Episode 2 Release Date Discussion - Release Dates "Starting March 17th", Official Trailer In Thread



  • Oh boy, I just hope that it's at least this week for us Xboxers :O

  • God damn it PSN Store, UPDATE!

    This is going to literally kill me...

  • Ugh, I know, right? Normally it's updated by now. They're late today. >.< At this rate, I'm not going to be able to finish it before work, like I wanted to.

    God damn it PSN Store, UPDATE! This is going to literally kill me...

  • It should be on PSN right now

  • it dosent matter what country its out for if the company makes a promise they better deliver for what i payed for and others not someone that just wants to there comment in that probably dont even have the game people getting banned for freedom of speech is against constitutional rights

    It should be out sometime today, but I do not know at which point in time. I also do not know if that only applies to PSN USA, or also PSN EU.

  • Is it for you?

    Not for me.

    papichul016 posted: »

    It should be on PSN right now

  • I was so hyped today for it during school and I come home and turn everything on and I see "Coming Soon"...Help me.

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    Ugh, I know, right? Normally it's updated by now. They're late today. >.< At this rate, I'm not going to be able to finish it before work, like I wanted to.

  • If you look closely you can pin-point the exact moment GoldenPaladin's heart splits in two

    I was so hyped today for it during school and I come home and turn everything on and I see "Coming Soon"...Help me.

  • ;-;

    If you look closely you can pin-point the exact moment GoldenPaladin's heart splits in two

  • Seems like psn updated but it isn't there?

  • edited March 2015

    As far as I can tell, the store hasn't updated at all yet. The front page is still the same, both on the web and console version.

    Really weird. I've never not seen the store update at Noon. Wonder why they're running late. :/

    2DLee posted: »

    Seems like psn updated but it isn't there?

  • At least you don't have to wait till friday to play it ;-;


  • Still not showing up for me on PS4. When was the PS store supposed to/going to update?

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    Nobody is getting banned for "freedom of speech" :/

    All Blind Sniper was pointing out is that Sony are the ones who control what time the episode will release on their store and the EU store is operated by Sony's European headquarters so it will release at a different time.

    it dosent matter what country its out for if the company makes a promise they better deliver for what i payed for and others not someone tha

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited March 2015

    I never said nor implied Telltale would not give out the game today - I just said I don't know at what time today that they will. Volunteer Moderators are not Telltale staff, and we know as much as regular users do. Also, how is that bit about people getting banned even relevant at all? Where did I say I would ban people for expressing their opinion? I never even said nor implied anything about banning people at all.

    it dosent matter what country its out for if the company makes a promise they better deliver for what i payed for and others not someone tha

  • On psn earlier it said spring sale week 2 now it says 3. But still no tales.

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    As far as I can tell, the store hasn't updated at all yet. The front page is still the same, both on the web and console version. Really weird. I've never not seen the store update at Noon. Wonder why they're running late.

  • edited March 2015

    Huh, weird. Still showing week 2 for me. Well, at least this means they're in the process of updating right now?

    Regardless, at this point seems like I'm going to have to wait till the evening when I get home from work to play it.

    2DLee posted: »

    On psn earlier it said spring sale week 2 now it says 3. But still no tales.

  • Dammit, still not on PSN.


  • That surprised me too.

  • Yeeeaaahhh. Okay. At this point it's starting to feel like they got the Playstation release date wrong.

  • Bruh, it's Handsome Jack bruh!

    That surprised me too.

  • You say that like he's trustworthy. :P

    papai46 posted: »

    Bruh, it's Handsome Jack bruh!

  • Still no 360 release date?
    Alt text

  • Thread: episode 2 for Xbox 1?

    been waiting a long time for this episode to come out, just wandering when is it come out for the xbox 1. because it still not out and it post to be out to day?

  • Only 3.9 percent at last count bought the mega super awesome caravan too :(

  • That's cause we all wasted it on the masks/not stealing from the dead guy.

    Burricho posted: »

    Only 3.9 percent at last count bought the mega super awesome caravan too

  • Figures psn takes the longest when we've waited longest for the episode. Losing patience

  • most of the time on 360 and Xbone it releases on wednesdays. Are you from europe? If so, you just have to follow the time zones.

    j0ltfish posted: »

    Thread: episode 2 for Xbox 1? been waiting a long time for this episode to come out, just wandering when is it come out for the xbox 1. because it still not out and it post to be out to day?

  • Honestly, I don't think it's coming today. I've checked and they've got all the new releases for the 17th up already in the store.

    Either Telltale was wrong about the release date for PS3/4, or Sony messed up when updating the store. Sigh. :/

    2DLee posted: »

    Figures psn takes the longest when we've waited longest for the episode. Losing patience

  • o fuck.

    Pls...My body is ready.

    Deadpoolian posted: »


  • WAIT. I JUST REFRESHED THE WEBSITE VERSION OF THE STORE AND THERE WAS A BANNER FOR EPISODE TWO. Clicked it and the link wasn't working yet. They're still updating the store. Damn, they're nearly an hour late at this point. But it's coming, guys. Keep refreshing!

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    Honestly, I don't think it's coming today. I've checked and they've got all the new releases for the 17th up already in the store. Either Telltale was wrong about the release date for PS3/4, or Sony messed up when updating the store. Sigh.

  • Yeah, I had someone join my stream and complain, couldn't really help them cause I got mine off steam.

    2DLee posted: »

    Figures psn takes the longest when we've waited longest for the episode. Losing patience

  • I haven't spent a cent for some reason... Rainy day fund?

    Dapnee posted: »

    That's cause we all wasted it on the masks/not stealing from the dead guy.

  • I got that thing, but going to make more Races for Scooter now )

    Burricho posted: »

    Only 3.9 percent at last count bought the mega super awesome caravan too

  • You're that much closer to a turbomansion, you lucky bastard you.

    I haven't spent a cent for some reason... Rainy day fund?

  • Jack, you son of a taint, stop teasing me. :I

    Alt text

    o fuck. Pls...My body is ready.

  • He's just like "You ready kiddo? Too bad you'll have to wait to return to Pandora...I'll be waiting."

    Son of a bitch, I'll kill you hologram Jack.

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    Jack, you son of a taint, stop teasing me. :I

  • I've got to leave for work in like an hour and a half, but so long as I can play the opening sequence with Jack, I'll be happy enough. At least I only have a four hour shift today, so I'll have time for the rest after work.

    He's just like "You ready kiddo? Too bad you'll have to wait to return to Pandora...I'll be waiting." Son of a bitch, I'll kill you hologram Jack.

  • I really hope It comes out today....Very soon today.

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    I've got to leave for work in like an hour and a half, but so long as I can play the opening sequence with Jack, I'll be happy enough. At least I only have a four hour shift today, so I'll have time for the rest after work.

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