ways to help from court I think.

    With 20 Whitehill soldiers sitting right outside your bedroom door, they would kill all the Forresters/guardsmen before Rodrik could hobble

  • edited March 2015

    Whoops my bad...I only assumed this because Margaery had some high sway with them like a family member or liege-lord. Pretty weird if Margaery had that much influence over a Northern house. Not to mention that they still have a Medium sized army after Robb called the banners and with the Red Wedding culling happening to most of the Northern Noble families armies.....I think manpower would be an issue as a Northern house right now.

    They must be a Southern house of some kind, not sure who their liege lord is or where though.

    ousen posted: »

    Yes you are right i erased that before i got your answer it sounded better in my head, they would of course have attempted to get the best Alliance possible before the war.But in the current situation they have no choice.

  • No. It will seem like it though but they will fail. Then Stannis rolls in, and season ends. Now give money for season 2 please.

  • They could be sworn to the Karstarks and abandoned Robb when they chopped of Lord Karstarks Head

    Whoops my bad...I only assumed this because Margaery had some high sway with them like a family member or liege-lord. Pretty weird if Margae

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