
  • Which ending did you choose?

    So... epic ending was epic.

  • Hello guys, I am back to this side of the forum and currently writing from China. Before I want to say what I think about the episode, I would like to tell about what I have to go through to play episode 2. First, I have to endure the fact that my hotel has a god awful wifi-connection, I spend most of the day downloading the episode. Also, today I have to climb through hundreds of steps in order to get to the Great Wall of China and walk another mountain.

    You know what? It was totally worth it, because I get to enjoy this very joyful episode that both have my laughing and more emotionally attached to the characters.

    So these are my favorite moments in the episode.

    The damn awesome opening scene. It was so damn perfect and so well crafted. First we have the group escaping the Hyperion moonshots, while driving through the desert canyon, WHILE being chased by a huge huge behemoth. The intro was so damn perfect with another perfect music that I am going to listen from now on.

    Rhys' sock. I couldn't stop laughing knowing what sock he wears.

    The desert scene was amazing too. First we get the twist that Vaughn is RIPPED! I was really surprised that he was rather muscular. I couldn't stop laughing at the scene with Vasquez, I picked the option about asking why his car was red while he wanted black. I laughed because Rhys stole his car and now he is throwing a joke at him about it.

    I love Loader Bot rescuing them, all three bro-fisting and the bro bro bro scene that happened. Cringe-worthy, but funny.

    I was actually happy to see how Telltale wrote Scooter. I actually found myself liking the guy while I hated him in Borderlands 2.

    I chose to go to Hollow Point. I wanted the group to stay together. Loader Bot spin throwing Athena was damn awesome and funny.

    When the group reunited at Scooter's garage, I had Fiona telling him that they were friends. It was heartwarming and the looks on Rhys' face totally showed that he was touched by her words.

    At the ending, I chose to trust Fiona. I decided to put my faith on her, because...I just follow my feeling at the moment.

    This was an amazing episode. I am hungry for more. When the ending happened, I was screaming to myself not to let it end here. When it ended, I was like Noooooo. But at least I was satisfied.

    I hope you guys enjoyed the episode as much as I did. And thank you Telltale for a great episode. :)

    PS: You may have notices that I haven't mentioned Handsome Jack. Well...He is the God of Awesome. I think Telltale handles and portrayed him quite well. I like the fact that he didn't believed that he was dead and that he is in the scene, following Rhys and otherwise only visible to him. I can't wait to see how that story goes.

  • Also, guys, I noticed something. HJ seems to appear only when Rhys is damaged to the head. When he falls off on his head under the arena, after the caravan crash, after Vasquez hits you etc.

    What do you think?

  • I think it because he loses control at the time a little. Maybe.

    Crips posted: »

    Also, guys, I noticed something. HJ seems to appear only when Rhys is damaged to the head. When he falls off on his head under the arena, after the caravan crash, after Vasquez hits you etc. What do you think?

  • Glad you were able to download it over there!

    Hello guys, I am back to this side of the forum and currently writing from China. Before I want to say what I think about the episode, I wou

  • Yeah, a few people have pointed that out. I personally think it's a narrative device more than anything - so that Jack isn't in every scene that Rhys is in - because if he was he'd either be making so many hilarious quips that he'd pull focus/mess up the flow or be uncharacteristically quiet.

    Crips posted: »

    Also, guys, I noticed something. HJ seems to appear only when Rhys is damaged to the head. When he falls off on his head under the arena, after the caravan crash, after Vasquez hits you etc. What do you think?

  • Also when you meet her and speak to her (if Rhys chooses not to go find them) then she has normal eyes/voice.

    Because she's telling it in the future and the second scene has already happened, shaping her portrayal of her in the first. So, maybe wh

  • I just did on my second playthrough xD loved that scene.

    Pipas posted: »

    So, anyone else stole Athena's shield? Hehehe... hehe... ...she's going to kill Fiona.

  • The beggining sealed the deal for me I knew I was in for a ride after that epic intro I mean look at these pics i snapped (I just couldn't resist it was too epic)

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    The last one isn't from the beggining its when we got to play as Fiona for the first time in the episode but I still thought I'd put it in >.<

  • I meant BEFORE

    Dapnee posted: »

    You rip both his eyes out of his head. Even if I wanted to see him run around screaming before dieing, I wouldn't want to wake that guy up.

  • edited March 2015

    If someone knows what the song at the beginning was I will love you forever ^_^ . And if you say its Darude - Sandstorm I will eat your babies.

  • My client was under prosecution's pressure!

    Unless my client fully stabbed you in the back(which he didn't), my client is innocent!

    Uhhh, in my playthrough Vaughn admits to taking the deal... YOUR CLIENT CONFESSED!

  • Vaughn has telepathic powers

    Dapnee posted: »

    I call it, Vaughn's baby dirt pile.

  • edited March 2015

    It has been posted here before (at least I think it was), but here you go.

    If someone knows what the song at the beginning was I will love you forever ^_^ . And if you say its Darude - Sandstorm I will eat your babies.

  • I was first, did I win something?

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    Yu 2 late

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    Pipas posted: »

    I was first, did I win something?

  • Scooter is quite the creep in Borderlands 2.

    Hello guys, I am back to this side of the forum and currently writing from China. Before I want to say what I think about the episode, I wou

  • You did, here's a trophy:

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    Pipas posted: »

    I was first, did I win something?

  • Real good episode. I LOVED Jack in it. I'm glad he wasn't just given like a bit part (I was worried he wasn't gonna have a THAT big a role in the game). I'm genuinely glad Telltale has returned back their puzzles also, this is something they've really stopped doing of late and I'm glad they're returning them. Also the episode felt quite long. Not as long as the first one but far longer than any episode in TWD S2 or TWAU. Plus, I love how Loader Bot still appeared quite frequently, despite being determinant.

    Great episode in the end, Telltale really are on the ball here with this game. If they keep this up I wouldn't be surprised if this becomes one of my all time favourite Telltale games.

  • Loader Bot isn't determinant. If you self-destruct him, he'll appear at the end of the first episode anyway, but he'll hate Rhys.

    CathalOHara posted: »

    Real good episode. I LOVED Jack in it. I'm glad he wasn't just given like a bit part (I was worried he wasn't gonna have a THAT big a role i

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    papai46 posted: »

    They all leave the same scars.

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    Im pretty sure you didn't need to be so rude about it and should have asked what scooby means...

  • Look at you! A real winner!

    Pipas posted: »

    I was first, did I win something?

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator
    edited March 2015

    Yeah Loader Bot lives no matter what, try self destructing him, when he comes comes back he's insanely mad at Rhys and he'll constantly try to hurt him and his feelings.

    "Oh, now you need my help."

    CathalOHara posted: »

    Real good episode. I LOVED Jack in it. I'm glad he wasn't just given like a bit part (I was worried he wasn't gonna have a THAT big a role i

  • I am a winner, Rhys!

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    Look at you! A real winner!

  • Soooo I just played this episode again with different choices and I gotta say, the experience was a lot different. Even more different than I thought. I must really thank TTG for the effort since this episode is so rich in details. :D

    New things:
    I found out that Vaughn may betray us. (We'll get a hit of that when you ask Vasquez about finding them so easily) I thought he is the broest of the bros! :( Also The Old Haven versus what-ever-that-other-place-was-I'm-too-lazy-to-google-it was actually a big choice. And I found out that those grenades don't actually blow anybody up. Huh, good to know.
    I Also kept Rhys's shoe away from him this time around. It was so funny when he just kept going without it.

  • edited March 2015

    It was a photo of Sasha, Fiona and Felix.

    KleinerZorn posted: »

    so whats in Sashas present... i didnt open it but dont really want to do another playthrough atm and want to know whats inside anybody can tell me ?

  • You wanna know why Athena hates Atlas? Play General Knoxx's secret armory, kiddo.

    Omid's cat posted: »

    I know GP has something to do with a vault, but I don't understand the purpose of factory, what was going on in final scenes. I believe it'l

  • I'm pretty sure the guy is a him, otherwise they would have a female voice actor for the character.

    Yeah, it was debunked in episode 1 that he/she doesn't always speak in Haikus. Also Zer0 only has four fingers on each hand. If I could say

  • Oh really? I actually didn't know that because I never wanted to try and kill him.

    Pipas posted: »

    Loader Bot isn't determinant. If you self-destruct him, he'll appear at the end of the first episode anyway, but he'll hate Rhys.

  • Gonna admit this is the first game I didn't skip the credits for because the song was EPIC! (Except Sam & Max can never skip dat great jazz film noir music)

  • Kind of off the wall here, but it's clear this Hologram of Jack doesn't even realize he's dead, right?

    ...How do you think he'd handle it if he found out about Angel? :(

  • Silly papai i was saying you rekt scooby

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    papai46 posted: »

    How did i get rekt?

  • Like this:

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    Prismahays posted: »

    Kind of off the wall here, but it's clear this Hologram of Jack doesn't even realize he's dead, right? ...How do you think he'd handle it if he found out about Angel?

  • Sorry, it's just that i'm the one always getting rekt.

    Silly papai i was saying you rekt scooby

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    papai46 posted: »

    Sorry, it's just that i'm the one always getting rekt.

  • Oh God, that's a horrifying thought considering that was the catalyst for the last time he went full-on crazy.

    With that TPS side mission, though (where he refuses to answer questions about whether has a wife/kids while Nakayama is designing the AI) what if he has no memory of them in the first place? Gah, that's even worse!

    Prismahays posted: »

    Kind of off the wall here, but it's clear this Hologram of Jack doesn't even realize he's dead, right? ...How do you think he'd handle it if he found out about Angel?

  • I just keep replaying this because it was SO well done - I absolutely adored ep one's opening credits, but there's just something about this one...Telltale knocked it out of the park!

    Atlas Mugged Opening Credits

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