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  • The second film got positive reception like the first film, but it bombed at the box office. It only grossed half of it's budget...

    I didn't see Fight Club, but I know the plot. I don't see how they could make a second film unless they use a different character :/

    MasterStone posted: »

    Yeah heard mixed reviews about it, the comics seem interesting too. I also read somewhere that there is going to be a new fight club movie.

  • It's supposed to be a sequel, according to the new comics..

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    HazzatheMan posted: »

    The second film got positive reception like the first film, but it bombed at the box office. It only grossed half of it's budget... I did


    I didn't know Fight Club was a comic!!!! XP

  • I didn't know either until Fight Club two was announced.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    OHHHHH I SEE!!! I didn't know Fight Club was a comic!!!! XP

  • edited March 2015

    That kinda explains the film in a way :P

    I just checked and Fight Club is actually a novel. Fight Club 2 is a comic.

    MasterStone posted: »

    I didn't know either until Fight Club two was announced.

  • Nice chapter dude!

    all I wanted was firewood for my fire. I didn't know this wood happen!"

    Haha, 'wood' happen, get it?.... -sigh-

    I need to ask a question about Luke though, are his elemental powers his by default?

    And is this connected to when he removed Death from his heart at all?

    Tetra posted: »

    Case One: The Lost Child Part: Three "Sir it seems that you look a bit lost" A voice said Luke looked over and saw a gray and black st

  • Thanks!

    Wow I didn't even see that o.o good catch! XD

    Yup he was born with them. And no this is way before that.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Nice chapter dude! all I wanted was firewood for my fire. I didn't know this wood happen!" Haha, 'wood' happen, get it?.... -s

  • Ok, fire when he's angry, ice when he's calm and electricity when he is taken by surprise?

    Awww, Death inside him was so cool though :P

    Tetra posted: »

    Thanks! Wow I didn't even see that o.o good catch! XD Yup he was born with them. And no this is way before that.

  • Yup!

    Don't worry I plan to write some stuff when he did ;)

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Ok, fire when he's angry, ice when he's calm and electricity when he is taken by surprise? Awww, Death inside him was so cool though :P

  • I can't wait for Nick to meet Luke in my story now! Even if Luke is an alternate version of himself :P

    I look forward to it XD

    Tetra posted: »

    Yup! Don't worry I plan to write some stuff when he did

  • edited March 2015

    So basically at the end, Carla was beating the shit out of Junior: a.k.a. Bloody Porgie? And you wrote that he was her son too? I'm confused again. :P

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Kingdom of the Underworld..." "No one told me about the other girl..." Hades sat in his chair, drank a rather large glass of Scotch an

  • Y'know, I was just about to ask about Rose Red's whereabouts, until the ending happened. XD Another well-written chapter like usual!

    JJwolf posted: »

    The clock read eleven thirty in the morning but to Robert, the world around him seemed to have paused and he was the only one animated in th

  • edited March 2015

    No Carla was beating the shit out of her son, Junior. Oopps! Sorry for theconfusion. XD XD I'll explain more as to WHY she is still around and what part her sons are playing in this....Oh man....if that WAS BloodyPorgie, Carla would be Swiss Cheese. XD

    So basically at the end, Carla was beating the shit out of Junior: a.k.a. Bloody Porgie? And you wrote that he was her son too? I'm confused again. :P

  • Shit, I have forgotten about him then. And okay, (typical approval response).

    I think everyone would love to see Carla get punished like that, anyway. XD

    pudding_pie posted: »

    No Carla was beating the shit out of her son, Junior. Oopps! Sorry for theconfusion. XD XD I'll explain more as to WHY she is still around a

  • edited March 2015

    You are cordially invited to celebrate the wedding of:

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    Emily Caitlynn Porgie

    On March Twenty-first, Two Thousand & Fifteen
    At 2 o'clock PM
    Thirty-Five Shiprock just past the Farm

    R.S.V.P Mrs. Lyla Porgie
    Reception to follow

    It's happening, folks.The one Porgie who SWORE would never marry....:')

    Will post another chapter later or tomorrow See how I'm feeling XD :)

  • Alt text

    pudding_pie posted: »

    You are cordially invited to celebrate the wedding of: Grendel & Emily Caitlynn Porgie On March Twenty-first, Two Thousand &

  • Well, Belinda's a lucky gal to find the 2 guys in the house, I think she deserves it after the sudden fiasco she dealt with after her family's demise. Yeah, she'll be fine - despite her being on the edge of nearly losing it, it seems.

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    Belinda had arrived in England in 1872. The air was crisp and cold, still tinged with the winter air and dusted with a light layer of white

  • Another wedding?

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    Tez and Rose call dibs on cutting the first cake slice! XD

    pudding_pie posted: »

    You are cordially invited to celebrate the wedding of: Grendel & Emily Caitlynn Porgie On March Twenty-first, Two Thousand &

  • You know how that goes: one gets married, they all follow. XD XD

    LOL I was actually going to sneak all our OC's into the reception, so look out for those two. :D The minute Rose found out Emily Porgie was getting married, she told T man: 'I don't care. We're going to that wedding!' T man is fine. Means there will be food. XD XD

    Another wedding? Tez and Rose call dibs on cutting the first cake slice! XD

  • Even my Nick?

    pudding_pie posted: »

    You know how that goes: one gets married, they all follow. XD XD LOL I was actually going to sneak all our OC's into the reception, so lo

  • Of course, man! :D I have an idea for him and Katie during the reception. XD XD

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Even my Nick?

  • Buuuuuutt... My Nick hasn't been introduced yet... :/

    Although Nick and Katie... That could get interesting :P

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Of course, man! I have an idea for him and Katie during the reception. XD XD

  • edited March 2015

    I'll bring my oldest bottle of champagne that Robby found in a castle. Or something a little sweet..

    pudding_pie posted: »

    You are cordially invited to celebrate the wedding of: Grendel & Emily Caitlynn Porgie On March Twenty-first, Two Thousand &

  • Huh. You're right....well, looks like he will at the wedding! :D :D

    I think you'll like it. :D

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Buuuuuutt... My Nick hasn't been introduced yet... Although Nick and Katie... That could get interesting :P

  • Ok then!! XD

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Huh. You're right....well, looks like he will at the wedding! I think you'll like it.

  • I noticed you're adding all our OC's and I was like 'OH, will Robert be there' and I just noticed something...of course he'll be there.....his brother IS the one getting married and he'll be the best man. LOL XP XP

    I love the little detail you added on the invitation and I'm digging Gren in that plaid shirt. :D YAY! Can't wait for Emily to become Mrs. Grendel. :D

    pudding_pie posted: »

    You are cordially invited to celebrate the wedding of: Grendel & Emily Caitlynn Porgie On March Twenty-first, Two Thousand &

  • Wedding!!! Wahoo! :D

    pudding_pie posted: »

    You are cordially invited to celebrate the wedding of: Grendel & Emily Caitlynn Porgie On March Twenty-first, Two Thousand &

  • edited March 2015

    Oh yes, food is usually the reason in making people actually come to weddings. XD The two'll have fun over there either way, no doubt. :D

    pudding_pie posted: »

    You know how that goes: one gets married, they all follow. XD XD LOL I was actually going to sneak all our OC's into the reception, so lo

  • Detention... 1

    Everyone already gone home.. everyone except the breakfast club. The seven students who have to spend 45 minutes in the dread detention in the massive library room. Ella, Dan, Ashyln, Robert, Lyla Rasputin, and Marcelo. All there for reason in this room with the evil teacher, that the students call, The Warden. That being said The Warden was in charge of detention and took pride in doing it and with wizardry, he was a force to be reckoned.

    As the students enter the library, they immediately take their individual seats. Being that this is Dan's first detention, he has no idea what he's getting himself into. He leans over towards Ella and asked “Soo, do we just sit her and...?”. Ella put in her head phones and blast her music while telling that “Forty four minutes to go..” and puts her head down. The Warden noticed Ella, and began to tap his cold grisly fingers on her desk until he got an response.


    Still no response, so The Warden use his magic to completely make Ella's phone and headset disappear from sight. Ella wakes up and looks The Warden dead in the face as she's about to challenge him. “What give Warden, I NEED those to focus.” Then as The Warden slowly walks back to his desk, with his deep and wicked voice he tells Ella to read a book, like a good student. Then he starts the timer on desk.


    Ten minutes have gone by and everyone and far from the meaning bored. Robert is doing silly things like making ridiculous faces and animal noises, having Ashlyn and Lyla laugh at him in the act. Ella is asleep, Dan is day dreaming, Rasputin is carving things into the wooden desk with his claws and Marcelo... hears a strange sound in the back. Scratching sounds, the same ones Ashyln heard at her locker.. He gets up from his seat and walks carefully towards the sounds.

    The Warden tells Marcelo to sit down, but he ignores him. And as Marcelo draws near he begins to hear a voice in that area that he is walking. Closer.... closer.... you can't fight the hunger.... you cannot resist... Can you feel yourself slipping.... Ashlyn.... As the scratching get louder and louder, the Warden appears in front of Marcelo, infuriated by his misbehavior he uses his magic to hover him back to his seat where Robert begins to laugh at him.

    “Marcelo, try anything like that again and there will be consequences. Understand.” The Warden returning to his seat while picking up a book on, European dishes. Then Rasputin begins to snicker and murmur, “Puny dragon” while continue to carve into the desk. Marcelo scratches his head and flips Rasputin off in which the Russian Dragon proceeds to gets and is caught by The Warden. The two make eye contact and Rasputin carefully returns back to his seat.

    While that was going on, Dan thought his eyes was playing tricks on him. From the book cases, Dan see's the strange girl Mindy slowly walking across the walkway. “You guy's do you see that?” then everyone looks in the direction where Dan is pointing. They see nothing, and The Warden tells Dan to settle down, but Marcelo adds on about hearing a strange voice while he back there, it said something hunger about Ashyln.

    Everyone turns to Ashyln, who has the face of fear on her beautiful face. “It's her, Mindy” she softly let's out and begins to hold on the arms of the chair. Lyla tries to comfort her but Robert insisted that the two take things to the next level and feel on each other, then he is smacked by Lyla with her purse...
    The Warden addresses everyone to settle down or he'll begin to issue out consequences, however Dan wants to know more about this. Mindy. He ask Ashyln about Mindy and what she meant about hunger, but all she can tell her is that Mindy need her for something...

    The lights begin to flicker. More scratching can be heard and everyone begins to become semi frightened. As everyone begins complain and while Ella is still asleep. The Warden again tells everyone to settle down then a bookcase in the back tumbles over and everyone directs their attention back there.
    The lights go off and again and Lyla begins to scream while holding on Robert since see's afraid of the dark. Ella gets and tells everyone to shut the F up and when the light come back on, a human sized creature with several teeth and fangs appears behind Ella.

    “ELLA BEHIND YOU!” Everyone screaming in unison, and as Ella turns around to witness this monster Marcelo throws a fireball at it's face. The creature, whatever ever it is retreats begins the hundreds of bookcases in the back. The Warden commands everyone to gather around and stay close, as he prepares to go after the creature. Marcelo insist that The Warden to not go alone, and but the Warden ignores him and proceeds to hunt down the creature anyway.

    The Warden enters the area where the creature was last seen. Everything is quiet for a moment.. too quiet.. Then there are sounds of something being slammed, then the sound of lighting, and more slamming, then.....


    The screams of The Warden echoed all the way back towards the seven students. The students knew that something went horrible wrong, and if The Warden is dead... they need to quickly figure out a way to survive this encounter...

  • If it's one thing I hate is when someone forcefully takes out my headphones, Although I guess in a way he saved her along with Marcelo. I'm surprised she handled it very well since her father gave her those headphones XD.

    Hahaha Robert on comic relief duty is doing awesome XD

    Uh oh well it was nice knowing ya Warden lol....wait he took her phone and headphones how's she going to get them back!? XD Ella I believe it's time to investigate, and if need be loot a corpse classic RPG style :p

    MasterStone posted: »

    Detention... 1 Everyone already gone home.. everyone except the breakfast club. The seven students who have to spend 45 minutes in the dr

  • Lol, you gave me an idea.

    Tetra posted: »

    If it's one thing I hate is when someone forcefully takes out my headphones, Although I guess in a way he saved her along with Marcelo. I'm

  • Lol glad I could help XD

    MasterStone posted: »

    Lol, you gave me an idea.

  • Rather underhanded of War and Galen to use the orb on Nick like that; though, we do get to see our OC's this way! Still, it isn't going to help Lyra get away from Bigby any sooner, if they can't find her father because he's no longer in the same universe as them.

    it was a picture to be forever drawn and washed away

    Good description!

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I finally got some more written; I have to cover 3 things now because of this chapter, but that's ok :P You'll discover what 3 things when y

  • Would not like to get on the conniving side of those two, but Emily and Gren can pull through. I believe in them. XD Intrigued about how things will change for Hades once Viviana is older and able to talk!

    It's never a party without a cake! :D

    pudding_pie posted: »

    WAIT A SECOND -- is it Carla? Since you and JJ have identified the mysterious redhaired woman, I will say yes. It is Carla. She &

  • Thanks, Tetra! :D

    Tetra posted: »

    Ah Mr. Weasel looks awesome! Great start as well Lupine!

  • Why, thank you. :)

    MasterStone posted: »

    Very dapper, LumpineNoir.

  • Glad you enjoyed it! :D Time-travel will be one of the overall themes of this one; and thanks! I have to agree with you. :3

    JJwolf posted: »

    I love this story and that ending has be wanting to know more about the time travel inccident that Weasel has found himself in! I love the picture, too! He does look good with the stache.

  • Glad I've piqued you!

    Thank you - it won't all be first-person, and it sort of does and doesn't break the 4th wall, but I'll explain that in chapter two. And that the wording is splendid is very pleasing, as it's something I give thought to!

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Well well! Already I'm interested! I admire your usage of first-person narrative, but also how Weasel seems to know that there is a 4th w

  • No problem man! Gives thumbs up Persona 3 MC style

    LupineNoir posted: »

    Thanks, Tetra!

  • That's pretty good after only the first chapter; and yeah, this seemed fitting for a Victorian Weasel. XD Really, say it as often as you like: those are three of the things I often focus on trying to push when I write, so it's good to know it shows! Yeah, can't write comedy like JJ, or Stone, but can't resist slipping something in. :P Thanks!

    pudding_pie posted: »

    I'm liking where the story is heading, not to mention Percy looks rather dashing and quite the gentlemen with that mustache. I always enjoy

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