This chapter is very intense. Your descriptions, such as how the glass sounds as it hits the floor, or Robert's moves with the punch bag bring you really into it; but, more so, the bits of Robert's thinking make you feel like you're there with him, as opposed to just watching him. Makes for emotive reading; glad Rose showed up!
And Robert's choice of Franz Ferdinand is a good one.
The clock read eleven thirty in the morning but to Robert, the world around him seemed to have paused and he was the only one animated in th… moree world. Hands creating a fist, Robert stood before the mirror. The ticking of the clock was driving him silently insane. Peering deep into the glass, it appeared to be taunting him. Mocking the very man that stood before it.
Robert's nostrils flared and before another tick of the clock could pass him by, Robert picks up his massive arms and slams his rock hard fists into the glass. The sound of dropping shards clunked against the tile, drowning out the noise of the clock. Blood dripped from the several knicks and cuts Robert received from the glass. He didn't seem to mind the fresh smell of his own blood or notice the severe pain along his arms.
His emotions became a dark and twisted feeling. Between the thoughts of his long lost love and now the sudden thoughts of murdering his own brother, Robert… [view original content]
Like the description of London! Mr. Wakefield. Hmm. Wondering if he's the Incubus, the father of Matthew; but what would his motives be? Given the mystery surrounding Belinda, it's going to be interesting to find out!
It might seem like a hassle now, but you're closer to the summer break than you were yesterday!
Belinda had arrived in England in 1872. The air was crisp and cold, still tinged with the winter air and dusted with a light layer of white … moresnow. She was shivering at the mouth of the portal, her eyes squinting from the brightness of the day. She'd finally made it. After all those years, she had made it. But it was not with out loss. She'd watched her brother Matthew die before here eyes; that event alone nearly ended her. But somehow, she lifted herself up from the crumbling foundations, moved on despite the pain. She tried not to think about her entire family that was swept away from her because of the Adversary. Whoever that guy is, whatever he is, she vowed to live to see the day that his reign ended. And that might have been one of the few driving factors that helped her stay afloat.
She was in rags for a dress at this point, her corset ripped at the seams. She must have looked as homeless as she was, with dirt stains and strips of le… [view original content]
Lyla is going to have such a time with all the replies. XD
This is going to be good; already looking forward to reading it! And nice invite design!
Wouldn't normally ask but, if you're thinking of listing everyone else's OC's in it, do you think you could slide Dixa in there? It's cheeky of me to ask, and I know she hasn't been in much, but after writing more with her I've kind of grown attached to her and it's the sort of thing she'd go to. Umm, yeah. XD
You are cordially invited to celebrate the wedding of:
Emily Caitlynn Porgie
On March Twenty-first, Two Thousand &… moreamp; Fifteen
At 2 o'clock PM
Thirty-Five Shiprock just past the Farm
R.S.V.P Mrs. Lyla Porgie
Reception to follow
It's happening, folks.The one Porgie who SWORE would never marry....:')
Will post another chapter later or tomorrow See how I'm feeling XD
"AH Look at you four! Gootchie goo! Come to uncle Peter!"
With Ethan and Michelle's help, the four babies settle in the Business Office beside Peter's desk. Gren hands Michelle the diaper bag full of the necessery things. She assures Gren they have it covered; it had been some time since she'd had a baby that young but it didn't hurt to dust off the knowledge and fall right back into 'mommy' duty. Penkle was having a difficult time peeling Seraphina from his face. The little girl was fascinated with the two horns sitting perfectly on the top of his head.
"Baba?" Seraphina points. "Baba, goop?"
"No baby." Gren does his best to take his daughter. "Leave Penkle alone. Those are not baba's or toys."
Penkle did his best to remain calm. He had a daughter at home and although she was no longer in diapers, he could recall the days when she alone caused the most chaos. Sighing heavily and with a mighty heave, pulls Seraphina off his head and into the arms of her father. Screaming and wanting to return to her new friend, Seraphina wiggles and tries to gain Penkle's attention. He ignores the baby and begins his usual routine of dusting the shelves.
"Seraphina, stop!" Gren holds her close to his chest. "What has gotten into you?"
Peter bounces Chloe and Liam in his arms. Ethan was trying to pull Viviana down from the air. "Sounds like someone wants her mommy...."
Gren felt horrible. All the other babies seemed to be fine with the sudden absence of Emily. Seraphina, unfortuantly, was taking the different scene a little harder than her siblings. Gren noticed this during the car ride. Her eyes scanned the front, then to the back and back to the front. She babbled 'mama' and 'bye bye' several times. Even when he parked and called Peter and Ethan down for assistance, Seraphina continued her long search for her mother.
Drowing in tears, Gren kissed his daughter, gently patted her back and hummed a song. It broke his heart to hear and witness his daughter's fears and uncertainty. Michelle took the little girl; if there was anyone that would calm Seraphina down, it would be her. Michelle just reeked of motherly instincts. While rubbing his neck, Ethan began pushing Gren towards the door.
"They'll be FINE, Gren. I promise you, if you need to check up on them, you can."
"I just fuckin' feel awful, Ethan."
"I understand." Ethan opens the door. "Peter, Michelle and I are here, however and assure you they will forget all about you and Emily. Right now, they are suffering seperation anxiety. Once Michelle calms Seraphina down, she'll be back to her giggly and bubbly self. This is new to her, Gren."
"I know." Gren refused to leave. He snatches the door and remains in the doorway. "I just...are you SURE you guys fuckin-"
"Go." Michelle waves her hand. "Shoo shoo, Gren. Go on. WE have this. I promise you."
With a loving, yet firm push, Ethan forces Gren into the halls, towards the elevator and back into the lounge. He did not have children but could relate to how his neice was feeling. As he pushed the large red button for Gren, he could recall throwing fits and tantrums as so when he was left with others. Even his own grandparents found the task difficult of calming Ethan and keeping his mind occupied with something other than his mother. Georgie used to find himself frustrated and concerned; his son was literally screaming bloody murder, as if he was being chopped into little pieces right before his very eyes.
Watching the metal doors closed, he could relate to Seraphina. She was reacting the same way. It took Ethan some time but eventually, the boy was able to visit relatives or strangers and not lose all self control. Peter and the others never acted in such a manner. Even returning to his office, Ethan noticed Seraphina clinging tightly onto Michelle's blouse. The others giggled, played with Peter and didn't seem to notice either Gren or Emily's truancy.
Ethan heads over to Seraphina. Her thumb is lodged into her mouth, lips creating a circle motion as she sucked. He carefully tossled the little girl's hair and fixed her pink bow.
"You'll be fine, sweetie." Ethan taps each of her cheeks. "I promise, before you know it, mommy will be here to pick you up."
"Oh is Emily getting them?"
"Gren said she was off at two. No point in keeping them here if one is home."
Michelle nods and bounces Seraphina in her arms. The little girl seemed to enjoy the movements. Soon, the tears dried up and her whimpering ceased. After nearly twenty minutes of doing this, she relaxed long enough for Michelle to place her in the play pen with the others. Liam was curled in the corner, taking a nap. Michelle noticed the bandages and medication along his spine and shoulders. All but three spikes came in. Although used to the pain and drainage, it still took a lot out of the boy, causing him to sleep off the pain. Seraphina joined her sisters with stuffed animals and blocks.
"They are too precious."
Ethan leans against the railing. "Yeah. I never thought my sister would EVER have kids. She loved on her neices and nephews but she swore all the way to the Heavens that she'd never be a mother OR get married."
Peter overhears the conversation, dances his way over and peeks into the play pen. "Yup. I recall that very odd but entertaining conversation. Emily refused to admit it, though. She WANTED Grendel's babies!"
Leaning against Charming's desk, he thrusts his hips back and forth, indicating the notion of sexual entercourse. Ethan covers his face; Peter was always the comedian of the kids and felt there needed to be a 'demonstration' to everything and anything. He tried not to laugh. To Peter, this meant an encore and perhaps another very detailed verification for his story. Michelle clapped and chuckled at Peter's 'love making' moves.
"Wow, Peter." Ethan rubs his forehead. "Are these the SAME moves you used on Holly?"
"Psssh you wish, Ethan!" Peter continues to grind against the desk. "These, however, are the moves of the Grendel."
"And how, on God's green Earth, would YOU know this?"
"Gren comes off as that really rough guy but he's a gentle giant. He seems like the slow music and candle light person. Do a little of this, then a touch of this and when he has everything in place-WHA-POW!-its baby centeral for the both of them, Emily is pregnant and we are now babysitting their offspring."
"Wow, Peter." Ethan claps, heading towards Penkle. "That is. Bravo. Ten out of ten, bro."
Peter bows, as Michelle continues to clap. "Thank you, thank you. I'll be here all week, folks."
Ethan notices a faint smile on Penkle's face. The yellow Troll was doing his best to avoid Peter's sudden gyrating moves on Charming's desk. Charming was out for lunch and an afternoon meeting. If only he knew HALF of what took place when he was gone. Penkle found himself laughing, making Peter point and twirl in place.
"I made the Troll laugh. He understands. THIS has been a great Monday morning."
"Silly Sheriff." Penkle dusts off a book. "Make laugh. Dance strange. Funny for Emily and Gren."
"WELL, if I'm being honest...they were NOT expecting these four and-"
Michelle seemed surprised, as she reaches into her purse for her wallet. "They....they were not expecting-"
"Michelle, doll, where have you BEEN this last year now? Nope. Gren and Emily, get this, were chilling in his old apartment, right? They have dinner, there are some words spoken and next thing you know, they're kissing and touching. And she's like 'UHHH YEAH, Gren! Do me!' and Gren is like 'OH YES! Let me give you my fish-frog looking babies, Emily! UH! YEAH!' And that's how these four got here."
Ethan rolls his eyes. "Peter, uh....I DON'T think that's what REALLY happened and-"
Peter continues, as he mounts Charming's desk. "And he was like BAM BAM BAM! and Emily was like UH YES! UH YES! and then Gren again UH UH UH UH! and then-"
"OKAY, Peter!" Ethan grabs the Polisher from Penkle's hand and tosses it. "STOP! Ewww! I don't....we don't....Gross, dude!"
Michelle chuckles. "Oh. I had no idea...I always thought they've been together for some time."
"No. It happened, um, fairly quickly works. For both of them."
Ethan and Michelle head for the front door. Peter jumps off of the desk, hands in his pockets and follows. "SOOOO, where are YOU two heading?"
"Lunch, Peter." Ethan points to the clock. "It's our lunch break and we really want a sandwich."
"Uh huh." Peter makes kissing sounds. "You going to get a sandwich or is it a 'SANDWICH', Ethan?"
Penkle could not hold back. He errupts in laughter, causing the three adults to face him. Folding his hands, Ethan was not ammused.
"And WHAT, is so funny, Penkle?"
"Nothing nothing." He waves his rag around. "Me want sandwich, too, boss. Chicken. Everything on it. Extra oil and vinegar. White bread."
"YOU want anything, Peter?"
"A Roast Beef on wheat, please. Everything except for tomatos and Jalapenos. Extra Ranch and Chipolte sauce."
Michelle enters all the information into her phone. Grabbing her by the hand, Ethan leads Michelle out of the room and exits down the hall. Peter and Penkle continue to laugh; turning on the radio, Peter picks up Viviana and dances with the little girl. She smiles, claps and tries to keep up with Peter's singing.
"Your uncle Ethan is in LOVE, little lady. He wants Michelle."
"Michelle bye bye." Viviana waves at the door. "Bye bye. Bye bye! Uncy Ethan bye bye."
"Yes. Uncy Ethan and MAYBE aunty Michelle go bye bye." Peter turns to face Penkle. "I'm calling it, Troll! I bet by the end of THIS week, they'll either hook up or he'll ask her on a date. You in?"
Penkle digs into his pant pocket, pulls out his wallet and slaps down a twenty. "Loser buy dinner, too."
"You're on, Troll." Peter holds up Viviana. "We have witnesses to this glory transaction, folks. We HAVE witnesses!"
Penkle laughs as Peter returns to his dancing. Soon, all four babies have their turn with Peter. Michelle and Ethan made their way down to the first floor. Gren greets them, opens the double doors and watches the pair head down the sidewalk. They too would bring Gren a sandwich for lunch. Little did Peter, Ethan, Gren and the others know, the bet was already on.
Pulling Michelle into a dark alley, the pair lock lips, grab one another's hips and pull close. Ethan pins Michelle to the wall; undoing her hair, Ethan watches as her long, blonde locks drap to the middle of her back and over the shoulders.
"Oh no, boss." Michelle playfully unbuttons a hook on her blouse. "We need to becareful. This is highly inappropriate and not work material...."
Ethan growls; Michelle could see the change beginning in his eyes, as he licks the side of her neck. "Hmmm, well, Miss Toothfairy....what do you suppose we do to make this 'official' then?"
Michelle passionatly kisses Ethan and the pair remain as so for several minutes. Their lunch breaks would never be the same but they could get use to the new 'changes' in their routines.
Any questions, you know the drill. OOOOH snap....seems like Ethan and Michelle did more than just get 'sandwiches' that afternoon. XD
a human sized creature with several teeth and fangs appears behind Ella.
Oh, snap!
began to tap his cold grisly fingers on her desk until he got an response
This makes The Warden seem quite unnerving, and he's a bit of an ass up until the end when he's goes to fight whatever that creature is. The fact that he's presumably died while doing so makes him more of a hero, and it's easier to forget how irritating he must have been. Whatever's going on, they're going to need to stick together! Just maybe not too close, certain people in mind.
Detention... 1
Everyone already gone home.. everyone except the breakfast club. The seven students who have to spend 45 minutes in the dr… moreead detention in the massive library room. Ella, Dan, Ashyln, Robert, Lyla Rasputin, and Marcelo. All there for reason in this room with the evil teacher, that the students call, The Warden. That being said The Warden was in charge of detention and took pride in doing it and with wizardry, he was a force to be reckoned.
As the students enter the library, they immediately take their individual seats. Being that this is Dan's first detention, he has no idea what he's getting himself into. He leans over towards Ella and asked “Soo, do we just sit her and...?”. Ella put in her head phones and blast her music while telling that “Forty four minutes to go..” and puts her head down. The Warden noticed Ella, and began to tap his cold grisly fingers on her desk until he got an response.
Still no… [view original content]
I don't blame you for not wanting to go to either work OR school. XD KI'm sure you're close to spring break; I'm not sure how things work in your home town but I know mine starts in 2 weeks. -throws confetti- YAY!
I like the description of London and the way Belinda looked in the mundane world. At first, I was a bit unsure of Mr. Wakefield; at first I was like 'Oh! This is Franklin's father' but then I sat back and thought ', you moron. His father is dead....' SOOOO, there went that. XD XD Its been a weird morning for me, I know lol But Noir made a good point about Matthew, although Tobias comes to mind, as well, for some reason. Hmmmm. Just going to have to wait and see! I like these 'back in the day' sections. Always fun to read.
Belinda had arrived in England in 1872. The air was crisp and cold, still tinged with the winter air and dusted with a light layer of white … moresnow. She was shivering at the mouth of the portal, her eyes squinting from the brightness of the day. She'd finally made it. After all those years, she had made it. But it was not with out loss. She'd watched her brother Matthew die before here eyes; that event alone nearly ended her. But somehow, she lifted herself up from the crumbling foundations, moved on despite the pain. She tried not to think about her entire family that was swept away from her because of the Adversary. Whoever that guy is, whatever he is, she vowed to live to see the day that his reign ended. And that might have been one of the few driving factors that helped her stay afloat.
She was in rags for a dress at this point, her corset ripped at the seams. She must have looked as homeless as she was, with dirt stains and strips of le… [view original content]
She'll love EVERY second of it, too. I have an idea for it all; the ceremony, reception and how everyone will fall into their places during this special day. And YES! i'd love to add Dixa in there! Cindy is on a 'special' mission and Percy didn't want to go alone, since, you know....he's had a rather interesting time with the Grendel brothers. XD XD
Lyla is going to have such a time with all the replies. XD
This is going to be good; already looking forward to reading it! And nice inv… moreite design!
Wouldn't normally ask but, if you're thinking of listing everyone else's OC's in it, do you think you could slide Dixa in there? It's cheeky of me to ask, and I know she hasn't been in much, but after writing more with her I've kind of grown attached to her and it's the sort of thing she'd go to. Umm, yeah. XD
Lyla - and Georgie's - support for the children has always been enthusiastic. And that's great! Excited to see how it's going to come together, and that Dixa, Cindy and Percy will be there makes me thrilled XD There hasn't been a meeting with the Grendel brothers and Weasel so far that hasn't ended without squashing attempts. XD
She'll love EVERY second of it, too. I have an idea for it all; the ceremony, reception and how everyone will fall into their places during… more this special day. And YES! i'd love to add Dixa in there! Cindy is on a 'special' mission and Percy didn't want to go alone, since, you know....he's had a rather interesting time with the Grendel brothers. XD XD
I love that song. Seems like something Robert would listen too while he 'works' out. I've been looking at some of pie's work and I love the descriptions he uses in his stories. You do that very well yourself and I wanted to do that in this chap. Glad it shows!!! And Rose saved the day. Thankfully.
This chapter is very intense. Your descriptions, such as how the glass sounds as it hits the floor, or Robert's moves with the punch bag bri… moreng you really into it; but, more so, the bits of Robert's thinking make you feel like you're there with him, as opposed to just watching him. Makes for emotive reading; glad Rose showed up!
And Robert's choice of Franz Ferdinand is a good one.
She'll love EVERY second of it, too. I have an idea for it all; the ceremony, reception and how everyone will fall into their places during… more this special day. And YES! i'd love to add Dixa in there! Cindy is on a 'special' mission and Percy didn't want to go alone, since, you know....he's had a rather interesting time with the Grendel brothers. XD XD
Rather underhanded of War and Galen to use the orb on Nick like that; though, we do get to see our OC's this way! Still, it isn't going to h… moreelp Lyra get away from Bigby any sooner, if they can't find her father because he's no longer in the same universe as them.
it was a picture to be forever drawn and washed away
Good description!
LMFAO I loved this chapter! I felt bad for little Seraphina. I know what that's like, too. I can relate to both her and Ethan. I had seperation anxiety when I was a kid. It's hard but she'll come around. Michelle will make it better until Emily gets there.
"I know." Gren refused to leave. He snatches the door and remains in the doorway
Spoken like a true new father. Gren reminds me of some of those parents that hellicopter over their kids and refuse to LEAVE. XD I can't blame him, though. YEAH, he's in the same building but the kids don't know that....they just don't see mommy or daddy and freak. He's such a good daddy.
Peter overhears the conversation, dances his way over and peeks into the play pen
I'm beginning to wonder if the kids witnessed Georgie do this because Peter sure dances, sings and does silly things. XD XD
Leaning against Charming's desk, he thrusts his hips back and forth, indicating the notion of sexual entercourse.
^^^ WTF Just happened in this scene!!! LMAO Freaking Peter! XD
"Wow, Peter." Ethan rubs his forehead. "Are these the SAME moves you used on Holly?"
"Psssh you wish, Ethan!" Peter continues to grind against the desk. "These, however, are the moves of the Grendel."
"And how, on God's green Earth, would YOU know this?"
This entire conversation between the brothers, is one of th reasons why I've grown to love them. They are developing such personalities in this story and I love it. I agree with Ethan, though. XD XD
Poor Penkle, though. Never a dull moment when these three get together. LOL
And she's like 'UHHH YEAH, Gren! Do me!' and Gren is like 'OH YES! Let me give you my fish-frog looking babies, Emily! UH! YEAH!'
XD And:
Peter continues, as he mounts Charming's desk. "And he was like BAM BAM BAM! and Emily was like UH YES! UH YES! and then Gren again UH UH UH UH!
ROFL! I laughed so hard at this! Peter took a few lessons from his sister-in-law's story telling methods, I see. XD XD
I love the quads! So precious!!!
Pulling Michelle into a dark alley, the pair lock lips, grab one another's hips and pull close.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa....WHOA! OMG! I was right about these two!?! I ship them so hard now!!!!! DAWWWWW! OH man! I wonder what the others will think! Will they say ANYTHING or keep it a secret??
I loved this, pie! GREAT work! Can't wait for more, PLUS, that wedding story!
"AH Look at you four! Gootchie goo! Come to uncle Peter!"
With Ethan and Michelle's help, the four babies settle in the Business Office b… moreeside Peter's desk. Gren hands Michelle the diaper bag full of the necessery things. She assures Gren they have it covered; it had been some time since she'd had a baby that young but it didn't hurt to dust off the knowledge and fall right back into 'mommy' duty. Penkle was having a difficult time peeling Seraphina from his face. The little girl was fascinated with the two horns sitting perfectly on the top of his head.
"Baba?" Seraphina points. "Baba, goop?"
"No baby." Gren does his best to take his daughter. "Leave Penkle alone. Those are not baba's or toys."
Penkle did his best to remain calm. He had a daughter at home and although she was no longer in diapers, he could recall the days when she alone caused the most chaos. Sighing heavily and with a mighty heave, pulls Seraphina off his head a… [view original content]
You'll get it eventually. Maybe next time you don't have to draw in the gums? Trying drawing just the teeth instead, that's what I attempt to do with my drawings if I were to make my Fables smile.
Detention... 1
Everyone already gone home.. everyone except the breakfast club. The seven students who have to spend 45 minutes in the dr… moreead detention in the massive library room. Ella, Dan, Ashyln, Robert, Lyla Rasputin, and Marcelo. All there for reason in this room with the evil teacher, that the students call, The Warden. That being said The Warden was in charge of detention and took pride in doing it and with wizardry, he was a force to be reckoned.
As the students enter the library, they immediately take their individual seats. Being that this is Dan's first detention, he has no idea what he's getting himself into. He leans over towards Ella and asked “Soo, do we just sit her and...?”. Ella put in her head phones and blast her music while telling that “Forty four minutes to go..” and puts her head down. The Warden noticed Ella, and began to tap his cold grisly fingers on her desk until he got an response.
Still no… [view original content]
Glad I've piqued you!
Thank you - it won't all be first-person, and it sort of does and doesn't break the 4th wall, but I'll explain that in chapter two. And that the wording is splendid is very pleasing, as it's something I give thought to!
Lyla tries to comfort her but Robert insisted that the two take things to the next level and feel on each other, then he is smacked by Lyla with her purse
............... Heheheheheh :P
I love the suspense here! Who is this Mindy? What is the hunger?...
Detention... 1
Everyone already gone home.. everyone except the breakfast club. The seven students who have to spend 45 minutes in the dr… moreead detention in the massive library room. Ella, Dan, Ashyln, Robert, Lyla Rasputin, and Marcelo. All there for reason in this room with the evil teacher, that the students call, The Warden. That being said The Warden was in charge of detention and took pride in doing it and with wizardry, he was a force to be reckoned.
As the students enter the library, they immediately take their individual seats. Being that this is Dan's first detention, he has no idea what he's getting himself into. He leans over towards Ella and asked “Soo, do we just sit her and...?”. Ella put in her head phones and blast her music while telling that “Forty four minutes to go..” and puts her head down. The Warden noticed Ella, and began to tap his cold grisly fingers on her desk until he got an response.
Still no… [view original content]
"AH Look at you four! Gootchie goo! Come to uncle Peter!"
With Ethan and Michelle's help, the four babies settle in the Business Office b… moreeside Peter's desk. Gren hands Michelle the diaper bag full of the necessery things. She assures Gren they have it covered; it had been some time since she'd had a baby that young but it didn't hurt to dust off the knowledge and fall right back into 'mommy' duty. Penkle was having a difficult time peeling Seraphina from his face. The little girl was fascinated with the two horns sitting perfectly on the top of his head.
"Baba?" Seraphina points. "Baba, goop?"
"No baby." Gren does his best to take his daughter. "Leave Penkle alone. Those are not baba's or toys."
Penkle did his best to remain calm. He had a daughter at home and although she was no longer in diapers, he could recall the days when she alone caused the most chaos. Sighing heavily and with a mighty heave, pulls Seraphina off his head a… [view original content]
And, of course, Lyla is the RSVP XD I could see her scrambling all over the place, after seeing the clamor she made for the quads' birthday party! EEEK! I can't wait And that drawing, Pie! I love the flowers and the detail it has
You are cordially invited to celebrate the wedding of:
Emily Caitlynn Porgie
On March Twenty-first, Two Thousand &… moreamp; Fifteen
At 2 o'clock PM
Thirty-Five Shiprock just past the Farm
R.S.V.P Mrs. Lyla Porgie
Reception to follow
It's happening, folks.The one Porgie who SWORE would never marry....:')
Will post another chapter later or tomorrow See how I'm feeling XD
Well, this story actually deals with her when she first made it to Fabletown (The London Branch, of course.). I never intended her to be an evil character but very misleading and mysterious. She's even hard for me to write about sometimes, as I'm not alway sure how I should write her. Part of me is basing her off of a character from a book, and the other part is trying to give her these unique touches and it's a little hard to balance it out a bit. I'll have another chapter eventually, maybe tomorrow, because I'm pretty beat tired today XD
Well, Belinda's a lucky gal to find the 2 guys in the house, I think she deserves it after the sudden fiasco she dealt with after her family's demise. Yeah, she'll be fine - despite her being on the edge of nearly losing it, it seems.
Like the description of London! Mr. Wakefield. Hmm. Wondering if he's the Incubus, the father of Matthew; but what would his motives be? Giv… moreen the mystery surrounding Belinda, it's going to be interesting to find out!
It might seem like a hassle now, but you're closer to the summer break than you were yesterday!
Spring break I BELIEVE is around Easter, which is on April 5th this year. So it's close enough! But at the same time, I'm just like 'Can't wait for this to be over uggghhh." So yeah XD
You've got some seriously legit guesses as to all of this! Whether any or right or not, you'll just have to wait and find out XD Writing Belinda, as I've said above, is hard to do, because I'm trying to make her come off as normal yet not normal, and no one will really realize it until everything happens. So yep. And I'm also tying it together with the main story, and with what Harms is dealing with and why she's technically 'dead' at this point. It'll all be solved in the long run
I don't blame you for not wanting to go to either work OR school. XD KI'm sure you're close to spring break; I'm not sure how things work in… more your home town but I know mine starts in 2 weeks. -throws confetti- YAY!
I like the description of London and the way Belinda looked in the mundane world. At first, I was a bit unsure of Mr. Wakefield; at first I was like 'Oh! This is Franklin's father' but then I sat back and thought ', you moron. His father is dead....' SOOOO, there went that. XD XD Its been a weird morning for me, I know lol But Noir made a good point about Matthew, although Tobias comes to mind, as well, for some reason. Hmmmm. Just going to have to wait and see! I like these 'back in the day' sections. Always fun to read.
First of all:
Lyla tries to comfort her but Robert insisted that the two take things to the next level and feel on each other, then he… more is smacked by Lyla with her purse
............... Heheheheheh :P
I love the suspense here! Who is this Mindy? What is the hunger?...
Peter is his own world sometimes. XD Seeing as Damien has that 'smartass' humor, I think they'd get along great.
I'm dreading when the time comes for my own daughter. I never did what Seraphina went through in regards to the seperation anxiety but my sister did. Felt bad for Seraphina when I wrote that part...
Peter is a comedy genius!!! I swear to god, he and my OC Damien would be the best of friends! XD
Seeing Seraphina distressed about Emily's absence kinda touched my heart, in a strange way I can understand her confusion :')
LOL I know, right? Emily and her stubborn ways but she finally knows her place and where she belongs.
Lyla loves all this planning and to behonest, she'd rather let her mother handle it. She nearly lost her cool at her children's 1st birthday party. XD Thanks, Ems. That templete was a B to do. My eyes...they were hurting after awhile. XP
And, of course, Lyla is the RSVP XD I could see her scrambling all over the place, after seeing the clamo… morer she made for the quads' birthday party! EEEK! I can't wait And that drawing, Pie! I love the flowers and the detail it has
Oh man! I bet you're looking forward to that break from school, tho. From what you've posted, busy, busy, busy but at least you're getting what needs to be done. Hope work is going great, too.
UGH! NO! XD JK I try to see the big picture but I know there are times it just flies over my head. Good to know some of my guesses made sense. Can't wait to see how Belinda's story entertwines with harm and what has taken place.
Spring break I BELIEVE is around Easter, which is on April 5th this year. So it's close enough! But at the same time, I'm just like 'Can't w… moreait for this to be over uggghhh." So yeah XD
You've got some seriously legit guesses as to all of this! Whether any or right or not, you'll just have to wait and find out XD Writing Belinda, as I've said above, is hard to do, because I'm trying to make her come off as normal yet not normal, and no one will really realize it until everything happens. So yep. And I'm also tying it together with the main story, and with what Harms is dealing with and why she's technically 'dead' at this point. It'll all be solved in the long run
Oh Robert.....will you ever learn? Although that whole Warden thing threw me off and I was like 'Damn....why didn't this happen when I was in detention....' jk Reminded me of those old school 80's movies; not the whole killing thing bu the detention scene. KIND of like the Breakfast Club. :P Can't wait to see what happens next!
Detention... 1
Everyone already gone home.. everyone except the breakfast club. The seven students who have to spend 45 minutes in the dr… moreead detention in the massive library room. Ella, Dan, Ashyln, Robert, Lyla Rasputin, and Marcelo. All there for reason in this room with the evil teacher, that the students call, The Warden. That being said The Warden was in charge of detention and took pride in doing it and with wizardry, he was a force to be reckoned.
As the students enter the library, they immediately take their individual seats. Being that this is Dan's first detention, he has no idea what he's getting himself into. He leans over towards Ella and asked “Soo, do we just sit her and...?”. Ella put in her head phones and blast her music while telling that “Forty four minutes to go..” and puts her head down. The Warden noticed Ella, and began to tap his cold grisly fingers on her desk until he got an response.
Still no… [view original content]
Well, this story actually deals with her when she first made it to Fabletown (The London Branch, of course.). I never intended her to be an … moreevil character but very misleading and mysterious. She's even hard for me to write about sometimes, as I'm not alway sure how I should write her. Part of me is basing her off of a character from a book, and the other part is trying to give her these unique touches and it's a little hard to balance it out a bit. I'll have another chapter eventually, maybe tomorrow, because I'm pretty beat tired today XD
BTW: If it isn't too much to ask, can you add Fayde in? She can be a little small cameo if you'd like, but if you don't want to add her in at all, then that's fine too.
You know how that goes: one gets married, they all follow. XD XD
LOL I was actually going to sneak all our OC's into the reception, so lo… moreok out for those two. The minute Rose found out Emily Porgie was getting married, she told T man: 'I don't care. We're going to that wedding!' T man is fine. Means there will be food. XD XD
"AH Look at you four! Gootchie goo! Come to uncle Peter!"
With Ethan and Michelle's help, the four babies settle in the Business Office b… moreeside Peter's desk. Gren hands Michelle the diaper bag full of the necessery things. She assures Gren they have it covered; it had been some time since she'd had a baby that young but it didn't hurt to dust off the knowledge and fall right back into 'mommy' duty. Penkle was having a difficult time peeling Seraphina from his face. The little girl was fascinated with the two horns sitting perfectly on the top of his head.
"Baba?" Seraphina points. "Baba, goop?"
"No baby." Gren does his best to take his daughter. "Leave Penkle alone. Those are not baba's or toys."
Penkle did his best to remain calm. He had a daughter at home and although she was no longer in diapers, he could recall the days when she alone caused the most chaos. Sighing heavily and with a mighty heave, pulls Seraphina off his head a… [view original content]
Alright, here's another little update to those who have been waiting on their surprise picture concerning the celebration we've had on March 1st - which was the first anniversary of the thread! If any of you forgot about your surprises, well, take this as a reminder/refresher.
Is Bloody Mary's immature humor influencing Peter all of a sudden? Because that's what it seems like. XD I love it!
I called it, Ethan ge… moretting it on with Michelle and all that. Yep... Also, I expected her hair to be a light-brown, not blonde, lol.
BTW: If it isn't too much to ask, can you add Fayde in? She can be a little small cameo if you'd like, but if you don't want to add her in at all, then that's fine too.
LMAO Being around Mary can go either good or bad. In Peter's case, 'twas good! XD He's the jokster of the kids, anyways. Was bound to happen… more.
You and JJ called it. lol I was torn between brown or blonde; it may change from here because now that you mention the light brown hair....Hmmmm. XD
Just have to cross that bridge when you come to it, it depends on how well she handles being alone now. Like for instance, when I was her age, I was fine when I was alone or with my Parent's. If she is calm when she is alone now, then chances are she will be fine
Peter is his own world sometimes. XD Seeing as Damien has that 'smartass' humor, I think they'd get along great.
I'm dreading when the ti… moreme comes for my own daughter. I never did what Seraphina went through in regards to the seperation anxiety but my sister did. Felt bad for Seraphina when I wrote that part...
Alright, here's another little update to those who have been waiting on their surprise picture concerning the celebration we've had on March… more 1st - which was the first anniversary of the thread! If any of you forgot about your surprises, well, take this as a reminder/refresher.
JJwolf - Finished
EMMYPESS - Finished
Tetra - Finished
Hazzatheman - Will start working on it soon :P
Yeah, I'm not sure if it's entirely how I pictured it, but I'm not good at drawing open mouths. XD
This chapter is very intense. Your descriptions, such as how the glass sounds as it hits the floor, or Robert's moves with the punch bag bring you really into it; but, more so, the bits of Robert's thinking make you feel like you're there with him, as opposed to just watching him. Makes for emotive reading; glad Rose showed up!
And Robert's choice of Franz Ferdinand is a good one.
Like the description of London! Mr. Wakefield. Hmm. Wondering if he's the Incubus, the father of Matthew; but what would his motives be? Given the mystery surrounding Belinda, it's going to be interesting to find out!
It might seem like a hassle now, but you're closer to the summer break than you were yesterday!
Lyla is going to have such a time with all the replies. XD
This is going to be good; already looking forward to reading it!
And nice invite design!
Wouldn't normally ask but, if you're thinking of listing everyone else's OC's in it, do you think you could slide Dixa in there? It's cheeky of me to ask, and I know she hasn't been in much, but after writing more with her I've kind of grown attached to her and it's the sort of thing she'd go to. Umm, yeah. XD
"AH Look at you four! Gootchie goo! Come to uncle Peter!"
With Ethan and Michelle's help, the four babies settle in the Business Office beside Peter's desk. Gren hands Michelle the diaper bag full of the necessery things. She assures Gren they have it covered; it had been some time since she'd had a baby that young but it didn't hurt to dust off the knowledge and fall right back into 'mommy' duty. Penkle was having a difficult time peeling Seraphina from his face. The little girl was fascinated with the two horns sitting perfectly on the top of his head.
"Baba?" Seraphina points. "Baba, goop?"
"No baby." Gren does his best to take his daughter. "Leave Penkle alone. Those are not baba's or toys."
Penkle did his best to remain calm. He had a daughter at home and although she was no longer in diapers, he could recall the days when she alone caused the most chaos. Sighing heavily and with a mighty heave, pulls Seraphina off his head and into the arms of her father. Screaming and wanting to return to her new friend, Seraphina wiggles and tries to gain Penkle's attention. He ignores the baby and begins his usual routine of dusting the shelves.
"Seraphina, stop!" Gren holds her close to his chest. "What has gotten into you?"
Peter bounces Chloe and Liam in his arms. Ethan was trying to pull Viviana down from the air. "Sounds like someone wants her mommy...."
Gren felt horrible. All the other babies seemed to be fine with the sudden absence of Emily. Seraphina, unfortuantly, was taking the different scene a little harder than her siblings. Gren noticed this during the car ride. Her eyes scanned the front, then to the back and back to the front. She babbled 'mama' and 'bye bye' several times. Even when he parked and called Peter and Ethan down for assistance, Seraphina continued her long search for her mother.
Drowing in tears, Gren kissed his daughter, gently patted her back and hummed a song. It broke his heart to hear and witness his daughter's fears and uncertainty. Michelle took the little girl; if there was anyone that would calm Seraphina down, it would be her. Michelle just reeked of motherly instincts. While rubbing his neck, Ethan began pushing Gren towards the door.
"They'll be FINE, Gren. I promise you, if you need to check up on them, you can."
"I just fuckin' feel awful, Ethan."
"I understand." Ethan opens the door. "Peter, Michelle and I are here, however and assure you they will forget all about you and Emily. Right now, they are suffering seperation anxiety. Once Michelle calms Seraphina down, she'll be back to her giggly and bubbly self. This is new to her, Gren."
"I know." Gren refused to leave. He snatches the door and remains in the doorway. "I just...are you SURE you guys fuckin-"
"Go." Michelle waves her hand. "Shoo shoo, Gren. Go on. WE have this. I promise you."
With a loving, yet firm push, Ethan forces Gren into the halls, towards the elevator and back into the lounge. He did not have children but could relate to how his neice was feeling. As he pushed the large red button for Gren, he could recall throwing fits and tantrums as so when he was left with others. Even his own grandparents found the task difficult of calming Ethan and keeping his mind occupied with something other than his mother. Georgie used to find himself frustrated and concerned; his son was literally screaming bloody murder, as if he was being chopped into little pieces right before his very eyes.
Watching the metal doors closed, he could relate to Seraphina. She was reacting the same way. It took Ethan some time but eventually, the boy was able to visit relatives or strangers and not lose all self control. Peter and the others never acted in such a manner. Even returning to his office, Ethan noticed Seraphina clinging tightly onto Michelle's blouse. The others giggled, played with Peter and didn't seem to notice either Gren or Emily's truancy.
Ethan heads over to Seraphina. Her thumb is lodged into her mouth, lips creating a circle motion as she sucked. He carefully tossled the little girl's hair and fixed her pink bow.
"You'll be fine, sweetie." Ethan taps each of her cheeks. "I promise, before you know it, mommy will be here to pick you up."
"Oh is Emily getting them?"
"Gren said she was off at two. No point in keeping them here if one is home."
Michelle nods and bounces Seraphina in her arms. The little girl seemed to enjoy the movements. Soon, the tears dried up and her whimpering ceased. After nearly twenty minutes of doing this, she relaxed long enough for Michelle to place her in the play pen with the others. Liam was curled in the corner, taking a nap. Michelle noticed the bandages and medication along his spine and shoulders. All but three spikes came in. Although used to the pain and drainage, it still took a lot out of the boy, causing him to sleep off the pain. Seraphina joined her sisters with stuffed animals and blocks.
"They are too precious."
Ethan leans against the railing. "Yeah. I never thought my sister would EVER have kids. She loved on her neices and nephews but she swore all the way to the Heavens that she'd never be a mother OR get married."
Peter overhears the conversation, dances his way over and peeks into the play pen. "Yup. I recall that very odd but entertaining conversation. Emily refused to admit it, though. She WANTED Grendel's babies!"
Leaning against Charming's desk, he thrusts his hips back and forth, indicating the notion of sexual entercourse. Ethan covers his face; Peter was always the comedian of the kids and felt there needed to be a 'demonstration' to everything and anything. He tried not to laugh. To Peter, this meant an encore and perhaps another very detailed verification for his story. Michelle clapped and chuckled at Peter's 'love making' moves.
"Wow, Peter." Ethan rubs his forehead. "Are these the SAME moves you used on Holly?"
"Psssh you wish, Ethan!" Peter continues to grind against the desk. "These, however, are the moves of the Grendel."
"And how, on God's green Earth, would YOU know this?"
"Gren comes off as that really rough guy but he's a gentle giant. He seems like the slow music and candle light person. Do a little of this, then a touch of this and when he has everything in place-WHA-POW!-its baby centeral for the both of them, Emily is pregnant and we are now babysitting their offspring."
"Wow, Peter." Ethan claps, heading towards Penkle. "That is. Bravo. Ten out of ten, bro."
Peter bows, as Michelle continues to clap. "Thank you, thank you. I'll be here all week, folks."
Ethan notices a faint smile on Penkle's face. The yellow Troll was doing his best to avoid Peter's sudden gyrating moves on Charming's desk. Charming was out for lunch and an afternoon meeting. If only he knew HALF of what took place when he was gone. Penkle found himself laughing, making Peter point and twirl in place.
"I made the Troll laugh. He understands. THIS has been a great Monday morning."
"Silly Sheriff." Penkle dusts off a book. "Make laugh. Dance strange. Funny for Emily and Gren."
"WELL, if I'm being honest...they were NOT expecting these four and-"
Michelle seemed surprised, as she reaches into her purse for her wallet. "They....they were not expecting-"
"Michelle, doll, where have you BEEN this last year now? Nope. Gren and Emily, get this, were chilling in his old apartment, right? They have dinner, there are some words spoken and next thing you know, they're kissing and touching. And she's like 'UHHH YEAH, Gren! Do me!' and Gren is like 'OH YES! Let me give you my fish-frog looking babies, Emily! UH! YEAH!' And that's how these four got here."
Ethan rolls his eyes. "Peter, uh....I DON'T think that's what REALLY happened and-"
Peter continues, as he mounts Charming's desk. "And he was like BAM BAM BAM! and Emily was like UH YES! UH YES! and then Gren again UH UH UH UH! and then-"
"OKAY, Peter!" Ethan grabs the Polisher from Penkle's hand and tosses it. "STOP! Ewww! I don't....we don't....Gross, dude!"
Michelle chuckles. "Oh. I had no idea...I always thought they've been together for some time."
"No. It happened, um, fairly quickly works. For both of them."
Ethan and Michelle head for the front door. Peter jumps off of the desk, hands in his pockets and follows. "SOOOO, where are YOU two heading?"
"Lunch, Peter." Ethan points to the clock. "It's our lunch break and we really want a sandwich."
"Uh huh." Peter makes kissing sounds. "You going to get a sandwich or is it a 'SANDWICH', Ethan?"
Penkle could not hold back. He errupts in laughter, causing the three adults to face him. Folding his hands, Ethan was not ammused.
"And WHAT, is so funny, Penkle?"
"Nothing nothing." He waves his rag around. "Me want sandwich, too, boss. Chicken. Everything on it. Extra oil and vinegar. White bread."
"YOU want anything, Peter?"
"A Roast Beef on wheat, please. Everything except for tomatos and Jalapenos. Extra Ranch and Chipolte sauce."
Michelle enters all the information into her phone. Grabbing her by the hand, Ethan leads Michelle out of the room and exits down the hall. Peter and Penkle continue to laugh; turning on the radio, Peter picks up Viviana and dances with the little girl. She smiles, claps and tries to keep up with Peter's singing.
"Your uncle Ethan is in LOVE, little lady. He wants Michelle."
"Michelle bye bye." Viviana waves at the door. "Bye bye. Bye bye! Uncy Ethan bye bye."
"Yes. Uncy Ethan and MAYBE aunty Michelle go bye bye." Peter turns to face Penkle. "I'm calling it, Troll! I bet by the end of THIS week, they'll either hook up or he'll ask her on a date. You in?"
Penkle digs into his pant pocket, pulls out his wallet and slaps down a twenty. "Loser buy dinner, too."
"You're on, Troll." Peter holds up Viviana. "We have witnesses to this glory transaction, folks. We HAVE witnesses!"
Penkle laughs as Peter returns to his dancing. Soon, all four babies have their turn with Peter. Michelle and Ethan made their way down to the first floor. Gren greets them, opens the double doors and watches the pair head down the sidewalk. They too would bring Gren a sandwich for lunch. Little did Peter, Ethan, Gren and the others know, the bet was already on.
Pulling Michelle into a dark alley, the pair lock lips, grab one another's hips and pull close. Ethan pins Michelle to the wall; undoing her hair, Ethan watches as her long, blonde locks drap to the middle of her back and over the shoulders.
"Oh no, boss." Michelle playfully unbuttons a hook on her blouse. "We need to becareful. This is highly inappropriate and not work material...."
Ethan growls; Michelle could see the change beginning in his eyes, as he licks the side of her neck. "Hmmm, well, Miss Toothfairy....what do you suppose we do to make this 'official' then?"
Michelle passionatly kisses Ethan and the pair remain as so for several minutes. Their lunch breaks would never be the same but they could get use to the new 'changes' in their routines.
Any questions, you know the drill.
OOOOH snap....seems like Ethan and Michelle did more than just get 'sandwiches' that afternoon. XD
Oh, snap!
This makes The Warden seem quite unnerving, and he's a bit of an ass up until the end when he's goes to fight whatever that creature is. The fact that he's presumably died while doing so makes him more of a hero, and it's easier to forget how irritating he must have been.
Whatever's going on, they're going to need to stick together! Just maybe not too close, certain people in mind.
I don't blame you for not wanting to go to either work OR school. XD KI'm sure you're close to spring break; I'm not sure how things work in your home town but I know mine starts in 2 weeks. -throws confetti- YAY!
I like the description of London and the way Belinda looked in the mundane world. At first, I was a bit unsure of Mr. Wakefield; at first I was like 'Oh! This is Franklin's father' but then I sat back and thought ', you moron. His father is dead....' SOOOO, there went that. XD XD Its been a weird morning for me, I know lol But Noir made a good point about Matthew, although Tobias comes to mind, as well, for some reason. Hmmmm. Just going to have to wait and see! I like these 'back in the day' sections. Always fun to read.
She'll love EVERY second of it, too.
I have an idea for it all; the ceremony, reception and how everyone will fall into their places during this special day.
And YES! i'd love to add Dixa in there! Cindy is on a 'special' mission and Percy didn't want to go alone, since, you know....he's had a rather interesting time with the Grendel brothers. XD XD
Lyla - and Georgie's - support for the children has always been enthusiastic.
And that's great! Excited to see how it's going to come together, and that Dixa, Cindy and Percy will be there makes me thrilled XD There hasn't been a meeting with the Grendel brothers and Weasel so far that hasn't ended without squashing attempts. XD
I love that song. Seems like something Robert would listen too while he 'works' out. I've been looking at some of pie's work and I love the descriptions he uses in his stories. You do that very well yourself and I wanted to do that in this chap. Glad it shows!!!
And Rose saved the day. Thankfully. 
THIS^^^^ This should make for some laughs alone. :DI hope Robert can control his, ummm, 'comedian' side during his brother's wedding. XD
That orb was used on another before Nick though... It was Galen's 'other errand'
Yeah I didn't have anything planned for Weasel at first, but I think I do now!!
Believe it or not, Lyra is safest with Bigby, Blossom and Connor than anyone else. It's why Death sent her to them :P
LMFAO I loved this chapter! I felt bad for little Seraphina.
I know what that's like, too. I can relate to both her and Ethan. I had seperation anxiety when I was a kid. It's hard but she'll come around. Michelle will make it better until Emily gets there. 
Spoken like a true new father.
Gren reminds me of some of those parents that hellicopter over their kids and refuse to LEAVE. XD I can't blame him, though. YEAH, he's in the same building but the kids don't know that....they just don't see mommy or daddy and freak. He's such a good daddy. 
I'm beginning to wonder if the kids witnessed Georgie do this because Peter sure dances, sings and does silly things. XD XD
^^^ WTF Just happened in this scene!!! LMAO Freaking Peter! XD
This entire conversation between the brothers, is one of th reasons why I've grown to love them. They are developing such personalities in this story and I love it. I agree with Ethan, though. XD XD
Poor Penkle, though. Never a dull moment when these three get together. LOL
XD And:
ROFL! I laughed so hard at this! Peter took a few lessons from his sister-in-law's story telling methods, I see. XD XD
I love the quads!
So precious!!!
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa....WHOA! OMG! I was right about these two!?! I ship them so hard now!!!!! DAWWWWW! OH man! I wonder what the others will think! Will they say ANYTHING or keep it a secret??
I loved this, pie! GREAT work! Can't wait for more, PLUS, that wedding story!
You'll get it eventually. Maybe next time you don't have to draw in the gums? Trying drawing just the teeth instead, that's what I attempt to do with my drawings if I were to make my Fables smile.
So much for detention, still, the Warden probably got what he deserved. Muahaha!
It's like Weasel is writing a book of sorts
I await more! XD
First of all:
............... Heheheheheh :P
I love the suspense here! Who is this Mindy? What is the hunger?...
Peter is a comedy genius!!! I swear to god, he and my OC Damien would be the best of friends! XD
Seeing Seraphina distressed about Emily's absence kinda touched my heart, in a strange way I can understand her confusion :')
And, of course, Lyla is the RSVP XD I could see her scrambling all over the place, after seeing the clamor she made for the quads' birthday party! EEEK! I can't wait
And that drawing, Pie! I love the flowers and the detail it has 
Well, this story actually deals with her when she first made it to Fabletown (The London Branch, of course.). I never intended her to be an evil character but very misleading and mysterious. She's even hard for me to write about sometimes, as I'm not alway sure how I should write her. Part of me is basing her off of a character from a book, and the other part is trying to give her these unique touches and it's a little hard to balance it out a bit. I'll have another chapter eventually, maybe tomorrow, because I'm pretty beat tired today XD
You're on the right track, I'll tell you that much
I've got a few plans, but whether I even go with them or change my mind is still up in the air XD
It's so close, yet so far XD
Spring break I BELIEVE is around Easter, which is on April 5th this year. So it's close enough! But at the same time, I'm just like 'Can't wait for this to be over uggghhh." So yeah XD
You've got some seriously legit guesses as to all of this! Whether any or right or not, you'll just have to wait and find out XD Writing Belinda, as I've said above, is hard to do, because I'm trying to make her come off as normal yet not normal, and no one will really realize it until everything happens. So yep. And I'm also tying it together with the main story, and with what Harms is dealing with and why she's technically 'dead' at this point. It'll all be solved in the long run
Something incredibly evil, a cryptid..
Jersey Devil is a cryptid, so this could be fun! XD
This one may be slightly more evil..
But... Jersey has Devil in his name :O
Well now I'm excited! XD
Peter is his own world sometimes. XD Seeing as Damien has that 'smartass' humor, I think they'd get along great.
I'm dreading when the time comes for my own daughter. I never did what Seraphina went through in regards to the seperation anxiety but my sister did.
Felt bad for Seraphina when I wrote that part...
LOL I know, right? Emily and her stubborn ways but she finally knows her place and where she belongs.
Lyla loves all this planning and to behonest, she'd rather let her mother handle it. She nearly lost her cool at her children's 1st birthday party. XD Thanks, Ems. That templete was a B to do. My eyes...they were hurting after awhile. XP
Oh man! I bet you're looking forward to that break from school, tho. From what you've posted, busy, busy, busy but at least you're getting what needs to be done. Hope work is going great, too.
UGH! NO! XD JK I try to see the big picture but I know there are times it just flies over my head. Good to know some of my guesses made sense. Can't wait to see how Belinda's story entertwines with harm and what has taken place.
Oh Robert.....will you ever learn? Although that whole Warden thing threw me off and I was like 'Damn....why didn't this happen when I was in detention....' jk Reminded me of those old school 80's movies; not the whole killing thing bu the detention scene. KIND of like the Breakfast Club. :P Can't wait to see what happens next!
I'm pretty sure I figured that part out, since the 1872 gave it away to me.
BTW: If it isn't too much to ask, can you add Fayde in? She can be a little small cameo if you'd like, but if you don't want to add her in at all, then that's fine too.
Is Bloody Mary's immature humor influencing Peter all of a sudden? Because that's what it seems like. XD I love it!
I called it, Ethan getting it on with Michelle and all that. Yep...
Also, I expected her hair to be a light-brown, not blonde, lol.
Alright, here's another little update to those who have been waiting on their surprise picture concerning the celebration we've had on March 1st - which was the first anniversary of the thread! If any of you forgot about your surprises, well, take this as a reminder/refresher.
JJwolf - Finished
EMMYPESS - Finished
Tetra - Finished
Hazzatheman - Will start working on it soon :P
LMAO Being around Mary can go either good or bad. In Peter's case, 'twas good! XD He's the jokster of the kids, anyways. Was bound to happen.
You and JJ called it. lol I was torn between brown or blonde; it may change from here because now that you mention the light brown hair....Hmmmm. XD
Would love to! The more the merrier at the Grendel & Porgie wedding!
Sweet! That's one Irish Fable marked as a guest for the wedding.
Seeing Peter like this caught me by surprise, indeed. Because way before you had him all serious and stuff. Now look at him! XD
Yes, yes, listen to the host of this thread - the host is always right...
DamienxPeter BROMANCE! XP
Just have to cross that bridge when you come to it, it depends on how well she handles being alone now. Like for instance, when I was her age, I was fine when I was alone or with my Parent's. If she is calm when she is alone now, then chances are she will be fine
Hey man take your time, there's no rush, honest