ep 2 choices


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    Some unpopular decisions, it seems.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    My Choices.

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  • What was actually in Sasha's gift?

  • I can't believe you looked in that man. Where's that sisterly trust????

  • It was a pocket watch/locket with a picture of Sasha and Felix with an inscription that said something along the lines of 'Time heals all wounds' (or some other cliché time saying).

    StrawHuman posted: »

    What was actually in Sasha's gift?

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    In all honesty, I think trusting Jack with "further" control over Rhys is going to be the downfall of the group, I'm avoiding it for now. Can't wait to see what that grenade did.

  • Curiosity killed the Jack.

    I wasn't going to take it for myself, I just wanted to know!

    Dapnee posted: »

    I can't believe you looked in that man. Where's that sisterly trust????

  • HiroVoidHiroVoid Moderator

    I'm wondering how accurate some the choices are now since a good bit of the minority choices seem popular.

  • edited March 2015

    Only 2.8% chose the scooter special... So you wanna be a playa... but your wheels arnt fly...

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  • What happens if you trust Jack?

  • Fiona:

    1. Told Sasha to help Rhys
    2. Chose Maliwan Brand
    3. Didn't peek inside her gift
    4. Shot Finch with Shock Damage


    1. Told Vaughn about HJ
    2. Went to Hollow Point
    3. Brofisted Vaughn
    4. Trusted Fiona
  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    My website choices are up now

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    Other people should be able to see their choices here http://www.telltalegames.com/talesfromtheborderlands/episodes/2/choices

  • edited March 2015

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    My choices. Well I'm in the minority aren't I :D

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator
    edited March 2015

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  • I'm with you on the Jack situation. He's too smart for anyone's good, he already has limited control over Rhys' mechanical bits and pieces, and i think he would do just about Anything to anyone to get back to what he thinks is his 'rightful status' of being alive and in charge.

    He might be useful, but I definitely do not trust him.

  • Does anyone else think it's really weird how much in the minority going to Hollowpoint seems to be right now?

  • I went to Hollowpoint first, but now i think i want to change it because if you go to Old Haven first, Fiona and Sasha meet Janey and get to steal Athenas shield. Which I definitely want.

  • HiroVoidHiroVoid Moderator

    Looks like the real statistics are up now.

  • edited March 2015

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  • edited March 2015

    Here's my choices:
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    Also, told Vasquez to eat shit. Amazing.

  • Huh, somehow I missed this thread.

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  • edited March 2015

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    These are the choices I'm sticking with, and I seem to be in the minority for a LOT of them...


    • -Told Sasha to help me because "Sisters before Misters". I'd want my sister to help me out and stick together.
    • -Jakobs are my second favorite brand of gun after Hyperion, and since there is no Hyperion skin, why not.
    • -I peeked because I was curious, and Sasha was distracted so hopefully she won't know I looked. Curiosity gets the better of me.
    • -I went with Fire because it's my least favorite element, so I wanted the more useful elements to be saved for future episodes.


    • -I told Vaughn about Jack, but now I wonder if I will regret it. I don't trust him anymore...
    • -Old Haven seemed like the obvious choice at the time, since indeed the girls knew to meet us there. Plus you miss Janey and Athena's shield if you don't. Worth it.
    • -I left Vaughn hanging, and I didn't forgive him. I don't trust him, never mind my hypocrisy since I was gonna sell him out. >A>;
    • -I trusted Jack, because he seemed to have an actual plan, and it is FAR more tense than Fiona's ending.

    Really looking forward to see what happens next episode...

  • He sticks his finger in the hole in your head and, like a musical conductor, has complete control over the bots with a few waves of the hands and faces them towards the window. It cuts off right when they are facing Vasquez and everyone.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    What happens if you trust Jack?

  • What happens if you trust Fiona? I trusted Jack (under peer pressure from my brother who's a huge Borderlands fan) and that outcome was fairly interesting, but I'd love to know what happens if you trust Fiona.

  • edited March 2015

    Thought the stats were updated. Guess not.

  • I think that could be foreshadowing that Sasha will eventually get over it.

  • It's kind of underwhelming in comparison. I picked her on my first play through, and she just activates the dodgy home-made grenade and throws it up in the air, when it comes down it just bounces on the floor and nothing happens but after a few seconds it detonates and the screen fades to black. Definitely prefer Jack's ending, that's what I'm keeping as canon for episode 3.

    What happens if you trust Fiona? I trusted Jack (under peer pressure from my brother who's a huge Borderlands fan) and that outcome was fairly interesting, but I'd love to know what happens if you trust Fiona.

  • Omid's catOmid's cat Banned
    edited March 2015

    "You and 26.8% of players trusted Fiona."

    Weird. Jack is mad villain, would kill you with pleasure, and Fiona is ...you (also).

    Conclusion - players do not trust themselves.

  • Told Sasha to help Rhys becasuse he doesn't know how to handle himself as well as Fiona

    Selected Maliwan because it looked good

    Didn't look inside Sasha's gift because you have to respect her privacy. Also sisterly trust

    Shot Finch with incendiary damage because it would cause most damage to a human

    Told Vaughn about Handsome Jack because someone needs to know what's going on with Rhys

    I chose to go to Old Haven because the girls could meet me there

    I bro-fisted Vaughn because we are Bros!!

    I trusted Fiona because she's me and you cannot (I repeat cannot) trust Handsome Jack

  • edited March 2015

    Yeah, I don't trust myself anymore when I'm running around with an armed grenade, just waiting to blow us all to the smithereens :P

    Omid's cat posted: »

    "You and 26.8% of players trusted Fiona." Weird. Jack is mad villain, would kill you with pleasure, and Fiona is ...you (also). Conclusion - players do not trust themselves.

  • Rhys' dialogue to Fiona after she throws the grenade is kinda funny, 'what, thats how you're helping? Just throwing things around!?'

    And then she goes, 'what? No, i think it's supposed to explode.' And then the episode ends with us not knowing if it explodes or not.

    I liked it, and i dunno. I just can't give Jack what he so clearly wants. Look how maniacally gleeful he is if you give him your permission.

    It's kind of underwhelming in comparison. I picked her on my first play through, and she just activates the dodgy home-made grenade and thro

  • I don't think it is just a normal home-made grenade because when you first got the item its title was "home-made grenade?" emphasis on the question mark.... hoping for something awesome that Felix made for Fiona and Sasha

    It's kind of underwhelming in comparison. I picked her on my first play through, and she just activates the dodgy home-made grenade and thro

  • I agree, i threw one at Athena earlier and i couldn't tell whether it did anything or not. So, either they are defective explosive grenades, or they do something unexpected.

    I don't think it is just a normal home-made grenade because when you first got the item its title was "home-made grenade?" emphasis on the question mark.... hoping for something awesome that Felix made for Fiona and Sasha

  • edited March 2015

    Mine were the following...


    • You and 79.3% of players told Sasha to help Rhys.
    • You and 30.6% of players selected Jakobs Brand.
    • You and 81.2% of players didn't peek inside Sasha's gift.
    • You and 29.9% of players shot Finch with shock damage.

      More choices from the website:

    • What did you do when Sasha lamented losing Felix and the money? You and 17.7% of players told Sasha that you'll still be richer than her wildest dreams, but that money isn't everything.

    • When pursued by Athena, did you split up or stick with Sasha? While being chased through Hollow Point, you and 73.9% of players stuck tight to Sasha.
    • Did you think the guys would be okay on Pandora by themselves? After losing Rhys and Vaughn off the back of the caravan, you and 26.9% of players told Sasha that they wouldn't last the night.
    • How did you respond to Scooter's endorsement deal? After Scooter offered to fix your caravan for an endorsement deal, you and 50.2% of players agreed to take him up on the offer.


    • You and 18.3% of players kept Handsome Jack a secret.
    • You and 67% of players chose to go to Hollowpoint.
    • You and 90.6% of players bro-fisted Vaughn.
    • You and 65.4% of players trusted Fiona.

      More choices from the website:

    • How did you break news of his demise to Handsome Jack? During your first conversation with Handsome Jack, you and 31.9%of players told Jack you'd help him get back on top.

    • What was your response when Vaughn said he never felt so alive? When Vaughn was high on defying death, you and 15.6% of players warned him not to get reckless.
    • How did you react to seeing weirdly buff Vaughn? When Vaughn took off his shirt, you and 20.1% of players said he needed to get to a veterinarian, because those pythons looked sick!
    • Any... last words? Held at gunpoint, you and 56% of players told Vasquez to eat shit.
    • What did you hack to escape Vasquez? Using your newfound hacking skills, you and 35.8% of players took control of Vasquez's car.
  • I literally chose the opposite of every single choice you made. Wow...

    fayescarlet posted: »

    These are the choices I'm sticking with, and I seem to be in the minority for a LOT of them... FIONA * -Told Sasha to help me becaus

    • I told Sasha to help Rhys.
    • I told Vaughn about Handsome Jack.
    • I chose to go to Hollowpoint.
    • I bro-fisted Vaughn.
    • I selected the Maliwan brand.
    • I didn't peek inside Sasha's gift.
    • I shot Finch with incendiary damage.
    • I trusted Jack.
  • My thoughts were the opposite when I chose to trust Jack actually. Jack was more likely to have my health in mind because if I go, he goes. Plus, Fiona seemed to go crazy in that moment, so I was pretty hesitant haha.

    Omid's cat posted: »

    "You and 26.8% of players trusted Fiona." Weird. Jack is mad villain, would kill you with pleasure, and Fiona is ...you (also). Conclusion - players do not trust themselves.

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