Give backstabbing Vaughn a fist bump. At this point, your basically saying you forgive him.



  • edited March 2015

    I chose "I'll get over it." which I assumed was the more neutral, "we'll see" option, but instead Rhys just went full-blown BRO, BRO, BROBROBROBROBROBRO instead which was a shame.

    We also don't rreeaallyy know if he genuinely intended to go through with it. If he did, it wouldn't surprise me, but we'll see.

  • We don't know yet. And we can't lie in saying we forgave him so... What the character said =/= not what people meant.

    It's also not that wise to aggro your only allies, be it Vaughn or Jack. If it was all real-real, I would've been as evasive as possible.

  • A lot of people warned Felix about the bomb in the first episode (I let him "choke on it"), why can't I forgive my bro? He didn't fully stab me in the back, he basically was told to do it, he held the knife there for at least the first episode, and then dropped it in this one, so much different than Felix, for whatever intention he had.


  • When he said he was sorry and that he wouldn't go through with it, it did seem pretty genuine, like he was telling the truth, which is why I decided to fist bump him. But there will be that part of me that will be hesitant in trusting him in the future, he's going to have to really prove to me that he didn't intend to go through with it. I don't want this to become another Bonnie situation from TWD where I forgave her and she betrayed us again.

  • I fist-bumped him but i don't trust him. He will have to earn back my trust.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    That's because I did forgive him.

  • I think if he was genuine he wouldn't tried to betray Rhys at the end, but he didn't, even when Vasquez and armed goons were all around him. I don't think he meant to genuinely betray Rhys.

  • HiroVoidHiroVoid Moderator

    It'd be kind of weird to hold a grudge against him when I did the same thing for the same reasons.

  • I really don't see Vaughn as truly trying to backstab Rhys. I can't hold a grudge against him, man. I totally forgive him.

  • I remained silent(which was AWESOME ! Rhys gave him one of his "you fucked up" looks and Vaughn was kinda in shock) and then didn't fist bump either . Although the BROBROBROBRO thing did happen , but Fiona said it and Rhys just denied .

  • shame indeed... true is like the decision don't matter, the real thinks was BRO FIST, I didn't recognize him as a bro but loaderbot save him from his shame

    Arbitrator posted: »

    I chose "I'll get over it." which I assumed was the more neutral, "we'll see" option, but instead Rhys just went full-blown BRO, BRO, BROBRO

  • Maybe because we actually forgave him?

  • Because, honestly, I believed him when he said he wasn't intending to follow through with it. I didn't forgive him outright, I told him I'd need time to get over it, but there was no way I could deny his fist bump. I don't like seeing people sad, even if they might deserve it. I could just picture his sad little face and was like, "OMG, no, just bump it. You've got to. For the greater good."

  • I basically told Vaughn "we'll see", and I left him hanging, which made me feel terrible because Vaughn looked SO FREAKIN SAD GOD... Though I think it was hypocritical of me to not forgive him, considering I accepted Vasquez's deal in Episode 1, I was dreading Vasquez bringing it up during the "dig your grave" scene...so I was SHOCKED when Vaughn was also given the option to sell ME out. I don't think he should trust me any more than I could trust him.

  • Because I forgive him.

  • Because I accepted the betrayal as well, so if I didn't forgive Vaughn that'd be awfully hypocritical of me

  • But Vaughn is my Bro, Bro.

  • To be fair, Fiona did take over Rhys' narration at some point during that scene so it is unclear how much of the brobrobrobro was him and how much was her.

    Arbitrator posted: »

    I chose "I'll get over it." which I assumed was the more neutral, "we'll see" option, but instead Rhys just went full-blown BRO, BRO, BROBRO

  • edited March 2015

    I refuse to trust Vaughn after he turned his back on me.

    I didn't tell him about Jack, said I'd "think about it" and acted a bit more cold than I usually do when playing as Rhys. I still did give him a brofist, yes, I know.

    But he still isn't my bro, bro, bro. Not anymore anyway.

  • Eh, there was a chance he was sincere about having only agreed to the deal to get Vasquez of their backs and I could see myself agree to the same deal for the same reason to buy us some more time (though I chose not to).

  • I forgave him right from the get go, and told him I got offered the same thing. I also took the deal to lead Vasquez on, because why wouldn't I get what I can out of him? Either way he's gonna pay, and making a deal with him is obviously a ploy. Who wouldn't stab that guy in the back? He has it coming, and will do it to you if you don't first.

  • Cuz he's my bro, bro. You don't leave bro's hanging bro. You get that bro?

  • So you held it against him before you knew about it, and didn't trust him for it when talking to him before meeting up with Vasquez? It sounds like you never trusted him, because telling him about Jack was before that reveal. And now you are going to be cold? That was you warm before?

    I refuse to trust Vaughn after he turned his back on me. I didn't tell him about Jack, said I'd "think about it" and acted a bit more col

  • Because I'm hiding Handsome Jack and don't exactly feel like I can throw stones as far as lying is concerned. That doesn't mean I wont be careful, but I figure there's no reason to start infighting before we have to.

  • edited March 2015

    Oh, no, no. Sorry about that, let me elaborate.

    I've played as Rhys as generally friendly, affable and somewhat "warm" up until now -- being polite during the deal with August, letting Sasha hold the stun baton, choosing to forgive Vaughn (yes, I forgive him, I just don't trust him, major difference) and so on. This was my second playthrough (I had rewinded) and was considering it as my "canon". I went to Old Haven instead of Hollow Point and felt that I had missed some opportunities, so I went back. After I found out that Vaughn took the deal with Vasquez, I didn't really want to trust him.

    So I didn't tell him about Jack. And I still won't, for two reasons: Because I find a certain appeal with Rhys seemingly going crazy in the eyes of the other characters. It's just amusing and I don't trust Vaughn.

    And as I said, I don't hold it against, I just don't want to trust him. I always think of Felix, who is probably one of my favorites (I have an odd taste in favorites, I know) who tells Sasha and Fiona, "Don't trust anyone." And I feel like that applies more to the game than we originally imagined.

    Sorry for any confusion, trust me, I knew about his "betrayal" before choosing not to tell him.

    So you held it against him before you knew about it, and didn't trust him for it when talking to him before meeting up with Vasquez? It soun

  • He DID intend to go through with it if you listen to what he says to Vasquez.

    He says "You BACKSTABBING snake! I can't believe I trusted you!" or something. So he did trust him at some point.

    When he said he was sorry and that he wouldn't go through with it, it did seem pretty genuine, like he was telling the truth, which is why I

  • Well, I really like Vaughn, I don't want him to be traitor. :(

    Piggs posted: »

    He DID intend to go through with it if you listen to what he says to Vasquez. He says "You BACKSTABBING snake! I can't believe I trusted you!" or something. So he did trust him at some point.

  • Yeah, so far I trust Vaughn so I bromanced him.

    • I'm just not capable of leaving someone hanging (unless I'm 110% sure they're douchebags), it's just too awkward and hurtful.
  • I feel like he was saying that for Vasquez's benefit. He wasn't going to say "I just told you want you wanted to hear, I'd never betray Rhys" to the guy he wants to go away, he's still telling him what he wants to hear. Also he gets pretty aggressive with Vasquez later ( "Get your hands off me!" ) So I don't know. To me I think he was always on our side.

    Piggs posted: »

    He DID intend to go through with it if you listen to what he says to Vasquez. He says "You BACKSTABBING snake! I can't believe I trusted you!" or something. So he did trust him at some point.

  • Jeah I thought it was really weird that you get this BROBROBRO scene even if you choose not to forgive him.

    Arbitrator posted: »

    I chose "I'll get over it." which I assumed was the more neutral, "we'll see" option, but instead Rhys just went full-blown BRO, BRO, BROBRO

  • Hmm, yes that was what I ws saying. Whatever he did, I forgive him. Whats the problem?

  • Exactly. We really don't know how much of what we're seeing is true.

    SnownRaven posted: »

    To be fair, Fiona did take over Rhys' narration at some point during that scene so it is unclear how much of the brobrobrobro was him and how much was her.

  • its either he is a really good actor, or he wasnt going to do it.

  • edited April 2015

    Because I'm just a big softie. I couldn't even let Felix blow up on my first PT. Shot him in the second though!

    I want to give Vaughn another chance. Especially when he's potentially the only friend Rhys has at that point. I'll be a bit more wary, but I won't leave him in cold. In fact, when they were at Old Haven I just guilt-tripped him about how Rhys considers him a good friend.

  • I believed him when he said that he was only saying what Vasquez wanted to hear. I don't see Vaughn becoming a villain any time soon.

  • If I had been playing, I think I still would've fist pumped Vaughn still, because he's my bro bro bro and he did sound honestly guilty about it. Seems clear to me Rhys and Vaughn are good friends and I'd rather keep things friendly between them. I mean this is a Telltale game we're talking about, steal the bag of medicines or not shit will still go down if it's planned to, but I just think on how I'd be if I was in a life and death situation like that, I'd try not stir shit up or give people a reason not to like me incase it got me killed.

    But I don't know as much as I like him, I still got a bad feeling about Vaughn that even if I'd rather their little friendship kept going, I don't trust him completely. You know the saying: keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

    Alt textAlt text
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    That said they look so happy together as bros! T.T bro bro bro.

  • Hopefully not :( I want to believe in the power of the bros, but my last few Telltale experiences have made me super paraniod of doing anything nice...

    I believed him when he said that he was only saying what Vasquez wanted to hear. I don't see Vaughn becoming a villain any time soon.

  • Bro Bro Bro Bro Bro Bro.

    I couldn't resist the bro.

    We're Bros Bro

  • I strongly disagree, actually. The game heavily implies that he trusted and sided with Vasquez when he took the deal; remember his freakout? "I can't believe I trusted a snake like you."

    The dude seemed pretty genuinely angry, likely because he truly did trust Vasquez, and had his trust betrayed. You have to keep in mind, as cool a guy as he seems, Vaughn is just as materialistic as Rhys, if not moreso.

    LoseMyHome posted: »

    I feel like he was saying that for Vasquez's benefit. He wasn't going to say "I just told you want you wanted to hear, I'd never betray Rhys

  • I'm not saying he isn't materialistic and isn't capable of betrayal, I'm just saying he could have just been saying what he said and not meant anything by it. I don't think he has any reason to trust Vasquez anyways, I doubt he ever genuinely sided his murderous boss over one of his oldest friends.

    Piggs posted: »

    I strongly disagree, actually. The game heavily implies that he trusted and sided with Vasquez when he took the deal; remember his freakout?

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