Track development of current projects suggestion
I'm really interested in what the distributions of resources are across all projects. So why not implement a simple system that will display how much of your resources are being put in every project? (if telltalegames is OK with that)
An example of what I mean:
- Game of Thrones: 40%
- Tales from the Borderlands: 30%
- Minecraft: 20%
- The Walking Dead: 10%
- The Wolf Among Us: 0%
distributions in percentages.
Why add this little feature? Well some of us like to track the progress so we can estimate a release date for the current project. But of course, if you don't wan't this to happen because it will conflict with hype, sales etc. then please respond below. Thank you.
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What about the projects they keep secret for a while like their super shows? As well I think this would be a horrible idea as it would most likely just cause fights among us all.
People are arguing about anything these days. If they don't wan't to announce their release dates, at least let us estimate the release date.
(but this is probably a thing that they don't wan't to do)
and what concerns about the "secret projects", they can just leave them out of the chart. or for example: assign a fixed percentage that's explicitly for new incoming projects.
TTG is going down hill IMO, they need to expand before they go THQ. I don't know why they aren't releasing all the games at the same time. They're shouldn't be this wait, for TWDG. They should of did what every other company does, outsource or hire new staff.
Telltale has been tweeting out and even outright saying in panels that they're hiring.
I seriously doubt they'll ever get to that point.
Have you heard they're doing a "super show" with Lionsgate? Not only that, but have plans to make even more games (including TWD) later. Downhill? No.
Don't hold your breath for a Telltale staff member to respond to this thread. And seriously, why can't people accept that Telltale puts equal effort into all their games? They want to be known for their interactive, story driven experiences. All their games provide that for them so they are obviously gonna put enough effort into all of them.
I am not a Telltale employee, but I am a professional software developer. Information like that would be incredibly proprietary, Also likely misleading, as there could be occasions where, "I know you're working on Minecraft, but we need extra testers on TWD S3 to get it out in time, so put a couple of days into that." And of course, people have been known to work on more than one project at the same time.
It would obviously just cause problems for telltale if they went saying what % they are with a certain game
That's not what I mean with this thread.
It's about which game will be released first, of course they are gonna put enough effort into all of them. have you ever seen a game that was announced by TTG and got canceled?
Yea I understand that. But I guess I just wanted TTG to show us an release date I guess.
Well there are always haters.
Sometimes you just can't keep both parties happy.
What i haven't heard are any new games being released. When you are a game company you need to release more than one or two games per year. These games aren't detailed like GTA 5 so they shouldn't take years to develop when they already have the tools to create them. I remember when Kojima would promise METAL GEAR, in a timely manner. The wait for between Metal Gear 2 to 3 was about TTG bad.
Imagine if TTG released the tools they use to create this game, Imagine what creative people would come up with. At least that would keep people interested in this game series, if people could create mods/ voice act their own little storylines.
No news on TWDG, no news on TWAU, no news on release dates.
That is the problem, they shouldn't be looking for individuals they should be looking a development teams to Contract out.
IE Amnesia two was produced by Frictional Games but developed by the Chinese Room.
Look at what happened to squaresoft, when they released that really bad anime movie. ONE MISTAKE
TTG = indie company. Working on more than 2 games with a small staff compared to a AAA video game company can become a bit too much to handle. If you hadn't noticed Telltale kinda have their hands full developing GOT and TFTB. They have made plans on other projects such as the beloved TWD, they just choose not to tell us.
I might of agreed with you during the production of TWDG Season 1, however they had monumental success with that. They made so much money, they could hired five hundred develop teams.
Its not a excuse, we were small... We didn't know how to expand, how is that the investor's fault? You can either be a loyal sega fanboy and watch TTG end up like Sega, or try to point them in the right direction where they have someone telling them the truth, and they might make it out a little scratched but alive.
Still no news on TWAU. Again what is stopping them from outsourcing that game?
Do we know how much money? Yeah TWD S1 was a success, but you do realize they sell their games at $20 right? Sometimes less, since it is on sale a lot of the time. You can see they are putting their success into the right stuff with their current work. And TWAU...well they never said they would continue it now did they? People want it to, but people don't always get what they want.