Episode 3 Release Date Discussion- PC/Mac/PSN US Mar 24 - Xbox 360/One/PSN EU Mar 25 - iOS Mar 26



  • HiroVoidHiroVoid Moderator

    Oh. Kinda hard to tell due to the dark background. He looked pretty green to me.

    That's Drogon though.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    I reuploaded them if anyone doesn't want to go to IGN.

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    Those screenshots look really great!

  • That dragon actually looks really good.

    OzzyUK posted: »

    Bigger dragon pic

  • I'm expecting it on the 31st, but I'm HOPING it's this Tuesday.

    Ditto. I'm not 100% getting my hopes up entirely yet, but there certainly is an encouraging amount of evidence suggesting it actually could be next week. :)

    I'm expecting it on the 31st, but I'm HOPING it's this Tuesday. People are going to rage so hard if it's announced it's the 31st.

  • edited March 2015

    This is strange, because it seems that this is the dragon Rhaegal (Green with Bronze markings), but he has stayed with Dany up to the point where we are in the books. The only dragon thusfar who went out into the world on its own (to eat some sheep and possibly some children) is Drogon, but he is black with red markings.

    This seems to point to Asher being with the dragons in the Pit in Meereen where the Dragons are kept, since this is the way he was going when we saw him last. Though the dragons would probably already be in chains at this point, and if i'm not mistaken somewhat smaller as well.

    Also i think it would be very strange for Dany just to let a westerosi that near her dragons and have him live to tell about it. Though i love the game and its characters, i'm still a dragonrider at heart so i vote to kill the evil westerosi spy Asher before he brings any valuable information to the inbred scum that rules King's Landing :P

    OzzyUK posted: »

    Bigger dragon pic

  • Telltale is now tweeting the screenshots for this Episode (which you can already see from IGN, or from OzzyUK's post above).

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited March 2015

    ...Interestingly enough, screens also came on the Friday before the Episode released for Episode 2. Again, nothing is confirmed so don't get too excited, but it's certainly a good sign. :D

    If this is the full length trailer and not a first look trailer (which I doubt, as the tweets for the last two episodes would specifically m

  • Clearly the dragon just wants a hug.

    These pics look friggin' sweet!

    OzzyUK posted: »

    I reuploaded them if anyone doesn't want to go to IGN.

  • green with bronze markings, it's clearly Rhaegal in the screenshots.

    HiroVoid posted: »

    Oh. Kinda hard to tell due to the dark background. He looked pretty green to me.

  • screenshots but no date yet? dare i say... 2....4...th..?

    Telltale is now tweeting the screenshots for this Episode (which you can already see from IGN, or from OzzyUK's post above).

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    Release dates normally come with the trailer but it will be released before the end of March.

    PluX posted: »

    screenshots but no date yet? dare i say... 2....4...th..?

  • Alt text

    OzzyUK posted: »

    I reuploaded them if anyone doesn't want to go to IGN.

  • Waaait, so there's a chance it's coming out on my birthday?

    Alt text

  • I'm guessing your birthday is the 24th, so it seems possible.

    Pipas posted: »

    Waaait, so there's a chance it's coming out on my birthday?

  • Actually, sorry, I agree it looks more like Rhaegal. But it's hard to tell due to the background.

    HiroVoid posted: »

    Oh. Kinda hard to tell due to the dark background. He looked pretty green to me.

  • Episodes are usually released a week after the trailer, and on a Tuesday.

    Since they've been saying "before the end of March", I'm almost certain the date to watch is the 31st.

    Pipas posted: »

    Waaait, so there's a chance it's coming out on my birthday?

  • That looks like Rhaegal to me. Keep in mind that the dragons weren't imprisoned by Dany up until the end of Season 4 of the show--as the TT series takes place during that season, it's pretty safe to assume it could be either Drogon or Rhaegal. The size would certainly suggest the former.

    Looks like the 31st of March then :)

  • Wait was in one of the pictures a tree with a face??

  • It's a weirwood tree. They all have faces carved into them.

    Nolonius posted: »

    Wait was in one of the pictures a tree with a face??

  • Well, GoT episodes were released day after their full trailer so far, so it's not entirely impossible to come out on 24th. Yeah, I know, it's not very likely that will happen, but it'd be a nice birthday present from Telltale, you know? :)

    dfh15 posted: »

    Episodes are usually released a week after the trailer, and on a Tuesday. Since they've been saying "before the end of March", I'm almost certain the date to watch is the 31st.

  • HiroVoidHiroVoid Moderator

    lol It's fine. Like I said in my previous post too, it's hard to tell due to how dark the area is.

    Actually, sorry, I agree it looks more like Rhaegal. But it's hard to tell due to the background.

  • ...right. I've been up all night and had a bit of a brain fart, so you're going to have to forgive me for that.

    Pipas posted: »

    Well, GoT episodes were released day after their full trailer so far, so it's not entirely impossible to come out on 24th. Yeah, I know, it's not very likely that will happen, but it'd be a nice birthday present from Telltale, you know?

  • Hold on a minute.. Monday? Why would it be Monday? :o

  • ah ok thx man XD

    It's a weirwood tree. They all have faces carved into them.

  • Well since I've already seen the screenshots may as well stick around for the discussion, hopefully the release date is given with the trailer because otherwise I might end up watching that spoilerfest.


    ...probably not, but there's a chance.

    SoMuchSass posted: »

    Hold on a minute.. Monday? Why would it be Monday?

  • I guess having HBO on their side speeds up development considerably with GoT. It's way faster than the usual from Telltale.

  • Hopefully that's not a bad thing.

    Pride posted: »

    I guess having HBO on their side speeds up development considerably with GoT. It's way faster than the usual from Telltale.

  • "Dear Telltale,
    If GoT Episode 3 is not released before April, Jon Snow is dead.

    With Love,

    Pride posted: »

    I guess having HBO on their side speeds up development considerably with GoT. It's way faster than the usual from Telltale.

  • I can't think of any other reason. :D Must resist hoping for M24!

    Pipas posted: »

    BECAUSE EPISODE IS COMING ON TUESDAY!!! ...probably not, but there's a chance.

  • Trailer This Monday

    Wait, what? So early after TTFB? Whoa.

  • I think they need more guards to escort a tied up dwarf. Clearly, two of them can't handle that mission.

    OzzyUK posted: »

    I reuploaded them if anyone doesn't want to go to IGN.

  • April 7th. Same week as GoT Season 5 premiere. Episode 3 Tuesday and Season 5 Sunday.

  • edited March 2015

    Nah, Telltale said it's going to be released this month. My guess is march 31.

    JackBauer24 posted: »

    April 7th. Same week as GoT Season 5 premiere. Episode 3 Tuesday and Season 5 Sunday.

  • I hope not. I need it NOAWHH!!

    JackBauer24 posted: »

    April 7th. Same week as GoT Season 5 premiere. Episode 3 Tuesday and Season 5 Sunday.

  • Excellent! I guess that dragon isn't Drogon. Very interesting.

    This episode looks like Rodrik is gonna have least amount of scenes.

    If imagine Gared or Mira has the most.

  • I think Rodrik's scenes are mostly gonna be dealing with the arrival of Gryff (finally).

    Excellent! I guess that dragon isn't Drogon. Very interesting. This episode looks like Rodrik is gonna have least amount of scenes. If imagine Gared or Mira has the most.

  • if anyone doesn't want to go to IGN.

    Thank you for understanding us

    OzzyUK posted: »

    I reuploaded them if anyone doesn't want to go to IGN.

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