So, I was asked about Nick not too long ago and the answer is this:
I designed him after my all time favorite ghost Pokemon, Ghastly.… more The color is green instead and Nick has a bit more 'spunk' and 'vocabulary'. He and Georgie met up in the homelands and for centuries, was his guardian. He now belongs to Peter. Nick was hung after his village accused him of stealing bread. Since then, he's been a floating orb of hot air and sarcasm. Rumor has it, he and Vivian are currently hooking up, but, you know.....those are just rumors...;)
"How the fook does that work, Viv? Ya' know...the sex?"
"We can STILL engage in sex but its a bit more challenging. You have to angle JUST right. Otherwise, its just a mess."
Vivian greeted Emily was a loving, gentle puff of cool air. The babies all giggled and pointed up. Grining, Vivian plays with all four child… moreren. Viviana floats carefully by the guardian's head, giggles and flies after the others. It was times like this Emily wanted the others to view how Vivian reacted around her children. Gren had an idea; Sunflower was able to pick up certain emotions and feelings but not truly see the beauty before her very eyes.
Her children adored Vivian. Emily was beginning to wonder if Vivian was JUST her guardian or more when it came to the children. She'd ask later. Right now, dinner preperations were at hand. Vivian watched Emily pull out a large back of Chicken legs.
"What's for dinner, Ems?"
"Well, I was gunna make fried Chicken, Garlic mashed potatos, Cornbread and Collard greens."
"Ugh." Vivian looks at the bag of flour and carton of Buttermilk. "I love fried Chicken. I'll stand over here and smell i… [view original content]
So, I was asked about Nick not too long ago and the answer is this:
I designed him after my all time favorite ghost Pokemon, Ghastly.… more The color is green instead and Nick has a bit more 'spunk' and 'vocabulary'. He and Georgie met up in the homelands and for centuries, was his guardian. He now belongs to Peter. Nick was hung after his village accused him of stealing bread. Since then, he's been a floating orb of hot air and sarcasm. Rumor has it, he and Vivian are currently hooking up, but, you know.....those are just rumors...;)
Ah ha! So they ARE hooking up! XD The Man found the best quote to establish the images I now have in my head. Thank you, pie! XD XD
I love this chapter. Vivian was only looking out for Emily and the babies. i'm curious now, considering Calla killed the Cerberus with the bow. I recall you said the handle was carved from the wood in the underworld or something. Hmm....would make sense, since the bow WAS artemis and it was handed to Calla, now to Emily; Emily's daughter is tied to Hades, who's precious Cerberus was killed BY the bow, who is now Viviana. Interesting.....VERY interesting.
BTW, I ship Nick and Vivian so much, too. DAWWWW! Ghost babies!!!
Vivian greeted Emily was a loving, gentle puff of cool air. The babies all giggled and pointed up. Grining, Vivian plays with all four child… moreren. Viviana floats carefully by the guardian's head, giggles and flies after the others. It was times like this Emily wanted the others to view how Vivian reacted around her children. Gren had an idea; Sunflower was able to pick up certain emotions and feelings but not truly see the beauty before her very eyes.
Her children adored Vivian. Emily was beginning to wonder if Vivian was JUST her guardian or more when it came to the children. She'd ask later. Right now, dinner preperations were at hand. Vivian watched Emily pull out a large back of Chicken legs.
"What's for dinner, Ems?"
"Well, I was gunna make fried Chicken, Garlic mashed potatos, Cornbread and Collard greens."
"Ugh." Vivian looks at the bag of flour and carton of Buttermilk. "I love fried Chicken. I'll stand over here and smell i… [view original content]
So, I was asked about Nick not too long ago and the answer is this:
I designed him after my all time favorite ghost Pokemon, Ghastly.… more The color is green instead and Nick has a bit more 'spunk' and 'vocabulary'. He and Georgie met up in the homelands and for centuries, was his guardian. He now belongs to Peter. Nick was hung after his village accused him of stealing bread. Since then, he's been a floating orb of hot air and sarcasm. Rumor has it, he and Vivian are currently hooking up, but, you know.....those are just rumors...;)
Robert would say something like that in regards to a killer unknown creature. XD I have a feeling the Warden and the Wendigo have this whole thing planned out and are freaking out the kids. XD Can I tell you, what-Ash and Lyla BFF's 4-life is fun to picture.
Detention... 2
Five minutes went by and the sound of the Wardens scream constantly echoing through their skulls. That horrible … morescream, like he was being ripped apart by something. Mindy appeared behind a overturned bookcase looking Ashyln directly into her face, pointing at the direction where the Warden went. Ashlyn risen up out of her seat and slowly walked towards the direction the the spectral mind pointed. Everyone warned her and tried to stop her, but she pushed them away. Robert and Lyla continued to pursue her Dan and Marcelo followed, Rasputin sat back and continued to carve marks onto his disk with his claws and Early went to search for her very special headphones.
“Ashlyn, please stop. It's too dangerous come back!” Lyla as she tried continued to beg her friend to come back, she continued walking and walking until she came across the wall covered in blood with a cryptic message 'Join me Ashyln, or more people will d… [view original content]
Get ready for the wedding of Grendel & Emily Porgie
I'll try and write a chapter later. Busy today. Gotta love Fridays and errand running. XD If not, tomorrow! My Emily is getting married...:')
Get ready for the wedding of Grendel & Emily Porgie
I'll try and write a chapter later. Busy today. Gotta love Fridays and errand running. XD If not, tomorrow! My Emily is getting married...:')
Get ready for the wedding of Grendel & Emily Porgie
I'll try and write a chapter later. Busy today. Gotta love Fridays and errand running. XD If not, tomorrow! My Emily is getting married...:')
:'D I literally love this, man! Lyla crying in the background XD The detail in both drawings is amazing! And I love little floating orb Nick XD I read part of the previous chapter where Emily found out Viv was seeing Nick XD That was absolutely golden XD I haven't been super active lately because I got sick on Wednesday night Still sort of sick today, I caught what my sister had about a week ago. Strep throat Oh well, I'm well enough to come on here today and check out whats happening. Can't wait for the wedding chapter ^-^
Get ready for the wedding of Grendel & Emily Porgie
I'll try and write a chapter later. Busy today. Gotta love Fridays and errand running. XD If not, tomorrow! My Emily is getting married...:')
So, this is the THIRD time I've attempted to write this chapter....the first time, I was feeling so sick that I had to lay down, and ended up loosing my work. The second time, I pressed a button on my keyboard by accident that brought me to the page before this, and erased all of my work. Now, I will TRY to write this a third time, and hopefully it'll work out right XD I've been sick the past couple days with Strep throat, so THAT'S been fun... I barely remember where I'm at in my stories at this point, lmao XD Sorry for taking so long, but you know, for a while my pillow was more desirable than sitting upright and typing for a few hours XD
Anyway, I shall start now!
Belinda couldn't remember the last time she'd slept through the whole night with out waking. Years of fearing for her life, believing she wouldn't wake up to see another sunrise, left her unable to close her eyes for more than a few minutes before she'd open them and make sure she wasn't about to be captured or beheaded.
Even now, lying in such a grand bed in such a large and warm room, she felt as though she was being watched, or worse yet, in danger. London Fabletown had provided a small flat for her, which she was eternally grateful for. The curtains were made of the finest lace, the quilt that lay strewn across her legs woven with elite intricacy. She still couldn't get over the fact that there was actual electricity running the lights. It wasn't something commonly used as of yet in the world. The wood floors rarely creaked when she would step upon them, and the walls were painted over with vibrant pastel colors and paneled with white wood that made each room feel almost alive to her. She shivered from the light breeze that entered through an open window. She'd opened it because the heat often made the room a little stuffy, and so she tried to balance it out when she went to bed at night. The sun peaked over the horizon, shining directly into her room.
A soft knock rapped against the door. The maid, Sophie, would do so every morning at precisely 7 A.M. and ask if Belinda would like a cup of tea in bed.
"Leave it on the dining room table today," Belinda called from her bedside. "I intend on dressing early this morning, if you will help me."
"Very well," Sophie's muffled voice came through from the other side of the door. Belinda stood and watched as her nightgown fell at her ankles. It always rode up during the night, because often times she would be twisting and turning in her sleep. She wouldn't have admitted it, but it was probably because of the night terrors she experienced as soon as the lights went out.
Throwing open a wardrobe of dresses, a bit of guilt triggered in Belinda's gut. She didn't ask for these things. She didn't work to earn them. They were simply given to her, as if she deserved them. She didn't think a woman like herself should ever deserve anything close to what she'd gotten. She had no money, nor any male relatives alive that she knew of. She just had the rags on her back and the determination to survive. She was told that when she had a steady income, she could start paying taxes as every other resident in the building did. That was it though. Just taxes. No rent, no extra money for the services or the food they bring her. She was essentially living there for free. It bothered her.
"Miss?" Sophie's voice came through clearer, as she opened the door. "Do you need help?"
"Yes please," Belinda said shyly. She was still getting used to being around other people, especially in vulnerable states such as being in your undergarments. It was Sophie's job to help her tie the corset and make sure her hair was properly done up right. Belinda appreciated it greatly.
"Elegant choice, Miss," Sophie commented on the dress Belinda picked. It was a looser dress, with a thin white lace corset and pink ruffles in the shirt. The straps that sat over her shoulders matched the corset, and she felt like a delicate flower when Sophie finished tying up the last of it. Her feet slipped in to a pair of ballet flats; those were more comfortable than the boots most other women tended to wear. Sophie quickly did Belinda's hair up tight, with loose curls falling out on the side. The sun glinted off of Belinda's cherry-brown color, making it look as if it were sparkling, like the stars in the sky. Belinda never felt more pretty than in that moment.
"Are you ready for your breakfast, Miss?" Sophie asked, a bright smile across her cheeks.
"Yes, Sophie. Lead me to the table?"
"My pleasure," Sophie stood up and crossed the room soundlessly, trained from years of serving others. Belinda felt kind of bad for the woman, who wore particularly bland attire and had her hair down most of the time. It was a darker brown, almost black color, and her skin was like porcelain. If she were to dress as lavishly as Belinda, surely she would be much prettier.
"I shall grab a tray from the kitchen and serve it to you," She told Belinda curtly. Belinda sat in one of the overstuffed chairs that adorned the side of the table, where a book and a cup of hot tea sat waiting for her. She smelled the tea before tasting it, wondering which flavor today's was. It tasted like peaches and spices, a wonderful combination.
It was then, that Belinda heard a commotion in the kitchen. The scream startled her in the middle of opening A Tale of Two Cities, causing her to nearly spill the tea all over it. She looked up at the door, but Sophie was not coming through it anytime soon. The voices were muffled, and it sounded like Sophie was talking more than whatever stranger might be present. Nervously, Belinda stood, smoothing the wrinkles out of her skirt, and stepped over as quietly as she could to the door. She pressed her ear against it, careful not to push it open, and listened intently on what was going on.
"You are not allowed in Fabletown!" Sophie shouted. She was scrambling, the sound of dishes clanking together heard prominantly.
"Sophie, please-"
"No! You must leave! Now! Before I get the mayor! Get out of here, you filthy, dirty tosser!"
"Whoa, now!" The man's voice was increasingly familiar. "I am not a toss-" And then there was a loud crash, and no sound at all. Belinda immediately winced at the sound, and it was in that moment that she pressed the door open to analyze the scene.
Sophie rubbed her hands together proudly, as if wiping off some sort of dust from them. "That ought to teach him."
On the floor and unconscious lay Mr. Wakefeild.
"Oh my," Belinda said.
"Don't worry, Miss. I took care of him."
"I see."
"Would you like toast or a muffin for breakfast?"
"Neither, I think I lost my appetite."
Sophie just shrugged, and stepped over Mr. Wakefield's body to exit through the other doorway. "I shall be in the sitting room if you need me, Miss. Do you want me to call up Mayor Rutley to escort that swine out of here?"
Belinda looked down at Mr. Wakefield. He looked as fragile as she felt, laying across the tile with a blank expression on his face. The only thing that pointed out that he was indeed alive, was the rise and fall of his chest. She looked at Sophie curiously. "What did he do?"
"Excuse me, Madam?" Sophie looked at Belinda with the confusion someone would have, had they faced a three-headed dog of sorts.
"Him," Belinda pointed. "Why is he condemned from this establishment? What did he do?"
"Oh," Sophie's voice grew thin. She pressed her lips together and crossed her arms. "He....betrayed us, if you will. I..." She looked away from Belinda, and away from Mr. Wakefield. "He... Forgive me for saying this, but you wouldn't understand."
"Oh." Belinda responded, disappointedly. "Um, I will call Mayor Rutley up, if you won't mind. You can have the rest of the day off."
"Are you sure? I can still come around at bed and help you out of your corset?"
"That will be fine," Belinda replied. "But for the rest of the day, relax, alright?"
Sophie nodded. "Is there...anything you need before I leave?"
"No thank you. Goodbye, Sophie."
"Goodbye, Miss."
And she left. And Mr. Wakefield was still unconscious on Belinda's floor.
What a morning.
That's all for now! I feel like it's been forever since I've posted on here >.< Oh well. I'm hungry, so I'm gonna go down and see what there is to eat. I'll probably post another chapter today, later. Didn't go to school today because....well, I'm sick. I already stated that before. I'm better than yesterday though. Yesterday was pretty bad. Today, not so much. I should also go take some medicine or something. Yep.
So, this is the THIRD time I've attempted to write this chapter....the first time, I was feeling so sick that I had to lay down, and ended u… morep loosing my work. The second time, I pressed a button on my keyboard by accident that brought me to the page before this, and erased all of my work. Now, I will TRY to write this a third time, and hopefully it'll work out right XD I've been sick the past couple days with Strep throat, so THAT'S been fun... I barely remember where I'm at in my stories at this point, lmao XD Sorry for taking so long, but you know, for a while my pillow was more desirable than sitting upright and typing for a few hours XD
Anyway, I shall start now!
Belinda couldn't remember the last time she'd slept through the whole night with out waking. Years of fearing for her life, believing she wouldn't wake up to see another sunrise, left her unable to close her eyes for more than a few minutes before she'd open them and make… [view original content]
Surprise @JJwolf, @EMMYPESS, @Tetra, and @HazzatheMan! Your long-awaited pictures are finally here! I hope you guys like 'em as usual, if not, then tell me how I can improve whenever I make future drawings of your OC's.
First up, we have JJwolf's Fable: Robert
Secondly, we have EMMYPESS's OC: Harmony (along with guest Fable, Tiny Tim)
Then we have Tetra's character: Makoto (with Death also present)
And last but not least, we have HazzatheMan's OC: Nick, both in human and true form
That's all there is to it! As I said, hope you all enjoy it!
Surprise @JJwolf, @EMMYPESS, @Tetra, and @HazzatheMan! Your long-awaited pictures are finally here! I hope you guys like 'em as usual, if no… moret, then tell me how I can improve whenever I make future drawings of your OC's.
First up, we have JJwolf's Fable: Robert
Secondly, we have EMMYPESS's OC: Harmony (along with guest Fable, Tiny Tim)
Then we have Tetra's character: Makoto (with Death also present)
And last but not least, we have HazzatheMan's OC: Nick, both in human and true form
That's all there is to it! As I said, hope you all enjoy it!
LOL Glad you liked them all. And yes, Viv AND Nick are seeing eachother. XD XD Sucks that you're sick! Hopefully you get better. I hate strep throat, too! Hell. That's what it is. Hell. I should be posting it either Sat or Sun.
:'D I literally love this, man! Lyla crying in the background XD The detail in both drawings is amazing! And I love little floating orb Nick… more XD I read part of the previous chapter where Emily found out Viv was seeing Nick XD That was absolutely golden XD I haven't been super active lately because I got sick on Wednesday night Still sort of sick today, I caught what my sister had about a week ago. Strep throat Oh well, I'm well enough to come on here today and check out whats happening. Can't wait for the wedding chapter ^-^
LMFAO! Freakin' Robert and his random moments! Tim and Harmony are too precious with their hopes and dreams! I adore those two. Tetra's character with Death and 'got milk'. I was drinking soda, not milk and almost spit this up. I'm reading these off my phone and I'm at the beuno when people think you're insane. XD XD And finally Nick! He's so serious, yet you can't help but love the guy! That stern face, though! LOVE it!
Awesome work, Dragon! These were indeed some radical gifts!!
Surprise @JJwolf, @EMMYPESS, @Tetra, and @HazzatheMan! Your long-awaited pictures are finally here! I hope you guys like 'em as usual, if no… moret, then tell me how I can improve whenever I make future drawings of your OC's.
First up, we have JJwolf's Fable: Robert
Secondly, we have EMMYPESS's OC: Harmony (along with guest Fable, Tiny Tim)
Then we have Tetra's character: Makoto (with Death also present)
And last but not least, we have HazzatheMan's OC: Nick, both in human and true form
That's all there is to it! As I said, hope you all enjoy it!
Surprise @JJwolf, @EMMYPESS, @Tetra, and @HazzatheMan! Your long-awaited pictures are finally here! I hope you guys like 'em as usual, if no… moret, then tell me how I can improve whenever I make future drawings of your OC's.
First up, we have JJwolf's Fable: Robert
Secondly, we have EMMYPESS's OC: Harmony (along with guest Fable, Tiny Tim)
Then we have Tetra's character: Makoto (with Death also present)
And last but not least, we have HazzatheMan's OC: Nick, both in human and true form
That's all there is to it! As I said, hope you all enjoy it!
Sweet! Robert's is funny XD Everyone else seemed to have an inspiring message I loved mine Thanks man! I should go on sims and take some more Tez/Rose shots lol
Surprise @JJwolf, @EMMYPESS, @Tetra, and @HazzatheMan! Your long-awaited pictures are finally here! I hope you guys like 'em as usual, if no… moret, then tell me how I can improve whenever I make future drawings of your OC's.
First up, we have JJwolf's Fable: Robert
Secondly, we have EMMYPESS's OC: Harmony (along with guest Fable, Tiny Tim)
Then we have Tetra's character: Makoto (with Death also present)
And last but not least, we have HazzatheMan's OC: Nick, both in human and true form
That's all there is to it! As I said, hope you all enjoy it!
It was not a good idea to have Bachelorette parties. It was also not a good idea to include Bloody Mary in these senseless, yet entertaining few short hours of 'single' life. In Katie's black SUV, the already intoxicated Mary, sitting in the back, was demanding male strippers and fried snacks.
As Katie drove towards the busy streets of Fabletown, Mary rolls down the window, sticks her head out and waves.
"WHOA! This girl...Emily Porgie, is getting married tomorrow! HEY! You-random civilian! Did you hear me? Huh!? Well....did you!?"
Holly grabs Mary by the arm and drags her back inside. "Swear. Last time I let you go to fuckin' town on the Whiskey bottle in my bar."
Mary burps, taking a long drink from the green colored bottle. "Hey! Hey....hey-this is a celebration! Our black sheep wandered back to the flock of married and pregnant bitches!"
"Really, Mary?" Emily tries to prop Mary against the seat. "Ya' know, people CAN change..."
"AAAAAND you did, Georgie with a vagina!"
Laughing hysterically, Katie nearly swerves into another vehicle. Penelope, both hands wrapped around her seat belt, screams and tries guiding her sister into the proper lane and not into a building, car or person.
"KATHERINE, please!" Penny finally reaches for the wheel. "Now honestly! Pay attention or I will-"
"OH relax, sis. I got this."
"You almost crashed into that guy right there! Just, pull over and let me drive."
Mary leans her front half onto the cup holder. Leaning forward, she glares at the window, squints and chuckles.
"We're going to fucking die...."
Both Rosie and Holly slap the back of Mary's head. At first, she says nothing; her eyes remain on the road and for a second, mumbles something far off from the English language. She turns around, however and begins to wave her bottom in both Holly and Rosie's face.
"Yeah, go ahead-SPANK me again! I like it rough and-"
"AHHH fa' fook sake's Mary! Gross!"
"Wha', Emily...." Mary takes another drink. "HEY! We should stop at that one store, where they sell those one lollipops shaped like a penis and-"
"OH ewww, Mary!"
Emily sat back and watched Mary and Rosie argue; between strippers, penis pops and what was planned for the evening, to Emily, this was enough. It was wonderful seeing all her friends and family in one place, especially Holly and Mary. Even before the babies and wedding, Holly and Mary never agreed on a lot of things, had conflict and refused to be social. They despised one another and to get them in the same room was asking for trouble. Either or both were destined to end up in jail or the hospital.
Now, with a very drunk Mary and Holly doing her best to keep herself awake, this was a great evening. Even if they spent the entire time driving around the city. Emily was just glad to be alive and among loved ones. The thought ended suddenly when Mary felt the need to toss her empty bottle out the window. As a horn blasted behind the SUV, Mary points to a restaurant.
"OHH! Seafood! Katie, pull in there!"
"What, why!?" Katie glances in the mirror. "Why do you want seafood and-"
"I'm hungry! I bet you are, too!"
"What happened to strippers and-"
"We can do that-" Mary points back to the restaurant. "AND, we can eat food while watching dudes grind on the bride-to-be."
"I don't want a stripper, though. I mean it Mary. I-"
"OH hush! I bet the boys got themselves a stripper, too!"
Holly, Penny and Katie huff. "They better not have...."
Mary was determined to get her fried Shrimp. To be honest, Emily was ready for bed; early to bed, for there was a long day ahead for all of them. Try telling that to Bloody Mary. Emily watched her sister make a large u-turn and head back to the restaurant. A Katie parked the car, Mary took thi time to leap from the window; several people stopped to glance at the intoxicated young woman. She was wearing a crown with 'Bride's Maid' in bright gold letters. Rosie was right behind, hopping to catch the young woman should she fall.
Emily covers her face. "I'm gunna have ta' bail her out ta'night, huh Holly?"
"I think she'll be fine, Emily."
Mary leans against the counter and looks at the cashier. A large man with a very thick mustache, dark hair and rather enormous mole on his nose, grabbed a pen and paper. He had a very thick and heavy Italian accent.
"What'a I'a get for ladies at da' Pepi's?"
"Pepsi?" Mary slouches against the metal counter. "No, no. Shrimp. LOTS of Shrimp..."
"Ta' go, please." Emily points at Mary. "She, uh, too much drinky drink...."
The man scribble down the order. Mary turns to face the other girls. "Oh, don't make me be the only one to want Shrimp..."
"I might have a few, Mary." Rosie beams. "I'd love-"
"No!" Mary glares and points. "No. Get your Shrimp."
"Oh Mary, stop." Emily takes out her wallet. "I fookin' mean it. Be nice or-"
Mary takes off towards the streets. Katie and Penny are quickly after her. Mary grabs a nearby lightpost, swings and begins to sing 'Singing in the rain.' She stops, notices a club from the intersection and heads onto oncoming traffic.
"FA' FOOK SAKES! Mary! Penelope-get her, please!"
Mary, arms in the air, runs towards the club. "Look! Look, look, look! Naked man on the poster! Strip club! Let's go, ladies! Penis! Lots and lots before Emily is stuck with a Swamp man's, uh....thing! C'mon! Shit!"
Emily pays for the food; the cahsier was confused but said not a single word, as Emily took the Shrimp and followed Mary. Rosie and Holly ran beside the young woman; Mary ran into the club, followed by Penny and Katie. One of Penny's heels broke; she wobbled into the club, holding the left shoe and calling for Mary.
Emily laughed, tossed a Shrimp into her mouth and entered the club. The women found Mary, sitting in the front, with a male stripper, dressed as a proper English gentlemen. Bowler hat and all. Emily takes a seat with her Bride's Maids and couldn't help but laugh and toss dollar bills.
"Congrats, Emily!" Mary smiles back. "You're getting married!"
Married. Yes, she thought. She was finally getting married...
Gren's night
"Go, go, go!" Robert, holding a bucket, runs into the alley. Behind him, Junior, RJ, Peter, Ethan and Gren try to keep up. Another unknown man with a mohawk, tattoos and piercings, follows close behind. Robert pulls out his keys, unlocks the doors and throws the bucket inside.
"Hurry up, you assholes!" Robert starts the car. "I'm not going to wait too much longer!"
Junior extends out his hand. A portal opens before him; the other men knew what to do, as each one dive into the darkne. Last one was the tattooed fellow.
"Hurry up, Nick!" Junior whistles. "This thing will close in ten second!"
Junior leaps in with the others. Nick, in his glamour, continues to run. Several Bouncers and Security guards continue to chase him down. Nick could not remember the last time he had this much fun but he was enjoying every second. As the portal began to vanish, Nick digs into his pockets and pulls out a tiny blue circle. He kisses the item, throws it behind him and within seconds, a blue cloud of smoke envelops the men. Nick joins the others; the portal opens inside of Robert' truck. He peels onto the streets and before long, the group of men disappear into the city.
"WHOA! Whoo HOOO! Did you guys SEE those mundies!?"
"Damnit, Nick!" Gren punches the Fable in the arm. "Why in God's holy fucking name did you and Robert feel the need to do that!?"
Robert forecefully turns the wheel; RJ and Ethan nearly collide into the door. Peter, lighting another cigarette and pulling out his flask, holds a thumbs up.
"I wonder if the ladies are having THIS much fun, too...."
"Are you stupid, uncle Robert!?" RJ tries to catch his breath. "We could have gone to jail and-"
"HEY! The sign said buy one get the free. We EACH got one, therefore, we deserve six free ones."
Gren rubs his eyes. "Before my wedding, Robert....really?"
Peter exhales a cloud of smoke. "Say, Nick-what did you do back there with that blue shit?"
"It stuns them." Nick picks his teeth with his index finger. "They'll forget ALL about tonight and our little 'congrats-for-marrying-Emily' gifts."
Nick, Ethan and Peter each take a bottle of champagne. It was not the cheap bottles. These were priced easily at one hundred and up. Nick and Robert felt like Nick and the others needed a little gift; the man said if you BOUGHT one, the next was free. It was not their fault the guy left the cart unattended....
Peter pops the top of one, nearly shooting the cork in RJ's eyes.
"HEY, Peter! Watch that!"
"So, where to now, Gren?"
Before Gren answers, Nick points his finger against the passenger glass window. "STRIP CLUB! Hey, hey-let's go there!"
"Eh, I don't know..." Gren rubs his neck. "I feel weird fucking going in there now..."
"OH shut the fuck up, Gren!" Junior grabs Gren's shirt and pulls closer. "C'mon! This is a Bachelor party! Gotta have SOME fun before you get hitched. Besides, my sister used to OWN a strip club! Not like it will matter."
"I don't recall going to a fucking club for YOU, Junior...or hiring Strippers."
Robert wanted to give his brother a hard time but judging by the look on his face, Gren was serious and did not want to participate in the usual past times of Bachelor parties. There was a Dave and Buster's not too far from Fabletown; he knew Gren and Emily loved that place, the food was pretty good and concluding their faces, the men could care less.
Blink 182's 'Feeling it' played on the radio. All of them-RJ, Junior, Peter, Ethan, Gren, Robert and Nick-all sang to the song, as they pulled into the parking lot. Nick took the bucket, placed it on his head and ran from the car; the others followed him, causing Ethan to trip on his shoelace but laugh. Gren and Robert were the last to enter the building. Peter and RJ sat on the Motorcycles, playing a racing game. Nick kicked and screamed at the Claw machine game for dropping the stuffed monkey; Junior bounced off the Trampoline, while Ethan indulged at the salad bar.
"How is this, Grendel?"
"This fucking works, Robert." The brothers hug. "Thanks...."
"Congrats, Gren. Proud of you. You're getting married...."
Married, thought Gren, as he and Robert joined Junior. He was getting married....
Any questions, you know the drill. ALMOST time for the wedding!!! I couldn't help but do the pre-wedding night. XD
Thanks! And yeah, it sucks being sick I'm better today though, so that's good. I had to miss work for two days, which I wasn't happy about. I also have to get make-up work from school, yada-yada. Glad you liked the chapter
Interesting chapter. Sad when you fear going to sleep, not knowing if you'll wake up the next day or not....I loved this chapter. I grow more and more curious about Belinda as you write.
BTW, sucks to know you missed work and school. Hopefully you'll recover fairly quickly and get right back into your routine. LOTS of rest!
So, this is the THIRD time I've attempted to write this chapter....the first time, I was feeling so sick that I had to lay down, and ended u… morep loosing my work. The second time, I pressed a button on my keyboard by accident that brought me to the page before this, and erased all of my work. Now, I will TRY to write this a third time, and hopefully it'll work out right XD I've been sick the past couple days with Strep throat, so THAT'S been fun... I barely remember where I'm at in my stories at this point, lmao XD Sorry for taking so long, but you know, for a while my pillow was more desirable than sitting upright and typing for a few hours XD
Anyway, I shall start now!
Belinda couldn't remember the last time she'd slept through the whole night with out waking. Years of fearing for her life, believing she wouldn't wake up to see another sunrise, left her unable to close her eyes for more than a few minutes before she'd open them and make… [view original content]
Surprise @JJwolf, @EMMYPESS, @Tetra, and @HazzatheMan! Your long-awaited pictures are finally here! I hope you guys like 'em as usual, if no… moret, then tell me how I can improve whenever I make future drawings of your OC's.
First up, we have JJwolf's Fable: Robert
Secondly, we have EMMYPESS's OC: Harmony (along with guest Fable, Tiny Tim)
Then we have Tetra's character: Makoto (with Death also present)
And last but not least, we have HazzatheMan's OC: Nick, both in human and true form
That's all there is to it! As I said, hope you all enjoy it!
Mary, robert and gren need to hang out some time, get drunk and eat Shrimp. XD Nice stripper for mary, too This was sweet and I look forward to this wedding!!!!
Night before the wedding
Emily's night
"Crispy Creme donuts and Strippers!"
It was not a good idea to have Bachelorette parties. It… more was also not a good idea to include Bloody Mary in these senseless, yet entertaining few short hours of 'single' life. In Katie's black SUV, the already intoxicated Mary, sitting in the back, was demanding male strippers and fried snacks.
As Katie drove towards the busy streets of Fabletown, Mary rolls down the window, sticks her head out and waves.
"WHOA! This girl...Emily Porgie, is getting married tomorrow! HEY! You-random civilian! Did you hear me? Huh!? Well....did you!?"
Holly grabs Mary by the arm and drags her back inside. "Swear. Last time I let you go to fuckin' town on the Whiskey bottle in my bar."
Mary burps, taking a long drink from the green colored bottle. "Hey! Hey....hey-this is a celebration! Our black sheep wandered back to the flock of married and pregnant bitches!"
"R… [view original content]
Surprise @JJwolf, @EMMYPESS, @Tetra, and @HazzatheMan! Your long-awaited pictures are finally here! I hope you guys like 'em as usual, if no… moret, then tell me how I can improve whenever I make future drawings of your OC's.
First up, we have JJwolf's Fable: Robert
Secondly, we have EMMYPESS's OC: Harmony (along with guest Fable, Tiny Tim)
Then we have Tetra's character: Makoto (with Death also present)
And last but not least, we have HazzatheMan's OC: Nick, both in human and true form
That's all there is to it! As I said, hope you all enjoy it!
Night before the wedding
Emily's night
"Crispy Creme donuts and Strippers!"
It was not a good idea to have Bachelorette parties. It… more was also not a good idea to include Bloody Mary in these senseless, yet entertaining few short hours of 'single' life. In Katie's black SUV, the already intoxicated Mary, sitting in the back, was demanding male strippers and fried snacks.
As Katie drove towards the busy streets of Fabletown, Mary rolls down the window, sticks her head out and waves.
"WHOA! This girl...Emily Porgie, is getting married tomorrow! HEY! You-random civilian! Did you hear me? Huh!? Well....did you!?"
Holly grabs Mary by the arm and drags her back inside. "Swear. Last time I let you go to fuckin' town on the Whiskey bottle in my bar."
Mary burps, taking a long drink from the green colored bottle. "Hey! Hey....hey-this is a celebration! Our black sheep wandered back to the flock of married and pregnant bitches!"
"R… [view original content]
Night before the wedding
Emily's night
"Crispy Creme donuts and Strippers!"
It was not a good idea to have Bachelorette parties. It… more was also not a good idea to include Bloody Mary in these senseless, yet entertaining few short hours of 'single' life. In Katie's black SUV, the already intoxicated Mary, sitting in the back, was demanding male strippers and fried snacks.
As Katie drove towards the busy streets of Fabletown, Mary rolls down the window, sticks her head out and waves.
"WHOA! This girl...Emily Porgie, is getting married tomorrow! HEY! You-random civilian! Did you hear me? Huh!? Well....did you!?"
Holly grabs Mary by the arm and drags her back inside. "Swear. Last time I let you go to fuckin' town on the Whiskey bottle in my bar."
Mary burps, taking a long drink from the green colored bottle. "Hey! Hey....hey-this is a celebration! Our black sheep wandered back to the flock of married and pregnant bitches!"
"R… [view original content]
Years ago, Georgie and Nick found out he was able to control bodies and the host would have no memory of this. Nick can enter an unknown victim's body but only for 24 hours. By Nick doing this, the host takes on the HUMAN form but the characteristics of a spirit. so, Nick can do all the fun things of being alive but only for some time. After this, he can not invade another body for 64 hours, so he must choose WHEN he wants to appear mundy.
And this is why I paired Mary with my Nick: They are both animals when the party starts!!!
Although, please explain Nick to me, he has a glamour? I thought he was a spirit or something...
Either way, really looking forward to the wedding XD
I adore Mary because of her wild side. XD
Years ago, Georgie and Nick found out he was able to control bodies and the host would have no … morememory of this. Nick can enter an unknown victim's body but only for 24 hours. By Nick doing this, the host takes on the HUMAN form but the characteristics of a spirit. so, Nick can do all the fun things of being alive but only for some time. After this, he can not invade another body for 64 hours, so he must choose WHEN he wants to appear mundy.
Me too, man.
Oh man I'm loving Nick's true form!!! XD
His human appearance threw me a little bit cuz he has hair to his shoulders and a moustache/goatee... BUT I still love it!!!
Thank you so much, Dragon!
Ah, okay, a few details I have overlooked here and there. Now I know. :P
No prob! I'll be sure to give him long hair and the proper facial features next time. XD
Yep, like with the first bunch of pictures, I wrote the quotes that you guys gave me when I asked each one of you 'the question' in the PM's I sent a few weeks ago.
And you could do that, but you should try doing my Fayde instead - if you remember what she looks like. XP
Sweet! Robert's is funny XD Everyone else seemed to have an inspiring message I loved mine Thanks man! I should go on sims and take some more Tez/Rose shots lol
LMFAO! Freakin' Robert and his random moments! Tim and Harmony are too precious with their hopes and dreams! I adore those two. Tetra's cha… moreracter with Death and 'got milk'. I was drinking soda, not milk and almost spit this up. I'm reading these off my phone and I'm at the beuno when people think you're insane. XD XD And finally Nick! He's so serious, yet you can't help but love the guy! That stern face, though! LOVE it!
Awesome work, Dragon! These were indeed some radical gifts!!
Yep, like with the first bunch of pictures, I wrote the quotes that you guys gave me when I asked each one of you 'the question' in the PM's… more I sent a few weeks ago.
And you could do that, but you should try doing my Fayde instead - if you remember what she looks like. XP
"From this day forward, you shall not walk alone. My heart will be your shelter and my arms will be your home."
The big day came before anyone had a chance to grasp it. Emily slept for only two hours but she was ready. Around, the family gathered the needed items to prepare for the day. Hair was at eleven and makeup would follow. The Bride's Maids arrived to the Porgie home one by one; Penelope and Katie came together, then it was Holly, followed by Rosie and late as usual, was Bloody Mary. She was still hungover from the night before. Lyla was a tad upset by her inability to make it on time but Emily ignored it with a smile and laugh.
While the other women sat in the living room getting their hair done, Lyla took her bride-to-be outside. The air was crisp and the wind carried several leaves along for the ride. The air smelled heavily of fresh cut grass and sunshine. Lyla leaned on the rails lining the deck and just looked out into the world. Emily did the same thing. She did not quite know how to start the conversation. She noticed her mother's eyes. Focused on a mother Deer and her two little babies. They nibbled on the grass for a moment before peeking their heads up and began their play.
Lyla wipes a tear from her eyes.
"My God look at me. A fucking mess."
"Mum, stop." Emily pulls out a tissue. "Don't. You'll fookin' get me going."
Lyla accepts the napkin, wipes her eyes clean and returns her focus on the mother and her children.
"I remember the day I found out I was pregnant with you four. It was the happiest day of my life. I've never seen your father react the way he did. Crumbles to the ground, covered his face and cried. I honestly thought he was devestated with the news...I was preparing to hear him tell me to get rid of you kids or he'd I reached for him, he grabs me close and holds on tight. We stayed like that for almost thirty minutes. He stroked my belly and I got my answer."
"He was happy, huh mum?"
"Your father couldn't wait to have a family. We bought a bigger home. His hours at the club became less and it was wonderful knowing we created you kids out of love."
Lyla grabbed Emily's hands and held them gently in her own. She could feel her mother shaking.
"Your father was good to you kids. We loved each and every one you. From Junior, to our rambunctious Katie, our outspoken Penelope, to you, my precious, special angel from above."
"Mum, stop..." Emily tries her hardest to hold back the tears. "I swear ta' God, mum. Ya' make me cry..."
"Your father and I KNEW there was something special about each of you. But you, Emily. I could feel it in here. Not because they told us your potential fates. And not from what this town spoke of. They didn't know the love we felt for eachother and you kids."
"Dad said the same thing." Emily looks over; the mother Deer and her children run through the meadows and disappear into the woods. "He....he said when I was born and he held me, he knew there was something special about me."
Lyla lugs Emily close to her chest. By now, both women could no longer hold back the tears. Before Emily was born, she knew of the risks; Emily was destined to BE the next Georgie Porgie. No parent ever wanted something so devestating to happen. When she was born, however, there was not a single ounce of hate. Emily was nothing like the fates had pictured to the expecting parents; she was smiles, a bundle of sunshine and nothing but absolute joy. Georgie and Lyla thought their daughter had avoided the prophecy and was not tainted by their father's curse. They were now focused on her brother. Perhaps they mixed the two children...
Over the years, they never stopped to notice the young Georgie look-a-like take every single bit in. The club, the way her father spoke. The tattoos, the clothes. Even down to the hat and attitude. They all thought it was precious. What father did not love to see his children wish to be like him? Still holding onto Emily, Lyla knew the warnings were there. Emily was fine up until her sixteenth birthday. Their world came crashing down and the fates seemed to mock the parents that thought Emily had avoided the curse.
Lyla would never admit this to Emily but she was preparing to find her daughter in the same position Georgie was all those years ago. Emily found her way into drugs, alcohol, late nights and abuse. Several times she went to jail on various accounts. Within a period of time, she became Georgie Porgie. Only difference were the genitals, voice and hair. Other than that, Emily was identical to her father. He was disgusted and pleaded with Emily to come home. Start fresh. Georgie blamed himself for Emily's change.
Lyla strokes Emily's hair. "Your father swore it was his fault...."
"It wasn't mom." Emily felt the burn of the tears. "It was neva' dad's fault and-"
"He blamed himself for the curse each of you kids had. Him giving you that stupid club-"
Emily was torn. She knew what those words meant. "Mum...."
"I was preparing to bury you. Your father would carry you down the aisle but in a casket, Emily. We....oh my God....we were prepared to lose you. You were so lost. So gone. You refused our help...."
Emily gathers Lyla in her arms. She knew of this but it stung to actually hear the devesation in her own mother's voice. "Mum, I'm alright now."
"I know, my baby girl." Lyla continues to play with Emily's hair. "She saved you. Vivian....she truly was looking out for you. You were indeed something special. Your own personal guardian angel. Leading you into the arms of love..."
"I love him, mum." Emily begins to think of her babies. Of Gren. "I fookin' love that man. I can honsetly say, I love him."
"And he's always love you, Emily." Lyla gently brushes a tear from Emily's eye. "You and him were always meant to be. Funny how life turns out, huh baby?"
"I'm so proud of you, Emily. I always believed in you, baby. I love you so much."
"I love ya', mum." Emily wraps her arms around Lyla's neck. "I know ya' did. Daddy, too...."
The two are soon joined by Penelope and Katie; Holly, Rosie and Mary stood in the kitchen and witnessed a miracle before their very eyes.
Emily wipes her face one last time and smiles.
"Alright. Let's do this. Let's get married."
Gren sat alone in the bedroom of Jersey and Katie. While the men celebrated and prepared for the long night of celebration ahead, Gren took this opportunity to pray.
He peered into the mirror and did not hide his emotions; tears flowed like a wild river down his cheeks and onto his shirt and desk before him. He was getting married to the woman who had his heart from the beginning. He invisioned her lovliness. Gren hoped he was all she wanted; they had four beautiful children, who he adored and cherished with every last fiber of his being. His heart already belonged to Emily. This was it, he thought. All of your dreams....
There was a knock on the door. He assumed it was either Robert or one of the men from the Groom's party. Allowing access, he did not stop to see a man without his trademark Bowler hat standing under the doorway. The door closed and before Gren spoke, the man answered.
"Hello, Grendel."
Gren turns to see Georgie. Smiling, the two men embrace. As he pats Georgi's back, all the vile thoughts he once felt towards Georgie returned. Not for the bad but good; they were no longer how he viewed the former club owner ad pimp of Fabletown. Georgie, like all the other fables, knew how Gren felt about him. For years, even after the birth of the quads, Gren remained distant and certain he would return to his wicked ways. Gren, with a small handful, felt this was a setup and his way of distracting.
Gren wanted to kill Georgie the way he did to those women years ago. He was secretly hoping he'd leave Lyla, so she and the others could see no one TRULY changes for the good. Gren was wrong, so very wrong. Things changed alright; not just for Georgie but for the Swamp beast as well. He fell in love the moment he held Emily Caitlynn Porgie in his arms. There was a special bond between the two that no one could bend, break or tear away. Gren's outlook on Georgie changed for if he despised Georgie, he would do so for Emily. And he didn't.
"Georgie...." Gren continues to pat Georgie on the back. "It's nice to see you."
"We're takin' turns comin' ta' see ya', Gren. I wanted ta' go first. Ya' brotha' nearly pushed me ta' the side but I got the better hand."
Gren laughs. "Yeah. You gotta fuckin' watch out for that guy. He plays dirty."
Georgie looked at the man who would be taking his precious Emily for all eternity. He wanted them to have the happiness he received when he and Lyla became one. Their family to grow, the memories to continue. His daughter to be loved ad cherished. Noticing Gren's struggle to fight back the tears, Georgie's concerns were no more. He could see the love. Feel it.
"My Emily is lucky ta' have ya', Grendel."
"No, Georgie. I'M the fuckin' lucky bastard here. She's a beauty. Could have anyone but-"
Gren was taken back by Georgie's sudden burst of emotions. Tears poured from his eyes; Georgie's arm secure and refusing to let Gren go.
"Ya' saved me Emily, Gren. Ya' have my every whim for all eternity. She was on the verge of dyin', Gren. Fa' fook's sake. I was preparin'....."
"I know, Georgie." Gren rocks Georgie back and forth. "We all were...."
"She loves ya', Gren. Please. Take care of my Emily and those babies. Be the better man."
Gren inhales deeply before he speaks. "If I could be half the man you proved us all could happen...."
Gren digs into his pant pocket and pulls out a box. He held it to Georgie before placing it in his hands.
"I was going to wait until after the ceremony but I think right now is the appropriate time."
"Because two people fell in love, I got my happy ending. We all did-Jersey, Bloody fuckin' Mary-me. YOU, Georgie. I want you to know no matter what, I love you and thank you."
Georgie opens the box. A pendant with each of the kid's names and a message in gold: 'Thank you for raising your daughter to be the woman of my dreams. Grendel March, 2015'
Georgie remained silent, hands shaking and staring at the item within the box. "We had our differences, Georgie. We fuckin' have but I want you to know, I will always treasure and cherish Emily the way you do and-"
"I was never worried, Grendel." Georgie looks up. Even through the tears, Gren could see the joy. "I always knew me Emily was safe with you..."
With one final embrace, Gerogie tucks the gift into his pocket. Patting Gren on the back, the men chuckle.
"Ya' came into my family's life, Grendel. I knew ya' reasons were more then woot ya' had goin' fa' ya'. Ya' eased me mind. Welcome ta' the family...."
Gren and Georgie hugged one last time before Robert entered the room. The massive beast noticed the emotions, grabbed them both and held tightly. Gren looks over at them both and smile.
"What do you say we clean up and get ready, eh? We have a fuckin' wedding to go to."
End of part one. Any questions, you know the drill.
"Your love is like the river, peaceful and deep. Your soul is like a secret, that I never could keep. When I look into your eyes, I know its true. God must have spent a little more time on you."
The backyard to Emily and Gren's home was fully decorated and waiting for the couple and the guests. The aisle was carpeted with white Rose petals. Chairs on each side, seven to a row, with a picture of Gren and Emily on the front. In the back, each of the quads. The aisle of petals led to an arch covered in Ivy and more white Roses. The rolling green foothills and mountains stood behind the ceremony. The world seemed to pause and gather around the home. The wind paused. The noises came to a halt.
A white limosine pulls up to the home; the Groom's party exit, adjust their bows, ties and vests. Robert is the first to exit, looks around and motions for Gren. Following the brothers, is Thomas. Using a cane for assistance, the three men walk to the arch.
"This is it, Grendel." Thomas leans on both his sons for support. "You ready, son?"
"As I'll ever be, dad." Gren gently pats Thomas' back. "I have no regrets. Nothing."
"It's a damn shame your mother wasn't here to see this."
"But she is, dad." Gren points to the bow, tucked and peeking through the Ivy plants. "She's right there. Watching us all."
Thomas, carefully and with each step, looks up towards the bow his wife used to carry and hold close at all times. She carried it with pride. With honor. Thomas, leaning against the cane, touches the wood material and smiles. He was pleased she chose Emily to carry on the traditions.
The power it held within and use it for all the reasons Calla had centuries ago. For the good. For protection. He cried softly, tapped the bow and headed back to his sons.
"Your mother's soul is indeed in that silly thing, Grendel. She's proud of the both of you."
Robert playfully pushes Gren. "Nah, this guy right here with his weddings and kids. Hey, don't make me cry up there. Gotta keep this face looking good."
Gren rolls his eyes. As he looks around, the world he once knew was no more. It was peaceful; his soul was at ease and his heart content. When he looked around, he knew it was true. Only thing missing was his other brother, Isaiah. He didn't blame him for not wanting to participate....
Gren looks at his wrist watch and smiles. Soon. They had an hour to go. The guests were beginning to show up. Snow White and her cubs were the first to arrive. Lyla greets the woman in a simple Coral colored dress and aides them in finding seats. The cubs were too anxious to see the pretty woman in white.
"Is she here yet, Grendel?" Blossom tugs on the tail of Gren's jacket. "Is Emily here yet? I want to see how pretty she is."
"Soon, sweetie." Gren pats Blossom on the head. "I promise you, she'll be here and you'll get to see her."
"Can we eat yet?" Connor points to the buffet. "That cake in there looks good and-"
Snow calls each of her Cubs. "Now now, children. It's time to find our seats and get ready for the wedding."
Each of the Cubs take off and find the first row in the front. Winter and Blossom were determined to see Emily and her beautiful dress. The boys were more interested in the cake and food currently being prepared by the top quality chefs in Fabletown. Peter, Ethan, RJ, Georgie Junior and Robert gathered around Gren for some photos. Several were taken, as more guests arrived to the ceremony. The second to arrive were Rose Red and her boyfriend Tez. He embraced Gren with a large hug and congragulations. Rose tried her best not to cry.
Following Rose and Tez, Gren noticed his long time friend Robby, followed by Percy, Cindy and their good friend Dixa. He was delighted to see the three of them; Gren and Dixa used to spend Thursday nights playing pool and drinking Beers until the other gave up or passed out.
Percy, although nearly eaten several times by the Grendels, warmed up immediatly and handed Gren an envelope.
"Fa' ya', Grendel and ya' lovely wife to be. Cindy, Dixa and I are honored to be amoung ya' family and friends."
Gren hugs Percy. "Weird not seeing you as a Rat lookin' thing, Percy. But glad you three made it."
Robby shoke Gren's hand and also handed him another envelope. "I brought some pretty damn good Champagne, too. I gave it to Lyla."
"Thanks, man. Have a seat. Thank you for coming."
Tim and Harmony were next; Hamrony was already crying and trying her best to congragulate Grendel and his many blessed moments in life. Tim had to assist his wife with the conversation. Gren was pleased to see so many Fables that used to fear and avoid him in the past.
Late as usual, his long time friend Fayde blew in from a gust of wind that circled the chairs and left before anyone noticed the Bainshee riding it like a wave. With her Irish accent, she greets Gren.
"Aye, Grendel. Today is the big day, me lad. Ya' nervous at all?"
"A little, Fayde but not too bad."
"She's a lovely lass, Grendel. Ya' watch her now, ya' heaf me or I'll have to knock ya' ugly ol' head off."
"Glad to see you never changed, Fayde." He and the young woman embrace. "Thanks for coming."
Several moments later, as the other guests find their seats, more Fables arrive to the Wedding. Gren noticed John and Nancy Smith; the couple stop to thank Gren for the invitation and create small talk. Standing tall and proud, Gren valued both John and Nancy for accepting Gren into their granddaughter's life. They adored the quads; neither expected to be great-grandparents to Emily's children and, like the others, secretly wanted the couple to produce more children. John refused to hold back his emotions. The Photographer managed to snap an image of the two men in a loving clasp.
Nancy noticed Lyla and Snow and made her way to the women; another couple of cars, Chariots and Limos pulled up to the home. Georgie, with Robert and John's assistance, guide the remaining guests towards the back of the home. Gren noticed Flycatcher, Emily's good friend Nick, Makato and his wife Celesete and several other Fables make their way to the ceremony. Cole, holding the sacred book, walks to the front and congragulates Gren before taking his spot. Even Charming, along with his new wife, made his way to the Wedding.
Before long, the music played softly. Gren looked at his watch; his beautiful wife-to-be was on her way. A large party bus arrived on the lot. Emily's Bride's Maids egress the vehicle and line up. The Groom's Men walk over to their assigned partners and anxiously wait for the cue to make their way down the aisle. Robert was with Katherine, Peter with Rosie, Ethan and Holly, RJ with Mary and finally, Junior and Penelope. The sisters found the task of keeping a clean face ardous; even RJ and Junior strived to hold back the tears but failed the moment they noticed Gren wipe his eyes. All the guests sit and wait for the final piece to this beautiful day.
The qauds, sitting in a little red Wagon, was pulled by Bella, Jersey and Katie's oldest daughter. The babies were unsure of why they were dressed up and why so many people were watching them but were pleased with all the attention and kisses being blown their way.
'Then' by Brad Paisely played while the pairs steadily paced down the aisle. Cameras went off as one by one, the couples passed by the guests honoring this day. Junior and Penelope ended the train. The music continued; everyone stood up, as Cole lifts his mighty hands up. Gren notices his beautiful fiancee and Georgie, turn the corner and walk down the aisle
Blossom and Winter were taken back by how radiant she appeared. As was Gren. Georgie did his best to remain in one piece; Gren noticed how tightly he clung to his last daughter to get married. Georgie and Emily paused before Gren; he kissed her one last time on each cheek and shoke Gren's hand. Georgie joins his wife in the front. Gren and Emily met in front of Cole. Gren can no longer hold back. The pair stand before Cole; both parties on each side gently clean under their eyes and watched the couple before them.
Cole speaks. "My friends-we are gathered here, to witness two people come together by love, family, friends and happiness and become one. You have come before this community and the presence of the God's above to seal your love. This is a sacred union which enriches the natural love. This binds those who enter it faithfully to each other; it creates a bond that can not be broken and demands that they love and honour each other. May they accept from God the children they may receive during this time and look after the four they've been previously blessed with.
To help them in their marriage, the husband and wife and receive the life-long grace of this sacrament. Is this your understanding?"
Gren and Emily look over at one another and nod. Together, they answer. "It is."
Cole continues. "In becoming husband and wife, you give yourselves to each other for life and in death. You promise to be true and faithful, to support and cherish each other until death, so that your years together will be the living out in love of the pledge you now make.
May your love for each other reflect the enduring love of all you see before, behind and forever. I now ask this: will you love and honour each other in marriage all the days of your life?"
"We do."
"Are you willing to accept with love the children God may send you and bring them into nothing but love and endurance?"
"We do."
"What God joins together, man must not seperate. May the Lord confirm the consent that you have given and enrich you with the blessings."
Gren speaks first. "I, Grendel, take you Emily Caitlynn Porgie, as my wife. For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer. In sickness and in health, till death do us part."
"I, Emily Caitylnn Porgie, take you Grendel, as my husband. For better or worse, richer or poorer, in sickness and in health till death do us part."
"Now, do you Grendel, take Emily to always cherish until your dying days?"
"I do."
"And do you, Emily, take Grendel to always cherish and love until your dying days?"
"I do."
Gren and Emily, with Robert and Katie, exchange rings, as Cole blesses the items and says a small prayer. The couple kiss, turn to face the guests and hold hands until Cole speaks.
"The couple before you has entered the faithfulness and unbroken love. May they be united in love in this life and life after. Forever, may they be one in heart, mind and body. I know pronounce you, Mr. and Mrs. Grendel of Fabletown!"
With one final kiss, Gren and Emily hold hands and walk down the asile; James Taylor's song 'How sweet' plays as the newly married couple make their way, followed by their party. The Groom's Men and Bride's Maids dance, point at the couple and clap. The guests all do the same; tissues are passed around, clapping continues and happiness is spread as Gren and Emily stop near the home and passionatly kiss.
"We're married, Gren..."
"We are Emily!" Gren picks Emily up and swings her around. 'Fuck, i love you so much..."
"I love ya' more, Gren."
The couple kiss one last time, just as the reception falls into place. The party had just begun.
End of part 2. Any questions, you know the drill. Now, I KNOW Winter is Harmony's mother but for this, I'll pretend that she is a cousin.
Johann the Butcher prepared and offered the meats and various other tasty treats for the wedding and the meal being served that night. The choice of meat: Salmon broiled and coated with lemon, dil and seasonings, garlic and butter, Lamb coated in a vast aroma of spices and herbs or a Shrimp dish with lemon, wine, garlic and lemon. Side dishes was a romaine lettuce salad with tomatos, crumbled bleu cheese, radishes and a Balsamic vinaigrette. Golden potatos and steamed veggies were also included with the meals.
The cake was a towering eight layers The designs was simple; the outside white, inside a simple yellow with black and blue designs on the side. A bride with tattoos sat on the top, next to a massive Grendel. The little figures were crafted and designed by Gren and Robert's brother Isaiah. Although he could not be a part of the wedding, he wanted to send something special to his little brother. As Emily and Gren sliced into the dessert, Gren took this opportunity to smear cake on Emily's face. Little did Gren know Emily already had something similar in mind.
With the help from the Baker and Junior, she created a cake just for Gren. He hated the taste of Raspberries. Knowing he'd pull a fast one, Emily offered her husband a bit of the cake. His face alone was well worth it. Gren laughed; normally, something like this would have sent him over the edge but his Emily was a clever sneak. He had met his match.
~They toasted~
First to give a speech, was Georgie. Emily was fighting back the tears, as Georgie held his wife's hand and Champagne glass in his other hand.
"Thank ya' all fa' comin' ta' this wonferful day. Ya' all know me....I'm Georgie Porgie, father to this beautiful and wonderful young woman. I would like ta' thank my beautiful and devouted wife for standing by me fa' years, even before we wed and providing me with such beautiful and loving children. Ta' the guests here and beyond...thank ya' for joining us in this special occasion. I'm a proud father ta'day. She looked stunnin' this afternoon but she's always been me flower since the day she was born. I'm supposed ta' say somethin' embarrasing but I think she has more bullshit on me, so I guess this makes us even. In Gren, I can honestly say ya' met ya' perfect match. I couldn't ask fa' a betta' man as my son-in-law. Ya' gave me four, beautiful grandchildren, whom me and Lyla love with all our heart. I hope ya' life is full of nothing but love, happiness and all ya' dreams are fulfilled. It's now my pleasure ta' propose a toast ta' the couple. Raise ya' glasses ta' the new Mr. and Mrs. Grendel of Fabletown. I love ya' both."
There was a moment of applaudes from the guests; several stood up to congragulate Georgie and his family. Emily and Gren were honored to see so many faces; many whom used to snear in their direction. Avoid anything that had to do with the Porgies or even Gren. Yet, here they all
were, on their special day, focused on the good and not the bad. Robert was next. He was a mess. Thomas and Gren each took a tissue.
"Well, good afternoon, folks. Thank you for coming out to this wonderful occassion. As you know or may not, my name is Robert and I'm the brother to this lucky man over here. It's been an honor as your best man and older brother. Gren and I have been through a lot. the good and the bad. But all that does not matter, for here we are, as one. Gren was so excited; when he told me about the ring and his proposal to Emily, I saw a change in his eyes. He was happy. TRULY happy. He and Emily are wonderful. She's beautiful, charming and full of life. Something Grendel needed in his, too. Just remember these three words, bro and you'll be golden: 'You're right, dear.' Trust me."
Laughter and applause fill the air; Emily takes this time to blow a kiss and make a friendly, yet threatning gesture, causing Robert to laugh. He continues. "Time has brought these two together. I can honestly say, he's loved you Emily for years. Long before you were even planned. Thought of. I hope to one day be like you and find that special person. Having been here to witness such love has been an honor. Mom would have loved to have been here. in spirit, though, she is. she gets to watch you marry, Grendel. Now, a toast: I'm sure you're going to be so happy together and I speak for everybody here when I say I wish you both the very best in your future together. you guys are wonderful parents to four, beautiful children. They are so blessed. Ladies and gentlemen, the new Mr. and Mrs. Grendel!"
~They celebrate~
Gren takes Emily by the hand and leads her to an area for the DJ and dancing. The guests all watch the couple participate in their first dance. Savage Garden's 'I knew I loved you' echoed in the air, trees and mountain tops. Gren clung to Emily, forever lost in her world and love. He was complete, as was she. She finally found her way home. Best friend. Gren began to whisper the words, as the singer sang his part. Emily tried to hold back tears; she was afraid of ruining her makeup but with the loving embrace from Gren, she failed and allowed the emotions to rush over her body. Emily soon mouthed the words.
She took a minute to gather their children; Gren held Chloe, while Emily grasped tightly to Seraphina and Liam. Viviana held her father's jacket and floated beside her parents. The babies all found this as a game, laughed and clapped. As the song came to and end, the parents each kissed their children then eachother.
"I love ya', Mr. Grendel."
"I love you, Mrs. Emily Grendel."
The music changes to other various dance tunes. The guests take this time to speak individually to the Bride and Groom. Rose Red and Harmony are the first to greet Emily. Blossom and Winter are not too far behind. Snow White gives Emily a friendly hug, as the girls examine her dress.
"Oh congragulations, Ems!" Rose tries to avoid crying. "God, look at you. I wish you both nothing but the best."
"You look so radiant, Emily. I hope you and Grendel have anothing but happiness and more memories to come."
Emily hugs them both. She could feel the warmth of their bodies but the tears as well. Emily and Rose had always been close; she and Harmony were once great friends but time can seperate people until they are ready to reunite. Same went with Nick. He and Emily were inseperable when she was in her early twenties but between her drug use and he starting a family, both went their seperate ways. She was pleased to see him there. With a firm handshake, he approaches Grendel. The two used to battle years ago but like everything else, times changed. They had an understanding, although Nick occasionally gives Gren a hard time for that summer they spent in Maryland. With a friendly smile and pat on the back, Nick gives the couple his upmost respect and felicitations.
"You looked spectacular tonight, Emily."
"Thank ya', Nick. Glad ya' could make it."
"You're a lucky man, Grendel. Take care of this one..." Nick's grasp on Gren's hand becomes tight. "Or so help me, I'll rip the other one off. Got it?"
Nick turns to head for the cake; it was calling his name and as he disappeared, Percy, Cindy and Dixa approach the couple. Cindy had an envelope with money for their honeymoon and Dixa takes out four little stones. She hands them to Emily.
"They are good luck charms for the children. I hope they like these. From the volcanic pits mixed with Unicorn blood and herbs. Protects them."
"AND-" Percy digs into his tux pocket. "I borught ya' nice folks some good ol' English tea from the rollin' foot hills. This will be wonders fa' ya' Honeymoon."
"Thank ya', percy. I love this stuff. And the babies will definetly enjoy these stones, Dixa."
Robby and Fayde are next to send their well wishes to the newly married couple. Robby pulls out a bottle of what appeared to be very old and elegant wine. Gren immediatly takes the bottle and fist bumps the fable. Fayde takes out four charms; three are the Celtic symbol for friendship and the other is a four-leaf clover.
"Ya' be a lucky lass, ya' 'ear me? These be for the wee ones. Know that they are loved and among friends. They are lucky ta' harve ya' both."
"They'll love these, Fayde. I'm glad ya' made it all this way ta' see us..."
"Wouldn't miss this fa' the world, lass. When I 'heard ol' Grendel and the daughter of Georgie Porgie was gettin' married, I 'ad to come."
Emily clicnhed onto Fayde. "I'm glad ta' have ya' 'ere, love." It had been years since they'd seen one another. "I'm glad ya' made it.."
Tez, Makato and Celeste were the final guests to greet the couple. Gren and Tez cracked jokes and held a conversation for quite some time. He and Gren used to hang out a lot, drink and play pool, especially during the mid and late eighties. Emily used to hear tales of the Dragon thief himself and all the insane antics the two caught themselves in. Celeste and Emily used to participate in the roller rink competitions held every summer. She'd been attending them since the 8th grade and with Celeste's felxible dance moves and her spunky personality, they held the number one team for four years straight.
"Ya sneaky bastard." Emily high five's Tez. "Glad ta' see ya' and Rose made it."
"Hey, when I hear miss Emily Porgie was tying the knot with this marshmellow, I had to see it with my own eyes."
Gren kindly flicks Tez on the neck. "Hey, hey-still with that Marshmellow shit, eh?"
"So, Emily. I hear you'll be heading to Santorini after this?"
"Yeah, Makato. Gren showed me some images and I had ta' go there for the honeymoon. It's so beautiful."
"Well, make sure to take lots of pictures! Tag me on facebook, so I can see them."
Emily stands up, hugs her long time friend, grabs her flowers and heads to the floor. All the women gathered for the traditional flower toss; her sisters were eagerly pushing, as Rosie tried to dodge a few blows. Emily tosses the bouquet and watches as Nick runs to the front and grabs it. Before he could flash the flowers, Katie tries to pull them from her hands. The pair fight, as Katie continues to yank. Nick was intrigued and found it humerous that the she-wolf was determined to hold the flowers.
"NO! Nick, you can't participate in this-EMILY!"
~They loved~
Rosie assured she had the quads while the pair went on their Honeymoon. Before Gren enters the limo, he holds the only remaining piece, beside Emily, that held him together. He loved Rosie and despite what Carla put them both through, the two remained loyal until the bitter end.
"Congrats, daddy."
"Thank you, tadpole. Think you can handle these four?"
"I got this, daddy. Scout's honor. Have fun. Go. Get out of this town...I love you both."
The couple stand through the sun roof and wave to their family and friends. James Taylor 'How sweet' plays as the driver pulls out of the driveway and towards the airport. Their family and friends continuing to bid the newly wed couple farewell. The music plays on. Soon, it becomes nothing more then a part of their ever growing memories. Gren pops the bottle of wine Robby gave them, pours Emily a glass and kisses her passionatly.
"Ready, Mrs. Grendel?"
"As I'll eva' be, Mr. Grendel."
Into the night, the couple carry on as husband and wife. How sweet is was indeed.
No one was sure how long Emily and Gren would be gone but it didn't matter.
The couple spent a month in Santorini. Emily had never seen waters so clear and blue; she was able to see her feet, as the pair swam in the blue and chased after fish. They feasted of exotic meals, drank wine fresh from the local grooves and fields of grapes plucked from the sun's grasp. Many images were taken and promised to Celeste and Makato, Emily made sure to post every single one of them.
Upon the couples return, they were greeted by four exuberant babies and Rosie. Emily adored her little family and although it was nice taking a little vacation, she was happy to be home. Inviting Rosie in for dinner, the couple call in takeout and share their tales with their children. As Emily took a moment to grab more wine, she was embraced by Gren.
"So, Mrs. Grendel-do you think happily ever afters can happen to folks like us?"
Emily smiles, kissing Gren's forehead. "I think they can, love. I truly do..."
Emily and Gren listen to Rosie playing with her younger siblings; a gust of cool air blows past the couple, causing the leaves on the Fern to wave.
"Good ta' be home too, Vivian. Missed ya."
Gren and Emily kiss one last time before returning to their family. They were indeed home.
'Being a family means you are a part of something wonderful. it means you will love and be loved for the rest of your life.'
Any questions, you know the drill. And that makes the wedding, folks! WHEW! Thank you for taking this journey with Gren and Emily...but this is just the beginning.
That's cool!
Although I saw in my feed "I was asked about Nick a while ago" and I thought "Oh he drew my Nick!!" But I was wrong...
Meh, this is still pretty cool; I haven't played Pokemon in ages!
Oh Christ.... That made my day XP
And then it evolves into this thing lol:
Ah ha! So they ARE hooking up! XD The Man found the best quote to establish the images I now have in my head. Thank you, pie! XD XD
I love this chapter. Vivian was only looking out for Emily and the babies. i'm curious now, considering Calla killed the Cerberus with the bow. I recall you said the handle was carved from the wood in the underworld or something. Hmm....would make sense, since the bow WAS artemis and it was handed to Calla, now to Emily; Emily's daughter is tied to Hades, who's precious Cerberus was killed BY the bow, who is now Viviana. Interesting.....VERY interesting.
BTW, I ship Nick and Vivian so much, too. DAWWWW! Ghost babies!!!

EDIT: FREAKING love that picture!

I thought so, dude! I love pokemon! Didn't know you did, too. I love Nick!!

Robert would say something like that in regards to a killer unknown creature. XD I have a feeling the Warden and the Wendigo have this whole thing planned out and are freaking out the kids. XD Can I tell you, what-Ash and Lyla BFF's 4-life is fun to picture.
Handle it, bros! -high five- We got this, yo!
Get ready for the wedding of Grendel & Emily Porgie
I'll try and write a chapter later. Busy today. Gotta love Fridays and errand running. XD If not, tomorrow! My Emily is getting married...:')
Robert is looking forward to seeing his baby brother finally happy and with Emily Porgie. :') I love these two so much. #GremilyWedding
Love the pictures!! That 1st one!
Can't wait!!! Fabletown will be talking about this!
Oh man I'm so excited!!!! XD
Oh man these are awesome! Can't wait for this one!
:'D I literally love this, man! Lyla crying in the background XD The detail in both drawings is amazing! And I love little floating orb Nick XD I read part of the previous chapter where Emily found out Viv was seeing Nick XD That was absolutely golden XD I haven't been super active lately because I got sick on Wednesday night
Still sort of sick today, I caught what my sister had about a week ago. Strep throat
Oh well, I'm well enough to come on here today and check out whats happening. Can't wait for the wedding chapter ^-^
So, this is the THIRD time I've attempted to write this chapter....the first time, I was feeling so sick that I had to lay down, and ended up loosing my work. The second time, I pressed a button on my keyboard by accident that brought me to the page before this, and erased all of my work. Now, I will TRY to write this a third time, and hopefully it'll work out right XD I've been sick the past couple days with Strep throat, so THAT'S been fun... I barely remember where I'm at in my stories at this point, lmao XD Sorry for taking so long, but you know, for a while my pillow was more desirable than sitting upright and typing for a few hours XD
Anyway, I shall start now!
Belinda couldn't remember the last time she'd slept through the whole night with out waking. Years of fearing for her life, believing she wouldn't wake up to see another sunrise, left her unable to close her eyes for more than a few minutes before she'd open them and make sure she wasn't about to be captured or beheaded.
Even now, lying in such a grand bed in such a large and warm room, she felt as though she was being watched, or worse yet, in danger. London Fabletown had provided a small flat for her, which she was eternally grateful for. The curtains were made of the finest lace, the quilt that lay strewn across her legs woven with elite intricacy. She still couldn't get over the fact that there was actual electricity running the lights. It wasn't something commonly used as of yet in the world. The wood floors rarely creaked when she would step upon them, and the walls were painted over with vibrant pastel colors and paneled with white wood that made each room feel almost alive to her. She shivered from the light breeze that entered through an open window. She'd opened it because the heat often made the room a little stuffy, and so she tried to balance it out when she went to bed at night. The sun peaked over the horizon, shining directly into her room.
A soft knock rapped against the door. The maid, Sophie, would do so every morning at precisely 7 A.M. and ask if Belinda would like a cup of tea in bed.
"Leave it on the dining room table today," Belinda called from her bedside. "I intend on dressing early this morning, if you will help me."
"Very well," Sophie's muffled voice came through from the other side of the door. Belinda stood and watched as her nightgown fell at her ankles. It always rode up during the night, because often times she would be twisting and turning in her sleep. She wouldn't have admitted it, but it was probably because of the night terrors she experienced as soon as the lights went out.
Throwing open a wardrobe of dresses, a bit of guilt triggered in Belinda's gut. She didn't ask for these things. She didn't work to earn them. They were simply given to her, as if she deserved them. She didn't think a woman like herself should ever deserve anything close to what she'd gotten. She had no money, nor any male relatives alive that she knew of. She just had the rags on her back and the determination to survive. She was told that when she had a steady income, she could start paying taxes as every other resident in the building did. That was it though. Just taxes. No rent, no extra money for the services or the food they bring her. She was essentially living there for free. It bothered her.
"Miss?" Sophie's voice came through clearer, as she opened the door. "Do you need help?"
"Yes please," Belinda said shyly. She was still getting used to being around other people, especially in vulnerable states such as being in your undergarments. It was Sophie's job to help her tie the corset and make sure her hair was properly done up right. Belinda appreciated it greatly.
"Elegant choice, Miss," Sophie commented on the dress Belinda picked. It was a looser dress, with a thin white lace corset and pink ruffles in the shirt. The straps that sat over her shoulders matched the corset, and she felt like a delicate flower when Sophie finished tying up the last of it. Her feet slipped in to a pair of ballet flats; those were more comfortable than the boots most other women tended to wear. Sophie quickly did Belinda's hair up tight, with loose curls falling out on the side. The sun glinted off of Belinda's cherry-brown color, making it look as if it were sparkling, like the stars in the sky. Belinda never felt more pretty than in that moment.
"Are you ready for your breakfast, Miss?" Sophie asked, a bright smile across her cheeks.
"Yes, Sophie. Lead me to the table?"
"My pleasure," Sophie stood up and crossed the room soundlessly, trained from years of serving others. Belinda felt kind of bad for the woman, who wore particularly bland attire and had her hair down most of the time. It was a darker brown, almost black color, and her skin was like porcelain. If she were to dress as lavishly as Belinda, surely she would be much prettier.
"I shall grab a tray from the kitchen and serve it to you," She told Belinda curtly. Belinda sat in one of the overstuffed chairs that adorned the side of the table, where a book and a cup of hot tea sat waiting for her. She smelled the tea before tasting it, wondering which flavor today's was. It tasted like peaches and spices, a wonderful combination.
It was then, that Belinda heard a commotion in the kitchen. The scream startled her in the middle of opening A Tale of Two Cities, causing her to nearly spill the tea all over it. She looked up at the door, but Sophie was not coming through it anytime soon. The voices were muffled, and it sounded like Sophie was talking more than whatever stranger might be present. Nervously, Belinda stood, smoothing the wrinkles out of her skirt, and stepped over as quietly as she could to the door. She pressed her ear against it, careful not to push it open, and listened intently on what was going on.
"You are not allowed in Fabletown!" Sophie shouted. She was scrambling, the sound of dishes clanking together heard prominantly.
"Sophie, please-"
"No! You must leave! Now! Before I get the mayor! Get out of here, you filthy, dirty tosser!"
"Whoa, now!" The man's voice was increasingly familiar. "I am not a toss-" And then there was a loud crash, and no sound at all. Belinda immediately winced at the sound, and it was in that moment that she pressed the door open to analyze the scene.
Sophie rubbed her hands together proudly, as if wiping off some sort of dust from them. "That ought to teach him."
On the floor and unconscious lay Mr. Wakefeild.
"Oh my," Belinda said.
"Don't worry, Miss. I took care of him."
"I see."
"Would you like toast or a muffin for breakfast?"
"Neither, I think I lost my appetite."
Sophie just shrugged, and stepped over Mr. Wakefield's body to exit through the other doorway. "I shall be in the sitting room if you need me, Miss. Do you want me to call up Mayor Rutley to escort that swine out of here?"
Belinda looked down at Mr. Wakefield. He looked as fragile as she felt, laying across the tile with a blank expression on his face. The only thing that pointed out that he was indeed alive, was the rise and fall of his chest. She looked at Sophie curiously. "What did he do?"
"Excuse me, Madam?" Sophie looked at Belinda with the confusion someone would have, had they faced a three-headed dog of sorts.
"Him," Belinda pointed. "Why is he condemned from this establishment? What did he do?"
"Oh," Sophie's voice grew thin. She pressed her lips together and crossed her arms. "He....betrayed us, if you will. I..." She looked away from Belinda, and away from Mr. Wakefield. "He... Forgive me for saying this, but you wouldn't understand."
"Oh." Belinda responded, disappointedly. "Um, I will call Mayor Rutley up, if you won't mind. You can have the rest of the day off."
"Are you sure? I can still come around at bed and help you out of your corset?"
"That will be fine," Belinda replied. "But for the rest of the day, relax, alright?"
Sophie nodded. "Is there...anything you need before I leave?"
"No thank you. Goodbye, Sophie."
"Goodbye, Miss."
And she left. And Mr. Wakefield was still unconscious on Belinda's floor.
What a morning.
That's all for now! I feel like it's been forever since I've posted on here >.< Oh well. I'm hungry, so I'm gonna go down and see what there is to eat. I'll probably post another chapter today, later. Didn't go to school today because....well, I'm sick. I already stated that before. I'm better than yesterday though. Yesterday was pretty bad. Today, not so much. I should also go take some medicine or something. Yep.
This was really good chapter!
Ah that's where you've been! Figured something must've come up for the sudden absence. Hope you get better soon!
Surprise @JJwolf, @EMMYPESS, @Tetra, and @HazzatheMan! Your long-awaited pictures are finally here! I hope you guys like 'em as usual, if not, then tell me how I can improve whenever I make future drawings of your OC's.
First up, we have JJwolf's Fable: Robert
Secondly, we have EMMYPESS's OC: Harmony (along with guest Fable, Tiny Tim)
Then we have Tetra's character: Makoto (with Death also present)
And last but not least, we have HazzatheMan's OC: Nick, both in human and true form
That's all there is to it! As I said, hope you all enjoy it!
Oh this is so awesome!!!
Thanks Dragon 
LOL Glad you liked them all. And yes, Viv AND Nick are seeing eachother. XD XD Sucks that you're sick! Hopefully you get better. I hate strep throat, too! Hell. That's what it is. Hell. I should be posting it either Sat or Sun.
LMFAO! Freakin' Robert and his random moments! Tim and Harmony are too precious with their hopes and dreams!
I adore those two. Tetra's character with Death and 'got milk'. I was drinking soda, not milk and almost spit this up. I'm reading these off my phone and I'm at the beuno when people think you're insane. XD XD And finally Nick! He's so serious, yet you can't help but love the guy! That stern face, though! LOVE it!
Awesome work, Dragon! These were indeed some radical gifts!!
Lol, Makoto's facial expression. Excellent work, Dragon.
Sweet! Robert's is funny XD Everyone else seemed to have an inspiring message
I loved mine
Thanks man! I should go on sims and take some more Tez/Rose shots
Night before the wedding
Emily's night
"Crispy Creme donuts and Strippers!"
It was not a good idea to have Bachelorette parties. It was also not a good idea to include Bloody Mary in these senseless, yet entertaining few short hours of 'single' life. In Katie's black SUV, the already intoxicated Mary, sitting in the back, was demanding male strippers and fried snacks.
As Katie drove towards the busy streets of Fabletown, Mary rolls down the window, sticks her head out and waves.
"WHOA! This girl...Emily Porgie, is getting married tomorrow! HEY! You-random civilian! Did you hear me? Huh!? Well....did you!?"
Holly grabs Mary by the arm and drags her back inside. "Swear. Last time I let you go to fuckin' town on the Whiskey bottle in my bar."
Mary burps, taking a long drink from the green colored bottle. "Hey! Hey....hey-this is a celebration! Our black sheep wandered back to the flock of married and pregnant bitches!"
"Really, Mary?" Emily tries to prop Mary against the seat. "Ya' know, people CAN change..."
"AAAAAND you did, Georgie with a vagina!"
Laughing hysterically, Katie nearly swerves into another vehicle. Penelope, both hands wrapped around her seat belt, screams and tries guiding her sister into the proper lane and not into a building, car or person.
"KATHERINE, please!" Penny finally reaches for the wheel. "Now honestly! Pay attention or I will-"
"OH relax, sis. I got this."
"You almost crashed into that guy right there! Just, pull over and let me drive."
Mary leans her front half onto the cup holder. Leaning forward, she glares at the window, squints and chuckles.
"We're going to fucking die...."
Both Rosie and Holly slap the back of Mary's head. At first, she says nothing; her eyes remain on the road and for a second, mumbles something far off from the English language. She turns around, however and begins to wave her bottom in both Holly and Rosie's face.
"Yeah, go ahead-SPANK me again! I like it rough and-"
"AHHH fa' fook sake's Mary! Gross!"
"Wha', Emily...." Mary takes another drink. "HEY! We should stop at that one store, where they sell those one lollipops shaped like a penis and-"
"OH ewww, Mary!"
Emily sat back and watched Mary and Rosie argue; between strippers, penis pops and what was planned for the evening, to Emily, this was enough. It was wonderful seeing all her friends and family in one place, especially Holly and Mary. Even before the babies and wedding, Holly and Mary never agreed on a lot of things, had conflict and refused to be social. They despised one another and to get them in the same room was asking for trouble. Either or both were destined to end up in jail or the hospital.
Now, with a very drunk Mary and Holly doing her best to keep herself awake, this was a great evening. Even if they spent the entire time driving around the city. Emily was just glad to be alive and among loved ones. The thought ended suddenly when Mary felt the need to toss her empty bottle out the window. As a horn blasted behind the SUV, Mary points to a restaurant.
"OHH! Seafood! Katie, pull in there!"
"What, why!?" Katie glances in the mirror. "Why do you want seafood and-"
"I'm hungry! I bet you are, too!"
"What happened to strippers and-"
"We can do that-" Mary points back to the restaurant. "AND, we can eat food while watching dudes grind on the bride-to-be."
"I don't want a stripper, though. I mean it Mary. I-"
"OH hush! I bet the boys got themselves a stripper, too!"
Holly, Penny and Katie huff. "They better not have...."
Mary was determined to get her fried Shrimp. To be honest, Emily was ready for bed; early to bed, for there was a long day ahead for all of them. Try telling that to Bloody Mary. Emily watched her sister make a large u-turn and head back to the restaurant. A Katie parked the car, Mary took thi time to leap from the window; several people stopped to glance at the intoxicated young woman. She was wearing a crown with 'Bride's Maid' in bright gold letters. Rosie was right behind, hopping to catch the young woman should she fall.
Emily covers her face. "I'm gunna have ta' bail her out ta'night, huh Holly?"
"I think she'll be fine, Emily."
Mary leans against the counter and looks at the cashier. A large man with a very thick mustache, dark hair and rather enormous mole on his nose, grabbed a pen and paper. He had a very thick and heavy Italian accent.
"What'a I'a get for ladies at da' Pepi's?"
"Pepsi?" Mary slouches against the metal counter. "No, no. Shrimp. LOTS of Shrimp..."
"Ta' go, please." Emily points at Mary. "She, uh, too much drinky drink...."
The man scribble down the order. Mary turns to face the other girls. "Oh, don't make me be the only one to want Shrimp..."
"I might have a few, Mary." Rosie beams. "I'd love-"
"No!" Mary glares and points. "No. Get your Shrimp."
"Oh Mary, stop." Emily takes out her wallet. "I fookin' mean it. Be nice or-"
Mary takes off towards the streets. Katie and Penny are quickly after her. Mary grabs a nearby lightpost, swings and begins to sing 'Singing in the rain.' She stops, notices a club from the intersection and heads onto oncoming traffic.
"FA' FOOK SAKES! Mary! Penelope-get her, please!"
Mary, arms in the air, runs towards the club. "Look! Look, look, look! Naked man on the poster! Strip club! Let's go, ladies! Penis! Lots and lots before Emily is stuck with a Swamp man's, uh....thing! C'mon! Shit!"
Emily pays for the food; the cahsier was confused but said not a single word, as Emily took the Shrimp and followed Mary. Rosie and Holly ran beside the young woman; Mary ran into the club, followed by Penny and Katie. One of Penny's heels broke; she wobbled into the club, holding the left shoe and calling for Mary.
Emily laughed, tossed a Shrimp into her mouth and entered the club. The women found Mary, sitting in the front, with a male stripper, dressed as a proper English gentlemen. Bowler hat and all. Emily takes a seat with her Bride's Maids and couldn't help but laugh and toss dollar bills.
"Congrats, Emily!" Mary smiles back. "You're getting married!"
Married. Yes, she thought. She was finally getting married...
Gren's night
"Go, go, go!" Robert, holding a bucket, runs into the alley. Behind him, Junior, RJ, Peter, Ethan and Gren try to keep up. Another unknown man with a mohawk, tattoos and piercings, follows close behind. Robert pulls out his keys, unlocks the doors and throws the bucket inside.
"Hurry up, you assholes!" Robert starts the car. "I'm not going to wait too much longer!"
Junior extends out his hand. A portal opens before him; the other men knew what to do, as each one dive into the darkne. Last one was the tattooed fellow.
"Hurry up, Nick!" Junior whistles. "This thing will close in ten second!"
Junior leaps in with the others. Nick, in his glamour, continues to run. Several Bouncers and Security guards continue to chase him down. Nick could not remember the last time he had this much fun but he was enjoying every second. As the portal began to vanish, Nick digs into his pockets and pulls out a tiny blue circle. He kisses the item, throws it behind him and within seconds, a blue cloud of smoke envelops the men. Nick joins the others; the portal opens inside of Robert' truck. He peels onto the streets and before long, the group of men disappear into the city.
"WHOA! Whoo HOOO! Did you guys SEE those mundies!?"
"Damnit, Nick!" Gren punches the Fable in the arm. "Why in God's holy fucking name did you and Robert feel the need to do that!?"
Robert forecefully turns the wheel; RJ and Ethan nearly collide into the door. Peter, lighting another cigarette and pulling out his flask, holds a thumbs up.
"I wonder if the ladies are having THIS much fun, too...."
"Are you stupid, uncle Robert!?" RJ tries to catch his breath. "We could have gone to jail and-"
"HEY! The sign said buy one get the free. We EACH got one, therefore, we deserve six free ones."
Gren rubs his eyes. "Before my wedding, Robert....really?"
Peter exhales a cloud of smoke. "Say, Nick-what did you do back there with that blue shit?"
"It stuns them." Nick picks his teeth with his index finger. "They'll forget ALL about tonight and our little 'congrats-for-marrying-Emily' gifts."
Nick, Ethan and Peter each take a bottle of champagne. It was not the cheap bottles. These were priced easily at one hundred and up. Nick and Robert felt like Nick and the others needed a little gift; the man said if you BOUGHT one, the next was free. It was not their fault the guy left the cart unattended....
Peter pops the top of one, nearly shooting the cork in RJ's eyes.
"HEY, Peter! Watch that!"
"So, where to now, Gren?"
Before Gren answers, Nick points his finger against the passenger glass window. "STRIP CLUB! Hey, hey-let's go there!"
"Eh, I don't know..." Gren rubs his neck. "I feel weird fucking going in there now..."
"OH shut the fuck up, Gren!" Junior grabs Gren's shirt and pulls closer. "C'mon! This is a Bachelor party! Gotta have SOME fun before you get hitched. Besides, my sister used to OWN a strip club! Not like it will matter."
"I don't recall going to a fucking club for YOU, Junior...or hiring Strippers."
Robert wanted to give his brother a hard time but judging by the look on his face, Gren was serious and did not want to participate in the usual past times of Bachelor parties. There was a Dave and Buster's not too far from Fabletown; he knew Gren and Emily loved that place, the food was pretty good and concluding their faces, the men could care less.
Blink 182's 'Feeling it' played on the radio. All of them-RJ, Junior, Peter, Ethan, Gren, Robert and Nick-all sang to the song, as they pulled into the parking lot. Nick took the bucket, placed it on his head and ran from the car; the others followed him, causing Ethan to trip on his shoelace but laugh. Gren and Robert were the last to enter the building. Peter and RJ sat on the Motorcycles, playing a racing game. Nick kicked and screamed at the Claw machine game for dropping the stuffed monkey; Junior bounced off the Trampoline, while Ethan indulged at the salad bar.
"How is this, Grendel?"
"This fucking works, Robert." The brothers hug. "Thanks...."
"Congrats, Gren. Proud of you. You're getting married...."
Married, thought Gren, as he and Robert joined Junior. He was getting married....
Any questions, you know the drill.
ALMOST time for the wedding!!!
I couldn't help but do the pre-wedding night. XD
Thanks! And yeah, it sucks being sick
I'm better today though, so that's good. I had to miss work for two days, which I wasn't happy about. I also have to get make-up work from school, yada-yada. Glad you liked the chapter 
Interesting chapter. Sad when you fear going to sleep, not knowing if you'll wake up the next day or not....I loved this chapter. I grow more and more curious about Belinda as you write.
BTW, sucks to know you missed work and school. Hopefully you'll recover fairly quickly and get right back into your routine. LOTS of rest!
I saved this! That awesome, glorious 'I have chips' look Robert has! I loved this, Dragon! These are awesome! Thank you!
Mary, robert and gren need to hang out some time, get drunk and eat Shrimp. XD Nice stripper for mary, too This was sweet and I look forward to this wedding!!!!

Oh man I'm loving Nick's true form!!! XD
His human appearance threw me a little bit cuz he has hair to his shoulders and a moustache/goatee... BUT I still love it!!!
Thank you so much, Dragon!
And this is why I paired Mary with my Nick: They are both animals when the party starts!!!
Although, please explain Nick to me, he has a glamour? I thought he was a spirit or something...
Either way, really looking forward to the wedding XD
Can't wait for the wedding!
I adore Mary because of her wild side. XD
Years ago, Georgie and Nick found out he was able to control bodies and the host would have no memory of this. Nick can enter an unknown victim's body but only for 24 hours. By Nick doing this, the host takes on the HUMAN form but the characteristics of a spirit. so, Nick can do all the fun things of being alive but only for some time. After this, he can not invade another body for 64 hours, so he must choose WHEN he wants to appear mundy.
Me too, man.

That is a pretty cool power
Ah, okay, a few details I have overlooked here and there. Now I know. :P
No prob! I'll be sure to give him long hair and the proper facial features next time. XD
I love his stern face though, that is definitely Nick!!
Yep, like with the first bunch of pictures, I wrote the quotes that you guys gave me when I asked each one of you 'the question' in the PM's I sent a few weeks ago.
And you could do that, but you should try doing my Fayde instead - if you remember what she looks like. XP
Anytime! If you didn't notice already, he's holding up a bag of Lay's. XD
Did you like the "Got Milk" part in your Fable's picture? XD
Well, I AM a radical guy. XD
Seriously, thanks again.
Oh, true! I could totally do Fayde! Gotta etch her on to the list of sims to make XD
Absolutely! Makotos reaction is priceless XD
The Wedding part 1
"From this day forward, you shall not walk alone. My heart will be your shelter and my arms will be your home."
The big day came before anyone had a chance to grasp it. Emily slept for only two hours but she was ready. Around, the family gathered the needed items to prepare for the day. Hair was at eleven and makeup would follow. The Bride's Maids arrived to the Porgie home one by one; Penelope and Katie came together, then it was Holly, followed by Rosie and late as usual, was Bloody Mary. She was still hungover from the night before. Lyla was a tad upset by her inability to make it on time but Emily ignored it with a smile and laugh.
While the other women sat in the living room getting their hair done, Lyla took her bride-to-be outside. The air was crisp and the wind carried several leaves along for the ride. The air smelled heavily of fresh cut grass and sunshine. Lyla leaned on the rails lining the deck and just looked out into the world. Emily did the same thing. She did not quite know how to start the conversation. She noticed her mother's eyes. Focused on a mother Deer and her two little babies. They nibbled on the grass for a moment before peeking their heads up and began their play.
Lyla wipes a tear from her eyes.
"My God look at me. A fucking mess."
"Mum, stop." Emily pulls out a tissue. "Don't. You'll fookin' get me going."
Lyla accepts the napkin, wipes her eyes clean and returns her focus on the mother and her children.
"I remember the day I found out I was pregnant with you four. It was the happiest day of my life. I've never seen your father react the way he did. Crumbles to the ground, covered his face and cried. I honestly thought he was devestated with the news...I was preparing to hear him tell me to get rid of you kids or he'd I reached for him, he grabs me close and holds on tight. We stayed like that for almost thirty minutes. He stroked my belly and I got my answer."
"He was happy, huh mum?"
"Your father couldn't wait to have a family. We bought a bigger home. His hours at the club became less and it was wonderful knowing we created you kids out of love."
Lyla grabbed Emily's hands and held them gently in her own. She could feel her mother shaking.
"Your father was good to you kids. We loved each and every one you. From Junior, to our rambunctious Katie, our outspoken Penelope, to you, my precious, special angel from above."
"Mum, stop..." Emily tries her hardest to hold back the tears. "I swear ta' God, mum. Ya' make me cry..."
"Your father and I KNEW there was something special about each of you. But you, Emily. I could feel it in here. Not because they told us your potential fates. And not from what this town spoke of. They didn't know the love we felt for eachother and you kids."
"Dad said the same thing." Emily looks over; the mother Deer and her children run through the meadows and disappear into the woods. "He....he said when I was born and he held me, he knew there was something special about me."
Lyla lugs Emily close to her chest. By now, both women could no longer hold back the tears. Before Emily was born, she knew of the risks; Emily was destined to BE the next Georgie Porgie. No parent ever wanted something so devestating to happen. When she was born, however, there was not a single ounce of hate. Emily was nothing like the fates had pictured to the expecting parents; she was smiles, a bundle of sunshine and nothing but absolute joy. Georgie and Lyla thought their daughter had avoided the prophecy and was not tainted by their father's curse. They were now focused on her brother. Perhaps they mixed the two children...
Over the years, they never stopped to notice the young Georgie look-a-like take every single bit in. The club, the way her father spoke. The tattoos, the clothes. Even down to the hat and attitude. They all thought it was precious. What father did not love to see his children wish to be like him? Still holding onto Emily, Lyla knew the warnings were there. Emily was fine up until her sixteenth birthday. Their world came crashing down and the fates seemed to mock the parents that thought Emily had avoided the curse.
Lyla would never admit this to Emily but she was preparing to find her daughter in the same position Georgie was all those years ago. Emily found her way into drugs, alcohol, late nights and abuse. Several times she went to jail on various accounts. Within a period of time, she became Georgie Porgie. Only difference were the genitals, voice and hair. Other than that, Emily was identical to her father. He was disgusted and pleaded with Emily to come home. Start fresh. Georgie blamed himself for Emily's change.
Lyla strokes Emily's hair. "Your father swore it was his fault...."
"It wasn't mom." Emily felt the burn of the tears. "It was neva' dad's fault and-"
"He blamed himself for the curse each of you kids had. Him giving you that stupid club-"
Emily was torn. She knew what those words meant. "Mum...."
"I was preparing to bury you. Your father would carry you down the aisle but in a casket, Emily. We....oh my God....we were prepared to lose you. You were so lost. So gone. You refused our help...."
Emily gathers Lyla in her arms. She knew of this but it stung to actually hear the devesation in her own mother's voice. "Mum, I'm alright now."
"I know, my baby girl." Lyla continues to play with Emily's hair. "She saved you. Vivian....she truly was looking out for you. You were indeed something special. Your own personal guardian angel. Leading you into the arms of love..."
"I love him, mum." Emily begins to think of her babies. Of Gren. "I fookin' love that man. I can honsetly say, I love him."
"And he's always love you, Emily." Lyla gently brushes a tear from Emily's eye. "You and him were always meant to be. Funny how life turns out, huh baby?"
"I'm so proud of you, Emily. I always believed in you, baby. I love you so much."
"I love ya', mum." Emily wraps her arms around Lyla's neck. "I know ya' did. Daddy, too...."
The two are soon joined by Penelope and Katie; Holly, Rosie and Mary stood in the kitchen and witnessed a miracle before their very eyes.
Emily wipes her face one last time and smiles.
"Alright. Let's do this. Let's get married."
Gren sat alone in the bedroom of Jersey and Katie. While the men celebrated and prepared for the long night of celebration ahead, Gren took this opportunity to pray.
He peered into the mirror and did not hide his emotions; tears flowed like a wild river down his cheeks and onto his shirt and desk before him. He was getting married to the woman who had his heart from the beginning. He invisioned her lovliness. Gren hoped he was all she wanted; they had four beautiful children, who he adored and cherished with every last fiber of his being. His heart already belonged to Emily. This was it, he thought. All of your dreams....
There was a knock on the door. He assumed it was either Robert or one of the men from the Groom's party. Allowing access, he did not stop to see a man without his trademark Bowler hat standing under the doorway. The door closed and before Gren spoke, the man answered.
"Hello, Grendel."
Gren turns to see Georgie. Smiling, the two men embrace. As he pats Georgi's back, all the vile thoughts he once felt towards Georgie returned. Not for the bad but good; they were no longer how he viewed the former club owner ad pimp of Fabletown. Georgie, like all the other fables, knew how Gren felt about him. For years, even after the birth of the quads, Gren remained distant and certain he would return to his wicked ways. Gren, with a small handful, felt this was a setup and his way of distracting.
Gren wanted to kill Georgie the way he did to those women years ago. He was secretly hoping he'd leave Lyla, so she and the others could see no one TRULY changes for the good. Gren was wrong, so very wrong. Things changed alright; not just for Georgie but for the Swamp beast as well. He fell in love the moment he held Emily Caitlynn Porgie in his arms. There was a special bond between the two that no one could bend, break or tear away. Gren's outlook on Georgie changed for if he despised Georgie, he would do so for Emily. And he didn't.
"Georgie...." Gren continues to pat Georgie on the back. "It's nice to see you."
"We're takin' turns comin' ta' see ya', Gren. I wanted ta' go first. Ya' brotha' nearly pushed me ta' the side but I got the better hand."
Gren laughs. "Yeah. You gotta fuckin' watch out for that guy. He plays dirty."
Georgie looked at the man who would be taking his precious Emily for all eternity. He wanted them to have the happiness he received when he and Lyla became one. Their family to grow, the memories to continue. His daughter to be loved ad cherished. Noticing Gren's struggle to fight back the tears, Georgie's concerns were no more. He could see the love. Feel it.
"My Emily is lucky ta' have ya', Grendel."
"No, Georgie. I'M the fuckin' lucky bastard here. She's a beauty. Could have anyone but-"
Gren was taken back by Georgie's sudden burst of emotions. Tears poured from his eyes; Georgie's arm secure and refusing to let Gren go.
"Ya' saved me Emily, Gren. Ya' have my every whim for all eternity. She was on the verge of dyin', Gren. Fa' fook's sake. I was preparin'....."
"I know, Georgie." Gren rocks Georgie back and forth. "We all were...."
"She loves ya', Gren. Please. Take care of my Emily and those babies. Be the better man."
Gren inhales deeply before he speaks. "If I could be half the man you proved us all could happen...."
Gren digs into his pant pocket and pulls out a box. He held it to Georgie before placing it in his hands.
"I was going to wait until after the ceremony but I think right now is the appropriate time."
"Because two people fell in love, I got my happy ending. We all did-Jersey, Bloody fuckin' Mary-me. YOU, Georgie. I want you to know no matter what, I love you and thank you."
Georgie opens the box. A pendant with each of the kid's names and a message in gold: 'Thank you for raising your daughter to be the woman of my dreams. Grendel March, 2015'
Georgie remained silent, hands shaking and staring at the item within the box. "We had our differences, Georgie. We fuckin' have but I want you to know, I will always treasure and cherish Emily the way you do and-"
"I was never worried, Grendel." Georgie looks up. Even through the tears, Gren could see the joy. "I always knew me Emily was safe with you..."
With one final embrace, Gerogie tucks the gift into his pocket. Patting Gren on the back, the men chuckle.
"Ya' came into my family's life, Grendel. I knew ya' reasons were more then woot ya' had goin' fa' ya'. Ya' eased me mind. Welcome ta' the family...."
Gren and Georgie hugged one last time before Robert entered the room. The massive beast noticed the emotions, grabbed them both and held tightly. Gren looks over at them both and smile.
"What do you say we clean up and get ready, eh? We have a fuckin' wedding to go to."
End of part one. Any questions, you know the drill.
Wedding Day part 2
"Your love is like the river, peaceful and deep. Your soul is like a secret, that I never could keep. When I look into your eyes, I know its true. God must have spent a little more time on you."
The backyard to Emily and Gren's home was fully decorated and waiting for the couple and the guests. The aisle was carpeted with white Rose petals. Chairs on each side, seven to a row, with a picture of Gren and Emily on the front. In the back, each of the quads. The aisle of petals led to an arch covered in Ivy and more white Roses. The rolling green foothills and mountains stood behind the ceremony. The world seemed to pause and gather around the home. The wind paused. The noises came to a halt.
A white limosine pulls up to the home; the Groom's party exit, adjust their bows, ties and vests. Robert is the first to exit, looks around and motions for Gren. Following the brothers, is Thomas. Using a cane for assistance, the three men walk to the arch.
"This is it, Grendel." Thomas leans on both his sons for support. "You ready, son?"
"As I'll ever be, dad." Gren gently pats Thomas' back. "I have no regrets. Nothing."
"It's a damn shame your mother wasn't here to see this."
"But she is, dad." Gren points to the bow, tucked and peeking through the Ivy plants. "She's right there. Watching us all."
Thomas, carefully and with each step, looks up towards the bow his wife used to carry and hold close at all times. She carried it with pride. With honor. Thomas, leaning against the cane, touches the wood material and smiles. He was pleased she chose Emily to carry on the traditions.
The power it held within and use it for all the reasons Calla had centuries ago. For the good. For protection. He cried softly, tapped the bow and headed back to his sons.
"Your mother's soul is indeed in that silly thing, Grendel. She's proud of the both of you."
Robert playfully pushes Gren. "Nah, this guy right here with his weddings and kids. Hey, don't make me cry up there. Gotta keep this face looking good."
Gren rolls his eyes. As he looks around, the world he once knew was no more. It was peaceful; his soul was at ease and his heart content. When he looked around, he knew it was true. Only thing missing was his other brother, Isaiah. He didn't blame him for not wanting to participate....
Gren looks at his wrist watch and smiles. Soon. They had an hour to go. The guests were beginning to show up. Snow White and her cubs were the first to arrive. Lyla greets the woman in a simple Coral colored dress and aides them in finding seats. The cubs were too anxious to see the pretty woman in white.
"Is she here yet, Grendel?" Blossom tugs on the tail of Gren's jacket. "Is Emily here yet? I want to see how pretty she is."
"Soon, sweetie." Gren pats Blossom on the head. "I promise you, she'll be here and you'll get to see her."
"Can we eat yet?" Connor points to the buffet. "That cake in there looks good and-"
Snow calls each of her Cubs. "Now now, children. It's time to find our seats and get ready for the wedding."
Each of the Cubs take off and find the first row in the front. Winter and Blossom were determined to see Emily and her beautiful dress. The boys were more interested in the cake and food currently being prepared by the top quality chefs in Fabletown. Peter, Ethan, RJ, Georgie Junior and Robert gathered around Gren for some photos. Several were taken, as more guests arrived to the ceremony. The second to arrive were Rose Red and her boyfriend Tez. He embraced Gren with a large hug and congragulations. Rose tried her best not to cry.
Following Rose and Tez, Gren noticed his long time friend Robby, followed by Percy, Cindy and their good friend Dixa. He was delighted to see the three of them; Gren and Dixa used to spend Thursday nights playing pool and drinking Beers until the other gave up or passed out.
Percy, although nearly eaten several times by the Grendels, warmed up immediatly and handed Gren an envelope.
"Fa' ya', Grendel and ya' lovely wife to be. Cindy, Dixa and I are honored to be amoung ya' family and friends."
Gren hugs Percy. "Weird not seeing you as a Rat lookin' thing, Percy. But glad you three made it."
Robby shoke Gren's hand and also handed him another envelope. "I brought some pretty damn good Champagne, too. I gave it to Lyla."
"Thanks, man. Have a seat. Thank you for coming."
Tim and Harmony were next; Hamrony was already crying and trying her best to congragulate Grendel and his many blessed moments in life. Tim had to assist his wife with the conversation. Gren was pleased to see so many Fables that used to fear and avoid him in the past.
Late as usual, his long time friend Fayde blew in from a gust of wind that circled the chairs and left before anyone noticed the Bainshee riding it like a wave. With her Irish accent, she greets Gren.
"Aye, Grendel. Today is the big day, me lad. Ya' nervous at all?"
"A little, Fayde but not too bad."
"She's a lovely lass, Grendel. Ya' watch her now, ya' heaf me or I'll have to knock ya' ugly ol' head off."
"Glad to see you never changed, Fayde." He and the young woman embrace. "Thanks for coming."
Several moments later, as the other guests find their seats, more Fables arrive to the Wedding. Gren noticed John and Nancy Smith; the couple stop to thank Gren for the invitation and create small talk. Standing tall and proud, Gren valued both John and Nancy for accepting Gren into their granddaughter's life. They adored the quads; neither expected to be great-grandparents to Emily's children and, like the others, secretly wanted the couple to produce more children. John refused to hold back his emotions. The Photographer managed to snap an image of the two men in a loving clasp.
Nancy noticed Lyla and Snow and made her way to the women; another couple of cars, Chariots and Limos pulled up to the home. Georgie, with Robert and John's assistance, guide the remaining guests towards the back of the home. Gren noticed Flycatcher, Emily's good friend Nick, Makato and his wife Celesete and several other Fables make their way to the ceremony. Cole, holding the sacred book, walks to the front and congragulates Gren before taking his spot. Even Charming, along with his new wife, made his way to the Wedding.
Before long, the music played softly. Gren looked at his watch; his beautiful wife-to-be was on her way. A large party bus arrived on the lot. Emily's Bride's Maids egress the vehicle and line up. The Groom's Men walk over to their assigned partners and anxiously wait for the cue to make their way down the aisle. Robert was with Katherine, Peter with Rosie, Ethan and Holly, RJ with Mary and finally, Junior and Penelope. The sisters found the task of keeping a clean face ardous; even RJ and Junior strived to hold back the tears but failed the moment they noticed Gren wipe his eyes. All the guests sit and wait for the final piece to this beautiful day.
The qauds, sitting in a little red Wagon, was pulled by Bella, Jersey and Katie's oldest daughter. The babies were unsure of why they were dressed up and why so many people were watching them but were pleased with all the attention and kisses being blown their way.
'Then' by Brad Paisely played while the pairs steadily paced down the aisle. Cameras went off as one by one, the couples passed by the guests honoring this day. Junior and Penelope ended the train. The music continued; everyone stood up, as Cole lifts his mighty hands up. Gren notices his beautiful fiancee and Georgie, turn the corner and walk down the aisle
Blossom and Winter were taken back by how radiant she appeared. As was Gren. Georgie did his best to remain in one piece; Gren noticed how tightly he clung to his last daughter to get married. Georgie and Emily paused before Gren; he kissed her one last time on each cheek and shoke Gren's hand. Georgie joins his wife in the front. Gren and Emily met in front of Cole. Gren can no longer hold back. The pair stand before Cole; both parties on each side gently clean under their eyes and watched the couple before them.
Cole speaks. "My friends-we are gathered here, to witness two people come together by love, family, friends and happiness and become one. You have come before this community and the presence of the God's above to seal your love. This is a sacred union which enriches the natural love. This binds those who enter it faithfully to each other; it creates a bond that can not be broken and demands that they love and honour each other. May they accept from God the children they may receive during this time and look after the four they've been previously blessed with.
To help them in their marriage, the husband and wife and receive the life-long grace of this sacrament. Is this your understanding?"
Gren and Emily look over at one another and nod. Together, they answer. "It is."
Cole continues. "In becoming husband and wife, you give yourselves to each other for life and in death. You promise to be true and faithful, to support and cherish each other until death, so that your years together will be the living out in love of the pledge you now make.
May your love for each other reflect the enduring love of all you see before, behind and forever. I now ask this: will you love and honour each other in marriage all the days of your life?"
"We do."
"Are you willing to accept with love the children God may send you and bring them into nothing but love and endurance?"
"We do."
"What God joins together, man must not seperate. May the Lord confirm the consent that you have given and enrich you with the blessings."
Gren speaks first. "I, Grendel, take you Emily Caitlynn Porgie, as my wife. For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer. In sickness and in health, till death do us part."
"I, Emily Caitylnn Porgie, take you Grendel, as my husband. For better or worse, richer or poorer, in sickness and in health till death do us part."
"Now, do you Grendel, take Emily to always cherish until your dying days?"
"I do."
"And do you, Emily, take Grendel to always cherish and love until your dying days?"
"I do."
Gren and Emily, with Robert and Katie, exchange rings, as Cole blesses the items and says a small prayer. The couple kiss, turn to face the guests and hold hands until Cole speaks.
"The couple before you has entered the faithfulness and unbroken love. May they be united in love in this life and life after. Forever, may they be one in heart, mind and body. I know pronounce you, Mr. and Mrs. Grendel of Fabletown!"
With one final kiss, Gren and Emily hold hands and walk down the asile; James Taylor's song 'How sweet' plays as the newly married couple make their way, followed by their party. The Groom's Men and Bride's Maids dance, point at the couple and clap. The guests all do the same; tissues are passed around, clapping continues and happiness is spread as Gren and Emily stop near the home and passionatly kiss.
"We're married, Gren..."
"We are Emily!" Gren picks Emily up and swings her around. 'Fuck, i love you so much..."
"I love ya' more, Gren."
The couple kiss one last time, just as the reception falls into place. The party had just begun.
End of part 2. Any questions, you know the drill.
Now, I KNOW Winter is Harmony's mother but for this, I'll pretend that she is a cousin. 
Wedding Day part 3
~They feasted~
Johann the Butcher prepared and offered the meats and various other tasty treats for the wedding and the meal being served that night. The choice of meat: Salmon broiled and coated with lemon, dil and seasonings, garlic and butter, Lamb coated in a vast aroma of spices and herbs or a Shrimp dish with lemon, wine, garlic and lemon. Side dishes was a romaine lettuce salad with tomatos, crumbled bleu cheese, radishes and a Balsamic vinaigrette. Golden potatos and steamed veggies were also included with the meals.
The cake was a towering eight layers The designs was simple; the outside white, inside a simple yellow with black and blue designs on the side. A bride with tattoos sat on the top, next to a massive Grendel. The little figures were crafted and designed by Gren and Robert's brother Isaiah. Although he could not be a part of the wedding, he wanted to send something special to his little brother. As Emily and Gren sliced into the dessert, Gren took this opportunity to smear cake on Emily's face. Little did Gren know Emily already had something similar in mind.
With the help from the Baker and Junior, she created a cake just for Gren. He hated the taste of Raspberries. Knowing he'd pull a fast one, Emily offered her husband a bit of the cake. His face alone was well worth it. Gren laughed; normally, something like this would have sent him over the edge but his Emily was a clever sneak. He had met his match.
~They toasted~
First to give a speech, was Georgie. Emily was fighting back the tears, as Georgie held his wife's hand and Champagne glass in his other hand.
"Thank ya' all fa' comin' ta' this wonferful day. Ya' all know me....I'm Georgie Porgie, father to this beautiful and wonderful young woman. I would like ta' thank my beautiful and devouted wife for standing by me fa' years, even before we wed and providing me with such beautiful and loving children. Ta' the guests here and beyond...thank ya' for joining us in this special occasion. I'm a proud father ta'day. She looked stunnin' this afternoon but she's always been me flower since the day she was born. I'm supposed ta' say somethin' embarrasing but I think she has more bullshit on me, so I guess this makes us even. In Gren, I can honestly say ya' met ya' perfect match. I couldn't ask fa' a betta' man as my son-in-law. Ya' gave me four, beautiful grandchildren, whom me and Lyla love with all our heart. I hope ya' life is full of nothing but love, happiness and all ya' dreams are fulfilled. It's now my pleasure ta' propose a toast ta' the couple. Raise ya' glasses ta' the new Mr. and Mrs. Grendel of Fabletown. I love ya' both."
There was a moment of applaudes from the guests; several stood up to congragulate Georgie and his family. Emily and Gren were honored to see so many faces; many whom used to snear in their direction. Avoid anything that had to do with the Porgies or even Gren. Yet, here they all
were, on their special day, focused on the good and not the bad. Robert was next. He was a mess. Thomas and Gren each took a tissue.
"Well, good afternoon, folks. Thank you for coming out to this wonderful occassion. As you know or may not, my name is Robert and I'm the brother to this lucky man over here. It's been an honor as your best man and older brother. Gren and I have been through a lot. the good and the bad. But all that does not matter, for here we are, as one. Gren was so excited; when he told me about the ring and his proposal to Emily, I saw a change in his eyes. He was happy. TRULY happy. He and Emily are wonderful. She's beautiful, charming and full of life. Something Grendel needed in his, too. Just remember these three words, bro and you'll be golden: 'You're right, dear.' Trust me."
Laughter and applause fill the air; Emily takes this time to blow a kiss and make a friendly, yet threatning gesture, causing Robert to laugh. He continues. "Time has brought these two together. I can honestly say, he's loved you Emily for years. Long before you were even planned. Thought of. I hope to one day be like you and find that special person. Having been here to witness such love has been an honor. Mom would have loved to have been here. in spirit, though, she is. she gets to watch you marry, Grendel. Now, a toast: I'm sure you're going to be so happy together and I speak for everybody here when I say I wish you both the very best in your future together. you guys are wonderful parents to four, beautiful children. They are so blessed. Ladies and gentlemen, the new Mr. and Mrs. Grendel!"
~They celebrate~
Gren takes Emily by the hand and leads her to an area for the DJ and dancing. The guests all watch the couple participate in their first dance. Savage Garden's 'I knew I loved you' echoed in the air, trees and mountain tops. Gren clung to Emily, forever lost in her world and love. He was complete, as was she. She finally found her way home. Best friend. Gren began to whisper the words, as the singer sang his part. Emily tried to hold back tears; she was afraid of ruining her makeup but with the loving embrace from Gren, she failed and allowed the emotions to rush over her body. Emily soon mouthed the words.
She took a minute to gather their children; Gren held Chloe, while Emily grasped tightly to Seraphina and Liam. Viviana held her father's jacket and floated beside her parents. The babies all found this as a game, laughed and clapped. As the song came to and end, the parents each kissed their children then eachother.
"I love ya', Mr. Grendel."
"I love you, Mrs. Emily Grendel."
The music changes to other various dance tunes. The guests take this time to speak individually to the Bride and Groom. Rose Red and Harmony are the first to greet Emily. Blossom and Winter are not too far behind. Snow White gives Emily a friendly hug, as the girls examine her dress.
"Oh congragulations, Ems!" Rose tries to avoid crying. "God, look at you. I wish you both nothing but the best."
"You look so radiant, Emily. I hope you and Grendel have anothing but happiness and more memories to come."
Emily hugs them both. She could feel the warmth of their bodies but the tears as well. Emily and Rose had always been close; she and Harmony were once great friends but time can seperate people until they are ready to reunite. Same went with Nick. He and Emily were inseperable when she was in her early twenties but between her drug use and he starting a family, both went their seperate ways. She was pleased to see him there. With a firm handshake, he approaches Grendel. The two used to battle years ago but like everything else, times changed. They had an understanding, although Nick occasionally gives Gren a hard time for that summer they spent in Maryland. With a friendly smile and pat on the back, Nick gives the couple his upmost respect and felicitations.
"You looked spectacular tonight, Emily."
"Thank ya', Nick. Glad ya' could make it."
"You're a lucky man, Grendel. Take care of this one..." Nick's grasp on Gren's hand becomes tight. "Or so help me, I'll rip the other one off. Got it?"
Nick turns to head for the cake; it was calling his name and as he disappeared, Percy, Cindy and Dixa approach the couple. Cindy had an envelope with money for their honeymoon and Dixa takes out four little stones. She hands them to Emily.
"They are good luck charms for the children. I hope they like these. From the volcanic pits mixed with Unicorn blood and herbs. Protects them."
"AND-" Percy digs into his tux pocket. "I borught ya' nice folks some good ol' English tea from the rollin' foot hills. This will be wonders fa' ya' Honeymoon."
"Thank ya', percy. I love this stuff. And the babies will definetly enjoy these stones, Dixa."
Robby and Fayde are next to send their well wishes to the newly married couple. Robby pulls out a bottle of what appeared to be very old and elegant wine. Gren immediatly takes the bottle and fist bumps the fable. Fayde takes out four charms; three are the Celtic symbol for friendship and the other is a four-leaf clover.
"Ya' be a lucky lass, ya' 'ear me? These be for the wee ones. Know that they are loved and among friends. They are lucky ta' harve ya' both."
"They'll love these, Fayde. I'm glad ya' made it all this way ta' see us..."
"Wouldn't miss this fa' the world, lass. When I 'heard ol' Grendel and the daughter of Georgie Porgie was gettin' married, I 'ad to come."
Emily clicnhed onto Fayde. "I'm glad ta' have ya' 'ere, love." It had been years since they'd seen one another. "I'm glad ya' made it.."
Tez, Makato and Celeste were the final guests to greet the couple. Gren and Tez cracked jokes and held a conversation for quite some time. He and Gren used to hang out a lot, drink and play pool, especially during the mid and late eighties. Emily used to hear tales of the Dragon thief himself and all the insane antics the two caught themselves in. Celeste and Emily used to participate in the roller rink competitions held every summer. She'd been attending them since the 8th grade and with Celeste's felxible dance moves and her spunky personality, they held the number one team for four years straight.
"Ya sneaky bastard." Emily high five's Tez. "Glad ta' see ya' and Rose made it."
"Hey, when I hear miss Emily Porgie was tying the knot with this marshmellow, I had to see it with my own eyes."
Gren kindly flicks Tez on the neck. "Hey, hey-still with that Marshmellow shit, eh?"
"So, Emily. I hear you'll be heading to Santorini after this?"
"Yeah, Makato. Gren showed me some images and I had ta' go there for the honeymoon. It's so beautiful."
"Well, make sure to take lots of pictures! Tag me on facebook, so I can see them."
Emily stands up, hugs her long time friend, grabs her flowers and heads to the floor. All the women gathered for the traditional flower toss; her sisters were eagerly pushing, as Rosie tried to dodge a few blows. Emily tosses the bouquet and watches as Nick runs to the front and grabs it. Before he could flash the flowers, Katie tries to pull them from her hands. The pair fight, as Katie continues to yank. Nick was intrigued and found it humerous that the she-wolf was determined to hold the flowers.
"NO! Nick, you can't participate in this-EMILY!"
~They loved~
Rosie assured she had the quads while the pair went on their Honeymoon. Before Gren enters the limo, he holds the only remaining piece, beside Emily, that held him together. He loved Rosie and despite what Carla put them both through, the two remained loyal until the bitter end.
"Congrats, daddy."
"Thank you, tadpole. Think you can handle these four?"
"I got this, daddy. Scout's honor. Have fun. Go. Get out of this town...I love you both."
The couple stand through the sun roof and wave to their family and friends. James Taylor 'How sweet' plays as the driver pulls out of the driveway and towards the airport. Their family and friends continuing to bid the newly wed couple farewell. The music plays on. Soon, it becomes nothing more then a part of their ever growing memories. Gren pops the bottle of wine Robby gave them, pours Emily a glass and kisses her passionatly.
"Ready, Mrs. Grendel?"
"As I'll eva' be, Mr. Grendel."
Into the night, the couple carry on as husband and wife. How sweet is was indeed.
No one was sure how long Emily and Gren would be gone but it didn't matter.
The couple spent a month in Santorini. Emily had never seen waters so clear and blue; she was able to see her feet, as the pair swam in the blue and chased after fish. They feasted of exotic meals, drank wine fresh from the local grooves and fields of grapes plucked from the sun's grasp. Many images were taken and promised to Celeste and Makato, Emily made sure to post every single one of them.
Upon the couples return, they were greeted by four exuberant babies and Rosie. Emily adored her little family and although it was nice taking a little vacation, she was happy to be home. Inviting Rosie in for dinner, the couple call in takeout and share their tales with their children. As Emily took a moment to grab more wine, she was embraced by Gren.
"So, Mrs. Grendel-do you think happily ever afters can happen to folks like us?"
Emily smiles, kissing Gren's forehead. "I think they can, love. I truly do..."
Emily and Gren listen to Rosie playing with her younger siblings; a gust of cool air blows past the couple, causing the leaves on the Fern to wave.
"Good ta' be home too, Vivian. Missed ya."
Gren and Emily kiss one last time before returning to their family. They were indeed home.
'Being a family means you are a part of something wonderful. it means you will love and be loved for the rest of your life.'
Any questions, you know the drill.
And that makes the wedding, folks! WHEW! Thank you for taking this journey with Gren and Emily...but this is just the beginning.