Elissa Foresster

Not sure what to think about Elissa Forester I think she will end up dying at the end of the game there could be a high chance that the Boltons or The Whitehills are going to kill Elissa Forester, probably from fighting one of the soldiers


  • She said herself that she "won't let this House fall" so if she dies they should give her the respect with that important line. She also seems like she'll do anything I mean anything before she lets the forrester house fall.

  • I think she will kill someone :/

  • I think Mama Forrester is going to go crazy and do something stupid which will affect us negatively. Her little chat with Rodrik put me on alert.

  • Lady Forrester-

    Alt text

  • I agree she is crazy she is going to end up like Sarah from the walking dead

    Lady Forrester-

  • Sarah wasn't crazy...

    Tylerh316 posted: »

    I agree she is crazy she is going to end up like Sarah from the walking dead

  • Sarah wasn't crazy, she just "ceased to function."

    Tylerh316 posted: »

    I agree she is crazy she is going to end up like Sarah from the walking dead

  • Even though I think it depends on the type of character Gryff is, I can see Lady Forrester snapping and killing him. The line "killing even the babes in their beds" (Gryff being the youngest child = babe) can be taken as foreshadowing.

  • You mean Kenny?

    Tylerh316 posted: »

    I agree she is crazy she is going to end up like Sarah from the walking dead

  • Gryff is bae

    Even though I think it depends on the type of character Gryff is, I can see Lady Forrester snapping and killing him. The line "killing even the babes in their beds" (Gryff being the youngest child = babe) can be taken as foreshadowing.

  • She'll go Catelyn crazy.

    And I won't bat an eye as it happens.

  • after Carlos she was acting crazy she didn't want get out of the trailer park when she dies she calls for her dad she said when her dad gets here they should all go to the cabin

    Sarah wasn't crazy...

  • You clearly didn't understand her character at all. What you just said she did does not make her crazy, that makes her traumatized and helpless because she has some problems. That doesn't make her crazy.

    Tylerh316 posted: »

    after Carlos she was acting crazy she didn't want get out of the trailer park when she dies she calls for her dad she said when her dad gets here they should all go to the cabin

  • Your right Gryff is a shit (Bae is Danish for shit)

    Gryff is bae

  • When I say crazy I mean acting strange she is helpless she cant do anything because she just lost someone

    You clearly didn't understand her character at all. What you just said she did does not make her crazy, that makes her traumatized and helpless because she has some problems. That doesn't make her crazy.

  • i don't understand why everyone keeps calling mama forester crazy. i personally think she's doing pretty freaking well at this point considering what she's been through. she's still grieving the loss of her husband and her son. who, let's not forget, died in her arms. she's grieving. she's doing the best she can to help her children and her house. people need to cut her some serious slack.

  • Bruh, I thing she's obligated to go crazy she's lost her husband and her son the same week, her baby boy was taken hostage then she found out her strongest and oldest son is crippled and ect .. I'd be a little scared if she didn't freak out!

    Pride posted: »

    I think Mama Forrester is going to go crazy and do something stupid which will affect us negatively. Her little chat with Rodrik put me on alert.

  • edited March 2015

    I actually really like Elissa Foresster. I love the way Lord Whitehill actually seems intimidated by her.

    Also helps that she looks and acts exactly like of one of my Dragon Age Origins characters, who's name was also Elissa. It's kinda uncanny.

  • edited March 2015

    I think she is a little batty..

    After her husband (Lord Forrester) had been killed, and possibly her eldest son Rodrik possibly also, she didn't seem very upset at all in the first scene she sees Jared. She seemed so strong and unhurt, yet her husband and son have just been killed (which she would have known little about, apart from what Jared has seen?), that was a little eerie. Tough as all nails that one.

    I actually really like Elissa Foresster. I love the way Lord Whitehill actually seems intimidated by her. Also helps that she looks and acts exactly like of one of my Dragon Age Origins characters, who's name was also Elissa. It's kinda uncanny.

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