Alright, here's another little update to those who have been waiting on their surprise picture concerning the celebration we've had on March… more 1st - which was the first anniversary of the thread! If any of you forgot about your surprises, well, take this as a reminder/refresher.
JJwolf - Finished
EMMYPESS - Finished
Tetra - Finished
Hazzatheman - Will start working on it soon :P
But the twins pretty much switched over time; Ethan is now considered the 'serious' one but even then, it varies. After he spoke to Bigby and accepted WHO he was, it really improved Peter's outlook on life. Have a little fun, like mounting the Mayor's desk to act out supossibly a mating ritual with Gren. xD
Seeing Peter like this caught me by surprise, indeed. Because way before you had him all serious and stuff. Now look at him! XD
Yes, yes, listen to the host of this thread - the host is always right...
Robert nearly collided into a couple and several other mundies. They glared at the man with shoulder length black hair, holding a box of Donuts and balancing to large Coffee cups in the middle. Robert spun around, nearly knocking a woman with groceries down. He apologised but received the middle finger as a response. Robert chuckled and continued towards the Woodlands.
Crossing the street, a Taxi cab nearly runs Robert down; the driver waves a huge hairy fist and spits out what Robert assumed was either Russian or German. The driver lays on the horn. The noise echos and rings in Robert's ears. As the man screams and points in Robert's direction, he fishes out a Jelly Donut and shoves it in the man's mouth. Taken back, he spits up the creme filled pastery, takes a bite and watches Robert salute in his direction.
"Smile more!" Robert leaps onto the sidewalk. "You'll get noticed more. Have a blessed day!"
The driver had nothing to say. The Jelly donut was enough for the answer. He watched Robert bounce a few steps before entering the Woodlands. He'd allow this foolish man one more chance in life, for if he did such nonsense again to HIS cab, his luck would run out. Robert leans against the Security desk, bangs on the bell and within seconds, Gren runs into the lounge.
"Fucking serious." Gren pants, trying to adjust his tie. "Was that fuckin' necessery or-"
"You're supposed to be working." Robert tries to look around the corner. " Emily in there or-"
"No!" Gren sits in his chair. "I was fuckin' trying to take a piss when you scared the shit out of me. Anyways, what are you doing here?"
"Came to check out your new hangout. See you in a REAL uniform. bring you some tasty treats."
Gren grabs the pink box, opens the top and glances inside. He couldn't remember the last time hehad a donut. Swineheart always restricted Gren from certain treats and this happened to be one of him. Gren developed high blood pressure over the years and was borderline diabetes. He tried explaining when you're alone for so long, takeout and fast snacks was the way to live in the mundane world. Swineheart didn't buy it. Gren recalled being a smartass and saying he'd try the 'Sheriff Bigby' method to good health. Again, Swineheart did not find this ammusing.
Gren pushes the Donuts towards Robert. "I can't eat these."
Robert lifts the top back open. "Why the fuck not, man!? ONE goddamn Donut is not going to send you into the ground..."
"Gren..." Robert takes out a Donut covered in a light brown icing. "I got Maple bars. You LOVE Maple bars."
"No Robert." Gren leans into his chair and examines on of the camera screens. "Please. Seriously. I appreciate the offer but no thank you. Ethan and Michelle left not too long ago. Give them to Ethan and if he won't eat them, I KNOW Peter and Penkle will fuckin' devour them."
Annoyed but understanding, Robert closes the top and slides the box to the side. "Worried you'll get fat before the wedding, huh?"
The word 'wedding' causes Gren to pause for a moment and glance out towards the double doors. His last marriage was a fraud; she never loved him or had any intentions of making it last for all eternity. Gren wasted his years with a woman whom was consumed with hatred, greed and animosity. Gren hung his head. He swore off weddings and ever truly living a 'happily ever after' that the stories claimed had to happen after every story. Gren was certain his was written, published and therefore, the end in regards to his life.
"Wow. I'm fuckin' getting married, Robert..." Gren smiles, his reflection gleaming off the screen. "I'm...I'm getting married...."
"Yes...." Robert chuckles, unsure where this was going. "You ARE getting married, bro. You'll have a wife, four beautiful children and one hell of a home to come to after a long day of-"
"I'm getting married." Gren repeats this several times before looking up at Robert. " I doing the right thing?"
"You getting cold feet, Grendel?"
"What!?" Gren was dismayed by Robert's words. "No! I'm not fuckin' getting cold feet, Robert!" Gren pokes Robert's chest. "I'm excited to be fuckin' getting married to Emily and finally having my OWN family and happiness!"
"Then why the fuck are you asking me if you're doing the right thing?"
Gren sighs heavily. "I...I guess after all the fuckin' bullshit I went through with Carla and-"
"But Emily is not Carla, Gren. I see the way she looks at you. THAT is what love looks like...."
Gren was surprised by his brother this past year. He was defending Gren in more ways then words could ever describe. He was not sure what suddenly took place but he was fine with his brother's change in behavior. He truly loved Emily; he loved Emily's curves, laugh, spunky personality and the way she carried herself. Even when she was younger, Emily was there to hold his head above the water and keep him from drowning. Gren could still remember the first time Emily revealed her love to him...
"Yeah." Gren rubs his neck and shoulders. "I see it every fuckin' time she looks at me, Robert."
"You still think you're making the right decision or-"
"No." Gren looks up. Beaming, Robert noticed a tear. "I...I know I'm making the right decision. I fuckin' love her. I've always loved Emily Porgie! I'm getting married...." Gren leaps over the desk and grabs Robert. "I'm fuckin' getting married-to Emily Porgie!"
Suddenly, Gren had Robert in the middle of the lounge, dancing and spinning in place. The two brothers did not notice Ethan and Michelle's return; both were caught off guard to see the Grendel brothers partake in such a humerus fashion of displaying happiness and approvel. Michelle stood near the potted plant, observing the duo dance and spin.
Ethan rolls his eyes. As he tucks the sandwiches under his arm, Gren snatches the Deputy Mayor into the mix. "ETHAN! Hey, buddy!"
"Gren!" Ethan glares over, "Robert-lovely morning we are having, aren't we?"
"Robert nods. "I wasn't expecting THIS kind of answer but hey, compared to what he USED to do to me, I'll take it!"
Ethan tries to worm his way out of the odd dancing session. Gren refused to let go; he was caught up and lost in the world of Emily Porgie and could picture the big day in his mind. His lovely bride being walked down the asile by her father. Georgie trying his best to hold back tears. His Groom's Men party to the right and the Bride's Maids to the left, all doing their best but fail to keep the tears in check. All of Fabletown there to witness two souls, two broken pieces of a heart, come together as one.
"Michelle!" Ethan throws the sandwiches to the young assistant. "Take these! Save yourself!"
Michelle catches both and leaves Gren's requested sandwich on the desk. For now, she was pleased to see such loving and devoted individuals in her presence. Although Ethan's shrill screams and a dash of terror bounced off the walls, his smile and laughter indicated he was proud and jocular for the Swamp beast.
The morning commute and rush ended around eleven thirty. Just a few more hours, thought Emily, as she wiped down the counters and stacked the paper cups. Bambi and two more female co-workers headed to the back to stock and refill all the drinks and syrup. The boss, Ms. Stevens, walks into the tiny room and observes Emily clean.
Today, Emily was wearing a green top and bottom combination. On the breast part, four-leaf clovers and another larger one on her bottom area. Green beads dangled between her breasts and over the mounds of pale flesh. Bambi and several of the other girls wore the same thing; Bambi went as far as to even wear a green top hat with black buckle.
Today's special was a green latte topped with whipped creme, green sprinkles and a green straw topped with a four leaf clover. Ms. Stevens stood beside Emily and watched the tattooed beauty grab a bucket and add soap along with hot water.
"'am..." Emily found it difficult to work while being watched. "Can I 'elp you or-"
"I hear the wedding is this weekend, Porgie."
"Yes ma'am." Emily tops off the suds with a dash of bleach. "It's this Saturday and-"
"Then why the fuck are you here, dear?"
"Look, I appreciate you gracing us with your beauty. TRUST me, Emily, no man would say no to taking a glance at these beauties here before heading to his boring routine at the office. Really, its true. But YOU need to be home, preparing for this wedding and spending time with that husband-to-be of your's."
Emily follows the manager into the office. Ms. Stevens takes a seat at her desk, opens the drawer and finds Emily's schedule. Emily stands near the door; she could hear the whispers of the other girls and Bambi doing her best to calm them down.
"I, uh, took two weeks of fa' me Honeymoon and-"
"Where ya' two love birds heading?"
"Santorini, ma'am."
Ms. Stevens looks up. "Where the hell is that? Sounds Italian...."
"No, actually, its Greek. I guess Gren is half and he wants ta' go see the islands and-"
"Well, that sounds lovely and you should be home. I'm giving you this month off, Emily."
"But....I need this money and-"
"Emily, dear, I know you do. But I'll tell you something, alright?"
Ms. Stevens beckons the young Porgie gal over to her desk. Emily was unsure of this action but did as she was told. Saying no to the creature from the black Lagoon was a death sentence. You either did as you were told or start paying your final goodbye's to family and friends. Emily sits before the heavy set woman. Stevens opens the filing cabinet behind her and pulls out a large yellow envelope and hands it to Emily.
"Woot...woot is this, ma'am?"
"This town KNOWS of Grendel. I would be there for the wedding but I'll be gone that weekend. I've watched that man sink into the deepest and darkest parts of this fucking shit life we have going for us..."
Emily tries to ignores the images: Gren, drunk like he was every night, slumped over the bar at the Trip Trap. Causing fights with various Fables, falling to the ground and gaining the same reputation he received back at the Homelands. Violent. And Dangerous.
Stevens continues. "Me and the girls would like to give you this gift. You've been a swell person to work with and you'll make a fine wife. You already have that mothering down..."
Emily opens the file and was taken back by the large anount of money. She counted five grand.
"No, Ms. Stevens....I-"
Stevens grabs Emily's hand. "I KNOW who your father used to be, Emily. We as this town saw you turn into that. I'm pleased to fuckin' see you're better than that and changed. Same for two found a reason. TAKE this money, have a beautiful wedding and get the fuck out of this town. GO. Love."
Emily could only back up towards the door. A smile grew across her face. No words. Just a smile. Bambi and he other girls applaude and walk Emily to her car. Still beaming, Emily did not even bother changing; she was heading for the Woodlands and needed to see Gren. She peeled into a open spot near the double doors. Robert and the others were gone; Gren was standing near the doors, prepared to head up to Peter's office. He was pleasently surprised to see Emily.
"Sweetie, hey." Gren opens the doors. "Is it two already? I-"
Emily grabs Gren and runs back to the car; Gren tried to mouth his concern but was immediatly hushed by Emily's kiss and her revealing outfit. Pressing her breasts against his chest, she begins to unbutton Gren's pants.
"Whoa, Emily! They can fuckin' see us and-"
Emily covers the back window and driver's side with several papers and towels. "There, love-happy!?"
Gren smiles. "Yes."
Hopefully the Woodlands would not be attacked in thirty minutes because the Security Guard was on his break.
Any questions, you know what to do. Will try and add another chapter later. Have something to do with JJ. Poor guy is so nervous....:( Oh and happy St. Patrick's Day.
Damn Emily and Gren getting it on in the back seat of the car! HAPPY St. Patricks indeed! XD XD How cute, though.
I'll keep it short this time because I'm not looking forward to today, Pie....:'( If you read this before, I'll be there in twenty minutes....if not, I'll text you.
Robert nearly collided into a couple and several other mundies. They glared at the man with shoulder length black hair, holding a box of Don… moreuts and balancing to large Coffee cups in the middle. Robert spun around, nearly knocking a woman with groceries down. He apologised but received the middle finger as a response. Robert chuckled and continued towards the Woodlands.
Crossing the street, a Taxi cab nearly runs Robert down; the driver waves a huge hairy fist and spits out what Robert assumed was either Russian or German. The driver lays on the horn. The noise echos and rings in Robert's ears. As the man screams and points in Robert's direction, he fishes out a Jelly Donut and shoves it in the man's mouth. Taken back, he spits up the creme filled pastery, takes a bite and watches Robert salute in his direction.
"Smile more!" Robert leaps onto the sidewalk. "You'll get noticed more. Have a blessed day!"
The driver had nothing to say. … [view original content]
Robert nearly collided into a couple and several other mundies. They glared at the man with shoulder length black hair, holding a box of Don… moreuts and balancing to large Coffee cups in the middle. Robert spun around, nearly knocking a woman with groceries down. He apologised but received the middle finger as a response. Robert chuckled and continued towards the Woodlands.
Crossing the street, a Taxi cab nearly runs Robert down; the driver waves a huge hairy fist and spits out what Robert assumed was either Russian or German. The driver lays on the horn. The noise echos and rings in Robert's ears. As the man screams and points in Robert's direction, he fishes out a Jelly Donut and shoves it in the man's mouth. Taken back, he spits up the creme filled pastery, takes a bite and watches Robert salute in his direction.
"Smile more!" Robert leaps onto the sidewalk. "You'll get noticed more. Have a blessed day!"
The driver had nothing to say. … [view original content]
Robert nearly collided into a couple and several other mundies. They glared at the man with shoulder length black hair, holding a box of Don… moreuts and balancing to large Coffee cups in the middle. Robert spun around, nearly knocking a woman with groceries down. He apologised but received the middle finger as a response. Robert chuckled and continued towards the Woodlands.
Crossing the street, a Taxi cab nearly runs Robert down; the driver waves a huge hairy fist and spits out what Robert assumed was either Russian or German. The driver lays on the horn. The noise echos and rings in Robert's ears. As the man screams and points in Robert's direction, he fishes out a Jelly Donut and shoves it in the man's mouth. Taken back, he spits up the creme filled pastery, takes a bite and watches Robert salute in his direction.
"Smile more!" Robert leaps onto the sidewalk. "You'll get noticed more. Have a blessed day!"
The driver had nothing to say. … [view original content]
Robert nearly collided into a couple and several other mundies. They glared at the man with shoulder length black hair, holding a box of Don… moreuts and balancing to large Coffee cups in the middle. Robert spun around, nearly knocking a woman with groceries down. He apologised but received the middle finger as a response. Robert chuckled and continued towards the Woodlands.
Crossing the street, a Taxi cab nearly runs Robert down; the driver waves a huge hairy fist and spits out what Robert assumed was either Russian or German. The driver lays on the horn. The noise echos and rings in Robert's ears. As the man screams and points in Robert's direction, he fishes out a Jelly Donut and shoves it in the man's mouth. Taken back, he spits up the creme filled pastery, takes a bite and watches Robert salute in his direction.
"Smile more!" Robert leaps onto the sidewalk. "You'll get noticed more. Have a blessed day!"
The driver had nothing to say. … [view original content]
Alright, here's another little update to those who have been waiting on their surprise picture concerning the celebration we've had on March… more 1st - which was the first anniversary of the thread! If any of you forgot about your surprises, well, take this as a reminder/refresher.
JJwolf - Finished
EMMYPESS - Finished
Tetra - Finished
Hazzatheman - Will start working on it soon :P
Guess it was because I'm not so good at it that I wanted to practise, you know? But you've got a point that doing it on Fable drawings might not be the best; Weasel was just in the wrong place at the wrong time, it seems. :P
You'll get it eventually. Maybe next time you don't have to draw in the gums? Trying drawing just the teeth instead, that's what I attempt to do with my drawings if I were to make my Fables smile.
He apologised but received the middle finger as a response.
Mundies. 'Cuh.
After reading the chapter before this and then this one, I have to say that it's fun reading Peter and Robert in their upbeat moods. The image of Gren, Robert, and Ethan - in slight terror - dancing around the Woodlands lounge is a happy sight. Ms. Stevens giving Emily the time off, as well as the gift from Emily's friends at the sexy barista place is a lovely gesture.
Hopefully the Woodlands would not be attacked in thirty minutes because the Security Guard was on his break.
Good line! XD
And Santorini is somewhere I'd like to go - it's beautiful.
Whatever it is, hope it goes well, JJ! Happy St. Patrick's Day to yourself and everyone else.
Robert nearly collided into a couple and several other mundies. They glared at the man with shoulder length black hair, holding a box of Don… moreuts and balancing to large Coffee cups in the middle. Robert spun around, nearly knocking a woman with groceries down. He apologised but received the middle finger as a response. Robert chuckled and continued towards the Woodlands.
Crossing the street, a Taxi cab nearly runs Robert down; the driver waves a huge hairy fist and spits out what Robert assumed was either Russian or German. The driver lays on the horn. The noise echos and rings in Robert's ears. As the man screams and points in Robert's direction, he fishes out a Jelly Donut and shoves it in the man's mouth. Taken back, he spits up the creme filled pastery, takes a bite and watches Robert salute in his direction.
"Smile more!" Robert leaps onto the sidewalk. "You'll get noticed more. Have a blessed day!"
The driver had nothing to say. … [view original content]
Peter's persona on life has changed and Robert is normally in a good mood unless he's having one of his 'days'. Poor Ethan gets dragged into so much but he can't help but be happy for Gren and the girls, including Ms. Stevens love and adore Emily. Its the least they could do for her.
Me and the misses are going to Santorini for our honeymoon and feel it as appropriate for Gremily as well. Thanks for the St. Patrick's shoutout! Normally I'd go drinking but with a baby, its not as fun. XD JJ is alright to a point. Its been settled.
He apologised but received the middle finger as a response.
Mundies. 'Cuh.
After reading the chapter before this and then this on… moree, I have to say that it's fun reading Peter and Robert in their upbeat moods. The image of Gren, Robert, and Ethan - in slight terror - dancing around the Woodlands lounge is a happy sight. Ms. Stevens giving Emily the time off, as well as the gift from Emily's friends at the sexy barista place is a lovely gesture.
Hopefully the Woodlands would not be attacked in thirty minutes because the Security Guard was on his break.
Good line! XD
And Santorini is somewhere I'd like to go - it's beautiful.
Whatever it is, hope it goes well, JJ! Happy St. Patrick's Day to yourself and everyone else.
Guess it was because I'm not so good at it that I wanted to practise, you know? But you've got a point that doing it on Fable drawings might not be the best; Weasel was just in the wrong place at the wrong time, it seems. :P
Luke started to head for the mountain when the moon started to go down while the sun started to rise, the moons blood started to go back into its face while the sun went from sad to gradually getting happy. Luke was exhausted and he's never really been one to pull all nighters, his eyes began to close and open multiple times until he collapsed...
"Why hello there Mr. Detective..." Was all Luke managed to hear before falling asleep.
Time passes...
Luke woke up in a single room cabin, he looked outside the window to find that most of his clothes were taken off and hanging out to dry. He felt a pain in his chest, he looked down and saw stitches...He almost started to panic but figured it'd be a better idea to get up and moving. He found a read
"Dear Detective, Thank you for visiting! You may begin to notice that things may not be as they seem and change over time...welcome to my mind. P.S. Thanks for the fun time last night...or did we?"
Luke put the note down and looked at his chest. The stitches were gone, he saw a knife on the counter. When he picked it up blood began to appear on the blade...he heard a hissing noise from behind him. When he turned around Alice was there with cuts all over her and bleeding from her gouged out eyes, her head went to one side she looked sad. When he blinked she was gone. Was he going mad? His hand began to shake...
"Having a bit of trouble I see." The cat smiled
"What's happening to me!?" Luke exclaimed
"You're letting her get into your head, just as she did with the other man here." The cat purred
Luke nodded, calmed himself down. He went outside but his clothes seemed as if they'd never been taken off. He had been moved to the other side of the lake. He face palmed, he knew nothing good would come out of even seeing a lake especially in wonderland. He moved on to the town in the distance...
"How do you know that she won't attack you again? Especially since you're close to your destination? She does control this place." The cat walked alongside Luke.
"If she wanted to do me in, she would've dealt with me in the cabin. She controls this place huh? So can she make buildings and such?" He asked
"Her word is law here now that the Queen is gone." He purred
"What happened to her?" Luke asked
"Alice killed her of course. The Queen was getting a bit overzealous with her troops." The cat said
"Mhmm." Luke said
The ground began to shake and the sky grew dark green with a bigger and more bloodied moon, and a factory blocking his way. The sign said Hares Factory. Where workers do nothing but work. and die.
"How professional..." Luke said
"This is what she does. You should consider yourself lucky, she seems to like you more than the other guy. Although maybe you shouldn't now should you?" He smiled and purred.
"Why what happened to Hans!?" Luke asked
"Let's just say...hell would've been a better place for him than here..." The cat lost his smile and looked serious.
"Shit..." Luke said looking at the factory. He sighed and walked through the gates where he heard screaming of "workers" doing work....
That's it! I heavily apologized for the lack of posting I've been really busy as of late! Any questions or comments or anything else let me know!
Case One: The Lost Child Part: Four
Luke started to head for the mountain when the moon started to go down while the sun started to rise,… more the moons blood started to go back into its face while the sun went from sad to gradually getting happy. Luke was exhausted and he's never really been one to pull all nighters, his eyes began to close and open multiple times until he collapsed...
"Why hello there Mr. Detective..." Was all Luke managed to hear before falling asleep.
Time passes...
Luke woke up in a single room cabin, he looked outside the window to find that most of his clothes were taken off and hanging out to dry. He felt a pain in his chest, he looked down and saw stitches...He almost started to panic but figured it'd be a better idea to get up and moving. He found a read
"Dear Detective, Thank you for visiting! You may begin to notice that things may not be as they seem and change over time...welcome to my nightm… [view original content]
Gren returned to his work station and remembered he had a sandwich waiting for him. Wearing only his blue boxers and white teeshirt, he looked around, hoping no one would notice the odd man in his under garments. An older lady and several others, however, saw the foolish man exit the Woodlands, holding his large sub drowning in Vinegar and Ranch dressing. Gren smiled, waved and entered his car. This was New York. Odd things like this occured more than once in a day. Emily, still naked from her waist up, grabs the sandwich.
Feeling doltish for even attempting to grab his food in such a fashion, Gren chuckles and leans against the back seat. Emily peels away the paper and takes her half of the sandwich. She noticed a bag of Lay's Wasabi flavored chips.
Gren takes his half of the sandwich and the pair endulge in the flavorful sandwich. Emily giggled, wiping her mouth.
"Damn, love. Think ya' asked fa' enough Vinegar?"
"You know me, Ems. THAT'S the only way to eat a good sub."
"I guess so, love." Emily takes another bite. "Nice ta' know even ya' sandwich preparin' ways neva' changed."
While Gren watched Emily devour her section of the meal, he couldn't help but think back to the times the two shared a meal like this. It was always either a cold sub from Port of Subs or hamburgers. Emily always knew she'd either get half or the leftovers. One time, while Georgie and Lyla were in the kitchen and the others played outside, he and Emily sat in the living room; he brought over McDonald's from his lunch and allowed Emily the rest of his fries.
They sat on the couch, watched their favorite Disney movie and shared a meal. Gren recalls bringing sandwiches all the time for Emily. Several times when she was still in school, Gren would make a surprise visit. Always with a bag of chips and small coke. He knew her favorite sandwich and ways of preparing it by heart: Medium number 10 (this was the Chicken) on White bread; Provolone cheese. Mayo and mustard, Lettuce, pickles, extra red onions, olives, wax peppers, just pepper, oil, vinegar and extra Ranch.
Emily takes a sip from the soda and kisses Gren's face. "See ya' neva' changed up ya' order, too?"
"Turkey, Ham and Swiss cheese. Everything but tomatos and apparently drowning in vinegar."
Emily chuckles, finishing off her half of the sandwich. "And that's how I like it. Don't ya' eva' forget that."
Emily exhales deeply before leaning her head against Gren's side. He too finished off his portion of the sandwich. Gren caresses Emily's face, plays with the loose strands of hair and brushes the skin on her neck. The city outside continued about, not stopping to notice the couple.
"This was nice, Emily. Thanks."
"Fa' the sex or visit?"
Gren leaves a long and loving kiss on Emily's lips. "For both, Ems. ESPECIALLY the first one."
"Hopefully no one saw us..."
"Nah. These mundies would have the cops all over our asses."
"Not just them, love." Emily points to the Woodlands. "Them perverts in there, too."
"TRUST me. If they saw us, I'll know when I get back in there." Gren rubs Emily's shoulders. "So, you going to take the kids and-"
"Yes. I want them ta' come with me and 'elp with dinner. Well....with woot they CAN do."
Gren could only stare at his beautiful fiancee. There was so much beauty in this world; Gren knew of places that mundies and even Fables rarely visited or allowed to step foot on. The soil was sacred and something that pure needed to be kept hidden and in the secret world of the unkown.
Yet, none of those could ever compare to the beauty and wonderful sight he had before is very eyes. The world had nothing on the appealing image he could touch, smell and love. Emily was lustrous and Gren had always viewed Emily as something God took his time on creating.
Gren, nevertheless, always found Emily wonderous and phenomenal. Perhaps this should have been the creature's first clue into the future Emily had within his own.
Outside of the car, the world was a repulsive place. If Gren had that option, he'd bring the children down with him and remain alone in the vehicle with their mother for years to come. Emily seemed to have the same thought; she covered herself and Gren and the two remained as such, not noticing the time or Ethan heading towards the car.
He had Peter with him. "And YOU wanted to hire him?"
"Give him a break, Ethan." Peter taps on the back window. "He probably fell asleep, man. You saw him...he's looks so exhausted and-"
The brothers noticed the car move for a second and paused. Gren lifts the towel covering the back, saw who it was and smiled. Waving, the twins return the gesture; it was outlandish, considering Gren was not in uniform but when Gren exits the car, struggling to buckle his pants, Peter already knew. Deeming from the red growing on his cheeks, he was right.
"I'll grab the right back."
Ethan was muddled. "Why the fuck are you getting the quads NOW, Peter? Emily won't be here for another two hours and-"
Peter slides into the lounge, snaps and points to the car. "THINK our darling sister is already here. Be right back."
Ethan was still baffled by his brother's words. Turning to face Gren, his newly hired Security Guard was adjusting his tie and tucking in his shirt. He too noticed the redness on Gren's face. Despite the dark skin tone, he could clearly see the color. Ethan carefully headed for the back door; Gren saw his quick hand gestures and could not stop Ethan in time. With a forceful opening, Ethan gawked, screamed and covered his eyes.
"AHHH God, no! EW! Emily! UGH!"
"Hey little brotha'." Emily alters her skirt. "Lovely weatha' ta'day, don't ya' think?"
Shaking, Ethan points to both Gren and his sister. "You RIGHT here. Ugh God. Sick. No. No, no, no, no....Remind me to NEVER sit in the back seat of your car EVER again!"
Peter returns with the quads. When all four notice Emily's presence, they thrash, kick and squeal with delight. Viviana flies into her mother's arms; Seraphina nearly leaps from Peter's grasp, as she embraces all her babies. Chloe and Liam could not help themselves; both babies turn into their tru forms and nearly maul Emily's chest with their claws. Chloe yipps and wags her little tail. Liam grabs Emily's face and plants very wet kisses. He squeaks like a little Mouse, indicating he was full of joy and serene.
"My babies." Emily buckles each into their car seats. "Oh look at me happy babies! Oh mama missed ya' all so much."
"Better hurry with those babies, Ems." Ethan looks around. "We could explain Chloe but a huge ass Fish-frog looking thing?"
"Heading home, babe?" Gren leans against the car. "I mean, you don't have to leave just yet..."
"You'll be home in no time, love." Emily takes the keys and starts the car. "And besides, I think these little munchines could use a nap while mommy makes dinner ta'night."
Gren kisses each of his children goodbye, stands before the driver's window and stares at Emily. While she tries to pick a radio station, he couldn't help but chuckle. The concentration she had; the wiggle in her nose, the determination in her eyes and the way she licked her lips. It was the most winsome thing he'd seen that day.When Emily found her station, she bends towards Gren and passionatly kisses him. Gren looks up and notices Peter making 'gross' faces at the couple.
"See ya' at five, love?"
"You bet, baby. Drive safe. Love you."
Emily honks the horn, waves at the three men standing on the curb and drives back to their home. Peter playfully punches Gren in the arm; Ethan was still not pleased with what he saw, opens the door and points to Gren's desk.
"Just...get to work, Gren..."
"Mad Ethan?"
Peter heads for the elevator and waits for the ride. Ethan folds his hands, taps his shoe and glares at Gren.
"YOU represent the Woodlands now, Grendel. That was highly inappropriate behavior and I know it was your lunch break but-"
Gren smirks, tilts on the desk and glances at Ethan. Gren whispers. "Like YOU and Michelle, Deputy Mayor Porgie?"
Ethan nearly collasped with Gren's response. He had no idea someone knew. "How....ho-how,"
Gren taps both his ears and nose. "I'm a Grendel, Porgie. Remember that. You Wolves do indeed have powerful smell glands but so do we. We have to smell our food underwater. I'm pretty sure the smell of my boss and his pretty little assistant is not too much trouble to pick up."
Gren leans back into his chair, arms tucked under his head. "Forget about what I do on MY breaks and I'll forget what I know. Got it?"
Peter turns, just as the large doors open. "Hurry up, Ethan! Don't want to sit and wait for this piece of shit again."
Peter holds open the door; Ethan could not move for several seconds, as the smile on Gren's mouth grew with each second. He had been beat. By a fucking Swamp creature. Ethan shakes Gren's hand for a silent agreement, turns and heads inside with Peter. The last thing Gren saw was Ethan's contrite face with a touch of 'oh shit' and 'no way'. Gren spins in his chair, turns on the radio and looked at the clock. Just five more hours to go.
Gren sang along with the song. James Taylor's 'How sweet' played. Soon, the lounge was full of laughter and singing.
"How sweet it is to be loved by you..."
Any questions, you know the drill. UGH. This thesis paper. I'm almost done with this paper from hell. Hell.....yes. Sounds about right. XD Spring break is in two weeks. THANK the lord. XD The misses, little Emily and I have plans for that week. Get out of this town.
Gren returned to his work station and remembered he had a sandwich waiting for him. Wearing only his blue boxers and white teeshirt, he look… moreed around, hoping no one would notice the odd man in his under garments. An older lady and several others, however, saw the foolish man exit the Woodlands, holding his large sub drowning in Vinegar and Ranch dressing. Gren smiled, waved and entered his car. This was New York. Odd things like this occured more than once in a day. Emily, still naked from her waist up, grabs the sandwich.
Feeling doltish for even attempting to grab his food in such a fashion, Gren chuckles and leans against the back seat. Emily peels away the paper and takes her half of the sandwich. She noticed a bag of Lay's Wasabi flavored chips.
Gren takes his half of the sandwich and the pair endulge in the flavorful sandwich. Emily giggled, wiping her mouth.
"Damn, love. Think ya' asked fa' enough Vinegar?"
"You know me, Em… [view original content]
Gren smirks, tilts on the desk and glances at Ethan. Gren whispers. "Like YOU and Michelle, Deputy Mayor Porgie?"
DAAAAAAMN, Grendel! XD Take THAT, Ethan! LOL I laughed so hard at this part.
I have to say something: I love the detail Gren has when it comes to Emily. I wish someone would lay there and describe me the way he does; wonderous, stunning, etc. Even when she's searching for a radio station, he loves the way her nose wiggles and licks her lip. -sigh- OH man. Gren. you act like this tough, bad-ass guy but you do come off as the sweetest of the sweet. I love these two with all that I have. They're so meant for one another.
Ethan was muddled. "Why the fuck are you getting the quads NOW, Peter? Emily won't be here for another two hours and-"
Peter slides into the lounge, snaps and points to the car. "THINK our darling sister is already here. Be right back."
Swear to God Peter is indeed something else. XD XD
Ethan gawked, screamed and covered his eyes.
At least you didn't walk in, hear it or see them actually DOING it. XD XD Such an Ethan reacton, though.
Shaking, Ethan points to both Gren and his sister. "You RIGHT here. Ugh God. Sick. No. No, no, no, no....Remind me to NEVER sit in the back seat of your car EVER again!"
When all four notice Emily's presence, they thrash, kick and squeal with delight. Viviana flies into her mother's arms; Seraphina nearly leaps from Peter's grasp, as she embraces all her babies. Chloe and Liam could not help themselves; both babies turn into their tru forms and nearly maul Emily's chest with their claws. Chloe yipps and wags her little tail. Liam grabs Emily's face and plants very wet kisses. He squeaks like a little Mouse, indicating he was full of joy and serene.
^^^All this. Right here. How freaking cute are these babies!! GAH! They missed their mommy so much. It breaks your heart but at least she has time off now. I waiting for Emily to be like f working. I'll stay home, bake pies, clean and make dinners' Little Chloe and her little man, Liam! I love them all!!!
I loved this, Pie! Can't wait for more! Looking forward to that wedding and all the pretty pictures you have for it. I want to know MORE about Michelle and now Carla and WHY she's still here and what her TRUE intentions are for Gremily. >:(
Gren returned to his work station and remembered he had a sandwich waiting for him. Wearing only his blue boxers and white teeshirt, he look… moreed around, hoping no one would notice the odd man in his under garments. An older lady and several others, however, saw the foolish man exit the Woodlands, holding his large sub drowning in Vinegar and Ranch dressing. Gren smiled, waved and entered his car. This was New York. Odd things like this occured more than once in a day. Emily, still naked from her waist up, grabs the sandwich.
Feeling doltish for even attempting to grab his food in such a fashion, Gren chuckles and leans against the back seat. Emily peels away the paper and takes her half of the sandwich. She noticed a bag of Lay's Wasabi flavored chips.
Gren takes his half of the sandwich and the pair endulge in the flavorful sandwich. Emily giggled, wiping her mouth.
"Damn, love. Think ya' asked fa' enough Vinegar?"
"You know me, Em… [view original content]
Gren returned to his work station and remembered he had a sandwich waiting for him. Wearing only his blue boxers and white teeshirt, he look… moreed around, hoping no one would notice the odd man in his under garments. An older lady and several others, however, saw the foolish man exit the Woodlands, holding his large sub drowning in Vinegar and Ranch dressing. Gren smiled, waved and entered his car. This was New York. Odd things like this occured more than once in a day. Emily, still naked from her waist up, grabs the sandwich.
Feeling doltish for even attempting to grab his food in such a fashion, Gren chuckles and leans against the back seat. Emily peels away the paper and takes her half of the sandwich. She noticed a bag of Lay's Wasabi flavored chips.
Gren takes his half of the sandwich and the pair endulge in the flavorful sandwich. Emily giggled, wiping her mouth.
"Damn, love. Think ya' asked fa' enough Vinegar?"
"You know me, Em… [view original content]
It's good to know that Peter and Robert's jollity is more of a norm for them as opposed to the exception, nowadays.
Ah, hear it's romantic! Have a great time. Give it enough years and Emily will be the one out drinking; though thinking that far ahead is kind of strange. And that's good.
Peter's persona on life has changed and Robert is normally in a good mood unless he's having one of his 'days'. Poor Ethan gets dragged into… more so much but he can't help but be happy for Gren and the girls, including Ms. Stevens love and adore Emily. Its the least they could do for her.
Me and the misses are going to Santorini for our honeymoon and feel it as appropriate for Gremily as well. Thanks for the St. Patrick's shoutout! Normally I'd go drinking but with a baby, its not as fun. XD JJ is alright to a point. Its been settled.
Case One: The Lost Child Part: Four
Luke started to head for the mountain when the moon started to go down while the sun started to rise,… more the moons blood started to go back into its face while the sun went from sad to gradually getting happy. Luke was exhausted and he's never really been one to pull all nighters, his eyes began to close and open multiple times until he collapsed...
"Why hello there Mr. Detective..." Was all Luke managed to hear before falling asleep.
Time passes...
Luke woke up in a single room cabin, he looked outside the window to find that most of his clothes were taken off and hanging out to dry. He felt a pain in his chest, he looked down and saw stitches...He almost started to panic but figured it'd be a better idea to get up and moving. He found a read
"Dear Detective, Thank you for visiting! You may begin to notice that things may not be as they seem and change over time...welcome to my nightm… [view original content]
Emily and Gren talking about getting spotted reminds me of the incident with them in that tent and Tommy, or what his name was, going to get his ball. Ah, these two. XP
Great description of how Gren sees Emily, and how she radiates so much of the goodness that life can be to him.
Gren returned to his work station and remembered he had a sandwich waiting for him. Wearing only his blue boxers and white teeshirt, he look… moreed around, hoping no one would notice the odd man in his under garments. An older lady and several others, however, saw the foolish man exit the Woodlands, holding his large sub drowning in Vinegar and Ranch dressing. Gren smiled, waved and entered his car. This was New York. Odd things like this occured more than once in a day. Emily, still naked from her waist up, grabs the sandwich.
Feeling doltish for even attempting to grab his food in such a fashion, Gren chuckles and leans against the back seat. Emily peels away the paper and takes her half of the sandwich. She noticed a bag of Lay's Wasabi flavored chips.
Gren takes his half of the sandwich and the pair endulge in the flavorful sandwich. Emily giggled, wiping her mouth.
"Damn, love. Think ya' asked fa' enough Vinegar?"
"You know me, Em… [view original content]
'You weren't just a star to me. You're the whole damn sky....'
Not that long ago...
Gren was racing against the hands of time. Every second. Every ticking of the clock was an inch closer to Death. He could smell it in the air; the mixture of heavy alcohol, Death and terror. He turned the wheel as he peeled around the corner. The message was clear as a bell the second he opened the unknown sender's message.
'Get to 5th asap. Emily needs you right now...'
Gren could not identify the number. It was sent by unknown. He automatically assumed it was a joke; if it truly was meant for him or had anything to do with HIS Emily, they would make it a point to say so. Gren fell back to sleep but only for a short amount of time. Again, the same unknown person and the exact message.
'Get to 5th asap!!! Emily needs you....'
Worried this was not a prank, Gren dialed Emily's number. Nothing. Dead. Gren's breathing became shallow, as he rushed to the bathroom, and dressed himself. He should have called her parents first; Lyla and Georgie had every right to be the ones to assist their daughter, should the message have been true. But Gren's mind was clouded with all the horrible images that could have possibly happened.
Emily was no stranger to finding trouble and placing herself in situations that created chaos and could have easily been avoided. Gren nearly trips down the stairs as he jumps into his truck and heads for 5th. He prayed. Something Gren rarely did and found himself begging for her safety. Keep Emily safe until he got there. Gren attempts to call the 'unknown' number. Odd. There was nothing.
Thankfully the traffic was not too bad. Gren managed to weave and drive through the streets, pass the lights and found himself on 5th. This section of town screamed dangerous. Drug dealers and crack addicts lined the gutters. Lost, pathetic souls, looking for their next hit or any form of attention. It made Gren sick to his stomach knowing his once sweet and innocent Emily was a part of this tragedy. As Gren exits the vehicle, all eyes on him, there she was.
His brown bright eyed beauty, jet black hair in a ponytail, bouncing her way towards Gren. His arms extending out, prepared for the biggest hug she could possibly hand him. Emily was eager to show him a Bird house she and Georgie built together; it was bright purple, lined with Daisies and Roses. A little blue bird sat in the front, inviting any family Birds to move in. Gren assisted Emily with the hook and the two sat back and watched the beautifully crafted home dangle against the roof.
Emily clung to Gren as the two waited until they noticed a little bird hop along, notice the vacant home and took this wonderful opportunity. He never saw Emily so delighted and pleased.
"The birdies 'ave a home now, Gren! Did ya' see that one!? He liked it!"
Gren gently kisses the side of Emily's head. "I saw it, baby. You and daddy did a GREAT job with it."
"Daddy built it...." Emily points to herself. "But I painted it and made it pretty fa' the birdies."
Gren stopped to lean against a light post and wipe away the hot tears now pouring from his eyes. He recalled that afternoon like it happened hours ago; he and Carla had a fight and Lyla invited the distraught Fable over for a hot meal and alone time. He spent the majority of the time with Emily, like they always did. They painted, watched cartoons and she even taught him how to braid hair on one of Katie's dolls. Although she didn't ADMIT it, Gren knew she was thrilled knowing how to braid hair.
Emily. He needed to find her and fast. Looking around, the heavy smell of garbage lingered in the air. For a moment, Gren swore he detected the rotting stench of dead bodies and meat. Neon lights flickered above his head, creating a lightly lit path. One man, appearing to have been up for days, possibly weeks, followed Gren into the alley. He was shaking violently, asking for either change or a hit. Gren remained calm and tried to ignore the man but the drug addict refused to leave Gren's side.
Mundies and their drugs. It was pathetic to Gren and as he turned to face the stranger, Gren allowed parts of his true form to escape. Who would believe a drug addict? That he saw a man turn into a beast, with knife like teeth, piercing milky eyes and skin as tough as leather? Allowing growls to leap from his tongue, the man stopped in his tracks; he was unsure what he was following and made the right decision in remaining in his place. Gren carried on. He had to find Emily and fast.
"Will ya' love me always, Gren?"
"What do you mean, Emily? Of course I'll always love you...."
"Even if I eva' do anything really, really bad?"
"I'll never stop loving you, kiddo..."
"EMILY!" Even in the darkness of the alley, he remaind true to his word. "EMILY! Answer me! Emily!"
It was faint but he could detect it. Flowers. Gren furiously searched the area, tossing metal trashcans to the side like children's play things. He eventually came up to an abandoned building. There, slumped along the rusty railing, was he precious Emily. There was foam around her lips. Her skin was clamy and her brow was layered in sweat. Gren noticed the marking in her arms. Both fresh and dried blood lined her flesh.
Gren gently picked her up. Emily's breathing was shallow and slow. He had to keep her head up incase she vomitted or spat up. It was dangerous, should it enter her lungs. Craddling Emily as if she was a child, Gren secures her in the passenger seat of his truck.
"Stay with me, Emily." Gren was blinded by rage and tears. "You fuckin' stay with me, you hear me!?"
Emily was semi-concious. Noticing a large man holding her down, she panicked. Emily dug into her pant pocket, wields a knife and tries to gut Gren like a fish. Emily shrieks and pulls against the seat belt. Gren, pressing his entire torso into Emily, attempts to calm her. She was coming down from a very bad high.
"Get the fook off of me, ya' fookin' bastard!" Emily tries to bite but fails. "Do ya' know who the fook I am!?"
"Amelia Caitlynn Porgie...." The use of her actual name causes Emily to stop. "You're name is Amelia but you prefer Emily. You have four brothers and two sister. Your parents fuckin' love you no matter what. I fuckin' love you. Remember-no matter what?"
"Grendel..." Emily drops the knife as her head leans into the seat. ""
"You'll be alright, Emily. I'll get Swineahert. He's going to fuckin' fix you, okay? I promise you, baby. I'll fix this, alright?"
Emily was in a deep coma for several minutes before coming to; Gren was racing against the hands of time and death was right behind him. He could feel the cool, boney slender fingers of the cloaked figure. Gren heads towards the Woodlands; he refused to have the town see Emily in this state. He'd call Georgie and Lyla from there. He just wanted to get her the help she needed. Save her.
Swineheart was waiting at the double doors. Grimble, noticing the unconcious Emily in Gren's arms, dialed the telephone number to Lyla and Georgie. As he spoke to the parents, Gren and Swineheart head to his apartment. Leaning Emily on the couch, Swineheart checks her vital signs, breathing and eyes.
"She's going to need her stomach pumped, Grendel. Did you bring the drugs she overdosed with or-"
"Her arms." Gren grabs Emily's left and shows. "She....she injected. What the fuck she used, I don't know..."
"Meth." Swineheart takes out a needle and a bottle of clear medication. "I noticed she has not been sleeping. She has enormous dark circles under her eyes. She also seems smaller than the last time I saw her. Vast amounts of weight loss are usual signs to Meth abuse...."
Gren covers his mouth; his precious, pure, beautiful and outgoing Emily was using drugs. Meth. The word seemed foreign to him. He could do nothing but sit back and watch; Swineheart attempts to give Emily some medication and keep her awake. Gren never removed his grasp on her right hand. Neither did Emily.
Swineheart cleans Emily's wounds, face and with Gren's help, undresses her into different clothes. Propping the young Porgie against the couch, Swineheart agains checks her signs.
"Heavy Meth users will tend to be awake for hours, sometimes days. When they eventually do come down, they'll want to sleep for hours. She'll become violent, aggressive and have paranoid behavior for sometime until the drug cleans itself out. And, judging by the marks, it won't be easy."
The words flew right past Gren. He remained focused on Emily, struggling to move or make a sound. He watched her chest move up and down. Up and down. He refused to remove his eyes, just in case....Swineheart played the radio softly from the fireplace near the window. The song was one of Gren's favorite. Emily's as well. It was Snow Patrol's Chasing Cars. With a tight grasp and tears, Emily looks over at Gren.
" ya' still love me, Gren?"
"Always, Emily." Gren wipes his eyes. "I'll always love you...."
"Even though I did something bad..."
Gren leans forward and kisses Emily's forehead. "I'll never stop loving you, Emily..."
Before long, Emily's eyes were closed. Gren never noticed either Georgie or Lyla. He didn't want to picture this. For awhile, Gren left his body and was back to the afternoon she showed him the bird house.
'Let's waste time. Chasing Cars, around our heads. I need your grace, to remind me. To find my own. If I lay here, if I just lay here, will you lie with me and just forget the world? Show me a garden that's bursting into life. All that I am, all that I ever was, is here in your perfect eyes, they're all I can see...."
Any questions, you know the drill. Like going back at times, especially right now, and reminding myself that Emily was never like this all the time. She had her dark moments. And Gren was always there, no matter what. Through the good AND bad times. I SHOULD be doing homework and essays but I needed a break for a bit. XP
LMAO It was Billy but Tommy was pretty darn close. XD I truly meant what I said; even in her darkest hours, Gren never stopped loving Emily. She's beautiful to him....glad it shows.
Emily and Gren talking about getting spotted reminds me of the incident with them in that tent and Tommy, or what his name was, going to get… more his ball. Ah, these two. XP
Great description of how Gren sees Emily, and how she radiates so much of the goodness that life can be to him.
Oh, Ethan, Ethan, Ethan. XD
I love this Alice. Luke sure is in hell rather than a Wonderland. That cat, though. XD Poor Hans, man. :P always gets the short end of deals. For now, at least. Who knows....but Alice is one person (at least this Alice) I'd avoid pissing off.
Case One: The Lost Child Part: Four
Luke started to head for the mountain when the moon started to go down while the sun started to rise,… more the moons blood started to go back into its face while the sun went from sad to gradually getting happy. Luke was exhausted and he's never really been one to pull all nighters, his eyes began to close and open multiple times until he collapsed...
"Why hello there Mr. Detective..." Was all Luke managed to hear before falling asleep.
Time passes...
Luke woke up in a single room cabin, he looked outside the window to find that most of his clothes were taken off and hanging out to dry. He felt a pain in his chest, he looked down and saw stitches...He almost started to panic but figured it'd be a better idea to get up and moving. He found a read
"Dear Detective, Thank you for visiting! You may begin to notice that things may not be as they seem and change over time...welcome to my nightm… [view original content]
"What do you mean, Emily? Of course I'll always love you...."
"Even if I eva' do anything really, really bad?"
"I'll never stop loving you, kiddo..."
"The birdies 'ave a home now, Gren! Did ya' see that one!? He liked it!"
Gren gently kisses the side of Emily's head. "I saw it, baby. You and daddy did a GREAT job with it."
"Daddy built it...." Emily points to herself. "But I painted it and made it pretty fa' the birdies."
Seriously!? No more tears, pie! No! No, no, no! What happened to the cute stories with Emily in her blue dress? The babies!? No! I don't like this emily, pie!
he song was one of Gren's favorite. Emily's as well. It was Snow Patrol's Chasing Cars
This, man! Now all I'm going to think about are these two!!!
" ya' still love me, Gren?"
"Always, Emily." Gren wipes his eyes. "I'll always love you...."
"Even though I did something bad..."
Gren leans forward and kisses Emily's forehead. "I'll never stop loving you, Emily..."
I'm going to kick your ass when I see you later. >:( I loved this chapter. I give you a hard time but I loved it. The raw emotions. The pictures. Emily's description of her in and out of concious; the thought of Georgie and Lyla. You don't speak much but from the past stories and how they speak of it, I can only imagine.....
And Gren. Another reason why I respect him and love him. You have shown that, although he and Georgie never got along, Emily was heavy on drugs and the BS with Carla, he always remaind loyal, especially to Emily. You showed them through their darkest AND happy moments in life together. I don't WANT to think of Emily like this but it WAS a part of her past.
Gren & Emily
The way we were
'You weren't just a star to me. You're the whole damn sky....'
Not that long ago...
Gren was ra… morecing against the hands of time. Every second. Every ticking of the clock was an inch closer to Death. He could smell it in the air; the mixture of heavy alcohol, Death and terror. He turned the wheel as he peeled around the corner. The message was clear as a bell the second he opened the unknown sender's message.
'Get to 5th asap. Emily needs you right now...'
Gren could not identify the number. It was sent by unknown. He automatically assumed it was a joke; if it truly was meant for him or had anything to do with HIS Emily, they would make it a point to say so. Gren fell back to sleep but only for a short amount of time. Again, the same unknown person and the exact message.
'Get to 5th asap!!! Emily needs you....'
Worried this was not a prank, Gren dialed Emily's number. Nothing. Dead. Gren's… [view original content]
Hans has met with a sticky end, then!
This Wonderland is particularly disturbing; when you described Alice is reminded me of this picture… more from one of the games you mentioned, I think.
Wouldn't want to take a holiday break there but it's fun to read about, in a freaky sort of way!
Glad you like her Pie! After madness returns I never really saw her as fully recovered, and always wondered how she'd fit in with any character from Fables. The Cheshire Cat is my absolute favorite to write dialogue for! XD I wouldn't cut Hans short yet, I don't just plan on using him for plot convenience. That'd just be cruel to the poor guy XD As long as she doesn't drag you into "her" Wonderland she's completely harmless, but then again she is very tricky!
I love this Alice. Luke sure is in hell rather than a Wonderland. That cat, though. XD Poor Hans, man. :P always gets the short end of deals. For now, at least. Who knows....but Alice is one person (at least this Alice) I'd avoid pissing off.
Five minutes went by and the sound of the Wardens scream constantly echoing through their skulls. That horrible scream, like he was being ripped apart by something. Mindy appeared behind a overturned bookcase looking Ashyln directly into her face, pointing at the direction where the Warden went. Ashlyn risen up out of her seat and slowly walked towards the direction the the spectral mind pointed. Everyone warned her and tried to stop her, but she pushed them away. Robert and Lyla continued to pursue her Dan and Marcelo followed, Rasputin sat back and continued to carve marks onto his disk with his claws and Early went to search for her very special headphones.
“Ashlyn, please stop. It's too dangerous come back!” Lyla as she tried continued to beg her friend to come back, she continued walking and walking until she came across the wall covered in blood with a cryptic message 'Join me Ashyln, or more people will die... Unless,,, you favor the bloodshed after all...'. Ashyln continued to stare at the bloody message while the others walked up by her to catch a glimpse of what the image. Then the sight of the Wardens corpse catches their eye and they see his partially mutilated body lying on the floor in a puddle of his own blood.
The sight makes Dan's stomach uneasy, he never saw this much blood before in his life, and movies doesn't count at all. Lyla takes Ashlyn's hand and pulls her away while Dan and Marcelo investigates the scene. As Dan walks by the Warden, he is grabbed by the dying mans cold hand. The Warden looks Dan and Marcelo in the face and tells them to run now and fast, the creature is still in the library. “It.... is still here... and it is not only hungry.... it want's... it want's..... a mate.....”. The Warden then dies of a massive amount of blood lost. Being as he was a wizard, he could of easily healed himself, thus speculating that this hungry and according to Robert, 'horny and frustrated' creature is wielding magic.
Dan quickly rushes over towards the others telling him that they have to get out of the building, fast and before they start to move the creature, who has been watching the whole time snarls and begins to slowly waltz towards the students. It's pearly white eyes stare them all down but gave Ashyln this strange look, a look of lust. Dan notices this, and tells Lyla and Robert to get Ashlyn far away from here as possible, while he and Marcelo takes care of this. Roberts calls Dan crazy and the creature roars a excruciating screech and then Robert moves Ashlyn out of the sight of the beast in a blink.
The creature began to move in on Dan and Marcelo, they could hear and understand what the creature was saying too. “Didn't you little piggies get my message? The one that is written in that mans blood whose lying on the floor behind you?” The creature continued to walk forward and Dan remained silent until it got a couple of feet of him. “Interesting, my malevolent sight does at all? Perhaps me tearing your flesh from the bone would strike some fear in your heat, and a terrible death..” Dan begins to laugh and tells the creature “I have nothing to fear, especially since I have... A DRAGON!” The creatures eyes wide as Marcelo transform into his dragon, then fire a fireball the size of a coffee table directly into the creatures face. As the smoke clears, Dan hopes on Marcelo and the two take off.
Robert, Lyla and Ashlyn managed to escape thanks to the help of Dan and Marcelo buying some time. However, Ella and Rasputin were still in the library. She manage to recover her headphones along with several other things the Warden took from her. She noticed Rasputin still sitting there carving, so see goes over and ask him “Rasputin, why do you do what you do? Wait, I'm mean why are you such a dick?” The Russian teenager looks at Ella, then continues to carve into the desk. Ella tries to get Rasputin to talk, and he slams his massive hand onto the desk splitting it in half. He gets up and looks at Ella telling her “I cannot let my family down, I cannot disappoint my father.” Then Ella respond to his statement “Father issues, you too?”
The moment is broken when Dan and Marcelo are running in their direction, both screaming in unison, “It's here, it's here! Run, now RUN, oh shit run!” Ella and Rasputin see's the creature that is chasing him. Ella prepares to use her powers to combat this creature, while Rasputin punches his fist together sparking flames from them. Dan insist that they retreat because the creature survived a fireball to they face. Dan grabs Ella hand pull her towards the exit. Rasputin however, refused to retreat like a coward he exclaimed
Then creature slashes the Russian's back with it razor sharp claws. He falls to the ground under the mercy of the creature. Ella isn't having it, using her powers with both hands force the creature to fly back into a group of book cases. It looked like that really did a number on the creature, it's not moving.. Now was everyone's chance to escape, so the picked up Rasputin who was bleeding badly and make their way out of the building.
Over the hill Robert and Lyla are seen with Ashyln waving down at the students. As they carried Rasputin up towards the hill, Ella with a pissed off and authoritative tone, demands what the exact hell was that thing the just saw. Dan haven't had a clue, Rasputin was in pain, but Marcelo.. he knew exactly what that thing was. “It was a wendigo..” Ella and Dan looked at Marcelo, he said it again and they were both in fear and wonderment. Marcelo explained to them how he knew what kind of creature it was, he told them how his father and his mentor fought one and a army years ago.
“Before I was born, 17 years ago. My dad Draco and his mentor Wolven set off on a quest to find my grandpa. They came across this powerful wendigo, it nearly killed him. Eventual they cought up with it and manage to kill it. He also told me they are weak against fire... well apparently this one isn't.” Dan is fascinated by Marcelo's story, while Ella is frustrated over nearly being killed by something as filthy and as a wendigo. Upon arriving to the top Lyla quickly rushed over to the injured Rasputin and began to sob, hug and kiss the injured Russian. “I need a barf bag..” Ella walking over towards the tree.
After the student's thought about what they should do next, Robert see's... the Warden up and well walking away towards his magic car. He immediately tells everyone what he is seeing and they can't believe their eyes. The Warden who Dan and Marcelo saw die, is alive. Something isn't right, it is really not... and they're beginning to fear for the worse now. Tomorrow night is the school dance, and every Fable at FableTown High is going to be there.. So now the student's are left with a decision...
A powerful, horny Wendigo that is not weak against fire? Oh boy...
I call it first that the Warden we see is the Wendigo in disguise!!! (I recall in it's original mythology that the Wendigo is an undying spirit that takes host bodies)
Detention... 2
Five minutes went by and the sound of the Wardens scream constantly echoing through their skulls. That horrible … morescream, like he was being ripped apart by something. Mindy appeared behind a overturned bookcase looking Ashyln directly into her face, pointing at the direction where the Warden went. Ashlyn risen up out of her seat and slowly walked towards the direction the the spectral mind pointed. Everyone warned her and tried to stop her, but she pushed them away. Robert and Lyla continued to pursue her Dan and Marcelo followed, Rasputin sat back and continued to carve marks onto his disk with his claws and Early went to search for her very special headphones.
“Ashlyn, please stop. It's too dangerous come back!” Lyla as she tried continued to beg her friend to come back, she continued walking and walking until she came across the wall covered in blood with a cryptic message 'Join me Ashyln, or more people will d… [view original content]
Detention... 2
Five minutes went by and the sound of the Wardens scream constantly echoing through their skulls. That horrible … morescream, like he was being ripped apart by something. Mindy appeared behind a overturned bookcase looking Ashyln directly into her face, pointing at the direction where the Warden went. Ashlyn risen up out of her seat and slowly walked towards the direction the the spectral mind pointed. Everyone warned her and tried to stop her, but she pushed them away. Robert and Lyla continued to pursue her Dan and Marcelo followed, Rasputin sat back and continued to carve marks onto his disk with his claws and Early went to search for her very special headphones.
“Ashlyn, please stop. It's too dangerous come back!” Lyla as she tried continued to beg her friend to come back, she continued walking and walking until she came across the wall covered in blood with a cryptic message 'Join me Ashyln, or more people will d… [view original content]
Very nice chapter dude!!
A powerful, horny Wendigo that is not weak against fire? Oh boy...
I call it first that the Warden we see is … morethe Wendigo in disguise!!! (I recall in it's original mythology that the Wendigo is an undying spirit that takes host bodies)
And I think they should tell someone
Haha! I wouldn't say that yet!
Ah that's the asylum bits from madness returns! One of my favorite parts from the game!
Hahaha! XD trust me I wouldn't either! It's freaky enough to write! XP
What a chapter! It's really well written and going back to Emily and that night is emotional. She went to such a dark place after being that sweet girl yet, this is one of those key moments that brought her and Gren even closer. Really great work, Pie!
Gren & Emily
The way we were
'You weren't just a star to me. You're the whole damn sky....'
Not that long ago...
Gren was ra… morecing against the hands of time. Every second. Every ticking of the clock was an inch closer to Death. He could smell it in the air; the mixture of heavy alcohol, Death and terror. He turned the wheel as he peeled around the corner. The message was clear as a bell the second he opened the unknown sender's message.
'Get to 5th asap. Emily needs you right now...'
Gren could not identify the number. It was sent by unknown. He automatically assumed it was a joke; if it truly was meant for him or had anything to do with HIS Emily, they would make it a point to say so. Gren fell back to sleep but only for a short amount of time. Again, the same unknown person and the exact message.
'Get to 5th asap!!! Emily needs you....'
Worried this was not a prank, Gren dialed Emily's number. Nothing. Dead. Gren's… [view original content]
Handle it themselves! Handle it themselves! Some scrawny wendigo is no match for these lot, not at all.
See, that's what I'd contribute if I were in it with them: positive reinforcement. Would I give anything else? Who knows, but they'd at least feel good about themselves as we all run for our lives.
Detention... 2
Five minutes went by and the sound of the Wardens scream constantly echoing through their skulls. That horrible … morescream, like he was being ripped apart by something. Mindy appeared behind a overturned bookcase looking Ashyln directly into her face, pointing at the direction where the Warden went. Ashlyn risen up out of her seat and slowly walked towards the direction the the spectral mind pointed. Everyone warned her and tried to stop her, but she pushed them away. Robert and Lyla continued to pursue her Dan and Marcelo followed, Rasputin sat back and continued to carve marks onto his disk with his claws and Early went to search for her very special headphones.
“Ashlyn, please stop. It's too dangerous come back!” Lyla as she tried continued to beg her friend to come back, she continued walking and walking until she came across the wall covered in blood with a cryptic message 'Join me Ashyln, or more people will d… [view original content]
Vivian greeted Emily was a loving, gentle puff of cool air. The babies all giggled and pointed up. Grining, Vivian plays with all four children. Viviana floats carefully by the guardian's head, giggles and flies after the others. It was times like this Emily wanted the others to view how Vivian reacted around her children. Gren had an idea; Sunflower was able to pick up certain emotions and feelings but not truly see the beauty before her very eyes.
Her children adored Vivian. Emily was beginning to wonder if Vivian was JUST her guardian or more when it came to the children. She'd ask later. Right now, dinner preperations were at hand. Vivian watched Emily pull out a large back of Chicken legs.
"What's for dinner, Ems?"
"Well, I was gunna make fried Chicken, Garlic mashed potatos, Cornbread and Collard greens."
"Ugh." Vivian looks at the bag of flour and carton of Buttermilk. "I love fried Chicken. I'll stand over here and smell it all."
"I want to surprise him with a nice meal and-"
Emily's sentence was interjected by her four children. Viviana floated near the window and points to a Robin perched on a nearby tree branch. She mimics the Bird's song, chirping and flapping her chubby arms as if she had wings. Seraphina and Chloe, however, managed to grab the egss and throw half down onto the ground. They chuckled, clapped and looked over at Emily for her approval. Vivian did her best not to laugh.
Emily gets a wet rag, sighs and cleans the mess.
"No no, girls. This is not how we use eggs. Here. Let mommy show you how its done."
Emily seats the four babies on the counter. Kneeling to grab another bowl and whisk, Emily takes two eggs. She holds the perfect white ovals in her hands. The babies are astounded by the perfect ovals. Emily cracks one by one. She tosses the shells into an old coffee can. Seraphina picks it up and examines the contents on the inside. The cracked shells, old coffee grounds, banana peel and discarded lemon wedges. She reaches inside. Vivian tries to grab the baby but is stopped by Emily.
"She needs to learn, Viv." Emily and Vivian carefully watch the little girl. "How else is she supposed ta' learn?"
Seraphina, now joined by Liam, stick handfuls of old coffee grounds and old skins into their mouths. Seraphina immediatly spits it up. The little girl sticks her tongue out and points to the faucet. Liam, on the other hand, loves the old skins. He spits out the coffee grounds but gnaws and eats the banana and lemon peels. Vivian was a bit disturbed but immediatly remembered Grendels enjoy snacking on leftover peels as such. To her, that was vile but he seemed to enjoy it.
This was the same kid that feasted on worms and lawn clippings. While Emily gave Seraphina a glass of water, Chloe and Viviana peeked into the bowl. Touching the yolk with their fingers, the squishy material was odd to the girls. Vivian was taken back by how curious the kids were. She loved them. Seraphina drinks the entire glass and with a firm pat on the butt, is returned to her other siblings. Emily opens a bag of flour and measures exactly one cup.
"Alright, babies. Ya' have ta' measure JUST right or else the batta' becomes too soggy and icky sticky!"
The babies clap. Chloe points at Emily. "Icky icky! Mama, no no!"
"That's right, me little fluff ball. Ya' want to coat the Chicken, not drown the bloody thing."
Vivian leans against the counter. "You speak to them as if they understand."
"They do, Viv." Emily dips four pieces, adding Buttermilk to the mix. "I read, that ya' gotta talk ta' them like ADULTS, not baby talk. Bloody bothers me when Peter does it."
"Aw but its cute, Ems." Vivian picks Liam up and rubs her nose against his cheek. "Just look at their widdle toes! Their widdle hands-"
Emily rolls her eye and oberves Vivian talk this way to each of the kids. As she completes with Chloe, Emily had a question to ask that had been bothering her for sometime. Emily was not sure how Vivian would react.
"Viv, can I as ya' something?" Emily scoops out some Crisco and adds to a cast iron skillet. "It has ta' do woot took place fa' ya' ta' be 'ere. WOOT really happened?"
Vivian sighs. She knew this would come sooner or later. "I escaped the Underworld and was alone in the dark for years. I was never meant to BE your guardian, Ems. I was never meant to have a second chance at all. But the thing is, Hope wanted me to have that opportunity, to prove that I wasn't JUST the Girl with the Ribbon. She knew there was more to me then that stupid, silly name. So, she found me. All alone and afraid. I was terrified. Unsure what this beautiful woman wanted until she explained your father survived and I was assigned to watch over his 'girl'. I automatically assumed it was your mother...."
Emily adds the coated pieces to the hot grease. "I already know this part, Viv. I want to know MORE...Ya' know woot I mean."
Vivian nods. "One of the judges in the afterlife is the reason WHY Hope found me. He saught her out. Felt I was truly sorry and deserved to find peace. But not in the Underworld. No. Although it wasn't TOO bad, he knew my place was elsewhere. Hades was angry because not only did I escape but killed his precious Cerberus along the way. I wanted to make a statement. Make him see that I was determined to be free and make my OWN decisions for once."
"But how did ya' kill such a beast? Ya' see how Viviana is?"
Vivian was hushed for a moment. Emily taks a pair of tongs and fishes out the cooked pieces. Adding a few more, she notices Vivian's eyes dart to the living room.
" did ya'-"
"The bow, Emily." Vivian turns back to Emily and beams. "Grendel's mother used the bow to save me..."
"Calla...." Emily grasped the counter. "She....she-"
"I wasn't sure how I could tell you but when I saw you use it to protect Gren. To save the children, I needed to say something. Hades was enraged and for what I did, he cursed the darkness into my world. I was certain this was now forever a part of me. Hope comes, tells me I was assigned as a guardian but not to your mother. Oh no. But to Georgie's little girl. You, Emily. You were my second chance. I was able to stop and
prevent you from becoming the very ugly and odious thing your father was all those years ago. I tried protecting the children, Emily..."
Emily glances over at Viviana, who plays with her sisters and brother. "Why her, Viv? Why not take the rest, too?"
"I can't, Emily...I only know of these three. I did the only thing I knew. By using the ribbon for GOOD, I can keep Viviana here and safe. As long as this thing is around her neck, Hades can not take her for himself. Yes, she changes into a giant three headed beast but Chloe's powers reside with Viviana. She protects her sister. I'm not worried about the kids."
"No." Emily grabs a bulb of Garlic and begins to chop. "I was neva' worried about the children. There is just...just so fookin' much that has happened ta' me within a year, Viv. So much has changed. But its been fa' the best. I regret not a single bloody thing. I love Grendel. I love our children. I'm getting married in a few days; Calla loves me enough ta' not only bring ya' ta' me but give me the chance ta' hold the bow she
once used in the Homelands. Ya' know I love ya', Viv."
Vivian grabs a tissue and wipes her eyes. "I love you too, Emily."
Emily tosses the chopped Garlic pieces into a pan containing melted butter. "So, Viv. You and Nick, huh?"
"Emily!" Vivian's face turns a light pink. "What....why are you...Nicholas and I-"
"NICHOLAS!?" Emily stirs the contents with a wooden spoon. "Wow, he let's ya' call him by his REAL name, eh? That's a big deal, Viv."
"Stop! Me and Nick are friends-"
"Not woot Peter tells me...."
Vivian's eyes become wide and stare at Emily in disbelief. "Peter? What, umm...what does Peter know, Emily?"
"Weeeel, accordin' ta' my brotha', Nick purchased a glamour last week. His very FIRST glamour, he added and used it one night. Didn't say for what but in the middle of the night, he heard somethin'. He and Holly swore they heard giggles, woot sounded like bed springs and gruntin'. Now, I KNOW that's not how ya' play Jenga. So, Viv...ya' wanna tell me about Nick. Or, did ya' call him Nicholas while ya' two-"
"Alright, alright, alright!" Vivian waves her right hand, while covering her face with the left. "Me and Nick....we've been seeing eachother. For some time now. I mean, I fucking HATED that guy when I was alive and he was the guardian for your father. UGH! I hated that little stupid ghost orb thing! But over these past few weeks, he seems....different. And, I mean-he's dead, I'm dead."
"How the fook does that work, Viv? Ya' know...the sex?"
"We can STILL engage in sex but its a bit more challenging. You have to angle JUST right. Otherwise, its just a mess."
"Oh God." Emily covers the chicken with a paper towel. "Well, now I know if I eva' 'ere weird ass noises at night, it ain't just the ghosts spookin' up the place. Just don't bring home little ghost babies with ya', Viv."
Vivian tosses an empty water bottle at Emily. It misses, landing on the ground and rolling behind the trashcan. As Puddles stops to sniff it, all four babies look towards the window. A pair of headlights dance across the window and living room walls. They bounce, squeal and attempt to head for the door. Only one capable of this was already halfway into the living room. Emily gathers the others.
"Calm down, little ones. Yes, I know-ya' daddy is home! Let's go see him!'
Vivian stays back and watches Emily greet Gren. Viviana latches herself onto Gren's head, while he is bombarded by kisses and hugs. The house is one again consummed with laughter and love. Vivian stood proud of both Gren and Emily. Vivian had no regrets for her life or what took place. She, like Gren, were home.
'Second chances are not given to make things right. But are given to prove that we could do better even after we fall.'
Any questions, you know the drill. Getting close to the Gremily wedding! YAY! Ugh, can I tell you glad to be finished with these classes, man! Between the thesis and now another essay....-throws papers to the ground- Wait, no....I need these.....XD
So, I was asked about Nick not too long ago and the answer is this:
I designed him after my all time favorite ghost Pokemon, Ghastly. The color is green instead and Nick has a bit more 'spunk' and 'vocabulary'. He and Georgie met up in the homelands and for centuries, was his guardian. He now belongs to Peter. Nick was hung after his village accused him of stealing bread. Since then, he's been a floating orb of hot air and sarcasm. Rumor has it, he and Vivian are currently hooking up, but, you know.....those are just rumors...;)
Oh man! Can't wait to see this!
LMAO! I shall obey the leader....
But the twins pretty much switched over time; Ethan is now considered the 'serious' one but even then, it varies. After he spoke to Bigby and accepted WHO he was, it really improved Peter's outlook on life.
Have a little fun, like mounting the Mayor's desk to act out supossibly a mating ritual with Gren. xD
Robert nearly collided into a couple and several other mundies. They glared at the man with shoulder length black hair, holding a box of Donuts and balancing to large Coffee cups in the middle. Robert spun around, nearly knocking a woman with groceries down. He apologised but received the middle finger as a response. Robert chuckled and continued towards the Woodlands.
Crossing the street, a Taxi cab nearly runs Robert down; the driver waves a huge hairy fist and spits out what Robert assumed was either Russian or German. The driver lays on the horn. The noise echos and rings in Robert's ears. As the man screams and points in Robert's direction, he fishes out a Jelly Donut and shoves it in the man's mouth. Taken back, he spits up the creme filled pastery, takes a bite and watches Robert salute in his direction.
"Smile more!" Robert leaps onto the sidewalk. "You'll get noticed more. Have a blessed day!"
The driver had nothing to say. The Jelly donut was enough for the answer. He watched Robert bounce a few steps before entering the Woodlands. He'd allow this foolish man one more chance in life, for if he did such nonsense again to HIS cab, his luck would run out. Robert leans against the Security desk, bangs on the bell and within seconds, Gren runs into the lounge.
"Fucking serious." Gren pants, trying to adjust his tie. "Was that fuckin' necessery or-"
"You're supposed to be working." Robert tries to look around the corner. " Emily in there or-"
"No!" Gren sits in his chair. "I was fuckin' trying to take a piss when you scared the shit out of me. Anyways, what are you doing here?"
"Came to check out your new hangout. See you in a REAL uniform. bring you some tasty treats."
Gren grabs the pink box, opens the top and glances inside. He couldn't remember the last time hehad a donut. Swineheart always restricted Gren from certain treats and this happened to be one of him. Gren developed high blood pressure over the years and was borderline diabetes. He tried explaining when you're alone for so long, takeout and fast snacks was the way to live in the mundane world. Swineheart didn't buy it. Gren recalled being a smartass and saying he'd try the 'Sheriff Bigby' method to good health. Again, Swineheart did not find this ammusing.
Gren pushes the Donuts towards Robert. "I can't eat these."
Robert lifts the top back open. "Why the fuck not, man!? ONE goddamn Donut is not going to send you into the ground..."
"Gren..." Robert takes out a Donut covered in a light brown icing. "I got Maple bars. You LOVE Maple bars."
"No Robert." Gren leans into his chair and examines on of the camera screens. "Please. Seriously. I appreciate the offer but no thank you. Ethan and Michelle left not too long ago. Give them to Ethan and if he won't eat them, I KNOW Peter and Penkle will fuckin' devour them."
Annoyed but understanding, Robert closes the top and slides the box to the side. "Worried you'll get fat before the wedding, huh?"
The word 'wedding' causes Gren to pause for a moment and glance out towards the double doors. His last marriage was a fraud; she never loved him or had any intentions of making it last for all eternity. Gren wasted his years with a woman whom was consumed with hatred, greed and animosity. Gren hung his head. He swore off weddings and ever truly living a 'happily ever after' that the stories claimed had to happen after every story. Gren was certain his was written, published and therefore, the end in regards to his life.
"Wow. I'm fuckin' getting married, Robert..." Gren smiles, his reflection gleaming off the screen. "I'm...I'm getting married...."
"Yes...." Robert chuckles, unsure where this was going. "You ARE getting married, bro. You'll have a wife, four beautiful children and one hell of a home to come to after a long day of-"
"I'm getting married." Gren repeats this several times before looking up at Robert. " I doing the right thing?"
"You getting cold feet, Grendel?"
"What!?" Gren was dismayed by Robert's words. "No! I'm not fuckin' getting cold feet, Robert!" Gren pokes Robert's chest. "I'm excited to be fuckin' getting married to Emily and finally having my OWN family and happiness!"
"Then why the fuck are you asking me if you're doing the right thing?"
Gren sighs heavily. "I...I guess after all the fuckin' bullshit I went through with Carla and-"
"But Emily is not Carla, Gren. I see the way she looks at you. THAT is what love looks like...."
Gren was surprised by his brother this past year. He was defending Gren in more ways then words could ever describe. He was not sure what suddenly took place but he was fine with his brother's change in behavior. He truly loved Emily; he loved Emily's curves, laugh, spunky personality and the way she carried herself. Even when she was younger, Emily was there to hold his head above the water and keep him from drowning. Gren could still remember the first time Emily revealed her love to him...
"Yeah." Gren rubs his neck and shoulders. "I see it every fuckin' time she looks at me, Robert."
"You still think you're making the right decision or-"
"No." Gren looks up. Beaming, Robert noticed a tear. "I...I know I'm making the right decision. I fuckin' love her. I've always loved Emily Porgie! I'm getting married...." Gren leaps over the desk and grabs Robert. "I'm fuckin' getting married-to Emily Porgie!"
Suddenly, Gren had Robert in the middle of the lounge, dancing and spinning in place. The two brothers did not notice Ethan and Michelle's return; both were caught off guard to see the Grendel brothers partake in such a humerus fashion of displaying happiness and approvel. Michelle stood near the potted plant, observing the duo dance and spin.
Ethan rolls his eyes. As he tucks the sandwiches under his arm, Gren snatches the Deputy Mayor into the mix. "ETHAN! Hey, buddy!"
"Gren!" Ethan glares over, "Robert-lovely morning we are having, aren't we?"
"Robert nods. "I wasn't expecting THIS kind of answer but hey, compared to what he USED to do to me, I'll take it!"
Ethan tries to worm his way out of the odd dancing session. Gren refused to let go; he was caught up and lost in the world of Emily Porgie and could picture the big day in his mind. His lovely bride being walked down the asile by her father. Georgie trying his best to hold back tears. His Groom's Men party to the right and the Bride's Maids to the left, all doing their best but fail to keep the tears in check. All of Fabletown there to witness two souls, two broken pieces of a heart, come together as one.
"Michelle!" Ethan throws the sandwiches to the young assistant. "Take these! Save yourself!"
Michelle catches both and leaves Gren's requested sandwich on the desk. For now, she was pleased to see such loving and devoted individuals in her presence. Although Ethan's shrill screams and a dash of terror bounced off the walls, his smile and laughter indicated he was proud and jocular for the Swamp beast.
The morning commute and rush ended around eleven thirty. Just a few more hours, thought Emily, as she wiped down the counters and stacked the paper cups. Bambi and two more female co-workers headed to the back to stock and refill all the drinks and syrup. The boss, Ms. Stevens, walks into the tiny room and observes Emily clean.
Today, Emily was wearing a green top and bottom combination. On the breast part, four-leaf clovers and another larger one on her bottom area. Green beads dangled between her breasts and over the mounds of pale flesh. Bambi and several of the other girls wore the same thing; Bambi went as far as to even wear a green top hat with black buckle.
Today's special was a green latte topped with whipped creme, green sprinkles and a green straw topped with a four leaf clover. Ms. Stevens stood beside Emily and watched the tattooed beauty grab a bucket and add soap along with hot water.
"'am..." Emily found it difficult to work while being watched. "Can I 'elp you or-"
"I hear the wedding is this weekend, Porgie."
"Yes ma'am." Emily tops off the suds with a dash of bleach. "It's this Saturday and-"
"Then why the fuck are you here, dear?"
"Look, I appreciate you gracing us with your beauty. TRUST me, Emily, no man would say no to taking a glance at these beauties here before heading to his boring routine at the office. Really, its true. But YOU need to be home, preparing for this wedding and spending time with that husband-to-be of your's."
Emily follows the manager into the office. Ms. Stevens takes a seat at her desk, opens the drawer and finds Emily's schedule. Emily stands near the door; she could hear the whispers of the other girls and Bambi doing her best to calm them down.
"I, uh, took two weeks of fa' me Honeymoon and-"
"Where ya' two love birds heading?"
"Santorini, ma'am."
Ms. Stevens looks up. "Where the hell is that? Sounds Italian...."
"No, actually, its Greek. I guess Gren is half and he wants ta' go see the islands and-"
"Well, that sounds lovely and you should be home. I'm giving you this month off, Emily."
"But....I need this money and-"
"Emily, dear, I know you do. But I'll tell you something, alright?"
Ms. Stevens beckons the young Porgie gal over to her desk. Emily was unsure of this action but did as she was told. Saying no to the creature from the black Lagoon was a death sentence. You either did as you were told or start paying your final goodbye's to family and friends. Emily sits before the heavy set woman. Stevens opens the filing cabinet behind her and pulls out a large yellow envelope and hands it to Emily.
"Woot...woot is this, ma'am?"
"This town KNOWS of Grendel. I would be there for the wedding but I'll be gone that weekend. I've watched that man sink into the deepest and darkest parts of this fucking shit life we have going for us..."
Emily tries to ignores the images: Gren, drunk like he was every night, slumped over the bar at the Trip Trap. Causing fights with various Fables, falling to the ground and gaining the same reputation he received back at the Homelands. Violent. And Dangerous.
Stevens continues. "Me and the girls would like to give you this gift. You've been a swell person to work with and you'll make a fine wife. You already have that mothering down..."
Emily opens the file and was taken back by the large anount of money. She counted five grand.
"No, Ms. Stevens....I-"
Stevens grabs Emily's hand. "I KNOW who your father used to be, Emily. We as this town saw you turn into that. I'm pleased to fuckin' see you're better than that and changed. Same for two found a reason. TAKE this money, have a beautiful wedding and get the fuck out of this town. GO. Love."
Emily could only back up towards the door. A smile grew across her face. No words. Just a smile. Bambi and he other girls applaude and walk Emily to her car. Still beaming, Emily did not even bother changing; she was heading for the Woodlands and needed to see Gren. She peeled into a open spot near the double doors. Robert and the others were gone; Gren was standing near the doors, prepared to head up to Peter's office. He was pleasently surprised to see Emily.
"Sweetie, hey." Gren opens the doors. "Is it two already? I-"
Emily grabs Gren and runs back to the car; Gren tried to mouth his concern but was immediatly hushed by Emily's kiss and her revealing outfit. Pressing her breasts against his chest, she begins to unbutton Gren's pants.
"Whoa, Emily! They can fuckin' see us and-"
Emily covers the back window and driver's side with several papers and towels. "There, love-happy!?"
Gren smiles. "Yes."
Hopefully the Woodlands would not be attacked in thirty minutes because the Security Guard was on his break.
Any questions, you know what to do.
Will try and add another chapter later. Have something to do with JJ. Poor guy is so nervous....:( Oh and happy St. Patrick's Day. 
Damn Emily and Gren getting it on in the back seat of the car! HAPPY St. Patricks indeed! XD XD How cute, though.
I'll keep it short this time because I'm not looking forward to today, Pie....:'( If you read this before, I'll be there in twenty minutes....if not, I'll text you.
Happy St. Paddy's Day to you, Chad!! XD
Good luck to JJ as well...
Good chapter as always Pie!
You know I forgot today was St. Patrick's day XP
Whatever it is that happened to make him so nervous I wish him good luck!
Happy Saint Patrick Day everyone.!
Sweet! Can't wait to see it ^-^ After the first batch of them, I'm super excited!
XD I'm sorry, I guess the way you worded your comment made me think otherwise >.< No hard feelings, man XD
Guess it was because I'm not so good at it that I wanted to practise, you know? But you've got a point that doing it on Fable drawings might not be the best; Weasel was just in the wrong place at the wrong time, it seems. :P
I'll let him know you guys all send the best wishes.
Taking a break right now.
Mundies. 'Cuh.
After reading the chapter before this and then this one, I have to say that it's fun reading Peter and Robert in their upbeat moods.
The image of Gren, Robert, and Ethan - in slight terror - dancing around the Woodlands lounge is a happy sight. Ms. Stevens giving Emily the time off, as well as the gift from Emily's friends at the sexy barista place is a lovely gesture. 
Good line! XD
And Santorini is somewhere I'd like to go - it's beautiful.
Whatever it is, hope it goes well, JJ! Happy St. Patrick's Day to yourself and everyone else.
Peter's persona on life has changed and Robert is normally in a good mood unless he's having one of his 'days'. Poor Ethan gets dragged into so much but he can't help but be happy for Gren and the girls, including Ms. Stevens love and adore Emily. Its the least they could do for her.
Me and the misses are going to Santorini for our honeymoon and feel it as appropriate for Gremily as well.
Thanks for the St. Patrick's shoutout!
Normally I'd go drinking but with a baby, its not as fun. XD JJ is alright to a point. Its been settled. 
You can still do the gums if you want! I'm just saying you can try drawing in the teeth only if the gums are too hard to perfect.
Case One: The Lost Child Part: Four
Luke started to head for the mountain when the moon started to go down while the sun started to rise, the moons blood started to go back into its face while the sun went from sad to gradually getting happy. Luke was exhausted and he's never really been one to pull all nighters, his eyes began to close and open multiple times until he collapsed...
"Why hello there Mr. Detective..." Was all Luke managed to hear before falling asleep.
Time passes...
Luke woke up in a single room cabin, he looked outside the window to find that most of his clothes were taken off and hanging out to dry. He felt a pain in his chest, he looked down and saw stitches...He almost started to panic but figured it'd be a better idea to get up and moving. He found a read
"Dear Detective, Thank you for visiting! You may begin to notice that things may not be as they seem and change over time...welcome to my mind. P.S. Thanks for the fun time last night...or did we?"
Luke put the note down and looked at his chest. The stitches were gone, he saw a knife on the counter. When he picked it up blood began to appear on the blade...he heard a hissing noise from behind him. When he turned around Alice was there with cuts all over her and bleeding from her gouged out eyes, her head went to one side she looked sad. When he blinked she was gone. Was he going mad? His hand began to shake...
"Having a bit of trouble I see." The cat smiled
"What's happening to me!?" Luke exclaimed
"You're letting her get into your head, just as she did with the other man here." The cat purred
Luke nodded, calmed himself down. He went outside but his clothes seemed as if they'd never been taken off. He had been moved to the other side of the lake. He face palmed, he knew nothing good would come out of even seeing a lake especially in wonderland. He moved on to the town in the distance...
"How do you know that she won't attack you again? Especially since you're close to your destination? She does control this place." The cat walked alongside Luke.
"If she wanted to do me in, she would've dealt with me in the cabin. She controls this place huh? So can she make buildings and such?" He asked
"Her word is law here now that the Queen is gone." He purred
"What happened to her?" Luke asked
"Alice killed her of course. The Queen was getting a bit overzealous with her troops." The cat said
"Mhmm." Luke said
The ground began to shake and the sky grew dark green with a bigger and more bloodied moon, and a factory blocking his way. The sign said Hares Factory. Where workers do nothing but work. and die.
"How professional..." Luke said
"This is what she does. You should consider yourself lucky, she seems to like you more than the other guy. Although maybe you shouldn't now should you?" He smiled and purred.
"Why what happened to Hans!?" Luke asked
"Let's just say...hell would've been a better place for him than here..." The cat lost his smile and looked serious.
"Shit..." Luke said looking at the factory. He sighed and walked through the gates where he heard screaming of "workers" doing work....
That's it! I heavily apologized for the lack of posting I've been really busy as of late! Any questions or comments or anything else let me know!
Well shit! Alice is one fucked up person :P
Luke will persevere though! XD
Looking forward to more dude!
Gren returned to his work station and remembered he had a sandwich waiting for him. Wearing only his blue boxers and white teeshirt, he looked around, hoping no one would notice the odd man in his under garments. An older lady and several others, however, saw the foolish man exit the Woodlands, holding his large sub drowning in Vinegar and Ranch dressing. Gren smiled, waved and entered his car. This was New York. Odd things like this occured more than once in a day. Emily, still naked from her waist up, grabs the sandwich.
Feeling doltish for even attempting to grab his food in such a fashion, Gren chuckles and leans against the back seat. Emily peels away the paper and takes her half of the sandwich. She noticed a bag of Lay's Wasabi flavored chips.
Gren takes his half of the sandwich and the pair endulge in the flavorful sandwich. Emily giggled, wiping her mouth.
"Damn, love. Think ya' asked fa' enough Vinegar?"
"You know me, Ems. THAT'S the only way to eat a good sub."
"I guess so, love." Emily takes another bite. "Nice ta' know even ya' sandwich preparin' ways neva' changed."
While Gren watched Emily devour her section of the meal, he couldn't help but think back to the times the two shared a meal like this. It was always either a cold sub from Port of Subs or hamburgers. Emily always knew she'd either get half or the leftovers. One time, while Georgie and Lyla were in the kitchen and the others played outside, he and Emily sat in the living room; he brought over McDonald's from his lunch and allowed Emily the rest of his fries.
They sat on the couch, watched their favorite Disney movie and shared a meal. Gren recalls bringing sandwiches all the time for Emily. Several times when she was still in school, Gren would make a surprise visit. Always with a bag of chips and small coke. He knew her favorite sandwich and ways of preparing it by heart: Medium number 10 (this was the Chicken) on White bread; Provolone cheese. Mayo and mustard, Lettuce, pickles, extra red onions, olives, wax peppers, just pepper, oil, vinegar and extra Ranch.
Emily takes a sip from the soda and kisses Gren's face. "See ya' neva' changed up ya' order, too?"
"Turkey, Ham and Swiss cheese. Everything but tomatos and apparently drowning in vinegar."
Emily chuckles, finishing off her half of the sandwich. "And that's how I like it. Don't ya' eva' forget that."
Emily exhales deeply before leaning her head against Gren's side. He too finished off his portion of the sandwich. Gren caresses Emily's face, plays with the loose strands of hair and brushes the skin on her neck. The city outside continued about, not stopping to notice the couple.
"This was nice, Emily. Thanks."
"Fa' the sex or visit?"
Gren leaves a long and loving kiss on Emily's lips. "For both, Ems. ESPECIALLY the first one."
"Hopefully no one saw us..."
"Nah. These mundies would have the cops all over our asses."
"Not just them, love." Emily points to the Woodlands. "Them perverts in there, too."
"TRUST me. If they saw us, I'll know when I get back in there." Gren rubs Emily's shoulders. "So, you going to take the kids and-"
"Yes. I want them ta' come with me and 'elp with dinner. Well....with woot they CAN do."
Gren could only stare at his beautiful fiancee. There was so much beauty in this world; Gren knew of places that mundies and even Fables rarely visited or allowed to step foot on. The soil was sacred and something that pure needed to be kept hidden and in the secret world of the unkown.
Yet, none of those could ever compare to the beauty and wonderful sight he had before is very eyes. The world had nothing on the appealing image he could touch, smell and love. Emily was lustrous and Gren had always viewed Emily as something God took his time on creating.
Gren, nevertheless, always found Emily wonderous and phenomenal. Perhaps this should have been the creature's first clue into the future Emily had within his own.
Outside of the car, the world was a repulsive place. If Gren had that option, he'd bring the children down with him and remain alone in the vehicle with their mother for years to come. Emily seemed to have the same thought; she covered herself and Gren and the two remained as such, not noticing the time or Ethan heading towards the car.
He had Peter with him. "And YOU wanted to hire him?"
"Give him a break, Ethan." Peter taps on the back window. "He probably fell asleep, man. You saw him...he's looks so exhausted and-"
The brothers noticed the car move for a second and paused. Gren lifts the towel covering the back, saw who it was and smiled. Waving, the twins return the gesture; it was outlandish, considering Gren was not in uniform but when Gren exits the car, struggling to buckle his pants, Peter already knew. Deeming from the red growing on his cheeks, he was right.
"I'll grab the right back."
Ethan was muddled. "Why the fuck are you getting the quads NOW, Peter? Emily won't be here for another two hours and-"
Peter slides into the lounge, snaps and points to the car. "THINK our darling sister is already here. Be right back."
Ethan was still baffled by his brother's words. Turning to face Gren, his newly hired Security Guard was adjusting his tie and tucking in his shirt. He too noticed the redness on Gren's face. Despite the dark skin tone, he could clearly see the color. Ethan carefully headed for the back door; Gren saw his quick hand gestures and could not stop Ethan in time. With a forceful opening, Ethan gawked, screamed and covered his eyes.
"AHHH God, no! EW! Emily! UGH!"
"Hey little brotha'." Emily alters her skirt. "Lovely weatha' ta'day, don't ya' think?"
Shaking, Ethan points to both Gren and his sister. "You RIGHT here. Ugh God. Sick. No. No, no, no, no....Remind me to NEVER sit in the back seat of your car EVER again!"
Peter returns with the quads. When all four notice Emily's presence, they thrash, kick and squeal with delight. Viviana flies into her mother's arms; Seraphina nearly leaps from Peter's grasp, as she embraces all her babies. Chloe and Liam could not help themselves; both babies turn into their tru forms and nearly maul Emily's chest with their claws. Chloe yipps and wags her little tail. Liam grabs Emily's face and plants very wet kisses. He squeaks like a little Mouse, indicating he was full of joy and serene.
"My babies." Emily buckles each into their car seats. "Oh look at me happy babies! Oh mama missed ya' all so much."
"Better hurry with those babies, Ems." Ethan looks around. "We could explain Chloe but a huge ass Fish-frog looking thing?"
"Heading home, babe?" Gren leans against the car. "I mean, you don't have to leave just yet..."
"You'll be home in no time, love." Emily takes the keys and starts the car. "And besides, I think these little munchines could use a nap while mommy makes dinner ta'night."
Gren kisses each of his children goodbye, stands before the driver's window and stares at Emily. While she tries to pick a radio station, he couldn't help but chuckle. The concentration she had; the wiggle in her nose, the determination in her eyes and the way she licked her lips. It was the most winsome thing he'd seen that day.When Emily found her station, she bends towards Gren and passionatly kisses him. Gren looks up and notices Peter making 'gross' faces at the couple.
"See ya' at five, love?"
"You bet, baby. Drive safe. Love you."
Emily honks the horn, waves at the three men standing on the curb and drives back to their home. Peter playfully punches Gren in the arm; Ethan was still not pleased with what he saw, opens the door and points to Gren's desk.
"Just...get to work, Gren..."
"Mad Ethan?"
Peter heads for the elevator and waits for the ride. Ethan folds his hands, taps his shoe and glares at Gren.
"YOU represent the Woodlands now, Grendel. That was highly inappropriate behavior and I know it was your lunch break but-"
Gren smirks, tilts on the desk and glances at Ethan. Gren whispers. "Like YOU and Michelle, Deputy Mayor Porgie?"
Ethan nearly collasped with Gren's response. He had no idea someone knew. "How....ho-how,"
Gren taps both his ears and nose. "I'm a Grendel, Porgie. Remember that. You Wolves do indeed have powerful smell glands but so do we. We have to smell our food underwater. I'm pretty sure the smell of my boss and his pretty little assistant is not too much trouble to pick up."
Gren leans back into his chair, arms tucked under his head. "Forget about what I do on MY breaks and I'll forget what I know. Got it?"
Peter turns, just as the large doors open. "Hurry up, Ethan! Don't want to sit and wait for this piece of shit again."
Peter holds open the door; Ethan could not move for several seconds, as the smile on Gren's mouth grew with each second. He had been beat. By a fucking Swamp creature. Ethan shakes Gren's hand for a silent agreement, turns and heads inside with Peter. The last thing Gren saw was Ethan's contrite face with a touch of 'oh shit' and 'no way'. Gren spins in his chair, turns on the radio and looked at the clock. Just five more hours to go.
Gren sang along with the song. James Taylor's 'How sweet' played. Soon, the lounge was full of laughter and singing.
"How sweet it is to be loved by you..."
Any questions, you know the drill.
UGH. This thesis paper. I'm almost done with this paper from hell. Hell.....yes. Sounds about right. XD Spring break is in two weeks. THANK the lord. XD The misses, little Emily and I have plans for that week. Get out of this town. 
Oh shit, Gren knows about Ethan and Michelle!!! XP
DAAAAAAMN, Grendel! XD Take THAT, Ethan! LOL I laughed so hard at this part.
I have to say something: I love the detail Gren has when it comes to Emily. I wish someone would lay there and describe me the way he does; wonderous, stunning, etc. Even when she's searching for a radio station, he loves the way her nose wiggles and licks her lip. -sigh- OH man. Gren. you act like this tough, bad-ass guy but you do come off as the sweetest of the sweet. I love these two with all that I have. They're so meant for one another.
Swear to God Peter is indeed something else. XD XD
At least you didn't walk in, hear it or see them actually DOING it. XD XD Such an Ethan reacton, though.
^^^All this. Right here. How freaking cute are these babies!! GAH! They missed their mommy so much.
It breaks your heart but at least she has time off now. I waiting for Emily to be like f working. I'll stay home, bake pies, clean and make dinners'
Little Chloe and her little man, Liam! I love them all!!!
I loved this, Pie! Can't wait for more! Looking forward to that wedding and all the pretty pictures you have for it.
I want to know MORE about Michelle and now Carla and WHY she's still here and what her TRUE intentions are for Gremily. >:(
Peter slides into the lounge, snaps and points to the car. "THINK our darling sister is already here. Be right back."
It's good to know that Peter and Robert's jollity is more of a norm for them as opposed to the exception, nowadays.
Ah, hear it's romantic! Have a great time.
Give it enough years and Emily will be the one out drinking; though thinking that far ahead is kind of strange. And that's good. 
Ah, that is a good point! To be honest, teeth alone I find difficult without gums, so doing one and not both would make it much easier.
Hans has met with a sticky end, then!
This Wonderland is particularly disturbing; when you described Alice is reminded me of this picture from one of the games you mentioned, I think.
Wouldn't want to take a holiday break there but it's fun to read about, in a freaky sort of way!
Emily and Gren talking about getting spotted reminds me of the incident with them in that tent and Tommy, or what his name was, going to get his ball. Ah, these two. XP
Great description of how Gren sees Emily, and how she radiates so much of the goodness that life can be to him.
Oh, Ethan, Ethan, Ethan. XD
Gren & Emily
The way we were
'You weren't just a star to me. You're the whole damn sky....'
Not that long ago...
Gren was racing against the hands of time. Every second. Every ticking of the clock was an inch closer to Death. He could smell it in the air; the mixture of heavy alcohol, Death and terror. He turned the wheel as he peeled around the corner. The message was clear as a bell the second he opened the unknown sender's message.
'Get to 5th asap. Emily needs you right now...'
Gren could not identify the number. It was sent by unknown. He automatically assumed it was a joke; if it truly was meant for him or had anything to do with HIS Emily, they would make it a point to say so. Gren fell back to sleep but only for a short amount of time. Again, the same unknown person and the exact message.
'Get to 5th asap!!! Emily needs you....'
Worried this was not a prank, Gren dialed Emily's number. Nothing. Dead. Gren's breathing became shallow, as he rushed to the bathroom, and dressed himself. He should have called her parents first; Lyla and Georgie had every right to be the ones to assist their daughter, should the message have been true. But Gren's mind was clouded with all the horrible images that could have possibly happened.
Emily was no stranger to finding trouble and placing herself in situations that created chaos and could have easily been avoided. Gren nearly trips down the stairs as he jumps into his truck and heads for 5th. He prayed. Something Gren rarely did and found himself begging for her safety. Keep Emily safe until he got there. Gren attempts to call the 'unknown' number. Odd. There was nothing.
Thankfully the traffic was not too bad. Gren managed to weave and drive through the streets, pass the lights and found himself on 5th. This section of town screamed dangerous. Drug dealers and crack addicts lined the gutters. Lost, pathetic souls, looking for their next hit or any form of attention. It made Gren sick to his stomach knowing his once sweet and innocent Emily was a part of this tragedy. As Gren exits the vehicle, all eyes on him, there she was.
His brown bright eyed beauty, jet black hair in a ponytail, bouncing her way towards Gren. His arms extending out, prepared for the biggest hug she could possibly hand him. Emily was eager to show him a Bird house she and Georgie built together; it was bright purple, lined with Daisies and Roses. A little blue bird sat in the front, inviting any family Birds to move in. Gren assisted Emily with the hook and the two sat back and watched the beautifully crafted home dangle against the roof.
Emily clung to Gren as the two waited until they noticed a little bird hop along, notice the vacant home and took this wonderful opportunity. He never saw Emily so delighted and pleased.
"The birdies 'ave a home now, Gren! Did ya' see that one!? He liked it!"
Gren gently kisses the side of Emily's head. "I saw it, baby. You and daddy did a GREAT job with it."
"Daddy built it...." Emily points to herself. "But I painted it and made it pretty fa' the birdies."
Gren stopped to lean against a light post and wipe away the hot tears now pouring from his eyes. He recalled that afternoon like it happened hours ago; he and Carla had a fight and Lyla invited the distraught Fable over for a hot meal and alone time. He spent the majority of the time with Emily, like they always did. They painted, watched cartoons and she even taught him how to braid hair on one of Katie's dolls. Although she didn't ADMIT it, Gren knew she was thrilled knowing how to braid hair.
Emily. He needed to find her and fast. Looking around, the heavy smell of garbage lingered in the air. For a moment, Gren swore he detected the rotting stench of dead bodies and meat. Neon lights flickered above his head, creating a lightly lit path. One man, appearing to have been up for days, possibly weeks, followed Gren into the alley. He was shaking violently, asking for either change or a hit. Gren remained calm and tried to ignore the man but the drug addict refused to leave Gren's side.
Mundies and their drugs. It was pathetic to Gren and as he turned to face the stranger, Gren allowed parts of his true form to escape. Who would believe a drug addict? That he saw a man turn into a beast, with knife like teeth, piercing milky eyes and skin as tough as leather? Allowing growls to leap from his tongue, the man stopped in his tracks; he was unsure what he was following and made the right decision in remaining in his place. Gren carried on. He had to find Emily and fast.
"Will ya' love me always, Gren?"
"What do you mean, Emily? Of course I'll always love you...."
"Even if I eva' do anything really, really bad?"
"I'll never stop loving you, kiddo..."
"EMILY!" Even in the darkness of the alley, he remaind true to his word. "EMILY! Answer me! Emily!"
It was faint but he could detect it. Flowers. Gren furiously searched the area, tossing metal trashcans to the side like children's play things. He eventually came up to an abandoned building. There, slumped along the rusty railing, was he precious Emily. There was foam around her lips. Her skin was clamy and her brow was layered in sweat. Gren noticed the marking in her arms. Both fresh and dried blood lined her flesh.
Gren gently picked her up. Emily's breathing was shallow and slow. He had to keep her head up incase she vomitted or spat up. It was dangerous, should it enter her lungs. Craddling Emily as if she was a child, Gren secures her in the passenger seat of his truck.
"Stay with me, Emily." Gren was blinded by rage and tears. "You fuckin' stay with me, you hear me!?"
Emily was semi-concious. Noticing a large man holding her down, she panicked. Emily dug into her pant pocket, wields a knife and tries to gut Gren like a fish. Emily shrieks and pulls against the seat belt. Gren, pressing his entire torso into Emily, attempts to calm her. She was coming down from a very bad high.
"Please, Emily..." Gren begs. "Please. Stop....please. Fuckin' stop!"
"Get the fook off of me, ya' fookin' bastard!" Emily tries to bite but fails. "Do ya' know who the fook I am!?"
"Amelia Caitlynn Porgie...." The use of her actual name causes Emily to stop. "You're name is Amelia but you prefer Emily. You have four brothers and two sister. Your parents fuckin' love you no matter what. I fuckin' love you. Remember-no matter what?"
"Grendel..." Emily drops the knife as her head leans into the seat. ""
"You'll be alright, Emily. I'll get Swineahert. He's going to fuckin' fix you, okay? I promise you, baby. I'll fix this, alright?"
Emily was in a deep coma for several minutes before coming to; Gren was racing against the hands of time and death was right behind him. He could feel the cool, boney slender fingers of the cloaked figure. Gren heads towards the Woodlands; he refused to have the town see Emily in this state. He'd call Georgie and Lyla from there. He just wanted to get her the help she needed. Save her.
Swineheart was waiting at the double doors. Grimble, noticing the unconcious Emily in Gren's arms, dialed the telephone number to Lyla and Georgie. As he spoke to the parents, Gren and Swineheart head to his apartment. Leaning Emily on the couch, Swineheart checks her vital signs, breathing and eyes.
"She's going to need her stomach pumped, Grendel. Did you bring the drugs she overdosed with or-"
"Her arms." Gren grabs Emily's left and shows. "She....she injected. What the fuck she used, I don't know..."
"Meth." Swineheart takes out a needle and a bottle of clear medication. "I noticed she has not been sleeping. She has enormous dark circles under her eyes. She also seems smaller than the last time I saw her. Vast amounts of weight loss are usual signs to Meth abuse...."
Gren covers his mouth; his precious, pure, beautiful and outgoing Emily was using drugs. Meth. The word seemed foreign to him. He could do nothing but sit back and watch; Swineheart attempts to give Emily some medication and keep her awake. Gren never removed his grasp on her right hand. Neither did Emily.
Swineheart cleans Emily's wounds, face and with Gren's help, undresses her into different clothes. Propping the young Porgie against the couch, Swineheart agains checks her signs.
"Heavy Meth users will tend to be awake for hours, sometimes days. When they eventually do come down, they'll want to sleep for hours. She'll become violent, aggressive and have paranoid behavior for sometime until the drug cleans itself out. And, judging by the marks, it won't be easy."
The words flew right past Gren. He remained focused on Emily, struggling to move or make a sound. He watched her chest move up and down. Up and down. He refused to remove his eyes, just in case....Swineheart played the radio softly from the fireplace near the window. The song was one of Gren's favorite. Emily's as well. It was Snow Patrol's Chasing Cars. With a tight grasp and tears, Emily looks over at Gren.
" ya' still love me, Gren?"
"Always, Emily." Gren wipes his eyes. "I'll always love you...."
"Even though I did something bad..."
Gren leans forward and kisses Emily's forehead. "I'll never stop loving you, Emily..."
Before long, Emily's eyes were closed. Gren never noticed either Georgie or Lyla. He didn't want to picture this. For awhile, Gren left his body and was back to the afternoon she showed him the bird house.
'Let's waste time. Chasing Cars, around our heads. I need your grace, to remind me. To find my own. If I lay here, if I just lay here, will you lie with me and just forget the world? Show me a garden that's bursting into life. All that I am, all that I ever was, is here in your perfect eyes, they're all I can see...."
Any questions, you know the drill.
Like going back at times, especially right now, and reminding myself that Emily was never like this all the time. She had her dark moments. And Gren was always there, no matter what. Through the good AND bad times.
I SHOULD be doing homework and essays but I needed a break for a bit. XP
LMAO It was Billy but Tommy was pretty darn close. XD I truly meant what I said; even in her darkest hours, Gren never stopped loving Emily.
She's beautiful to him....glad it shows. 
Ethan is....Ethan. XD
I love this Alice. Luke sure is in hell rather than a Wonderland. That cat, though. XD Poor Hans, man. :P always gets the short end of deals. For now, at least. Who knows....but Alice is one person (at least this Alice) I'd avoid pissing off.
OMG, pie, really? Dude....I don't WANT to cry!
Seriously!? No more tears, pie! No! No, no, no! What happened to the cute stories with Emily in her blue dress? The babies!? No! I don't like this emily, pie!
This, man! Now all I'm going to think about are these two!!!
I'm going to kick your ass when I see you later. >:( I loved this chapter. I give you a hard time but I loved it. The raw emotions. The pictures. Emily's description of her in and out of concious; the thought of Georgie and Lyla. You don't speak much but from the past stories and how they speak of it, I can only imagine.....
And Gren. Another reason why I respect him and love him. You have shown that, although he and Georgie never got along, Emily was heavy on drugs and the BS with Carla, he always remaind loyal, especially to Emily. You showed them through their darkest AND happy moments in life together. I don't WANT to think of Emily like this but it WAS a part of her past.
I loved this so much, pie. Can't wait for more.
Haha! I wouldn't say that yet!
Ah that's the asylum bits from madness returns! One of my favorite parts from the game!
Hahaha! XD trust me I wouldn't either! It's freaky enough to write! XP
Glad you like her Pie! After madness returns I never really saw her as fully recovered, and always wondered how she'd fit in with any character from Fables. The Cheshire Cat is my absolute favorite to write dialogue for! XD I wouldn't cut Hans short yet, I don't just plan on using him for plot convenience. That'd just be cruel to the poor guy XD As long as she doesn't drag you into "her" Wonderland she's completely harmless, but then again she is very tricky!
Detention... 2
Five minutes went by and the sound of the Wardens scream constantly echoing through their skulls. That horrible scream, like he was being ripped apart by something. Mindy appeared behind a overturned bookcase looking Ashyln directly into her face, pointing at the direction where the Warden went. Ashlyn risen up out of her seat and slowly walked towards the direction the the spectral mind pointed. Everyone warned her and tried to stop her, but she pushed them away. Robert and Lyla continued to pursue her Dan and Marcelo followed, Rasputin sat back and continued to carve marks onto his disk with his claws and Early went to search for her very special headphones.
“Ashlyn, please stop. It's too dangerous come back!” Lyla as she tried continued to beg her friend to come back, she continued walking and walking until she came across the wall covered in blood with a cryptic message 'Join me Ashyln, or more people will die... Unless,,, you favor the bloodshed after all...'. Ashyln continued to stare at the bloody message while the others walked up by her to catch a glimpse of what the image. Then the sight of the Wardens corpse catches their eye and they see his partially mutilated body lying on the floor in a puddle of his own blood.
The sight makes Dan's stomach uneasy, he never saw this much blood before in his life, and movies doesn't count at all. Lyla takes Ashlyn's hand and pulls her away while Dan and Marcelo investigates the scene. As Dan walks by the Warden, he is grabbed by the dying mans cold hand. The Warden looks Dan and Marcelo in the face and tells them to run now and fast, the creature is still in the library. “It.... is still here... and it is not only hungry.... it want's... it want's..... a mate.....”. The Warden then dies of a massive amount of blood lost. Being as he was a wizard, he could of easily healed himself, thus speculating that this hungry and according to Robert, 'horny and frustrated' creature is wielding magic.
Dan quickly rushes over towards the others telling him that they have to get out of the building, fast and before they start to move the creature, who has been watching the whole time snarls and begins to slowly waltz towards the students. It's pearly white eyes stare them all down but gave Ashyln this strange look, a look of lust. Dan notices this, and tells Lyla and Robert to get Ashlyn far away from here as possible, while he and Marcelo takes care of this. Roberts calls Dan crazy and the creature roars a excruciating screech and then Robert moves Ashlyn out of the sight of the beast in a blink.
The creature began to move in on Dan and Marcelo, they could hear and understand what the creature was saying too. “Didn't you little piggies get my message? The one that is written in that mans blood whose lying on the floor behind you?” The creature continued to walk forward and Dan remained silent until it got a couple of feet of him. “Interesting, my malevolent sight does at all? Perhaps me tearing your flesh from the bone would strike some fear in your heat, and a terrible death..” Dan begins to laugh and tells the creature “I have nothing to fear, especially since I have... A DRAGON!” The creatures eyes wide as Marcelo transform into his dragon, then fire a fireball the size of a coffee table directly into the creatures face. As the smoke clears, Dan hopes on Marcelo and the two take off.
Robert, Lyla and Ashlyn managed to escape thanks to the help of Dan and Marcelo buying some time. However, Ella and Rasputin were still in the library. She manage to recover her headphones along with several other things the Warden took from her. She noticed Rasputin still sitting there carving, so see goes over and ask him “Rasputin, why do you do what you do? Wait, I'm mean why are you such a dick?” The Russian teenager looks at Ella, then continues to carve into the desk. Ella tries to get Rasputin to talk, and he slams his massive hand onto the desk splitting it in half. He gets up and looks at Ella telling her “I cannot let my family down, I cannot disappoint my father.” Then Ella respond to his statement “Father issues, you too?”
The moment is broken when Dan and Marcelo are running in their direction, both screaming in unison, “It's here, it's here! Run, now RUN, oh shit run!” Ella and Rasputin see's the creature that is chasing him. Ella prepares to use her powers to combat this creature, while Rasputin punches his fist together sparking flames from them. Dan insist that they retreat because the creature survived a fireball to they face. Dan grabs Ella hand pull her towards the exit. Rasputin however, refused to retreat like a coward he exclaimed
Then creature slashes the Russian's back with it razor sharp claws. He falls to the ground under the mercy of the creature. Ella isn't having it, using her powers with both hands force the creature to fly back into a group of book cases. It looked like that really did a number on the creature, it's not moving.. Now was everyone's chance to escape, so the picked up Rasputin who was bleeding badly and make their way out of the building.
Over the hill Robert and Lyla are seen with Ashyln waving down at the students. As they carried Rasputin up towards the hill, Ella with a pissed off and authoritative tone, demands what the exact hell was that thing the just saw. Dan haven't had a clue, Rasputin was in pain, but Marcelo.. he knew exactly what that thing was. “It was a wendigo..” Ella and Dan looked at Marcelo, he said it again and they were both in fear and wonderment. Marcelo explained to them how he knew what kind of creature it was, he told them how his father and his mentor fought one and a army years ago.
“Before I was born, 17 years ago. My dad Draco and his mentor Wolven set off on a quest to find my grandpa. They came across this powerful wendigo, it nearly killed him. Eventual they cought up with it and manage to kill it. He also told me they are weak against fire... well apparently this one isn't.” Dan is fascinated by Marcelo's story, while Ella is frustrated over nearly being killed by something as filthy and as a wendigo. Upon arriving to the top Lyla quickly rushed over to the injured Rasputin and began to sob, hug and kiss the injured Russian. “I need a barf bag..” Ella walking over towards the tree.
After the student's thought about what they should do next, Robert see's... the Warden up and well walking away towards his magic car. He immediately tells everyone what he is seeing and they can't believe their eyes. The Warden who Dan and Marcelo saw die, is alive. Something isn't right, it is really not... and they're beginning to fear for the worse now. Tomorrow night is the school dance, and every Fable at FableTown High is going to be there.. So now the student's are left with a decision...
Do they tell someone...?
Handle it themselves..?
Very nice chapter dude!!
A powerful, horny Wendigo that is not weak against fire? Oh boy...
I call it first that the Warden we see is the Wendigo in disguise!!! (I recall in it's original mythology that the Wendigo is an undying spirit that takes host bodies)
And I think they should tell someone
That's my Ella! You loot the Wardens stuff! XD
This was awesome! And I think they should handle it themselves, try and hope no one else can get involved.
Thank you! And here's what I pictured how it would look..
Love it XD
Ooh, sounds like there's something afoot!
Never played the game but it looks wonderfully fantastical.
Well, you're doing a good job of writing it. XD
What a chapter! It's really well written and going back to Emily and that night is emotional. She went to such a dark place after being that sweet girl
yet, this is one of those key moments that brought her and Gren even closer. Really great work, Pie!
Handle it themselves! Handle it themselves! Some scrawny wendigo is no match for these lot, not at all.
See, that's what I'd contribute if I were in it with them: positive reinforcement. Would I give anything else? Who knows, but they'd at least feel good about themselves as we all run for our lives.
Good stuff, Stone!
Vivian greeted Emily was a loving, gentle puff of cool air. The babies all giggled and pointed up. Grining, Vivian plays with all four children. Viviana floats carefully by the guardian's head, giggles and flies after the others. It was times like this Emily wanted the others to view how Vivian reacted around her children. Gren had an idea; Sunflower was able to pick up certain emotions and feelings but not truly see the beauty before her very eyes.
Her children adored Vivian. Emily was beginning to wonder if Vivian was JUST her guardian or more when it came to the children. She'd ask later. Right now, dinner preperations were at hand. Vivian watched Emily pull out a large back of Chicken legs.
"What's for dinner, Ems?"
"Well, I was gunna make fried Chicken, Garlic mashed potatos, Cornbread and Collard greens."
"Ugh." Vivian looks at the bag of flour and carton of Buttermilk. "I love fried Chicken. I'll stand over here and smell it all."
"I want to surprise him with a nice meal and-"
Emily's sentence was interjected by her four children. Viviana floated near the window and points to a Robin perched on a nearby tree branch. She mimics the Bird's song, chirping and flapping her chubby arms as if she had wings. Seraphina and Chloe, however, managed to grab the egss and throw half down onto the ground. They chuckled, clapped and looked over at Emily for her approval. Vivian did her best not to laugh.
Emily gets a wet rag, sighs and cleans the mess.
"No no, girls. This is not how we use eggs. Here. Let mommy show you how its done."
Emily seats the four babies on the counter. Kneeling to grab another bowl and whisk, Emily takes two eggs. She holds the perfect white ovals in her hands. The babies are astounded by the perfect ovals. Emily cracks one by one. She tosses the shells into an old coffee can. Seraphina picks it up and examines the contents on the inside. The cracked shells, old coffee grounds, banana peel and discarded lemon wedges. She reaches inside. Vivian tries to grab the baby but is stopped by Emily.
"She needs to learn, Viv." Emily and Vivian carefully watch the little girl. "How else is she supposed ta' learn?"
Seraphina, now joined by Liam, stick handfuls of old coffee grounds and old skins into their mouths. Seraphina immediatly spits it up. The little girl sticks her tongue out and points to the faucet. Liam, on the other hand, loves the old skins. He spits out the coffee grounds but gnaws and eats the banana and lemon peels. Vivian was a bit disturbed but immediatly remembered Grendels enjoy snacking on leftover peels as such. To her, that was vile but he seemed to enjoy it.
This was the same kid that feasted on worms and lawn clippings. While Emily gave Seraphina a glass of water, Chloe and Viviana peeked into the bowl. Touching the yolk with their fingers, the squishy material was odd to the girls. Vivian was taken back by how curious the kids were. She loved them. Seraphina drinks the entire glass and with a firm pat on the butt, is returned to her other siblings. Emily opens a bag of flour and measures exactly one cup.
"Alright, babies. Ya' have ta' measure JUST right or else the batta' becomes too soggy and icky sticky!"
The babies clap. Chloe points at Emily. "Icky icky! Mama, no no!"
"That's right, me little fluff ball. Ya' want to coat the Chicken, not drown the bloody thing."
Vivian leans against the counter. "You speak to them as if they understand."
"They do, Viv." Emily dips four pieces, adding Buttermilk to the mix. "I read, that ya' gotta talk ta' them like ADULTS, not baby talk. Bloody bothers me when Peter does it."
"Aw but its cute, Ems." Vivian picks Liam up and rubs her nose against his cheek. "Just look at their widdle toes! Their widdle hands-"
Emily rolls her eye and oberves Vivian talk this way to each of the kids. As she completes with Chloe, Emily had a question to ask that had been bothering her for sometime. Emily was not sure how Vivian would react.
"Viv, can I as ya' something?" Emily scoops out some Crisco and adds to a cast iron skillet. "It has ta' do woot took place fa' ya' ta' be 'ere. WOOT really happened?"
Vivian sighs. She knew this would come sooner or later. "I escaped the Underworld and was alone in the dark for years. I was never meant to BE your guardian, Ems. I was never meant to have a second chance at all. But the thing is, Hope wanted me to have that opportunity, to prove that I wasn't JUST the Girl with the Ribbon. She knew there was more to me then that stupid, silly name. So, she found me. All alone and afraid. I was terrified. Unsure what this beautiful woman wanted until she explained your father survived and I was assigned to watch over his 'girl'. I automatically assumed it was your mother...."
Emily adds the coated pieces to the hot grease. "I already know this part, Viv. I want to know MORE...Ya' know woot I mean."
Vivian nods. "One of the judges in the afterlife is the reason WHY Hope found me. He saught her out. Felt I was truly sorry and deserved to find peace. But not in the Underworld. No. Although it wasn't TOO bad, he knew my place was elsewhere. Hades was angry because not only did I escape but killed his precious Cerberus along the way. I wanted to make a statement. Make him see that I was determined to be free and make my OWN decisions for once."
"But how did ya' kill such a beast? Ya' see how Viviana is?"
Vivian was hushed for a moment. Emily taks a pair of tongs and fishes out the cooked pieces. Adding a few more, she notices Vivian's eyes dart to the living room.
" did ya'-"
"The bow, Emily." Vivian turns back to Emily and beams. "Grendel's mother used the bow to save me..."
"Calla...." Emily grasped the counter. "She....she-"
"I wasn't sure how I could tell you but when I saw you use it to protect Gren. To save the children, I needed to say something. Hades was enraged and for what I did, he cursed the darkness into my world. I was certain this was now forever a part of me. Hope comes, tells me I was assigned as a guardian but not to your mother. Oh no. But to Georgie's little girl. You, Emily. You were my second chance. I was able to stop and
prevent you from becoming the very ugly and odious thing your father was all those years ago. I tried protecting the children, Emily..."
Emily glances over at Viviana, who plays with her sisters and brother. "Why her, Viv? Why not take the rest, too?"
"I can't, Emily...I only know of these three. I did the only thing I knew. By using the ribbon for GOOD, I can keep Viviana here and safe. As long as this thing is around her neck, Hades can not take her for himself. Yes, she changes into a giant three headed beast but Chloe's powers reside with Viviana. She protects her sister. I'm not worried about the kids."
"No." Emily grabs a bulb of Garlic and begins to chop. "I was neva' worried about the children. There is just...just so fookin' much that has happened ta' me within a year, Viv. So much has changed. But its been fa' the best. I regret not a single bloody thing. I love Grendel. I love our children. I'm getting married in a few days; Calla loves me enough ta' not only bring ya' ta' me but give me the chance ta' hold the bow she
once used in the Homelands. Ya' know I love ya', Viv."
Vivian grabs a tissue and wipes her eyes. "I love you too, Emily."
Emily tosses the chopped Garlic pieces into a pan containing melted butter. "So, Viv. You and Nick, huh?"
"Emily!" Vivian's face turns a light pink. "What....why are you...Nicholas and I-"
"NICHOLAS!?" Emily stirs the contents with a wooden spoon. "Wow, he let's ya' call him by his REAL name, eh? That's a big deal, Viv."
"Stop! Me and Nick are friends-"
"Not woot Peter tells me...."
Vivian's eyes become wide and stare at Emily in disbelief. "Peter? What, umm...what does Peter know, Emily?"
"Weeeel, accordin' ta' my brotha', Nick purchased a glamour last week. His very FIRST glamour, he added and used it one night. Didn't say for what but in the middle of the night, he heard somethin'. He and Holly swore they heard giggles, woot sounded like bed springs and gruntin'. Now, I KNOW that's not how ya' play Jenga. So, Viv...ya' wanna tell me about Nick. Or, did ya' call him Nicholas while ya' two-"
"Alright, alright, alright!" Vivian waves her right hand, while covering her face with the left. "Me and Nick....we've been seeing eachother. For some time now. I mean, I fucking HATED that guy when I was alive and he was the guardian for your father. UGH! I hated that little stupid ghost orb thing! But over these past few weeks, he seems....different. And, I mean-he's dead, I'm dead."
"How the fook does that work, Viv? Ya' know...the sex?"
"We can STILL engage in sex but its a bit more challenging. You have to angle JUST right. Otherwise, its just a mess."
"Oh God." Emily covers the chicken with a paper towel. "Well, now I know if I eva' 'ere weird ass noises at night, it ain't just the ghosts spookin' up the place. Just don't bring home little ghost babies with ya', Viv."
Vivian tosses an empty water bottle at Emily. It misses, landing on the ground and rolling behind the trashcan. As Puddles stops to sniff it, all four babies look towards the window. A pair of headlights dance across the window and living room walls. They bounce, squeal and attempt to head for the door. Only one capable of this was already halfway into the living room. Emily gathers the others.
"Calm down, little ones. Yes, I know-ya' daddy is home! Let's go see him!'
Vivian stays back and watches Emily greet Gren. Viviana latches herself onto Gren's head, while he is bombarded by kisses and hugs. The house is one again consummed with laughter and love. Vivian stood proud of both Gren and Emily. Vivian had no regrets for her life or what took place. She, like Gren, were home.
'Second chances are not given to make things right. But are given to prove that we could do better even after we fall.'
Any questions, you know the drill.
Getting close to the Gremily wedding! YAY!
Ugh, can I tell you glad to be finished with these classes, man! Between the thesis and now another essay....-throws papers to the ground- Wait, no....I need these.....XD
So, I was asked about Nick not too long ago and the answer is this:
I designed him after my all time favorite ghost Pokemon, Ghastly. The color is green instead and Nick has a bit more 'spunk' and 'vocabulary'. He and Georgie met up in the homelands and for centuries, was his guardian. He now belongs to Peter. Nick was hung after his village accused him of stealing bread. Since then, he's been a floating orb of hot air and sarcasm. Rumor has it, he and Vivian are currently hooking up, but, you know.....those are just rumors...;)