
Okay, so I maybe a little late to the party but I couldnt help to notice that some people were shiping Talia and Ethan, which in my opinion is kinda sick but its not as extreme as the Cluke (btw. I hated that and anyone who worshiped that shit from the bottom of my heart).. Anyho I wanted to make a new couple.. How about Talia and Gared? We can call them Galia or Tared, I dunno... I dont think its bad because they are both kinda young and I think they would be cute together, plus it seemed like they did kinda have a crush on eachother in the first episode (I hope we find out more about their history together in later episodes)..

I have a feeling like I need to say that I didnt mean to offend anyone with this tread, I just made this to express my opinion.. and because im bored.. ok..



  • How about Talia and Gared?

    How are you against Cluke but for Gared and Talia? :P Gared seems to be about Luke's age, and Talia seems wayyy young for him.

    Also everyone knows the master ship is Sera X Cersei's Wine vase thingy.

  • The only OTP is CotterxPotatoes

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    I just don't like shiping in general as I don't like Fanfiction at all.

  • Alt text

    dojo32161 posted: »

    I just don't like shiping in general as I don't like Fanfiction at all.

  • This entire game is just fanfiction made from the devs and discovered they can make money out of it

    Alt text

    dojo32161 posted: »

    I just don't like shiping in general as I don't like Fanfiction at all.

  • Excuse my ignorance, but what is shipping exactly? At first I thought it was two people that would never have a relationship, especially ones that were in different stories to become romantically involved with each other. But now people say they want Gared and Talia or Rhys and Sasha to be an item, but isn't that a strong possibility in their stories?

  • Cotter x Potato

    Eleana x Rodrik

    Rhys x Sasha

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    It's not fanfiction as they've been given the rights from the creators themselves and is considered canon in the universe.

    This entire game is just fanfiction made from the devs and discovered they can make money out of it

  • you forgot Insanity x Lady Forrester

    Cotter x Potato Eleana x Rodrik Rhys x Sasha

  • Rhys and Sasha

    Wrong section there buddy.

    Cotter x Potato Eleana x Rodrik Rhys x Sasha

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Shipping can be anything from romantic pairing to friendships to brother/sister relationships of any fictional character whether or not they are in the same universe.

    DoubleJump posted: »

    Excuse my ignorance, but what is shipping exactly? At first I thought it was two people that would never have a relationship, especially one

  • I feel a bit iffy about Gared & Talia, considering one is 18-19 and the other is 14-15. Admittedly I kind of think they'd be good for each other, but the ship itself makes me really uncomfortable - even with the knowledge that Westeros's age of consent is pretty much 13.

    I kinda wish TTG would just tell us some concrete ages. All we have now is that Ryon is 7 and that Asher is 21+.

  • XD I totally didn't realize that I put that. It's natural man.

    Rhys and Sasha Wrong section there buddy.

  • edited March 2015

    She seems 15-16 and he seems 19, 20 at max.

    Maybe im wrong, i dunno... Some information would be nice.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    I feel a bit iffy about Gared & Talia, considering one is 18-19 and the other is 14-15. Admittedly I kind of think they'd be good for ea

  • To me Talia seems 15 or 16 and maybe im wrong but I think Gared is younger than Luke... Even if he is Lukes age, Clementine is 11 (a bit more extreme dont you think).. I also got disgusted by "Cluke" because of the person (Im not gonna bother saying her name, shes not worthy) who made that up and her disrespectful attitude... Dont get offended, and sorry if in my thread I made a misleading topic but I didnt mean that they have to fuck onscreen, I just like both characters and I thought they were cute in that scene when Gared was leaving...

    Green613 posted: »

    How about Talia and Gared? How are you against Cluke but for Gared and Talia? :P Gared seems to be about Luke's age, and Talia seems wayyy young for him. Also everyone knows the master ship is Sera X Cersei's Wine vase thingy.

  • edited March 2015

    I think Talia and Ethan are 14-15. Gared's still a squire at the game's start, and his sister's only 13, so I reckon he's only in his late teens. Don't let the chinscruff fool you.

    Personally, I ship Ludd Whitehill's giblets and the Forrester greatsword. Get all up in there. Phwoar.

    Green613 posted: »

    How about Talia and Gared? How are you against Cluke but for Gared and Talia? :P Gared seems to be about Luke's age, and Talia seems wayyy young for him. Also everyone knows the master ship is Sera X Cersei's Wine vase thingy.

  • Talia and Ethan? WTH... They are not Cersei and Jamie. It's even sicker than Cluke... or maybe not. I don't know. It's just sick.

  • Alt text

    GF1115 posted: »

    Talia and Ethan? WTH... They are not Cersei and Jamie. It's even sicker than Cluke... or maybe not. I don't know. It's just sick.

  • edited March 2015

    I honestly do not see the big deal about the Ethan x Talia shipping. They're both the same age, aren't real people, and they're in a world where dragons and giants riding mammoths exist. I don't like the Rodrik x Asher shipping but I don't go around bashing it, I just ignore comments about it. But maybe I'm a little biased, considering how I don't think Jaime and Cersei's relations are a big deal, besides the problems it caused for the Realm.

    Clarification: I don't necessarily "ship" Ethan x Talia, it's more that I think people are overreacting to it.

    Probably gonna get some hate for saying this, but I stand by it.

  • I didnt really "bash" the Ethan and Talia fans, I just stated my opinion that I dont like it because its just wrong in my eyes...

    Yes, they arent real people or in a real world, but whats the point of this forum if we cant make discussions about them, whats the point of all story based movies, video games etc. Besides its not like the real world is that great...

    I do however admit that I may have, as you say "bashed" opinions on the "Cluke"... People have right to think and fantasize about whatever they want and whoever they want, its their bussines.. But most of the Cluke fans and especially that evil, disgusting, troubled girl who made it up go around fan forums, videos, sites, I even saw it on the TWD wikia and bash people.. I havent seen one discusion with her in it that didnt end and begin in insulting,lying and i dont know what else even when the other person was calm and nice...

    So there... You can stand by your opinion and I will respect that and stand by mine... Have a good day sir...

    I honestly do not see the big deal about the Ethan x Talia shipping. They're both the same age, aren't real people, and they're in a world w

  • Why did you get so defensive? I know that some people think incest, whether with real people or fake people, is wrong and "sick". I'm not trying to sway people to change their opinion on it, because that would be a fruitless battle. Just like how trying to sway me to think Ethan x Talia is disgusting and wrong is fruitless.

    I didnt really "bash" the Ethan and Talia fans, I just stated my opinion that I dont like it because its just wrong in my eyes... Yes, th

  • [removed]

    I didnt really "bash" the Ethan and Talia fans, I just stated my opinion that I dont like it because its just wrong in my eyes... Yes, th

  • Im sorry if i offended you in any way.. Incest is kinda bad but FOR ME it was worse when concerning Talia and Ethan because they are still kids and their relationship as Brother and Sister was so sweet and perfect I kinda felt that would be ruined with, you know, incest and stuff like that... Sorry,again.. Didnt mean to start a fight...

    Why did you get so defensive? I know that some people think incest, whether with real people or fake people, is wrong and "sick". I'm not tr

  • I ship Rodrik x Gwyn, Asher x Malcolm, and Elaena x Gared.

  • edited March 2015

    I'm Sorry, But

    EDIT: But I do support the Rodrik x Gwyn

    I ship Rodrik x Gwyn, Asher x Malcolm, and Elaena x Gared.

  • Ain't nothing wrong with a few sausage fights here and there.

    I'm Sorry, But EDIT: But I do support the Rodrik x Gwyn

  • But, it's his uncle...

    Green613 posted: »

    Ain't nothing wrong with a few sausage fights here and there.

  • Umm no master ship is Knife X Damiens neck

    Green613 posted: »

    How about Talia and Gared? How are you against Cluke but for Gared and Talia? :P Gared seems to be about Luke's age, and Talia seems wayyy young for him. Also everyone knows the master ship is Sera X Cersei's Wine vase thingy.

  • Coal Boy X Water

    Umm no master ship is Knife X Damiens neck

  • And this is Game of Thrones, where incest happens on a daily basis.

    But, it's his uncle...

  • Talia is around 15 and Gared is like close to 20. In Game of Thrones terms, that's not entirely uncommon.

    Green613 posted: »

    How about Talia and Gared? How are you against Cluke but for Gared and Talia? :P Gared seems to be about Luke's age, and Talia seems wayyy young for him. Also everyone knows the master ship is Sera X Cersei's Wine vase thingy.

  • Deanerys x Dragon's fire

  • Alt text

    And this is Game of Thrones, where incest happens on a daily basis.

  • I think we are meant to think that there is some (unrequited) affection between Talia and Gared. In the limited time we (as Gared) are in Ironrath, Talia actively seeks us out at least twice, and both times there is a definite emotional undertone to their interactions. She even gives him a token when he leaves for the Wall, like a lady giving a knight her favor in a tourney.

    As for their ages i believe Talia and Ethan are 13-14 and i would say Gared was 15-17 IMO. No one ever mentions that he is a man grown, but the fact that Lord Forrester promotes him from squire leads me to believe that if he isn't 16 yet he most likely will be soon.

    I don't think that their ages would prevent them from being together, i personally think it's Lady Forrester and the Maester who have been trying to keep them from forming a romantic attatchment to each other. Look how quickly the Maester sends her to bed after she comes to speak to Gared. There is no way that Gared would be considered a 'suitable' match for a highborn lady. Especially now, with the House in such peril. Maybe if Lord Forrester had lived, he seemed to have a great respect for Gared.
    But the only way i can see Talia winding up with Anyone, is if House Forrester must make another alliance through marriage.

  • i would say Gared was 15-17 IMO. No one ever mentions that he is a man grown, but the fact that Lord Forrester promotes him from squire leads me to believe that if he isn't 16 yet he most likely will be soon.

    I personally believe that Gared is a little older than 16. I can see him being in his early twenties.

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    I think we are meant to think that there is some (unrequited) affection between Talia and Gared. In the limited time we (as Gared) are in Ir

  • I have a feeling it isn't unrequited, because Gared wistfully looks at the necklace when he arrives at the Wall. While he might just be reminding himself of home, Talia's the one who gave it to him. The devs/storywriters definitely included those two 'moments' in Iron From Ice for a reason, though, so I guess it'll be brought up later on unless it's dropped like stuff in TWAU or TWD.

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    I think we are meant to think that there is some (unrequited) affection between Talia and Gared. In the limited time we (as Gared) are in Ir

  • Maybe i used the wrong term, unexpressed, secret or 'star-crossed' may be better for what i was trying to get across. I didn't mean to imply that i thought they didn't have feelings for each other, only that an open relationship between them would probably not be allowed to happen because of their difference of station. And i assume they both knew this and it made things slightly awkward for them both.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    I have a feeling it isn't unrequited, because Gared wistfully looks at the necklace when he arrives at the Wall. While he might just be remi

  • this is just the feeling i get, I think it's left pretty open ended, and i could see him being older.

    fallandir posted: »

    i would say Gared was 15-17 IMO. No one ever mentions that he is a man grown, but the fact that Lord Forrester promotes him from squire lead

  • Yeah, that's probably a better way of saying it. I think Gared's a bit clueless in that regard. He might like her, but isn't sure whether the feeling is mutual or not (even though it seems like it is).

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    Maybe i used the wrong term, unexpressed, secret or 'star-crossed' may be better for what i was trying to get across. I didn't mean to imply

  • I got the feeling he is kinda clueless too. Like he wonders if she means what he wants her to mean by it, but doesn't want to get his hopes up, or embarass them both by asking for clarification. It's kind of amusing that even in Westeros, you can still be an awkward 'teen'.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Yeah, that's probably a better way of saying it. I think Gared's a bit clueless in that regard. He might like her, but isn't sure whether the feeling is mutual or not (even though it seems like it is).

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